
基于MEMS技术的微型力传感器设计与制备引言:近年来,随着科技的迅猛发展,MEMS(Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems,微电子机械系统)技术在各个领域都得到了广泛的应用。
1. 微型力传感器的发展历程1.1 传感器的定义和分类传感器是一种将感知的物理量转化为可测量电信号的设备。
1.2 微型力传感器的发展传统力传感器体积庞大,不利于微型化系统的集成。
2. 微型力传感器的原理与设计2.1 弹性元件的选择弹性元件是微型力传感器的核心组件,常见的有梁型、薄膜型、基于微弯曲磁致伸缩等类型。
2.2 传感电路的设计传感电路用于将微型力传感器感知到的力量转化为电信号,并进行放大、滤波等处理。
3. 基于MEMS技术的微型力传感器的制备3.1 微加工工艺微加工工艺是基于MEMS技术制备微型力传感器的关键步骤,主要包括沉积、光刻、腐蚀、薄膜制备等技术。
3.2 材料的选择微型力传感器所使用的材料需具备良好的弹性特性、低应力漂移以及与加工工艺的兼容性等特点。
4. 微型力传感器的应用案例4.1 工业领域微型力传感器可用于测量机械设备的受力状态,辅助排除故障,提高生产效率。
4.2 医疗领域微型力传感器可用于测量人体肌肉力量的变化,帮助康复和运动训练。
5. 微型力传感器的未来发展方向5.1 小型化随着科技的进步,人们对传感器的需求越来越高。
5.2 多功能化传统的微型力传感器往往只能单一测量力量,而未来的微型力传感器有望实现多功能化,例如结合温度、湿度等传感功能。
5.3 智能化未来的微型力传感器将更加智能化,能够通过无线传输数据,实时监测和分析力量的变化。

mems传感器芯片开发流程mems传感器芯片是一种基于微机电系统(Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems,MEMS)技术的传感器芯片,其具有体积小、功耗低、响应速度快等优点,被广泛应用于移动设备、智能家居、汽车电子等领域。

BSIL-RO-MEMS型MEMS传感器读数仪安装使用手册(REV A)北京SOIL仪器有限公司______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 地址:北京市丰台区丰台科技园航丰路9号302室电话:************邮编:100071 传真:************网址:电子邮箱:*************.cn目录1.简介 (1)2.设备组成与面板布局 (1)3.传感器读数 (2)4.数据换算 (4)5.维护保养 (5)5.1常规保养 (5)5.2率定 (6)5.3电池充电 (6)6.故障排除 (6)7.主要技术参数 (7)附录-半导体温度计温度推导计算 (8)1.简介BSIL-RO-MEMS 型MEMS(微电子机械系统)传感器便携式读数仪是用来读取MEMS 型固定式测斜仪(或倾角计)传感器的电压输出量的读数装置,设备内置锂离子可充电电池,可重复充电使用。
由于BSIL-RO-MEMS 型MEMS 传感器读数仪采用了先进的测量技术,因此电缆的长度不会对仪器读数产生影响。
2.设备组成与面板布局读数仪由12V/1.2Ahr的铅酸电池、4.5位超大屏幕液晶(LCD) 数码显示屏、电源开关、功能选择器、输入连接电缆(接线夹)、充电器组成。

MEMS加速度传感器的研究报告MEMS(Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems)加速度传感器是一种基于微纳技术制造的传感器,用于测量物体加速度的工具。

基于MEMS(Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems)技术的微电子感应器不仅具有小型化、高灵敏度和低功耗等优势,还能够实现集成化和多功能化。
OMRON MEMS流量传感器D6F-V03A1说明书

The unique dust separating structure, developed by OMRON is a compact and highly efficient FLOW-SENSOR.•A dust-resistant design has been taken into consideration, by the original dust segregation structure, of OMRON.•+/-10% Full-Scale repeatable accuracy achieves consistent air velocity measurement.•Applications include clogged-filter detection and air velocity.Sensor specificationAbsolute maximum ratingOutput characteristicMeasurement condition: Power-supply voltage 3.3VDC, ambient temperature 25°C and dry air.Note:1.Air velocity is the value converted from the mass-flow in OMRON regulation wind tunnel phi48mm.2.The air velocity, set to the Measurement Law, is not shown. Please confirm in a real use environment in use.3.T emperature characteristics:Over ambient temperature range -10 to +60°C: within ±20% F .S. of detected characteristics Of at +25°C.Type D6F-V03A1Flow Range 0 – 3 m/s @ 25°C, 1 atmosphere Case Material Thermoplastic resin GasAirAmbient Temperature -10 to +60°C (with no condensation)Using Humidity Max. 85% RH (with no condensation)Storage Temperature -40 to +80°C (with no condensation)Preservation Humidity Max. 85% RH (with no condensation)Power Supply Voltage 3.15 to 3.45 VDCOutput Signal Analog output 0.5 to 2 VDC (non-linear output)Load resistance min. 10k ΩCurrent Consumption Max. 15mA (No-load, V CC = 3.3 VDC, 25°C)Insulation Resistance20Mohm min. (500VDC, between lead terminal and the case)Dielectric Withstanding Voltage Leakage current is 1mA max. (at 500 VAC, 50/60Hz for one minute).500VAC, 50/60Hz judged at 1mA max. (between the lead terminals and the case)ItemSymbol Rating Unit Power supply voltage V CC 12.0VDC Output voltageV OUT3.0VDCFlow Velocity (m/sec)00.75 1.50 2.25 3.00Output Voltage (VDC)0.50±0.150.70±0.151.11±0.151.58±0.152.00±0.15DimensionsOmron Electronic Components, LLCTerms and Conditions of Sales1.Definitions: The words used herein are defined as follows.(a) Terms:These terms and conditions(b) Seller:Omron Electronic Components LLC and its subsidiaries(c) Buyer:The buyer of Products, including any end user in section III through VI(d) Products:Products and/or services of Seller(e) Including:Including without limitation2.Offer; Acceptance: These Terms are deemed part of all quotations, acknowledgments,invoices, purchase orders and other documents, whether electronic or in writing, relating to the sale of Products by Seller. Seller hereby objects to any Terms proposed in Buyer's purchase order or other documents which are inconsistent with, or in addition to, these Terms.3.Distributor: Any distributor shall inform its customer of the contents after and includingsection III of these Terms.1.Prices; Payment: All prices stated are current, subject to change without notice by Seller.Buyer agrees to pay the price in effect at time of shipment. Payments for Products received are due net 30 days unless otherwise stated in the invoice. Buyer shall have no right to set off any amounts against the amount owing in respect of this invoice.2.Discounts: Cash discounts, if any, will apply only on the net amount of invoices sent toBuyer after deducting transportation charges, taxes and duties, and will be allowed only if (a) the invoice is paid according to Seller's payment terms and (b) Buyer has no past due amounts owing to Seller.3.Interest: Seller, at its option, may charge Buyer 1.5% interest per month or the maximumlegal rate, whichever is less, on any balance not paid within the stated terms.4.Orders: Seller will accept no order less than 200 U.S. dollars net billing.5.Currencies: If the prices quoted herein are in a currency other than U.S. dollars, Buyershall make remittance to Seller at the then current exchange rate most favorable to Seller; provided that if remittance is not made when due, Buyer will convert the amount to U.S. dollars at the then current exchange rate most favorable to Seller availableduring the period between the due date and the date remittance is actually made.ernmental Approvals: Buyer shall be responsible for all costs involved in obtainingany government approvals regarding the importation or sale of the Products.7.Taxes: All taxes, duties and other governmental charges (other than general real propertyand income taxes), including any interest or penalties thereon, imposed directly orindirectly on Seller or required to be collected directly or indirectly by Seller for themanufacture, production, sale, delivery, importation, consumption or use of the Products sold hereunder (including customs duties and sales, excise, use, turnover and license taxes) shall be charged to and remitted by Buyer to Seller.8.Financial: If the financial position of Buyer at any time becomes unsatisfactory to Seller,Seller reserves the right to stop shipments or require satisfactory security or payment in advance. If Buyer fails to make payment or otherwise comply with these Terms or any related agreement, Seller may (without liability and in addition to other remedies) cancel any unshipped portion of Products sold hereunder and stop any Products in transit until Buyer pays all amounts, including amounts payable hereunder, whether or not then due, which are owing to it by Buyer. Buyer shall in any event remain liable for all unpaid accounts.9.Cancellation; Etc: Orders are not subject to rescheduling or cancellation unless Buyerindemnifies Seller fully against all costs or expenses arising in connection therewith. 10.Force Majeure: Seller shall not be liable for any delay or failure in delivery resulting fromcauses beyond its control, including earthquakes, fires, floods, strikes or other labor disputes, shortage of labor or materials, accidents to machinery, acts of sabotage, riots, delay in or lack of transportation or the requirements of any government authority.11.Shipping; Delivery: Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing by Seller:(a) All sales and shipments of Products shall be FOB shipping point (unless otherwisestated in writing by Seller), at which point title to and all risk of loss of the Products shall pass from Seller to Buyer, provided that Seller shall retain a security interest in theProducts until the full purchase price is paid by Buyer;(b) Delivery and shipping dates are estimates only; and(c) Seller will package Products as it deems proper for protection against normalhandling and extra charges apply to special conditions.12.Claims: Any claim by Buyer against Seller for shortage or damage to the Productsoccurring before delivery to the carrier must be presented in detail in writing to Seller within 30 days of receipt of shipment.1.Suitability: IT IS THE BUYER’S SOLE RESPOINSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT ANYOMRON PRODUCT IS FIT AND SUFFICIENT FOR USE IN A MOTORIZED VEHICLE APPLICATION. BUYER SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING APPROPRIATENESS OF THE PARTICULAR PRODUCT WITH RESPECT TO THE BUYER’S APPLICATION INCLUDING (A) ELECTRICAL OR ELECTRONICCOMPONENTS, (B) CIRCUITS, (C) SYSTEM ASSEMBLIES, (D) END PRODUCT, (E) SYSTEM, (F) MATERIALS OR SUBSTANCES OR (G) OPERATING ENVIRONMENT.Buyer acknowledges that it alone has determined that the Products will meet theirrequirements of the intended use in all cases. Buyer must know and observe allprohibitions of use applicable to the Product/s.e with Attention: The followings are some examples of applications for whichparticular attention must be given. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all possible use of any Product, nor to imply that any use listed may be suitable for any Product:(a) Outdoor use, use involving potential chemical contamination or electricalinterference.(b) Use in consumer Products or any use in significant quantities.(c) Energy control systems, combustion systems, railroad systems, aviation systems,medical equipment, amusement machines, vehicles, safety equipment, andinstallations subject to separate industry or government regulations.