

Resource Sharing Optimization for Device-to-Device Communication Underlaying Cellular Networks Chia-Hao Yu,Klaus Doppler,C′a ssio B.Ribeiro,and Olav Tirkkonen

Abstract—We consider Device-to-Device(D2D)communication underlaying cellular networks to improve local services.The system aims to optimize the throughput over the shared resources while ful?lling prioritized cellular service constraints.Optimum resource allocation and power control between the cellular and D2D connections that share the same resources are analyzed for different resource sharing modes.Optimality is discussed under practical constraints such as minimum and maximum spectral ef?ciency restrictions,and maximum transmit power or energy limitation.It is found that in most of the considered cases,optimum power control and resource allocation for the considered resource sharing modes can either be solved in closed form or searched from a?nite set.The performance of the D2D underlay system is evaluated in both a single-cell scenario,and a Manhattan grid environment with multiple WINNER II A1of?ce buildings.The results show that by proper resource management, D2D communication can effectively improve the total throughput without generating harmful interference to cellular networks. Index Terms—Cellular networks,device-to-device,D2D,peer-to-peer,resource sharing,underlay.


T HE increasing demand for higher data rates for local area services and gradually increased spectrum conges-tion have triggered research activities for improved spectral ef?ciency and interference management.Cognitive radio sys-tems[1]have gained much attention because of their poten-tial for reusing the assigned spectrum among other reasons. Conceptually,cognitive radio systems locally utilize“white spaces”in the spectrum for,e.g.,ad hoc networks[2][3] for local services.Major efforts have been spent as well on the development of next-generation wireless communication systems such as3GPP Long Term Evolution(LTE)1and WiMAX2.Currently,the further evolution of such systems is speci?ed under the scope of IMT-Advanced.One of the main concerns of these developments is to largely improve the services in the local area scenarios.Device-to-Device (D2D)communication as an underlaying network to cel-lular networks[4][5]can share the cellular resources for Manuscript received November26,2010;revised February11,2011and March23,2011;accepted April20,2011.The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was N.Kato.

C.-H.Yu and O.Tirkkonen are with the Department of Communi-cations and Networking,Aalto University,Finland(e-mail:{chiahao.yu, olav.tirkkonen}@aalto.?).

K.Doppler and C.B.Ribeiro are with Nokia Research Center,Nokia Group (e-mail:{klaus.doppler,cassio.ribeiro}@https://www.360docs.net/doc/6a6947037.html,).

Digital Object Identi?er10.1109/TWC.2011.060811.102120

1see https://www.360docs.net/doc/6a6947037.html,/

2see https://www.360docs.net/doc/6a6947037.html,/better spectral utilization.In addition to cellular operations where the network services are provided to User Equipment (UE)through the Base Stations(BSs),UE may communicate directly with each other over D2D links while remaining control under the BSs.Due to its potential of improving local services,D2D communication has received much attention recently[6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16].

The idea of enabling D2D connections in cellular networks for handling local traf?c can be found in,e.g.,[17][18][19], where ad hoc D2D connections are used for relaying pur-poses.However,with these methods the spectral utilization of licensed bands cannot be improved as D2D connections take place in license-exempt bands.Furthermore,ad hoc D2D connections may be unstable as interference coordination is usually not possible.In[20],non-orthogonal resource shar-ing between the coexisting cellular and ad hoc networks is considered.As the operations of both types of networks are independent(with independent traf?c loads),interference coordination between them considers only the density of transmitters.Recent works on D2D communication assume the same air interface as the underlaying cellular networks. In[21],the cellular resources are reused by D2D connections in an orthogonal manner,i.e.,D2D connections use reserved resources.Although orthogonal resource sharing eases the task of interference management,better resource utilization may be achieved by non-orthogonal resource sharing.In[4][5],a non-orthogonal resource sharing scheme is assumed.Cellular users can engage in D2D operation when it is bene?cial for the users or system.Further,D2D power control when reusing Uplink(UL)cellular resources,where cellular signaling for UL power control can be utilized,is addressed to constrain the interference impact to cellular operations.

To better improve the gain from intra-cell spatial reuse of the same resources,multi-user diversity gain can be achieved by properly pairing the cellular and D2D users for sharing the resources[8][9][10].In[10],the resource allocation scheme over multiple cellular users and D2D users considers the local interference situations,making it possible for inter-cell interference avoidance.Interference randomization through resource hopping is considered in[11].This provides more homogeneous services among users in challenging interfer-ence environments,e.g.,when one cellular connection shares resources with multiple D2D pairs at the same time.Integra-tion of D2D communication into an LTE-Advanced network is investigated in[13][14],where schemes for D2D session setup


and interference management are proposed.The results show that D2D underlay communication applied to LTE-Advanced networks can increase total throughput in the cell area.Jus-ti?cations for applying the D2D underlay communication to licensed bands,from the perspectives of users and cellular operators,can be found in[14].

Major efforts so far have been put to demonstrate the bene?t of local D2D connections without generating much interfer-ence penalty to cellular users.However,the performance of D2D connections can be improved with slightly more D2D-oriented considerations.In[15],the interference from a BS to a D2D connection is avoided by aligning transmissions from the BS on the null space of the interference channel to the D2D connection.In[16],D2D users reuse UL cellular resources and full duplexing BSs are assumed.Accordingly,an interference retransmission scheme at BSs is proposed for assisting the interference cancelation at D2D users.In[15][16],improved D2D performance is shown with slight impact to cellular users. Different standards addressing the need for D2D operation in the same band as infrastructure-based operators can be found,such as HiperLAN2,TETRA and Wi-Fi.In HiperLAN2 and TETRA systems,D2D communication takes place in reserved resources.This restriction limits the interference from D2D connections and is bene?cial for severely mutually interfered situations.However,dedicated resources also lead to inef?cient utilization of resources in situations with weak mutual interference.For the part of Wi-Fi technology that is based on IEEE802.11standards,users can sense and access the radio medium only if the channel is free.Accordingly the access points do not have full control over the resources. Wi-Fi technology supports a Wi-Fi direct mode that allows direct D2D connection between peers.However,Wi-Fi direct mode requires users to manually pair the peers,as is the case for Bluetooth technology.In the proposed D2D underlay communication,the pairing can be handled by BSs and thus provides new use cases and better user experiences[5][14]. In this article,we analyze the resource sharing in a D2D communication underlaying cellular system.Cellular BSs are assumed capable of selecting the best resource sharing scheme for cellular and D2D connections.No speci?c assumptions on the background cellular networks are made.The alterna-tives addressed are1)non-orthogonal sharing:both cellular traf?c and D2D traf?c use the same resources,2)orthogonal sharing:D2D communication uses dedicated resources,and 3)cellular operation:the D2D traf?c is relayed through the BS.We assume that the cellular network performs radio resource management for both the cellular and the D2D connections.The system aims to optimize the total throughput over the shared resources while ful?lling possible spectral ef?ciency restrictions and power constraints.We analyze two optimization cases.In greedy sum-rate maximization,cellular and D2D communication are treated as competing services. The maximization is subject to a maximum power or energy constraint.In sum-rate maximization with rate constraints,we prioritize the cellular users by guaranteeing a minimum trans-mission rate.Furthermore,we set an upper limit to the spectral ef?ciency to consider practical limitations in Modulation and Coding Schemes(MCS).Naturally,a maximum transmission rate is thus constrained by the highest MCS.

It is noted that the resource sharing schemes considered here is not for harvesting multi-user diversity gain as addressed in[8][9][10].Instead,our resource sharing schemes are to further optimize the resource usage among cellular and D2D users that have been allocated with the same resources.Similar problem is also considered in[6][7],where resource sharing mode selection and transmit power allocation are considered jointly to ful?ll some target Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio(SINR)values for each link.Our works differ from those in[6][7]in that we consider more extensive set of resource sharing modes and the target for optimization is throughput, rather than SINR targets.The non-orthogonal resource shar-ing problem has been discussed in different contexts[22], [23].There,authors consider power allocation of two-user interference channel in a two-cell network,under a maximum transmit power constraint.It is shown that the optimal power allocation scheme resides on a?nite set of possible solutions. Our work extends the throughput-maximizing power control in[22][23]by giving a minimum service guarantee to the prioritized user and introducing a maximum transmission rate constraint.Moreover,we consider the selection of resource sharing methods subject to power and energy constraints. Part of this work has been published in[24],where optimal power control in the non-orthogonal sharing is analyzed and evaluated in a single-cell scenario.In this work,we further apply sum-rate optimization to orthogonal sharing and cellular modes,to enable a fair comparison between different modes. We generalize the power constraint by separately considering it in the time and frequency domains for the orthogonal sharing and cellular operation modes.Moreover,we apply our analysis to a Manhattan grid with WINNER II A1[25]of?ce buildings to evaluate the performance in a multi-cell scenario.As a WINNER II A1of?ce is a well-known indoor scenario with widely accepted channel models,it provides a realistic simula-tion environment for evaluating the results.These generalized considerations give an extensive and complete set of results on the considered problem of resource sharing mode selection. The remainder of this article is organized as follows: In Section II we present the system model,the considered resource sharing modes,and the optimization constraints.In Section III we solve the optimal power control problem of the non-orthogonal resource sharing method.In Section IV and Section V,we present the results of optimal radio resources allocation for the two orthogonal resource sharing modes.In Section VI we evaluate the performance improvement from the D2D underlay communication in both single cell and multi-cell scenarios.We conclude this work in Section VII.


