01Can We Make Friends 英语沟通技巧

01Can We Make Friends 英语沟通技巧
01Can We Make Friends 英语沟通技巧

1. Can We Make Friends

Today we’ll learn how to make a proper introduction. I found there are many students know how to speak. Many students are very fluent in the English after the conversation starts. But many of them d on’t know how to ….(actually) start a conversation. So we are going to talk about how to give a proper introduction. And there are two kinds of introductions. One is how to introduce two other people to each other. And the other is how to introduce yourself to a person. There are actually 2 ways that we introduce ourselves. Sometimes it’s in a very nature situation. For example, i n a business meeting, a church, a class or even in someone’s home you feel natural to introduce yourself. But a lot of students especially in China they want to practice English with foreigners. And when they go out they are not in a natural starting for a conversation. And they really want to know if I see a foreigner and I don’t know that person how can I introduce myself to that person. So we are going to talk abo ut that today. Most important thing is ….done naturally. You have to learn how to approach sb. And you lean to know how to begin a conversion without scaring them away. And sometime that happens. I’ve met a lot of Chinese People come up want to talk to me. And frankly, it did scare me away. In some cases and someone will good think we are talk about that? Most Students maybe most people in China know how to say hello. In fact everywhere I go I hear people say”hello! hello! hello!”. If you have a chance to walk with me on the street of China you would here from the background the people say:”hello.” And it’s very strange. You don’t start with that. So what we need to know is when we should say hello and what situations should we say hello and when should we use other things. When you see somebody, you want to talk to them. Don’t just shout hello. That makes someone very uncomfortable. And don’t walk through a stranger and grab them and say:” can we make friends?” I’ve actually had this happen to me before in China. And it doesn’t make you feel like you want to make friends. So when you say somebody you want to have a conversation with them. One of the first things you need to do is look at them and sees if they appear busy. Like he is walking really fast or something like that don’t make them stop. If you want to introduce yourself to a complete stranger it’s much better in a natural situation or they are not, when they don’t have anything else to do. For example standing in a line of McDonald's, sitting on a subway, or on the public bus they don’t have anything else to do. And it’s really a good opp ortunity to talk to somebody. But again if he looks busy they are caring a brief case in a hurry they look like they are late, don’t stop them. Don’t even bother them. Now one of the things you will encounter in China is some of the foreigners come here have come to study Chinese. And they prefer talking to you in Chinese. When you see them you say Hi, they may say “nihao”. And they may continue the conversion in C hinese. If that happens, don’t bother them with English. Don’t for ce some to do that. OK. When you speak to them in Chinese you are helping them. And they want to join that. Who knows? That could develop your friendship. And later you maybe would practice English with them. I’ve actually had this happen to me when I first came to China and I was walk in a small school. I remember many many times I want to study I want to read my Chinese textbooks. And In my school I was the only foreign teacher. So as you can imagine, everybody want to practice English with me. So the only way I could practice Chinese was to take my textbook and get in a bus and go into the city. But almost every time that happen I will sit in the bus, studying my Chinese book and someone would sit beside me and say: ”Excuse me, can I practice English with you?” and It’s not a good way to start a friendships. So if they want to practice Chinese with you, you can let them do that. OK? It a good start with a natural reason for the conversation. When you speak someone in Chinese you don’t just walk up to every stranger to start talking. In lots a good reason, you may scare them away if you suddenly in front of their face. So the best way you have a reason if they look like they need help. You see some people look at a map or they are look around that they look like they are lost. It’s really a good opp ortunity to go up and simply says: Is there anything I can help you with or can I help you find something. And even more natural situation is when you need

help. I’ve had Chine se people who were not from Beijing or I live now, come up to me and ask me how do you get to the subway station? How do you get to the zoo? Sometimes use Chinese, sometimes use English. And maybe you can ask them a question. So that will be OK too. But just make sure a natural situation that works much better. Don’t start. And I heard Chinese to do this. It’s really not good a start with simply saying may I have your name. That would scare them away. They would probably think i t’s none of your business. You can’t start with this: where are you from? A lot of Chinese Students ask me. They say Michael, when you meet somebody what do you say first? I’ll say hello or hi. It’s best to start with eye contract, look at them. And if they don’t look back they are probably too busy to talk. So begin with eye contract and smile, if they look back at you, they will contract you with eye contract and smile. The door is open. And you can continue. If not, don’t continue. But what of the first thing you can ask about. Let me start with something I prefer you don’t start with. And that is why did you come to China? I have had complex strangers simply walk up to me and say: hello, if I say hello back. They would say: Why did you come to China? Tha t makes us feel like we should not be in China. So don’t start asking them why they are in China. Now when you get to the name part, the best part thing is to give your name first. You can say: hi, my name is Michael, My name is John, My name is Mary. And then if they offered to get their name back, then something get started. If they don’t, just drop it. Don’t continue. One of the first questions I ask people, because even though I am a foreigner, when I see foreigners in China. I like to know, you know, where they are from or things like that. So my first question is just some simply: where are from? After of course hello, the smile and the eye contract. But I like to say where are you from is a natural question. It’s a normal question. It doesn’t make them feel uncomfortable. And what I like about these questions is it can lead into a longer conversation. For example if I say where are from and someone says I’m from Germany. I can say: Oh I heard that’s a beautiful country. Can you tell me about Germany? Or someone says I’m from Chicago. You can say: oh are you a fan of the Chicago bulls? Or the Chicago bulls is doing well this season. A lot of things like that. So if you plan to meet people from other countries, it’ll really be good for you to study a little bit Geography. Or something you have in common.

