
Classification of tea
green tea
black tea
oolong tea
yellow tea
white tea
dark tea
? 红茶black tea
(3)Tea can prevent heatstroke
(4)Tea drinking helps excite center and toning up the ability of doing
sport饮s 茶能刺激中枢神经,增强运动能力。
(5)there are many kinds of vitamins in the tea leaves, They are good for our health.
? Eaat rh清lyo晨mm一e杯o.r茶n,in饿g死c卖u药p家of tea, starve sell medicine
? A day without tea is lag, the three day without tea is disease.
Chinese tea Culture
The origin of Chinese tea Classification of tea Some famous tea in China The benefits of tea Summary
The origin of Chinese tea

中国文化走出去背景下《红楼梦》中茶名英译研究1. 引言1.1 研究背景研究背景:中国文化走出去是当前文化交流与传播的热点话题,中文名词、汉字在国际舞台上越来越受到关注。
1.2 研究意义范例:《红楼梦》作为中国古典文学的巅峰之作,既是一部文学作品,更是一部充满中国传统文化元素的作品。
1.3 研究内容研究内容包括对《红楼梦》中茶名的英译进行系统性整理和分析,探讨茶名在小说中的文化内涵和象征意义。

0* ® 策略看似较多样,译名似乎较贴切,但中国内涵
文化仍未传递,对中国形象的建构也毫无益处。 通过选取十二个样本,并抽取中国十大名
茶,共计50个观测值。①统计以成品茶英译名常 用的翻译策略为衡量标准,以文献所采用的英译 名策略次数统计计数,详见表1。
Maofeng","普洱茶"译为"Puer/Pu^r tea" o 由上 可知,国内成品茶英译名多采用音译法。
《世界茶叶百科全书》(The World Tea Ency clopaedia) 中国茶》(All the tea in China)和英 国茶专家简・佩蒂格鲁的《茶分类:茶爱好者的
伴侣》(Tea Classified: A Tea lover's Companion)等
尽管世界各国对茶的叫法不一,但绝大部分 由中国汉字的读音演变而来。在中国,广州唤 “茶”为“Cha”,厦门称“茶”为“Tae”,长江流域及 华北地区的“茶”音似“Chai” “Zhou ”或者 “Cha”。经由海上丝绸之路传播的“茶”的发音 大都接近福建沿海地区的“Tae”,比如“意大利的 'Te ',英国的'Tea ',法国的’The 荷兰的 'Thee,等。沿陆上丝绸之路向西传播的,音译则 接近中国华北地区的'Cha',如蒙古的’Chai',土 耳其的'Chay'以及印度的'Chaya'等。⑷
2019. 08 No. 08,2019
学术探索 Academic Exploration
2019年08月 Aug. ,2019

探索中国茶文化英语作文English Essay:Title: Exploring China"s Tea CultureChina, the birthplace of tea, boasts a rich and diverse tea culture that has been refined over thousands of years.Tea, known as "Cha" in Chinese, has become an integral part of the nation"s heritage, embodying not only the art of drinking but also a philosophy of life.The history of tea in China dates back to around 2737 BCE when it was first discovered by the legendary Emperor Shennong.Since then, tea has evolved from a medicinal herb to a popular beverage, and eventually to a symbol of elegance and refinement.Chinese tea culture encompasses a wide range of aspects, including tea production, tea ceremonies, tea sets, and the aesthetics of tea drinking.One of the most remarkable aspects of Chinese tea culture is the intricate tea ceremony.This ritualized method of preparing and serving tea is not only about the taste but also about fostering harmony, respect, and tranquility.The ceremony often involves a series of precise movements, from heating the water to brewing and pouring the tea.Each step is performed with grace and mindfulness, reflecting the tea master"s skill and attention to detail.Chinese tea is categorized into six main types: green, black, white,yellow, oolong, and pu"er.Each type has its unique characteristics, production methods, and health benefits.For instance, green