阅读教程 4 Unit 4 答案




KeysUnit 11. In the Frozen Waters of Qomolangma, I Learned the Value of Humility Comprehension Exercises1.Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.1. B2. D3. A4. B2.Put the following into Chinese1.我在想,如果出现意外,那么我那冻僵的身体需要多长时间才能沉到4.2公里深的海底呢?我紧接着意识到,对于一个仅着一条泳裤、试图游完这象征性的1公里人来说,下水前还能有什么比这更糟的念头吗?我的内心深处在颤抖,感到非常恐惧。

2. 我在珠穆朗玛峰上学到了两个基本的经验教训,第一,过去有用的东西并不意味着今天一定有用。



3. 我们已经以某种方式生存了如此之久,我们已经以某种方式消费了如此之久,我们已经以某种方式在地球上居住了如此之久,但这并不意味着,我们过去所做的决定今天依然正确。

4. 我在世界屋脊上的游泳改变了我,在一定程度上,我希望它证明一切皆有可能。


2. Taking Lessons from What Went WrongComprehension Exercises1.Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.1. B2. A3. C4. C2.Put the following into Chinese1.他们说,灾难会带来惨痛的教训,因为在技术上取得成功的原因往往是随机的、不可见的,而造成某个失败的原因通常是可以被找到、被证明和被修复的,从而达到改进的目的。

上外阅读教程4 课后习题答案

上外阅读教程4 课后习题答案

Unit 1 Animals and Their RightsREADING1Check Your Vocabulary A1.d2.b3.g4.e5.h6.c7.a8.i9.fCheck Your Vocabulary B1.Many children at first refuse to eat animal flesh. They later become to eating itjust because their parents persuade them to eat it.2.There are two different and conflicting attitudes towards animals; they arecarefully separated so that the contradiction between the two hardly causes trouble.3.Pictures and stories deliberately avoid presenting the real situation in ourmodern farms. Children, therefore, are kept from seeing the reality.4.The difficulty will be that non-vegetarian parents do not let their children knowabout the gruesome side of the story, as they are afraid to refuse to eat meat at meals.5.Unfortunately, non-vegetarian parents will strongly disapprove of their children’sunwillingness to eat meat.READING2Check Your Vocabulary A1. malevolent2.misdirected3.alleviate4.simulation5.potent6.arouse7.placate8. apathetic9.therapy 10.alternative 11.expedient 12.vilifiedREADING3Check Your Vocabulary A1.balance2.attached department3.wickedness; evils4.pressure5.claim that are has evidence or seen what has happened6.a place where birds are protected and allowed to live freely7. the power to carry out legal judgment8. dirty 9.not having to perform 10.crimesCheck Your Vocabulary B1.When his animals are being experimented on, the act does not take effect.2.Your experimenter is not defying law.3.Researchers at Louisiana University launched an eight-year, $2 million projectfunded by the Department of Defense. They use tools to hold cats firmly and they then remove cat’s skulls and shoot in the head.4.The experimenters claim that their purpose for this kind of experiment is to find away of curing brain-wounded soldiers so that they can later go back to military service.5.Psychologists used medical operations to turn around the eyes of young cats.6.There is other evidence showing that cats were not adequately anesthetizedwhile experimenters cut their eye muscles; animal experimentation was done by people who were not trained and did not have licenses to operate on animals;and mother cats were so agitated by experiments on them that they ate their babies.READING4Check Your Vocabulary A1.denounced2.confinement3.inflicted4.defied5. consensus6.defianceUnit 2 Crime and PunishmentREADING1Check Your Vocabulary A1.minor: people who are under the age of 182.brutally: cruelly3.sympathy: feeling of pity4.severe: harsh5.innocent: not guilty of a crime6.proponent: supporter7.controversy: argument, opposing viewsCheck Your Vocabulary B1.convicted2. Commit3.proponent4.abused5.penalty6. controversies7.brutal8.severe9.executed 10.appealingREADING2Check Your Vocabulary A1.Now we can enjoy the benefits and list in what ways we benefit from his death.2.There must be some other benefit by fastening Harding into a chair in a smallroom and poisoning him to death with gas.3.Now even people who are eloquently in support of executing people, such asArizona Attorney Grant woods, who attract a lot of public attention, believe that the death penalty will keep people from committing crimes.4.But even killing a small number of murders will have great impact on people.5.Perhaps the benefit we get from killing Harding is not easy to see.Check Your Vocabulary B1.reaping2.abolish3.counted up4.serves5.revenge6.free up7.strapped8.tangible9.figured 10.barbaricREADING3Check Your Comprehension B1.Her voice and facial expressions show that she is sometimes deep in sorrowsometimes furious beyond her control.2.This sense of justice, like many other basic beliefs, is such a necessary elementfor us to maintain our psychological health that we take for granted and hardly ever become aware of its existence until one day justice is severely violated.3.People’s opinions greatly differ as to what is the proper way for correctingpunishing wrong/criminal behavior.4.Europeans are quite passionate when coming to the issues of taking toughmeasures on political violence.Check Your Vocabulary B1. oscillating2. tremulous3.manslaughter4.slain5.reconcile6.sorely7.equilibrium8.rehabilitationREADING4Check Your Comprehension B1.I carefully examined Ton y’s bed to see if he had dirtied it with his body fluids.2.When I looked at the sickly man, I could not imagine that he used to be clean andneat, serious, and determined and that he robbered a bank and killed a cop.3.Many people in the underworld believed that Tony should have done somethingfor his partners, but he did nothing. This had hurt his partners. The underworld people believed that Tony’s partners had been betrayed.4.Words had gone around that Tony’s wife was murdered that because theunderworld wanted revenge against Tony for the death of his three crime partners.5.The lights shining in the window made the hollows in his dark face look deeper,making his look somewhat evil.Check Your Vocabulary B1.executed2.underworld3.copping out4.eerily5.malevolent6.luminous7. vent8.intelligbleUnit3 Gun Ownership and CensorshipREADING1Check Your Comprehension B1. (The figures and cases of gun accidents and killing) surely will make people think twice before they insist on having their rights to own guns.2. If it takes longer time to own a gun, then it will reduce the chances of people who use guns to harm or kill other people on impulse.3. A gun safety program should be made a must for gun owners, especially those who buy guns for the first time.4. Opponents of gun control also think that gun control is similar to censorship. However, with censorship, when I cannot speak certain things, my quality of life may be lowered, but I will still be alive.Check Your Vocabulary A1.bear/keep2.ensure/assure3.place4.protect/enjoy5.enforce/pass6.face7.enjoy/gain/exercise/ensure/assure8.exerciseCheck Your Vocabulary B1.viciously2.antique3.mandatory4.bloodshed5.infringed6.perception7.institute8.legitimateitia 10.censorshipREADING2Check Your Comprehension B1. Houses where people live are far apart. Few vehicles are on the roads. The landscape around you is empty and bare, so that you will not be able to find anywhere to hide when in danger.2.Even when I was inside my car, I was still liable to be attacked, and withoutprotection.3.I drove over to him and told him it was a private and legally protected place.4.I am not the type that gets excessively worried about my own security, nor am Iwilling to take risks, but I thought I needed more protection than what I had.5.Just those words and actions spoke in threats and violence, my gesturing with thepistol was a reply in the same rude and violent style, the only way that they could understand.6.I am a pacifist by nature. That peaceful nature inside me makes me sad at thethought that perhaps women can only be free and equal when they are armed. Check Your Vocabulary A1. convinced2.precautions3.stroll4.opinions5.tactic6.vulnerable7.explorationbat9.concealed 10.slash 11.belligerent 12.rock 13.desolate 14.wieldCheck your Vocabulary B1.swerved2.trespassing3.saddened4.slashed5. paranoid6.prowlingREADING3Check Your Comprehension B1.The policeman recognized that the person who threatened and followed me wasalso reported to have done the same thing someone else years ago and he immediately took me away from my house.2.At the court, I learned that the person who threatened to rape and kill me wasmentally ill, but somehow was neglected and not placed in a mental hospital. 