I found that I can start conversion very easily with people. If we can think something we have in common or something I know about them or their place. So the moment that I say to the Chicago person, “are you a Chicago?Chicago bulls fan?” they are open for conversation. She can’t with to tell me about the Chicago bulls. So, sometimes conversation starts with that. I’ve actually start conversations just by seeing something. For example, a T-shirt. And I have the name of university. And I may know someone who….there. Or I know a professor there. And I can say: Oh do you know professor so and so. Or OK that university is a very warm place. So you must be very cold for you be here in Beijing or something like that. So look for opportunities and they are there right front of you. After you give your name and the other person gives you their name, you could simply say: nice to meet you, or something like that. Now we are going to talk about introducing two people to each other they don’t know each other.H ello, Michael. Hi, Bill, this is my friend Crystal.

Crystal ,this is Bill. Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you too.So when we introduce two people, there are many different things we can say. It depends on our relationship to them. For example, you can say: John, this is my friend Mary. Mary, this is my co-worker, John. If you want one of the friend your co-worker. Sometimes you may be introducing a foreigner to a friend. For example, you may say, hi, Bill, this is my classmate Lily, Susan and Chris. This is my friend from Australia, Bill, or my Australia friend Bill. Whatever you do, if you introduce a foreign friend, don’t say this is my foreign friend. It sounds a little bit rude in our cultures. It better you just say he is my friend or he is my friend from Australia or where he happens to be. Whenever you make an introduction of yourself or of two other people, the most important thing is to just be natural and be yourself. And who knows, after that, a real friendship will develop. In the next lecture, we’ll talk about chatting with friends.


现代社会,各种高科技的手段拉近了人与人之间的距离,即使远隔天涯,也可以通过现代通讯技术近若比邻。事实上,我们在日常的沟通活动中,借用的最多的工具就是电话。电话使人们的联系更为方便快捷,但另一方面,电话沟通也有其自身的缺陷。 一个人接听拨打电话的沟通技巧是否高明,常常会影响到他是否能顺利达成本次沟通的目标,甚至也会直接影响到企业、公司的对外形象。因此,应多动脑筋,千方百计让对方从声音中感受到你的热情友好。要想给对方留下诚实可信的良好印象,学习和掌握基本的电话沟通技巧和办公室电话礼仪是很有必要的。 小知识 在双方面谈时,你的身体姿势、面部表情占谈话效果的55%,而电话交谈时却只闻其声,不见其人,即只能靠声音、 语言沟通。 【自检】 在学习本讲课程之前,对照一些常见的电话沟通习惯,请你先回想一下自己通常是如何进行电话沟通的? 问题情境 不良表现 你的实际表现 接听电话时 1.电话铃响得令人不耐烦了才拿起听筒。 2.对着话筒大声地说:“喂,找谁啊? 3.一边接电话一边嚼口香糖。 4.一边和同事说笑一边接电话。 5.遇到需要纪录某些重要数据时,总是在手忙脚乱地找纸和笔。 拨打电话时 1.抓起话筒却不知从何说起,语无伦次。 2.使用“超级简略语”,如“我是三院的××”。 3.挂完电话才发现还有问题没说到。 4.抓起电话粗声粗气的对对方说:“喂,找一下刘经理。” 转达电话时 1.抓起话筒向着整个办公室吆喝:“小王,你的电话!” 2.态度冷淡地说:“陈科长不在!”就顺手挂断电话。 3.让对方稍等,就自此不再过问他(她)。

4.答应替对方转达某事却未告诉对方你的姓名。 遇到突发事件时 1.对对方说:“这事儿不归我管。”就挂断电话。 2.接到客户索赔电话,态度冷淡或千方百计为公司产品辩解。 3.接到打错了的电话很不高兴地说:“打错了!”然后就粗暴地挂断电话。 4.电话受噪音干扰时,大声地说:“喂,喂,喂…”然后挂断电话。 接听、拨打电话的基本技巧和程序 (一)接听、拨打电话的基本技巧 为了提高通话效果、正确表达思想,请注意下述六点: 1.电话机旁应备记事本和铅笔小知识 即使是人们用心去记住的事,经过9小时,遗忘率也会高达70%,日常琐事遗忘得更快。试回忆本周前4天晚饭的内容,大概不少人想不起吧!所以不可太相信自己的记忆,重要事项 可采取做记录的措施予以弥补。若在电话机旁放置好记录本、铅笔,当他人打来电话时,就可立刻记录主要事项。如不预先备妥纸笔,到时候措手不及、东抓西找,不仅耽误时间,而且会搞得自己狼狈不堪。 2.先整理电话内容,后拨电话给别人打电话时,如果想到什么就讲什么,往往会丢三落四,忘却了主要事项还毫无觉察,等对方挂断了电话才恍然大悟。因此,应事先把想讲的事逐条逐项地整理记录下来,然后再拨电话,边讲边看记录,随时检查是否有遗漏。另外,还要尽可能在3分钟之内结束。实际上,3分钟可讲1000个字,相当于两页半稿纸上的内容,按理是完全能行的。如果一次电话用了5分钟甚至10分钟,那么一定是措辞不当,未抓住纲领、突出重点。 3.态度友好 有人认为,电波只是传播声音,打电话时完全可以不注意姿势、表情,这种看法真是大错特错。双方的诚实恳切,都饱含于说话声中。若声调不准就不易听清楚,甚至还会听错。因此,讲话时必须抬头挺胸,伸直脊背。“言为心声”,态度的好坏,都会表现在语言之中。如果道歉时不低下头,歉意便不能伴随言语传达给对方。同理,表情亦包含在声音中。打电话表情麻木时,其声音也冷冰冰。因此,打电话也应微笑着讲话。 小知识 女性在对着镜子说话时,会很自然的微笑,人在微笑时的声音是更加悦耳、亲切的。根据这一原理,在一些大公司的总机或者前台,管理者有意在接线员的桌上放置一面镜子,以促使她们在接听电话的时候自然的微笑,然后通过语言把这一友好的讯息传递出去。 4.注意自己的语速和语调 急性子的人听慢话,会觉得断断续续,有气无力,颇为难受;慢吞吞的人听快语,会感到焦躁心烦;年龄高的长者,听快言快语,难以充分理解其意。因此,讲话速度并无定论,应视对方情况,灵活掌握语速,随机应变。打电话时,适当地提高声调显得富有朝气、明快清脆。


