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Section 2 The Revolution of 1911 overthrew the feudal monarchy Different from other efforts ,the bourgeois revolutionary faction led by Sun Yat-sen realized that revolution is the only way out for China.The bourgeois revolutionaries raised the flag of national democratic revolution, launched an armed uprising and drew up a plan to establish a bourgeois republic.They overthrew the Qing Dynasty, putting an end to more than two thousand years of feudal monarchy, and established the first bourgeois republic in China's history.This was the first massive change China underwent in the 20th century.
China was reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society
Explore the way of salvaging China from subjugation
Section1 Early attempts to find a way out for the country Faced with national crisis and social conflicts of an unprecedented severity. All strata of Chinese society, including the peasantry, feudal ruling class and the capitalist , began to explore the out way of our nation and country.
Explore the way of salvaging China from subjugation
The CPC took the historical task of national independence liberation of the Chinese people
Section1 An earth-shattering event The imperialist powers invasion shattered China's dream of learning from the West.The October Revolution in Russia sent Marxism to China and caused progressive Chinese to turn their attention from the West to the East.and from bourgeois democracy to socialism,The May 4th Movement furthered the spread of Marxism,and the working class appeared on the stage of history as an independent political force.The integration of Marxism with the worker's movement gave birth to the CPC.The founding of the CPC was an earth-shattering event that brought new vitality to the Chinese revolution.
The construction of new socialist China
The socialist road with Chinese characteristics
China was reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society
Section 1 The world and China before the Opium War Beginning in the 17th century ,with the occurrence of the bourgeois revolution and then the Industrial Revolution, Western capitalist countries developed rapidly and entered into a period of large-scale expansion and plundering. At this time ,China's feudal society was enjoying its last hurrah during the regions of emperors Kangxi and Qianlong before its final decline. The Qing Court closed the country to the outside world and became antiquated. Society stagnated and class conflicts were exacerbated. China was beset by crisis. and the gap between it and the Western powers constantly grew wider.
China was reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society
China was reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society
section2 The invasion of China by imperialist powers After British started the Opium War in 1840,the imperial powers descended on China like a swarm of bees, looting our treasures and killing our people.They forced the Qing government to sign a serious of unequal treaties that granted them economic, political and cultural privileges and sank China gradually into a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society. The contradiction between imperialism and the Chinese nation and between feudalism and the broad masses of the people became the primary contradictions in modern Chinese society.
Explore the way of salvaging China from subjugation
Explore the way of salvaging China from subjugation
Explore the way of sBiblioteka Baidulvaging China from subjugation
Explore the way of salvaging China from subjugation
Explore the way of salvaging China from subjugation
Explore the way of salvaging China from subjugation
China was reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society
Section3 The struggle and the awakening of the Chinese people In order to safeguard the country's sovereignty and defend the nation's dignity, the Chinese people unflinchingly attacked the foreign invaders, foiling the imperialist powers'plot to subjugate China.the national crisis and the people's misery constantly deepened which spurred Chinese people of insight to ponder the nation's future and the country's fate and search for a path to salvation.
Section 3 The failure of the Revolution of 1911 and the rise of the New culture Movement With the support of imperialism and domestic reactionary forces , the leader of the northern warlords , Yuan Shikai, stole the victory of the revolution of 1911 , the bourgeois revolutionists tried to save the republic but failed over and over again. At that time, the bourgeois revolutionaries was unable to complete the basic task of the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal, so the revolution of 1911didn't change China's social properties. Since then, the new culture movement began to rise.
China was reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society
China was reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society
China was reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society
China was reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society Explore the way of salvaging China from subjugation
The CPC took the historical task of national independence liberation of the Chinese people