场发射扫描电镜的样品制备和操作步骤场发射扫描电镜(Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy)是一种高分辨率的电子显微镜技术,可用于观察和分析各种材料的表面形貌和微观结构。
一、样品制备1. 样品的选择:场发射扫描电镜适用于不同种类的材料,如金属、陶瓷、聚合物等。
2. 样品的固定:为了保持样品的形状和结构不变,通常需要将其进行固定。
3. 样品的切割和打磨:有时候,需要将样品切割成适当的尺寸,以便放入样品架中。
4. 样品的真空处理:在将样品放入场发射扫描电镜前,通常需要将其进行真空处理。
二、操作步骤1. 打开电镜系统:在开始操作前,需要将场发射扫描电镜系统打开并进行预热。
2. 放置样品:将样品放置在样品架上,并确保其良好接触。
3. 调整显微镜参数:通过调整电子束能量、聚焦、工作距离等参数,来优化扫描电子显微镜的成像质量。
4. 开始观察:一切准备就绪后,可以开始观察样品。
5. 数据分析:场发射扫描电镜获得的图像可以进一步进行数据分析。
场发射扫描电子显微镜(S-4800)操作规程开机1. 检查真空、循环水状态。
2. 开启“Display”电源。
3. 根据提示输入用户名和密码,启动电镜程序。
样品放置、撤出、交换1. 严格按照高度规定高样品台,制样,固定。
2. 按交换舱上“Air”键放气,蜂鸣器响后将样品台放入,旋转样品杆至“Lock”位,合上交换舱,按“Evac”键抽气,蜂鸣器响后按“Open”键打开样品舱门,推入样品台,旋转样品杆至“Unlock”位后抽出,按“Close”键。
观察与拍照1. 根据样品特性与观察要求,在操作面板上选择合适的加速电压与束流,按“On”键加高压。
2. 用滚轮将样品台定位至观察点,拧Z轴旋钮(3轴马达台)。
3. 选择合适的放大倍数,点击“Align”键,调节旋钮盘,逐步调整电子束位置、物镜光阑对中、消像散基准。
4. 在“TV”或“Fast”扫描模式下定位观察区域,在“Red”扫描模式下聚焦、消像散,在“Slow”或“Cssc”扫描模式下拍照。
5. 选择合适的图像大小与拍摄方法,按“Capture”拍照。
6. 根据要求选择照片注释内容,保存照片。
关机1. 将样品台高度调回80mm。
2. 按“Home”键使样品台回到初始状态。
3. “Home”指示灯停止闪烁后,撤出样品台,合上样品舱。
4. 退出程序,关闭“Display”电源。
注意1. 每天第一次加高压后,进行灯丝Flashing去除污染。
2. 冷场发射电镜一般不断电,如遇特殊情况需要大关机时,依次关闭主机正面的“Stage”电源、“Evac”电源,半小时后关闭离子泵开关和显示单元背面的三个空气开关,关闭循环水。
3. 每半个月旋开空压机底阀放水一次。
4. 待测样品需烘干处理,不能带有强磁性,不能采用铁磁性材料做衬底制样。
5.实验室温度限定在25±5℃,相对湿度小于70% 。
仪器维护1. 每月进行电镜离子泵及灯丝镜筒烘烤。
2. 每半年进行一次机械泵油维护或更新。
场发射扫描电镜工作原理场发射扫描电镜(Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope,FE-SEM)是一种利用电子束扫描样品表面并通过信号与图像处理系统来重现样品表面微观结构的高分辨率电子显微技术。
Fig. 1 External appearance of SU5000 FE-SEM New Schottky FE-SEM, SU5000Shigeaki Tachibana *1 William Podrazky *2Introduction1. Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) are used for observation and analysis in various fields. Since Field Emission SEM (FE-SEM) equipped with a field emission electron gun source provide higher resolution than those equipped with a thermionic emission electron gun source, the user base for FE-SEM has broadened significantly due to the need to observe specimen features continually decreasing in size. FE-SEMs are increasingly recognized as a tool for performing various surface analyses, however detection technologies for various signals generated from specimens have advanced beyond topographic observation alone. Typically the operator must utilize previous knowledge, training, and skill in microscopy to generate desirable results; therefore, optimal performance may vary based on experience level. For example, optimal performance may not be realized as a result of improper optical axis alignment or astigmatism correction, utilizing unsuitable accelerating voltage(s), or other parameters. Integrating an automated solution for these problems would allow the user to focus on obtaining comprehensive results under the best possible conditions at all times. Hitachi High-Technologies has developed a novel user interface which augments conventional SEM techniques to assist these problems. The “EM Wizard” user interface was developed to bring “new usability” to EM operators of various levels of experience. This Schottky FE-SEM, the SU5000, incorporated with EM Wizard interface, launched in August 2014 (Fig. 1).Fig. 2 EM Wizard, objectives selection screen.New Interface: EM Wizard2. With EM Wizard, rather than setting individual conditions such as the accelerating voltage, working distance, detector, and other parameters, the operator can select an “Observation Purpose,” such as “Surface Information” or “Elemental Information,” from a selection menu (*2). On the screen, a Radar Chart displays the type of content that will be acquired (resolution, surface information, elemental composition), and a simulated SEM image representing how a specimen will appear under each observational objective. This information provides a visual understanding of SEM image characteristics that can guide the operator in selecting these objectives (Fig. 2). When an “Observation Purpose” is selected, related system parameters are set automatically (e.g., accelerating voltage, working distance, detector), and optical axis parameters as well as astigmatism corrections are adjusted to optimal values. Simply by adjusting the brightness/contrast and focus, the operator can easily acquire high quality images at consistent resolution. In addition to an applications selection menu, what makes these functions possible are high-precision automation technologies initially developed for Critical Dimension (CD) SEM. CD-SEM are entirely automated, and must provide highly reproducible measurements, optical axis alignments, and other adjustments; EM Wizard has been designed to use these automation technologies to reproduce and maintain highly precise adjustments invariably. Because optical axis alignment and astigmatism correction values change with lens conditions over time, they cannot be maintained for long periods, even if stored in the system. However, EM Wizard includes an auto-calibration function which automatically restores parameters to optimal values responsive to long-term changes in lens conditions (*3), eliminating any need for proficiency in readjustment procedures. This feature makes it easier for the operator to obtain images in focus, maintain high reproducibility, and acquire data efficiently. Figure 3 is an example of a catalyst observed at 200,000× magnification after auto-calibration with the use of EM Wizard. Metal particles several nm in size are discernible during operation without complex adjustment.Fig. 4 Observation of lithium ion battery positive electrode. Left: Secondary electron image. Right: Backscattered electron image.Magnification: 25,000×.Fig. 3. Catalyst observation. Magnification: 200,000×Low-energy observation3. In addition to the assistance functions provided by automation as shown above, the SU5000 is equipped with optical and detection systems suitable for any variety of analysis required. The emitter used is a Schottky-type device which delivers a spatial resolution of 2.0 nm at 1 kV (*4) and high probe current (>200 nA). Figure 4 is an example of the positive