3.In this part of the countryside of the Michigan, people are keen on keeping andusing guns.4.When you keep a gun to protect yourself, you live in constant fear and worry.5.I was not killed, but I changed.Check your Vocabulary1.idyllic2.assailant3.paranoia4.deterrent5.flinch6.close-knit7.propelled 8.incarceratedREADING4Check Your Comprehension B1.That day my husband Jim Brady-------the press secretary of Ronald Reagan, was(permanently crippled by the assassin’s bullet and therefore) added to the list of the victims of American handgun war.2.Under the circumstance, Congress votes for a salary increase for all thecongressmen.3.The National Rifle Association expects the public to appease their anger so thatthere would be no more anger directed at the policymakers.4.Like me , people in the nation who make sure that laws are obeyed, who put theirlife in danger for us every day, are not willing to hand a handgun to another assassin like John Hinckley.5.Jim Brady knows that it is important to have a waiting time (for people who applyfor purchasing guns). He knows that as he is living through the agony and suffering of his gun wound.Check Your Vocabulary A1.legacy2. spree3.endorsed/endorses/will endorse4.assaults5. outraged6.gratified7.carnage8.escalate9.legislate Check Your Vocabulary B1.alarming/appalling2.easy3.growing/alarming4.mindless5.appalling/deadly6.deadly7.vast/growing8.convictedUnit5 Motivation or unhealthy Experience (Competition)READING1Check Your Comprehension Bpetition plays such an important role in our culture that it is common to seeeven adults shouting and swearing on Sunday afternoons (when watching baseball games). This is ridiculous and I feel bad about it.2.From my own experience, I don’t think we can develop deep and fullrelationships by trying to compete and win against a common enemy.3.If my success means that I have to be better than others, I don’t think I’ll everhave real satisfaction because I have to keep thinking of how to outdo others, which is very unpleasant and exhausting.4.Even when I reach the top position, I will not feel safe as all those below me willbe waiting to outdo me and try to grab the position from me.5.I start to see that my confidence in my personal value and worth is dependent onhow much better I am than so many others in so many activities.6.Only when we begin to realize that there is no such a thing as healthycompetition can we begin to live more normal and richer lives.Check Your vocabulary B1.contradicition2.exclusive3.conditional4.outweigh5.incalculable6.induce7. treadmill8.unjustifiable9.hysteria 10.outweighREADING2Check Your Comprehension B1.Your knew that one had healthy self-esteem when he/she could enjoy competingin a hobby,which he/she was not good at.2. A true competition is one in which you don’t know for sure whether or not you’llbe able to achieve your aim.3.For many of us, competition is an additional ingredient that keeps our lifeinteresting, makes us alert and active, and enables us to be more creative and productive.4.It can become a good part of our life and exerts a great (massive) influence onhow we live.5.Parents must also set an example of how to compete pleasantly in their ownlives.Check Your Vocabulary1.pervasive2.defective3.promote4.sabotaged5.narcissistic6.graceful7.toxic8.stellarREADING3Check Your Comprehension Bpetition can be fun, but we may be overenthusiastic and unreasonable aboutit.2.Candidates who sit in a test performance in order to join certain bands can getundeniably violent and aggressive.3.Feel free to find a gift of yours, develop it, and embarrass those who dare tochallenge you.4.If competition isn’t fun and people find themselves feeling extremely worriedabout an event they are competing in, then why not stop going through it? Check Your Vocabulary1.disrespectful2.outdo3.audition4.responsibility5.scared5.dread 7.gripes 8.vicious 9.depress 10.ironicREADING4Check Your Vocabulary A1. take on2.subject someone to3.at full speed4.at all costs5.pit—against6. in charge7.step in8.disservice9.distortedCheck Your Vocabulary B1.downplay2.realms3.ostracism4.paralysis5.impose6.ethic7.temperament8.steerUnit6 Me and Another Me (Human Cloning)READING1Check Your Vocabulary A1.News about cloning breakthroughs is usually reported disapprovingly, yet on thearrival of CC last week. These disapproving voices could hardly be heard-------they were covered up by a chorus of gentle and loving reports from the press crops, who were charmed by CO’s cuteness.2.So far in the clone debate the emotional aspect has been largely overlooked, yetthe arrival of CC brings it into force.3.With the arrival of CC last week, the cloning debate, which began in 1997 whenDolly was cloned, became heated and important again.4.The Texas lab’s success rate is as low as 1 out of 87, but it is not surprising oruncommon in cloning work. Generally, one successful clone means dozens of dead embryos in the lab.5.It is hard to say how much of an animal’s personality is genetically written andhow much is decided by environment, so temperament of a clone pet is also a matter of chance.6.They regarded CC as a test of how much people can tolerate human cloningethically, and they worry because this trial experiment has been received so well. Check Your Vocabulary B1.subtext2.surrogate3.hostility4.well-heeled5.duplicate6.felines7.toss-up8.split9.fused 10.confoundedREADING2Check Your Comprehension B1.Academics and the public felt disturbed at last week’s news of the first clonedsheep, since it seems possible that human beings might be the next species to be cloned.2.Human dignity would indeed be violated if a cloned individual was judged to beinferior, and entitled to less rights or importance than other humans.3.The fact that infertile couples have other choices does not give the right toprevent them from trying cloning.4.Democratic societies generally only ban things when there is convincing evidenceof harm that they may bring.5.If cloned humans are not safe in our world, the rest of us are not safe either. Check Your Vocabulary1.grow out ofe up with3.prompt/turn out4.stock5.take advantage of6.make a chanceyers ofREADING3Check Your Vocabulary B1.skeptical2.cracked3.plundered4.hurdle5.ominously6.breached7.flinched8.apprehension9.draconian 10.loomedREADING4Check Your Vocabulary1.vindicated2.spawned3.defective4.suttle5.misconception6.justified7.superficial8.term9.crucial。

