阿甘正传英文介绍A Comedy—Forrest Gump

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A Comedy—Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump is one of the most classical and excellent films I have ever seen. Which tells the story of Forrest Gump, an idiot with an IQ of just 75 who experienced lots of different things achieved lots of honor, and at last had his own business.

Forrest Gump can be categorized as a comedy because it conforms to almost all of the basic criteria for the genre. First, it’s amazing. There are many funny details in the film. Which impress me most is when he first took the school bus, he hesitated to whether get on the bus or not, because his mother told him not to take the bus of a stranger. At last, he introduced himself to the driver and the driver also responded to him, so he got on the bus because they are not strangers anymore. Second, it shows a basically positive attitude to life. Life is not to be fled from or rejected but to be grasped and enjoyed for what it is. Forrest Gump, a man who was always been treated badly because his IQ is only 75. But he was a real man, he did many things, he was successful to insist on his belief. He never gives up. He just did what he should do in his life. He became rich and famous, he admired by American people. That’s why? Because he just ran and never gave up. Third, the force of love turns an ordinary affair into a warm story. Though it contains sad moments (such as the death of Gump’s mother and Jenny), it shows the real love and life. For a example, Gump had a nice mother, his mother always told him how to be a real man and give him the hope to believe himself. Jenny is Gump’s childhood friend who enters his life at various times in his adulthood, and eventually had a son and married with Gump. She left Gump again and again, but at last, we all know that she loved Gump.

This comedy can be described humor as disparagement. For a example, Forrest Gump has the IQ of only 75 and had problems in his legs in his childhood. He is a person affected with mental disability who nevertheless shows some exceptional talent or ability. When we saw these, we may express our sense of superiority. And we laugh at the weakness and stupidity. In addition, it can be described as humor incongruity. For instance, Forrest Gump is intuitive, passive, conservative and not smart. But Forrest Gump had met lots of chances and at last, he got a lot of honor and set up a shrimp business. On the opposite, Jenny is intellectual, active, individualistic and destructive. But there are many different challenges in her way and her life is not very good.

All in all, the Forrest Gump is amusing, it shows a basically positive attitude to life and the force of love turn an ordinary affair into a warm story. When we saw the film, we can get the most satisfaction and fulfillment. In a word, the Forrest Gump is a classical and attractive comedy.
