
CodeWarrior™ Development Studiofor Microcontrollers V6.x Quick StartSYSTEM REQUIREMENTSHardware PC with 1 GHz Intel® Pentium® compatibleprocessor512 MB of RAM (1 GB recommended)CD-ROM driveDepending on host-target connection: ParallelPort, 9-pin Serial Port, or USB PortOperating System Microsoft® Windows® XP orMicrosoft Windows Vista® Operating Systems32-bit (Home Premium Edition and BusinessEdition)Disk Space 2 GB total400MB on Windows system diskThis Quick Start explains how to install the CodeWarrior Development Studio for Microcontrollers V6.x software, and how to use the IDE to create, build, and debug a project.NOTE You must install the CodeWarrior software on the equipment on which you intend to use the software.1.Insert CodeWarrior Development Studio CD into CD-ROM drive —CW Auto Install beginsNOTE If Auto Install does not start, run launch.exe, which is located in the root directory of the CD.The CodeWarrior software may be part of a DVD included withyour kit. In this case, click Install CodeWarrior DevelopmentStudio for Microcontrollers, follow the on-screen instructions,and skip to step "Check for updates".2.Follow setup program's on-screen instructionsNOTE Special Edition: The Special Edition license is automatically installed with your product and you do not need to register it.This license allows you to develop projects with unlimitedassembly code, up to 32KB of C code for HC(S)08/RS08derivatives and up to 64KB of C code for ColdFire V1derivatives.NOTE Evaluation Edition: The Evaluation license is automatically installed with your product and you do not need to register it.This license allows you to develop projects as ProfessionalEdition within the 30-day evaluation period. After 30 days, thelicense works as Special Edition license (free permanent, butfeature limited) which supports unlimited assembly code, up to32KB of C code for HC(S)08/RS08 derivatives and up to 64KBof C code for ColdFire V1 derivatives.1.Create a projecta.Select Start > Programs > Freescale CodeWarrior >CW forMicrocontrollers V6.x > CodeWarrior IDE — IDE starts and displaysstartup dialog box.Startup Dialog Boxb.Select Create New Project — the Microcontrollers New Project Deviceand Connection dialog box appears.NOTE This section of the quick start demonstrates using the New Project Wizard. We use an MC68HC908GZ60target as anexample.c.Expand HC08 and GZ Family and select MC68HC908GZ60 derivative. NOTE If your MCU is missing from the list, download a service pack for that device at /codewarrior/downloads.Device and Connection Dialog Boxd.Select Full Chip Simulation as your default connection.e.Click Next — the Project Parameters dialog box appears.Project Parameters Dialog Boxf.In Project name text box, the IDE supplies a default project name. Entera project name of your choice.NOTE The IDE automatically creates a folder with the same name in specified location. The IDE automatically adds .mcp extensionwhen it creates project.g.In Location text box enter location to store project, click Set to browse tofolder locationh.Select C as language to be supported by project.NOTE You can click Finish to accept defaults for remaining options.i.Click Next — the Add Additional Files dialog box appears.This dialog box lets you browse folders and add or remove files to or fromthe project.Add Additional Files Dialog Boxj.Click Next — the Processor Expert dialog box appears.This dialog box let you specify whether you want your project configuredto use Device Initialization or Processor Expert.Processor Expert Dialog Boxk.Select the None option button.l.Click Next — the C/C++ Options dialog box appears.This dialog box allows you to specify C/C++ Options.C/C++ Options Dialog Boxm.Select ANSI startup code as code, the New Project Wizard will place in your project as startup code.n.Select Small as memory model to use.o.Select None for floating point format to support.p.Click Finish — the IDE creates your project according to your specifications; Project window appears, docked at left side of mainwindow.Project WindowNOTE To undock project window, double-click the double gray lines.To re-dock window, right click in title tab and select Docked.2.Select connectionFor this example, we specified Full Chip Simulation (FCS).a.To change MCU and connection, select Project >Change MCUConnection.b.Make sure Full Chip Simulation is selected in drop-down list.3.Edit source codea.Double click main.c in Sources folder — the Editor window opensdisplaying contents of file.main.c in Editor Windowb.Make changes to contents of main.c file, if desired.c.From the IDE main menu bar, select File > Save — the IDE saveschanges.4.Add files if appropriatea.In the project window, select a folder.b.From IDE main menu bar, select Project > Add Files.The Select files to add dialog box appears.c.Navigate to the directory that contains file you want to add.d.Select the filename of file you want to add to project.e.Click Open — the Project Messages window appear indicating accesspath has been added to target, if the path is new to the project.f.In the project window, filename of the added file appears under theselected folder.5.Build projecta.From IDE main menu bar, select Project > Make — the IDE builds(assembles, compiles, and links) project; Error & Warnings windowopens showing any error messages and warning messages1.Start debuggera.Click on project window title bar to ensures that window is active projectb.From main menu bar, select Project > Make.c.From main menu bar, select Project > Debug — the True-TimeSimulator & Real-Time Debugger window opens.True-Time Simulator & Real-Time Debugger WindowNOTE The Source and Assembly panes display the main.c program and code.2.Set breakpointa.Point at a C statement in Source window and right-click — the Sourcecontext menu appears.b.Select Set Breakpoint — a permanent breakpoint mark is set.3.Run applicationa.From the True-Time Simulator & Real-Time Debugger window, selectRun — the Run menu appears.b.Select Start/Continue or click on Start/Continue icon — theProgram executes till the first breakpoint; Command pane displaysprogram statusDebugger Simulator Command Pane4.Click the Start/Continu e icon — the simulator resumes programexecution.5.Click the Halt icon — the Simulator stops program execution.6.From the True-Time Simulator & Real-Time Debugger windowtoolbar, select File > Exit to exit the debugger.7.From IDE main Window toolbar, select File > Exit to exit theCodeWarrior IDE.Congratulations!You have successfully created, built, and run an HC08 application with the CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers V6.xsoftware!Freescale™ and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CodeWarrior is a trademark or registered trademark of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. PROCESSOR EXPERT and EMBEDDED BEANS are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.Copyright © 2009 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved.Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use Freescale Semiconductor products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits or integrated circuits based on the information in this document.Freescale Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Freescale Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Freescale Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may be provided in Freescale Semiconductor data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals”, must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. Freescale Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Freescale Semiconductor products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Freescale Semiconductor product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Freescale Semiconductor products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Freescale Semiconductor and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Freescale Semiconductor was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part.How to Contact UsCorporate Headquarters Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 6501 William Cannon Drive West Austin, Texas 78735U.S.A.World Wide Web /codewarrior Technical Support /supportRevised: 24 September 2009。

