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中文摘要 (1)

Abstract (2)

前言 (3)

一、广西农产品物流发展概况 (4)

(一)广西农产品生产现状 (4)

(二)南宁农产品物流发展现状 (4)

二、南宁电子商务发展环境 (5)

(一)南宁电子商务发展现状 (5)

1.企业对电子商务的意识不强,认知不足 (5)

2.电子商务基础平台不够完善 (6)

3.企业的信息化程度较低 (6)

4.物流配送体系不成熟 (6)

5.电子商务人才缺乏 (7)

(二)南宁发展电子商务的对策 (7)

1.加强宣传教育,普及电子商务常识,消除观念误区 (7)

2.进一步加快网络基础设施的建设 (8)

3.选定适合的电子商务经营模式 (8)

4.加快完善物流配送体系 (8)

5.加强电子商务人才培养 (9)

三、南宁物流企业发展思路 (10)

(一)广西物流企业发展现状 (10)

(二)南宁物流企业发展分析 (10)

1.当前南宁物流企业存在的主要问题 (10)

2.南宁物流企业发展对策 (11)

四、南宁农产品电子商务物流配送模式分析 (13)

(一)南宁电子商务物流模式分析 (13)

1.自营物流 (14)

2.物流联盟 (14)

3.第三方物流 (15)

4.物流一体化 (15)

(二)南宁发展电子商务物流配送模式应解决的问题 (15)

1.加大物流资源重组力度,实行集约化配送 (16)

2.积极推进管理和技术创新 (16)

3.优化和完善物流配送网点布局 (16)

4.建立发达的信息管理系统 (17)

五、总结 (17)

参考文献 (18)






Nanning electronic commerce about agricultural logistics distribution mode



Since since joining the WTO, China's agriculture is facing new opportunities and challenges: on the one hand, and agricultural products shortage period is over, the current development from the emphasis of the production areas and move to circulation field; On the other hand, our country agriculture face further opening of the domestic agricultural products market challenges, and further increase the market competitive power. Therefore, the development of electronic business logistics, reduce the cost of circulation of agricultural products, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and is the key to realize agricultural modernization. Guangxi is an agricultural holds a large proportion of the provinces, and the guangxi nanning as capital, is guangxi logistics distribution center. In recent years, with the agricultural structure adjustment, guangxi agriculture is rapid

development, and has formed a group of advantage agricultural products industry. But in agricultural products under the background of structural surplus, nanning for infrastructure, technology, talent and the control of the government, etc reasons, logistics not well developed, and low level of information, most agricultural products can't smooth circulation, seriously hindered the development of local economy. Therefore, the development of electronic business logistics nanning is imminent.

[Key words]Agricultural products;;e-commerce;;Logistics distribution


