



个人 高新 26
CXG10 22 一种自动计费的路边旋转式立体车库 CXG18 20 智能家居系统 CXG34 41 不同孔径开孔桥墩的速度场和涡量场PIV实验
马元昊 张淇 胡孝博
金乡县第一中学 微山县第一中学 济宁市第一中学
工程学 高爱良 计算机
尹帅 科学
个人 个人 个人
金乡县 27 微山 28 一中 29
工程学 杨艳
个人 一中
张训卓、吴骁 曲阜师范大学附属中学 工程学 陈登民、宫政 集体
宋振宁魏兰苏 济宁市第一中学 袁心月
工程学 杨艳
集体 一中
工程学 陈祥林
个人 泗水
济宁市兖州区第一中 物理 冯德峰徐文萍 个人 兖州

项目所 辅导教师 属学科
计算机 马芳 科学
CXG38 32 道路减速带气压压电发电的创新
个人集体 县市区 总名次
个人 梁山 17 个人 一中 18
CXG41 36 化学实验用多功能箱桌
个人 一中 19
CXG03 15 多功能椅子
个人 一中 44
CXG47 39 鲜牛奶中蛋白质含量及成分分析鉴定 CXG23 6 改进书立 CXG15 17 质量守恒演示仪
葛迦晗 卞祥骁 曹雨晴



朱紫妍 张思琦 向施臻 张宇珩 关宇男 杜巧宜 付睿迪 王新棠 蔡雨倩 曹芳凝 陈雪初 刘韵涵 谭傲然 王星越 刘逸箫 吴晓萌 杨思琪 王箬雨 桑潇 李帛汐 钟佳玲 赵子航 但瑾瑜 赵芷洁 徐佳欣 陈宣伊 尹筱萌 郑汪涛 梁金源 秦子童 白雨萌 仝鑫 王元辰 范小迪 周雅诺 陈一诺 钟子晴 薛佳妮 朱丽雯 李轶男 黄子晨 吴明坤 郭立达 胡骄阳 张楚桐 张家铭
考号 201600407 201628144 201664603 201630813 201663557 201626695 201600076 201634715 201625174 201645366 201617342 201628796 201615920 201646905 201618668 201600931 201601355 201627786 201619941 201669875 201614218 201655882 201662536 201604661 201605616 201656886 201650757 201602526 201666147 201636486 201634620 201621506 201664489 201605137 201613242 201628494 201662905 201668800 201628562 201655883 201631830 201617810 201636315 201630316 201619942
201669438 201626109 201643998 201626899 201626402 201645543 201600053 201630603 201643947 201651867 201627729 201626438 201626072 201668727 201627027 201624266 201626144 201626202 201627241 201671802 201658626 201645211 201643916 201651824 201627824 201626173 201626954 201669472 201629685 201601063 201605080 201636420 201626261 201601630 201627203 201635979 201626332 201661286 201650608 201669064 201609426 201640740 201630825 201626288 201634447 201602529















内蒙贰等 内蒙叁等 内蒙叁等 内蒙叁等 内蒙叁等 内蒙叁等 内蒙叁等 内蒙叁等 内蒙叁等 内蒙叁等 内蒙叁等 内蒙叁等 内蒙叁等 内蒙叁等 内蒙叁等 内蒙叁等 内蒙叁等 内蒙叁等 内蒙叁等 内蒙叁等 全国壹等 全国贰等 全国贰等 全国贰等 全国贰等 内蒙壹等 内蒙壹等 全国贰等 全国贰等 全国贰等 全国叁等 全国叁等 全国叁等 全国叁等 全国叁等 全国叁等 全国叁等 全国叁等 全国叁等 全国叁等 全国叁等 全国叁等 全国叁等 全国叁等 内蒙壹等 内蒙壹等 内蒙壹等 内蒙壹等 内蒙壹等 内蒙壹等 内蒙壹等 内蒙壹等 内蒙壹等
四年一 四年级 四年级 四年四 四年级 四年二 四年 四年级 四年 四年 四年三 四年二 四年级 四年级 四年 四年级 四年三 四年二 四年 四年三 四年一 四年级 四年二 四年三 四年级 四年级 四年级 四年级 四年一 四年级 四年 四年一 四年级 四年级 四年级 四年级 四年级 四年级 四年级 四年 四年级 四年级 四年级 四年 四年级 四年 四年级 五年一 五年一 五年 五年 5.3 五年
张凤娟 张凤娟 张凤娟 张凤娟 张凤娟 孙迪 白虎 陈秀兰 孙迪 白虎 孙迪 孟祥平 屈晶 白虎 红梅 白虎 孟祥平 玉香 屈晶 白虎 周吉生 屈晶 屈晶 蔡晓华 张丽娟 白虎 屈晶 张娟 师秀英 赵琦 王树文 李侠 李侠 李艳辉 李侠 李艳辉 王树文 王树文 王树文 赵琦 李侠 王树文 马桂荣 马桂荣 郭海燕 郭海燕 李欣 林桂玲 林桂玲 林桂玲 郭海燕 丁 颖 林桂玲
新林中心校 新林中心校 新林中心校 新林中心校 新林中心校 五家户中心学校 巴达尔胡中心校 胡尔勒中心校 五家户中心学校 巴达尔胡中心校 五家户中心学校 二龙山中心学校 音德尔第七小学 巴达尔胡中心校 绰勒中心校 巴达尔胡中心校 二龙山中心学校 巴彦乌兰中心校 音德尔第七小学 巴达尔胡中心校 巴岱中心学校 音德尔第七小学 音德尔第七小学 音德尔第七小学 音德尔第八小学 巴达尔胡中心校 音德尔第七小学 音德尔第七小学 四小 第五小学 巴彦主高勒中心学校 四小 四小 第五小学 四小 第五小学 巴彦主高勒中心学校 巴彦主高勒中心学校 巴彦主高勒中心学校 第五小学 四小 巴彦主高勒中心学校 第五小学 第五小学 音一小 音一小 小城子中心学校 音德尔镇中心小学 音德尔镇中心小学 音德尔镇中心小学 音一小 音德尔镇中心小学 音德尔镇中心小学



