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M echanical Science and T echno l ogy for A erospace Eng ineer i ng D ecember V o.l 272008N o .12






发管理、质量管理,k eq i nw ang @nw pu .edu .c n




(西北工业大学管理学院,西安 710072)

摘 要:产品设计是由一系列决策驱动的知识密集型过程,设计决策的效率和效果取决于对设计人


关 键 词:产品设计;设计知识;知识分类;设计决策;知识供应中图分类号:TH 122;TP182 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-8728(2008)12-1655-05

On C l assification and Suppl y of Product Design Kno w ledge

W ang K eqi n ,T ong Shurong

(Schoo l ofM anage m ent ,N o rt hwestern Po l y technical U niversity ,X i c an 710072)

Abst ract :Product design is a kno w ledge -i n tensive process wh ich is driven by a series of dec i s ions .The efficiency and effectiveness o f these dec isi o ns depends on the supply ofm any k i n ds of re lated kno w ledge to designers fro m di-f ferent sources and channels thr oughout t h e pr oduct lifecycle .Reasonable c lassification of pr oduct desi g n kno w ledge is the prerequ isite for kno w ledge supply to product desi g ners .I n this paper ,w e firstm ake a literature rev ie w on the classification o f product design know ledge .Then ,accor d i n g to decisi o n m ak i n g and product design process ,the product design know ledge is classified i n to three categories ,na m e l y ,product kno w ledge ,process kno w ledge and product suppo rt kno w ledge ,wh ich are exp lained respectively .F i n ally ,by putting t h e e m phasis on the product sup -port kno w l e dge ,one data m i n i n g -based know ledge acqu isition and supp ly m ode is pr oposed ,w hich prov i d es a m ethod and t h eory fra m e w or k for the constr uction o f product support know ledge base .

K ey w ords :pr oduct design ;design kno w ledge ;know ledge classification ;design dec ision;kno w ledge supp l y 产品设计知识包含产品设计过程本身产生的知识以及使用的产品生命周期其他阶段的知识,设计知识的作用和重要性已经成为确保企业产品获得竞争优势的主要因素。设计过程中知识的获取、传递和运用成为产品最终成功实现市场化的关键。因此,对设计人员的知识供应效率对产品设计取得全






渠道获取,如查阅设计手册、咨询领域专家等。一方面,这些渠道效率不高,设计效果不能持续稳定的得到保证。另一方面,随着设计人员流动性的日益频繁,企业已不能长期拥有固定的有经验的设计人员,使得这些传统非正式渠道的知识获取效率日益降低。由此,研究和建立设计知识库成为设计知识领域研究的热门之一,比较有影响的如美国N I ST(N a -tional Institute of Standards and Techno logy)的设计知