新世纪大学英语系列教材(第二版)阅读教程 4 Unit 1-8 答案

新世纪大学英语系列教材(第二版)阅读教程 4 Unit 1-8 答案

新世纪大学英语系列教材(第二版)Unit 8Part IExercisesI. Reading for information 。

A. Reading to find main ideas1.A2. DB. Reading to find major details3.C4. AC. Reading to find relevant facts5.C6.BII. TranslationTranslate the following sentences into Chinese.1 Katia Eliad, a Paris-based artist, was stuck in a rut. She felt blocked in her creativity, out of touch with herself and for some inexplicable reason unable to use green or blue in her abstract paintings.巴黎艺术家凯蒂亚·艾利亚德陷入停滞。


2 This year will be filled with his music, but it will also be a time to re-examine the contradictions and conflicting interpretations of his brief 35-year life.今年会充满莫扎特的音乐,但今年也会重新审视莫扎特短短35年的一生带来的矛盾和冲突的看法。

3 That notion was first given scientific support in a 1993 article in Nature, which found that college students who listened to the first movement of Mozart’s Sonata in D Major for Two Pianos performed better on a spatial reasoning test that involved mentally unfolding a piece of paper.《自然》杂志1993年的一篇文章首次给这个说法提供了科学依据,该文章指出,在一项要求在大脑里想像如何展开一页纸的空间推理测试中,听了莫扎特“D大调双钢琴奏鸣曲”第一乐章的大学生取得了更好效果。

积极英语阅读教程 unit 4

积极英语阅读教程 unit 4

4. If you need to take medication with you--such as travel-sickness pills--keep it in its original container. If you need prescription drugs, bring a letter from your doctor. If you don't, you may find yourself doing a lot of explaining to customs officials at your destination. 如果你需要随身携带一些药品,像晕车药,将其放在原有 的容器里(原包装)。如果你需要带处方药,带上医生给 你开的单子。如果不这样的话,你可能会在到达目的地的 时候会很大的功夫去向当地海关解释清楚。
Unit 4
Going Abroad
Getting Ready
1.Have you ever been abroad? Which country would you most like to travel to? Why would you like to go there?
2.Why do people travel? Give two reasons.
Pyramids at Giza ['pɪrəmɪdz] ['ɡi:zə]
Giza ['ɡi:zə] 吉萨省(埃及省份,位于开罗西南面) 吉萨(吉萨省省会,有狮身人面像、金字塔等古迹)[亦作 Gizeh,亦称作 El Giza, El Gizeh pyramid ['pirəmid] n. (古埃及的)金字塔 角锥状物,角锥形
6.2 If you prefered to stay in cheap hotels while traveling, make sure you can lock the door of your room from the inside. If you are traveling with valuables such as jewelry, or a lot of cash, you should ask about a safe for storing them in. Finally, remember to smile. It's the friendliest and most sincere form of communication, and is sure to be understood in any part of the world.

商务英语阅读教程 Unit 4

商务英语阅读教程 Unit 4

Marketing is the ongoing process of 【moving people closer to making a decision (to purchase,
use, follow or conform to someone else’s products, services or values) 】.
营销一词的含义是什么?市场营销是一个不断 推进的过程,该过程的目的是促使人们心动到 做出各种决定诸如购买他人的各种产品、享用 他人提供的各种服务、以及遵循他人的各种价 值取向。营销人员运用市场营销推广组合的变 量来制定营销推广计划。
Comprehensive Reading
修饰 process
C. Sometimes (50%) D. Never(0%)
In what ways are you easily persuaded into buying something? By______.
A. TV commercial B. Newspaper Advertisement C. Quality D. package E. Brochures F. Leaflets G. Price H. After-sales service
n. 产品 n. 制造业者,厂商 市场调查
n. 品牌 n. 市场营销 媒体计划
n. 形象塑造 实体环境
n. 人员 n. 放置 目标市场
distribution channel generic advertising at no cost marketing effort process drawback product pricing marketing mix charge junk mail sales strategy at regular price

新交际英语阅读教程4答案 张文忠

新交际英语阅读教程4答案 张文忠

新交际英语阅读教程4答案张文忠1、The firm attributed the accident to()fog, and no casualties have been reported until now. [单选题] *A. minimumB. scarceC. dense(正确答案)D. seldom2、I always get ______ grades than he does, so maybe I should help him more.()[单选题] *A. bestB. better(正确答案)C. goodD. well3、8.—Will she have a picnic next week?—________. And she is ready. [单选题] *A.Yes, she doesB.No, she doesn'tC.Yes, she will(正确答案)D.No, she won't4、This pair of shoes only _______ me 10 yuan. [单选题] *A. spentB. tookC. paidD. cost(正确答案)5、How _______ Grace grows! She’s almost as tall as her mother now. [单选题] *A. cuteB. strongC. fast(正确答案)D. clever6、I always make my daughter ______ her own room.()[单选题] *A. to cleanB. cleaningC. cleansD. clean(正确答案)7、Mike and his friend are going to the _______ to see the new action movie tonight. [单选题] *A. book shopB. restaurantC. concertD. cinema(正确答案)8、He kept walking up and down, which was a sure()that he was very worried. [单选题] *A. sign(正确答案)B. characterC. natureD. end9、—It’s too noisy outside. I can’t fall asleep.—I can’t, either. We have to ______ new ways to solve the problem.()[单选题] *A. come up with(正确答案)B. get on withC. make up withD. catch up with10、He does ______ in math.()[单选题] *A. goodB. betterC. well(正确答案)D. best11、_____ of the land in this area _____ covered with forest. [单选题] *A. Two-fifth; isB. Two fifth; areC. Two fifths; is(正确答案)D. Two fifths; are12、His understanding made a deep impression_____the young girl. [单选题] *A.on(正确答案)B.inC.forD.with13、We got up early this morning and took a long walk after breakfast. We walked _____ the business section of the city. [单选题] *A. amongB. betweenC. through(正确答案)D. upon14、We often go to the zoo _______ Saturday mornings. [单选题] *A. atB. inC. on(正确答案)D. of15、Medicines are to be taken according to the doctor’s advice. [单选题] *A. 发放B. 提取C. 配方D. 服用(正确答案)16、Jim wants to hang out with his friends at night, but his parents don’t allow him ______ so. ()[单选题] *A. doB. doneC. to do(正确答案)D. doing17、It’s raining outside. Take an _______ with you. [单选题] *B. life ringC. cameraD. umbrella(正确答案)18、This is _________ my father has taught me—to always face difficulties and hope for the best. [单选题] *A. howB. whichC. that(正确答案)D. what19、40.—________ apples do we need to make fruit salad?—Let me think…We need three apples. [单选题] *A.How longB.How oftenC.How muchD.How many(正确答案)20、—What can I do to help at the old people’s home?—You ______ read stories to the old people. ()[单选题] *A. could(正确答案)C. shouldD. would21、He went to America last Friday. Alice came to the airport to _______ him _______. [单选题] *A. take; offB. see; off(正确答案)C. send; upD. put; away22、We ______ boating last weekend.()[单选题] *A. goB. went(正确答案)C. are goingD. will go23、?I am good at schoolwork. I often help my classmates _______ English. [单选题] *A. atB. toC. inD. with(正确答案)24、_______, Mr. Smith. [单选题] *A. Here your tea isB. Here is your tea(正确答案)C. Here your tea areD. Here are your tea25、Mr. Wang is coming to our school. I can’t wait to see _______. [单选题] *A. herB. him(正确答案)C. itD. them26、55.There is a ________ on in the bookshop. Let's go to buy some books. [单选题] * A.movieB.matchC.sale(正确答案)D.concert27、If people _____ overanxious about remembering something, they will forget it. [单选题] *A. will beB. would beC. wereD. are(正确答案)28、31.A key ring is used __________ holding the keys. [单选题] *A.toB.inC.for (正确答案)D.with29、78.According to a report on Daily Mail, it’s on Wednesday()people start feeling really unhappy. [单选题] *A. whenB. whichC. whatD. that(正确答案)30、It’s raining heavily outside. Don’t leave _______ it stops. [单选题] *A. whileB. sinceC. until(正确答案)D. when。

(新编研究生英语系列教程)研究生英语阅读教程基础级第二版课件及课后答案lesson 4

(新编研究生英语系列教程)研究生英语阅读教程基础级第二版课件及课后答案lesson 4
The Introductory Paragraph. The introductory paragraph often provides important background information and introduces the subject. It may also provide a brief overview of the treatment of the subject.
The First Sentence of Each Paragraph. The most common position for the main idea is in the first sentence of the paragraph. If ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ou read a first sentence that clearly is not the topic sentence, you might jump to the end of the paragraph and read the last sentence.
Unit Two
Techniques for Efficient Reading
Lesson 4 Skimming: Reading for Main Ideas
One of the keys to successful or efficient reading at an advanced level is the ability to judge the writer’s position in relation to the information he is presenting. This involves distinguishing important points from supporting details. Taking this into account, readers should learn to use two independent yet frequently interdependent strategies: skimming and scanning. Skimming means to look very quickly at the passage for the general idea of the content of a reading passage rather than reading for details.

研究生英语阅读教程(基础级)第三版 课后习题答案 Lesson 4

研究生英语阅读教程(基础级)第三版 课后习题答案 Lesson 4

1. Though he had apologized, she raised a query on his sincerity.A. trust(信任)B. request(请求;需要)C. examination(考试)D. question(问题;疑问)译文:虽然他已经道歉了,她还是对他的诚意提出了质疑。

2. Discipline in Mr. Brown's class becomes very slack.A. strict(严格的;绝对的;精确的)B. loose(宽松的;不精确的)C. serious(严肃的;认真的)D. uncontrollable(无法管控的)译文:布朗先生班上的纪律变得很松弛。

3. We couldn't believe that the joke was a nasty hit at him.A. malicious(恶毒的)B. lethal(致命的)C. footy(无足轻重的)D. gentle(温和,文雅的)译文:我们不敢相信这个笑话是对他的恶毒攻击。

4. The winner's complacent smile annoyed some people.A. scornful(轻蔑的)B. humorous(幽默的)C. contented(满足的,心安的)D. ironical(讽刺的)译文:胜利者自满的微笑惹恼了一些人。

5. This make-over has to start with the most basic societal unit-the family.A. task(任务;工作)B. improvement(提高;改进)C. measure(措施;测量)D. change(改变)译文:这种转变必须从最基本的社会单元——家庭开始。

6. A Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education Accreditation System will be putinto practice in California next school year.A. Primary(首要的)B. Eiementary(基本的;初级的)C. Higher(更高的,较高的)D. Graduate(毕业的)译文:明年,加州将实行私立高等教育和职业教育认证制度。

研究生英语阅读教程(第三版)Lesson 4

研究生英语阅读教程(第三版)Lesson 4
Keys to the Exercises
I. Reading Comprehension
III. Cloze IV. Translation
I. Reading Comprehension
A.Answer the following questions or complete the following statements:
II. Vocabulary A
6. After the election the new government commenced developing the roads. A. considered C. began B. discussed D. halted
II. Vocabulary A
8. He had done most of the writing and rewriting himself, reworking key passages again and again. A. restarting B. modifying
C. remaking
D. editing
II. Vocabulary A
1. Though he had apologized, she raised a query on his sincerity.
A. trust
C. examination
B. request
D. question
II. Vocabulary A
2. Discipline in Mr. Brown’s class becomes very slack. A. strict C. serious B. loose D. uncontrollable



新世纪大学英语阅读教程4答案(1-6单元)Unit 1PartⅠⅠ. 1-6 ADCABDⅡ.1. 我进入寿险这一行,做得还算不错。



2. 一般的成功人士为了将来的收获,甘坐冷板凳且推迟享受。



3. 我一直在找寻那些有天赋、能自律的人。



4. 有一次,一场盛大的开幕典礼定于周末举行,而我们的大部分家具还在商店与批发商两地之间的卡车上,距这里有数天的车程,于是我们便到外面以零售价购买了价值5000美元的货品。


