英语三年级上册快乐阅读教案Unit1The Three Little Pigs

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Unit1 The Three Little Pigs

教学内容:三年级小学英语课外阅读教材Unit1 The Three Little Pigs










PPT 头饰


Step1: Greeting.

T: Are you ready?

S: Yes.

T: Class begins.

Step2: Warm up

1.Enjoy a song《Little pigs》

2. Free talk

T: Do you like this song?

Ss: Yes.

T: What’s the song about?

Ss: pigs.



T: Do you know other animals?

Ss: tiger / lion / bear…(让学生说出自己所知道的动物,可以用中文表述) 导入wolf并教读

Step3: Presentation.

1.T: OK! Today we are going to learn a story about pigs and a wolf

揭题:Unit1 The Three Little Pigs (板书)


2. T: First, let’s enjoy the story about the snail.(观看视频动画)

3. T: Do you like the story?


T: Read the story by yourselves , try to think and find the Chinese meaning.


4:.T:Let’s play a game.(检查学生自学的情况)

(Roles: If you see the animal, you can say : Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, if you don’t see the animal , you can say: No, No, No)

( 1 ) little pigs

( 2 ) tiger

( 3 ) rabbit

( 4 ).mother pig

( 5 ) wolf

5.T:You did a good job. How do you know the word : straw/ sticks/bricks.

S1: …

S2: …

T总结:Reading tips

阅读中,遇到生词,我们可以: 1. 查生词表。

2. 读课文图片,猜词义。

3. 询问老师。


5.listen and order

( ) the pig builds a house with bricks

( ) the wolf breaks the house with sticks and straw

( ) the pig builds a house with straw

( ) the wolf can’t break the house with bricks

( ) the pig builds a house with sticks

TIP:use your ears to listen carefully and try to catch the main information.

7.(PPT) T:Look at the picture, How many little pigs?


T: Whose house isn’t broken?


8. T: Look,why can’t the wolf break the house with bricks?

Ss: …

T: Yes,Did the wolf eat other little pigs?

Ss: No. they are all in the third house.

Step4: Consolidation

1. Read the story after the tape, one sentence by one sentence.

2. (PPT) From these pictures, we know the house with ______isn’t stable

From these pictures, we know the house with ______isn’t stable

From these pictures, we know the house with ______is stable So, we should help each other.

3.What do you know from the story? 你从故事中学到了什么?

A. We should help each other.

B. All roads lead to Rome.

4. Act the story.

Choose one part to act.(选取一段扮演)

Act the whole story. (整个故事扮演)

Step5: Homework.

1. Read and act the story after class

2. Try to read the story 《The fox and the crown》
