








答案:交叉性第二章测试1.下列哪项策略和外包策略比较一致?( )答案:供应链集中策略2.由于客户服务水平要求的越高,企业付出的成本就越高,因此企业不需要100%客户服务水平,否则就没有盈利空间.()答案:错3.下列哪些可以用于衡量客户价值?( )答案:客户忠诚;客户重复购买;客户流失;客户离弃4.我们把客户价值、总收益和所有权总成本之间的关系表达为这样的一个分数式,即客户价值等于总收益和总成本之比。







供应链管理练习2答案一单项选择题1.B2.A3.A4.A5.D6.B7.B8.A9.B10.A 11.C12.C13.D14.B15.B二填空题16.供应链绩效17.获取环节18.服务水平19.商品类别20.协同配送21.增大22.模数23.一次订货24.定额25.自动化三判断改错题26.×交货期→响应周期27.×不会→会28.×物料需求计划→B制造资源计划29.×物流→信息30.×自下向上→自上向下四. 名词解释31. 生产延迟主张根据订单安排生产产品,在获知客户的精确需求和客户购买意向之前,不做任何准备工作。

32. 利用及时准确的POS数据确定销售出去的商品数量,根据零售商或批发商的库存信息和预先规定的库存补充程序确定发货补充数量和发送时间。

33. 即协同规划、预测和连续补货。


34. 设施布置是指根据企业的经营目标和生产纲领,在已确定的空间场所内,按照从原材料的接收、零件和产品的制造,到成品的包装、发运的全过程,将人员、设备、物料所需要的空间做适当的分配和最有效的组合,以便获得最大的生产经济效益。

35. 国际多式联运是按照国际多式联运合同,以至少两种不同的运输方式,由多式联运经营人将货物由一国境内指定接管货物的地点运到另一国境内指定交付地点。

五. 简答题36. 所谓供应链合作伙伴关系,就是供应链中各节点企业之间的关系。



37. 一是供应物流管理的业务活动,即计划、采购、储存及供料等;二是供应物流管理的支持性活动,即供应中的人员管理、资金管理、信息管理等;三是供应物流管理的拓展性活动,即供应商管理。



第2章供应链管理习题参考答案一、选择题1. A2. D3. A4. A5. C二、简答题1.供应链管理的本质是什么?耍点:供应链管理就是指对整个供应链系统进行计划、协调、操作、控制和优化的各种活动和过程,其目标是要将顾客所需的正确的产品能够在正确的时间、按照正确的数暈、正确的质量和正确的状态送到正确的地点,并使总成本最小。


















供应链练习册答案目录第一章供应链管理概述……………………………………………………………1-4 第二章供应链的设计………………………………………………………………4-6 第三章供应链合作伙伴的选择……………………………………………………6-9 第四章供应链业务流程重构………………………………………………………9-11 第五章供应链物流管理……………………………………………………………12-14 第六章供应链采购管理………………………………………………………14-15 第七章供应链生产管理…………………………………………………………16-18 第八章供应链信息管理…………………………………………………………18-21 第九章供应链管理方法…………………………………………………………21-23 第十章供应链绩效评价……………………………………………………23-24 《供应链管理》自测模拟题……………………………………………………25-32第一章供应链管理概述一、名词解释扩展企业: 是一个概念性的组织单元或系统,它包括采购公司和供应商(一个或多个),他们通过紧密合作来实现最大化的利润分配。



二、选择1、供应链的特征主要有面向用户需求和(abce )。

a 交叉性b 增值性c 动态性d 保值性e 复杂性2、构成企业核心竞争能力的要素包括( BCDE )。

a产品b员工拥有的技能 c 企业的技术体系d 管理体系e 价值观3、在供应链中表现为单向流动的是( ABC )。

a物流b资金流 c 服务流 d 信息流 e 消费流三、判断1、供应链管理的具体目标是通过调和总成本最低化、总库存最少化、总周期时间最短化以及物流质量最优化等目标之间的冲突,实现供应链绩效最大化。




























供应链与物流管理课后答案第二章1( 什么是物流系统,它与物流有何区别,答:物流系统指在一定的时间和空间里,由所需位移的物料、包装设施、装卸搬运机械、运输工具、仓储设施、相关人员以及通讯联系等若干相互制约的动态要素构成的具有特定功能的有机整体。






2( 物流系统由哪些要素构成,其特征有哪些,答:(1)人是物流的主要因素,是物流系统的主体。


还有“目的指向性、时空序列性、开放动态性、人-机复合性、大跨度性、可分离性、复杂性、多目标函数性”3( 物流系统分析的目的是什么,怎样进行物流系统分析,答:主要目的在于为决策者提供直接判断和决定最优方案的信息和资料。


物流系统分析过程:(1) 界定系统问题的范围(2) 确定系统目标和标准(3) 收集资料,提出可行方案(4) 建立分析模型(5) 系统优化及方案选择(6) 系统综合评价4( 物流系统建模的目的是什么,如何进行物流系统建模,答:物流系统模型更深刻、更普遍地反映所研究物流系统主题的特征。




Chapter 2Supply Chain Performance: Achieving Strategic Fit and ScopeTrue/False1. A compan/s competitive strategy defines the set of customer needs that it seeksto satisfy through its products and services.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy2. The value chain emphasizes the close relationship between all the functionalstrategies within a company.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate3. A company,s product development strategy defines the set of customer needs that itseeks to satisfy through its products and services.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate4. A company,s product development strategy specifies the portfolio of new productsthat it will try to develop.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy5. A company,s supply chain strategy specifies how the market will be segmentedand how the product will be positioned, priced, and promoted.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy6. A company,s supply chain strategy determines the nature of procurement andtransportation of materials as well as the manufacture and distribution of the product.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy7. The degree of supply chain responsiveness should be consistent with the implieduncertainty.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy8. The degree of supply chain responsiveness does not need to be consistent with theimplied uncertainty.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate9. To achieve complete strategic fit, a firm must ensure that all functions in the valuechain have consistent strategies that support the competitive strategy.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate10. To achieve complete strategic fit, a firm must ensure that all functions in the valuechain have diverse strategies that support functional goals.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate11. Because demand and supply characteristics change, the supply chain strategy mustchange over the product life cycle if a company is to continue achieving strategic fit.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy12. The supply chain strategy must be established at the beginning of the product lifecycle and not changed if a company is to continue achieving strategic fit.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy13. To retain strategic fit, supply chain strategy must be adjusted over the life cycle of aproduct and as the competitive landscape changes.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate14. The intercompany scope of strategic fit is essential today because the competitiveplaying field has shifted from company versus company to supply chain versussupply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate15. The intercompany scope of strategic fit is no longer relevant today because thecompetitive playing field has shifted from company versus company to supply chain versus supply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy16. The intercompany scope of strategic fit requires firms to evaluate every action in thecontext of the entire supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate17. There is a close connection between the design and management of supply chainflows and the success of a supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: EasyEssav/Problems1. Discuss the two keys to the success or failure of a company.Answer. A company,s success or failure is thus closely linked to the followingkeys:1. The competitive strategy and all functional strategies must fit together to forma coordinated overall strategy. Each functional strategy must support otherfunctional strategies and help a firm reach its competitive strategy goal.2. The different functions in a company must appropriately structure theirprocesses and resources to be able to execute these strategies successfully.Difficulty: Hard答:一个公司的胜利或失败,因此是亲密相关的下列键:K竞争战略和职能战略都必需符合共同形成•个协调的总体战略。

