HDS-CISCO MDS9148光纤交换机产品手册




Cisco MDS 9124交换机配置手册北京众志和达信息技术有限公司2010年12月版本控制目录版本控制 (2)1 MDS 初始化配置 (4)1.1配置串口登录 (4)1.2 License 配置 (4)1.3配置管理地址 (6)1.4配置telnet登录 (6)1.5初始化端口类型 (7)1.6配置FC ID (8)2配置MDS Zone (10)2.1配置VSAN (10)2.2配置Domain IDs (11)2.4配置Zone (13)2.5创建设备别名 (14)2.3配置Zoneset (15)2.6激活Zoneset (16)2.7保存配置 (16)2.8实例演示 (17)3 MDS 维护 (18)3.1常用命令查询 (18)3.2使用默认zone (19)附件:配置NPV (20)Cisco MDS 9000系列交换机的管理和配置可以使用CLI和基于GUI的Cisco MDS 9000 Fabric Manager两种方式进行管理。

本文主要介绍了Cisco MDS 9124交换机在CLI方式下配置Zone的方法和步骤,该方法也同样适用于使用Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 4.1版本的其它9000系列交换机。

1 MDS 初始化配置1.1配置串口登录Cisco MDS 9000系列交换机在默认没有配置的情况下,只能通过串口进行参数设置如右图所示:初次启动并进入MDS 交换机之后,会出现“Would you liketo enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): yes”提示,这里表示是否需要启动向导模式配置该交换机,此处输入“NO”。


1.2 License 配置Cisco MDS 交换机不同于Brocade交换机之处为Cisco MDS 交换机可以单独为某个指定的端口配置license,暂时不使用的端口可以释放端口的license。

cisco 9124 光纤交换机配置

cisco 9124 光纤交换机配置

命令行方式CISCO 的交换机和普通的博科或者QLOGIC的交换机差别很大。


CISCO的交换机没有图形界面,因此解决需要如下配置步骤:1、察看每个端口状态:switch2# show interface fc1/1fc1/1 is upHardware is Fibre Channel, SFP is short wave laser w/o OFC (SN)Port WWN is 20:01:00:0d:ec:be:0d:40Admin port mode is auto, trunk mode is onsnmp link state traps are enabledPort mode is F, FCID is 0xd40300Port vsan is 1Speed is 4 GbpsRate mode is dedicatedTransmit B2B Credit is 8Receive B2B Credit is 16Receive data field Size is 2112Beacon is turned off5 minutes input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec5 minutes output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec378 frames input, 17228 bytes0 discards, 0 errors0 CRC, 0 unknown class0 too long, 0 too short56 frames output, 3536 bytes0 discards, 0 errors3 input OLS, 3 LRR, 0 NOS, 13 loop initsswitch2# show interface fc1/2fc1/2 is upHardware is Fibre Channel, SFP is short wave laser w/o OFC (SN)Port WWN is 20:02:00:0d:ec:be:0d:40Admin port mode is auto, trunk mode is onsnmp link state traps are enabledPort mode is F, FCID is 0xd40500Port vsan is 1Speed is 4 GbpsRate mode is dedicatedTransmit B2B Credit is 3Receive B2B Credit is 16Receive data field Size is 2112Beacon is turned off5 minutes input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec5 minutes output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec11839 frames input, 476672 bytes0 discards, 0 errors0 CRC, 0 unknown class0 too long, 0 too short161 frames output, 8952 bytes0 discards, 0 errors1 input OLS, 1 LRR, 0 NOS, 33 loop initsswitch2# show interface fc1/3fc1/3 is down (Link failure: Link Reset)Hardware is Fibre Channel, SFP is short wave laser w/o OFC (SN) Port WWN is 20:03:00:0d:ec:be:0d:40Admin port mode is auto, trunk mode is onsnmp link state traps are enabledPort vsan is 1Receive data field Size is 2112Beacon is turned off5 minutes input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec5 minutes output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec966 frames input, 39704 bytes0 discards, 0 errors0 CRC, 0 unknown class0 too long, 0 too short89 frames output, 4424 bytes0 discards, 0 errors1 input OLS, 1 LRR, 0 NOS, 32 loop inits3 output OLS, 1 LRR, 5 NOS, 3 loop initsInterface last changed at Sat Aug 8 19:16:01 2009switch2# show interface fc1/7fc1/7 is upHardware is Fibre Channel, SFP is short wave laser w/o OFC (SN) Port WWN is 20:07:00:0d:ec:be:0d:40Admin port mode is auto, trunk mode is onsnmp link state traps are enabledPort mode is F, FCID is 0xd40000Port vsan is 1Speed is 4 GbpsRate mode is dedicatedTransmit B2B Credit is 8Receive B2B Credit is 16Receive data field Size is 2112Beacon is turned off5 minutes input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec5 minutes output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec296 frames input, 13284 bytes0 discards, 0 errors0 CRC, 0 unknown class0 too long, 0 too short301 frames output, 12820 bytes0 discards, 0 errors3 input OLS, 2 LRR, 1 NOS, 155 loop initsswitch2# show interface fc1/8fc1/8 is upHardware is Fibre Channel, SFP is short wave laser w/o OFC (SN) Port WWN is 20:08:00:0d:ec:be:0d:40Admin port mode is auto, trunk mode is onsnmp link state traps are enabledPort mode is F, FCID is 0xd40200Port vsan is 1Speed is 2 GbpsRate mode is dedicatedTransmit B2B Credit is 3Receive B2B Credit is 16Receive data field Size is 2112Beacon is turned off5 minutes input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec5 minutes output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec1265 frames input, 54276 bytes0 discards, 0 errors0 CRC, 0 unknown class0 too long, 0 too short309 frames output, 15104 bytes0 discards, 0 errors6 input OLS, 4 LRR, 0 NOS, 92 loop inits1、配置VSANVSAN的作用是隔离每一个交换机端口:switch2# conf tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch2(config)# vsan databaseswitch2(config-vsan-db)# vsan 4000 name sw2switch2(config-vsan-db)# vsan 4000 interface fc1/1Traffic on fc1/1 may be impacted. Do you want to continue? (y/n) y switch2(config-vsan-db)# vsan 4000 interface fc1/2Traffic on fc1/2 may be impacted. Do you want to continue? (y/n) y switch2(config-vsan-db)# vsan 4000 interface fc1/7Traffic on fc1/7 may be impacted. Do you want to continue? (y/n) y switch2(config-vsan-db)# vsan 4000 interface fc1/8Traffic on fc1/8 may be impacted. Do you want to continue? (y/n) y switch2(config-vsan-db)# endswitch2# show vsan 4000 membershipvsan 4000 interfaces:fc1/1 fc1/2 fc1/7 fc1/82、创建ZONE并且添加ZONE成员。