tea is known for its refreshing taste and high antioxidant content, while pu"er tea is famous for its aged flavor and ability to improve digestion.Moreover, the appreciation of tea extends beyond the taste and aroma.The act of drinking tea is often accompanied by the appreciation of tea sets, which can be made from various materials such as porcelain, clay, or glass.The design and craftsmanship of these sets contribute to the overall tea experience, adding an aesthetic dimension to the ceremony.In modern times, tea houses have become popular social venues where people gather to enjoy a cup of tea while engaging in conversation, playing chess, or simply relaxing.These establishments provide a tranquil escape from the bustling city life, allowing patrons to immerse themselves in the serene atmosphere of tea culture.In conclusion, China"s tea culture is a treasure trove of history, tradition, and aesthetics.It offers a unique blend of sensory pleasure, social interaction, and spiritual enlightenment.Exploring this multifaceted culture is an enriching experience that allows one to appreciate not only the delicate flavors of tea but also the profound wisdom of Chinese philosophy.中文作文:标题:探索中国茶文化中国,茶叶的故乡,拥有丰富多样的茶文化,这一文化经过数千年的沉淀与提炼,已成为国家文化遗产的重要组成部分。


绿茶green 绿茶green tea
Green Yellow White Oolong Dark Black
Tea Tea Tea Tea Tea Tea
The degree of fermentation
红茶black 红茶black tea
白茶white 白茶white tea
Some useful words and patterns
1.legend:传说, 1.legend:传说,传奇 传说 2.pronunciation: 2.pronunciation:发音 3.classic: 3.classic:经典 4.dialect: 4.dialect:方言 5.character:方块字, 5.character:方块字,汉字 6.legend has it that Shen Nong…was saved when he happened to try some tea leaves.传说中神农在偶然咀嚼了茶叶之后就得救 leaves.传说中神农在偶然咀嚼了茶叶之后就得救 了。 7.“Tea Classic” is widely 的科学著作 recognized as the world’s first
黑 茶
Some famous tea in China
(1)西湖龙井茶 (1)西湖龙井茶 West Lake longjing tea 绿茶 green tea; 中国十大名茶之一 one of the top ten chinese tea, 30多个品牌 30多个品牌 more than 30 brands; 中国政府机构每年都购买超过100kgs的茶叶 中国政府机构每年都购买超过100kgs的茶叶 the central government of china buy more than100kgs every year; (2)洞庭碧螺春茶 (2)洞庭碧螺春茶 Dongting biluochun tea 绿茶 green tea; 中国十大名茶之一 one of the top ten chinese tea; 一个勤劳,善良的孤女,名叫碧螺; 一个勤劳,善良的孤女,名叫碧螺; a hard-working, kind-hearted orphan hardkindgirl, named biluo; 1954年 周总理出席日内瓦会议, 1954年,周总理出席日内瓦会议, 携带2公斤; 携带2公斤; in 1954,premier Zhou attend the Geneva meeting, taking 2kgs;

就开始尝试性提 出针对这 一问题的相关解决思路 。在这一过程 中, 提 出 了药物 减肥法、 体 育运动 减肥 、 甚至 是节食减肥等各种方法。而服 用药品 不仅 对身体有副作用 , 同时也会产 生药物 依赖性, 停止使用后 , 通 常会 出 现体重反弹这一不 良现 象, 事实上并不可取 。而体育有氧运动通 常被认
结合 , 能够商接有效提升人们的健康状况。 在 体 育运 动 开 展 过 程 中 , 加入绿茶饮 用环节 , 解 决 和 突 破 以往 体 育 运 动 单 一枯 燥 的 问题 和 不 足 。同时 体 育 活 动 是 实 现 体质 健 康 的基 础 。当 然在 体 育运 动 中 , 饮 用 绿 茶 也 要 结 合 相 应 的要 求 , 否则 无 法 达 到 其 效 果 。 首先, 是 要 坚 持 合 理 运 动 与 合 理 饮 用 绿 茶 相 结 合 的原 则 , 两者 缺 ‘ 不可。 其次 , 是 要 注 意 饮 用 绿 茶 的浓 度 , 在 根 据 个 人 偏 好 的 基 础 , 不能过 浓。 最后 , 要 注 意 饮 茶 的时 间 , 在运动前 3 0 m i n , 以及运动完 l O mi n后 再饮 用 。 当然 要 坚持 适 量 饮 直接从汉语拼音 出发进行音译 , 导致外国消费者一 头雾水: 忽视文化 差异的存在, 影响外 国消 费者的购买欲 望 。茶 文 化视 野 下“ 茶” 品 牌 商 标 的 英 译 策 略 可 以尝 试 保 留我 国 茶 文化 意 蕴 以 及适 当采 用“ 音译 法” 的方式。
