
英文商业计划书作文完整版I have always been passionate about entrepreneurship, and I believe that my business plan is a reflection of that passion. My business plan is for a small coffee shop that I plan to open in the heart of the city. I have done extensive research on the coffee industry and have identified a niche market that I believe my shop can cater to. 。
英文,I have always been passionate about entrepreneurship, and I believe that my business plan is a reflection of that passion. My business plan is for a small coffee shop that I plan to open in the heart of the city. I have done extensive research on the coffee industry and have identified a niche market that I believe my shop can cater to.中文,我一直对创业充满热情,我相信我的商业计划书就是这种热情的体现。
The key to any successful business is understanding the needs and wants of the target market. In my case, I have identified that there is a growing demand for specialty coffee in my city. People are becoming more and more interested in trying different types of coffee, and they are willing to pay a premium for high-quality, ethically-sourced beans. This is where my coffee shop comes in. I plan to offer a wide variety of specialty coffee beans from around the world, and I will ensure that they are sourced from ethical and sustainable suppliers. This will not only appeal to the growing number of coffee connoisseurs in the city but also to the socially conscious consumer who wants to support businesses that are committed to ethical practices.英文,The key to any successful business is understanding the needs and wants of the target market. In my case, I have identified that there is a growing demand for specialty coffee in my city. People are becoming more and more interested in trying different types of coffee,and they are willing to pay a premium for high-quality, ethically-sourced beans. This is where my coffee shop comes in. I plan to offer a wide variety of specialty coffeebeans from around the world, and I will ensure that theyare sourced from ethical and sustainable suppliers. Thiswill not only appeal to the growing number of coffee connoisseurs in the city but also to the socially conscious consumer who wants to support businesses that are committed to ethical practices.中文,任何成功的企业的关键在于了解目标市场的需求和愿望。

商业计划书英文模板范文Business Plan Template1. Executive Summary- Overview of the business concept- Mission statement- Goals and objectives2. Company Description- Legal structure (sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, etc.)- Brief history of the company- Products or services offered- Target market and customer base3. Market Analysis- Industry overview- Market size and growth potential- Competitors and competitive advantage- Customer demographics and behavior4. Marketing and Sales Strategy- Marketing plan- Pricing strategy- Distribution channels- Advertising and promotional strategies5. Organization and Management- Organizational structure- Key personnel and their roles- Board of directors or advisory board- Management team's qualifications and experience 6. Product or Service Line- Overview of products or services- Unique features and benefits- Product development plan (if applicable)- Intellectual property protection7. Financial Projections- Sales forecasts- Income statements- Cash flow projections- Break-even analysis- Balance sheet8. Funding Request- Amount of funding needed- How the funds will be used- Proposed repayment plan (if applicable)9. Risk Analysis- Identification of potential risks and challenges- Mitigation strategies- Contingency plans10. Conclusion- Summary of the business plan- Call to action- Contact informationNote: This is a general template for a business plan. Depending on the specific nature of your business, you may need to customize and tailor the sections accordingly.。

争取国外机构进行投资,撰写一份英文的商业计划书自然十分必要,为您推荐的商业计划书英文的例文,供您参考!英文商业计划书【1】Inapplyingforastudentvisaandintheprocess,oftenwillbeaskedto writeastudyplan(studyplan),manyforeignfriendsoftennotclearstudyplanandpersonalstatemen t(personalstatement)differenceandstyleofwriting,theauthorha slongbeenengagedinstudentwriting,duetothebinationoftheirown experience,introducethelearningprogramthewritingofthebook.Generallythestudyplancanbesubmittedtofallintotwocategories, bothtotheembassyforvisa,orapplyforadmissiontotheschoolisbyt he.Toapplyforschoolprogramsfromtheessenceandthepersonalstatementisthesametypeofinstruments,abouttheschoolapplicationcateg orylearningplancanrefertoapersonalstatementofthearticle,thi sarticlemainlyintroducesthesubmissionoftheembassyvisawithas tudyplan.EuropeandtheUnitedStates,especiallyimmigrantsfromcountries, suchasAustralia,NewZealand,Canadaandothercountriesforintern ationalstudentvisatimeareoftenaskedtoprovidelearningplan,le arningthroughplantoconvincethevisaofficertoknowyourbackgrou nd,choosetostudyprofessionalmotivationalconditions,selecttheco untryforforeignstudents,andaclearfuturestudyscle,occupation purposeandreason,auditsofyourothermaterialstodecidewhethert osendyouthevisastudyingabroad,solearningplanisakeydocument.Ingeneral,thelearningplanneedstoincludethefollowingcontents :1si-mp-ledescriptionsoftheirlearningexperience,professional backgroundandworkingexperience;2descriptionsoftheirfurtherstudymotivesandwhytochoosethecou ntry,theUniversityandtheprofessional;3detailedstudyscle;4introductionofforeignfundsrequiredandsources;5forfutureoccupationgoalelaboration,returnedtoreason.Studyplanonthestyleandstructureofthearticleandthepersonalst atementisverydifferent,donotneedtoomuchpersonalandemotional description,butshouldbeclearandsi-mp-lestructure,tightlogic ,thefactsclearlyrelatedargumentswerestrong,credible,returnin greasontobeveryfull,andabsolutelynotandtheapplicant'sotherm aterialcontradiction.Onthestudyplanindocumentwriting,canandothersitestogethelp.Asaresultoftheembassystaffeverydaytodealwithalargenumberofd ocuments,solearningplanmustnotwritetoolong,generallyshouldn otexceed800words,andapreferablyonlyoneparagraph,paragraphbeforeaddingtitles, suchasMyChoiceofUniversityofTorontoinCanada,Mycareerobjecti ve,inordertotheembassystafftoyouacontentofthecentralideaofs tickoutamile.Yourpa-pe-rshouldbeverylegible,cannotlettheembassystafffrom yourtext"mining"you"potential"content.Studyplanistheemphasisoffutureoccupationplanandreturnedtore ason,throughthispartoftheembassytotellyoutogotothecountryaf terthestudents,areabletoyouroccupationdevelopmentgoodhelp,a ndthereisacredibleargumentforreturned.Althoughtherequirementstudyplancountryoftenisacountryofimmi grants,butasaresultofyourvisaapplicationforstudy,sothestudy planmusteliminateanyofyourimmigrationtendency.Reasonsforreturningtobewithyourpersonalbackgroundandfamilyc ircumstancesgiveareasonableexplanation,hasmanyyearsofexperi enceasabusinemanagertoobtainNewZealandmaster'sofBusineAdmin istrationprogramadmission,thenclarifieshisoccupationgoalistoreturntoChinatobeeaMulti-NationalCorporationofhighlevelmanagers,andheinChinaformanyy earsofaccumulatedcustomerresourcesandsocialringisaveryvalua bleasset,thisisverytoughandreasonableareason.Ofparticularnoteis,studyplanconcerningthereasonsforreturnin gtotheplaceoffacts,notarbitrarilyinvent,atwork,inthispa-pe-rtheauthorsencounteredbycustomersdueto。

59 mil
77 mil
210 mil 185 mil 150 mil 123 mil 98 mil
2005E 2006E
• According to CNNIC, China internet users will reach 120 million in 2005
Language Difference
Domestic Consumers
Customer service
Overseas Merchants
Clear the hurdles to consumer overseas ecommerce
•Limited merchandise/service choices
• MasterCard /Visa estimates more than 100 million Chinese with annual income >$5,000 by 2021
• Overseas merchants
• Merchants who are interested in China consumer market
tariffs etc. included – 6-14 working day guaranteed delivery on goods around the world – Accessible customer services with return and exchange
Global B2C
Facilitates buying overseas goods/services

英文商业企划书模板范文Business Plan Template.Executive Summary.The purpose of this business plan is to outline the strategic direction and financial projections for XYZ Company, a new venture focused on providing innovative [product or service]. The company's target market is [target audience], and the business model is based on [key value proposition]. XYZ Company has the potential to generate [revenue projections] over the next five years.Company Description.XYZ Company will be incorporated as a [type of company] and will be headquartered in [city, state]. The company's mission is to [mission statement]. XYZ Company's core values are [values].Market Analysis.The market for [product or service] is growing rapidly, driven by [growth factors]. XYZ Company's target market is [target audience], who have a need for [needs]. The company's competitive advantage is based on [competitive advantages].Operations Plan.XYZ Company will operate out of a [location] that is well-equipped to meet the company's needs. The company will have a staff of [number] employees who are experienced in [industry]. XYZ Company will use a variety of marketing and sales channels to reach its target market.Financial Plan.XYZ Company's financial projections are based on a conservative estimate of sales and expenses. The company expects to generate [revenue projections] over the nextfive years. The company's profit margin is expected to be[profit margin].Management Team.XYZ Company's management team is composed of experienced professionals who have a track record of success in [industry]. The team is led by CEO [CEO's name], who has [CEO's experience].Conclusion.XYZ Company is a well-positioned business with the potential to generate significant revenue. The company has a strong management team, a solid financial plan, and a clear understanding of the market opportunity. XYZ Company is poised for success in the years to come.中文回答:商业企划书模板范文。

