可能是由于空气过滤器堵塞、进气口漏气、油气分离器故 障等原因引起。此时需要检查并清洁过滤器、修复进气口 漏气、更换油气分离器等。
可能是由于冷却器堵塞、润滑油不足、散热不良等原因引 起。此时需要清洁冷却器、添加润滑油、改善散热条件等 。
阿特拉斯空压机在研发、生产、销售等方面均 有着丰富的经验,并不断推出适应市场需求的 新产品。
阿特拉斯空压机在全球范围内拥有广泛的客户 群体,其产品质量和售后服务均受到用户的高 度认可。
阿特拉斯空压机产品线丰富,包括活塞式、螺杆式、离心式等 多种类型,可满足不同用户的需求。
确认空压机各部件正常,无异常声音和泄 漏,控制面板正常。
当压力降至设定的卸载压力值时,加载阀 关闭,进气口打开,卸载开始。
当空压机达到设定的压力值时,加载阀自 动打开,进气口关闭,开始加载。
检查空压机的温度、压力、声音 、泄漏等情况,以及润滑油和冷 却液的使用情况。
定期更换滤芯和密 封件
根据使用情况,定期更换空气滤 清器、机油滤清器和油气分离器 等滤芯,以及密封件如O型圈和 油封等。
定期清洁冷却器和 散热器
定期清洁冷却器和散热器,确保 其散热效果。
Z系列代表无油机ZA单级压缩(水冷,压力在3.5bar左右)ZE单级压缩(风冷,压力在3.5~4bar)ZT双级压缩(风冷,压力在4~13bar)ZR双级压缩(水冷,压力在4~13 bar左右)X系列代表移动机XAS:单级压缩,低风压压力在4~13bar左右XRV:双级压缩,高风压SF系列无油涡选压缩机,流量0.6~3.7m3/min,功率1~15KW (1,4,6,8,11,15),排气压力8bar,10bar。
某纺织企业使用的阿特拉斯空压机出现温度过高故障,经过检查发现是冷却器堵塞所致 ,经过清洗冷却器,故障得以排除。
某机械加工厂使用的阿特拉斯空压机出现压力不足故障,经过检查发现是进气过滤器堵 塞所致,更换过滤器后,故障得以排除。
在启动阿特拉斯空压机之前,应确保所有相关设备和管道都已正确安装并经过检查。按照制造商提供的操作手册 进行启动,通常需要打开电源并启动主电机。在关闭空压机时,应先停止主电机,然后关闭电源,以确保设备平 稳停止运行。
在阿特拉斯空压机运行过程中,应定期检查各种运行参数,如压力、温度、油位等,以确保它们在正 常范围内。同时,应留意任何异常声音或振动,及时发现并解决潜在问题。通过持续的运行监控,可 以预防潜在故障,延长设备使用寿命。
定期对阿特拉斯空压机进行保养,包括更换滤芯、润滑油 等,可以延长设备的使用命,提高设备的运行效率。
建立完善的维护保养制度,对设备的运行状况进行实时监 测,及时发现并处理潜在的故障隐患,可以避免设备突发 故障对生产造成的影响。
汇报人: 2024-01-10
• 阿特拉斯空压机简介 • 阿特拉斯空压机工作原理 • 阿特拉斯空压机操作与使用 • 阿特拉斯空压机常见问题与解
决方案 • 阿特拉斯空压机案例分享与经
Atlas Copco Group Presentation 2012
建筑技术 16%
43% 矿山与岩石 32% 开挖技术 9% 工业技术
Atlas Copco Group Presentation 2012
服务部 高永强
山东邦克矿业设备有限公司 (山东区域经销商)
阿特拉斯· 科普柯简介
成立于1873年,总部位于瑞典斯德哥尔摩 拥有四大业务领域(2011年7月1日起) • 压缩机技术 • 工业技术 • 矿山与岩石开挖技术 • 建筑技术 业务范围遍及全球170多个国家
FLEXI ROC系列,全能系列一体式全液压顶锤钻机及全液压潜 孔钻机; SMART ROC系列,也称为智能钻机系列。
除此之外,SDE产品还有移动破碎机系列;移动筛分机系列; 大理石钻机系列以及破碎锤系列等等。
BVB 25 TH ROC 203 TH CM341 TH/CM351A LM100 ROC 203 DTH BVB 25 DTH CM341H CM341/CM341 DTH MZ 200 ROC P55 ROC P65
T35 T40 T45 D65
露天液压钻机FlexiROC T35
露天液压钻机FlexiROC T40
露天液压钻机PowerROC T35
露天潜孔钻机FlexiROC D50
Committed to sustainable productivity.
[ 齿 轮原 理 与 制造 【 . 京 : 学 出 版社 , 7 . 2 ] M] 北 科 1 3 9
【] O M R2 2S ae atC tl u [1 ts oc , 3 B O E 8 pr r a o ez.l po P s ag A ac
2 4. OO
驾驶 室执行其 它任 务 ,如 保养检 查或钻 头修
磨等 。
S ati 电 脑 钻 机 的 另 一 个 特 点 是 孔 mr g R
供 的配件 。 目前 , 中国建筑 工 程 ( 香港 ) 限 有
位 导 向 系统 —— H S,它 使 用 了 G S实 时 N P 卫 星全 球 定 位 系 统 ,可 极 大 提 高钻 机 的 钻 孔 精 度 , 差 基 本 不 超过 5m。 了 H S系 偏 c 有 N 统 , 不 必 手 工 标 记钻 孔位 置 , 进 精 确 性 可 钻 可达 到所 有 钻 孔 角 度 平 行 的 效 果 ,操 作 员
【 机 械 设 计 手 册 ( 册 ) . 京 : 学 工 业 出版 社 , 1 】 中 【 北 M】 化
阿特 拉 斯 ・ 考普 柯 静音 型 S r i M 钻 机进 入 中 国 mat g R T
最 近 。阿 特拉斯 ・ 普 柯首 次 在 中 国市 考 场 推 出静 音型 S at i M 电脑钻 机 . mr g R T 它包 括 R C D C和静 音套 件 以 及其 它 根 据需 要 提 O 7
轴 配合 的功能 ( 当于原缸 体 的尾 端 ) 相 。这样
既可减小 缸体 的体积 .便于铸 造加工 以及消 除铸造缺 陷 ,又减轻 了多头 内螺纹加 工的工
艺复 杂程度 ,同时 当某 一部分 出现铸 造缺 陷
地下岩石开挖设备 — 致力于研发、制造和销售不同种类的隧道和矿产开采设备,应用于全球多项地下开采领域。
Atlas Copco Construction and Mining TechniqueAtlas Copco Construction and Mining Technique develops, manufactures, markets and services rock drilling tools, construction and demolition tools, drill rigs and equipment. It innovates for superior productivity in surface and underground rock excavation, exploration drilling, rock reinforcement, ground engineering, water well, oil and gas drilling, and compaction and paving equipment worldwide. Several other Brands within Atlas Copco Construction and Mining Technique Business Area are also represented in China.Underground Rock Excavation – It develops, manufactures, and markets a wide range of tunneling and mining equipment for various underground applications worldwide. The division focuses strongly on innovative product design and aftermarket support systems, which give added customer value.露天凿岩设备 — 致力于研发、制造和销售凿岩设备,应用于全球多项土木工程、采石场和露天矿坑领域。
亚特兰蒂斯(Atlas Copco)电池驱动工具产品说明书
23Atlas Copco battery tools come in three functionality levels to fit your specific requirements:SRB HAImprove your operations with a high-productivity battery tool for all your critical applications.Battery, Drive & Performance• 36 V smart battery • High performance motor• Built in torque transducer and angle sensorFeature / ModelDigitalSmartConnectedDual Trigger ✔✔✔Socket Release ✔✔✔Guiding LED Feedback ✔✔✔Torque Transducer ✔✔✔Permanent Magnet Motor ✔✔✔HMI Display✔✔✔Internal wifi Server for Data Collection✔✔Presets (10)✔✔Batch Mode (10)✔✔Angle Monitoring ✔✔Torque + Angle Strategy ✔✔Torque Tolerances ✔✔Live Data Collection ✔Operator guidance ✔SQS Configuration ✔PF6000 Configuration✔Function Button• Customisable button / ReverseOperator Control & Feedback• Display with 3 buttons • Pset Selection / Quick Torqe • Easy interface for the operatorTorque Range• Four models :1300/2400/3400/4000 NmIP41 Protection• Ingress ProtectionErgonomics• Well balanced • D handle forrobustness and safetyDual Trigger• Both triggers need to be pressed • Minimize risk of injuryConnects direct to any mobile device• No app• No additional software • No wifi network neededMulti-functional LED• White spotlight for dark areas • OK/NOK feedback for operatorAtlas Copco has been a preferred supplier to the global manufacturing industry for decades. We were the first company to develop and introduce smart electric tools into the factories more than 30 years ago. With our new high torque battery nutrunner range, we are applying our knowledge and experience to take the smart factory to the field.Atlas Copco’s new battery range is equipped with a torque transducer for maximum reliability. All tools have a powerful motor and a new dual trigger design, minimizing the risk of injuries to operators. We are committed to make the operation process for our customers quicker, safer and smarter.+PF6000Smart Connected Bolting,taking smart factory to the field.Tensor ST Revo HAHFGC l e a r f e e d b a c k f o ru se r sSmaller, lighter, fasterConventional pneumatic or hydraulic tools face problems in terms of noise, vibration and productivity. Most of these assembly tools do not give users any feedback concerning the results of the tightening operation. As a result, these tools can lead to – unnecessary – additional investment in further tools and reworking.Better accessThe Tensor Revo HA was designed to facilitate assembly work and reworking in confined spaces. It features a slimmer gearbox andlightweight, compact reaction bars. In addition, the Revo HA is equipped with a socket release function for rapidly releasing the tool and the reaction bar from the joint following the completion of tightening.Higher process qualityThe Revo HA is a high-torque nutrunner with integrated torque and angle transducers. With full traceability of tightening results as well as angle control and monitoring, the high-torque Tensor system guarantees perfect assembly results and bolted joints of the highest quality.A The 360° swivel reaction bar offersmaximum flexibility for working in a variety of applications. A wide range of lightweight reaction bars are available.B The slim gear units ensure easy access tothe joints to be tightened. Five modelsfor torque values from 390 to 8,000 Nm are available.C Quality: This unique nutrunner combinesan assembly tool and a measurementsystem in a single unit. The Tensor Revo HA, which is designed for free swiveling at all times, ensures full traceability and high-quality tightening results.D Two-hand starter. The Revo HA focuseson the operator. Two-hand starting ensures greater safety and betterergonomics. Good weight distribution and the freely adjustable support handle also make for easier handling.E The angle of the handle can beindividually adjusted.F Operator feedback and parameter setselection: the Revo HA provides directtorque and angle feedback to the user. With free parameter set selection, it is ideal for a variety of applications.G LED lamps give the operatorinstantfeedback.H The Power Focus 6000 controllerfeatures a touch screen and is a universal controller for all Tensor tools.FunctionsBCEDAFaster tighteningOur high-torque tools make tightening operations not only safer but also faster. Torque values can be set easily at the touch of a button and the display provides clear information for users, making work easier. In addition, freely programmable speeds make assembly processes significantly faster.Safety and ergonomics The two-hand starter makes for safe operation of the Revo HA. The outstanding distribution of weight between two hands also helps prevent fatigue. Comfortable handling and low vibration and noise levels ensure healthier working. In addition, the convenient carrying case makes it easier to carry the tool to the point of use.HRTPpneumatic nutrunnerLight weight High precisionOutstanding accessibilitySlim and powerfulIt doesn’t matter which sector you work in – if you need to loosen or tighten bolted joints with high torque values, the slim, lightweight RTP pneumatic nutrunner from Atlas Copco can help improve your productivity.Easy on the operatorYou will be surprised at the light weight of the RTP nutrunner. Never-theless, its high-speed motor delivers the power you need to tighten large bolts. The reactive torque is absor-bed by a sturdy, lightweight reaction bar. Noise and vibration levels are lower than with conventional impact wrenches.Outstanding accessibility and high precisionThe slim gear unit of the RTP is one of the smallest on the market, ensu-ring easy access to bolts in cramped conditions. RTP nutrunners feature impressively high tightening accura-cy and repeatability.Flexible and safePlug & play! Just connect the RTP to your air line and you can start work. It is easy to adjust the torque of an RTP nutrunner using the FRL air pressure unit, which also improves the durability and torque precision of the tool. The replaceable square drive makes maintenance easy and reduces repair costs.The optional two-hand starter makes this tool even safer for the operator.A reliable partner for your operations teamThe RTP is a practical tool, not only for flange tightening. It is well-suited for a wide variety of tasks in a large number of different sectors: oil, gas and chemicals industry, raw material extraction and processing, energy industry, etc. RTP nutrunners are also used very effectively for maintaining, repairing and overhauling cons-truction machinery and agricultural equipment.Compact design Lightweight Haptic feedback High accuracyFeaturesErgonomic handleAdjustment ring with double scale Ratchet head with socket change mechanismAtlas Copco torque wrenches can be used either individually or as the perfect addition to impact wrenches to