
基于STM32在LCD上显示SD卡中BMP图片的设计上海第二工业大学实训报告课程名称:电信专业综合实践学生姓名: xx xx xx学号:201x4820xxx 201x4820xxx 201x4820xxx 学院名称:工学部专业班级: xx电信A1目录摘要: (1)第一章绪论 (1)1.2本课题设计的背景 (1)1.2 本课题设计内容 (2)第二章实验方案的总体设计 (3)2.1详细设计组成框图: (3)2.2相关硬件简介 (3)2.3相关硬件原理图 (12)第三章设计流程图 (19)第四章硬件设计 (20)4.1中英文显示部分设计 (20)4.2 BMP图片部分设计 (21)4.3 SD卡读取的内容 (22)第五章软件设计 (23)5.1主函数部分程序设计 (23)5.2按键程序设计 (27)5.3 LED灯程序设计 (33)第六章系统调试结果及问题分析 ....................... 3错误!未定义书签。
6.1 系统调试后的实验现象...................... 3错误!未定义书签。
6.2 遇到的问题及解决办法 (38)第七章总结 (39)7.1思考与总结 (39)7.2参考文献: (40)基于STM32在LCD上显示SD卡中BMP图片的设计摘要:设计了一种基于STM32的处理器的按键式控制的BMP图片切换系统。

有一个长宽各为 200 个象素,颜色数为 16 色的彩色图,每一个象素都用 R,G,B 三个分 量表示,因为每个分量有 256 个级别,要用 8 位( bit),即一个字节(byte)来表示,所以每个象素需要用 3 个字节。整个图象要用 200*200*3, 约 120k 字节,可不是一个小数目呀! 如果我们用下面的方法, 就能省的多。 因为是一个 16 色图,也就是说这幅图中最多只有 16 种颜色,我们可以用一个表:表中的每 一行记录一种颜色的 R,G,B 值。这样当我们 表示一个象素的颜色时,只需要指出该颜色是在第几行,即该颜色在表中的索引值。举个例 子,如果表的第 0 行为 255,0,0(红色) ,那么当某个象素为
色时,只需要标明 0 即可。 让我们再来计算一下:16 种状态可以用 4 位(bit)表示,所以 一个象素要用半个字节。整个图象要用 200*2 00*0.5,约 20k 字节,再加上表占用的字节为 3*16=48 字节.整个占用的字节数约为前面的 1/6,省很多吧。 这 张 RGB 的 表 , 即 是 我 们 常 说 的 调 色 板 (Palette) , 另 一 种 叫 法 是 颜 色 查 找 表 LUT(LookUpTable),似乎更确切一些。Windows 位图中便用
biXPelsPerMeter 指定目标设备的水平分辨率,单位是每米的象素个数,关于分辨率的概念,我们将在打印部 分详细介绍。
biYPelsPerMeter 指定目标设备的垂直分辨率,单位同上。
biClrUsed 指定本图象实际用到的颜色数,如果该值为零,则用到的颜色数为 2 的 biBitCount 次方。
biSizeImage 指定实际的位图数据占用的字节数,其实也可以从以下的公式中计算出来:

结构 . 包含 B 它 MP图 像 文 件 的 类 型 、 示 内 容 等 信 息 ; 图 显 位
信息数据结构 , 它包 含 有 B MP 图像 的宽 、 、 缩 方 法 , 及 高 压 以
空 间 的方 式 , 即采 用 了 边解 码 边 显 示 的方 法 . 省去 了外 部 数 据 R M, A 随之 而来 的就 是显示 的 速度 比直接 调到 内存 中要 慢 一些 。
22 液 晶 显 示部 分 电路 设 计[ . S l
液 晶 显 示 部 分 主 要 由 微 控 制 器 s M3 F 0 R T T 2 l 3 B 6驱 动
S 卡 的 读写 操 作 。 D
14 F . AT 文 件 系统 简 介
A 4 3 0 S N W— O M2 0 2L T Q O H完 成 人 机界 面状 态 的显 示 ,通 过 发
送命 令 字 , 成 液 晶模 块 的 初 始 化 。 成 对 内容 的显 示 。 示 完 完 显 部分 的硬 件 电路 接 口图 如 图 2所 示 。
( 中国 飞 行 试 验研 究 院 陕 西 西 安 7 0 6 1 0 9)
摘 要 : 计 了 一 种 基 于 S M3 设 T 2处 理 器 的 便 携 式 B P 图 片解 码 系 统 。 在 设 计 过 程 中采 用 了从 S M D卡 中读 取 编 码 的 同 时 同步 解 码 的 方 法 , 效 地 减 少 了 系统 内存 的 消 耗 。 完 成 了基 于 A M 最 新 C r x M3内核 的 处 理 器 S M3 有 R o e— t T 2的 B P M
S D卡 ( e ueD g a M mo a ) 文 翻 译 为 安 全 数 码 S c r i tl e r C r 中 i y d

