1.2成膜影响因素1.2.1配方组成(1)复合加速剂A9g/L、Cr(Ⅵ) 2g/L时,H3PO4在5~40ml/L?范围内可形成附着力优良的膜,H3PO4≥40ml/L则形成疏松的粉状膜。
(2)固定H3PO4 25ml/L、Cr(Ⅵ) 2g/L时,复合加速剂A在1~9g/L能正常成膜;A 9?15g/L形成粉状膜;A>15g/L时,无能膜且腐蚀基体。
(3)固定H3PO4 25ml/L:加速剂A9g/L时,Cr(Ⅵ)含量在1~5g/L,绿色膜颜色逐渐变浅,膜层附着力优良,说明Cr(Ⅵ)参与成膜过程,以Cr(Ⅲ)的形式进入膜层。
根据反复试验确定铬磷化的最佳工艺配方为:H3PO4 15~25ml/L;Cr(Ⅵ) 1.5~2 g/L;复合加速剂6~9g/L。
第53卷第9期表面技术2024年5月SURFACE TECHNOLOGY·65·6063铝合金中性无铬转化膜制备及膜层性能分析穆松林1,郭加林2,欧云才2,杜军1,樊雨欣1(1.华南理工大学 材料科学与工程学院,广州 510640;2.广东华昌集团有限公司,广东 佛山 528225)摘要:目的提高铝合金微小器件的耐蚀性,开发一种条件温和可控的转化膜成膜工艺。
结果最终得到了中性转化处理的最佳成膜工艺为EDTA-2Na 8.0 g/L,单宁酸1.0 g/L,Na2WO4 6.0 g/L,H2ZrF6 4.0 g/L,NH4HF2 3.0 g/L,pH 6.6,成膜温度为30 ℃,成膜时间为15 min。
电化学测试结果表明,转化膜具有良好耐蚀性,自腐蚀电流密度由基体铝合金的16.22 µA/cm2下降为转化处理后的0.87 µA/cm2。
关键词:铝合金;中性;无铬转化膜;性能分析;耐蚀性;成膜过程中图分类号:TG174.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2024)09-0065-10DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2024.09.007Preparation and Performance Analysis of Neutral Chromium-freeConversion Coating on 6063 Aluminum AlloyMU Songlin1, GUO Jialin2, OU Yuncai2, DU Jun1, FAN Yuxin1(1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China;2. Guangdong Huachang Group Co., Ltd., Guangdong Foshan 528225, China)ABSTRACT: To improve the corrosion resistance of aluminum alloy micro devices, the work aims to develop a mild and controllable preparation process of conversion coating. The neutral chromium-free conversion treatment was used to prepare a conversion coating on the surface of 6063 aluminum alloy. By studying the effects of several additives such as NaF, NH4HF2, KMnO4, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and gallic acid on the appearance and corrosion resistance of the conversion coating, NH4HF2 was determined as the optimal additive. The electrochemical methods were utilized to analyze the corrosion resistance收稿日期:2024-04-14;修订日期:2024-04-27Received:2024-04-14;Revised:2024-04-27基金项目:广东省基础与应用基础研究基金项目(2020A1515010006)Fund:Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (2020A1515010006)引文格式:穆松林, 郭加林, 欧云才, 等. 6063铝合金中性无铬转化膜制备及膜层性能分析[J]. 表面技术, 2024, 53(9): 65-74.MU Songlin, GUO Jialin, OU Yuncai, et al. Preparation and Performance Analysis of Neutral Chromium-free Conversion Coating on 6063 Aluminum Alloy[J]. Surface Technology, 2024, 53(9): 65-74.*通信作者(Corresponding author)·66·表面技术 2024年5月of the coating, SEM and EDS were applied to analyze the surface morphology and elemental composition, and XRD and XPS were used to characterize the crystalline structure and compound composition of the coating. The optimal coating-forming process for the neutral conversion treatment was obtained as: EDTA-2Na 8.0 g/L, tannic acid 1.0 g/L, Na2WO4 6.0 g/L, H2ZrF64.0 g/L, NH4HF2 3.0 g/L, pH 6.6 and treatment at 30 ℃for 15 minutes. The conversion coating prepared by the process ownedthe dense and uniform appearance in light yellow. The electrochemical test results showed that the conversion coating had good corrosion resistance, and the self-corrosion current density decreased from 16.22 µA/cm2 of the bare aluminum alloy to0.87 µA/cm2 after conversion treatment. EDS spectroscopy analysis indicated that the coating was mainly composed of Al, C, F,O, and Na elements. The XRD results illustrated that the conversion coating contained Na3AlF6 compound crystals. The XPS analysis exhibited that the coating also contained Al2O3, AlF3, and organic complexes. The formation of the conversion coating might be triggered by the dissolution of aluminum element in the conversion solution. Due to the presence of Fe and Cu elements in 6063 aluminum alloy, the difference of standard electrode potential between these metallic elements and Al, enabled them to form corrosive micro batteries in electrolyte solution. Therefore, Al element was oxidized to Al3+, while the conversion solution contained both Na+ and F–, which could react together with Al3+ to form insoluble Na3AlF6 cryolite and could be deposited on the surface of the aluminum substrate. EDS analysis showed that in the early stage of coating formation, the content of F element in the precipitated particles was 7.88at.% and Na element was 2.01at.%, and the F/Na ratio was greater than 2:1 in Na3AlF6, indicating the presence of other forms of F-containing compound. Based on the result of XPS and the types of ions in the solution, it could be concluded that the F- reacted with Al3+ to form AlF3. The ionization of ZrF62– was multi-stage process, so the concentration of free Zr4+ in the solution might be extremely low, resulting in very few Zr containing complexes.In addition, organic complexes had high steric hindrance and slow deposition. The Zr element detected in the coating might be introduced by adsorption on Na3AlF6 and AlF3 during the course of precipitation. By the neutral conversion treatment, a uniformly colored and corrosion-resistant conversion coating could be prepared on the surface of 6063 aluminum alloy, which was mainly composed of insoluble compounds of aluminum. The neutral chromium-free conversion process in this study can provide some reference for the research on conversion coatings.KEY WORDS: aluminum alloy; neutral; chrome-free conversion coating; performance analysis; corrosion resistance; coating- forming process铝合金因其具有优良的综合性能,在汽车、轨道交通、建筑型材、电子产品等领域都得到了广泛应用,是目前使用量最大、应用面最广的有色金属材料[1-5]。
a) 在盐雾试验环境中暴露168h,形成盐雾的盐水浓度为质量百分 比5%±1%,实验箱温度维持在35℃±2℃;
b) 由5个循环过程组成,每个过程包括8h暴露于饱和SO2环境(实验 箱温度维持在40℃±3℃)和16h静置于敞开的实验箱中。
封孔后的阳极氧化膜吸收能 ASTM
力损失的评估 - 酸处理后 B136
3 ISO 2360
非磁性基体金属上的非导体 GB 4957
镀层 镀层厚度的测量 振幅 ASTM
4 ISO 4288
产品几何量技术规范(GPS) GB 10610
表面结构:轮廓法 评定表面
Requirements for Anodization of Aluminum and Its Alloys
范 围:
本规范规定了铝及铝合金阳极氧化的工艺要求及其质量要求。 本规范适用于铝及铝合金阳极氧化的工艺鉴定和批生产质量检验。
简 介:
本文件用于指导产品设计、生产及其产品生产过程中的质量检验; 供应商来料验收的抽检比例可按其它相关文件执行。
1.5.4. 封闭质量
按ISO 2143 在试片上阳极氧化膜区域进行试验,试验后应达到 1 级或更优的等级。
1.6. 鉴定状态的保持
生产者应保持并遵守经华为技术有限公司正式批准的工艺和检验文 件。经过华为技术有限公司鉴定的工艺,在未得到华为技术有限公司的 同意之前,不能改变任何可影响性能质量的工艺参数,否则将重新进行 鉴定。
M aterialsProtection
王爱荣 1 , 陶建中1 , 马春全2 (1.河南科技学院化学化工学院 , 河南 新乡 453003;2.国营第七六零厂 , 河南 新乡 453059)
[摘 要 ] 采用化学氧化着黑色法制备了铝合金化学转化膜 , 用点滴 、浸泡试验及电化学极化曲线评价 了膜的耐蚀性能 , 利用扫描电子显微镜 (SEM)、能量散射谱 (EDS)观察了化学转化膜的表面形貌 , 测定了其元 素组成 。 结果表明 :转化膜具有较高的耐蚀性和美观的黑色外表 , 主要由铝 、钴和锰的各种氧化物组成 。
[ 6 ] GarberJD.Modelingcorrosionratesinnon-annulargas condensatewellscontaining CO2 [ A] . Corrosion 1998 [ C] .Houston:NACE, 1998:53.