5. 美国总统亚伯拉罕·林肯本可能被他貌似的平凡所击垮。


Ⅲ.1. set their sights high; achieve their goals2. is little related to; university-educated fast-trackers; self-discipline3. overpowering ego; bring out their best in people4. broaden their knowledge base5. stick with; keep your wordPart Ⅱ1. Soccer matches are all about scoring goals and being winners. In everyday life, many humans also want to achieve goals and to be winners in the game of life.2. Words about character and attitude like belief, excitement, confidence, effort and so on.3. This is because great soccer managers are praised and popular when their teams win. They are criticized and even dismissed when their teams fail to win. They know the heights of elation and the depths of despair.4. He used the humor of exaggeration to deal with the criticisms of the media.5. No, he doesn’t. He believes in the power of the team rather than the individual.Unit 2PartⅠⅠ. 1-6 CBDABCⅡ.1. 等等!我不管谁把那块馅饼切成两块,但不论谁切,都得给另一方挑选的权力。



Unit 4★Text AVocabularyI.1. 1) conversely 2). but then 3) symptom 4) spitting 5) abusing 6) tone7) took…in 8) editing 9) have arranged 10) in sight 11) stretched 12) data 2. 1) The sight of teenagers smoking cigarettes jars on me.2) A lot of American teenagers don’t like street gangs, but they find themselves gettingsucked in.3) Jeffrey’s computer crashed again this morning. The manager has arranged for atechnician from the computer store to check and repair it.4) During the Vietnam War, many young Americans fled their country to avoid militaryservice/fled to other countries to avoid military service.5) The new government is planning an anti-corruption campaign so as to restore people’sconfidence in it.3. 1) the virtual, on line, via 2) nightmare, routine, any appointment, arrange for3) cue, remarks, his tuneII. 1. We came here all the way on foot.2. Private cars are not allowed on campus.3. They are on vocation in Florida.4. Mary has been talking to her friend on the phone for an hour.5. Don’t worry, Lucy is always on time.6. Industrial demand on fuel is on the rise.III. 1. hard 2. difficult 3. impossible 4. tough 5. hard 6. easyComprehensive ExerciseI.1. 1) internet 2) click 3) virtual 4) routines 5) arrange 6) nightmare 7) annoying 8)connection 9) crawls 10) take in 11) spit 12) data 13) sucked into 14) At times 15) flee 16) on line2. 1) companion 2) deliver 3) access 4) enables 5) customers 6) delights 7) provides 8)small 9) remote 10) informationII. Translation1. 1) Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits.2) A slow Internet connecting speed is really annoying.3) As the law stands, helping someone commit suicide is a crime.4) In her report, Mary tries to interpret the data from a completely different angle.5) Sue is a girl of great talent. Her amazing memory sets her apart from her classmates.2. Perhaps you envy me for being able to work from home on the computer. I agree that theInternet has made my job a lot easier. I can write,submit and edit articles via email, chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss. With a click of the mouse, I can get all the data I need and keep up with the latest news. But then, communicating through the Net can be frustrating at times. The system may crash. Worse still, without the emotional cues of face-to-face communication, the typed words sometimes seem difficult to interpret.★ Text BComprehension Check: c a a b d cLanguage Practice1.d e a c b f g h2.1) vehicle 2) hooked on 3)intense 4)worldwide 5)overnight 6)slipped7) on the whole 8) called forth 9) outwards 10)Needless to say 11) to myknowledge 12) On top of thatUnit 5★Text AVocabularyI.1. 1) startled 2) mere 3) motion 4) sweating 5) stretched 6) vain 7) On one occasion 8) anxiety 9) emotions 10) ashamed 11) In my mind’s eye 12) recurring2. 1) Mrs. White’s birthday coincides with her husband’s.2) They make big profits on the stuff they sell by creating an artificial shortage, which send sthe prices soaring/results in the soaring of prices.3) It has been a week of alternate sunshine and rain.4) Politics and philosophy have been his lifelong passions, although he studied economics atuniversity.5) Tension came over her, as she waited for her first TV interview.3. 1) media, dedication to, grace 2) his competitors, in excitement, hug him, congratulate him on 3) emotions, numerous, intensity, passion forII.1.Mike, a Green, made the suggestion that a large park be built near the community.2.In a letter to his daughter, Mr. Smith expressed his wish that she (should) continue hereducation to acquire still another degree.3.There is no reason to hold the belief that humans have no direct moral responsibility tosafeguard the welfare of animals.4.Children need to feel safe about the world they grow up in, and it is unwise to give them theidea that everything they come into contact with might be a threat.5.Anxiety can result from the notion that life has not treated us fairly.6.Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent.III.1.I work out in the gym for one hour every morning.2.Florence has worked as cleaner at the factory for five years.3.The wounded man worked his way across the field on his hands and knees.4.The safe load for a truck of this type works out at about twenty-five tons.5.It is difficult to understand how human minds work.6.To my disappointment, the manager’s plan of promoting the new products doesn’t work at all.7.The teacher has a lot of experience of working with children who don’t know how to learn.8.The medicine was like magic, and it worked instantly after you took it.Comprehensive ExerciseI.1. 1) In my mind’s eye 2) groan 3) competitor 4) intensity 5) anxiety 6) tense7) sweat 8) tension 9) soaring 10) recurring 11) brought me back to earth12) fantasy 13) sweat 14) congratulate 15) numerous 16) media2. 1) engineer 2) forget 3) convinced 4) how 5) build 6) accident7) thought 8)only 9) sharp 10) touched 11) instructions 12) finallyII. Translation1. 1) It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executives that turned the companyinto a profitable business.2) The prices of food and medicine have soared in the past three months.3) We plan to repaint the upper floors of he office building.4) His success shows that popularity and artistic merit sometimes coincide.5) I don’t want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groaning painfully.2. Numerous facts bear out the argument/statement/claim that in order to recover speedilyfrom negative emotion, you should allow yourself to cry. You needn’t/don’t have to be ashamed of crying. Anxiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along with tears.Consider the case of/Take Donna, Her son unfortunately died in a car accident. The intensity of the blow made her unable to cry. She said, “It was not until two weeks later that I began to cry. And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from my shoulders. It was the tears that brought me back to earth and helped me survive the crisis.”★ Text BComprehension Check: b c b b c aLanguage Practice1. a e d c b h f g2.1) aid 2) inclined 3) in good health 4) shortcomings 5) penetrated6) dismiss 7)has suffered from 8)progressive 9)optimistic 10)to a degree 11)hold on to12)installUnit 7★Text AVocabularyI.1. 1) Strictly speaking 2) drifted 3) resembles 4) invaded 5) is conquered 6) fascinating 7) snack 8) put…into practice 9) source 10) climate 11) surrendered 12) were aroused2. 1) an absolute necessity rather than a luxury 2) is a valuable addition to the football team.3) will get out of control, if the firemen do not arrive within ten minutes.4) alternative but to g via Vancouver to get to Seattle5) declared all beef imports will be banned for the next six months as an emergency measure tostop the spread of mad cow disease.3. 1) systematic, have invented, to a very real extent, mysteries2) to establish, to be modifies/ modifying 3) tolerance towards, strike out, enrichII. 1. a) wish b) wish c) want d) want/wish 2. a) skin b) hide/skin c) hide d) skin 3. a) raise/rear b) raise c) rear/raise d) raise 4. a) royal b) kingly/royal c) sovereignd) royal/kinglyIII. 1. Indeed 2. though 3. Frankly 4. Moreover 5. To my knowledge6. however7. nevertheless8. Yet9. instead 10) in other words Comprehensive ExerciseI.1. 1) fascinating 2) tolerance 3) invented 4) addition 5) ban 6) corrupt7) out of control 8) influenced 9) elite 10)came up with 11) establishing12) Massive 13)sources 14)enrich2. 1) early 2) similar 3) source 4) observation 5) examine6) features 7) declared 8) stronger 9) accident 10) sprungII. Translation1. 1) Many small businesses have sprung up in the city since the new policy went into effect.2) On hearing the news, she smiled briefly, and then returned to her habitual frown.3) He paused for effect, then said:“We can reach/enter these markets through new channels.”4) The addition of a concert hall to the school will help it nourish young musical talents.5) We have no way to protect our personal liberties until we have established a sovereignstate,/We can’t protect our personal liberties unless we, first of all, establish a sovereign state.2. Though how the English language came into existence remains a mystery to manypeople,linguists believe that English and most other European languages have descended from a common source: the Indo-European parent language. English was first spoken by the Anglo-Saxons who invaded England in the fifth century. They passed onto us the basic vocabulary of English. In over fifteen centuries of its development, English has enriched itself by massive borrowing. As British immigrants landed in America and established the United States as an independent nation, a new variety was added to the English language : American English. Though some people worry that the language is running out of control, many native speakers of English take pride in the tolerance of their language.★ Text BComprehension Check: c c c d b dLanguage Practice1. g e d c b h f a2. 1) give way to 2) predict 3) substantial 4) integrate 5) in transition 6) aspect7) to name a few 8) authority 9) dominate 10) had contributed to 11) unique12) rid yourself of。

