选修6unit2阅读学案2 人教版高中英语新课标

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Unit 2 Poems

I’ve saved the summer阅读学案

引标:请阅读下面的短文,以帮助你理解课本上的诗歌“I’ve saved the summer”。

I’ve saved the summer

I’ve saved the summer for you. And when the snow begins to fall on cold winter mornings, I’ll give it all to you to keep you warm.

I’ve saved so me sunlight in case you need it. I believe it will drive off darkness and light your way.

When you were nineteen, I kept the image of your smile in my mind. When you get older, you will know the meaning of brave young smiles.

I don’t know how I can help you to start your journey through life. However, there will be solutions somewhere before the day is through.

Whenever you need love, I’ll offer all I have. It might help you as you travel on your way, till you find the love that belongs to you.

示标:Find the rhymes of the poem

Understand the meaning of the poem

学标:Read the poem and answer the following questions:

1) Circle the words that rhyme. What is unusual about the rhyming words in the last four


2)Do you think the speaker in the poem is more likely to be a girlfriend /boyfriend or parent?

and who is he /she speaking to ? Give reasons to support your answer.

3)Which of the following is the closest to the speaker’s message? Give a reason for your


A. If it’s cold, I’ll warm you; if it’s dark, I’ll give you light; if you’re hungry, I’ll feed you; if you want to love , I’ll give it to you.

B. Although the future may be difficult for you, whatever you need warmth and love, remember I’ll have some to give you.

C. While you’re away I’ll remember your smile and I’ll love you always. When you return, I hope you will love me.

诊标:Language points

1).Does the poem have a rhyming pattern? pattern:n. (1) 图案(2) 模板, 式样

This cloth has________________blue and white squares. 这种布有蓝白格子的图案。v. form a pattern

He____himself upon a man he admired.他模仿一个他钦佩的人。

2). Till you’re older you’ll not know what brave young smiles can mean.

[翻译] 等你长大成人以后,才知道年轻勇敢的微笑的奥秘。

[点拨] till用在肯定句中,意为“直到……为止”,通常表示动作的终点,因此,动词必须是延续性的。如:

We must stick to our task_________________. 我们必须继续工作, 直到做完为止。

Just wait________________. It’s great. 你就等着直到看见它吧。好看极了。


She didn’t sleep______ her son came back. 直到她儿子回来她才睡着。(sleep为延续性动词)

I didn’t begin work ______he had gone. 直到他走了我才开始工作。(begin为非延续性动词)


His noble example ______the rest of us to greater efforts.


(2)启示, 使…产生灵感

______________________________________他最好的乐曲创作灵感来自怀念他的母亲。inspire sb. to do sth. inspire +n. +in sb. = inspire sb. with + n.

The Lake District scenery _____Wordsworth ___write his greatest poetry.

Our fiirst sight of the dingy little hotel did not ____ us ___ much confidence./____ much confidence __ us.

4). I’ll also try out his way some time.

try out: trying something to find out about it 试用, 试验

Please____ ______red wine. 请试试我们的红葡萄酒。


尽最大努力________ 试穿__________试着做某事___________尽力做某事__________

5).load 1) n. 担子,负担,工作量

They work under the load of responsibility.

He climbed the hill with a heavy load on his shoulder.

My work load is more than forty hours a week.

2) v. 装货,将货物装上……

They loaded the ship quickly.

The truck __________________bananas那卡车装载着香蕉。