[ 7 ] 刘 伟 , 陈新房 .油对常用水稳剂缓蚀阻垢和分散性能 的影响 [ J] .工业水处理 , 2006, 26(12):48 ~ 50. [ 编辑 :王 宇 ]
的 教 学 和 研 究 工 作 , 电 话 :13653909782, E-mail:wair@
基材经常规化学除油水洗后 , 进行碱蚀处理 , 进一 步除去制品表面的污物 , 并活化基体 , 以利于黑化反应 的进 行 。 碱 蚀 条件 :50 ~ 60 g/LNaOH, 30 ~ 55 g/L Al3+ , 温度 50 ~ 60 ℃, 时间 1 ~ 3 min。此后进行出光处 理 , 除去碱蚀后在基体表面产生的灰黑色浮灰 , 提高表 面的平滑度和光泽度[ 6] 。 出光条件 :1 L浓 HNO3 , 1 L H2 O, 60 mLHF, 室温 , 时间 30 ~ 60 s。
MIL-DTL-5541F11 July 2006SUPERSEDINGMIL-C-5541E30 November 1990DETAIL SPECIFICATIONCHEMICAL CONVERSION COATINGSON ALUMINUM AND ALUMINUM ALLOYSThis specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 Scope. This specification covers chemical conversion coatings formed by the reaction of chemical conversion materials with the surfaces of aluminum and aluminum alloys.1.2 Classification. The chemical conversion coatings are of the following types andclasses.1.2.1 Types. The chemical conversion coatings are of the following types (see 3.1):Type I – Compositions containing hexavalent chromium.Type II – Compositions containing no hexavalent chromium.1.2.2 Classes. The materials, which form protective coatings by chemical reaction withaluminum and aluminum alloys, are of the following classes (see 6.1 and 6.4).Class 1A - For maximum protection against corrosion, painted or unpainted.Class 3 - For protection against corrosion where low electrical resistance is required.Comments, suggestions, or questions on this document should be addressed to: Commander,Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, Code 491000B120-3, Highway 547, Lakehurst,NJ 08733-5100 or emailed to thomas.omara@. Since contact information canchange, you may want to verify the currency of this address information using the ASSISTOnline database at .AMSC N/A AREA MFFP2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 General. The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3 or 4 of this specification. This section does not include documents cited in other sections of this specification or recommended for additional information or as examples. While every effort has been made to ensure the completeness of this list, document users are cautioned that they must meet all specified requirements of documents cited in sections 3 or 4 of this specification, whether or not they are listed.2.2 Government documents.2.2.1 Specifications and standards. The following specifications and standards form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those cited in the solicitation or contract.STANDARDSFEDERALFED-STD-141 - Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related Materials: Methods ofInspection, Sampling and TestingDEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SPECIFICATIONSMIL-PRF-23377 - Primer Coatings: Epoxy, High-SolidsMaterials for Coating Aluminum andConversionMIL-DTL-81706 - ChemicalAluminum AlloysMIL-PRF-85582 - Primer Coatings: Epoxy, Waterborne(Copies of these documents are available online at /quicksearch or or from the Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.)2.3 Non-Government publications. The following documents form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those cited in the solicitation or contract.AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) INTERNATIONALASTM-B117 - Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus, Operating. (DoD adopted)ASTM-D3359 - Adhesion By Tape Test, Measuring. (DoD adopted)(Copies of these documents are available from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 or .).AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR QUALITY (ASQ)ASQ-Z1.4 - Procedures, Sampling and Tables for InspectionAttributesby(Copies of this document are available from American Society for Quality, 600 North Plankinton Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53203 or .)SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS (SAE) INTERNATIONALSheet and Plate, 1.0Mg-0.60Si-0.28Cu-Alloy,SAE-AMS4027 - Aluminum0.20Cr, (6061; -T6 Sheet, -T651 Plate) Solution andPrecipitation Heat Treated. (DoD adopted)SAE-AMS4037 - Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate, 4.4Cu-1.5Mg-0.60Mn,(2024; -T3 Flat Sheet; -T351 Plate) Solution Heat Treated.(DoD adopted)(Copies of these documents are available from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 or .)2.4 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and the references cited herein, the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 Materials. If no material type is specified type I shall be used. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order, substitutions of either type I for type II, or type II for type I coatings are not permitted. The materials used to produce a chemical conversion coating shall be approved for the selected type, class, form, and application method in accordance with the qualification requirements of MIL-DTL-81706 and shall have been accepted for listing on the applicable qualified products list (see 6.5). Replenishing chemicals, such as fluorides, added to a bath to maintain its efficiency, shall not degrade the performance of the coating being applied.3.2 Cleaning. Prior to coating, the base metal shall be mechanically or chemically cleaned such that a water break-free surface is obtained after rinsing (see 6.6). Abrasives containing iron such as steel wool, iron oxide, rouge, or steel wire are prohibited for all cleaning operations. Treated parts that have become soiled shall be cleaned with materials that will remove