(d) Systems, machines, and equipment that could present a risk to life or property.3.Prohibited Use: NEVER USE THE PRODUCT FOR AN APPLICATION INVOLVINGSERIOUS RISK TO LIFE OR PROPERTY WITHOUT ENSURING THAT THE SYSTEM AS A WHOLE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO ADDRESS THE RISKS, AND THAT THE PRODUCT IS PROPERLY RATED AND INSTALLED FOR THE INTENDED USEWITHIN THE OVERALL EQUIPMENT OR SYSTEM.4.Motorized Vehicle Application: USE OF ANY PRODUCT/S FOR A MOTORIZEDVEHICLE APPLICATION MUST BE EXPRESSLY STATED IN THE SPECIFICATION BY SELLER.5.Programmable Products: Seller shall not be responsible for the Buyer's programming ofa programmable Product.1.Warranty: Seller's exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects inmaterials and workmanship for a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Seller (or such other period expressed in writing by Seller). SELLER MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ABOUT ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE OF THE PRODUCTS.2.Buyer Remedy: Seller's sole obligation hereunder shall be to replace (in the formoriginally shipped with Buyer responsible for labor charges for removal or replacement thereof) the non-complying Product or, at Seller's election, to repay or credit Buyer an amount equal to the purchase price of the Product; provided that there shall be noliability for Seller or its affiliates unless Seller's analysis confirms that the Products were handled, stored, installed and maintained and not subject to contamination, abuse,misuse or inappropriate modification. Return of any Products by Buyer must beapproved in writing by Seller before shipment.3.Limitation on Liability: SELLER AND ITS AFFILIATES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FORSPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR PRODUCTION OR COMMERCIAL LOSS IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE PRODUCTS, WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS BASED IN CONTRACT,WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY. FURTHER, IN NO EVENT SHALL LIABILITY OF SELLER OR ITS AFFILITATES EXCEED THE INDIVIDUAL PRICE OF THE PRODUCT ON WHICH LIABILITY IS ASSERTED.4.Indemnities: Buyer shall indemnify and hold harmless Seller, its affiliates and itsemployees from and against all liabilities, losses, claims, costs and expenses (including attorney's fees and expenses) related to any claim, investigation, litigation or proceeding (whether or not Seller is a party) which arises or is alleged to arise from Buyer's acts or omissions under these Terms or in any way with respect to the Products.1.Intellectual Property: The intellectual property embodied in the Products is the exclusiveproperty of Seller and its affiliates and Buyer shall not attempt to duplicate it in any way without the written permission of Seller. Buyer (at its own expense) shall indemnify and hold harmless Seller and defend or settle any action brought against Seller to the extent that it is based on a claim that any Product made to Buyer specifications infringedintellectual property rights of another party.2.Property; Confidentiality: Notwithstanding any charges to Buyer for engineering ortooling, all engineering and tooling shall remain the exclusive property of Seller. All information and materials supplied by Seller to Buyer relating to the Products areconfidential and proprietary, and Buyer shall limit distribution thereof to its trustedemployees and strictly prevent disclosure to any third party.3.Performance Data: Performance data is provided as a guide in determining suitabilityand does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of Seller's test conditions, and the users must correlate it to actual application requirements.4.Change In Specifications: Product specifications and description may be changed at anytime based on improvements or other reasons. It is Seller’s practice to change part numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or when significantengineering changes are made. However, some specifications of the Product may be changed without any notice.5.Errors And Omissions: The information on Seller’s website or in other documentationhas been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical or proofreading errors or omissions.6.Export Controls: Buyer shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations and licensesregarding (a) export of the Products or information provided by Seller; (b) sale ofProducts to forbidden or other proscribed persons or organizations; (c)disclosure to non-citizens of regulated technology or information.1.Waiver: No failure or delay by Seller in exercising any right and no course of dealingbetween Buyer and Seller shall operate as a waiver of rights by Seller.2.Assignment: Buyer may not assign its rights hereunder without Seller's written consent.w: These Terms are governed by Illinois law (without regard to conflict of laws). Federaland state courts in Illinois have exclusive jurisdiction for any dispute hereunder.4.Amendment: These Terms constitute the entire agreement between Buyer and Sellerrelating to the Products, and no provision may be changed or waived unless in writing signed by the parties.5.Severability: If any provision hereof is rendered ineffective or invalid, such provision shallnot invalidate any other provision.Certain Precautions on Specifications and UseOMRON ON-LINEGlobal - USA - Cat. No. J01C-E-01Printed in USAOMRON ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS LLC55 E. Commerce Drive, Suite B Schaumburg, IL 60173847-882-228801/07 Specifications subject to change without noticeComplete “Terms and Conditions of Sale” for product purchase and use are on Omron’s website at – under the “About Us” tab, in the Legal Matters section.ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE IN MILLIMETERS.T o convert millimeters into inches, multiply by 0.03937. To convert grams into ounces, multiply by 0.03527.。

Manuals+— User Manuals Simplified.MICHELIN Mems Evolution 4 Liquid Proof Sensor Owner’s ManualHome » MICHELIN » MICHELIN Mems Evolution 4 Liquid Proof Sensor Owner’s Manual PRODUCT NOTICEContents1 PRODUCT NAME MEMS2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION3 FCC / IC CERTIFICATION4 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION5 DISPOSAL6 CONTACT DETAILS — TechnicalSupport7 Documents / ResourcesPRODUCT NAME MEMSEVOLUTION-4 LIQUID PROOF SENSOR — Part Number CA1564947PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe MEMS EVOLUTION-4 LIQUID PROOF SENSOR is a battery powered air pressure and air temperature sensor designed to operate inside tubeless earthmover tires.This information is sent, via a radio transmitter, to a MEMS EVOLUTION-4 TRANSCEIVER unit, which is usually mounted in the cab of the vehicle.FCC / IC CERTIFICATIONModel: RV1-30 FCC ID: F15-RV1-30G HVIN: RV1-30 IC: 5056A-RV130GPMN: MEMS EVOLUTION 4 LIQUID PROOF SENSORFederal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement 15.19 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) this device may not cause harmful interference and 2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired. 15.195(a) This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not in stalled and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.’‘15.21 You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the part responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.”‘FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:1. This Transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.”2. This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. Thisequipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 29 centimeters between th e radiator and your body.Devices shall not be used for control of or communic ations with unmanned aircraft systems.Caution: Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation1. To comply with the Canadian RF exposure compliance requirements, this device and its antenna must notbe co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.”2. To comply with RSS 192 RF exposure compliance requirements, a separation distance of at least 20 cm mustbe maintained between the antenna of this device and all persons.****************************MFP MICHELIN 23 Place des Carmes-Dechaux 63000 Clermont-Ferrand France The product must not be disposed of with unsorted waste, but must be sent to separate collection facilities for recovery and recycling Features, specifications are subject to change without notification. Document version 17.0 MFP MICHELIN © 2012 All rights reserved. Exclusive property of Manufacture Francaise des Pneumatiques Michelin. Any reproduction or utilization prohibited without the consent of Michelin.Documents / ResourcesMICHELIN Mems Evolution 4 Liquid Proof Sensor [pdf] Owner's ManualRV1-30G, FI5-RV1-30G, FI5RV130G, Mems Evolution 4, Liquid Proof Sensor, Mems Evolution4 Liquid Proof Sensor, SensorManuals+,。
MEMS CO 气体传感器使用说明书

MEMS CO气体传感器(型号:GM-702B)使用说明书版本号:2.2实施日期:2020.08.25郑州炜盛电子科技有限公司Zhengzhou Winsen Electronic Technol ogy Co.,Ltd声明本说明书版权属郑州炜盛电子科技有限公司(以下称本公司)所有,未经书面许可,本说明书任何部分不得复制、翻译、存储于数据库或检索系统内,也不可以电子、翻拍、录音等任何手段进行传播。
郑州炜盛电子科技有限公司GM-702B CO气体传感器产品描述MEMS一氧化碳气体传感器利用MEMS工艺在Si基衬底上制作微热板,所使用的气敏材料是在清洁空气中电导率较低的金属氧化物半导体材料。
技术指标表1产品型号GM-702B产品类型MEMS一氧化碳气体传感器标准封装陶瓷封装检测气体一氧化碳检测浓度5ppm~5000ppm CO标准电路条件回路电压V C≤24V DC加热电压V H2.5V±0.1V AC or DC(高温)0.5V±0.1V AC or DC(低温)加热时间T L60s±1s(高温),90s±1s(低温)负载电阻R L可调标准测试条件下气敏元件特性加热电阻R H80Ω±20Ω(室温)加热功耗P H≤50mW敏感体电阻R S1KΩ~30KΩ(in150ppmCO)灵敏度S R0(in air)/Rs(in150ppmCO)≥3标准测试条件温度、湿度20℃±2℃;55%RH±5%RH 标准测试电路V H:2.5V±0.1V(高温)0.5V±0.1V(低温)V C:5.0V±0.1V传感器结构示意图引脚连接①R H1②③R H2④⑤R S1⑥⑦R S2⑧底视尺寸图(单位:mm )外形图底视引脚布置图①②③④⑧⑦⑥⑤基本电路图2GM-702B 测试电路VcV H+2.5V/0.5V图1传感器结构示意图说明:上图为GM-702B传感器的基本测试电路。