此 基础 上 就 萘 文化 视 野 下“ 茶” 品 牌 商 标 的 英 译 策 略提 出 几 点 建议 。 茶 文 化 与 茶 品 牌 商标 的 关 系主 要 在 于 : 茶 品 牌 商 标 寄 寓 着萘 文 化; 茶 文化 提 升 了荼 品牌 商标 的 品 牌 附 加 值 。当前 国 内茶 品 牌 商 标 的 英 译 误 区 主 要 包括 三 点 : 片 面迎 合 外 国人 的 审 美 观 , 茶 品 牌 商

Hale Waihona Puke 性、 其 它义原 , 计 算相应 的相似度 , 并分别给 出合适 的权 重值 , 由此 计算 出待 测词与基 准词的相 似度 , 最后判断 待测 词的关联 倾向 , 希 望该 方法 的提 出可 以进 ~步加快 中国茶叶 商标的 国际化进程 。 1 茶叶 商标翻译 的内涵 与要求分析 应 该说 , 英译 不只是 简单的翻译 。 不是一般 意义上用英 语对汉字进 行转化 的活动 ,而是在充 分理解原 有语句意义 基础上 的所 进 行的一 次 含 义再创 造过程 。因此 , 想 要用英语来 表达茶文 化 , 需要在 对 茶文化直 接 理解基 础上 , 对 文化的 内容进行深 刻认识 , 通 过扩 展表 达而达 到 的过 程 。对茶文 化进行翻 译和表达 , 不仅是 要实现语 言上的统 一, 更 是将中 英 两种 文化有 效统一 , 并且 在这 一基础 上 , 融入文 化 深刻含 义 , 进 行扩
茶文化 基础上 , 进行意境 传递 。当遇到较深层 次内涵; 的语句1 日 寸 , 如 果能 够深化 表达 , 就 选择深化 表达 。如 果不能深化 表达, 就选 用最 接近的 词 汇予 以替代 、 阐释 , 尽 可 能保 留语 句 原有 意境 , 而翻译 中的 唯美 实质 上就是对 原有 内容及 内涵 进行深化 。 我 国描述 茶文化的 文学作 品已经 深度完 善,因此 只有深入理 解其 中 内涵 , 并且 了解 中西方茶 文化的差 异才有可 能准 确 、 恰 当的用 英译 的 方式来表达 、 阐述茶文 化 。比如在 四大名 著 《 红楼 梦》 中有 篇诗歌 《 冬夜 即事》 中有句诗 歌 : 却 喜侍 儿知试 茗 , 扫 将新 雪及 时烹 。这句 诗歌 的大 致 意思是 : 赶 紧呼唤侍 女 扫将新 雪烹 煮鲜嫩 的茶 叶 。如 果我 们在 英译 时, 直接 按字面 内容进 行翻 译, 那 么不仅 很难 表达 诗歌原 有的 意境 , 同 时 也极不 准确 。因此 , 要翻译这 句话 , 就必 须深 化原 有内涵 。以我 国著 名翻 译家杨 宪益 的翻译 为例 . 可 以充分感 受到 如 何更好 的要 国外读 者 表达 诗 歌 中独有 的茶 情 茶韵 , H a p p i l y t h e m a i d k n o w s h o w t o m a k e g o o d t e a , a n d g a t h e r s u p f r e s h f a l l e n s n o w t o b r e w i t 。杨宪 益老先生在 反映时 , 将原 来诗句 中的知 试茗翻 译为 : “ k n o w s h o w t o m a k e g o o d t e a ” , 将“ 扫将 新雪及 时 烹 ” 翻 译为 : “ g a t h e r s u p f r e s h f a l l e n S  ̄ I O W t o b r e w i t ” , 形 象描绘 了中 国人喝茶的场 景, 可 以说是从传统 茶文化深 入 了解 的基础上 , 所进 行的英译 。

《红楼梦》中常出现的“香片”,可以译为“Fragrant Slice”,这个译名既表达了茶香
《红楼梦》中的“石兰”,可以译为“Stonen Orchid”,这个译名与英语读者能够更好地理解人物情感和交流的背景。
《红楼梦》中的“如意香饼”,可以译为“Lucky Fragrant Cake”,这个译名既表达了人物对茶的喜好,还突出了其身份地位和个性特点。

例如,“龙井茶”可以直接翻译为“Longjing tea”,“毛峰茶”可以直接翻译为“Maofeng tea”。

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几千年来中国不但积累了大量关于茶叶种植、生产 的物质文化、更积累了丰富的有关茶的精神文化, 这就是中国特有的茶文化,属于文化学范畴。
Summary: For thousands of years China has not only accumulated a great deal about tea cultivation, production of material culture, but also accumulated rich spirit of the tea culture, which is unique to China's tea culture, a cultural study areas.
Dongting biluochun tea
•绿茶 green tea; •中国十大名茶之一 one of the top ten chinese tea; •一个勤劳,善良的孤女,名叫碧螺; a hard-working, kind-hearted orphan girl, biluo.
绿茶; 红茶;
3.茶的分类 Classification of tea
green tea;
black tea;
乌龙茶; oolong tea; 黄茶; yellow tea;
绿茶green tea
Байду номын сангаас
white tea;
dark tea (heicha);
红茶black tea
黄茶yellow tea
We can say, China is the homeland of tea, and tea have become the national drink.

