
营销管理科特勒12版中文Chapter 1 Defining Marketing for the 21st Century1 pany Orientations Toward the Marketplace 公司看待市场的导向答:指点组织从事其营销活动的5种竞争观念包括:消费观念、产品观念、推销观念、营销观念、全方位营销观念消费观念是指点卖者行为的最新鲜的观念之一。
〕Chapter 2 Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans1.Corporate and Division Strategies Planning 公司和部门的战略方案答:公司总部经过预备使命、政策、战略和目的,为它的各个部门和业务单元制定它们的方案树立了框架。

表述的需要 真正的需要 未表明的需要 令人愉悦的需要 潜在的需要
顾客直接说出的需要 顾客实际期望的需要
顾客期待的需要 顾客期待的惊喜 顾客期待朋友的正面反应
是一切社会活动、 + 是需要的明确化、具体
也是营销活动的 化,营销活动可以引导、改
Marketing Management
作者: 菲利普·科特勒(Philip Kotler) 凯文·莱恩·凯勒(Kevin Lane Keller)
✓ 认识宏观市场和营销(做营销、被营销) ✓ 学习清晰的思路和营销框架、案例,以及
+ 购买力= 是用购 买方式来实现欲望
1. 需要、欲望和需求 2. 目标市场、定位和市场细分 3. 供应物和品牌 4. 营销渠道 5. 付费媒体、自有媒体和免费媒体 6. 印象与融入 7. 价值与满意度 8. 供应链 9. 竞争 10.营销环境:任务环境和宏观环境
美国市场营销协会(American Marketing Association) 市场营销是创造、传播、传递和交换对顾客、客户、合作者和整个社会有价值 的市场供应物的一种活动、制度和过程。

营销管理第12版(菲利普·科特勒)营销管理第12版 (4)第1篇理解营销管理 (4)第1章定义21世纪的营销 (4)一、营销学的范畴 (4)二、由公司主导转变为市场主导 (4)第2章设计营销战略和计划 (5)一、营销和顾客价值 (5)二、公司和部门的战略计划 (6)三、业务单位的战略计划过程 (7)四、产品计划:营销计划的性质和内容 (8)第2篇聚焦营销视野 (9)第3章收集信息和扫描环境 (9)一、现代营销信息系统的构成 (9)二、内部报告系统和营销情报系统 (9)三、分析宏观环境 (9)四、人文环境 (9)五、其它宏观环境 (9)第4章实施营销调研和预测需求 (10)一、营销调研系统 (10)二、营销调研的程序 (10)三、测量营销生产率 (10)四、预测和需求衡量 (11)第3篇联结顾客 (12)第5章创造顾客价值、满意和忠诚 (12)一、构建客户价值、满意和忠诚 (12)二、顾客长期价值的最大化 (13)三、培养顾客关系 (14)四、顾客数据库和数据库营销 (16)第6章分析消费者市场 (16)一、什么影响消费者行为 (16)二、关键心理过程 (17)三、购买决策过程:五阶段模式 (19)四、消费者决策的其他理论 (20)第7章分析企业市场 (22)一、组织购买是什么 (22)二、企业购买过程的参与者 (22)二、采购/获得过程 (23)三、采购过程中的各阶段 (23)四、管理B2B关系 (24)五、非盈利机构与政府市场 (24)第8章辨认市场细分和选择目标市场 (24)一、市场细分的层次 (24)二、细分消费者市场 (26)三、细分企业市场的基础 (26)第4篇建设强势品牌 (27)第9章创建品牌资产 (27)一、什么是品牌资产 (28)二、建立品牌资产 (30)三、衡量品牌资产 (31)四、管理品牌资产 (32)五、设计品牌战略 (32)第10章塑造品牌定位 (33)一、开发和传播一个定位战略 (33)二、差异化战略 (34)三、产品生命周期营销战略 (34)四、市场演进 (35)第11章参与竞争 (35)一、竞争因素 (35)二、识别竞争者 (35)三、分析竞争者 (36)四、市场领导者竞争战略 (36)五、其他竞争战略 (37)六、在顾客导向和竞争者导向之间寻求平衡 (37)第5篇塑造市场供应品 (37)第12章建立产品战略 (37)一、产品的特性和分类 (37)二、差异化 (38)三、产品和品牌关系 (38)四、包装、标志、担保和保证 (39)第13章服务的设计与管理 (39)一、服务的性质 (39)二、服务企业的营销战略 (40)三、管理服务质量 (40)四、管理服务品牌 (41)五、管理产品支持服务 (41)第14章开发定价战略和方案 (41)一、理解定价(消费者心理学和定价) (41)二、制定价格 (42)三、修订价格 (42)四、价格变更的启动及应对 (43)第6篇传递价值 (43)第15章价值网络及营销渠道的设计和管理 (43)一、营销渠道和价值网络 (43)二、营销渠道的作用:能够更加有效地推动产品广泛地进入目标市场 (43)三、渠道设计决策 (44)四、渠道管理决策 (44)五、渠道整合和渠道系统 (44)七、电子商务营销实践 (45)第16章零售、批发和物流管理 (45)一、零售 (45)二、自有品牌(零售商品牌/商店品牌/商号品牌/分销商品牌)(46)三、批发 (46)四、市场物流 (47)第7篇传播价值 (47)第17章整合营销传播的设计和管理 (47)一、营销传播的作用 (47)二、开发有效传播 (48)三、营销传播组合决策 (49)四、管理整合营销传播过程 (49)第18章大众传播的管理:广告、销售促进、事件和公共关系 (49)一、广告方案的提出和管理 (49)二、媒体决策和绩效衡量 (50)三、销售促进 (50)四、事件和体验 (51)五、公共关系 (51)第19章人员传播的管理:直接营销和人员推销 (51)一、直接营销 (51)二、互动营销 (52)三、销售队伍的设计 (52)四、管理销售队伍 (52)五、人员推销的原则 (52)第8篇创造成功的长期成长 (52)第20章导入新的市场供应品 (52)一、新产品开发过程中所面临的挑战 (52)二、组织安排 (53)三、管理开发过程:创意 (53)四、管理开发过程:从概念到战略 (53)五、管理开发过程:从开发到商品化 (54)六、消费者采用过程(采用是使个人成为某个产品的固定消费者的个人决策) . 54七、采用过程中的各个阶段 (54)第21章进入全球市场 (55)一、以全球为基础的竞争 (55)二、关于是否进入国外市场的决策 (55)三、关于进入哪些市场的决策 (55)四、关于如何进入该市场的决策 (55)五、关于营销方案的决策——两个极端(标准化营销组合和适应化营销组合) . 55六、原产地国家的影响 (55)七、关于营销组织的决策:出口部、国际事业部、全球组织 (55)第22章全面营销组织的管理 (55)一、营销活动的趋势(营销部门职责:整合所有针对顾客工作使其成为一个整体)(55)二、内部营销 (55)三、社会责任营销 (56)四、营销执行 (56)五、评价和控制 (56)六、营销的未来:营销必须是“全面”和非部门化的 (56)营销管理第12版第1篇理解营销管理第1章定义21世纪的营销一、营销学的范畴1.营销管理作为一种艺术和科学的结合,它需要选择目标市场,通过创造、传递和传播优质的顾客价值,获得、保持和发展顾客。

Internationalization Process
No Export Export via Agents Sales Subsidiaries Production Abroad
Five International Product and Promotion Strategies
Challenges in Going Global
Shifting borders Unstable governments Foreign-exchange Corruption Technological pirating
Criteria for Entry
Market tage
Five Models of Entry Into Foreign Markets
Indirect Exporting
Direct exporting
Joint ventures
Direct investment
Amount of commitment, risk, control, and profit potential
Do not change Adapt Develop new
Do not change promotion
Straight extension
Adapt promotion
Product adaptation