167-Cisco MDS 9148S 16G 多层交换矩阵交换机

167-Cisco MDS 9148S 16G 多层交换矩阵交换机

© 2014 思科和/或其附属公司。版权所有。本文档所含内容为思科公开发布的信息。
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Cisco MDS 9148S 提供内置的存储网络管理功能和 SAN 即插即用功能。可通过命令行界面 (CLI) 或适用于SAN高 级版本的集中式管理工具 Cisco Prime DCNM使用所有功能。Cisco DCNM 基于任务的向导,可简化单个或多个交 换机及交换矩阵的管理。对于虚拟化基础设施,它可管理从虚拟机、交换机到物理存储的整个路径。Cisco MDS 9148S 还支持开机自动调配 (POAP) 功能,可自动升级软件映像以及在新部署的交换机上安装配置文件。此外, 它还提供智能诊断、协议解码、网络分析工具以及 Cisco Call Home,以增强可靠性、加快解决问题的速度和降低 服务成本。
启用12 个光纤通道端口(该交换机最多可启用 48 个端口)。
表 3 列出了 Cisco MDS 9148S 的技术规格。
表 3. 产品规格 协议
● FC-PH,修订版 4.3 (ANSI/INCITS 230-1994) ● FC-PH,修正版 1 (ANSI/INCITS 230-1994/AM1-1996) ● FC-PH,修正版 2 (ANSI/INCITS 230-1994/AM2-1999) ● FC-PH-2,修订版 7.4 (ANSI/INCITS 297-1997) ● FC-PH-3,修订版 9.4 (ANSI/INCITS 303-1998) ● FC-PI,修订版 13 (ANSI/INCITS 352-2002) ● FC-PI-2,修订版 10 (ANSI/INCITS 404-2006) ● FC-PI-3,修订版 4 (ANSI INCITS 460-2011) ● FC-PI-4,修订版 8 (ANSI INCITS 450-2008) ● FC-PI-5,修订版 6 (ANSI INCITS 479-2011) ● FC-FS,修订版 1.9 (ANSI/INCITS 373-2003) ● FC-FS-2,修订版 1.01 (ANSI INCITS 424-2007) ● FC-FS-2,修正版 1 (ANSI INCITS 424-2007/AM1-2007) ● FC-FS-3,修订版 1.11 (ANSI INCITS 470-2011) ● FC-LS,修订版 1.62 (ANSI/INCITS 433-2007) ● FC-LS-2,修订版 2.21 (ANSI INCITS 477-2011) ● FC-SW-2,修订版 5.3 (ANSI/INCITS 355-2001) ● FC-SW-3,修订版 6.6 (ANSI/INCITS 384-2004) ● FC-SW-4,修订版 7.5 (ANSI/INCITS 418-2006) ● FC-SW-5,修订版 8.5 (ANSI INCITS 461-2010) ● FC-GS-3,修订版 7.01 (ANSI/INCITS 348-2001) ● FC-GS-4,修订版 7.91 (ANSI/INCITS 387-2004) ● FC-GS-5,修订版 8.51 (ANSI INCITS 427-2007) ● FC-GS-6,修订版 9.4 (ANSI INCITS 463-2010) ● FCP,修订版 12 (ANSI/INCITS 269-1996) ● FCP-2,修订版 8 (ANSI/INCITS 350-2003) ● FCP-3,修订版 4 (ANSI/INCITS 416-2006) ● FCP-4,修订版 2b (ANSI INCITS 481-2011) ● FC-SB-2,修订版 2.1 (ANSI INCITS 349-2001) ● FC-SB-3,修订版 1.6 (ANSI INCITS 374-2003)



Cisco思科光纤交换机配置说明及常⽤命令你还在为不知道Cisco思科光纤交换机配置说明⽽烦恼么?下⾯⼩编为⼤家收集的Cisco思科光纤交换机配置说明教程,希望能帮到⼤家,⼀起来看看吧!Cisco思科光纤交换机配置说明的⽅法1. 初始化信息⾸次设置,必须通过console进⾏连接(需要U⼝转DB9针的接⼝线,专门卖接⼝线的有卖⼤约30元),然后进⾏初始化设计,以后设定IP后可通过LAN进⾏登陆具体步骤:(红⾊字体部分着重注意,需要进⾏设置,⼤部分按照默认设置即可,⽽且设置的部分进⼊管理⼯具软件可以更改)---- System Admin Account Setup ----Enter the password for "admin": passwordConfirm the password for "admin": password--- Basic System Configuration Dialog ---This setup utility will guide you through the basic configuration of the system. Setup configures only enough connectivity for management of the system.Press Enter at any time to skip any dialog. Use ctrl-c at anytime to skip the remaining dialogs.Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): yCreate another login account (yes/no) [n]:Configure read-only SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]:Configure read-write SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]:Enter the switch name: Pxx-MDS-x (where xx is your pod number and x is the switch number; for example:P01-MDS-1) Continue with Out-of-band (mgmt0) management configuration? (yes/no) [y]:Mgmt0 IPv4 address : <10.0.x.y> (where x is your pod number and y is 5 for MDS-1 and 3 for MDS-2)(客户)0.16Mgmt0 IPv4 netmask : the default gateway? (yes/no) [y]:IPv4 address of the default gateway : 10.0.x.254 (where x is your pod number)Configure advanced IP options? (yes/no) [n]:Enable the telnet service? (yes/no) [y]:Enable the ssh service? (yes/no) [n]:Configure the ntp server? (yes/no) [n]:Configure default switchport interface state (shut/noshut) [shut]: (注意⼀下)noshutConfigure default switchport trunk mode (on/off/auto) [on]:Configure default zone policy (permit/deny) [deny]:Enable full zoneset distribution (yes/no) [n]:NOTE:初始设定的配置对新的VSAN起作⽤,即原始VSAN1⽆这些配置解决办法:1 zone default-zone permit VSAN2 新建 NEW VSAN2 将port转移VSAN2⾥⾯。

Cisco MDS 9148S 16G 多层交换矩阵交换机

Cisco MDS 9148S 16G 多层交换矩阵交换机
通过使用光纤通道 Ping 和 Traceroute 确定确切的路径和流时间,以及使用思科交换端口分析器 (SPAN)、远程 SPAN (RSPAN) 和思科光纤通道分析器捕获和分析网络流量,来增强可靠性、加快解决问题的速度以及降低服务 成本。
通过消除队Head-of-line,确保各个端口的线速性能。 通过使用多路径负载均衡,将最多 16 个物理 ISL 聚合到一个逻辑 PortChannel ,来优化带宽利用率。 节省计划维护和软件升级的停机时间。
图 1. Cisco MDS 9148S 16G 多层交换矩阵交换机
拥有最多 48 个自适应光纤通道端口,可支持 2、4、8 和 16 Gbps 的速率,并且每个端口具有 16 Gbps 的固定带 宽。基本配置交换机型号提供 12 个可用端口,并可根据需要使用 12 端口 Cisco MDS 9148S 按需端口激活许可证 进行升级,以支持 24、36 或 48 个可用端口的配置。只有 Cisco MDS 9148S 可以在1U机架 外形中将16Gbps高性 能光纤通道端口的数量从 12 个扩展到 48 个。
表 2 描述了可以购买的可选许可证,以便激活 Cisco MDS 9148S 的更多特性和功能。
表 2. 可选许可证
Cisco MDS 9000 系列企业软 包含高级流量管理和网络安全功能,例如 IVR、QoS 和基于分区的 QoS、光纤通道安全协议 (FC-SP)、端口安全、
基于 VSAN 的访问控制,以及针对开放系统的光纤通道绑定。按交换机进行许可,适用于交换机上的所有端口。
表 1 总结了 Cisco MDS 9148S 的主要特性和优点。



CiscoMDS设备配置安装手册完整(可以直接使用,可编辑优质资料,欢迎下载)分行IT底子设施资源整合项目Cisco MDS 9513设备配置安装手册——VER 1.0中国建立银行信息技能治理部SFB项目组2007年7月文档信息文档修订记载目录第1章功效概述 (3)1.1C ISCO MDS9513构建存储网络方案 (3)1.2C ISCO MDS9513设备简介 (6)第2章园地要求 (15)2.1电源和冷却装置 (15)2.2机房情况要求 (15)2.3物理规格 (15)2.4设备承重要求 (15)第3章组件说明 (16)3.1C ISCO MDS9513资源列表 (16)3.2C ISCO MDS9513端口列表 (18)3.3B LADE SERVER 连接 (18)第4章组件安装 (20)4.1C ISCO MDS9513安装配置原则 (20)4.2C ISCO MDS9513配置操纵步调 (21)第5章运营维护 (37)5.1C ISCO MDS9513软件版本升级 (37)5.2电源和电扇状态说明 (37)5.3线卡事情状态说明 (37)5.4引擎事情状态说明 (38)5.5C ISCO MDS9513常用功效排错 (38)5.6C ISCO MDS9513排错东西排错 (39)第1章功效概述1.1 Cisco MDS 9513 构建存储网络方案数据中心的SAN网络接纳Cisco MDS 9513互换机构架存储网络,连接后端存储盘阵和主机、办事器及磁带库系统。

Cisco公司的MDS9513设备为模块化、高密度、高性价比的智能多层存储网络光纤互换机,每台互换机提供可凭据需要配置24端口或48端口1/2/4Gb FC板卡,MDS9513单机箱最达提供528个模块化配置的FC端口。