六种英语口语技巧 语言的交流与掌握大量的词汇、句型、语法是两回事。 就语言本身的知识来说,我们已经过关了。我们缺少的就是在交流中来运用英语,只有在交流中我们才能与对方进行思维密码的 相互破译。同样的话在不同的语言交流环境中所表达的意思是不 一样的。 建议我们要把学习的目标收缩,把追求大而广的英 语知识转化为追求一种定量性的技巧,有6种技巧,是美国人和美国人之间交流的关键性东西,如果我们能掌握这6种技巧,就可以更好地理解美国人的思维,从而学好口语。 第一,如何用英文简单界定一个东西的技巧。美国人和美国人交谈80%是想告诉对方这个事物是什么。我们的课本尽管 词汇难度不断加深,但思维逻辑结构却只停留在一个水平上。中国人常说Where is the book(这本书在哪儿)?很 少有人说What is a book(书是什么)?而美国的小学生就开始问:What is the book?这种 Where is the book只是思维的描述阶段。但是我想 连大学生也很难回答What is a book?因为中国传统英语教学模式没有教会学生表达思想的技巧。 第二,如果已经学会界定,但理解还有偏差,那就要训练How to explain things in different wa ys(用不同的方式解释同一事物)。一种表达式对方不懂,美国

人会寻找另一种表达式最终让对方明白。因为事物就一个,但表达它的语言符号可能会很多。这就要多做替换练习。传统的教学方法也做替换练习,但这种替换不是真替换,只是语言层面的替换,而不是思维层面的替换。比如,I love you(我爱你)。按我们教学的替换方法就把you换成her,my mother等,这种替换和小学生练描红没有什么区别。这种替换没有对智力构成 挑战,没有启动思维。这种替换句子的基本结构没变,我听不懂 I love you,肯定也听不懂I love her。如果替 换为I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I will show my heart to you等,或者给对方讲电影《泰坦尼克》,告诉对方那就是爱,这样一来对方可 能就明白了。这才叫真正的替换。也就是说用一种不同的方式表 达同一个意思,或者一个表达式对方听不清楚,举一个简单易懂的例子来表达,直到对方明白。 第三,我们必须学会美国人怎样描述东西。从描述上来讲,由于中美的文化不同会产生很大的差异。我们描述东西无外乎把 它放在时间和空间两个坐标上去描述。美国人对空间的描述总是 由内及外,由里及表。而中国人正好相反。从时间上来说,中国 人是按自然的时间顺序来描述。我们描述一个东西突然停住时, 往往最后说的那个地方是最重要的。美国人在时间的描述上先把 最重要的东西说出来,然后再说陪衬的东西。只有发生悲剧性的

初二年级英语作文:My friend

初二年级英语作文:My friend I have a lot of friends in Simon English School. One of them is my best friend. His name is boyd. He and I are both thirteen years old. but I am older than he, and I am fatter than he too. He is shorter than I, and he is thinner th an I. He wears a pair of glasses but I don’t. He likes to eat pocket-food, and he is a gentleman in a sense that when he has pock-food he will share them with us. He and I are in the same school and in the same class. So, we can help each other. We alway play in the school together. he likes to do thing I like. He lives in the Ningbo Jiangdong, so he hardly came to my home in Zhenghai but I alway go to his home on weekends and he sometimes will come to my home on weekends. Sometimes we will fight but we alway get along well. His mother is a doctor in the Li-Hui-Li hospital and I know where her office is. His father is a worker in the Bei-Lun power plant. He is a head of a group. So, his father has a lot of work to do. He and I are in the same school. We usually have a good time so he is my best friend.