BMP 是 DOS 和 Windows 兼容计算机上的标准 Windows 图像格式。
BMP 格式支持 RGB、索引颜色、灰度和位图颜色模式。
您可以为图像指定 Windows 或 OS/2? 格式,以及高达 32 位/通道的位深度。
对于使用 Windows 格式的 4 位和 8 位图像,还可以指定 RLE 压缩。
BMP 图像通常是自下而上编写出;但您也可以选择“翻转行序”选项,自上而下编写。
一、利用系统自带的画图工具MS Paint使用画图工具最为简单,主要是保存文件时要正确选择文件类型,只要保存时选择BMP,然后保存就可以了。

一.BMP文件概述BMP文件格式,又称为位图(Bitmap)或是Device Independent Device(DIB,与设备无关位图),是Windows使用的图像文件格式,位图是一个二维的位数组,它与图像的图素一一对应。
储存图像信息的另一种形式是metafile, Metafile储存的就是对图像如何生成的描述,而不是将图像以数字化的图标代表。
这里指的是每个图素所需要的位数,有时也称为位图的颜色深度(color depth)、位数(bit-count)或位/图素(bpp:bits per pixel)数。
BMP文件的数据按照从文件头开始的先后顺序分为四个部分:bmp文件头(bmp file header):提供文件的格式、大小等信息。
位图信息头(bitmap information):提供图像数据的尺寸、位平面数、压缩方式、颜色索引等信息。

bmp是什么格式BMP 是什么格式在我们日常使用电脑以及处理各种图像文件的过程中,经常会遇到各种各样的文件格式,比如 JPEG、PNG、GIF 等等。
而今天咱们要聊的是 BMP 格式。
BMP 是一种比较常见的图像文件格式,全称为 Bitmap,也就是位图。
BMP 格式的特点之一就是它几乎不进行压缩,或者说压缩率极低。
从结构上来看,BMP 格式的文件通常由文件头、信息头、颜色表和图像数据这几个部分组成。
颜色表在一些特定的 BMP 格式中存在,用于定义图像中所使用的颜色。
BMP 格式的优点是显而易见的。
其次,BMP 格式的结构相对简单,易于理解和处理,这对于一些需要直接对图像数据进行操作的程序来说是很方便的。
然而,BMP 格式也有一些明显的缺点。
想象一下,一张高分辨率的 BMP 图像可能会占用几十兆甚至上百兆的存储空间,这在网络传输或者存储空间有限的情况下就会带来很大的不便。
在实际应用中,BMP 格式虽然不常直接用于网络上的图像展示或者一般的图像存储,但在某些特定的领域还是有其用武之地的。
比如说,在一些操作系统的界面元素中,或者在一些早期的游戏和程序中,可能会使用 BMP 格式的图像。
另外,对于一些需要进行图像编辑和处理的专业软件,也会支持BMP 格式的导入和导出,方便用户在处理过程中保持图像的高质量。

1. 图像数据的存储BMP图像数据实际上就是一堆像素点的颜色信息,按照一定的编码方式存储在文件中。
2. 文件格式的结构BMP文件格式是由文件头、位图信息头以及像素数组等几部分构成的,其中文件头负责文件的一些基本信息,位图信息头记录了图像的一些重要信息,像素数组则存储了图像的所有像素点的颜色值。
3. 像素点的编码对于每个像素点,BMP文件会记录它的颜色值。
4. 文件大小的计算BMP文件的大小受到图像分辨率、像素位数等因素的影响。
通常情况下,BMP文件的大小可以按照以下公式计算:文件大小 = 像素行大小 * 行数 + 文件头大小其中,像素行大小为每行像素的字节数,可以通过以下公式计算:像素行大小 = (像素宽度 * 像素位数 + 31) / 32 * 45. 简单使用BMP文件被广泛应用于各种场合,比如图像处理、图案制作等等。

