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troubles . I dont kno ho to organize the files and ho to use ords express m thought, I d appreiate it if ou ould tell me the solutions to problems. I treasure this hanes ver

muh ,so it ould be ver kind of ou to help me.In order to onve m heartfelt thanks to ou . Ill visit ou after petition. Ill take ou to the Great Wall, and I am sure that oull be stuk b this amazing orld onder.良好即百分制 7778083紧扣主题,覆盖所有要点,内容较充实, 语言有少量错误, 但基本不影响意思表达.专家评定的25 分作文Ho is everthing going? Im so onerned about our life and stud. Wean muniate a lot in dail life.In order to partiipate in Middle shool students English speeh ontest in Jul, Im planning to searh for some useful information. But I find I have diffiult in searhing for information and spoken English. So I ant ask ou for our advie. Im sure Ill benefit a lot from our timel and valuable advie. Ill appreiate it our ould help me. After m speeh ontest, Ill e to see ou. I an sho ou around the tourist attrations. I think e ill have a onderful time! Looking forard to our earl repl.专家评定的22 分作文Ho is everthing going no ?I kno that ou ame to Beijing for stud last month. So does everthing in Beijing agree ith ou? if ou have an trouble living and studing in Beijing , I

ill go to help ou.Reentl, I took part in an English ontest

held in Beijing during holida. But I found it diffiult for me to look for useful information and the use the language properl. And there are of great importane to in the

ontest.Thus, an ou help me? Whats more, Im going to visit ou after the ontest. Is it onvinient for ou? I do hope that I an see ou again. Looking forard to our repl.一般即百分制

6066770紧扣主题.基本覆盖所有要点, 能够表达基本内容; 语言错误

已影响了部分意思表达,但多数句子基本正确.专家评定的21 分作文

Ho is everthing going ? Have ou alread adapted to the life in Beijing and do ou have some problem in our stud?I ant ait to tell ou the good nes that m middle shool have just alloed me join in the speeh ontest group. I ill be going to Beijing in Jul. But I still have some problem in searh the information and English ords, ould ou give me some suggestions? ou an all e in the next eek. Give me some advie on ho to use the

English ords and some must-see problems.I intend to meet ou after the speeh ontest, ou an sho me around Beijing and e an visit our shool!Best ishes! I ill ait for our earl repl.专家

评定的20 分作文Ho is everthing going? I feel greatl honorned to be our friend. Do ou smile at the life? And ho is our stud goes?I ill attend an English speeh ontest in Jul. But I have some troubles searhing the artiles and the using the language. Whats more, I dont kno ho to use the ords. On the one hand ,

I hope ou an help me solving these problems. On the other