中国茶文化英译研究tea drinking is a fundamental part of chinese culture .喝茶是中国文化的基本组成部分。
china is a major producer of tea and is renowned for its skills in harvesting and enjoying tea tea has been one of china's big contributions to the world .中国是茶叶生产大国,以采摘和品尝茶叶闻名,这是中国对世界的一大贡献。
the tea ceremony that is drinking and appreciating tea is a lifestyle, it also reflects the central ideas of taoism, confucianism and buddhism,喝茶、品茶的茶道是一种生活方式,它也反映了道教、儒教和佛教的核心思想,a bination of philosophy and lifestyle through the whole set of ceremony making tea,appreciating tea,smelling tea,enjoying tea friendship is increased traditional virtues etiquette is learned,as it refreshes the mind and clear thoughts.一种哲学与生活方式的结合,通过一整套的制茶仪式,品茶、闻茶、享茶谊,获得了传统美德礼仪,因为它让人神清气爽,头脑清醒。
the spirit of tea ceremony is a core of tea culture.茶道精神是茶文化的核心。
you may have heard of many kinds of tea,but in general they can be divided into six categories according to the degree of fermentation and the prehensive method,你可能听说过很多种茶,但大体上可以根据发酵程度和综合方法分为六大类,green tea,black tea,oolong tea,dark tea,whitetea ,yellow tea.绿茶,红茶,乌龙茶,红茶,白茶和黄茶。


②Biluochun Tea (碧螺春)
●Green tea
●One of the ten famous tea in China
●Biluochun tea has a history of over 1000 years
●And there's a legend about the biluo girl。
Green Tea 绿茶
white tea 白茶
Black Tea 红茶
Oolong Tea 乌龙茶
yellow tea 黄茶
Dark tea 黑茶
①West Lake Longjing Tea (西湖龙井茶) ▲Green tea ▲One of the ten famous tea in China ▲Longjing tea is produced in Longjing village, West Lake, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province
④Anxi Tieguanyin Tea (安溪铁观音) ★Tieguanyin is the best product of Oolong tea, which is a unique Chinese tea category. ★From Anxi County, Fujian Province ★Anxi tieguanyin, appeared in World Expo, Shanghai with "the first of the ten famous tea in China"
It was recorded that tea culture was popularized in the Tang and Song dynasties. And the habit of drinking tea in other parts of the world is passed directly or indirectly from China.

翻译方法 三、厚译法
“普陀佛茶” “西施银芽” “八仙云雾” “文君绿茶” “东坡毛尖”
WenJunGreenTea(WenJun is a talented female in ancient China)
不仅使得茶叶名称由来以及历史蕴意得到了再现, 在茶叶外销过程中,对于中国的文化外传也能够起重 要作用。
“西湖”采用意译 “龙井”则用音译
翻译方法 二、通用译法
例:——以地名或山名来命名 “韶山韶峰” “南岳云雾” “祁门红茶” “金竹云峰茶” 不能为求便利,纯粹的采用拼音,使得茶叶出产的 地方、区域文化在外译的过程中消失殆尽。采用通 用译法,在推广过程中,通过茶名就能溯其源头, 探索其背后的地方文化。
表达品质特点,如茶类品种、造型、色泽、滋味、香气 (佛手,三杯香等)
茶 叶 的 命 名
显示地方特色,表达强烈的地方、地域性 (西湖龙井,庐山云雾茶等) 表达文化特色,暗示历史背景和文化史实 (文君绿茶、普陀佛茶等) 以物喻名 (遂昌银猴,竹筒香茶等)
Bohea rock tea
【英】李约瑟(Dr. Jo-sephNeedham)
作为茶叶起源国以及茶类最 丰富的国度,我国在输出茶文化 的过程中,理应肩负起“正名” 与“分类”的重任,在茶名翻译 过程中不能采用“西方为中心” 的归化译法,这种译法使得茶叶 在国际上分类混乱,范式不通, 使得国内的其他茶叶一直在茶叶 交流与传播的舞台中处于边缘地 位。

直接翻译为 Green Spiral Spring,虽然完美地传达了茶叶的绿色和螺旋形的特点,但无法表达碧螺春所表现的“阔达”的生命力和质朴的人文情怀。
因此,在英译碧螺春时,不妨采用更贴近文化内涵的 The Broad Grace of Helix 等形式,增强读者的阅读审美感受。
在翻译金骏眉这一茶名时,可以考虑选用 The Golden Steed of the Eyebrow 这样的表达方法,让读者不仅可以感受到眉毛般的金色光泽,同时也意味着茶叶丰盈的鲜爽口感和奔马般的热情。
Chinese tea culture (中国茶文化-英文版)

Chinese tea culture(中国茶文化-英文版)商品分类茶叶普洱茶礼品茶安溪铁观音乌龙茶绿茶高山绿茶有机茶大红袍红茶黄茶白茶功能茶花茶特种茶花草茶名牌茶叶中茶牌大益普洱下关普洱彩云红红岁八马茶叶竹叶青龙润普洱七彩云南都市翡翠凤山牌铁观音茶具精品茶具套组特牌茶盘瓷器茶具玻璃茶具电子茶具竹木茶具茶艺茶道石头茶盘紫砂茶具紫砂茶壶唐山骨瓷茶具配件中国红瓷盖碗/公杯茶宠/摆件名牌茶具柏采汝窑龙德堂陶艺东道汝窑真如堂建窑茶具茶枕工坊汉唐茶具卓越陶瓷有口皆杯樱花电茶壶心好电茶壶高航电器宜龙茶具一屋窑恒福茶具祥龙茶具乾唐轩活瓷衡连茶具金灶电茶具76茶具晓芳窑一枕茶园Chinese tea culture(中国茶文化-英文版)China is the hometown of tea, tea, tea has several thousand years of history, pruducts blend of the main varieties are green tea, black tea, Oolong tea, Huacha, white tea, yellow tea. Tea with fitness, the rule of the disease of drug efficacy, the rich enjoy the fun, can cultivate sentiments. Tea, is China's personal guests of the elegant entertainment and social activities, sittingteahouses, tea party are Chinese social groups tea activities. Chinese tea inthe world renowned, came to Japan in the Tang Dynasty, a Japanese tea ceremony.Chinese tea drinking began. Salt to boil the tea water, in accord with nature,Ya-drink taste for tea taste of the inherent lies mood, this is the tea of the characteristics of Chinese tea. The same quality of tea, such as differentwater, tea brewing technology different or mixed, bubble tea to have different results. China since ancient times was very particular about the tea brewing,and has accumulated rich experience. Bubble village, to understand the characteristics of various types of tea, the