We study the resource sharing between two types of com-munication,traditional cellular communication between a BS and a user,and direct D2D communication.We assume that a BS scheduler knows about the D2D communication need based on communication request between two potential D2D users,and the BS decides to of?oad that traf?c to a direct D2D connection.Based on handover and other measurements provided by the cellular and potential D2D users,the BS may select by which way to reuse the resources of a speci?c cellular link for serving the D2D communication need.

Fig.1.D2D communication as an underlay network to a cellular network. UE1is a cellular user whereas UE2and UE3are in D2D communication.

We consider the case where one cellular user(UE1)and two D2D users(UE2and UE3)share the radio resources.We assume that inter-cell interference is managed ef?ciently with inter-cell interference control mechanisms based on power control or resource scheduling.Thus we can assume individual power constraints for transmitters,based on which further optimization on power and resource allocations is performed for better intra-cell spatial reuse of spectrum enabled by D2D underlay communication.Fig.1illustrates the considered scenario,where g i is the channel response between the BS and UE i,and g ij is the channel response between UE i and UE j. The D2D pair can communicate directly with coordination from the BS.The channel response can include the path loss, shadow and fast fading effects.Channel State Information (CSI)of all the involved links is assumed at the BS for co-ordination.To acquire full CSI,in addition to normal cellular measurement and reporting procedures,a method is required for the D2D transmitter to transmit probe signals,which are then measured at the D2D receiver and the interference victim, and reported to the BS.For more details,see[13].

A.Resource Sharing Modes

The sharing of resources between D2D and cellular con-nections is determined by the BS.If D2D users are assigned resources that are orthogonal to those occupied by the cellular user,they cause no interference to each other and the analysis is simpler.On the other hand,the resource usage ef?ciency can be higher in non-orthogonal resource sharing.Here,we consider three resource allocation modes:

?Non-Orthogonal Sharing mode(NOS):D2D and cellular users re-use the same resources,causing interference to each other.The BS coordinates the transmit power for both links.

?Orthogonal Sharing mode(OS):D2D communication gets part of the resources and leaves the remaining part of resources to the cellular user.There is no interference between cellular and D2D communication.The resources

allocated to D2D and cellular connections are to be optimized.

?Cellular Mode(CM):The D2D users communicate with each other through the BS that acts as a relay node.

The portion of resources allocated to each user is to be optimized.Note that this mode is conceptually the same as a traditional cellular system.

Here,we optimize the transmission in all of these modes, to understand what can be optimally reached in a D2D system based exclusively on NOS,exclusively on OS,or on an opti-mal mode selection.In particular,optimizing the cellular mode allows a fair comparison between a pure cellular network and a D2D enabled cellular network.Resource sharing may take place in either UL or Downlink(DL)resources of the cellular user.For each UL and DL resource,the BS selects one out of the three possible allocation modes to maximize the sum rate. With non-orthogonal sharing,the source and the receiver of the interference may be different when sharing the cellular user’s UL and DL resources.We indicate non-orthogonal sharing of the cellular user’s UL and DL resources by NOSul and NOSdl, respectively.

We de?ne the sum rate of the D2D and the cellular connections by applying the Shannon capacity formula.To maximize the sum rate of the two connections when sharing UL or DL resources of the cellular user,the BS selects the resource allocation mode according to

R DLmax=max(R NOSdl,R OSdl,R CMdl),

R ULmax=max(R NOSul,R OSul,R CMul),


where R NOSul and R NOSdl are the sum rate when non-orthogonally sharing the UL and DL resources of the cellular user,respectively,R OSul and R OSdl denote the sum rate when the D2D pair shares orthogonally the UL and DL resources of the cellular user,respectively,and similarly for R CMul and R CMdl.It is noted that when the cellular mode is chosen,we need both the UL and DL transmissions for D2D communi-cation.Hence,cellular mode is used for both UL and DL if selected.

Decisions on the used D2D mode are taken at the BS subject to existing channel and buffer status information.In the extreme case,mode selection can be done at the same frequency as allocation decisions.Preferably,however,the D2D pair is semi-statically con?gured to a resource sharing mode.In a packet switched radio access network,actual transmission conditions would be governed by short-term scheduling decisions made by the BS.A control channel would be used by the BS to inform the UE about scheduling decisions.D2D users in the cellular mode are served as normally scheduled shared channel users.In the orthogonal sharing mode,the D2D traf?c would be explicitly scheduled by the BS.In the non-orthogonal sharing mode,the D2D pair would be allowed transmission with speci?c parameters always when speci?c shared channel resources are allocated to a speci?c cellular user with whom the D2D pair shares the channel resources.This is subject to potential delay issues for sharing DL resources–the D2D transmitter needs to be able to con?gure its transmission rapidly after reading a DL control channel allocation for the paired cellular user.

Fig.2.Resource allocation in non-orthogonal and orthogonal sharing modes.

B.Optimization with Power and Energy Constraints It is possible to maximize the sum rate of the considered resource sharing modes by optimizing the power or resource allocation.When sharing resources non-orthogonally,opti-mization can be conducted in power domain only.On the other hand,to optimize the sum rate of the orthogonal sharing and cellular modes,resource allocation can be manipulated.

When optimizing the resource allocation,two constraints will be discussed.We assume that in the orthogonal sharing and cellular modes,all transmitters use their maximum power when transmitting.As there is no intra-cell interference in these two modes,the maximum sum rate is achieved with our system setting where inter-cell interference is assumed managed properly.Depending on the domain of resource allocation,this may lead to different types of constraints.One alternative is that the power density per resource does not depend on the resource allocation size.This would be the case,e.g.,if resources are shared in the time domain,and we call this a power constraint.In the other alternative,the energy used for transmission is ?xed,and the power density per resource depends on the resource allocation.This corresponds to a case where resources are allocated in the frequency domain,and each transmitter concentrates all the power in the available bandwidth.We call this an energy https://www.360docs.net/doc/6a6947037.html,ing the energy constraint may lead to higher spectral ef ?ciency,as multiple transmitters may simultaneously use their maximum transmit power,leading to a higher total energy usage.

With non-orthogonal sharing,the interference caused by D2D connection depends on which one of the D2D users is transmitting.Unless stated otherwise,we assume the worst-case interference condition where the interference from D2D connection is caused by the user that could create the strongest interference.If there is a clear de ?nition on the D2D trans-mitter,one can modify the interference condition accordingly.We denote the power of the Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN)at the receiver by N 0,the common maximum transmit power by P max ,and the assigned transmit powers of the cellular and the D2D links by P c and P d ,respectively.The sum rate equations for non-orthogonal sharing can be found by summing up rates from the cellular link and the D2D link:

R NOS (P c ,P d )=log 2(1+Γc (P c ,P d ))+log 2(1+Γd (P c ,P d ))

=log 2((1+Γc (P c ,P d ))(1+Γd (P c ,P d ))),(2)where Γc (P c ,P d )=g 1P c /(g dc P d +I c )and Γd (P c ,P d )=

g 23P d /(g cd P c +I d ).We have denoted by g cd the


Fig.3.Resource allocation in cellular mode with maximum power con-straint (TDD/TDMA),and with maximum energy constraint for cellular DL resources (TDD/FDMA).

response of the interference link from the cellular connection to the D2D connection,and vice versa for g dc .We used I c and I d to indicate the interference-plus-noise power at the receiver of the cellular link and the D2D link,respectively.The interference power I c and I c models inter-cell interference according to our system setting.Denote R as the general term for rate,e.g.,R NOS in (2).Strictly speaking,R is not a rate but a spectral ef ?ciency.When multiplied with system bandwidth,we get a rate.As we restrict the spectral ef ?ciency R to be with respect to the system bandwidth and the system bandwidth is not altered by resource allocation strategies,all R s in this paper are in one-to-one correspondence with rates.The resource allocation of the non-orthogonal sharing mode is illustrated in the left half of Fig.2.To simplify the notation,from now on we assume that all receivers experience the same interference-plus-noise power I 0.However,for performance evaluation,we shall then replace I 0with the experienced interference-plus-noise power of different receivers.

For the remaining two modes,we can control the portion of the resources used to serve the D2D and the cellular users,and we may apply either power or energy constraints.

With orthogonal resource sharing,the sum rate expressions with power/energy constraints are

R OS-P (α)=αlog 2(1+γ1)+α′log 2(1+γ23),

(3)R OS-?(α)=αlog 2(1+γ1α)+α′log 2(1+γ23



(4)where R OS-P and R OS-?are the sum rate with maximum power constraint and maximum energy constraint,respectively,0≤α≤1,α′=1?α,γ1=g 1P max /I 0,and γ23=g 23P max /I 0.The right half of Fig.2illustrates the resource allocation of the orthogonal sharing mode.When sharing resources in time (or frequency)domain,the power (or energy)constraint is used.In cellular mode,in addition to the division of resources αbetween the cellular user and the two D2D users,we may optimize the division of resources βbetween the UL and DL phases of the cellular relaying service replacing the D2D link.Thus one D2D user will ?rst convey the data to the BS before the BS can relay it to the other D2D user.It implies that D2D UL phase has to happen before D2D DL phase.We assume that the cellular service is realized by ?exible switching Time-Division Duplexing (TDD),so that UL and DL resources are using the same frequency and the switching between UL

Fig.4.Resource allocation in cellular mode with maximum energy constraint for cellular UL resources (TDD/FDMA).

and DL may be optimized.If Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)is used we have a resource allocation as illustrated in Fig.3,and the power constraint is applied.The sum rate is R CM-P (α,β)=αlog 2(1+γ1)

+α′min (βlog 2(1+γ2),β′log 2(1+γ3))



where β′=1?βand γi =g i P max /I 0for i =1,2,3.