的在线调试功能,可实现程序下载,单步/全速运行,可以设若干个断点,可 以观察和修改任意寄存器或 RAM 内存空间。BDM 几乎是开发飞思卡尔 8 位 (9S08 和 RS08 系列)、16 位(9S12 系列)和 32 位(Coldfire V1 系列)单片
快速实现芯片初始化代码的自动生成工 作,而且 PE 还提供了大量的软件库可供 用户开发时嵌入或调用。因为 8 位单片机
杂度也不是很高,故一般情况下 8 位机开 发我们都不需要 PE 的介入,自己直接编
图 1-6
写程序代码即可。关于 PE 的详细介绍将
耗费大量的文字,这里按下不提。所以在 图 1-6 的对话框中选择“None”,并直接 按“Next”进入下一步。
如果你以前编写了很多代码文件现在想重 复利用,那么可以通过图 1-5 对话框左面
“ Add ” 逐 个 添 加 到 右 侧 的 “ Project Files ” 列 表 中 。 若 加 错 了 就 用 “Remove”把列表中的文件移除。注意 此列表下方的两个选项:“Copy files to project”选择是否将所选的文件拷贝到现
你可以决定有关 C/C++的一些编译和代码 生成模式,见图 1-7。 启动代码选择。所有 C 编译器会自动
指令运行将首先执行这些启动代码, 然后再进入到你自己的程序模块 main

CodeWarriorV.软件使⽤指南Code Warrior 软件使⽤指南⼀、软件安装指南⼆、关于BDM驱动三、创建⼀个新的⼯程四、编写与运⾏你的程序2011年10⽉16⽇陈万忠Code Warrior 软件使⽤指南⼀、软件安装指南1. 打开⽂件安装⽂件夹2. 找到安装⽂件3. 双击此⽂件,出现安装界⾯:4. 点击“NEXT”按钮,出现安装路径信息。
5. 在安装过程中,根据提⽰信息,完成每⼀步的安装。
6. 安装完毕后,在所有程序中找到Code Warrior 执⾏⽂件,点击执⾏即可进⼊Code Warrior 集成环境。
7. 也可以拖到桌⾯上。
此时桌⾯出现如下图标:⼆、关于BDM驱动请将“BDM使⽤说明和驱动”⽂件夹下的⽂件:和以及三个⽂件,复制到:C:\Program Files\Freescale\\Prog\gdi⽬录下(或者你安装时修改过的Code Warrior 所在⽬录\Prog\gdi⼦⽬录下),在调试时选择Open Source BDM 调试接⼝即可。
双击桌⾯快捷图标,进⼊ Code Warrior集成开发环境窗⼝。
第⼆步:选择CPU类型,选择HCS12X⽬录下的HCS12X Family。
第⼋步:选择不使⽤PC-Lint(TM)链接⼯具软件,点击“完成”按钮,Code Warrior集成开发环境就会⾃动⽣成整个⼯程的⽂件系统。
四、编写与运⾏你的程序在Code Warrior集成开发环境中,利⽤其⾃动⽣成的函数模板,就可以编写和调试你的应⽤程序了。

1、安装 CodeWarrior 软件 安装 CodeWarrior 所需要的电脑的硬件资源如下,目前一般的电脑都可以满足这个要求。
16 位单片机的编程环境:CodeWarrior V4.6,V4.7,V5.0,V5.1 CodeWarrior V5.1 的下载链接: /lgfiles/devsuites/HC12/CW_HC12_v5.1_SPECIAL.exe 软件安装很简单,和其它软件的安装过程是一样的,按照默认的设置直接点击“下一步” 即可完成安装。 2、创建新工程(单片机以以 MC9S12XS128 为例,调试工具以 BDM 为例) 1) 点 击电 脑 左下 角 的 开始 菜 单, 开 始 >所 有 程 序>Freescale CodeWarrior> CodeWarrior development studio for S12(X) V5.0> CodeWarriorIDE。IDE 开始运行,出现下图 1 所示的窗口。
图12 接下来给核心板供电,核心板的供电电压是 5V。有的 BDM 有 5V 供电模式,这个时候 直接用 BDM 供电就可以。 2)在新建的工程中键入如下代码 #include <hidef.h> #include "derivative.h" #define LEDCPU PORTK_PK4 #define LEDCPU_dir DDRK_DDRK4 void delay(void) { unsigned int i; for(i=0;i<50000;i++); } void main(void) { LEDCPU_dir=1; EnableInterrupts;