the soil without damaging the base metal, the part, or the conversion coating. If the coating is damaged, the damaged area shall be recleaned and recoated or the part shall be rejected.3.3Application. Unless an application method is specified in the contract or order(see 6.4), the chemical conversion coating shall be applied nonelectrolytically by spray, brush, or immersion after all heat treatments and mechanical operations such as forming, perforating, machining, brazing, and welding have been completed (see 6.11 and 6.14). Assemblies containing nonaluminum parts that may be attacked, embrittled, or damaged in any way by the conversion coating process shall not be coated as assemblies unless the nonaluminum parts are masked.3.4 Touch-up. If specified in the contract or order, mechanically damaged areas from which the coating has been removed shall be touched up or rejected. The damaged areas shall be touched up with MIL-DTL-81706 material approved on QPL-81706 for the applicable type, class, form, and method. The area to be touched up shall be not greater than 5 percent of the total item surface area (see 6.4 and 6.17).3.5 Appearance. The chemical conversion coating shall be continuous in appearance and visibly discernible in daylight. It shall be free from areas of powdery or loose coating, voids, scratches, flaws, and other defects or damages which reduce the serviceability of parts or are detrimental to the protective value and paint bonding characteristics. The size and number of contact marks shall be minimal, consistent with good practice. If specified in the contract or order, contact marks shall be touched up with MIL-DTL-81706 material approved on QPL-81706 for the applicable type, class, form, and method to prevent localized corrosion (see 6.4 and 6.8).3.6 Performance characteristics.3.6.1 Corrosion resistance. At the end of 168 hours of exposure to the 5 percent salt spray test specified in4.4.1, test specimens (see 4.2.2) treated with the applicable class of coating shall meet the following corrosion resistance requirements (see 6.14):a.No more than 5 isolated spots or pits (see 6.9), none larger than 0.031 inch in diameter,per test specimen. Areas within 0.25 inch from the edges, identification markings, andholding points during processing or salt spray exposure shall be excluded. Loss of color shall not be cause for rejection.b.No more than 15 isolated spots or pits, none larger than 0.031 inch in diameter, on thecombined surface area of all five test specimens, subjected to the salt spray test.3.6.2 Paint adhesion (wet tape). When the production paint system (6.13) or the paint system specified in4. is applied to the applicable test specimens (see 4.2.2), no intercoat separation shall occur between the paint system and the conversion coating, or between the conversion coating and the base metal, when tested in accordance with 4.4.2 (an adhesion rating of 4A or better according to ASTM-D3359 Procedure A) (see 6.12). If the conversion coated parts do not require painting for end use, the paint adhesion test may be omitted if specifically authorized by the acquisition activity (see 6.4).3.7 Electrical contact resistance of class 3 coatings. Electrical contact resistance testingshall be as specified in the contract or order (see 6.4). The test method, frequency of testing, and required resistance values shall be specified by the acquisition activity to meet the needs of aparticular application (see Chemical analysis of the conversion solution. Chemical analysis of the conversionsolution shall consist of concentration, pH, and temperature evaluations to determine that thebath is within the ranges specified by the chemical manufacturer (see 6.11).3.9 Workmanship. The chemical conversion coatings covered by this specification shall be produced by treatments and processes that produce coated components as specified in thisspecification.4. VERIFICATION4.1 Classification of inspections. The inspection requirements specified herein areclassified as follows:a. Process control inspection (see 4.2).b. Conformance inspection (see 4.3).4.2 Process control inspection.4.2.1 Process control tests and solution analysis. Test specimens shall be tested inaccordance with table I and In addition to the tests in table I, solution analysis shall be performed on all the processing solutions in the chemical conversion line (see 3.8) to verify that the chemical concentrations are within ranges established for optimum performance (see 6.11and 6.14). Process control tests are conducted to determine compliance of the chemicalconversion coatings with the requirements of this specification and are acceptable as evidence of the properties being obtained with the equipment and procedures employed.TABLE I. Process control tests. Tests Class Number of test specimens Test specimen preparationparagraphRequirement paragraph TestparagraphCorrosion resistance 1A 3 5 5 4.2.2 4.2.2 3.6.1 3.6.1 tape adhesion 1A 3 2 2 4.2.2- 3.6.2 3.6.2 contactresistance3 5 4.2.2 3.7 Frequency of process control testing and solution analysis. Solution analysis shall at a minimum be performed once every week (see 6.15). The process control tests specified in table I shall at a minimum be conducted on a monthly basis. In addition, the interval between each monthly test shall not exceed 35 days. If production in accordance with this specification is not performed for 35 days or more, process control tests and solution analysis shall be conducted at the restart of production.4.2.2 Process control test specimens. Test specimens used for process control testing shall be 3 inches wide, 10 inches long, with a nominal thickness of not less than 0.020-inch.The test specimens shall be processed with the hardware during an actual production run, including all pre- and post-treatment processes such as cleaning and rinsing, except as specified below. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order (see 6.4), either of the following alloy options for the process control test specimens shall be used:Option 1 - A set of test specimens shall be used for each alloy and temper treated during the monthly process control period.Option 2 - The test specimens shall be 2024-T3 aluminum alloy in accordance withSAE-AMS4037 for class 1A coatings and 6061-T6 aluminum alloy test specimens in accordance with SAE-AMS4027 for class 3 coatings. Aluminum alloy 2024-T3 test specimens may be used in lieu of 6061-T6 test specimens for testing class 3 coatings (see 6.10). When castings are being processed and the cleaning procedures used are detrimental to the wrought test specimens, the test specimens shall be cleaned in a proper manner (see 3.2) and the conversion coated with the castings. If the production parts are not 2024-T3 aluminum alloy and the etch or deoxidizer may be detrimental to the test specimens, the manufacturer’s recommended cleaning practices shall be used. Preparation of paint adhesion specimens. Unless otherwise specified on the contract or order (see 6.4), the paint system to be used on the test specimens for adhesion testing (see4.4.2 and 6.13) shall be the same system used for the production work (applied and cured in the same manner as the production work) or the paint system specified in Epoxy primer coatings. Test specimens shall be furnished with one coat of a volatile organic compound (VOC) compliant epoxy-polymide primer conforming toMIL-PRF-23377 or MIL-PRF-85582. In either case, the primer shall be applied to a dry film thickness of 0.0006 to 0.0009 inch (0.6 to 0.9 mil) and dried in accordance with the applicable primer specification before testing in accordance with Failure. Failure to conform to any of the process control requirements specified in table I shall result in immediate cessation of production. The reason for failure shall be determined and corrected before production resumes. All traceable and retrievable work from the last acceptable process control test to the time when the failure was determined shall be rejected, unless the work under review can be demonstrated to meet the requirements of thisspecification. Unless otherwise specified, parts that have been painted or incorporated into an assembly shall not be considered retrievable.4.3 Conformance inspection.4.3.1 Sampling. Samples for visual examinations shall be selected from each lot (see 4.3.2) of treated articles, items, parts, or components. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order (see 6.4 and 6.18), the sampling plan and acceptance criteria shall be as specified in ASQ-Z1.4, inspection level II.4.3.2 Visual lot examination. Samples selected in accordance with 4.3.1 shall be visually inspected for compliance with 3.5 and 3.9. Each lot shall be inspected to ensure that the lot consists of all conversion coated items of the same type, class, form, and method, treated under the same process conditions, and submitted for acceptance at one time. Unless otherwise specified on the contract or order, the lot size shall not exceed the number of parts, articles, items, or components resulting from one day’s production (see 6.4).4.3.3 Failure. Failure to conform to 4.3.2 shall result in rejection of the represented lot.4.4.Test methods.4.4.1 Corrosion resistance test. Five test specimens prepared in accordance with 4.2.2 shall be used for corrosion resistance testing. After the coating application, the test specimens shall be dried at 60 to 100 ºF (16 to 38 ºC) for 24 hours (see 6.14). The test specimens shall then be subjected to a 5 percent salt spray test in accordance with ASTM-B117 for 168 hours, except that the significant surface shall be inclined 6 ± 2 degrees from the vertical. After exposure, test pieces shall be cleaned in running water not warmer than 100 ºF (38 ºC), blown with clean, dry unheated air, and visually examined for conformance to 3.6.1. The dry unheated air for type I shall be not warmer than 100 ºF (38 ºC) and for type II shall follow the manufacturer’s recommended temperature ranges.4.4.2 Wet tape adhesion test. Two test specimens prepared in accordance with 4.2.2 and shall be tested for wet tape adhesion. The test shall be conducted in accordance with FED-STD-141, method 6301, to determine conformance to PACKAGING5.1 Not applicable.6. NOTES(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but is not mandatory.)6.1 Intended use. The conversion coatings covered by this specification are intended for use, throughout the Department of Defense, on aluminum and aluminum alloy substrates that are not anodized. They are used to repair anodized coatings on aluminum. They are designated as a post treatment to ion-vapor deposition (IVD) aluminum used on many military platforms as a cadmium alternative or galvanic corrosion inhibitor. Type I and II conversion coatings provide corrosion protection on unpainted items, as well as improve adhesion of paint finish systems on aluminum