英文商业计划书作文完整版I have always had a passion for entrepreneurship, and I believe that now is the perfect time to turn my business idea into a reality. With the current market trends and consumer demands, I see a great opportunity to launch a new product that will meet the needs of a specific target audience.After conducting thorough market research, I have identified a gap in the market for a high-quality, eco-friendly alternative to the existing products. This gap presents a unique opportunity for my business to enter the market and capture a significant share of the target audience.In order to bring my business idea to life, I have assembled a team of talented individuals who bring a diverse range of skills and expertise to the table. Together, we are confident in our ability to develop, market, and sell our product successfully.One of the key aspects of our business plan is to focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility. We are committed to sourcing our materials ethically and minimizing our carbon footprint throughout the production process.In addition to our commitment to sustainability, we also recognize the importance of effective marketing and branding. We have developed a comprehensive marketing strategy that leverages social media, influencer partnerships, and targeted advertising to reach our desired audience.As we move forward with our business plan, we are also exploring potential partnerships and collaborations with other businesses in our industry. By forming strategic alliances, we hope to expand our reach and create mutually beneficial opportunities for growth.In conclusion, I am incredibly excited about the potential of my business idea and the opportunity to bringit to market. With a strong team, a clear focus on sustainability, and a well-developed marketing strategy, I am confident that we can achieve success in the competitive business landscape.。

商业计划书英语范文Business PlanExecutive SummaryOur company, [Company Name], is poised to revolutionize the [Industry Name] with our innovative [Product/Service]. Our business model is designed to meet the growing demand for [specific need], offering a unique blend of [key features]. With a seasoned management team, robust financial projections, and a clear go-to-market strategy, we are well-positioned to capture a significant market share.Company Description[Company Name] was established in [Year] with the vision of [company mission]. We are headquartered in [City, State] and have a dedicated team of [number of employees] professionals. Our core values include [list core values].Products and ServicesOur flagship product/service, [Product/Service Name], addresses the [specific problem] faced by [target market]. It is distinguished by [unique features], which provide [benefits]. We are committed to continuous innovation, with a product roadmap that includes [upcoming features].Market AnalysisThe [Industry Name] is a [size] market, growing at a rate of [growth rate] per annum. Our target market, [describe target market], currently spends [amount] on [relatedproducts/services]. We have identified key trends, including [list trends], which present opportunities for our business.Competitive Analysis[Company Name] competes with [list competitors], offering a distinct advantage through [differentiators]. Our SWOT analysis reveals strengths such as [list strengths], and opportunities for growth in [areas of growth].Marketing and Sales StrategyOur marketing strategy encompasses [list marketing strategies], aimed at building brand awareness and driving customer acquisition. Our sales strategy focuses on [sales approach], leveraging [sales channels].Operational PlanOur operations are streamlined to ensure efficiency and quality. We have established processes for [list key operations], supported by state-of-the-art[technology/equipment].Management and OrganizationLed by [Founder/CEO Name], our management team includes [list key personnel]. Each member brings [specific expertise] to the table, contributing to our company's success.Financial ProjectionsOur financial projections for the next [number of years] demonstrate a [growth rate] in revenue, with [profitability] expected by [year]. We project a break-even point within [timeframe].Funding RequestWe are seeking [amount] in funding to support [list funding purposes]. This capital will be allocated towards [detailed allocation of funds].Exit StrategyOur exit strategy includes [list potential exit strategies], which we anticipate will occur within [timeframe], offering investors a [return on investment].AppendixPlease find attached detailed financials, market research data, and resumes of key management personnel.Contact Information[Your Name][Your Position] [Company Name] [Address] [Phone Number] [Email Address]。

关于商业计划书的范文英文# Business Plan Executive Summary## Company OverviewXYZ Innovations is a cutting-edge technology company poisedto revolutionize the industry with our innovative solutions. Established in 2023, we are headquartered in Silicon Valley, California, with a mission to bring advanced technology to everyday life.## Mission StatementOur mission is to empower businesses and individuals withuser-friendly, efficient, and reliable technology solutions that enhance productivity and improve quality of life.## Products and ServicesWe are launching our flagship product, the Quantum Assistant, an AI-driven personal assistant that integrates seamlesslywith existing digital ecosystems to provide unparalleled support in data management, communication, and task automation.## Market AnalysisOur target market includes tech-savvy consumers andbusinesses in the global market, with a particular focus onthe North American and European regions. The demand for AI assistants is on the rise, with a projected growth rate of 15% annually.## Competitive AnalysisWhile there are several competitors in the market, XYZ Innovations stands out with its advanced AI algorithms and commitment to privacy and security. Our unique selling proposition lies in the customization of the AI to adapt to individual user needs.## Marketing StrategyOur marketing strategy encompasses a multi-channel approach, including digital marketing, social media campaigns,strategic partnerships, and targeted advertising. We willalso participate in industry conferences and trade shows to build brand awareness.## Operations PlanOur operations are streamlined for efficiency, with a focuson agile development methodologies and continuous improvement. We have a dedicated team of engineers, designers, andcustomer support professionals to ensure product excellence and customer satisfaction.## Management TeamLed by a seasoned CEO with a track record of success in the tech industry, our management team comprises experts in AI, software development, and business strategy. Each memberbrings a wealth of experience and a passion for innovation.## Financial ProjectionsWe project strong revenue growth in the first three years of operation, with a break-even point expected within the first18 months. Our financial model is based on conservative estimates of market penetration and customer acquisition.## Funding RequirementsXYZ Innovations is seeking an initial investment of $10million to support product development, marketing initiatives, and initial operational costs. This funding will enable us to scale our operations and achieve market leadership.## Exit StrategyOur long-term goal is to establish XYZ Innovations as amarket leader. However, should the opportunity arise, we are open to strategic acquisitions or mergers that align with our vision and mission.## ConclusionXYZ Innovations is well-positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for AI solutions. With a robust business plan, a dedicated team, and a commitment to innovation, we are confident in our ability to succeed and make a significant impact in the technology landscape.*This executive summary provides an overview of XYZInnovations' business plan, highlighting the company's vision, products, market potential, and strategic approach to growth and success.*。

商业计划书模板范文英文BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE.1. Executive Summary.This section provides a brief overview of the business, highlighting its unique value proposition, target market, and expected financial performance. It serves as a snapshot of the entire plan, giving readers a quick understanding of what the business is and where it's headed.2. Company Description.In this section, describe the business in detail. Include information about the industry, the specific products or services offered, and any unique features or advantages that set the business apart from its competitors.3. Market Analysis.Provide a comprehensive analysis of the target market, including its size, growth potential, and customer demographics. Identify the key trends and developments that are shaping the market, and explain how the business plans to capitalize on these opportunities.4. Organization and Management.Describe the ownership structure of the business, including any key individuals or teams responsible for its operation. Highlight the relevant skills and experience of the management team, and explain how their expertise will contribute to the success of the business.5. Marketing Strategy.Outline the marketing plan, including the positioning of the brand, the target audience, and the proposed promotional activities. Identify the key marketing channels that will be used to reach customers and generate awareness and interest in the business's products or services.6. Operations Plan.Describe the processes and systems that will be used to deliver the business's products or services. Include information about the supply chain, production processes, and any necessary equipment or technology. Also, explain how the business plans to ensure the quality andconsistency of its offerings.7. Financial Plan.Provide detailed financial projections for the business, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Identify the key financial metrics that will be used to measure the business's performance, and explain how it plans to achieve profitability and growth.8. Funding Request.If applicable, outline the business's funding requirements and how the funds will be used to support its growth and development. Identify the potential sources offunding, such as investors, loans, or grants, and explain why each source is suitable for the business's needs.9. Appendices.Include any additional documents or materials that support the information presented in the plan, such as market research reports, financial projections in detail, or bios of key team members.10. Conclusion.Summarize the key points of the business plan and emphasize the potential for growth and success. Reiterate the business's value proposition and its commitment to meeting the needs of its target market.This template provides a comprehensive framework for developing a business plan that covers all the essential elements of a successful business. It serves as a roadmap for entrepreneurs and investors to understand thebusiness's strategy, market potential, and financial viability.。