MATLAB - The Language Of Technical ComputingMATLAB is a high-level language and interactive environment that enables you to perform computationally intensive tasks faster than with traditional programming languages such as C, C++, and Fortran. You can use MATLAB in a wide range of applications, including signal and image processing, communications, control design, test and measurement, financial modeling and analysis, and computational biology. Add-on toolboxes (collections of special-purpose MATLAB functions, available separately) extend the MATLAB environment to solve particular classes of problems in these application areas. MATLAB provides a number of features for documenting and sharing your work. You can integrate your MATLAB code with other languages and applications, and distribute your MATLAB algorithms and applications.MATLAB has key featuers as follows:(1)High-level language for technical computing (2)Development environment for managing code, files, and data(3)Interactive tools for iterative exploration, design, and problem solving 4)Mathematical functions for linear algebra, statistics, Fourier analysis, filtering, optimization, and numerical integration (5)2-D and 3-D graphics functions for visualizing data (6)Tools for building custom graphical user interfaces (7)Functions for integrating MATLAB based algorithms with external applications and languages, such as C, C++, Fortran, Java, COM, and Microsoft ExcelThe MATLAB language supports the vector and matrix operations that are fundamental to engineering and scientific problems. It enables fast development and execution. With the MATLAB language, you can program and develop algorithms faster than with traditional languages because you do not need to perform low-level administrative tasks, such as declaring variables, specifying data types, and allocating memory. In many cases, MATLAB eliminates the nee d for ‘for’ loops. As a result, one line of MATLAB code can often replace several lines of C or C++ code. At the same time, MATLAB provides all the features of a traditional programming language, including arithmetic operators, flow control, data structures, data types, object-oriented programming (OOP), and debugging features. MATLAB lets you execute commands or groups of commands one at a time, without compiling and linking, enabling you to quickly iterate to the optimal solution. For fast execution of heavy matrix and vector computations, MATLAB uses processor-optimized libraries. For general-purpose scalar computations, MATLAB generates machine-code instructions using its JIT (Just-In-Time) compilation technology. This technology, which is available on most platforms, provides execution speeds that rival those of traditional programming languages. MATLAB includes development tools that help you implement your algorithm efficiently. These include the following: MATLAB Editor - Provides standard editing and debugging features, such as setting breakpoints and single stepping. M-Lint Code Checker - Analyzes your code and recommends changes to improve its performance and maintainability. MATLAB Profiler - Records the time spent executing each line of code. Directory Reports- Scan all the files in a directory and report on code efficiency, file differences, file dependencies, and code coverage。

数字图象处理英文原版及翻译Digital Image Processing: English Original Version and TranslationIntroduction:Digital Image Processing is a field of study that focuses on the analysis and manipulation of digital images using computer algorithms. It involves various techniques and methods to enhance, modify, and extract information from images. In this document, we will provide an overview of the English original version and translation of digital image processing materials.English Original Version:The English original version of digital image processing is a comprehensive textbook written by Richard E. Woods and Rafael C. Gonzalez. It covers the fundamental concepts and principles of image processing, including image formation, image enhancement, image restoration, image segmentation, and image compression. The book also explores advanced topics such as image recognition, image understanding, and computer vision.The English original version consists of 14 chapters, each focusing on different aspects of digital image processing. It starts with an introduction to the field, explaining the basic concepts and terminology. The subsequent chapters delve into topics such as image transforms, image enhancement in the spatial domain, image enhancement in the frequency domain, image restoration, color image processing, and image compression.The book provides a theoretical foundation for digital image processing and is accompanied by numerous examples and illustrations to aid understanding. It also includes MATLAB codes and exercises to reinforce the concepts discussed in each chapter. The English original version is widely regarded as a comprehensive and authoritative reference in the field of digital image processing.Translation:The translation of the digital image processing textbook into another language is an essential task to make the knowledge and concepts accessible to a wider audience. The translation process involves converting the English original version into the target language while maintaining the accuracy and clarity of the content.To ensure a high-quality translation, it is crucial to select a professional translator with expertise in both the source language (English) and the target language. The translator should have a solid understanding of the subject matter and possess excellent language skills to convey the concepts accurately.During the translation process, the translator carefully reads and comprehends the English original version. They then analyze the text and identify any cultural or linguistic nuances that need to be considered while translating. The translator may consult subject matter experts or reference materials to ensure the accuracy of technical terms and concepts.The translation process involves several stages, including translation, editing, and proofreading. After the initial translation, the editor reviews the translated text to ensure its coherence, accuracy, and adherence to the target language's grammar and style. The proofreader then performs a final check to eliminate any errors or inconsistencies.It is important to note that the translation may require adapting certain examples, illustrations, or exercises to suit the target language and culture. This adaptation ensures that the translated version resonates with the local audience and facilitates better understanding of the concepts.Conclusion:Digital Image Processing: English Original Version and Translation provides a comprehensive overview of the field of digital image processing. The English original version, authored by Richard E. Woods and Rafael C. Gonzalez, serves as a valuable reference for understanding the fundamental concepts and techniques in image processing.The translation process plays a crucial role in making this knowledge accessible to non-English speakers. It involves careful selection of a professional translator, thoroughunderstanding of the subject matter, and meticulous translation, editing, and proofreading stages. The translated version aims to accurately convey the concepts while adapting to the target language and culture.By providing both the English original version and its translation, individuals from different linguistic backgrounds can benefit from the knowledge and advancements in digital image processing, fostering international collaboration and innovation in this field.。

