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Unit 4

The Statue of Liberty 自由女神像

In the mid-1870s, French artist Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was working on an enormous project called Liberty Enlightening the World, a monument celebrating US independence and the France-America alliance.19世纪70年代中期,法国艺术家弗里德里克·奥古斯特·巴托尔迪正在设计一个大项目,名为“自由照耀世界”。这是一座庆祝美国独立和美法联盟的纪念碑。At the same time, he was in love with a woman whom he had met in Canada.与此同时,他爱上了一位他在加拿大认识的女子。His mother could not approve of her son's affection for a woman she had never met, but Bartholdi went ahead and married his love in 1876.


That same year Bartholdi had assembled the statue's right arm and torch, and displayed them in Philadelphia.同年,巴托尔迪组装完雕像的右臂和火炬,并将它们陈列在费城。

It is said that he had used his wife's arm as the model, but felt her face was too beautiful for the statue.据说,他用了妻子的手臂为模本,但觉得她的脸太漂亮,不适合做雕像模本。

He needed someone whose face represented suffering yet strength, someone more severe than beautiful. He chose his mother.他需要这样一个女人:面容沧桑却不失坚定,庄重多于美丽。他选择了自己的母亲

The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on an island in Upper New York Bay in 1886.1886年,自由女神像在纽约湾北部落成。

It had his mother's face and his wife's body, but Bartholdi called it "my daughter, Liberty".


芭比娃娃 Barbie

Before all the different types of Barbie dolls for sale now, there was just a single Barbie. Actually, her name was Barbara.在现今销售的各式各样的芭比娃娃之前,原本部门只有一种芭比娃娃。实际上,她的名字叫芭芭拉。

Barbara Handler was the daughter of Elliot and Ruth Handler, co-founders of the Mattel Toy Company.芭芭拉·汉德勒是马特尔玩具公司的联合创始人艾略特和鲁思·汉德勒夫妇的女儿。

Ruth came up with the idea for Barbie after watching her daughter play with paper dolls.鲁思是在见到女儿玩纸娃娃之后才想到做芭比娃娃的。

The three-dimensional model for Barbie was a German doll—a joke gift for adults described as having the appearance of "a woman who sold sex".芭比娃娃的三维模特是一个德国洋娃娃,一个哄成年人开心的礼物,被描绘成具有“风尘女子”的模样。

Mattel refashioned the doll into a decent, all-American—although with an exaggerated breast size—version and named it after Barbara, who was then a teenager.马特尔公司将这个娃娃做了一番改造,变成了体面而地道的美国版本,尽管胸围有些夸张。它以当时10多岁的少女芭芭拉的名字命名。

Since her introduction in 1959, Barbie has become the universally recognized Queen of the Dolls.自从1959年面世,芭比娃娃就成了全球公认的“娃娃女王”。

Mattel says the average American girl owns ten Barbie dolls, and two are sold somewhere in the world every second.马特尔公司说,一般的美国女孩拥有10个芭比娃娃,全球每秒钟就有两个芭比娃娃售出。

Now more than sixty years old, Barbara—who declines interviews but is said to have loved the