MEMS Thermal SensorsD6TContactless measurementcreating energy-efficient and comfortable living spacesMEMS Thermal Sensors D6THigh Accuracy, Smaller Footprint, East to Work WithOMRON's unique MEMS technology allows combining thermopile elements and ASICs into one package resulting to ultra-compact footprint.Infrared rayAchieving the highest level of SNR* in the world ** SNR: Signal-to-Noise Ratio. Compares the level of a signal to the level of background noise *2 As of December 2017, according to OMRON researchConverts sensor signal to digital temperature output allowing easy use of microcontrollerSpace-saving design,well-suited for embedded applicationsEasy connectionCompact sizeSilicon lens far-infrared focusingDetection principleThermopileHot junctionInfrared ray Cold junctionMEMS Thermal (IR* sensor) measures the surface temperature of objects without touching them when the thermopile element absorbs the amount of radiant energy from the object.*IR: Infrared RayLow noiseCross-section view of D6T sensorThe sensor utilizes the seebeck effect in which thermoelectric force is generated due to the temperature difference that occurs 3Detection results of temperature distribution5MEMS Thermal Sensors D6TObject DetectionD6T sensors can detect objects by pinpointing the target object temperature.6D6T sensor meets customer needs byproviding a wide range of application support from home appliances to industrial use.D6T sensors let you measure temperature without the need to physically touch the object.This allows measuring temperature where it was not possible for contact thermal sensors due to space shortage.The sensors can be used in a wide range of applications including FEMS (Factory EnergyManagement System).7MEMS Thermal Sensors D6TComparison with Pyroelectric SensorAble to detect human (object) motionUnable to detect stationary human (object) presenceAble to detect human (object) motionAble to detect both stationary and motion state of humans (objects).Both the pyroelectric sensor and non-contact MEMS thermal sensor can detect even the slightest amount of radiant energy from objects such as infrared radiation and convert them into temperaturereadings. However, unlike pyroelectric sensor that relies on motion detection, non-contact MEMS thermal sensor is able to detect the presence of stationary humans (or objects).Converts temperature readings only when detecting “temperature changes in the radiant energy” in its field of view.Converts temperature readings by “continuously detecting the temperature of radiant energy” in its field of view8X = 58.0°Y = 58.0°X = 111cmY = 111cmX = 222cmY = 222cmX = 333cmY = 333cmX = 47cmY = 47cmX = 94cmY = 94cmX = 141cmY = 141cmX = 103cmY = 10cmX = 206cmY = 20cmX = 309cmY = 30cmX = 81cmY = 84cmX = 162cmY = 169cmX = 244cmY = 253cmX = 200cmY = 200cmX = 400cmY = 400cmX = 600cmY = 600cm1(1x1)8(1x8)16(4x4)X = 26.5°Y = 26.5°X = 54.5°Y = 5.5°X=44.2°Y=45.7°1024(32x32)X=90.0°Y=90.0°Viewing Angle and Measurement AreaChoose your preferred sensor viewing angle to meet your application needs.* The sizes of measurement area indicated above are for reference only.* The size of measurement area changes according to sensor mounting angle.DistanceNumber ofelementsAppearanceSize ofmeasurementareaDistance 1mDistance 2mDistance 3mNumber ofelementsX-directionY-directionDistance Distance Distance910D 6THigh Sensitivity Enables Detection of Stationary Human Presence•OMRON’s unique MEMS and ASIC technology achieve a high SNR.•Superior noise immunity with a digital output.•High-precision area temperature detection with low cross-talk field of view characteristics.Ordering InformationThermal SensorsAccessories (Sold separately)Model Number Legend(1) Number of elements 44L : 16 (4 ✕ 4)8L : 8 (1 ✕ 8)1A : 1 (1 ✕ 1)32L : 1024 (32 ✕ 32)(2) Viewing angle06: X direction=44.2°, Y direction=45.7°09: X direction=54.5°, Y direction=5.5°01: X direction, Y direction=58.0°02: X direction, Y direction=26.5°01A : X direction, Y direction=90.0°(3) Special Functions H : High-temperature type Non-display : Standard sensorRoHS CompliantRefer to Safety Precautions on page 17.Type Model Cable HarnessD6T-HARNESS-0211D6TMEMS Thermal SensorsD 6TRatings, Specifications, and FunctionsRatingsCharacteristicsFunctions*1.Refer to Field of View Characteristics .*2.Refer to Object Temperature Detection Range .*3.Reference data*4.Taken to be the average value of the central 4 pixels.ItemModelD6T-44L-06/06HD6T-8L-09/09HD6T-1A-01D6T-1A-02D6T-32L-01A Power supply voltage 4.5 to 5.5 VDC Storage temperature range -10 to 60°C -20 to 80°C-20 to 80°C-40 to 80°C -20 to 80°C (with no icing or condensation)Operating temperature range 0 to 50°C 0 to 60°C 0 to 60°C-40 to 80°C -10 to 70°C (with no icing or condensation)Storage humidity range 85% max.95% max.95% max.95% max.95% max.(with no icing or condensation)Operating humidity range20% to 85%20% to 95%20% to 95%20% to 95%20% to 95%(with no icing or condensation)Item Model D6T-44L-06/06H D6T-8L-09/09H D6T-1A-01D6T-1A-02D6T-32L-01AView angle *1X direction 44.2°54.5°58.0°26.5°90°Y direction45.7°5.5°58.0°26.5°90°Object temperature output accuracy *2Accuracy 1±1.5°C max.Measurement conditions: Vcc = 5.0 V (1) Tx = 25°C, Ta = 25°C (2) Tx = 45°C, Ta = 25°C (3) Tx = 45°C, Ta = 45°CWithin ±3.0°CMeasurementconditions: Vcc = 5.0 V Tx = 25°C, Ta = 25°C Central 16-pixel area Accuracy 2±3.0°C max.Measurement conditions: Vcc = 5.0 V (4) Tx = 25°C, Ta = 45°C Within ±5.0°C Measurementconditions: Vcc = 5.0 V Tx = 80°C, Ta = 25°C Central 16-pixel areaCurrent consumption5 mA typical3.5 mA typical19 mA typicalItemModelD6T-44L-06/06H D6T-8L-09/09H D6T-1A-01D6T-1A-02D6T-32L-01A Object temperature detection range *25 to 50°C/5 to 200°C 5 to 50°C/5 to 200°C 5 to 50°C -40 to 80°C 0 to 200°C Reference temperature detection range *25 to 45°C5 to 45°C5 to 45°C-40 to 80°C0 to 80°COutput specifications Digital values that correspond to the object temperature (Tx) and reference temperature(Ta) are output from a serial communications port.Output formBinary code (10 times the detected temperature (°C))Communications formI2C compliant Temperature resolution (NETD) *30.06°C0.03°C0.02°C0.06°C0.33°C *412D6TMEMS Thermal SensorsD 6TObject Temperature Detection RangeD6T-44L-06, D6T-8L-09, D6T-1A-01D6T-44L-06H, D6T-8L-09HD6T-1A-02D6T-32L-01AConnectionsThermal Sensor Configuration Diagram<D6T-8L-09/09H>Note:The D6T-44L-06/06H has pixels 0 to 15.The D6T-1A-01/02 has pixel 0.The D6T-32L-01A has pixel 0 to 1023.Terminal Arrangement: Object temperature detection range5101520253035404550-10020406080100120140160180200Object temperature Tx (°C)R e f e r e n c e t e m p e r a t u r e T a (°C )Object temperature Tx (°C)R e f e r e n c e t e m p e r a t u r e Ta (°C ): Object temperature detection range-10102030405060708090-10020406080100120140160180200Terminal NameFunctionRemarks1GND Ground2VCC Positive power supply voltage input 3SDA Serial data I/O line Connect the open-drain SDA terminal to a pull-up resistor.4SCLSerial clock inputConnect the open-drain SCL terminal to a pull-up resistor.13D6TMEMS Thermal SensorsD 6TField of View CharacteristicsD6T-44L-06/06HField of view in X Directionence, the angular range where the Sensor output is 50% or higher whenthe angle of the Sensor is changed is defined as the view angle.X directionY direction++−−P0P4P1 P5P2 P6P3P7D6T-8L-09/09HField of view in X DirectionField of view in Y DirectionDetection Area for Each PixelNote:Definition of view angle: Using the maximum Sensor output as a refer-ence, the angular range where the Sensor output is 50% or higher whenthe angle of the Sensor is changed is defined as the view angle.14D6TMEMS Thermal SensorsD 6TD6T-1A-01Field of view in X DirectionField of view in Y DirectionDetection Area for Each PixelD6T-1A-02Field of view in X DirectionField of view in Y DirectionNote:Definition of view angle: Using the maximum Sensor output as a refer-ence, the angular range where the Sensor output is 50% or higher when the angle of the Sensor is changed is defined as the view angle.D6T-32L-01AField of view in X DirectionField of view in Y DirectionDetection Area for Each PixelNote:Definition of view angle: Using the maximum Sensor output as a refer-ence, the angular range where the Sensor output is 50% or higher when the angle of the Sensor is changed is defined as the view angle.15D6TMEMS Thermal SensorsD 6TDimensions (Unit: mm)Note:Unless otherwise specified, a tolerance of ±0.3 mm applies to all dimensions.D6T-44L-06/06HSupporting and Mounting Area (Shaded Portion)Top ViewNote:Due to insulation distance limitations, donot allow metal parts to come into contactwith the Sensor.D6T-8L-09/09HSupporting and Mounting Area (Shaded Portion)Note:Due to insulation distance limitations, donot allow metal parts to come into contact with the Sensor.16D6TMEMS Thermal SensorsD 6TD6T-1A-01/02Supporting and Mounting Area (Shaded Portion)Top Viewmetal parts to come into contact with the Sensor.17D6TMEMS Thermal SensorsD 6TSafety Precautions●Installation•The Sensor may not achieve the characteristics given in this datasheet due to the ambient environment or installation loca-tion. Before using the Sensor, please acquire an adequate understanding and make a prior assessment of Sensor char-acteristics in your actual system.●Operating Environment•Do not use the Sensor in locations where dust, dirt, oil, and other foreign matter will adhere to the lens. This may prevent correct temperature measurements.•Do not use the Sensor in any of the following locations.•Locations where the Sensor may come into contact with water or oil •Outdoors•Locations subject to direct sunlight.•Locations subject to corrosive gases (in particular, chlo-ride, sulfide, or ammonia gases).•Locations subject to extreme temperature changes •Locations subject to icing or condensation.•Locations subject to excessive vibration or shock.●Noise Countermeasures•The Sensor does not contain any protective circuits. Never subject it to an electrical load that exceeds the absolute maxi-mum ratings for even an instance. The circuits may be dam-aged. Install protective circuits as required so that the absolute maximum ratings are not exceeded.•Keep as much space as possible between the Sensor anddevices that generates high frequencies (such as high-frequency welders and high-frequency sewing machines) or surges.•Attach a surge protector or noise filter on nearby noise-generating devices (in particular, motors, transformers, solenoids, magnetic coils, or devices that have an inductance component).•In order to prevent inductive noise, separate the connector of the Sensor from power lines carrying high voltages or large currents. Using a shielded line is also effective.•If a switching requlator is used, check that malfunctions will not occur due to switching noise from the power supply.●Handling•This Sensor is a precision device. Do not drop it or subject it to excessive shock or force. Doing so may damage the Sensor or change its characteristics. Never subject the connector to unnecessary force. Do not use a Sensor that has been dropped.•Take countermeasures against static electricity before you handle the Sensor.•Turn OFF the power supply to the system before you install the Sensor. Working with the Sensor while the power supply is turned ON may cause malfunctions.•Secure the Sensor firmly so that the optical axis does not move.•Install the Sensor on a flat surface. If the installation surface is not even, the Sensor may be deformed, preventing correct measurements.