太阳神阿波罗 英语介绍
• 在希腊神话中, 雅辛托斯 是缪斯克莉奥和马其顿国 王皮埃罗斯的儿子。雅辛 托斯是一个美丽的青年, 为阿波罗神所钟爱。在希 腊神话中, 雅辛托斯被阿 波罗掷铁饼时所误伤而死。 传说中,在雅辛托斯的血 泊中,长出了一种美丽的 花,以他的名字命名,叫 做风信子(Hyacinth)。
Thank you! 鼓掌……
阿波罗被视为司掌文艺之神,主管光明、青春、医药、畜牧、音乐等, 是人类的保护神、光明之神、预言之神、迁徙和航海者的保护神、医 神以及消灾弥难之神。阿波罗出生于阿斯特利亚的一座浮岛提洛岛之 上。曾与孪生妹妹阿耳忒弥斯一起,杀死迫害其母的巨蟒皮同和羞辱 其母的尼俄柏及其子女。一说是希腊文化的守护神。有关他的神话十 分丰富。古希腊的雕刻艺术常借他的形象表现男性的美。通常阿波罗 作为太阳神为一些人们所接受,但他并不是真正的太阳神,他又被称 福玻斯(光亮之意)。”阿波罗是光明之神,在阿波罗身上找不到黑暗, 他从不说谎,光明磊落,所以他也称真理之神。阿波罗很擅长弹奏七 弦琴,美妙的旋律有如天籁;阿波罗又精通箭术,他的箭百发百中, 从未射失;阿波罗也是医药之神,把医术传给人们;而且由于他聪明, 通晓世事,所以他也是预言之神。阿波罗掌管音乐、医药、艺术、寓 言,是希腊神话中最多才多艺,也是最美最英俊的神祇,阿波罗同时 是男性美的典型 。
• 风信子,为风信子科风信子属 中的多年生草本植物,具鳞茎。 原来属于百合科,现在已被提 升为新的风信子科的模式属, 而风信子也从原来的百合目改 到新成立的天门冬目中。风信 子原产于地中海和南非,学名 得自希腊神话中受太阳神阿波 罗宠眷美少年雅辛托斯 (Hyacinthus)。风信子的花 色彩丰富,特别一到春节,红、 蓝、白、紫、黄、粉红色的风 信子,芳香阵阵,引人入胜。
and Leto.According to Greek mythology,Leto was driven by Hera from land to land at last. Poseidon took pity on her and brought the island of Delos out of water for her to live on.There she gave birth to the twins , Apollo and Artemis.
He was the son of Zeus
Apollo was the sungod.He wore a purple robe.He usually sat in his bright eastern palace early in the morning and made ready to start his daily journey across the sky.During the day he roved his carriage of gold and ivory , and brought light, life and love to the great world below. Late in the afternoon he came to the end of his journey in the far western sea and got on his golden boat to return to his eastern hoDaphne so much. he begged his beloved maiden to slow down. He is a fr a i d o f Daphne in t h e stone road might fall and hurt her sparkling skin.Finally,with Daphne ’s father help,Daphne turned into a laurel tree.Apllo heave great sighs to embrace the trunk. To show his forover love for the maiden, he decided that the laurel would be his favorite tree, and decided to use it as a kind of honor and prestige of the award, granted it to those eternal poets and poetry.