electrode of a lithium-ion battery observed at a landing voltage of 0.3 kV. The positive electrode of Lithium ion batteries is comprised of an active substance consisting of conductors, binders, and other elements. However, some binder materials cannot withstand electron beam irradiation and must be observed at the lowest possible energy. The left image in Fig. 4 was produced by a secondary electron detector mounted inside the electron column, and the right image was produced by a backscattered electron detector inserted below the lens. In the secondary electron image, the binder appears dark by voltage contrast, while the backscattered electron image allows for distribution of contrast based on each material. In this example, multiple signals are used to evaluate different components of the electrode including topographic and compositional distributions. It is inferred that the enhanced voltage contrast in the secondary electron image is attributed to differences in the charge effect of each material due to the secondary electron generation efficiency when irradiated by very low-energy incident electrons.4.Concluding RemarksThe SU5000 was developed to address the various needs of SEM users in materials science, biomedicine, and many other fields. As the FE-SEM grows in popularity, Hitachi will continually place importance on functions such as EM Wizard, which are capable of providing high-resolution and optimized contrast images with high reproducibility, regardless of the user experience level.(*2)Patent No. 5416319(*3)Patent No. 5464534(*4)With use of deceleration mode (optional)ReferencesSato M., History of Technologies in high resolution SEM, Kobunshi, 9 (2014)(Japanese).Authors*1 Shigeaki Tachibana, Hitachi High-Technologies Corp., Marketing Department*2 William Podrazky, Hitachi High-Technologies America, Inc.。
Hitach〔日立〕S-4800 型扫描电子显微镜培训材料一、留意事项:1、严禁没有操作资格的人员操作电镜;2、操作人员要严格依据操作规程进展操作,在仪器产生特别时要准时报告全部事实;3、样品制备严格依据要求进展,特别是磁性样品;4、严禁在试验室吃东西,保持试验室清洁卫生;5、不允许在试验室内使用水槽;6、制止在试验室内使用产生大量粉尘的物质;7、不得在试验室内大声喧哗、扰乱正常工作;8、留意试验室内湿度应当在60%以下,留意下水管漏水状况。
2、介绍S-4800 及能谱的组成局部、电源掌握。
3、先翻开循环水开关,再翻开主机Display 开关。
4、检查离子泵IP1、IP2、IP3 的数据并记录。
5、进入掌握主机桌面,双击图标进入S-4800 的掌握软件。
6、每天开头工作前做Flashing 2 一次,加电压,观看vext 数值〔例如3.8KV〕,假设跟上一次做完flashing 之后的数值〔例如3.7KV〕差异小于0.2KV,则记录此值。
假设与上次相比差异大于0.2KV〔例如本次做完flashing 后vext 数值为4.0KV〕,则需再做一次flashing2,差值应当减小到0.2KV 以内,记录此vext数值。
场发射扫描电子显微镜安全操作及保养规程1. 引言场发射扫描电子显微镜(Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope,FE-SEM)是现代科学研究中常用的一种实验设备。
2. 安全操作规程2.1 个人安全 - 在使用FE-SEM之前,使用人员应接受相关培训,了解设备的基本操作方式和安全注意事项。
- 在操作过程中,使用人员应佩戴适当的个人防护装备,包括防护眼镜、手套和实验服等。
- 在进行样品处理和加载时,应注意避免接触有毒或腐蚀性物质,并采取适当的防护措施。
- 若出现设备故障或异常情况,应立即停止操作并向相关人员报告。
2.2 设备安全 - 在操作之前,应检查设备的电源、冷却系统和真空系统是否正常工作。
- 禁止在离设备太近的地方放置易燃、易爆物品。
- 避免使用金属工具或其他尖锐物品直接接触设备,以免损坏设备外壳或导致电气短路。
- 在操作时,确保设备周围没有杂物或其他障碍物,以免影响操作或造成伤害。
2.3 样品处理与装载 - 检查待测样品是否符合FE-SEM的尺寸和材料要求。
- 在进行样品处理和装载时,避免给样品带来静电或其他污染源,保持样品表面干净。
- 使用合适的工具和技术进行样品装载,确保样品与设备接触良好。
3. 设备保养规程3.1 日常清洁 - 定期清洁设备外壳和工作区域,避免尘埃和杂物积累。
- 使用清洁棉布或软刷,避免使用酸性、碱性或腐蚀性溶剂来清洁设备。
- 定期清理样品台和探针,确保设备在正常工作状态下进行观察。
3.2 真空系统维护 - 定期检查真空泵和真空管路的密封性能,确保系统处于正常工作状态。
- 定期更换真空泵的油封、滤芯等易损件,延长设备使用寿命。
- 注意监测真空度的稳定性,如发现异常应及时处理。
3.3 电子枪维护 - 定期检查电子枪的工作状况,清洁电子发射区域,避免灰尘和污垢的堆积。
JEOL JSM-7500FA 场发射扫描电子显微镜使用说明书
Instructions f or o perating J EOL J SM-‐7500FA a nalytical field e mission s canning e lectron m icroscope a t Nanomicroscopy C enterVersion 2.1 (April 2011)Juuso K orhonen (***********************)Latest v ersion o f t his d ocument c an a lways b e d ownloaded f rom:k.fi/en/instruments/sem/jsm-‐7500fa/SEM-‐instructions.pdfOfficial i nformationNew u ser t rainingInexperienced u sers h ave a c ouple o f o ptions, l isted b elow i n t he o rder o f preference.1.Ask f or t raining f rom t he m ost e xperienced S EM u ser o f y ourresearch g roup.2.Attend t o t he c ourses T fy-‐125.4313 a nd T fy-‐125.4314 M icroscopyof n anomaterials (5+5 c r). T hey a re l ectured e ach s pring b y P rof.Janne R uokolainen.3.Ask o ne o f t he a dministrators t o a rrange a t raining s ession.a.Small g roups o f 2-‐3 p eople a re p referred f or t he t rainings.Allow s ome t ime t o g ather e nough p eople f or t he g roup.b.Training i s d one u sing a p ractice s ample a nd p ersonalsamples a re u sually n ot i maged.Experienced u sers c an c ontact o ne o f t he a dministrators f or a s hort introduction t o t he e quipment.Every n ew u ser h as t o b e a pproved b y o ne o f t he a dministrators b efore t hey are a llowed t o u se t he S EM o n t heir o wn. T he a dministrator k eeps a s hort (15-‐30 m in) s ession w here t he e ssential s kills o f t he u ser a re c hecked. User a pplicationUser a pplication h as t o b e f illed i n o rder t o g ain r eservation a ccess t o a ny o f the N MC e quipment. T he f orm c an b e f ound f romk.fi/en/documents/nmc_user_application_form.pdf a nd i t i s returned t o o ne o f t he a dministrators f or a pproval.PricingBilling i s d one u sing t he c urrent N MC p rice l ist. C ontact P rof. J anne Ruokolainen f or t he m ost c urrent l ist. P lease n ote t hat i ndividual t raining given b y t he a dministrators w ill a lso b e c harged.Precautions – r ead c arefully•Always c heck t he l iquid n itrogen l evel a nd f ill i f n ecessary.o First u ser o f t he d ay a lways f ills t he t ank.•Keep a ll p arts c lean a nd c lean t hem i f n ecessary w ith e thanol.o Wear g loves w hen h andling h olders.•Fill t he l og b ook o n t he c omputer.o Mark a ny s trange b ehavior o r p roblems t o t he l og b ook.•If s omething i s m issing f rom t he S EM o r f rom t he s ample p reparation room (e.g. g loves, e thanol, h olders, c arbon t ape), p lease i nform o ne o fthe a dministrators (send e mail o r c all).•Use o nly f eatures y ou a re t rained t o u se. F or e xample, d o n ot u se EDS o r R BEI i f y ou d on’t k now h ow t o o perate t hem s afely.•Use o f U SB s ticks i s s trictly p rohibited d ue t o s ecurity i ssues a nd hardware i ncompatibility.•Stay c alm a nd u se y our c ommon s ense.