供应链管理 第三版 Unit2 习题与答案

供应链管理 第三版 Unit2 习题与答案

Chapter 2Supply Chain Performance: Achieving Strategic Fit and ScopeTrue/False1. A company’s competitive strategy defines the set of customer needs that it seeksto satisfy through its products and services.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy2. The value chain emphasizes the close relationship between all the functionalstrategies within a company.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate3. A company’s product development strategy defines the set of customer needs that itseeks to satisfy through its products and services.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate4. A company’s product development strategy specifies the portfolio of new productsthat it will try to develop.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy5. A company’s supply chain strategy specifies how the market will b e segmentedand how the product will be positioned, priced, and promoted.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy6. A company’s supply chain strategy determines the nature of procurement andtransportation of materials as well as the manufacture and distribution of the product.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy7. The degree of supply chain responsiveness should be consistent with the implieduncertainty.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy8. The degree of supply chain responsiveness does not need to be consistent with theimplied uncertainty.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate9. To achieve complete strategic fit, a firm must ensure that all functions in the valuechain have consistent strategies that support the competitive strategy.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate10. To achieve complete strategic fit, a firm must ensure that all functions in the valuechain have diverse strategies that support functional goals.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate11. Because demand and supply characteristics change, the supply chain strategy mustchange over the product life cycle if a company is to continue achieving strategic fit.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy12. The supply chain strategy must be established at the beginning of the product lifecycle and not changed if a company is to continue achieving strategic fit.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy13. To retain strategic fit, supply chain strategy must be adjusted over the life cycle of aproduct and as the competitive landscape changes.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate14. The intercompany scope of strategic fit is essential today because the competitiveplaying field has shifted from company versus company to supply chain versussupply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate15. The intercompany scope of strategic fit is no longer relevant today because thecompetitive playing field has shifted from company versus company to supply chain versus supply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy16. The intercompany scope of strategic fit requires firms to evaluate every action in thecontext of the entire supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate17. There is a close connection between the design and management of supply chainflows and the success of a supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: EasyMultiple Choice1. A company’s competitive strategya. defines the set of customer needs that it seeks to satisfy through itsproducts and services.b. specifies the portfolio of new products that it will try to develop.c. specifies how the market will be segmented and how the product will bepositioned, priced, and promoted.d. determines the nature of procurement and transportation of materials aswell as manufacture and distribution of the product.e. determines how it will obtain and maintain the appropriate set of skills andabilities to meet customer needs.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate2. A company’s product development strategya. defines the set of customer needs that it seeks to satisfy through itsproducts and services.b. specifies the portfolio of new products that it will try to develop.c. specifies how the market will be segmented and how the product will bepositioned, priced, and promoted.d. determines the nature of procurement and transportation of materials aswell as manufacture and distribution of the product.e. determines how it will obtain and maintain the appropriate set of skills andabilities to meet customer needs.Answer: bDifficulty: Easy3. A company’s marketing and sales strategya. defines the set of customer needs that it seeks to satisfy through itsproducts and services.b. specifies the portfolio of new products that it will try to develop.c. specifies how the market will be segmented and how the product will bepositioned, priced, and promoted.d. determines the nature of procurement and transportation of materials aswell as manufacture and distribution of the product.e. determines how it will obtain and maintain the appropriate set of skills andabilities to meet customer needs.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate4. A company’s supply chain strategya. defines the set of customer needs that it seeks to satisfy through itsproducts and services.b. specifies the portfolio of new products that it will try to develop.c. specifies how the market will be segmented and how the product will bepositioned, priced, and promoted.d. determines the nature of procurement and transportation of materials aswell as manufacture and distribution of the product.e. determines how it will obtain and maintain the appropriate set of skills andabilities to meet customer needs.Difficulty: Easy5. Which of the following determines the nature of procurement of raw materials,transportation of materials to and from the company, manufacture of the product or operation to provide the service, and distribution of the product to the customer along with follow-up service?a. Competitive strategyb. Product development strategyc. Marketing and sales strategyd. Supply chain strategye. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy6. Which of the following defines the set of customer needs that a company seeks tosatisfy through its products and services?a. Competitive strategyb. Product development strategyc. Marketing and sales strategyd. Supply chain strategye. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate7. Which of the following specifies how the market will be segmented and how theproduct will be positioned, priced, and promoted?a. Competitive strategyb. Product development strategyc. Marketing and sales strategyd. Supply chain strategye. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate8. Which of the following specifies the portfolio of new products that a company will tryto develop?a. Competitive strategyb. Product development strategyc. Marketing and sales strategyd. Supply chain strategye. all of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy9. A supply chain strategy includesa. supplier strategy.b. operations strategy.c. logistics strategy.d. all of the abovee. none of the aboveDifficulty: Moderate10. A supply chain strategy involves decisions regardinga. inventory.b. transportation.c. operating facilities.d. information flows.e. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate11. A supply chain strategy involves decisions regarding all of the following excepta. inventory.b. transportation.c. new product development.d. operating facilities.e. information flows.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate12. Which of the following is a key to the success or failure of a company?a. The competitive strategy and all functional strategies must fit together toform a coordinated overall strategy.b. Each functional strategy must support other functional strategies and helpa firm reach its competitive strategy goal.c. The different functions in a company must appropriately structure theirprocesses and resources to be able to execute strategies successfully.d. All of the above are keys to success.e. None of the above are a key to success.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate13. Which of the following is not a key to the success or failure of a company?a. The competitive strategy and all functional strategies must fit together to forma coordinated overall strategy.b. Each functional strategy must support other functional strategies and help afirm reach its competitive strategy goal.c. The different functions in a company must appropriately structure theirprocesses and resources to be able to execute strategies successfully.d. All of the above are keys to success.e. None of the above are a key to success.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate14. Which of the following is not a key to the success or failure of a company?a. The competitive strategy and all functional strategies must fit together toform a coordinated overall strategy.b. The competitive strategy and all functional strategies operateindependently of each other.c. The different functions in a company must appropriately structure theirprocesses and resources to be able to execute strategies successfully.d. Each functional strategy must support other functional strategies and helpa firm reach its competitive strategy goal.e. All of the above are keys to success.