ApolloAmong the crowd of Olympian gods the one most widely admired was Apollo.He was the son of Zeus and Let to.According to Greek mythology,Leto was driven by Hera from land to land at last Poseidon took Pity on her and brought the island of Delos out of water for her to live on.There she gave birth to the twins ,Apollo and Artemis.Apollo was me sun-god.He wore a purple robe.He usually sat in his bright eastern palace early in the morning and madeready to start his daily journey across the sky.During the day hed rove his carriage of gold and ivory , and brought light, life and love to the great world below. Iate in the afternoon he came to the end of his journey in the far western sea and got on his golden boat to return to his eastern home.Apollo was the god of music and poetry.He could stir up all feelings.These feelings are expressed in lofty songs.With his lyre of gold and the sweet accents of his godlike voice heled the choir of the Muses at Olympus.The pleasant music from his lyre was so exciting that stones marched into their places in rhythmic time and of their own will when he helped Poseidonbuild up the walls of Troy.On one occasion,invited to a contest by the human musician Marsyas,he won and then flayed him to death for his pride.On another occasion,he lost out toPan at a musical contest and turned the ears of the judge,King Midas,into those of an ass.His son,Orpheus,took over such skill from the father that his lyre moved man and animals alike.Apollo stood for youthful and manly beauty.His goldenhair,stately manner and air all combined to make him the admiration of the world.A beautiful girl,by the name of Clytle,was so fond of his beauty and glory that from dawn to dusk she knelt on the ground,her hands outstretched towards the sungod,and her eyes looked at his golden wheeled carriage racing across the blue sky.Though her love was not returned,she had never changed her mind about Apollo.The gods were moved at the sad sight,and changed her into a sunflower.阿波罗在众多的奥林波斯山神中,主神宙斯和雷托之子阿波罗推崇。
阿波罗——预言之神阿波罗介绍中文名:阿波罗外文名:Απόλλων(希腊语)、Apollo(英语)其他名称:福玻斯·阿波罗(Φοίβος Απόλλων)神话体系:希腊神话所属:奥林匹斯十二主神居所:奥林匹斯山司掌:光明、预言、音乐、诗歌、医药、法规、畜牧、太阳象征:里拉琴、三角鼎、月桂、银弓、蛇、海豚、天鹅、乌鸦父母:众神之王:宙斯、泰坦女神:勒托兄弟姐妹:狩猎女神:阿尔忒弥斯(孪生姐姐)智慧女神:雅典娜火神:赫菲斯托斯战神:阿瑞斯神使:赫尔墨斯子女:俄耳甫斯、阿斯克勒庇俄斯等罗马对应神:阿波罗由于希腊神话年代久远,而导致了现代人对神话体系中许多的人物的身份和地位产生了巨大的误会和认知,就比如“太阳神=阿波罗”的这种的认识。
阿波罗作文素材English:Apollo, in Greek mythology, was a powerful and multi-faceted deity. He was the god of the sun, light, music, poetry, healing, and prophecy. Known for his youthful and handsome appearance, Apollo was also associated with beauty, truth, and harmony. He was often depicted with a lyre, and was said to have a melodious voice. In addition to his various talents and attributes, Apollo was also considered an important deity in the realm of medicine and healing. He was believed to have the ability to bring both physical and spiritual healing to those in need. As the god of prophecy, Apollo was consulted for guidance and insight into the future, and his oracle at Delphi was revered throughout the ancient world. Apollo's influence extended beyond the human realm, as he was also associated with the natural world, particularly in relation to the sun and its life-giving properties. Overall, Apollo's significance in Greek mythology and culture is far-reaching and profound, as he embodied a wide range of virtues and abilities that were highly valued by the ancient Greeks.中文翻译: 阿波罗是希腊神话中一位强大而多才多艺的神祇。
• Later,there held a joint meeting of gods and men. The meeting was to decide what part of burnt animals should be given to gods and what to men . Prometheus cut up an ox and divided it into two parts :under the skin he placed the fresh,and under the fat he put the bones,for he knew the selfish Zeus loved fat.