•Contact a dministrators i f y ou a re i n d oubt. C ontact i nformation i s found o n t he l ast p age o f t hese i nstructions.Quick s tartup p rocedure1.Turn o n b oth m onitors a nd c heck t hat S EM s oftware a nd u sage l og(Excel) a re r unning. S tart t hem i f n ecessary. L og i n a s G uest (nopassword).2.Check t he l iquid n itrogen l evel a nd f ill i f n ecessary. T he f irst u serof t he d ay a lways f ills t he t ank.3.Fill t he u sage l og:a.Date, s tart t ime (and e nd t ime).b.Your n ame (and t he n ame o f y our h ost i f y ou d o n ot h avereservation p ermissions).c.Vacuum l evels b efore s tarting.d.Amount o f f illed l iquid n itrogen (write “0” i f y ou o nlychecked t he l evel).e.Write n otes a nd c omments t o t he l ast f ield i s n ecessary.f.Save t he f ile (Ctrl-‐S).4.Prepare y our s ample.5.Insert s ample i nto m icroscope:a.Press E xchange p osition.b.Press a nd h old V ENT f or c a. 1 s ec. O pen s ecuring l atch. W ait.c.Open c hamber a nd i nsert h older a long t he d irection o f t hearrows.d.Close c hamber.e.Press a nd h old E VAC f or c a. 1 s ec. W ait u ntil b linking s tops.f.Operate t he r od t o m ove t he s ample t o t he s tage. I f y ou’re n otabsolutely c ertain h ow t o d o t his, r ead t he d etailedinstructions!g.Take o ut t he r od.6.Wait u ntil v acuum l evel r eaches l ess t han 5⋅10-‐4 P a.7.Set E mission c urrent t o 10 μA.8.Select A cceleration v oltage.9.Press O bservation O N.Shutdown p rocedure1.Press O bservation O FF t o t urn o ff a cceleration v oltage.2.Press E xchange p osition.3.Take o ut h older u sing t he r od.4.Press a nd h old V ENT f or c a. 1 s ec. O pen s ecuring l atch. W ait.5.Open c hamber a nd t ake o ut t he h older.6.Close c hamber.7.Press a nd h old E VAC f or c a. 1 s ec.8.Mark e nding t ime a nd o bservations t o U sage l og a nd s ave f ile (Ctrl-‐S).9.Set S EM M onitor s oftware t o n ormal s ettings:a.Exchange p osition p ressed (green).b.Mode: S EMc.Magnification: m inimum f or b oth S EM a nd L Md.Probe c urrent: 810.Turn o ff s pecial f eatures y ou h ave u sed: I mage r otation, d ynamicfocus, e tc.11.If y ou m ade a ny c hanges i n t he O peration S ettings m enu, c hangethem t o n ormal v alues (scan s peeds, i mage f unction, e tc.).12.Clean t he h olders w ith e thanol i f n ecessary.13.Clean t ables. I f y ou w ant t o s tore y our s amples, m ark t hem w ith y ourname a nd p ut t hem o nto a s helf. T hings l eft o n t he t able a re t hrowninto t he t rash.14.Transfer y our i mages f rom t he s mall c omputer o n t he b ack t able.You c an f ind y our f iles a t t he n etwork d rive c alled H arley.e U SB s tick, S SH, e mail, o r b urn a C D.b.The f iles c annot b e t ransferred d irectly f rom t he S EMcomputer d ue t o s ecurity r easons.15.Turn o ff m onitors. D o n ot l og o ut f rom t he s oftware o r c lose t heExcel l og b ook.Changing s ample1.Press O bservation O FF t o t urn o ff a cceleration v oltage.2.Press E xchange P osition t o m ove t he s tage t o c orrect p osition.3.Take s ample o ut b y o perating t he r od.4.Press a nd h old V ENT f or c a. 1 s ec. t o f lush c hamber a nd o pen l atch.Wait.5.Open c hamber a nd t ake o ut s ample (pull a long t he a rrows, n ot u p).6.Change s ample a nd i nsert h older a long t he a rrows.7.Close c hamber a nd s ecure w ith l atch.8.Press a nd h old E VAC f or c a. 1 s ec. W ait u ntil b linking s tops.9.Insert s ample b y o perating t he r od. T ake o ut r od.10.Wait u ntil c hamber v acuum r eaches 5⋅10-‐4 P a b efore t urning o nacceleration v oltage.Special f eaturesThis i s o nly a q uick r eference. S pecial t raining i s r equired t o u se R BEI o r E DS, because o f s afety i ssues.Infrared c ameraYou c an s ee i nside t he c hamber u sing t he i nfrared c amera.1.Switch c amera o n f rom t he b utton o n t he t able.2.From S EM s oftware s elect N avigator -‐> I nfrared c amera3.Turn c amera o ff w hen u sing R BEI o r E DS.Probe c urrent m eterProbe c urrent m eter c an b e u sed t o c heck t he c urrent g oing t o t he s ample. I t is m ost i mportant i n E DS a nalysis.1.Insert t he d etector b y c hecking P CD f rom t he b ottom r ight c orner o fSEM s oftware.2.Take o ut d etector a fter y ou h ave r ead t he c urrent f rom t he S EMsoftware.Retractable b ackscattering d etector (RBEI)Backscattering d etector i s u sed t o d istinguish b etween e lements o n t he sample.1.Set w orking d istance t o 8 m m o r m ore.a.Inserting R BEI w ith l ess t han 8 m m b etween t he s ample a ndthe o bjective l ens w ill r esult i n s erious d amage.2.Turn o ff i nfrared c amera.3.Insert d etector b y c hecking R BEI f rom t he b ottom r ight c orner o f t heSEM s oftware.4.Select C OMPO o r T OPO f or i mage m ode (same m enu a s S EM a nd L M)and u ser a s low s canning s peed f or o bservation.X-‐ray a nalysis (EDS)This g uide i s n ot a dequate f or p roper o peration o f E DS, b ut i s o nly a q uick reference f or t rained u sers.1.Set w orking d istance t o e xactly 8 m m.a.Focus w ith Z h eight u sing t he r ing o f t he s croll w heel i nsteadof F OCUS.2.Insert R BEI.3.Turn o n b ias v oltage b y c licking t he l ightning i ndicator.a.Wait u ntil c ount r ate s tabilizes.4.Select A nalysis f rom t he r ight s ide o f S EM s oftware.5.Click D T (dead t ime) a nd s elect T4 f rom t he l ist.6.Adjust p robe c urrent s o D T b ecomes g reen (around 20-‐30 %) a ndcount r ate i s c a. 2000-‐3000 c ps.7.Take s pectra, l ine s can, o r m apping u sing t he a ppropriate b uttons.8.When a sked a bout s aving t o a n etwork d rive, s elect O K.9.Save t he a nalysis b efore e xiting a nalysis m ode i n o rder t o b e a ble t oreturn t o t he a nalysis l ater.a.Exporting o nly s aves t he i mage a nd y ou c annot r eturn t omake m ore a nalysis o n t he d ata.10.When y ou a re f inished w ith a nalysis, t urn o ff t he b ias v oltage a ndtake o ut R BEI.Saving E DS s pectraIf y ou w ant t o b e a ble t o p lot y our E DS s pectrum, s elect E xport a nd t hen select