文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!Our business plan is all about creating a unique and exciting shopping experience for our customers. We aim to revolutionize the retail industry by offering a wide range of products and services that cater to the diverse needs and preferences of our target market. Our vision is to become the go-to destination for all things shopping-related, where customers can find everything they need in one place.In order to achieve this, we plan to establish a physical store that combines the convenience of online shopping with the personalized touch of traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Our store will feature state-of-the-art technology, such as interactive displays and virtualreality experiences, to enhance the shopping experience and make it more engaging for our customers.We also plan to offer a variety of services that go beyond just selling products. These services will includepersonalized styling consultations, product demonstrations, and workshops where customers can learn new skills and techniques. By providing these additional services, we hope to create a sense of community and foster customer loyalty.In terms of marketing, we will leverage social media platforms and influencers to create buzz and generate excitement around our brand. We will also collaborate with local artists and designers to create limited-edition products that are exclusive to our store. This will not only attract customers but also showcase our commitment to supporting local talent.In order to ensure the success of our business, we will closely monitor market trends and adapt our offerings accordingly. We will also invest in employee training and development to ensure that our staff are knowledgeable and able to provide excellent customer service. Additionally, we will constantly seek feedback from our customers and use this information to improve our products and services.Overall, our business plan is centered around creatinga unique and memorable shopping experience for our customers. We believe that by combining innovative technology, personalized services, and a strong focus on customer satisfaction, we can differentiate ourselves from our competitors and become a leader in the retail industry.。

Business Plan SampleExecutive SummaryOur business, XYZ Inc., is a tech startup that focuses on developing innovative mobile apps. Our flagship product, the XYZ Mobile App, is a convenient and user-friendly tool for organizing personal and professional schedules. With over 3 million users, we are one of the leading productivity apps in the market.The purpose of this business plan is to outline our strategies for the next 3 years, which include expanding our user base, introducing new features, and securing additional funding. With our experienced team of developers, marketers, and designers, we are confident in achieving our goals.Market AnalysisThe mobile app industry is rapidly growing, with a projected value of $935 billion by 2023. The demand for productivity apps is also on the rise, as more people seek ways to manage their busy schedules. However, there is stiff competition, with many established players in the market.Our target customers are working professionals and students who require an efficient tool for managing their tasks and appointments. We have identified several unique selling points that differentiate us from our competitors. These include:•Intuitive user interface that requires minimal training•Customizable layouts for different types of schedules (e.g. work, school, personal)•Cross-device synchronization for seamless integration with desktop and wearable devicesFurthermore, we have conducted surveys and focus groups to gather feedback from our users and potential customers. Based on this data, wehave identified several opportunities for improving our app, such as adding a built-in note-taking feature and integrating with popular calendar apps.Marketing StrategyIn order to reach our target audience, we will employ a combination of online and offline marketing tactics. This includes:•Social media advertising on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn•Search engine optimization to increase visibility on Google and Bing•Influencer marketing to leverage the reach of popular bloggers and social media personalities in the productivity niche•Partnership with relevant organizations and institutions, such as business schools and professional associations, to offer exclusive discounts and promotionsWe will also continue to monitor and respond to feedback from our users, and incorporate their suggestions into our marketing efforts.Financial ProjectionsOur business generates revenue through a combination of in-app purchases and advertising. We project the following financial statements for the next 3 years:Income StatementYear Revenue Expenses Profit/Loss2020$5 million$3 million$2 million2021$7 million$4 million$3 million2022$9 million$5 million$4 millionBalance SheetYear Assets Liabilities Equity2020$8 million$2 million$6 million2021$11 million$3 million$8 million2022$14 million$4 million$10 millionCash Flow StatementYear Cash Inflow Cash Outflow Net Cash2020$6 million$3.5 million$2.5 million2021$8 million$4.5 million$3.5 million2022$10 million$5.5 million$4.5 millionThese projections are based on conservative estimates, and do not take into account any potential acquisitions or mergers. We are confident in our ability to achieve these targets, as we have already secured agreements with several major advertisers and investors.Management TeamOur management team includes several experienced professionals with a strong track record in the tech industry. This includes:•John Smith, CEO: A serial entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience in founding and scaling successful startups.•Jane Doe, CTO: A seasoned software engineer and product manager, with expertise in mobile app development and user experience design.•Bob Johnson, CFO: A certified public accountant with extensive financial management experience, including experience in fundraising and investor relations.ConclusionWe believe that our innovative product, solid market analysis, effective marketing strategy, and experienced management team will position us for success in the highly competitive mobile app industry. With the support of our investors, and the dedication of our team, we are confident in achieving our goals and driving continued growth for the next decade and beyond.。

商业计划书范文英文# Business Plan Template## Executive SummaryThe executive summary provides a brief overview of the business, its mission, objectives, products, and services. It highlights the key points of the business plan and is typically the first section that potential investors read.## Company DescriptionThis section gives a detailed description of the company, including its legal structure, history, and ownership. It should also outline the company's mission statement and the target market.## Market AnalysisThe market analysis section should provide a comprehensive overview of the industry, target market, and competition. It should include market trends, customer demographics, and a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats).## Organization and ManagementThis section describes the organizational structure of thecompany, including the management team, their roles, and qualifications. It should also detail any advisory board members or key partners.## Product or Service LineA detailed description of the company's products or services, including their features, benefits, and competitive advantages. This section should also cover any patents, trademarks, or copyrights the company holds.## Marketing and Sales StrategyThis section outlines the company's marketing and sales strategies, including target customers, pricing, positioning, and promotional tactics. It should also include a sales forecast and a plan for reaching the target market.## Funding RequestIf seeking investment, this section should detail the amountof funding requested, how the funds will be used, and the expected return on investment. It should also include any milestones or key performance indicators that will be used to measure success.## Financial ProjectionsFinancial projections are an essential part of the business plan. This section should include projected income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements for the next threeto five years.## AppendixThe appendix contains any additional information that supports the business plan but is not essential to the main document. This could include resumes of key management, product brochures, letters of support, or legal documents.Please note that this template is a general guide and should be tailored to fit the specific needs and goals of your business. The success of a business plan lies in its ability to clearly and concisely communicate the company's vision and strategy to potential investors or stakeholders.。