Introduction of Prometheus Tales of Legend Hymn Stories
Television work
一 ,神话故事
• Prometheus was a titan .In • the war between Zeus and the giants , he had stood on the side of the new Olympian gods .Out of the clay he made the first man , to whom Athena gave soul and holy breath. Prometheus spent a lot of time and energy in creating the gift of fire. And fire raised. • Man above all animals . 普罗米修斯是泰坦巨人之 一。在宙斯与巨人的战争 中,他站在新的奥林波斯 山神一边。他用粘土造出 了第一个男人。雅典娜赋 予了这个男人灵魂和神圣 的生命。普罗米修斯还花 费了很多时间和精力创造 了火,并将之赠予人类。 火使人成为万物之灵。
太阳神阿波罗英语介绍The great god ApolloApllo,who is my idol, is one of the most important and diverse of the Olympian deities in Greek and Roman mythology.He is worshiped in both ancient Greek and Roman religion, and in the modern Greco–Roman Neopaganism.Why?Among the crowd of Olympian gods, the one I like the best was Apollo.He was the son of Zeus and Leto.According to Greek mythology,Leto was driven by Hera from land to land at last. Poseidon took pity on her and brought the island of Delos out of water for her to live on.There she gave birth to the twins ,Apollo and Artemis.Apollo was the sun-god.He wore a purple robe.He usually sat in his bright eastern palace early in the morning and made ready to start his daily journey across the sky.During the day he roved his carriage of gold and ivory ,and broughtlight,life and love to the great world below.late in the afternoon he came to the end of his journey in the far western sea and got on his golden boat to return to his eastern home.In other words, Apollo symboled for light, hope, diligence. This was the most important reason why I think Apollo is the god most widely admired. The world had a won’t fade of flowers, that was light. It would open as long as there were people place.Light was the world’s most pure, was also the most warm. Light is always illuminating our future. Let us march forward courageously, will never be destroyed. It is well known that we exist in a world with various difficulties. When we are faced with them, nothing is more important than hope. With hope ,we can find sometimes the question is not as “huge” as we imagine. Without hope, we can not try and exert our strength, and then we will overcome all problems and challenges. If we face the difficulties with hope, then nothing is impossible, brave it out and just do it! Diligence is the key to success. It means persisting in one’s work. It does not mean exerting ourselves all day and all right without rest, food and sleep. The true meaning of diligence is to use time carefully for purpose of improvement , or to work persistently without wasting time. So I think it also is the reason why Apollo’s job is to tell human when is sunrise and sunset. Laziness makes us useless. If we do not study and work hard we shall not be able to earn a living in our community. There will be nothing we can do just because we have failed to learn anything by letting the time pass unused. An English proverb says,’ lost time is never found again’time is precious and is one of those many things that cannot be purchased with money. Therefore, we make good use of our time and study hard when we are young. Lazy hands make aman poor, while diligent hand s bring wealth.Apollo was the god of music.He could stir up all feelings.These feelings are expressed in lofty songs.This is the reason why I like Apollo.As is known to all, we can drown our sorrow in music when we are unhappy. Music can comfort us and make us happy. So there is much pleasure in listening to music. Besides, music attaches great help to improving our study efficiency, which is because music is more than just sound. It’s a way of thinking. When we listen to music, we are becoming better thinkers too. Furthermore, it is music that makes us get familiar with colorful cultures and broadens our horizons. In addition, there is no doubt that when we are appreciating English songs, we can develop our English listening skills at the same time., music is a magical thing which can free us from sadness. As the proverb says, music is a special gift.What’s more,Apollo is infatuated with Daphne. Daphne was a lovely fairy.One day when she play in the forest,she found Apollo with admiration in his eyes staring at her.Unluckly,Daphne did not love Apollo.So she crossed the desert and forest woods in order to keeping far way from Apollo.But Apollo love Daphne so much. he begged his beloved maiden to slow down. He is afraid of