brew master of science technology,so that the inherent quality of tea can be fully demonstrated.Chinese tea, pay attention to a "goods". "Tea" is not only the identification ofthe pros and cons of tea, Shen Si with an unparalleled sense of taste and the taste of tea Italy. In his busy schedule of the counter; Nongcha a pot, of the Optional Yajing, Zizhenziyin, can eliminate fatigue, Si Yi Di trouble, be inspired, can also slow Chuo fine drink, to the enjoyment of the United Statesso that the spiritual world of sublimation To the lofty realm of art. Tea by the general environment of buildings, gardens, domestic furniture, tea wares, and other factors component. Tea requirements quiet, clean, comfortable, clean. China's world-renowned gardens, scenic landscapes is Bukeshengshu. Use of the natural landscape or garden, Erection teahouse, let people rest, Interest scene.China is an ancient civilization, Liyizhibang, heavy courtesy. Where to the guests, tea, Jingcha the etiquette is essential. When Youke visit, seeking an opinion, the choice of most visitors to taste the best tea and hospitality. Kingoff to tea, tea with the appropriate fight is necessary. In accompany guests tea masters, to the attention of the guests cups, pots of tea residue, the generaluse tea cup if he has to drink half, we should add boiling water, with the drink with Tim, the concentration of tea remained consistent , The water temperature appropriate. In tea may also be accompanied by appropriate Chasi, candy, food, taste and adjust to the dim sum effect.Chinese tea culture and the formation and developmentChina is the hometown of tea, is the world's first discovery of tea, tea and the use of tea cultivation countries. The origin of tea at least the main Qi Wannian history. Tea was found and the use of human, about Siwuqiannian history.The use of tea was first conceived in the wild collection activities. Legend hasit that ancient history "Shennong is Delicate Yuti, to lung liver five internal organs are reflected in its" on the grounds that "if not for Delicate Y uti,taste the medicine on the 1st event of 12 drugs, and why the solution of the«"another said" Shennong tasted Baicao, The case of 12 drugs, a Tu and solutions to. "Although the two can not be said to the letter, but a weak Lingpalygorskite information is noteworthy:" Tu "in the long process of consumption, people pay attention to some of its越来Treatment of the "medicine" by nature. This is a reflection of the times-Hong Huang Yi things.In accordance with "The Book of Songs" and other relevant documentation, in the pre-history, "Tu" refers to all types of wild plants bitterness of food raw materials. Fresh medical unity in the history of the times, the Zhike teavegetable oil, the Qing God, Xiaoshi, in addition to Zhang, medical function isto facilitate wait until it is not difficult for people found. However, thegeneral medical practices for the development of an exclusive drink often, there must also be some special factors, namely, real-life people in a particularneed. Bashu region, to the multiple for Jiyi "Zhang smoke" land. "Barbarian people living with tea, the lack of will." (Ai Qing weeks of "Zhu Guo Travels" Volume II) is often vulgar Bashu people eating spicy side, thousands of habit, still. It is this natural geographical conditions and the resulting decision ofthe people's dietary practices, making Bashu people first "JIANCHALING" Apart from taking to Zhang Qi, antipyretic drugs. Jiufu-Xi, a medicinal purpose gradually Subduction, tea has become a daily drink was. Qin-Ba-Shu, is likely to see this as a daily drink tea customs.Tea from medicinal drink into a regular habit, the strict sense of "tea" wouldthen have its typical signs that "tea" (cha) the emergence of sound. Guo Pu Note "Yi-release", "Jia": "small trees such as gardenia, Dong-Sheng Ye, can be boiledfor soup to drink. As early as today called for the mining, tea, who wasadmitted late Ming, a Chuan, Shuren of the TU. "Clearly, the Han," Tu "has been specifically beverage word" tea "in pronunciation," tea "from" Tu "isolated, and embarked on the" independence "road of development. But "tea" the emergence of the word is accompanied by the