myfriend英语作文 导读:本文myfriend英语作文,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 篇一:my friend英语作文 This is my friend. His name is Tom. He has two big eyes and a small nose. He has a big mouth and two small ears. He likes eating beef, chicken, hamburger, pizza, pork and Chinese cabbage. He is good at playing football and he is good at ru This is my friend. His name is Tom. He has two big eyes and a small nose. He has a big mouth and two small ears. He likes eating beef, chicken, hamburger, pizza, pork and Chinese cabbage. He is good at playing football and he is good at running. Tom runs faster than me. 篇二:my friend英语作文 My best friend is Mary. She lives in a tall building. She lives on the fifth floor. Everyday she takes the lift up and down. She is twelve years old. She is tall and thin. She has short black hair, two big eyes and a small mouth. She is very cute. I like playing with her. We are in the same class. I like to read books but she likes playing games. She likes to eat popcorn and ice creams. I like them, too. Her favourite food is fish, so she is clever. She


陌生电话话术 CC:您好,请问是××家长吗? JZ:是的,你是? CC:您好,我是XX这边的老师。 JZ:哦,有什么事吗? CC:家长是这样的,我们现在在给芜湖一些学校的学生做一个调研,这个调研呢就是想了解一下学生在家每天花多少时间读英语呢? 一.“几乎不读”这种情况 JZ:几乎不读 CC:恩,那家长您要赶紧督促孩子读了,据我们调查,如果孩子每天坚持读30分钟,而且大声的读出来,这样的孩子,普遍要比不读不背的孩子成绩包括口语表达能力要好。 JZ:哦,那我回去让他读 CC:那孩子现在英语基础是什么样的呢? “孩子基础很差”这种情况 JZ:很差,不喜欢英语,没什么兴趣 CC:孩子没什么兴趣,可能是因为自己成绩比较差,对自己没有信心了,或者是不喜欢老师的教学方式。这样下去孩子会越来越差的。 JZ:是啊,我也担心呢 CC:家长,我们这个星期呢,刚好有个英语免费试听的机会,您可以带孩子来试听一下,因为我们的教学方式和学校以及外面的机构完全不同,我们会从激发孩子学习英语兴趣出发的。 JZ:那我回家问下孩子吧,看他愿不愿意去 CC:家长,您一定要带孩子过来,因为您也说了,孩子对英语不感兴趣,可能会比较排斥,所以家长您一定要督促孩子过来,也许这次听课会改变孩子呢。 JZ:恩,好吧 CC:您看,您是星期六带孩子过来呢,还是星期天来呢,这样我好帮他安排试听,并提前跟代课老师说一下。 JZ:星期六吧 CC:好的,那我提前帮孩子安排,到时您让孩子带着课本,笔和本子,到时上课做个笔记。JZ:好的 CC:那今天就不打搅您了,我们周六见,祝您愉快。 “孩子基础还行”这种情况 JZ:孩子成绩还行 CC:那就好,如果坚持每天读英语,相信他会变的更好的。 那孩子现在有没有在外面补英语呢?


外贸英语沟通技巧 如何做一个成功的外贸人士?如何在外贸工作中取得更大的利润?这是每一个外贸人员所关注的,希望几点小技巧会为更多人的带去帮助。 向沟通对手表示善意与欢迎 --I will arrange everything. 如果沟通是由你发起,提供对手一切的方便,能使沟通一开始便在友善和谐的气氛下进行。尤其是当你的沟通对手是远道而来的,你热心地告知他:“I will arrange everything." (我会安排一切。)不但表现出你的诚意,也能使他在不必顾虑食宿等琐事的情况下,专心与你进行沟通。 沟通进行中应避免干扰—No interruptions during the meeting! 如果沟通的地点是在你的公司,那么请叮咛你的部属,勿在沟通过程中做不必要的干扰。因为过份的干扰会影响沟通的意愿和热忱。 资料须充实完备—We have a pamphlet in English. 具体的物品通常比口头描述更有说服力。当客户听到你说"We have a pamphlet in English."(我们有英文的小册子。)或"Please take this as a sample"(请将这个拿去当样品。)时,一定会兴趣大增,进而问你许多和产品有关的问题。如果你平时资料搜集得全面,便能有问必答。这在商务沟通上是非常有利的。 要有解决问题的诚意—Please tell me about it. 当客户向你提出抱怨时,你应该做的事是设法安抚他。最好的办法就是对他提出的抱怨表示关切与解决的诚意。你的一句“Please tell me about it”(请告诉我这件事的情况。)或“I'm sorry for my error and assure you I wil l take great care in performing the work”(我为我的错误感到抱歉,并向您保证,我会尽全力处理此事。)令对方觉得你有责任感,也会恢复对你的信任。 随时确认重要的细节—Is this waht we decided? 商务洽谈中,一牵扯到金额、交货条件和日期时,除了洽谈当时要用口头复述加以确认外,合约拟好后,更要详细地过目一遍。一旦发现疑点,应立刻询问对方“Is this what we decided? ”(这是我们说定的吗?)合约内容真的错得离谱,就应告诉对方“I'll have to return this contract to you unsigned."(我得将这份合约退还给你,不能签名。)以示抗议。任何合约上的问题,宁可罗嗦一点,也决不可含糊。 听不懂对方所说的话时,务必请他重复—Would you mind repeating it? 英语不是我们的母语,听不懂是很自然的。听不懂又装懂,那才是有害的。其实请人家重复或再讲清楚一点并不难,你只要说”Would you mind repeating it?"(您介意再讲一遍吗?),相信对方不但会再说一遍,而且连速度都会放慢些。如果你还是没听懂,那么仍然要用这个老方法:“Could you explain it more precisely?”(您能解释得更明白一点吗?) 说“不”的技巧--No, but … 在商务沟通上,该拒绝时,就应该斩钉截铁地说“No.”拐弯抹角地用“That's difficult"(那很困难。)或“Yes, but..."(好是好,可是…)来搪塞,会令对方觉得你答应得不够干脆,而不是在委婉地拒绝。如果你说“No,but…”对方便清楚地知道你是拒绝了,但似乎还可以谈谈。这个时候,你因为已先用“No”牵制对方,而站在沟通的有利位置上了。

