(2023)商业计划书和可行性报告 商业计划书英文版(一)

英文商业计划书作文完整版I have always been passionate about entrepreneurship, and I believe that my business plan is a reflection of that passion. My business plan is for a small coffee shop that I plan to open in the heart of the city. I have done extensive research on the coffee industry and have identified a niche market that I believe my shop can cater to. 。
英文,I have always been passionate about entrepreneurship, and I believe that my business plan is a reflection of that passion. My business plan is for a small coffee shop that I plan to open in the heart of the city. I have done extensive research on the coffee industry and have identified a niche market that I believe my shop can cater to.中文,我一直对创业充满热情,我相信我的商业计划书就是这种热情的体现。
The key to any successful business is understanding the needs and wants of the target market. In my case, I have identified that there is a growing demand for specialty coffee in my city. People are becoming more and more interested in trying different types of coffee, and they are willing to pay a premium for high-quality, ethically-sourced beans. This is where my coffee shop comes in. I plan to offer a wide variety of specialty coffee beans from around the world, and I will ensure that they are sourced from ethical and sustainable suppliers. This will not only appeal to the growing number of coffee connoisseurs in the city but also to the socially conscious consumer who wants to support businesses that are committed to ethical practices.英文,The key to any successful business is understanding the needs and wants of the target market. In my case, I have identified that there is a growing demand for specialty coffee in my city. People are becoming more and more interested in trying different types of coffee,and they are willing to pay a premium for high-quality, ethically-sourced beans. This is where my coffee shop comes in. I plan to offer a wide variety of specialty coffeebeans from around the world, and I will ensure that theyare sourced from ethical and sustainable suppliers. Thiswill not only appeal to the growing number of coffee connoisseurs in the city but also to the socially conscious consumer who wants to support businesses that are committed to ethical practices.中文,任何成功的企业的关键在于了解目标市场的需求和愿望。

国际商务英语写作模板:商业计划书篇一:商业计划书模板---英文版精编资料商业计划书模板---英文版BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATEBUSINESS PLAN[My Company]123 Main StreetAnytown, USA 10000123-4567[Your Name][DATE]TABLE OF CONTENTS...商业计划书商业计划书模板---英文版BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATEBUSINESS PLAN[My Company]123 Main StreetAnytown, USA 10000123-45671[Your Name][DATE]2TABLE OF CONTENTSExecutive Summary ....................................................................................... (1)Management ................................................................................ (2)[Company] History ............................................................................................ . (5)[Product/Service] Description ................................................................................... .. (7)Objectives....................................................................................... . (9)Competitors ................................................................................. .. (10)Competitive Advantages ................................................................................... . (11)Innovation ..................................................................................... . (13)Pricing ............................................................................................ .. (14)Specific Markets .......................................................................................... . (15)Growth Strategy .......................................................................................... . (16)Market Size and Share ............................................................................................... . (17)Targeting New Markets .......................................................................................... .. (18)Location ......................................................................................... (19)Manufacturing Plan .................................................................................................. (20)Research &Development ............................................................................... (21)Historical Financial Data ................................................................................................. .. (22)Proforma Financial Data ................................................................................................. .. (23)Proforma Balance Sheet ............................................................................................... . (26)Cost Control ........................................................................................... (27)Effects of Loan or Investment .................................................................................... . (28)Attachments ................................................................................. . (29)3Executive Summary [My Company] was formed asa [proprietorship, partnership, corporation] in [Month, Year] in [City, State], by [John Doe] in response to the following market conditions:[Startup, growth] opportunities exist in [Product/Service].The need for use of efficient distribution (转载于: 小龙文档网:国际商务英语写作模板:商业计划书)and financial methods in these overlooked markets.[I/We] have several customers who are willing to place large [orders,contracts] within the next three months.Several other prospective [customers/clients] have expressed serious interest in doing business within six months. [I/We] previously owned a company that was active in the widget markets. Over the past few years I spent much time studying ways to improve overall performance and increase profits. This plan is a result of that study. The basic components of this plan are:1. Competitive pricing2. Expand the markets3. Increased advertising4. Lower our unit costs,5. Thereby achieving higher profits.1. Sign contracts2. Increased advertising3. Increase office staffTo this end, [I/we] need investment from private individuals and/or companies. A total of $XXX is being raised which will be used to finance working capital, plant and equipment. The company will be incorporated and common stock issued to investors. The company will be run as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation].Financial Goals Sales Net Income Earnings pershareYear 1 $25,000 .01 Year 2 $250,000 .12 Year 3 $375,000 .141Management[Name] [Title]??[Experience]??Sales growth from zero to $1,000,000 in five years.??Led market in market share - 30%.Formulated advertising budgets & campaigns.Pioneered new distribution channels. Established national sales force.Established national repair & service centers.Brought new and innovative products to the market.Designed point-of-purchase materials.[Education}University of BostonBoston, MA- Computer SciencesPresidentJohn Q. Doe, Chief Executive Officer, and Director since February 1988 and President since January 1990. Mr. Doe was the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the original operating company known as Random Excess, Inc. He has had experience in the widget field with his own firm, John Doe Co., of Oshkosh (Wisconsin), from 1980 to 1987. This firm was sold to FatCat Widgets, Inc. in 1987.篇二:商务英语写作(商业计划书写作格式)商务英语写作:商业计划书写作格式XX-03-24 13:39:08 来源:爱词霸资讯官网封面(Title page)企业的名称和地址Name and address of business负责人的姓名和地址Name(s) and address(es) of principals企业的性质Nature of business报告机密性的陈述Statement of confidentiality目录(Table of contents)1. 概述/总结(Executive summary)2. 行业及市场分析(Industry analysis)对未来的展望和发展趋势(Future outlook and trends)竞争者分析(Analysis of competitors)市场划分(Market segmentation)行业预测(Industry forecasts)3. 企业的描述(The description of the venture)企业的宗旨和目标(Mission statement and objectives)产品或服务的描述(Description of the product or service)企业的规模(Size of business)产品的进一步开发(Future potential/product development)竞争优势(Competitive advantage)办公设备和人员(Office equipment and personnel)创业者的背景(Backgrounds of entrepreneurs)4. 生产计划(Production plan)制造进程/被分包的数量(Manufacturing process / amount subcontracted)选址(Location)厂房(Physical plant)机械和设备(Machinery and equipment)原材料的供给情况(Sources of raw materials to be supplied)生产能力和提高的可能性(Output limitations,if any,and scale-up possibilities)质量控制计划(Quality control plans)5. 营销计划(The marketing plan)定价(Pricing)分销(Distribution)促销(Promotion)产品预测(Product forecasts)预见的涨价(Anticipated mark-up)竞争对手的反映(Competitors’response)市场份额预测(Market share projection)控制(Controls)6. 组织计划(Organizational plan)所有权的形式(Form of ownership)合作者或主要股权所有人的身份(Identification of partners or principal shareholders)负责人的权利(Authority of principals)管理层成员的背景(Management team background)组织成员的角色和责任(Roles and responsibilities of members of organization)7. 风险与对策分析(Assessment of risks)企业弱点的评价(Evaluate weakness if business)新技术(New technologies)应急计划(Contingency plan)8. 财务计划(Financial plan)各类业绩比率和投资回报(Summary of performance ratios, ROI etc.)销售预测(Sales forecasts)财务预测的假设(Assumptions underpinning financial forecasts)损益表(Income statement / Profit and lossstatement)预测现金流量表(Cash flow projections)资产欠债预估表(Pro forma balance sheet)量本利分析(Break-even analysis)资金来源和运用(Sources and applications of funds)9. 融资需求(Financing requirements)融资前的活动小结(Summary of operations prior to financing)此刻的股东和未付债款(Current shareholders, loans outstanding)资金需要量及时间(Funds required and timing)投资回报(The deal on offer)资本欠债比率和盈利与利息比率(Anticipated gearing and interest cover)投资者退出方式(Exit routes for investors)附录(Appendix)1. 管理人员简历(Management team biographies)2. 职业咨询人员背景(Names and details of professional advisors)3. 技术参数和图纸(Technical data and drawings)4. 专利、版权、设计等(Details of patents,copyright, designs)5. 审计的报表(Audited accounts)6. 信件(Letters)7. 市场调研数据(Market research data)8. 租约或合同(Leaser or contracts)9. 供给商的报价单(Price lists from suppliers)10. 客户的定单(Orders from customers)篇三:英文商业计划书模板英语商业计划书(Business Plan)第一讲:概述第二讲:现状分析第三讲:目标肯定第四讲:组织结构第五讲:产品分析第六讲:市场分析第七讲:市场策略第八讲:生产分析第九讲:财务分析第十讲:附件第一讲:概述(executive summary)概述是整个商业计划的第一部份,相当于整个商业计划的浓缩,使整个商业计划的精华所在。
商业计划书和可行性报告 商业计划书英文版(一)

商业计划书和可行性报告商业计划书英文版(一)Business Plan and Feasibility StudyA business plan is a formal document that outlines an organization's goals, strategies, and tactics for achieving those goals. It usually includes detailed financial projections and a marketing plan. The purpose of a business plan is to provide a roadmap for the company's future and to help secure funding from potential investors or lending institutions.A feasibility study, on the other hand, is an analysis of the potential of a proposed project or venture. It is used to determine whether the project is financially and technically viable. The study includes an examination of the current market, potential competition, and the potential return on investment.Both a business plan and a feasibility study are important tools in assessing the viability of a business venture. They provide a detailed analysis of the potential risks and rewards of a particular business opportunity. A well-prepared business plan and feasibility study can help entrepreneurs secure funding and ensure that their venture has thepotential to succeed.Business Plan English VersionExecutive SummaryThe Executive Summary is a short overview of the key points of the business plan. It should include a brief description of the company, its products or services, and the market it will serve. The Executive Summary should also include the company's financial projections and a brief review of the management team's experience.Business DescriptionThe Business Description should include a more detailed overview of the company and the products or services it offers. It should also include the company's mission statement, the legal structure of the company, and a brief review of the management team's experience.Market AnalysisThe Market Analysis should provide an in-depth understanding of the market the company will serve. It should include information on the size of the market, the competition, and the overall trends in the industry. The Market Analysis should also include a review of the company's target market and its buying habits.Marketing StrategyThe Marketing Strategy should outline how the company plansto reach and sell to its target market. It should include a review of the company's pricing strategy, promotion strategy, and distribution strategy.Financial ProjectionsThe Financial Projections should include a detailed forecastof the company's revenues, expenses, and profits over thenext three to five years. The Financial Projections shouldalso include the company's breakeven point and a review ofthe company's funding requirements.Management TeamThe Management Team section should include a review of the experience and qualifications of the company's management team. It should also include an overview of the roles and responsibilities of each member of the team.ConclusionA well-prepared business plan can help entrepreneurs secure funding and ensure their venture has the potential to succeed. By carefully analyzing the market, developing a strong marketing strategy, and forecasting the company's financials, entrepreneurs can develop a roadmap for success.。

英文商业计划书作文完整版I have always had a passion for entrepreneurship, and I believe that now is the perfect time to turn my business idea into a reality. With the current market trends and consumer demands, I see a great opportunity to launch a new product that will meet the needs of a specific target audience.After conducting thorough market research, I have identified a gap in the market for a high-quality, eco-friendly alternative to the existing products. This gap presents a unique opportunity for my business to enter the market and capture a significant share of the target audience.In order to bring my business idea to life, I have assembled a team of talented individuals who bring a diverse range of skills and expertise to the table. Together, we are confident in our ability to develop, market, and sell our product successfully.One of the key aspects of our business plan is to focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility. We are committed to sourcing our materials ethically and minimizing our carbon footprint throughout the production process.In addition to our commitment to sustainability, we also recognize the importance of effective marketing and branding. We have developed a comprehensive marketing strategy that leverages social media, influencer partnerships, and targeted advertising to reach our desired audience.As we move forward with our business plan, we are also exploring potential partnerships and collaborations with other businesses in our industry. By forming strategic alliances, we hope to expand our reach and create mutually beneficial opportunities for growth.In conclusion, I am incredibly excited about the potential of my business idea and the opportunity to bringit to market. With a strong team, a clear focus on sustainability, and a well-developed marketing strategy, I am confident that we can achieve success in the competitive business landscape.。