Factors to Consider Before Going Global Selecting Foreign Markets Foreign Market Entry Product Adaption for Global Marketing Management & Organization of Global Activities

Chapter 12 Marketing Channels: Delivering Customer Value1) Which of the following is NOT a typical supply chain member?A) resellersB) customersC) intermediariesD) government agenciesE) raw materials supplierAnswer: DDiff: 1 Page Ref: 337Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-12) ________ the manufacturer or service provider is the set of firms that supply the raw materials, components, parts, information, finances, and expertise needed to create a product or service.A) Downstream fromB) Upstream fromC) Separated fromD) Congruous toE) Parallel withAnswer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 337Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-13) Another term for the supply chain that suggests a sense and respond view of the market is________.A) supply and demand chainB) demand chainC) channel of distributionD) distribution channelE) physical distributionAnswer: BDiff: 3 Page Ref: 338Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-14) A company's channel decisions directly affect every ________.A) channel memberB) marketing decisionC) customer's choicesD) employee in the channelE) competitor's actionsAnswer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 339Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-15) Distribution channel decisions often involve ________ with other firms, particularly those that involve contracts or relationships with channel partners.A) short-term commitmentsB) long-term commitmentsC) major problemsD) financial lossesE) disagreementsAnswer: BDiff: 3 Page Ref: 339Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-16) Joe Blanco, like other producers, has discovered that his intermediaries usually offer his firm more than it can achieve on its own. Which of the following is most likely an advantage that Joe creates by working with intermediaries?A) financial supportB) fast serviceC) scale of operationD) working relationships with foreign distributorsE) promotional assistanceAnswer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 339Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-17) Intermediaries play an important role in matching ________.A) dealer with customerB) supply and demandC) product to regionD) manufacturer to productE) information and promotionAnswer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 340Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-18) A distribution channel is more than a collection of firms connected by various flows; it is a(n) ________ in which people and companies interact to accomplish individual, company, and channel goals.A) added value chainB) complex behavioral systemC) corporate marketing systemD) vertical marketing systemE) multichannel systemAnswer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 342AACSB: CommunicationSkill: ConceptObjective: 12-29) An advantage of a channel of distribution over selling direct to consumers is that each channel member plays a ________ in the channel.A) time-saving partB) specialized roleC) decisional roleD) informational roleE) disciplinary roleAnswer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 342Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-210) A channel consisting of one or more independent producers, wholesalers, or retailers that seek to maximize their own profits even at the expense of profits for the channel as a whole is a(n) ________.A) vertical marketing systemB) conventional distribution channelC) independent channel allocationD) corporate VMSE) administered vertical marketing systemAnswer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 344Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-211) A