Metrowerks page 1/12CodeWarrior Tutorial How to create a new project1 Environment setup- You must have CodeWarrior for 68HC08 Release 2.1 Special Edition installed on your computer.2 Project we are going to create- We are going to create step by step the demo run in the executive tutorial. The application uses a potentiometer and a LED. The potentiometer represents analog information such as level of a liquid in a tank, a temperature, and the LED gives information like being OFF for low values, ON for high values and blinking for values in the middle. In this example, the thresholds are set at 1/3 and 2/3 of the full range.3 Creating the project- Launch CodeWarrior:Start > Programs > Metrowerks > CodeWarrior CW08 V2.1 > CodeWarrior IDE- Select File > New- Make sure the ‘Project’ tab is active, Select HC08 Stationery- Enter a project name like ‘MyQT4project ’- Change the directory if you want (Location, Set…)- Click OK . A new window opens to let you select the device and the language.- Chose the type, derivative and language:Select QT_QY > QT4 > C with Processor Expert- Click OK .A new project is created using the template for 68HC908QT1 anddevelopment using the Processor Expert tool.Several windows are visible:Metrowerkspage 2/123.1 ‘Target CPU’ windowThe ‘Target CPU’ window in the center shows a footprint of the processor selected for thedevelopment. In the device, we see the different on-chip modules such as CPU, Timer, A/Dconverter. Modules with an icon attached to them are modules used by the application. The pins that are used to connect external functions are indicated by a line and an icon, symbol of the function attached (CPU and Port A).Place the cursor of the mouse on the pins to see a description of their functions.3.2 ‘Project Panel’ windowThe ‘Project Panel’ window shows and keeps track of the beans that have been created for this application. A click on the [+] next to a bean shows a list of methods and/or events related to the bean. A green tick indicate if the namedmethods or event is selected and a red cross that code has not been generated.3.3 ‘Bean Selector’ windowThe ‘Bean Selector’ window offers the developer a list of beans to add to the project. Some of the beans may not be usable with the version of CodeWarrior installed. The Standard and Professional Editions offer a wider range of hardware and software beans than the Special Edition. In the example, the A/D converter and standard I/O port beans have been expanded. They contain the two beans that will be used for the project: ADfast and BitIO. Unfold the tree to make them visible!Metrowerks page 3/123.4 ‘Project Manager’ windowThe ‘Project Manager’ window (top right) is a standard CodeWarrior window showing the files making the current project. Processor Expert adds several folders and files to the project.Select the ‘Targets’ tab:Note that several targets have been created, allowing the user to switch from simulation to hardware platform with a simple click.We stay with the ‘P&E PEDebug’ target at this time.4 Adding the beans to the projectWe are going to add two beans to the project to build our application: one bean for the A/D converter receiving the analog input and one bean for the I/O port driving the LED.4.1 Creating the A/D bean- In the Bean Selector window, double-click on the ‘ADfast ’ bean once. This opens the ‘Bean Inspector’ window that will be used to set up the parameters for this function. (Ignore the red exclamation mark error message at this time.)Select ‘Properties ’ tab:- For ‘Interrupt Service/Event’ click the curved arrow to set to Disabled.(If you do not see the extended screen, go to ‘view’ menu and select ‘Expert view’).- For ‘A/D channel (pin)’ of channel 0 (only one channel selected) click the down -arrow and select PTA5_OSC1_AD3_KBI5- Click the (…) for ‘conversion time’ and for ‘Init.Value-Requested conv. Time:’ enter 34 (make sure the unit is µS) and click on OK to close the dialog.- Verify that ‘Low speed’ and ‘Slow speed’ modes are disabled (if not, click on the curved arrow.)Metrowerks page 4/12Select the ‘Methods ’ tab for the software drivers:- Click on the curved arrows to ‘do not generate code ’ for all of the methods except for ‘Measure’ and ‘GetValue’.These methods should have the green tick on the left and ‘generate code ’ selected.At this stage, the Target CPU window shows the AD converter activated on pin 2 of the chip.4.2 Creating the I/O bean- In the Bean Selector window, double-click on the ‘BitIO ’ bean. This loads the ‘Bean Inspector’ window with information about the bean. We can set up the parameters for this function.Select the ‘Properties ’ tab:- Click the down -arrow for ‘Pin for I/O’ and select AD1_TCH1_PTA1_KBI1- Click the down -arrow for ‘Pull resistor’ and select No pull resistor- Click the down -arrow for ‘Open drain’ and select No open drain- Click the down -arrow for ‘Direction’ and select OutputSelect the ‘Methods ’ tab for the software drivers:- Click on the curved arrows to ‘do not generate code ’ for all of the methods except ‘PutVal’.‘PutVal’ method should have the green tick on the left and ‘generate code ’.Metrowerks page 5/12The ‘Target CPU’ window should now be updated:- Pin 2 shows the AD converter function (A/D icon) activated.- Pin 6 the digital output function (up-down arrow) activated.5 Validation of the design, generation of driver codeWe are going to generate the code for the I/O drivers and the files for the user code.We select the ‘Make ’ icon in the Project Manager window(or the menu bar Project > Make or [F7] ).Processor Expert shows several messages:One message indicates that we have started the code generationThe second message shows the progress with the information processed and the code generated.Another window shows Compiling and Linking progress,Finally, the CodeWarrior compiler returns a message that we had a successful code generation.6 Verification of the files createdWe can verify the folders created by Processor Expert:- A file “Events.C” that is the placeholder forthe user to enter the code to execute when theevents attached with the peripherals takeplace.- A file “MyQT4project.C” that is theplaceholder for the main procedure and anyother procedure desired by the user. Theseother procedures can of course be placed inadditional files.‘Generated Code’ contains- The .C files for the code associated with thebeans added to the project. This includesinitialization, input, output and thedeclarations necessary for the use of thefunctions.7 Setting the environment for the simulatorThe simulator, by definition, is not connected to any real hardware. However, it simulates instructions to read peripheral registers that will be connected to external signals in the end user application. It is necessary for the simulator to know what value should be read during a read operation. One way to achieve this is to issue a command for the simulator before execution of such instructions. We use a feature of the debugger, the capability to automatically execute commands after loading of the application and before execution of the code.7.1 Creating ‘postload.cmd’In the Project Manager window, open the folder ‘Debugger Command files’ and double-click on‘Postload.cmd’ to open the command file. The file is open for editing.Below the comments, enter the line:inputa 00Save and close the file.Upon execution, this will tell the simulator that reading of Port A should return the value 0x00.Metrowerks page 6/128 Entering the user codeWe want the application to read the A/D input, compare the value read against two values (thresholds) and take an action depending on the value. We are going to enter the code for these tasks.8.1 Opening ‘MyQT4project.C’In the Project Manager window, double-click on ‘MyQT4project.c’ to open the file that has been created by Processor Expert as a placeholder for the user code. The editor now displays the source code. After several lines of comments and a series of ‘#include’ statements, the main procedure looks like:void main(void){/*write your code here*/for(;;);}8.2 Entering the application codeReplace the whole procedure by the following text containing variables definition and new procedure (CodeWarrior will color the key words as they are recognized):static byte myValues[1]; /* Number of channels */void main(void) {byte min = 255/3;byte max = (255*2)/3;byte err;bool s;int i;for(;;) {/* run measurement with set wait for result */err = AD1_Measure(TRUE);/* Get results */err = AD1_GetValue((byte *)myValues);/* Compare value and action LED */if (myValues[0] > max) {s = 1; /* set LED ON */} else {if (myValues[0] < min) {s = 0; /* set LED OFF */} else {s = s^1; /* invert LED ON <-> OFF */}}for (i = 0; i < 5000; i++); /* delay */Bit1_PutVal(s);}}Metrowerks page 7/12Metrowerks page 8/129 CompilingWhen the source code is entered, save and close the ‘MyQT4project.C’ file.We can verify that everything is correct by clicking the icon ‘Make ’ in the project manager (or menu Project > Make or [F7].)In normal operation, calling the debugger will force a ‘Make’ command if the ‘Build’ panel is set for this and if a file has been modified.A message from CodeWarrior compiler/linker will indicate that we have a successful build. We can now use the simulator to run the code and verify our implementation.10 Loading the Debugger and SimulatorCodeWarrior provides debugging capability through a powerful debugger. There are several standard windows open automatically when opening the debugger. The opening window can be entirely customized to display the information needed by the u ser. This setup will be remembered by the debugger and reopened each time the debugger is invoked. These settings can also be different from one project to another, and even from one target to another, thanks to the flexible project settings available in t he IDE.Invoke the Debugger by clicking on the debugger icon in the Project Manager window.This will load the debugger, the simulator (set by default in the stationery) and then load the object code of the application. Once opened, the debugger display several windows:10.1 ‘Source’ windowThe ‘Source’ window shows the code and allows to set, delete or disable breakpoints. From this window we can find and go to other procedures.There is a close relation with the assembly window: instructions can be dragged from one window to the other window and corresponding instructions are highlighted.This is useful when trying to relate optimized code to the original lines of C code.Metrowerks page 9/1210.2 ‘Assembly’ windowThe ‘Assembly’ window shows addresses, code and dis-assembled instructions. Information such as calculated addresses and hexadecimal code is also displayed. Variables and pointers can be displayed in ‘symbolic’ format.Breakpoints can be set in this window. There is a close relation with the source window: instructions can be dragged from one window to the other window and corresponding instructions are highlighted.10.3 ‘Register’ windowThe ‘Register’ window shows the register set for the 68HC08 family and their contents. Last changes are highlighted in red. Display can be done in all usual formats such as binary, decimal, hexadecimal and a few others. Register contents can be edited by typing the value in the corresponding box.10.4 ‘Memory’ windowThe ‘Memory’ window is used to display bytes, words or long words of memory in many formats such as decimal, hexadecimal or binary. Changes from the last refresh are indicated in red. Memory can be edited by typing the values either in the byte area or the ASCII area. Memory can also be filled, saved to and reloaded from disk.It is possible to open multiple instances of the memory window to display non-contiguous areas and make the best use of the screen space.10.5 ‘Data’ windowsThe ‘Data’ windows are used to display the variables used by the application. Representation of the values can be done in several different formats. Multiple copies of the data window can be created to display global and local variables.Metrowerkspage 10/1211 Adding Stimulation and Data VisualizationIn order to facilitate the testing of the code, CodeWarrior offers the capability to stimulate the built -in analog and digital inputs, as well as to display in different forms, the status of the outputs.11.1 I/O StimulationFor this example we are going to stimulate the analog input. This will simulate the action of the p otentiometer in the application (information from a sensor in the final application).From the Debugger menu, select: Component > Open A window opens with a list of components, - select ‘Visualizationtool ’ - click OKA window opens in ‘Edit’ mode. Resize it.Right-click in the window and select: Add New Instrument > BarThe cursor is now dragging a box that we drop in the Data Visualization window (click) and we resize the box as a thin vertical box.A right click in this box opens a window to set the properties of the box. Set the following parameters: - Rounding box: Sunken - Kind of Port: Memory - Port to display: 0x3E - Bar direction: Down-Up Close the property box.Leave the ‘edit’ mode (press the switch icon or right click in the window, then deselect Edit Mode.) The box will be used as a sliding potentiometer.Let’s verify the good stimulation of the I/O: In the ‘Memory’ window,- Right-click and select Mode > Periodical and enter the value 3.(This will automatically refresh the window to show ch anges in the values.) - Click Ok to close the window.Drag up and down the red column of the data stimulation (if none is visible, click in the box and a red column will appear at the cursor) and observe memory location 0x3E in the Memory window. Its contents should appear in red and change according to the displacement.Metrowerks page 11/12At this stage we have implemented a very powerful feature of CodeWarrior: the ability to stimulate an analog input to a device and to stimulate real-time.12 Adding Data VisualizationIf stimulating the inputs to a device is an important feature, it is equallyimportant to be able to visualize the actions that the processor is programmedto take during the execution of the code for the application. We are going tosimulate the LED that we defined at the beginning of the document.- Right-click in the Data Visualization window and select ‘edit’ mode,- Right-click and select Add New Instrument > LEDThe cursor is now dragging a box that we drop in the data visualizationwindow (click) and we resize the box to a visible LED.A right click in this box opens a window to set the properties of thebox. Set the following parameters:- Rounding box: No Box- Kind of Port: Memory- Port to display: 0x00- Bit number to display: 1- Color if Bit==0: (grey color)- Color if Bit==0: (yellow color)Close the property boxThe LED is now connected to Port A bit 1 (address 0x00).We need the LED to refresh periodically to indicate changes when they happen.Right-click on the Data Visualization window and select Pro perties .For Refresh Mode, select Periodical and enter a Refresh Rate of 1. Close the window.Leave the ‘edit’ mode (press the switch icon or right click in the window)We now have a complete simulation of the features that will beimplemented in the end application. The potentiometer and the LED areconnected to the same pins as the final application and the polarities ofthe signal can be set to match the final application.At this stage we have implemented another very powerful feature of Code Warrior: the ability to display the output of a peripheral and reverse the function to stimulate the pin if needed.This provides a much more user-friendly display of the activity of the processor under test.Metrowerks page 12/12 12.1 Free running Stimulation and VisualizationThe final step is to see if we can test the application in its full operation:- LED ON when potentiometer is in above 2/3 of the range,- LED blinking when the potentiometer is between 1/3 and 2/3 of the range,- LED OFF when the potentiometer is below 1/3 of the range.We also want to have the LED blink without having to keep stepping through the code.Run the program and drag the column simulating the potentiometer to different positions (if no red part is visible, click anywhere in the column, the red portion will appear to the cursor): - In the range 0 to 1/3, the LED should be steadily OFF (grey),- Between 1/3 and 2/3, the LED should blink, even when not moving the cursor,- Above 2/3, the LED should be steadily ON (yellow).Note: the blinking rate does not exhibit a regular 50% ratio. This is not a defect but due to the asynchronous refresh of the data visualization with regard to the program. This causes the reading of the memory to not coincide with the occurrences of ON and OFF.12.2 Halting and closing the program-Click on ‘Stop’ -Save your settings, including Data Visualization (File > Save Configuration ) -Close the Debugger - Close CodeWarriorCONGRATULATION , you have completed the design of an application using many unmatched features of CodeWarrior: the Processor Expert, the CodeWarrior IDE, the Debugger/Simulator with I/O Stimulation and Data Visualization.We have implemented very powerful features of CodeWarrior:- Stimulation of an input to a device,- Stimulation of an analog input,- Visualization of a digital output,- Real-time stimulation and visualization from an operator point of view.This saves a lot of disk space, comparing with the alternative of creating large numbers of files with various data patterns, and provides the flexibility to test in a mor e realistic way any situation the user may chose to evaluate.。

第六章CodeWa rrior的软件开发环境6.3 打开工程在主菜单下选择File/Open。
如图6-2图6-2 打开工程菜单弹出对话框图6-3,在“对象类型”中选择“Projec t Files(*.mcp)”。
图6-3 工程对象类型出现图6-4,选择要打开的工程,然后点击“打开”,就可以打开一个工程。
图6-4 工程对象名称如果想要修改程序,在图6-5界面可以完成。
6.4 创建项目从主菜单栏选择File\New。
注意: 新窗口可能和你的屏幕不相同,取决于你的安装对象。
图6-6新建工程单击Proj ect标签显示项目面板。
选择HC(S)08 New Projec t Wizard。
在Proje ct name 输入框,输入新项目的名称。
在Locat ion输入框,确定你想保存的文件的路径。
注意:当IDE创建一个项目时,会自动在项目文件中添加扩展名为.M CP的工程文件。
图6-7 选择芯片类型在Page2中,选择使用语言的种类,如图6-8所示图6-8 选择编程语言在Page3种选择使用相对汇编还是绝对汇编,如图6-9所示。
图6-9 选择汇编方式在Page4中进行方式选择,如图6-10所示。
图6-10选择调试模式P&E Full Chip Simula tion方式允许芯片及其外围设备进行在线调试,或者是利用软件进行模拟时采用这种方式。
P&E Hardwa re Debugg ing 方式是当HC08与外围设备硬件接口是通过P&E提供的时候,就得采用这种方式。