ensure that the correct torque value is reached.LMS impact wrench and ACTW torque wrenchPerformance you can rely onAtlas Copco impact wrenches are designed for reliable operation and long, trouble-free service lives under the most difficult conditions. As regards flexibility, power-to-weight ratio and reliability, Atlas Copco impact wrenches are the tools of choice.These click-type wrenches feature high-quality ratchets which give an audible click. With five models, the series covers a torque range from 5 to 1,000 Nm. The torque wrenches reach a repeatabi-lity of +/-4% in accordance with EN ISO 6789-1:2017.RT hydraulic wrench with square drive9 models for torque values from 75 to 71,169 Nm 12345RTX direct-drive hydraulic wrench6 models for torque values from 346 to 43,108 Nm1234512345RT and RTX hydraulic torque wrenchesHands-free, vibration-free tool, safe for use by a single worker, even if several bolts are tight-ened simultaneously, thanks to integrated reverse lock:this acts like a winch and is a safe solution for hands-free assembly even under the most difficult conditions. These tools save time and reduce capacity requirements and cost at the same time as ensuring the highest safety levels.Sturdy design and high-quality materials: aluminum and steel minimize wear and repair requirements, ensuring a long service life.Mobility, speed and flexibility for tightening even in confined spaces thanks to the slim shape, lightweight and swiveling hydraulic connections combined in a single component.Sturdy monobloc tool bodySwiveling hydraulic connectionsQuick, easy release thanks to external disengagement lever Splined reaction arm for maximum safety as standard equipment, with special reaction arms available as optionsStandard square drive with direct drive available as option Quick change system: links can be changed in a matter of seconds without additional tools – simply by pulling out the retaining pinAutomatic connection of link – locked in place immediatelyIntegrated reaction pad for all standard applications; adapted reaction arms for special applications available as accessories Hydraulic connections designed for 360° rotation and swiveling Extremely low-profile design with integrated drive2 34 51Hydraulic bolt tensionersTopside tensionersOur range of patented Airbac topside tensioners consist of six series for bolts with thread sizes from ¾” to 4”and M 20 to M 100. The tools have been designed to be compatible with most flanges (ANSI B 16.5, ANSI B 16.47 series 1, MSS SP 44, API-6A and API-17 D).Also available forcustomer-specific solutionsThe patented Airbac piston return system can also be integrated into our tensioning systems produced to order for specific customers, allowing customers with individual applications to benefit from considerable time savings.We also produce individual tensioning systems tailor-made to order.Safe, durable hydraulic bolt tensioners: series WTB(wind turbine)Our WTB tensioners were developed in close cooperation withusers to meet the requirements for the installation, maintenanceand repair of wind turbines. The requirements included; use indifficult conditions, the tightening of various sizes of bolt usingas few tools as possible, ergonomics, safety and time factors – formore than 15 years, our individually adapted tensioning solutionshave helped customers improve their productivity.y Single-stage (for bolt sizes M36 and M42) and two-stage(for bolt sizes M30 to M64) units for optimum positioning.y Connections designed for 360° swiveling for the positioningof tools in confined spaces – also under loady Integrated gear unit, high-quality materials for durability inextremely difficult conditions Flange spreadersNut splittersOur powerful mechanical and hydraulic flange spreaders makemaintenance work such as the removal of flange gaskets easy.Both models allow easy transportation, feature ergonomicdesign and are designed for safe use.Resistance is futile …… with the safe new nut splitters from Atlas Copco Tools. The combina-tion of a sharp cutting tip with an opposed convex reaction point ma-kes for more effective splitting by controlled spreading of the nut.They open up the nut on the bolt instead of squeezing it. Thismakes it easier to turn the nut for the second separation step.The nut splitters are equipped with a cover over the blade,which can be replaced quickly and easily. The covermakes for safer working as it prevents any fragmentsof the nut from flying away from the bolt.To view the Atlas Copco nut splitter video,just scan the QR code or visit us at theAtlas Copco YouTube channel.ACMS08T – contents of kit:• Mechanical wedge head• 203 Nm torque wrench with22 mm socket• Safety block• 2 x step blocks• 2 x screws for step block• Allen key• Construction manual• Sturdy caseACHS14T – contents of kit:• Hydraulic wedge head• Safety block• 2 x step blocks• 2 x screws for step block• Allen key• Construction manual• Sturdy caseACHS14T8434 2058 06ACMS08T8434 2058 05SP700Designed and tested to meet toughhydraulic bolting demands in Wind and Oil & Gas construction and maintenance projects. A reliable choice for continuous operations.SP-700 pump is ideal for all hydraulic torque wrench operations which require high productivity and operator comfort.Autocycle mode is capable of removing manual reaction time losses from each cycle with any hydraulic torque wrench.Saves energy in each cycle of hydraulic wrench operation. This is normally lost due to manual operations.All operations can be carried out with the remote pendant. safety alarms for low oil level, hightemperatures and faulty electric supply for increased safety.ABDELGHIC KSP1500SP-1500 tensioning pump is a smart choice for tensioningoperations with a perfect balance of speed and durability even in extreme weather conditions.A combination of high flow gear pump and high flow intensifier delivers a uniform speed over the entire pressure range, speeding up the process.Remote pendant operation for pressure build up and pressure release, enables operator to stay away from high pressure areas.High performance intensifier gives a smooth energy and efficient operation, with these features in place it achieves minimum wear and tear on all components.Suitable for working in extreme hot and coldweather conditions. Using the recommended oil as per ambient temperatures will give you uninterrupted uptime to operators, speeding the overall process.A BDEG HICF Smart hydraulic pumps for torque and tensionACircuit breaker for safety of PLC and other components. B On off control on pump for safety. C PLC based control box with LCD display. D Class 1 guage with large dial for easy read. E Gear pump & intensifier for energy saving. G Automatic/Manualmode. H Emergency stop switch. I Stop and pressure release. K Start and pressure rise. L Carrying handle.ACircuit breaker for safety of PLC and other components.B On off control on pump for safety.C PLC based control box with LCD display. D Class 1 guage with large dial for easy read.E Gear pump & intensifier for energy saving.F Safe quick couplers with locking ring to prevent accidental disengagement.G Start/Pressurise.H Emergency stop switch.I Stop and pressure release.ModelSquare drive Torque range,NmSpeed, rpmWeight, kg*Length, mmBolt center spacing,mm*ETP SRB81-1300-29-HA ¾”390-1300 23 5.537832ETP SRB81-2400-25-HA 1” 720-240011 6.842835.5ETP SRB81-3400-25-HA 1” 1020-340078.544155.5ETP SRB81-4000-25-HA1”1200-400058.544155.5*With battery and S-shaped reaction barHA – smart version/smart connected versionThe set includes tool, case, charger, two batteries and S-shaped reaction bar.Battery/charger Ordering no.Lithium-ion battery, 36 V, 3.6 Ah 4211 6030 86Multi-charger, 18-36 V 4211 6083 84Cover, 36 V4211 6090 36Tool protection Length cover (included in set with tool)4216 4271 02Accessories Ordering no.Tool modelA. Straight reaction barB. S-shaped reaction barC. Adjustable reaction barD. Mounting plate,rectangularSRB HA 1300 4210 4757 90 4210 4480 90 4210 4752 90 4210 4758 90 SRB HA 2400 4210 4757 934210 4480 94 4210 4752 934210 4758 93SRB HA 3400/40004210 4757 854210 4480 854210 4752 85 4210 4758 85C Tensor modelSquare driveTorque rangeSpeed Weight Length Ordering no.Nmrpm kgmm ETP ST101-1300-20-F-HA ¾” 390 - 130065 6.43488433 2313 03ETP ST101-2400-25-F-HA 1”720 - 2400317.54008433 2326 03ETP ST101-4000-25-F-HA 1”1200 - 400016114618433 2324 03ETP ST101-5500-38-F-HA 1½”1650 - 55001713.24528433 2325 03ETP ST101-6500-38-F-HA 1½”1950 - 65001213.24528433 2327 03ETP ST101-8000-38-F-HA*1½”2400 - 80001013.24528433 2328 03Tensor ST Revo HALMS impact wrenches with pistol gripRTP nutrunner kitsModelBolt size Square drive Min. torque at 1.5 bar Max. torque at 1.5 bar Idle speed Weight*LengthCenterspacingAirconsumption at idle Hose diameter Air inletthread Ordering no.mmInch NmNmrpm kgmm Inch mm Inch l/s cfmmm Inch RTP1300-HR2020-273/4320130020 3.72489.832 1.262348.7133/88431 1013 10RTP2600-HR2520-361700260010530011.834 1.342348.7133/88431 1026 10RTP4100C-HR2530-45110004100107.131812.541 1.613165.5133/88431 1041 10RTP8100-GIR3833-521 1/2220081001013.544417.551 2.0150105131/28431 1081 10NOTE: declared sound and vibration emissions for all models in the table in accordance with ISO 28927-2 and ISO 15744. The sound pressure level for the RTP1300HR20 is 90 dB(A), RTP2600-HR25 90 dB(A), RTP4100C-HR25 90 dB(A), RTP8100-GIR38 99 dB(A) and the vibration value for all models is <2.5 m/s².ModelBolt size Torque range Min. torque Max. torque Idle speed Weight*Lengthwit-hout drive Air con-sump-tion Hose diameter Air inletthread Socket mountingOrdering no..mmInch Nm Nmrpm kg mm l/s mm Inch Pin RingPin &O-RingLMS08 HR10M6-83/87-4565140000.9185 2.56,31/4•--8434 1080 00LMS08 HR42M6-81/4*7-3560140000.9186 2.56,31/4---8434 1080 05LMS18 HR13M101/210-1101508100 1.451448.5101/4•--8434 1180 00LMS18 HR10M103/810-901208100 1.45148 6.5101/4•--8434 1180 01LMS18 HR13/F M101/210-1101508100 1.451448.5101/4-•-8434 1180 02LMS18 HR10/F M103/810-901208100 1.45148 6.5101/4-•-8434 1180 03LMS28 HR13M121/230-2103909500 1.851468.510 3.8•--8434 1280 00LMS28 HR13/F M121/230-2103909500 1.851468.510 3.8-•-8434 1280 01LMS38 HR13M14-161/240-3758508000 2.61671010 3.8•--8434 1380 00LMS38 HR13/F M14-161/240-3758508000 2.61671010 3.8-•-8434 1380 01LMS48 HR20M16-183/4100-55013756500 