distinguishing feature of a contractual VMS is that coordination and conflict management among the independent members of the channel are attained through ________.A) agents and brokersB) working partnershipsC) limited liability incorporationD) contractual agreementsE) natural competitive forcesAnswer: DDiff: 1 Page Ref: 345AACSB: CommunicationSkill: ConceptObjective: 12-212) The most common type of contractual agreement in business is the ________.A) franchise organizationB) vertical marketing systemC) conventional marketing channelD) corporate VMSE) administered VMSAnswer: ADiff: 3 Page Ref: 345Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-213) Leadership in which type of marketing system is assumed not through common ownership or contractual ties but through the size and power of one or a few dominant channel members?A) horizontal marketing systemB) administered VMSC) corporate VMSD) multichannel distribution systemE) conventional marketing channelAnswer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 345Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-214) As marketing manager for Globe Imports and Exports, you want to start reaping the benefits ofa multichannel distribution system. You will likely enjoy all of the following EXCEPT which one?A) expanded salesB) expanded market coverageC) selling at a higher gross marginD) opportunities to tailor products and services to the needs of diverse segmentsE) A and CAnswer: CDiff: 3 Page Ref: 346Skill: Concept15) Sometimes a producer chooses only a few dealers in a territory to distribute its products or services. Generally these dealers are given a right to ________ distribution.A) exclusiveB) selectiveC) intensiveD) administeredE) corporateAnswer: ADiff: 1 Page Ref: 351Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-316) Channel members should be evaluated using all of the following criteria EXCEPT which one?A) economic factorsB) controlC) adaptive criteriaD) channel leadershipE) none of the aboveAnswer: DDiff: 3 Page Ref: 351Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-317) Marketing channel management calls for selecting, managing, ________, and evaluating channel members over time.A) reducing conflictB) reducing wasteC) motivatingD) pruningE) all of the aboveAnswer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 352Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-418) A company should think of its intermediaries as both its ________ and ________.A) competitors; partnersB) customers; partnersC) competitors; marketersD) customers; employeesE) competitors; customersAnswer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 353Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-419) Exclusive dealing is legal as long as it does not ________ or tend to create a monopoly and as long as both parties enter into the agreement ________.A) substantially lessen competition; coercivelyB) restrict trade; for a causeC) substantially lessen competition; voluntarilyD) interfere with competitors; forcefullyE) create a smaller market; permanentlyAnswer: CDiff: 3 Page Ref: 356AACSB: Ethical ReasoningSkill: ConceptObjective: 12-420) Marketing logistics involves getting the right product to the right customer in the right place at the right time. Which one of the following is NOT included in this process?A) planning the physical flow of goods and servicesB) implementing the plan for the flow of goods and servicesC) controlling the physical flow of goods, services, and informationD) gathering customer's ideas for new productsE) A and CAnswer: DDiff: 1 Page Ref: 356Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-521) The goal of marketing logistics should be to provide a ________ level of customer service at the least