商务谈判与沟通技巧大全 (1)

商务谈判与沟通技巧大全谈判代表要有良好的综合素质,谈判前应整理好自己的仪容仪表,穿着要整洁正式、庄重。谈判双方接触的第一印象十分重要,言谈举止要尽可能创造出友好、轻松的良好谈判气氛。谈判之初的重要任务是摸清对方的底细,因此要认真听对方谈话,细心观察对方举止表情,并适当给予回应,这样既可了解对方意图,又可表现出尊重与礼貌。 谈判的实质性阶段,主要是报价、查询、磋商、解决矛盾、处理冷场商务谈判与推销技巧内容大全 商务谈判中,无论是基于赢得尽可能大的利益空间的考虑,还是基于尽量缩小企业损失的目的,都离不开对谈判技巧的运用。 提及谈判技巧,许多专家对此已有解读,在各种网站教程上也能搜到不少相关内容。作为一个有着多年本土实战经验和跨国公司从业经历、从事过多种工作、担任过多家知名企业管理层的职业经理人,史光起对谈判技巧有基于其个人经验的解读。如下,世界工厂网小编与您分享他谈及的商务谈判中的12个谈判技巧: 1、确定谈判态度 在商业活动中面对的谈判对象多种多样,我们不能拿出同一样的态度对待所有谈判。我们需要根据谈判对象与谈判结果的重要程度来决定谈判时所要采取的态度。 如果谈判对象对企业很重要,比如长期合作的大客户,而此次谈判的内容与结果对公司并非很重要,那么就可以抱有让步的心态进行谈判,即在企业没有太大损失与影响的情况下满足对方,这样对于以后的合作

会更加有力。 如果谈判对象对企业很重要,而谈判的结果对企业同样重要,那么就抱持一种友好合作的心态,尽可能达到双赢,将双方的矛盾转向第三方,比如市场区域的划分出现矛盾,那么可以建议双方一起或协助对方去开发新的市场,扩大区域面积,,将谈判的对立竞争转化为携手竞合。 如果谈判对象对企业不重要,谈判结果对企业也是无足轻重,可有可无,那么就可以轻松上阵,不要把太多精力消耗在这样的谈判上,甚至可以取消这样的谈判。 如果谈判对象对企业不重要,但谈判结果对企业非常重要,那么就以积极竞争的态度参与谈判,不用考虑谈判对手,完全以最佳谈判结果为导向。 2、充分了解谈判对手 正所谓,知己知彼,百战不殆,在商务谈判中这一点尤为重要,对对手的了解越多,越能把握谈判的主动权,就好像我们预先知道了招标的底价一样,自然成本最低,成功的几率最高。 了解对手时不仅要了解对方的谈判目的、心里底线等,还要了解对方公司经营情况、行业情况、谈判人员的性格、对方公司的文化、谈判对手的习惯与禁忌等。这样便可以避免很多因文化、生活习惯等方面的矛盾,对谈判产生额外的障碍。还有一个非常重要的因素需要了解并掌握,那就是其它竞争对手的情况。比如,一场采购谈判,我们作为供货商,要了解其他可能和我们谈判的采购商进行合作的供货商的情况,还有其他可能和自己合作的其它采购商的情况,这样就可以适时给出相较

My friend英语作文

My friend英语作文 l have a good friend, his name is Bob. He is a high school student. His favorite color is blue.He likes todo sports. He likes playing volleyball with friends. Sometimes,he also plays basketball with me after school. He is very healthy.He likes eating vegetables and fruit. He is very kind, he often helps others. This is my best friend, how about you? Who is your best friend? l have a good friend, his name is Bob. He is a high school student. His favorite color is blue.He likes todo sports. He likes playing volleyball with friends. Sometimes,he also plays basketball with me after school. He is very healthy.He likes eating vegetables and fruit. He is very kind, he often helps others. This is my best friend, how about you? Who is your best friend?