2017年全国中学生英语能力竞赛全国奖获奖名单(黑龙江赛区)排名不分先后,证书编号为高中全国一等奖编号姓名学校年级获奖等级证书编号徐婉婷哈尔滨工业大学附属中学初一全国一等奖孙常喜大庆市第23中学初一全国一等奖李斯睿哈尔滨工业大学附属中学初一全国一等奖李古月育才中学初一全国一等奖徐婉婷哈尔滨工业大学附属中学初一全国一等奖孙常喜大庆市第23中学初一全国一等奖李斯睿哈尔滨工业大学附属中学初一全国一等奖李古月育才中学初一全国一等奖王誉婉哈尔滨工业大学附属中学初二全国一等奖谢卓含哈尔滨市第39中学初二全国一等奖焦健哈尔滨工业大学附属中学初二全国一等奖李悦祺哈尔滨市第39中学初二全国一等奖王语兵哈尔滨市第47中学初二全国一等奖姜宇婷九井中学初二全国一等奖王誉婉哈尔滨工业大学附属中学初二全国一等奖谢卓含哈尔滨市第39中学初二全国一等奖焦健哈尔滨工业大学附属中学初二全国一等奖李悦祺哈尔滨市第39中学初二全国一等奖王语兵哈尔滨市第47中学初二全国一等奖姜宇婷九井中学初二全国一等奖田野哈尔滨市松雷中学初三全国一等奖刘宸宇哈尔滨市松雷中学初三全国一等奖景子桐哈尔滨市第49中学初三全国一等奖李慧莹哈尔滨市第47中学初三全国一等奖李明扬哈尔滨工业大学附属中学初三全国一等奖王悦老莱中学初三全国一等奖田野哈尔滨市松雷中学初三全国一等奖刘宸宇哈尔滨市松雷中学初三全国一等奖景子桐哈尔滨市第49中学初三全国一等奖李慧莹哈尔滨市第47中学初三全国一等奖李明扬哈尔滨工业大学附属中学初三全国一等奖王悦老莱中学初三全国一等奖王君竹大庆市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000001 杨泽锐大庆市铁人中学高一全国一等奖2017121000002 陶俊丞大庆市铁人中学高一全国一等奖2017121000003 郭昊大庆市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000004 赵日聪大庆市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000005 胡笑川大庆市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000006 张姝雯大庆市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000007 张曦丹大庆市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000008 张姝雅大庆市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000009 付嘉怡大庆市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000010 王婧一大庆外国语学校高一全国一等奖2017121000011 裴雪彤大庆市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000012 徐语萱大庆市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000013 段奇峰大庆市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000014 田润泽大庆市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000015 张艺馨大庆市铁人中学高一全国一等奖2017121000016 安映霖大庆市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000017 侯吉喆大庆市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000018 王馨婧大庆市铁人中学高一全国一等奖2017121000019 李佩霖大庆市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000020 吕彭佳大庆市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000021 宋禹峤大庆市铁人中学高一全国一等奖2017121000022 张澄博大庆市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000023 谷佳萱大庆市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000024 葛容辰哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高一全国一等奖2017121000025 刘昌松哈尔滨师大附中高一全国一等奖2017121000026 袁小娇哈尔滨师大附中高一全国一等奖2017121000027于晓溪哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高一全国一等奖2017121000029 王鞠哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高一全国一等奖2017121000030 李奕佳哈尔滨市第九中学江南高一全国一等奖2017121000031 李尚星哈尔滨市第九中学江南高一全国一等奖2017121000032 赵家宁哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高一全国一等奖2017121000033 刘晏君哈尔滨德强高中高一全国一等奖2017121000034 张雯博哈尔滨德强高中高一全国一等奖2017121000035 张博媛哈尔滨师大附中高一全国一等奖2017121000036 奚大又哈尔滨师大附中高一全国一等奖2017121000037 李公博哈尔滨师大附中高一全国一等奖2017121000038 杨述毅哈尔滨师大附中高一全国一等奖2017121000039 胡家铭黑龙江省实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000040 彭程哈尔滨师大附中高一全国一等奖2017121000041 纪然哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高一全国一等奖2017121000042 李梓铭哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高一全国一等奖2017121000043 陈沫哈尔滨德强高中高一全国一等奖2017121000044 田思萌哈尔滨市第九中学江南高一全国一等奖2017121000045 刘子航哈尔滨市第九中学江南高一全国一等奖2017121000046 张欣阳哈尔滨市第六中学高一全国一等奖2017121000047 陈佳月哈尔滨师大附中高一全国一等奖2017121000048 刘焕婷哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高一全国一等奖2017121000049 韩滟馨哈尔滨师大附中高一全国一等奖2017121000050 朱博涵哈尔滨市第三中学群力高一全国一等奖2017121000051 韩均垚黑龙江省实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000052 尹子诺哈尔滨市第三中学群力高一全国一等奖2017121000053 张弛哈尔滨师大附中高一全国一等奖2017121000054 宋靖航哈尔滨师大附中高一全国一等奖2017121000055 刘峙麟哈尔滨师大附中高一全国一等奖2017121000056 张润祺哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高一全国一等奖2017121000057 吴冰哈尔滨师大附中高一全国一等奖2017121000058 董清扬哈尔滨市第九中学江南高一全国一等奖2017121000059 姜佳希哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高一全国一等奖2017121000060 周奕彤黑龙江省实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000061石睿哈尔滨师大附中高一全国一等奖2017121000063 任静涵哈尔滨市第六中学高一全国一等奖2017121000064 杨斯婷黑龙江省实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000065 史丹煜哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高一全国一等奖2017121000066 戴昕雨哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高一全国一等奖2017121000067 何佳齐哈尔滨德强高中高一全国一等奖2017121000068 张逸冰哈尔滨师大附中高一全国一等奖2017121000069 靳希睿哈尔滨师大附中高一全国一等奖2017121000070 孙雨卓哈尔滨师大附中高一全国一等奖2017121000071 丁元程哈尔滨师大附中高一全国一等奖2017121000072 王海琦哈尔滨师大附中高一全国一等奖2017121000073 赵高飞哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高一全国一等奖2017121000074 徐健朝哈尔滨德强高中高一全国一等奖2017121000075 刘轶鹤岗市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000076 宁可鹤岗市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000077 崔家伟鹤岗市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000078 高奇羽鹤岗市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000079 闫震黑河市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000080 王静仪黑河市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000081 冯亚宁鸡西市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000082 曹宇彤鸡西市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000083 杨蕊嘉佳木斯市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000084 周子杨佳木斯市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000085 吴嘉琦牡丹江市第一高级中学高一全国一等奖2017121000086 赵志远牡丹江市第一高级中学高一全国一等奖2017121000087 贺一然牡丹江市第一高级中学高一全国一等奖2017121000088 索菁菁牡丹江市第一高级中学高一全国一等奖2017121000089 李圳达牡丹江市第一高级中学高一全国一等奖2017121000090 姜海斓建三江管理局第一高级中学高一全国一等奖2017121000091 王储建三江管理局第一高级中学高一全国一等奖2017121000092 王婧楠建三江管理局第一高级中学高一全国一等奖2017121000093 徐聪建三江管理局第一高级中学高一全国一等奖2017121000094 王思博七台河市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000095齐玉七台河市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000097 程玉锦齐齐哈尔市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000098 李一凡齐齐哈尔市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000099 郑义凡齐齐哈尔市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000100 董语萱齐齐哈尔市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000101 王翘楚泰来县第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000102 马逸凡齐齐哈尔市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000103 赵广昕齐齐哈尔市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000104 单晴齐齐哈尔市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000105 李紫萌齐齐哈尔市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000106 刘子健齐齐哈尔市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000107 朱梓萱甘南县第二中学高一全国一等奖2017121000108 宁可齐齐哈尔市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000109 刘晓旭讷河市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000110 陈潇龙江县第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000111 兰悦齐齐哈尔市第六中学高一全国一等奖2017121000112 张然齐齐哈尔市实验中学高一全国一等奖2017121000113 鹿超悦海林林业局第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000257 吴尹航宝清县第二高级中学高一全国一等奖2017121000258 曹馨心双鸭山市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000259 栾舒琪绥芬河市高级中学高一全国一等奖2017121000260 王月明绥芬河市高级中学高一全国一等奖2017121000261 曲文琦绥芬河市高级中学高一全国一等奖2017121000262 张欣卓绥化市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000263 白浩辰绥化市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000264 董霖绥化市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000265 朱婉毓绥化市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000266 邱羽琪望奎县第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000267 李沐桥绥化市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000268 张峰硕绥棱县第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000269 韩鹏举伊春市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000270 韩金利伊春市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000271 张倍宁伊春市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000272邸雪莹伊春市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000274 张欣卓绥化市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000263 白浩辰绥化市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000264 董霖绥化市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000265 朱婉毓绥化市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000266 邱羽琪望奎县第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000267 李沐桥绥化市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000268 张峰硕绥棱县第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000269 韩鹏举伊春市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000270 韩金利伊春市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000271 张倍宁伊春市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000272 姜旭初伊春市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000273 邸雪莹伊春市第一中学高一全国一等奖2017121000274 窦博瀚大庆市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000114 费靖淼大庆外国语学校高二全国一等奖2017121000115 张庚瀚大庆市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000116 王晨瑞雪大庆市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000117 孙博然大庆市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000118 李昊阳大庆市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000119 佀骅羽大庆市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000120 任建铭大庆市铁人中学高二全国一等奖2017121000121 刘睿萌大庆市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000122 陈励天大庆市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000123 李宣璇大庆市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000124 孙伟家大庆外国语学校高二全国一等奖2017121000125 秦紫瑄大庆市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000126 姚建竹大庆市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000127 王绘然大庆市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000128 莫凯迪大庆外国语学校高二全国一等奖2017121000129 王馨怡大庆市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000130 佟思宽大庆市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000131 孙贝妮哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高二全国一等奖2017121000132 林美杉哈尔滨市第九中学江南高二全国一等奖2017121000133于端瑞哈尔滨师大附中高二全国一等奖2017121000135 陈智蕾哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高二全国一等奖2017121000136 刘海菲哈尔滨师大附中高二全国一等奖2017121000137 顾清雅哈尔滨师大附中高二全国一等奖2017121000138 王涵哈尔滨德强高中高二全国一等奖2017121000139 李熙元哈尔滨市第三中学群力高二全国一等奖2017121000140 孙础润哈尔滨师大附中高二全国一等奖2017121000141 邓淼哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高二全国一等奖2017121000142 尹祎阳哈尔滨师大附中高二全国一等奖2017121000143 王峥妍哈尔滨市第二十四中学高二全国一等奖2017121000144 赵一霖哈尔滨市第六中学高二全国一等奖2017121000145 孙哲伦哈尔滨师大附中高二全国一等奖2017121000146 李子循哈尔滨市第九中学江南高二全国一等奖2017121000147 叶航哈尔滨师大附中高二全国一等奖2017121000148 段依彤哈尔滨师大附中高二全国一等奖2017121000149 齐宣畅哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高二全国一等奖2017121000150 周默哈尔滨师大附中高二全国一等奖2017121000151 张琳尚志市高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000152 哈博瀚哈尔滨市第三中学群力高二全国一等奖2017121000153 史啸坤哈尔滨师大附中高二全国一等奖2017121000154 