fairies in the stone road might fall and hurt her sparkling skin.Finally,with Daphne’s father help,Daphne turned into a laurel tree.Apllo heave great sighs to embrace the trunk. To show his undying love for the maiden, he decided that the laurel would be his favorite tree, and decided to use it as a kind of honor and prestige of the awar d, granted it to those eternal poets and poetry.Although Daphne did not love Apllo,Apllo still love her and dedicated all his life to his beloved maiden. I learn much from Apllo’s love.For example,to the world you may be one peron,but to one person you may be the world;Love can overcome everything.Love has no age,no limit and no death and Human nature is so constructed that it gives affection most readily to those who seem least ti demand it,etc.All in all,Apollo represents order,harmony,and civilization in a way that most other Olympian deities cannot quite equal.He is most often associated with the cultivated arts of music and medicine,and his role as the leader of the muses establishes him as a patron of intellectual pursuits.So I love him best.That’s all,thank you.。
希腊神话连载1The Olympin GodsBetween Macedon and Thessaly of eastern Greece there stood a high mountain.Its cloudy top r ushed into the very heavens.On the top of the mountain,the home of the gods was bathed in brightness.At Olympus Zeus ruled as the father of gods and men.Zeus was not a crude ruler by any standards.All the gods listened to his final words,it was true.But Zeus made them all s it on a committee of twelve members,including six gods and six goddesses.The first in the Oly mpian crowd sat Zeus himself.He was the overlord of gods and men and the operator of the t hunderbolt .Next to him was Hera,his proud and greeneyed queen.Poseidon was ruler of the sea,And Hades,king of the lower world,had no seat in the committee.Apollo was the god of the sun,music and poetry,while his twinsister Artemis was the goddess of the moon and the cha se.Athena was the goddess of wisdom and patroness of house holdarts.Hestin,the goddess o f the family,represented home life and family happiness.The frightening Ares was the god of war,and the charming Aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty.The god of fire,Hephaestus,was th e forger of the thunderbolts of Zeus.The wing footed messenger Hermes was the god of inventi on and commerce;and the goddess of grains and harvests,Demeter,looked after agriculture and stood for mother ofcivilization.All the chief gods mentioned above took human forms of incomparable beauty and grace.Often moved by human feelings and desires,they frequently gave way to anger and jealousy.They be came involved in ceaseless battles with the world of man.Among themselves at Olympus they p lotted and struggled for power.In the human world they experienced competitions and difficulties.T hey enjoyed earthly friendships and loves.Acrowd of everlasting gods looked and acted in a perf ectly human fashion that is what all gods at Olympus actually were.奥林波斯山神在马其顿和希腊东部的色萨利之间矗立着一座高山。
The archer, far shooting with a silver bow (弓箭).
He wore a purple robe. He usually sat in his bright eastern palace early in the morning and made ready to start his daily journey across the sky.
He was disliked by both parents.
He was the one god who ever had to submit to the power of his inferiors. At one time lack of tact and good judgment led to his shame. He was fighting with two giants , and finding himself no match for the two monstrous creatures , laid down his arms and was imprisoned in chains.
它在英语和文学作品方面的巨大影响力是无法形容的。英语中 的很多单词和语言表达方式都是来自希腊神话。
Gods Heroes
the old theogony : the Tians (旧神谱:奥林匹斯十二泰坦) the new theogony : the Gods (新神谱奥林匹斯十二主神)
PART1:The Olympian Gods and other Deities
1、the Gods 2、other Deities
The ancient Greeks worshiped many gods. Greek gods can be divided into several groups.The earliest group was Titans , led by Cronus . The most powerful group was the Olympians . The Olympians are a group of 12 gods who ruled after the overthrow of the Titans. All the Olympians are related in some way . They are named after their dwelling(住宅,住所)place Mount Olympus.
cloud gatherer,who holds the terrible thunderbolt.
His bird is the eagle, his tree is the oak .
He is married to Hera but,is famous for his many
affairs. He is also known to punish those that lie or break
Hera 赫拉
ZeuQueen of the gods.
Goddess of marriage and childbirth and
takes special care of married women.