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate15. Which of the following are basic steps to achieving strategic fit?a. Understanding the customer and supply uncertainty.b. Understanding the supply chain capabilities.c. Achieving strategic fit.d. All of the above are basic steps to achieving strategic fit.e. None of the above are a basic step to achieving strategic fit.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate16. Which of the following is not a basic step to achieving strategic fit?a. Achieving strategic fit.b. Understanding the supply chain capabilities.c. Determining the response time that customers are willing to tolerate.d. Understanding the customer and supply uncertainty.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate17. Customer demand from different segments varies along which of the followingattributes?a. The quantity of product needed in each lot.b. The response time that customers are willing to tolerate.c. The variety of products needed.d. The service level required.e. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy18. Which of the following is not an attribute along which customer demand varies?a. The uniqueness of the product.b. The quantity of product needed in each lot.c. The variety of products needed.d. The desired rate of innovation in the product.e. All of the above are attributes.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate19. The uncertainty of customer demand for a product is thea. rate of strategic uncertainty.b. demand uncertainty.c. implied demand uncertainty.d. average forecast error.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate20. The uncertainty that exists due to the portion of demand that the supply chain isrequired to meet is thea. rate of strategic uncertainty.b. demand uncertainty.c. implied demand uncertainty.d. average forecast error.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate21. Which of the following customer needs will cause implied uncertainty of demand toincrease?a. Range of quantity required increasesb. Lead time decreasesc. Variety of products required increasesd. Required service level increasese. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy22. Which of the following customer needs will cause implied uncertainty of demand todecrease?a. Range of quantity required increasesb. Lead time decreasesc. Variety of products required increasesd. Required service level increasese. none of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate23. Which of the following customer needs will cause implied uncertainty of demand toincrease?a. Product marginb. Lead time decreasesc. Average stockout rated. Average forced season end markdowne. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate24. Which of the following characteristics of customer demand have a correlation withimplied uncertainty?a. Product marginb. Average forecast errorc. Average stockout rated. Average forced season end markdowne. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate25. Which of the following is not a characteristic of customer demand correlated withimplied uncertainty?a. Product marginb. Unpredictable and low yieldsc. Average stockout rated. Average forced season end markdowne. None of the above are correlated with implied uncertaintyAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate26. Which of the following supply chain capabilities will cause supply uncertainty toincrease?a. Frequent breakdownsb. Unpredictable and low yieldsc. Poor qualityd. Limited supply capacitye. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy27. Which of the following supply chain capabilities will cause supply uncertainty toincrease?a. Evolving production processb. Inflexible supply capacityc. Limited supply capacityd. Unpredictable and low yieldse. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy28. Which of the following supply chain capabilities will cause supply uncertainty todecrease?a. Evolving production processb. Inflexible supply capacityc. Limited supply capacityd. Unpredictable and low yieldse. none of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate29. Which of the following is not a supply chain capability that will impact supplyuncertainty?a. Evolving production processb. Inflexible supply capacityc. Limited supply capacityd. Product margine. Unpredictable and low yieldsAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate30. The first step in achieving strategic fit between competitive and supply chainstrategies is toa. understand the supply chain and map it on the responsiveness spectrum.b. understand customers and supply chain uncertainty.c. match supply chain responsiveness with the implied uncertainty ofdemand.d. ensure that all functional strategies within the supply chain support thesupply chain’s level of responsiveness.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Hard31. The second step in achieving strategic fit between competitive and supply chainstrategies is toa. understand the supply chain and map it on the responsiveness spectrum.b. understand customers and supply chain uncertainty.c. match supply chain responsiveness with the implied uncertainty of demand.d. ensure that all functional strategies within the supply chain support the supplychain’s level of responsiveness.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Hard32. The final step in achieving strategic fit between competitive and supply chainstrategies is toa. understand the supply chain and map it on the responsiveness spectrum.b. understand customers and supply chain uncertainty.c. match supply chain responsiveness with the implied uncertainty of demand.d. combine customer and supply chain uncertainty and map it on the implieduncertainty spectrum.e. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate33. Supply chain responsiveness includes the ability to do which of the following?a. Respond to wide ranges of quantities demandedb. Meet short lead timesc. Handle a large variety of productsd. Meet a very high service levele. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy34. Supply chain responsiveness includes the ability to do which of the following?a. Handle supply uncertaintyb. Build highly innovative productsc. Meet short lead timesd. Meet a very high service levele. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy35. Supply chain responsiveness includes the ability to do which of the following?a. Handle supply uncertaintyb. Understand customers and supply chain uncertaintyc. Match supply chain responsiveness with the implied uncertainty ofdemandd. Ensure that all functional strategies within the supply chain support thesupply chain’s level of responsivenesse. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate36. Supply chain responsiveness includes the ability to do which of the following?a. Understand customers and supply chainb. Meet a very high service levelc. Match supply chain responsiveness with the implied uncertainty of demandd. Ensure that all functional strategies within the supply chain support the supplychain’s level of responsive nesse. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate37. Supply chain responsiveness includes the ability to do which of the following?a. Understand customers and supply chainb. Match supply chain responsiveness with the implied uncertainty of demandc. Meet short lead timesd. Ensure that all functional strategies within the supply chain support the supplychain’s level of responsivenesse. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate38. The cost of making and delivering a product to the customer is referred to asa. supply chain responsiveness.b. supply chain efficiency.c. cost-responsiveness efficient frontier.d. implied uncertainty.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy39. The curve that shows the lowest possible cost for a given level of responsiveness isreferred to as thea. supply chain responsiveness curve.b. supply chain efficiency curve.c. cost-responsiveness efficient frontier.d. responsiveness spectrum.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate40. A firm that is not on the cost-responsiveness efficient frontier can improvea. both responsiveness and cost performance.b. only responsiveness.c. only cost performance.d. responsiveness, but not cost performance.e. neither responsiveness nor cost performance.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy41. A firm that is not on the cost-responsiveness efficient frontier can improvea. both responsiveness and cost performance.b. only responsiveness.c. only cost performance.d. either responsiveness or cost performance, but not both.e. neither responsiveness nor cost performance.