cost.A) maximumB) targetedC) moderateD) minimumE) competitiveAnswer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 357Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-522) To reduce inventory management costs, many companies use a system called ________, which involves carrying only small inventories of parts or merchandise, often only enough for a few days of operation.A) reduction-inventory managementB) just-in-time logisticsC) limited inventory logisticsD) supply chain managementE) economic order quantityAnswer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 359AACSB: Use of ITSkill: ConceptObjective: 12-523) Through the use of ________, or "smart tag" technology, a company is able to locate exactly where a product is within the supply chain.A) RFIDB) PRMC) VMSD) ITE) 3PLAnswer: ADiff: 2 Page Ref: 359AACSB: Use of ITSkill: ConceptObjective: 12-524) Which of the following transportation modes is used for digital products?A) trucksB) railC) the InternetD) airE) shipAnswer: CDiff: 1 Page Ref: 359AACSB: Use of ITSkill: ConceptObjective: 12-525) Joanie Calvert is experiencing a disagreement with intermediaries in the channel over who should do what and for what rewards. Joanie is experiencing ________.A) channel delusionB) channel conflictC) channel disintermediationD) channel mismanagementE) channel intermediationAnswer: BDiff: 1 Page Ref: 342AACSB: Reflective ThinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: 12-226) Which of the following is an example of horizontal channel conflict?A) managers of two separate Holiday Inns disagreeing over what constitutes poor serviceB) United Airlines competing with Northwest Airlines for customersC) disgruntled factory workers complaining about a small pay raiseD) the BMW dealership in Fort Wayne complaining that the BMW dealership in Indianapolis is situated too closeE) A and DAnswer: EDiff: 3 Page Ref: 342AACSB: Reflective ThinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: 12-227) Which of the following is an example of a multichannel distribution system?A) Wal-Mart locating to several countriesB) J. C. Penney's catalog and retail store salesC) Avon's door-to-door distributionD) Starbuck's location inside of book storesE) a hotel providing guest privileges at a health spa across the streetAnswer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 346AACSB: Reflective ThinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: 12-228) Chewing gum is stocked in many outlets in the same market or community; in fact, it is placed in as many outlets as possible. This is an example of ________ distribution.A) exclusiveB) selectiveC) multichannelD) intensiveE) disintermediatedAnswer: DDiff: 2 Page Ref: 351AACSB: Reflective ThinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: 12-329) Which product(s) will most likely be intensively distributed?A) Olympus digital camerasB) BMW carsC) Guess blue jeansD) Coca ColaE) Nike running shoesAnswer: DDiff: 1 Page Ref: 351AACSB: Analytic SkillsSkill: ApplicationObjective: 12-330) Caterpillar, the famous heavy equipment manufacturer, has a reputation for working in harmony with its worldwide distribution network of independent dealers. Caterpillar has shared its successes with its dealers and protected its dealers during difficult economic times. This is an example of ________.A) intensive distributionB) integrated logistics managementC) disintermediationD) third-party logisticsE) partner relationship managementAnswer: EDiff: 2 Page Ref: 353AACSB: Reflective ThinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: 12-431) The term supply chain may be too limited because it takes a make-and-sell view of the business.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 338Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-132) Disintermediation as a trend is on the rise in U.S. business.