M SA f ile. I t w ill s ave t he s pectrum i n a c ompatible f ile f or u se i n O rigin, Excel, o r s ome o ther p lotting p rogram.Detailed i nstructionsOperating t he r od (sample e xchange m echanism)This p rocedure d escribes h ow t o u se t he s ample e xchange m echanism i norder t o e ither r emove o r i nsert a s ample h older i nto/from t he m icroscope.Read t his s ection c ompletely t hrough b efore p roceeding a nd m ake s ure t hatyou u nderstand e very s tep.Precondition: T he e xchange c hamber i s i n v acuum a nd t he d oor s eparatingit f rom t he m icroscope i s o pen. C onfirm t hat E VAC l ight i s l it a nd n otblinking. D epending o n w hether y ou a re i nserting o r t aking o ut a s ample, t heholder m ight b e i n t he e xchange c ompartment (HLDR l ight i s o ff) o r i nsidethe m icroscope (HLDR l ight i s o n).See t he v ideo o n t he c omputer d esktop f or a d emonstration. U PDATE: T hefigures a re f rom a n o ld v ersion o f r od.1.Push t he b ar i nside t he m icroscope b y f ollowing t he p rocedure:a.Lower t he r od t o h orizontal l evel, w hile l ightly h olding i tback.b.Let t he r od b e p ulled i n s lowly.c.Push t he b ar g ently a ll t he w ay i nside u ntil i t s tops (d).•There i s a l ittle r esistance a t t he f inal c ouple o fcentimeters.•The s ample s hould b e n ow e ither r eleased f romthe b ar o r a ttached t o i t (depending o n w hetheryou a re i nserting o r r emoving t he h older).•If y ou h ave n ot p ushed t he s ample a ll t he w ayinside a nd s tart t o p ull b ackwards t here i s adanger t hat t he s ample h older w ill f all t o t hebottom t he s ample c ompartment. I f t his h appens,the w hole s ample c ompartment h as t o b e o pened.Contact S EM a dministrators i n t his c ase.2.Pull t he b ar o ut f rom t he m icroscope u sing t he f ollowingprocedure:a.Pull t he b ar o ut a s f ar a s i t c omes (e).•The t wo a rrows o n t he h older s hould a lign w iththe p ipe e nd.•If y ou h ave n ot p ulled f ar e nough, t he r od m ightbe d amaged d uring t he l ift.b.Lift t he r od u pwards t o v ertical.•Now y ou s hould e ither h ave t he s ample i nside t hemicroscope o r i n t he e xchange c ompartment a ndthe e xchange c ompartment i s i n v acuum.Opening t he s ample e xchange c ompartmentThe f ollowing p rocedure d escribes h ow t o b ring t he e xchangecompartment t o a tmospheric p ressure.Precondition: T here i s n o s ample i nside t he m icroscope o r i t h as b eenbrought t o t he e xchange c ompartment, a nd t he e xchange c ompartment i sin v acuum. F irst c heck t hat H LDR l ight i s o ff o n t he s ample e xchangecompartment (i.e. t here i s n o s ample i nside t he s ample c ompartment).Figure. S ample e xchange r od1.Pressurize t he e xchange c ompartment:a.Press a nd h old (for a bout 1 s econd) t he V ENT b utton o n t heexchange c ompartment.i.The b utton s tarts t o b link a nd y ou h ear s ome s ounds.ii.In a f ew s econds, t he d oor b etween t he e xchangecompartment a nd t he s ample c ompartment c loses.You c an o bserve t his b y e ar a nd b y l ooking a t t hebottom r ight c orner o f t he S EM M onitor.2.Open t he l atch a s s oon a s y ou h ear t he c lick.3.Open t he e xchange c ompartment d oor (it s hould o pen a lmost b yitself).a.You d o n ot n eed t o w ait u ntil t he p umping h as s topped.b.The c ompartment w ill c ontinue p urging f or a f ixed a mount o ftime. Y ou d o n ot h ave t o w ait u ntil i t s tops a nd y ou c anevacuate i t a s s oon a s y ou l ike.4.Now y ou h ave t he s ample c ompartment o pen a nd r eady f orloading/unloading t he s ample h older.Inserting a s amplePrecondition: T here i s n o s ample i nside t he s pecimen c hamber a nd exchange c ompartment i s i n v acuum. F irst c heck t hat H LDR l ight i s o ff o n the e xchange c ompartment (i.e. t here i s n o s ample i nside).1.Move t he s tage t o e xchange p osition:a.Click E xchange P osition o n t he S EM M onitor.i.If b utton i s n ot v isible, c lick "Specimen" f rom t herightmost e dge o f S EM M onitor.ii.Make s ure t hat E XCH P OSN i s l it o n t he e xchangecompartment, b efore p roceeding.2.Bring t he e xchange c ompartment t o a tmospheric p ressure b yfollowing p rocedure i n s ection “Opening t he s ample e xchangecompartment”. Q uick n otes:a.Press a nd h old V ENT f or c a. 1 s ec.b.Open l atch. W ait.c.Open c hamber d oor.3.Put o n g loves i f y ou d o n ot h ave t hem a lready o n.a.Parts t hat a re i n c ontact w ith t he v acuum s hould b e k eptabsolutely c lean. I f y ou h ave t ouched s ome p art, c lean t he p artwith e thanol (not a cetone).4.Insert h older t o t he s pecimen c huck:a.Slide t he s pecimen h older i nto t he s pecimen c huck a long t hearrow d irection o n t he s pecimen h older.5.Check t hat t he O-‐ring s eal o n t he d oor i s O K a nd w ipe i t w ith a c leanglove i f n eeded t o g et r id o f a ny d ust.a.If t he r ing i s r eally d irty, w ipe i t w ith e thanol o r i sopropanol(do n ot u se a cetone o r m ethanol).6.Close t he c hamber d oor a nd s ecure i t w ith t he l atch.7.Evacuate t he c ompartment b y p ressing a nd h olding E VAC (forabout 1 s econd). T he l ight w ill s tart b linking.a.Wait u ntil t he l ight s tops b linking a nd t he d oor s eparatingthe e xchange c ompartment i s c losed. Y ou c an o bserve t hisfrom t he b ottom r ight p art o f t he S EM M onitor.8.Insert t he s ample h older i nside t he m icroscopea.Refer t o s ection “Operating t he r od” i f i n d oubt.9.A p opup w indow s hould a ppear o n t he S EM M onitor. N ow s elect t heappropriate h older a nd s et t he o ffset v alue.a.If p opup d oes n ot a ppear, t ake o ut t he h older a nd i nsert i tagain.10.Wait u ntil t he v acuum l evel r eaches 9.6·10-‐5 P a (if t hat i s n otpossible, w ait a t l east u ntil 5·10-‐4 P a).Taking o ut s amplePrecondition: T here i s a s ample i nside t he m icroscope a nd e xchange compartment i s i n v acuum. F irst c heck t hat H LDR l ight i s o