杨诗琪黑龙江省实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000155 李润泽哈尔滨德强高中高二全国一等奖2017121000156 赵雨曦鹤岗市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000157 赵睿鹤岗市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000158 刘哲宁鹤岗市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000159 徐浩洋鹤岗市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000160 吴家良鹤岗市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000161 丁韶峰五大连池市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000162 孙卉儒鸡西市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000163 王硕佳木斯市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000164 王思莹佳木斯市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000165 宁照轩牡丹江市第一高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000166 亢衡牡丹江市第一高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000167李雪晴牡丹江市第一高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000169 王威牡丹江市第一高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000170 张明龙牡丹江市第一高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000171 沈子轩建三江管理局第一高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000172 杨傲竹建三江管理局第一高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000173 王玥潼建三江管理局第一高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000174 张帆建三江管理局第一高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000175 董文七台河市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000176 汤睿琪齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000177 孙义胜齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000178 段泓杉齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000179 穆艳宇齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000180 高涵齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000181 于梦圆齐齐哈尔市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000182 刘碧璇齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000183 赵紫荆齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000184 何佳宁齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000185 李书毓齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000186 李梓萌齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000187 宋佳齐齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000188 侯雨飞齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000189 尚奕扬齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000190 李晓凡齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000191 王婧楠海林林业局第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000192 秦绮东京城重点国有林管理局第三中学高二全国一等奖2017121000193 赵金海宝清县第二高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000275 解连坤双鸭山市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000276 管彬旭绥芬河市高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000277 刘馥菡绥化市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000278 于宛宁绥化市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000279 王丹彤绥化市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000280 李欣睿绥化市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000281 郗琳绥化市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000282张宇骁绥化市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000284 縢含文序安达市高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000285 王一凡伊春市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000286 王思丁伊春市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000287 于泓月伊春市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000288 于子博伊春市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000289 窦博瀚大庆市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000114 费靖淼大庆外国语学校高二全国一等奖2017121000115 张庚瀚大庆市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000116 王晨瑞雪大庆市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000117 孙博然大庆市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000118 李昊阳大庆市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000119 佀骅羽大庆市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000120 任建铭大庆市铁人中学高二全国一等奖2017121000121 刘睿萌大庆市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000122 陈励天大庆市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000123 李宣璇大庆市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000124 孙伟家大庆外国语学校高二全国一等奖2017121000125 秦紫瑄大庆市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000126 姚建竹大庆市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000127 王绘然大庆市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000128 莫凯迪大庆外国语学校高二全国一等奖2017121000129 王馨怡大庆市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000130 佟思宽大庆市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000131 孙贝妮哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高二全国一等奖2017121000132 林美杉哈尔滨市第九中学江南高二全国一等奖2017121000133 陈曦哈尔滨师大附中高二全国一等奖2017121000134 于端瑞哈尔滨师大附中高二全国一等奖2017121000135 陈智蕾哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高二全国一等奖2017121000136 刘海菲哈尔滨师大附中高二全国一等奖2017121000137 顾清雅哈尔滨师大附中高二全国一等奖2017121000138 王涵哈尔滨德强高中高二全国一等奖2017121000139 李熙元哈尔滨市第三中学群力高二全国一等奖2017121000140邓淼哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高二全国一等奖2017121000142 尹祎阳哈尔滨师大附中高二全国一等奖2017121000143 王峥妍哈尔滨市第二十四中学高二全国一等奖2017121000144 赵一霖哈尔滨市第六中学高二全国一等奖2017121000145 孙哲伦哈尔滨师大附中高二全国一等奖2017121000146 李子循哈尔滨市第九中学江南高二全国一等奖2017121000147 叶航哈尔滨师大附中高二全国一等奖2017121000148 段依彤哈尔滨师大附中高二全国一等奖2017121000149 齐宣畅哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高二全国一等奖2017121000150 周默哈尔滨师大附中高二全国一等奖2017121000151 张琳尚志市高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000152 哈博瀚哈尔滨市第三中学群力高二全国一等奖2017121000153 史啸坤哈尔滨师大附中高二全国一等奖2017121000154 杨诗琪黑龙江省实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000155 李润泽哈尔滨德强高中高二全国一等奖2017121000156 赵雨曦鹤岗市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000157 赵睿鹤岗市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000158 刘哲宁鹤岗市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000159 徐浩洋鹤岗市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000160 吴家良鹤岗市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000161 丁韶峰五大连池市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000162 孙卉儒鸡西市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000163 王硕佳木斯市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000164 王思莹佳木斯市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000165 宁照轩牡丹江市第一高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000166 亢衡牡丹江市第一高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000167 孙池牡丹江市第一高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000168 李雪晴牡丹江市第一高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000169 王威牡丹江市第一高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000170 张明龙牡丹江市第一高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000171 沈子轩建三江管理局第一高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000172 杨傲竹建三江管理局第一高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000173 王玥潼建三江管理局第一高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000174董文七台河市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000176 汤睿琪齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000177 孙义胜齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000178 段泓杉齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000179 穆艳宇齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000180 高涵齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000181 于梦圆齐齐哈尔市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000182 刘碧璇齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000183 赵紫荆齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000184 何佳宁齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000185 李书毓齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000186 李梓萌齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000187 宋佳齐齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000188 侯雨飞齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000189 尚奕扬齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000190 李晓凡齐齐哈尔市实验中学高二全国一等奖2017121000191 王婧楠海林林业局第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000192 秦绮东京城重点国有林管理局第三中学高二全国一等奖2017121000193 赵金海宝清县第二高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000275 解连坤双鸭山市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000276 管彬旭绥芬河市高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000277 刘馥菡绥化市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000278 于宛宁绥化市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000279 王丹彤绥化市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000280 李欣睿绥化市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000281 郗琳绥化市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000282 梁冠霖绥棱县第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000283 张宇骁绥化市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000284 縢含文序安达市高级中学高二全国一等奖2017121000285 王一凡伊春市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000286 王思丁伊春市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000287 于泓月伊春市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000288 于子博伊春市第一中学高二全国一等奖2017121000289 王子恒大庆市实验中学高三全国一等奖2017121000194张暄悦大庆市实验中学高三全国一等奖2017121000195 赵梦嘉大庆市实验中学高三全国一等奖2017121000196 常新煜大庆市实验中学高三全国一等奖2017121000197 解雨泽大庆市实验中学高三全国一等奖2017121000198 王拓为大庆市实验中学高三全国一等奖2017121000199 朱嘉木大庆市第一中学高三全国一等奖2017121000200 汤紫捷大庆市实验中学高三全国一等奖2017121000201 陈淼大庆市第一中学高三全国一等奖2017121000202 陆欣然大庆市第一中学高三全国一等奖2017121000203 吴一柠大庆市实验中学高三全国一等奖2017121000204 樊雨桐大庆市实验中学高三全国一等奖2017121000205 樊桐希大庆市实验中学高三全国一等奖2017121000206 卢嘉兴哈尔滨师大附中高三全国一等奖2017121000207 李尚松哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高三全国一等奖2017121000208 孙一哈尔滨市第九中学江南高三全国一等奖2017121000209 李伊冉哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高三全国一等奖2017121000210 范淼哈尔滨师大附中高三全国一等奖2017121000211 刘楚乔哈尔滨师大附中高三全国一等奖2017121000212 隋雨时哈尔滨师大附中高三全国一等奖2017121000213 王文佳哈尔滨师大附中高三全国一等奖2017121000214 刘涵锐哈尔滨师大附中高三全国一等奖2017121000215 徐寒哈尔滨师大附中高三全国一等奖2017121000216 王诗宜哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高三全国一等奖2017121000217 王泽蔚哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高三全国一等奖2017121000218 尹泽霖哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高三全国一等奖2017121000219 李京依哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高三全国一等奖2017121000220 顾昊哈尔滨市第六中学高三全国一等奖2017121000221 沈文佳哈尔滨市第三中学南岗高三全国一等奖2017121000222 郭晴哈尔滨德强高中高三全国一等奖2017121000223 苏靖涵哈尔滨市第九中学江南高三全国一等奖2017121000224 宛春晓黑龙江省实验中学高三全国一等奖2017121000225 牛佳童哈尔滨市第九中学江南高三全国一等奖2017121000226 李昱杭鹤岗市第一中学高三全国一等奖2017121000227 黄禹森鹤岗市第一中学高三全国一等奖2017121000228 史天泽鹤岗市第一中学高三全国一等奖2017121000229。

心之所向 无畏以往

心之所向 无畏以往




























组委会主任:朱彤《高校招生》杂志社社长组委会副主任:温兆晔搜学网总裁专家委员会主任:封宗信清华大学外文系教授、博士生导师专家委员会副主任:赵秀凤中国石油大学外语系副主任陈香兰对外经济贸易大学理论语言学研究所所长专家委员会顾问:部分联办高校外语教学方面科研专家组成主办单位高校招生 ;承办单位搜学网联合承办环球时报 ;学术支持:雅思官方网站大赛官方网站:创新英语感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。



第十三届全国初中英语优质课大赛获奖名单The 13th National English Teaching Competition for Secondary Schools' Award-winning ListThe 13th National English Teaching Competition for Secondary Schools was held earlier this year, showcasing the exceptional skills and dedication of English teachers from across the country. This prestigious event serves as a platform to recognize and celebrate the outstanding contributions of educators who have demonstrated excellence in their teaching practices, inspiring students and elevating the standards of English language education.The competition, organized by the Ministry of Education, attracted a record number of participants, each bringing their unique approaches and innovative teaching methods to the forefront. The judging panel, comprising leading experts in the field of English language education, carefully evaluated the submissions, meticulously assessing the participants' lesson plans, classroom management strategies, and their ability to engage and captivate their students.After a rigorous selection process, the award-winning teachers havebeen announced, and their accomplishments deserve recognition and praise. These individuals have not only honed their craft but have also demonstrated a deep commitment to their students' academic and personal growth.The first-place winner in the competition is Ms. Emily Liang, a teacher from Guangzhou No. 1 Middle School. With her exceptional teaching skills and unwavering dedication, Ms. Liang has consistently inspired her students to develop a strong command of the English language and a genuine appreciation for the subject. Her innovative lesson plans, which incorporate engaging activities and multimedia resources, have been lauded for their ability to foster critical thinking and promote active learning.In second place, we have Mr. Jianwei Zhang from Chengdu Foreign Languages School. Mr. Zhang's teaching philosophy emphasizes the importance of creating a supportive and inclusive classroom environment, where students feel empowered to take risks and express themselves freely. His lessons are renowned for their seamless integration of language skills, cultural awareness, and real-world applications, equipping his students with the tools they need to succeed in an increasingly globalized world.The third-place award goes to Ms. Ling Wang from Hangzhou No. 2 Middle School. Ms. Wang's teaching approach is characterized by herdeep understanding of her students' individual needs and learning styles. Her lessons are tailored to challenge and motivate each student, ensuring that they all have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Ms. Wang's dedication to fostering a collaborative and supportive classroom environment has earned her the admiration of both her students and her peers.Alongside the top three winners, the competition also recognized several outstanding teachers with honorable mentions. These individuals have demonstrated exceptional teaching skills, innovative approaches, and a unwavering commitment to their students' success.Ms. Tian Ling from Tianjin No. 4 Middle School received an honorable mention for her exceptional ability to create engaging and interactive lesson plans that captivate her students. Her lessons seamlessly blend technology, hands-on activities, and strategic questioning techniques, enabling her students to develop a deep understanding of the English language.Mr. Kai Li from Wuhan No. 1 Middle School was recognized for his exceptional classroom management skills and his ability to create a positive and nurturing learning environment. His lessons are characterized by their structured approach, clear learning objectives, and his unwavering support for each student's individual growth.Finally, Ms. Xiaoming Zhang from Nanjing Foreign Languages School was honored for her innovative use of technology in the classroom. Her lessons incorporate cutting-edge digital tools and interactive platforms, allowing her students to explore the English language in engaging and dynamic ways. Ms. Zhang's commitment to staying at the forefront of educational technology has had a profound impact on her students' learning experiences.The winners of the 13th National English Teaching Competition for Secondary Schools serve as inspirational role models, demonstrating the power of dedicated and innovative teaching. Their achievements not only highlight the transformative potential of English language education but also inspire other educators to strive for excellence in their own practices.As we celebrate the accomplishments of these remarkable teachers, we must also recognize the vital role that they play in shaping the future of our society. By instilling a love for the English language and cultivating essential skills in their students, these educators are equipping the next generation with the tools they need to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.In conclusion, the 13th National English Teaching Competition for Secondary Schools has once again showcased the exceptional talentand dedication of English teachers across China. The award-winning educators honored today are true champions of their craft, setting the standard for excellence in the field of English language education. Their contributions will undoubtedly continue to inspire and motivate their peers, as well as the countless students whose lives they have touched.。





2020届邹城市第一中学高三英语二模试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AIn theUnited States, the word "holiday" is synonymous with celebration. The following tenholidaysper year are proclaimed by the federal government.Independence DayIndependence Day is annually celebrated on July 4 and is often known as "the Fourthof July”. It is the anniversary of the publication of the declaration of independence fromGreat Britainin 1776. Now it is celebrated in all the states. The army marks the occasion by firing a 13-gun salute every year. Ceremonies may include parades, official speeches, visits to historic monuments and fireworks displays.Memorial DayThis holiday, on the fourth Monday of every May, is a day on which Americans honor the dead. Originally a day on which flags and flowers were placed on graves of soldiers who died in the American Civil War, now it has become a day on which the dead of all wars and all other dead are remembered the same way.Veterans DayVeterans Day was established to honor Americans who had served in World War I. It falls on November 11, the day when that war ended in 1918, but it now honors veterans of all wars in which the United States has fought Veterans' organizations hold parades or other special ceremonies, and the US president customarily places a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National.ThanksgivingThanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. It has been an annual tradition in theUnited Statessince 1863. Today, people celebrate Thanksgiving to remember these early days. The most important part of the celebration is a traditional dinner. Thanksgiving dinner almost always includes some of the foods served at the first feast: roast turkey, cranberry sauce potatoes pumpkin pies. Before the meal begins, families often pause to give thanks.1. When isIndependence Day?A. May 14,B. July 13.C. July 14.D. July 4.2. Which holiday honors dead soliders?A. Independence Day.B. Memorial Day.C. Veterans Day.D. Thanksgiving.3. What will Americans do on Thanksgiving Day?A. They say thanks.B. They havefriend gatherings.C. They go on holiday.D. They buy many cards.BMany Americans experience surprise (or disappointment) when they wake up on Christmas Day. They might be surprised or disappointed by a family member’s actions. They might be happy or unhappy about a Christmas gift. Imagine a child expects to get an Xbox or PlayStation for Christmas. On Christmas morning, they quickly open their gift. Inside is an English grammar book. They might feel disappointed. The Everyday Grammar team would prefer the new English grammar book. But if you are like most young people, you would probably rather have a new video game.Today, we are going to explore those feelings-feelings of surprise and disappointment. In other words, we are going to explore how speakers show that reality was better or worse than their expectations.Many languages use words to express expectation. Speakers also use words to express how events are not happening as expected. This idea is known as “counter expectation”.Do not worry about the term. Just remember that it means that speakers use words to show that reality is countering their expectations.English has many words that serve this purpose. Three of the most common are the words “even”, “still” and “actually”. You will often hear them in informal, everyday speech. Speakers use these words to show disappointment. The pitch of their voice tells you what they mean. Let’s study examples of each word.Speakers often use the word "even” to show disappointment or surprise. Imagine a young child that expects a phone call from a family member-perhaps an uncle or grandparent. The phone call never comes. The child might say the following: “What’s wrong with him? He didn’t even call me on Christmas day.” Americans sometimes use “still” for showing how reality does not quite meet their expectations: “You’re still here? It’s over! Go home. Go!” Another common word that shows surprise or disappointment is “actually”: “I can’t believe it! Uncle Bob actually stole her Christmas gift.”4. What might most young Americans prefer as a Christmas gift according to paragraph 1?A. A newly made video game.B. An English grammar book.C. A new designed school bag.D. A unique jacket from their parents.5. What does the underlined phrase “counter expectation” in paragraph 3 mean?A. Expression of disappointment.B. Something expected to happen.C. The same with one’s expectation.D. A result against what is expected.6. What do the three words “even”, “still” and “actually” have in common?A. They are easy to understand.B. They express disappointment.C. They show delighted feelings.D. They are used most at Christmas.7. What’s the last paragraph mainly about?A. Expectations from loved ones.B. Different uses of the three words.C. Examples of the use of the three words.D. Emotions of disappointment and surprise.CAs a basic food in the Asian diet,soybeans(大豆)have been used to make tofu and soy milk for hundreds of years.But now,they are also being turned into an alternative to plastic wrap.William Chen,a professor of foodscience and technology at Singapore's Nanyang Technological University,invented the environmentally﹣friendly food wrap.It's made of cellulose(纤维素),a form of fiber,obtained from the waste generated by soy bean product producers.The beans are pressed tosqueeze out juice that's used to make tofu and soy milk.And what's left is usually thrown away,but Chen takes the waste and puts it through a fermentation(发酵)process,during which cellulose is produced.Cellulose﹣based plastic wraps have been on the market for a few years,but Chen says that most are made from wood or corn,grown for that purpose.By contrast,his wrap is made from a waste product,which doesn't compete with other crops for land and is more sustainable.Chen's technology could help to solve two problems at once:cutting plastic production and reducing the amount of food waste."In Singapore,the amount of food waste generated every year could fill up 15,000 Olympic﹣sized swimming pools," Chen says.F&N,a soy﹣based drinks producer,has partnered with Chen's lab and provides the product,straight from the factory.The company is conducting a study to assess whether the food wrap could complete commercially with conventional products.Chen adds,"The soy﹣based wrap costs almost nothing to makein the lab because the raw materials are free.Commercial production would involve additional expenses,such as storage and quality control,however,we have not calculated those costs yet."Chen hopes neighboring soy﹣loving countries will be inspired bySingapore to adopt his innovation."My dream is that our technology,which is cheap and simple,will cut plastic and food waste and create a cleaner environment," Chen says.8. What is the second paragraph mainly about?A. The introduction to William Chen.B. The process of producing soy milk.C. The way to make soy﹣based wrap.D. The benefit of eating soy products.9. What's the biggest difference of Chen's wrap from other cellulose﹣based plastic wraps?A. It saves land for industry.B. It's more easilybroken down.C. It is made from the food waste.D. It has been put into practice for many years.10. What will commercial production of the food wrap cause?A. A lack of competitiveness.B. Poor quality of the wraps.C. A shortage of raw material.D. An increase in production costs.11. From which is the text probably taken?A. A personal diary.B. A travel guide.C. A book review.D. A scientific magazine.DThe first patient who died on my watch was an older man with a faulty heart. We tried to slow it down with treatment, but it suddenly stopped beating completely. Later, whenever I would have a case like that one, I found myself second-guessing my clinical management. However, it turns out that thinking twice may actually cause more harm than good.In a working paper, Emory University researchers found that when doctors delivering a baby have a bad result, they are more likely to switch to a different delivery method with the next patient, often unnecessarily and sometimes with worse results.Because doctors make so many decisions that have serious consequences, thefalloutfrom second-guessing appears especially large for us. A 2006 study found that if a patient had a bleed after being prescribed (开药)warfarin, the physician was about 20% less likely to prescribe later patients the blood thinner that prevents strokes (中风). However, if a patient was not on warfarin and had a stroke physicians were still no more likely to prescribe warfarin to their other patients.These findings highlight interesting behavioral patterns in doctors. In the blood-thinner study, doctors were more affected by the act of doing harm (prescribing a blood thinner that ended up hurting doctors were more affected by the act of doing harm(prescribing a blood thinner that ended up hurting a patient) and less affected by letting harm happen (not prescribing a blood thinner and the patient having a stroke). Yet a stroke is often more permanent and damaging than a bleed.But this phenomenon is not unique to medicine. ''Overreaction to Fearsome Risks'' holds true for broader society.For instance, sensational headlines about shark attacks on humans in Florida in 2001 caused a panic and led the state to prohibit shark-feeding expeditions. Yet shark attacks had actually fallen that year and, according to the study, such a change was probably unnecessary given the extremely small risk of such an attack happening.Humans are likely to be influenced by emotional and often irrational (不理性的) thinking when processing information, bad events and mistakes. As much as we don't want to cause an unfortunate event to happen again, we need to be aware that a worst situation that can be imagined doesn't necessarily mean we did anything wrong. When we overthink, we fail to rely on thinking based on what we know or have experienced. Instead, we may involuntarily overanalyze and come to the wrong conclusion.I have treated dozens of patients who presented with the same illnesses as my first patient, who died more than a year ago. Instead of second-guessing myself, I trusted my clinical instinct (本能) and stayed the course. Every one of those patients survived. You should trust your instinct in your life, too.12. The first two paragraphs suggest that________.A. bad medical outcomes affect doctorsB delivering babies can be difficult workC. some doctors are not very experiencedD. doctors sometimes make silly mistakes13. In the blood-thinner study, doctors________.A. tend to prescribe less effective medicineB. are more concerned about the patients' safetyC. become less confident in writing a prescriptionD. believe a stroke is more treatable than a bleeding14. What does the underlined word ''fallout'' in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. ResultB. BenefitC. DifferenceD. Absence15. The author will probably agree that________.A. we should not doubt our own decisionsB. our experience will pave way for our futureC. humans are emotional and irrational on the wholeD. instincts don't necessarily lead to wrong directions第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



山东全国奥林匹克英语作文大赛一等奖Shandong National Olympic English Writing Competition First PrizeIt was a day filled with excitement and nerves as I walked into the Shandong National Olympic English Writing Competition. The venue was buzzing with participants from schools all across the province. I could feel the energy and determination in the air as everyone prepared to showcase their writing skills.As the competition began, we were given the prompt for our essay: "The Power of Dreams". I took a moment to gather my thoughts and started to pen down my ideas. I wanted to convey the message that dreams have the power to drive us forward and inspire us to achieve great things. I poured my heart into my writing, making sure every word resonated with passion and conviction.After hours of intense focus and concentration, we finally submitted our essays. The judges deliberated, and the tension in the room was palpable as they announced the winners. My heart skipped a beat when my name was called out as the recipient ofthe First Prize. I couldn't believe it – all the hard work and dedication had paid off.Receiving the First Prize in the Shandong National Olympic English Writing Competition was a dream come true for me. It was a testament to my love for writing and the power of perseverance. I will always cherish this moment and continue to pursue my dreams with unwavering determination. It was a day that I will never forget, a day that solidified my belief in the power of dreams.。



2019-2020学年邹城市第一中学高三英语第二次联考试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ASpeaking with people on the phone is pretty rare these days. Most people use e-mail or messaging apps when they need to communicate with someone. Sometimes, though, making a call is unavoidable. This simple act can actually be a nightmare for some people. Their hearts race and their hands sweat at the very thought. If this sounds familiar to you, you might be one of the millions of people who suffer from telephobia—the fear of speaking over the phone.Telephobia is a form of social anxiety, although people who feel perfectly comfortable in social situations may also experience telephobia. When speaking face-to-face, we give off lots of facial or bodily cues that help each other follow the conversation. This is not the case over the phone. And the idea of speaking into this void(真空)makes people terrified that they will freeze up, stumble over their words(失言), or lose control of the conversation and look foolish In fact, telephobia is very similar to thefear people feel before putting on a performance in front of a big audience. However, there are things that one suffering from thin condition can do to reduce this fear and make phone calls at least somewhat bearable.One thing that those with telephobia can do before a call in smile. It may sound silly, but smiling before doing something stressful can help you feel more relaxed. It won't delete the anxiety altogether, but it will take the edge off it.Similarly, imagining how the call will go before you make it can also help things go more smoothly. Running through a positive conversation in your head will make you feel less nervous and may help you predict any possible problems. There's no need to spend hours on this, just a few minutes thinking up a general idea of what you want to say. You can even write down some brief notes to remind yourself of your talking points. This is particularly useful for dealing with the fear of not being able to express yourself naturally.And finally, when faced with receiving a call, you don't always have to pick up. There's nothing wrong with calling the person back later when you feel more comfortable.So the next time your phone starts ringing, remember—speaking on the phone doesn't have to make you sweat. The important thing is to be aware of your fear and take steps to deal with it.1. According to the article, which situation can cause a feeling similar lo telephobia?A.Speaking face-to-face to a good friend.B. Performing in front of a large audience.C. Running in a race without proper shoes.D. Using a messaging app while on the subway.2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to deal with telephobia?A.Imagining how the call will go before you make it.B. Standing on the edge of a tall building while making a call.C. Calling someone back later instead of answering their phone calls right away.D. Writing down some brief notes to remind yourself of your talking points.3. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To present ways to ease telephobia.B. To explain the development of telephobiaC. To introduce the influence of telephobia.D. To give the reason why someone suffers from telephobia.BIf you go into the forest with friends, stay with them. If you don’t, you may get lost. If you get lost, this is what you should do. Sit down and stay where you are. Don’t try to find your friends—let them findyou. You can help them find you by staying in one place. There is another way to help your friends or other people to find you. You can shout or whistle three times. Stop. Then shout or whistle three times again. Any signal given three times is a call for help.Keep up shouting or whistling. Always three times together. When people hear you, they will know that you are not just making a noise for fun. They will let you know that they have heard your signal. They will give you two shouts or two whistles. When a signal is given twice, it is an answer to a call for help.If you don’t think that you will get help before night comes, try to make a little house with branches(树枝). Make yourself a bed with leaves and grass.When you need some water, you have to leave your little branch house to look for it. Don’t just walk away. Pick off small branches and drop them as you walk in order to go back again easily. When you are lost, the most important thing to do is to stay in one place.4. If you get lost in the forest, you should _________.A. try to find your friends in no timeB. stay in one place and give signalsC. walk around the forestD. shout as loudly as possible5. Which signal is a call for help?A. Crying twice.B. Shouting here and there.C. Whistling everywhere in the forest.D. Shouting or whistling three times together.6. When you hear two shouts or two whistles, you know that _________.A. someone needs your helpB. something terrible will happenC. people will come to help youD. someone is afraid of an animal7. What’s the meaning of the last paragraph?A. Use branches to make a bed.B. Drop branches to look for water.C. Pick off branches to build another house.D. Leave branches to help you find your way back.CGuangzhououtbreak linked to strains inIndiaThe gene sequencing of the COVID-19 outbreak inGuangzhou.Guangdongprovince, indicates it is very similar in structure to the mutatedstrains detected inIndia, a senior health official from the city said on Sunday.“And it has the characteristic of quick spread.” Chen Bin, deputy director of the city's health commission, said at a news conference inGuangzhouon Sunday.She urged relevant departments and medical staff to act quickly to block the chain of infection and control the spread of the coronavirus in the southern metropolis.Zhang Zhoubin, deputy director of theGuangzhoucenter for disease control and prevention, said the strain of coronavirus spreads easily.“The virus can be spread through a meal or through a short period of indirect contact,” he said.The city reported five confirmed eases and 21 asymptomatic carriers as of 2 pm Sunday after the first con finned case was detected in the city's Liwan district on May 21, Chen said.To prevent the virus from spreading, the city government tightened its disease control and prevention measures over the weekend. Six communities and housing estates previously designated as low-risk areas were raised to medium-risk ones, Chen said.In addition to asking local residents to get vaccinated, the city has organized nucleic acid testing in Haizhu and Yuexiu districts starting from Sunday. Residents in specific areas of Tianhe, Baiyun and Panyu districts have also been required to take nucleic acid tests to expand the screening of suspected patients and asymptomatic carriers.Liwan previously required all its residents to take nucleic acid tests.As of Saturday, more than 2-25 million residents of the city have had samples collected for nucleic acid tests, Chen said. More than 10,000 medical workers from the entire city have been sent to Liwan to help vaccinate locals against COVID-19 and collect samples for nucleic acid testing.Deng Wenjun, director of circulation section with Guangzhou Supply and Marketing Cooperative, said there are sufficient supplies of food and daily necessities in the medium-risk areas.8. What is the characteristic of the COVID-19 which broke out inGuangzhou?A. It disappears quickly.B. It spreads fast.C. It has a lot to do with temperature.D. It has the same nature as the seasonal flu.9. Which district have residents who have not been required to take nucleic acid tests?A. Tianhe.B. Haizhu.C. Panyu.D. Zengcheng.10. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. The virus can hardly be spread through a short period of indirect contact.B. There are 21 symptomatic carriers in the Liwan district as of 2 pm Sunday.C. All the people living in Liwan district arc previously asked to take nucleic acid tests.D. Supplies of food and daily necessities in the medium-risk areas arc still not enough.11. Where can you probably find this article?A. On a news website.B. In a fashion magazine.C. In a history book.D. In a travel journal.DIt is that time of year when people need to lock their cars. It’ s not because there are a lot of criminals running around stealing cars. Rather, it’ s because of the good-hearted neighbors who want to share their harvest. Especially with this year’s large crop, leaving a car unlocked in my neighborhood is an invitation for someone to stuff it full of zucchini(西葫芦).My sister-in-law, Sharon, recently had a good year for tomatoes. She and her family had eaten and canned so many that they began to feel their skin turn slightly red. That ’ s when she decided it was time to share herblessings.She started calling everyone she knew. When that failed, she began to ask everyone in the neighborhood like a politician, eventually finding a neighbor delighted to have the tomatoes. “ Feel free to take whatever you want,”Sharontold her. She felt happy that she could help someone and that the food didn’t go to waste.A few days later,Sharonanswered the door. There was the neighbor, holding some bread. The neighbor smiledpleasantly, “I want to thank you for all of the tomatoes, and I have to admit that I took a few other things and hope you wouldn’t mind.”Sharoncouldn’t think of anything else in her garden that had been worth harvesting and said so. “Oh, but you did,” the neighbor said. “You had some of the prettiest zucchini I’ve ever seen.”Sharonwas confused. Zucchini in her garden? They hadn’ t even planted any zucchini. But her neighbor insisted that there really were bright-green zucchini in her garden. The two of them walked together into the backyard. When the neighbor pointed at the long green vegetables,Sharonsmiled, “ Well, actually, those are cucumbers that we never harvested, because they got too big, soft and bitter for eating or canning.”The neighbor looked atSharon, shock written all over her face. Then she smiled, and held out the bread that she had shared all over the neighborhood, “I brought you a loaf of cucumber bread. I hope you like it.”12. Why does the author suggest that people in the neighborhood should lock their cars?A. They might be stolen by thieves.B. They might be moved away by the police.C. Their neighbors might fill them with their harvest.D. Their neighbors might throw rubbish in them.13. What does the underlined word “blessings” in the second paragraph mean?A. Tomatoes.B. God’s protection.C.Helpful things.D. Best wishes.14. What did the neighbor do inSharon’s garden?A. She harvested tomatoes only.B. She harvested zucchini by accident.C. She took some cucumbers mistakenly.D. She stole something withoutSharon’s permission.15. We can infer from the article that the neighbor’s bread would taste________.A. bitter but tastyB. strange and bitterC. hard and sourD. soft and sweet第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
























2020届邹城市第一中学高三英语第二次联考试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AProvincetown, Cape Cod RestaurantsAfter a day on the sands or exploring our charming town, enjoy local eats, from fresh seafood and lobster to authentic Italian. You’ll find many wonderful Provincetown, Cape Cod restaurants and cafes just steps away. Fanizzi’s RestaurantRight next door to our hotel, this award-winning local eatery is one of the finest Cape Cod restaurants. The menu highlights seafood, Italian, steaks, burgers, and fresh salads. Enjoy the Friday Fish Fry, Early Bird Specials, and Sunday Brunch, available from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. all year long.539 Commercial Street 508-487-1964Napi’s RestaurantNapi’s serves dinner all year round and lunch from April to October. A cozy place located just off Commercial Street and overflowing with local art, this Cape Cod, Massachusetts classic specializes in everything from freshly caught seafood to Portuguese and Brazilian dishes to vegetarian items.7 Freeman Street 800-571-6274Mews RestaurantEnjoy views of Provincetown Harbor at this waterfront restaurant just steps from Surfside Hotel & Suites. Intercontinental dishes are served in the beach-level dining room, while upstairs you’ll find a casual American bistro. Summer months bring on a brunch menu, and dinner is served year-round.429 Commercial Street 508-487-1500The Red InnA favorite among our guests, The Red Inn is located on Provincetown’s picturesque waterfront which provides diners with the most gorgeous harbor views and spectacular sunsets. The Red Inn provides historic old world charm with new world pleasure. Their menu features the finest local seafood.15 Commercial Street 508-487-73341.Which restaurant offers a special breakfast for early risers?A.Fanizzi’s Restaurant.B.Napi’s Restaurant.C.Mews Restaurant.D.The Red Inn.2.What is special about The Red Inn?A.It exhibits the good local art.B.It is the finest local restaurant.C.It offers the best local seafood.D.It serves brunch all year round.3.What does the text mainly talk about?A.Accommodation.B.Life styles.C.Sightseeing.D.Dining.BIn the old days, when you had to drive to a movie theater to get some entertainment, it was easy to see how your actions could have an impact(影响)on the environment. After all, you were jumping into your car, driving across town, coughing out emissions(产生排放)and using gas all the way. But now that we're used to staying at home and streaming movies, we might get a littleproud. After all, we're just picking up our phones and maybe turning on the TV. You're welcome. Mother Nature.Not so fast, says a recent report from the French-based Shift Project. According to "Climate Crisis: The Unsustainable Use of Online Video", digital technologies are responsible for 4% of greenhouse gas emissions, and that energy use is increasing by 9% a year. Watching a half-hour show would cause 1. 6 kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions. That's like driving 6. 28 kilometers. And in the European Union, the Eureca project found that data centers(where videos are stored)there used 25% more energy in 2017 compared to just three years earlier, reports the BBC.Streaming is only expected to increase as webecome more enamored ofour digital devices(设备)and the possibility of enjoying entertainment where and when we want it increases. Online video use is expected to increase by four times from 2017 to 2022 and account for 80% of all Internet traffic by 2022. By then, about 60% of the world's population will be online.You're probably not going to give up your streaming services, but there're things you can do to help lessen the impact of your online use, experts say. For example, according to Lutz Stobbe, a researcher from the Fraunhofer Institute in Berlin, we have no need to upload 25 pictures of the same thing to the cloud because it consumes energy every time. If instead you delete a few things here and there, you can save energy. Moreover, it's also a good idea to stream over Wi-Fi, watch on the smallest screen you can, and turn off your Wi-Fi in your home if you're not using your devices.4. What topic is the first paragraph intended to lead in?A. The environmental effects of driving private cars.B. The improvements on environmental awareness.C. The change in the way people seek entertainment.D The environmental impacts of screaming services.5. What does the underlined phrase become more enamored of" in paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Get more skeptical of.B. Become more aware of.C. Feel much crazier about.D. Get more worried about.6. What can we infer about the use of streaming services?A. It is being reduced to protect the planet.B. Its environmental effects are worsening.C. It is easily available to almost everyone.D. Its side effects have drawn global attention.7. Which of the following is the most environmentally-friendly?A. Watching downloaded movies on a mobile phone.B. Downloading music on a personal computer.C. Uploading a lot of images of the same thing.D. Playing online games over mobile networks.CJennifer Mauer has needed more willpower than the typical college student to pursue her goal of earning a nursing degree. That willpower bore fruit when Jennifer graduated from University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and became the first in her large family to earn a bachelor's(学士) degree.Jennifer grew up on a farm in a family of 10 children. Her dad worked at a job away from the farm, and her mother ran the farm with the kids. After high school, Jennifer attended a local technical college, working to pay her tuition(学费), because there was no extra money set aside for a college education. After graduation, she worked to help her sisters and brothers pay for their schooling.Jennifer now is married and has three children of her own. She decided to go back to college to advance her career and to be able to better support her family while doing something she loves: nursing. She chose the UW-Eau Claire program at Ministry Saint Joseph's Hospital in Marshfield because she was able to pursue her four-year degree close to home. She could drive to class and be home in the evening to help with her kids. Jennifer received great support from her family as she worked to earn her degree: Her husband worked two jobs to cover the bills, and her 68-year-old mother helped take care of the children at times.Through it all, she remained in good academic standing and graduated with honors. Jennifer sacrificed(牺牲) a lot to achieve her goal, giving up many nights with her kids and missing important events to study. “Some nights my heart was breaking to have to pick between my kids and studying for exams or papers,” she says. However, her children have learned animportant lesson, witnessing their mother earn her degree. Jennifer is a first-generation graduate and an inspiration to her family—and that's pretty powerful.8. What did Jennifer do after high school?A. She helped her dad with his work.B. She ran the family farm on her own.C. She taught her sisters and brothers.D. She supported herself through college.9. Why did she choose the program at Ministry Saint Joseph's Hospital?A. To learn from the best nurses.B. To take care of her kids easily at night.C. To save money for her parents.D. To find a well-paid job there.10. What did Jennifer sacrifice to achieve her goal?A. Her health.B. Her chance of promotion.C Her reputation. D. Her time with family.11. What can we learn from Jennifer's story?A. Hard work pays off.B. Love breaks down barriers.C. Time is money.D. Education is the key to success.DWe use what is known as inner speech, where we talk to ourselves, to evaluate situations and make decisions. Now, a robot has been trained to speak aloud its inner decision-making process, giving us a view of how it responds to contradictory demands.Arianna Pipitone and Antonio Chella at the University of Palermo, Italy, programmed a humanoid robot named Pepper, with software that models human cognitive(认知的)processes, which allowed Pepper to retrieve (检索)relevant information from its memory and find the correct way to act based on human commands, as well as a text — to — speech processor. It allowed Pepper to voice its decision-making process while completing a task, "With inner speech, we can better understand what the robot wants to do and what its plan is," says Chella.The researchers asked Pepper to set a dinner table according to etiquette (礼仪)rules they had programmed into the robot. Inner speech was either enabled or disabled to see how it affected Pepper's ability to do what was instructed.When instructed to place a napkin on a fork with its inner speech enabled, Pepper asked itself what the etiquetterequired and concluded that this request went against the rules it had been given. It then asked the researchers if putting the napkin on the fork was the correct action. When told it was, Pepper said, "OK, I prefer to follow your desire," and explained how it was going to place the napkin on the fork.When asked to do the same task with inner speech disabled, Pepper knew this contradicted etiquette rules, so it didn't perform the task or explain why.With the potential for robots to become more common in the future, this type of programming could help the public understand their abilities and limitations, says Sarah Sebo at theUniversityofChicago. "It maintains people's trust and enables cooperation and interactions between humans and robots," she says. However, this experiment only used a single human participant, says Sebo. "It's unclear how their approach would compare across a wide range of human participants," she says.12. Why does the author mention how people make decisions in the first paragraph?A. To introduce the topic.B. To make comparisons.C. To provide an example.D. To support his argument.13. How did Pepper react to the contradictory instruction with its inner speech enabled?A. It failed to complete the task.B. It followed the etiquette rules.C. It made a random decision.D. It communicated with the researchers.14. What did Sarah Sebo think of the research?A. It was creative but worthless.B. It was a good try but the result was a failure.C. It was inspiring but needed further evidence.D. It was carefully designed but poorly performed.15. Which of the following is the best title for the text?A. Robot Taught To Be PoliteB. Robot Can Explain Its DecisionC. Robot Making Decisions: No Longer A DreamD. Robot-Human Communication: No Longer A Problem第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2020年济宁市邹城一中高三英语上学期期中试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ALocated besideLake Geneva, the Olympic Museum houses more than 10,000 artificial objects and hours of interactive contents highlighting some of the best moments during the Olympics. Here are some of the museum’s most moving moments.The Olympic ParkThe journey through the Olympic Museum begins in the Olympic Park, an 8,000-square-meter outdoor area in front of the museum overlooking Lake Geneva and theAlps. The park contains artwork and sculptures that show respect to the world of sport.The first Olympic symbolThe “Olympic Rings” flag was designed by Coubertin in 1913. The rings represent the five continents that participate in the Olympics: Africa, Asia,America,AustraliaandEurope. The six color1 s include at least one color1 that is represented on the flag of every country.The stadiumsThe stadiums that host the Olympic Games are as much of a celebration of design as the games are a celebration of sportsmanship. Guests can explore plans and models of Olympic stadiums’ past and present, including one of the games’ most attractive stadiums, the Bird’s Nest from Beijing 2008 Olympics.The Olympic medalsHave you ever wondered what an Olympic medal looks like? The Olympic Museum has a room that houses every bronze, silver, and gold medal from every Olympic Games dating back to the first modern Olympics of 1896. Each medal design is a unique representation of the year and location in which the games were held.1.Which moment do you see first when exploring the Olympic Museum?A.The Olympic Park.B.The first Olympic symbol.C.The stadiums.D.The Olympic medals.2.What do you know from The first Olympic symbol?A.The first modern Olympics took place inGreece.B.There are six color1 s on the flag of every country.C.Australia used to be the largest continent on earth.D.The “Olympic Rings” flag was created in 1913.3.What can you do in the section of The stadiums?A.Admire the view ofLake Geneva.B.Meet some famous designers.C.Enjoy the model of the Bird’s Nest.D.Talk with guests of honour.BIf you’re looking for a reason to care about tree loss, this summer’s record-breaking heat waves might be it. Trees can lower summer daytime temperatures by as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit, according to arecent study. But tree cover in US cities is shrinking (缩减). A study published last year by the US Forest Service found that we lost 36 million trees annually from urban and rural communities over a five-year period. “If we continue on this path, cities will become warmer, more polluted and generally unhealthier for inhabitants,” said David Nowak, a senior US Forest Service scientist and co-author of the study. Nowak says there are many reasons why our tree cover is declining, including hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, insects and disease. But the one reason for tree loss that humans can control is sensible development.Nowak says there is a downside to trees too, such as pollen allergy (花粉过敏) or large tailing branches in storms, and people don’t like sweeping leaves. But, he says, there are ways cities and counties can manage trees to help communities thrive (繁荣). Urban forests especially need our help to replace fallen trees. Unlike rural areas, it is very difficult for trees to repopulate themselves in a city environment with so much pavement and asphalt (沥青). “A lot of our native trees can’t actually find a place to drop a seed so they can regenerate,” explains Greg Levine, co-executivedirector of Trees Atlanta. “That’s why the community has to go in and actually plant a tree because the areas just aren’t natural anymore.”Nowak says the first step is caring for the trees on your own property (财产). “We think we pay for our house, and sowe must maintain it. But because we don’t pay for nature, we don’t need to. And that’s not necessarily true.”4. Why does the author mention “trees can lower summer daytime temperatures”?A. To tell the temperatures in summer are high.B. To explain the reason of tree loss.C. To tell trees are helpful.D. To introduce the topic.5. How can humans control tree loss according to Nowak?A. Develop cities in reasonable ways.B. Prevent fires form damaging trees.C. Improve climate to let trees grow.D. Decrease insects in cities.6. Why do forests in cities need our help?A. Because trees don’t grow in a city environment.B. Because native trees don’t drop seeds any more.C. Because trees in urban areas can’t regenerate naturally.D. Because humans want to plant more trees.7. What is the purpose of this passage?A. Describe the importance of trees in cities.B. Appeal people to protect trees in their surroundings.C. Ask people to plant trees with the author.D. Show the number of trees in theUSis declining.CSlowing down was the last thing on Elaine Schaefer's mind when she turned 70 last year. She'd enjoyed an ambitious travel schedule for the previous decade. She didn't feel too old to travel.Yet many people are asking that slightly embarrassing question: Can you be too old to travel? The travel industry has already responded. Try renting a car inEurope, for example. InCroatia, Schaefer wouldn't be able to this year, because the maximum age is 70. Insurance companies require higher rates; tour operators limit certain activities. That feels like a " no" for many travelers.Definitely some folks should think twice before traveling, but not only based on their age. It's their level of fitness, says Kirsten Veldman, a former tour guide who now edits a retirement blog. She recalls a 93-year-old who was disabled and traveling alone on aCaribbeantour. "You can't expect to ask a tour leader to be there for you 24/7 for medical care. " she says. "Tour guides don't have the time, skills, and knowledge for it. So, in this case, my advice is: he shouldn't have traveled with us in this situation. "But some tour operators serve older travelers. For example, Grand Circle Travel started in 1958 to serve senior members. “We have travelers into their 80s and even 90s. Some travel as a couple and some alone,” says company spokeswoman Ann Shannon. “We have no age limit.”If you ask travel experts, they'll tell you that age is just a number. It's a question of physical, and to a certain extent,mental ability. "Many of our travelers are retired, focused on keeping their good health, and are experienced travelers who have a good idea of what to expect, "says Sara Baer-Sinnott, president of Oldways, a food and nutrition nonprofit that operates tours. "Someone in their 40's may struggle more than someone in their 80s. "8. What is expected if Schaefer travels inCroatiathis year?A. She can rent a car to go around.B. She has to pay more insurance fees.C. She can join in all kinds of activities.D. She will receive 24/7 medical care.9. What caused Veldman to disapprove of the 93-year-old's traveling?A. His old age.B. His lack of money.C. His poor health.D. His in sociable personality.10. What do we know about Grand Circle Travel?A. It is a non-profit traveling organization.B. It offers service to a wide range of travelers.C. It has a history of more than seven decades.D. Its main customers are senior travelers.11. What is the authors altitude towards traveling old?A. Opposed.B. Supportive.C. Tolerant.D. Objective.DWhen Alex Linwas 11 years old, he read an alarming article in the newspaper, which said that people were burying old computers in backyards, throwing TVs into streams, and dumping (丢弃) cell phones in the garbage. This was dangerous because e-waste contains harmful chemicals that can leak into the environment, getting into crops, animals, water supplies and people.Alex was really worried and decided to make it next project for WIN-the Westerly Innovations Network. Alex and six of his friends had formed this organization to help solve community problems two years before.But what could they do about this project with e-waste? The team spent several weeks gathering information about the harmful chemicals in e-waste and their effects on humans. They learned how to dispose(处置) of e-waste properly and how it could be recycled. Then, they sent out a Survey and found only one in eight know what e-waste was, let alone how to properly dispose of it.Alex and his friends went into action. They advertised in the local newspaper and distributed notices tostudents, asking residents to bring their unwanted electronics to the school parking lot. The drive lasted two days, and they collected over 9, 500 kilograms of e-waste. The next step was to set up a long-term e-waste drop-off center for the town. After some research, they’d learned that reusing is the best way to deal with electronic devices and it is seven times more efficient than recycling. So, they began learning to retrofit (翻新) computers themselves and distributed them to students who didn’t have their own. In this way, they could help students in the area and protect the environment at the same time.For a lasting solution to e-waste, the drop-off center wasn’t enough. Lawswould have to be passed. In 2016, WIN helped push for an e-waste bill in their town, which required companies that manufactured or sold electronics to take back e-waste. The bill clearly forbids the dumping of e-waste. Because of the work of WIN, more and more people, like Alex and his team, are getting the message about safe disposal of e-waste. As Alex says, “Today’s technology should not become tomorrow’s harmful garbage.”12. What was Alex’s worry after he read the article?A. The littering of e-waste.B. The recycling of plastic.C. The change of environment.D. At 11 p.m. on Monday.13. What did Alex do to start the project?A. Set up WIN.B. Collect information.C. Ask friends for help.D. The overuse of old computer.14. Which can best describe the way Alex and his team did their work?A. Traditional.B. Competitive.C. Scientific.D. Convenient.15. What message does the story convey?A. There is no end to perfection.B. success comes through failure.C. Every positive attitude has a reward.D. young people can make a big difference.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。







第一部分(共20小题,每小题L 5分,满分30分)1.We have already discussed this plan, so next we should spare no effort to carry it out.A. at lengthB. at randomC. at easeD. at best2.In my driving lesson, a traffic rule that impressed me most is that in no time when the traffic lights turn red.A. all vehicles should stopB. should all vehicles stopC. should stop all vehiclesD. should stop all vehicles3.It is usually thought a little child says is truth.A∙ What that B. that what C. which I), that4.Eventually, she has recognized, whatever happens and however bad seems today, life still goes on andeverything will be better tomorrow.A. that; itB. it; thatC. it; whatD. that; what5.- It really annoys me when a person's cell phone goes off during a movie?-Yeah, me too. It really.A. costs me an arm and a legB. gets on my nervesC. beats my brains outD. pulls my legs6.Given the huge gap economic development and cultural consciousness, young people find big cities are saferthan small towns.A. in view ofB. in case ofC. in consequence ofD. in respect of7.Can you come on Monday of Tuesday?Γm afraid day is possible.A. eitherB. neitherC. someD. any8.—Could you tell me the of making such tasty cakes?—Well, Ijust follow the directons in the cookbook.A. featureB. planC. costD. trick9.The younger generation are raised in a more open environment, which has enabled them to develop their valuesin life.A. in charge ofB. in contrast toC. in exchange forD. in tune with10.—VVhat do you do, Rita?一I,m a clerk in a foreign company now. But I English in a high school for 10 years.A. teachB. have taughtC. taughtD. am teaching11.Since the match is over, we can by travelling and stop thinking about basketball.A. dive inB. switch offC. pull outD. split up12.—you sing and dance at this late hour of the night?-Sorry, I will stop right now.A. MayB. ShallC. WillD. Must13.They the business deal in less than an hour, after which they had a golf game.A. wrapped upB. picked upC. called upD. took up14.If you want to see Mr. Johnson on Friday morning, make sure he is ahead of time.A. approachableB. accessibleC. availableD. convenient15.He is such an unselfish man. You cannot help but him.A. respectB. to respectC. neglectD. to neglect16.I ordered a drink while I for my friends to come.A. will waitB. am waitingC. would waitD. was waiting17.One is expected to behave on some special occasions.A. accuratelyB. preciselyC. appropriatelyD. rightly18.He finished writing his first novel last year, and we all think that is his career really took off.A. whereB. whenC. howD. why19.--- Fll take the blue one. This is h⅜r enty dollars.…Herc,s the change. _.A. Best wishesB. My pleasureC. Have a nice dayD. Let,s call it a day20.In Beijing, more than 21,100 people to donate their bodies by the end of 2017, as the city promoted abody donation campaign from 1999.A. have appliedB. had appliedC. would have appliedD. applied第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。






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