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1 Page Ref: 347Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-333) Generally speaking, a company's marketing channel objectives are influenced by the level of customer service sought, the nature of the company, its products, its marketing intermediaries, its competitors, and the environment.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 350Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-334) Distribution systems are relatively consistent from county to country, making it easy for international marketers to design channels.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 352AACSB: Multicultural and DiversitySkill: ConceptObjective: 12-335) Distinguish between the three distribution strategies.Answer: Producers of convenience products and common raw materials typically seek intensive distribution as a strategy to stock their products in as many outlets as possible. The goods are available where and when consumers want them, such as chewing gum. Selective distribution is used when selling to more than one but fewer than all of the intermediaries who are willing to carry a company's products in a given market. Examples are name-brand blue jeans and computers. Exclusive distribution is used when the producer wants to stock its products with only one or a few dealers in an area. Examples are expensive cars and prestige clothing.Diff: 1 Page Ref: 351AACSB: Analytic SkillsSkill: ApplicationObjective: 12-336) What is the role of marketing intermediaries?Answer: The role of marketing intermediaries is to transform the assortments of products made by producers into the assortments wanted by consumers.Diff: 1 Page Ref: 340AACSB: Analytic SkillsSkill: ApplicationObjective: 12-137) Give an example of horizontal conflict.Answer: This type of conflict occurs among firms at the same level of the channel; an example would be two Chevrolet dealers in the St. Louis area that complain that each is being undercut by the other.Diff: 1 Page Ref: 342AACSB: Reflective ThinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: 12-238) How can a firm benefit from participating in a horizontal marketing system?Answer: Two or more companies at one level join together to follow a new marketing opportunity; by working together, companies can combine their financial, production, or marketing resources to accomplish more than any one company could alone.Diff: 3 Page Ref: 345AACSB: Analytic SkillsSkill: ApplicationObjective: 12-239) Give two examples of multichannel distribution systems.Answer: Students' answers will vary. Examples will include J. C. Penney's catalog distribution option and the retail store locations as well as Avon's door-to-door distribution andover-the-counter distribution options.Diff: 2 Page Ref: 346AACSB: Reflective ThinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: 12-240) Explain why a firm's suppliers tap into the firm's inventory levels with a vendor-managed inventory system (VMI).Answer: Some suppliers might actually be asked to generate orders and arrange deliveries for their customers, based on the customers' inventory levels; in these cases, the suppliers must know theircustomers' inventory levels.Diff: 3 Page Ref: 361AACSB: Analytic SkillsSkill: ApplicationObjective: 12-5477Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall。
营销管理 科特勒 12版 中文

Marketing ManagementChapter 1 Defining Marketing for the 21st Centurypany Orientations Toward the Marketplace 公司对待市场的导向答:指导组织从事其营销活动的5种竞争观念包括:生产观念、产品观念、推销观念、营销观念、全方位营销观念生产观念是指导卖者行为的最古老的观念之一。
〕Chapter 2 Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans1.Corporate and Division Strategies Planning 公司和部门的战略方案答:公司总部通过准备使命、政策、战略和目标,为它的各个部门和业务单元制定它们的方案建立了框架。