极具竞争力的经济性:Cisco MDS 9513 设备接纳优化的端口连接设计,可提供4G2G、1G 速率自适应FC端口。

思科MDS 9148S 16G 多层面交换机 数据手册说明书

思科MDS 9148S 16G 多层面交换机 数据手册说明书

Cisco MDS 9148S 16G Multilayer Fabric SwitchData sheet Cisco publicContentsProduct Overview 3 High Performance and Flexibility at Low Cost 3 High-Availability Platform for Mission-Critical Deployments 3 Simplified Storage Management with Sophisticated Diagnostics 3 Intelligent Network Services and Advanced Traffic Management 4 Comprehensive Network Security Framework 4 Platform Compatibility 5 Licensing 5 Product Specifications 5 System Requirements 9 Warranty Information 9 Ordering Information 10 Cisco Services 13 For More Information 13 Document history 14Product OverviewThe Cisco® MDS 9148S 16G Multilayer Fabric Switch (Figure 1) is the next generation of the highly reliable, flexible, and low-cost Cisco MDS 9100 Series switches. It combines high performance with exceptional flexibility and cost effectiveness. This powerful, compact one rack-unit (1RU) switch scales from 12 to 48 line-rate 16 Gbps Fibre Channel ports.The Cisco MDS 9148S is excellent for:● A standalone SAN in small departmental storage environments● A top-of-the-rack switch in medium-sized redundant fabrics●An edge switch in enterprise data center core-edge topologiesThe Cisco MDS 9148S is powered by Cisco NX-OS and Cisco Prime™ Data Center Network Manager (DCNM) software. It delivers advanced storage networking features and functions with ease of management and compatibility with the entire Cisco MDS 9000 Family portfolio for reliable end-to-end connectivity.Figure 1.Cisco MDS 9148S 16G Multilayer Fabric SwitchHigh Performance and Flexibility at Low CostUp to 48 autosensing Fibre Channel ports are capable of speeds of 2, 4, 8, and 16 Gbps, with 16 Gbps of dedicated bandwidth for each port. The base switch model comes with 12 ports enabled, and can be upgraded as needed with the 12-port Cisco MDS 9148S On-Demand Port Activation license to support configurations of 24, 36, or 48 enabled ports. Only the Cisco MDS 9148S scales from 12 to 48 high-performance Fibre Channel ports in a single 1RU form factor. The 16-Gbps MDS 9148S is the first generation of NVMe ready Fibre Channel 1RU switches1 When deployed as a N-Port virtualization (NPV) node or as an N-Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) core connecting legacy Fibre channel switches or multi-protocol Nexus NPV switches, it provides a flexible and scalable option for host connectivity.High-Availability Platform for Mission-Critical DeploymentsIn environments in which downtime is intolerable, the Cisco MDS 9148S offers In-Service Software Upgrades (ISSU). This means that Cisco NX-OS Software can be upgraded while the Fibre Channel ports carry traffic. The Cisco MDS 9148S includes dual redundant hot-swappable power supplies and fan trays, PortChannels for Inter-Switch Link (ISL) resiliency, and F-port channeling for resiliency on uplinks from a Cisco MDS 9148S operating in NPV mode. New hardware based slow port detection and recovery provide enhanced performance and monitoring capability.Simplified Storage Management with Sophisticated DiagnosticsThe Cisco MDS 9148S offers built-in storage network management and SAN plug-and-play capabilities. All features are available through a Command-Line Interface (CLI) or Cisco Prime DCNM for SAN EssentialsEdition, a centralized management tool. Cisco DCNM task-based wizards simplify management of single or multiple switches and fabrics. For virtual infrastructure, it manages the entire path: from the virtual machine and switch to the physical storage. The Cisco MDS 9148S also supports PowerOn Auto Provisioning (POAP) to automate software image upgrades and configuration file installation on newly deployed switches. Additionally, it provides intelligent diagnostics, protocol decoding, network analysis tools, and Cisco Call Home for added reliability, faster problem resolution, and reduced service costs.Intelligent Network Services and Advanced Traffic ManagementThe Cisco MDS 9148S uses virtual SAN (VSAN) technology for hardware-enforced, isolated environments within a physical fabric. It offers access control lists (ACLs) for hardware-based, intelligent frame processing. Advanced traffic management features, such as fabricwide Quality of Service (QoS) and Inter-VSAN Routing (IVR), are included in the optional Cisco MDS 9000 Family Enterprise Package. QoS prioritizes application data traffic for better and more predictable network service. Zone-based QoS simplifies configuration and administration by using the familiar zoning concept. IVR facilitates resource sharing across VSANs without compromising scalability, reliability, availability, and network security.Comprehensive Network Security FrameworkAn extensive set of innovative and powerful security features and functions is available with the optional Cisco MDS 9000 Family Enterprise Package. It offers fabricwide, per-VSAN role-based Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) services using RADIUS, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), Microsoft Active Directory (AD), and TACACS+. It also deploys VSAN fabric isolation, intelligent, port-level packet inspection, Fibre Channel Security Protocol (FC-SP) host-to-switch and switch-to-switch authentication, Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), Secure Shell Version 2 (SSHv2), and Simple Network Management Protocol Version 3 (SNMPv3) implementing Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Other security features include control-plane security, hardware-enforced zoning, broadcast zones, and management access. The Cisco MDS 9148S is FIPS 140-2 compliant as mandated by the U.S. federal government.Table 1 summarizes the main features and benefits of the Cisco MDS 9148S.Table 1.Features and BenefitsPlatform CompatibilityFor detailed information about hardware and software compatibility as well as product interoperability, see https:///c/en/us/td/docs/switches/datacenter/mds9000/interoperability/matrix/intmatrx.pdf. LicensingTable 2 describes optional licenses that can be purchased to enable additional features and capabilities on the Cisco MDS 9148S.Table 2.Optional LicensesProduct SpecificationsTable 3 lists technical specifications for the Cisco MDS 9148S.Table 3.Product SpecificationsDescription●FC-FS-2, Amendment 1 (ANSI INCITS 424-2007/AM1-2007)●FC-FS-3, Revision 1.11 (ANSI INCITS 470-2011)●FC-LS, Revision 1.62 (ANSI INCITS 433-2007)●FC-LS-2, Revision 2.21 (ANSI INCITS 477-2011)●FC-SW-2, Revision 5.3 (ANSI INCITS 355-2001)●FC-SW-3, Revision 6.6 (ANSI INCITS 384-2004)●FC-SW-4, Revision 7.5 (ANSI INCITS 418-2006)●FC-SW-5, Revision 8.5 (ANSI INCITS 461-2010)●FC-GS-3, Revision 7.01 (ANSI INCITS 348-2001)●FC-GS-4, Revision 7.91 (ANSI INCITS 387-2004)●FC-GS-5, Revision 8.51 (ANSI INCITS 427-2007)●FC-GS-6, Revision 9.4 (ANSI INCITS 463-2010)●FCP, Revision 12 (ANSI INCITS 269-1996)●FCP-2, Revision 8 (ANSI INCITS 350-2003)●FCP-3, Revision 4 (ANSI INCITS 416-2006)●FCP-4, Revision 2b (ANSI INCITS 481-2011)●FC-SB-2, Revision 2.1 (ANSI INCITS 349-2001)●FC-SB-3, Revision 1.6 (ANSI INCITS 374-2003)●FC-SB-3, Amendment 1 (ANSI INCITS 374-2003/AM1-2007)●FC-SB-4, Revision 3.0 (ANSI INCITS 466-2011)●FC-SB-5, Revision 2.00 (ANSI INCITS 485-2014)●FC-BB-6, Revision 2.00 (ANSI INCITS 509-2014)●FC-BB-2, Revision 6.0 (ANSI INCITS 372-2003)●FC-BB-3, Revision 6.8 (ANSI INCITS 414-2006)●FC-BB-4, Revision 2.7 (ANSI INCITS 419-2008)●FC-BB-5, Revision 2.0 (ANSI INCITS 462-2010)●FC-VI, Revision 1.84 (ANSI INCITS 357-2002)●FC-SP, Revision 1.8 (ANSI INCITS 426-2007)●FC-SP-2, Revision 2.71 (ANSI INCITS 496-2012)●FAIS, Revision 1.03 (ANSI INCITS 432-2007)●FAIS-2, Revision 2.23 (ANSI INCITS 449-2008)●FC-IFR, Revision 1.06 (ANSI INCITS 475-2011)●FC-FLA, Revision 2.7 (INCITS TR-20-1998)●FC-PLDA, Revision 2.1 (INCITS TR-19-1998)●FC-Tape, Revision 1.17 (INCITS TR-24-1999)●FC-MI, Revision 1.92 (INCITS TR-30-2002)●FC-MI-2, Revision 2.6 (INCITS TR-39-2005)●FC-MI-3, Revision 1.03 (INCITS TR-48-2012)●FC-DA, Revision 3.1 (INCITS TR-36-2004)●FC-DA-2, Revision 1.06 (INCITS TR-49-2012)●FC-MSQS, Revision 3.2 (INCITS TR-46-2011)●Fibre Channel classes of service: Class 2, Class 3, and Class F●Fibre Channel standard port types: E, F and FL●Fibre Channel enhanced port types: SD, ST, and TE●FC-NVMe●In-band management using IP over Fibre Channel (RFC 2625)●IPv6, IPv4, and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) over Fibre Channel (RFC 4338)●Extensive IETF-standards-based TCP/IP, SNMPv3, and remote monitoring (RMON) MIBsSystem RequirementsTable 4 lists system requirements for the Cisco MDS 9148S.Table 4.System RequirementsWarranty InformationFind warranty information on at the Product Warranties page.Ordering InformationTable 5 indicates all part numbers and associated configurable options for the Cisco MDS 9148S. To place an order, visit the Cisco Ordering Home Page. To download software, visit the Cisco Platform SuiteTable 5.Ordering InformationNote: Spare licenses are delivered uninstalled. A product authorization key (PAK) is sent (either physicallyor electronically) for customer license key file obtainment and installation. For more information on obtaining and installing licenses, seehttps:///en/US/docs/storage/san_switches/mds9000/sw/rel_2_x/san-os/configuration/guide/lic.html.Note: For detailed information about all supported transceivers, see Cisco MDS 9000 Family pluggable transceivers. Bundled and configure-to-order optical transceivers are shipped installed in the port cageson the unit. Spares ship separately.Note: For detailed information about the optional Cisco MDS Enterprise Package, seehttps:///c/en/us/products/collateral/storage-networking/mds-9000-software-licensing/product_data_sheet09186a00801ca6ac.html; for Cisco Prime DCNM, seehttps:///go/dcnm. Advanced Software Packages are delivered uninstalled. A PAK is sent (either physically or electronically) for customer license key file obtainment and installation.Cisco ServicesCisco Services make networks, applications, and the people who use them work better together. Today, the network is a strategic platform in a world that demands better integration between people, information, and ideas. The network works better when services, together with products, create solutions aligned with business needs and opportunities.The unique Cisco Lifecycle approach to services defines the requisite activities at each phase of the network lifecycle to help ensure service excellence. With a collaborative delivery methodology that joins the forces of Cisco, our skilled network of partners, and our customers, we achieve the best results.Cisco CapitalFinancing to help you achieve your objectivesCisco Capital can help you acquire the technology you need to achieve your objectives and stay competitive. We can help you reduce CapEx. Accelerate your growth. Optimize your investment dollars and ROI. Cisco Capital financing gives you flexibility in acquiring hardware, software, services, and complementary third-party equipment. And there’s just one predictable payment. Cisco Capital is available in more than 100 countries. Learn more.For More InformationFor more information about the Cisco MDS 9148S 16G Multilayer Fabric Switch, visithttps:///c/en/us/products/storage-networking/mds-9148s-16g-multilayer-fabric-switch/index.html or contact your local account representative.1 Requires NX-OS software version 8.2(1) or higher.Document historyPrinted in USA C78-731523-07 06/23。