3.31731212.5 3.8--•8434 1480 00LMS58 HR25M20-221300-80019005500 4.821014.512.5 3.8--•8434 1580 00LMS58 HR20M18-203/4300-80019005500 4.821014.512.5 3.8--•8434 1580 01LMS68 HR25M22-301600-1800445050009.825228161/2--•8434 1680 01RT/RTX hydraulic torque wrenchesModel Squaredrive Torque range Weight Ordering no. Inch Nm kgRT-0.51⁄2’’75-5380.48434 2010 00 RT-013⁄4’’271-1817 1.98434 2010 02 RT-031’’651-4379 3.98434 2010 05 RT-051-1⁄2’’1132-75787.58434 2010 09 RT-081-1⁄2’’1627-10.84511.58434 2010 13 RT-101-1⁄2’’2379-15.61713.48434 2010 16 RT-202-1⁄2’’4013-26.78718.08434 2010 20 RT-252-1⁄2’’5368-35.09631.08434 2010 25 RT-502-1⁄2’’10.675-71.16948.08434 2010 29ModelSocket wrenchsize Torque range Weight Ordering no.mm Nm kgRTX-0219-65346-2318 2.08434 2021 90 RTX-0425-85786-5226 4.48434 2021 95 RTX-0846-1051549-11.0499.08434 2022 00 RTX-1460-1352725-18.16515.08434 2116 58 RTX-1875-1403628-24.19123.08434 2022 05 RTX-3090-1656466-43.10835.58434 2022 10ACTW torque wrenchesModel Square drive Torque Precision*Length Weight Ordering no.Inch Nm mm kgACTW051/4 5-25± 4 %2480.48434 0300 01 ACTW203/8 20-100± 4 %408 1.28434 0300 02 ACTW401/2 40-200± 4 %519 1.68434 0300 03 ACTW1503/4 150-750± 4 %1124 5.78434 0300 04 ACTW2001200-1000± 4 %1224 6.58434 0300 05Description Ordering no.1 11⁄16˝ BK-1118434 2129 571 5⁄16˝ BK-1058434 2056 312 7⁄16˝ BK-2078434 2128 95BK-014 7⁄8˝8434 2056 27BK-100MM8434 2056 24BK-101 1 1⁄16˝8434 2056 29BK-104=32MM8434 2128 90BK-105MM8434 2128 93BK-1078434 2056 26BK-1088434 2128 96BK-1108434 2056 28BK-110MM8434 2128 99BK-1128434 2129 02BK-1138434 2056 30Reaction barDescription Ordering no.BK-1148434 2129 05BK-120MM8434 2129 08BK-2008434 2056 32BK-2018434 2129 11BK-2028434 2129 14BK-2038434 2056 34BK-2048434 2129 17BK-2068434 2056 36BK-2098434 2056 38BK-2108434 2056 40BK-2128434 2056 42BK-2158434 2056 44BK-24MM8434 2056 23BK-3008434 2129 23BK-3028434 2056 46BK-302=80MM 8434 2056 53Description Ordering no.BK-308=90MM8434 2056 48BK-30MM8434 2129 26BK-3128434 2129 29BK-3148434 2056 50BK-34MM8434 2128 91BK-36MM8434 2129 32BK-4028434 2129 35BK-4048434 2129 38BK-4108434 2056 52BK-43MM8434 2129 33BK-5008434 2056 54BK-5068434 2056 56BK-55MM8434 2128 92BK-70MM8434 2129 41BK-75MM8434 2056 55BK-85MM8434 2129 44Description Ordering no.RT-01 STD8434 2150 95RT-01 EXT8434 2057 33RT-03 STD8434 2150 30RT-03 EXT8434 2150 37RT-05 STD8434 2150 35RT-05 EXT8434 2150 36RT-08 STD8434 2150 31RT-08 EXT8434 2150 32RT-10 STD8434 2150 33RT-10 EXT8434 2150 34RT-20 STD8434 2150 89RT-20 EXT8434 2150 90RT-25 STD8434 2150 91RT-25 EXT8434 2150 92RT-50 STD8434 2150 93RT-50 EXT8434 2150 94Adjustablereaction barEXT = ExtendedDescription Ordering no.RTX02-144222 2107 14RTX04-144222 2109 27RTX08-144222 2110 44RTX14-144222 2141 22RTX18-144222 2141 23RTX30-144222 2144 43Side reactionbarDescription Ordering no.HANDLE KIT RT0.5, RT18434 2170 34HANDLE KIT RT3, RT58434 2170 33HANDLE KIT RT8, RT108434 2170 32HANDLE KIT RL-028434 2170 35HANDLE KIT RL-048434 2170 36HANDLE KIT RL-088434 2170 37HANDLE KIT RL-148434 2170 38HANDLE KIT RL-188434 2170 39HANDLE KIT RL-308434 2170 40HandleGOR = external starter.Model DescriptionOrdering no.ACMS08T*Manual flange spreader with manual torque wrench 8434 2058 05ACHS14T*Hydraulic flange spreader8434 2058 06Flange spreadersModel DescriptionOrdering no.ACMP700Manual hydraulic pump8434 2058 04Hose Kit Single line hydraulic hose incl. couplings, 700 bar, 4 m 8434 2058 07Manifold 3 port manifold8434 2283 19ModelPower supplyOil flow, 120 bar Oil flow, max. pres-sure Usable oil capacity Max. pres-sure Weight with oil Height Width Length Ordering no.VoltageFrequency Current kg Lb mm in mm in mm in l Gal SP1500-230230 V 50 Hz 10 A 4.540.45 1.70.4515004088.241016.127510.859023.28434 2203 68SP1500-230-60230 V 60 Hz 10 A 4.090.45 1.70.4515004088.241016.127510.859023.28434 2203 67SP1500-110110 V60 Hz18 A2.730.451.70.4515004088.241016.127510.859023.28434 2203 66SP 1500 Bolt tensioner pumps+50+122Maximizer 32SP700 hydraulic torque wrench pumpsPumps1 x Flange Spreader 1 x Allen key 1 x Safety block2 x Step block2 x Screws for step blocks 1 x Instruction manual1 x Polycarbonate carrying caseOilAccessoriesBestellnummer 4 port manifold kit 4 port manifold kit (SP700)8434 2040 50Maximizer 15 Oil 8434 2040 51Maximizer 32 Oil 8434 2200 02Maximizer 68 Oil8434 2200 01Flange spreadersHow we can help youWe would be very pleased to be your strategic partner . We cooperate with customers in all areas from preventive maintenance and repairs to entire production systems, process optimization, training andcalibration. Throughout the world, more than 1,500 service technicians are at work round-the-clock in ourIndustrial Technique Business Area alone.We repair all pneumatic, electric and hydraulic tools in our central workshop and at ourcustomers’ facilities. We can carry out preventive maintenance work on tools of all types and your entire production system, if you so wish. We can also carry out check measurements on your tightening tools or supply equipment so that you can carry out this work yourselves.Atlas Copco is a competent, experienced specialist in the fields of testing and calibration.Our core competence is in the areas of torque, angle and force measurements. Our range of services also includes the calibration of hydraulic torque wrenches with a measurement range up to 71,000 Newton-meters. With our calibration laboratories in Essen andDingolfing, which are certified by the German accreditation body, we always guarantee the highest levels of quality and precision.We train employees in the appropriate handling of tools, technical and physical principles, ergonomic workplace design and current codes and standards. This way, you can make your processes more secure at the same time as becoming more productive and efficient. Our seminars and workshops on tightening and fastening systems are especially popular. Just contact us with your individual wishes. We can also develop tailor-made training to meet your requirements.For all eventualities or just good to know!Up to 70,000 Nm and more than 4,000 kNSimply uniqueOn-site calibration up to 70,000 Nm: We are one of the first companiesworldwide to receive DAkkS accreditation for the calibration of hydraulic torque wrenches in accordance with accredited test procedures. We can also carry out calibration work on site up to 70,000 Nm. You can thereforeobtain all the services you need for tightening from a single source.Outstandingly specializedAs a single-source supplier, we offer an extremely wide range of hydraulic, pneumatic and electric tools as well as hydraulic bolt tensioners and accessories optimized for use in practice.With our high-torque tightening systems, you can solve any challenge faced in assembly with high torque values up to70,000 Nm and tensioning forces up to 4,000 kN. We can alsosupply individual tailor-made solutions to meet yourrequirements to order. We are specialized in this approach.For your productivityAtlas Copco Tools Central Europe GmbH Langemarckstraße 3545141 Essen, Germany*********************** 9 8 3 3 2 1 9 7 0 1–E N ©A t l a s C o p c o T o o l s C e n t r a l E u r o 1 2 2 0 2 1。
PZB15-L-AR500-11 Printed Matter No. 9839 2144 01Air Motors Publication Date 2020-03-31Valid from Serial No. A2480001Product InstructionsPZB15-L-AR500-118411415000Maximum allowed speed: 500 r/minEx II 2GD h T6 IIC T85 ᵒCProduct Information (3)General Information (3)Safety Signal Words (3)Warranty (3)ServAid (3)Website (4)Safety Data Sheets MSDS/SDS (4)Warning (4)Country of Origin (4)Dimensional Drawings (4)Overview (5)Main Components and Functions (5)Technical Product Data (5)Service Overview (6)Service Recommendations (6)ATEX Certification Information (6)Temperatures (6)ATEX Code Definition (6)Ex Classification (7)Explosion Prevention Guidelines (7)Installation (8)Installation Requirements (8)Air Quality (8)Compressed Air Connection (8)Shaft Load Diagram (9)Shaft Load (9)Installation Instructions (9)Connecting the Air Supply (9)Operation (11)Ergonomic Guidelines (11)Operating Instructions (11)Hot Spots (11)Service (13)Maintenance Instructions (13)Service Recommendations (13)Lubrication Instructions (13)Rust Protection and Cleaning (13)Grease Guide (13)Recycling (15)Environmental Regulations (15)Recycling Instruction (15)2© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 01PZB15-L-AR500-11EN Product Information© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 013General InformationWARNING Risk of Property Damage or Severe InjuryEnsure that you read, understand and follow all instructions before operating the tool. Failure to follow all the instructions may result in electric shock, fire, property damage and/or severe bodily injury.►Read all Safety Information delivered together with the different parts of the system.►Read all Product Instructions for installation, operation and maintenance of the different parts of the system.►Read all locally legislated safety regulations regarding the system and parts thereof.►Save all Safety Information and instructions for future reference.Safety Signal WordsThe safety signal words Danger , Warning , Caution , and Notice have the following meanings:Warranty■Product warranty will expire 12 months after the product is first taken into use, but will in any case ex-pire at the latest 13 months after delivery.■Normal wear and tear on parts is not included within the warranty.■Normal wear and tear is that which requires a part change or other adjustment/overhaul during standard tools maintenance typical for that period (expressed in time, operation hours or other-wise).■The product warranty relies on the correct use, maintenance, and repair of the tool and its componentparts.■Damage to parts that occurs as a result of inadequate maintenance or performed by parties otherthan Atlas Copco or their Certified Service Partners during the warranty period is not covered by the warranty.■To avoid damage or destruction of tool parts, service the tool according to the recommended mainte-nance schedules and follow the correct instructions.