development of the tea things and commercial activities have become increasingly frequent, until later in the Tang Dynasty,is also in line with the new symbol of a people's social life after such a text change in the law.China will start from the tea, There are different theories about, the WesternHan Dynasty, tea drinking has been a matter of the official literature, drinkingtea when the starting time earlier than some. Tea appears to cultural characteristics, in the Han, Wei and Jin Dynasty, Northern and Southern Dynasties period.Tea Culture Broadly speaking, the tea at the natural sciences and humanities teain terms of both human society is in the process of historical practice ofcreating and tea-related material and spiritual wealth combined. In a narrow sense, focusing on the human sciences tea, tea mainly refers to the spiritualand social functions. As the science of tea has become an independent system,which now often say the tea culture emphasis on the humanities.▲ the three countries before the tea culture of the EnlightenmentMany of the books found that the tea set for 2737-2697 BC, its history can be pushed to Sanhuangwudi. Eastern Han Hua, "The Fresh": "Kucha for food, meaning benefits" of the medical records of the value of tea. Western Han Dynasty tea tothe county of origin named "Tu-Ling", that is, Hunan Chaling. To San Guowei generation "-Blair" has the earliest documented the method of tea cakes and drinking: Story of the Pakistani Inter-for cake, pie-old man leaves to a pasteof rice. Tea in the form of material and infiltration to other human sciencesand the formation of tea culture.▲ Jin Dynasty, the seeds of the Northern and Southern Dynasties tea cultureWith the rise of the literati tea, the tea poetry Gough increasingly available,tea has been out as a general form of eating into the cultural circles, willplay the spirit of social role. Jin Dynasty, Northern and Southern Dynastiesperiod, Menfa system has been formed, not only the emperor, nobility amassed a wave of officials and scholars generally皆以Doo-ho proud boast, multi-effect Plaster Liang Hou Wei. In this case, some people of insight to "Yang Lian."Thus, there is satisfied that the land, Huanwen to tea and wine at all. South Qishizuwu emperor is a relatively enlightened emperor, he did not Hei Y u Yan, under Yi Zhao before his death, he said after the funeral to be thrifty aspossible, not to Sansheng for offerings, only put more Ganfan, fruit cake and Chafan can. And to "the world Guijian, with such a system." Satisfied that theland, Huanwen, Emperor Wu Qi, where tea is not only refreshing to quench their thirst, it began work in a community, into a tea hospitality, to worship andthat a Kind of spirit and sentiment of the means. Tea has not entirely the useof its natural value used by the people, but entered the spirit of the area.Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties period, the world disorder, allkinds of ideological and cultural exchanges collision, supernaturalism very popular. Metaphysics is the period of the Wei, Jin, a philosophical ideas,mainly糅合Confucian thinking of the Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi-yi. Xuan Xuejia most of the so-called Fellows, the first to the door, the face, the instrument only,Hyun-loving nothingness from the light. Eastern Jin Dynasty, furans North Korea,the affluent Kangnam Scholars to be temporary to meet, hang around all day in Qingshanxiushui between the light winds to continue to develop, resulting inmany light home. Initially there are more than idle talk Jiutu home, and later,talk of the wind gradually developed to the general literati. XuanxueJia-speech, also general-talk rhetoric. Liquor make people excited, but drinkingmore would be stricken manner, nonsense, failed Yaguan. The tea-drinking and may be Jingri always clear, it is clear thinking, calm attitude. Moreover, thegeneral terms of the literati, the whole day dealing with Jiurou, of theeconomy, will not allow. Days, many Xuan Xuejia, talk to wine home from the village. In them, where tea has been treated as a mental phenomenon.With Buddhism, Taoism up, and have tea and Buddhism, Taoism linked. In Taoism, the tea is to help Lian "inner alchemy" or-down muddy, light-weight-for-bones,Xiu Changshengbulao a good way to the body in Buddhism, the tea is a brooding meditation required of Of the show. Although this has not yet formed a complete religious tea ceremony and the ideological principles set out tea, but tea hasbeen divorced from the diet as a form of state, has significant social, cultural functions, the Chinese tea culture初见clues.