每个数据元素由标签组号 (组号 ,元素号) ,数据类型 ,数据 长度 ,数据内容四部分组成 ,结构如图 1 :
图 1 D ICO M 文件结构与数据元素
例如我们用 wi n he x 解码某张一帧文件 , 找到如下一串数 字 , 它就是一个数据元素 。0800 7000 4C 4 F 1800 53 79 73 74 65 6D 73 20 4D 65 64 69 63 61 6C 20 53 79 73 74 65 6D73 20 。0008 0070 是表示仪器的标签 ,4C 4 F 是数据类型 ,0018 表 示数据长度 , 后面一串数字是 A SC I I 码 , 翻译成字符串就是 : P hilip s M e dical syst e m s 。以上数字都以十六进制表示 。而且 依据系统要求实行字节顺序颠倒排置 。
Design an d rea l iza t ion of the sof t ware in tran sf or min g D ICOM digita l medica l ima ge f or ma t in to BM P genera l ima ge f or ma t
XU Pa n - hui , L IN Fe ng (Dep a rt me nt of M ec ha nic s En gi nee ri ng of Tsi ng h ua U nive r sit y , Beiji ng 100084 , Chi na) Abstra ct :W he n usi n g t he to mo grap hic i ma ge dat a f ro m t he C T o r M R de vice s to reco n st r uct t h ree - di me n sio nal vi rt ual o bject , we meet a special fo r mat of D ICO M me dical i ma ge dat a , a st a nda r d p ro duce d f ro m t ho se device s. This p ap e r is to a nal yze t he st r uct ure of D C IO M file , a n d co m bi ne rece nt t ec h ni que to co mplet e t he i mpo rt a nt f u nctio n s , i ncl udi n g de2 co di ng a nd di splayi ng t he D ICO M file , a nd co nve rti n g t he D ICO M fo r mat i nto B M P fo r mat . All t he p ractice s a re ba se d o n V C + + 6. 0 p latfo r m . T h ro ug h c reati ng a co re cla ss i n t he wo r kplace to p roce ss t he D ICO M dat a , w e succe ssf ull y re2 alize d t he t wo f u nctio n s a bo ve . T hi s p ap e r al so de sc ri be s t he st r uct ure of t he sof t w a re de velo p e d by o ur selve s a n d so me i mpo rt a nt f unctio n. Key wor ds :D ICO M ;B M P ; dat a ele me nt ; b yt e o r de ri n g ;gra y de gree ;wi n do w ce nt e r - wi n do w wi dt h
matlab 专业英语翻译(原文)

MATLAB 的介绍什么是MA TLAB这个名字为MATLAB代表矩形组。
MATLAB代表最初是提供方便地访问矩形软件的LINPACK 和EISPACK项目。
现在,MA TLAB使用LINPACK 和EISPACK项目所开发的软件,它代表一起开发了先进的设备,使用在艺术的矩阵计算软件。
它是由MathWorks公司,如在图8 - 1.In大学环境所示,它是标准的在数学,工程和science.In行业的初级和高级课程的教学工具,MATLAB是高选择的工具生产力研究,开发和分析。
* The MathWorks公司提供的数据分析,可视化,应用开发,仿真,设计集成产品集,代码generation.MATLAB是所有MathWorks产品的基础MATLAB是一个直观的语言和技术计算环境。
为什么用MA TLAB?依靠遍布全球的专业技术基于MATLAB加快他们的研究,压缩投资的分析和开发时间,降低工程成本,并产生有效的解决办法。
用户发现,MATLAB接口的直观,语言的组合,内置的数学和图形功能使MATLAB 的技术计算的首选平台比使用C,Fortran和其他语言和应用程序。