商业计划书英文范本商业计划书的英文版的范本有哪些呢?下面是小编为大家整理的:商业计划书英文范本,欢迎大家参阅,更多资讯尽在策划书栏目!商业计划书英文范本BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATEBUSINESS PLAN[My Company]123 Main StreetAnytown, USA 10000123-4567[Your Name][DATE]TABLE OF CONTENTSExecutive Summary 1Management 1[Company] History 1[Product/Service] Description 1Objectives 1Competitors 1Competitive Advantages 1Innovation 1Pricing 1Specific Markets 1Growth Strategy 1Market Size and Share 1Targeting New Markets 1Location 1Manufacturing Plan 1Research & Development 1Historical Financial Data 1Proforma Financial Data 1Proforma Balance Sheet 1Cost Control 1Effects of Loan or Investment 1Attachments 1Executive Summary[My Company] was formed as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation] in [Month, Year] in [City, State], by [John Doe] in response to the following market conditions:[Startup, growth] opportunities exist in [Product/Service].The need for use of efficient distribution and financial methods in these overlooked markets.[I/We] have several customers who are willing to place large [orders,contracts] within the next three months.Several other prospective [customers/clients] have expressed serious interest in doing business within six months.[I/We] previously owned a company that was active in the widget markets. Over the past few years I spent much time studying ways to improve overall performance and increase profits. This plan is a result of that study.The basic components of this plan are:Competitive pricingExpand the marketsIncreased advertisingLower our unit costs,Thereby achieving higher profits.Sign contractsIncreased advertisingIncrease office staffTo this end, [I/we] need investment from private individuals and/or companies. A total of $XXX is being raised which will be used to finance working capital, plant and equipment. The company will be incorporated and common stock issued to investors. The company will be run as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation].Financial GoalsYear 1Year 2Year 3Sales$1,000,000$1,400,000$1,600,000 Net Income$25,000$250,000$375,000 Earnings per share.01.12.14Management[Name][Title][Experience]Sales growth from zero to $1,000,000 in five years.Led market in market share - 30%.Formulated advertising budgets & campaigns.Pioneered new distribution channels.Established national sales force.Established national repair & service centers.Brought new and innovative products to the market.Designed point-of-purchase materials.[Education}University of BostonBoston, MAB.A. - Computer SciencesShort BiographiesPresidentJohn Q. Doe, Chief Executive Officer, and Director since February 1988 and President since January 1990. Mr. Doe was the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the original operating company known as Random Excess, Inc. He has had experience in the widget field with his own firm, John Doe Co., of Oshkosh (Wisconsin), from 1980 to 1987. This firm was sold to FatCat Widgets, Inc. in 1987. Mr. Doe has held a sales position with U S West Inc. since then. Mr. Doe graduated from the University of Colorado in 1981 with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy. Mr. Doe is employed by the Company on a full-time basis.Chief Financial OfficerRichard Roe, CPA, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Director. Mr. Roe joined Random Excess, Inc. in December 1988 as a corporate controller and was named Chief Financial Officer in July 1989. Mr. Roe was appointed Treasurer and a Director in July 1990. He served as corporate controller of XYZ Lumber Company from August 1981 to December 1988. Mr. Roe graduated from Metropolitan State College in Denver, Colorado in 1976 with a bachelor’s degree in accounting. Since 1979 he has been licensed as a Certified Public Accountant in the State of Colorado and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Roe is employed by the Company on a full-time basis.Vice PresidentJoe Dokes, Secretary, Executive Vice President and Director. Mr. Dokes supervises the company’s sales and implementations to its largest corporate customers, includingUS West, Great West Life Insurance, etc. Mr. Dokes has served as Secretary and a Director since February 1988, Vice President of Operations from February 1988 to December 1988, President of the Company from December 1988 to January 1990 and Vice President of Contract Sales since January 1990. He has been involved since 1986 with the private company originally formed as Random Excess, Inc., where his duties included managing the purchasing and sales department. From November 1984 to May 1986 he managed the sales department at Integrated Management Systems, Inc. From June 1983 to October 1984 he was a buyer for Adams County, Colorado, School District 50. Mr. Dokes attended Oklahoma State University in 1980 and 1981 and Trinidad State College in Trinidad, Colorado in 1981 and 1982. He did not receive a degree from either university. Mr. Dokes is employed by the Company on a full-time basis.Vice PresidentSally Seaugh Vice President of Marketing. Ms. Seaugh has been the Company’s Vice President of Marketing since November 1988. From September 1986 to October 1988 she was involved in business development and marketing for United Bank of Aurora (Colorado). From February 1980 to August 1986 she was self-employed as an independent oil and gas landman. Ms. Seaugh graduated from the University of Denver in 1974 with a bachelor’s degree in Education. She is employed by the Company on a full-time basis.ResponsibilitiesJohn Q. Doe, Chief Executive Officer - Responsible for entire operation. Oversees management function and all other executives.Salary - $60,000.Richard Roe, CPA, Chief Financial Officer - Responsible for financial operations, accounts payable, accounts receivable, interaction with auditors, investor relations. Salary - $40,000 Joe Dokes, Executive Vice President - Responsible primarily for sales and sales support.Salary - $35,000Sally Seaugh Vice President of Marketing. Responsible for marketing, human resources and training.Salary - $30,000.Total Executive Compensation$165,000.[This Page is for an Organization Chart, if applicable.][Company] HistoryIn [Month, Year] [I/we] formed a [Product/Service] company that manufactured start-of-the-art complex widgetry. This company was located in [City, State]. [I/we] formed this company as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation]. Others involved in this business were: [names].The main goal of this company was to [explain].Financing was arranged through [home equity loans, savings, venture capital, friends and family, etc.] [Explain terms, rates and ability to repay.]This venture was very successful in generating and increasing sales, but was not effective in achieving profitability. The main reason for this was the amount of actual overhead experienced. This overhead was not initially anticipated by me at the beginning of that venture. Items including credit checking, warranty program management, extensive travel, maintaining warehouse stock and the management and expense of anational sales force were expenses not originally forecast or expected. With this level of overhead, it was mathematically impossible to achieve profitability.or:This venture was very successful in generating and increasing sales, as well as effective in achieving profitability. This was due to the following reasons:[Reason 1}[Reason 2][Reason 3]OR:[My Company] was recently conceived and is still in the beginning stages. To this point the following has been accomplished:A team consisting of [list names and primary responsibility.(i.e John Doe - Marketing) has been formed.A prospective [customer/client] list has been drawn up.Strategy meetings are being held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings.This business plan has been drawn up.[Now link the past to the future - why a former company will lead into this one or how your present company and history will lead into any future plans. A short paragraph should suffice.] We are now able to adequately address the markets we have targeted. We have adjusted our staff, redirected our advertising and sales force, and have added the products necessary to meet the needs and expectations of our customers.[Product/Service] Description[My Company] intends to offer [product/service]. This [product/service] offers our customers the best possible solutionas it:Offers the lowest price on the marketIs the most technically advancedOffers more useful featuresSaves them time and moneyOffers our users better value per dollar spentProvides an alternative way to achieve a similar task.Provides a service which is not presently available in this area.Is strengthened by a team with combined experience of XX years.Saves them time and moneyProvides an alternative, cost effective way for them to realize a similar goal.We have a [copyright, service mark, trademark] or [exclusive agency, marketing rights] for this [product/service]. This agency will last until XXX at which time it may be extended for XX years or terminated. This agency agreement is cancelable upon XX days written notice.The [product/service] has a useful life of XX years. To distribute this product so that it remains usable for our customers, we must use the following methods of storage and transportation:Overnight deliveryCold storageIncorporate preservativesShipment within two weeks to distributors.Specially padded boxcars.Even though the technology used to create this product is new, we expect that others will be able to substantially reproduce our patented results within XX years. To remain on theleading edge of this product, we will need to devote approximately XX% of revenues toward research and development. Also due to the fast changing nature of this industry, we will need to retrofit these machines within XX years at customer expense. Our manufacturing plan has considered this.[If general service to be offered is not obvious, such as carpet cleaning, sales rep, lawn care, consulting, etc. explain what service is. Then give a detailed description of your particular service and its uniqueness.]Short Examples:1. Our carpet cleaning machinery is state-of-the-art.2. Our consulting practice will address these specialized areas: [list]3. We will only rep these specific product lines. [list]Even though at this time our expertise is unique in the marketplace, we expect advances to be made and competitors to arise and offer similar services. We will meet this challenge by: Hiring staff specialized in these new areas.Increase our continuing education and training expense.Adding complementary lines.Make regular investments in new equipment.ObjectivesLong Term[My Company] believes very strongly in technical, financial, business and moral excellence. To secure a stable future for all those connected with [My Company] we have set the following long term goals:Present market is estimated at $XXX. Our goal for market share is XX%.We want to be considered by our peers to be the market leader in sales as evidenced by:Trade industry awardsHigh end of scale in financial ratiosMajor market shareTechnical excellence (awards, honors, etc.)Community involvement (Rotary, United Way, etc.)Short TermMarket share goals -First Year XX%Second Year XX%Third Year XX%Fourth Year XX%[Decrease, Maintain] costs through acquisition of new plant and equipment. Increase productivity by investing in employee training and education.Budget for complete computer training for appropriate applications.Set up, Maintain] employee benefit program for continuing college education.Budget for necessary seminars and/or continuing job-specific education.Maintain state-of-the-art accounting system for careful tracking.Monthly reports on financial status vis-a-vis the industry.Aggressive recruitment of the best technical staff in the industry.Support company involvement in various local and national charity events.CompetitorsNameAddressCity, StateStrengths:Location - next door to supplier factory, on major artery, close to terminal, etc.Pricing - Low cost producer, known for aggressive pricing policy.Delivery - ships overnight to anywhere in the world.Management - Everyone has an MBA from Harvard.WeaknessesService - takes more than 3 months to receive spare parts.Dedication - If it’s sunny, they’re on the golf course or ski slope.Machinery - Slowly approaching obsolescence unless replaced within six months.Overhead - Spend lavishly on corporate dining room, limousines and champagne.Competitive AdvantagesThe distinctive competitive advantages which [My Company] brings to this market are:Experience in this market. [I/we] have XXX years of hands-on experience in this industry.Sophistication in finance and distribution. This results in my being the low cost supplier in these price sensitive markets.The philosophy of [My Company] is to price not just according to our costs, but also according to what the market will pay.Our targeted minimum gross profit margin for a category must be XX%.By pricing to the market, [I/we] will achieve higher sales and therefore increase my buying power. As the amounts of my purchases increase, my per unit costs of shipping decrease and [I/we] will achieve higher discount levels from my suppliers. Through these economies of scale, many items currently on the market can be sold with lower prices, yet a higher net profit.Product pricing will include a range of quantity discounts as well as an early payment discount.Rather than being strictly regional, [I/we] will expand into the national market.To control foreign exchange risks, [I/we] will monitor the markets and hedge accordingly. [I/we] will also use overseas bank accounts.With those companies with which [I/we] have established a relationship or are known to be financially secure, [I/we] will work on a pre-pay basis. This allows me greater discounts.A level and policy of Capitalization that will allow me to fully address the respective markets with comprehensive marketing and customer service plans.By keeping my overhead low, [I/we] will be able to funnel my profits back into operations thus avoiding high debt ratios or lost sales opportunities.A quarterly direct mail campaign directed at both current customers and prospective new customers consisting of an informative newsletter.A toll-free national 800 number will be used for customer orders and inquiries.[I/we] will print complete four-color catalogs on a yearly basis. Price lists will be updated as needed. [I/we] intend to be aggressive in trade magazine advertising.Consideration will also be given to attending trade shows around the country.With this level of capitalization, should an unexpected downturn occur, [I/we] will be able to continue operations on a positive scale.Innovation. [I/we] have a history of innovative ideas.[List your most meaningful ideas and any new ideas you have for the future.]The distinctive competitive advantages which [My Company] brings to this market are:Experience in this market. [I/we] have XX years of hands on experience in this industry.Sophistication in management and finance. We are able to run an efficient and lean structure, yet still provide quality service to our clients and customers.Because of the nature of this industry, we will be able to rent office space in more moderately priced buildings.As a unique service company, we will be able to keep our margins high, allowing us to provide internal financing for growth possibilities.A level and policy of Capitalization that will allow [me/us] to fully address the respective markets with comprehensive marketing and customer service plans.By keeping my overhead low, [I/we] will be able to funnel my profits back into operations thus avoiding high debt ratios or lost sales opportunities.Our initial marketing campaign will allow us to book a sufficient amount of business so that we can implement our telephone customer service support program.Innovation[I/we] have a history of innovative ideas.[List your most meaningful ideas and any new ideas you have for the future.]SummaryThrough [my,our] leadership, [I,we] will be able to reduce overhead as a percentage of sales thereby increasing the amount of profit to be retained in the business. Because of our pricing policy, more people will purchase our merchandise thus increasing the size of the market and we will be increasing our market share. What [My Company] proposes to use are just good solid business sense, economies of scale, and the use of efficient financial techniques. This will allow us the following options:increase serviceincrease advertisingreduce pricesincrease profitsincrease selectionThrough [my,our] leadership, [I,we] will be able to reduce overhead as a percentage of sales thereby ncreasing the amount of profit to be retained in the business. What [My Company] proposes to use are just good solid business sense, economies of scale, and the use of efficient financial techniques. This will allow us the following options:increase customer serviceincrease advertising expendituresincrease profitsincrease selection of services offeredThis plan will give us tremendous flexibility to use any of these options or a mix of them to effectively attack our targetmarkets and meet our long term goals. This combination of experience, sophistication, capitalization and innovation will assist [My Company] as it strives to reach its sales, profit and return objectives.PricingBefore [I/we] set the price for my complex widgets, [I/we] determined on a unit basis what my costs were going to be. [I/we] then determined what the market price was for the normal widget. At this price it was determined that for all but the lowest sales projections, this product would turn a profit at this price. However, since our complex widgets offer additional features, we felt that we could price it approximately 50% above simple widgets.To test this price, we called a database of 50 large users of simple widgets. We first questioned them about the desirability of our extra features and then asked them directly if this price would be acceptable if such a product were available. We found that 75% of those polled would be interested in this product. Of this 75%, we received 10 firm orders representing approximately 30% of this group.OR:We have determined that the market price is $ XX per unit. This will equal a margin of XX%.OR:Our unit cost has been figured at $XX. We need a margin of XX% to pay our overhead and earn a sufficient profit. Therefore, our selling price will be $XX.Before [I/we] set the price for our [service], [I/we] forecast what our fixed monthly costs were going to be. [I/we] then determined what the market rate for comparable services were.At this rate it was determined that for all but the lowest billing projections, this [Service] would turn a profit at this rate.[Optional, if applicable]However, since our service is unique and demands a higher level of expertise, we felt that we should bill above other comparable rates.Specific MarketsMarket #1General HistoryThe first widget was introduced into the market in 1036. Widgets remained much as the original production until well into the 20th century when computer modeling showed that there could be some enhancements made to the basic widget. The market for widgets has been generally steady with market growth closely following the typical population growth. At this time there are approximately 1,500 companies worldwide making comparable simple widgets.Lawn care companies have enjoyed a period of steady growth over the past twenty years. This demand is due to many factors, not the least of which is the advance of lawn care technology. In our proposed marketing area, there are 25 lawn care services.Entry StrategyOur widget has been designed by the latest in computer aided design. We are able to manufacture our complex widgets on computer driven assembly lines using the latest in robotics manufacturing. This gives us a tremendous price advantage.We intend to market our complex widget through all the normal channels available to simple widgets. These include retail, wholesale, and OEM. To penetrate this market efficiently andswiftly, we intend to initially use commission sales representatives strategically located throughout the USA. We also will start a national advertising campaign targeting the end user in various national publications and on national TV commercials.Our sales representatives will be chosen based on their own experience in the marketplace. It is our intention to hire the best and the brightest among those currently available. Our marketing tests included many of the reps we initially would like to hire.Over the past few years, we have noticed an increase in demand for full lawn care services - not just grass cutting and snow removal. Our computerized office allows us to track our clients needs and schedule house calls on one hours notice.We intend to attack this market very aggressively through the use of:1. A pool of 10 telemarketers.2. House-to-house visits to neighbors of present clients.3. Advertisements in upscale magazines.4. Radio advertisements on weekends.5. Sales calls on real estate management companies.As we are offering a unique service, informing the public of our capabilities is of utmost importance.Growth StrategyAfter having successfully introduced the complex widget into the American market, our expansion will be in two separate areas: increasing sales in the USA and entering various foreign markets.After we have reached our first year sales goals, we intend to offer our sales reps the opportunity to sell our products exclusively by joining our company. We expect that a smallpercentage will desire to remain independent and these will have to be replaced with our own sales force. We intend to develop further sales reps from within by hiring and training them in our own sales methods. We will increase national advertising and begin targeting smaller accounts and specialty outlets. Additionally, we will conduct in house seminars for various OEM’s demonstrating how the inclusion of complex widgetry into their own products will increase the value of their products.After having successfully completed this entry phase into this market in the geographical are we have chosen, we will then expand our market by doing the following:1. Expand telemarketing pool to 20.2. Increase number of direct sales reps.3. Expand into neighboring cities.Market Size and ShareThe American market for [product/service] is estimated at $8 Billion annual sales based on data furnished by XYZ Survey. We estimate that we can achieve XX% market share within XX years.Marketing data for other markets is in the process of collection.Other MarketsUse the same format for additional markets.Targeting New MarketsTo continue our growth, we will be using the following methods to expand our markets and to increase our new areas of doing business:Customer contact - find out their needsLook for complementary productsTrade showsWorld Trade Center “Network”U.S. Government trade leadsState Government trade leadsOn-line computer prospecting and qualification (DIALOG, D&B, etc.)Market surveysResearch & developmentLocationRETAIL EXAMPLE:This business will be operated at 123 Any Street. This location is desirable because:The traffic flow has been rated at high.The rent is below marketThe building has the necessary facilities to operate this business.The location is convenient for our customers.We are renting this building on a XX year lease. We will have renovations costing $XXX based upon three estimates. The building is zoned R-3, commercial use.OTHER SAMPLE:This business will be operated at 123 Any Street. This location is desirable because:The building is structurally compatible for our use.The rent is below marketThe building has the necessary facilities to operate this business.The location is convenient for our freight companies, suppliers, clients and employees.Possibility of expansion in the area.We are renting this building on a XX year lease. We will haverenovations costing $XXX based upon three estimates. The building is zoned R-3, commercial use.Manufacturing PlanSAMPLE:We will be using a conventional assembly line method of construction of our complex widgets. Our main supplier of component parts will be DEF Manufacturing of Fort Lee, NJ. In the event that they are not able to ship according to our specifications our secondary supplier will be MNO Amalgamated located in Charlotte, NC. These parts will be shipped to us by motor freight.The actual machinery used in the production line will be manufactured by A&M Machine Tools of Arlington, Texas. They also will be doing maintenance under a service contract. This design of machine and assembly will allows us to produce 24 hours a day as the entire assembly process is fully automated with state-of- the-art robotics of American manufacture.With robotics our labor costs and therefore our production costs will be the lowest in the industry. To maintain our advantage we have established lines of communication with all of our potential machinery suppliers. Most importantly we have an ongoing relationship with several universities and are actively participating in various studies and experiments relating to production methods.These machines also incorporate quality checking by lasers. All products must come within XX% of specifications. Also, at regular intervals we will be using human inspection of products and machines.We do not anticipate generating any toxic materials at this time for these products. However, we will be closely monitoringall production to determine if any hazardous materials are being generated. We have contracted with an environmental engineering company to advise us on any possible problems as well as solutions including legal disposal of all hazardous wastes.We anticipate the following outlays for this capital equipment:A&M Machines $XXXService Contract $XXXResearch & DevelopmentSAMPLE:We have already spent a considerable amount of time in researching and developing our complex widgets. We have a very simple laboratory equipped with the basic research equipment we need. We have thus far been able to discover lighter materials and several cost cutting manufacturing methods. The largest achievement to date is the discovery of a water based lubricant that does not disintegrate in rainstorms. We have called this lubricant “H2Ocus-Pocus”.Presently our research is being supervised by our Technical Director, John Q. Public. He will continue in this capacity. Having been the researcher involved with all our activities to this point, he is well qualified to continue our research efforts.Our next research project will center around using this new lubricant in our manufacturing processes and testing of a new material that has come to our attention.To this point, our research has paid for itself as we have been keying on bringing this new product to market. However, now that we are becoming more experimental in our research efforts such a continued success ratio can not be maintained.We have been investigating several potential government。