英文商业计划书模板范文英文商业计划书模板范文Executive SummaryOur company, XYZ, aims to revolutionize the online retail industry by offering a unique shopping experience that combines personalized recommendations and social interaction. We believe that our innovative approach will differentiate us from the competition and attract a loyal customer base.Market AnalysisThe online retail industry continues to grow at a rapid pace, with a projected market size of $4.9 trillion by 2021. However, the industry is becoming increasingly competitive, with established players such as Amazon and Walmart dominating the market. We believe that our focus on personalization and social interaction will differentiate us from these competitors.Target MarketOur target market consists of tech-savvy millennials and Gen Z consumers who prioritize personalized recommendations and social interaction when shopping online. We will initially focus on the fashion and beauty segments, as these are the most popular categories among our target demographic.Marketing StrategyOur marketing strategy will focus on social media advertising and influencer partnerships. We will also leverage user-generated content to create a sense of community and social proof. Additionally, we will offer a referral program to incentivize our customers to spread the word about our brand. Revenue ModelOur revenue model will rely on a combination of product sales and advertising revenue. We will offer both branded and unbranded products in our online store, and we will also partner with brands to display targeted advertisements to our users. Financial ProjectionsWe anticipate generating $1 million in revenue in our first year, with a net profit margin of 15%. We expect to break even within the first 18 months and to achieve a return on investment within three years.ConclusionOur unique approach to online retail, focused on personalization and social interaction, will set us apart from the competition and attract a loyal customer base. We are confident that our innovative business model will generate significant revenue and profits in the years to come.。
商业计划书 英文版

商业计划书英文版Business Plan1. Executive SummaryOur business, XYZ Corporation, aims to provide innovative and sustainable solutions in the technology industry. Our products and services include software development, IT consulting, and cloud solutions. We are committed to delivering high-quality solutions that meet the needs of our clients while also minimizing our impact on the environment.2. Company DescriptionXYZ Corporation is a technology company headquartered in [location]. Our team consists of experienced professionals with a strong background in software development and IT consulting. We are dedicated to staying abreast of the latest trends and advancements in the industry to ensure that our clients receive the most cutting-edge solutions.3. Market AnalysisThe technology industry is rapidly growing, with a constant need for innovative solutions. Our target market consists of small to medium-sized businesses in various industries, such as e-commerce, healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. These businesses often struggle to keep up with the ever-changing technological landscape and require assistance in implementing and managing their IT infrastructure.4. Competitive AnalysisWe understand that the technology industry is highly competitive.However, we believe that our unique approach and sustainable practices set us apart from our competitors. Our commitment to environmentally friendly practices aligns with the growing awareness and demand for green solutions in the market.5. Marketing and Sales StrategyTo reach our target market, we will employ a multi-channel marketing approach. This will include online advertising, social media campaigns, participation in industry conferences and trade shows, and networking events. We will also leverage our existing professional network to generate leads and referrals.6. Product Development and ImplementationWe will constantly research and develop new software solutions to meet the evolving needs of our clients. Our team will work closely with our clients to ensure an efficient and seamless implementation process. Additionally, we will provide ongoing support and maintenance to guarantee the optimal performance of our solutions.7. Financial ProjectionsWe have projected the following financials for the next three years: - Year 1: Revenue of $500,000, with a net profit of $100,000.- Year 2: Revenue of $800,000, with a net profit of $150,000.- Year 3: Revenue of $1,200,000, with a net profit of $200,000. 8. Operations and ManagementWe have a dedicated team of professionals who will oversee the day-to-day operations of the company. Each team member brings a unique set of skills and expertise to ensure the smooth running ofthe business. Our management team will continuously monitor the market and industry trends to adapt our strategies and offerings accordingly.9. Sustainability and Corporate Social ResponsibilityAt XYZ Corporation, we are committed to minimizing our impact on the environment. We will implement green practices, such as reducing paper waste, recycling electronic devices, and promoting remote work to decrease our carbon footprint. We will also actively participate in community initiatives and support local charitable organizations.10. ConclusionXYZ Corporation is poised to become a leader in the technology industry by providing innovative and sustainable solutions. With a dedicated team, a strong client base, and a commitment to environmental responsibility, we are confident in our ability to achieve our financial and strategic goals.。

英文商业计划书As a Baidu Wenku document creator, I am pleased to present to you an English business plan that outlines a comprehensive strategy for a successful business venture. A well-crafted business plan is essential for any entrepreneur or business owner looking to start or expand their business. It serves as a roadmap for the future, outlining goals, strategies, and potential challenges. In this document, we will cover key components of a business plan, including the executive summary, company description, market analysis, organization and management, product or service line, marketing and sales, funding request, financial projections, and appendix.The executive summary is a brief overview of the entire business plan. It should concisely summarize the key points of the plan, including the company's mission statement, goals, and the strategies to achieve them. This section is crucial as it provides a snapshot of the business and its potential for success.The company description provides detailed information about the company, including its history, mission, vision, and goals. It also outlines the company's legal structure, ownership, and key milestones achieved. This section helps investors and stakeholders understand the nature of the business and its potential for growth.The market analysis section delves into the industry in which the business operates. It includes an analysis of the target market, the competition, and the overall industry trends. This section is essential for understanding the business's position within the market and identifying potential opportunities and threats.The organization and management section outlines the organizational structure of the company and introduces key management personnel. It also includes details about the board of directors, advisory board, and any other key stakeholders. This section is critical for demonstrating the strength and expertise of the management team.The product or service line section provides a detailed description of the products or services offered by the company. It includes information about the features, benefits, and unique selling points of the products or services. This section is essential for showcasing the value proposition of the business.The marketing and sales section outlines the marketing and sales strategies of the business. It includes details about the target market, pricing strategy, promotional activities, and sales channels. This section is crucial for demonstrating how the business plans to attract and retain customers.The funding request section outlines the funding requirements of the business. It includes details about the amount of funding needed, the purpose of the funds, and the potential sources of funding. This section is essential for demonstrating the financial needs of the business and its potential for growth.The financial projections section provides detailedfinancial forecasts for the business. It includes projected income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. This section is crucial for demonstrating the financial viability of the business and its potential forprofitability.In conclusion, a well-crafted business plan isessential for any business looking to succeed in today's competitive market. By following the key componentsoutlined in this document, entrepreneurs and business owners can create a comprehensive strategy for success.With a clear roadmap for the future, businesses can attract investors, secure funding, and achieve their goals. Thank you for considering this English business plan, and we look forward to the opportunity to work with you.。

商业计划书英文版Business PlanIntroduction:The purpose of this business plan is to outline the strategies and objectives for establishing and operating a new business venture. The business, which will operate under the name [Company Name], aims to provide [Product/Service] to [Target Market]. This document will present a comprehensive overview of the business concept, market analysis, marketing strategy, organizational structure, financial projections, and risk management plan.1. Executive Summary:[Company Name] is a start-up company that aims to offer[Product/Service] to [Target Market]. With a mission to [Mission Statement], we intend to meet the needs and preferences of our target customers by offering a unique value proposition. Our goal is to establish a strong presence in the market and become a trusted and preferred provider within [Industry].2. Business Concept:The business concept of [Company Name] revolves around delivering high-quality [Product/Service] to meet the demands of our target customers. We will differentiate ourselves from competitors by [Unique Selling Proposition]. Our core values include [Core Values], which will guide our operations and decision-making processes.3. Market Analysis:3.1 Market Overview:- Description of the target market- Market size and growth potential- Market trends and customer preferences3.2 Competitive Analysis:- Identification of key competitors- Analysis of their strengths and weaknesses- Assessment of market opportunities and threats3.3 Customer Analysis:- Target customer demographics and psychographics- Identifying customer needs and preferences- Evaluation of customer buying behavior4. Marketing Strategy:4.1 Product/Service Offering:- Detailed description of the product/service features and benefits - Unique selling points and competitive advantage4.2 Pricing Strategy:- Pricing objectives and rationale- Pricing structure and positioning4.3 Promotion and Advertising:- Advertising channels and strategies- Promotional campaigns and initiatives- Online and offline marketing activities4.4 Distribution Strategy:- Channels of distribution- Logistics and supply chain management5. Organizational Structure:5.1 Management Team:- Overview of key management personnel and their roles - Skills and expertise of each team member5.2 Staffing and Human Resources:- Recruitment and training strategies- Human resource policies and procedures5.3 Organizational Culture:- Core values and company culture- Employee engagement and motivation6. Financial Projections:6.1 Start-up Costs:- Breakdown of initial investment requirements - Sources of funding6.2 Revenue Forecast:- Sales projections for the first three years- Pricing and sales volume assumptions6.3 Operating Expenses:- Fixed and variable costs- Overhead expenses6.4 Cash Flow Analysis:- Cash inflow and outflow projections- Break-even analysis and profitability assessment 7. Risk Management Plan:7.1 Identification of Key Risks:- Market risks- Operational risks- Financial risks7.2 Risk Mitigation Strategies:- Measures to minimize risks- Contingency plansConclusion:This business plan outlines the strategies, objectives, and financial projections for [Company Name]. With a solid understanding of the market, a differentiated product/service, and a strong marketing strategy, we aim to achieve success and profitability. We are confident that our dedicated team and innovative approach will position us as a leader within the [Industry] sector.。

商业策划书英文版范文In applying for a student visa and in the process, often will be asked to write a study plan ( study plan ), many foreign friends often not clear study plan and personal statement ( personal statement ) difference and style of writing, the author has long been engaged in student writing, due to the combination of their own experience, introduce the learning program the writing of the book.Generally the study plan can be submitted to fall into two categories, both to the embassy for visa, or apply for admission to the school is by the. To apply for school programs from the essence and the personal statement is thesame type of instruments, about the school application category learning plan can refer to a personal statement of the article, this article mainly introduces the submission of the embassy visa with a study plan.Europe and the United States, especially immigrants from countries, such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada and other countries for international student visa time are often asked to provide learning plan, learning through plan to convince the visa officer to know your background, choose to study professional motivational conditions, select the country for foreign students, and a clear future study schedule, occupation purpose and reason, audits of your other materials to decide whether to send you the visa studying abroad, so learning plan is a key document.In general, the learning plan needs to include the following contents:1si-mp-le descriptions of their learning experience, professional background and working experience;2 descriptions of their further study motives and why to choose the country, the University and the professional;3 detailed study schedule;4 introduction of foreign funds required and sources;5for future occupation goal elaboration, returned to reason.Study plan on the style and structure of the article and the personal statement is very different, do not need too much personal and emotional description, but should be clear and si-mp-le structure, tight logic, the facts clearly relatedarguments were strong, credible, returning reason to be very full, and absolutely not and the applicant's other material contradiction. On the study plan in document writing, can and other sites to get help.As a result of the embassy staff every day to deal with a large number of documents, so learning plan must not write too long, generally should not exceed 800 words, and a preferably only one paragraph, paragraph before adding titles, such as My Choice of University of Toronto in Canada, My career objective, in order to the embassy staff to you a content of the central idea of stick out a mile. Your pa-pe-r should be very legible, cannot let the embassy staff from your text mining you potential content.Study plan is the emphasis of future occupation plan and returned to reason, through this part of the embassy to tell you to go to the country after the students, are able to your occupation development good help, and there is a credible argument for returned. Although the requirement study plancountry often is a country of immigrants, but as a result of your visa application for study, so the study plan must eliminate any of your immigration tendency. Reasons for returning to be with your personal background and family circumstances give a reasonable explanation, has many years of experience as a businemanager to obtain New Zealand master's of BusineAdministration program admission, then clarifies his occupation goal is to return to China to become a Multi-National Corporation of high level managers, and he in China for many years of accumulated customer resources and social ring is a very valuable asset, this is very tough and reasonable a reason. Of particular note is, study plan concerning the reasons for returning to the place of facts, not arbitrarily invent, at work, in this pa-pe-r the authors encountered by customers due to。