•Do not install the Sensor with screws. Screws may cause the resist to peel from the board. Secure the Sensor in a way that will not cause the resist to peel.•Always check operation after you install the Sensor.•Use the specified connector (GHR-04 from JST) and connect it securely so that it will not come off. If you solder directly to the connector terminals, the Sensor may be damaged.•Make sure to wire the polarity of the terminals correctly. Incor-rect polarity may damage the Sensor.•Never attempt to disassemble the Sensor.•Do not use the cable harness to the other product.Precautions for Correct Use18Terms and Conditions AgreementRead and understand this catalog.Please read and understand this catalog before purchasing the products. Please consult your OMRON representative if you have any questions or comments.Warranties.(a) Exclusive Warranty. Omron’s exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects in materials and workmanshipfor a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Omron (or such other period expressed in writingby Omron). Omron disclaims all other warranties, express or implied.(b) Limitations. OMRON MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ABOUTNON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A P ARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THEPRODUCTS. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT ALONE HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PRODUCTS WILLSUITABL Y MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THEIR INTENDED USE.Omron further disclaims all warranties and responsibility of any type for claims or expenses based on infringement by the Products or otherwise of any intellectual property right. (c) Buyer Remedy. Omron’s sole obligation hereunder shall be, at Omron’s election,to (i) replace (in the form originally shipped with Buyer responsible for labor charges for removal or replacement thereof) thenon-complying Product, (ii) repair the non-complying Product, or (iii) repay or credit Buyer an amount equal to the purchase priceof the non-complying Product; provided that in no event shall Omron be responsible for warranty, repair, indemnity or any other claims or expenses regarding the Products unless Omron’s analysis confirms that the Products were properly handled, stored, installed and maintained and not subject to contamination, abuse, misuse or inappropriate modification. Return of any Products by Buyer must be approved in writing by Omron before shipment. Omron Companies shall not be liable for the suitability or unsuitability or the results from the use of Products in combination with any electrical or electronic components, circuits, system assemblies or any other materials or substances or environments. Any advice, recommendations or information given orally or in writing, are not to be construed as an amendment or addition to the above warranty.See /global/ or contact your Omron representative for published information.Limitation on Liability; Etc.OMRON COMPANIES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR PRODUCTION OR COMMERCIAL LOSS IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE PRODUCTS, WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS BASED IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY.Further, in no event shall liability of Omron Companies exceed the individual price of the Product on which liability is asserted.Suitability of Use.Omron Companies shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes or regulations which apply to the combination of the Product in the Buyer’s application or use of the Product. At Buyer’s request, Omron will provide applicablethird party certification documents identifying ratings and limitations of use which apply to the Product. This information by itself is not sufficient for a complete determination of the suitability of the Product in combination with the end product, machine, system,or other application or use. Buyer shall be solely responsible for determining appropriateness of the particular Product withrespect to Buyer’s application, product or system. Buyer shall take application responsibility in all cases.NEVER USE THE PRODUCT FOR AN APPLICA TION INVOLVING SERIOUS RISK TO LIFE OR PROPERTY OR IN LARGE QUANTITIES WITHOUT ENSURING THAT THE SYSTEM AS A WHOLE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO ADDRESS THE RISKS, AND THAT THE OMRON PRODUCT(S) IS PROPERL Y RATED AND INSTALLED FOR THE INTENDED USE WITHIN THE OVERALL EQUIPMENT OR SYSTEM.Programmable Products.Omron Companies shall not be responsible for the user’s programming of a programmable Product, or any consequence thereof.Performance Data.Data presented in Omron Company websites, catalogs and other materials is provided as a guide for the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of Omron’s test conditions, and the user must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual performance is subject to the Omron’s Warranty and Limitations of Liability.Change in Specifications.Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and other reasons. It is our practiceto change part numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or when significant construction changes are made. However, some specifications of the Product may be changed without any notice. When in doubt, special part numbers may be assigned to fix or establish key specifications for your application. Please consult with your Omron’s representative at any time to confirm actual specifications of purchased Product.Errors and Omissions.Information presented by Omron Companies has been checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical or proofreading errors or omissions.19• Application examples provided in this document are for reference only. In actual applications, confirm equipment functions and safety before using the product.• Consult your OMRON representative before using the product under conditions which are not described in the manual or applying the product to nuclear control systems, railroad systems, aviation systems, vehicles, combustion systems, medical equipment, amusement machines, safety equipment, and other systems or equipment that may have a serious influence on lives and property if used improperly. Make sure that the ratings and performance characteristics of the product provide a margin of safety for the system or equipment, and be sure to provide the system or equipment with double safety mechanisms.OMRON CorporationElectronic and Mechanical Components CompanyRegional ContactCat. No. A274-E1-020519(0318)Americas Europehttps:/// Asia-Paci ic China https://.sg/ https:///Korea Japan the interest of product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice.© OMRON Corporation 2018-2019 All Rights Reserved.。

MEMS Combustible Gas Sensor(Model No.:GM-402B)ManualVersion: 1.1Valid from: 2017-05-10Zhengzhou Winsen Electronics Technology Co., LtdStatementThis manual copyright belongs to Zhengzhou Winsen Electronics Technology Co., LTD. Without the written permission, any part of this manual shall not be copied, translated, stored in database or retrieval system, also can’t spread through electronic, copying, record ways.Thanks for purchasing our product. In order to let customers use it better and reduce the faults caused by misuse, please read the manual carefully and operate it correctly in accordance with the instructions. If users disobey the terms or remove, disassemble, change the components inside of the sensor, we shall not be responsible for the loss.The specific such as color, appearance, sizes &etc, please in kind prevail.We are devoting ourselves to products development and technical innovation, so we reserve the right to improve the products without notice. Please confirm it is the valid version before using this manual. At the same time, users’ comments on optimized using way are welcome.Please keep the manual properly, in order to get help if you have questions during the usage in the future.Zhengzhou Winsen Electronics Technology CO., LTDGM-402B MEMS Combustible Gas SensorProduct descriptionMEMS combustible gas sensor is using MEMSmicro-fabrication hot plate on a Si substrate base,gas-sensitive materials used in the clean air with lowconductivity metal oxide semiconductor material. When thesensor exposed to gas atmosphere, the conductivity ischanging as the detected gas concentration in the air. Thehigher the concentration of the gas, the higher theconductivity. Use simple circuit can convert the change ofconductivity of the gas concentration corresponding to theoutput signal.CharacterMEMS technology, Strong constructionHigh sensitivity to combustible gasesSmall sizes and low power consumptionFast response and resumeSimple drive circuit, Long lifespanApplicationGas leak detection for mobile phones, computers and other consumer electronics applications; also apply for home, commercial use of the combustible gas leakage monitoring devices, gas leak detectors, fire / security detection system.Parameters Stable1.Part No. GM-402BSensor Type MEMSStandard Encapsulation CeramicDetection Gas CH4, C3H8 &etc.Detection Range 1~10000ppm (C3H8)Standard Circuit ConditionsLoop Voltage V C≤24V DC Heater Voltage V H 2.8V±0.1V AC or DC Load Resistance R L AdjustableSensor character under standard testconditionsHeater Resistance R H 80Ω±20Ω(room temperature)Heater consumption P H ≤80mW sensitive materials resistance R S1KΩ~30KΩ(in 5000ppm CH4) Sensitivity S R0(in air)/Rs(in 5000ppmCH4)≥2 Concentration Slope α≤0.9(R5000ppm/R1000ppmCH4)Standard test conditionsTemp. Humidity 20℃±2℃;55%±5%RH Standard test circuit V H:2.8V±0.1V;V C :5.0V±0.1VSensor Structure DiagramPins Connection①R H1②③R H2④⑤R S1⑥⑦R S2⑧Fig1.Sensor structureBasic Circuit①Heating 1⑦Measure 1③Heating 2⑤Measure 2Fig2. GM-402B test circuitInstructions: The above fig is the basic test circuit of GM-402B.The sensor requires two voltage inputs: heater voltage (V H) and circuit voltage (V C). V H is used to supply specific working temperature to the sensor and it can adopt DC or AC power. V out is the voltage of load resistance R L which is in series with sensor. Vc supplies thedetect voltage to load resistance R L and it should adopt DC power.Sensor ’s Characteristics:Fig3.Typical Sensitivity Curve Rs means resistance in target gas with different concentration, R 0 means resistance of sensor in clean air. All tests are finished under standard test conditions. Fig4.Typical temperature/humidity characteristicsRs means resistance of sensor in 5000ppm methane (CH 4) under different temp. and humidity. Rso means resistance of the sensor in 5000ppm methane under 20℃/55%RH.Fig6. Linearity characterThe output in above Fig is the voltage of RL which is in series with sensor. All tests are finished under standard test conditions.Fig5.Responce and ResumeThe output in above Fig is the voltage of RL which is in series with sensor. All tests are finished under standard test conditions and the test gas is 5000ppm CH4.airgas concentration(ppm)Temperature(℃)Voltage output(V)gas concentration(ppm)Time(s)Long-term stability:Voltage output(V)Preheating time(days)Fig7.long-term StabilityTest is finished in standard test conditions, the abscissa is observing time and the ordinate is voltage output of RL. Instructions:1. Preheating timeSensor’s resistance may drift reversibly after long-term storage without power. It need to preheat the sensor to reach inside chemical equilibrium. Preheating voltage is same with heating voltage V H. The suggested preheating time as follow:Storage Time Suggested aging timeLess than one month No less than 48 hours1 ~ 6 months No less than 72 hoursMore than six months No less than 168 hours2. CalibrationSensor’s accuracy is effected by many factors such as reference resistance’s difference, the sensitivity difference, temperature, humidity, interfering gases, preheating time, the relationship between input and output is not linear,hysteretic and non-repetitive. For absolute concentration measurement, they need regular calibration (one-point calibration / multi-points calibration for full scale) to ensure that the measuring value is accurate. For relative measurement calibration is not required.Cautions1 .Following conditions must be prohibited1.1 Exposed to organic silicon steamSensing material will lose sensitivity and never recover if the sensor absorbs organic silicon steam. Sensors must be avoid exposing to silicon bond, fixature, silicon latex, putty or plastic contain silicon environment. 1.2 High Corrosive gasIf the sensors are exposed to high concentration corrosive gas (such as H2S, SOX, Cl2, HCL etc.), it will notonly result in corrosion of sensors structure, also it cause sincere sensitivity attenuation.1.3 Alkali, Alkali metals salt, halogen pollutionThe sensors performance will be changed badly if sensors be sprayed polluted by alkali metals salt especially brine, or be exposed to halogen such as fluorine.1.4 Touch waterSensitivity of the sensors will be reduced when spattered or dipped in water.1.5 FreezingDo avoid icing on sensor’s surface, otherwise sensing material will be broken and lost sensitivity.1.6 Applied voltageApplied voltage on sensor should not be higher than 120mW, it will cause irreversible heater damaged, also hurt from static, so anti-static precautions should be taken when touching sensors.2 .Following conditions must be avoided2.1 Water CondensationIndoor conditions, slight water condensation will influence sensors’ performance lightly. However, if water condensation on sensors surface and keep a certain period, sensors’ sensitive will be decreased.2.2 Used in high gas concentrationNo matter the sensor is electrified or not, if it is placed in high gas concentration for long time, sensors characteristic will be affected. If lighter gas sprays the sensor, it will cause extremely damage.2.3 Long time exposed to extreme environmentNo matter the sensors electrified or not, if exposed to adverse environment for long time, such as high humidity, high temperature, or high pollution etc., it will influence the sensors’ performance badly.2.4 VibrationContinual vibration will result in sensors down-lead response then break. In transportation or assembling line, pneumatic screwdriver/ultrasonic welding machine can lead this vibration.2.5 ConcussionIf sensors meet strong concussion, it may lead its lead wire disconnected.2.6 SolderingSoldering flux: Rosin soldering flux contains least chlorine and safeguard procedures.If disobey the above using terms, sensors sensitivity will be reduced.Zhengzhou Winsen Electronics TechnologyCo., LtdAdd: No.299, Jinsuo Road, National Hi-TechZone, Zhengzhou 450001 ChinaTel: +86-371-67169097/67169670Fax: +86-371-60932988E-mail:*******************Website: 。
F1-(A)HDMO -D100R26 -5P 数字MEMS微声波传感器说明书

F1-(A)HDMO-D100R26-5P F1-(A)HDMO-D100R26-5PHigh SNR / Multiple Clock Mode/ Small MiniOMNI-DIRECTIONALBottom PORT1. INTRODUCTION• Digital MEMS Microphone - ½ Cycle PDM 16bit, Full Scale=120dBSPL• Bottom Port Type - Sensitivity is Typical -26dBFS• High Signal to Noise Ratio(SNR) – Typical 64.5dB (A-weighted, 20㎐~20㎑) at Standard Mode • Multiple Clock Mode – Stand by Mode, Low-Power Mode(LPM), Standard Mode(STM)• Omni-directional• Dual Channel supported• RF Shielded - with embedded Ground• Compatible with Sn/Pb and Halogen-free solder process• RoHS compliant• SMD reflow temperature of up to 260℃ for over 30 seconds2. APPLICATIONS• Smartphones• Ear-sets, Bluetooth Headsets• Smart Speaker, Set Top Box• Tablet Computers• Wearable Devices• Electrical Appliances• Voice Recognition Systems of Appliances3. MODEL NO.F1-(A)HDMO-D100R26-5PParameterConditions MinTypMaxUnits ClockFrequency RangeSleep Mode0 - 100 ㎑ Low-Power Mode 700 768 1200 ㎑ Standard Mode2.02.4 4.0 ㎒3.072 Sleep Mode Current f CLK < 100㎑-420㎂Short Circuit Current Grounded DATA pin1 - 20 ㎃ Output Load -- 140 ㎊ Fall-asleep Time f CLK < 100㎑ - - 10 ㎳ Wake-up Time f CLK > 351㎑- - 20 ㎳ Power-up Time V DD > V(min)- - 50 ㎳ Mode-Change Time--10㎳4. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSCaution : Stresses above those listed n “Absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only. Functional operation at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under “ELECTRO -ACOUSTIC CHARACTERISTICS” is not implied. Exposure beyond those indicated under “ELECTRO -ACOUSTIC CHARACTERISTICS” for extended periods may affect device reliability.ParameterAbsolute maximum ratingUnitsVdd , Data to Ground -0.3 to +3.6 V Clock to Ground -0.3, Vdd+0.3 V Select to Ground -0.3, Vdd+0.3V Input Current2 mA Short Circuit Current to/from Datanasec5. GENERAL MICROPHONE SPECIFICATIONSTest Condition : 23 ± 2℃, Room Humidity = 55 ± 20 %, VDD=1.8V, fclk = 2.4㎒, SELECT Pin is grounded, CLOAD = 1㎌, unless otherwise noticed* Note : Must be consulted when used another clock frequency without the typical clock frequencys.6. ELECTRO-ACOUSTIC CHARACTERISTICSTest Condition : 23 ± 2℃, Room Humidity = 55 ± 20 %, VDD=1.8V, fclk = 2.4㎒, SELECT Pin is grounded,C LOAD = 1㎌, unless otherwise noticed.Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units Directivity Omni-directionalSupply Voltage 1.64 - 3.6 V Data Format ½ Cycle PDM 16bit - Full Scale Acoustic Level 120 dBSPLCurrent consumption fclk = 2.4㎒, load on DATA output 530 - 730㎂fclk = 3.072㎒, load on DATA output 590 - 790● Standard Mode [STM]Test Conditions : Measurement Clock Frequency=2.40 MHz , Vdd=1.8VSensitivity 94dB SPL at 1kHz -29 -26 -23 dBFS Signal to Noise Ratio(SNR)94dBSPL at 1kHz, A-weighted (20㎐~20㎑) - 64.5 - dB(A) Equivalent Input Noise (EIN) 94dBSPL at 1kHz, A-weighted (20㎐~20㎑) - 29.5 - dB(A)SPLTotal Harmonic Distortion (THD) 94dBSPL at 1㎑- 0.15 0.3% 111dBSPL at 1㎑- - 1.0118dBSPL at 1㎑- - 3.0119dBSPL at 1㎑- - 5.0Acoustic Overload Point(AOP)THD>10%, at 1㎑121 - - dBSPLPower Supply Rejection Raito (PSRR) Measured with 1㎑ sine wave andbroad band noise, both 200mVpp- 55 - dBV/FSPower Supply Rejection (PSR) Measured with 217㎐ square wave andbroad band noise, both 100mVpp,A-weighted- -88 - dBFS(A)● Low Power Mode [LPM]Test Conditions : Measurement Clock Frequency=768 kHz , Vdd=1.8VCurrent consumption Normal operation 200 - 380 ㎂Sensitivity 94dB SPL at 1kHz -29 -26 -23 dBFS Signal to Noise Ratio(SNR)94dBSPL at 1kHz, A-weighted (20㎐~8㎑) - 61.6 - dB(A) Equivalent Input Noise (EIN) 94dBSPL at 1kHz, A-weighted (20㎐~8㎑) - 32.4 - dB(A)SPLTotal Harmonic Distortion (THD) 94dBSPL at 1㎑- 0.2 0.3% 110dBSPL at 1㎑- - 1.0117dBSPL at 1㎑- - 3.0119dBSPL at 1㎑- - 5.0Acoustic Overload Point(AOP_THD>10%, at 1㎑121 - - dBSPLPower Supply Rejection Raito (PSRR) Measured with 1㎑ sine wave andbroad band noise, both 200mVpp- 67 - dBV/FSPower Supply Rejection (PSR) Measured with 217㎐ square wave andbroad band noise, both 100mVpp,A-weighted- -98 - dBFS(A)7. INTERFACE PARAMETERParameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsClock Frequency 0.7 - 1.2㎒2.0 - 4.0Stand by Clock Frequency - - 100 ㎑Clock Duty Cycle f CLK≤ 2.4㎒40 - 60 %2.4㎒<f CLK - 50 - %Clock Input Impedance 1000 - - ㏁LR Input Impedance 1000 - - ㏁Input Logic Low Level -0.3 - 0.3 x V DD V Input Logic High Level 0.7 x V DD- V DD + 0.3 V Output Logic Low Level -0.3 - 0.3 x V DD V Output Logic High Level 0.7 x V DD- V DD + 0.3 V Clock Rise / Fall Time - - 10 ㎱Delay Time for Data driven 18 55 - ㎱Delay Time for Valid Data R load, min = 100㏀C load, max = 200㎊VDD = 1.64 to 3.6V- - 100 ㎱Delay Time for High Z 0 5 10 ㎱8. MEASUREMENT CIRCUIT9. PIN DESCRIPTIONPin NameDescriptionVDD Supply and IO voltage for the microphone L/R Select Left/Right ( DATA2 / DATA1 ) Channel selection CLOCK Clock input to the microphone DATAPDM data output from the microphoneGND Ground10. INTERFACE CIRCUIT & CHANNEL DATA CONFIGURATIONMIC 1CODECClock OutputData Input ClockDataMIC 2ClockData L/R Select GND VDD1.64V to 3.6VGND1㎌L/R Select 1㎌VDD 1.64V to 3.6VR1 R1R2Data symbol in interfacetiming chart L/R Select connected toData asserted at Data sampled at DATA1 [MIC1(Low)] GND Falling clock edge Rising clock edge DATA2 [MIC2(High)]V DDRising clock edgeFalling clock edgeNote 1 : Stereo operation is accomplished by connecting the L/R Sel. pin either to VDD or GND on the phone PWB. Bypass Capacitors near each MIC. on VDD are recommended to provide maximum SNR performance. Note 2 : R1(Data source termination Resister) should be as close as possible to each the MIC. (50Ω~100Ω) Note 3 : R2(Clock source termination Resister) should be as close as possible to the CODEC. (50Ω~100Ω)11. INTERFACE TIMING CHARTWith defining a minimum value for t DD and a maximum value for t HZ it is securedthat the driven DATA signals of the right and the left channel don’t overlap.A definition of a maximum value for t DD is not necessary, instead t DV defines thetime until the driven DATA is valid.12. ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS AND STANDARD CONDITIONSItem Min Typ Max Unit Operating temperature range -40 - +100 ℃Storage temperature range -40 - +100 ℃Relative humidity 25 - 85 % Air Pressure 860 - 1060 mBar Standard temperature range 15 20 25 ℃Standard Relative humidity 40 - 60 %Figure 3. Typical IDD vs Clock Frequency, All Mode13. TYPICAL FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVEFar Field Measurement Condition Temperature : 23 ± 2 ℃ Supply Voltage : 1.8V Clock Frequency : 2.4㎒Acoustic stimulus : 1Pa ( 94㏈ SPL at 1㎑ ) at 50 ㎝ from the loud-speaker.The loud-speaker must be calibrated to make a flat frequency response input signal. Position : The frequency response of microphone unit measured at 50㎝ from the loud-speakerFigure 2. THD vs. Input Level, Standard and Low-Power ModesFigure 4. Typical Power Supply Rejection (PSR) vs. Frequency,Standard and Low-Power ModesFigure 1. Typical Frequency Response, Normalized to 1㎑■ Frequency Mask SpecificationFrequency [Hz]Lower Limit [dBr]Upper Limit [dBr]Note50 -6 +2 0dBr = dBFS at 1㎑150 ~ 1000 -2 +2 1000 0 0 1000 ~ 3400 -2 +2 12000 -2 +7 15000-2+12Note : Band Frequency Range1. Narrow Band : 300㎐ ~ 3.4㎑2. Wide Band : 100㎐ ~ 7㎑3. Super Wide Band : 50㎐ ~ 14㎑F1-(A)HDMO-D100R26-5PSMD Type※ PCB design & Pin size can be changed by model No.LetteringV1.0 F1M 16 26VersionWeek YearE : Engineering Sample P : Pre-Production M : Mass Production4.00±0.13.00±0.11.00±0.1Pin # Pin Name Type Description 1 VDD Power Supply and I/O voltage 2 L/R L/R Select Left/Right channel selection3 CLK Clock Clock input4 DATA Digital O PDM data output5GNDGroundGroundItemDimensionTolerance (+/-)Units Length (L) 4.00 0.10 mm Width (W) 3.00 0.10 mm Height (H)1.000.10mmAcoustic Port (AP) Φ 0.25 0.10 mm- Mechanical dimensions & Pad Lay-outDimensions (Unit : mm)TOP VIEWSIDE VIEWBOTTOM VIEWNote : All ground Pins must be connected to ground.“5”Pin must be sealed by solder paste on the PWB. General Tolerance ±0.08mm.14. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS - Recommended Land Pattern & Stencil PatternRecommendedPCB land pattern(Unit : mm)Recommendedsolder stencil pattern(Unit : mm)( thickness of metal mask: 0.10T)(Unit : mm)• 13” reel will be provided for the mass production stage- Reel[ Note ]1. Reel ESD : 102~1010ΩWIDTHAN W1 W2 W3 C12mm 330 ±2.080 +3.0-1.012.4 +3.0-0.016.4 ±2.0 13.6 ±2.0 13 +0.5-0.2- TapingUnit : mmA0 4.30±0.10 E 1.75±0.10 B0 3.20±0.10 F 5.50±0.05 K0 1.30±0.10 T 0.30±0.05 D01.50±0.10W12.00±0.30Sound HolePin 1 9.3Cover Tape[ Note ]1. Direction of parts : See above pictures.2. Microphone total quantity (13” Reel) : 4,000pcs3. Carrier Tape ESD : 102~1010Ω4. Carrier Tape Material & Color : PS, Black5. Cover Tape Inside ESD : 102~1010Ω6. Thermo Compression BondingInner Box spec.Outer Box Spec. 1 Inner Box included 2 reels→ Microphone total quantity : 8,000 pcs 1 Outer Box included 5 Inner Boxes→ Microphone total quantity : 40,000 pcs - Packing16. RELIABILITY TEST CONDITIONSNote : After test conditions are performed, the sensitivity of the microphone shall not deviate more than ±3dB from its initial value.TEST DESCRIPTIONTEMPERATURE STORAGE [High Temperature Storage]+80℃±3℃ x 200hrs(The measurement to be done after 2 hours of conditioning at room temperature) [Low Temperature Storage]-30℃±3℃ x 200hrs(The measurement to be done after 2 hours of conditioning at room temperature)TEMPERATURECYCLE (-25℃±2℃ x 30min -> +20℃±2℃ x 10min -> +70℃±2℃ x 30min ->+20℃±2℃ x 10min) x 5cycles(The measurement to be done after 2 hours of conditioning at room temperature)THERMAL SHOCK (+85℃±2℃ -> -40℃±2℃Change time : 20sec) x 96cycles Maintain : 30min(The measurement to be done after 2 hours of conditioning at room temperature)HIGH TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY +85℃±2, 85±%RH, Bias(3.6V) x 200hrs(The measurement to be done after 2 hours of conditioning at room temperature)+70℃±2, 95±%RH x 200hrs(The measurement to be done after 2 hours of conditioning at room temperature)ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) Air discharge : ±8kV, ±10kV, ±12kV, ±15kVVdd, Data, CLK, L/R, GND Pad each 5 times (Non-ground)Contact discharge : ±2kV, ±4kV, ±6kV, ±8kVVdd, Data, CLK, L/R, GND Pad each 5 times (Non-ground)VIBRATION Signal 5Hz to 500Hz, acceleration spectral density of 0.01g²/Hz in each of 3 axes, 120 min in each axis (360min in total)DROP To be no interference in operation after dropped to steel floor18 times from 1.52 meter height in state of packingREFLOWSENSITIVITY 5 reflow cycles. Refer to reflow profile from specification item 18.17.1 Measurement Condition(a) Supply voltage : 1.8V(b) Clock Frequency : 768㎑, 2.4 ㎒ (c) Acoustic stimulus : 94㏈ SPL at 1㎑ (d) Distance between MIC & SPK : 50㎝(e) Measurement frequency : 50 (㎐) ∼ 20 (㎑)17. MEASUREMENT SYSTEMMachineModel NoPurposeStandard MIC 4191 Revision of input signal & SPK spec Audio Analyzer APX525 Audio Analysis (include Power Supply) Loud-speaker GRF Memory HESPK (Input sound Signal occur) Power Amplifier2716C Power amplificationCharging Conditioning Amplifier 2690 Ref. MIC Signal Transformation Operating Software APx500 3.4.4A-D Freq. Resp.Sound Level Calibrator4231Standard MIC Calibration purposeLoud Speaker (Input S.P.L : 94dB)Anechoic ChamberMicrophone50㎝Line DriverRef. MIC.Amplifier Type 2690Audio PrecisionAPx500System ProgramTurn-Table Controller Power Amplifier Type 2716C Audio Analyzer Type APx52518. SOLDER REFLOW PROFILE[Notes]1. Solder Reflow Profile based on IPC/JDEC J-STD-020 Revision D.2. Do not pull a vacuum over the port hole of the microphone. Pulling a vacuum over the port hole can damage the device.3. Do not board wash after the reflow process. Board washing and cleaning agents can damage the device. Do not expose to ultrasonic processing or cleaning.4. Recommend no more than 5 cycles.5. Shelf life : Twelve(12) months when devices are to be stored in factory supplied, unopened ESD moisture sensitive bag under maximum environmental condition of 30℃, 70% R.H.6. Exposure : Devices should not be exposed to high humidity, high temperature environment. MSL (Moisture sensitivity level) Class 1.7. Out of bag : Maximum of 90 days of ESD moisture sensitive bag, assuming maximum conditions of 30℃, 70% R.H.Critical Zone T L to Tptpt Lt 25℃ to Peakts PreheatTsmaxTsminProfile FeaturePb-Free AssemblyPreheat/SoakTemperature Min (Tsmin) Temperature Min (Tsmax)Time(ts) from (Tsmin to Tsmax) 150℃ 200℃60 ~ 120 seconds Ramp-up rate (T L to Tp) 3℃/second max. Liquidous temperature(T L ) Time(t L ) maintained above T L 217℃60 ~ 150 secondsPeak package body temperature (Tp)260℃ Time(tp) within 5℃ of the specified classification Temperature(Tc) 20 ~ 40 seconds Ramp-down rate (Tp to T L ) 6℃/second max. Time 25℃ to peak temperature8 minutes max.V2.0 19. RECOMMENDED PICK-UP NOZZLE CONDITIONS19.1. Nozzle material : Metal or Rubber, Etc.19.2. Case Weight- If tool outer size is bigger than MIC. : Max. 10N- If tool outer size is smaller than MIC. : Max. 4N19.3. Nozzle position : The opposite side of sound hole- Nozzle inner diameter size : Max. Ø2.0- position : the MIC center20. APPLICATION EXAMPLEKey PadCoverVoicedust coverMain boardMicrophoneGasketMicrophoneMain boardGasketVoiceVoiceCompression force for sealingAdhesive tapNITTO No.5919M (0.05T) (or similar)Mesh (Dust cloth)NITTOKU NT270T (0.06T) (or Tradex PES 38/31 or similar)Adhesive tapNITTO No.5000NS (0.06T) (or similar)GasketNITTO 100(0.9T) (or Rogers PORON 92-12039 P (1.0T) or similar)Gasket compression range for sealing0.5±0.2mmGasket LayersSound Path Size at Cover or Gasket : Min Φ1.00㎜21. HANDLING GUIDE21.1. Handling Guide of Cleaning & Foreign Matter* Note 1. No Liquid or/and gas should be used for washing / cleaning.* Note 2. No board washes should be applied after reflow* Note 3. No foreign matter should be exposed interior microphone during cleaning or washing.if cleaning or washing is applied unavoidably, It must do additional prevention in area of “Microphone sound hole” to avoid foreign matter.(ex. Attached protective tape)* Note 4. No seal sound hole of microphone should be applied during reflow process* Note 5. No ultrasonic cleaning should be applied in case of microphone unit itself or/and afterinstalled microphone onto board.* Note 6. Do not reuse microphone which is defect during SMD.Do not wash or clean to reuse microphone which is defect during SMD.De-cap View ofGood part► Example) De-cap View of the NG MicrophoneReflow after sealing of Sound Hole Defect view NG MIC by Pick-up Defect view NG MIC by ultrasonic cleaning Defect view NG MIC by liquid foreign matter21.2. Handling Guide of Care of Board Routing & Cutting* Note 1. Do work maximum distance with microphone and minimum speed machining setting during Board Routing & Cutting* Note 2. Do not wash or clean “Board” after Board Routing & Cutting* Note 3. Do additional prevention in area of “microphone sound hole” to avoid foreignmatter(ex. Attached protective tape) during Board Routing & Cutting* Note 4. Do not use strong air flow directly in order to remove foreign matter should be applied in microphone* Note 5. Do preventive action in area of “microphone sound hole” to avoid foreignmatter(ex. Attached protective tape) or air .(ex. Block “Microphone sound hole” by hands as below picture)► Example) Air Blowing ConditionN.GExample) Do block “Microphone Sound Hole”by hands during air blow21.3. Broken Membrane & Back Plate of MEMS DIE* Note 1. Do not touch Sound Hole by Sharp Tools. (ex. Tweezers)* Note 2. Do not rub Sound Hole by Swab. (ex. Cloth)Sound HoleAwl Knife Swab Tweezers21.4. PRECAUTION for ESD* Note 1. Wrist strapsSince the main cause of static is people, wrist-straps is very important to reduce theESD damage. A wrist-strap, when properly grounded, keeps a person wearing it near ground potential and static charges do not accumulate. Wrist-straps should be wornby all personnel in all ESD protection areas, that is where ESD susceptible devicesand end products containing them are assembled, manufactured handled andpackaged.Further ESD protection, similar to wrist-strap, involves the use of ESD protection floors in conjunction with ESD control footwear or foot-straps. Static control garments (smocks) give additional protection.