CodeWarrior操作步骤建立Workspace1.打开CodeWarrior2.在目录下建立Workspace(注意工程不要建在桌面,在此为示范请勿效仿)3.建立新项目4.输入项目名称→Next5.选择您使用的芯片型号→Next6.选择编译器类型7.选择编译语言8.选择是否使用PE工具和视图工具9.代码优化选择10.配置完成,点击Finish工程各项配置1. 时钟配置。
用户根据自己需求选择内外时钟及时钟大小2. 功能模块配置。
eg.IO 配置3.4. 各个功能模块配置好后,进行程序编写5. 主函数在ProcessorExperience.c 中6. 事件和中断等处理函数编写在Events.c 中Main 函数中的for 或while 循环从此出开始写,不然在更新PE 配置是程序被擦除触摸按键编写1.先将触摸按键库的5个文件添加进工程项目Sources中2.将触摸库添加到工程项目中。
3.更改触摸库TSI_config.c文件设置第一步:根据项目需要增加和减少使用到的TSI 通道。
在TSI_config.c文件中,TSI_TOUCH _DELTA[MAX_TSI_NUM]数组定义了每个按键出发的阈值,分别对应TSI 物理通道的0-15,当某个按键触摸前后的差值大于该Delta 值时,就会触发对应的通道事件。
如果不需要使用某个通道时,可以直接把对应的Delta 值配置为0,那么在代码中该通道就不会被Initial, calibrate 和scan,如果重新启用,只需Delta 值配置为非0 即可。
如下二维数组中,左侧TSI_x是实际的TSI 物理通道,右侧KEY_1,2…N 对应着按键号0~N-1,这个按键号和TSI_main函数的返回值touched_key相对应,0xFF 表示未启用。

写给CodeWarrior初学者1.运行CodeWarrior IDE,打开软件界面;2.点击“File”菜单下的“New”选项,然后在“Project”选项卡中选择“HC(S)12 New Project Wizard”,也就是新建工程向导,在右侧输入你要键入的工程名和你要放在哪个文件夹下面;3.点击“确定”后下面选择你采用的单片机型号,比如你选择“MC9S12D64”或者“MC9S12NE64”;(其中如果选择MC9S12NE64,则必须安装光盘上的NE64补丁插件)4.点击“下一步”后,选择你采用哪种编程语言,尽量不要选第三个“C++”,因为好像我试的有问题,如果你单纯的C,则选择第二个,如果你是C和汇编混合编程,则前两个都要选的;5.选择是否采用“处理器专家”,该项功能可以方便程序的寄存器设置,但我用过感觉比较糊涂,所以我一般选择“No”;6.下面就是选择是否采用“PC-lint”,选择“No”;7.选择是不是支持浮点数,如果你的工程采用浮点数则选择下面的两个中一个,否则选择“No”;8.选择采用哪种内存定位模式,一般选择第一个“Small”模式9.最后一步,选择前面两项,如果仅选择第一项,则仅可以软件调试,前两项都选择可以支持软件和硬件调试。
10.完成后,软件会自动创建一个工程,如下图所示,,其中左侧的sources 文件夹下面的main.c就是你的主程序文件,你可以在里面添加代码,同时在左侧按鼠标右键,会弹出菜单,里面有“Add Files”或“Create Group”等,可以根据你的需要往新创建的工程里添加你自己的头文件或者C文件。
11.你可以在main.c里面编辑你的代码,如果需要加入中断,则在左侧找到Prm文件夹下面打开“P&E_ICD_Linker.prm”,然后在右侧该文件里你可以加入你自己的中断函数和中断向量入口地址,记住:你在这个Prm里定义的自己的中断函数名,要和主函数里面的中断函数名对应起来;比如我在Prm文件里定义了串口接收中断:VECTOR ADDRESS 0XFFD6 SCI0Recive_ISR则在主函数(main.c)里面这样引用该中断函数:interrupt void SCI0Recive_ISR(void){里面是你自己的代码}12.现在一个简单的工程基本创建完成,点击下面的编译按钮进行或者调试按钮就进入调试环境13.如果您点击调试(绿色类似箭头按钮)的时候没反应,那可能是您设置的Debug 路径有问题,如果您采用我的方法,比如CW3.0仅安装了Compiler,然后安装了CW4的Debugger,这样的话就要设置一下Debug的路径。
CodeWarrior V10.1 使用方法快速入门

CodeWarrior V10.1 使用方法快速入门CodeWarrior V10.1 Quick Start Guide1.启动CodeWarrior。
2.新建工程:在工具栏中选择 “文件->新建->BareBoard Project”,如图1所示。
此时将生成一个包含Startup Code、但不含main.c 的新工程。
图66)选择是否需要调用一些快速开发工具(如Processor Expert、Device Initialization),完成后点击“完成”,如图7所示。

Codewarrior 使用指南飞思卡尔 HC08/HCS12 系列微控制器开发环境 - Codewarrior 使用指南(草稿)tyf01@ 2005 年 10 月仅供学习参考,请勿用于商业目的1Codewarrior 使用指南第一章 Codewarrior IDE 概述在软件开发过程中,通常需要经过以下几个步骤: • 新建:创建新项目,源文件 • 编辑:按照一定的规则编辑源代码,注释 • 编译:将源代码编译成机器码,同时还会检查语法错误和进行编译优化 • 链接:将编译后的独立的模块链接成一个二进制可执行文件 • 调试:对软件进行测试并发现错误 在软件开发中,每个过程都会用到不同的工具。
如果每个工具都单独存在,这样就 会给开发人员带来很多不便。
开发 人员可以在同一个工具或平台上完成以上全部的工作。
Codewarrior 是 Metrowerks 公司开发的软件集成开发环境(以后简称 IDE)。
飞思 卡尔所有系列的微控制器都可以在 codewarrior IDE 下进行软件开发。
Codewarrior IDE 特点Codewarrior IDE 为软件开发提供了一系列的工具,其中包括: 项目管理器:为软件开发人员管理上层的文件;将项目进行分组管理,比如文件或 目标系统;跟踪状态信息,比如修改日期;决定编译顺序或每次编译应包括哪些文 件;与插件一起提供版本控制功能 编辑器:利用颜色来区分不同的关键字;允许用户利用颜色机制自定义关键字;自 动检查括号范围;利用菜单在不同的文件或函数中导航 搜索器:搜索一个特定的字符串;用特定的字符串代替查找到的字符串;允许使用 常规表达式;提供文件比较功能; 源代码浏览器:标志符(变量名称,函数名称)数据库;利用数据库来对代码快速 定位;对所有的标志符连接到用到它的代码中; 编译系统:编译器将源代码编译成机器码;链接器将目标文件链接成可执行文件 调试器:利用标志符数据库进行源代码级调试;支持各种标志符数据库,比如: codeview, DWARF, SYM 等Codewarrior IDE 优点•交叉平台开发2Codewarrior 使用指南 开发人员可以在不同的操作系统下使用 codewarrior IDE 来开发自己的软 件。