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate42. A firm that is on the cost-responsiveness efficient frontier can improvea. responsiveness only by increasing cost and becoming less efficient.b. cost performance only by reducing responsiveness.c. both responsiveness and cost performance by improving processes andchanging technology to shift the efficient frontier.d. all of the abovee. neither responsiveness nor cost performance.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate43. A graph with two axes with implied uncertainty along the horizontal axis andresponsiveness along the vertical axis is referred to as thea. implied uncertainty spectrum.b. responsiveness spectrum.c. uncertainty/responsiveness map.d. zone of strategic fit.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate44. The relationship where increasing implied uncertainty from customers and supplysources is best served by increasing responsiveness from the supply chain is known as thea. implied uncertainty spectrum.b. responsiveness spectrum.c. uncertainty/responsiveness map.d. zone of strategic fit.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate45. To achieve complete strategic fit, a firm musta. consider all functional strategies within the value chain.b. ensure that all functions in the value chain have consistent strategies thatsupport the competitive strategy.c. ensure that all substrategies within the supply chain such asmanufacturing, inventory, and purchasing be consistent with the supplychain’s level of responsiveness.d. all of the abovee. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Hard46. The drive for strategic fit should come froma. the supply chain manager.b. the strategic planning department.c. the highest levels of the organization, such as the CEO.d. middle management.e. sales and marketing.Answer: cDifficulty: Hard47. The important points to remember about achieving strategic fit area. there is one best supply chain strategy for all competitive strategies.b. there is no right supply chain strategy independent of the competitivestrategy.c. there is a right supply chain strategy for a given competitive strategy.d. all of the abovee. b and c onlyAnswer: eDifficulty: Hard48. The preferable supply chain strategy for a firm that sells multiple products and servescustomer segments with very different needs is toa. set up independent supply chains for each different product or customersegment.b. set up a supply chain that meets the needs of the highest volume productor customer segment.c. tailor the supply chain to best meet the needs of each product’s demand.d. set up a supply chain that meets the needs of the customer segment withthe highest implied uncertainty.e. set up a supply chain that meets the needs of product with the highestimplied uncertainty.Answer: cDifficulty: Hard49. Which of the following would not be a demand and supply characteristic toward thebeginning stages of a product’s life cycle?a. Demand is very uncertain and supply may be unpredictable.b. Demand has become more certain and supply is predictable.c. Margins are often high and time is crucial to gaining sales.d. Product availability is crucial to capturing the market.e. Cost is often of secondary consideration.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate50. Which of the following would be a demand and supply characteristic toward thebeginning stages of a product’s life cycle?a. Demand has become more certain and supply is predictable.b. Margins are lower due to an increase in competitive pressure.c. Product availability is crucial to capturing the market.d. Price becomes a significant factor in customer choice.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate51. Which of the following would not be a demand and supply characteristic in the laterstages of a product’s life cycle?a. Demand has become more certain and supply is predictable.b. Margins are lower due to an increase in competitive pressure.c. Product availability is crucial to capturing the market.d. Price becomes a significant factor in customer choice.e. All of the above are characteristics of the later stages.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate52. The functions and stages that devise an integrated strategy with a shared objectiveare referred to asa. competitive strategy.b. supply chain strategy.c. scope of strategic fit.d. scope of marketing strategy.e. scope of product development strategy.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate53. The most limited scope over which strategic fit is considered is one operation withina functional area in a company. This is referred to asa. intracompany intraoperational scope.b. intracompany intrafunctional scope.c. intracompany interoperational scope.d. intercompany interfunctional scope.e. agile intercompany scope.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy54. The scope of strategic fit that includes all operations within a function in a companyisa. intracompany intraoperational scope.b. intracompany intrafunctional scope.c. intracompany interoperational scope.d. intercompany interfunctional scope.e. agile intercompany scope.Answer: bDifficulty: Easy55. The scope of strategic fit where all functional strategies are developed to supportboth each other and the competitive strategy in order to maximize company profit isa. intracompany intraoperational scope.b. intracompany intrafunctional scope.c. intracompany interoperational scope.d. intercompany interfunctional scope.e. agile intercompany scope.Answer: cDifficulty: Easy56. The scope of strategic fit that requires that each company evaluate its actions in thecontext of the entire supply chain isa. intracompany intraoperational scope.b. intracompany intrafunctional scope.c. intracompany interoperational scope.d. intercompany interfunctional scope.e. agile intercompany scope.Answer: dDifficulty: Easy57. A firm’s ability to achieve strategic fit when partnering with supply chain stages th atchange over time is referred to asa. intracompany intraoperational scope.b. intracompany intrafunctional scope.c. intracompany interoperational scope.d. intercompany interfunctional scope.e. agile intercompany scope.Answer: eDifficulty: EasyEssay/Problems1. Discuss the two keys to the success or failure of a company.Answer: A company’s success or failure is thus closely linked to the followingkeys:1. The competitive strategy and all functional strategies must fit together to forma coordinated overall strategy. Each functional strategy must support otherfunctional strategies and help a firm reach its competitive strategy goal.2. The different functions in a company must appropriately structure theirprocesses and resources to be able to execute these strategies successfully.Difficulty: Hard2. List and explain the three basic steps to achieving strategic fit.Answer: There are three basic steps to achieving strategic fit:1. Understanding the customer and supply chain uncertaint y. First a companymust understand the customer needs for each targeted segment and theuncertainty the supply chain faces in satisfying these needs. These needs helpthe company define the desired cost and service requirements. The supply chain uncertainty helps the company identify the extent of disruption and delay thesupply chain must be prepared for.2. Understanding the supply chain capabilities. There are many types of supplychains, each of which is designed to perform different tasks well. A companymust understand what its supply chain is designed to do well.3. Achieving strategic fit. If a mismatch exists between what the supply chaindoes particularly well and the desired customer needs, the company will eitherneed to restructure the supply chain to support the competitive strategy or alterits strategy.Difficulty: Moderate3. List the attributes along which customer demand from different segments canvary.Answer: In general, customer demand from different segments may vary alongseveral attributes as follows:∙The quantity of the product needed in each lot∙The response time that customers are willing to tolerate∙The variety of products needed∙The service level required∙The price of the product∙The desired rate of innovation in the productDifficulty: Moderate4. List the abilities included in supply chain responsiveness.Answer: Supply chain responsiveness includes a supply chain’s ability to do the following:∙Respond to wide ranges of quantities demanded∙Meet short lead times∙Handle a large variety of products∙Build highly innovative products∙Meet a very high service level∙Handle supply uncertaintyDifficulty: Moderate5. Discuss the impact of the product life cycle on strategic fit between implieddemand uncertainty and supply chain responsiveness.Answer: As products go through their life cycle, the demand characteristics and the needs of the customer segments being served change. Supplycharacteristics also change as the product and production technologies mature.High-tech products are particularly prone to these life cycle swings over a verycompressed time span. A product goes through life cycle phases from theintroductory phase, when only the leading edge of customers is interested in itand supply is uncertain, all the way to the point at which the product becomes a。