大学英语 阅读教程第四册答案(完整版)

大学英语 阅读教程第四册答案(完整版)

Book 4Unit 1I.1.A2.D3.C4.A5.B6.DII.1.我进入寿险这一行,做得还算不错。



2. 一般的成功人士为了将来的收获,甘坐冷板凳且推迟享受。



3. 我一直在找寻那些有天赋、能自律的人。



4. 有一次,一场盛大的开幕典礼定于周末举行,而我们的大部分家具还在我们与批发商两地之间的卡车上,距这里有数天的车程,于是我们便到外面以零售价购买了价值5,000美元的货品,这样做吞噬了我们大部分的利润,可我们不能让建筑商失望。

5. 美国总统亚伯拉罕.林肯本可能被他貌似的平凡所击垮。


III.1.set their sights high, achieve their goals2.is little related to, university-educated fast-trackers, self-discipline3.overpowering ego, bring out the best in people4.broaden their knowledge base5.stick with, keep your wordUnit 2II.1. 等等!我不管谁把那块馅饼切成两块,但不论谁切,都得给另一方挑选的权力。






4.相反,我们应该认识到我们真正的利益是互补的,进而彼此相同:“我们该怎样协作,使馅饼更大,大家分得的份额更多?”5 如果那卖主宽容和气,通情达理又富有同情心,他就该把价格谈到497美元,使那对夫妇得到快乐和满足。



新编大学英语阅读教程(第二版)-基础篇答案Unit 1 EducationExercise 11. B2. C3. A4. B5.CExercise 21.B2. D3. J4. K5. AExercise 31. T2. F3. T4. T5. TExercise 41. It was said that over three thousand discipl es foll owed him.2. Officials woul d see who was intelligent or who they favor and recommend that individualto their superior.3. Since the Qing Dynasty was d ominated by the Manchu ethnic group, they gave theirpeopl e priority over the Han peopl e.Unit 2 Military AffairExercise 11. B2. D3. D4. A5.CExercise 21.I2. D3. B4. C5. FExercise 31. F2. T3. F4. F5. FExercise 41.Getting peopl e to want what you want.2.The government sponsored efforts including the United States Information Agency, theVoice of America. American corporate and advertising executives, as well as the heads of Hollywood studios, were selling not only their products but also America's culture and values to the rest of the worl d.3.In such a variegated worl d, all three sources of power —milit ary, economic, and soft—remain rel evant.Unit 3 LanguageExercise 11.D2. B3. D4. C5.DExercise 21.D2. E3. O4. S5. TExercise 31. B2. D3. DExercise 41. The poor spelling.2. His attitud e, capabilities and skill.3. Femal es aged over 65.Unit 4 International OrganizationsExercise 11.C2. B3. C4. B5.DExercise 21. C2. F3. E4. D5. JExercise 31. T2. F3. F4. T5. FExercise 41.The AIIB, a mod ern knowl edge-based institution, will focus on the d evel opment ofinfrastruct ure and other productive sectors in Asia, including energy and power,transportation and tel ecommunications, rural infrast ructure and agriculture d evel opment, water supply and sanitation, environmental protection, urban d evel opment and l ogistics, etc.2.Chinese Presid ent Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang announced the AIIB initiative duringtheir respective visits to Southeast Asian count ries in October 2013. The Bank wasenvisaged to promote interconnectivity and economic integration in the region andcooperate with existing multil ateral d evel opment banks. Foll owing this announcement, bilateral and multilateral discussions and consultations commenced on core principl es and key el ements for establishing the AIIB. In October, 2014, 22 Asian countries gathered in Beijing to sign Memorandum of Und erstanding (MOU) to establish the AIIB.3.There are four meetings about AOA. Discussions about the proposed Articl es ofAgreement (AOA) were launched at the second CNM, which was hel d in Mumbai, India, in January 2015. The AOA was discussed further at the 3rd CNM meeting that was hel d in Almaty, Kazakhstan, in March 2015 and at the 4th CNM meeting which took place inBeijing in April 2015. The final text of the AoA was ad opted on May 22, 2015 at the5th CNM hel d in Singapore.Unit 5 Internet EconomyExercise 11. B2. C3. C4. D5.AExercise 21.G2. A3. E4. D5. FExercise 31. T2. T3. F4. F5. TExercise 41. Open.2. Christmas Day-December 25-which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the founder ofthe Christian religion, is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States.According to the Bible, the holy book of Christians, God decided to allow his only son, Jesus Christ, to be born to a human mother and live on the earth so that people could understand God better and learn to love God and each other more." Christmas" meaning "celebration of Christ " honors the time when Jesus was born to a young Jewish woman Mary.Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph, a carpenter, but before they came together, she was found to be with child. Because Joseph, her husband, was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly. But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in his dream and said, "Do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."Although the exact date of the birth of Jesus nearly 2,000 years ago is not known, the calendar on the supposed date divides all time into B.C.(Before Christ)and A.D.(a Latin phrase, Anno Domini,“in the year of our Lord”) For the first 300 years, Jesus' birthday was celebrated on different dates. Finally, in the year 354 A.D. church leaders choseDecember 25 as his birthday.3. Open.Unit 6 LiteratureExercise 11. B2. D3. C4. D5. CExercise 21. G2. D3. F4. H5. CExercise 31. T2. T3. T4. T5. FIV. Based on the above passage, answer the foll owing questions.1. Background adds to personal strength and makes someone great. Cao was deeplyeducated by China's troubled history and by his hometown where he spent childhood in poverty. But hardship finally turned into his spiritual and literary wealth.2. Cao tells many genuine Chinese stories, but the themes of his Chinese stories areuniversal,and at the same time all of them belong to humankind.3. Whether a book can make its way into the world, that is to say whether it is suitable fortranslation into other languages, is also a basic norm of its literary value.Unit 7 CultureExercise 11. C2. D3. D4. B5.BExercise 21. G2.C3. G4. B5. DExercise 31. A2.B3. A4. A5.CExercise 41.That's what hospit ality is all about: making peopl e feel at home when they're not.2.Appropriate gifts for general occasions might be fl owers, candy or —if the family hassmall chil dren —toys.3.I shoul d wear comfortabl e, casual cl othes. Plan to arrive on time, or else call to inform thehosts of the d elay. During the dinner conversation, it's customary to compliment thehostess on the wond erful meal. After an hour or so of general chit-chat, it's probably time to head for the d oor. And above all, no snooping around the house. It's more polite towait for the host to offer a guid ed tour.Unit 8 Law and Public SecurityExercise 11. A2. B3. B4. D5. BExercise 21. D2. B3. F4. C5. AExercise 31. D2. D3. B4. B5.DExercise 41. Generally speaking, because smoking is harmful for health. According to rel ated survey,like 2011 China Tobacco Control Report, about 740 million peopl e, including 180 million chil dren and teenagers are affected by second hand smoke. More than 1 million peopl e die every year from smoking-rel ated diseases, and more than 100,000 of those cases can be traced back to second-hand smoke.2. I am afraid there’s no simil ar regulations passed or carried out in my city. Here are somereasons. Firstly, the corresponding d epart ments d o not pay enough attention tosecond-hand smoking issue as in Harbin. Secondly, there are too many smokers here in the city and most of them refuse to d o any change. Thirdly, l ocal citizens here are too shy to express their opinions against second-hand passive smoking.3. As we can see from the passage, Harbin is the first city that tries to regulate second-handsmoke for the sake of public health. It is really a good start. One the one hand,non-smokers especially chil dren and teenagers are effectively protected than ever before.Since second-hand passive breathing coul d no l onger threat their health, many serious diseases are avoid ed. That is of great significance. On the other hand, before l ong Harbincoul d be a successful mod el of tobacco control for other cities to copy. Then, there coul d be cl eaner air, healthier environment, and happier life in many cities.Unit 9 Ethics IssuesExercise 11. C2. D3. A4.D5.BExercise 21.C2.F3.B4.I5.HExercise 31.F2.C3.O4.A5.M6.J 7B. 8.K 9.E 10.HExercise 41.Many of the chall enges facing the healthcare system in the future will be related tothe overall chall enge of balancing quality and safety with efficiency, said Cynda Hylton Rushton PhD, RN, the new Anne and George L. Bunting Professor of Clinical Ethics at Johns Hopkins University.“It raises a real question about whether the right val ues are d riving our focus in ourhealthcare system,” she said. “Shoul d efficiency be the driver?”2.“This is not just a supply issue,” said Rushton. “This is a sustainability issue. And one ofthe real threats to keeping the peopl e we t rain in practice is having an ethical practice environment where they can actually practice with integrit y, and where they are notconstantly bar raged with morally dist ressing situations that burn them out.”3.Medication short ages often happen because there’s not enough economic incentive formanufacturers. For exampl e, certain int ravenous medications that are generics tend to be the ones that become scarce because there’s not much profit in making them, saidRosoff.Unit 10 Medicine and Health CareExercise 11. A2. C3. C4. D5.BExercise 21.B2. C3. F4. G5. IExercise 31. E2. H3. N4. A5. C6. J7. M8. B9. D 10. OExercise 41.Open.2.Traditional medicine d epends on herbal treatments, acupunct ure(针灸), acupressure(穴位按压), moxibustion (burning of herbs over acupuncture points), "cupping" (l ocalsuction of skin), qigong (coordinated movement, breathing, and awareness), tui na(massage), and other culturally unique practices. Such approaches are believed to be most effective in treating minor and chronic(慢性的,长期的)diseases, in part because of mil d er sid e effects. Traditional treatments may be used for more serious conditions as well, particularly for such acute abd ominal(腹部的)conditions as appendicitis(阑尾炎), pancreatitis(胰腺炎), and gallstones(胆结石);3.Open.Unit 11 Home lifeExercise 11. C2. D3. C4. A5. BExercise 21.A2. F3. D4. B5. CExercise 31. T2. F3. T4. T5. FExercise 41.It is hard to say, the earliest known tattoo is believed in 3300 B.C, but more widelyrecognized ) are tattoos found on Egyptian and Nubian mummies dating from about 2000 B.C.2.They felt curious.3.The practice of tattooing has different meanings to various cultures. In some cultures,tattoos served as identification of the wearer's rank or status within a group.Unit 12 Ment al HealthExercise 11. B2. A3. C4. B5. DExercise 21. A2. H3. I4. G5. JExercise 31. T2. F3. F4. T5. TExercise 41.Because you cannot be friends with anyone else in the worl d if you are not a friend ofyourself.2.You can check whether you like yourself from the list: your past, your background, yourpersonality t raits and your achievements relative to others.3.Forgive yourself, accept things you can’t change, focus on your strengths, write yoursuccess stories, stop comparing yourself with others and always be t rue to yourself.Unit 13 New Science and Technol ogyExercise 11. B2. C3. A4. A5.DExercise 21.B2. C3. D4. D5. EExercise 31. F2. T3. F4. T5. TExercise 41. Open.2. Open.3. Open.Unit 14 Environment ProtectionExercise 11. D2. B3. C4. D5. DExercise 21. A2. B3. F4. G5. JExercise 31. F2. T3. T4. F5. TExercise 41. Many Americans harbour a grossly distorted and exaggerated view of most of the riskssurrounding food. If the dangers from bacterially contaminated chicken were as great as some peopl e believe, “the st reets woul d be littered with peopl e lying here and there.”2. To make good food and water supplies even bet ter, the Government needs to tighten itsregul atory standards, stiffen its inspection program and strengthen its enforcementpolicies.3. Consumers will have to d o a better job of l earning how to handl e and cook food properly.The probl ems that need to be tackl ed exist all al ong the food-supply chain, from fiel ds to processing plants to kitchens.Unit 15 Leisure TimeExercise 11. D2. B3. C4. D5. AExercise 21. E2. D3. B4. C5. AExercise 31. O2. F3. O4. F5. FExercise 4Open answers.Unit 16 ArtExercise 11. B2. A3. B4. D5. BExercise 21. B2. C3. E4. H5. KExercise 31. F2. O3. O4. F5. FExercise 41. Earliest paper cutting was found in China 1500 years ago.2. She has been invited to demonstrate the art at a wide collection of events.3. The Chinese paper cutting represents Chinese cultural values, history and stories ofpeople's lives.Quiz1Section A1 .F 2. L 3. I 4. B 5. C6. K7. E8. H9. D 10. JSection B1. A2. E3.H4.B5. D6. C7. G8.J9.K 10. FSection CPassage One1. B2. C3.B4.C5. C Passage Two6. D7. C8.A9.A 10. CQuiz2Section A1.B2. I3. D4. N5. L6. A7. H8. J9. F 10. M Section B1. H2. E3. B4. J5. C6. I7. A8.G9. D 10. FSection CPassage One1. D2. B3. A4. D5. A Passage Two6. C7. D8. C9. A 10. BQuiz3Section A1. B2. F3. J4. A5. O6. G7. C8. H9. L 10. M Section B1. D2. E3. A4. G5. H6. J7. L8. N9. H 10. KSection CPassage One1. C2. B3. B4. D5. A Passage Two6. C7. D8. A9. C 10. BQuiz4Section A1.E2. M3.G4. L5. B6.J7. C8. N9.H 10. O Section B1. E2. G3. D4. A5. I6. B7. F8.J9. C 10. H Section CPassage One1. A2. C3. D4. C5. B Passage Two6. D7. A8. C9. D 10. A。