n o n t he s ample exchange c ompartment (i.e. t here i s a s ample i nside) a nd E VAC l ight i s o n and n ot b linking.1.Click O bservation O FF t o t urn o ff a cceleration v oltage.2.Click E xchange P osition t o m ove t he s ample h older t o t he e xchangeposition.a.Make s ure t hat E XCH P OSN i s l it o n t he e xchangecompartment b efore p roceeding.3.Bring t he s ample t o t he e xchange c ompartment b y o perating t herod.a.Refer t o s ection “Operating t he r od” i f y ou a re n ot a bsolutelycertain h ow t o d o t his.4.Pressurize t he e xchange c ompartment:a.Press a nd h old V ENT f or c a. 1 s ec u ntil i t s tarts t o b link.b.Open s ecuring l atch. W ait.c.Open c hamber d oor.5.Now y ou h ave t he s ample c ompartment o pen a nd y ou a re r eady t akeout y our s ample. I f y ou a re d one w ith t he i maging, j ust c lose t heexchange c hamber a nd e vacuate i t o therwise c ontinue w ith i nsertinga n ew s ample. D o n ot l eave t he c hamber o pen f or a l ong p eriod o ftime, b ut e vacuate i t i f n eeded.Sample h oldersSample h olders c onsist o f a b ase p art a nd a n a dapter p art (show o n t he f igure right). T here a re t hree d ifferent a dapters f or d ifferent s pecimen s tubs s hown in t he f igure b elow (a, b , c , d ).The m ost b asic h olders a re t he 12.5 m m (b-‐1) a nd 25 m m (c-‐1) a luminum “JEOL” s tubs . T hey s hould b e u sed w henever p ossible. S tubs s hould a lways b e available a t t he s ample p reparation r oom, b ut y ou c an a lso o rder y our o wn ones e .g. f rom E MS (order n umbers 75730, a nd 75700). T he u se o f r egular holders i s i ncluded i n t he o peration p rice o f t he m icroscope.Also “mini-‐stubs” a re a vailable f or u se w ith a p rovided a dapter. T hey a re preferred f or s mall s amples. T hey c an b e o rdered f rom T ed P ella (order numbers 16180, a nd 16181).For s pecial o ccasions, a H itachi a dapter (a) c an b e u sed. S pecial c are m ust b e taken w hen u sing t hese h olders, b ecause t hey l ack s ome s afety f eatures. Ask a dministrators, i f y ou h ave s pecial r equests f or h olders. T here a re a lso different k inds o f c ross-‐section h olders a vailable. A sk t he a dministrators f or more i nformation.Attaching a dapter t o b ase p arta) Make s ure t hat p arts a re n ot d irty, c lean i f n ecessary. b) Place a dapter o n t he b ase p art.c) Tighten s crew o n t he b ase p art l ightly.Figure. A ttaching a dapter t o base p art.Figure. 12.5 m m a nd 25 m m "JEOL" stubs.Figure. "Mini-‐stubs" a nd 12.5 m m a dapter.Figure. C ross-‐section holders.Sample h eightAlign t he t op o f t he s ample w ith t he g roove i nside t he J EOL a dapter p art. U se the s crew o n b ottom t o r aise o f l ower t he s ample. W hen u sing a nother holder, m ake s ure t hat h eight f rom t able t op l evel i s e xactly 25 m m.CoatingFor n on-‐conductive s amples a c oating i s u sually n eeded f or o bservation i n SEM. T his c an b e e asily p erformed b y u sing s putter c oating o f g old, p latinum, or g old-‐palladium. T here i s a s putter c oater a t N MC, w hich c an b e u sed f or this p urpose. R esolution l imiting f actor i s t he g rain s ize, w hich i s u sually 5-‐20 nm d epending o n t he c onditions o f s puttering.Also c arbon c oating c an b e u sed t o m ake s amples c onductive. I t i s a nappealing m ethod, w hen d oing X -‐ray a nalysis. I t c reates a v ery u niform l ayer without n oticeable grains.Figure. A lign t op o f stub w ith t he g roove on t he s ample holder.Basic m icroscope o perationBasic c onceptsWorking d istance a nd Z v alueWorking d istance (WD) v alue s ets t he e ffective f ocal l ength o f t he o bjective lens.Z h eight v alue s ets t he d istance o f t he (supposed) s urface l evel o f t he s ample from t he o bjective l ens.These t wo v alues a re e qual, w hen t op o f s ample i s a ligned w ith t he t op o f the h older (ie. 25 m m h igh f rom t able l evel, s ee f igure). W D > Z, i f y our sample i s l ower t han t he c orrect l evel a nd v ice v ersa. I f W D < Z y ou n eed t o set t he S ample O ffset v alue a ccordingly.Sample o ffsetThe h eight o f t he t op l evel o f t he s ample m easured f rom t able t op l evel should b e e xactly 25 m m. T he s ample c an b e s et a lso 0-‐4 m m h igher t han t he nominal l evel, b ut t hen t he S ample O ffset v alue h as t o b e s et a fter i nserting sample. I t i s l ocated a t t he b ottom o f t he s ample h older s elect w indow, w hich pops u p a utomatically a fter h older i nsert.Acceleration v oltage, e mission c urrent, p robe c urrent…The f irst t hing t o t hink a bout w hen s tarting i maging i s t he s election o f acceleration v oltage. T he c hoice d epends o n t he t ype o f t he s ample. S ee table b elow f or s ome e xamples.Sample Observation c ondition NotesGold p articles o n conductive s urface 5-‐30 k V, p robe c urrent a t c a. 10, working d istance 1.5-‐8 m mCoated p orous polymer 1-‐5 k V, p robe c urrent 6-‐10, w orking distance 4.5-‐8 m mUncoated p olymer 0.5-‐1 k V, p robe c urrent < 8, g entlebeam m ode, w orking d istance c a. 8mmCoated b iological sample 1-‐5 k V, p robe c urrent c a. 10, w orking distance 4.5-‐25 m m d epending o n feature s izeUncoated p aper 1-‐2 k V, g entle b eam (GB-‐L) m ode,working d istance 4.5 m m, p robecurrent 6-‐10.Coated p aper 5 k V, w orking d istance 4.5-‐25 m m,probe c urrent c a. 10X-‐ray a nalysis o f conductive s ample 15-‐30 k V, w orking d istance e xactly 8mm, h igh p robe c urrentRetractable B EIdetector i nsertedX-‐ray a nalysis o f poorly c onductive sample 5 k V, w orking d istance e xactly 8 m m,probe c urrent a s h igh a s p ossibleRetractable B EIdetector i nsertedThe e mission c urrent i s t he c urrent d rawn f rom t he e mitter. S et i t a lways t o 10 μA. Figure. S ample height s hould b e exactly 25 m m measured f rom t able top l evel.Probe c urrent i s t he c urrent d irected a t t he s ample. H igher v alues g ive better s ignal t