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题目论我国正当防卫制度的不足与完善学院______ _文法学院__________专业___________法学 ___________年级___________2008级 ___________姓名___________陈俊先 ___________指导教师_________钟莉____________






China and perfecting the system of self-defence

Author:Chen Jun Xian

Tutor:Zhong Li

Abstract:And the criminal law, the new criminal law system in self-defense has done remarkable changes. for example:Will 1979 the criminal law, to self-defense of protection from the public interest, himself or others, and other rights of the state and public interest, himself or another's person, property and other rights ". As the criminal law and 1979 to have" over the limits of the need to create a hazard to amend "," exceeding the limits for causing substantial damage ". Further examples, the new criminal law in criminal law defend the contents of the foundation, an increase in the right to defense regulations. This series of amendments to the national interest, people's property rights and interests of self-defence under the protection of the scope, to have to accept criminal responsibility for further specific restrictions, and people with respect to the people involved in maintaining social stability and combat crime. However, to self-defense of the new penal institutions are in great many questions. As to what is the violence, what is the definition of crimes, not clearly? The judicial practice, how reasonable defense system is divided, how to define members of the time. These problems existing legal and judicial interpretations are an explicit definition. However, these problems related to the correct application of the law, protect the legitimate rights of the litigants.

Key word:self-defense、limit of defense、opportunity of defense、right of boundless defense


绪论 (1)

一、相关概念的界定 (1)

(一)暴力 (1)

(二)行凶 (2)

二、实践中正当防卫制度存在的问题 (4)

(一)防卫限度的界定不明确 (4)

(二)防卫时机的界定不明晰 (5)

(三)无限防卫权制度存在缺陷 (7)

1、条文含义相互矛盾 (7)

2、无限防卫权的适用范围过窄 (7)

三、完善正当防卫制度的建议 (9)

(一)明晰相关名词的概念 (9)

(二)明确正当防卫与防卫过当的界定 (9)

(三)适当扩大无限防卫权的适用范围 (10)

(四)司法部门之间要统一认识 (10)

结论 (10)

致谢 (12)

参考文献 (12)