If Frequency or Code Division Multiple Access (FDMA or CDMA)is used,we may apply the energy constraint—when transmitting,all transmit power is concentrated to the resources used.However,difference exists for DL and UL resources.When the cellular user is an UL user,we can have a resource allocation as illustrated in Fig.4.The sum rate is R CMul-?(α,β)=αβlog 2(1+γ1/β)

+min (αβ′log 2(1+γ2/β′),α′log 2(1+γ3)).(6)If the cellular user is a DL user,a resource allocation scheme similar to Fig.4would not lead to using the energy constraint.As there is only one transmitter in the DL phase,manipulation of resource allocation from time to frequency domain would not result in increasing the energy consumption,implying the same situation as in maximum power-constrained case.Therefore R CMdl-?(α,β)=R CM-P (α,β).C.Optimization with Spectral Ef ?ciency Constraints Practical considerations of communication systems require setting a highest achievable spectral ef ?ciency due to the limitation caused by the supported MCSs.In addition,cellular communication might need to be protected in the presence of D2D underlay system.We consider two different sets of constraints in spectral ef ?ciency.In the ?rst case,the BS simply runs a greedy sum-rate maximization.In the second case,the cellular user has priority over D2D users in the sense that the BS gives a guaranteed minimum rate R l bps,with respect to total bandwidth to be shared,to the cellular user.A cellular user is in outage if the rate is smaller than R l bps.In the second case an upper limit on the link spectral ef ?ciency,r ?bps/Hz,is further assumed.The link spectral ef ?ciency is the spectral ef ?ciency experienced on resources utilized by a link,so resulting rate depends on the resource allocation.We consider the rate constraints in the Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR)domain by assuming that an SINR higher than a maximum value,γ?,does not increase the

throughput when the link spectral ef ?ciency is limited to r ?bps/Hz,and a spectral ef ?ciency of r l bps/Hz is achievable for an SINR no lower than a minimum value,γl .The assumption is in line with stat-of-the-art link adaptation technique with a limited amount of MCSs [26].The throughput cannot be further improved by increasing SINR if the current SINR is high enough to support the highest MCS.On the other hand,there is a lower limit on SINR to support the stable transmission using the lowest MCS.The value r l bps/Hz here re ?ects the cellular service guarantee R l and is the spectral ef ?ciency required for the cellular link in non-orthogonal sharing mode.A higher link spectral ef ?ciency of at least r l /αbps/Hz is needed in the bandwidth assigned to cellular user in the orthogonal sharing and cellular modes with power constraint,and r l /(αβ)bps/Hz in the bandwidth assigned to the cellular user in cellular mode with energy constraint.In the following,we assume that P max is large enough to compensate for g 1in the cell area to ful ?ll the lowest rate constraint.In many cases,the transmit power will be limited and a minimum transmission rate without outage cannot necessarily be guaranteed in,e.g.,Rayleigh fading channels.

Based on the analysis presented below,the algorithmic complexity of the mode selection can be estimated.For the power and rate constrained variant,which is shown to be better in Section VI,the worst case of one mode selection decision for one set of D2D pair and a cellular user requires 9base-2logarithms,14divisions,23multiplications and 30additions.III.O PTIMIZATION FOR N ON -ORTHOGONAL S HARING A.Greedy sum-rate maximization

Without giving priority to either cellular or D2D com-munication,the optimal power allocation for greedy sum-rate maximization is a feasible solution to the optimization problem

(P ?c ,P ?


)=arg max (P c ,P d )∈Ω1

R NOS (P c ,P d ),(7)Ω1={(P c ,P d ):0≤P c ,P d ≤P max },

where Ω1de ?nes the feasible set of (P c ,P d ).According to the

results in [22],binary power control is enough for the above optimization problem.Thus,the optimal power allocation is searched over the following 3possible sets ΔΩ1={(P c ,P d ):(0,P max ),(P max ,0),(P max ,P max )}.

B.Sum-rate Maximization Subject to Rate Constraints Following [24],the results above can be generalized to a situation where there is priority for the cellular user and an upper limit on the spectral ef ?ciency of all users.In this case,we have the following optimization problem

(P ?c ,P ?

d )=arg max (P c ,P d )∈Ω2

R NOS (P c ,P d ),(8)

Ω2={(P c ,P d ):0≤P c ,P d ≤P max ,

γl ≤Γc (P c ,P d )≤γ?,Γd (P c ,P d )≤γ?},


where Ω2de ?nes the feasible set of (P c ,P d ).

In [23]it is shown that the optimal power allocation

(P ?c ,P ?


)resides on the boundary ?Ω2of the feasible set Ω2,indicating that (P ?c ,P ?

d )has at least on

e binding constraint.

From [22]we learn that R NOS (P c ,P max )and R NOS (P max ,P d )are both convex functions.The maximum value for each of the functions resides on the boundary of the feasible region of the other variables.Accordingly,we conclude that the optimal power allocation for (8)is bound to one of the SINR con-straints in (9),or resides on one of {(P max ,0),(P max ,P max )}.Note that (0,P max )is not possible for a positive γl .In the following,we further show that the optimum power allocation

(P ?c ,P ?

d )cannot li

e on the lower boundary or the interior o

f the bindin

g constraint set.Without loss of generality,we

consider a binding constraint set ??Ω

2=Ω1∩{(P c ,P d ):Γc (P c ,P d )=γl }.

Lemma 1.In the set ??Ω

2,for P max >γl I 0/g 1,the maximum of the rate function R NOS (P c ,P d )de ?ned in (2)lies on the point (


γl ?(P max g dc +I 0)

g 1,P max ),min(P max g 1?γl I 0γl g dc

,P max )).Proof:Given that P max >γl I 0g 1

,the set ??Ω2is not an empty set.From Γc (P c ,P d )=γl ,we have


d =P c ?g 1?γl I 0γl g dc

.Consider R arg (P c )=(1+Γc (P c ,?P d ))(1+Γd (P c ,?P d ))


and take the ?rst derivative with respect to P c ,we have

?R arg (P c )?P c =g 23I 0(1+γl )(g 1+g cd γl )

g dc γl (I 0+g cd P c )2


Since (10)is non-negative and the logarithm is a monotoni-cally increasing function,R NOS (P c ,P d )is increasing in the set ??Ω

2.The maximum of R NOS (P c ,P d )inside ??Ω2happens at either P c =P max or P d =P max .Replace P c =P max or P d =P max into Γc (P c ,P d )=γl ,the results follow directly.

We denote the intersection of P c =P max with Γc =γl ,Γc =γ?and Γd =γ?by X 1l ,X 1?and X 2?,respectively,and the intersection of P d =P max with Γc =γl ,Γc =γ?and Γd =γ?by Y 1l ,Y 1?and Y 2?,respectively.Additionally,we denote C 1=(P max ,0),C 2=(P max ,P max ),and the intersection between Γc =γ?and Γd =γ?by X .According to the results of [22][23],and our Lemma 1,we know that the optimal power allocation can reside only on corner points of the feasible region Ω2.Thereby,we conclude that the optimal power allocation to (8)with feasible region Ω2resides in the set ΔΩ2={X,X 1l ,X 1?,X 2?,Y 1l ,Y 1?,Y 2?,C 1,C 2}.

Some of the points in ΔΩ2are mutually exclusive because they cannot ful ?ll the maximum transmit power constraint simultaneously.We summarize the optimal power allocation:

?If X is feasible,(P ?c ,P ?

d )={X }.

?Otherwise,the optimal power allocation (P ?c ,P ?

d )is searched in th

e only feasible set among:δΩ1={X 1?,C 2,max x (Y 1l ,Y 2?)},δΩ2={Y 1?,max x (Y 1l ,Y 2?)},δΩ3={X 1?,min y (X 1l ,X 2?)},δΩ4={C 1,min y (X 1l ,X 2?)},δΩ5={C 1,C 2,max x (Y 1l ,Y 2?)}.Here the operator max x selects the element with the largest x-coordinate value,and likewise for the operator min y .As an illustration,the feasible region Ω2when the optimal power

allocation (P ?c ,P ?

d )falls within δΩ1is shown in Fig.


Fig.5.Feasible power allocation region Ω2when the optimal power

allocation (P ?c ,P ?d )falls within δΩ1

.C.Simple Power Control Based on Cell Statistics

In order to properly assess the performance improvement

from optimized power and resource allocation,we also con-sider a reference case where the instantaneous CSI is not avail-able at the BS.Without instantaneous CSI for optimization,the system can only plan the system using the cell statistics.One straightforward way for preventing D2D underlay com-munication from generating too much interference to cellular communication is to reduce D2D transmit power [27].