I. Executive SummaryThe purpose of this business work plan is to outline the strategic objectives, operational strategies, and financial forecasts for [Company Name] over the next [X] years. This plan aims to guide the company towards sustainable growth, market expansion, and profitability by focusing on key areas such as product development, marketing, sales, and customer service.II. Company Overview[Company Name] is a [brief description of the company’s industry, products, or services]. Established in [year], the company has [number of years in operation], and currently employs [number of employees]. Our mission is to [company’s mission statement], and we strive to achieve this by [brief description of the company’s values and principles].III. Market AnalysisA. Industry Overview- Current size and growth trends of the industry- Key industry players and their market share- Barriers to entry and competitive landscapeB. Target Market- Demographic and psychographic profiles of the target market- Market size and potential for growth- Market segmentation and customer needsC. SWOT Analysis- Strengths: [list of company strengths]- Weaknesses: [list of company weaknesses]- Opportunities: [list of potential opportunities]- Threats: [list of potential threats]IV. Objectives and GoalsA. Short-term Goals (1-2 years)- Increase market share by [percentage]- Achieve a [percentage] growth in revenue- Launch [number] new products/services- Expand into [new market or region]B. Long-term Goals (3-5 years)- Become a market leader in [specific market segment]- Increase annual revenue to [specific amount]- Develop a strong brand presence in [specific regions or countries] - Establish strategic partnerships with key industry playersV. Marketing and Sales StrategiesA. Marketing Strategies- Branding and positioning- Advertising and promotional campaigns- Public relations and media outreach- Digital marketing and social media engagementB. Sales Strategies- Sales channels and distribution networks- Sales team training and performance management- Customer relationship management- Pricing strategy and cost optimizationVI. Operational PlanA. Product Development- R&D process and timelines- Quality control measures- Supply chain management and procurementB. Human Resources- Organizational structure and roles- Recruitment and training programs- Performance evaluation and employee developmentC. Financial Management- Budgeting and financial forecasting- Cash flow management- Risk management and contingency planningVII. Financial ProjectionsA. Revenue Projections- Projected revenue for the next [X] years- Breakdown of revenue sources (e.g., sales, services, licensing) B. Expense Projections- Projected expenses for the next [X] years- Breakdown of expense categories (e.g., salaries, marketing, R&D) C. Profit and Loss Projections- Projected profit and loss for the next [X] years- Breakdown of profit and loss driversVIII. ConclusionThis business work plan provides a comprehensive roadmap for [Company Name] to achieve its strategic objectives and long-term goals. By focusing on market analysis, strategic planning, and operational excellence, we are confident that [Company Name] will continue to grow and thrive in the competitive [industry] landscape.IX. Appendices- Detailed financial projections- Market research data- resumes of key team members- Letters of intent from potential partners or investors[Company Name] is committed to executing this work plan with a strong focus on innovation, customer satisfaction, and sustainable growth. We look forward to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and are excited about the future of our company.。