我们使⽤常⽤的绘图软件创建⼀个16*16的24位bmp图像,如下图所⽰:可以看到图⽚很⼩,我们使⽤ultra-edit看看其内部是什么(ultra-edit是⼀个⽐记事本更加⾼级的编辑软件,可以在⽹上下载到),我们打开其内部看到的是如下的⼀个⼗六进制的数据⽂件:看起来很⾼深⽽⼜很凌乱的样⼦,我们慢慢地说明这些看起来很凌乱的数据流都代表了什么意思,⾸先我们要说明的是,这⾥⾯⼀个数字代表的是⼀个字节,⽐如头两个数42 4d是两个⼗六进制的数,代表了两个字节。
在具体说明每个字节的含义之前,⾸先需要说明的是字节的排布⽅式,在操作系统和计算机组成结构⾥⾯有⼤端法和⼩端法(如果有遗忘可以查⼀下书),简易的说法是这样的,⼩端法的意思是“低地址村存放低位数据,⾼地址存放⾼位数据”,⼤端法就是反过来的,举个例⼦,如果地址从左到右依次增⼤,那么数据01 02的⼩端法存储⽅式是02 01,⼤端法的存储⽅式就是01 02。
(完整word版)实验一 BMP文件的读写操作(word文档良心出品)

实验一 BMP文件的读写操作一、实验目的与要求1.熟悉及掌握在MATLAB中能够处理哪些位图文件。
Windows 3.0以前的BMP位图文件格式与显示设备有关,因此把它称为设备相关位图(device-dependent bitmap,DDB)文件格式。
Windows 3.0以后的BMP位图文件格式与显示设备无关,因此把这种BMP位图文件格式称为设备无关位图(device-independent bitmap,DIB)格式,目的是为了让Windows能够在任何类型的显示设备上显示BMP位图文件。
图1 BMP文件结构图2. MATLABMATLAB是由美国MathWorks公司推出的用于数值计算的有力工具,它具有相当强大的矩阵运算和操作功能,一幅数字图像在MATLAB中可以很自然的表示成矩阵,如图2,一幅M×N个像素的数字图像,其像素灰度值可以用M行、N 列的矩阵G表示:图2数字图像的矩阵的表示并且MATLAB 图像处理工具箱(IPT )提供了丰富的图像处理函数,这些函数处理的是多维数组,而图像(二维数值数组)正是多维数组的一种特例。
灵活运用这些函数几乎可以完成所有的图像处理工作,从而大大节省编写低层算法代码的时间, 避免程序设计中的重复劳动,达到事半功倍的效果。

The image on the left is the image processing technique . Used to test computer algorithms A standard image of actual effects . The name of this image is lenna . It is made up of a set of numbers. Original image The width and height are 256 pixels each .There are eight bits in pixels. It is in BMP form at About 66K bytes in size.
The objective world is a three-dimensional space, but the general image is two-dimensional. Two dimensional images inevitably lose part of the information in the process of reflecting the three-dimensional world. Even recorded information can be distorted and even difficult to recognize objects. Therefore, it is necessary to recover and reconstruct information from images, and to analyze and extract mathematical models of images so that people can have a correct and profound understanding of what is recorded in the image. This process becomes the process of image processing.

GIMP图像处理软件教程第一章:GIMP图像处理软件的介绍GIMP(GNU Image Manipulation Program)是一款免费开源的图像处理软件,它提供了许多功能强大的工具,可以帮助用户编辑、调整和优化图像。

bmp文件课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能理解BMP文件的基本概念,掌握其作为一种图像文件格式的特点;2. 学生能够描述BMP文件的构成,包括文件头、信息头和像素数据;3. 学生能够了解BMP文件的色彩模型及其在图像显示中的作用。
技能目标:1. 学生能够运用BMP文件相关知识,使用计算机软件进行简单的图像编辑和处理;2. 学生能够通过分析BMP文件的二进制数据,解读图像的像素信息;3. 学生能够运用所学知识,创作简单的BMP格式图像作品。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 培养学生对计算机图像处理的兴趣,激发他们探索图像世界的热情;2. 培养学生的观察能力和创新精神,提高他们运用图像技术解决问题的能力;3. 引导学生正确认识数字图像,培养他们尊重版权、抵制盗版的道德观念。
通过本课程的学习,学生将具备以下具体学习成果:1. 能够解释BMP文件的基本特点和构成;2. 能够运用相关软件进行BMP文件的编辑和处理;3. 能够通过实践创作,展示对BMP文件知识的掌握和应用;4. 能够树立正确的价值观,尊重图像版权。
二、教学内容本章节教学内容围绕BMP文件格式展开,依据课程目标,制定以下详细教学大纲:1. BMP文件概述- 图像文件格式简介- BMP文件的发展历程- BMP文件的特点及应用场景2. BMP文件的构成- 文件头和信息头的结构及作用- 像素数据的组成及其存储方式- 色彩模型(如RGB、索引颜色)介绍3. BMP文件编辑与处理- 常用图像编辑软件的认识与使用- 图像的基本操作(如缩放、旋转、裁剪)- 简单图像效果处理(如对比度、亮度调整)4. BMP文件二进制数据分析- 了解二进制数据在BMP文件中的应用- 学习使用相关工具分析BMP文件的二进制数据- 解读像素数据与图像显示之间的关系5. BMP图像创作实践- 创作简单的BMP格式图像作品- 探索图像编辑技巧,提高作品质量- 体验图像创作过程,培养创新精神本章节教学内容按照以上大纲进行安排和进度规划,确保知识的科学性和系统性。