and aluminum alloys. The conversion coatings covered by this specification exceed commercially available products due to the nature of their use on aircraft.6.1.1 Class 1A. Class 1A chemical conversion coatings are intended to provide corrosion prevention on unpainted items as well as improve adhesion of paint finish systems on aluminum and aluminum alloys. Coatings of this type may be used, for example, on tanks, tubing, and component structures where paint finishes are not required for interior surfaces but are required for the exterior surfaces.6.1.2 Class 3. Class 3 chemical conversion coatings are intended for use as a corrosion preventive film for electrical and electronic applications where lower resistant contacts, relative to class 1A coatings, and anodic coatings in accordance with MIL-A-8625, are required (see Coating thickness is varied by immersion time, and as a result, the same conversion material can be listed on QPL-81706 for both classes. Because class 3 coatings are thinner they are more susceptible to corrosion than class 1A coatings. If it is required to paint areas surrounding electrical contacts, class 3 coatings improve adhesion of paint systems on aluminum and aluminum alloys. Electrical resistance testing. When under a nominal electrode pressure of 200 psi, class 3 coatings are qualified under MIL-DTL-81706 to have a resistance not greater than 5,000 microhms per square inch as supplied and 10,000 microhms per square inch after 168 hours of salt spray exposure. In addition to the coating or coating thickness (see 6.1.2), other variables heavily influence resistance values when using the test method specified in MIL-DTL-81706 or other similar methods. The following two variables (see and may have a greater effect on electrical resistance values than the conversion coating thickness. Surface roughness of the specimen panel. Test specimens having rough surfaces will yield lower resistance values when subjected to a contact electrode pressure due to coating fracture. This reasoning can also be applied to the contact electrode. Flatness of the contact electrode. If an electrode with a given surface area is not flat, the actual contact area will be lower than the theoretical value. A smaller contact arearesults in a higher resistance value. The same reasoning can be applied to the test specimen.6.2 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order, the contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements (examinations and tests) as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or order, the contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to ensure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements.6.3 Responsibility for compliance. All items must meet the requirements of section 3. The inspection set forth in this specification must become a part of the contractor’s overall inspection system or quality program. The absence of any inspection requirement in the specification will not relieve the contractor of the responsibility of ensuring that all products or supplies submitted to the Government for acceptance comply with all requirements of the contract. Sampling inspection, as part of manufacturing operations, is an acceptable practice to ascertain conformance to requirements, however, this does not authorize submission of known defective material, either indicated or actual, nor does it commit the Government to acceptance of defective material.6.4 Acquisition requirements. Acquisition documents should specify the following:a. Title, number, and date of the specification.b. Type and class required (see 1.2.1 and 1.2.2).c.Method of application, if restricted (see 3.3).d. If touch-up is permitted for mechanically damaged areas (see 3.4).e.Colorless coatings, if required (see 3.5).f. If touch-up is permitted for contact marks (see 3.5)g.Omit the paint adhesion test, if permitted (see 3.6.2).h.If electrical resistance testing if required for class 3 coatings (see 3.7 and 6.1.2).i.When electrical resistance testing is required, specify the required resistance values,frequency of testing, and test method (see 3.7 and 6.1.2).j.Alloy and temper of the process control test specimens, if different than that specified in4.2.2.k.Paint finish system for treated parts, if applicable (see required.m. Sampling plan, if different than that specified (see 4.3.1 and 6.18).n. Lot size, if different than that specified (see 4.3.2).6.5 Interchangeability. The various products approved in accordance withMIL-DTL-81706 and listed on QPL-81706 provide equivalent coatings within eachtype and class. These coatings are equivalent insofar as performance of the chemical conversion coating is concerned, to the provisions of this specification, but are not interchangeable from a chemical standpoint; that is, different materials cannot be mixed. The materials from onesupplier cannot be mixed or used to strengthen an existing solution from another material supplier. As the chemical coating materials are proprietary products, the ingredients, processes, the method of application (e.g., spray, brush, or immersion), and the equipment required for application of the coating may vary. Contractors and military activities must take this into account in acquisition, in the design of parts, and in the establishment of facilities. Detail drawing of parts requiring treatment in accordance with this specification should specify class1A or 3, where applicable the required type, I or II, and any paint finishing systems required to meet the performance desired. If the coating class is not specified, class 1A is recommended.6.6 Cleaners. Use of a non-etch cleaner is preferred, particularly on wrought alloys. If an etch is used, caution must be taken to prevent pitting or intergranular attack. This is particularly important when using an alkaline etch because the aluminum tends to be more soluble than its alloying elements and existing intermetallics, such as copper, which may be further exposed. As a result, alkaline etching should be avoided (particularly when cleaning assembled structures). If an alkaline etch is used, it should always be followed by an acid neutralization step.6.7 Abrasion resistance. The abrasion resistance of chemical coatings is relatively low. Coatings are reasonably durable when subjected only to moderate handling, but are readily removed by severe wear or erosion. However, cold forming operations, when performed with care, can generally be performed on treated metals without appreciable damage to the coatings.6.8 Visual appearance. The simplest way to evaluate a conversion coating is to observe color, continuity in appearance, smoothness and adhesion to the base metal (see 3.5). Visual examination is performed to ensure that proper cleaning and coating procedures were used such that a coating with sufficient protection exists over the entire part. Materials qualified underMIL-DTL-81706 produce coatings that range in color from clear/colorless to iridescent yellow, brown, gray, or blue. It may be possible to develop acceptable color levels for a particular coating system by use of color chips. The following circumstances may exist that relate to color uniformity:a.When several alloys are processed with the same conversion chemical, color may varyfrom alloy to alloy.b.Due to the high level of impurities and oxidation on the surfaces of aluminum welds andcastings, color may not be as uniform as that obtained by treating wrought alloys.c.Dark spots may result from dripping or rundown of the conversion chemicals when theparts are lifted out of the treatment tank. A small amount of spotting does not result incoating degradation but must be minimized by quickly rinsing the parts after treatment, and use of proper racking techniques.Visual examination does not reveal if the protective value of the coating has been impaired by contamination or by overheating during drying. If a clear coating is required, inspection difficulties may arise because visual inspection does not reveal the presence of a coating. Fortype I materials, existence of a coating can be verified by using a simple spot test specified in ASTM-B449. For type II materials, existence of a coating should be verified per the manufacturer’s recommendation6.9 Determination of a corrosion spot or pit. As a general rule, a corrosion spot or pit usually displays a characteristic tail or line, however, any visible corrosion or pitting except scratches or substrate surface defects is to be counted..6.10 Test specimens (2024-T3). Due to high copper content, 2024-T3 aluminum alloy test specimens are more susceptible to salt spray failure than 6061-T6 aluminum alloy test specimens (see 4.2.2).6.11 Chemical analysis of the conversion solution. Note that many conversion materials do not react sufficiently with aluminum surfaces at low temperatures. Conversion coating of parts in an unheated facility, such as a hangar, during colder periods of the year is not recommended.6.12 Paint adhesion. Coated parts should be allowed to dry in accordance with the chemical manufacturer’s recommendation before they are subsequently painted or adhesion failures may occur. When coated parts are stored for extensive periods before painting, they should be cleaned in accordance with 3.2 to reactivate the surface by removing dust particles. Excessively thick coatings may result in paint adhesion problems, such as blistering, due to higher amounts of soluble material under the paint.6.13 Paint compatibility. Compatibility problems between conversion coatings and certain Chemical Agent Resistant Coatings (CARC) have been reported.6.14 Temperature effects on corrosion protection. Unpainted conversion coatings will commence losing corrosion resistance properties if exposed to temperatures of 140 ºF (60 ºC) or higher, during drying, subsequent fabrication, or service. As temperatures and exposure times increase, the corrosion protection of unpainted conversion coated parts decreases. The reduction is believed to result from the coating dehydrating and the resulting insolubility of the chromates within the coating.6.15 Solution analysis documentation. Documentation of the history of each processing bath, showing additions of replenishing chemicals to the bath and the results of all solution analyses performed must be maintained. Testing of the solution should be consistent with best industry practices and manufacturer’s recommendations. Upon request of the acquisition activity, such records, as well as reports of the test results, should be made available. These records must be maintained for not less than one year after completion of the contract or order.6.16 Shelf life. This specification covers items where shelf life is a consideration. Specific shelf-life requirements should be specified in the contract or purchase order. The shelf-life codes are contained in the Federal Logistics Information System Total Item Record. Additive information for shelf-life management may be obtained from DoD 4140.27-M, Shelf-life。