商业计划书英文作文英文:Business Plan。
As an entrepreneur, I believe that a well-written business plan is essential for the success of any venture.A business plan serves as a roadmap for the company and helps to attract investors and partners. In this essay, I will discuss the key components of a business plan and provide examples to illustrate their importance.Firstly, a business plan should include a clear and concise executive summary. This section should provide a brief overview of the company's mission, products or services, target market, and financial projections. The executive summary is often the first thing that potential investors or partners will read, so it is important to make a strong impression.Secondly, the business plan should include a detailed market analysis. This section should provide information on the industry, competitors, and target market. It is important to understand the market in which the company operates and to identify potential opportunities and threats.Thirdly, the business plan should outline the company's products or services. This section should describe the features and benefits of the products or services and explain how they meet the needs of the target market. It is important to demonstrate how the company's offerings are unique and differentiate from competitors.Fourthly, the business plan should include a marketing and sales strategy. This section should outline how the company will reach and engage with its target market and how it will convert leads into sales. It is important to identify the most effective marketing channels and tactics and to establish metrics to measure the success of the marketing efforts.Finally, the business plan should include financial projections. This section should provide a detailed analysis of the company's revenue, expenses, and profits over a period of time. It is important to demonstrate the financial viability of the company and to provide a clear path to profitability.In conclusion, a well-written business plan isessential for the success of any venture. It should include a clear and concise executive summary, a detailed market analysis, a description of the company's products or services, a marketing and sales strategy, and financial projections. By following these key components, entrepreneurs can increase their chances of success and attract investors and partners.中文:商业计划书。

商业计划书模板范文英文Business Plan Template.This business plan template is designed to help you create a comprehensive and effective plan for your business. It includes all of the necessary sections to help youdefine your business, market, and financial strategy.1. Executive Summary.A brief overview of your business and its key goals.2. Company Description.A detailed description of your business, includingits history, mission, and vision.3. Market Analysis.A comprehensive analysis of your target market,including its size, demographics, and buying habits.4. Competitive Analysis.An analysis of your competitors, including their strengths, weaknesses, and market share.5. Marketing Plan.A detailed plan for how you will market your products or services.6. Operations Plan.A description of how your business will operate, including its day-to-day operations and its production process.7. Management Team.A description of your management team, including their experience and qualifications.8. Financial Plan.A detailed financial plan, including your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.9. Appendix.Any supporting documents, such as market research or financial statements.中文回答:商业计划书模板。

争取国外机构进行投资,撰写一份英文的商业计划书自然十分必要,我为您推荐的商业计划书英文的例文,供您参考!英文商业计划书【1】in applying for a student visa and in the process, often will be asked to write a study plan ( study plan ),many foreign friends often not clear study plan and personal statement ( personal statement ) difference and style of writing, the author has long been engaged in student writing, due to the combination of their own experience, introduce the learning program the writing of the book. generally the study plan can be submitted to fall into two categories, both to the embassy for visa, or apply for admission to the school is by the.to apply for school programs from the essence and the personal statement is the same type of instruments, about the school application category learning plan can refer to a personal statement of the article, this article mainly introduces the submission of the embassy visa with a study plan.europe and the united states, especially immigrants from countries,such as australia, new zealand, canada and other countries for international student visa time are often asked to provide learning plan, learning through plan to convince the visa officer to know your background,choose to study professional motivational conditions, select the country for foreign students, and a clear future study schedule, occupation purpose and reason, audits of your other materials to decide whether to send you the visa studying abroad, so learning plan is a key document.in general, the learning plan needs to include the following contents:1si-mp-le deions of their learning experience, professional background and working experience;2 deions of their further study motives and why to choose the country, the university and the professional;3 detailed study schedule;4 introduction of foreign funds required and sources;5for future occupation goal elaboration, returned to reason.study plan on the style and structure of the article and the personal statement is very different, do not need too much personal and emotional deion, but should be clear and si-mp-le structure, tight logic,the facts clearly related arguments were strong, credible, returning reason to be very full, and absolutely not and the applicants other material contradiction.on the study plan in document writing, can and other sites to get help. as a result of the embassy staff every day to deal with a large number of documents, so learning plan must not write too long, generally should not exceed 800 words,and a preferably only one paragraph, paragraph before adding titles, such as my choice of university of toronto in canada, my career objective, in order to the embassy staff to you a content of the central idea of stick out a mile.your pa-pe-r should be very legible, cannot let the embassy staff from your text mining you potential content.study plan is the emphasis of future occupation plan and returned to reason, through this part of the embassy to tell you to go to the country after the students, are able to your occupation development good help, and there is a credible argument for returned.although the requirement study plan country often is a country of immigrants, but as a result of your visa application for study, so the study plan must eliminate any of your immigration tendency.reasons for returning to be with your personal background and family circumstances give a reasonable explanation, has many years of experience as a businemanager to obtain new zealand masters of busineadministration program admission,then clarifies his occupation goal is to return to china to become amulti-national corporation of high level managers, and he in china for many years of accumulated customer resources and social ring is a very valuable asset, this is very tough and reasonable a reason.of particular note is, study plan concerning the reasons for returning to the place of facts, not arbitrarily invent, at work, in this pa-pe-r the authors encountered by customers due to。

英文商业企划书模板范文BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE.1. Executive Summary.Briefly introduce the concept, vision, and objectives of your business.2. Company Description.Describe your company, its history, and the services or products it offers. Highlight your unique selling proposition (USP).3. Market Analysis.Discuss the industry, market trends, target audience, and competition.3.1 Industry Overview.Provide a broad overview of the industry and its growth potential.3.2 Target Market.Describe your target market, including demographics, psychographics, and their needs/wants.3.3 Competition.Analyze your competition, their strengths and weaknesses, and how you plan to differentiate yourself.4. Organization and Management.Describe the ownership structure, management team, and their qualifications.4.1 Management Team.Introduce the key members of your management team andtheir responsibilities.4.2 Organizational Structure.Explain your organizational structure and how it supports your business objectives.5. Service or Product Line.Describe your products or services, their features, benefits, and pricing strategy.6. Marketing and Sales Strategy.Outline your marketing and sales approach, including positioning, promotion, distribution, and pricing.6.1 Marketing Strategy.Describe your marketing mix (4Ps: product, price, place, promotion).6.2 Sales Strategy.Explain your sales process, target customers, and expected sales growth.7. Funding Request.If applicable, outline your funding needs, how much you are seeking, and how it will be used.8. Financial Projections.Provide financial projections for the next 3-5 years, including income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.8.1 Assumptions.List the assumptions made in your financial projections.8.2 Break-Even Analysis.Explain when you expect to break even and start generating profits.9. Appendix.Include any additional documents or information that supports your business plan, such as market research data, product images, or testimonials.10. Revision History.Track any revisions made to your business plan and the date they were made.Remember to tailor this template to fit the specific needs and goals of your business. Each section should be detailed and comprehensive, providing a clear picture of your business's potential and strategy.。

商业计划书英文范文商业计划书英文范文篇一:商业计划书提纲写作(中英文)Business Plan Outline - 23 Point Checklist For SuccessDave Lavinsky, ContributorIf you’re looking for funding for a new or existing business, you need a business plan. Your business plan gives lenders and investors the information they need to determine whether or not they should consider your company.Your business plan outline is the first step in organizing your thoughts. And, when you follow the outline below, you ensure your business plan is in the format that prompts investors and lenders to take action.In the business plan outline below, you will see the ten (10) sections common to business plans, and the twenty-three (23) sub-sections you must complete.Section I – Executive Summary1 – Executive SummaryThe Executive Summary is the most important partof your business plan. Because if it doesn’t interest readers, they’ll never even get to the rest of your plan.Start your Executive Summary with a brief and concise explanation of what your company does. Next, explain why your company isuniquely qualified to succeed. For example, does your management team have unique competencies? Do you have any patents? Are you the first mover in your market? Does a huge, unmet market opportunity exist? Etc.Finally, include a synopsis of your financial projections inyour Executive Summary. Specifically, include your expected revenues, expenses and profits for each of the next five years, how much funding you are seeking, and the key uses of these funds.Section II – Company Overview2 – Company OverviewThe Company Overview section provides a brief history of your company.Here you will answer questions such as when and how your organization was formed, what type of legalentity you are, and accomplishments to date.Importantly, your past accomplishments are perhaps the best indicator of potential future success, so be sure to identify and include all key milestones your company has achieved to date. Section III –Industry AnalysisYour Industry Analysis section has two sub-sections as follows: 3 –Market Overview The Market Overview section discusses the size and characteristics of your market. For example, if you are a restaurant, you would include the size of the restaurant market, a brief discussion of sectors (, fast food versus fine dining) and market trends.4 – Relevant Market SizeThe relevant market size is a much more specific calculation of your market size. It is the annual revenue your company could attain if it attained 100% market share. Your relevant market size is calculated by multiplying 1) the number of customers who might be interested in purchasing your products and/or services each year and 2) the amount these customers might be willing to spend, on an annual basis, on your products and/or services.Section IV – Customer AnalysisYour Customer Analysis section has two sub-sections as follows: 5 –Target Customers Your Target Customers section precisely identifies your current and/or intended customers. Include as much demographic data on your target customers as possible, such as their gender, age, salary, geography, marital status and education.6 – Customer NeedsIn this section of your business plan, specify why customers want or need your products and/or services. For example, do customers care most about speed, quality, location, reliability, comfort, price, value, etc.?Section V – Competitive AnalysisYour Competitive Analysis section has three sub-sections as follows: 7 – Direct Competitors Direct competitors are companies that fill the same customer need you fill with the same solution. Forexample, if you operate an Italian restaurant, other Italian restaurants would be direct competitors. In this section of your business plan, outline who your direct competitors are, and their strengths and weaknesses.8 – Indirect CompetitorsIndirect competitors are companies that fill the same customer need you fill with a different solution. For example, if you operate an Italian restaurant, a French restaurant would be an indirect competitor.In this section of your business plan, outline who your indirect competitors are, and their strengths and weaknesses.9 – Competitive AdvantagesImportantly, identify your Competitive Advantages in thissection. Specifically, state what is it about your company that will allow you to effectively compete (and win) against both direct and indirect competitors.Section VI – Marketing PlanYour Marketing Plan section has four sub-sectionsas follows: 10 – Products & ServicesHere is where you give the details of the products and/or services your company offers.11 – PricingDetail your pricing here. In particular, discuss how your pricingrelates to competition. For example, are you the premium brand? The low cost brand?Discuss your expected branding based on your chosen pricing model. 12 –Promotions Plan Your promotions plan details the tactics you will use to attract new customers. For example, you might choose radio advertising, oronline pay-per-click ads, or press releases, and so on. In this section, detail each form of promotions you will use.13 – Distribution PlanYour Distribution Plan outlines the ways in which customers can buy from you. In many cases, they can only buy directly from you,perhaps at your physical location or web address.In other cases, you might have distributors or partners who sell your products or services. In such a case, detail this structure.Section VII – Operations PlanYour Operations Plan section has two sub-sections as follows: 14 – Key Operational ProcessesYour Key Operational Processes are the daily functions yourbusiness must conduct. In this section, you will detail these functions. For example, will you maintain a Customer Service department? If so, what specific role will it fill?By completing this section, you’ll get great clarity on the organization you hope to build.15 – MilestonesIn this section of your business plan, list the key milestones you hope to achieve in the future and the target dates for achieving them.Here is where you set goals for specific and critical undertakings, such as when a new product will be created and launched, by when you plan to execute new partnerships, etc.Section VIII – Management TeamYour Management Team section has three sub-sections as follows: 16 –Management Team Members This section details the current members of your management team and their backgrounds.17 – Management Team GapsParticularly if y ou’re a startup venture, you will have holes in your team; roles that you’d like to fill later. Identify such roles here, and the qualifications of the people you will seek later to fill them. 18 –Board MembersIf you maintain a Board of Advisors or Board of Directors, detail your Board members and their bios in this section.Section IX – Financial PlanYour Financial Plan section has four sub-sections as follows: 19 – Revenue ModelAs simple as it seems, this section of your business plan gives clarity on how you generate revenues. Do you sell products? Do you sell advertising space? Do you sell by-products, like data? Doyou sellall of the above?20 - Financial HighlightsYour full financial model (income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement) belong in your Appendix, but in this section you’ll include the highlights. For instance, include your revenues, key expenses, and projected net income for the next five years. 21 – Funding Requirements/Use of Funds If you are seeking funding for your company, detail the amount here, and importantly for what you will use the funds.篇二:商务英语写作(商业计划书写作格式)商务英语写作:商业计划书写作格式XX-03-24 13:39:08 来源:爱词霸资讯官网封面 (Title page)企业的名称和地址Name and address of business负责人的姓名和地址Name(s) and address(es) of principals企业的性质Nature of business报告机密性的陈述Statement of confidentiality目录 (Table of contents)1. 概述/总结 (Executive summary)2. 行业及市场分析 (Industry analysis)对未来的展望和发展趋势 (Future outlook and trends)竞争者分析 (Analysis of competitors)市场划分 (Market segmentation)行业预测 (Industry forecasts)3. 企业的描述 (The description of the venture)企业的宗旨和目标(Mission statement and objectives)产品或服务的描述 (Description of the product or service)企业的规模 (Size of business)产品的进一步开发(Future potential/product development)竞争优势 (Competitive advantage)办公设备和人员 (Office equipment and personnel)创业者的背景 (Backgrounds of entrepreneurs)4. 生产计划 (Production plan)制造过程/被分包的数量(Manufacturing process / amount subcontracted)选址 (Location)厂房 (Physical plant)机器和设备 (Machinery and equipment)原材料的供应情况 (Sources of raw materials to be supplied) 生产能力和提高的可能性(Output limitations,if any,and scale-up possibilities)质量控制计划 (Quality control plans)5. 营销计划 (The marketing plan)定价 (Pricing)分销 (Distribution)促销 (Promotion)产品预测 (Product forecasts)预见的涨价 (Anticipated mark-up)竞争对手的反应(Competitors’ response)市场份额预测 (Market share projection)控制 (Controls)6. 组织计划 (Organizational plan)所有权的形式 (Form of ownership)合作者或主要股权所有人的身份(Identification of partners or principal shareholders)负责人的权利 (Authority of principals)管理层成员的背景 (Management team background) 组织成员的角色和责任(Roles and responsibilities of members of organization)7. 风险与对策分析(Assessment of risks)企业弱点的评价 (Evaluate weakness if business)新技术 (New technologies)应急计划 (Contingency plan)8. 财务计划 (Financial plan)各种业绩比率和投资回报(Summary of performance ratios, ROI etc.)销售预测 (Sales forecasts)财务预测的假设(Assumptions underpinning financial forecasts)损益表(Income statement / Profit and loss statement)预测现金流量表 (Cash flow projections)资产负债预估表 (Pro forma balance sheet)量本利分析 (Break-even analysis)资金来源和运用 (Sources and applications of funds)9. 融资需求 (Financing requirements)融资前的活动小结 (Summary of operations prior to financing) 现在的股东和未付债款(Current shareholders, loans outstanding)资金需要量及时间 (Funds required and timing)投资回报 (The deal on offer)资本负债比率和盈利与利息比率(Anticipated gearing and interest cover)投资者退出方式 (Exit routes for investors)附录 (Appendix)1. 管理人员简历 (Management team biographies)2. 职业咨询人员背景(Names and details of professional advisors)3. 技术参数和图纸 (Technical data and drawings)4. 专利、版权、设计等(Details of patents, copyright, designs)5. 审计的报表 (Audited accounts)6. 信件 (Letters)7. 市场调研数据 (Market research data)8. 租约或合同 (Leaser or contracts)9. 供应商的报价单 (Price lists from suppliers)10. 客户的订单 (Orders from customers)篇三:商业计划书英文版(免费) txt格式Exhibit 2 KEY FACTORS FOR SUCCESS OF INNOVATIVE START-UPS Ideas . Degree of innovation . Scope . Patent Capital . Availability/amount . Needs/ responsibilities . Exits for investors People . Inventors . Entrepreneurs . Team members Traditional service providers . Attorneys . Patent lawyers . Tax consultants/ accountants . Market researchers Network and exchange . Coaching . Networking . Team building . Innovative service provider –Venture capitalists –Headhunters –Angel investors –High-tech start-up consultants 1. THE ROUTE FROM CONCEPT TO COMPANY New, innovative companies generally try to grow from start-ups into established companies within 5 years. But they can seldom finance their activities alone along the way. Rather, they are dependent on professional investors with considerable financial clout. For entrepreneurs, financing is a critical question – the business plan must thus be considered from the point of view of potential investors right from the outset. Success factors Successful companies arise from a combination of five elements (Exhibit 2).1. No business concept, no business Having an idea is just the beginning of the creative process. Many entrepreneurs are initially infatuated with their inspiration, losing sight of the fact that their idea is the point of departure for a long process of development which must face –and withstand –toughchallenges before it can enjoy financing and market success as a mature business concept.2. Money matters Without somebody who invests money into the idea to grow it into a viable business, this business will never become a reality. From early on, therefore, much attention must be paid to convincing investors to provide the necessary funding. 3 Exhibit 3 STAGES OF START-UP DEVELOPMENT Business idea generation Business plan preparation Start-up and growth Established company Interest of investors Financing decisions Exit of initial investors3. No entrepreneurs, no enterprise Growing newfirms is not a one-person job. It can only succeed with a team of, usually, three to five entrepreneurs whose talents are complementary. Putting together well-functioning teams is a difficult process –one that takes time, energy, and an understanding of human nature. Do not lose any time in putting your team together and work on perfecting it throughout the entire start-up process. The characteristics of a high-performance management team are discussed in more detail in section of this Guide. 4. Traditional service providers will help you clear the first hurdles You will often need the advice of professional service providers, such as patent lawyers, tax advisors, and market researchers - especially at the beginning. Getting the right information early (, for registering a patent) can have consequences for later success or failure. 5. Strong networks are a "shot in the arm" for every new company Professional guidance for potential entrepreneurs through a network of sponsors, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and service providers is decisive in transforming viable ideas intoreal companies. Prime examples for such regional networkscan be found in Silicon Valley and the Boston area. Stages of development The typical progression of the start-up and development of growing companies into established firms can be subdivided into three stages. The end of each stage serves as a milestone for venture capitalists by which to gauge the status of their investment. Being familiar with each stage and the challenges it poses may spare you wasted energy and disappointment. Please note, however, that the three stages in the development of a functioning start-up do not match the three phases in the development of a business plan within the framework of this competition (see Exhibit 3). If you intend to be successful, this start-up process should influence both your activities as the initiator of a business concept and your path toward forming your own company. To a large extent, it is the demands of investors that will determine how you must approach the individual stages of the start-up.4 Stage 1: Business idea generation The beginning isthe inspiration –your solution to a problem. It must be evaluated to determine if it delivers an actual customer value, whether the market is big enough, and just how big it will be. The idea itself has no intrinsic economic value. It acquires economic value only after it has been successfully transformed into a concept with a plan and implemented. You will need to start putting together your team as soon as possible, finding partners who can develop your product or service until it is ready for market (or at least until shortly before). In the case of products, this stage usually involves a functioning prototype. You will most likely have to do without venture capital during this stage. Youwill still be financing your plan with your own money, help from friends, perhaps state research subsidies, contributions from foundations, or other grants. Investors refer to this as "seed money," as your idea is still a seedling, not yet exposed to the harsh climate of competition. Your objective at this stage is to present your business concept and market –which forms the foundation of your new company – so clearlyand concisely as to pique the interest of potential investors in helping you cultivate your idea further. Stage 2: Business plan preparation。