■Warranty repairs are only performed in Atlas Copco workshops or by Certified Service Partners.Atlas Copco offers extended warranty and state of the art preventive maintenance through its ToolCover contracts. For further information contact your local Service representative.For electrical motors:■Warranty will only apply when the electric motor has not been opened.ServAidServAid is a portal that is continuously updated and contains Technical Information, such as:■Regulatory and Safety Information ■Technical DataProduct Information EN PZB15-L-AR500-11■Installation, Operation and Service Instructions■Spare Parts Lists■Accessories■Dimensional DrawingsPlease visit: https://.For further Technical Information, please contact your local Atlas Copco representative.WebsiteInformation concerning our Products, Accessories, Spare Parts and Published Matters can be found onthe Atlas Copco website.Please visit: .Safety Data Sheets MSDS/SDSThe Safety Data Sheets describe the chemical products sold by Atlas Copco.Please consult the Atlas Copco website for more information /sds.WarningWARNING Polymer hazardThe plastic parts in this product contain PTFE (a synthetic fluoropolymer). Due to wear, there mightbe PTFE particles inside the product. Heated PTFE can produce fumes which may cause polymerfume fever with flu-like symptoms, especially when smoking contaminated tobacco.Health and Safety recommendations for PTFE must be followed when handling vanes and other com-ponents:►Do not smoke when servicing this product►PTFE-particles must not come in contact with open fire, glow or heat►Motor components must be washed with cleaning fluid and not blown clear with an air line►Wash your hands before starting any other activityCountry of OriginFor the Country of Origin, please refer to the information on the product label.Dimensional DrawingsDimensional Drawings can be found either in the Dimensional Drawings Archive, or on ServAid.Please visit: /webbox/dimdrw or https://.4© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 01PZB15-L-AR500-11EN Product Information© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 015OverviewMain Components and FunctionsTechnical Product DataTechnical Product Data can be found on either ServAid, or the Atlas Copco website.Please visit: https:// or .Product Information EN PZB15-L-AR500-11Service OverviewService RecommendationsPreventive maintenance is recommended at regular intervals. See the detailed information on preventivemaintenance. If the product is not working properly, take it out of service and inspect it.If no detailed information about preventive maintenance is included, follow these general guide-lines:■Clean appropriate parts accurately■Replace any defective or worn partsATEX Certification InformationTemperatures■The maximum surrounding temperature for which the certification is valid is 40°C.■40°C is also the maximum allowed temperature of the compressed air when it enters the product.■If the product is installed in an equipment, the entire equipment has to correspond to the guidelines 2014/34/EU.■Make sure that the compressed air fulfil our quality demands (quality classes 2.4.3. and 3.4.4 respec-tively 3.5.4 acc. to ISO/DIS 8573-1:2010).■Do not exceed maximum pressure of 6.3 bar, or as stated on the product nameplate. Exceeding the operating pressure can increase the surface temperature due to higher rotating speed and the prod-uct can become an ignition source.ATEX Code DefinitionDescription6© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 01PZB15-L-AR500-11EN Product InformationEx ClassificationIf the product is part of an assembly where the components have different Ex classification, the compo-nent with the lowest level of safety defines the Ex classification of the complete assembly.Explosion Prevention GuidelinesCleanliness■Make sure the product is kept clean from dust and dirt to prevent increased bearing and surface tem-perature.■If using a silencer: Make sure a silencer with a filtering effect at the air outlet is installed to prevent any friction-heated particles entering into the surrounding atmosphere.Usage■Make sure the product is earthed to the equipotential bonding system of the workshop, for example through accessories such as hoses and air-pressure connections.■It is the responsibility of the user to make sure that the product and all possible accessories, such as wrenches and air connections, conform to the national safety regulations for equipment used in po-tentially explosive areas.© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 017Installation EN PZB15-L-AR500-118© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 01Installation RequirementsAir Quality■For optimum performance and maximum product life we recommend the use of compressed air witha maximum dew point of +10°C (50°F). We also recommend to install an Atlas Copco refrigeration type air dryer.■Use a separate air filter which removes solid particles larger than 30 microns and more than 90% ofliquid water. Install the filter as close as possible to the product and prior to any other air preparation units to avoid pressure drop.For impulse/impact tools make sure to use lubricators adjusted for these tools. Regular lubricators will add too much oil and therefore decrease the tool performance due to too much oil in the motor.Make sure that the hose and couplings are clean and free from dust before connecting to the tool.Both lubricated and lubrication free products will benefit from a small quantity of oil supplied from a lu-bricator.Compressed Air ConnectionWARNING Risk of severe injury Air under pressure can cause injury.►Always shut off the air supply when not in use or before any adjustments.►Drain the hose of air pressure and disconnect the tool from air supply when not in use or before any adjustments.►Always use the correct hose size and air pressure for the tool.WARNING Compressed AirHigh air pressure can cause severe damage and bodily injury.►Do not exceed maximum air pressure.►Make sure that there are no damaged or loose hoses or fittings.For correct air pressure and hose size, see the Technical Product Data on - https:// or .Make sure that the hose and couplings are clean and free from dust before connecting to the tool.PZB15-L-AR500-11EN Installation© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 019Shaft Load DiagramShaft Load■Make sure that the maximum shaft load is not exceeded, in order to prevent an excessive increase ofthe bearing temperature.Installation InstructionsConnecting the Air SupplyWhen the compressed air supply is connected to the inlet, the direction of rotation will be as shown in the figure below. If the exhaust air is to be piped away, a hose should be connected to the exhaust outlet.The compressed air supply should be connected to the corresponding inlet for desired rotation direction,see figure below. The inlet that is not in use, functions as a main outlet and must not be plugged.Ais for ventilation only and must not be plugged.Installation EN PZB15-L-AR500-1110© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 01PZB15-L-AR500-11EN OperationErgonomic GuidelinesConsider your workstation as you read through this list of general ergonomic guidelines and see if you canidentify areas for improvement in posture, component placement, or work environment.■Take frequent breaks and change work positions frequently.■Adapt the work area to your needs and the work task.■Adjust for convenient reach range by determining where parts or tools should be located to avoid static load.■Use workstation equipment such as tables and chairs appropriate for the work task.■Avoid work positions above shoulder level or with static holding during assembly operations.■When working above shoulder level, reduce the load on the static muscles by reducing the weight of the load. You can also reduce the load on the static muscles by holding the load close to thebody.■Make sure to take frequent breaks.■Avoid extreme arm or wrist postures, particularly for operations requiring a degree of force.■Adjust for convenient field of vision by minimizing movement of the eyes and head during the work task.■Use the appropriate lighting for the work task.■Use ear protection equipment in noisy environments.■Use dust extraction system or mouth protection mask in dusty environments.Operating InstructionsHot SpotsThe following hot spots on the motor can reach high temperatures during operation.■Seal ring at the output shaft■CasingThe highest temperatures occur when the motor is running at maximum allowed speed. With increasingtorque, the air motor reduces the rotational speed and the temperature.Keep below the Maximum Free Speed, see marking on the product or the product specific Safety In-formation.© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 0111Operation EN PZB15-L-AR500-1112© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 01PZB15-L-AR500-11EN ServiceMaintenance InstructionsService RecommendationsPreventive maintenance is recommended at regular intervals. See the detailed information on preventivemaintenance. If the product is not working properly, take it out of service and inspect it.If no detailed information about preventive maintenance is included, follow these general guide-lines:■Clean appropriate parts accurately■Replace any defective or worn partsLubrication InstructionsRust Protection and CleaningWater in the compressed air can cause rust. To prevent rust we strongly recommend to install an air dryer.Water and particles can cause sticking of vanes and valves. This can be prevented by installing an air fil-ter close to the product to avoid pressure drop.Before longer stand stills always protect your tool by adding a few drops of oil into the air inlet. Run thetool for 5–10 seconds and absorb any access oil at the air outlet in a cloth.Grease GuideFood grade approvedNon food grade approved* Not for angle gearsNon food grade approved© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 0113Service EN PZB15-L-AR500-11Food grade approvedNon food grade approved14© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 01PZB15-L-AR500-11EN Recycling© Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB - 9839 2144 0115Environmental RegulationsWhen a product has served its purpose it has to be recycled properly. Dismantle the product and recycle the components in accordance with local legislation.Batteries shall be taken care of by your national battery recovery organization.Recycling InstructionOriginal instructionsAtlas Copco Industrial Technique ABSE-10523 STOCKHOLM SwedenTelephone: +46 8 743 95 00 © Copyright 2020, Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or part thereof is prohibited. This applies in particular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and drawings. Use only authorized parts. Any damage or malfunction caused by the use of unauthorized parts is not covered by Warranty or Product Liability.Out of respect to wildlife and nature, our technical literature is printed on environmentally friendly paper.。