英文商业计划书范文篇一:商业计划书模板---英文版精编资料商业计划书模板---英文版BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATEBUSINESS PLAN[My Company]123 MainStreetAnytown, USA -4567[Your Name][DATE]TABLE OF CONTENTS...商业计划书商业计划书模板---英文版BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATEBUSINESS PLAN[My Company]123 Main StreetAnytown, USA 10000123-45671[Your Name][DATE]2TABLE OF CONTENTSExecutive Summary ........................................... (1)Management ........................................ ................................................... ................................................... . (2)[Company] History ........................................... ................................................... .. (5)[Product/Service] Description ....................................... ................................................... . (7)Objectives......................................... ................................................... ................................................... .. (9)Competitors .......................................................................................... .. (10)Competitive Advantages ........................................ ................................................... .. (11)Innovation ........................................ ................................................... ................................................... . (13)Pricing ........................................... ................................................... ................................................... (14)Specific Markets ........................................... ................................................... (15)Growth................................................... . (16)Market Size and Share ............................................. ................................................... (17)Targeting New Markets ........................................... ................................................... . (18)Location .......................................... ................................................... ................................................... .. (19)Manufacturing Plan .............................................. ................................................... . (20)Research & Development ....................................... (21)Historical Financial Data .............................................. ................................................... .. (22)Proforma Financial Data .............................................. ................................................... .. (23)Proforma Balance Sheet ............................................. ................................................... (26)Cost Control ........................................... ................................................... ................................................... (27)Effects of Loan or Investment ........................................ ................................................... (28)Attachments ....................................... ................................................... ................................................... . (29)3Executive Summary [My Company] was formed as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation] in [Month, Year] in [City, State], by [John Doe] in response to the following market conditions:[Startup, growth] opportunities exist in [Product/Service].The need for use of efficient distribution and financial methods in these overlooked markets.[I/We] have several customers who are willing to place large [orders,contracts] within the next three months.Several other prospective [customers/clients] have expressed serious interest in doing business within six months. [I/We] previously owned a company that was active in the widget markets. Over the pastfew years I spent much time studying ways to improve overall performance and increase profits. This plan is a result of that study. The basic components of this plan are:1. Competitive pricing2. Expand the markets3. Increased advertising4. Lower our unit costs,5. Thereby achieving higher profits.1. Sign contracts2. Increased advertising3. Increase office staffTo this end, [I/we] need investment from private individuals and/or companies. A total of $XXX is being raised which will be used to finance working capital, plant and equipment. The company will be incorporated and common stock issued to investors. The company will be run as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation].Financial Goals Sales Net Income Earnings pershareYear 1 $25,000 .01 Year 2 $250,000 .12 Year 3$375,000 .141Management[Name] [Title]??[Experience]??Sales growth from zero to $1,000,000 in five years.??Led market in market share - 30%.Formulated advertising budgets & campaigns.Pioneered new distribution channels. Established national sales force.Established national repair & service centers.Brought new and innovative products to the market.Designed point-of-purchase materials.[Education}University of BostonBoston, MA- Computer SciencesPresidentJohn Q. Doe, Chief Executive Officer, and Director since February 1988 and President since January 1990. Mr. Doe was the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the original operating company known as Random Excess, Inc. He has had experience inthe widget field with his own firm, John Doe Co., of Oshkosh (Wisconsin), from 1980 to 1987. This firm was sold to FatCat Widgets, Inc. in 1987.篇二:英文商业计划书模板英语商业计划书(Business Plan)第一讲:概述第二讲:现状分析第三讲:目标确定第四讲:组织结构第五讲:产品分析第六讲:市场分析第七讲:市场策略第八讲:生产分析第九讲:财务分析第十讲:附件第一讲:概述(executive summary)概述是整个商业计划的第一部分,相当于整个商业计划的浓缩,使整个商业计划的精华所在。
Business plan 商业企划书(英文版)

Market analysing
The graduate from Zhengzhou University more than ten thousands, which makes up of a potential market. Through detail survey and analysing, we discover that many graduates can not carry their things and choose to sell them to recycle bin or junior students. It’s acceptable for students to buy some cheap second-hand things. Nowadays a large part of college students come from middle-income families. The things they need are both great quaility and cheap, which satisfied reality needs.

商业计划书bp英文Business Plan1. Executive SummaryThe Executive Summary provides an overview of the business plan, highlighting key points, objectives, and financial projections.2. Company DescriptionDescribe the company and its industry, including the mission statement, legal structure, location, and history.3. Products and ServicesOutline the products or services offered by the company, including their unique selling points and target market.4. Market AnalysisConduct a thorough analysis of the target market, including industry trends, competitor analysis, and customer demographics.5. Marketing and Sales StrategyOutline the marketing and sales strategies to reach the target market, including pricing, promotion, distribution, and customer acquisitionplans.6. Organizational Structure and Management TeamDescribe the organizational structure of the company and introduce the key members of the management team, highlighting their qualifications and experience.7. Operations PlanOutline the day-to-day operations of the business, including manufacturing or service delivery processes, supply chain management, and quality control measures.8. Financial ProjectionsProvide financial projections for the company, including sales forecasts, profit and loss statements, cash flow projections, and break-even analysis.9. Funding RequestSpecify the funding requirements of the company, including the amount and purpose of the funding, and how it will be used to support the growth and development of the business.10. Risk AnalysisIdentify potential risks and challenges that may impact the company's success, and outline strategies to mitigate these risks.11. Exit StrategyOutline the potential exit options for investors, such as IPO, acquisition, or liquidation, and discuss the timeline and process for executing the exit strategy.12. AppendixInclude any additional information or supporting documents, such as market research data, product brochures, resumes of key team members, and financial statements.Remember to tailor your business plan to fit the specific needs and requirements of your business.。