Unit 1part11 .C,A,D,B,C,D,A,D 3. 1. either approximately 1billion(paragraph 2) or 400 million native speakers and 400 million second language speakers and students(paragraph1) 2. more than 250 million 3. more than 100 million 4. over 80 percent 5. nearly 200 6. 205. 1. American Broadcasting Company 2. British Broadcasting Corporation 3. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 4. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization 5.North Atlantic Treaty Organization6. North Ameircan Free Trade Agreement7. et cetera8. radio detecting and ranging9. international Police 10. as soon as possible 11. compact dist or certificate of deposit 12. digital video disk or digital versatile disk 13. English as a Second Language 14. Test of English as a Foreign LanguagePart21.B C A C C C A A B2. 1. policy 2. primary3. model4. established5. intensive6. immersion7. link8.ethnic 9. shocked 10. bilingual 11.replace 12. resident 3. 1. d 2. k 3. g 4. a 5. I 6. l 7. b 8. f 9. j 10. c 11. e 12. h4. 1. emerging 2. dominant 3. goal 4. generation5. virtual6. debating7. imposed8. site9. designed 10.primaryUnit 2Part11.straddling;hunched a shoulder; stared2.1.spectacular 2.fantasized3.summit4.excruciating5.snapped6.amputated7.deteriorate;heed ed8.gaggle9.throng10.banal 11.visibility padres;dallied3.d b a e c4.1.The author is on the summit and expects to feel strong emotions that he had to keep inside himself before.2.posing at the peak of the mountain.3.at the highest place on Earth.4.heavy cover of clouds.5.a situation that would most likely kill people.6.moving very slowly.7.wasting valuable time.Part22.1.b c 2.c a3.b4.c b5.a b6.b c3.1.black 2.claustrophobia3.frightened,paralysis4.bravado5.scrunched6.shock7.self-preservation8.rage9.fury 10.resentment 11.terror 12.appalledplicationMowat gose down the wolves'burrow.claustrophobia.climaxThere are two scared wolves,apparently the motherand a pup,in the burrow.fearresolutionMowat wiggles out unharmed.first feels rage;then rese1 .C,A,D,B,C,D,A,D 3. 1. either approximately 1 billion(paragraph 2) or 400 million nativespeakers and 400 million second language speakers andstudents(paragraph1) 2. more than 250 million 3. morethan 100 million 4. over 80 percent 5. nearly 200 6. 20 5. 1. American Broadcasting Company 2. British Broadcasting Corporation 3. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 4. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization 5.North Atlantic Treaty Organization 6. North Ameircan Free Trade Agreement 7. et cetera 8. radio detecting and ranging 9. international Police 10. as soon as possible 11. compact dist or certificate of deposit 12. digital video disk or digital versatile disk 13. English as a Second Language 14. Test of English as a Foreign Language1.B C A C C C A A B2. 1. policy 2. primary3. model4. established5. intensive6. immersion7. link8. ethnic9. shocked 10. bilingual 11.replace 12. resident 3. 1. d 2. k 3. g 4. a 5. I 6. l 7. b 8. f 9. j 10. c 11. e 12. h4. 1. emerging 2. dominant 3. goal 4. generation5. virtual6. debating7. imposed8. site9. designed 10.primary1.straddling;hunched a shoulder; stared2.1.spectacular 2.fantasized3.summit4.excruciating5.snapped6.amputated7.deteriorate;heed ed8.gaggle9.throng10.banal 11.visibility padres;dallied3.d b a e c4.1.The author is on the summit and expects to feel strong emotions that he had to keep inside himself before.2.posing at the peak of the mountain.3.at the highest place on Earth.4.heavy cover of clouds.5.a situation that would most likely kill people.6.moving very slowly.7.wasting valuable time.2.1.b c 2.c a3.b4.c b5.a b6.b c3.1.black 2.claustrophobia3.frightened,paralysis4.bravado5.scrunched6.shock7.self-preservation8.rage9.fury 10.resentment 11.terror 12.appalledplicationMowat gose down the wolves'burrow. claustrophobia.climaxThere are two scared wolves,apparently the motherand a pup,in the burrow.fearresolutionMowat wiggles ontment and fury5.1.sufficient 2.enable 3.tape 4.Despite 5.irrational6.inevitable7.aware8.irrational9.reacted9.d,f,g,h,i;a,c,eUnit 3Part1:1.crave2.sabotage3.foster4.significant5.re-create6.faraway7. approached8.dreaded9.privacy10.angry11.withdrawing12.cli nging第三题:The events take place in the followingorder:6,4,1,8,5,3,7,2第四题:1.a significant person from our childhood,such as one one of our parents.2.faraway eyes3.beautiful,warm,and nurturing4.was unhappy with their marriage orwith their marriage or with her 5.reminded him of his mother第五题:1.They didn't explain their needs and problems 2.They were moving in circles,not talkingabout the issues 3.Answers will vary 4. Answers will vary. Real love is more intimate and longer lasting and is not based on infatuation or lust. Other types of love might include puppy love,lust,brotherly love,love of God, teenage crushes.第八题:1.I 2.I 3.I 4.C 5.IPart 2:第一题:1.120 2. 105.8 to 107.9 3. 126 4.Guanggun-er 5. can pay the fee 6.money,skill,and education 7. 12 and 15 percent 8. violent crime 9. 19 10. 40 percent第二题:1.f 2.e 3.h 4.i 5.b 6.j 7.c 8.k 9.d 10.a 11.g第三题:1.status 2.prospects 3.diminshed4.contemporary5.create6.significant7.phenomenon8.disposed第四题:1.b 2.c 3.b 4.aUnit 4Part13: 1.c 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.c 6.c 7.b 8.a 9.b 10.c 4: 1.T 2.T 3.F; shining 4.F; peaceful 5.T 6.T 7.F; fitting, deserving, valuable 8.T 9.T 10.F; peaceful, beautiful 11.T 12.F; of religious importance 13.T 14.T 15.F; most expensive8:Part21: 1.c 2.g 3.b 4.e 5.a 6.h 7.d 8.f2: 1.c 2.b 3.a 4.a 5.c 6.b 7.b 8.b 9.a 10.a 11.b 12.c3: 1.the same as 2. the opposite of 3. the same as4 .the same as 5. the opposite of 6. the opposite of 7. the same as 8. the same as 9. the same as4: 1. trend 2. image 3. export 4. benefited5 .establishing 6. ethnic 7 .region 8 .dominate 9. media5: 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F7:Position 1. A. F. D; Position 2 . E. C. B Note: there may be some disagreement within the order but there should be no disagreement as to which argument each idea supports8: 1.b 2.d 3.d 4.a 5.c 6.bUnit 5Part 11. 1.C2. both3. both4. both5. both6. I2. 1. was, because it is past tense 2. you, I3. “I was just floating around without any direction.”4. wanted, because it is a type of conditional5. are, because the word things is plural; the adverb should go next to the verb: “that probably are not real.”3. 1.c 2.b 3.a4.a5.c6.b7.c8.a9.a 10.c 11.a 12.a4. 1. City life is not as good as village life because it lacks structure. Support from the reading is found in paragraphs B, C, D, I, J, and M. 2. People in the city are wasteful. Support from the reading is found in paragraphs K and L.3. The village (kampong) offers a sense of community that improves people’s lives. Support from the reading is found in paragraphs C, L, and M.5. 2. An animal that is used to being confined, when given freedom, Will wander around with no direction. 3. TVs arebad in that their advertising is used to lure people into living a wasteful life. 4 .Psychologically and socially the quality of life is better in villages. Also there is less pollution.Part 21. 1. rejuvenated2. shabby3. marshy4. exquisite5. inebriated6. indefatigable 7 Herculean 8 prosaic, mundane 9 exhausted2. in her childhood3. 1.b 2.c 3.c4.c1. 1a, 3b, 5 a and b, 7d, 10a2. 2a, 4 b and c, 9a 10bPractice: 1.d 2.d 3.c 4.a 5.c 6.a 7.b 8.c 9.c 10.c5. 1. labour 2. grey 3 .colour 4. centre 5. colourful 7. 1. inspecting 2. computer 3. found 4. finally 5. financial6. achievements7. significanceUnit 6Part 12. 1.F 2.T3.F4.T5.F6.T7.T8.T9.T 10.F 11.F 12.T 13.F 14.F4. 1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C5.C6.A7.B8.A or C Part 21. 1.b2.b3.b4.b5.a6.c b7.b8.b3. 1.b 2.c 3.a4.c5.c6.c7.b8.c9.a5. 1. ceased 2. removed 3. detected 4. labors 5. secure6. convinced7. distinct 8 distinct 9 found8. Answers for before the reading:1.May is Leslie Lemke’s adoptive mother.2.Leslie Lemke is the focus of the reading. He is blind, retarded, and has cerebral palsy, but he is a musical genius, a savant.3.He is famous for his musical abilities despite his disabilities. He is also well-known for being on TV displaying his talent.Answers for after the reading:1.b2.bUnit 7part12, 1.warehouse 2.mantel 3.victorian 4.options 5.art nouveau ndwork 7.urns 8.chiseled 9.pilg rimage 3, 1.industrial 2.monumental 3.curly 4.traditional5.European6.mythological7.memorial8.challenging9.Victorrian 10.Sicilian 11.Belgian4, 1.D 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.A5, 1.Palos's sculptures appear in many important businesses and residences in San Francisco.2.He played along when Cage, whom hedidn't recognize, requested a sculpture of a dragon.3.He makes an annual pilgrimage to Carrara, Italy,the source of Michelangeelo's marble.4.When Palas was carring the face, every line had to match.5.If any part of the face broke, he would have h ad to start over.6.Palos worked on the sculpture for nearly fi ve months and labored intensively during its inst allation.Part22, 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.A4, 1.achievement 2.goals 3.concluded 4.cultural 5 .aspects 6.exposure 7.liberal 8.Finally 9.occupied 10. integrrityPart31, 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.AUnit 8Part11.1 Kikuyu 2 Kenya Africa 3 trees 4 poverty 5 green belt2.1 unsuitable 2 nutritious 3 erosion 4 conservation 5 ecological 6 primarily 7 degradation 8 deterioration 9 deforestation 10 advocacy 11 harassment 12 desertification5. 1 household 2 topsoil 3 rainfall 4 well-connected 5 worldwidePart22. 1 b 2 a 3 d 4 d 5 b 6 a 7 d 8 b 9 a 10 c3. 1 f 2 o 3 f 4 o 5 o 6 o 7 f 8 f 9 f 10 f 11 o4.1 detection 2 respond 3 benefit 4 researchers 5 predict 6 analyze 7 vision 8 sequenced 9sequence5. 1 double helix(twisted ladder) in 1953 2 Gregor Mendel 3 peas 4 a restriction enzyme 5 on chromosomes inside the cell’s nucleus 6 1910 7 started 1990,finishedjune,2000 8 Oswald Avery 9 yes 10 between 2001-2006 8. 1 c 2 a 3a 4b 5 aUnit 9Part 12. 1—10 d b a b d c d a d c 11—14 d c a b3.1—5 c a c b a4.1.Georgia O’Keeffe is similar to an American pioneer. She has a slim figure and is tough like the individualistic pioneers and she also helped “grow” the field of American art just like pioneers grow crops.2.After high school , she worked to support herself as she continued to paint.3.Realistic paintings contain too many details so they areconfusing to viewers . O’Keeffe selected particular details to emphasize that showed the real essence of the object.4.She was not trying to make pictures to show objects as they are in nature . She wanted to capture the essential being or inner essence of the objects.Part 21.1.Sacramento, San Francisco, Soledad, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Casa Grande, Santa Fe, Socorro, El Paso, Amarillo, Rio Hondo, Perdido, Palma Sola, Boca Grande, Naranja2.the southwest3.Spanish settlers were more populous in the Southwest, and many parts belonged to Mexico until the United States annexed it.2. 1—11 f a j g c h i k d b e3. 1.true2.no information in the reading3.false, southwestern4.false5.true6.true7.true8.false, successful in local campaigns9.false, Teatro Campesino, a form of Chicano theater, was started by Valdes10.false, poetry5.1.civil 2.ethnic 3.achievements 4.migrant5.established6.established7.unique8.traditions9.focus 10.issues 11.policy 12.discrimination8. 1.true 2.false ;it was the great uncle who told the jokes twice to show off his level of English.10.1—7 F T F T T F TPart 32.1—7 d b d a b d cUnit 10Part 11.3,4,5,1,22.1—10 b b c d d b b a d b3.1.As a result , the woman got very angry and couldn’t get over her bad feeling toward he husband. She felt as though he didn’t care.2.As a result , the employees forgave him , and theybecame more loyal to him.3.Admitting fault can put you in a dangerous legal position , but failing to admit fault takes a spiritual toll.4.As a result , the government showed that they cared about the African-American population.5.Because of the apology, the Germans set up a fund to help the Czechs who had been persecuted by the Nazis during World War Ⅱ.Consequently , the Czech Republic was asked to join the European Union and NATO.6.As a result , the Khmer Rouge seemed to be forgiving itself because its statement of apology was not sufficient for the crimes it had committed. One can infer that this insufficient apology outraged the people of Cambodia as well as the general public.4.1—12 b a b b a a b a b a b a5.1.resolve 2.conficts 3.acknowledge 4.restore5.restore6.strategies7.cultural8.context9.evidence 10.inclinedPart 22.1.swarmed 2.roughened , hunched3.massive ,disdainfully 4.demeanor , plebian 5.clenching 6.hobbling 7.dead 8.shuffling 9.tottering 6. 1—5 b a c a c。