o n oise r atio, b ut c ause m ore c harging a rtefacts i n p oorly conducting s amples. V alue o f 8-‐10 i s u sually a g ood c hoice.AligningUsually t he m icroscope i s a ligned w ell e nough f or m icrometer s cale operation. I n t his c ase, o nly f ocusing i s n ecessary. F or h igher m agnification work, t he e lectron b eam n eeds t o b e a ligned a nd a stigmatism o f t he o bjective lens h as t o b e c orrected.FocusThe f irst l evel o f a ligning i s a lways f ocusing. F ocusing i s d one u sing t he FOCUS k nob o n t he o peration c onsole. C lockwise r otation i s u nder f ocus (weaker l ens) a nd c ounterclockwise i s o ver f ocus (stronger l ens).If p ossible s elect s ome f eature, w hich y ou c an u se i n t he m agnification r ange from c a. 1000 t o 20000.Start f rom a l ow m agnification a nd w hen y ou g et g ood e nough i mage m ove on t o h igher m agnification f or f ocusing. I t t he a lignments a re r eally o ff, y ou might n ot g et a c lear i mage a t a ll.Beam a lignBeam a lign i s a lways d one a t p robe c urrent 8. S elect t he c orrect p robe current v alue f rom t he s oftware.Press A LIGN o n o peration c onsole. T he i mage s tarts t o m ove o n t he s creen. Use t he X a nd Y k nobs t o m inimize t he m ovement. P ress A LIGN O FF (STIG) button w hen i mage h as s topped. R epeat f or m agnifications u p t o c a. 20000. Focus t he i mage w henever n ecessary.Astigmatism c orrectionTo c orrect t he o bjective l ens a stigmatism p ress t he S TIG b utton o n t he operation c onsole (it i s u sually a lready s elected a t t his p oint). M ove o n t o a spherical f eature, w hich y ou a re a ble t o o bserve a t m agnification 10000 o r more.Move t he F OCUS k nob s o t hat y ou g o f rom u nderfocus t o o verfocus a nd b ack several t imes. W hen y ou h ave a stigmatism, t he i mage g ets e longated i n diagonal d irections w hen m oving a round t he f ocal p oint. S elect t he f ocal point w here n o e longation o ccurs.Adjust t he X a nd Y k nobs s o t hat y ou g et t he c learest i mage p ossible. F ocus whenever n ecessary.Other c orrectionsThere a re a lso o ther a lignments, s uch a s s ource a lign, c ondenser l ens astigmator, l ow m agnification c enter, a nd s tigmator c enter c orrections. These v alues s hould n ot u sually b e c hanged a nd t heir u se i s n ot d escribed here.Problems a nd t roubleshootingAnswers t o c ommon p roblemsI w ant t o u se U SB s tick t o t ransfer m y f iles!You c an t ransfer y our f iles t o a U SB s tick f rom t he s mall c omputer a t t he b ack wall. Y ou’ll f ind y our f iles u nder t he n etwork d rive H arley.Help! T here i s n o i mage.Follow t he c hecklist t o f ind t he c ause:1.Are y our Z a nd W D v alues t he s ame? I f n ot p ress W D t o s et c orrectdistance.2.What d etector a re y ou u sing? I f W D<8 m m y ou u sually d o n ot g etimage w ith L EI d etector; a nd i f W D>8 m m S EI g ives o nly s tatic n oise.LM m ode s hould w ork f ine i n t his c ase.3.What i s y our p robe c urrent v alue? I f i t i s l ow, t ry i ncreasing i t.4.If n one o f t he a bove i s t rue, t ry r esetting a lignment. G o t o A lignmentpanel a nd c lick R eset A ll.a.In a r eally b ad c ase t he s ource a lignment h as g one b ad.Contact a n a dministrator t o a lign i t.If t here i s n o i mage w hen s tarting o perationFirst, p ress A CB (auto c ontrast & b rightness). I f y ou e ven s ee s ome s tatic noise, y ou o nly n eed t o f ind t he c orrect f ocal p oint. S ee p revious s ection.In c ase y ou h ave c ompletely b lack s creen w hen y ou s tart i maging, f ollow t he list u ntil y ou h ave i mage.1.Restart o f S EM s oftware:a.File-‐>Exit t o g o t o l ogin s creen.b.Close l ogin s creen f rom E xit b utton.c.Wait o ne m inute.d.Start S EM_Monitor s oftware.e.Log i n a s G uest.2.Restart c omputer:a.Close S EM s oftware.b.Save E xcel l og b ook a nd e xit.c.Restart W indows.d.Start S EM s oftware a nd E xcel l og b ook.3.Restart o peration c onsole:a.Read i nstructions b elow.If v acuum b reaks d uring s ample e xchangeVacuum u sually b reaks i f t he l ever i s p ushed o r t wisted d uring t he s ample insertion. T he c omputer w ill r aise a m aintenance w indow s howing e rror messages. T he m icroscope w ill a utomatically s hut d ownsome p arts a nd t he v acuum p umps h ave t o b e r estarted. B ring t he microscope b ack t o i ts n ormal c ondition b efore p roceeding. F or e xample, lift t he r od b ack t o i ts u pright p osition.1.Locate t he t wo V AC S W b uttons b elow t he t able. T here a re a lso M AINSW b uttons, b ut d o n ot t ouch t hem.2.Shut d own v acuum p umps b y p ressing V AC O FF (0=OFF, 1=ON)button. T he p umps s hould n ow s top, i f t hey w ere n ot s hut d ownalready.3.Wait a m oment a nd r estart p umps b y p ushing V AC O N b utton.a.There i s a 20 m in t imer f or s tarting t he p umps s o y ou w illhave t o w ait a t l east 20 m inutes b efore p roceeding.4.After a ll o f t he e rror m essages h ave d isappeared f rom t he d isplay,you c an c ontinue o perating.Turning o ff c omputer1.Log o ut f rom t he S EM s oftware (File-‐>Exit).2.Save t he E xcel l og b ook (File-‐>Save o r C trl-‐S).3.Close t he E xcel l og b ook.4.Select S hutdown f rom S tart m enu.Powering o n c omputer1.Start c omputer f rom t he p ower s witch.2.Log i n a s S EMUser (password: S EMUser).3.Start E xcel l og b ook b y d ouble c licking “SEM U sage L og” o n t he r ightmonitor d esktop.4.Start S EM s oftware b y d ouble c licking S EM_Monitor.5.Log i n a s G uest.Restarting o peration c onsole1.Turn o ff c omputer.2.Press O P S W O FF f rom b elow t he t able.3.Wait c a. 10 s econds.4.Press O P S W O N.5.Turn o f c omputer.6.Wait a c ouple o f m inutes b efore s tarting S EM_Monitor s oftware.。
场发射扫描电子显微镜系统 技术参数
场发射扫描电子显微镜系统技术参数一、货物名称及数量:场发射扫描电子显微镜系统一台二、主要技术规格及要求2.1 基本要求2.1.1发射源:热场发射电子枪*2.1.2物镜系统:电磁/静电式物镜系统,电子束无交叉光路设计*2.1.3分辨率:0.8 nm @ 15kV1.6 nm @ 1kV*2.1.4加速电压范围:20V-30kV,连续可调*2.1.5放大倍数范围:12X-1,000,000X,连续可调2.1.6探针电流:范围 4pA-20nA,连续可调稳定度优于 0.2 %/h2.1.7减震方式:自动水平系统2.2 真空系统2.2.1样品室极限真空度:≤2×10-4 Pa2.2.2换样抽真空时间:小于3 min。