与交换机交互,可以使用三种方式:串口以太网口光纤口缺省的串口参数是:9600,N,8,1缺省IP访问方式是:IP地址:用户名: admin密码:password时区: Pacific time交换机名称:switch可使用ipAddrSet命令来重新设置交换机的IP地址。




对于Fabric OS v4.1,SSH v2可以被使用。

如果Brocade Secure Fabric OS被设置有效,CLI 接口必须是Brocade Secure Telnet.Brocade API v2.1提供给用户扩展访问到交换机的方法;可以轻松的整合Brocade SAN Fabric的智能到已经存在的管理应用中,或者快速的开发用户SAN 的特殊功能。

该工具包可以通过Brocade Connect 站点获得。

Brocade Fabric Manager v4.0 是一个实时管理多台Brocade 光纤交换机的很好的一个工具,它提供了有效的配置、监控、动态资源分配管理。

Brocade Web Tool是一个直观简单的管理小型SAN网络的管理工具。

运行支持JRE的Web Browser上。

Brocade 提供基于SNMP的MIBs用来在交换机上读和配置公共设置。

串口管理:n 一条串口连接电缆DB9 (female-to-female)n 使用超级终端或UNIX终端n Windows: Hyper Terminaln UNIX: tipu Microsoft Windows® 环境之中–传输速率: 9600bit/sec–数据位: 8–校验位: None–停止位: 1–流控制: Noneu UNIX® 环境下, 输入以下命令# tip /dev/ttyb –9600u 安装步骤1. 通过串口线将两者进行连接2. 确保交换机已经加电3. 通过ipAddrSet命令设置IP地址(注意: 命令是大小写敏感,但是全大写或全小写也可。

莫萨 MDS-G4028-L3 系列 28G-端口层3全光纤模块管理交换机特点和优势说明书

莫萨 MDS-G4028-L3 系列 28G-端口层3全光纤模块管理交换机特点和优势说明书

MDS-G4028-L3Series28G-port Layer 3full Gigabit modular managed Ethernet switchesFeatures and Benefits•Layer 3routing interconnects multiple LAN segments •Multiple interface type 4-port modules for greater versatility•Tool-free design for effortlessly adding or replacing modules without shuttingdown the switch•Ultra-compact size and multiple mounting options for flexible installation •Rugged die-cast design for use in harsh environments•Intuitive,HTML5-based web interface for a seamless experience acrossdifferent platformsCertificationsIntroductionThe MDS-G4028–L3Series modular switches support up to 28Gigabit ports,including 4embedded ports,6interface module expansion slots,and 2power module slots to ensure sufficient flexibility for a variety of applications.The highly compact MDS-G4000–L3Series is designed to meet evolving network requirements,ensuring effortless installation and maintenance,and features a hot-swappable module design that enables you to easily change or add modules without shutting down the switch or interrupting network operations.The multiple Ethernet modules (RJ45,SFP,and PoE+)and power units (24/48VDC,110/220VAC/VDC)provide even greater flexibility as well as suitability for different operating conditions,delivering an adaptive full Gigabit platform that provides the versatility and bandwidth necessary to serve as an Ethernet aggregation/edge switch.Featuring a compact design that fits in confined spaces,multiple mounting methods,andconvenient tool-free module installation,the MDS-G4000–L3Series switches enable versatile and effortless deployment without the need for highly skilled engineers.With multiple industry certifications and a highly durable housing,the MDS-G4000Series can reliably operate in tough and hazardous environments such as power substations,mining sites,ITS,and oil and gas applications.Support for dual power modules provides redundancy for high reliability and availability while LV and HV power module options offer additional flexibility to accommodate the power requirements of different applications.Support for Layer 3routing functionality enables these switches to facilitate the deployment of applications across different networks,making them ideal for large-scale industrial networks.In addition,the MDS-G4000–L3Series features an HTML5–based,user-friendly web interface providing a responsive,smooth user experience across different platforms and browsers.SpecificationsEthernet InterfacePre-installed Modules 4embedded Gigabit portsModule6slots for optional 4-port FE/GE modulesSlot Combination See the LM-7000H module series datasheet for more information StandardsIEEE 802.3for 10BaseTIEEE 802.3u for 100BaseT(X)and 100BaseFX IEEE 802.3ab for 1000BaseT(X)IEEE 802.3z for 1000BaseX IEEE 802.3x for flow controlIEEE 802.3ad for Port Trunk with LACP IEEE 802.1Q for VLAN TaggingIEEE 802.1D-2004for Spanning Tree Protocol IEEE 802.1w for Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol IEEE 802.1p for Class of Service IEEE 802.1X for authenticationIEEE 802.3af/at for PoE/PoE+outputEthernet Software FeaturesManagement IPv4/IPv6,Flow control,Back Pressure Flow Control,DHCP Server/Client,ARP,RARP,LLDP,Port Mirror,Linkup Delay,SMTP,SNMP Trap,SNMP Inform,SNMPv1/v2c/v3,RMON,TFTP,SFTP,HTTP,HTTPS,Telnet,Syslog,Private MIB,Loopback interface Filter GMRP,GVRP,GARP,802.1Q VLAN,IGMP Snooping v1/v2/v3,IGMP Querier Redundancy Protocols STP,RSTP,Turbo Ring v2,Turbo Chain,Ring Coupling,Dual-Homing,Link Aggregation Routing Redundancy VRRPSecurity Broadcast storm protection,Rate Limit,Trust access control,Static Port Lock,MACSticky,HTTPS/SSL,SSH,RADIUS,TACACS+,Login and Password PolicyTime Management SNTP,NTP Server/Client,NTP AuthenticationProtocols IPv4/IPv6,TCP/IP,UDP,ICMP,ARP,RARP,TFTP,DNS,NTP Client,DHCP Server,DHCP Client,802.1X,QoS,HTTPS,HTTP,Telnet,SMTP,SNMPv1/v2c/v3,RMON,SyslogUnicast Routing OSPF,Static RouteMIB P-BRIDGE MIB,Q-BRIDGE MIB,IEEE8021-SPANNING-TREE-MIB,IEEE8021-PAE-MIB,IEEE8023-LAG-MIB,LLDP-EXT-DOT1-MIB,LLDP-EXT-DOT3-MIB,SNMPv2-MIB,RMON MIB Groups1,2,3,9Switch PropertiesMAC Table Size16KMax.No.of VLANs256VLAN ID Range VID1to4094IGMP Groups1024Priority Queues8Packet Buffer Size12MbitsSerial InterfaceConsole Port RS-232(TxD,RxD,GND),8-pin RJ45(115200,n,8,1)USB InterfaceUSB Connector USB Type A(Reserved)Input/Output InterfaceDigital Input Channels1(On MGMT Module)Digital Inputs+13to+30V for state1-30to+3V for state0Max.input current:8mAAlarm Contact Channels3(On MGMT,PWR1,PWR2Module)Relay output with current carrying capacity of2A@30VDCPower ParametersInput Voltage with PWR-HV-P48installed:110/220VDC,110VAC,60HZ,220VAC,50Hz,PoE:48VDCwith PWR-LV-P48installed:24/48VDC,PoE:48VDCwith PWR-HV-NP installed:110/220VDC,110VAC,60HZ,220VAC,50Hzwith PWR-LV-NP installed:24/48VDCOperating Voltage with PWR-HV-P48installed:88to300VDC,90to264VAC,47to63Hz,PoE:46to57VDCwith PWR-LV-P48installed:18to72VDC(24/48VDC for hazardous location),PoE:46to57VDC(48VDC forhazardous location)with PWR-HV-NP installed:88to300VDC,90to264VAC,47to63Hzwith PWR-LV-NP installed:18to72VDCInput Current with PWR-HV-P48installed:Max.0.11A@110VDCMax.0.06A@220VDCMax.0.29A@110VACMax.0.18A@220VACwith PWR-LV-P48/PWR-LV-NP installed:Max.0.53A@24VDCMax.0.28A@48VDCMax.PoE Power Output per Port36WTotal PoE Power Budget Max.360W(with one power supply)for total PD consumption at48VDC input for PoEsystemsMax.360W(with one power supply)for total PD consumption at53–57VDC input forPoE+systemsMax.720W(with two power supply)for total PD consumption at48VDC input for PoEsystemsMax.720W(with one power supply)for total PD consumption at53–57VDC input forPoE+systemsOverload Current Protection SupportedReverse Polarity Protection SupportedPhysical CharacteristicsIP Rating IP40Dimensions218x115x163.25mm(8.59x4.53x6.44in)Weight2840g(6.27lb)Installation DIN-rail mounting,Wall mounting(with optional kit),Rack mounting(with optional kit) Environmental LimitsOperating Temperature Standard Temp Models:-10to60°C(-14to140°F)Wide Temp Models:-40to75°C(-40to167°F)Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsSafety EN62368-1,IEC62368-1,UL62368-1,IEC60950-1EMC EN55032/35EMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:8kV;Air:15kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:20V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:4kV;Signal:4kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:4kV;Signal:4kVIEC61000-4-6CS:10VIEC61000-4-8PFMFIEC61000-4-11:Voltage Dips and Voltage InterruptionsRailway EN50121-4Traffic Control NEMA TS2Shock IEC60068-2-27Freefall IEC60068-2-31Vibration IEC60068-2-6Hazardous Locations Class I Division2,ATEXPower Substation IEEE1613,IEC61850-3MTBFTime966,801hrsStandards Telcordia SR332WarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x MDS-G4028-L3Series switchCable1x RJ45-to-DB9console cableInstallation Kit(Pre-installed)2x DIN-rail kit2x cap,plastic,for RJ45portDocumentation1x quick installation guide1x product notice,Simplified Chinese1x product certificates of quality inspection,Simplified Chinese1x warranty cardNote This product requires additional modules(sold separately)to function.Dimensions Ordering InformationModel Name Layer Total No.ofPorts100/1000BaseSFPSlots10/100/1000BaseT(X)Ports(RJ45Connector)PoE10/100/1000BaseT(X)Ports(RJ45Connector)10/100BaseT(X)Ports(RJ45Connector)PoE10/100BaseT(X)Ports(RJ45Connector)OperatingTemp.MDS-G4028-L3328Up to24Up to28Up to24Up to24Up to24-10to60°C MDS-G4028-L3-T328Up to24Up to28Up to24Up to24Up to24-40to75°C Accessories(sold separately)LM-7000H Module SeriesLM-7000H-4GTX Gigabit Ethernet module with410/100/1000BaseT(X)portsLM-7000H-4GPoE Gigabit Ethernet module with410/100/1000BaseT(X)IEEE802.3af/at PoE+portsLM-7000H-4GSFP Gigabit Ethernet module with4100/1000BaseSFP slotsLM-7000H-4TX Fast Ethernet module with410/100BaseT(X)portsLM-7000H-4PoE Fast Ethernet module with410/100BaseT(X)IEEE802.3af/at PoE+portsPower ModulesPWR-LV-P48Power supply module(24/48VDC)with system power input,relay,PoE power inputPWR-HV-P48Power supply module(110/220VAC/VDC)with system power input,relay,PoE power inputPWR-LV-NP Power supply module(24/48VDC)with system power input,relayPWR-HV-NP Power supply module(110/220VAC/VDC)with system power input,relayWall-Mounting KitsWK-112-01Wall-mounting kit,2plates,8screwsRack-Mounting KitsRK-3U-01Rack-mounting kit,4L-shaped plates,and2plates with32screws for combining two MDS-G4028 SFP ModulesSFP-1FEMLC-T SFP module with1100Base multi-mode,LC connector for2/4km transmission,-40to85°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1FESLC-T SFP module with1100Base single-mode with LC connector for40km transmission,-40to85°Coperating temperatureSFP-1FELLC-T SFP module with1100Base single-mode with LC connector for80km transmission,-40to85°Coperating temperatureSFP-1G10ALC WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for10km transmission;TX1310nm,RX1550nm,0to60°C operating temperatureSFP-1G10ALC-T WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for10km transmission;TX1310nm,RX1550nm,-40to85°C operating temperatureSFP-1G10BLC WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for10km transmission;TX1550nm,RX1310nm,0to60°C operating temperatureSFP-1G10BLC-T WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for10km transmission;TX1550nm,RX1310nm,-40to85°C operating temperatureSFP-1G20ALC WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for20km transmission;TX1310nm,RX1550nm,0to60°C operating temperatureSFP-1G20ALC-T WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for20km transmission;TX1310nm,RX1550nm,-40to85°C operating temperatureSFP-1G20BLC WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for20km transmission;TX1550nm,RX1310nm,0to60°C operating temperatureSFP-1G20BLC-T WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for20km transmission;TX1550nm,RX1310nm,-40to85°C operating temperatureSFP-1G40ALC WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for40km transmission;TX1310nm,RX1550nm,0to60°C operating temperatureSFP-1G40ALC-T WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for40km transmission;TX1310nm,RX1550nm,-40to85°C operating temperatureSFP-1G40BLC WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for40km transmission;TX1550nm,RX1310nm,0to60°C operating temperatureSFP-1G40BLC-T WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for40km transmission;TX1550nm,RX1310nm,-40to85°C operating temperatureSFP-1GSXLC SFP module with11000BaseSX port with LC connector for300m/550m transmission,0to60°Coperating temperatureSFP-1GSXLC-T SFP module with11000BaseSX port with LC connector for300m/550m transmission,-40to85°Coperating temperatureSFP-1GLSXLC SFP module with11000BaseLSX port with LC connector for1km/2km transmission,0to60°Coperating temperatureSFP-1GLSXLC-T SFP module with11000BaseLSX port with LC connector for1km/2km transmission,-40to85°Coperating temperatureSFP-1GLXLC SFP module with11000BaseLX port with LC connector for10km transmission,0to60°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GLXLC-T SFP module with11000BaseLX port with LC connector for10km transmission,-40to85°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GLHLC SFP module with11000BaseLH port with LC connector for30km transmission,0to60°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GLHLC-T SFP module with11000BaseLH port with LC connector for30km transmission,-40to85°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GLHXLC SFP module with11000BaseLHX port with LC connector for40km transmission,0to60°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GLHXLC-T SFP module with11000BaseLHX port with LC connector for40km transmission,-40to85°Coperating temperatureSFP-1GZXLC SFP module with11000BaseZX port with LC connector for80km transmission,0to60°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GZXLC-T SFP module with11000BaseZX port with LC connector for80km transmission,-40to85°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GEZXLC SFP module with11000BaseEZX port with LC connector for110km transmission,0to60°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GEZXLC-120SFP module with11000BaseEZX port with LC connector for120km transmission,0to60°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GTXRJ45-T SFP module with11000BaseT port with RJ45connector for100m transmission,-40to75°C operatingtemperaturePower SuppliesHDR-60-2460W/2.5A DIN-rail24VDC power supply,universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input voltage,-30to70°C operating temperatureNDR-120-24120W/5.0A DIN-rail24VDC power supply,universal90to264VAC or127to370VDC input voltage,-20to70°C operating temperatureNDR-120-48120W/2.5A DIN-rail48VDC power supply,universal90to264VAC or127to370VDC input voltage,-20to70°C operating temperatureNDR-240-48240W/5.0A DIN-rail48VDC power supply,universal90to264VAC or127to370VDC input voltage,-20to70°C operating temperatureSoftwareMXview-50Industrial network management software with a license for50nodes(by IP address)MXview-100Industrial network management software with a license for100nodes(by IP address)MXview-250Industrial network management software with a license for250nodes(by IP address)MXview-500Industrial network management software with a license for500nodes(by IP address)MXview-1000Industrial network management software with a license for1000nodes(by IP address)MXview-2000Industrial network management software with a license for2000nodes(by IP address)MXview Upgrade-50License expansion of MXview industrial network management software by50nodes(by IP address)©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Jun02,2021.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。