Why dry yourcompressed air?Compressed air contains oil, solid particles and water vapors. It is theinherent result of the compression process, which concentrates thenatural water vapors and particles in the air that surrounds us. Thisuntreated compressed air poses a substantial risk to your air system andend products. Its moisture content alone can cause corrosion in pipework, premature failure of pneumatic equipment, product spoilageand more. An air dryer is therefore essential to protect your systemsand processes.Refrigerant dryersby Atlas CopcoAtlas Copco’s refrigerant dryers provide the clean, dry air you need+) to expand the life of your equipment and ensure the quality of yourproducts. Our FD and FX dryers are designed in-house and tested usingthe most stringent methods. They meet or exceed the internationalstandards for compressed air purity and are tested according toISO 7183:2007.253614Controls the speed of the compressor to match your air demand and ensure the highest possible energy savings.1Opens the drain only when needed to eliminate unnecessary loss of compressed air during timed draining.4Counter-flow compact brazed plate or aluminum heat exchanger, with air-to-air side for optimum cooling efficiency and the lowest possible pressure drop.2®Touch controllerProvides advanced control and allows for remote monitoring.5Low velocity with high separation efficiency, even in low flow conditions.3Ensures plug-and-play installation.6VSD for superior energy savingsAtlas Copco’s in-house developed VSD technology matches your FD dryer’s power consumption to your production’s actual airflow. While a traditional refrigerant dryer can only be turned on or off, Atlas Copco’s FD VSD mirrors your production’s demand for compressed air as it fluctuates during the day, week or year. This ensures supreme energy savings as well as a stable dew point.Minimal environmental impactFD VSD dryers use the CFC-free R410A refrigerant, which has an ozone depletion potential (ODP) of zero. The refrigerant meets the strict F-Gas regulations and, due to its low powerconsumption, has an an outstanding TEWI (Total Equivalent Warming Impact) performance.Optimum performance and safety in all conditions• Hot gas bypass valve prevents freezing at lower loads.• The extremely reliable R410A rotary compressor provides the best performance with minimum environmental impact.Capillary tubes cope with all conditions – no moving parts for extra reliability.• Condenser with louvered fin technology for improved performance in dusty environments.Advanced remote monitoring and control• High-tech Elektronikon ® Touch controller with warning indications, dryer shutdown and maintenance scheduling. • Standard SMARTLINK remote monitoring to maximize air system performance and energy savings.Robust and compact design• Forklift opening for smooth transport. • Easy front and side panel access.• No bulky thermal mass heat exchanger needed to save on energy.FiltersIf your production requires higher levels of air quality andfiltration, UD + filters can be added on to your FD VSD dryer.Power consumptionVSD dryerFixed speed dryerSupreme energy efficiency• The FD offers a low pressure drop – typically below 0.2 bar/2.9 psi – and minimal energy consumption.• The compact brazed plate or aluminum heat exchanger was designed specifically to provide optimal pre-cooling and the lowest possible pressure drop.• The electronic no-loss condensate drain comes with a level sensor to open the drain only when needed, preventing unnecessary loss of compressed air.Comprehensive control and monitoring options• The Elektronikon ® Alpha controller displays the pressure dew point and relative humidity.• Remote alarm and start/stop control through voltage-free contact.• Additional features such as alarm history and standard remote visualization.Easy installation and long maintenance intervals• Small footprint thanks to an innovative all-in-one design. • Delivered ready for use, minimizing costly production downtime.Low environmental impactFD dryers use CFC-free refrigerants (R134A and R410A) with an ozone depletion potential (ODP) of zero.Counter-flow compact brazed plate or aluminum heatexchanger, with air-to-air side for optimum cooling efficiency and the lowest possible pressure drop.2condensate drainWith level sensor, backup manual drain and drain alarm.4separatorLasts longer thanks to limited vibrations, minimal moving parts, and reduced risk of leakage.1Reduces energy consumption and optimizes the pressure dew point at very low temperatures.5Low velocity with high separation efficiency even in low flow conditions.3Ensures stable pressure dew point and prevents freezing at lower loads.6connectionAllows for plug-and-play installation.8Eliminates the chance of moisture entering the compressed air system.7Reliable performance in tough conditions• Hot gas bypass valve prevents freezing at lower loads.• R134A piston compressor with high coefficient of performance (extremely reliableR410A rotary compressor for models FD 60-FD 95) provides the best performance with minimum environmental impact. Capillary tubes cope with all conditions – no moving parts for extra reliability.• Condenser with louvered fin technology for improved performance in dusty environments.3748152637481526Pressure dew point precisionThe FX comes in a wide range of sizes (7-300 l/s or 15-636 cfm) to offer a steady pressure dew point as low as +3°C/+37.4°F. Its easy to use digital display precision-measures and monitors the pressure dew point and dryer performance.Digital display• Pressure dew point: exact measurement and visual monitoring. • Status: refrigerant compressor and fan.• Alarms: high/low pressure dew point and probe failure.• Service warning.ReliableBuilt according to the stringent Atlas Copco standards, the FX is made of high quality, generously sized components.Hot environmentsHigh ambient temperatures can put your equipment to the test. The FX range offers several high temperature models that ensure dependable performance in conditions up to 46°C/115°F.Significant cost savings• Increased reliability and lifetime of tools and equipment.• Reduced pipe work leaks and thus a lower energy bill.• Less equipment breakdowns and operational interruptions.• Minimal chance of product damage as a result of moisture carryover.Sustainable refrigerantThe FX range comes with refrigerant that is compliant with F-Gas regulations to ensure the lowest possible carbon footprint and energy consumption.separatorNo chance of moisture entering the compressed air system.1Ensures stable pressure dew point and eliminates the possibility of condensate freezing.2Provides peace of mind through precise monitoring of pressure dew point.3connectionAllows for plug-and-play installation.4componentsFor straightforward servicing.5Offers high efficiency for better pressure dew point.6with integrated liquid separatorLasts longer thanks to limited vibrations, minimal moving parts, and reduced risk of leakage.8For a small footprint.7VSD:a game-changer in energy savingsWhen purchasing a refrigerant dryer, the main focus is usually on the initial cost. However, this only represents approximately 10% of the lifecycle cost of the dryer. Energy, maintenance and installation make up the bulk of your actual dryer costs. Direct and indirect (pressure drop) energy costs are the most important.Indirect energy costsIndirect energy costs are related to the extra energy your aircompressor must consume to overcome the pressure drop that takesplace in the air dryer. By design, Atlas Copco FD VSD dryers offer a lowpressure drop and efficient heat transfer – both of which contribute toFD VSD 100-300:Elektronikon ® Touch controller• 4.3-inch high-definition color display with clear pictograms and service indicator.• Internet-based dryer visualization using a simple Ethernet connection.• Automatic restart after voltage failure.• Built-in SMARTLINK online monitoring.• More flexibility: four different week schedules.• Graphical service plan indication.• Remote control and connectivity functions.SMARTLINK & Total ResponsibilityGet the most out of SMARTLINK as part of a Total Responsibility Plan. Step back, relax, and let our service engineers monitor your compressed air system. We know exactly when to serviceyour machines, diagnose any issues and be there on time to fix them.FD 5-95:Elektronikon ® Alpha controller• Exact measurement and visual monitoring of pressure dew point and ambient temperature.• High/low pressure dew point alarm.• Relative humidity indicator.• Energy saving mode.• Switch off at freezing alarm.• Alarm history and standard remote visualization.FX 1-16: Digital display• Pressure dew point: exact measurement and visual monitoring. • Energy saving mode.• Alarms: high/low pressure dew point and probe failure.•Service warnings.SMARTLINK: Data Monitoring ProgramSMARTLINK captures live data from your compressed air equipment and translates it in clear insights. At a glance, you can check uptime, energy efficiency and machine health.• Remote monitoring that helps you optimize your compressed air system and save energy and costs.• Provides a complete insight in your compressed air network.• Anticipates potential problems by warning you upfront.• Efficient service planning and parts handling to give you improved uptime.Advanced controlAtlas Copco’s refrigerant dryers are built to reliably and efficiently deliver quality air. But in the end, it’s all about how they perform on your work floor, meeting your individual needs and responding to your specific conditions. That is why the FD VSD, FD and FX come with comprehensive control options to allow you to get the best performance from your Atlas Copco dryer.Remote monitoringHow refrigerant dryers workA refrigerant dryer uses a refrigerant circuit and heat exchanger(s) to pre-coolair, refrigerate it to condense out moisture vapor, and then re-heat the air toAir circuit1Air-to-air heat exchanger: Incoming air is cooled downby the outgoing dry, cold air2Air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger: The air is cooled tothe required dew point by the refrigerant circuit. Thewater vapor condenses into water droplets3Integrated water separator: The moisture is collectedand evacuated by the electronic drainRefrigerant circuit4Refrigerant compressor: Compresses the gaseousrefrigerant to a higher pressure5Regulation device: The hot gas bypass valve regulatesthe dryer to prevent freezing at lower load conditions6Refrigerant condenser: Cools the refrigerant so that itchanges from a gas to a liquid7Refrigerant filter: Protects the expansion device fromharmful particles8Thermostatic expansion valve: The expansion processreduces the pressure and cools the refrigerant further9Liquid separator: Ensures that only refrigerant gasenters the compressorHot refrigerant gasCold refrigerant liquidExpanded refrigerant liquid2935 0868 41 © 2020, A t l a s C o p c o A i r p o w e r N V , B e l g i u m . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . D e s i g n s a n d s p e c i fi c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e o r o b l i g a t i o n . R e a d a l l s a f e t y i n s t r u c t i o n s i n t h e。