Keys to College English Reading CourseBook 4Unit 1Storm ChasersI. DCABII. 1. 但是新墨西哥州东北部地区地势较高,具有形成旋转式暴风雨的一切地理特征,这种暴风雨被称作“超级暴风雨”,它有可能最终形成最强劲的龙卷风。

2. 能行驶的道路非常有限,地形以山为主,山脉阻挡了雷达的扫描,这给我们追踪正在形成的风暴带来了困难。

3. 但这一切已毫无意义,我们一直监视风暴不停地旋转,最终却没有形成龙卷风。


4. 在形成龙卷风的条件已经成熟的那几天里,可能会有多股强劲的风暴可以成为追逐的目标,最终决定追逐哪一股风暴有时纯属偶然。

Reading-skill exercisesExtract 11.“yet”and “but”, showing contrast; “for”, indicating a reason; “in addition to”, additive;“indeed”, restating an assertion.2.All of them make the paragraph highly cohesive.Extract 2.CBThe Nature of ManI.CDDAII. 1. 他回忆到,他很小的时候夜间常常躺在床上,想象生命会怎样终结、什么是虚无、为什么死亡是无法改变的。







阅读教程4答案Unit 1part Ip. 8I. Reading for information1-6AD CA BDII Translation1.我进入保险这一行,做得还算不错。













III1.set their sights high, achieve their goals2.is little related to, university-educated fast-trackers, self-discipline3.overpowering ego, bring out the best in people4.broaden their knowledge base5.stick with, keep your wordpart IIP.171-5 F T F F TPart IIIP.20Passage 1 1-5 F T F T FPassage 2 6-10 F F T F TPassage 3 11-15 BDCABPassage 4 16-20ACBCDPassage 521.equivalent22.sponsored23.goals24.plays25.invested26.prospect27.rated.28.associated29.pursue30.barrierpassage 631.mission32.significance33.flow34.ongoing35.immediately36.indirectly,37.transmission,38.Above,39.foundation40.therebypassage 741.headed42.longings43.desires44.self-esteem45.discrimination46.shower47.aware48.Times49.veryUnit 2part Ip. 38I. Reading for information1-6CBDABCII Translation1.等等,我不管谁把那块馅饼切成两块,但不论谁切,都得给另一方挑选的权力。



College English Reading Course (Book IV)大学英语阅读教程4 答案Unit 11 The campers at Kitty HawkIV.Key to multiple-choice questions1.D2.C3.D4.BV.Suggested versions of translation exercise1.1903年12月7日,曾任《宗教瞭望》报编辑的兄弟联合会主教莱特先生在他位于俄亥俄州代顿市霍桑街的木头房子里收到了他儿子威尔伯和奥维尔发来的电报。






2 Treading lightlyIV.Key to multiple-choice questions1.D2.A3.C4.BV.Suggested versions of translation exercise1.不是,德∙拉∙克鲁兹先生和他的队员们在维护丛林,他们就像在竖一块巨大的“禁止入内”的标牌。


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新世纪大学英语系列教材(第二版)Unit 4Part IExercisesI. Reading for information 。

A. Reading to find main ideas1.D2. BB. Reading to find major details3.C4. AC. Reading to find relevant facts5. C6.AII. TranslationTranslate the following sentences into Chinese.1 Free agents work with multiple clients on a variety of projects based on their unique set of abilities. 自由职业者凭借自己独特的能力为多个客户的不同项目工作。

2 Companies are hiring more free agents than ever before because they save money and acquire niche expertise to solve specific business problems. This is different from full-time salaried workers who get benefits and are generalists in their fields.各公司比以往任何时候雇用更多的自由职业者,因为这样它们既可以省钱又能获得解决具体商业问题的合适专业技术。


3 The social contract that employers have with workers is evolving to one where “it’s less about loyalty and more important to focus on projects.”雇主和工作人员之间的社会契约逐步发展为“较少关注忠诚度而更多关注项目”。

4 Gigs that pay well and are in high demand include online marketing, writing specialized material for businesses and media outlets, computer programming and copywriting.报酬丰厚且需求量大的工作包括网络营销、为企业和媒体撰写专门的材料、计算机编程以及编写文案。

5 You want as many people to know about you as possible because they will be the word-of-mouth engine that builds your business.你要让更多的人知道你,因为这些人的口口相传将成就你的事业。

III. SummaryComplete the following statements with words and expressions from the box. Use their proper forms.1 Free agents are also referred to as contract workers, consultants and freelancers. They don’t re ceive health care benefits, unemployment insurance or collective-bargaining rights.Instead, they work with multiple clients on a variety of projects based on their unique set of abilities.2 From 1997 to 2011 the number of free agents grew from approximately 25 million to 44 million in the U.S., as people desired more freedom, flexibility and ways to get paid for their professional skills. It is projected that therecould be as many as 70 million free agents by 2020, creating a workplace environment with more free agents than full-time employees.3 By hiring more free agents companies can save money and acquire niche expertise to solve specific business problems. Another benefit of hiring freelancers is that during slow periods, companies don’t have to hold onto them. Therefore, companies are now moving toward a “hire at will” recruiting strategy and away from a “hire for life” one.4 It is likely that some day you’ll find yourself out of your full-time salaried job in the current economy. So if you are a free agent or aspire to be one, there are several things you need to keep in mind.5 It is important to bond together with other like-minded free agents and share resources with them. When you refer jobs to other free agents, they might reciprocate in the future.6 Make good use of websites where you can bid on new projects, blogs with their own job boards and aggregation sites that compile opportunities for you.7 What is equally important is whenever you’re not working on a client project, you should be getting your name out there. For example, you can create a website that shows case studies, your bio, a client list and samples of your work.8 One third of all freelancers are looking for full-time work. And some free agents may prefer a full-time salaried job with benefits. In that case, you need to make known your interest and make extra efforts to turn your projects into a full-time position.Part II Reading for PleasureExerciseAnswer the following questions.1 What was Collins’ job like when she worked for JP Morgan in Australia?She worked overtime, traveled constantly, and was under great stress.2 How do high-end consulting firms attract top college graduates to work long hours?By offering them a handsome salary plus glimpses of corporate luxury.3 Why do many people actually like to overwork themselves even though they complain a lot about it?Their long-hour job fills an almost religious need to be part of something bigger than yourself, and it also means that they d on’t have to deal with the messiness of life.4 What is the reality thousands of white-collar sweatshop workers will have to face?Many of them will soon be laid off.5 What is the author’s attitude towards working over 65 hours a week?He does not approve of it.。