(T )(2)传统管理模式是以规模化需求和区域性的卖方市场为决策背景,通过规模效应降低成本,获得效益。

( F )(3)供应链管理这一名词最早出现于20世纪80年代,最初是由咨询业提出的。

(T )(4)让最终顾客更满意是供应链全体成员的共同目标,顾客满意的实质是顾客获得超出他们承担的产品价格以上的那部分“价值”。

(T )(5)供应链管理是以同步化、集成化生产计划为指导,以各种信息技术为支持,尤其以Internet/Intranet为依托。

(T )(6)供应链管理整体成本最小化意味着每个节点企业的成本都是最小。

( F )(7)从成本方面来看,供应链管理是通过注重产品最终成本来优化供应链的。

(T )(8)由于供应链节点企业有一个共同的追求目标,所以它们之间不再有竞争性。

(F )(9)供应链管理中的“零库存”就是指节点企业的库存为零。

( F )(10)从系统的观点出发,改进服务、缩短时间、提高品质与减少库存、降低成本是可以兼得的。

(T )二、单选题1、供应链是(C)结构。

A、直链B、支链C、网链D、环状2、供应链节点企业之间是一种(A )关系。

A、需求与供应B、支配C、平等D、利益3、供应链管理因企业战略和适应市场需求变化的需要,链上节点企业需要动态地更新,这就使得供应链具有明显的(B )。

A、复杂性B、动态性C、交叉性D、灵活性4、从20世纪80年代初到20世纪90年代初供应链管理处于(A )。

A、初级阶段B、发展阶段C、成熟阶段D、建设阶段5、按照道格拉斯·兰伯特的思想,企业主动召回有问题的已售商品,属于供应链业务流程的( B )程序?A、订单配送B、反向物流(回流)C、需求管理D、制造流程管理三、多选题1、传统“纵向一体化”管理模式存在的弊端有(ABCD )。






















采购与供应链管理习题库02第二章 习题及参考答案

采购与供应链管理习题库02第二章  习题及参考答案







A A、战略采购B、集中采购C、分散采购D、共同采购8、在供应链管理的“销、产、供”模式下,采购活动是以()的方式进行的,整条供应链的采购与供应都是围绕着市场的需求运转。




















供应链管理第6版习题与案例集第2章 供应链管理要素与运行机制

供应链管理第6版习题与案例集第2章  供应链管理要素与运行机制








因此,ZARA 的经营战略,就是尽一切可能提高响应速度。




每年投产的约有300 000SKU,不重复出样。










()参考答案:对第二章测试1.需求没有呈现趋势或季节性变动,可用( )方法预测参考答案:移动平均法;单一指数平滑法2.如果用路径信号(TS)衡量预测偏差,下列( )说明出现了偏差TS大于+6;TS小于-63.当需求呈现趋势但没有季节性变动时,可用( )方法预测参考答案:Holt模型4.当需求呈现趋势和季节性变动时,可用( )方法预测参考答案:Winter模型5.可通过( )检验预测方法是否准确地预测了系统需求。

参考答案:误差分析第三章测试1.下列关于供应链结构特征描述不正确的是( )参考答案:封闭性2.为了能使供应链具有灵活快速响应市场的能力,供应链在设计时应遵循()原则简洁性原则3.供应链设计和管理的目标是降低成本、提高利润,其前提是供应链能保证产品在流通过程中畅通无阻、供应链对客户的需求变化能做出迅速反应,这体现了 ( ) 的供应链设计策略。

参考答案:以客户为中心4.供应链的网链结构主要包括 ( )参考答案:各层面供应商或客户的数量;各层面之间的联系方式;供应链的长度5.动态企业联盟的结构和性质决定了此联盟具有的特性()参考答案:动态性;互补性;对信息技术的依赖性6.影响供应链合作伙伴关系联盟最根本的因素是()参考答案:效果7.供应链系统设计的整体目标是消除或者减少不增加价值的活动。



第2章、供应链管理概论一、单项选择题1. 供应链管理的产生是( B )的结果。

A. 纵向一体化B.横向一体化C. 低成本战略D.差异化战略2.如果产品是功能性产品,则供应链类型为( A )。

A. 精益型供应链B. 敏捷型供应链C. 稳定型供应链D.倾斜型供应链3.( C )表现为供应链节点企业可能是两个或者两个以上供应链的成员。

A.复杂性B. 动态性C.交叉性D.面向用户需求的特性4. ( B )是利用计算机网络技术全面规划供应链中的商流、物流、信息流、资金流等,并进行计划、组织、协调与控制。

A.供应链B.供应链管理C.物流管理D. 生产管理5.供应链管理的最终目标是(A)。

A.提高核心竞争力B.提高快速反应能力C. 降低库存成本D.提高服务质量6.企业为了更好满足消费者的需求,不断推出新的品种,这将可能导致( B )。

A、库存负担减少B、库存负担增加C、研发周期延长D、研发周期不变7. 如果按照合作意愿和能力两个指标来选择供应商,则对于合作意愿较弱但能力很强的供应商,则该供应商为( B )。