焦躁心烦;年龄高的长者,听快言快语,难以充分理解其意。因此,讲话速度并无定论,应视对方情况,灵活掌握语速,随机应变。打电话时,适当地提高声调显得富有朝气、明快清脆。人们在看不到对方的情况下,大多凭第一听觉形成初步印象。因此,讲话时有意识地提高声调,会格外悦耳优美,就像乐谱中5(梭)的音域。 5.不要使用简略语、专用语 将“行销三科”简称“三科”这种企业内部习惯用语,第三者往往无法理解。同样,专用语也仅限于行业内使用,普通顾客不一定知道。有的人不以为然,得意洋洋地乱用简称、术语,给对方留下了不友善的印象。有的人认为西洋学及外来语高雅、体面,往往自作聪明地乱用一通,可是意义不明的英语,并不能正确表达自己的思想,不但毫无意义,有时甚至会发生误会,这无疑是自找麻烦。 6.养成复述习惯 为了防止听错电话内容,一定要当场复述。特别是同音不同义的词语及日期、时间、电话号码等数字内容,务必养成听后立刻复述、予以确认的良好习惯。文字不同,一看便知,但读音相同或极其相近的词语,通电话时却常常容易搞错,因此,对容易混淆、难于分辨的这些词语要加倍注意,放慢速度,逐字清晰地发音。如1和7、11和17等,为了避免发生音同字不同或义不同的错误,听到与数字有关的内容后,请务必马上复述,予以确认。当说到日期时,不妨加上星期几,以保证准确无误。 (二)接听和拨打电话的程序 1.注意点 (1)电话铃响两次后,取下听筒 电话铃声响1秒,停2秒。如果过了10秒钟,仍无人接电话,一般情况下人们就会感到急躁:“糟糕!人不在。”因此,铃响3次之内,应接听电话。那么,是否铃声一响,就应立刻接听,而且越快越好呢?也不是,那样反而会让对方感到惊慌。较理想的是,电话铃响完第二次时,取下听筒。 (2)自报姓名的技巧 如果第一声优美动听,会令打或接电话的对方感到身心愉快,从而放心地讲话,故电话中的第一声印象十分重要,切莫忽视。接电话时,第一声应说:“你好。这是××公司。”打电话时则首先要说:“我是××公司××处的×××。”双方都应将第一句话的声调、措词调整到最佳状态。 (3)轻轻挂断电话 通常是打电话一方先放电话,但对于职员来说,如果对方是领导或顾客,就应让对方先放电话。待对方说完“再见!”后,等待2~3秒钟才轻轻挂断电话。无论通话多么完美得体,如果最后毛毛躁躁“咔嚓”一声挂断电话,则会功亏一篑,令对方很不愉快。因此,结束通话时,应慢慢地、轻轻地挂断电话。 2.接听电话的程序 1、听到铃声响两下后拿起听筒


my friend英语作文 第一篇:my friend 高分英语作文 a girl named marry always remind me of the happy moment in my life in senior high school. several years passing by, however, i still remember the day on which we became desk-mates. she was in a blue dress with a sweaty smile when she comes to me, i felt that the smile beautify my world at the same moment. i had great difficulty in english study before we recognize each other. to my surprise, she made every effort to improve my english. what impressed me most is that she is quite patient to me. as a result, i made great progress in english learning. therefore, i was deeply moved by what she has done for me, but she holds the view that as friend of mine she is willing to do this for me. as the saying goes, true friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it is lost. i have not seen her for a long time, however, she is my best friend forever. in addition, i’m extremely appreciative her support and help. to perceive a friend, therefore, is to perceive oneself. each can be said to provide a mirror in which the other may see myself. meanwhile, she gives me a lesson about friendship, virtuous friends should recognize each other’s moral excellence, only in this way can we get along better and better. 第二篇:i turn to my friend(英语作文2)i turn to my friend , when i am in


电话英语里常见的用法 这里所出现的“dial”和“hang up”是电话英语里常见的用法。随着通信技术的发展,相互的沟通通过电话显得越来越便捷。英语通话有其特定的语言规范,英汉电话用语有一定的差异,切忌用汉语的模式来套用。大家几乎都有手机,如果留心地话,会听到一些电话英语,比如说: ·You have an incoming call.(你有一个来电。) ·You have a missed call.(你有未接来电。) ·The subscriber you dialed is power-off.(你所拨打的电话已关机。) ·The subscriber you dialed is busy.Please wait and redial.(你所拨打的电话正在通话中,请稍候再拨。)· The line is busy/The line is engaged.(线路繁忙。/占线。) 下面介绍一些日常生活中较实用的电话英语。 首先,请求接线员/总机接通电话(asking the operator/switchboard to put you through)你可以说: ·Can you help me to r each sb?(能帮我接一下……吗?) ·Can you put me through to extension 911?(能帮我接通分机号911吗?) ·Could you do me a favor and give me extension 911。please?(请帮我一个忙,接通分机号911好吗?) ·Can you connect me with...?(请给我接……好吗?) I’d like to speak to sb.Please put my call through to sb.(我想给……打一个电话,请帮我接通。) ·I’d like to place a long distance call to…(我想给……打一个长途电话。) ·May I speak to Mr.Wang?(请问王先生在吗?) ·Is this...?(你是……吗?) ·Operator,I was cut off./I’ve been disconnected.(接线员,我的电话断了。)