英语作文商业计划书模板范文英文回答:Business Plan Template。
Executive Summary。
Briefly describe your business, including its mission, vision, and goals.Highlight your unique value proposition and target market.State your financial projections and key performance indicators (KPIs).Company Description。
Describe your company's legal structure, ownership, and management team.Explain your industry and competitive landscape.Detail your products or services, including their features and benefits.Market Analysis。
Analyze your target market, including its size, demographics, and purchasing habits.Identify your competitors and their strengths and weaknesses.Conduct a SWOT analysis to assess your company's internal and external environment.Sales and Marketing Plan。
Outline your sales and marketing strategies, including your target audience, channels, and messaging.Describe your pricing strategy and any promotions or discounts.Establish your customer service and support channels.Operations Plan。
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英文商业计划书范文篇一:商业计划书模板---英文版精编资料商业计划书模板---英文版BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATEBUSINESS PLAN[My Company]123 MainStreetAnytown, USA -4567[Your Name][DATE]TABLE OF CONTENTS...商业计划书商业计划书模板---英文版BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATEBUSINESS PLAN[My Company]123 Main StreetAnytown, USA 10000123-45671[Your Name][DATE]2TABLE OF CONTENTSExecutive Summary ........................................... (1)Management ........................................ ................................................... ................................................... . (2)[Company] History ........................................... ................................................... .. (5)[Product/Service] Description ....................................... ................................................... . (7)Objectives......................................... ................................................... ................................................... .. (9)Competitors .......................................................................................... .. (10)Competitive Advantages ........................................ ................................................... .. (11)Innovation ........................................ ................................................... ................................................... . (13)Pricing ........................................... ................................................... ................................................... (14)Specific Markets ........................................... ................................................... (15)Growth................................................... . (16)Market Size and Share ............................................. ................................................... (17)Targeting New Markets ........................................... ................................................... . (18)Location .......................................... ................................................... ................................................... .. (19)Manufacturing Plan .............................................. ................................................... . (20)Research & Development ....................................... (21)Historical Financial Data .............................................. ................................................... .. (22)Proforma Financial Data .............................................. ................................................... .. (23)Proforma Balance Sheet ............................................. ................................................... (26)Cost Control ........................................... ................................................... ................................................... (27)Effects of Loan or Investment ........................................ ................................................... (28)Attachments ....................................... ................................................... ................................................... . (29)3Executive Summary [My Company] was formed as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation] in [Month, Year] in [City, State], by [John Doe] in response to the following market conditions:[Startup, growth] opportunities exist in [Product/Service].The need for use of efficient distribution and financial methods in these overlooked markets.[I/We] have several customers who are willing to place large [orders,contracts] within the next three months.Several other prospective [customers/clients] have expressed serious interest in doing business within six months. [I/We] previously owned a company that was active in the widget markets. Over the pastfew years I spent much time studying ways to improve overall performance and increase profits. This plan is a result of that study. The basic components of this plan are:1. Competitive pricing2. Expand the markets3. Increased advertising4. Lower our unit costs,5. Thereby achieving higher profits.1. Sign contracts2. Increased advertising3. Increase office staffTo this end, [I/we] need investment from private individuals and/or companies. A total of $XXX is being raised which will be used to finance working capital, plant and equipment. The company will be incorporated and common stock issued to investors. The company will be run as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation].Financial Goals Sales Net Income Earnings pershareYear 1 $25,000 .01 Year 2 $250,000 .12 Year 3$375,000 .141Management[Name] [Title]??[Experience]??Sales growth from zero to $1,000,000 in five years.??Led market in market share - 30%.Formulated advertising budgets & campaigns.Pioneered new distribution channels. Established national sales force.Established national repair & service centers.Brought new and innovative products to the market.Designed point-of-purchase materials.[Education}University of BostonBoston, MA- Computer SciencesPresidentJohn Q. Doe, Chief Executive Officer, and Director since February 1988 and President since January 1990. Mr. Doe was the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the original operating company known as Random Excess, Inc. He has had experience inthe widget field with his own firm, John Doe Co., of Oshkosh (Wisconsin), from 1980 to 1987. This firm was sold to FatCat Widgets, Inc. in 1987.篇二:英文商业计划书模板英语商业计划书(Business Plan)第一讲:概述第二讲:现状分析第三讲:目标确定第四讲:组织结构第五讲:产品分析第六讲:市场分析第七讲:市场策略第八讲:生产分析第九讲:财务分析第十讲:附件第一讲:概述(executive summary)概述是整个商业计划的第一部分,相当于整个商业计划的浓缩,使整个商业计划的精华所在。