本文将详细介绍BMP转JPG 的算法原理。
BMP 文件以结构化的方式组织图像数据,每个像素由红、绿、蓝三个分量表示,通常还包含有关于图像大小、分辨率和压缩方式等信息。

SD卡字库和 bmp图片显示实验E-Mail firestm32@QQ 313303034博客硬件平台野火STM32开发板库版本ST3.0.0实验描述:使用软件制作自定义类型的字库,然之后将字库放入SD卡中,并且在SD 卡中放入一张bmp图片作为LCD背景。
硬件连接:MicroSD卡PC8-SDIO-D0 ----DATA0PC9-SDIO-D1 ----DATA1PC10-SDIO-D2 ----DATA2PC11-SDIO-D3 ----CD/DATA3PC12-SDIO-CLK ----CLKPD2-SDIO-CMD ----CMDTFT 数据线PD14-FSMC-D0 ----LCD-DB0PD15-FSMC-D1 ----LCD-DB1PD0-FSMC-D2 ----LCD-DB2PD1-FSMC-D3 ----LCD-DB3PE7-FSMC-D4 ----LCD-DB4PE8-FSMC-D5 ----LCD-DB5PE9-FSMC-D6 ----LCD-DB6PE10-FSMC-D7 ----LCD-DB7PE11-FSMC-D8 ----LCD-DB8PE12-FSMC-D9 ----LCD-DB9PE13-FSMC-D10 ----LCD-DB10PE14-FSMC-D11 ----LCD-DB11PE15-FSMC-D12 ----LCD-DB12PD8-FSMC-D13 ----LCD-DB13PD9-FSMC-D14 ----LCD-DB14PD10-FSMC-D15 ----LCD-DB15 TFT 控制信号线PD4-FSMC-NOE ----LCD-RDPD5-FSMC-NEW ----LCD-WRPD7-FSMC-NE1 ----LCD-CSPD11-FSMC-A16 ----LCD-DCPE1-FSMC-NBL1 ----LCD-RESETPD13-FSMC-A18 ----LCD-BLACK-LIGHT库文件:startup/start_stm32f10x_hd.cCMSIS/core_cm3.cCMSIS/system_stm32f10x.cFWlib/stm32f10x_rcc.cFWlib/misc.cFwlib/stm32f10x_systick.cFWlib/stm32f10x_exti.cFWlib/stm32f10x_gpio.cFWlib/stm32f10x_sdio.cFWlib/stm32f10x_dma.cFWlib/stm32f10x_usart.cFWlib/stm32f10x_fsmc.c用户文件: USER/main.cUSER/stm32f10x_it.cUSER/systick.cUSER/usart1.cUSER/lcd.cUSER/ff.cUSER/sdcard.cUSER/diskio.cUSER/sd_fs_app.cUSER/Sd_bmp.c野火STM32开发板LCD和SD卡硬件连接图:SD卡接口连接如下LCD接口连接如下字库制作详细流程我们采用“字模III-增强版v3.91”软件来制作中文字库。


C语言 BMP图片处理BMP是bitmap的缩写形式,bitmap顾名思义,就是位图也即Windows位图。
0026-0029:水平每米有多少像素,在设备无关位图(.DIB)中,每字节以00H 填写。
002A-002D:垂直每米有多少像素,在设备无关位图(.DIB)中,每字节以00H 填写。
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在Visual C++的集成开发环境中,用户可以设计程序代码、运行程序、进行程序错误的调试等,可视化的开发方法降低了应用程序开发的难度。
Visual C++的基础编程语言是具有面向对象特性的C++语言,C++具有代码稳定、可读性好、编译速度快,效率高等优点,并将面向对象的概念得到充分的发挥,使这种语言有了全新的发展空间。
文章用Visual C++作为开发工具,设计了一个BMP图像处理软件。
BMP(Bitmap-File)图形文件是Windows采用的图形文件格式,在Windows 环境下运行的所有图象处理软件都支持BMP图象文件格式。
Windows 位图文件格式与其他Microsoft Windows 程序兼容。
它不支持文件压缩,也不适用于Web 页。
从总体上看,Windows 位图文件格式的缺点超过了它的优点。
中值滤波的主要问题是它的高计算成本(排序N像素,时间复杂度是0(N log N),即是最有效的排序算法),在中值滤波进行了实时软件实现的过程中,通用处理器通常不会给出好的结果。
结构元素是在一个图像窗口上扫描,这种类似的使用的中值滤波器结构元素可以是任何大小像素窗口,但3 x3和5 x5的大小是最常见的。
外文原文Design and Implementation of BMP Image Processing System AbstractWith the development of science, the simple pictures couldn’t meet people’s demand. The magnification of picture’s usage and the ever delicate image of picture itself, has made people more and more rely on several of picture-processing software. And the popularization of these software are going higher and higher, with the progress made by themselves.C++ is a rapid application development of visual language, and it provides a visual integrated development environment, the environment for the application designer provides a series of flexible and advanced tools, can be widely used in the design of type application.In Visual C++integrated development environment, the user can design the program code, run the program, program error of debugging, etc., the development of visualization method reduces the difficulty of the application development.Visual C++ programming language is the basis of the object-oriented C++ language.With C++ code stability, good readability and compilation speed, higher efficiency, and the object-oriented concepts are fully play, make the language a new space for development.The essay use Visual C++ development to build software which is used to deal with BMP images. This software can carry out some base operations of BMP images, such as open, close and save;some base processes of BMP images, such as magnify, shrink, rotate, binary process, mid-value filter, edge-detect, cauterization of pictures and the mosaic effect.BMP is the abbreviation of bitmap, as bitmap images.Bitmap images are in a unit called "pixel" storage of image information.These "pixel" is actually some neat color or black and white points, if these points are slowly zoom in, you'll see one by one "pixel" in charge of his own color, these "pixel" neatly lined up and became a BMP images, and with. BMP (, rle, dib, etc.) for the extension.BMP Bitmap - File) graphics File format that is used by the graphics File is Windows in Windows environment running all image processing software supports BMP image File format.BMP: Windows bitmap can use any color depth (from black and white to 24-bit color) to store a single raster image.Windows bitmap file format compatible with other Microsoft Windows programs.It does not support file compression, and does not apply to a Web page.Overall, Windows bitmap file format the disadvantages outweigh its advantages.Interest in digital image processing methods stems from two principal applicant- ion areas: improvement of pictorial information for human interpretation; andprocessing of image data for storage, transmission, and representation for au- tenuous machine perception.An image may be defined as a two-dimensional function, f(x, y), where x and y are spatial (plane) coordinates, and the amplitude of f at any pair of coordinates (x, y) is called the intensity or gray level of the image at that point. When x, y, and the amplitude values of f are all finite, discrete quantities, we call the image a digital image. The field of digital image processing refers to processing digital images by means of a digital computer. Note that a digital image is composed of a finite number of elements, each of which has a particular location and value. These elements are referred to as picture elements, image elements, peels, and pixels. Pixel is the term most widely used to denote the elements of a digital image.There is no general agreement among authors regarding where image processing stops and other related areas, such as image analysis and computer vi-son, start. Sometimes a distinction is made by defining image processing as a discipline in which both the input and output of a process are images. We believe this to be a limiting and somewhat artificial boundary. For example, under this definition, even the trivial task of computing the average intensity of an image (which yields a single number) would not be considered an image processing operation. On the other hand, there are fields such as computer vision whose ultimate goal is to use computers to emulate human vision, including learning and being able to make inferences and take actions based on visual inputs. This area itself is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) whose objective is to emulate human intelligence. The field of AI is in its earliest stages of infancy in terms of development, with progress having been much slower than originally anticipated. The area of image analysis (also called image understanding) is in be- teen image processing and computer vision.1.Image processing areasImage acquisition is the first process. Note that acquisition could be as simple as being given an image that is already in digital form. Generally, the image acquisition stage involves processing, such as scaling.Image enhancement is among the simplest and most appealing areas of digital image processing. Basically, the idea behind enhancement techniques is to bring out detail that is obscured, or simply to highlight certain features of interest in an image. Image acquisition is the first process. Note that acquisition could be as simple as being given an image that is already in digital form. Generally, the image acquisition stage involves processing, such as scaling.Image restoration is an area that also deals with improving the appearance of an image. However, unlike enhancement, which is subjective, image restoration is objective, in the sense that restoration techniques tend to be based on mathematical orprobabilistic models of image degradation. Enhancement, on the other hand, is based on human subjective preferences regarding what constitutes a “good” enhancement result.Color image processing is an area that has been gaining in importance because of the significant increase in the use of digital images over the Internet. It covers a number of fundamental concepts in color models and basic color processing in a digital domain. Color is used also in later chapters as the basis for