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班级_________ 姓名_________ 学号_________ 成绩_________


1. ( ) The snail loses her house ( 她的房子).

2. ( ) The “house ” is near the water (在水旁).

3. ( ) The “house” is on the rock (石头上).

4. ( ) A bear (熊) is near the “house”.

5. ( ) The snail is looking for (寻找) her house.

6. ( ) It is in the morning so the passer( 过路人) can’t see the road.

7. ( ) The blind person(盲人) has a lantern(灯笼) in his hand(手).

8. ( ) The man with a lantern(灯笼) is blind(失明的).

9. ( ) The passer(过路人) carries (携带) a lantern(灯笼) for others(别人).

10. ( ) The blind person(盲人) is so kind(好心的)。

11. ( ) The mice (老鼠) are afraid(害怕) of the dogs.

12. ( ) The mice(老鼠) are having a meeting(开会).

13. ( ) A mouse(老鼠) has an idea(主意) of hanging(悬挂) a bell(铃铛) on the cat.

14. ( ) The dog is waiting(等待) for the mice(老鼠)。

15. ( ) Making a new path (造一条新路) is a good idea.

16. ( ) The donkey(驴)finds(发现) a lion’s fur(毛皮).

17. ( ) The fox(狐狸) is not afraid(害怕) of the donkey(驴).

18. ( ) The donkey can fool(愚弄) the fox(狐狸).

19. ( ) The donkey wears(穿上) a lion’s fur(毛皮).

20. ( ) The sheep(绵羊) is not afraid(害怕)the donkey.

21. ( ) The fox(狐狸) falls down(跌倒) into the well(井).

22. ( ) The goat(山羊) can get out(出去) of the well(井).

23. ( ) The goat(山羊) wants to drink the water(水) in the well(井).

24. ( ) The fox(狐狸) gets out(出去) of the well(井).

25. ( ) The fox(狐狸) fulls up(拉出) the goat.

26. ( ) The mouse(老鼠) falls down(跌倒) on the lion’s head(狮子的头).

27. ( ) The monkey(猴子) saves(救) the lion.

28. ( ) The mouse(老鼠) saves(救) the lion.

29. ( ) The lion is angry(生气).

30. ( ) The lion eats the mouse(老鼠).

31. ( ) The lion is greedy(贪婪的).

32. ( ) The lion eats a deer(鹿) for dinner.

33. ( ) The lion eats a rabbit(兔子) for dinner.

34. ( ) The lion loses(丢失) the rabbit(兔子).

35. ( ) The lion lose(丢失)s the deer(鹿).

36. ( ) The baby crab walks(走) sideways(横向的).

37. ( ) The mother crab can walks(走) straight(笔直的).

38. ( ) The mother crab is proud(骄傲的).

39. ( ) Bobby is in(穿着) Tina’s dress(连衣裙).

40. ( ) Bobby is late(迟到) for school(学校) today(今天).


( )1.The snail(蜗牛) meets_______.

A. a rabbit(兔子)

B. a tiger(老虎)

( )2. The snail is looking for(寻找) her ______. A. house(房子) B. friends

( )3. The house is on the ______. A. tree

B. rock(石头)

( ) 4.A big ______is on the rock(石头). A. bear(熊)

B. fox(狐狸)

( )5.A ____loses(丢失) her house. A. pig B. snail(蜗牛)

( )6.It’s so dark(黑暗的). I _____see the road(路).

A. can(能)

B. can’t(不能)

( )7.The blind person(盲人) has a ______ in his hand(手).

A. lantern(灯笼)

B. umbrella(伞)

( )8.The man with a lantern(灯笼) is _____.

A. blind

B. bright

( )9.The blind person(盲人) carries(携带) a lantern(灯笼) for ______.

A. himself(他自己)

B. others(别人)

( )10.The blind person(盲人) is ______

A. kind(好心的)

B. greedy (贪婪的)

( )11.Hang(悬挂) a bell(铃铛) on the cat’s_____.

A. neck(脖子)

B. foot(脚)

( )12.The mice(老鼠) are afraid of the _____. A. dog B. cat

( )13.The ______are having a meeting(开会). A. mice B. dogs

( )14.The butterfly (蝴蝶) is ______.

A. on Tina’s dress(连衣裙)

B. behind the chair