输送空气由6台压缩机(6 ×20%)供应。
GA 37 VSD和GA 45 VSD是由电动机驱动的单级喷油螺杆压缩机。
此类压缩机由阿特拉斯·科普柯的Elektronikon Graphic电脑控制器控制。
机器配有SMARTLINK, SMARTLINK是阿特拉斯·科普柯用于监测压缩空气装置的网络平台。
阿特拉斯·科普柯的内置VSD (变速驱动)技术可反映空气用量,并根据压缩空气需求量自动调节电动机转速1为开关量输入公共端子;2为急停开关输入端子;3为远程启停开关量输入端子;4、5为RS485通信信号输入端子;6、7接AC 20V电源;15、16接供气压力开关;17、18、19接主电机互感器信号;20、21接排气温度传感器;12、13、14为相序检测输入端子;10为输出开关量公共端子;8控制加载阀;9控制启停阀。
亚特兰蒂斯科 Atlas Copco TCA 55-215型号混合工业冷却机说明书
Hybrid Industrial Cooling Chiller TCA 55-215IntroductionTCA 55-215Hybrid Industrial Cooling ChillerTCA- USAAtlas Copco TCA55-215 series is a hybrid plug’n’play water chiller. It's specificities include a free-cooling section and adiabatic pre-cooling (patented adiabatic system) on inlet. The cooling capacity ranges from 55 to 228 kW.Reliable and robust, equipped with proved scrollcompressors, air-cooled microchannel condensers and integrated hydro module, it provides easy and cost-effective installation and maintenance and safety for your day-to-day operations.Atlas Copco TCA55-215A's range fully complies with the Eco Design Directive 2021 meeting the Seasonal Energy Performance Ratio (SEPR1) to reach the highest level of energy saving.Using energy-efficient equipment made by Atlas Copco,you reduce production costs and increase the competitiveness of your company.The components of the chiller allow it to be used in a wide range of applications and across industrial sectors.The use of a shell’n’tube evaporator enables to achieve the highest level of reliability with various types ofprocesses in both closed and open hydraulic circuits. All configurations can have a built-in hydro circuit with buffer atmospheric tank and single or double (work/stand-by)pumps with a wide range of working pressures (1, 3, 5bar). The list of applicable segments includes, but is not limited to, mechanical engineering, all types ofmetalworking, food and beverages, pharmaceuticals,cement industry, chemistry and petrochemistry, oil and gas industry, cooling of data centers andtelecommunication hubs, plastic production of all types.TCA55-215 series chillers can be installed both indoors and outdoors, thanks to the use of the necessary reliable components with IP54 protection. This enables to save internal space, optimize the distribution of cooling water and allows the chiller to work with air temperature. It is especially efficient during winter to make use of the cold air to gain efficiency with free-cooling coils.Plug’n’play solution for process cooling systemsMaximum energy efficiencyVariety of industrial applicationsFor indoor and outdoor installationIndustry-standard level of efficiency and lower cost withphase-cut regulation (std for TCA-A)Premium efficiency level with EC brushless fans to ideally meet partial loads for your industrial application. Standard for TCA-AF, -AD, -P versions and optional for TCA-A version.Proven algorithms provide operational efficiency for the whole range.You can always track the machine status and working parameters using Atlas Copco Smartlink connection. Built-in set of safety options like phase sequence relay provides ultimate protection and reduced risk of malfunction.Speed-Regulated Axial Fans Elektronikon MarkV Touch withSmartlinkTCA- USAImmune to galvanic corrosion.Light-weighted with a high rate of heat transfer. Provides lower cost of maintenance with reduced refrigerant charge.Saves up to 40% of the chillers energy compared to non-free cooling units.Integrated solution for easy installation and smaller footprint.Optimal balance between clogging-free water flow, heat transfer and life-cycle cost with this tube-fin free-cooling heat exchanger.Total free-cooling starting from deltaT of 5,5 degrees with the set-point of 15 degrees.Closed atmospheric for a wide range of applications. Protected continuous operation with a set of onboard safety devices.Twin refrigerant circuit for redundancy.Electronic expansion valve (EEV) as standard option for highest energy efficiency, flexibility and time saving during maintenance.Continuous uptime and perfect serviceability with the industry-standard scroll compressor.Option of low-noise jacket for sensitive applications.Vast range of configurations with maximum available pressures of 1, 3 or 5 bar to meet the variety of hydro circuitsStand-by pump with automatic switching available in all versions for operation with no interruptionImpellers made in 316L stainless steelIE3 efficiency motorPatented evaporative cooling system provides peak temperature safety during operation.Cooling capacity boost up to 17% for dry climatic conditions.Durable components in stainless-steel.Strainer and water hammer arrestor on inlet as standard. Easy installation with one point of connection.Vaste range of connections to meet your needs: BSP and NPT tread, UNI or ASME flanges.Easy and fast connection for manual or automatic cooling circuit filling and adiabatic system with 1/2 inch female tread.Manual (std) evaporator bypass to prevent chiller from interrupted process water circulation.Can withstand long-term temperature loadsIdeal balance between oil return, heat transfer rate and energy efficiency with two-pass heat exchanger for your cooling process.Robust and reliable for any type of industrial application. Well-suitable for open circuit.Microchannel Condensers with Epoxy CoatingFree-Cooling CoilsInsulated On-board Water Tank Refrigerant circuit with Hermetic Scroll Compressors Pumps with stainless-steel impeller Adiabatic System PadsHydro ConnectionsShell-n-Tube Evaporator5TCA- USAWhen operating in ambient temperatures higher than the set-point, the TCA55-215 chiller works as an ordinary chiller. The hot inlet water flow goes through the motorized valve directly to the evaporator.After passing the evaporator, the water flow goes into a water tank containing a set of safety sensors. It then flows to a pump group, which consists of one or two pumps with outlet pressure versions of 1, 3 or 5 bar bringing cooled water to the application.An external temperature sensors, allows the switch to free-cooling. When the ambient air temperature drops to a lower temperature, the motorized valve allows the inlet water flow water to run through the free cooling system. Lower ambient air temperature is more energy efficient to cool the water in the system by running it through the tube-fin heat exchanger.When the ambient temperature, goes even lower, the motorized valve continues to lead the whole inlet flow to the free-cooling heat exchanger, the heat-transfer then goes in a total free-cooling mode.When the chiller operates using only the mechanical energy of the compressors, the water goes through the motorized valve directly to the evaporator where its temperature is lowered to the desired set-point thanks to the work of the refrigerant circuit.When the ambient temperature comes closer to the set-point, the chiller starts to work in a partial free-cooling mode. The refrigerant circuit operates with a lowered load based on the water temperature in the tank, to prevent negative impact on the outlet water temperature.In total free-cooling mode, a built-in free cooling module allows the TCA55-215AF, -AP to take advantage of the low outdoor air temperatures in the water-cooling process. During free-cooling, the compressors are fully at stop, which is highly energy efficient and significantly increases the life of the compressor.The air inlet is situated on the surface's side of the chiller going through the free-cooling coils and the microchannel condensers. On top of the machine are two speed-regulated axial fans that create an air flow which fully reveal their efficiency, especially during partial loads.In free-cooling mode the ambient temperature alone is sufficient to decrease the water temperature to the desired set-point. In this case the speed-regulated axial fans are the only consumer of electrical energy.Our standard air-cooled chiller has a reduced performance when the ambient temperature rises. Therefore, a chiller must be sized using peak temperatures for the region where it should be installed. A maximum cooling capacity specific for the application should also be taken as an input for calculations.This can lead to higher initial costs as well as more energy consumption and a larger footprint. However, 90% of the time the ambient temperature will be lower than a peak temperature.Our TCA-AD and TCA-AP variants offer a solution which allows to decrease inlet cooling air temperature moisturizing it with adiabatic panels situated on both sides of the chiller.Only when needed, tap water goes into the adiabatic system through an inlet placed on the back side of a chiller together with other water connections and then it is injected on the adiabatic pads.The adiabatic function operates under control of our Elektronikon Mk5S Touch using a patented water consumption