Code Warrior 软件使用指南一、软件安装指南二、关于BDM驱动三、创建一个新的工程四、编写与运行你的程序2011年10月16日陈万忠Code Warrior 软件使用指南一、软件安装指南1. 打开文件安装文件夹2. 找到安装文件3. 双击此文件,出现安装界面:4. 点击“NEXT”按钮,出现安装路径信息。
5. 在安装过程中,根据提示信息,完成每一步的安装。
6. 安装完毕后,在所有程序中找到Code Warrior 执行文件,点击执行即可进入Code Warrior 集成环境。
7. 也可以拖到桌面上。
此时桌面出现如下图标:二、关于BDM驱动请将“BDM使用说明和驱动”文件夹下的文件:和以及三个文件,复制到:C:\Program Files\Freescale\\Prog\gdi目录下(或者你安装时修改过的Code Warrior 所在目录\Prog\gdi子目录下),在调试时选择Open Source BDM 调试接口即可。
双击桌面快捷图标,进入 Code Warrior集成开发环境窗口。
第二步:选择CPU类型,选择HCS12X目录下的HCS12X Family。
第八步:选择不使用PC-Lint(TM)链接工具软件,点击“完成”按钮,Code Warrior集成开发环境就会自动生成整个工程的文件系统。
四、编写与运行你的程序在Code Warrior集成开发环境中,利用其自动生成的函数模板,就可以编写和调试你的应用程序了。

PDF 文件使用 "FinePrint pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建
通过帮助菜单可以到网上寻求关于 CodeWarrior 任何问题的在线解答。够酷 的吧?
了解 CodeWarrior 集成开发环境的设置 CodeWarrior IDE 提供了许多设置以便让你定制你的工作环境。当你选择了
PDF 文件使用 "FinePrint pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建
图 1-2: 查看菜单中的工具条子菜单 查找菜单
查找菜单用于在单个文件或硬盘的目录中查找指定的代码。你可以使用它来 方便地替换文本块或在你的代码中搜索指定的项目。即使是在小工程中使用这个 工具也非常方便。
• 显示设置(Display Settings): 几个用于定制调试器显示的设置项; • 视窗化(Windowing): 设定调试器如何管理它的窗口(比如隐藏所有打开
的编辑器窗口); • 全局设置(Global Settings): 几个用于定制调试器在全局层次如何工作
的设置。比如当一个包含了程序调试信息的文件被打开时,是否启动这个 程序; • 远程连接(Remote Connections): 允许通过 TCP/IP 进行远程调试。这 样,你就可以在地球的另一边调试你的软件了; • Java 设置/Java 调试(Java Settings/Java Debugging): 允许你设置 特定的 Java 编程语言选项。本课程不涉及这部分内容。
件,以及有多少内存被用于编译工作; • IDE 之外(IDE Extras): 几个独立的设置。比如指定 CodeWarrior 是否

CodeWarrior 开发环境快速入门 -适用 HC(S)08/RS08 单片机 CodeWarrior 对计算机系统要求: 硬件: 400MHZ Pentium II 以上处理器, 128MB 内存, CD-ROM, USB 接口 操作系统:Microsoft Windows 98SE/2000/XP 占用磁盘空间:完全安装需要 635M 第一步:安装 CodeWarrior 软件 1.安装 CodeWarrior 软件 1)运行 CD 中的 CW08_V5_1.EXE 文件 2)按照提示完成安装 2. 安装升级包软件 1) 运行 HC08V5_1_OSBDM_SP.EXE 文件,使 CodeWarrior 软件支持 HCS08 Open Source BDM 调试工具 2) 运行 rs08ka_sp.exe 文件,使 CodeWarrior 软件支持 RS08 Open Source BDM 调试工 具 注:1)以上两个软件会自动安装到 CW08_V5_1.EXE 软件的安装目录下。
当使用汇编语言开发应用程序时,对源代码 数量是没有限制的;当使用 C 语言开发应用程序时,对源代码有 16K 的限制,同时对 同一工程下的文件数目限制在 32 个之内。
3. 如果计算机使用 Windows 98 SE,在完成安装后重启计算机。
第二步:创建一个工程 1. 运行 CodeWarrior IDE 1) 开始>程序>Freescale CodeWarrior>HC08 V5.1 2) 选择 CodeWarrior IDE,IDE 开始运行,出现 Startup 窗口 Create New Project:创建一个新工程 Load Example Project:加载一个示例工程 Load Previous Project:加载以前打开过的工程 Run Getting started Tutorial:运行 CodeWarrior 软件帮助文档 Start Using CodeWarrior:返回 CodeWarrior 主窗口Startup 窗口2. 创建一个新工程 1) 选择 Create New Project-出现 HC(S)08 New Project 窗口 Select the derivative you would like to use 对话框中选择所使用的单片机型号 Choose your default connection 对话框选择工程所使用的开发工具, 选择每一种 开发工具,在下面的显示栏中显示其相关信息。
CodeWarrior V10 快速入门

CodeWarrior V10.1 使用方法快速入门CodeWarrior V10.1 Quick Start Guide1.启动CodeWarrior。
2.新建工程:在工具栏中选择 “文件->新建->BareBoard Project”,如图1所示。
此时将生成一个包含Startup Code、但不含main.c 的新工程。
图66)选择是否需要调用一些快速开发工具(如Processor Expert、Device Initialization),完成后点击“完成”,如图7所示。
CodeWarrior 10.6使用说明

CodeWarrior 10.6 使用说明EDITOR : JaceLinFROM : GUET下载地址:/zh-Hans/webapp/sps/site/homepage.jsp?code=CW_HOME下载完后,点出.exe文件就直接安装了。
----------------------------安装完--------------------------------- 第一步:成打列软件第二步:选择工作空间(默认存放工程文件的地方)第三步:打开软件完成界面第4步:把不常用的窗口关闭,剩下的好下图常用窗口有: codewarrior projects(用于管理工程文件), console (打印出编译信息)留下这两个就可以了第5步:新建工程方法1方法2:这几个是一步到位。
第6步:选择工程类型,在这里我选择裸机工程第七步:工程名字第8步:选择芯片型号,第9步:在这里我选择 mk60Dn512Z第10步:选择下载器类型,我选择了j-link,之后finish就可以了。
2)修改文件inlcude (头文件) 在setting 里面,位置就不上图了。
3)本软件类似JAVA 编译器Eclipse,写过java的应该不会陌生。

2 创建一个工程
下面 以 M68908GP32 的 C 语言 为 例 简 单 介 绍 在 CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers v6.1 集成开发环境中创建工程的方法,在其他版本中创建工程的方法基本相同。 1、打开 CodeWarrior 集成开发环境 安装 CodeWarrior 后点 击 桌 面 快 捷 方 式 图 标 或 选 择 “ 开始 > 程序 > Freescale CodeWarrior > CW for Microcontrollers V6.1 > CodeWarrior IDE” 打开 CodeWarrior 集成开发环境,如图 1-1 所示。
第4 页 共27页
CodeWarrior IDE 入门指导
图 1-3
3、点击下一步进入工程名称、存放路径、开发语言设置界面,输入工程名称、指定工程存 放路径、 选择相应的开发语言(可多选) , 如图 1- 4 所示。 图中工程名称为 “ Demo01.mcp”, 存放路径在“E\My Documents ”,选择的开发语言为 C,当然你也可以根据需要选择 “绝对 汇编(Absolute assembly) 、重定位汇编( Relocatable assembly )或 C++ ”作为开发语言。
第6 页 共27页
CodeWarrior IDE 入门指导
图 1-7
C/C++ 设置界面
7、点击下一步进入 PC-lint (TM)设置界面,如图 1-8 所示。 PC-lint (TM)是 Gimpel 软 件公司开发的程序调试工具,图中选择 “No”。
图 1-8
PC-lint (TM)设置界面

创建新工程 6
9、是否添加Startup Code 10、选择Memory类型 11、选择是否使用浮点数及 类型
Slide 8
Freescale™ and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2005.
创建新工程 5
Slide 7
Freescale™ and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2005.
打开文件 单步 进入 单步 跳出 停止 复位
保存当前 设置
运行 单步跳过
Slide 15
Freescale™ and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2005.