A、理想供应商B、暧昧供应商C、尴尬供应商D、淘汰供应商8. 供应链的实质是在需求信息的驱动下,通过供应链职能的分工与合作,以资金流、物流、信息流等为媒介实现整个供应链的( B )。

A、物流快速流动B、不断增值C、不断贬值D、反应速度稳定9.( B )实现了柔性生产流水作业,使多品种、小批量生产取得了流水生产的效果。

A.成组技术B. 柔性制造系统C. 减少零件变化D. 计算机集成制造10. 供应链管理与物流管理的关系是( C )。

A. 两种管理没有区别B.供应链管理是物流管理的一个部分C.物流管理是供应链管理一个部分D.两者是毫无关联的11. 市场需求的随机性和不确定性使得供应链管理下的物流活动具有( A )。

A.不可控性和变异性较高B.物流需求量比较稳定C.物流中信息技术的作用不明显D.自营物流变动很重要二、多项选择题1. 下列哪些是21世纪企业面临的竞争环境。

供应链管理 第二章 练习和答案

供应链管理 第二章 练习和答案

Chapter 2Supply Chain Performance: Achieving Strategic Fit and Scope True/False1. 一个公司的竞争战略是通过该公司的产品和服务满足的客户需求组合来界定的。

T2. 价值链强调的是公司内各个职能战略间的紧密关系。

T3. 一个公司的产品开发战略通过该公司的产品和服务满足的客户需求组合来界定的。

F4. 一个公司的产品开发战略拟定了公司将要开发的新产品组合。

T5. 一个公司的供应链战略详述市场是如何进行市场细分的,产品如何定位、定价、和促销 F6. 一个公司的供应链战略关注的是原材料的采购、物料的运输、产品制造和配送。

T7. 供应链的响应程度应符合所隐含的不确定性。

T8. 供应链的响应程度不需适应所隐含的不确定性。


T10. 为了实现完整的战略匹配,公司必须确保在价值链中的所有职能有各种战略支持职能目标. F11. 如果公司要继续达到战略匹配,由于需求与供给发生了转变,供应链战略必需随产品生命周期而改变。

T12. 假如公司要继续达到战略匹配的话,供应链战略必须建立在产品生命周期的开始,而且不能改变。

F13. 为了保持战略的匹配,供应链策略必须随着产品的生命周期调整,随竞争环境变化调整。

T14. 公司间范围的战略匹配是必要的,因为竞争发生中供应链与供应链之间,而不是公司与公司之间。

T15. 公司间范围的战略匹配是不必要的,因为竞争发生中供应链与供应链之间,而不是公司与公司之间。

F16. ????公司间的范围战略匹配要求公司评估整个供应链中每一个动作。

T17. 设计和管理供应链流程和成功的供应链密切相关。

T Multiple Choice1. 一个公司的竞争战略 Aa. 通过该公司的产品和服务满足的客户需求组合来界定的b. 拟定了公司将要开发的新产品组合c. 详述市场是如何进行市场细分的,产品如何定位、定价、和促销d. 关注原材料的采购、物料的运输、产品制造和配送e. 确定它会如何获得和维持适当的技能和能力,以满足客户的需求2。









二、填空题1.网链结构,用户,用户的用户2.快速响应市场3.稳定的供应链,动态的供应链4.平衡的供应链,倾斜的供应链5.有效性供应链6.反应性供应链7.供应链和供应链8.前馈的信息流,反馈的物料流及信息流9.企业内部供应链管理10.全球网络供应链管理11.计划,物流,供应,回流12.客户服务最优化,总库存最小化,总周期时间最短化,物流质量最优化13.物流14.信任和相互合作15.纵向,横向三、不定项选择题1.C 2.B 3.ABCD 4.B 5.ACDE 6.ABDE 7.ACDE 8.ABDE 9.C 10.ABCD四、简答题1.试举例比较传统物流管理与供应链物流管理的特点。

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Chapter 2Supply Chain Performance: Achieving Strategic Fit and Scope True/False1. 一个公司的竞争战略是通过该公司的产品和服务满足的客户需求组合来界定的。

T2. 价值链强调的是公司各个职能战略间的紧密关系。

T3. 一个公司的产品开发战略通过该公司的产品和服务满足的客户需求组合来界定的。

F4. 一个公司的产品开发战略拟定了公司将要开发的新产品组合。

T5. 一个公司的供应链战略详述市场是如何进行市场细分的,产品如何定位、定价、和促销 F6. 一个公司的供应链战略关注的是原材料的采购、物料的运输、产品制造和配送。

T7. 供应链的响应程度应符合所隐含的不确定性。

T8. 供应链的响应程度不需适应所隐含的不确定性。


T10. 为了实现完整的战略匹配,公司必须确保在价值链中的所有职能有各种战略支持职能目标。

F11. 如果公司要继续达到战略匹配,由于需求与供给发生了转变,供应链战略必需随产品生命周期而改变。

T12. 假如公司要继续达到战略匹配的话,供应链战略必须建立在产品生命周期的开始,而且不能改变。

F13. 为了保持战略的匹配,供应链策略必须随着产品的生命周期调整,随竞争环境变化调整。

T14. 公司间围的战略匹配是必要的,因为竞争发生中供应链与供应链之间,而不是公司与公司之间。

T15. 公司间围的战略匹配是不必要的,因为竞争发生中供应链与供应链之间,而不是公司与公司之间。

F16. ????公司间的围战略匹配要求公司评估整个供应链中每一个动作。

T17. 设计和管理供应链流程和成功的供应链密切相关。

TMultiple Choice1. 一个公司的竞争战略 Aa. 通过该公司的产品和服务满足的客户需求组合来界定的b. 拟定了公司将要开发的新产品组合c. 详述市场是如何进行市场细分的,产品如何定位、定价、和促销d. 关注原材料的采购、物料的运输、产品制造和配送e. 确定它会如何获得和维持适当的技能和能力,以满足客户的需求2. 一个公司的产品开发战略 Ba. 通过该公司的产品和服务满足的客户需求组合来界定的b. 拟定了公司将要开发的新产品组合c. 详述市场是如何进行市场细分的,产品如何定位、定价、和促销d. 关注原材料的采购、物料的运输、产品制造和配送e. 确定它会如何获得和维持适当的技能和能力,以满足客户的需求3. 一个公司的营销战略 Ca. 通过该公司的产品和服务满足的客户需求组合来界定的b. 拟定了公司将要开发的新产品组合c. 详述市场是如何进行市场细分的,产品如何定位、定价、和促销d. 关注原材料的采购、物料的运输、产品制造和配送e. 确定它会如何获得和维持适当的技能和能力,以满足客户的需求4. 一个公司的供应链战略 Da. 通过该公司的产品和服务满足的客户需求组合来界定的b. 拟定了公司将要开发的新产品组合c. 详述市场是如何进行市场细分的,产品如何定位、定价、和促销d. 关注原材料的采购、物料的运输、产品制造和配送e. 确定它会如何获得和维持适当的技能和能力,以满足客户的需求5. 下列哪个决定了原材料的采购,物料的运进运出,产品的制造或提供服务的运作,产品的配送,后续的服务等等活动的本质。