control system and control philosophy with the aim to reduce tap water consumption as much as possible without losing the set-point control.1.Water flow2.Refrigerant flow3.Air flow4.Adiabatic7TCA - ARobust industrial chillerSaves up to 40% of the chillers energy.TCA - AFIndustrial Chiller with Integrated Free-Cooling Peak temperature safety and cooling capacity boost up to 17% in dry climate conditions.TCA - ADIndustrial Chiller with Adiabatic Pre-CoolingTCA- USAThe TCA chiller is applicable for a variety of applications such as the cooling of a photovoltaic power station or a plastic machine, for a telecommunication rig and a chemical bath. This chiller range show exceptional robustness and efficiency. The free-cooling chiller fully reveals its effectiveness when the outlet water temperature set-point higher than 12°С, resulting in energy savings up to 40% of the total consumption.Wide range of applicationsThis graph shows the difference between the energy consumption of a free-cooling chiller versus non-free-cooling variant. When the TCA is operating in free-cooling mode, only the speed-regulated fans are consuming energy and compressors, the main energy consumer for a chiller are either off or working in a partial load mode. The graph’s blue zone shows the direct benefit form using the free-cooling principle.A = Kw/hB = Degrees F 1 = Chiller2 = Free-cooling3 = Free-cooling savings zoneTotal power consumption vs. Temperatureduring the year9Free-cooling savingsAtlas Copco’s engineering team has many years of experience indesigning and calculating complex energy saving equipment.Based on estimations and prepared for different climatic zones, wecan state with confidence that the benefits from using an integratedfree-cooling TCA55-215 chiller can bring you up to 40% savings oftotal power consumption for a 5 year life-cycle cost.A = ElectricityB = Purchase costC = 39% Free cooling savingsTCA- USAFeatures table TCA 55-215GeneralF-gas R407C GWP1774 IP grade IP54Installation Lifting with bars + ropes + sprader beam Standard Forklift Standard (only for TCA 55-65)Electrical400V/3ph 50Hz IEC Standard 460V/3ph 60Hz IEC (with electrical components UL marked)Standard 400V/3ph 60Hz UL 508A StandardControlController type Elektronikon MKVS 4,3 inch touch screen Standard Text on display in local language Standard Day and week scheduler Standard Service timer Standard Refrigerant High pressure transmitter (digital)Standard Refrigerant Low pressure transmitter (digital)Standard Automatic priority for compressors Standard Compressor direct on line starter (DOL)StandardSafetyPhase sequence motor direction Standard Thermal-magnetic circuit breakers protection on compressors, pump and fan Standard High pressure switch with manual reset Standard Flow switch - paddle type Standard Low pressure switch - with auto reset (with hysteresis)StandardLow pressure transmitter - with auto reset (hysteresis)Standard Winter protection: auto-on of the pump with low ambient temperature (softwarefunction)Standard Anti flood system (if automatic filling system included)StandardExpansion valve Electronic expansion valve (EEV)StandardCompressorScroll Standard Crankcase heater Standard Noise reduction jacket StandardSystem integrationRemote on/off StandardSingle free contact for all alarms StandardRemote setpoint + temperature transmission (4.20mA)OptionalModbus RTU - RS480AccessoryProfibus AccessoryProfinet Accessory11Features table TCA 55-215System integrationTCP Accessory Ethernet IP Accessory CANbus Accessory Remote control panel AccessoryConnectivity Smartlink connectivity includes modem (3D) and service license Standard Smartlink UPTIME license optionalFreecooling Aluminum fins copper tube cooling coil n/a Standard Three way valve (free cooling control)n/a StandardAdiabatic systemAdiabatic pads, controlled by patented philosophy n/a Standard n/a Standard Descaling inline filters for adiabatic water system (delivered loose)n/a Optional n/a OptionalHydronicsNo pump StandardPump 1P non-ferrousPump 3P non-ferrousPump 5P non-ferrousPump 1P non-ferrous + standby unitPump 3P non-ferrous + standby unitPump 5P non-ferrous + standby unitNo tank Standard Internal epoxy coated tank, externally painted and insulated, closed circuit Standard Hydro devices included: solenoid valve, water level sensor, city water line filter, safety relief valve(2,5 bar), venting valve, drainStandardManual filling systemAutomatic filling system (solenoid valve, tap water filter, MKVS controlled)External manual by-passWater pressure gauge (only if pump is included)Groover water connectionsFlanges EN 1092-1 type 13B/PN16 galvanized carbon steel (ex UNI 2254-67)Optional Flanges ASME/PN16 Galvanized carbon steel OptionalCounterflanges Optional Gas male threaded water connections = BSP (British Standard Pipe)OptionalNPT (only for TCA 55-65)Optional Water strainer (delivered loose, brass, 500 micron)OptionalFanAC variable speed fan (phase circuit controlled above 14°F)Standard n/a EC variable speed fan (brushless fan with integrated control, sutiable above -4°F ambient)Optional StandardCondenserCondenser (Microchannel) - with epoxy powder coating StandardCleanable condenser air filter (frame and mesh in aluminum)Standard Optional Standard OptionalEvaporator Shell and tubes heat exchanger StandardRefrigerant circuitSight glass Standard Liquid receiver Standard Filter dryer StandardPackaging Pallet and plastic wrap protection StandardWooden crate OptionalSea-worthy wooden box Optional TCA- USATCA ACooling capacity (1) BTU/Hr189,714.98215,647.25258,298333,366.08406,044.66518,645.28638,070.18706,312.98 Total absorbed power (1) kW19.524.226.234.645.753.075.186.8EER (1) 2.85 2.61 2.89 2.82 2.60 2.87 2.49 2.38 Cooling capacity (2) BTU/Hr256,251.71326,541.8368,169.91463,027.4585,182.01757,495.08911,041.381,016,817.72 Total absorbed power (2) kW18.523.425.431.441.950.872.383.9EER (2) 4.06 4.09 4.25 4.31 4.09 4.37 3.69 3.55 TCA AFCooling capacity (1) BTU/Hr184,255.56207,799.33246,356.51321,082.37402,291.31511,479.79615,891.27698,806.28 Total absorbed power (1) kW20.124.427.336.648.654.476.487.4EER (1) 2.68 2.50 2.64 2.57 2.42 2.75 2.36 2.34 Cooling capacity (2) BTU/Hr252,498.36319,376.3363,734.12451,084.91576,310.45742,481.66896,027.961,001,121.88 Total absorbed power (2) kW18.523.625. (2) 4.01 3.97 4.27 5.25 4.02 4.25 3.72 3.45Total Free cooling at (4) (°F)49.146.449.146.442.844.64137.4Total absorbed power (4) kW 6.6 (4) TCA ADCooling capacity (1) BTU/Hr196,198.05229,295.81282,525.19369,875.98458,250.40568,803.74692,835.03778,991.56 Total absorbed power (1) kW17.422.723.531.639.645.764.473.6EER (1) 3.30 2.96 3.53 3.43 3.39 3.65 3.16 3.11 Cooling capacity (2) BTU/Hr268,194.20332,683.65402,973.73504,314.29637,046.54791,616.48939,362.141,135,901.41 Total absorbed power (2) kW16.222.222.428.938.542.963.977.2EER (2) 4.84 4.40 5.28 5.12 4.85 5.41 4.31 4.1913TCA APCooling capacity (1) BTU/Hr194,423.74225,951.91268,774.27347,935.92426,688.11553,176.14684,099.95771,655.46 Total absorbed power (1) kW17.8823.1323.6030.8538.9047.4266.1576.31 EER (1) 3.19 2.86 3.34 3.30 3.22 3.42 3.03 2.96 Cooling capacity (2) BTU/Hr265,805.71333,366.08379,771.18477,358.39604,631.21775,579.42938,338.51,089,156 Total absorbed power (2) kW16.622.522.428.438.044.465.479.9 EER (2) 4.70 4.34 4.97 4.93 4.66 5.12 4.21 4.00TCA- USANotes15Atlas Copco Compressors300 Technology Center Way, Suite 550 Rock Hill, SC 29730Phone: 866.546.3588 2 9 3 5 0 7 7 4 0 0。
Atlas Copco SMARTLINK 产品说明书
Energy efficiency
SMARTLINK offers easy follow-up of the energy consumption of your compressed air installation. Get a quick overview on the dashboard or delve deeper into customized reports. Uniquely based on the actual working conditions of your machines, recommendations present real opportunities to improve the efficiency of your air system.
Integrated Bearing Condition Monitoring
The Shock Pulse Monitoring (SPM) option keeps an eye on critical components and warns you when they need to be replaced. Avoid a disruption of your production and get maximum equipment lifetime.
With a Total Responsibility Service Plan, we take complete care of your compressed air equipment. On-time maintenance by service experts, genuine parts, upgrades, overhauls, full risk coverage: it all contributes to optimal machine health and reduced overall costs.
Oil-free process gas compressorsCO2 boosterThe best response to yourflexibility and reliabilityneedsAtlas Copco is one of the world’s leading companies in air/gas compression,with over 140 years of experience. Our complete range of solutions ischaracterized by outstanding product and component quality. We can handlea wide variety of gases and gas mixtures and can tailor our compressors to thespecific requirements of your processes. If you are looking for a passionatemanufacturer able to meet all your air/gas compression needs, look no furtherthan Atlas Copco.CO2 boosterEnsuring reliable productionDesigned for 24/7 industrial service, our boosters meetyour requirements for a smooth and reliable supply of airor gas at all times, without the need for constantsupervision. Proof of their reliability is the thousands ofmachines that have been operating worldwide fordecades.Preserving your process with oil-freetechnologyOil-free compression safeguards the quality of the gascompressed. In most applications, even the slightestpollution is unacceptable and could lead to high risks foryour production.Maximizing savingsReciprocating technology is a proven standard for high-pressure applications where low energy consumption is amust. Adapted capacity control enhances the energyefficiency of these compressors. The integration of thelatest innovations in terms of monitoring and controlranks our boosters extremely high for energy savings.3Our products can reduce the amount of scrap and rework in your organization by optimizing the quality of your compressed air. We hereby increase your efficiency as well as your profitability.Who needs a quality CO2 solution?Our oil-free CO2 technologies reduce total cost ofownership, limit risks and safeguard theenvironment.Maintenance costs are cut by avoiding expensivefilter replacements. There is no need to treat oilcondensate and you avoid extra energy costs tocombat pressure drop in filters.You avoid the risk of unsafe products or productiondowntime that could harm your reputation. On topof that you also reduce the risk of contaminationdue to oil filter failure.Why Oil-free CO2?CO2 boosterFor over 60 years Atlas Copco has pioneered the development of oil-free air technology. Resulting in the largest range of air compressors and blowers within our industry. Through continuous research and development, we achieved a new milestone, setting the standard for air purity as the first manufacturer to be awarded ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 certification. CLASS 0 certification means zero risk of oil contamination from our products.Class 0: The Industry StandardThe CO2 boosters are completely oil-free.Components, such as the long distance piecebetween the crankcase & the cylinder and the oilwiper at the piston rod, have been carefullydesigned to ensure oil-free air.Class 0 by design5• Less vibrations for longer component life.• Reduced forces and torques to minimize foundation requirement.• Reduced specific load on piston wear bands for longer life.• Easy access to all parts and easily removable crosshead guide.• Skid mounted, plug & play compressor.• Cooled by forced water circulation to minimize temperatures, increasing efficiency and reliability.• For water saturated gases:- Discharge valves at the bottom, in accordance with API 618.- Non-accumulation of condensate for increased life time of piston rings.Horizontal design for reducedmaintenanceSafe cylinders CO2 booster• Pistons are made of composite aluminum, stainless steel or other materials according to the process.• Piston rods in stainless steel or 42CD4 (hardened & tempered steel) with API 618 compliant hardness coating (induction or plasma) ensuring long life of packing rings.• Piston is positively locked by Superbolt® on the piston rod: a highly secure tightening technology.• Piston rings are made of composite PTFE for long life.• Superior stainless steel valves, precise sizing and selection or each application for high efficiency and long lasting performance.• Wide port area, ensuring minimal pressure loss.• Customized discs (PEEK or stainless steel) for each application.• Fail-safe type suction valves (unloading on air or nitrogen), when required by the process.• Low piston speeds and low revolution speeds for low temperatures.• Lower gas temperatures ensure longer component life.• Excellent cylinder cooling due to forced cool water circulation.• Extremely reliable drive system with sleeve bearings and double bearings on the flywheel side for reduced wear.• Excellent lubrication of the components for reduced wear.• IP55 rated motor for maximum reliability• Superior motor protection for increased reliability, reduced maintenance cost and less downtime.• IP54 rated cubicle design for better protection against water and dust.• Ease of monitoring for increased reliability and checking machine status remotely.• Elektronikon Mk5 compressor controller with optimized user experience.• Ease of use and monitoring for improved reliability.• Stainless steel connecting pipes for increased lifetime of components.• Flexible connections for cooler and cylinder for reduced stress on mechanical components.• Components (valves, piston rod packaging, cylinders) are specifically selected according to gas composition and humidity content.Reliable pistons and piston rods Superior valve qualityLong lasting performance due to low temperatures DrivePremium quality motorControl panelAdvanced monitoring systemHigh quality stainless steel components7Monitor with SMARTLINKKnowing the status of your compressed airequipment at all times is the surest way to achieve optimal efficiency and availability.Go for energy efficiencyCustomized reports on the energy efficiency of your compressor room.Increase uptimeAll components are replaced on time, ensuring maximum uptime.Save moneyEarly warnings avoid breakdowns and production loss.Smartlink: Fully connectedMost production processes create fluctuatinglevels of demand which can create energy waste in low use periods. By using the Elektronikon controller, you can manually or automaticallyswitch between two different setpoints to optimize energy use to reduce costs at low use times. The sophisticated algorithm runs the motor only when needed. As the desired setpoint is maintained while the drive motor’s run time is minimized,energy usage is kept to a minimum.LegendA =Power consumptionB =TimeC =Energy SavingDelayed Second StopDelayed Second StopCO2 boosterThe Elektronikon®unit controller is specially designed to maximize the performance of your compressors and air treatment equipment under a variety of conditions. Our solutions provide you with key benefits such as increased energy efficiency, lower energy consumption, reduced maintenance times and less stress… less stress for both you and your entire air system.Elektronikon Mk5The piston runs at low speed with long strokes,reducing the operating temperatures as well as thefriction for more efficient compression andincreased reliability.The cylinder is designed for flow and sizeoptimization to reduce energy consumption.The high efficiency coolers reduce the temperatureon the valves, rings and packings which results inless wear of the components and increasedreliability.A high efficiency motor is used as standard forreduced power consumption.Components designed for efficiency9CO2 boosterAll connections and instrumentation is installed and factory tested. This leads to reduced commissioning and installation time.The horizontal design and opposed arrangements in the CO2 booster lowers the vibration level of the machine.This reduces the wear of the unit and extends the lifetime of the wearing components. The reduced vibration level requires less foundation, increases the ease of installation and reduces the stress on piping and ancillaries.No special lifting devices are needed to conductmaintenance on wearing parts. Because of the horizontal design everything is easily accessible.Water connections are placed on the same side for ease ofconnections.1.Integrated cubicle2.Horizontal design for reduced vibrations3.Easy access to wearing parts for easeof maintenance4.Water connections11OptionsInlet separator: for wet CO2 applications•Test & materials certificate•Ancillaries•Customized & engineered solutions•CO2 boosterCO2 booster (50 Hz)CO2 22-195 - 5050127220.0120CO2 22-195 - 50192220.4 CO2 26-240 - 50158220.01 CO2 26-240 - 50240300.4 CO2 30-325 - 50212300.01 CO2 30-325 - 50322300.4 CO2 37-410 - 50269300.01 CO2 37-410 - 50410370.4 CO2 45-435 - 50320370.01 CO2 45-435 - 50488450.4CO2 65-750 - 5050527550.0120CO2 65-750 - 50792650.4 CO2 90-1110 - 50757750.01 CO2 90-1110 - 501136900.4CO2 132-1570 - 50501064900.0120CO2 132-1570 - 5015881320.4CO2 200-2280 - 505015821320.0120CO2 200-2280 - 5023722000.4CO2 250-3150 - 505021282000.0120CO2 250-3150 - 5031762500.4CO2 booster (60 Hz)CO2 booster 60CO2 22-195 - 6060135220.0120CO2 22-195 - 60200220.4 CO2 26-240 - 60164220.01 CO2 26-240 - 60245300.4 CO2 30-325 - 60221300.01 CO2 30-325 - 60328300.4 CO2 37-410 - 60276300.01 CO2 37-410 - 60410370.4 CO2 45-435 - 60333370.01 CO2 45-435 - 60495450.4CO2 65-750 - 6060540550.0120CO2 65-750 - 60805650.4 CO2 90-1110 - 60775750.01 CO2 90-1110 - 601150900.4CO2 132-1570 - 60601090900.0120CO2 132-1570 - 6016101320.4CO2 200-2280 - 606016301320.0120CO2 200-2280 - 6024302000.4CO2 250-3150 - 606021802000.0120CO2 250-3150 - 6032302500.4Notes15Atlas Copco AB(publ) SE-105 23 Stockholm, Sweden Phone: +46 8 743 80 00Reg. no: 556014-27202937 0744 00 © 2019, A t l a s C o p c o A i r p o w e r N V , B e l g i u m . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . D e s i g n s a n d s p e c i f i c a t i o n s a r e s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e o r o b l i g a t i o n . R e a d a l l s a f e t y i n s t r u c t i o n s i n t h e m a n u a l b e f o r e u s a g e .。
Atlas(2张)新版的Atlas可以在室内和室外进行实际操作。和第二版的动力一样,Atlas采用电源供电和液 压驱动。这也说明,要想有大动力,能源方面目前还只能妥协于液压。Atlas身体内部以及腿部的传感器通过采 集位姿数据使其保持身体平衡,它头上的激光雷达定位器和立体摄像机可以使Atlas规避障碍物、探测地面状况 以及完成巡航任务。这版的Atlas高1.75米,重82千克,均比上一版的高1.88米,重156千克在轻便上有所提升。 在搬箱子、出门推门等过程中还需要标记点完成物体识别任务,对物体的识别等机器视觉能力有待提升。
这一版最震撼的还是Atlas摔倒了可以自主爬起来的功能,这个功能相对于其他机器人来讲,性能已经十分 优秀了,而且起身的效率也十分高。
我们最近几年见过了很多令人印象深刻的机器人,其中有很多都是由Boston Dynamics制造出来的,包括能 以时速28.3英里的速度奔跑的四足机器人Cheetah和能够在崎岖不平的地形上行走和保持平衡的四足机器狗 BigDog。
设计基础 第一版
第二版 第三版
阿特拉斯Atlas机器人是基于波士顿动力公司早期的PETMAN人形机器人,而PETMAN是一个设计用于检测化学 防护衣的人形机器人,能模拟士兵如何在现实条件下对防护服的作用。不同于以往的化学防护衣测试机械有限的 运动姿势,PETMAN不仅能平衡自身和自由行走,弯曲身体,而且还能暴露在化学战剂的操作车间里面中做各种对 化学防护衣有压力作用的健美体操。 PETMAN还通过模拟防护服内人体生理学来控制温度,湿度和出汗来模仿实 际的测试条件。由于PETMAN是一个用于检测化学防护衣的人形机器人,所以由PETMAN出发,波士顿动力发展出了 Atlas人形机器人,来实现运动能力的提升。
阿特拉斯·科普柯 ZE 3S 低压无油螺杆式压缩机说明书
低压无油螺杆式压缩机ZE 3S37-90 kW / 50-120 hp以较低的运营成本提供坚固耐用的产品性能在许多生产工艺中,低压压缩空气是保证持续生产的必要因素。
阿特拉斯·科普柯的新型专用低压压缩机系列具有坚固耐用性,能为各行各业的气力输送应用提供 100% 符合认证标准的无油空气。
ZE 3S37-90 kW / 50-120 hp保护您产品的品质在几乎任何应用中,气源中的油污染都会导致严重的生产率问题并增加成本。
作为首家获得 ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 (2010) 无油空压机认证的制造商,阿特拉斯·科普柯在空气纯度方面树立了标杆。
阿特拉斯·科普柯专注于保护关键应用并满足当今日益提高的空气质量需求,供应通过 TUV 认证的 100% 无油空气。
每台压缩机均按 ISO9001 认证标准进行设计、制造和测试。
这些压缩机采用最新设计的螺杆主机、坚固耐用的齿轮箱和全封闭式 IP55 电动机,确保能在多尘、高温和潮湿的环境中可靠地持续运行。
我们在 170 多个国家和地区设有办事处,可通过互动和参与的方式始终提供专业、及时的服务。
3•较低的能耗成本(在压缩机生命周期中,能耗成本在总成本中占比可达 80%)。
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客户必须花费很多精 力关注机器出现的各 种状况 即使时常跑机房也不 能保证100%的安全
2946 9826 00
SMS/email 事件 警告
实际的机器运行 转台
机器可行性展示 板
2946 9826 00
能耗分析报告给我的建议: 上周四我们效率很低,因为生产用气很低但是却运 行着一台大机器。
2946 9826 00
功能 网站浏览所有机器实时运行数据 每个月邮件发送服务报告 网站服务日志 通过网站直接报价 上个月的事件统计 SMS/email 事件通知 能耗分析 报告功能
客户自行在网站注册, 则可以免费使用 SMARTLINK 睿视
2946 9826 00
Committed to sustainable productivity.
2946 9826 00
2946 9826 00
无线方式(GPRS, 2G)
– 30分钟完成安装 – 每台机器一台 SMARTBOX
– 内装SIM卡,作为数据传输,费用由AC承担
– 无需调适
– 软件更新将自动完成
2946 9826 00
2946 9826 00
造成能耗升高及风险 增大
客户需要常常查 看空压机房,抄 表
机器出现问题 时再找AC
AC再服务时, 时间出现延迟
2946 9826 00
清楚了解所需 要的保养服务
2946 9826 00
每个月获得机器数据 及服务记录
只需要要点击即可要求AC 报价,而且机器数据信息将 自动发送给AC.
2946 9826 00
2946 9826 00
有了短信及邮件来通知机器状况 .不再需要我每天常常跑机房 而且更及时
当机器有问题时,我 能快速的行动
2946 9826 00
2946 9826 00
能耗数据不透明 即使了解能耗数据也 不知道如何改进
2946 9826 00
服务 & 事件 服务,事件 &可靠性
பைடு நூலகம்
服务、停机 and警告( 事件) 服务、停机 and警告( 事件)
X 服务,事件 &可靠性 & 能耗数 据及分析报告
2946 9826 00
报表形式了解到各种能耗数据 的变化,如气电比等 有详细的分析报告关 于如何改进能耗状况
2946 9826 00
公司越来越关注能耗 状况,只是手上没便 捷方式及工具. SMARTLINK 睿能可以跟踪我所设定 的能耗参数