在本例中,编译工程后在工程目录中产生了一个新的文件。这就是 X86 目标文件 输出——生成一个叫做Hello World x86 的应用程序。其它一些一直存在于这个目 录中的文件是: .mcp 文件—工程文件本省,以及 .c 源文件—包含了应用程序源码的 文件。Hello World Data 目录中还包含了由 CodwWarrior 生成的各种各样的支持 文件。现在你还不必去关心这些文件。如果你正在编译目标文件的调试版本,你会 看到更多的文件被产生出来,这些文件中可能包含着符号(symbolic)调试信息。集 成开发环境的调试器使用这些符号信息来记录在高层次源码中的操作轨迹。
第一章: 认识 CodeWarrior 第二章: 工程和目标文件的显示和定制 第三章: 编译 第四章: 链接 第五章: 调试 第六章: 定制 第七章: 库函数和 Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC)
第一章 认识 CodeWarrior
关于getchar()函数 字符输入函数 getchar() 用在这里是什么意思呢?通常,当一个应用程序执行完毕后,
它就会终止,然后操作系统就会立即清除该应用程序输出.这样,当上述应用程序显示 完“Hello World on Windows!”后,为了避免系统立即将该程序地输出清除,我们在程 序中添加了一个 getchar() 函数,使程序在此处暂停,直到有键盘输入时整个程序会 终止.这样我们才有足够的时间来看清楚该程序的输出. 这是一个正常的操作,而不是一个 bug.实际上,CodeWarrior也提供了一个适用于此 处的库函数,这个库函数中的 C 控制台 I/O 函数步不仅可以在程序显示完毕后锁定 应用程序,而且还可以让你将输出的文本信息存储到一个文件中去.
CodeWarrior IDE图文教程

CodeWarrior IDE图文教程第一步:双击桌面CodeWarrior IDE 12图标,进入CodeWarrior IDE 12运用界面。
第二步:新建一个数据库,如图选择第一行(HC(s)12New Project Wizard),然后再右面命名123(任意命名均可),确定。
第七步:界面如下图所示,选择” ANSI startup code”,点击“下一步”。
例如当输入以下源程序:#include <hidef.h> /* common defines and macros */#include <mc9s12dp256.h> /* derivative information */#pragma LINK_INFO DERIV A TIVE "mc9s12dp256b"void main(void){PWME_PWME0=0; //关闭0通道PWMPRCLK=0X05; //对总线时钟进行预分频,总线时钟为8M,分频后为250K PWMCLK_PCLK0=0; //设A为其时钟源PWMSCLA=0X7D; //A时钟为2000HzPWMPOL_PPOL0=1;//上升沿翻转PWMCAE_CAE0=0;//左对齐输出PWMDTY0=0X01; //占空比为25%的波形PWMPER0=0X04; //输出为500Hz的波PWMCNT0=0X00;//0通道计数器清0PWME_PWME0=1;//0通道使能,0通道为输出通道}第十三步:程序输入以后,点击工具栏的图标(make)检查程序是否有错,如果有错,会在编辑框上方提示错误警告,以为标志,程序中会随之用红色箭头在程序中标出出错位置。
Coder Warrior for RVDS 使用手册