* Note 2. Work AreasIt is recommended that all areas where components that are not in ESD protectivepackaging are handled should be designated as ESD protective areas. Ground matsof ESD safe table surfaces is needed. These should be connected to the local ground with a 1 Mega-ohm series resistor. ESD safe floor and shoes are also needed.* Note 3. IonizersIn situations where we have to deal with isolated conductors that cannot be grounded and with most common plastics, air ionization can neutralize the static charge because only air is required for ionization to be effective, air ionizers can and should be usedwherever it is not possible to ground everything.21.5. Inspection by X-Ray* Note 1. Do inspect X-Ray after SMD.It is different X-Ray condition by applied SMD company.22.1. Recommended Heater Gun Specification1.5cmHeater gun nozzleMICPCB22.2. Recommended Heater Gun Setting Condition* Note 2. According to Rework M/C & Worker, this condition will be change.* Note 1. According to the material & thickness & counts of layer for PCB, this condition will be change.Manufacturer HAKKO Model 850B ESD Temperature control100 ~ 420 Top heaterTypeHot air flowFlow rate< 23 ℓ/min Alignment visual Pick-up ManualSolder/flux1. Removing or pre-heating the solder residue before mounting new part2. Apply lead-free flux only or apply 2 ~ 3 points of solder paste insteadHeater gun setting Temperature300 ℃ ~ 400 ℃Nozzle & MIC. Length1.5 cm Flow setting2.0 ~Alignment Visual Pick-upManual Working TimeRemove10 ~ 20 sec SMD10 ~ 20 sec22.3. Rework Process Condition (using Heater Gun) Bottom Heater Recommend IR heater.Alignment Use magnifier for alignment.Note : it may difficult to do alignment by naked visual because MIC pad is located on soffit.Temperature Recommend temperature is “300℃”.Time It is the optimized working process of 1.0 ~ 2.0mm board for 10~20sec under 300℃ temp.Nozzle Use heater gun without nozzleSolder/flux Process Options 1. Removing the solder residue before mounting new part- print Halogen-free solder paste on the SMD MICterminals using mask mounting2-1. Pre-heating the solder residue before mounting new part - apply Halogen-free flux onto the land pattern2-2. Pre-heating the solder residue before mounting new part - apply 2 ~ 3 points of Halogen-free solder paste onto theland pattern3. Highly recommendation process for rework.- After remove defect parts without Pre-heating,It is used Halogen-free flux or 2~3 points of Halogen-free solder. (It is most effective and fast for rework)22.4. Handling of Rework* Note 1. Follow standard guide line of SMD company for Rework Condition* Note 2. Rework conditions may variable by SMD companies' circumstance and working condition.* Note 3. Do Not reuse defect microphone by SMD process.* Note 4. Do not employ chemical board wash or cleaning, as the associated cleaning agents (such as liquid or air) can damage the device.193, Namdongseo-ro, Namdong-gu, Incheon, South KoreaSPECIFICATION HISTORYAddressContactTEL : +82-32-500-1700~7 FAX : +82-32-554-6205~6VersionDateComments1.0 Nov. 01. 17 1st Submission of Electro-Acoustical specification2.0Apr. 01. 18Updated INTERFACE CIRCUIT & CHANNEL DATA CONFIGURATION。
YX-AS 系列mems振动加速度传感器 产品说明书

4.质量等级及执行标准产品质量等级为普通军品B1级Q/HDYXW30001-2006 MEMS振动加速度传感器详细规范5.产品用途MEMS微硅加速度振动传感器具有量程大、抗冲击振动能力强的优点。
6.产品照片7.基本参数表1型号YX-AS-005 YX-AS-010 YX-AS-025 YX-AS-050 YX-AS-100 YX-AS-200 YX-AS-400 单位输入范围±5 ±10 ±25 ±50 ±100 ±200 ±400 g频响范围0~400 0~600 0~1000 0~1500 0~2000 0~3000 0~3500 Hz灵敏度800 400 160 80 40 20 10 mV/g输出噪声32 64 158 316 632 1264 2530 ug/(root Hz)机械冲击2000g,半正弦波,0.1ms g8.其他特性参数最小典型最大单位横向灵敏度比 2 3 %-005 2 4 % of span零点-025~-400 1 2 % of span零点漂移 1 % of span灵敏度漂移 2 % of span 零点温度漂移-005 100 300ppm of span/℃(-40℃~85℃)-025~-400 50 200灵敏度温度漂移2000 ppm/℃(-40℃~85℃)非线性 1 % of span电源电压 6 15 Vdc电源电压抑制比25 dB输出阻抗 2 Ω 工作电流5 7mA 绝缘电阻≥100M Ω9.应用环境条件工作温度范围:-40℃~85℃; 贮存温度范围:-55℃~125℃; 工作电压范围:6VDC ~15VDC 。
MEMS Handbook-_PDF_C01(MEMS手册)

IBackground and Fundamentals1 Introduction Mohamed Gad-el-Hak2 Scaling of Micromechanical Devices William Trimmer, Robert H. Stroud Introduction •The Log Plot •Scaling of Mechanical Systems3 Mechanical Properties of MEMS Materials William N. Sharpe, Jr.Introduction •Mechanical Property Definitions •Test Methods •Mechanical Properties •Initial Design Values 4 Flow Physics Mohamed Gad-el-Hak Introduction •Flow Physics •Fluid Modeling •ContinuumModel •Compressibility •Boundary Conditions •Molecular-BasedModels •Liquid Flows •Surface Phenomena •Parting Remarks5 Integrated Simulation for MEMS: Coupling Flow-Structure-Thermal-Electrical Domains Robert M. Kirby, George Em Karniadakis, Oleg Mikulchenko, Kartikeya Mayaram Abstract •Introduction •Coupled Circuit-Device Simulation •Overview ofSimulators •Circuit-Microfluidic Device Simulation •Demonstrations of the IntegratedSimulation Approach •Summary and Discussion6 Liquid Flows in Microchannels Kendra V . Sharp, Ronald J. Adrian, Juan G. Santiago, Joshua I. Molho Introduction •Experimental Studies of Flow Through Microchannels •ElectrokineticsBackground •Summary and Conclusions7 Burnett Simulations of Flows in Microdevices Ramesh K. Agarwal,Keon-Young Yun Abstract •Introduction •History of Burnett Equations •Governing Equations •Wall-Boundary Conditions •Linearized Stability Analysis of Burnett Equations •Numerical Method •Numerical Simulations •Conclusions8 Molecular-Based Microfluidic Simulation Models Ali BeskokAbstract •Introduction •Gas Flows •Liquid and Dense Gas Flows •Summary andConclusions9 Lubrication in MEMS Kenneth S. BreuerIntroduction•Fundamental Scaling Issues•Governing Equations forLubrication•Couette-Flow Damping•Squeeze-Film Damping•Lubricationin Rotating Devices•Constraints on MEMS Bearing Geometries•ThrustBearings•Journal Bearings•Fabrication Issues•Tribologyand Wear•Conclusions10 Physics of Thin Liquid Films Alexander OronIntroduction•The Evolution Equation for a Liquid Film on a Solid Surface•Isothermal Films•Thermal Effects•Change of Phase: Evaporationand Condensation•Closing Remarks11 Bubble/Drop Transport in Microchannels Hsueh-Chia ChangIntroduction•Fundamentals•The Bretherton Problem for Pressure-DrivenBubble/Drop Transport•Bubble Transport by Electrokinetic Flow•FutureDirections12 Fundamentals of Control Theory Bill GoodwineIntroduction•Classical Linear Control•“Modern” Control•NonlinearControl•Parting Remarks13 Model-Based Flow Control for Distributed Architectures Thomas R. BewleyIntroduction•Linearization: Life in a Small Neighborhood•Linear Stabilization: Leveraging Modern Linear Control Theory•Decentralization: Designing for Massive Arrays•Localization: Relaxing Nonphysical Assumptions•Compensator Reduction: Eliminating Unnecessary Complexity•Extrapolation: Linear Control of Nonlinear Systems•Generalization: Extending to Spatially Developing Flows•NonlinearOptimization: Local Solutions for Full Navier–Stokes•Robustification: Appealing to Murphy’s Law•Unification: Synthesizing a General Framework•Decomposition: Simulation-Based System Modeling•Global Stabilization: Conservatively Enhancing Stability•Adaptation: Accounting for a Changing Environment•PerformanceLimitation: Identifying Ideal Control Targets•Implementation: EvaluatingEngineering Trade-Offs•Discussion: A Common Language for Dialog•The Future: A Renaissance14 Soft Computing in Control Mihir Sen, Bill GoodwineIntroduction•Artificial Neural Networks•Genetic Algorithms•Fuzzy Logicand Fuzzy Control•Conclusions1IntroductionHow many times when you are working on something frustratingly tiny, like your wife’s wrist watch, have you said to yourself, “If I could only train an ant to do this!” What I would like to suggest is the possibility of training an ant to train a mite to do this. What are the possibilities of small but movable machines?They may or may not be useful, but they surely would be fun to make.(From the talk “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom,” delivered by Richard P . Feynman at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society, Pasadena, CA, December 29, 1959.)Tool making has always differentiated our species from all others on Earth. Aerodynamically correct wooden spears were carved by archaic Homo sapiens close to 400,000 years ago. Man builds things consistent with his size, typically in the range of two orders of magnitude larger or smaller than himself,as indicated in Figure 1.1. Though the extremes of the length scale are outside the range of this figure,man, at slightly more than 100 m, amazingly fits right in the middle of the smallest subatomic particle,which is approximately 10−26 m, and the extent of the observable universe, which is of the order of 1026 m (15 billion light years)—neither geocentric nor heliocentric but rather an egocentric universe! But humans have always striven to explore, build and control the extremes of length and time scales. In the voyages to Lilliput and Brobdingnag of Gulliver’s Travels , Jonathan Swift (1726) speculates on the remark-able possibilities which diminution or magnification of physical dimensions provides.1 The Great Pyramid of Khufu was originally 147 m high when completed around 2600 B .C ., while the Empire State Building constructed in 1931 is currently—after the addition of a television antenna mast in 1950—449 m high.At the other end of the spectrum of man-made artifacts, a dime is slightly less than 2 cm in diameter.Watchmakers have practiced the art of miniaturization since the 13th century. The invention of the microscope in the 17th century opened the way for direct observation of microbes and plant and animal cells. Smaller things were man-made in the latter half of the 20th century. The transistor—invented in 1947—in today’s integrated circuits has a size 2 of 0.18 µm (180 nm) in production and approaches 10 nm in research laboratories using electron beams. But what about the miniaturization of mechanical parts—machines—envisioned by Feynman (1961) in his legendary speech quoted above?1Gulliver’s Travels was originally designed to form part of a satire on the abuse of human learning. At the heart of the story is a radical critique of human nature in which subtle ironic techniques work to part the reader from any comfortable preconceptions and challenge him to rethink from first principles his notions of man.2The smallest feature on a microchip is defined by its smallest linewidth, which in turn is related to the wavelength of light employed in the basic lithographic process used to create the chip.Mohamed Gad-el-HakUniversity of Notre DameManufacturing processes that can create extremely small machines have been developed in recent years [Angell et al., 1983; Gabriel et al., 1988; 1992; O’Connor, 1992; Gravesen et al., 1993; Bryzek et al., 1994; Gabriel, 1995; Ashley, 1996; Ho and Tai, 1996; 1998; Hogan, 1996; Ouellette, 1996; Paula, 1996; Robinson et al., 1996a; 1996b; Madou, 1997; Tien, 1997; Amato, 1998; Busch-Vishniac, 1998; Kovacs, 1998; Knight, 1999; Epstein, 2000; Goldin et al., 2000; O’Connor and Hutchinson, 2000; Chalmers, 2001; Tang and Lee, 2001]. Electrostatic, magnetic, electromagnetic, pneumatic and thermal actuators, motors, valves, gears, cantilevers, diaphragms and tweezers less than 100 µm in size have been fabricated. These have been used as sensors for pressure, temperature, mass flow, velocity, sound and chemical composition; as actuators for linear and angular motions; and as simple components for complex systems such as robots, micro-heat-engines and micro-heat-pumps [Lipkin, 1993; Garcia and Sniegowski, 1993; 1995; Sniegowski and Garcia, 1996; Epstein and Senturia, 1997; Epstein et al., 1997]. Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) refer to devices that have a characteristic length of less than 1 mm but more than 1 µm, that combine electrical and mechanical components and that are fabricated using integrated circuit batch-processing technologies. The books by Madou (1997) and Kovacs (1998) provide excellent sources for microfabrication technology. Current manufacturing techniques for MEMS include surface silicon micromachining; bulk silicon micromachining; lithography, electrodeposition and plastic molding (or, in its original German, lithographie galvanoformung abformung, LIGA); and elec-trodischarge machining (EDM). As indicated in Figure 1.1, MEMS are more than four orders of magni-tude larger than the diameter of the hydrogen atom, but about four orders of magnitude smaller than the traditional man-made artifacts. Microdevices can have characteristic lengths smaller than the diameter of a human hair. Nanodevices (some say NEMS) further push the envelope of electromechanical min-iaturization [Roco, 2001].The famed physicist Richard P. Feynman delivered a mere two, but profound, lectures3 on electrome-chanical miniaturization: “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom,” quoted above, and “Infinitesimal Machinery,” presented at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on February 23, 1983. He could not see a lot of use for micromachines, lamenting in 1959: “[Small but movable machines] may or may not be useful, but they surely would be fun to make,” and, 24 years later, “There is no use for these machines, so I still don’t understand why I’m fascinated by the question of making small machines with movable and controllable parts.” Despite Feynman’s demurring regarding the usefulness of small machines, MEMS are finding increased applications in a variety of industrial and medical fields, with a potential worldwide market in the billions of dollars ($30 billion by 2004). Accelerometers for automobile airbags, keyless entry systems, dense arrays of micromirrors for high-definition optical displays, scanning electron micro-scope tips to image single atoms, micro-heat-exchangers for cooling of electronic circuits, reactors for separating biological cells, blood analyzers and pressure sensors for catheter tips are but a few in current use. Microducts are used in infrared detectors, diode lasers, miniature gas chromatographs and high-frequency fluidic control systems. Micropumps are used for ink-jet printing, environmental testing and electronic cooling. Potential medical applications for small pumps include controlled delivery and mon-itoring of minute amounts of medication, manufacturing of nanoliters of chemicals and development of an artificial pancreas.This multidisciplinary field has witnessed explosive growth during the last decade. Several new journals are dedicated to the science and technology of MEMS—for example, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Journal of Micromechanics and Microeng ineering and Microscale Thermophysical Eng ineering. Numerous professional meetings are devoted to micromachines—for example, Solid-State Sensor and Actuator Workshop, International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators (Transducers), Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Workshop, Micro Total Analysis Systems, Eurosensors, etc.This handbook covers several aspects of microelectromechanical systems, or more broadly the art and science of electromechanical miniaturization. MEMS design, fabrication and application as well as the physical modeling of their materials, transport phenomena and operations are discussed. Chapters on 3Both talks have been reprinted in the Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 1(1), pp. 60–66, 1992; 2(1), pp. 4–14, 1993.the electrical, structural, fluidic, transport and control aspects of MEMS are included. Other chapters cover existing and potential applications of microdevices in a variety of fields including instrumentation and distributed control. Physical understanding of the different phenomena unique to micromachines is emphasized throughout this book. The handbook is divided into four parts: Part I provides background and physical considerations, Part II discusses the design and fabrication of microdevices, Part III reviews a few of the applications of microsensors and microactuators, and Part IV ponders the future of the field. The 36 chapters are written by the world’s foremost authorities on this multidisciplinary subject. The contributing authors come from academia, government and industry. Without compromising rigorous-ness, the text is designed for maximum readability by a broad audience having an engineering or science background. The nature of the book—being a handbook and not an encyclopedia—and its size limitation dictate the exclusion of several important topics in the MEMS area of research and development.Our objective is to provide a current overview of the fledgling discipline and its future developments for the benefit of working professionals and researchers. The handbook will be a useful guide and reference to the explosive literature on MEMS and should provide the definitive word for the fundamentals and applications of microfabrication and microdevices. Glancing at the table of contents, the reader may rightly sense an overemphasis on the physics of microdevices. This is consistent with the strong conviction of the editor-in-chief that the MEMS technology is moving too fast relative to our understanding of the unconventional physics involved. This technology can certainly benefit from a solid foundation of the underlying fundamentals. If the physics is better understood, better, less expensive and more efficient microdevices can be designed, built and operated for a variety of existing and yet-to-be-dreamed appli-cations. Consistent with this philosophy, chapters on control theory, distributed control and soft com-puting are included as the backbone of the futuristic idea of using colossal numbers of microsensors and microactuators in reactive control strategies aimed at taming turbulent flows to achieve substantial energy savings and performance improvements of vehicles and other man-made devices.I shall leave you now for the many wonders of the small world you are about to encounter when navigating through the various chapters that follow. May your voyage to Lilliput be as exhilarating, enchanting and enlightening as Lemuel Gulliver’s Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. Hekinah deg ul! Jonathan Swift may not have been a good biologist and his scaling laws were not as good as those of William Trimmer (see Chapter 2 of this book), but Swift most certainly was a magnificent storyteller. Hnuy illa nyha majah Yahoo!ReferencesAmato, I. (1998) “Formenting a Revolution, in Miniature,” Science282(5388), 16 October, pp. 402–405. Angell, J.B., Terry, S.C., and Barth, P.W. (1983) “Silicon Micromechanical Devices,” Faraday Trans. I68, pp. 744–748.Ashley, S. (1996) “Getting a Microgrip in the Operating Room,” Mech. Eng.118, September, pp. 91–93. Bryzek, J., Peterson, K., and McCulley, W. (1994) “Micromachines on the March,” IEEE Spectrum31, May, pp. 20–31.Busch-Vishniac, I.J. (1998) “Trends in Electromechanical Transduction,” Phys. Today 51, July, pp. 28–34. Chalmers, P. (2001) “Relay Races,” Mech. Eng.123, January, pp. 66–68.Epstein, A.H. (2000) “The Inevitability of Small,” Aerosp. Am.38, March, pp. 30–37.Epstein, A.H., and Senturia, S.D. 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MEMS硅膜电容式气象压力传感器的研制1 引言大气压力传感器在工业生产、气象预报、气候分析、环境监测、航空航天等方面发挥着不可替代的作用。
2 基本原理和结构电容式压力传感器的基本结构如图1所示。
式中:ε0为真空中的介电常数;t 为绝缘层的厚度;εr为绝缘层的相对介电常数;g为零载荷时电容器两极板之间的初始距离;ω(x,y)为极板膜的中平面的垂向位移。
3 传感器的设计与制造敏感薄膜是传感器最核心的部件,其材料、尺寸和厚度决定着传感器的性能。
材料为Si,膜的形状为正方形,边长1000 μm,膜厚5 μm,极板间距10 μm。

体微加工技术适用于制造 一些特殊类型的MEMS传 感器,如流体传感器、生 物传感器等。
键合与封装技术是将MEMS传感 器与外部电路和保护壳体进行连
键合与封装技术包括芯片粘接、引 线键合、密封填充等步骤,以确保 MEMS传感器能够在实际应用中稳 定工作。
MEMS传感器通常与其 他电子器件集成在一起 ,形成一个完整的系统
MEMS传感器的精度非 常高,能够实现高精度
MEMS传感器的功耗非 常低,能够延长设备的
单晶硅是MEMS传感器的主要材料之一,具 有高强度、高刚度和良好的热稳定性。
多晶硅材料具有较好的塑性和韧性,适合用 于制造柔性MEMS传感器。
随着新材料的发展,MEMS传 感器的性能将得到进一步提升 。
未来MEMS传感器将更加智能 化,能够自适应调整参数以提 高性能。
随着物联网技术的发展, MEMS传感器将更加网络化, 实现远程监控和管理。
随着需求的多样化,MEMS传 感器的设计和应用将更加个性 化与定制化。
分辨率是指传感器能够检测到的 最小输入信号变化量。分辨率越 高,传感器能够检测到的信号变 化越细微。
精度是指传感器测量结果的准确 性。高精度的传感器能够提供更 接近真实值的测量结果。

就应用领域来讲:包括军事、生物医学、汽车业等MEMS压力传感器的原理与应用作者:颜重光上海市传感技术学会MEMS(Micro Electromechanical System,即微电子机械系统)是指集微型传感器、执行器以及信号处理和控制电路、接口电路、通信和电源于一体的微型机电系统。
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MEMS(Micro Electromechanical System,即微电子机械系统)是指集微型传感器、执行器以及信号处理和控制电路、接口电路、通信和电源于一体的微型机电系统。
图1 惠斯顿电桥电原理
图2 应变片电桥的光刻版本
图3 硅压阻式压力传感器结构
图4 硅压阻式压力传感器实物
图6 电容式压力传感器实物
图5 电容式压力传感器结构
但是需要增加双面光刻机、湿法腐蚀台和键合机三项MEMS 特有的工艺设备。