We use non-orthogonal sharing exclusively.To protect cellu-lar connections,we assume that a minimum cellular rate needs to be achieved at a target outage probability.Speci ?cally,for a minimum cellular rate requirement R l bps,cellular communication uses the maximum transmit power,while the D2D power is reduced for achieving a 0.05cellular outage probability (i.e.the probability that the cellular rate

IV.O PTIMIZATION FOR O RTHOGONAL S HARING A.Optimization Subject to Maximum Power Constraint In this section,the optimization of orthogonal resource sharing will be discussed using (3).

1)Greedy Sum-rate Maximization:To maximize the sum rate,according to (3)we allocate all resources to the type of communication dominating the performance,resulting in

α={1if γ1≥γ23,

0if γ1<γ23.

(11)The optimized sum rate is thus

R OS-P (α)={log 2(1+γ1)if γ1≥γ23,

log 2(1+γ23)if γ1<γ23.


Note that the optimized R OS-P (α)is simply a subset of the corresponding case for non-orthogonal sharing.

2)Sum-rate Maximization Subject to Rate Constraints:With a cellular service guarantee,we need to avoid allocating all the resources to D2D users.When the D2D link is stronger than the cellular link,we allocate enough resources to the cellular user to ful ?ll the cellular service guarantee and give the remaining resources to the D2D users to maximize the sum rate.Therefore


if γ1≥γ23,min(r l

log 2


,1)if γ1<γ23,(13)

where we have considered the upper limit on the spectral ef ?ciency.This results in a sum rate of R OS-P (α)=αlog 2(1+min(γ1,γ?)


+α′log 2(1+min(γ23,γ?)).(14)

B.Optimization Subject to Maximum Energy Constraint In this section,we discuss the maximization of (4).

1)Greedy Sum-rate Maximization:It can be easily veri ?ed

that dR OS-?(α)dα



=0.(15)By further noticing that R OS-?(α)is a concave function,

which can be proven by checking the negativity of its second derivative within the range 0≤α≤1,we conclude that


γ1+γ23is the global maximum solution.The resulting sum rate is

R OS-?(α)=log 2(1+γ1+γ23)(16)2)Sum-rate Maximization Subject to Rate Constraints:In

Section IV-B1,the spectral ef ?ciency for the cellular and D2D links is the same at α=α?.As long as the cellular service guarantee is satis ?ed at α?,α?is a global maximum,although it might not be unique when the upper limit constraint on the spectral ef ?ciency r ?is active.

On the other hand,if the cellular service guarantee is not ful ?lled at α?,it is not a solution to the problem anymore.The rate of the cellular link is an increasing function of αand therefore,αshould be increased in order to increase the cellular link rate.However,by concavity,R OS-?(α)is a decreasing function for the region α≥α?.In other words,the parameter αshould be kept as close to α?as possible for maximizing the sum rate.If α?does not satisfy the cellular service rate guarantee,we should increase α,starting from α?,to a new value of αthat satis ?es the cellular link rate guarantee.Hence


if cellular rate at α?≥r l ,min(αc

,1)otherwise ,

(17)where αc is the solution to

αc log 2(1+min(γ1


c ,γ?))=r l .

The resulting sum rate is

R OS-?=αlog 2(1+min(γ1


)+α′log 2(1+min(γ1




A.Optimization Subject to Maximum Power Constraint In this section,we discuss the optimization of (5).1)Greedy Sum-rate Maximization:Denoting

C d 1=log 2(1+γ2),C d 2=log 2(1+γ3),the optimum βfor maximizing min(βC d 1,β′C d 2)is obtained

by equating the two arguments [29].Thus β?=C d 2

C d 1

+C d 2,and

C d ?min (β?C d 1,(1?β?)C d 2)=C d 1C d 2

C d 1+C d 2.

(19)As in Section IV-A1,all resources are allocated to the connection that dominates the performance


1if log(1+γ1)≥C d ,



Therefore,the sum rate is

R CM-P (α)={

log 2(1+γ1)if log(1+γ1)≥C d ,

C d if log(1+γ1)


2)Sum-rate Maximization Subject to Rate Constraints:


C l c =min(log 2(1+γ1),r ?),

C l

di =min(C di ,r ?),for i =1,2

The optimum βthat maximizes min(βC d 1,(1?β)C d 2)is

βl ?C l d 2

C l d 1

+C l

d 2

,and C l d


C d 1,(1?βl

)C d 2)=C l d 1C l d 2

C l d 1+C l d 2

.As in Section IV-A2,if the cellular link is stronger than

D2D link,we allocate all resources to cellular communication to maximize the sum-rate.On the other hand,if the D2D link is stronger,we allocate enough resources to the cellular link to satisfy the cellular service guarantee and leave the remaining resources for D2D communication.This gives us


1if C l c ≥C l d ,min(r l

C l


,1)otherwise .(22)

The resulting sum rate is

R CM-P (α,β)=αC l c

+α′C l

d .(23)

B.Optimization Subject to Maximum Energy Constraint In this section,we consider only the case with an UL

cellular user,based on (6).If the cellular user is a DL user,the problem reduces to the one discussed in Section V-A.1)Greedy Sum-rate Maximization:With a greedy sum-rate maximization criterion,the optimization problem becomes

max 0≤α,β≤1

R CMul-?(α,β).(24)

We can simplify this two-dimensional optimization to an one-dimensional one by noticing that the D2D rate is maximized when the D2D UL and D2D DL rates are equal.By equating the two arguments in the min(?)operator in (6),we express αas a function of βby


log 2(1+γ3)

β′log 2(1+γ2


)+log 2(1+γ3).(25)

Replacing (25)into (24),the optimization problem simpli ?es


max 0≤β≤1

log 2(1+γ3)

βlog 2(1+γ1β)+β′

log 2(1+γ2β′)

β′log 2(1



′)+log 2(1+γ3).(26)

Finding a global maximum to (26)is analytically not

tractable and requires,e.g.,a numerical search for the optimal value of β.

2)Sum-rate Maximization Subject to Rate Constraints:A similar argument as in Section V-B1applies here.With rate-constrained sum-rate maximization,the optimization problem becomes

max (α,β)∈Ωl

R CMul-?(α,β),Ω={αβlog 2(1+min(γ1

β,γ?))≥r l ,0≤α,β≤1},

(27)where R CMul-?(α,β)=αβlog 2(1+min(γ1



)+min (αβ′log 2(1+min(γ2β′,γ?)),α′

log 2(1+min(γ3,γ?)).

By equating the rates of the D2D UL and DL links,we ?nd a relationship between αand β,α(β)=

log 2(1+min(γ3,γ?))

β′log 2(1+min(γ2


))+log 2(1+min(γ3,γ?)).(28)The simpli ?ed optimization problem is then

max β∈Ω

R cellular (β)+R d2d (β),

Ω={R cellular (β)≥r l ,0≤β≤1},



R cellular (β)=α(β)βlog 2(1+min(γ1



R d2d (β)=α(β)β′log 2(1+min(γ2



Eq.(29)is not analytically tractable.A numerical line search or other suitable optimization algorithm is required for ?nding the global maximum.


In this section,we evaluate the performance of the D2D communication underlaying cellular networks.A single-cell scenario is ?rst considered,and then a more realistic Manhat-tan grid scenario with multiple of ?ce buildings is used.We apply the selection of the resource sharing modes from the three possible modes presented in Section II for sharing both UL and DL resources.The optimization of the transmit powers in the non-orthogonal sharing mode,the resource sharing factors in the orthogonal sharing mode and the cellular mode are as given in Section III,Section IV,and Section V.For the two considered scenarios,we use different rate constraints to make our results more insightful.A.Single-cell Scenario

We assume a circular cell with radius normalized to 1.We restrict the distance between the BS and the D2D users to be D and the distance between the D2D users to be L to enable a clear presentation of the results,i.e.,the position of D2D users is ?xed.Meanwhile,we assume the cellular user is uniformly distributed in the cell area at random.The statistics are collected over multiple realizations of the position of the cellular user.For simplicity,we consider the single-slope path loss channel model P (d )=P (d 0)?d ?n ,where P (d )is the received power at distance d from the transmitter,P (d 0)is the received power at reference distance d 0,and n is the pathloss exponent.We assume n =4for all the links.As we consider

Fig.6.D2D transmit power reduction for achieving a 5percentile cellular outage (i.e.cellular rate <1bps/Hz)probability.

a normalized cell,we simply replace P (d 0)by the maximum transmit power P max .

We adjust P max with respect to the noise power N 0to result in a Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)of 0dB at the cell border.Note that in the single-cell case,I 0=N 0We assume γl =0dB and γr =20dB,mapping to rate constraints of R l =1bps and r ?=6.66bps/Hz according to the Shannon capacity formula.Optimization cases subject to greedy sum-rate maximization and rate-constrained sum-rate maximization are considered.We compare the results with the rate obtained using cellular mode.To facilitate the discussions,we show in Fig.6the D2D power reduction needed for achieving 5%cellular outage probability,when using only the cell statistics for interference coordination as stated in Section III-C.Further discussions related to Fig.6can be found in [27].