Da. 竞争战略b. 产品开发战略c. 市场营销战略d. 供应链战略e. 上述都不是6. 下列哪个战略是通过该公司的产品和服务满足的客户需求组合来界定的 Aa. 竞争战略b. 产品开发战略c. 市场营销战略d. 供应链战略e. 上述都不是7. 下列哪个战略详述市场是如何进行市场细分的,产品如何定位、定价、和促销 Ca. 竞争战略b. 产品开发战略c. 市场营销战略d. 供应链战略e. 上述都不是8. 下列哪个战略拟定了公司将要开发的新产品组合 Ba. 竞争战略b. 产品开发战略c. 市场营销战略d. 供应链战略e. 上述都是9. 供应链战略包括 Da. 供应商战略b. 运行战略c. 物流战略d. 上述都是e. 上述都不是10. 一个供应链战略涉及 Ea. 库存b. 运输c. 运行设施d. 信息流e. 上述都是11. 一个供应链战略涉及除了下列哪个 Ca. 库存b. 运输c. 新产品的开发d. 运行设施e. 信息流12. 下列哪项是公司成功或失败的关键 Da. 竞争战略和所有的职能战略必须相匹配与总体战略保持一致。

b. 每一个职能战略必须支持其他职能战略,帮助公司达到他的竞争战略目标。

c. 为了战略执行的成功,不同的职能在一个公司必须适当把流程和资源组织在一起。

d. 上述所有都是成功的关键e. 上述所有都不是成功的关键13. 下列哪项不是公司成功或失败的关键 Da. 为了形成一个协调的总体战略,竞争战略和所有的职能战略必须相匹配。

b. 每一个职能战略必须支持其他职能战略,帮助公司达到他的竞争战略目标。

c. 为了战略执行的成功,不同的职能在一个公司必须适当把流程和资源组织在一起,d. 上述所有都是成功的关键e. 上述所有都不是成功的关键14. 下列哪项不是公司成功或失败的关键 Ba. 竞争战略和所有的职能战略必须相匹配与总体战略保持一致。