外贸口语之英语沟通技巧 在外贸工作中,熟练的英语沟通技巧可以助你一臂之力。作为外贸业务员,掌握这些小小 的细节实在是非常有必要,因为外贸本身就是一直细致的工作。 向沟通对手表示善意与欢迎 --I will arrange everything. 如果沟通是由你发起,提供对手一切的方便,能使沟通一 开始便在友善和谐的气氛下进行。尤其是当你的沟通对手是远道而来的,你热心地告知他:“I will arrange everything." (我会安排一切。)不但表现出你的诚意,也能使他在不必顾虑 食宿等琐事的情况下,专心与你进行沟通。 沟通进行中应避免干扰 —No interruptions during the meeting! 如果沟通的地点是在你的公司,那么请叮咛你的部属,勿在沟通过程中做不必要的干扰。因为过份的干扰会影响沟通的意愿和热忱。 资料须充实完备 —We have a pamphlet in English. 具体的物品通常比口头描述更有说服力。当客户 听到你说 "We have a pamphlet in English."(我们有英文的小册子。)或 "Please take this as a sample"(请将这个拿去当样品。)时,一定会兴趣大增,进而问你许多和产品 有关的问题。如果你平时资料搜集得全面,便能有问必答。这在商务沟通上是非常有利 的。 要有解决问题的诚意 —Please tell me about it. 当客户向你提出抱怨时,你应该做的事是设法安抚他。最好的办 法就是对他提出的抱怨表示关切与解决的诚意。你的一句“Please tell me about it”(请告诉我这件事的情况。)或“I'm sorry for my error and assure you I will take great care in performing the work”(我为我的错误感到抱歉,并向您保证,我会尽全力处理此事。) 令对方觉得你有责任感,也会恢复对你的信任。 随时确认重要的细节 —Is this waht we decided? 商务洽谈中,一牵扯到金额、交货条件和日期时,除了洽谈当 时要用口头复述加以确认外,合约拟好后,更要详细地过目一遍。一旦发现疑点,应立刻 询问对方“Is this what we decided? ”(这是我们说定的吗?)合约内容真的错得离谱,就 应告诉对方“I'll have to return this contract to you unsigned."(我得将这份合约退还给你,不能签名。)以示抗议。任何合约上的问题,宁可罗嗦一点,也决不可含糊。 听不懂对方所说的话时,务必请他重复

关于描写My friend的优秀英语作文

关于描写My friend的优秀英语作文 我们中不能缺少的一种情感那就是友情,没有友情就像是一人饮酒一样,没有任何的意境。下面是给大家整理的关于My friend的英语作文,供你参考! 关于My friend的英语作文篇一:My FriendMy best friend is Billie Jaen. She has short hair. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. She is tall and thin. She lives on the tenth floor of a tall building. There are five people in her family. Xiao Yi likes to do sports. She likes to play badminton and volley ball. Her favourite color is pink. Her favorite food is fish and vegetables, because they are healthy. Her hobby is reading books and riding a bike. She often plays the computer or goes shopping on the weekend. Sometimes we go to KFC together. We go there by car. I like my best friend;Billie Jaen. We are good friends 关于My friend的英语作文篇二:My friendI have a good friend,her name is Amy.She is an England girl.She is tall and she is twelve years old.She has brown hair.Her eyes are big and blue.Her face is round and her mouth is small,her nose is small,too.Her favourite color is blue.So she usually wears blue


导言 现代社会,各种高科技的手段拉近了人与人之间的距离,即使远隔天涯,也可以通过现代通讯技术近若比邻。事实上,我们在日常的沟通活动中,借用的最多的工具就是电话。电话使人们的联系更为方便快捷,但另一方面,电话沟通也有其自身的缺陷。 一个人接听拨打电话的沟通技巧是否高明,常常会影响到他是否能顺利达成本次沟通的目标,甚至也会直接影响到企业、公司的对外形象。因此,应多动脑筋,千方百计让对方从声音中感受到你的热情友好。要想给对方留下诚实可信的良好印象,学习和掌握基本的电话 【自检】 在学习本讲课程之前,对照一些常见的电话沟通习惯,请你先回想一下自己通常是如何进行电话沟通的? 接听、拨打电话的基本技巧和程序

(一)接听、拨打电话的基本技巧 为了提高通话效果、正确表达思想,请注意下述六点: 1.电话机旁应备记事本和铅笔 试回忆本周前4天晚饭的内容,大概不少人想不起吧!所以不可太相信自己的记忆,重要事项可采取做记录的措施予以弥补。若在电话机旁放置好记录本、铅笔,当他人打来电话时,就可立刻记录主要事项。如不预先备妥纸笔,到时候措手不及、东抓西找,不仅耽误时间,而且会搞得自己狼狈不堪。 2.先整理电话内容,后拨电话 给别人打电话时,如果想到什么就讲什么,往往会丢三落四,忘却了主要事项还毫无觉察,等对方挂断了电话才恍然大悟。因此,应事先把想讲的事逐条逐项地整理记录下来,然后再拨电话,边讲边看记录,随时检查是否有遗漏。另外,还要尽可能在3分钟之内结束。实际上,3分钟可讲1000个字,相当于两页半稿纸上的内容,按理是完全能行的。如果一次电话用了5分钟甚至10分钟,那么一定是措辞不当,未抓住纲领、突出重点。 3.态度友好 有人认为,电波只是传播声音,打电话时完全可以不注意姿势、表情,这种看法真是大错特错。双方的诚实恳切,都饱含于说话声中。若声调不准就不易听清楚,甚至还会听错。因此,讲话时必须抬头挺胸,伸直脊背。“言为心声”,态度的好坏,都会表现在语言之中。如果道歉时不低下头,歉意便不能伴随言语传达给对方。同理,表情亦包含在声音中。打电话表情麻木时,其声音也冷冰冰。因此,打电话也应微笑着讲话。 根据这一原理,在一些大公司的总机或者前台,管理者有意在接线员的桌上放置一面镜子,以促使她们在接听电话的时候自然的微笑,然后通过语言把这一友好的讯息传递出去。 4.注意自己的语速和语调 急性子的人听慢话,会觉得断断续续,有气无力,颇为难受;慢吞吞的人听快语,会感到焦躁心烦;年龄高的长者,听快言快语,难以充分理解其意。因此,讲话速度并无定论,应视对方情况,灵活掌握语速,随机应变。 打电话时,适当地提高声调显得富有朝气、明快清脆。人们在看不到对方的情况下,大多凭第一听觉形成初步印象。因此,讲话时有意识地提高声调,会格外悦耳优美,就像乐谱中5(梭)的音域。 5.不要使用简略语、专用语 将“行销三科”简称“三科”这种企业内部习惯用语,第三者往往无法理解。同样,专用语也仅限于行业内使用,普通顾客不一定知道。有的人不以为然,得意洋洋地乱用简称、术语,给对方留下了不友善的印象。有的人认为西洋学及外来语高雅、体面,往往自作聪明地乱用一通,可是意义不明的英语,并不能正确表达自己的思想,不但毫无意义,有时甚至会发生误会,这无疑是自找麻烦。