商业计划书英文版文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]PLAN TEMPLATE BUSINESS PLAN[My Company]123 Main StreetAnytown, USA 10000123-4567[Your Name][DATE]TABLE OF CONTENTSExecutive Summary (1)Management (2)[Company] History (6)[Product/Service] Description (8)Objectives (10)Competitors (11)Competitive Advantages (12)Innovation (14)Pricing (15)Specific Markets (16)Growth Strategy (17)Market Size and Share (18)Targeting New Markets (19)Location (20)Manufacturing Plan (21)Research & Development (22)Historical Financial Data (23)Proforma Financial Data (24)Proforma Balance Sheet (27)Cost Control (28)Effects of Loan or Investment (29)Attachments (30)Executive Summary[My Company] was formed as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation] in [Month, Year] in [City, State], by [John Doe] in response to the following market conditions:[Startup, growth] opportunities exist in [Product/Service].The need for use of efficient distribution and financial methods in these overlooked markets.[I/We] have several customers who are willing to place large [orders,contracts] within the next three months.Several other prospective [customers/clients] have expressed serious interest in doing business within six months.[I/We] previously owned a company that was active in the widget markets. Over the past few years I spent much time studying ways to improve overall performance and increase profits. This plan is a result of that study.The basic components of this plan are:<Product>petitive pricing2.Expand the markets3.Increased advertising4.Lower our unit costs,5.Thereby achieving higher profits.<Service>1.Sign contracts2.Increased advertising3.Increase office staffTo this end, [I/we] need investment from private individuals and/or companies. A total of $XXX is being raised which will be used to finance working capital, plant and equipment. The company will be incorporated and common stock issued to investors. The company will be run as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation].Financial GoalsYear 1Year 2Year 3Sales$1,000,000$1,400,000$1,600,000 Net Income$25,000$250,000$375,000 Earnings per.01.12.14 shareManagement[Name][Title] [Experience] Sales growth from zero to $1,000,000 in five years. Led market in market share - 30%.Formulated advertising budgets & campaigns.Pioneered new distribution channels.Established national sales force.Established national repair & service centers.Brought new and innovative products to the market.Designed point-of-purchase materials.[Education}University of BostonBoston, MA. - Computer SciencesShort BiographiesPresidentJohn Q. Doe, Chief Executive Officer, and Director since February1988 and President since January 1990. Mr. Doe was the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the original operating company known as Random Excess, Inc. He has had experience in the widget field withhis own firm, John Doe Co., of Oshkosh (Wisconsin), from 1980 to 1987. This firm was sold to FatCat Widgets, Inc. in 1987. Mr. Doe hasheld a sales position with U S West Inc. since then. Mr. Doe graduated from the University of Colorado in 1981 with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy. Mr. Doe is employed by the Company on a full-time basis.Chief Financial OfficerRichard Roe, CPA, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Director. Mr. Roe joined Random Excess, Inc. in December 1988 as a corporate controller and was named Chief Financial Officer in July 1989. Mr. Roe was appointed Treasurer and a Director in July 1990. He servedas corporate controller of XYZ Lumber Company from August 1981 toDecember 1988. Mr. Roe graduated from Metropolitan State College in Denver, Colorado in 1976 with a bachelor’s degree in accounting. Since 1979 he has been licensed as a Certified Public Accountant in the State of Colorado and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Roe is employed by the Company on a full-time basis.Vice PresidentJoe Dokes, Secretary, Executive Vice President and Director. Mr. Dokes super vises the company’s sales and implementations to its largest corporate customers, including US West, Great West Life Insurance, etc. Mr. Dokes has served as Secretary and a Director since February 1988, Vice President of Operations from February 1988 to December 1988, President of the Company from December 1988 to January 1990 and Vice President of Contract Sales since January 1990. He has been involved since 1986 with the private company originally formed as Random Excess, Inc., where his duties included managing the purchasing and sales department. From November 1984 to May 1986 he managed the sales department at Integrated Management Systems, Inc. From June 1983 to October 1984 he was a buyer for Adams County, Colorado, School District 50. Mr. Dokes attended Oklahoma State University in 1980 and 1981 and Trinidad State College in Trinidad, Colorado in 1981 and 1982. He did not receive a degree from either university. Mr. Dokes is employed by the Company on a full-time basis.Vice PresidentSally Seaugh Vice President of Marketing. Ms. Seaugh has been the Company’s Vice President of Marketing since November 1988. From September 1986 to October 1988 she was involved in business development and marketing for United Bank of Aurora (Colorado). From February 1980 to August 1986 she was self-employed as an independent oil and gas landman. Ms. Seaugh graduated from the University of Denver in 1974 with a bachelor’s degree in Education. She is employed by the Company on a full-time basis.ResponsibilitiesJohn Q. Doe, Chief Executive Officer - Responsible for entire operation. Oversees management function and all other executives.Salary - $60,000.Richard Roe, CPA, Chief Financial Officer - Responsible for financial operations, accounts payable, accounts receivable, interaction with auditors, investor relations. Salary - $40,000Joe Dokes, Executive Vice President - Responsible primarily for sales and sales support.Salary - $35,000Sally Seaugh Vice President of Marketing. Responsible for marketing, human resources and training.Salary - $30,000.Total Executive Compensation $165,000.[This Page is for an Organization Chart, if applicable.] [Company] HistoryIn [Month, Year] [I/we] formed a [Product/Service] company that manufactured start-of-the-art complex widgetry. This company was located in [City, State]. [I/we] formed this company as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation]. Others involved in this business were: [names].The main goal of this company was to [explain].Financing was arranged through [home equity loans, savings, venture capital, friends and family, etc.] [Explain terms, rates and ability to repay.]This venture was very successful in generating and increasing sales, but was not effective in achieving profitability. The main reasonfor this was the amount of actual overhead experienced. This overhead was not initially anticipated by me at the beginning of that venture. Items including credit checking, warranty program management, extensive travel, maintaining warehouse stock and the management and expense of a national sales force were expenses not originally forecast or expected. With this level of overhead, it was mathematically impossible to achieve profitability.or:This venture was very successful in generating and increasing sales, as well as effective in achieving profitability. This was due to the following reasons:[Reason 1}[Reason 2][Reason 3]OR:[My Company] was recently conceived and is still in the beginning stages. To this point the following has been accomplished:A team consisting of [list names and primary responsibility.John Doe - Marketing) has been formed.A prospective [customer/client] list has been drawn up.Strategy meetings are being held every Monday, Wednesday andFriday evenings.This business plan has been drawn up.[Now link the past to the future - why a former company will leadinto this one or how your present company and history will lead into any future plans. A short paragraph should suffice.]We are now able to adequately address the markets we have targeted. We have adjusted our staff, redirected our advertising and salesforce, and have added the products necessary to meet the needs and expectations of our customers.[Product/Service] Description[My Company] intends to offer [product/service]. This[product/service] offers our customers the best possible solution asit:<Product>Offers the lowest price on the marketIs the most technically advancedOffers more useful featuresSaves them time and moneyOffers our users better value per dollar spentProvides an alternative way to achieve a similar task.<Service>Provides a service which is not presently available in thisarea.Is strengthened by a team with combined experience of XXyears.Saves them time and moneyProvides an alternative, cost effective way for them torealize a similar goal.We have a [copyright, service mark, trademark] or [exclusive agency, marketing rights] for this [product/service]. This agency will last until XXX at which time it may be extended for XX years or terminated. This agency agreement is cancelable upon XX days written notice.<Product>The [product/service] has a useful life of XX years. To distributethis product so that it remains usable for our customers, we must use the following methods of storage and transportation:1.Overnight delivery2.Cold storage3.Incorporate preservatives4.Shipment within two weeks to distributors.5.Specially padded boxcars.Even though the technology used to create this product is new, we expect that others will be able to substantially reproduce our patented results within XX years. To remain on the leading edge of this product, we will need to devote approximately XX% of revenues toward research and development. Also due to the fast changing nature of this industry, we will need to retrofit these machines within XX years at customer expense. Our manufacturing plan has considered this.<Service>[If general service to be offered is not obvious, such as carpet cleaning, sales rep, lawn care, consulting, etc. explain whatservice is. Then give a detailed description of your particular service and its uniqueness.]Short Examples:1. Our carpet cleaning machinery is state-of-the-art.2. Our consulting practice will address these specialized areas:[list]3. We will only rep these specific product lines. [list]Even though at this time our expertise is unique in the marketplace, we expect advances to be made and competitors to arise and offer similar services. We will meet this challenge by:1.Hiring staff specialized in these new areas.2.Increase our continuing education and training expense.3.Adding complementary lines.4.Make regular investments in new equipment.ObjectivesLong Term[My Company] believes very strongly in technical, financial, business and moral excellence. To secure a stable future for all those connected with [My Company] we have set the following long term goals:Present market is estimated at $XXX. Our goal for market share is XX%.We want to be considered by our peers to be the market leader insales as evidenced by:Trade industry awardsHigh end of scale in financial ratiosMajor market shareTechnical excellence (awards, honors, etc.)Community involvement (Rotary, United Way, etc.)Short TermMarket share goals -1.First Year XX%2.Second Year XX%3.Third Year XX%4.Fourth Year XX%[Decrease, Maintain] costs through acquisition of new plant and equipment. Increase productivity by investing in employee training and education.1.Budget for complete computer training for appropriateapplications.2.Set up, Maintain] employee benefit program for continuingcollege education.3.Budget for necessary seminars and/or continuing job-specificeducation.4.Maintain state-of-the-art accounting system for carefultracking.5.Monthly reports on financial status vis-a-vis the industry.6.Aggressive recruitment of the best technical staff in theindustry.7.Support company involvement in various local and nationalcharity events.8.CompetitorsNameAddressCity, StateStrengths:Location - next door to supplier factory, on major artery, close to terminal, etc.Pricing - Low cost producer, known for aggressive pricing policy.Delivery - ships overnight to anywhere in the world.Management - Everyone has an MBA from Harvard.WeaknessesService - takes more than 3 months to receive spare parts.Dedication - If it’s sunny, they’re on the golf course or ski slope.Machinery - Slowly approaching obsolescence unless replacedwithin six months.Overhead - Spend lavishly on corporate dining room, limousines and champagne.Competitive Advantages<Product>The distinctive competitive advantages which [My Company] brings to this market are:Experience in this market. [I/we] have XXX years of hands-on experience in this industry.Sophistication in finance and distribution. This results in my being the low cost supplier in these price sensitive markets.The philosophy of [My Company] is to price not just according to our costs, but also according to what the market will pay.Our targeted minimum gross profit margin for a category must be XX%.By pricing to the market, [I/we] will achieve higher sales and therefore increase my buying power. As the amounts of my purchases increase, my per unit costs of shipping decrease and [I/we] will achieve higher discount levels from my suppliers. Through these economies of scale, many items currently on the market can be sold with lower prices, yet a higher net profit.Product pricing will include a range of quantity discounts as well as an early payment discount.Rather than being strictly regional, [I/we] will expand into the national market.To control foreign exchange risks, [I/we] will monitor the markets and hedge accordingly. [I/we] will also use overseas bank accounts.With those companies with which [I/we] have established arelationship or are known to be financially secure, [I/we] will work on a pre-pay basis. This allows me greater discounts.A level and policy of Capitalization that will allow me to fully address the respective markets with comprehensive marketing and customer service plans.By keeping my overhead low, [I/we] will be able to funnel my profits back into operations thus avoiding high debt ratios or lost sales opportunities.A quarterly direct mail campaign directed at both current customers and prospective new customers consisting of an informative newsletter.A toll-free national 800 number will be used for customer orders and inquiries.[I/we] will print complete four-color catalogs on a yearly basis. Price lists will be updated as needed. [I/we] intend to beaggressive in trade magazine advertising.Consideration will also be given to attending trade shows around the country.With this level of capitalization, should an unexpected downturn occur, [I/we] will be able to continue operations on a positive scale.Innovation. [I/we] have a history of innovative ideas.[List your most meaningful ideas and any new ideas you have for the future.]<Service>The distinctive competitive advantages which [My Company] brings to this market are:Experience in this market. [I/we] have XX years of hands on experience in this industry.Sophistication in management and finance. We are able to run an efficient and lean structure, yet still provide quality service toour clients and customers.Because of the nature of this industry, we will be able to rentoffice space in more moderately priced buildings.As a unique service company, we will be able to keep our margins high, allowing us to provide internal financing for growth possibilities.A level and policy of Capitalization that will allow [me/us] to fully address the respective markets with comprehensive marketing and customer service plans.By keeping my overhead low, [I/we] will be able to funnel my profits back into operations thus avoiding high debt ratios or lost sales opportunities.Our initial marketing campaign will allow us to book a sufficient amount of business so that we can implement our telephone customer service support program.Innovation[I/we] have a history of innovative ideas.[List your most meaningful ideas and any new ideas you have for the future.]SummaryThrough [my,our] leadership, [I,we] will be able to reduce overheadas a percentage of sales thereby increasing the amount of profit tobe retained in the business. Because of our pricing policy, more people will purchase our merchandise thus increasing the size of the market and we will be increasing our market share. What [My Company] proposes to use are just good solid business sense, economies of scale, and the use of efficient financial techniques. This willallow us the following options:increase serviceincrease advertisingreduce pricesincrease profitsincrease selection<Service>Through [my,our] leadership, [I,we] will be able to reduce overheadas a percentage of sales thereby ncreasing the amount of profit to be retained in the business. What [My Company] proposes to use are just good solid business sense, economies of scale, and the use ofefficient financial techniques. This will allow us the following options:increase customer serviceincrease advertising expendituresincrease profitsincrease selection of services offeredThis plan will give us tremendous flexibility to use any of these options or a mix of them to effectively attack our target markets and meet our long term goals. This combination of experience, sophistication, capitalization and innovation will assist [My Company] as it strives to reach its sales, profit and return objectives.Pricing<Product>Before [I/we] set the price for my complex widgets, [I/we] determined on a unit basis what my costs were going to be. [I/we] then determined what the market price was for the normal widget. At this price it was determined that for all but the lowest sales projections, this product would turn a profit at this price. However, since our complex widgets offer additional features, we felt that we couldprice it approximately 50% above simple widgets.To test this price, we called a database of 50 large users of simple widgets. We first questioned them about the desirability of ourextra features and then asked them directly if this price would be acceptable if such a product were available. We found that 75% of those polled would be interested in this product. Of this 75%, we received 10 firm orders representing approximately 30% of this group.OR:We have determined that the market price is $ XX per unit. This will equal a margin of XX%.OR:Our unit cost has been figured at $XX. We need a margin of XX% topay our overhead and earn a sufficient profit. Therefore, ourselling price will be $XX.<Service>Before [I/we] set the price for our [service], [I/we] forecast whatour fixed monthly costs were going to be. [I/we] then determinedwhat the market rate for comparable services were. At this rate it was determined that for all but the lowest billing projections, this [Service] would turn a profit at this rate.[Optional, if applicable]However, since our service is unique and demands a higher level of expertise, we felt that we should bill above other comparable rates.Specific MarketsMarket #1General History<Product>The first widget was introduced into the market in 1036. Widgets remained much as the original production until well into the 20thcentury when computer modeling showed that there could be some enhancements made to the basic widget. The market for widgets has been generally steady with market growth closely following thetypical population growth. At this time there are approximately1,500 companies worldwide making comparable simple widgets.<Service>Lawn care companies have enjoyed a period of steady growth over the past twenty years. This demand is due to many factors, not the least of which is the advance of lawn care technology. In our proposed marketing area, there are 25 lawn care services.Entry Strategy<Product>Our widget has been designed by the latest in computer aided design. We are able to manufacture our complex widgets on computer driven assembly lines using the latest in robotics manufacturing. Thisgives us a tremendous price advantage.We intend to market our complex widget through all the normalchannels available to simple widgets. These include retail, wholesale, and OEM. To penetrate this market efficiently and swiftly, we intend to initially use commission sales representatives strategically located throughout the USA. We also will start a national advertising campaign targeting the end user in various national publications and on national TV commercials.Our sales representatives will be chosen based on their ownexperience in the marketplace. It is our intention to hire the best and the brightest among those currently available. Our marketingtests included many of the reps we initially would like to hire.<Service>Over the past few years, we have noticed an increase in demand forfull lawn care services - not just grass cutting and snow removal.Our computerized office allows us to track our clients needs and schedule house calls on one hours notice.We intend to attack this market very aggressively through the use of:1. A pool of 10 telemarketers.2. House-to-house visits to neighbors of present clients.3. Advertisements in upscale magazines.4. Radio advertisements on weekends.5. Sales calls on real estate management companies.As we are offering a unique service, informing the public of our capabilities is of utmost importance.Growth Strategy<Product>After having successfully introduced the complex widget into the American market, our expansion will be in two separate areas: increasing sales in the USA and entering various foreign markets.After we have reached our first year sales goals, we intend to offer our sales reps the opportunity to sell our products exclusively by joining our company. We expect that a small percentage will desire to remain independent and these will have to be replaced with our own sales force. We intend to develop further sales reps from within by hiring and training them in our own sales methods. We will increase national advertising and begin targeting smaller accounts and specialty outlets. Additionally, we will conduct in house seminars for various OEM’s demonstrating how the inclusion of complex widgetry into their own products will increase the value of their products.<Service>After having successfully completed this entry phase into this market in the geographical are we have chosen, we will then expand our market by doing the following:1. Expand telemarketing pool to 20.2. Increase number of direct sales reps.3. Expand into neighboring cities.Market Size and ShareThe American market for [product/service] is estimated at $8 Billion annual sales based on data furnished by XYZ Survey. We estimate that we can achieve XX% market share within XX years.Marketing data for other markets is in the process of collection.Other MarketsUse the same format for additional markets.Targeting New MarketsTo continue our growth, we will be using the following methods to expand our markets and to increase our new areas of doing business:Customer contact - find out their needsLook for complementary productsTrade showsWorld Trade Center “Network”. Government trade leadsState Government trade leadsOn-line computer prospecting and qualification (DIALOG,D&B, etc.)Market surveysResearch & developmentLocationRETAIL EXAMPLE:This business will be operated at 123 Any Street. This location is desirable because:1.The traffic flow has been rated at high.2.The rent is below market3.The building has the necessary facilities to operate thisbusiness.4.The location is convenient for our customers.We are renting this building on a XX year lease. We will have renovations costing $XXX based upon three estimates. The building is zoned R-3, commercial use.OTHER SAMPLE:This business will be operated at 123 Any Street. This location is desirable because:1.The building is structurally compatible for our use.2.The rent is below market3.The building has the necessary facilities to operate thisbusiness.4.The location is convenient for our freight companies,suppliers, clients and employees.5.Possibility of expansion in the area.We are renting this building on a XX year lease. We will have renovations costing $XXX based upon three estimates. The building is zoned R-3, commercial use.Manufacturing PlanSAMPLE:We will be using a conventional assembly line method of construction of our complex widgets. Our main supplier of component parts will be DEF Manufacturing of Fort Lee, NJ. In the event that they are not able to ship according to our specifications our secondary supplier will be MNO Amalgamated located in Charlotte, NC. These parts will be shipped to us by motor freight.The actual machinery used in the production line will be manufactured by A&M Machine Tools of Arlington, Texas. They also will be doing maintenance under a service contract. This design of machine and assembly will allows us to produce 24 hours a day as the entire assembly process is fully automated with state-of- the-art robotics of American manufacture.With robotics our labor costs and therefore our production costs will be the lowest in the industry. To maintain our advantage we have established lines of communication with all of our potential machinery suppliers. Most importantly we have an ongoingrelationship with several universities and are actively participating in various studies and experiments relating to production methods.These machines also incorporate quality checking by lasers. All products must come within XX% of specifications. Also, at regular intervals we will be using human inspection of products and machines.We do not anticipate generating any toxic materials at this time for these products. However, we will be closely monitoring all production to determine if any hazardous materials are being generated. We have contracted with an environmental engineering company to advise us on any possible problems as well as solutions including legal disposal of all hazardous wastes.We anticipate the following outlays for this capital equipment:A&M Machines $XXXService Contract $XXXResearch & DevelopmentSAMPLE:We have already spent a considerable amount of time in researching and developing our complex widgets. We have a very simple laboratory equipped with the basic research equipment we need. We have thus far been able to discover lighter materials and several cost cutting manufacturing methods. The largest achievement to date is the discovery of a water based lubricant that does not disintegrate in rainstorms. We have called this lubricant “H2Ocus-Pocus”.Presently our research is being supervised by our Technical Director, John Q. Public. He will continue in this capacity. Having been the researcher involved with all our activities to this point, he is well qualified to continue our research efforts.。

Profit of Iron powder and recycling of tailings include economy profit and social benifit
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Products and relevant technology
Technology of High pressure mill (高
• strategy of sustainable development it must be the main trend & observer the market quotations to evade strike from monopoly • In the near team and in the lone run
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Definition of the Market LOGO Macro and entire demand of whole market inland and abroad
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Advantage of purchasing market
output of raw iron materials
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Thanks for watching
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Mission statement
Recent and long Goals

篇一:英文商业计划书模板英语商业计划书(business plan)第一讲:概述第二讲:现状分析第三讲:目标确定第四讲:组织结构第五讲:产品分析第六讲:市场分析第七讲:市场策略第八讲:生产分析第九讲:财务分析第十讲:附件第一讲:概述(executive summary)概述是整个商业计划的第一部分,相当于整个商业计划的浓缩,使整个商业计划的精华所在。
概述应包括的基本内容有:企业的宗旨,例如:in 2007, abc corporation was created to...now, abc corporation is at a point where…背景介绍,例如:for many years people have…the condition of the industry today is such that…产品或服务及市场竞争情况,例如:and proprietary construction tool企业目标,例如:prominent market position. we feel that within 5 years abccorporation will be in a suitable condition for furtherexpansion, an initial public offering or profitable acquisition.管理团队和管理组织,例如our management team consists of 5 men and womenwhose backgrounds consist of 10 years of marketing with…市场策略,例如:the fundamental thrust of our marketing strategyconsists of…财务状况和计划,例如:in 5 years we will have… and our investors will beable to…结论,例如:abc corporation enjoys an established track-record ofexcellent support for our customers. their expressions ofsatisfaction and encouragement are numerous, and weintend to continue our advances in the…第二讲:现状分析(present situation)这部分尽可能简明扼要而又全面地介绍公司的情况,以及公司所在行业的信息。
商业计划书英文可编辑模板(Business Plan)

[YOUR COMPANY NAME]BUSINESS PLAN[YOUR NAME][YOUR TITLE][YOUR ADDRESS][YOUR ADDRESS 2][YOUR CITY], [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE] [YOUR ZIP/POSTAL CODE] [COUNTRY][YOUR PHONE NUMBER][*************************][YOUR WEBSITE ADDRESS][DATE]Table of ContentsStatement of Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure3 Executive Summary4 Business Description4 Products and Services4 The Market4 Competition5 Operations5 Management Team6 Risk/Opportunity6 Financial Summary6 Capital Requirements7 1. Business Description9 1.1 Industry Overview9 1.2 Company Description9 1.3 History and Current Status10 1.4 Goals and Objectives10 1.5 Critical Success Factors10 1.6 Company Ownership111.7 Exit Strategy112. Products / Services12 2.1 Product/Service Description12 2.2 Unique Features or Proprietary Aspects of Product/Service13 2.3 Research and Development14 2.4 Production142.5 New and Follow-on Products/Services153. The Market16 3.1 Industry Analysis16 3.2 Market Analysis183.3 Competitor Analysis204. Marketing Strategies and Sales23 4.1 Introduction23 4.2 Market Segmentation Strategy23 4.3 Targeting Strategy23 4.4 Positioning Strategy24 4.5 Product/Service Strategy24 4.6 Pricing Strategy25 4.7 Distribution Channels26 4.8 Promotion and Advertising Strategy26 4.9 Sales Strategy274.10 Sales Forecasts285. Development29 5.1 Development Strategy29 5.2 Development Timeline29 5.3 Development Expenses296. Management30 6.1 Company Organization30 6.2 Management Team30 6.3 Management Structure and Style31 6.4 Ownership316.5 Board of [Advisors OR Directors]327. Operations33 7.1 Operations Strategy33 7.2 Scope of Operations33 7.3 Ongoing Operations33 7.4 Location33 7.5 Personnel35 7.6 Production35 7.7 Operations Expenses36 7.8 Legal Environment36 7.9 Inventory37 7.10 Suppliers377.11 Credit Policies378. Financials39 8.1 Start-up Funds40 8.2 Financial History and Analysis (current businesses only)40 8.3 Current Financial Position (current, takeover or franchise businesses only)40 8.4 Operating Forecast41 8.5 Break-Even Analysis41 8.6 Balance Sheet42 8.7 Income Statement428.8 Cash Flow429. [Offering OR Funding Request]43 9.1 Offer43 9.2 Capital Requirements43 9.3 Risk/Opportunity43 9.4 Valuation of Business449.5 Exit Strategy4410. Refining the Plan45 10.1 For Raising Capital4510.2 Refine According to Type of Business4511. Appendix47Statement of Confidentiality & Non-DisclosureThis document contains proprietary and confidential information. All data submitted to [RECEIVING PARTY] is provided in reliance upon its consent not to use or disclose any information contained herein except in the context of its business dealings with [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. The recipient of this document agrees to inform its present and future employees and partners who view or have access to the document's content of its confidential nature.The recipient agrees to instruct each employee that they must not disclose any information concerning this document to others except to the extent that such matters are generally known to, and are available for use by, the public. The recipient also agrees not to duplicate or distribute or permit others to duplicate or distribute any material contained herein without [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s express written consent.[YOUR COMPANY NAME] retains all title, ownership and intellectual property rights to the material and trademarks contained herein, including all supporting documentation, files, marketing material, and multimedia.BY ACCEPTANCE OF THIS DOCUMENT, THE RECIPIENT AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE AFOREMENTIONED STATEMENT.Executive SummaryThe executive summary will provide readers and potential investors a brief yet dynamic description of the key components of the business plan. To make sure it is clear and comprehensive, it is often the last section to be written. A first-time reader should be able to read the summary by itself and know what your business is all about. The summary should stand-alone and should not refer to other parts of your business plan.The summary, between one to three pages in length, will motivate readers to continue reading the remainder of the business plan in more detail.The summary should include the following subsections:Business DescriptionProvide a brief description of your company. The opening paragraphs should introduce what you do and where. From this section, the investor must be convinced of the uniqueness of the business and gain a clear idea of the market in which the company will operate. The legal form of the business such as LLC, S-Corporation, C-Corporation, Partnership, or Proprietorship should be stated as well as the objectives of the business via a mission statement that clearly states the business' purpose and values. Include a vision statement as well as where you see the business in five to ten years. Be sure to answer the following questions that are usually asked by potential investors:•What form of business are you in?•What type of business is it (e.g. manufacturing, consulting, reselling, services)?•Is it a new business, a takeover, a franchise?•What is your product or service?Products and ServicesThis should include a very brief overview and description of your products and services, with emphasis on distinguishing features. Be sure to answer the following questions that are usually asked by potential investors:•How will the products be made or the services performed?•What will they do for the customers/clients?•What is different about the product or service your business is offering?•What value do you add to your product?•What is it that separates your company from the rest of the pack?•Is your product or technology proprietary, patented, copyrighted?The MarketProvide a brief description of the market you will be competing in. Here you will define your market, how large it is, and how much of the market share you expect to capture. It is important to reference credible sources and include the name of your source(s) of information along with a date. Indicate how you will market the products/services and which channels will be used to deliver your products/services to your target market(s) (i.e. website, direct sales force, Value Added Resellers, channel partners, etc…). Be sure to answer the following questions that are usually asked by potential investors:•What are the key drivers, trends, and influences in the market?•To whom do you market your products and services?•How will you educate your customers to buy from you?•Who is your target market?CompetitionIt is important to show the reader that you have investigated the competition. Identify the direct and indirect competitors, with analysis of their pricing and promotional strategies, as well as an assessment of their competitive advantage. Based on this analysis, you can identify key obstacles for your business, the additional services you might offer, competitive challenges, as well as opportunities ahead. Briefly describe the competitive outlook and dynamics of the relevant market in which you will operate. Be sureto answer the following questions that are usually asked by potential investors:•Is your service better, faster, cheaper and if so why?•Is your advantage a temporary “window” and are there steps you can take to protect your position?•What have you learned from the competition? From their advertising?•How is their business currently? Steady? Increasing? Decreasing?You may also wish to include the following table:Main CompetitorsOperationsOperations is defined as the processes used to deliver your products and services to the marketplace and can include manufacturing, transportation, logistics, travel, printing, consulting, after-sales service, and so on. This section should briefly outline how you will implement all of the above and include a brief description of the organizational structure and the expense and capital requirements for operation. Besure to answer the following questions that are usually asked by potential investors:•Are your staffing requirements on par with the rest of the industry, is your pay and benefits package appropriate?•Have you considered the possibility of a unionized staff?•Have you contacted suppliers and distributors and decided which you will choose?•Do you have insurance? If so, does it provide adequate coverage?•Have you prepared a contingency plan if some difficulties should occur?•What facilities and equipment do you require? How much does they cost?•What inventory will you have on hand? Where will you keep it?Management TeamThe quality of a company’s management team is one of the best predictors of success, thus investors will look very closely at the individuals who will be managing the company. The ideal scenario is that senior managers have previously started and successfully managed companies in the same business. If your management team cannot show this kind of background, you should emphasize the previous relevant experiences of the team. Mention past experience, education, positions held and milestones achieved. Be sure to answer the following questions that are usually asked by potential investors: •Can the current management team reach the desired goals set by the business?•What about the future needs of management, will you hire new team members? What if a member of your management team leaves?•What is the chain of command?•Why did your current management leave their previous position?•What will be the main duties of each individual member of management?Risk/OpportunityRisks are a part of any business, especially a new one. In this section, it is important to show potential investors and loan officers you have taken into consideration the risk involved with starting or expanding your venture. Illustrate the market, pricing, product, and management risks as well as how you plan to overcome these risks.Convey to the investor that the company and product/service truly fills an unmet need in the marketplace. Describe and quantify the opportunity and where you fit. Explain why you are in business along with the reasons why you will be able to take advantage of this opportunity. Be sure to answer the following questions that are usually asked by potential investors:•Have you considered all the possible risks involved?•Does your business have a contingency plan in place for all of the risks mentioned?•What makes this opportunity unique?•What are the financial risks for your business? How will these risks be minimized?•What is the worst-case scenario? How will your business handle it?Financial SummaryThe financial section of the business plan will help you and potential investors (or loan officers) estimate how much money will be required and how much profit and sales will be generated. This process will force you to think through the various scenarios that may arise through the course of business and the respective responses to each. Be sure to answer the following questions that are usually asked by potential investors:•Have you stated your break-even point?•What are the potential problems you are certain your business will face and what are the solutions to these problems?•Are the balance sheet and income statement completed for five years?This table should include a recap of your income statement:This table should include a summary of your balance sheet:Financial SummaryCapital RequirementsClearly state the capital needed to start or expand your business. You should have a very clear idea of how much money you will need to operate your business for the first full year. If possible, summarize how much money has been invested in the business to date and how it is being used. Describe why you need the funds and why the opportunity is exciting. Keep in mind that one of the most common causes of new business failures is under-capitalization. Investors and loan officers want to know when they will get their money back, so be sure to explain how and when they will recoup their investment or when you will repay the loan. If the loan for initial capital will be based on security instead of equity, you should also specify the source of collateral. The following tables are useful to portray the sources and uses of funds:Source of funds:Use of funds:Executive Summary checklist:•Does your Executive Summary capture the essence of your business plan?•Does your Summary sell your distinctive competence for executing the plan?•Does it sell your strategy for success?•Does it stand-alone from your business plan (without reference to the business plan)?•Is your Summary short, clear and exciting? Does it make the reader want to dive into the complete plan for more details?•Do you cover all of the main elements of your plan (Business Description, Products and Services, The Market, Competition, Operations, Management Team, Risk/Opportunity, Financial Summary and Capital Requirements)1. Business DescriptionThe business description is a brief (one or two page) description of the company you have founded or are about to found. This section will be broken down into subsections and should give your reader a good idea of where you are, how you have gotten there and where you foresee your business in the future.Answer the following questions in one or two paragraphs:•What is the name of your company? Where is it located?•Will it be a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation?•Does your company currently exist, or will it be forming?•What is your current stage? (Idea stage, start-up, expansion, etc.)•Has the product been tested, lease signed, suppliers arranged, staff hired, etc.?•How will it be organized?•What is the size of the company? (Sales volume, number of employees, size of facilities, etc.) •Why should an investor put money in your hands?•To whom do you market your products? What is your target market?•What changes do you foresee in your industry, and how will your company respond to them? The Business description should include the following subsections:1.1 Industry OverviewOften neglected in many business plans, an industry overview will provide potential investors or loan officers information on the industry that you are entering or already have a stake in. The industry overview should begin with the current situation of the industry and the future of the industry. Where possible, provide information on all the markets in the industry, including the positive or negative affect new products and developments will have on your particular business. When writing this section it is very important to state or footnote the source of any information and data you have used. Investors and loan officers will want to know how reliable and accurate the information you have provided really is.1.2 Company DescriptionStart with the legal name of your business and state the legal form such as LLC, S-Corporation, C-Corporation, Partnership, or Proprietorship. State whether the business is a new business, expanding business, or a takeover of an existing business. Next, explain the actual business you are in, this will include describing the manufacturing of any product, provision and delivery of any service, and so on. State where your primary office will be located as well as any other facility that your business will operate in and then explain the reasons for that specific location. Give the actual size of each office and/or facility and along with a description of how each will be used and the duration in number of years these facilities will be adequate for operating the business (i.e. number of years used for amortization of their cost).If your company uses any controlled substances in the manufacturing process or delivery of service be sure to list them along with the jurisdiction of the government agency associated with them. Be sure to indicate that you have obtained the necessary permits/licenses and what are the agencies that regulate them.Mission StatementYour mission statement is a short inspirational statement of the vision and goals you have for your company. Be sure that your mission statement is concise, content rich, and that it excites your readers. Your mission statement should address, but is not limited, to the following elements:•Nature and philosophy of the company•Quality, price, service, customer relationships, management style, employee relations•Corporate culture, image•Social and community image•Growth and profitability goals1.3 History and Current StatusSummarize the history and current status of your company. If your company is just forming, clearly explain how you came up with the idea to start your business and how you and your partners have met.If your business is already in operation, state how long you have been in business. Do you have anything to say about previous owners, successes, failures, lessons learned, reputation in community or sales and profit history? Discuss significant past problems and how you survived them.1.4 Goals and ObjectivesIn this section, explain in simple terms the objective of your business in a single paragraph. Express your company's objectives by answering the following questions:•What are your plans for the future of the business?•What are your ambitions for the company?•Are you developing growth strategies? If so, how fast do you think you will grow?•Do you plan to increase production, diversify, or eventually sell the business?•Explain your short- and long-term goals for the company.•What are your time frames for reaching different goals?1.5 Critical Success FactorsSeparate from the Goals and Objectives section, the critical success factors identify what needs to be in place or managed in order to accomplish the objectives. Questions to address are:•What factors will make this business a success?•What are the internal and external elements that have an immediate and direct impact on your business? How are you prepared to deal with them or make them happen?•What are your major competitive strengths?•If you are asking for funding, go on to explain how the new capital will help you successfully meet your upcoming challenges.1.6 Company OwnershipThis section will identify the owners of the business and should address the following: •Who are the owners? How much of the shares do they own?•Who are the people in the management team?•List the name of the individual and the position held•Describe the owners' plan for succession. Who takes over after you retire?Use the following table to clearly show how the ownership will be broken down:Ownership of Company1.7 Exit StrategyThis is where you explain to investors how they will get their money back, what you are anticipating they will recover in excess of their investment and in what time frame. Possible exit strategies can include: •The sale or merger of your company• A management buyout•An IPO or private placement2. Products / ServicesThis section is a detailed description of the products and/or services you will be selling or providing. Since the reader may not be familiar with your product/service, make sure to explain and describe it carefully. Begin to sell your idea by generating some excitement about it. Be honest about capabilities. When potential investors have finished learning about your product or service, they should be enthusiastic about reading the marketing and financial details of your venture.Try to describe the benefits of your goods and services from a customers' perspective.Make sure to include technical specifications, drawings, photos, sales brochures, and other items that you deem appropriate in the appendix.In a few paragraphs, answer the following questions:•What exactly is your product or service?•What marketplace needs does your product address?•Who will purchase it?•How will your product or service benefit the customer? What are its features?•How does your product work or how is the service used?•Which after-sales services are provided? (e.g. delivery, warranty, support, follow-up, or refund policy)•What proprietary rights do you have to the product/service? Patents, copyrights, trade secrets, non-compete agreements? Other proprietary knowledge or skills?•What is your pricing strategy?•What are the sales price, cost, and profit margin for each product line?•Which products/services are in demand?•What are your current sales?•What are the boundaries of your business?•Are there other vendors involved and if so who and where do they fit?•What is included in the product's bill of materials? (Major components only)•Are there any current/potential component supply problems?The Products/Services section should include the following subsections:2.1 Product/Service DescriptionBegin by stating your [YOUR COMPANY NAME] and the product or service you provide. List allproducts/services in order of highest to lowest sales or importance of product line. If possible, try to refer potential investors and loan officers to patents, diagrams, product displays, or other supporting material. For each product/service, describe the main features and benefits. State at what stage of growth your product/service is in [introductory, growth, maturity] and when you initially developed your product/service. When possible, provide a historical summary of product developments, introductions, and improvements up to the time of the business plan in a table.Existing Products•How is your product different from the competition? Compare capabilities, strengths/weaknesses, and characteristics of your product to that of competitors.•Are your products currently up to date? If not, how and when do you plan to update them?•Include the sales price, costs and profit margin for each product line•Who are your current customers?Description of the Products•General concepts•Specific features•The cost and labor of production methods•In what stage of development are the products?•Product liability considerations?•What is your pricing strategy?Description of the Services•What are the services offered?•What is your pricing strategy?•What is unique about your service?•Does your service create a competitive advantage?Stage of DevelopmentBriefly describe the current status of your product or service:•Where is the product in its lifecycle (early, growing, mature, declining)?•Is it ready for the market, or is it in development?•What obstacles remain?•What is the timeframe for introducing these products to the market?•How up-to-date are your products? Address potential obsolescence or losses of market share.•Has your product been tested / evaluated and if so, where, when and what were the results.2.2 Unique Features or Proprietary Aspects of Product/ServiceIn this section you will show how your product or service is unique. Explain the unique value-added characteristics of your product line or service and how these value-added characteristics will in turn give your business a competitive advantage.Begin by stating why your business is unique (e.g. patent, secret ingredient, new production process, unmatched know-how). Explain how the competition may provide a similar product/service but provide the reasons why your business is able to differentiate itself in the market.Be sure to give the details on any patents you have applied for, been granted, or been licensed. Provide a summary of the patent in the appendix. Point out your lead product/service and demonstrate how it addresses customer needs and benefits.2.3 Research and DevelopmentIf your business is big enough to have either a Research and Development department or employee, specify the people in charge and their major objectives. List what your Research and Development has accomplished in the past such as innovative products/services. Account for what has been spent in the past year in percentage of revenue or actual dollar amount. If there are any plans for the future, give the percentage of revenue or dollar amount that will be allocated and the duration of the plan.Selecting a product/service from idea to market can be a difficult task. It is a good idea to have criteria in place for deciding which product/service to move forward with. These criteria may include but are not limited to:•Relatively low investment requirements•Positive return on investment•Feasibility of development and execution•Uniqueness in the market•Relatively low risk•Timeliness of results2.4 ProductionThis section will give more details on how your product/service is manufactured or delivered. To better assist you in writing this particular section, a product-oriented approach and a service-oriented approach are provided.ProductThere are a number of things to address when your business is product oriented. First, state if your product(s) is manufactured in-house or assembled in-house from various vendors, then list the raw materials, sub assemblies, or components used for your product. Identify where you purchase your materials or any manufacturers you may use for sub assembly.List the critical factors in the production of your product.Specify and explain capital equipment, material, and labor requirements. Are the above items readily available? Do you have multiple supply sources? List inventory requirements, quality, and technical specifications, and hazardous materials.ServiceService-oriented businesses will address issues in a different manner. Anyone operating a service-oriented business will state if his or her service is provided by internal staff or subcontracted to field consultants. If there are procedures for delivering the service it will be described in this section.List the critical factors for the delivery of service.Specify if there will be a particular service level that has to be maintained and how you will maintain these levels.2.5 New and Follow-on Products/ServicesAs your business expands, there will come a time to launch new products and services. If you already have new products in mind, point them out in this section. Specify whether they will be an extension of an existing product or completely new products. Your plan should include when and how you will launch the product/service (e.g. at major trade shows, industry events, through free samples, contests, etc.). Provide a target introduction date for the product/service.Future Products•Are there plans for future or next generation products? If so, what and when?•Are these new products included in your revenue and cost projections?Market ComparisonIn one or two paragraphs, position your new product or service in its marketplace:•Who are your principal competitors?•What are their products?•Why is your product/service superior and how is it different?•What is unique about your product/service?3. The MarketThe success of many new ventures is often determined by how well they have prepared this section of the business plan. The section itself should be broken down into subsections for industry analysis, market analysis, and competitor analysis. To properly write this section of the business plan, conducting or gathering market research is very important. It is for this reason that we have supplied a short segment on Market Research before the subsections.Why do market research?Every business can benefit from doing market research to ensure it is where it wants to be. Use the business planning process as your opportunity to uncover data and question your marketing efforts. Rest assured it will benefit your business in the future and is time well spent.There are two types of market research: primary and secondary.Primary market research involves collecting your own data. Some examples of primary research include using the Internet and yellow pages to identify your local, national, and global competition. Conducting surveys, group interviews, and focus groups to learn more about potential consumers and niches for your particular business. Paying for professional research could be hard for anyone starting a new business. However, there are a number of books on the market, which can show small business owners how to conduct effective research by themselves.Secondary market research involves using published information such as industry profiles, trade journals, newspapers, demographic profiles, magazines, census data, and books. This type of information is available from public libraries, industry associations, chambers of commerce, vendors who sell to your industry, business information centers, government departments, and agencies.The Market section should include the following subsections:3.1 Industry AnalysisThe industry analysis subsection should objectively describe the industry in which you will compete. The government and suppliers of equipment for your industry are great sources of information. Use the Internet to research stats and reports. When completed with this section, potential investors and loan officers should understand the dynamics, problems, and opportunities driving your industry.Try to find answers to the following questions:•How is your industry defined? What is its NAIC (North American Industry Classification) code?•How is the industry segmented? How are the segments defined?•What are current trends and important developments?•Who are the largest and most important players?•What problems is the industry experiencing?•What national and international events are influencing this industry?•What are growth forecasts?•What is the total estimated industry sales (i.e. current, 5-year, 10-year outlook)•Are there any general industry standards, benchmarks and performance requirements。

商业计划书英语作文Introduction:A well-structured business plan is essential for any entrepreneur looking to secure funding, guide strategic decision-making, or simply clarify the vision for their venture. Writing a business plan in English requires a clear understanding of the language's nuances and the ability to convey complex ideas succinctly. This essay will explore the key components of a business plan and offer tips for writing one effectively in English.Executive Summary:Begin with a concise executive summary that encapsulates the essence of your business plan. This should include your business concept, target market, financial objectives, and a brief overview of your strategy. Aim for clarity and brevity, as this section is often the first impression for investorsor stakeholders.Business Description:Expand on the details of your business, including its history, legal structure, and mission statement. Describe the products or services you offer, and explain how they meet a market need. Use active language and avoid jargon to ensure your description is accessible to a wide audience.Market Analysis:Conduct thorough research to understand the market landscape.Identify your target audience, analyze your competition, and assess market trends. Present this information in a logical and organized manner, using charts and graphs where appropriate to illustrate your findings.Organization and Management:Detail the organizational structure of your business and the roles of key personnel. Highlight the experience and qualifications of your management team to instill confidence in your plan's feasibility. Be sure to include any partnerships or advisory boards that support your venture.Service or Product Line:Explain the features and benefits of your product or service, and how it differs from competitors. Describe the production process, supply chain, and any proprietary technology or intellectual property that gives you a competitive edge.Marketing and Sales Strategy:Outline your marketing plan, including your pricing strategy, promotional efforts, and distribution channels. Discuss how you will reach your target market and how you plan to build a customer base. Use persuasive language to convey thepotential for growth and profitability.Funding Request:If seeking investment, clearly state the amount of funding you require and how it will be used. Provide a detailed breakdown of the requested funds, including startup costs, operational expenses, and any contingency plans. Be transparent about your financial projections and repaymentterms.Financial Projections:Present a comprehensive set of financial forecasts, including projected income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Use professional financial terminology and provide clear explanations for any assumptions made in your calculations.Conclusion:End with a strong conclusion that summarizes the key points of your business plan and reinforces your confidence in the venture's success. Reiterate your vision and the potential impact of your business on the market and society.Remember, the goal of a business plan is not just to secure funding but also to serve as a roadmap for your business's growth and development. By following these guidelines and focusing on clarity and precision, you can craft a business plan in English that effectively communicates your vision and inspires confidence in your ability to execute it.。