b. 每一个职能战略必须支持其他职能战略,帮助公司达到他的竞争战略目标。

c. 为了战略执行的成功,一个公司不同的职能必须适当把流程和资源组织在一起,d. 上述所有都是成功的关键e. 上述所有都不是成功的关键15. 下列哪项是为了达到战略匹配的基本步骤 Da. 理解顾客和供应的不确定性b. 理解供应链能力c. 赢得战略匹配d. 上述所有都是赢得战略匹配的基本步骤e. 上述所有都不是赢得战略匹配的基本步骤16. 下列哪项不是为了达到战略匹配的基本步骤 Ca. 赢得战略匹配b. 理解供应链能力c. 确定响应的时间和顾客的容忍意愿d. 理解顾客和供应的不确定性e. 上述都不是17. 不同的顾客群的需求表现出不同,由于Ea. 每次产品数量需求多b. 顾客愿意容忍的响应时间c. 需要各种产品d. 所需的服务水平e. 上述都是18. 不同的顾客群的需求表现出不同属性,不是因为 Aa. 独特的产品b. 每次产品数量需求多c. 需要各种产品d. 产品预期创新速度e. 上述所有都是19. 一个产品顾客需求的不确定性是 Ba. 战略不确定性b. 需求不确定性c. 隐含需求不确定性d. 平均预测错误e. 上述都不是20. 因为供应链要满足的需求而存在的不确定性是 Ca. 战略不确定性b. 需求不确定性c. 隐含需求不确定性d. 平均预测错误e. 上述都不是21. 下列哪项顾客需求会导致隐含需求不确定的增加 Ea. 需求数量围的增加b. 提前期缩短c. 各种产品需求增加d. 所需服务水平提高e. 上述都是22. 下列哪项顾客需求会导致隐含需求不确定的下降 Ea. 需求数量围的增加b. 提前期缩短c. 各种产品需求增加d. 所需服务水平提高e. 上述都不是23. 下列哪项顾客需求会导致隐含需求不确定的上升 Ba. 产品边际效益b. 提前期缩短c. 平均缺货率d. 平均被迫季末降价率e. 上述都不是24. 下列哪个顾客需求特性与隐含不确定性相关 Ea. 产品边际效益b. 平均预测误差c. 平均缺货率d. 平均被迫季末降价率e. 上述都是25. 下列哪个顾客需求特性与隐含不确定性不相关 Ba. 产品边际效益b. 低效率,不可预测c. 平均缺货率d. 平均被迫季末降价率e. 上述都不与隐含不确定性相关26. 下列哪个供应链能力会导致供应不确定性增加 Ea. 频繁停产b. 不可预测和第产出率c. 质量差d. 有限的供应能力e. 上述都是27. 下列哪个供应链能力会导致供应不确定性增加 Ea. 改进生产工艺b. 不灵活的供应能力c. 有限的供应能力d. 不可预测和低产出率e. 上述都是28. 下列哪个供应链能力会导致供应不确定性减少 Ea. 改进生产工艺b. 不灵活的供应能力c. 有限的供应能力d. 不可预测和低产出率e. 上述都不是29. 下列哪个不是供应链能力,会影响隐含不确定性的 Da. 改进生产工艺b. 不灵活的供应能力c. 有限的供应能力d. 产品边际效益e. 不可预测和低产出率30. 实现战略匹配在竞争和供应链战略之间的第一步是 Ba. 理解供应链,把它反应在响应性上b. 理解顾客和供应链的不确定性c. 供应链响应性和隐含需求不确定性的匹配d. 确保所有职能战略支持供应链的响应性e. 上述都不是31. 实现战略匹配在竞争和供应链战略之间的第二步是 Aa. 理解供应链,把它反应在响应性上b. 理解顾客和供应链的不确定性c. 供应链响应性和隐含需求不确定性的匹配d. 确保所有职能战略支持供应链的响应性e. 上述都不是32. 实现战略匹配在竞争和供应链战略之间的最后一步是 Ca. 理解供应链,把它反应在响应性上b. 理解顾客和供应链的不确定性c. 供应链响应性和隐含需求不确定性的匹配d. 把顾客和供应链不确定性联系在一起,并把他们反应在隐含不确定性上e. 上述都是33. 供应链响应性包括下列哪些完成任务的能力 Ea. 对大幅度变动的需求量的响应b. 满足短期交货c. 处理各种产品d. 满足高服务水平e. 上述都是34. 供应链响应性包括下列哪些完成任务的能力 Ea. 处理供应不确定性b. 生产高度创新性的产品c. 满足短期交货d. 满足高服务水平e. 上述都是35. 供应链响应性包括下列哪些完成任务的能力 Aa. 处理供应不确定性b. 理解顾客和供应链的不确定性c. 供应链响应性和隐含需求不确定性的匹配d. 确保所有职能战略支持供应链的响应性e. 上述都不是36. 供应链响应性包括下列哪些完成任务的能力 Ba. 理解顾客和供应链b. 满足高服务水平c. 供应链响应性和隐含需求不确定性的匹配d. 确保所有职能战略支持供应链的响应性e. 上述都不是37. 供应链响应包含做以下事情的能力:Ca. 理解顾客和供应链b. 供应链响应性和隐含需求不确定性的匹配c. 满足短期交货d. 确保所有职能战略支持供应链的响应性e. 上述都是38. 产品制造和交付给顾客产品的成本 Ba. 供应链响应性b. 供应链效率c. 成本-响应性效率边界d. 隐含不确定性e. 以上都不是39. 哪条曲线是说明尽可能低的成本考虑响应水平的 Ca. 供应链响应性曲线b. 供应线效率曲线c. 成本-响应性效率边界d. 响应性映射图e. 上述都不是40. 不在成本-响应性效率边界曲线上的公司可以 Aa. 同时改善成本又响应性.b. 只能改善响应性c. 只能改善成本d. 只能改善响应性,但不能改善成本e. 成本响应性都不能改善41. 不在成本-响应性效率边界曲线上公司能 Aa. 同时改善成本又响应性.b. 只能改善响应性c. 只能改善成本d. 改善响应性、成本两者之一,但不能同时改善e. 成本响应性都不能改善42. 一家在成本-响应性效率边界曲线上的公司能 Da. 只能通过增加成本而降低效率来提高响应性b. 只能通过降低响应性降低成本c. 通过不断改善工艺,改造技术并以此移动本身的效率边界曲线来同时改善响应性和成本d. 上述都是e. 成本响应性都没有43. 横坐标轴表示隐含不确定性,纵坐标表示响应性的曲线图被称作: Ca. 隐含不确定性图b. 响应性图c. 不确定性/响应性图d. 战略匹配区域图e. 上述都不是44. 从顾客和供应来源增加隐含不确定性是从供应链增加响应最好的服务被我们称为 Da. 隐含不确定性连续带b. 响应性图c. 不确定性/响应性图d. 战略匹配区域e. 上述都不是45. 为了达到战略匹配,公司必须 Da. 考虑价值链中所有的职能战略b. 确保所有职能战略在价值链中能连续的,支持竞争战略c. 确保所有子战略,如制造、存货和采购与供应链响应水平一致d. 上述都是e. 上述都不是46. 战略匹配的动力来自于 Ca. 供应链经理b. 战略计划部门c. 高层管理,像CEOd. 中层管理e. 销售和市场47. 达到战略匹配的重要观点 Ea. 有一种最佳的供应链战略为所有的竞争策略b. 没有正确的供应链战略独立与竞争策略c. 正确的供应链战略要考虑竞争战略d. 上述都是e. 只有B和C48. 好的供应链战略对一个卖各种产品,服务顾客的各种需求的公司来说就是 Ca. 对不同的产品和顾客细分建立独立的供应链b. 建立满足大量产品或顾客细分需求的供应链c. 使得供应链很好的满足每个产品的需求d. 在高的隐含不确定情况下建立一个供应链满足顾客的需求e. 在高的隐含不确定情况下建立一个供应链满足产品需求49. 下列哪个不是产品生命周期前期供需特征?Ba. 需求非常不确定b. 需求变得确定,供应可预测c. 由于竞争压力加大,边际收益降低d. 产品可得性在抓住市场上是至关重要的e. 成本被第二个考虑50. 下列哪个是产品生命周期前期供需特征? Ca. 求变得确定,供应可预测b. 由于竞争压力加大,边际收益降低c. 产品可得性在抓住市场上是至关重要的d. 价格成为顾客做出选择的重要因素e. 上述都是51. 下列哪个不是产品生命周期后期供需特征? Ca. 需求变得确定,供应可预测b. 由于竞争压力加大,边际收益降低c. 产品可得性在抓住市场上是至关重要的d. 价格成为顾客做出选择的重要因素.e. 上述所有都是后期的特征52. 设计一个带着共同目标的一体化战略的职能和步骤被称作 Ca. 竞争战略b. 供应链战略c. 战略匹配围d. 市场营销战略围e. 产品开发战略围53. 最小的战略匹配发生中公司某一职能的一个作业,这被称作Aa. 公司作业围b. 公司职能围c. 公司职能间围d. 公司间职能间围e. 敏捷公司间54. 包含公司某一职能的所有作业的战略匹配围是 Ba. 公司作业围b. 公司职能围c. 公司职能间围d. 公司间职能间围e. 敏捷公司间55. 为了公司利润最大化而开发所有职能战略,让它们互相支持,并支持竞争战略战略匹配围是 Da. 公司作业围b. 公司职能围c. 公司职能间围d. 公司间职能间围e. 敏捷公司间56. 要求每家公司在整个供应链的层面评估其行动的战略匹配围是 Ea. 公司作业围b. 公司职能围c. 公司作业间围d. 公司间职能间围e. 敏捷公司间Essay/Problems1. 讨论公司成功或失败的两个关键答:1.竞争战略和所有的职能策略必须匹配,与整体战略相一致。