extracting features of interest in an image.Wavelets are the foundation for representing images in various degrees of resolution. In particular, this material is used in this book for image data compression and for pyramidal representation, in which images are subdivided successively into smaller pression, as the name implies, deals with techniques for reducing the storage required saving an image, or the bandwidth required transmitting it.Morphological processing deals with tools for extracting image components that are useful in the representation and description of shape. It begins a transition from processes that output images to processes that output image attributes.Segmentation procedures partition an image into its constituent parts or objects. In general, autonomous segmentation is one of the most difficult tasks in digital image processing. A rugged segmentation procedure brings the process a long way toward successful solution of imaging problems that require objects to be identified individually. On the other hand, weak or erratic segmentation algorithms almost always guarantee eventual failure. In general, the more accurate the segmentation, the more likely recognition is to succeed.2.Involved in the image processing function module of some important algorithmsA Median filter:A Median filter is a non-linear digital filter which is able to preserve sharp signal changes and is very effective in removing impulse noise (or salt and pepper noise).An impulse noise has a gray level with higher low that is different from the neighborhood point. Linear filters have no ability to remove this type of noise without affecting the distinguishing characteristics of the signal;median filters have remarkable advantages over linear filters for this particular type of noise. Therefore median filter is very widely used in digital signal and image/video processing applications.A standard median operation is implemented by sliding a window of odd size (e.g3x3 window) over an image. At each window position the sampled values of signal image are sorted, and the median value of the samples is taken as the output that replaces the sample in the center of the window.The main problem of the median filter is its high computational cost (for sorting N pixels, the time complexity is 0(N log N), even with the most efficient sorting algorithms). When the median filter is carried out in real time, the software implementation in general-purpose processors does not usually give good results.The initial version of the median filter is programmed using Visual C++ on PC, so that its operation could be verified and its results could be compared to the hardware version.Morphological Operators:The term morphological image processing refers to a class of algorithms that is interested in the geometric structure of an image. Morphology can be used on binary and gray scale images, and is useful in many areas of image processing, such as skeletonization, edge detection, restoration and texture analysis.A morphological operator uses a structuring element to process an image. The structuring element is a window scanning over an image, which is similar to the pixel window used in the median filter. The structuring element can be of any size,but 3x3 and 5x5 sizes are common. When the structuring element scans over an element in the image, either the structuring element fits or does not fit demonstrates the concept of a structuring element fitting and not fitting inside an image object.The most basic building blocks for many morphological operators are erosion and dilation. Erosion as the name suggests is shrinking or eroding an object in an image.Dilation on the other hand grows the image object. Both of these objects depend on the structuring element and how it fits within the object. For example, if erosion is applied to an binary image, the resultant image is one where there is a foreground pixel for every center pixel where its structuring element fit within an image. If dilation is applied, the output will be a foreground pixel for every point in the structuring element.Important operations like opening and closing of an image can be derived by performing erosion and dilation in different order. If the erosion is followed by dilation, the resulting operation is called an opening. Closing operation is dilation followed by erosion. These two secondary morphological operations can be useful in image restoration, and their iterative use can yield further interesting results such as; skeletonization of an input image.Edge Detection:Edges are places in the image with strong intensity contrast. Edges often occur at image locations representing object boundaries; edge detection is extensively used in image segmentation. Representing an image by its edges has the further advantage that the amount of data is reduced significantly while retaining most of the image information.Edges can be detected by applying a high pass frequency filter in the Fourier domain or by involving the image with an appropriate kernel in the spatial domain. In practice,edge detection is performed in the spatial domain, because it is computationally less expensive and often yields better results. Since edges correspond to strong illumination gradients, the derivatives of the image are used for calculating the edges.The Canny edge detection algorithm is considered a "standard method" and it is used by many researchers, because it was designed to be an optimal edge detector and thin edges. The Canny operator works in a multi-stage process. Canny edge detection uses linear filtering with a Gaussian kernel to smooth noise and then computes the edge strength and direction for each pixel of the smoothed image. This is done by differentiating the image in two orthogonal directions and computing the gradient magnitude as the root sum of squares of the derivatives. The gradient direction is computed using the ratio of the derivatives. Candidate edge pixels are identified as the pixels that survive a thinning process called non-maximal suppression.In this process,the edge strength of each candidate edge pixel is set to zero if its edge strength is not larger than the edge strength of the two adjacent pixels in the gradient direction. Thresholding is then done on the thinned edge magnitude image using hysteresis. In hysteresis, two edge strength thresholds are used. All candidate edge pixel values below the lower threshold are labeled as non-edges, and the pixels values above the high threshold are considered as definite edges. All pixels above low threshold that be connected to any pixel above the high threshold through a chain are labeled as edge pixels. The schematic of the canny edge detection is shown below.。