(2023)商业计划书和可行性报告 商业计划书英文版(一)

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•Briefly introduce the purpose of the article

•Explain the importance of having a solid business plan and feasibility report

Business Plan: Overview

•Explain what a business plan is

•List the key components of a good business plan •Emphasize the importance of a well-written executive summary

Business Plan: Timeline

•Discuss the importance of a timeline in the business plan

•Explain how to create a realistic and comprehensive timeline

•Provide examples of commonly included items in a business plan timeline

Business Plan: Financial Projections

•Discuss the financial projections section of the business plan

•Explain how to create realistic projections

•Provide examples of the types of projections typically included such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements

Feasibility Report: Overview

•Explain what a feasibility report is

•Discuss the purpose of a feasibility report •Emphasize the importance of conducting feasibility research before starting a business

Feasibility Report: Market Analysis

•Discuss the market analysis section of the feasibility report

•Explain how to conduct a comprehensive market analysis •Provide examples of information typically included such as target market, competition, and industry trends

Feasibility Report: Technical Analysis

•Discuss the technical analysis section of the

feasibility report

•Explain how to include technical aspects such as production processes, facilities, and technology •Provide examples of how technical analysis can inform business decisions


•Summarize the importance of having a solid business plan and feasibility report

•Emphasize the need for thorough research and analysis •Encourage entrepreneurs to create a strong business plan and feasibility report before launching their business.


Starting a new business or expanding an existing one requires a solid plan. A business plan and feasibility report are

essential tools that help entrepreneurs identify opportunities, assess risks, and plan for success.

This article will provide an overview of what a business plan and feasibility report should include, with a focus on the

key components of each. We will also provide examples and

offer guidance on how to create a successful plan and report.

Business Plan: Overview

A business plan is a written document that outlines a company’s goals, strategies, and financial projections. A

well-written business plan should include:

•Executive summary: a brief summary of the company’s mission, products or services, and financial projections. •Company overview: a description of the company, including history, legal structure, and leadership team. •Industry analysis: an examination of the current state of the industry, including trends, opportunities, and


•Market analysis: an assessment of the target market, including customer demographics, behavior patterns, and


•Marketing and sales strategies: a description of how the company will promote and sell its products or services. •Operations plan: a summary of how the company will operate, including production, supply chain, and


•Financial projections: a detailed analysis of the company’s financials, including income statements,

balance sheets, and cash flow statements.

•Appendix: any additional information that supports the business plan, often including market research, resumes

of key personnel, and legal documents.