06喀俄涅Leabharlann 05罗伊欧01
赫帕波尼亚 人
阿波罗爱上了斯巴达国王的儿子,美少年雅辛托斯,他热爱打猎和体育,阿波罗就殷勤地陪伴他,像仆人一 样替少年拿鱼、牵猎犬,一心陪伴左右。一个黄昏,这对爱侣在原野上掷铁饼玩。当阿波罗抛出金色的铁饼后, 雅辛托斯快活地追赶,却没想到同样爱慕雅辛托斯的西风之神用风吹偏了铁饼的方向,直接击中美少年的头部, 造成致命伤。
阿波罗善良的一面,他曾经帮助迈亚女神的儿子赫耳墨斯进入奥林匹斯神山居住,为了赫耳墨斯,阿波罗曾 经亲自去劝赫拉。甚至为了成功,把赫耳墨斯变成赫拉的儿子阿瑞斯的模样,让赫拉心动,终于同意让赫耳墨斯 进入神山居住。赫尔墨斯曾欺骗过阿波罗,偷过阿波罗的牛(那牛群代表的是一年,不会生育也不会死亡)。但 是他用自己做的七弦琴和阿波罗交换,阿波罗最后还是原谅了他,并把牛送给了他。
Creator of mankind. He shaped man out of mud(泥浆). Protector and benefactor(恩人) of human. He stole fire for mankind ,with the result that he was punished by Zeus. He was chained to Mount Caucasus(高 加索山脉), and every morning an eagle would appeared and ate his liver (肝), which grow back at night.
Brief Introduction of Characters in Greek Mythology
The ancient Greeks worshiped many gods. Greek gods can be divided into several groups.The earliest group was Titans , led by Cronus . The most powerful group was the Olympians . The Olympians are a group of 12 gods who ruled after the overthrow of the Titans. All the Olympians are related in some way . They are named after their dwelling place Mount Olympus.
Cronus(克罗诺斯) : 天空之神。 Rhea(瑞亚) : 时光女神。
阿波罗的爱情故事Apollo, god of sun, is the messenger of light life and love. He is also the god of music and poem, containing grace and wisdom. Besides, he is the god of prophesy and medicine. He stands for health and long life. Because of these abilities, Apollo becomes the most versatile god among all gods on Olympus. He looks handsome very much and full of energy. Many a fairy admires him. Every time he appears, he must be wearing luxurious clothes in a chariot with amounts of fairies surrounding him. Definitely, he is the one envies by other male gods. But what impress me is the laurel crown which is also on his head.One day, Apollo was talking about bow and arrowwith Eros. Apollo, the god of bow and arrow, was very confident to his skill. He laughed Eros that his arrows are toys for entertainment. Eros got very angry, he shot two arrows in Apollo and Daphne to revenge Apollo. The famous story about Apollo started with a revenger. The golden arrow in Apollo made him fall in love with Daphne only with one eye on her. However, the lead arrow made Daphne cold and not have feeling of love even hate it. Apollo was always chasing Daphne restless, but Daphne just wanted to run away from him. Finally, at her request, his father, the god of sea made her a laurel tree to keep away from Apollo. Apollo powerlessly saw his fair lady Daphne becoming a laurel tree. Her hair turned into leaves. Her hands turned into branches.Her legs turned into tree root. But Apollo can not stop it.When he finally was crying under the laurel tree, did he regretted and felt upset his foolish deed, which caused his bad and unfortunate resort. Did he agree that his action impulse killed Daphne and also killed himself.If Eros did not shoot Apollo and daphne at the beginning of this story, Apollo would meet beautiful Daphne in a happy and lovely way and very naturally. Apollo would be attracted by her beauty and Daphne also would fall in love with his confidence and handsome. There must would be an extremely happy ending.it really hurts to think of what if. There is no “if” in the word. The only thingcould not be changed is the past events.In terms of Daphne, turning into a laurel tree is a kind of relief for her to some point. She did not know how to stop Apollo’s fanatical chasing. So s he decided to abandon her freedom to be a laurel tree. She wished time could make Apollo know she does not love him.In terms of Apollo, he picked up a branch of the laurel tree remembering his fair beloved Daphne. Also, the branch is punishing him all the time. Let him not forget that his fault made a fair beloved live as a tree forever. Maybe he will meat other lovers in the future but all of them can not compare with Daphne.。
就这样,Apollo追求,Daphne 逃避,最后Daphne无处可逃,化作了月桂树。
Echo: 森林女神厄科,因说话喋喋不休受到天后的责罚,只允许她重复别人向她说的最后一句话。
echo n. 回声,回音;v. 回响。