2.3 样品室及样品台*2.3.1样品室尺寸(不小于):内部直径520mm,高度300mm2.3.2 集成8英寸样品交换室*2.3.3 配备四个探测器:环形高效完全内置式In-lens二次电子探测器样品室内ET SE二次电子探测器4QBSD AsB背散射电子探测器样品室内红外CCD摄像机*2.3.4 样品台:类型 6轴全自动马达驱动超优中心样品台安装抽屉式控制双操纵杆控制盒*2.3.5 样品台马达移动范围(不小于): 152mm(X方向),152mm(Y方向),43mm(Z方向),10mm(Z’方向),-15 - 60°(倾斜),360°(旋转)2.3.6 能谱仪工作条件:工作距离8.5 mm,X射线出射角35°*2.3.7 物镜光栏:数量不少于 6孔更换与对中方式电磁式2.4 图像处理系统2.4.1配套计算机系统(不低于):CPU Intel Pentium 2 Quad;2.33 GHz Quad Core,RAM 4 Gb,硬盘 1TB,光盘刻录机,19″TFT显示屏,键盘,鼠标,USB接口。
2.4.2显示图像分辨率:不小于 1024×768像素2.4.3最大存储图像分辨率:不小于3072×2304像素2.4.4存储图象格式:TIFF、BMP与JPEG2.4.5降噪方式:像素平均、帧/行平均、帧/行叠加2.5 控制系统2.5.1操作系统Windows XP,电镜操作控制软件。
场发射扫描电子显微镜参数:1.工作条件:1.1电源: 230V (-6%/+10%) / 50Hz (±1%)1.2 主机功耗:< 3.0 kV A1.3运行环境温度: 17-23 C1.4运行环境:相对湿度< 80% (无冷凝)1.5残余交流磁场<100nT (非同步频率);<300nT (同步频率)1.6噪音:< 60 dBC1.7干燥无油压缩空气4-6 bar1.8仪器运行的持久性:可连续运行2.设备用途:2.1高分辨扫描电子显微分析系统主要用于纳米材料的超高分辨微观形貌观察和微区分析。
3.技术规格3.1 电子光学系统3.1.1 分辨率:二次电子(SE)像*高真空模式:15 kV时优于1.0 nm;1 kV时优于1.4 nm(非减速模式)* 低真空模式:30kV时优于1.5nm*3.1.2背散射(BSE)像:100V时优于3.5 nm3.1.3 放大倍率范围:1 ~1,000,000倍(根据加速电压和工作距离的改变,放大倍数自动校准)3.1.4 着陆电压:50V 至30 kV3.1.5 电子枪:高稳定度Schottky肖特基场发射电子枪*3.1.6电子束流:0.6pA ~200 nA,连续可调,既保证对高分子纳米材料高分辨成像所需的低速流,也要保证EDS和EBSD分析所需的高束流高效率。
3.1.7 束流稳定性:每10小时< 0.4%*3.1.8 具有双物镜系统(电磁透镜和静电透镜),保证对纳米材料、不导电有机无机材料、合金、磁性材料的全方位分析*3.1.9 物镜光阑:物镜光栏应能自加热自清洁;无需拆卸镜筒即可更换物镜光阑。
至少6孔光阑设计3.1.10 电子束位移范围:不小于±110um3.2 样品室和样品台3.2.1 样品室尺寸:不小于360mm×360mm*3.2.2 抽屉式大开门结构,样品台安装在仓门上,全方位观察,方便取放样品,防止碰撞3.2.3样品台:五轴运动全对中样品台,有效移动范围:X /Y ≧110mm,Z ≧25mm,T = -10°to +70°,R= 360°连续旋转3.2.4样品台最大承重量不小于2.0 kg3.2.5最大样品高度不小于65mm,分析工作距离不小于5mm3.2.6重复精度:2um (X/Y 方向),步进进度优于100nm3.2.7至少15个探测器/附件接口(所有端口程序均免费开放,可安装能谱、波谱、EBSD、CL、STEM探头、红外探头、拉曼等),方便后期升级*3.3 探测器:3.3.1 电子探头:样品室二次电子检测器极靴内二次电子探测器极靴内背散射电子探测器低真空二次电子探测器3.3.2 样品室镜头安装背散射电子探测器3.3.3 样品室IR-CCD相机3.3.4样品室光学显微镜导航相机探头3.4 真空系统*3.4.1完全无油真空系统(标配高真空模式和低真空模式,要求有验收指标)3.4.2 一个220L/S的涡旋干泵和一个分子泵3.4.3 两个离子泵*3.4.4 穿过透镜的压差真空系统(列出原理),保证真空条件下避免对系统的污染。
附件:场发射扫描电子显微镜技术要求1. 场发射扫描电镜技术规格1.1.分辨率:≤1.0nm(15kV);≤1.4nm(1kV)1.2 加速电压:0.1kV ~30kV1.3 放大倍数:25×~800,000×以上1.4 电子枪:场发射型1.5在样品室上提供不少于六个附件接口,可同时接X射线能谱、背散射电子探测器等。
1.6探测器:普通二次电子检测器高分辨二次电子/背散射电子探测器BSE探测器*1.7样品台:全对中型X方向位移:≥50mm;Y方向位移:≥50mm马达控制:5轴(X, Y, Z, R, T)1.8真空系统前级机械泵配油雾过滤器1.9动态视频保存*2. 配置要求2.1场发射扫描电子显微镜基本单元1台2.2 电镜正常工作所需的稳压电源、循环冷却水、变压器、不间断电源等完整1套2.3备用电子枪1个2.4场发射扫描电镜长期使用所需要的备品备件、专用工具(列详细清单) 完整1套3.售后服务3.1 卖方应在合同生效后的一个月内,对可能的设置室进行地面振动、杂散磁场的测量,并向买方提出详细的安装要求和提供技术咨询。
3.2 仪器到达用户所在地后,在接到用户通知后两周内进行安装调试,直至通过验收。
3.3 设备安装后,在用户现场对用户进行免费培训,培训内容包括仪器的操作和仪器基本维护等,使用户达到独立操作水平。
S 4800场发射扫描电子显微镜测聚合物
S 4800场发射扫描电子显微镜测聚合物s-4800场发射扫描电子显微镜测聚合物用s-4800场发射扫描电子显微镜观察聚合物一、实验目的1.了解扫描电子显微镜的工作原理和仪器结构。
分辨率:二次电子:0.8nm (15kV), 1.2nm (1kV)
加速电压:0.01 - 30KV 连续可调
放大倍数:25X–1,000,000X ;放大倍数连续可调
分辨率:优于127eV,(Mn Ka处,计数率为50000cps)
二、仪器准备在使用场发显微镜之前,需进行以下准备工作:1. 保证实验室环境在恒定的温度和湿度下,避免影响仪器性能。
2. 检查仪器电源和相关线缆的连接是否牢固,并确保电源供应稳定。
3. 准备待观察的样品,并确保样品表面干净、光滑。
三、开机及基本操作1. 打开仪器电源,待仪器完成自检后,进入操作界面。
2. 鼠标操作:使用鼠标控制光标移动至所需功能区域,并点击打开相应功能菜单。
3. 设置扫描参数:选择扫描模式、像素大小等参数,以适应不同样品的观察需求。
4. 样品安装:将待观察的样品安装到样品台上,并使用调节螺丝微调样品的位置,保证与电子束的最佳对准。
5. 自动对焦:使用自动对焦功能,校准焦距,确保样品图像清晰可见。
四、图像观察与分析1. 扫描图像获取:点击“扫描”按钮,开始获取样品表面的扫描图像。
2. 放大与缩小:使用鼠标左键点击图像区域,可进行图像的放大和缩小操作。
3. 焦点平移:使用光标控制器或滚轮移动焦点位置,观察样品各个区域的细节。
4. 图像调节:根据需要调整图像的亮度、对比度等参数,以获得更清晰的图像。
5. 图像保存:观测到满意的图像后,点击“保存”按钮,将图像保存到指定路径,便于后续分析与报告撰写。
五、仪器维护与操作注意事项1. 仪器维护:固定时间段内对仪器进行清洁和维护,清除积尘,以保证仪器正常运行。
2. 样品处理:在安装样品之前,确保样品表面干净,避免影响观察效果。
3. 仪器操作:在操作中避免突然断电,以免损坏仪器设备。
扫描电子显微镜之冷场发射、热场发射、肖特基作者:驰奔COXEM(酷塞目)有限公司Beijing Office(转载请注明出处)目前市场上可以提供的商品化大分类,一般而言是以发射方式区分为:场发射和热发射。
超高分辨热场发射扫描电镜:为了和冷场较真,又兼顾热场优越性.很多人认为这是真正可以叫做热场发射的扫描电镜; 但也有业内著名人士云,现在根本没有真正的热场, 理由是肖特基发射电子源,配合双模式物镜(一种模式为半内透镜,一种为无场模式),当采用无场模式时,分辨率马上落到底。
发射体前电子的势能曲线V(z),外加电场-e I E I z,电子的势能曲线。
JEOL JSM-7900F 型 Schottky 场发射扫描电子显微镜 说明书
Ultimate Analytical tool1J S M-7900FSince the development of the first commercial SEM in 1966, JEOL has continued to be atthe forefront of technology innovation and has continually contributed to the advancement ofscience through its SEM technology.The JSM-7900F is a flagship model of a field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM),which aims to facilitate research and technological breakthroughs for future generations. TheJSM-7900F successfully combines ultrahigh-resolution imaging, ultrahigh spatial-resolutionanalysis and higher operability, as well as multi-purpose functions. This new-generation SEMprovides the best data fidelity with the utmost ease of operation.2J S M-7900FUltrahigh spatial resolution ❖ In-lens Schottky Plus FEGThe in-lens Schottky Plus field emissionto the combination of the electron gunelectron gun can be efficiently focused, enabling probe currents on the order of a few pA to several tens of nA even at low accelerating voltages. High-resolution observation is easy, with no need to exchange the objective aperture for tasks from fast elemental mapping to EBSD, CL or WDS analysis.Conventional Schottky FEG Electron gun ❖ Super Hybrid Lens (SHL)The JSM-7900F comes with JEOL’Hybrid Lens (SHL)”. This powerful lens enables observation and analysis of any specimens at ultrahigh spatial-resolution, including magnetic and insulating materials.❖ GBSH-S(GENTLEBEAM Super High resolution)GBSH enhances resolution atvoltages.A newly developed GBSH-Svoltage up to 5 kV to be appliedstage.