Fig.7illustrates the averaged rate ratio between sum rate obtained from the best resource allocation and the rate obtained from using the cellular mode all the time.The cellular user’s UL and DL resources are considered simultaneously.For a given value of D and L ,the depicted rate ratio is the averaged ratio over multiple realizations of the cellular user.We consider resource allocation with a maximum transmit power constraint (Fig.7(a))and a maximum transmit energy constraint (Fig.7(b)).Rate ratio curves of using D2D power reduction given by Fig.6are also shown with dotted curves,with the same upper limit on the spectral ef ?ciency.Note that the cellular outage probability in rate-constrained optimization is zero for the greedy and rate-constrained cases,whereas there is a 5%cellular outage probability in the D2D power reduction scheme.

From Fig.7(a),the sum rate improvement over the cellular mode in greedy sum-rate maximization is signi ?cant,espe-cially when the D2D link distance L is small.This is because a small D2D link distance L implies a stronger D2D link in most of the cell area compared to the cellular link.In addition,we observe increasing gain as D increases.Since we restrict all users to be within the single cell,the area with strong D2D interference decreases for D2D pairs close to the cell border and the gain increases.The gains reduce when intro-ducing prioritized cellular communication and rate constraints

Fig.7.Averaged Rate Ratio between sum rate obtained from the best re-source allocation and from using the cellular mode exclusively,under greedy-sum rate maximization,rate-constrained sum-rate maximization and the D2D transmit power reduction scheme are shown.Fig.7(a):in situation with maximum transmit power constraint.Fig.7(b):in situation with maximum transmit energy constraint.

as can be observed by comparing the“greedy”curves and “rate-constrained”curves.However,even when guaranteeing cellular service rate,the sum-rate of a D2D underlay system outperforms the cellular mode.Similar observations can be made in Fig.7(b)where we have a maximum transmit energy constraint.In addition,further gains in rate constrained cases are seen because of additional freedom for manipulating the power under a maximum transmit energy constraint.

With D2D power reduction scheme,(i.e.,dotted curves), additional performance loss from the rate-constrained cases are observed.For some locations of

the D2D pairs,we have worse sum-rate performance than in the cellular mode.This can be explained by the fact that the reduced transmit power does not represent an optimization but a restriction.As shown in Fig.6,the D2D transmit power is reduced signi?cantly in order to control the impact of D2D interference to cellular communication.D2D communication with restrictive transmit power is only bene?cial when the D2D link quality is good enough to compensate for rate loss of the cellular https://www.360docs.net/doc/6a6947037.html,yout of the Manhattan grid environment with four WINNER II A1of?ce buildings.Red dots represent pico-cell BSs.

It is noted that the probability of selecting the cellular mode is very low except when the BS is between the D2D pair,e.g., D=0.3and L=0.6.In such case,the results show0.3?0.4 and0.6?0.7probability of selecting the cellular mode with maximum energy constraint and maximum power constraint, respectively.Due to the space limit,further discussions on the percentile of different resource allocation schemes are referred to,e.g.,[24].

B.Manhattan grid with WINNER A1of?ce buildings

1)Path loss model:The motivation for D2D comes from an urge to improve local services[5].Accordingly,an appropriate scenario for D2D evaluation would be an indoor scenario.For this,we consider a scenario with a number of multiple-?oor buildings in a Manhattan grid,see Fig.8,where both the BSs and UE are inside the buildings.The buildings model modern of?ce buildings comprising of rooms and corridors. Propagation inside the buildings is modeled according to the WINNER A1model of[25],and propagation between the buildings is modeled as the Manhattan-grid path loss model B1of[25].Distance dependent path loss is calculated from the parameters A,B,C as

P L=A log10(d)+B+C log10(f c/5)+W L+F L,(30) where f c is the carrier frequency,W L is the wall loss,and F L is the?oor loss.In addition to distance-dependent path loss,shadow fading is also considered according to[25].

As we are interested in the results of a large system,we con-sider wrap-around boundary conditions in all directions.The modeled system thus consists of a Manhattan grid of very tall buildings,and is essentially three-dimensional.We consider a fraction of system bandwidth,with three uniformly distributed active users in each cell that will share the resources.Among the three users,the two with stronger mutual link gain are de?ned as a D2D pair and the remaining one as a cellular user. With D2D pairs determined in such manner,the generated scenario resembles realistic D2D use cases more.Within the D2D pair,a D2D transmitter and a D2D receiver are de?ned at random.The most important characteristics of the path loss model,and parameters determining the thermal noise level are summarized in Table I.It is noted that we consider the pico-cellular scenario for performance evaluation because it



Building dimensions100m x50m

Room dimensions10m x10m

Corridor width5m

Room height3m

BS height2m

UE height1m


Buildings in Manhattan grid(XP)2x2

Street width20m

Boundary conditions?oor direction wrap-around

Boundary conditions in XP direction wrap-around

Antenna patterns omni directional

Carrier frequency 2.6GHz

Line-of-sight(LOS)in same room/corridor

LOS path loss A=18.7,B=46.8,C=20 Corridor-to-room path loss A=36.8,B=43.8,C=20 Room-to-room path loss A=20,B=46.4,C=20 LOS shadow fading std.3dB

Corridor-to-room shadow fading std.4dB

Room-to-room shadow fading std.6(light walls)or8(heavy walls)dB Street canyon path loss A=25,B=29.75,C=20 Inner wall loss5dB per wall

Outer wall loss14+15(1?cosθ)dB

Floor loss17+4(N?oors?1)dB

Noise Level Parameters

Transmit power P20dBm


Signal bandwidth 1.25MHz

Noise power density-174dBm/Hz

BW ef?ciency0.85

provides an environment with strong inter-cell interference. This makes intra-cell spectral reuse(which is what D2D underlay communication tries to achieve)more challenging than it is in a micro-cellular case.

2)Distributed resource sharing mode selection with inter-ference averaging:To apply our results to a multi-cell envi-ronment,we assume a distributed and asynchronous scheme on the selection of resource sharing modes.The mode selec-tion is made locally by each cell without central control.The mode selection of different cells is done one by one so that no cells would do the mode selection at the same time.(In reality,this can be achieved by setting a random timer for each cell.As the interference from far away cells is weak, this scheme shall work well if nearby cells do not conduct the mode selection at the same time.)For each cell,the throughput using different resource sharing modes is estimated?rst.The mode giving the best own cell performance is selected.With the asynchronicity,every cell is able to learn its interference situation before reacting to it.The process continues until convergence or a maximum number of iterations is reached. We apply a randomization mechanism to select transmission resources within cells so that the interference from different transmitters in one cell can be averaged when observed by other cells.Nevertheless,it is still possible to divide resources orthogonally among different transmitters in a cell.This simpli?es the evaluation in orthogonal sharing and cellular modes where the interference generated to other cells varies over resources,as different resources are used by different transmitters.In[11],it was shown that interference random-ization can improve the robustness of D2D underlay networks. Depending on the multiple access scheme,interference

Fig.9.Cell throughput distributions with greedy sum-rate maximization in the Manhattan grid scenario.Our proposed scheme(Opt.sel.),pathloss-based selection(PL sel.),and pure cellular mode(CM)are considered.

randomization can be achieved in different ways.If CDMA is used,where we are subject to a maximum energy constraint, we assume cell-speci?c scrambling codes and orthogonal intra-cell channelization codes.In Orthogonal Frequency Di-vision Multiple Access(OFDMA),we assume a cell-speci?c mapping from virtual resources,assigned to users,to the phys-ical subcarrier resources.Interference randomization can then be achieved by having a different mapping in different cells. Examples to such mappings are subcarrier permutation[30] and pseudo-random hopping[31].With TDMA where one may be subject to a maximum power constraint,one can assume that there is similar kind of permutation on time slots so that the physical resources that a transmitter uses are varying.Alternatively,one can assume that the time period for

a slot or a frame is different for different cells.

3)Simulation results:We apply our method assuming a network which is static until the selection of the resource sharing modes converges or a maximum number of iterations is achieved.Statistics are gathered over different network realizations.As this scenario is more interference-limited,we use R l=0.3bps and r?=6bps/Hz as rate constraints to better present the differences between the studied cases.

For comparison,we consider the mode selection method for D2D underlay networks considered in[32][7][12]and denote it by pathloss-based selection.In pathloss-based selec-tion,only two modes are considered:non-orthogonal resource sharing and cellular mode.If the path loss between the D2D pair is less than the minimum of the path losses between the D2D users and the BS,non-orthogonal resource sharing is used.Otherwise,cellular mode is used.It is noted that the non-orthogonal sharing in pathloss-based mode selection is differ-ent from our NOS mode in that there is no power optimization on the cellular and D2D transmitters.The maximum transmit power is simply used.To increase fairness of comparison,we have improved the cellular mode used in PL-based selection in the same way as discussed in Section II-A.

Fig.9illustrates the Cumulative Distribution Functions (CDF)of cell throughput with greedy sum-rate maximization. In addition to the proposed mode selection(Opt.sel.curves),

Fig.10.Cell throughput distributions with sum-rate maximization subject to rate and maximum power constraints in the Manhattan grid scenario.The results attained by the proposed mode selection(Opt.sel.)and the three distinctive modes are presented.

the results from pathloss-based mode selection(PL sel.curves) and pure cellular mode transmission(CM curves)are given. Our scheme outperforms the pathloss-based selection scheme due to the extra efforts on the power optimization in non-orthogonal sharing mode and the additional consideration on the orthogonal resource sharing mode.The interference penalty is observed when applying the energy constraint. With the maximum energy constraint,energy is concentrated on assigned frequency bands to enhance the signal power, but it also increases the interference towards other cells.In an interference-limited scenario,the interference penalty may outweigh the gain from the increased signal power.

