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Up 飞屋环游记

Good afternoon, my name is Russell. And I am a Wilderness Explorer in Tribe 54, Squad Lodge 12. Are you in need of any assistance today, sir?



I could help you cross the street. 我可以牵着你过马路。


I could help you cross your...yard? 我可以帮你穿过。。。院子?


I could help you cross your... porch. . 我能帮您过门廊

No . 不用

Well, I gotta help you cross something.我总得帮你过点什么

No. I'm doing fine.不用我好得很

Good afternoon, my name is Russell.下午好,我的名字叫Russell。


And I am a Wilderness Explorer in Tribe 54. 我是一名野外探险队员隶属于54团

Slow down...慢点。。。

...Squad Lodge 12. 第12小分队

Kid! 孩子!

Are you in need of any assistance... , 今天您需要什么...

Thank you, but I don't need any help! 谢谢,但我说了不需要!

Aouch. 哎哟


Good afternoon... 下午好

But skip to the end! 跳到最后吧!

See these? These are my Wilderness Explorer badges.看到这些了吗? 这些是我野外探险的徽章

You may notice one is missing. It's my Assisting the Elderly badge.你可能注意到少了一枚那是帮助老人的徽章

If I get it, I will become a Senior Wilderness Explorer.


The wilderness must be explored!


It's gonna be great! There's a big ceremony,

那样就太棒了! 会有个表彰大会

and all the dads come, and they pin on our badges.老爸们都会去并给我们别上徽章So, you want to assist an old person?所以说你想帮助老人家?

Yep! Then I'll be a Senior Wilderness Explorer.是的! 这样我就能升高级了

Have you ever heard of a snipe? 你听说过沙锥鸟吗?

Snipe? 沙锥鸟?

A bird. Beady eyes.一种鸟眼睛小而圆

Every night it sneaks into my yard and gobbles my poor azaleas.每晚都溜进我的院子偷吃杜鹃花

I'm elderly and infirm. I can't catch it. If only someone could help me.我又老又弱抓不到它如果有人帮我就好了

Me, me! I'll do it! 我! 我! 我帮您!

I don't know. It's awfully crafty. 不知你行吗它可狡猾着呢

You'd have to clap your hands three times to lure it in.你得拍三次手才能引它出来

I'll find her, Mr. Fredricksen! 我会捉住它的,Fredricksen 先生。

I think its burrow is two blocks down. 向下过两条街就是它的洞了

Two blocks down. Got it!过两条街,知道了

Snipe. Here,snipie, snipie. 沙锥鸟, 出来吧,沙锥鸟。

Bring it back here when you find it.找到了记得带到这里来

Snipe. 沙锥鸟