商业计划书-英文商业计划书通用模板Exeutive Summaras formed as ainin , bin response to the folloing market onditions:opportunities exist in . The need for use of effiient distribution and finanial methods in these overlooked markets.have several ustomers ho are illing to plae largeithin the next three months. Several other prospetivehave expressed serious interest in doing business ithin six months.previousl oned a pan that as ative in the idget markets. Over the past fe ears I spent muh time studing as to improve overall performane and inrease profits. This plan is a result of that stud. The basi ponents of this plan are:1. Competitive priing Expand the markets3. Inreased advertising4. Loer our unit osts,5. Thereb ahieving higher profits.1. Sign ontrats Inreased advertising3. Inrease offie staff To this end,need investment from private individuals andor panies. A total of $** is being raised hih ill be used to finane orking apital, plant and equipment. The pan ill be inorporated and mon stok issued to investors. The pan ill be run as a . Finanial Goals Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Sales $1,000,000 $1,400,000 $1,600,000 Net Ine$25,000 $250,000 $375,000 Earnings per share .01 .12 .14 Management Sales groth from zero to $1,000,000 in five ears. Led market in market share - 30%. Formulated advertising budgets ampaigns. Pioneered ne distribution hannels. Established national sales fore. Established national repair servie enters.6 7 8 9 10 11 Brought ne and innovative produts to the market. Designed point-of-purhase materials. Universit of Boston Boston, MA B.A. - Computer Sienes Short Biographies President John Q. Doe, Chief Exeutive Offier, and Diretorsine Februar88 and President sine Januar90. Mr. Doe as the founder and Chief Exeutive Offier of the original operating pan knon as Random Exess, In. He has had experiene in theidget field ith his on firm, John Doe Co., of Oshkosh ,from80 to87. This firm as sold to FatCat Widgets, In. in87. Mr. Doe has held a sales position ith U S West In. sine then. Mr. Doe graduated from the Universit of Colorado in81 ith a bahelor’s degree in philosoph. Mr. Doe is emploed b the Compan on a full-time basis. Chief Finanial Offier Rihard Roe, CPA, Chief Finanial Offier, Treasurer and Diretor. Mr. Roe joined Random Exess, In. in Deember88 as a orporate ontroller and as named Chief Finanial Offier in Jul89. Mr. Roe as appointed Treasurer and a Diretor in Jul90. He served as orporate ontroller of *YZ Lumber Compan from August81 toDeember88. Mr. Roe graduated from Metropolitan State College in De nver, Colorado in76 ith a bahelor’s degree in aounting. Sine79 he has been liensed as a Certified Publi Aountant in the State of Colorado and is a member of the AmerianInstitute of Certified Publi Aountants. Mr. Roe is emploed b the Compan on a full-time basis. Vie President Joe Dokes, Seretar, Exeutive Vie President and Diretor. Mr. Dokes supervises the pan’s sales and implementations to itslargest orporate ustomers, inluding US West, Great West Life Insurane, et. Mr. Dokes has served as Seretar and a Diretor sine Februar88, Vie President of Operations from Februar88 to Deember88, President of the Compan from Deember88 to Januar90 and Vie President of Contrat Sales sine Januar90. He has been involved sine86 ith the private pan originall formed as Random Exess, In., here his duties inluded managing the purhasing and sales department. From November84 to Ma86 he managed the sales department at Integrated Management Sstems, In. From June83 to Otober84 he as a buer for Adams Count, Colorado, Shool Distrit 50. Mr. Dokes attended Oklahoma State Universit in80 and81 and Trinidad State College in Trinidad, Colorado in81 and8He did not reeive a degree from either universit. Mr. Dokes is emploed b the Compan on a full-time basis. Vie President Sall Seaugh Vie President of Marketing. Ms. Seaugh has been the Compan’s Vie President of Marketingsine November88. From September86 to Otober88 she as involved in business development and marketing for United Bank of Aurora . From Februar80 to August86 she as self-emploed as an independent oil and gas landman. Ms. Seaugh graduated fromthe Universit of Denver in74 ith a bahelor’s degree in Eduation. She is emploed b the Compan on a full-time basis. Responsibilities John Q. Doe, Chief Exeutive Offier - Responsible for entire operation. Oversees management funtion and all other exeutives. Salar - $60,000. Rihard Roe, CPA, Chief Finanial Offier - Responsible for finanial operations, aounts p**ble, aounts reeivable, interation ith audi6 7 8 9 10 11 tors, investor relations. Salar - $40,000 Joe Dokes, Exeutive Vie President - Responsible primaril for sales and sales support. Salar - $35,000 Sall Seaugh Vie President of Marketing. Responsible for marketing, human resoures and training. Salar - $30,000. Total Exeutive Compensation $165,000.Histor Informed apan that manufatured start-of-the-art plex idgetr. This pan as loated in .formed this pan as a . Others involved in this business ere: . The main goal of this pan as to . Finaning as arrangedthroughThis venture as ver suessful in generating andinreasing sales, but as not effetive in ahieving profitabilit. The main reason for this as the amount of atual overhead experiened. This overhead as not initiall antiipated b me atthe beginning of that venture. Items inluding redit heking, arrant program management, extensive travel, maintaining arehouse stok and the management and expense of a national sales fore ere expenses not originall foreast or expeted. With this level of overhead, it as mathematiall impossible to ahieve profitabilit. or: This venture as ver suessful in generating and inreasing sales, as ell as effetive in ahieving profitabilit. This as due to the folloingreasons:OR:as reentl oneived and is still in the beginning stages. To this point the folloing has been aplishe d: § A team onsisting oflist has been dran up. § Strateg meetings are being held ever Monda, Wednesda and Frida evenings. § This business plan has been dran up.We are no able to adequatel address the markets e have targeted. We have adjusted our staff, redireted our advertising and sales fore, and have added the produts neessar to meet the needs and expetations of our ustomers.Desriptionintends to offer . Thisoffers our ustomers the best possible solution as it: § Offers the loest prie on the market § Is the most tehniall advaned § Offers more useful features § Saves them time and mone § Offers our users better value per dollar spent § Provides an alternative a to ahieve a similar task. § Provides a servie hih is not presentl available in this area. § Is strengthe ned b a team ith bined experiene of ** ears.§ Saves them time and mone § Provides an alternative, ost effetive a for them to realize a similar goal. We have aorfor this . This agen i6 7 8 9 10 11 ll last until ** at hih time it ma be extended for ** ears or terminated. This agen agreement is anelable upon ** das ritten notie. Thehas a useful life of ** ears. To distribute this produt so that it remains usable for our ustomers, e must use the folloing methods of storage and transportation:1. Overnight deliver Cold storage3. Inorporate preservatives4. Shipment ithin to eeks to distributors.5. Speiall padded boxars. Even though the tehnolog used to reate this produt is ne, e expet that others ill be able to substantiall reprodue our patented results ithin ** ears. To remain on the leading edge of this produt, e ill need to devote approximatel **% of revenues toard researh and development. Also due to the fast hanging nature of this industr, e ill need to retrofit these mahines ithin ** ears at ustomer expense. Our manufaturing plan has onsideredthis.Short Examples:1. Our arpet leaning mahiner is state-of-the-art. Our onsulting pratie ill address these speialized areas:3. We ill onl rep these speifi produt lines.Even though at this time our expertise is unique in the marketplae, e expet advanes to be made and petitors to arise and offer similar servies. We ill meet this hallengeb:1. Hiring staff speialized in these ne areas. Inrease our ontinuing eduation and training expense.3. Adding plementar lines.4. Make regular investments in ne equipment. Objetives Long Termbelieves ver strongl in tehnial, finanial, business and moral exellene. To seure a stable future for all those onneted ithe have set the folloing long term goals: Present market is estimated at $**. Our goal for market share is **%. We ant to be onsidered b our peers to be the market leader in sales as evidenedb: Trade industr **rds High end of sale in finanialratios Major market share Tehnial exellene Communit involvement Short Term Market share goals -1. First Year **% Seond Year **%3. Third Year **%4. Fourth Year **%osts through aquisition of ne plant and equipment. Inrease produtivit b investing in emploee training and eduation.1. Budget for plete puter training for appropriate appliations. Set up, Maintain] emploee benefit program for ontinuing ollege eduation.3. Budget for neessar seminars andor ontinuing job-speifi eduation.4. Maintain state-of-the-art aounting sstem for areful traking.5. Monthl reports on finanial status vis-a-vis the industr.6. Aggressive reruitment of the best tehnial staff in the industr.7. Support pan involvement in various loal and national harit events. Competitors Name Address Cit, State Strengths: § Loation - next door to supplier fator, on major arter, lo6 7 8 9 10 11 se to terminal, et. § Priing - Lo ost produer, knon for aggressive priing poli. § Deliver - ships overnight to anhere in the orld. § Management - Everone has an MBA from Harvard. Weaknesses § Servie - takes more than 3 months to reeive spare parts. § Dediation - If it’s sunn, the’re on the golf ourse or ski slope. § Mahiner - Slol approahing obsolesene unless replaed ithin six months. § Overhead - Spend lavishl on orporate dining room, limousines and hampagne. Competitive Advantages The distintive petitive advantages hihbrings to this market are: Experiene in thismarket.have ** ears of hands-on experiene in this industr. Sophistiation in finane and distribution. This results in m being the lo ost supplier in these prie sensitive markets. The philosoph ofis to prie not just aording to our osts, but also aording to hat the market ill pa. Our targeted minimum gross profit margin for a ategor must be **%. B priing to the market,ill ahieve higher sales and therefore inrease m buing poer. As the amounts of m purhases inrease, m per unit osts of shipping derease andill ahieve higher disount levels from m suppliers. Through these eonomies of sale, man itemsurrentl on the market an be sold ith loer pries, et a higher profit. Produt priing ill inlude a range of quantit disounts as ell as an earl pament disount. Rather than being stritl regional,ill expand into the national market. To ontrol foreign exhange risks,ill monitor the markets and hedge aordingl.ill also use overseas bank aounts. With those panies ith hihhave established a relationship or are knon to be finaniall seure,ill ork on a pre-pa basis. This allos me greater disounts. A level and poli of Capitalization that ill allo me to full address the respetive markets ith prehensive marketing and ustomer servie plans. B keeping m overheadlo,ill be able to funnel m profits bak into operations thus avoiding high debt ratios or lost sales opportunities. A quarterl diret mail ampaign direted at both urrent ustomersand prospetive ne ustomers onsisting of an informative nesletter. A toll-free national 800 number ill be used for ustomer orders and inquiries.ill print plete four-olor atalogs on a earl basis. Prie lists ill be updated as needed.intend to be aggressive in trade magazine advertising. Consideration ill also be given to attending trade shos around the ountr. With this level of apitalization, should an unexpeted donturn our,ill be able to ontinue operations on a positive sale. Innovation.have a histor of innovativeideas.The distintive petitive advantages hihbrings to this market are: Experiene in this market.have ** ears of hands on experiene in this industr. Sophistiation in management and finane. We are able to run an effiient and lean struture, et still provide qualit servie to our lients and ustomers. Beause of the nature of this6 7 8 9 10 11 industr, e ill be able to rent offie spae in more moderatel pried buildings. As a unique servie pan, e ill be able to keep our margins high, alloing us to provide internal finaning for groth possibilities. A level and poli of Capitalization that ill alloto full address the respetive markets ith prehensive marketing and ustomer servie plans. B keeping m overhead lo,ill be able to funnel m profits bakinto operations thus avoiding high debt ratios or lost sales opportunities. Our initial marketing ampaign ill allo us tobook a suffiient amount of business so that e an implementour telephone ustomer servie support program. Innovationhavea histor of innovative ideas.Summar Throughleadership,ill be able to redue overhead as a perentage of sales therebinreasing the amount of profit to be retained in the business. Beause of our priing poli, more people ill purhase our merhandise thus inreasing the size of the market and e ill be inreasing our market share. Whatproposes to use are just good solid business sense, eonomies of sale, and the use ofeffiient finanial tehniques. This ill allo us the folloing options: § inrease servie § inrease advertising § redue pries § inrease profits § inreas e seletion Throughleadership,ill be able to redue overhead as aperentage of sales thereb nreasing the amount of profit to be retained in the business. Whatproposes to use are just good solid business sense, eonomies of sale, and the use ofeffiient finanial tehniques. This ill allo us the folloing options: § inrease ustomer servie § inrease advertising expenditures § inrease profits § inrease seletion ofservies offered This plan ill give us tremendous flexibilitto use an of these options or a mix of them to effetivelattak our target markets and meet our long term goals. This bination of experiene, sophistiation, apitalization and innovation ill assistas it strives to reah its sales, profitand return objetives. Priing Beforeset the prie for m plex idgets,determined on a unit basis hat m osts ere going to be.then determined hat the market prie as for the normal idget. At this prie it as determined that for all but the loest sales projetions, this produt ould turn a profit atthis prie. Hoever, sine our plex idgets offer additional features, e felt that e ould prie it approximatel 50% above simple idgets. To test this prie, e alled a database of 50 large users of simple idgets. We first questioned them about the desirabilit of our extra features and then asked them diretl if this prie ould be aeptable if suh a produt ere available. We found that 75% of those polled ould be interested in this produt. Of this 75%, e reeived 10 firm orders representing approximatel 30% of this group. OR: We have determined that the market prie is $ ** per unit. This ill equal a margin of **%. OR: Our unit ost has been figured at $**. We need a margin of **% to pa our overhead and earn a suffiient profit. Therefore, our sellin6 7 8 9 10 11 g prie ill be $**. Beforeset the prie for our ,foreast hat our fixed monthl osts ere going to be.then determined hat the market rate for parable servies ere. At this rate it as determined that for all but the loest billing projetions, thisould turn a profit at this rate.Hoever, sine our servie is unique and demands a higher level of expertise,e felt that e should bill above other parable rates. Speifi Markets Market #1 General Histor The first idget as introdued into the market in 1036. Widgets remained muh as the original prodution until ell into the 20th entur hen puter modeling shoed that there ould be some enhanements made to the basi idget. The market for idgets has been generall stead ith market groth losel folloing the tpial population groth. At this time there are approximatel 1,500 panies orldide making parable simple idgets. Lan are panies have enjoed a period of stead groth over the past tent ears. This demand is due to man fators, not the least of hih is the advane of lan are tehnolog. In our proposed marketing area, there are 25 lan are servies. Entr Strateg Our idget has been designed b the latest