Fig.10illustrates the CDFs of per cell throughput with sum-rate maximization subject to rate and maximum power constraints.In addition to the proposed mode selection method (Opt.sel.curves),results of exclusively using the three dis-tinctive modes are presented.Since the non-orthogonal sharing mode allows more total transmit power than the orthogonal sharing mode,one observes slight interference penalty of the non-orthogonal sharing mode at the lower SINR regime. However,as SINR increases,the orthogonal sharing mode starts to suffer from inef?cient use of the spectrum. Comparison of maximum power-constrained CM curves in Fig.9and Fig.10shows that it is more bene?cial to have rate constraints than none,before the limit on the highest spectral ef?ciency becomes effective.This could be explained also from the perspective of interference penalty.As the BSs in WINNER II A1building is deployed in a coordinated manner,there is strong interference between cells situated in the same quarter but neighboring?oors.With greedy sum-rate maximization and power constraint,the resources are allocated entirely to either cellular connection(BS-UE1link in Fig.1) or BS-assisted D2D connection(UE2-BS-UE3in Fig.1).As the selection is based on the link gains between users and the BS,this indicates that the selected type of connection holds the feature that the selected users are closer to the BS.Thus, the selected users tend to cause/experience more interference in?oor dimension in UL/DL cellular resources.On the other hand,when there exists rate constraints,the lower limit on the cellular transmission rate is ful?lled irrespective of the position of the cellular user.For the situations when the D2D users are closer to the BS,part of the resources still have to be allocated to the further away cellular user.This indicates lower interference caused/experienced to/from other cells.


In this article,we analyzed D2D communication underlay-ing a cellular network.We considered selecting between a cellular mode,and orthogonal and non-orthogonal resource sharing modes where radio resources are shared between cellular and D2D communication.The analysis focuses on the optimized sum rate by power control and resource alloca-tion subject to spectral ef?ciency restrictions,and maximum transmit power or energy constraints.With non-orthogonal sharing,we showed that the optimal power allocation resides on a?nite set of feasible solutions in all considered cases. With orthogonal sharing and cellular modes,we solved the optimum radio resource allocation between D2D and cellular connections in closed form,except for the cellular mode when constrained by a maximum transmit energy.

The D2D underlay system is evaluated in a single cell scenario,and a Manhattan grid environment with WINNER II A1of?ce buildings placed inside.In the single cell scenario, our analysis is applied directly.The numerical results show substantial gain from D2D communication handling local traf?c.Even with prioritized cellular communication,the gain is still prominent.By comparing with a reference scheme where a D2D transmit power reduction is determined based on cell statistics,one may observe the gain from interference coordination with the knowledge of instantaneous CSI.

In the Manhattan grid environment,we apply our analysis to each cell in a distributed and asynchronous manner.D2D operation is still bene?cial in cellular networks.We compared our resource sharing method with those obtained by applying the pathloss-based selection method.The results showed that our resource sharing method provide gain over the pathloss-based selection method.With such challenging interference-limited scenario,we observe an interference penalty of apply-ing excessive power on exclusively assigned frequency bands, (i.e.,under maximum energy constraint).Also,it is seen that the use of non-orthogonal sharing mode exclusively provides most of the gain.The biggest difference with an exclusively NOS and exclusively OS scheme is at the higher ends of cell throughput,where the upper limitation of the spectral ef?ciency imposed by the limited amount of the supported MCSs constrains the rate of OS mode.


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Chia-Hao Yu received his B.Sc.degree and M.Sc.

degree in electrical engineering from National Tai-

wan University,Taiwan,in2001and2003,re-

spectively.He is with the Department of Commu-

nications and Networking,Aalto University,since

2005,where he is pursuing his doctoral degree.

His research interests include resource management

for local area,cooperative communications,and dis-

tributed algorithms for application in self-organizing


Klaus Doppler received his Ph.D.degree in Elec-

trical Engineering from Aalto University School of

Science and Technology,Helsinki,Finland,in2010

and his M.Sc.degree in Electrical Engineering from

Graz University of Technology,Austria,in2003.He

joined Nokia Research Center in2002.Currently

he is leading the Wireless Systems team of the

Radio Systems Laboratory in Berkeley,California.

He has been leading and contributing to research

activities on the design and integration of novel radio

concepts into cellular systems,including device-to-device communication,(cooperative)relaying and multiband operation.He was among the top ten inventors in Nokia in the years2008-2009and received a Nokia top inventor award in the years2007-2008.Klaus has been the proof-of-concept subtask leader within the relaying task of the European research project WINNER II and he has been leading the device-to-device communication and network coding task within WINNER+.He has authored and co-authored25+conference and journal articles,two book chapters and more than40pending patent


C′a ssio B.Ribeiro received the Electronics Eng.

degree from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

(UFRJ),Rio de Janeiro,Brazil,in2000,the M.Sc.

degree in electrical engineering from COPPE/UFRJ

in2002,and the D.Sc.degree at COPPE/UFRJ in

2007.He received the D.Sc.(Tech.)degree(with

distinction)in signal processing for communications

from Helsinki University of Technology,Helsinki,

Finland in2008.Since2007he has been working

as a researcher at Nokia Research Center,Finland.

His research interests are in the?elds of wireless communication,cellular systems,multiple-antenna systems,and signal pro-


Olav Tirkkonen is Professor in Telecommunica-

tions at the Department of Communications and

Networking in Aalto University,Espoo,Finland,

since August2006.He received his M.Sc.and

Ph.D.degrees in Physics from Helsinki University of

Technology in1990and1994,respectively.Between

1994and1999he was with the University of British

Columbia,Vancouver,Canada,and the Nordic Insti-

tute for Theoretical Physics,Copenhagen,Denmark.

From1999to2010he was with Nokia Research

Center(NRC),Helsinki,Finland,most recently act-ing as Research Fellow.He has published some100papers and is a coauthor of the book Multiantenna Transceiver Techniques for3G and Beyond.


基于云计算环境的蚁群优化计算资源分配算法 华夏渝,郑骏,胡文心 (华东师范大学计算中心,上海200241) 摘要:针对云计算的性质,提出一种基于蚁群优化(Ant Colony Optimization )的计算资源分配算法。分配计算资源时,首先预测潜在可用节点的计算质量,然后根据云计算环境的特点,通过分析诸如带宽占用、线路质量、响应时间等因素对分配的影响,利用蚁群优化得到一组最优的计算资源。通过在Gridsim环境下的仿真分析和比较,这种算法能够在满足云计算环境要求的前提下,获得比其他一些针对网格的分配算法更短的响应时间和更好地运行质量,因而更加适合于云环境。 关键词:云计算;网格;蚁群;资源分配 中图分类号:TP316 文献标识码:A Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Computing Resource Allocation Based On Cloud Computing Environment Hua xia-yu, Zheng jun, Hu wen-xin (Computer Center Institute, East China Normal University Shanghai, 200241) Abstract:A new allocation algorithm based on Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) was established to satisfy the property of Cloud Computing. When start, this algorithm first prognosticated the capability of the potential available resource node, and then analyzed some factors such as network qualities or response times to acquire a set of optimal compute resources. This algorithm met the needs of cloud computing more than others for Grid environment with shorter response time and better performance, which were proved by the simulation results in the Gridsim environment. Key words: Cloud Computing; Grid; Ant Colony Optimization; resource allocation 0引言 云计算(Cloud Computing),是指通过互联网连接的超级计算模式,包含了分布式处理(Distributed Computing)、并行处理(Parallel Computing)和网格计算(Grid Computing)的相关技术,或者说是这些计算机科学概念的商业实现。 云计算一种新型的共享基础架构,可以将巨大的系统池连接在一起,以运营商和客户的方式,通过互联网为用户提供各种存储和计算资源。在云计算环境中,用户将自己的个人电脑,PDA或移动电话等其他设备上的大量信息和处理器资源集中在一起,协同工作。这是一个大规模的分布式计算模式,该模式由运营商的经济规模决定,并且是抽象的,虚拟化的以及规模动态可变的。其主要内容为受管理的计算能力,存储,平台和服务。这些内容通过互联网,按需分配给外部用户,其重要意义在于将计算能力作为一种商品在互联网上进行流通。 云计算的主要优势:快速地降低硬件成本和提升计算能力以及存储容量,用户可以以极低的成本投入获得极高的计算能力,而不用再投资购买昂贵的硬件设备,负担频繁的保养与升级 计算资源分配是云计算技术的一个重要组成部分,其效率直接影响整个云计算环境的工作性能。由于云计算有很多独特的特性,使得原有的针对网格计算的资源分配和调度算法已无法在该环境中有效的工作。本文提出的蚁群优化分配算法,综合考虑了云计算的一系列特点,以期在这种环境中能够高效地为用户作业分配合适的计算资源。 1 问题描述 云计算由网格计算演变而成,并将网格计算作为其骨干和基本结构。可以说,云计算是网格计算的一种更高级的形式。但是,这两者之间在现实中存在着巨大的区别,具体可以参见文献[1]。 云计算提供了更多抽象的资源和服务。这些资源和服务可划分为三个类别,分别是软件即服务(Software as a Service),平台即服务(Platform as a Service)和设备即服务(Infrastructure as a Service) [2,3]。 在软件即服务(SaaS)中,用户会得到一个特殊用途的客户端,该客户端允许用户通过互联网进行远程访问,并且基于使用情况来收取费用。