营销管理第12版 (4)第1篇理解营销管理 (4)第1章定义21世纪的营销 (4)一、营销学的范畴 (4)二、由公司主导转变为市场主导 (4)第2章设计营销战略和计划 (5)一、营销和顾客价值 (5)二、公司和部门的战略计划 (6)三、业务单位的战略计划过程 (7)四、产品计划:营销计划的性质和内容 (8)第2篇聚焦营销视野 (9)第3章收集信息和扫描环境 (9)一、现代营销信息系统的构成 (9)二、内部报告系统和营销情报系统 (9)三、分析宏观环境 (9)四、人文环境 (9)五、其它宏观环境 (9)第4章实施营销调研和预测需求 (10)一、营销调研系统 (10)二、营销调研的程序 (10)三、测量营销生产率 (10)四、预测和需求衡量 (11)第3篇联结顾客 (12)第5章创造顾客价值、满意和忠诚 (12)一、构建客户价值、满意和忠诚 (12)二、顾客长期价值的最大化 (13)三、培养顾客关系 (14)四、顾客数据库和数据库营销 (16)第6章分析消费者市场 (16)一、什么影响消费者行为 (16)二、关键心理过程 (17)三、购买决策过程:五阶段模式 (19)四、消费者决策的其他理论 (20)第7章分析企业市场 (22)一、组织购买是什么 (22)二、企业购买过程的参与者 (22)二、采购/获得过程 (23)三、采购过程中的各阶段 (23)四、管理B2B关系 (24)五、非盈利机构与政府市场 (24)第8章辨认市场细分和选择目标市场 (24)一、市场细分的层次 (24)二、细分消费者市场 (26)三、细分企业市场的基础 (26)第4篇建设强势品牌 (27)第9章创建品牌资产 (27)一、什么是品牌资产 (28)二、建立品牌资产 (30)三、衡量品牌资产 (31)四、管理品牌资产 (32)五、设计品牌战略 (32)第10章塑造品牌定位 (33)一、开发和传播一个定位战略 (33)二、差异化战略 (34)三、产品生命周期营销战略 (34)四、市场演进 (35)第11章参与竞争 (35)一、竞争因素 (35)二、识别竞争者 (35)三、分析竞争者 (36)四、市场领导者竞争战略 (36)五、其他竞争战略 (37)六、在顾客导向和竞争者导向之间寻求平衡 (37)第5篇塑造市场供应品 (37)第12章建立产品战略 (37)一、产品的特性和分类 (37)二、差异化 (38)三、产品和品牌关系 (38)四、包装、标志、担保和保证 (39)第13章服务的设计与管理 (39)一、服务的性质 (39)二、服务企业的营销战略 (40)三、管理服务质量 (40)四、管理服务品牌 (41)五、管理产品支持服务 (41)第14章开发定价战略和方案 (41)一、理解定价(消费者心理学和定价) (41)二、制定价格 (42)三、修订价格 (42)四、价格变更的启动及应对 (43)第6篇传递价值 (43)第15章价值网络及营销渠道的设计和管理 (43)一、营销渠道和价值网络 (43)二、营销渠道的作用:能够更加有效地推动产品广泛地进入目标市场 (43)三、渠道设计决策 (44)四、渠道管理决策 (44)五、渠道整合和渠道系统 (44)七、电子商务营销实践 (45)第16章零售、批发和物流管理 (45)一、零售 (45)二、自有品牌(零售商品牌/商店品牌/商号品牌/分销商品牌) (46)三、批发 (46)四、市场物流 (47)第7篇传播价值 (47)第17章整合营销传播的设计和管理 (47)一、营销传播的作用 (47)二、开发有效传播 (48)三、营销传播组合决策 (49)四、管理整合营销传播过程 (49)第18章大众传播的管理:广告、销售促进、事件和公共关系 (49)一、广告方案的提出和管理 (49)二、媒体决策和绩效衡量 (50)三、销售促进 (50)四、事件和体验 (51)五、公共关系 (51)第19章人员传播的管理:直接营销和人员推销 (51)一、直接营销 (51)二、互动营销 (52)三、销售队伍的设计 (52)四、管理销售队伍 (52)五、人员推销的原则 (52)第8篇创造成功的长期成长 (52)第20章导入新的市场供应品 (52)一、新产品开发过程中所面临的挑战 (52)二、组织安排 (53)三、管理开发过程:创意 (53)四、管理开发过程:从概念到战略 (53)五、管理开发过程:从开发到商品化 (54)六、消费者采用过程(采用是使个人成为某个产品的固定消费者的个人决策) . 54七、采用过程中的各个阶段 (54)第21章进入全球市场 (55)一、以全球为基础的竞争 (55)二、关于是否进入国外市场的决策 (55)三、关于进入哪些市场的决策 (55)四、关于如何进入该市场的决策 (55)五、关于营销方案的决策——两个极端(标准化营销组合和适应化营销组合) . 55六、原产地国家的影响 (55)七、关于营销组织的决策:出口部、国际事业部、全球组织 (55)第22章全面营销组织的管理 (55)一、营销活动的趋势(营销部门职责:整合所有针对顾客工作使其成为一个整体) (55)二、内部营销 (55)三、社会责任营销 (56)四、营销执行 (56)五、评价和控制 (56)六、营销的未来:营销必须是“全面”和非部门化的 (56)营销管理第12版第1篇理解营销管理第1章定义21世纪的营销一、营销学的范畴1.营销管理作为一种艺术和科学的结合,它需要选择目标市场,通过创造、传递和传播优质的顾客价值,获得、保持和发展顾客。

1 32
45 6
Байду номын сангаас
A. Number of contacts without a distributor MxC=3X3=9
7 8 9
= Manufacturer
= Customer
How a Distributor Reduces the Number of Channel Transactions
Incompatibility Difference in Perception Dependence
Legal & Ethical Issues in Channel Relations
Exclusive Dealing Exclusive Territories Tying Agreements Dealers’ Rights
Levels of the Channel
Administered Leadership is Assumed by One or
a Few Dominant Members
Contractual Contractual Agreement Among
Channel Members
Conventional Distribution Channel vs. Vertical Marketing Systems
Work Performed by Marketing Channels Channel-Design Decisions Channel-Management Decisions Channel Dynamics
How a Distributor Reduces the Number of Channel Transactions

Promote Describe Identify
lines offered
Product-Line Length
Line Stretching Downmarket Upmarket Two-way
Line Filling Line Modernization Line Featuring & Line Pruning
What is a Brand?
Product Mix
Width - number of different product lines
Length - total number of items
within the lines
Depth - number of versions of each
Product Mix all the product
Product Characteristics Building & Managing the Product Mix & Product Lines Brand Decisions Packaging & Labeling
Consumer-Goods Classification
Special purchase efforts > Unique characteristics > Brand identification > Few purchase locations
Shopping Products Buy less frequently > Gather product information > Fewer purchase locations > Compare for: