



jacs审稿流程Jacs审稿流程I. 前言•Jacs(Journal of the American Chemical Society)是国际上著名的化学学术期刊,因其高质量的论文和严谨的审稿流程而被广泛认可。


II. 提交论文1.登录Jacs官方网站。

2.点击“Submit New Manuscript”按钮,在新页面填写相关信息,包括论文题目、作者、摘要等。


III. 稿件初审1.编辑会收到作者的投稿后,进行初步审核。



IV. 审稿人邀请1.如果初审通过,编辑将邀请至少两名具有相关专业背景的审稿人。


V. 审稿人审稿1.审稿人收到邀请后,可以决定是否接受审稿邀请。



VI. 编辑决策1.编辑收到审稿人的评价后,将综合评估论文的质量。



VII. 修改和再次审稿1.在接收修改后,作者需要根据编辑和审稿人的建议进行修改。


VIII. 最终决定1.在再次审稿后,编辑将再次评估论文并做出最终决定。


IX. 出版准备1.如果论文被接受,编辑将通知作者,并提供出版准备的相关指南。


X. 论文正式发表1.经过出版准备后,论文将被正式发表在Jacs期刊上。



发一篇jacs作为一位内容创作者,写一篇关于发一篇JACS(Journal of the American Chemical Society)的文章,需要遵循一定的写作格式和要求,以确保逻辑清晰、条理分明和结构合理。

以下是一些写作指南:1. 开篇引言在开始撰写文章之前,需要给读者一个简要的引言,来介绍为什么要发表这篇文章。

这个引言可以包括以下信息:- 给读者一些背景信息,介绍你的研究领域和你的研究课题。

- 说明你所发表文章的目的和价值。

- 把读者带入研究的背景,并为文章设定正确的上下文环境。

2. 前言在正式进入介绍自己的研究之前,需要先介绍一些相关的历史和背景知识,以帮助读者更好地理解你的研究内容。


3. 描述研究问题在这个章节,需要详细地介绍你所研究的问题,包括研究的具体问题、研究的对象、研究方法、以及你的研究假设。


4. 实验过程与结果这一章节是整篇文章的核心部分,描述你的实验过程以及你的结果。



5. 讨论及结论在这个章节中,需要对你的实验结果进行讨论和总结。



6. 结尾在文章的最后,需要对整个研究进行总结,并提出一些展望。





journal of the american chemical society的投稿状态

journal of the american chemical society的投稿状态

journal of the american chemicalsociety的投稿状态引言概述:Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) 是美国化学学会旗下的一本高影响力的期刊,它在化学领域具有重要的地位。


正文内容:1. JACS投稿流程1.1 投稿前准备在投稿之前,作者需要准备好完整的研究成果,并确保实验方法和数据的准确性。


1.2 投稿方式JACS接受在线投稿,作者需要在期刊的官方网站上注册账号,并按照指南的要求填写相关信息,并上传文章的文稿和附件。

1.3 投稿评审JACS采用同行评审制度,投稿后,编辑会对文章进行初步评估,如果文章符合期刊的主题和要求,将会被分派给相应的审稿人进行评审。

1.4 审稿周期JACS的审稿周期通常较长,一般需要数周到数个月不等。


2. 投稿状态2.1 投稿收到在投稿后的几天内,作者会收到一封确认信,表示文章已经成功提交。


2.2 审稿中一旦文章进入审稿阶段,投稿状态将变为“审稿中”。


2.3 修改意见如果审稿人提出了修改意见,投稿状态将变为“修改意见”。


2.4 审稿完成当审稿人对文章满意并认为其符合期刊的要求后,投稿状态将变为“审稿完成”。


2.5 投稿被拒如果审稿人认为文章不符合期刊的要求或者有严重的科学错误,投稿状态将变为“投稿被拒”。


journal of hazardous materials投稿指南

journal of hazardous materials投稿指南

journal of hazardous materials投稿指南
《危险材料杂志》(Journal of Hazardous Materials)是一本国际性的学术期刊,主要关注危险材料的研究、管理、处理和评估。






4.文章长度限制:原创研究论文一般不超过8000 字,综述文章一般不超过10000 字。



2.选择“Submit New Manuscript”选项,按照提示填写相关信息。






3.本刊审稿周期一般为3-5 个月,具体时间视稿件数量和审稿进度而定。



journal of the american chemical society投稿经验

journal of the american chemical society投稿经验

journal of the american chemical society投稿经验以下是关于投稿到Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS)的一些建议和经验:1. 在撰写论文时,确保研究问题的重要性和原创性。


2. 确保论文的实验结果和数据准确无误。


3. 在撰写论文过程中,遵循JACS的作者指南和投稿要求。



4. 选择合适的期刊部分进行投稿。



5. 在撰写论文时,精确描述研究方法和实验细节。


6. 在撰写论文的同时,也要重视论文的英语语法和格式。


7. 在撰写论文之前,尽可能多地阅读JACS上已发表的文章。


8. 在撰写推荐信时,选择有着一定知名度和影响力的学者或研究者。




journal of the american chemical society 模板

journal of the american chemical society 模板

journal of the american chemical society 模板【原创实用版】目录1.引言:介绍美国化学学会期刊2.期刊内容:涵盖化学领域的各个方面3.期刊影响力:在学术界的地位和影响力4.投稿要求:对投稿的规范和要求5.结论:总结美国化学学会期刊的特点和价值正文美国化学学会期刊(Journal of the American Chemical Society,简称 JACS)是一本由美国化学学会(American Chemical Society,简称ACS)出版的学术期刊,创刊于 1879 年,拥有悠久的历史和卓越的声誉。


JACS 涵盖了化学领域的各个方面,包括有机化学、无机化学、物理化学、分析化学、生物化学等。


这使得 JACS 成为化学研究者不可或缺的信息来源,无论他们身处哪个研究领域。

JACS 在学术界的地位和影响力不言而喻。


同时,JACS 也积极参与学术界的讨论和合作,举办各种学术活动,推动化学领域的发展。

对于有意向投稿的作者,JACS 提供了详细的投稿要求和规范。


其次,论文需要按照 JACS 的格式要求撰写,包括标题、摘要、正文、图表、参考文献等。




journal of the electrochemical society投稿要求

journal of the electrochemical society投稿要求

journal of the electrochemical society投稿要求以下是《电化学学会杂志》的投稿要求:文章类型:该杂志接受原创研究论文、快讯和评论文章。























例如:Smith, J.P., Journal of Chemical Education, 2001, 78 (11), p. 1406.






【杂志名称】Journal of the American Ceramic Society【影响因子】1.396【杂志网址】/【投稿方式】网投【投稿费用】彩色收费,接收不收费【投稿感受】美陶的article是由三个人审,两个reviewer和一个AE(Associated Editor)审稿。


然后由EIC-Editor in Chief: David. Green综合三个人的意见作出最后的decision。


下面是投稿流程中各个步骤及需要的大概时间:1.Awaiting Admin Checklist 大概需要一两天2. Under review 一两天3.Awaiting reviewer assignment 一般自己推荐审稿人,这个过程可能需要一两天4.Awaiting reviewer scores 三周之内5.Awaiting AE assignment 一两天6.Awaiting AE recommendation 三周以内7.Awaiting EIC decision 三四天decision 分为五挡1-Accept2-accept after minor revision(withour re-review)3-reconsideration after major revision.4-reject and resubmit5-reject我投了一篇文章,6月1日投,8月8日收到decision,要minor revision(两个reviewer和一个AE都是推荐发表).因为当时是假期,出去玩了,没注意查收邮件,等看到的时候还剩10天的修改时间,修改后9月6日再投,11月9日又收到minor revision给提了一些语法方面的建议,修改了几天投了过去,第二天accepted。

journal of materials science投稿须知

journal of materials science投稿须知

journal of materials science投稿须知感谢您对Journal of Materials Science的关注。

以下是投稿须知:1. 版权声明:请确认您的稿件没有侵犯任何版权,并且您拥有全部投稿内容的版权。


2. 投稿类型:Journal of Materials Science接受原创研究论文、评论和综述文章。


3. 核心议题:投稿的研究内容必须与材料科学相关,并且对该领域有着重要贡献。


4. 格式要求:请按照Journal of Materials Science的格式要求准备您的稿件。


5. 提交方式和编辑办公室:所有稿件都应通过Journal of Materials Science官方网站的在线提交系统提交。


6. 同行评审:Journal of Materials Science遵循严格的同行评审程序。



7. 倫理和科研道德:请确保您的研究符合倫理要求,并且遵循科研道德准则。



祝您投稿顺利,期待您的优秀研究成果能够在Journal of Materials Science上发表。























journal of american chemistry参考文献格式

journal of american chemistry参考文献格式

journal of american chemistry参考文献格式
在ACS风格中,“Journal of the American Chemical Society”的引用格式大致如下:

如果同一作者在同一年有多篇文章,那么需要加上字母(a, b, c...)来区分。

例如:(Smith, 2020) 或(Smith, 2020a; Smith, 2020b)

对于JACS上的文章,格式通常如下:Smith, J. A.; Jones, B. C. Title of the Article. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 1234−1239.
这里,“Smith, J. A.”和“Jones, B. C.”是文章的作者,“Title of the Article”是文章的标题,“J. Am. Chem. Soc.”是期刊名的缩写,“2020”是发表年份,“142”是卷号,“1234−1239”是文章的页码范围。




journal of hazardous materials投稿指南

journal of hazardous materials投稿指南

《Journal of Hazardous Materials》是一本专注于危险材料研究的国际知名学术期刊,涵盖环境科学、工程、化学等多个领域。


如果您计划向该期刊投稿,以下是一些详细的投稿指南:1. 文章类型:期刊主要接受全长研究论文、评论文章和观点文章。


2. 创新性声明:在提交论文时,需要提供一个最多100字的创新性声明,解释为什么该研究应该发表在《Journal of Hazardous Materials》。


3. 研究领域:论文应涉及危险材料的研究,包括但不限于化学、环境科学、工程等领域。


4. 格式要求:论文应遵循期刊的格式要求,包括关键词、行号、图表、表格等。


5. 投稿过程:通过期刊的在线投稿系统进行投稿。


6. 审稿过程:投稿后,您的论文将经过同行评审。


7. 修订论文:根据审稿意见进行相应的修订。


8. 接受与发表:经过审稿和修订后,如果您的论文被接受,将会收到出版通知。


总之,在向《Journal of Hazardous Materials》投稿前,请确保您的论文符合期刊的主题范围和格式要求。





投稿指南(中文版)Journal Publishing Agreement每篇手稿在提交时都必须正确填写并签署期刊出版协议。

一旦手稿被分配给编辑,ACS Paragon Plus提供的电子版本的协议将会在作者的通讯主页上显示My Authoring Activity选项。




可以在该网站获得期刊出版协议的完整的指导说明/page/copyright/journals/index.html.Cover LetterCover letter必须和稿件同时提交,可以使用Word或PDF文件创建或输入到ACS Paragon Plus Environment相应的文本框中。









论文投稿所有稿件必须通过ACS Paragon Plus Environment发表(/login). 完整的指导说明和电子在线(网络)提交过程的概述都可以通过安全ACS Paragon Plus 网站获取信息。

同时,作者还须通过ACS Paragon Plus Environment提交所有修改的稿件。

jacs的under review -回复

jacs的under review -回复

jacs的under review -回复[JACS的under review],以中括号内的内容为主题,写一篇1500-2000字文章,一步一步回答一、JACS概述Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS,美国化学学会期刊) 是一本涵盖各个化学领域的顶尖学术期刊。




二、文章提交和审稿过程1. 提交文章:研究人员完成实验并整理好文章后,可以在线登录JACS投稿系统,选择对应的类别和编辑部,填写详细的投稿信息,并将文章原文、附件和相关数据一同上传。

2. 编辑初审:JACS编辑部收到投稿后,会对文章进行初步审查,检查格式是否符合要求,有无基本的科学准确性和创新性。


3. 同行评审:负责该稿件的编辑会邀请至少两位专家进行同行评审。


4. 编辑决策:JACS的编辑会依据同行评审结果,综合考虑专家意见和自身判断,作出是否接受、拒绝或要求修订等决策。


5. 修订和再审:修订稿将被发送回同行评审专家,专家将对修订后的稿件进行再次评审。


6. 文章接受:如果文章通过同行评审,并最终被编辑接受,则作者将收到正式接受的通知,该文章随后将进行编辑和排版,最终发表在JACS期刊上。


journal of materials chemistry a投稿指南

journal of materials chemistry a投稿指南

journal of materials chemistry a投稿指南《Journal of Materials Chemistry A》的投稿指南如下:一、投稿须知《Journal of Materials Chemistry A》是一本专注于材料化学领域的顶级期刊,我们热烈欢迎全球的研究人员投稿。

为了确保您的稿件能够得到公正、有效的评审,我们建议您遵循以下投稿指南:1. 稿件格式:请按照我们的在线投稿系统提供的指南准备您的稿件,并确保所有相关信息,如标题、作者信息、单位信息、材料类型、化学性质等都已正确填写。

2. 原创性:为了保护读者和编辑的利益,所有原创、未公开发表或已发表的稿件都应提交给我们。


3. 实验方法和数据:详细描述您的实验方法和结果,以便读者能够理解和评估您的研究。


4. 图表:请提供高质量的图表和照片,以便读者更好地理解您的研究。

二、审稿流程我们的审稿过程是透明和公正的,您可以通过以下信息了解大致的审稿周期:1. 双盲审稿:我们的审稿过程遵循双盲审稿制度,即审稿人不会知道您的个人信息,也不会让您知道审稿人的身份。

2. 评审时间:一般来说,初审需要约一到两个月,最终决定需要约一到三个月。


3. 反馈提供:如果您的稿件被接受,我们会向您提供详细的评审反馈,包括需要修改的地方和修改的时间限制。

三、版权协议我们使用CC BY open access版权协议发布您的稿件,这意味着您的稿件可以被公众免费获取,同时允许任何用户进行下载、复制、分发和打印,前提是保持原始版权的声明不变。

以上就是《Journal of Materials Chemistry A》的投稿指南,如果您有任何疑问或需要进一步的信息,可以通过我们的官方网站联系编辑部工作人员。



Electronic Manuscript Communications TemplateWord 2010 for WindowsInstructions for using the templateDownload the appropriate version of the template and save it to your word-processing package. Check the Journal of the American Chemical Society Information for Authors page before using the template to verify that you are using the most recent version. This document should be saved in the Templates folder with a “.dotx” extension and will appear on the File tab in the New dialog box under My Templates.There are a number of paragraph styles available for use with this template to identify the different parts of your manuscript, i.e., Title, Author Names, Abstract, etc. In Microsoft Word, the name of the current paragraph style is displayed in the Styles section of the home tab. Use the styles provided in the template for each corresponding section of your paper. By using the paragraph styles you identify the components of your paper, alerting the editorial office to how the different parts of the paper should be formatted. Each paragraph must have a Word Style defining it. Do NOT modify any of the specifications of the template (text size, font, line spacing, line height, margins, etc.) to make your Communications fit the four-page limit. Your paper will be formatted as part of the journal production process, and the appearance of the published paper may vary from what is in the template, i.e., lines above and below figures, charts, and schemes. Authors should refer to the User's Guide for their individual word processor or graphics package for answers to questions directly related to those programs. Downloading the template1.Select the version of the JACS communication template that corresponds to the versionof word-processing software you will be using to prepare your manuscript. The template will be downloaded as a "template" file rather than as a "document" file. In Word, it will have the file extension ".dotx" instead of ".docx".2.After saving the file open Word, click the File tab, then click New.3.Select New from existing, select the JACS communication template, then click CreateNew, this will open a copy of the file into Word.4.Next click the File tab, then click Save As.5.In the Save As dialog box do one of the followinga.On a computer that is running Windows 7, scroll to the top of the folder list, andunder Microsoft Word click Templates.b.On a computer that is running Windows Vista, under Favorite Links, clickTemplates.c.On a computer that is running Windows XP, under Save in, click TrustedTemplates.6.Give the JACS communication template a file name, select Word Template in the Saveas type list and then click Save and close the template.This document is now saved in the Templates folder with a “.dotx” extension and will appear on the File tab in the New dialog box under My Templates.Working with the templateThere are several ways to use this template to generate your final manuscript to be submitted for publication: (a) Use the template to create a manuscript, (B) copy and paste the working document into the template, and (C) attach the template to a working document. Detailed instructions are given below for each of these methods as well as general instructions for all methods. Be sure to always check the Journal of the American Chemical Society Information for Authors page to ensure that you are using the most recent version of the template.A. Using the template to create a manuscript1. Create a document from the template by choosing File, New. You should see the JACScommunication template file available for use in the My Templates category. NOTE: If it does not appear, open the file from the location where you saved it and resave it as aDocument Template using the same file name. This should make it so that it does appear on the My Templates tab in the New dialog box.2. Select the JACS Communication Template and make sure the option Create New:Document (not Template) is selected. Click OK. You will see a file containing sample text sections with tips for using the template and guidelines for what each section contains.This text is formatted with the paragraph style appropriate for the section. In addition, apopup Styles toolbar should appear on your screen listing the Word Styles available. This toolbar can be closed and reopened for later use when needed (Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S). When you use the template to create a document, the new document will be a copy of thetemplate containing the information you input and the original template file will remainunchanged.3. Select (highlight) the text of the template that you want to replace and begin typing yourmanuscript (i.e., select the Title section for typing in your title), ensuring that you haveselected text from the appropriate section (i.e., the Author Names section for typing inyour author names).B. Copying and pasting a document into the templateIf you have prepared your document in a file not using the template, you can copy text from the working document and paste it into the template file.1.Create a document from the template by choosing File, New. You should see the JACScommunication template file available for use in the My Templates category. NOTE: If it does not appear, open the file from the location where you saved it and resave it as aDocument Template using the same file name. This should make it so that it does appear on the My Templates tab in the New dialog box.2.Select the JACS Communication Template and make sure the option Create New:Document (not Template) is selected. Click OK. You will see a file containing sample text sections with tips for using the template and guidelines for what each sectioncontains. This text is formatted with the paragraph style appropriate for the section. Inaddition, a popup Styles toolbar should appear on your screen listing the Word Stylesavailable. This toolbar can be closed and reopened for later use when needed(Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S). When you use the template to create a document, the new document will be a copy of the template containing the information you input and the originaltemplate file will remain unchanged.3.Open your existing manuscript file.4.Copy and paste text from the working document into the appropriate sections of thetemplate. It is easiest to copy the entire document and then assign a Word Style to eachparagraph after pasting. NOTE: if you choose to copy and paste sections from youroriginal document rather than the entire document, be sure to include just the text (notthe paragraph symbol) and paste it into the template. If the paragraph symbol is copied, the style of your original document overrides the template style. To change the style back to the template style, click anywhere in the pasted-in text and select the proper WordStyle from the Word Styles list.5.If copying the entire document and then assigning a Word Style to each paragraph afterpasting, you will need to change the page setup in the main text section of the paper.After the author address, change the page format for the rest of the manuscript to two-column text. Place the cursor at the beginning of the first paragraph of the main textsection of the paper. Insert a continuous section break (Page Layout, Breaks, selectC ontinuous from Breaks drop-down). Click on the Columns drop-down from the PageSetup section in Page Layout and select More Columns. Make the following changes in this window: Number of Columns 2, Width 3.33”, Spacing 0.33”. Click OK. Assignthe appropriate Word Style to the remainder of the paper.C. Attaching the template to a documentIf you have prepared your document in a file not using the template, you can attach the template to your working document and apply the Word Style tags. If attaching the template to your document, you will need to print a copy of the template first so that you can identify which Word Style should be applied to the different sections of your manuscript (File,New,My Templates and select the Journal of the American Chemical Society Communications template).1.Open your manuscript file.2.Select File on the toolbar and then Options. NOTE: There are several ways to importtemplates/styles into working documents within Word. See the "templates" section ofMicrosoft Word Help for further instructions.3.Choose Add-Ins in the Word Options dialog box.4.Select Templates from the Manage drop-down list, then click Go.5.Click the Add button and choose the appropriate ACS template, then select Ok.6.Select Ok again. This will return you to the working document.7. A popup Styles toolbar has been generated that will display the different Word Styles foreasier use. If you do not see this toolbar, do (Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S), and it should appear.You can close this at any time and reopen it when needed.8.Change the page layout. Under Page Layout, select the Margins drop down list. SelectCustom Margins tab, type in the following dimensions to ensure your manuscript is the proper size: Top 0.5”, Bottom 0.66”, Left 0.76”, Right 0.76”, Gutter 0”. On the PaperSize drop-down select More Paper Sizes, in Paper tab set size Letter, Width 8.5”, Height 11”, then on the Layout tab set the Header 0”, and Footer 0”.9.Place the cursor in the title section of your document. Using the Word Style menu on theformatting toolbar, select Word Style “BA_Title”. This will apply the Word Style to the title. Do this for the author names and addresses using the appropriate style.10.Change the page format for the rest of the manuscript to two-column text. Place thecursor at the beginning of the first paragraph of the main text section of the paper. Insert a continuous section break (Page Layout, Breaks, select C ontinuous from Breaks drop-down). Click on the Columns drop-down from the Page Setup section in Page Layoutand select More Columns. Make the following changes in this window: Number ofColumns 2, Width 3.33”, Spacing 0.33”. Click OK. Assign the appropriate Word Style to the remainder of the paper.11.Insert figures, schemes, charts, and tables by creating a blank line where you want each toappear, making sure the Word Style is “Normal” with an automatic height adjustment.General instructions for all methods1.Submit a graphic entry for the Table of Contents (TOC) that, in conjunction with themanuscript title, should give the reader a representative idea of one of the following: akey structure, reaction, equation, concept, or theorem, etc., or an ingeniousrepresentation, thereof, that is discussed in the manuscript. Space for this is provided on the last page of the template.2.Submit a concise, self-contained, one-paragraph abstract (between 80 and 200 words).Space for this is provided on the first page of the template.e carriage returns to end headings and paragraphs only. Do not use carriage returns tobreak lines. Use a spell checker to detect any typos and eliminate any spaces beforepunctuation.6.Pay particular attention to the format of the references to ensure that they comply withthe style in use for the journal. The responsibility for accuracy of the references lies with the author.7.Present tabular material by using the table-formatting feature in your word-processingpackage. Enter each data element in its own cell.8.Ensure all characters are correctly represented throughout the manuscript: for example, 1(one) and l (ell), 0 (zero) and O (oh). Use symbol font for all Greek letters and mathsymbols. Use only characters in your file that came with the character sets in your word processor.Working with graphics in the templateTo insert a graphic within the text or as a figure, chart, scheme, or table, create a new line and insert the graphic where desired. Tip: inserting artwork into your Communications may be simplified by formatting the paper as one-column (Page Layout, Columns, Number of Columns 1) rather than two-column text, inserting artwork, and then reformatting to two-column text (Page Layout, Columns, Number of Columns 2, Width 3.33”, Spacing 0.33”).If your graphic is not visible, ensure that the Word Style is “Normal” with an automatic height adjustment (from the Page Layout menu, choose Paragraph; under Line Spacing, choose Single) and not Word Style “TA_Main_Text”, “VA_Figure_Caption”, “VB_Chart_Title”, “VC_Scheme_Title”, “VD_Table_Title”, or “TC_Table_Body”.Paste the graphics at the size they will be printed in the journal. NOTE: If your artwork is larger than the width of a column, Word may reduce the size so that it fits within the column. This will alter the resolution of your graphic, making it unacceptable for publication. You must resize the artwork in your graphics package and re-paste it into the file.Do NOT resize or add labels to the artwork from within Word: maximum width for single-column artwork, 3.3 in. (8.5 cm); maximum width for double-column artwork, 7 in. (17.8 cm).If your artwork does not appear where you placed it and is floating over text, select the piece of artwork by clicking on it. Under Picture Tools, select Picture or Object and then select the Position tab. Make sure the Float over text box is NOT selected. If it is, deselect it and select OK. This should make your artwork appear where you originally placed it.ChemDraw directionsFollow the drawing settings in the ACS-1996 Style Sheet for preparing your artwork. It is best to copy the actual artwork and paste it into Word rather than saving it as a file and inserting the file. In addition, for versions later than 2.1.3, in the ChemDraw Preferences (File,Preferences), ensure that the Optimize for High-Resolution non-Postscript Printing,Include ChemDraw LaserPrep, and Include PostScript Preferences are ON. Use of ChemDraw versions 2.1.3 or below and any version of ChemDraw Plus is not encouraged, as they are not compatible with the process that generates the PDF file for your manuscript. If it is absolutely necessary to use one of these older versions of ChemDraw, deselect Include PostScript Atom Labels (File, Preferences). This will prevent incompatible PostScript information from being embedded in the structure. NOTE: this may result in structures of inferior quality; thus, the use of an updated version of ChemDraw is strongly encouraged.Saving your manuscript in the templateWhen you are finished and are ready to save your document, if necessary, delete all sections from the template that are not needed, including the instructions. Assign the file a name that will identify your manuscript, one that is different than that of the template. Save the file with the graphics in place. In Microsoft Word, click Save As (File menu) and save it as a “document” file (.docx).NOTE: To use the template with Microsoft Word 2007 (PC version) and Microsoft Word 2008 (Macintosh version), Save your Word files in the compatibility format (Word 97-2003) using the “Save As” option.Checking your manuscript for completenessProof a printout of the manuscript (from a 600 dpi or higher laser printer) to ensure that all parts of the manuscript are present and clearly legible.Submitting your manuscriptFollow the Information for Authors link from the Journal of the American Chemical Society home page for the latest instructions on how to proceed with the submission of your manuscript. If submitting electronically, your manuscript will be converted to a PDF file. This file is used strictly for peer review. The length of the file when converted to the PDF version may change. If your manuscript fits within four pages in the word-processing template and exceeds this length only after conversion to PDF, there is no need to readjust the length of your file in Word to make it fit the four-page limit. Additional formatting changes may occur. In addition, the appearance of footnote numbers does not need to be changed to match the journal style.Additional resourcesAuthors should refer to the User's Guides for their individual word processor and graphics programs for more specific instructions on how to use these packages. In addition, most software manufacturers maintain on-line help resources. Two good sources of additional information are the Microsoft Web site (/) and the ChemDraw Web site(/software/ChemDraw/).ReferencesGiven below are the recommended formats to be used for the various reference types. Journals: Author 1; Author 2. Journal Abbreviation year,volume, pages. For example: Smith, J.A.; Jones,B. R. Org. Lett.1999,1, 1.Books with Editors: Author 1; Author 2. In Book Title; Editor 1, Editor 2, Eds.; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; volume, pages. For example: The ACS Style Guide, 2nd ed.; Dodd, J. S., Ed.; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.Books without Editors: Author 1; Author 2. Book Title; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; volume, chapter, pages. For example: Stothers, J. B. Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy; Academic: New York, 1972; Chapter 2.U.S. Government Publications: Author 1; Author 2. Document Title; Government Publication Number; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; pages. For example: National Handbook of Recommended Methods for Water Data Acquisition; Office of Water Data Coordination, U.S. Geological Survey: Reston, VA, 1977; Chapter 5.Technical Reports: Author 1; Author 2. Title; Technical Report Number; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; volume, pages. For example: Schneider, A. B. Expert Systems in Analytical Chemistry; Technical Report No. 1234-56; ABC Company: New York, 1985.Patents: Author. Patent number, year. (Patent number with reference to country granting the patent.) For example: Lyle, F. R. U.S. Patent 5 973 257, 1985; Chem. Abstr.1985, 65, 2870. Thesis: Author. Level of Thesis, Degree-Granting University, Location of University, date. Forexample: Fleissner, W. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, 1984. Series: Author 1; Author 2. In Title; Editor 1, Editor 2, Eds.; Series Title and Number; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; volume, pages. For example: Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Polymeric Materials; Williams, D. J., Ed.; ACS Symposium Series 233; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1983.Citation to Meetings: Author 1; Author 2. Title of Presentation. Published Title of Collected Work, Proceedings of the Name of the Meeting, Location of the Meeting, Date of the Meeting; Editor 1, Editor 2, Eds.; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; abstract number, pages. For example: Baisden, P. A. Abstracts of Papers, 188th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, PA; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1984; NUCL 9。



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•Communications和Articles须在手稿文档文件中包含摘要和目录(TOC)•Communications 文章必须使用现有的communication 模板,篇幅不超过4页。


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•无论是“In press”、“accepted”或“submitted”等的相关发表稿件副本需在发表或者其他准备阶段中上传提交稿件Supporting Information以供审查。

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journal of natural medicines投稿经验

journal of natural medicines投稿经验

journal of natural medicines投稿经验【实用版】目录1.引言:介绍 Journal of Natural Medicines 期刊的基本信息2.投稿流程:详述投稿的具体步骤和注意事项3.审稿周期:介绍审稿的时间和流程4.接受率和发表费用:分析期刊的接受率和发表费用5.总结:对投稿经验进行总结正文Journal of Natural Medicines 是一本关注天然药物研究的国际性学术期刊,旨在为药物学和相关领域的研究者提供一个交流和分享研究成果的平台。




2.选择“Submit a Manuscript”选项,按照提示填写相关信息并上传稿件。





一般来说,Journal of Natural Medicines 的审稿周期在 3-5 个月左右。







关于接受率和发表费用,Journal of Natural Medicines 的接受率相对较高,一般在 40% 左右。



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Electronic Manuscript Communications TemplateWord 2010 for WindowsInstructions for using the templateDownload the appropriate version of the template and save it to your word-processing package. Check the Journal of the American Chemical Society Information for Authors page before using the template to verify that you are using the most recent version. This document should be saved in the Templates folder with a “.dotx” extension and will appear on the File tab in the New dialog box under My Templates.There are a number of paragraph styles available for use with this template to identify the different parts of your manuscript, i.e., Title, Author Names, Abstract, etc. In Microsoft Word, the name of the current paragraph style is displayed in the Styles section of the home tab. Use the styles provided in the template for each corresponding section of your paper. By using the paragraph styles you identify the components of your paper, alerting the editorial office to how the different parts of the paper should be formatted. Each paragraph must have a Word Style defining it. Do NOT modify any of the specifications of the template (text size, font, line spacing, line height, margins, etc.) to make your Communications fit the four-page limit. Your paper will be formatted as part of the journal production process, and the appearance of the published paper may vary from what is in the template, i.e., lines above and below figures, charts, and schemes. Authors should refer to the User's Guide for their individual word processor or graphics package for answers to questions directly related to those programs. Downloading the template1.Select the version of the JACS communication template that corresponds to the versionof word-processing software you will be using to prepare your manuscript. The template will be downloaded as a "template" file rather than as a "document" file. In Word, it will have the file extension ".dotx" instead of ".docx".2.After saving the file open Word, click the File tab, then click New.3.Select New from existing, select the JACS communication template, then click CreateNew, this will open a copy of the file into Word.4.Next click the File tab, then click Save As.5.In the Save As dialog box do one of the followinga.On a computer that is running Windows 7, scroll to the top of the folder list, andunder Microsoft Word click Templates.b.On a computer that is running Windows Vista, under Favorite Links, clickTemplates.c.On a computer that is running Windows XP, under Save in, click TrustedTemplates.6.Give the JACS communication template a file name, select Word Template in the Saveas type list and then click Save and close the template.This document is now saved in the Templates folder with a “.dotx” extension and will appear on the File tab in the New dialog box under My Templates.Working with the templateThere are several ways to use this template to generate your final manuscript to be submitted for publication: (a) Use the template to create a manuscript, (B) copy and paste the working document into the template, and (C) attach the template to a working document. Detailed instructions are given below for each of these methods as well as general instructions for all methods. Be sure to always check the Journal of the American Chemical Society Information for Authors page to ensure that you are using the most recent version of the template.A. Using the template to create a manuscript1. Create a document from the template by choosing File, New. You should see the JACScommunication template file available for use in the My Templates category. NOTE: If it does not appear, open the file from the location where you saved it and resave it as aDocument Template using the same file name. This should make it so that it does appear on the My Templates tab in the New dialog box.2. Select the JACS Communication Template and make sure the option Create New:Document (not Template) is selected. Click OK. You will see a file containing sample text sections with tips for using the template and guidelines for what each section contains.This text is formatted with the paragraph style appropriate for the section. In addition, apopup Styles toolbar should appear on your screen listing the Word Styles available. This toolbar can be closed and reopened for later use when needed (Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S). When you use the template to create a document, the new document will be a copy of thetemplate containing the information you input and the original template file will remainunchanged.3. Select (highlight) the text of the template that you want to replace and begin typing yourmanuscript (i.e., select the Title section for typing in your title), ensuring that you haveselected text from the appropriate section (i.e., the Author Names section for typing inyour author names).B. Copying and pasting a document into the templateIf you have prepared your document in a file not using the template, you can copy text from the working document and paste it into the template file.1.Create a document from the template by choosing File, New. You should see the JACScommunication template file available for use in the My Templates category. NOTE: If it does not appear, open the file from the location where you saved it and resave it as aDocument Template using the same file name. This should make it so that it does appear on the My Templates tab in the New dialog box.2.Select the JACS Communication Template and make sure the option Create New:Document (not Template) is selected. Click OK. You will see a file containing sample text sections with tips for using the template and guidelines for what each sectioncontains. This text is formatted with the paragraph style appropriate for the section. Inaddition, a popup Styles toolbar should appear on your screen listing the Word Stylesavailable. This toolbar can be closed and reopened for later use when needed(Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S). When you use the template to create a document, the new document will be a copy of the template containing the information you input and the originaltemplate file will remain unchanged.3.Open your existing manuscript file.4.Copy and paste text from the working document into the appropriate sections of thetemplate. It is easiest to copy the entire document and then assign a Word Style to eachparagraph after pasting. NOTE: if you choose to copy and paste sections from youroriginal document rather than the entire document, be sure to include just the text (notthe paragraph symbol) and paste it into the template. If the paragraph symbol is copied, the style of your original document overrides the template style. To change the style back to the template style, click anywhere in the pasted-in text and select the proper WordStyle from the Word Styles list.5.If copying the entire document and then assigning a Word Style to each paragraph afterpasting, you will need to change the page setup in the main text section of the paper.After the author address, change the page format for the rest of the manuscript to two-column text. Place the cursor at the beginning of the first paragraph of the main textsection of the paper. Insert a continuous section break (Page Layout, Breaks, selectC ontinuous from Breaks drop-down). Click on the Columns drop-down from the PageSetup section in Page Layout and select More Columns. Make the following changes in this window: Number of Columns 2, Width 3.33”, Spacing 0.33”. Click OK. Assignthe appropriate Word Style to the remainder of the paper.C. Attaching the template to a documentIf you have prepared your document in a file not using the template, you can attach the template to your working document and apply the Word Style tags. If attaching the template to your document, you will need to print a copy of the template first so that you can identify which Word Style should be applied to the different sections of your manuscript (File,New,My Templates and select the Journal of the American Chemical Society Communications template).1.Open your manuscript file.2.Select File on the toolbar and then Options. NOTE: There are several ways to importtemplates/styles into working documents within Word. See the "templates" section ofMicrosoft Word Help for further instructions.3.Choose Add-Ins in the Word Options dialog box.4.Select Templates from the Manage drop-down list, then click Go.5.Click the Add button and choose the appropriate ACS template, then select Ok.6.Select Ok again. This will return you to the working document.7. A popup Styles toolbar has been generated that will display the different Word Styles foreasier use. If you do not see this toolbar, do (Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S), and it should appear.You can close this at any time and reopen it when needed.8.Change the page layout. Under Page Layout, select the Margins drop down list. SelectCustom Margins tab, type in the following dimensions to ensure your manuscript is the proper size: Top 0.5”, Bottom 0.66”, Left 0.76”, Right 0.76”, Gutter 0”. On the PaperSize drop-down select More Paper Sizes, in Paper tab set size Letter, Width 8.5”, Height 11”, then on the Layout tab set the Header 0”, and Footer 0”.9.Place the cursor in the title section of your document. Using the Word Style menu on theformatting toolbar, select Word Style “BA_Title”. This will apply the Word Style to the title. Do this for the author names and addresses using the appropriate style.10.Change the page format for the rest of the manuscript to two-column text. Place thecursor at the beginning of the first paragraph of the main text section of the paper. Insert a continuous section break (Page Layout, Breaks, select C ontinuous from Breaks drop-down). Click on the Columns drop-down from the Page Setup section in Page Layoutand select More Columns. Make the following changes in this window: Number ofColumns 2, Width 3.33”, Spacing 0.33”. Click OK. Assign the appropriate Word Style to the remainder of the paper.11.Insert figures, schemes, charts, and tables by creating a blank line where you want each toappear, making sure the Word Style is “Normal” with an automatic height adjustment.General instructions for all methods1.Submit a graphic entry for the Table of Contents (TOC) that, in conjunction with themanuscript title, should give the reader a representative idea of one of the following: akey structure, reaction, equation, concept, or theorem, etc., or an ingeniousrepresentation, thereof, that is discussed in the manuscript. Space for this is provided on the last page of the template.2.Submit a concise, self-contained, one-paragraph abstract (between 80 and 200 words).Space for this is provided on the first page of the template.e carriage returns to end headings and paragraphs only. Do not use carriage returns tobreak lines. Use a spell checker to detect any typos and eliminate any spaces beforepunctuation.6.Pay particular attention to the format of the references to ensure that they comply withthe style in use for the journal. The responsibility for accuracy of the references lies with the author.7.Present tabular material by using the table-formatting feature in your word-processingpackage. Enter each data element in its own cell.8.Ensure all characters are correctly represented throughout the manuscript: for example, 1(one) and l (ell), 0 (zero) and O (oh). Use symbol font for all Greek letters and mathsymbols. Use only characters in your file that came with the character sets in your word processor.Working with graphics in the templateTo insert a graphic within the text or as a figure, chart, scheme, or table, create a new line and insert the graphic where desired. Tip: inserting artwork into your Communications may be simplified by formatting the paper as one-column (Page Layout, Columns, Number of Columns 1) rather than two-column text, inserting artwork, and then reformatting to two-column text (Page Layout, Columns, Number of Columns 2, Width 3.33”, Spacing 0.33”).If your graphic is not visible, ensure that the Word Style is “Normal” with an automatic height adjustment (from the Page Layout menu, choose Paragraph; under Line Spacing, choose Single) and not Word Style “TA_Main_Text”, “VA_Figure_Caption”, “VB_Chart_Title”, “VC_Scheme_Title”, “VD_Table_Title”, or “TC_Table_Body”.Paste the graphics at the size they will be printed in the journal. NOTE: If your artwork is larger than the width of a column, Word may reduce the size so that it fits within the column. This will alter the resolution of your graphic, making it unacceptable for publication. You must resize the artwork in your graphics package and re-paste it into the file.Do NOT resize or add labels to the artwork from within Word: maximum width for single-column artwork, 3.3 in. (8.5 cm); maximum width for double-column artwork, 7 in. (17.8 cm).If your artwork does not appear where you placed it and is floating over text, select the piece of artwork by clicking on it. Under Picture Tools, select Picture or Object and then select the Position tab. Make sure the Float over text box is NOT selected. If it is, deselect it and select OK. This should make your artwork appear where you originally placed it.ChemDraw directionsFollow the drawing settings in the ACS-1996 Style Sheet for preparing your artwork. It is best to copy the actual artwork and paste it into Word rather than saving it as a file and inserting the file. In addition, for versions later than 2.1.3, in the ChemDraw Preferences (File,Preferences), ensure that the Optimize for High-Resolution non-Postscript Printing,Include ChemDraw LaserPrep, and Include PostScript Preferences are ON. Use of ChemDraw versions 2.1.3 or below and any version of ChemDraw Plus is not encouraged, as they are not compatible with the process that generates the PDF file for your manuscript. If it is absolutely necessary to use one of these older versions of ChemDraw, deselect Include PostScript Atom Labels (File, Preferences). This will prevent incompatible PostScript information from being embedded in the structure. NOTE: this may result in structures of inferior quality; thus, the use of an updated version of ChemDraw is strongly encouraged.Saving your manuscript in the templateWhen you are finished and are ready to save your document, if necessary, delete all sections from the template that are not needed, including the instructions. Assign the file a name that will identify your manuscript, one that is different than that of the template. Save the file with the graphics in place. In Microsoft Word, click Save As (File menu) and save it as a “document” file (.docx).NOTE: To use the template with Microsoft Word 2007 (PC version) and Microsoft Word 2008 (Macintosh version), Save your Word files in the compatibility format (Word 97-2003) using the “Save As” option.Checking your manuscript for completenessProof a printout of the manuscript (from a 600 dpi or higher laser printer) to ensure that all parts of the manuscript are present and clearly legible.Submitting your manuscriptFollow the Information for Authors link from the Journal of the American Chemical Society home page for the latest instructions on how to proceed with the submission of your manuscript. If submitting electronically, your manuscript will be converted to a PDF file. This file is used strictly for peer review. The length of the file when converted to the PDF version may change. If your manuscript fits within four pages in the word-processing template and exceeds this length only after conversion to PDF, there is no need to readjust the length of your file in Word to make it fit the four-page limit. Additional formatting changes may occur. In addition, the appearance of footnote numbers does not need to be changed to match the journal style.Additional resourcesAuthors should refer to the User's Guides for their individual word processor and graphics programs for more specific instructions on how to use these packages. In addition, most software manufacturers maintain on-line help resources. Two good sources of additional information are the Microsoft Web site (/) and the ChemDraw Web site(/software/ChemDraw/).ReferencesGiven below are the recommended formats to be used for the various reference types. Journals: Author 1; Author 2. Journal Abbreviation year,volume, pages. For example: Smith, J.A.; Jones,B. R. Org. Lett.1999,1, 1.Books with Editors: Author 1; Author 2. In Book Title; Editor 1, Editor 2, Eds.; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; volume, pages. For example: The ACS Style Guide, 2nd ed.; Dodd, J. S., Ed.; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.Books without Editors: Author 1; Author 2. Book Title; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; volume, chapter, pages. For example: Stothers, J. B. Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy; Academic: New York, 1972; Chapter 2.U.S. Government Publications: Author 1; Author 2. Document Title; Government Publication Number; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; pages. For example: National Handbook of Recommended Methods for Water Data Acquisition; Office of Water Data Coordination, U.S. Geological Survey: Reston, VA, 1977; Chapter 5.Technical Reports: Author 1; Author 2. Title; Technical Report Number; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; volume, pages. For example: Schneider, A. B. Expert Systems in Analytical Chemistry; Technical Report No. 1234-56; ABC Company: New York, 1985.Patents: Author. Patent number, year. (Patent number with reference to country granting the patent.) For example: Lyle, F. R. U.S. Patent 5 973 257, 1985; Chem. Abstr.1985, 65, 2870. Thesis: Author. Level of Thesis, Degree-Granting University, Location of University, date. Forexample: Fleissner, W. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, 1984. Series: Author 1; Author 2. In Title; Editor 1, Editor 2, Eds.; Series Title and Number; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; volume, pages. For example: Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Polymeric Materials; Williams, D. J., Ed.; ACS Symposium Series 233; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1983.Citation to Meetings: Author 1; Author 2. Title of Presentation. Published Title of Collected Work, Proceedings of the Name of the Meeting, Location of the Meeting, Date of the Meeting; Editor 1, Editor 2, Eds.; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; abstract number, pages. For example: Baisden, P. A. Abstracts of Papers, 188th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, PA; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1984; NUCL 9。