▲ th e formation of the Tang Dynasty tea culture780, Lu Yu, "the tea," tea culture of the Tang Dynasty is a landmark. Tea has summed up its natural and human sciences double content of the tea arts, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism into the three tea, the pioneering spirit of the Chinese tea ceremony. After tea and a large number of books, poems tea, "tea in", "JIANCHALING water", "Cai Cha", "16 soups." Tang tea culture and the formation of the Zen on the rise, the benefits of tea is refreshing thought, spermatogenic Zhike function, the temple advocates tea, tea trees planted around the temple, the development of the tea ceremony, a tea appear, the firstelection of tea, The matter was tea activities. China's Tang Dynasty in the formof tea ceremony at the palace tea, the tea ceremony of the temple, the literatitea ceremony.▲ the prosperity of the Song Dynasty tea cultureSong tea has been a great development, and promote the development of the tea culture, the literati in a professional Tea Associations, an official of the"social soup", a Buddhist, "1,000 clubs." Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin tea is a嗜of disabilities, in court and authorities in the establishment of tea things, thecourt has been using tea grades. Tea-ceremony system has become, thanks to win over Secretary of tea has become the emperor, with relatives眷an important means, but also give foreign envoys. As for the lower social and vitality of teaculture is more lively, some of movement, the neighbourhood to "Xiancha" You Ke, to respect the "gold ingot tea", when engaged to "tea", the time of the marriageto "the tea", when roommate "A tea." Cha Doo civil wind, has brought Preparing cooking point of a series of changes.Since the Yuan Dynasty, the tea culture has entered a period of twists andturns. Song expansion of the tea culture and the social dimension of cultural forms, tea things are booming, but the tea to complicated, trivial, luxury, lostthe Tang Dynasty tea culture profound ideological connotation, too delicate tea flooded the spirit of the tea culture, lost Its noble profound nature. In court, nobles, scholars there, drinking tea became a "drink at the child" and "drinking style," and "Play tea."Mongol Yuan Dynasty into the Central Plains, the Chinese nation marks the full integration greatly accelerate the pace. On the one hand, although the northern ethnic minorities like tea, but mainly out of life, physical needs, from theculture it has Tea Zhu Ming Fun little things give the other hand, the subdued broken the face of Han culture, Ethnic oppression, but also inadvertently teathing again to express their Merry Ti Tang, and hope that through the performance of their sentiments tea, Grounding their will. These two different ideological trends in the tea culture in the Agreement, to promote the tea tothe simple, Fanpuguizhen direction. Before the middle of the Ming Dynasty, theHan Chinese Thoughts on behalf of the former national cite death, the Jufounding a state is difficult, therefore still with Li Festival at all. Teaculture is still potential for the Yuan Dynasty, the performance for thesimplicity of tea, tea culture and the natural fit fine candy, tea to the plightof their performance.▲ that the universal culture of Qing-ChaAt this point there has been steaming green, Chaoqing, Hong Qing, and other tea,tea drinking has been changed to "minority bubble", many of the Ming Dynasty scholar Aston handed down the left for, such as snowster "Pengcha picture," "Tea map ", Wen Zhengming's" Huishan tea party "," Lu Yu Pengcha plans, "" Tea plans. " The increase in tea, tea art are different, the style of Tea Ware,texture, pattern Qianzibaitai. Tea exports to the Qing Dynasty has become one ofthe official sector, the tea, tea, tea countless poems.