Adonis: 他是Aphrodite所恋的美少年,不幸在打猎时被野猪咬死,后被冥府王后Persephone 救活,于是他就半年同Persephone在地下生活,半年同Aphrodite生活。
作为普通名词,adonis 是“美男子”的意思,莎翁的长诗“Venus and Adonis”(Venus是Aphrodite的罗马神话名称)使其家喻户晓。
Stables of Augeas(奥革阿斯的牛圈):意思是“最肮脏的地方:积累成堆难以解决的问题”。
赫剌克勒斯(Heracles) 用一天时间将其打扫干净。
Swan song:在古希腊神话中,天鹅是阿波罗的神鸟,常用来比喻文艺。
介绍太阳神阿波罗跑车的英语作文Introduction to the Apollo Sun God Sports CarThe Apollo Sun God sports car is a true masterpiece of engineering and design. It is a symbol of power, speed, and luxury, and it represents the pinnacle of automotive technology. With its sleek and stylish exterior, the Apollo Sun God is sure to turn heads wherever it goes.The Apollo Sun God is powered by a formidable 6.3-liter V12 engine that produces a mind-boggling 780 horsepower. This engine is mated to a seven-speed dual-clutch transmission, which allows the Sun God to accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in just 2.9 seconds. With a top speed of over 220 mph, the Sun God is one of the fastest cars on the road.But the Apollo Sun God is not just about raw power and speed; it also offers a luxurious driving experience. The interior is lavishly appointed with premium materials, including fine leather and aluminum accents. The seats are comfortable and supportive, and there is plenty of room for both driver and passengers.In terms of handling, the Apollo Sun God is a true marvel. It features a state-of-the-art suspension system that keeps the carplanted to the road, even when cornering at high speeds. The steering is precise and responsive, allowing the driver to navigate tight turns with ease.Safety is also a top priority for the Apollo Sun God. It comes equipped with a comprehensive suite of safety features, including antilock brakes, stability control, and airbags. Additionally, the car's chassis is made from lightweight yet strong materials, which help to protect occupants in the event of a collision.Overall, the Apollo Sun God is a masterpiece of automotive engineering. It is a true supercar that offers blistering performance, luxurious comfort, and top-notch safety features. If you are a discerning car enthusiast who appreciates the finer things in life, the Apollo Sun God is the car for you.。
英语童话故事:阿波罗英语童话故事:阿波罗Among the crowd of Olympian gods the one most widely admired was Apollo.He was the son of Zeus and Let to.According to Greek mythology,Leto was driven by Hera from land to land at last Poseidon took Pity on her and brought the island of Delos out of water for her to live on.There she gave birth to the twins ,Apollo and Artemis.Apollo was me sun-god.He wore a purple robe.He usually sat in his bright eastern palace early in the morning and madeready to start his daily journey across the sky.During the day hed rove his carriage of gold and ivory , and brought light, life and love to the great world below. Iate in the afternoon he came to the end of his journey in the far western sea and got on his golden boat to return to his eastern home.Apollo was the god of music and poetry.He could stir up all feelings.These feelings are expressed in lofty songs.With his lyre of gold and the sweet accents of his godlike voice heled the choir of the Muses at Olympus.The pleasant music from his lyre was so exciting that stones marched into their places in rhythmic time and of their own will when he helped Poseidonbuild up the walls of Troy.On one occasion,invited to a contest by the human musician Marsyas,he won and then flayed him to death for his pride.On another occasion,he lost out toPan at a musical contest and turned the ears of the judge,King Midas,into those of an ass.His son,Orpheus,took over such skill from the father that his lyre moved man and animals alike.Apollo stood for youthful and manly beauty.His goldenhair,stately manner and air all combined to make him theadmiration of the world.A beautiful girl,by the name of Clytle,was so fond of his beauty and glory that from dawn to dusk she knelt on the ground,her hands outstretched towards the sungod,and her eyes looked at his golden wheeled carriage racing across the blue sky.Though her love was not returned,she had never changed her mind about Apollo.The gods were moved at the sad sight,and changed her into a sunflower.在众多的奥林波斯山神中,主神宙斯和雷托之子阿波罗最受推崇。