in puter aided design. We are able to manufature our plex idgets on puter driven assembl lines using the latest in robotis manufaturing. This gives us a tremendous prie advantage. We intend to market our plex idget through all the normal hannels available to simple idgets. These inlude retail, holesale, and OEM. To penetrate this market effiientl and siftl, e intend to initiall use mission sales representatives strategiall loated throughout the USA. We also ill start a national advertising ampaign targeting the end user in various national publiations and on national TV merials. Our sales representatives ill be hosen based ontheir on experiene in the marketplae. It is our intention to hire the best and the brightest among those urrentl available. Our marketing tests inluded man of the reps e initiall ouldlike to hire. Over the past fe ears, e have notied an inrease in demand for full lan are servies - not just grass uttingand sno removal. Our puterized offie allos us to trak ourlients needs and shedule house alls on one hours notie. We intend to attak this market ver aggressivel through the use of:1. A pool of 10 telemarketers. House-to-house visits to neighbors of present lients.3. Advertisements in upsale magazines.4. Radio advertisements on eekends.5. Sales alls on real estate management panies. As e are offering a unique servie, informing the publi of ourapabilities is of utmost importane. Groth Strateg Afterhaving suessfull introdued the plex idget into the Amerian market, our expansion ill be in to separate areas: inreasing sales in the USA and entering various foreign markets. Aftere have reahed our first ear sales goals, e intend to offerour sales reps the opportunit to sell our produts exlusivel b joining our pan. We expet that a small perentage ill desireto remain independent and these ill have to be replaed6 7 8 9 10 11 ith our on sales fore. We intend to develop further sales reps from ithin b hiring and training them in our on sales methods. We ill inrease national advertising and begin targeting smaller aounts and speialt outlets. Additionall, e ill ondut in house seminars for various OEM’s demonstrating ho the inlusion of plex idgetr into their on produts ill inrease the value of their produts. After having suessfull pleted this entr phase into this market in the geographial are e have hosen, e ill then expand our market b doing the folloing:1. Expand telemarketing pool to 20. Inrease number of diret sales reps.3. Expand into neighboring ities. Market Size and Share The Amerian market foris estimated at $8 Billion annual sales based on data furnished b *YZ Surve. We estimate that e an ahieve **% market share ithin ** ears. Marketing data for other markets is in the proess of olletion. Other Markets Use the same format for additional markets. Targeting Ne Markets To ontinue our groth, e ill be using the folloing methods to expand our markets and to inrease our ne areas of doing business: § Customer ontat - find ou t their needs § Lookfor plementar produts § Trade shos § World Trade Center “Netork” § U.S. Government trade leads § State Government trade leads § On-line puter prospeting and qualifiation §Market surves § Researh development Loation RETAIL E*AMPLE: This business ill be operated at 123 An Street. This loation is desirable beause:1. The traffi flo has been rated at high. The rent is belo market3. The building has the neessar failities to operate this business.4. The loation is onvenient for our ustomers. We are renting this building on a ** ear lease. We ill have renovations osting $** based upon three estimates. The building is zoned R-3, merial use. OTHER SAMPLE: This business ill be operated at 123 An Street. This loation is desirable beause:1. The building is struturall patible for our use. The rent is belo market3. The building has theneessar failities to operate this business.4. The loation is onvenient for our freight panies, suppliers, lients and emploees.5. Possibilit of expansion in the area. We are renting this building on a ** ear lease. We ill have renovations osting $** based upon three estimates. The building is zoned R-3, merial use. Manufaturing Plan SAMPLE: We ill be using aonventional assembl line method of onstrution of our plex idgets. Our main supplier of ponent parts ill be DEF Manufaturing of Fort Lee, NJ. In the event that the are notable to ship aording to our speifiations our seondar supplierill be MNO Amalgamated loated in Charlotte, NC. These partsill be shipped to us b motor freight. The atual mahiner usedin the prodution line ill be manufatured b A M Mahine Toolsof Arlington, Texas. The also ill be doing maintenane under a servie ontrat. This design of mahine and assembl ill allos usto produe 24 hours a da as the entire assembl proess is full automated ith state-of- the-art robotis of Amerian manufature.6 7 8 9 10 11 With robotis our labor osts and therefore our prodution osts ill be the loest in the industr. Tomaintain our advantage e have established lines of muniationith all of our potential mahiner suppliers. Most importantl e have an ongoing relationship ith several universities and are ativel partiipating in various studies and experimentsrelating to prodution methods. These mahines also inorporate qualit heking b lasers. All produts must e ithin **% of speifiations. Also, at regular intervals e ill be using human inspetion of produts and mahines. We do not antiipategenerating an toxi materials at this time for these produts. Hoever, e ill be losel monitoring all prodution to determineif an hazardous materials are being generated. We haveontrated ith an environmental engineering pan to advise us on an possible problems as ell as solutions inluding legal disposal of all hazardous astes. We antiipate the folloing outlas for this apital equipment:A M Mahines $**Servie Contrat $** Researh Development SAMPLE: We have alread spent a onsiderable amount of time in researhing and developing our plex idgets. We have a ver simple laborator equipped ith the basi researh equipment e need. We have thus far been able to disover lighter materials and several ost utting manufaturing methods. The largest ahievement to date is the disover of a ater based lubriant that does not disintegrate in rainstorms. We have alled this lubriant “H2Ous-Pous”. Presentl our researh is being supervised b our Tehnial Diretor, John Q. Publi. He ill ontinue in this apait. Having been the researher involved ith all our ativities to this point, he is ell qualified to ontinue our researh efforts. Our next researh projet ill enter around using this ne lubriant in our manufaturing proesses and testing of a ne material that has e to our attention. To this point, our researh has paid for itself as e have been keing on bringing this ne produt to market. Hoever, no that e are being more experimental in our researh efforts suh a ontinued suess ratio an not be maintained. We have been investigating several potential government funding soures. Our present program of jointresearh ith the loal universit has b=proven ver benefiial. Historial Finanial Data See “Attahments”SAMPLE: Ine StatementBalane SheetAsset WorksheetRatio Analsis Finanial ratios are inluded for our onveniene. Finanial Standards We have also inluded finanial standards as piled b Dun Bradstreet and Robert Morris Assoiates. Proforma Finanial Data See “Attahments” Proforma Cash Flo Analsis SAMPLE: Assumptions: Cash Reeipts: Perentages as indiated. Rent: Building rental at $12square foot. Utilities: W6 7 8 9 10 11 ater, gas, seer, trash, eletri Telephone: Loal, long distane and ellular Salaries: Exeutives. Paroll: Hourl, non exeutive Withholding: Figured at ** %. Inventor: Freight-In: Offie Supplies: Postage: Advertising: Trade, magazine, diret mail, et. Professionals: Commissions: Figured at 10%. Insurane: Travel Entertainment: Researh:Misellaneous: State Taxes: **% Federal Taxes: **% Terms to ustomers: 210,n30 § Working apital - § Leasehold improvements - § Laborator equipment - Beakers, test tubes, petrie dishes - § Startup osts - legal fees, filing fees § Inve6 7 8 9 10 11 ntor -ra materials - § Deliver truks § Computer equipment - 15 Austin 48633 Winstations - These outlas ill enable us to operate at a level that ill allo us to meet our onservative sales goals for the first ear. Thisill also allo us to outright purhase these itemsrather than finane or lease them. Attahments:6 7 8 9 10 11。
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(2023)商业计划书和可行性报告商业计划书英文版(一)Introduction•Briefly introduce the purpose of the article•Explain the importance of having a solid business plan and feasibility reportBusiness Plan: Overview•Explain what a business plan is•List the key components of a good business plan •Emphasize the importance of a well-written executive summaryBusiness Plan: Timeline•Discuss the importance of a timeline in the business plan•Explain how to create a realistic and comprehensive timeline•Provide examples of commonly included items in a business plan timelineBusiness Plan: Financial Projections•Discuss the financial projections section of the business plan•Explain how to create realistic projections•Provide examples of the types of projections typically included such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statementsFeasibility Report: Overview•Explain what a feasibility report is•Discuss the purpose of a feasibility report •Emphasize the importance of conducting feasibility research before starting a businessFeasibility Report: Market Analysis•Discuss the market analysis section of the feasibility report•Explain how to conduct a comprehensive market analysis •Provide examples of information typically included such as target market, competition, and industry trendsFeasibility Report: Technical Analysis•Discuss the technical analysis section of thefeasibility report•Explain how to include technical aspects such as production processes, facilities, and technology •Provide examples of how technical analysis can inform business decisionsConclusion•Summarize the importance of having a solid business plan and feasibility report•Emphasize the need for thorough research and analysis •Encourage entrepreneurs to create a strong business plan and feasibility report before launching their business.IntroductionStarting a new business or expanding an existing one requires a solid plan. A business plan and feasibility report areessential tools that help entrepreneurs identify opportunities, assess risks, and plan for success.This article will provide an overview of what a business plan and feasibility report should include, with a focus on thekey components of each. We will also provide examples andoffer guidance on how to create a successful plan and report.Business Plan: OverviewA business plan is a written document that outlines a company’s goals, strategies, and financial projections. Awell-written business plan should include:•Executive summary: a brief summary of the company’s mission, products or services, and financial projections. •Company overview: a description of the company, including history, legal structure, and leadership team. •Industry analysis: an examination of the current state of the industry, including trends, opportunities, andchallenges.•Market analysis: an assessment of the target market, including customer demographics, behavior patterns, andneeds.•Marketing and sales strategies: a description of how the company will promote and sell its products or services. •Operations plan: a summary of how the company will operate, including production, supply chain, andlogistics.•Financial projections: a detailed analysis of the company’s financials, including income statements,balance sheets, and cash flow statements.•Appendix: any additional information that supports the business plan, often including market research, resumesof key personnel, and legal documents.Business Plan: TimelineA timeline is an essential part of any business plan. It outlines the critical milestones and deadlines that the company will need to achieve to meet its goals. A goodtimeline should be realistic, comprehensive, and detailed. It should include:•Start-up requirements: a list of the resources the company needs to start operations, such as funding,personnel, infrastructure, and equipment.•Key milestones: specific goals that the company must achieve to succeed, such as product launches, marketingcampaigns, financing rounds, or regulatory approvals. •Timeline: a detailed calendar outlining when each milestone will occur, including start and end dates foreach task and dependencies between tasks.Business Plan: Financial ProjectionsFinancial projections are a critical element of a business plan. They provide an overview of the company’s estimated finances, including expenses, revenue, and profits. A good financial projection should be based on realistic assumptions, and include:•Inco me statement: a statement of the company’s income and expenses over a period, typically three to fiveyears.•Balance sheet: a snapshot of the company’s financial position, showing assets, liabilities, and equity at aspecific moment in time.•Cash flow stat ement: a record of the company’s inflows and outflows of cash over a period, usually a year.Feasibility Report: OverviewA feasibility report is a comprehensive study that examines the viability of a business idea or a project. It assesses the financial, technical, and market feasibility of the proposed venture. A good feasibility report should include:•Executive summary: a brief summary of the report’s findings and recommendations.•Introduction: an overview of the proposed venture and the project’s object ives.•Market analysis: an assessment of the potential market for the proposed product or service, including thetarget market, competition, and industry trends. •Technical analysis: an examination of the technical aspects of the project, including production processes, facilities, and technology.•Financial analysis: a review of the financial feasibility of the proposed venture, including startupcosts, revenue projections, and return on investment. •Recommendations: an evaluation of the project’s feasibility, with recommendations on whether to proceed or not.•Appendix: supplementary information supporting the report, such as market research, competitor analysis,and financial projections.Feasibility Report: Market AnalysisA market analysis assesses the feasibility of the proposed product or service by examining the market demand, competition, and trends. A good market analysis should include:•Market size: an estimate of the total market size for the proposed product or service.•Market trends: an evaluation of the current and future trends in the market, including changes in consumerbehavior, regulatory environment, and technologicaladvancements.•Target market: a detailed description of the ideal customer for the proposed product or service, including demographics, behavior patterns, and needs. •Competitor analysis: an assessment of the keycompetitors in the market, including their strengths,weaknesses, and market share.•Marketing strategies: a description of how the company will promote and sell its product or service in themarket.Feasibility Report: Technical AnalysisA technical analysis examines the feasibility of the proposed project from a technical standpoint by evaluating the production processes, facilities, and technology required to produce the product or service. A good technical analysis should include:•Production processes: a detailed description of the methods used to produce the product or service,including raw materials, equipment, and labor. •Facilities: an assessment of the facilities required to produce the product or service, including land,buildings, and utilities.•Technology: an evaluation of the technology required to produce the product or service, including software,equipment, and infrastructure.ConclusionIn conclusion, a solid business plan and feasibility report are essential tools for any entrepreneur seeking to start or expand a business. They provide a roadmap for success by identifying opportunities, mitigating risks, and outlining realistic financial projections. By following the guidelines above, entrepreneurs can create comprehensive and effective business plans and feasibility reports that set the foundation for a successful venture.。