▲ the development of modern tea cultureAfter the founding of New China, China's annual output of tea from 1949 to 7500T development in 1998, more than 60 million T. Tea a substantial increase in material wealth for the development of China's tea culture to provide a solid foundation in 1982, set up in Hangzhou, the first to promote tea culture for the purpose of social groups - the "tea house", established in 1983 in Hubei " Lu YuTea Culture Research Society, "1990" were the Federation of Chinese tea "was setup in Beijing, 1993," the China International Tea Culture Research Society "inthe establishment of Island Lake, in 1991 China Tea Museum in Hangzhou West Lake Township officially opened. 1998 China International Tea Cultural Exchange Peace Museum completed. With the rise of tea culture and tea houses throughout the run more. International Tea Culture Symposium has been opened to the fifth sector,has attracted Japan, South Korea, the United States, Sri Lanka and Hong Kong and Taiwan have participated. The main provincial cities and counties in the tea production in the host "Tea Day", such as Fujian's Wuyi Yancha section of thecity, Yunnan's Pu'er tea festival, Zhejiang Xinchang, Taishun, Hubei and Britain Hill, the Tea Festival in Xinyang, Henan abound. To have tea as the carrier, to promote comprehensive economic and trade development.In short, the history of Chinese tea and its development, not just a simple diet of a cultural process, and mapping out the same from top to bottom with a 5,000-year history of the nation's ethosChina's largest tea Monopoly Web site: 新手上路。
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摘 要:茶名是茶文化中一个独特的艺术领域。本文从翻译目的论出发,针对中国茶叶分类及命名,对直译、音译、意译和注释 等茶名英译方法进行探索,以促进中国茶文化的有效译介和传播。
中国是茶叶和茶文化的故乡。在悠久的中国茶文化中,由于茶名 种类繁多,茶名英译中出现了音形相同本质不同、错误关联、一茶多 译及茶名无“茶”等诸多不规范的翻译问题,致使茶名英译极不统一 和不规范。因此,作为对外文化交流的重要一环,中国茶叶名称翻译 亦显得非常重要。本文拟从翻译目的论出发,对中国茶文化中的茶名 英译的问题进行探索。
1 翻译目的论
德国功能派目的论主张,在对茶名进行英译时,一是译者要明确 茶名英译的首要目的,是用英语把中国茶名包含的中文内涵传达出 来,并实现这一特殊的“交际目的”;二是面向译入语目标文化受众和 递目的;三是译者对源语言和目标语言的语体风 格与规范要熟悉。
2 中国茶叶分类及命名
中国地大物博,根据茶叶加工制作方法,中国茶叶常被分为绿 茶、红茶、青茶、黄茶、白茶和黑茶六大类。在这六大类下面,又分为各 种不同的茶,其命名规律也各不相同。茶名是中国茶文化中一个独特 的艺术领域,它不仅将茶叶自身的形、色、香、味、产地等特点艺术性 地融合在一起,还集中传达了中国传统的审美观点、地理历史和乡土 习俗等文化观念。
在直译茶名的同时并加以文内注释,既可以通过直译保持原作 精髓和文化特色,同时通过注释向译入语读者解释源语的特有内涵
基金项目:2016年度河南省社会科学普及规划项目“郑州市汉英公示语翻译普及读物”;2017年度河南省人文社会科学研究规划项目“郑州市公示 语汉英翻译问题及对策研究”。 作者简介:郑玉美 (1975-),女,河南濮阳人,硕士,讲师。研究方向:英语语言学、英语阅读及中西翻译比较。
直译和音译虽保留了源语文化信息,但对译入语读者来说其翻 译出的文化含义不易理解接受;同时,直译和音译并非适用于所有茶 名的翻译,对于极具中国特色文化意象的茶名在英译时,可舍弃源语 表达形式,选择意译把茶名的内涵意义翻译出来。如“云腴”指白色的 肥壮的芽叶,若直译为 yunyu 或者直译为 fat cloud,均丧失了“云腴” 一词在汉语中的文化意蕴,故只能意译为 white buds。另外,“青沱 ” 被意译成 Age Bowl Puer,传达了“普洱生茶”的涵意;“熟饼”被意译 成 Pile Cake Puer,传达了“普洱熟茶”的涵意。 3.4 注释法 3.4.1 直译加注释
从古至今,很多茶叶在文人笔下演化出诸如“瑞草魁”、“仙芝”、 “明月寮”等充满诗情画意的高雅称谓。这些未见其茶、先闻其名的优 美绮丽称谓,让人一股美感由心而生。英译这类茶名时,想要保留原 名中的美妙意象,可采用直译法将中华民族尚美求雅的审美习惯传 达到英语译文中。如“瑞草魁”Queen of Blessed Grasses、“仙芝”Fairy Grass、“明月寮”Bright moon House 等。 3.2 音译法
翻译知名的茶叶时,在英语中如果没有对应的英文单词,可采用 “汉语拼音 +tea”的形式进行音译。如屡次被评为“中国十大名茶”的 “龙 井 ”Longjing Tea、“碧 螺 春 ”Biluochun Tea、“ 铁 观 音 ”Tieguanyin Tea 等在国内外具有一定知名度的茶叶,采用音译是其最佳翻译方 式。对于“产地 + 品种”形式的茶叶,也可使用音译法,如“太平猴魁” Taiping Houkui Tea (产自 安 徽 省 黄 山 市)、“庐 山 云 雾 茶 ”Lunshan Yunwu Tea、“ 黄 山 毛 峰 茶 ”Huangshan Maofeng Tea、“ 信 阳 毛 尖 茶 ” Xinyang Maojian Tea 等。但对在国际市场上没有知名度的茶叶是不 适合采用音译的。
3 茶名英译方法
3.1 直译法 “当源语和目的语受众的认知环境几乎没有差异,并且对商品名
称的认知角度、消费观念、价值取向等趋于一致时,译者可以采用直 译”。大多数中国茶叶名称英译时都可采用此种方法。
对 于 以 形 色 味 命 名 的 茶 叶 ,采 用 直 译 法 进 行 翻 译 ,可 保 持 茶 叶 原名精髓。如“雀舌”Sparrow Tongue,“鸟嘴”Bird Beak,“蝉翼”Ci原 cada Wing,“眉茶”Eyebrow Tea 等,由于其集中体现了中国传统审 美 观 中 鲜 明 比 喻 形 象 特 点 ,采 用 直 译 ,既 保 留 了 形 象 生 动 妙 趣 横 生 的艺术韵味,也对外国受众介绍了中国独特的审美情趣。“红茶”的 英译是“black tea”而不是“red tea”,这是因为早在 17 世纪,英国开 始 在 中 国 大 量 收 购 福 建 武 夷 茶 ,因 其 茶 色 为 黑 ,所 以 直 译 为“black tea”,后 来 茶 学 家 根 据 茶 的 制 作 方 法 和 茶 的 特 点 进 行 归 类 ,武 夷 茶 冲 泡 后 红 汤 红 叶 ,按 其 性 质 属 于 红 茶 类 ,但 由 于 英 国 人 已 经 习 惯 称 武夷茶为“black tea”,所以这一约定俗成的说法就一直沿袭下来,以 指代红茶。
音译出来的英语词汇,应遵循术语的属性要求。其中重要的一点 就是系统性,即具有构成相关术语词汇的能力。从英语术语的这一要 求来看,Puer tea(普洱茶)是一个值得推广的音译词[4]。它形式简单, 比较符合英语词形,又容易构成一系列衍生词汇,如“生普洱”raw Puer、“熟普洱”cooked Puer、“陈年普洱”aged Puer、“大叶普洱”largeleaf Puer 等。相比之下,“铁观音”的音译词 Tie Kwan Yin 和意义词 iron goddess of mercy oolong 都不太具有生成系列词汇能力,对其翻 译放弃与茶树及与观音有关的传说,直接采用汉语拼音 Tie guanyin 可能更好。 3.3 意译法