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1.The three little pigs

Mother:Go and build your own houses,my boys. Pigs:Yes,Mum. Yes, Mum.

Pig 1:I can build my house with straw.It's beautiful. Pig 2:I can build my house with sticks.It's lovely.

Pig 3:I can build my house with bricks.It's stable. Wolf:I'm so hungry.

(A hungry wolf comes.The three little pigs run to their houses.)

Wolf:I'm hungry.

I can blow away your house and eat you!

Pig 1:Help!Help!

Wolf:I'm hungry.

I can blow away your house and eat you two! Wolf:I’m hungry.

I can blow away your house and eat you three! Pig 3:My house is stable.

You can't blow it away.Hurray!Hurray!

straw 稻草beautiful美丽的Go and build your own houses.去造你们自己的房子。

I can build my house with...我可以用……造我的房子。straw 稻草beautiful 美丽的stick树枝lovely 可爱的brick砖块stable坚固的I'm so hungry.我好饿啊。wolf狼come来run跑help教命hurray欢呼I can blow away your house and eat you!我可以吹走你的房子再吃了你!

Read and circle

1.(Two/Three) little pigs build the houses.

2.The(tiger/wolf)is hungry.

3.The (stick/brick) house is stable.

4.The (stick/straw) house is beautiful.

5.The wolf (can/can’t) blow the brick house away.

2.The fox and the crow

Crow:I have some meat. Yummy,yummy.

Fox:I'm hungry.I want to eat the meat.

I have a good idea!

My dear crow!

Your feathers are so pretty today.

Your voice is so beautiful!

Can you sing a song for me?

Crow:Can I sing a song?

Fox:Come on,my dear crow!


Fox:Ha!Ha!I get the meat! What a silly crow!

fox 狐狸crow乌鸦want to 想…… I have some meat.我有肉吃了idea 主意feather 羽毛voice 声音silly 愚蠢的pretty美丽的Can you sing a song for me?你能唱首歌给我听吗?I get the meat!我得到肉了!

Read and judge.对的写“T”,错的“F”。

1.The crow gets some cake.

2.The fox wants to eat the meat.

3.The crow is beautiful.

4.The fox eats the meat.

5.The crow is silly.

3.The hare and the tortoise

Hare:I can run fast! You can't!

Tortoise:I can run too.

Hare:Let's have a race!


Hare:Ha!You slow tortoise!Bye!

I run very fast.I can have a rest.

Tortoise:Oh!He's sleeping.I can't stop.I must run.

(Run!Run!Come on.Tortoise!)


Tortoise: Hurray!I win! You can run fast,but I win the race!

hare 兔子tortoise乌龟I can run fast!我跑得快!Let's have a race!我们来比赛!ready 准备slow 慢的have a rest 休息一下sleep睡觉stop停下I win the race!我赢了比赛!

A. Read and circle

1.The hare has a race with the (tortoise/elephant).

2.The (tortoise/hare) is sleeping.

3.The winner of the race is the( hare/tortoise).

B.Read and judge 对的写“T”,错的“F”。

1. The hare can run fast.

2.The tortoise runs slowly.

3.The hare wins the race.

4.The pigeon and the ant

Ant:It's hot.I feel thirsty.I want some water.

Good!I can drink some water now.

Oh no!I can't swim.

Help!Help!It's a leaf!

Pigeon:Hold the leaf,Ant.


Hunter:Let me shoot that pigeon down!

Ant:Oh dear!I must help the pigeon.

Hunter:Ouch! what's that?

Pigeon:Oh no!There's a hunter.I must fly away. Ant:Goodbye,Pigeon!

pigeon 鸽子ant蚂蚁hot 热的feel thirsty 感到口渴的drink water 喝水swim游泳leaf 树叶hold抓住hunter 猫人shoot down射下fly away 飞走What's that?那是什么?

Read and circle 圈出正确答案

1.The (ant/pigeon) is thirsty.

2.The pigeon gives(给)the ant a (flower/leaf).

3.The ant bites(咬) the (hunter/pigeon).

4.The pigeon (fly/go) away last.