my friend英语作文(中英对照)

my friend英语作文(中英对照) 导语:人的一生,就像一个很大很大的迷宫,只有真挚的友谊陪伴自己才能走出去。下面是yjbys作文网小编为您收集整理的作文,希望对您有所帮助。 To tell you my best friend, is inati on! He is tall, neck is very long, like a goose. Start to a shake a put, a higher bottom. Skin white in black. Who is very cute. Remember once, I and inati go home together, at that time under the drizzle. He rode a bicycle on the road of his mother. I have seen a very surprised, I asked him: "you're not scared of a man riding on the road?" "Afraid of what, I didn't dare to come here to practice for a long time to ride." "Rainy day also dare you?" I asked him. He smiled a smile, said: "as long as the skilled, what's the weather also dare!" I listened to his words, admire his courage. After a while, he said to I boast: "I still can on one hand!" Said he had one hand to ride up. And stamped his feet, the body forward, then rode out of the distance. I didn't catch up with


您好!请问您是***的家长吧。我是XX少儿英语的XX老师,打扰您几分钟的时间。我们这个周末安排了纯外教亲子课程/活动,可以达到当堂整句说英语的效果。想邀请您和孩子一起来参加。为了能选择最适合孩子的课程内容,我想简单了解一下孩子的基本情况。 1.孩子是那年出生的呢? 2.之前有接触过英语吗? 有:那您的意识真的非常好! 是在哪里学过还是您自己交的?为何选择这个机构呢? 没有:那您打算什么时候让孩子学习英语呢? 根据孩子的情况,周X下午X点的课程适合咱们孩子。您看这个时间可以吧。 没时间: 那您看周X的时间可以吗? 可以:告知地点发短信。 不可以:孩子周末时间好忙呀,是还报名了其他课程了吗? 是:问报了什么,做需求性对比。 不是:问那是什么原因呢,做需求对比。那您看平时的晚上或下周有时间吗?(加微信) 怎么收费? 孩子实在哪里上幼儿园呢?我们的价格幼儿园的全年收费相似。 孩子在XX上课吧,我们的费用和他们相似。 我们费用是根据孩子的水平来定价的,具体价格需要孩子还上课,在课后我们老师给孩子做一个专业的测评,根据测评结果定价的。 教育是一种投资,不是消费。我们的课程是纯外教的课程,并且学完后能够让还达到初中(高中)水平。而平均下来,我们课时费是一课时XXX左右,也就是一顿饭。您先和孩子一起

来体验一下我们的课程,根据孩子的水平在确定价格。 家长说看时间安排:为了保证课程效果,我们是小班教学,一个班也就X人。您周末是有其他安排吗?做需求对比。 和家人商量:平时是您负责孩子学习吗? 是的:既然是您负责,那您就能做决定了呀。毕竟不会耽误您太多的时间,也就1个小时左右。但是这区区1个小我们就能做到让孩子整句输出,您不好奇我们怎么做到的吗? 不是:那平时是由谁负责呢?您什么时候和他在一起,我在给您电话。 孩子太小了:您看,英语是一门语言,他的学习和汉语一样。您什么时候教孩子学习汉语呢?那么其实英语和汉语是一样的。是要尽早学习的。我们这边有许多XX岁数的孩子在学习英语,相信您也不希望咱们的孩子输在起跑线上吧。 家长很烦躁地说,以后别联系我们了,都很多次了,我们不学。 A:好的家长,很抱歉打扰您,我一定将您的电话记录下来,告知其他的同事,不再打扰您,不过我们的课程真的很不错,对孩子帮助也很大,您可以记下我的这个电话,如果以后想要给孩子加强这个方面,您可以随时联系我,谢谢您。 如果家长态度较好可以详细的沟通我们的学校优势,若是态度冷漠,简短、快速的告诉时间安排和地址,并预约下次沟通的时间。 A:这样吧**家长,您现在也挺忙的,您看我XX点在给您打电话方便吗?您的微信号是?我加您的微信,微信上会不定期的分享孩子学习的知识,咱们保持联系。最后发短信告知试听课的时间和地址。 第二轮电话内容,根据上面家长的反应再次强调,加深家长对我们学校的印象。 孩子不愿意和家长不需要:从孩子的规划入手,聊英语是刚需。