• (1)在工程管理窗口中,右键单击选择 “Create group”命令,命名group,如图:
• (2)点击OK按钮创建group,右键单击生 成的文件夹选Add Files…命令。
• (3)点击打开按钮,添加选中的文件,添 将生成调试信息; Release:将不生成调试信息。
• (3)点击确定按钮后,可在文本编辑框中 编写代码。
• (1)执行Edit/Release setting…Target setting默认设置如下:
• (2)Language Settings 汇编器和编译器 arm类别选择ARM926EJ-S,其他默认。
• (2)Linker设置,Output选项的linktype选 中scattered
Coder Warrior for RVDS 使用手册
version 2.2 叶凤麟
RVDS的全称为:RealView Developer Suite, 是ARM公司推出的新一代ARM集成开发环境, 支持所有系列的ARM核,并与众多第三方实时 操作系统及工具商合作简化开发流程。
• (3)fromELF设置,Output format选择 Plain binary
• 执行Project/Make菜单命令,或按快捷键 F7,进行编译,信息提示框中出现提示信 息,双击错误信息,系统自动指向错误出 错的语句。
• (1)运行CodeWarrior for RVDS ,打开
Metrowerks CodeWarrior工作界面如下:
• (2)执行File/New…新建一个可执行镜像 工程,并命名工程名。
• (3)点击Location后面的set按钮,浏览想 要保存的路径并保存。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Codewarrior 使用指南飞思卡尔 HC08/HCS12 系列微控制器开发环境 - Codewarrior 使用指南(草稿)tyf01@ 2005 年 10 月仅供学习参考,请勿用于商业目的1Codewarrior 使用指南第一章 Codewarrior IDE 概述在软件开发过程中,通常需要经过以下几个步骤: • 新建:创建新项目,源文件 • 编辑:按照一定的规则编辑源代码,注释 • 编译:将源代码编译成机器码,同时还会检查语法错误和进行编译优化 • 链接:将编译后的独立的模块链接成一个二进制可执行文件 • 调试:对软件进行测试并发现错误 在软件开发中,每个过程都会用到不同的工具。
如果每个工具都单独存在,这样就 会给开发人员带来很多不便。
开发 人员可以在同一个工具或平台上完成以上全部的工作。
Codewarrior 是 Metrowerks 公司开发的软件集成开发环境(以后简称 IDE)。
飞思 卡尔所有系列的微控制器都可以在 codewarrior IDE 下进行软件开发。
Codewarrior IDE 特点Codewarrior IDE 为软件开发提供了一系列的工具,其中包括: 项目管理器:为软件开发人员管理上层的文件;将项目进行分组管理,比如文件或 目标系统;跟踪状态信息,比如修改日期;决定编译顺序或每次编译应包括哪些文 件;与插件一起提供版本控制功能 编辑器:利用颜色来区分不同的关键字;允许用户利用颜色机制自定义关键字;自 动检查括号范围;利用菜单在不同的文件或函数中导航 搜索器:搜索一个特定的字符串;用特定的字符串代替查找到的字符串;允许使用 常规表达式;提供文件比较功能; 源代码浏览器:标志符(变量名称,函数名称)数据库;利用数据库来对代码快速 定位;对所有的标志符连接到用到它的代码中; 编译系统:编译器将源代码编译成机器码;链接器将目标文件链接成可执行文件 调试器:利用标志符数据库进行源代码级调试;支持各种标志符数据库,比如: codeview, DWARF, SYM 等Codewarrior IDE 优点•交叉平台开发2Codewarrior 使用指南 开发人员可以在不同的操作系统下使用 codewarrior IDE 来开发自己的软 件。
这些操作系统包括 Windows, Macintosh, Solaris, 和 Linux. IDE 在不同操 作系统下的界面完全相同•支持多种语言IDE 支持高级语言,比如: C, C++, 和 Java。
另外还支持大多数微控制器的 汇编语言 。
•开发环境界面统一开发环境界面统一,IDE 支持许多通用的桌面或嵌入式处理器•支持插件工具IDE 的功能可以通过加入各种插件来扩展。
现在 IDE 支持的插件包括: 编 译器, 链接器, 预先链接器, 后链接器, 常用的面板, 版本控制以及其他工具。
插件可以让 CodeWarrior IDE 支持不同的语言和处理器。
3Codewarrior 使用指南第二章 IDE 快速入门本章我们以 Codewarrior HC08 V3.1 为例,创建一个工程,编辑源文件,编译后进 行调试。
2.1 创建新项目打开 codewarrior IDE 后,出现如图 2.1 的界面。
在 File 菜单中选择 New图 2.1 codewarrior IDE 在弹出的新窗口中,选择 HC(S)08 New Project Wizard,在 Project Name 框中,输 入项目的名称。
在 Location 框中,可以指定这个项目保存在哪个文件夹中。
如图 2.2 所示。
然后选择 OK 按钮,进入下一步。
图 2.2 新建项目 在 New Project Wizard – Page1 中,选择 MCU 的类型。
比如我们在这里选择 MC68HC908GZ60,如图 2.3 所示。
然后选择 Next 按钮,进入下一步。
4Codewarrior 使用指南图 2.3 选择 MCU 在 New Project Wizard – Page2 中,选择编程语言的类型。
如图 2.4 所示,点击 Next。
图 2.4 选择编程语言 在 New Project Wizard – Page3 中,选择是否采用 Processor Expert。
如图 2.5 所示。
图 2.5 选择 Processor Expert5Codewarrior 使用指南 在 New Project Wizard – Page4 中,选择是否采用 PC-lint。
如图 2.6 所示。
图 2.6 选择 PC-lint 在 New Project Wizard – Page5 中,选择启动程序类型。
如图 2.7 所示。
图 2.7 选择启动程序类型 在 New Project Wizard – Page6 中,选择浮点数类型。
如图 2.8 所示。
图 2.8 选择浮点数类型6Codewarrior 使用指南 在 New Project Wizard – Page7 中,选择存储器类型。
如图 2.9 所示。
图 2.9 选择存储器类型 在 New Project Wizard – Page8 中,选择硬件仿真连接器类型。
如图 2.10 所示。
图 2.10 选择硬件仿真连接器 最后,Codewarrior IDE 就创建了一个新项目。
如图 2.11 所示。
图 2.117Codewarrior 使用指南2.2 编辑源文件如图 2.12 所示,在左边 Lab1.mcp 下面的选择框中,选择目标 P&E FCS(Full Chip Simulation),在 Files 一栏中,打开 Sources 文件夹,Codewarrior IDE 已经自动生成 一个 main.c 文件,然后打开这个文件,在右面的编辑窗口中,编辑源代码。
图 2.12 Codewarrior IDE 窗口 这个程序利用基础时钟模块产生 1ms 的中断,在中断服务程序中计数,到 1000 次 时,对 1 秒的标志位置位。
在主程序循环中,查询此标志位,即相当于每隔 1 秒钟 将 Port B,0 和 1 口的电平翻转一次。
Lab1.mcp – main.c 程序清单 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#include <hidef.h> /* for EnableInterrupts macro */ #include <MC68HC908GZ60.h> void TBM_Init(void); word TimerCounter = 0; byte Flag1s = 0; //主函数 void main(void) //时钟初始化函数声明 //定义一个全局变量,用来做时钟计数 //1 秒的标志位8Codewarrior 使用指南 { CONFIG1 = CONFIG1_COPD_MASK; //关闭看门狗 DDRB = (DDRB_DDRB0_MASK|DDRB_DDRB1_MASK); PTB = (PTB_PTB0_MASK|PTB_PTB1_MASK); //B 口 0,1 为输出TBM_Init(); //时钟初始化 EnableInterrupts; /* enable interrupts */ /* include your code here */ for(;;) { if(Flag1s) //时间到 1 秒了吗? { PTB_PTB0 = ~PTB_PTB0; //B 口电平翻转 PTB_PTB1 = ~PTB_PTB1; Flag1s = 0; } //__RESET_WATCHDOG(); /* feeds the dog */ } /* loop forever */ /* please make sure that you never leave this function */ } //时钟初始化函数 void TBM_Init(void) { // 时 基中 断使 能, 时基 中断 标志 位清 0 , 外部 晶振 8MHZ, 时 钟中断频率 8MHz/8192 1ms TBCR = (TBCR_TBIE_MASK|TBCR_TACK_MASK| TBCR_TBR0_MASK); TBCR_TBON = 1; //时钟启动 } //基本时钟溢出中断函数,每 1ms 中断一次 void interrupt 17 Int_TBM(void) //基本时钟的中断向量号为 17,地址:$FFDC-FFDD; { TimerCounter++; if(TimerCounter==1000) //计时到 1s? { Flag1s = 1; TimerCounter = 0; //计数器清零 } TBCR_TACK = 1; //时基中断标志位清 0 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9Codewarrior 使用指南2.3 编译(Make)编辑完源程序后,点击 codewarrior IDE 工具栏上的 Make 图标(或按 F7 键),会 编译和链接项目。
如图 2.13 所示。
图 2.13 Make 图标 如果源程序有错误,IDE 会在 Errors & Warnings 窗口中显示错误和警告信息,如 图 2.14 所示。
图 2.14 编译错误和警告窗口2.4 仿真和调试(Simulate & Debug)点击 codewarrior IDE 工具栏上的 Debug 图标(或按 F5 键),对项目进行仿真调 试。
如图 2.15 所示。
图 2.15 调试图标 此时,会弹出另外一个窗口,如图 2.16 所示。
注意现在打开的目标是 P&E FCS, 即完全软件仿真。
在 PEDebug 菜单中,可以发现:Mode: Full Chip Simulation。
2.4.1 完全软件仿真(Full Chip Simulation)10Codewarrior 使用指南 这种方式,可以在硬件目标板还没准备好的情况下,先用软件仿真的功能,验证大 部分程序的控制功能,逻辑顺序等。