❖ Detector systemSimultaneous signal acquisitiondetectors is enabled.The JSM-7900F comes with LEDdetector) and UED (upper electronin-lens detector). In addition,(upper secondary electron detector)High spatial resolution observationSpecimen: Nano rod of TiO*Specimen courtesy: Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityProfessor Shunai CheAcc. Vol.: 0.3 kV (GBSH)Signal: Secondary electronsDetector: UEDMagnification: ×120,000, ×300,000*Reference: S. Liu, L Han, Y. Duan, S. Asahina, O. Terasaki, Y. Cao, B. Liu, L. Ma, J. Zhang, S. Che*, " Synthesis of Chiral TiO Nano fiber with Electron Transition-Based Optical Activity” Nature communications, 3, Article number 1215, 2012Specimen: Ag nanoparticlesSpecimen courtesy: Yamagata University Prof. M. Kurihara and Assistant Prof. T. Togashi Acc. Vol.: 5 kV (GBSH)Signal: Backscattered electronsDetector: RBEDMagnification: ×100,000, ×350,000Oxide nanomaterials Metal nanoparticles10 nm100 nm100 nm10 nm 5J S M-7900F1 μmSpecimen: Cross section of stainless steelinterconnect milled by CPAcc. Vol.: 7 kV (GBSH)Signal: Low angle backscattered electrons Detector: RBEDMagnification: ×120,000, ×200,000Specimen: Solder of Ag, Sn and Cu Acc. Vol.: 5 kV Energy filter: -0.5 kV Signal:High angle backscattered electrons (with UED)Secondary and backscattered electrons (with LED)Detector: UED, LED Magnification: ×7,000Simultaneous signal acquisitionSteel materials1 μm100 nm100 nm Signal differentiation–Applications obtained by a variety of detectors–Compositional and crystalline information Topographic informationMetal materials6J S M -7900FJSM-7900FUltimate Analytical Tool of Next-generationHigh vacuum (10-5 Pa)10 μmThe low vacuum function easily suppresses charging of an insulating specimen.Mg KC K3 μm3 μm3 μmSpecimen: Fractured surfaceof coffee beanAcc. Vol.: 5 kV Vacuum: 150 Pa Magnification: ×500Low vacuum functionLow vacuum (150 Pa)10 μm【EDS analytical conditions】Acc. Vol.: 5 kV, Vacuum: 150 Pa, Magnification: ×900, JED 100 mmEDS detector used7J S M -7900FLow vacuum function–Observation at high magnification–The JSM-7900F provides high spatial resolution even in low vacuum. These images demonstrate that inorganic fillers contained in an organic film on a glass are clearly observed.1 μm1 μmGlass100 nmSpecimen: Fractured surface of organic film on glass Acc. Vol.: 5 kV Vacuum: 150 PaSignal: Backscattered electrons Detector: LVBEDMagnification: ×7,000, ×10,000, ×100,000Magnification: ×7,000Magnification: ×10,000Magnification: ×100,000OrganicfilmGlass8J S M -7900FJSM-7900FUltimate Analytical Tool of Next-generationFilter set: +0.3 kVFilter set: -0.1 kV Filter set: -1 kV 3 μmOperability–Extended automatic functions–Soft materials❖ Neo EngineThe JSM-7900F is equipped with a new electron-optical control system, “Neo Engine/New Electron Optical Engine”, which accumulates JEOL’s superb electron optical technologies. Neo Engine achieves further ease of operations of automatic functions.❖ New platformNew exterior design, with no operation console, dramatically reduces the instrument footprint. Thus, the JSM-7900F accommodates a variety of installation environments.❖ New specimen exchange systemA newly designed specimen exchange system (load lock) is adopted for simple specimen exchange, higher throughput, and higher durability.❖ SMILENAVISMILENAVI is an operation navigation system, which is developed for beginners to grasp basic SEM operations efficiently.Improved operability Specimen: Name card, Acc. Vol.: 15 kV, Detector: UED, Magnification: ×3,500Seamless energy selection using a new energy filterOperability–Extended automatic functions–Specimen: Cross section of mineral (resin-embedded) milled by CP, Acc. Vol.: 5 kV, Detector: RBED, Magnification: ×100,000Automatic functions, with greatly improved precision, allow for beginners to easily acquire a high-magnification image.100 nm100 nmSecondary electronsBackscattered electrons9J S M -7900FOperability–New specimen exchange system–Operability–SEM Supporter for image acquisition support–A new specimen exchange system is adopted. The new system achieves simpler and smoother specimen transfer via guided operations. This capability enables fast specimen exchange for beginners to experts.The SEM Supporter of SYSTEM IN FRONTIER INC. enables automatic line width measurement (metrology) utilizing the contrast of SEM images.【SEM observation】Specimen: Specimen for metrology (MRS5)Acc. Vol.: 10 kVMagnification: ×50,000100 nmSpecimen exchange rodSpecimen exchange chamberOperability– SMILENAVI –SMILENAVIGUI screenSMILENAVI is an assistant tool designed for beginners to allow smooth SEM basic operations. When the operator clicks an icon button according to the SMILENAVI flowchart, the SEM GUI screen is linked to the click operation for guiding the operations.ClickAssistInterlock10J S M -7900FJSM-7900FUltimate Analytical Tool of Next-generationUnit :mm3000 or morePower1000 or more2800 o r m o r e*Specifications subject to change without notice.No. 1301G755C Printed in Japan, Kp。
场发射扫描电子显微镜一、场发射扫描电子显微镜大体原理被加速的高能电子束照射到样品上(在高真空状态下),入射电子束与样品彼此作用,产生各类信号,通过不同的探测器检测各类不同的信号, 即能够取得有关样品的各类信息。
例如, 最多见的二次电子信息, 就能够直接取得样品表面的图像信息。
场发射扫描电子显微镜(与一般扫描电镜不同的是采纳高亮度场发射电子枪, 从而取得高分辨率的高质量二次电子图象)能够观看和检测非均相有机材料、无机材料及微米、纳米材料样品的表面特点。
1. 光学显微镜与扫描电子显微镜光学显微镜是用可见光照射在样品表面,反射光通过一系列玻璃透镜放大后而呈现出样品的放大图象,由于波长和光干与限制, 极限只能观看到小至m左右的颗粒。
与光学显微镜不同,场发射扫描电子显微镜(电子束波长极短)是用电子束在样品表面扫描,电子束轰击样品表面,释放出二次电子和反射电子等,通过二次电子探测器检测二次电子信号, 按相同扫描规律, 在荧光屏上成像。
由于二次电子信号与样品的原子系数大小和入射角有关, 而入射角因样品表面粗糙度(形貌)而转变, 故可直接取得高质量的样品表面形貌图象。
而扫描图象景深大, 取得的二次电子图象有“三维空间成效”(立体感相当好)。
目前, 高分辨率场发射扫描电子显微镜能观看到小至1nm (对一般样品一样只能观看几纳米以上的样品)左右的颗粒。
2. 电子束与样品的彼此作用入射电子照射到样品上,其中一部份几乎不损失其能量地在样品表面被弹性散射回来,把这一部份电子称为背散射电子(BE);若是样品超级薄,那么入射电子的一部份会穿过样品,将这一部份电子称为透射电子(TE);其余电子的全数能量都在样品内消耗掉而为样品所吸收,即为吸收电子(AE);另外,入射电子会将样品表面(大约10nm)层的电子打出样品表面,发射出能量极小(<50eV)的二次电子(SE),其中也包括由于俄歇(Auger)效应而产生的具有特点能量的俄歇电子。
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被加速的高能电子束照射到样品上(在高真空状态下),入射电子束与样品彼此作用,产生各类信号,通过不同的探测器检测各类不同的信号, 即能够取得有关样品的各类信息。
例如, 最多见的二次电子信息, 就能够直接取得样品表面的图像信息。
场发射扫描电子显微镜(与一般扫描电镜不同的是采纳高亮度场发射电子枪, 从而取得高分辨率的高质量二次电子图象)能够观看和检测非均相有机材料、无机材料及微米、纳米材料样品的表面特点。
1. 光学显微镜与扫描电子显微镜
光学显微镜是用可见光照射在样品表面,反射光通过一系列玻璃透镜放大后而呈现出样品的放大图象,由于波长和光干与限制, 极限只能观看到小至m左右的颗粒。
束轰击样品表面,释放出二次电子和反射电子等,通过二次电子探测器检测二次电子信号, 按相同扫描规律, 在荧光屏上成像。
由于二次电子信号与样品的原子系数大小和入射角有关, 而入射角因样品表面粗糙度(形貌)而转变, 故可直接取得高质量的样品表面形貌图象。
而扫描图象景深大, 取得的二次电子图象有“三维空间成效”(立体感相当好)。
目前, 高分辨率场发射扫描电子显微镜能观看到小至1nm (对一般样品一样只能观看几纳米以上的样品)左右的颗粒。
2. 电子束与样品的彼此作用
在产生这些电子的同时,还会产生持续x射线和特点x 射线,和阴极荧光等。
3. 二次电子像
而场发射电子枪与一般钨丝电子枪有所不同, 阴极呈杆状, 在它的一端有个极锋利的尖点(直径<100 nm), 尖端的电场极强, 电子直接依托“隧道”穿过势垒离开阴极, 由加速电压加速产生高速电子流飞向样品。
扫描电镜加速电压一样为1 ~30kV.
空度须在10-4-10-6 Torr (1Torr=1mmHg)之间。
场致发射电子枪,在电子枪中必需维持超高真空10-10 Torr以上。
粉末样品需要1g左右, 如样品很少时几毫克也够用。
●超声波分散:纳米粉末样品第一用超声波分散, 分散液用双蒸水、乙醇等。