铝及铝合金的电化学氧化(导电氧化):在电解质溶液中,具有导电表面的制件置于阳极,在外电流的作用下,在制作表面形成氧化膜的过程称为阳极氧化,所产生的膜为阳极氧化膜或电化学转化膜.电化学氧化膜与天然氧化膜不同,氧化膜为堆积细胞结构,每个细胞为一个六角柱体,其顶端为一个圆弧形且具六角星形的细孔截断面.氧化膜有两层结构.靠近基体金属的是一层致密且薄,厚度为0.01~0.05μm的纯AL2O3膜,硬度高,此层即为阻挡层;外层为多孔氧化膜层,由带结晶水的AL2O3组成,硬度较低.电化学氧化按电解液的主要成分可分为:硫酸阳极氧化,草酸阳极氧化,铬酸阳极氧化;按氧化膜的功能可分为:耐磨膜层,耐腐蚀膜层,胶接膜层,绝缘膜层,瓷质膜层及装饰氧化.另外铝的表面处理可以用电镀的方式,提高硬度先镀底铜再镀硬铬,装饰可以镀装饰铬,另外阳极氧化也可进行着色处理《材料工程丛书-表面处理手册》1 氧化染色原理众所周知,阳极氧化膜是由大量垂直于金属表面的六边形晶胞组成,每个晶胞中心有一个膜孔,并具有极强的吸附力,当氧化过的铝制品浸入染料溶液中,染料分子通过扩散作用进入氧化膜的膜孔中,同时与氧化膜形成难以分离的共价键和离子键。
2 阳极氧化工艺对染色的影响在氧化染色整个流程中,因为氧化工艺原因造成染色不良是比较普遍的。
稍高的硫酸浓度可促进氧化膜的溶解反应加快,利于孔隙的扩张,更易于染色;铝离子浓度,控制在5—15 g/l。
MIL -DTL - 5541F铝和铝合金的化学转化膜1. 范围范围。
通过于铝和铝合金化学反应贰组成的材料有如下等级(见和)等级1A—爲最大限度保护防止喷涂的或者未喷涂处的腐蚀、等级3—爲保护防止需低电性阻值处的腐蚀2. 适用文件大意:此部分所列文件在本说明的第三和第四部分都有详细列明。
联邦标准FED-STD-141---喷涂、油漆、涂漆和其他相关材料:检验、抽验和测试的方法国防部标准MIL-PRF-23377 ---涂底漆:环氧基树脂,高固形化MIL-DTL-81706---用于涂覆铝及铝合金的化学转化膜MIL-PRF-85582---涂底漆:环氧基树脂,waterborne厦700罗宾逊大街的标准文件预定服务台索取)(这些文件的副本可以在网站或者在线查看,或者也可以从位于PA19111-5094费城4D大非政府出版物。
美国材料试验协会ASTM-B117 ---- 盐雾试验仪器操作ASTM-D3359--- 胶带附着力测试(这些文件副本可以从位于PA19428-2959 ,west conshohocken, ASTM 获得或者从网站了解)美国质量协会(ASQ)ASQ-Z --- 通过属性进行程序,抽样及台板检验(此文件副本可从位于美国密尔沃基市的美国质量协会获得或从网站了解到。
国 际 标 准化学转化膜
ISO 3892-1980 金属材料上的转化膜----单位面积上膜层质量的测量---重量法.ISO 4519-1980 电沉积金属覆盖层和有关精饰层---特性检查抽样程序.ISO 9227-1990 人造气氛腐蚀试验----盐雾试验.IEC 68-2-3-1969 环境试验法----第二部分: 试验----试验 Ca, 稳态湿热试验.IEC 130-1-1988 频率小于3mHz的接插件----第一部分: 一般要求和测量方法.3. 定义本国际标准采用以下定义.3.1 漂洗铬酸盐转化膜水漂洗后再干燥的铬酸盐转化膜, 典型地应用于挤压铝制件, 铸件和铝线.3.2 非漂洗铬酸盐转化膜铬酸盐处理后立即干燥而不用水漂洗的铬酸盐转化膜. 这种特殊类型的转化膜用在需要随后立即加油漆来或粘著涂层的铝基线材上, 有时称之为线材膜.4. 表面准备待铬酸盐转化处理工件的表面应清洁而无氧化皮或污物, 例如, 无金属车磨加工的切屑, 油脂, 润滑剂, 手汗或任何有害于最后精饰的的其它污物, 因此, 工件在铬酸盐转化处理前必须先清洗, 必要时还应酸洗.图B.1表示了各种工艺步骤的选择方案, 在不漂洗铬酸盐转化处理前, 表面不允许存在未反应的可溶性盐类.5. 铬酸盐转化处理方法非铝金属材料不应在同一铬酸盐处理溶液中处理, 以免原电池腐蚀.通常采用浸渍法形成铬酸转化膜, 也可以采用淹没, 喷淋,或擦涂等技术. 这些成膜技术应符合铬酸盐转化处理操作说明. 铬酸盐转化处理液一般是酸性的并含有六价铬和(或)三价铬的盐以及其它组份, 这些组份对外观和硬度的影响各异. 因而膜的色彩, 膜的类型取决于铬酸盐转化处理液的组成, 但也受溶液PH 值, 温度, 处理时间, 溶液搅拌等处理合金的特性及表面状况的影响.漂洗铬酸盐转化膜必须有最后一道水漂洗. 如果漂洗铬酸盐处理用作附加覆盖层的基底则表面应当有用电导率小于100us/cm的水漂洗, 如果铬酸盐处理后的最后一道漂洗采用热水, 则漂洗时间应尽量短, 以防六价铬溶解 . 铬酸盐转化膜的干燥温度(指工件表面测定的温度)不能超过65℃, 磷铬酸盐膜不超过85℃, 以防过度脱水.非漂洗铬酸盐转化膜的干燥应按生产厂的说明进行.若铬酸盐转化膜起著涂层底层的作用, 则涂漆前的干燥应分两步进行, 不超过65℃进行预干燥, 在100-110℃进行第二步干燥 , 以达到最好附著力.注: 1. 100-110℃的热处理影响不涂漆区的耐蚀性.6. 对膜层的技术要求6.1 一般要求.铬酸盐转化膜随著膜层的逐渐脱水老化而变硬, 因此在处理后的24小时内搬动应小心, 任何试验(包括腐蚀试验)都应在此时期之后进行.绿色磷----铬酸盐转化膜在较长时间贮存后, 达到最大的耐蚀性能, 一般是在室温条件下放1-2个月.6.2 绝缘电阻单位面积膜的质量较小的无色, 浅黄色, 浅绿的彩色铬酸盐膜, 在电连接器与铝之间的电阻值只有极小的增加. 根据IEC-130-1 标准规定的测定方法, 在开路电压为9V, 电流为2A时测出的电阻应小于0.1欧,随著膜层单位面积质量的增加, 棕色, 黄色, 绿色等深色膜的接触电阻明显增加.6.3 附著强度.膜层应附著牢固, 无粉状物, 目前还没有测量铝上铬酸盐转化膜附著力实际方法, 但是,可以测定涂于铬酸盐转化膜上的第二种有机涂膜的附著力, 而实际评价其附著力. 按规定铬酸盐转化膜应通过ISO 2409规定的有机涂层附著力试验.6.4 耐蚀性在进行ISO 9227规定的中性盐雾试验时, 每种类型的铬酸盐膜试样各三片, 曝露时间见表1. 规定其肉眼可见的腐蚀点或腐蚀坑的数量的总和不大于8个, 单独一片试片不多于5个, 点或坑的直径不大于1mm. 不计试样边缘10MM以内的蚀坑.IEC 68-2-3 试验D也可以作为试验铬酸盐转化膜耐腐蚀性的一种方法.表1. 相对耐蚀性6.5 单位面积的膜质量单位面积铬酸盐转化膜的质量应符合表2.测量方法参见ISO 3892.6.5.1 膜层质量的意义必须认识到质量较大膜层并不总是有较好的特性, 特别是附加有机覆盖层或作为附著底层时更是如此.6.6 膜层的鉴定目察外观和根据附录A的试验方法可确定转化膜中铬的存在及其适当类型.6.6.1 铬酸盐----磷酸膜(级别1~3)用附录A2和A3的测试方法, 确定膜层中不含磷酸盐,而含铬, 便可确定该膜为铬酸盐转化膜.6.6.2 铬酸盐---磷酸膜(级别4~6)用附录A2和A3的测试方法, 确立膜层中有磷酸盐和铬, 而无锌以将铬酸盐---磷酸盐膜与阳极氧化膜和锌系磷化膜区别开来.7.抽样和试样除非另有规定, 应用ISO 4519的抽样方案.试样应与其所代表的试件具有同样的合金和表面状态, 尺寸为100*150mm.8. 分类形成的铬到盐转化膜, 包括耐蚀性最好的厚的棕色膜, 适于有机膜的底层的中等厚度的黄色膜,寸绝缘电阻最小的, 薄的无色膜, 黄色膜包括金黄到彩虹黄系列. 铬酸盐----磷酸盐转化膜包括从绿色到彩虹亮绿颜色系列.作业者很少能够保证得到与规定颜色完全一致的铬酸盐转化膜.如果需要着上准确的颜色,膜层质量大于0.4G/M2的铬酸盐转化膜,可进行染色,得到的颜色范围很宽.但染色膜的耐腐蚀性与不染色的膜的耐腐蚀性处于同一级别.应该注意颜色及颜色的均匀性随合金种类,表面的抛光还是腐蚀而不同,彩虹色或各区域颜色深浅不同是正常的,不能看成是质量不好的一种标志.铬酸盐转化膜可分为6级,其最重要的特征见表2.表2.铬酸转化膜的分类附录A(提示的附录)膜层组成的定性试验A.1试剂在试验中仅使用分析纯试剂,蒸馏水或去离子水.A.1.1氢氧化钠溶液:浓度约为5%(m/m)的NaOH.A.1.2氢氧化钠溶液:浓度约为20%(m/m)的NaOH.A.1.3过氧化氢溶液:浓度约为虎作20%(m/m)的NaOH.A.1.4乙酸溶液:浓度约为10%(m/m)的H2O.A.1.5硝酸铅溶液:浓度约为10%(m/m)的Pb(NO3)2.A.1.6浓硝酸溶液:浓度约为65%(m/m)的HNO3(20℃密度为1.40g/cm3).A.1.7硝酸溶液:浓度约为38%(m/m)的HNO3.由20℃的密度为1.40g/cm3的浓硝酸溶液与同体积的水混合而成.A.1.8钼酸铵试剂:88.5钼酸铵晶体[(NH4)6Mo7O24.4H2O]加34ml浓度为25%(m/m)的氨水[NH3]. 加240g硝酸铵(A.1.9 )溶液于水, 摇荡稀释至1L体积.A.1.9 硝酸铵(NH4NO3).A.1.10 盐酸溶液: 浓度约为25%(m/m)的HCl.A.1.11 亚铁氰化钾溶液: 浓度约为5%(m/m)的K4Fe(CN)6.A.1.12 硫酸溶液: 浓度约为25%(m/m)的H2SO4.A.1.13 酚酞试剂: 约为0.5%(m/m)的乙醇溶液.A.2 铬的测定用50ml氢氧化钠溶液(A.1.1)加5ml过氧化氢溶液(A.1.3)的混合液处理面积约为300cm2的试样, 处理溶液应完全淹没试样, 加热至50~60℃ , 使试样表面的转化膜完全退去, 必要时可重复操作, 把处理溶液倾出煮沸至过氧化氢完全分解(大约5~6min)冷却并用硝酸铅溶液(A.1.5)沉淀.黄色沉淀表明存在六价铬.此法可检测总铬含量最低相当于约5mg/m2.A.3 磷酸根的测定为测定铬酸盐转化膜中的磷酸根, 取试验面积约为100cm2的试样, 用80-90C的100ml NaOH溶液(A.1.1)处理至膜层完全溶解或至少是表面或已明显浸蚀为止, 过滤所得到的溶液, 取25NL滤液,用硝酸(A.1.7)酸化, 然后加入10ml钼酸铵试剂(A.1.8)和5G硝酸铵(A.1.9), 试样静置至少15分钟.黄色沉淀表明存在六价铬.此法可以测定膜层含磷酸根的最低值约为40mg/m2.(P2O5计算)A.4 锌的测定为测定膜层中的锌, 取试验面积约为(100cm2)的试样. 用50mlHNO3溶液(A.1.6)室温处理至膜层完全溶解或至少是表面明显浸蚀, 用玻璃纤维过滤得到的溶液, 取25ml滤液加NaOH溶液(A.1.2)中和酚酞指示剂(A.1.13)变红.滴10滴H2SO4溶液(A.1.12)酸化, 加5ml亚铁氰化钾溶液A.111)后绿白色沉淀证明膜层含锌. 此法可以测定出膜层含锌的最低值为20mg/m2.。
目录1工艺鉴定要求 (4)1.1总则 (4)1.2对生产设备及原材料的要求 (4)1.2.1生产线 (4)1.2.2水质要求 (4)1.2.3化工原材料要求 (4)1.2.4质量检验手段 (4)1.3工艺鉴定程序 (4)1.4试验及试片要求 (4)1.4.1试片要求 (4)1.4.2试验项目及试片数量 (5)1.5试验方法及质量指标 (5)1.5.1外观 (5)1.5.2耐蚀性 (5)1.5.3表面接触电阻 (5)1.5.4无色转化膜中的六价铬含量 (5)1.6鉴定状态的保持 (5)2批生产过程中零件质量检验要求 (5)2.1外观 (5)2.2耐蚀性 (6)2.3表面接触电阻 (6)2.4六价铬含量 (6)表目录表1.................................................................... 试验项目与试片5错误!未找到引用源。
铝阳极氧化MIL-A-8625F标准中文版时间: 2011-4-19 14:49:28/ 作者: 青岛精良机械有限公司铝阳极氧化MIL-A-8625F标准中文版美国军事标准铝和铝合金的阳极氧化膜此标准由由美国国防部所有部门和科室批准使用1.范围1.1范围本标准包括非建筑用途的铝和铝合金的6类和2级电解生成的阳极氧化膜的要求(见6.1)。