1. Jupiter - 朱庇特在古罗马神话中,朱庇特是宇宙之神,也是众神之王。
2. Mars - 火星火星在古罗马神话中是战争与冲突之神。
3. Venus - 金星金星是古罗马神话中的爱与美之女神。
4. Mercurius - 水星水星在古罗马神话中是商业与交流之神。
5. Apollo - 阿波罗阿波罗是古罗马神话中的光明与艺术之神。
6. Neptune - 海王星海王星在古罗马神话中是掌管海洋与海洋生物的神明。
7. Pluto - 冥王星冥王星是古罗马神话中的地下王,他统治着地狱。
8. Janus - 雅努斯雅努斯是古罗马神话中的两面神,他是开端与结束之神。
9. Saturn - 土星土星在古罗马神话中是农业和丰收之神。
10. Cupid - 丘比特丘比特是古罗马神话中的爱神,他常常以弓箭射中人们的心脏,使他们陷入爱情。
下面店铺给大家分享关于阿波罗的英语典故,欢迎阅读:Apollo阿波罗Among the crowd of Olympian gods the one most widely admired was Apollo.He was the son of Zeus and Let to.According to Greek mythology,Leto was driven by Hera from land to land at last Poseidon took Pity on her and brought the island of Delos out of water for her to live on.There she gave birth to the twins ,Apollo and Artemis.Apollo was me sun-god.He wore a purple robe.He usually sat in his bright eastern palace early in the morning and madeready to start his daily journey across the sky.During the day hed rove his carriage of gold and ivory , and brought light, life and love to the great world below. Iate in the afternoon he came to the end of his journey in the far western sea and got on his golden boat to return to his eastern home.Apollo was the god of music and poetry.He could stir up all feelings.These feelings are expressed in lofty songs.With his lyre of gold and the sweet accents of his godlike voice heled the choir of the Muses at Olympus.The pleasant music from his lyre was so exciting that stones marched into their places in rhythmic time and of their own will when he helped Poseidonbuild up the walls of Troy.On one occasion,invited to a contest by the human musician Marsyas,he won and then flayed him to death for his pride.On another occasion,he lost out toPan at a musical contest and turned the ears of the judge,King Midas,into those of an ass.His son,Orpheus,took over such skill from the father that his lyre moved man and animals alike.Apollo stood for youthful and manly beauty.His goldenhair,stately manner and air all combined to make him the admiration of the world.A beautiful girl,by the name of Clytle,was so fond of his beauty and glory that from dawn to dusk she knelt on the ground,her hands outstretched towards the sungod,and her eyes looked at his golden wheeled carriage racing across the blue sky.Though her love was not returned,she had never changed her mind about Apollo.The gods were moved at the sad sight,and changed her into a sunflower.。
在希腊神话中,帕⽿那索斯⼭(Parnassus)是⼀座神⼭,是太阳神阿波罗(Apollo)和缪斯⼥神(the Muses)居住的地⽅。
在西⽅,缪斯是诗⼈的保护神,并掌管⽂艺,是诗和⼀切艺术的化⾝,在英语中,(the) Muse表⽰“灵感、诗才;诗⼈;艺术家”。
帕⽿那索斯⼭(Parnassus)因阿波罗和缪斯⼥神的居住⽽成为“艺术的殿堂”,所以to climb Parnassus表⽰“攀登艺术的殿堂”或“从事⽂学艺术创作活动”。
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The great god ApolloApllo,who is my idol, is one of the most important and diverse of the Olympian deities in Greek and Roman mythology.He is worshiped in both ancient Greek and Roman religion, and in the modern Greco–Roman Neopaganism.Why?Among the crowd of Olympian gods, the one I like the best was Apollo.He was the son of Zeus and Leto.According to Greek mythology,Leto was driven by Hera from land to land at last. Poseidon took pity on her and brought the island of Delos out of water for her to live on.There she gave birth to the twins ,Apollo and Artemis.Apollo was the sun-god.He wore a purple robe.He usually sat in his bright eastern palace early in the morning and made ready to start his daily journey across the sky.During the day he roved his carriage of gold and ivory ,and brought light,life and love to the great world below.late in the afternoon he came to the end of his journey in the far western sea and got on his golden boat to return to his eastern home.In other words, Apollo symboled for light, hope, diligence. This was the most