. 存储管理—动态异长存储资源分配算法 一、设计目的 理解动态异长存储分区资源管理,掌握所需数据结构和管理程序,了解各种 存储分配算法的优点和缺点。 二、设计内容 (1)分析UNIX最先适应(First Fit,FF)存储分配算法,即map数据结构、存储分配函数malloc()和存储释放函数mfree(),找出与算法有关的成分。 (2) 修改上述与算法有关的成分,使其分别体现BF(Best Fit,最佳适应) 分配原则和WF(Worst Fit,最环适应)分配原则。 三、设计准备(理论、技术) 1.最先适应(First Fit,FF)算法 指对于存储申请命令,选取满足申请长度要求且起始地址最小的空闲区域。在实现时,可以将系统中所有的空闲区域按照起始地址由小到大的次序依次记录于空闲区域表中。当进程申请存储空间时,系统由表的头部开始查找,取满足要求的第一个表目。如果表目所对应的区域长度恰好与申请的区域长度相同,则将该区域全部分配给申请者,否则将该区域分割为两部分,一部分的长度与申请长度相同,将其分配给申请者;另一部分的长度为原长度与分配长度之差,将其记录在空闲区域表中 2.最佳适应(Best Fit,BF)算法 是为了克服最先适应算法缺点提出的。它在分配时取满足申请要求且长度最小的空间区域。在实现时,可以将系统中所有的空闲区域按照长度由小到大的次序依次记录于空闲区域表中。当进程申请存储空间时,系统由表的头部开始查找,取满足要求的第一个表目。 3.最坏适应(Worst Fit,WF)算法 是为了克服最佳适应算法的缺点而提出的。它在分配时取满足申请要求且长度最大的空闲区域。在实现时,可以将系统中所有的空闲区域按照长度由小到大的次序依次记录于空闲区域表中。当进程申请存储空间时,取第一个表目。 4.程序设计技术分析 按题目题目首先对存储分配表进行初始化;然后对用户输入的请求和释放,按照动态更新存储分配表,并将每次更新之后的存储分配表在屏幕上显示出来 动态分区分配需要解决三个问题:A.对于请求表中的要求内存长度,从可用表或自由链寻找出合适的空闲区域分配程序。B.分配空闲区后更新自由链或可用表。 C.进程或作业释放内存资源时,合并相邻空闲区并刷新可用表。 四、设计过程(设计思想、代码实现)


Resource Sharing Optimization for Device-to-Device Communication Underlaying Cellular Networks Chia-Hao Yu,Klaus Doppler,C′a ssio B.Ribeiro,and Olav Tirkkonen Abstract—We consider Device-to-Device(D2D)communication underlaying cellular networks to improve local services.The system aims to optimize the throughput over the shared resources while ful?lling prioritized cellular service constraints.Optimum resource allocation and power control between the cellular and D2D connections that share the same resources are analyzed for different resource sharing modes.Optimality is discussed under practical constraints such as minimum and maximum spectral ef?ciency restrictions,and maximum transmit power or energy limitation.It is found that in most of the considered cases,optimum power control and resource allocation for the considered resource sharing modes can either be solved in closed form or searched from a?nite set.The performance of the D2D underlay system is evaluated in both a single-cell scenario,and a Manhattan grid environment with multiple WINNER II A1of?ce buildings.The results show that by proper resource management, D2D communication can effectively improve the total throughput without generating harmful interference to cellular networks. Index Terms—Cellular networks,device-to-device,D2D,peer-to-peer,resource sharing,underlay. I.I NTRODUCTION T HE increasing demand for higher data rates for local area services and gradually increased spectrum conges-tion have triggered research activities for improved spectral ef?ciency and interference management.Cognitive radio sys-tems[1]have gained much attention because of their poten-tial for reusing the assigned spectrum among other reasons. Conceptually,cognitive radio systems locally utilize“white spaces”in the spectrum for,e.g.,ad hoc networks[2][3] for local services.Major efforts have been spent as well on the development of next-generation wireless communication systems such as3GPP Long Term Evolution(LTE)1and WiMAX2.Currently,the further evolution of such systems is speci?ed under the scope of IMT-Advanced.One of the main concerns of these developments is to largely improve the services in the local area scenarios.Device-to-Device (D2D)communication as an underlaying network to cel-lular networks[4][5]can share the cellular resources for Manuscript received November26,2010;revised February11,2011and March23,2011;accepted April20,2011.The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was N.Kato. C.-H.Yu and O.Tirkkonen are with the Department of Communi-cations and Networking,Aalto University,Finland(e-mail:{chiahao.yu, olav.tirkkonen}@aalto.?). K.Doppler and C.B.Ribeiro are with Nokia Research Center,Nokia Group (e-mail:{klaus.doppler,cassio.ribeiro}@https://www.360docs.net/doc/6a6947037.html,). Digital Object Identi?er10.1109/TWC.2011.060811.102120 1see https://www.360docs.net/doc/6a6947037.html,/ 2see https://www.360docs.net/doc/6a6947037.html,/better spectral utilization.In addition to cellular operations where the network services are provided to User Equipment (UE)through the Base Stations(BSs),UE may communicate directly with each other over D2D links while remaining control under the BSs.Due to its potential of improving local services,D2D communication has received much attention recently[6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. The idea of enabling D2D connections in cellular networks for handling local traf?c can be found in,e.g.,[17][18][19], where ad hoc D2D connections are used for relaying pur-poses.However,with these methods the spectral utilization of licensed bands cannot be improved as D2D connections take place in license-exempt bands.Furthermore,ad hoc D2D connections may be unstable as interference coordination is usually not possible.In[20],non-orthogonal resource shar-ing between the coexisting cellular and ad hoc networks is considered.As the operations of both types of networks are independent(with independent traf?c loads),interference coordination between them considers only the density of transmitters.Recent works on D2D communication assume the same air interface as the underlaying cellular networks. In[21],the cellular resources are reused by D2D connections in an orthogonal manner,i.e.,D2D connections use reserved resources.Although orthogonal resource sharing eases the task of interference management,better resource utilization may be achieved by non-orthogonal resource sharing.In[4][5],a non-orthogonal resource sharing scheme is assumed.Cellular users can engage in D2D operation when it is bene?cial for the users or system.Further,D2D power control when reusing Uplink(UL)cellular resources,where cellular signaling for UL power control can be utilized,is addressed to constrain the interference impact to cellular operations. To better improve the gain from intra-cell spatial reuse of the same resources,multi-user diversity gain can be achieved by properly pairing the cellular and D2D users for sharing the resources[8][9][10].In[10],the resource allocation scheme over multiple cellular users and D2D users considers the local interference situations,making it possible for inter-cell interference avoidance.Interference randomization through resource hopping is considered in[11].This provides more homogeneous services among users in challenging interfer-ence environments,e.g.,when one cellular connection shares resources with multiple D2D pairs at the same time.Integra-tion of D2D communication into an LTE-Advanced network is investigated in[13][14],where schemes for D2D session setup 1536-1276/11$25.00c?2011IEEE


D2D网络中基于强化学习的路由选择与资源分配算法研究 随着通信网络的发展,终端直连通信技术(Device-to-Devic,D2D)被广泛关注,它的应用将满足用户日益增长的流量需求。然而,D2D技术的引入使得蜂窝网络内部的干扰冲突加剧,用户难以满足服务质量(Quality-of-Service,QoS)的需求。 一些传统算法基于网络“抓拍”信息可以计算得到各采样时刻的网络控制策略,却难以适应复杂多变、高度动态的网络环境。因此,本文着手于动态环境下的D2D网络中的通信问题进行了深入地研究,并结合正在兴起的机器学习技术,提出了更加智能化的解决方案。 在本文中我们将分别研究“多跳D2D网络”与“D2D直连通信”两类D2D应用场景的通信问题,提出了在两种场景下基于强化学习的在线学习方法,从而解决多跳网络中的路由问题与D2D直连网络中的资源分配问题。而随着问题复杂程度的增加,强化学习算法也相应由浅入深。 在路由问题中,因问题复杂程度较低,我们利用传统强化学习算法中的值迭代算法求解,而在资源分配问题中因问题规模变大,本文依次提出了基于深度Q 学习(Deep Q-Learning,DQN)的资源分配算法和深度确定性策略梯度(Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient,DDPG)的资源分配算法分别解决了问题中状态空间连续与动作空间连续的问题,而这两种算法都是深度强化学习(Deep Reinforcement Learning,DRL)中的经典算法。在多跳D2D网络路由问题中,我们考虑了三类随网络动态变化的QoS指标,并利用值迭代算法求解,同时提出了分布式的强化学习算法解决了集中式算法学习周期过长的问题。 仿真发现,在动态环境中,所提算法在性能与时间复杂度方面相较于传统算