1.2分类本标准所列阳极氧化膜的类别和级别如下:1.2.1分类Ⅰ类- 铬酸阳极氧化,在铬酸槽生成的常规氧化膜(见3.4.1)ⅠB类- 铬酸阳极氧化,低电压工艺,22±2V(见3.4.1)ⅠC类- 非铬酸阳极氧化,应用非铬酸的配方生成的Ⅰ和ⅠB类氧化膜(见3.4.1和6.1.2)Ⅱ类- 硫酸阳极氧化,在硫酸槽生成的常规氧化膜(见3.4.2)ⅡB类- 硫酸阳极氧化薄膜,应用非铬酸的配方生成的Ⅰ和ⅠB类氧化膜(见3.4.1和6.1.2)Ⅲ类- 硬质阳极氧化膜(见3.4.3)1.2.2级别1级- 不染色(见3.5)2级- 染色(见3.6)2.适用文件2.1政府文件2.1.1规范和标准下面的规范和标准构成本标准的组成部分。
(此处有删节)规范军事规范MIL-P-23377 耐化学和溶剂腐蚀的环氧聚酰胺涂层,MIL-C-81706 铝和铝合金的化学转化膜MIL-P-85582 水性环氧树脂涂层联邦规范QQ-A-250/4 2024铝合金的板和薄板标准联邦标准FED-STD-141 油漆,清漆,硝基漆和相关材料:取样和测试方法。
FED-STD-151 金属:测试方法军事标准MIL-STD-105 取样程序和质量检查表2.2非政府出版物下面的规范和标准构成本标准的组成部分。
(此处有删节)美国试验和材料学会(ASTM)ASTM B 117 盐雾试验方法ANSI/ASTM B 137 铝和铝合金的阳极氧化膜的重量测试ASTM B 224 利用涡流仪测试铝氧化膜厚度,以及其它非磁性材料上的非导电层的厚度 ASTM D 822 测定油漆,清漆,硝基漆和其它产品的曝光和曝水仪(碳-电弧型)的标准使用方法ASTM D 2244 不透明材料色差的仪器测试ASTM G 23 有水和无水的非金属材料曝光测试的曝光仪(碳-电弧型)的标准使用方法 ASTM G 26 有水和无水的非金属材料曝光测试的曝光仪(氙-电弧型)的标准使用方法2.3优先程序在本标准和所引用的参考文件有矛盾时,本标准具有优先权,但是本标准不能超越现行的相关法律和法规。
本国 际 标 准由ISO/IEC/JTC1(信 息技术)第 30分委员会(开放式edi)起草。 本 标 准 的附录 A到附录 F为提示的附录。
GB/T 17628-1998
本标准等同采用ISO/IEC 14662:1997《信息技术— 开放式edi参考模型》。 本标准的附录 A到附录 F均为提示的附录。 本标准由中国标准化与信息分类编码研究所提出并归口。 本标准起草单位:中国标准化与信息分类编码研究所。 本标准主要起草人 :刘碧松 、邓洁、胡涵景 、程女范 、魏宏 。
开放 式 e di所需的标准覆盖了广泛的领域,它包括但不限于下列几个方面 : — 业 务 方面; — 国 家 和国际法律法规的支持 ; — 信 息 技术通用标准 ,如信息建模标准 ; — 软 件 工程标准; — 数据 建模 标准 ; — 行 业 专用的信息技术标准 ; — 互 连 标准 ,如消息处理、文件传送、交易处理和网络管理 ; — 安 全 标准 。
开 放式 edi参考模 型采用两种视 图来描述 业务交 易的有关方面 : — 业 务 操作视 图(BOV) ; — 功 能 服务视图(FSV), BO V 描 述下列几个方面: a) 业 务 交 易和相关数据交换中的业务数据的语义 ; b) 适 用 于开放式 edi业务需要的业务交易规则,包括 ; — 操 作 约定 ; — 协 定 ; — 相 互 间的义务。 FS V 描述 满足开放式 edi机制要求的支持服务。它重点描述信息技术的下列几个方面: a) 功 能 能力; b) 服 务 接口; 。) 协 议 。 这 些 功 能能力 、服务接 口和协议包括 : — 发起 、运作和跟踪开放式 edi交易进程的能力;
MIL-DTL-5541F_中文版 铝和铝合金的化学转化膜
MIL-DTL-5541F_中文版铝和铝合金的化学转化膜MIL -DTL - 5541F铝和铝合金的化学转化膜1.范围范围。
化学转化膜有如下类型(见3.1):类型I—包含六价铬的组成物类型II—无六价铬的组成物1.2.2 等级。
通过于铝和铝合金化学反应贰组成的材料有如下等级(见6.1和6.4)等级1A—爲最大限度保护防止喷涂的或者未喷涂处的腐蚀、等级3—爲保护防止需低电性阻值处的腐蚀2. 适用文件2.1 大意: 此部分所列文件在本说明的第三和第四部分都有详细列明。
2.2 政府文件2.2.1 规格和标准。
联邦标准FED-STD-141--- 喷涂、油漆、涂漆和其他相关材料:检验、抽验和测试的方法国防部标准MIL-PRF-23377 --- 涂底漆:环氧基树脂,高固形化MIL-DTL-81706--- 用于涂覆铝及铝合金的化学转化膜MIL-PRF-85582--- 涂底漆:环氧基树脂,waterborne或者( 这些文件的副本可以在网站在线查看,或者也可以从位于PA19111-5094费城4D大厦700罗宾逊大街的标准文件预定服务台索取)2.3 非政府出版物。
美国材料试验协会ASTM-B117 ---- 盐雾试验仪器操作ASTM-D3359--- 胶带附着力测试( 这些文件副本可以从位于PA19428-2959 ,west conshohocken, ASTM 获得或者从网站了解)美国质量协会(ASQ)ASQ-Z 1.4 --- 通过属性进行程序,抽样及台板检验( 此文件副本可从位于美国密尔沃基市的美国质量协会获得或从网站了解到。
铝及铝合金的 转化
随着氧化时间的延长,氧化膜不断增厚。氧化膜的增 厚实际上是氧化膜的多孔层的增厚。而阻挡层的厚度是取
溶解两种作用的结果,即发生在金属/阻挡层的成膜反应 和发生在孔底的膜的溶解作用。阻挡层不断的溶解形成溶 解层,而新的阻挡层又不断产生。氧化膜由外向内生长。
阴极反应:2H++2e-→H2↑ 特点: 氧化反应得到的膜层具有多孔层和阻挡层。 在阳极氧化过程中,即使是施加恒定的电场,但由于 铝金属中的某些杂质及本身结构的缺陷,实际上可以造成 各处电流的不均匀分布,在金属的缺陷处电流较容易通过, 因此电流首先聚集在这里,成为氧化膜生长的核心,并开 始长厚,但达到一定厚度后,膜阻变大,电流很快转移到 阻力较小的薄膜处,因电流比较集中,产生了电场的加速 溶解作用,所以在这里形成了小孔,并迅速转变成扇形状 孔底。
铝及铝合金的 转化膜技术
主讲人:周辉 2011年4月
金属转化膜技术的概述 金属转化膜技术是表面工程技术中的重 要分支之一,在金属的表面中已广泛应用, 例如钢铁的氧化和磷化,铝及铝合金的阳 极氧化等。
金属转化膜是指通过化学或电化学方 法,使金属表面形成稳定的化合物薄膜的 技术。 • 转化膜的形成可用下式表示: mM+nAZ- →MmAn+nze式中,M为表层的金属原子; AZ-为介 质中价态为z的阴离子;e为电子。
• 装饰材料的制备过程:
表面 处理
• 铝材及制品的表面上都会不同程度地存在着污垢和缺陷。 • 处理过程包括: –脱脂 :除去表面油污赃物 –碱蚀 :进一步清理表面附着的油污赃物;清除制品表 面的自然氧化膜及轻微的划擦伤 –中和:用酸清洗,除去挂灰和残留碱液,以露出光亮基 本金属表面
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目录1工艺鉴定要求 (4)1.1总则 (4)1.2对生产设备及原材料的要求 (4)1.2.1生产线 (4)1.2.2水质要求 (4)1.2.3化工原材料要求 (4)1.2.4质量检验手段 (4)1.3工艺鉴定程序 (4)1.4试验及试片要求 (4)1.4.1试片要求 (4)1.4.2试验项目及试片数量 (5)1.5试验方法及质量指标 (5)1.5.1外观 (5)1.5.2耐蚀性 (5)1.5.3表面接触电阻 (5)1.5.4无色转化膜中的六价铬含量 (5)1.6鉴定状态的保持 (5)2批生产过程中零件质量检验要求 (5)2.1外观 (5)2.2耐蚀性 (6)2.3表面接触电阻 (6)2.4六价铬含量 (6)表目录表1.................................................................... 试验项目与试片5错误!未找到引用源。
生产者的工艺质量必须满足第 1 节的要求。
1.2.2水质要求所有工艺槽的配制用水必须用去离子水或蒸馏水;化学转化处理前后的清洗用水必须用去离子水或蒸馏水;其它清洗用水必须达到 GB 5749 饮用水要求;清洗槽中水流方式应采用逆流,或者定时更换。
(注:去离子水或蒸馏水的水质要求达到 PH=5.0-7.5,电导率不大于 10 μS/cm)1.2.3化工原材料要求化学转化处理前各工艺槽所用化工原材料必须不低于相应工业级材料的国家标准要求;化学转化及以后所用化工原材料必须不低于相应化学纯级材料的国家标准要求;1.2.4质量检验手段生产方必须具有以下检测仪器:盐雾试验箱、粗糙度检测仪、表面接触电阻测量仪器、以及常规化学分析仪器,并能进行合格的试验操作。
1.4试验及试片要求1.4.1试片要求材料: 6063 裸铝板尺寸: 80×125×1 ~ 4 (mm)表面粗糙度: Ra ≤ 1 m表面处理:无色化学转化;若需要局部氧化时,应在试片的同一面保持一半是阳极氧化膜、一半是化学转化膜。
要求“光亮”化处理的外观应与 YB015 保持一致。
1.5.2耐蚀性按 IEC 60068-2-11 进行 100 小时的中性盐雾试验;试验后,在每一试片边缘5mm以外的表面上直径不大于 0.8 mm 的腐蚀点不能多于三个。
利用微欧计,两个电极与被测表面接触,电极面积为 1cm2、电极压强为 1.4MPa(即压力 14kgf),在试样表面上任取两点进行测量,共测五次,其平均值应不大于10mΩ。
1.5.4无色转化膜中的六价铬含量按 ISO3613 中的六价铬存在试验方法检测转化膜中是否存在六价铬。
3)喷砂表面外观应与标准样板 YB010 一致;拉丝外观应与 YB019 一致。
当有争议时,按 ISO4288 方法测试其粗糙度 Ra 应分别为:喷砂在1.4 ~2.0 µm ;拉丝在1.7~2.7 µm。
2)试验应在化学转化处理完成 24H 以后、三天之内进行;每生产批至少检查一件3)按 IEC 60068-2-11进行中性盐雾试验:除铝压铸件进行 48 小时的试验外,其它铝零件要求进行100 小时的试验;试验后,在试样距边缘5mm以外的表面上,每 1dm2表面上的腐蚀点不能多于 3个、直径不大于 0.8 mm。
按 1.5.3 节的描述进行检测,要求零件上任意两点间的电阻不大于 20 mΩ。
3)若零件面积小于 1cm2,允许用常规万用表的“声音”档进行检测,即将其测量电极平放、与零件表面接触,施以轻压(小于140g),当有蜂鸣声(显示导电)时则认为合格。
4)按 ISO3613 中的六价铬存在试验方法检测钝化膜中是否存在六价铬。
TABLE OF CONTENTS1.REQUIREMENTS FOR PROCESS AUTHENTICATION (10)1.1.G ENERAL R EQUIREMENTS (10)1.2.R EQUIREMENTS FOR P RODUCTION E QUIPMENT AND M ATERIALS (10)1.2.1.Production Line (10)1.2.2.Requirements for Water Quality (10)1.2.3.Requirements for Chemical Materials (10)1.2.4.Quality Control Method (10)1.3.P ROCESS A UTHENTICATION P ROCEDURE (11)1.4.R EQUIREMENTS FOR T ESTS AND T EST P IECES (11)1.4.1.Requirements for Test Pieces (11)1.4.2.Test Items and Piece Quantities (11)1.5.T EST M ETHOD AND Q UALITY I NDEXES (12)1.5.1.Appearance (12)1.5.2.Corrosion Resistance (12)1.5.3.Surface Contact Resistance (12)1.5.4.Chromium (VI) Content in Colorless Conversion Films (12)1.6.K EEPING OF A UTHENTICATION S TATUS (12)2.QUALITY CONTROL OF BATCH PRODUCTION (13)2.1.A PPEARANCE (13)2.2.C ORROSION R ESISTANCE (13)2.3.S URFACE C ONTACT R ESISTANCE (14)2.4.C HROMIUM (VI)C ONTENT (14)3.REFERENCES (14)LIST OF TABLESTABLE 1 TEST ITEMS AND NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMENS (11)错误!未找到引用源。