important reason why I think Apollo is the god most widely admired. The world had a won’t fade of flowers, that was light. It would open as long as there were people place. Light was the world’s most pure, was also the most warm. Light is always illuminating our future. Let us march forward courageously, will never be destroyed. It is well known that we exist in a world with various difficulties. When we are faced with them, nothing is more important than hope. With hope ,we can find sometimes the question is not as “huge” as we imagine. Without hope, we can not try and exert our strength, and then we will overcome all problems and challenges. If we face the difficulties with hope, then nothing is impossible, brave it out and just do it! Diligence is the key to success. It means persisting in one’s work. It does not mean exerting ourselves all day and all right without rest, food and sleep. The true meaning of diligence is to use time carefully for purpose of improvement , or to work persistently without wasting time. So I think it also is the reason why Apollo’s job is to tell human when is sunrise and sunset. Laziness makes us useless. If we do not study and work hard we shall not be able to earn a living in our community. There will be nothing we can do just because we have failed to learn anything by letting the time pass unused. An English proverb says,’ lost time is never found again’ time is precious and is one of those many things that cannot be purchased with money. Therefore, we make good use of our time and study hard when we are young. Lazy hands make aman poor, while diligent hand s bring wealth.Apollo was the god of music.He could stir up all feelings.These feelings are expressed in lofty songs.This is the reason why I like Apollo.As is known to all, we can drown our sorrow in music when we are unhappy. Music can comfort us and make us happy. So there is much pleasure in listening to music. Besides, music attaches great help to improving our study efficiency, which is because music is more than just sound. It’s a way of thinking. When we listen to music, we are becoming better thinkers too. Furthermore, it is music that makes us get familiar with colorful cultures and broadens our horizons. In addition, there is no doubt that when we are appreciating English songs, we can develop our English listening skills at the same time., music is a magical thing which can free us from sadness. As the proverb says, music is a special gift.What’s more,Apollo is infatuated with Daphne. Daphne was a lovely fairy.One day when she play in the forest,she found Apollo with admiration in his eyes staring at her.Unluckly,Daphne did not love Apollo.So she crossed the desert and forest woods in order to keeping far way from Apollo.But Apollo love Daphne so much. he begged his beloved maiden to slow down. He is afraid of fairies in the stone road might fall and hurt her sparkling skin.Finally,with Daphne’s father help,Daphne turned into a laurel tree.Apllo heave great sighs to embrace the trunk. To show his undying love for the maiden, he decided that the laurel would be his favorite tree, and decided to use it as a kind of honor and prestige of the award, granted it to those eternal poets and poetry.Although Daphne did not love Apllo,Apllo still love her and dedicated all his life to his beloved maiden. I learn much from Apllo’s love.For example,to the world you may be one peron,but to one person you may be the world;Love can overcome everything.Love has no age,no limit and no death and Human nature is so constructed that it gives affection most readily to those who seem least ti demand it,etc.All in all,Apollo represents order,harmony,and civilization in a way that most other Olympian deities cannot quite equal.He is most often associated with the cultivated arts of music and medicine,and his role as the leader of the muses establishes him as a patron of intellectual pursuits.So I love him best.That’s all,thank you.。