LTE系统中资源分配算法的研究 1 LTE 概述 1.1移动通信的发展 Antonio Meucci于1860年在纽约首次向公众展示电话发明,随后,经过近百年的历程,第一个电话系统在1940年末问世,直到70年代末“蜂窝系统”进入通信这个广阔的天地,让人们感受到电话给生活带来的巨大改变。如今围绕着“电话通信”业务以惊人的速度发展,同时也改变着我们的生活,随之产生的新的通信方式移动通信也不断向着新的阶梯迈进。通信发展现在正立足于2G(secondgeneration,第二代移动通讯及其技术)和3G(3rd Generation,第三代移动通讯及其技术)之间,相关的研究人员仍在不断进行新一代的通信研究。从第一代通信系统到全球移动通讯系统GSM(Global System for Mobile Communications,全球移动通讯系统,俗称“全球通”第二代移动通讯技术的代表),移动通信系统的运营经历着飞速的发展。虽然二代网络系统中解决了很多一代中存在的缺陷,而且数据速率上限到达144Kbps,但对于数据速率的需求,仍无法满足用户。为了满足用户需求,保证网络的持续发展于2002年开始3G的网络建设。现在正在建设的3G网络在速率上已可以提供至少144kbps的车辆移动通信、384kbps的行人通信、卫星移动环境9.6kbps以及固定地点达到2Mbps的通信,可以提供最高数据速率达8~10Mbps,并且带宽也可达5MHz以上的要求。 整个移动通信其发展从起初的模拟到数字,再到称之为准宽带移动通信的第三代移动通信。通信的方式上已打破有线一统天下的格局,实现了在空间环境中无线传输的无线通信。这种利用电磁波而不通过电缆进行的无线通信是一个因用户需要而连接并提供服务,用户不需要时没有连接的一种通信方式。非常便捷,也不会出现资源使用独占的情况。这些改变让大家都不断享受到移动通信的信息丰富性,便捷性,而这也在无形中改变着社会,使得人们期待着未来的移动通信的发展必是更大容量、更高速率以及更多更强功能的多媒体业务的宽带移动通信系统。现在各国对3G的推广其使用情况,如表1-1。从表1-1中可以了解到当前部分国家地区主流运营商所选择3G制式的分布情况,清楚了解到3G的普及情况。从用户的需求发展趋势以及新一代的通信发展过程中发现,现有的3G和3.5G已不能满足发展的进一步需求。人们需求在不断的增加,通信的发展不能停滞不前,借鉴之前通信系统发展标准的不统一性所带来的诸多兼容问题,所以新一代通信系统设计上要保证国际范围内高度统一性,支持多种数据业务,提供高服务质量,加快当前技术进一步优化以及后续技术的开发研究。

无线通信中的最优资源分配—复杂性分 析与算法设计

无线通信中的最优资源分配—复杂性分 析与算法设计 刘亚锋 摘要 最优资源分配问题是无线通信系统设计中的基本问题之一。最优地分配功率、传输波形、频谱等资源能够极大地提高整个通信系统的传输性能。从用户的角度,多用户之间的相互干扰是制约整个通信系统高速稳健传输的最主要因素,适当地分配系统资源可以有效地消除多用户之间的相互干扰,从而提高整个通信系统的传输性能。从系统运营者的角度,最优地分配系统资源可以有效地提高功率和频谱等昂贵资源的利用率,从而降低运营费用。目前,相对于通信技术在现实生活中的蓬勃发展,通信系统优化的数学理论和方法显得相对滞后,在某些方面已经成为影响其发展和应用的关键因素,因此研究通信中的资源分配问题是非常有意义的。 本文研究无线通信中的最优资源分配问题,这些问题常常是带有特殊结构的非凸非线性优化问题。一方面,通信中的最优资源分配问题常常具有高度的非线性性,一般情况下难于求解;另一方面,这些优化问题又有自身的特殊结构,例如隐含的凸性和可分结构等。本文着重考虑多用户干扰信道中物理层资源最优分配问题的复杂性刻画,以及如何利用问题的特殊结构设计计算有效且满足实时性和分布式应用等实际要求的计算方法。 本论文首先考虑多输入单输出 (MISO) 干扰信道中的合作波束成形设计问题。在无线通信中,处在小区边沿的用户常常受到来自其他小区的严重干扰,我们考虑利用合作波束成形的方法提高处在小区边沿用户的传输速率。Luo和Zhang(2008)分析了在单天线情况下此问题的计算复杂性。我们证明在多天线情况下调和平均和几何平均这两个效用函数准则下的最优合作波束成形设计问题是NP-难的,这一结果完全不同于单天线时的结果。对于一般的效用函数,我们提出了一种非精确循环坐标下降法,并证明此方法产生的点列全局收敛于原问题的KKT点。该算法的最大优点在于只需交换少量信息,每个基站就可以调整各自的波束成形向量。 其次,我们讨论多用户多输入多输出(MIMO)干扰信道中干扰对齐的可行性判定问题。Cadambe和Jafar (2008) 证明干扰对齐能够使得多用户时变信道无干扰地传输最多一半的信号数。Yetis等 (2009) 和Gomadam等 (2008) 指出判断常系数MIMO干扰信道中干扰对齐的可行性是一个公开问题。我们完备地刻画了此问题的计算复杂性。我们证明,当每个传输端装有的天线数大于或等于3 (2) 每个接收端装有的天线数大于或等于2 (3) 时,干扰对齐的可行性判定问题是强NP-难的。我们也讨论干扰对齐问题的进一步推广,如干扰对齐松弛问题和干扰极小化问题等。 再次,我们考虑最大最小准则下的联合传输/接收波束成形设计问题。我们证明在MIMO 干扰信道中,给定一组信干噪比 (SINR) 目标,判断是否存在一组可行的传输/接收波束成形向量使得每个用户的SINR值大于或等于预先给定的SINR目标这一可行性判定问题是强NP-难的,这一结果完全不同于MISO干扰信道中的已有结果。上述结果也说明MIMO干扰信道中的最小SINR最大化问题是强NP-难的。考虑到问题的特殊结构,我们提出交替地升级传输波束成形向量和接收波束成形向量,从而将原问题分解为一系列简单凸优化子问题。我们证明提出算法产生的点列的任一聚点都是原问题的KKT点。 最后,我们考虑单输入单输出 (SISO) 干扰信道中联合功率/接入控制问题。传统的功


2019年2月 Journal on Communications February 2019 2019002-1 第40卷第2期 通 信 学 报 V ol.40 No.2基于深度强化学习的蜂窝网资源分配算法 廖晓闽1,2,严少虎3,石嘉1,谭震宇1,赵钟灵1,李赞1 (1. 西安电子科技大学综合业务网理论及关键技术国家重点实验室,陕西 西安 710071; 2. 国防科技大学信息通信学院,陕西 西安 710106; 3. 中国电子科技集团公司第二十九研究所,四川 成都 610036) 摘 要:针对蜂窝网资源分配多目标优化问题,提出了一种基于深度强化学习的蜂窝网资源分配算法。首先构建 深度神经网络(DNN ),优化蜂窝系统的传输速率,完成算法的前向传输过程;然后将能量效率作为奖惩值,采 用Q-learning 机制来构建误差函数,利用梯度下降法来训练DNN 的权值,完成算法的反向训练过程。仿真结果 表明,所提出的算法可以自主设置资源分配方案的偏重程度,收敛速度快,在传输速率和系统能耗的优化方面明 显优于其他算法。 关键词:蜂窝网;资源分配;深度强化学习;神经网络 中图分类号:TN929.5 文献标识码:A doi: 10.11959/j.issn.1000?436x.2019002 Deep reinforcement learning based resource allocation algorithm in cellular networks LIAO Xiaomin 1, 2, YAN Shaohu 3, SHI Jia 1, TAN Zhenyu 1, ZHAO Zhongling 1, LI Zan 1 1. State Key Laboratory of Integrated Services Networks, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China 2. School of Information and Communications, National University of Defense Technology, Xi’an 710106, China 3. The 29th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Chengdu 610036, China Abstract: In order to solve multi-objective optimization problem, a resource allocation algorithm based on deep rein- forcement learning in cellular networks was proposed. Firstly, deep neural network (DNN) was built to optimize the transmission rate of cellular system and to complete the forward transmission process of the algorithm. Then, the Q-learning mechanism was utilized to construct the error function, which used energy efficiency as the rewards. The gra- dient descent method was used to train the weights of DNN, and the reverse training process of the algorithm was com- pleted. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can determine optimization extent of optimal resource allocation scheme with rapid convergence ability, it is obviously superior to the other algorithms in terms of transmission rate and system energy consumption optimization. Key words: cellular networks, resource allocation, deep reinforcement learning, neural network 1 引言 随着无线网络中通信设备数量的急剧增加和 业务需求的多样化,有限的频谱资源与人们日益增 长的无线频谱需求之间的矛盾日渐突出和加剧。当前无线通信领域面临着智能化、宽带化、多元化、综合化等诸多技术挑战,无线网络环境变得日益复杂多样和动态多变,此外,绿色网络和智慧网络等新概念的提出,使频谱资源管理的优化目标日趋多样化,因此,如何优化频谱利用,最大限度地实现收稿日期:2019?01?19;修回日期:2019?02?15 通信作者:严少虎,youngtiger@https://www.360docs.net/doc/6a6947037.html, 基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(No.61631015) Foundation Item: The Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.61631015)