cisco MDS 9148

cisco MDS 9148

1、初始化交换机Cisco9148 SAN交换机首次配置时,需要先做初始化设置,设置完成后才可以登录图形化界面。


Enter the password for "admin":Confirm the password for "admin":---- Basic System Configuration Dialog ----This setup utility will guide you through the basic configuration ofthe system. Setup configures only enough connectivity for managementof the system.Please register Cisco MDS 9000 Family devices promptly with yoursupplier. Failure to register may affect response times for initialservice calls. MDS devices must be registered to receive entitledsupport services.Press Enter at anytime to skip a dialog. Use ctrl-c at anytimeto skip the remaining dialogs.Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): yCreate another login account (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Configure read-only SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Configure read-write SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Enter the switch name : localhostContinue with Out-of-band (mgmt0) management configuration? (yes/no) [y]: <Enter>Mgmt0 IPv4 address : IPv4 netmask : the default gateway? (yes/no) [y]: nConfigure advanced IP options? (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Enable the ssh service? (yes/no) [y]: nEnable the telnet service? (yes/no) [n]: yEnable the http-server? (yes/no) [y]: <Enter>Configure clock? (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Configure timezone? (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Configure summertime? (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Configure the ntp server? (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Configure default switchport interface state (shut/noshut) [shut]: <Enter> Configure default switchport trunk mode (on/off/auto) [on]: auto Configure default switchport port mode F (yes/no) [n]: <Enter> Configure default zone policy (permit/deny) [deny]: <Enter>Enable full zoneset distribution? (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Configure default zone mode (basic/enhanced) [basic]: <Enter>The following configuration will be applied:password strength-checkswitchname localhostinterface mgmt0ip address shutdownno feature sshfeature telnetfeature http-serversystem default switchport shutdownsystem default switchport trunk mode autono system default zone default-zone permitno system default zone distribute fullno system default zone mode enhancedWould you like to edit the configuration? (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Use this configuration and save it? (yes/no) [y]: <Enter>[########################################] 100%到此,设备初始化完成。






1.2、查看交换机信息sw300:admin> switchshowswitchName: sw300switchType: 71.2switchState: OnlineswitchMode: NativeswitchRole: PrincipalswitchDomain: 1switchId: fffc01switchWwn: 10:00:50:eb:1a:06:53:44zoning: OFFswitchBeacon: OFFIndex Port Address Media Speed State Proto==============================================0 0 010000 id N8 Online FC F-Port 21:12:00:02:ac:00:67:451 1 010100 id N8 Online FC F-Port 10:00:00:90:fa:46:c4:e92 2 010200 -- N8 No_Module FC3 3 010300 -- N8 No_Module FC4 4 010400 id N8 Online FC F-Port 20:12:00:02:ac:00:67:455 5 010500 id N8 No_Light FC6 6 010600 -- N8 No_Module FC7 7 010700 -- N8 No_Module FC8 8 010800 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled9 9 010900 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled10 10 010a00 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled11 11 010b00 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled12 12 010c00 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled13 13 010d00 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled14 14 010e00 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled15 15 010f00 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled16 16 011000 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled17 17 011100 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled18 18 011200 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled19 19 011300 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled20 20 011400 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled21 21 011500 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled22 22 011600 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled23 23 011700 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled1.3、查看licenseshow信息。







1. 质保期为3年(自交货并验收合格之日起计);
2. 其他售后服务要求:

3. 验收报告签署之日起,在发生故障后2小时内派出工程师到达现场进行维护,24小时内排除故障。

Cisco MDS 9148 Multilayer Fabric Switch

Cisco MDS 9148 Multilayer Fabric Switch

Data SheetCisco MDS 9148 Multilayer Fabric SwitchProduct OverviewThe Cisco® MDS 9148 Multilayer Fabric Switch (Figure 1) is a high-performance, flexible, cost-effective platform with the industry’s highest port density and lowest power consumption available in a compact one rack-unit (1RU) chassis form factor. It provides 48 line-rate 8-Gbps ports for storage networking deployments in small, medium-sized, and large enterprise environments. The Cisco MDS 9148, based on a purpose-built "switch-on-a-chip" application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), offers outstanding value by providing high-availability, security, and ease of use at a cost-effective price. With the flexibility to expand from 16 to 48 ports in 8-port increments, the Cisco MDS 9148 offers the densities required to scale from an entry-level departmental switch to top-of-the-rack switch to edge connectivity in enterprise SANs. The Cisco MDS 9148 delivers a nonblocking architecture, with all 48 1/2/4/8-Gbps ports operating at line-rate concurrently.The Cisco MDS 9148 supports the Cisco Device Manager Quick Configuration Wizard, which allows it to be deployed quickly and easily in networks of any size. Powered by Cisco MDS 9000 NX-OS Software, it includes advanced storage networking features and functions and is compatible with Cisco MDS 9500 Series Multilayer Directors and Cisco MDS 9200 and other 9100 Series Multilayer Fabric Switches, providing transparent, end-to-end service delivery in core-edge deployments.Figure 1. Cisco MDS 9148 Multilayer Fabric SwitchHighlights●High-performance with exceptional flexibility: The Cisco MDS 9148 offers up to 48 autosensing FibreChannel ports capable of speeds of 1/2/4/8 Gbps in a compact 1RU form-factor chassis with 8 Gbps ofdedicated bandwidth for each port and an aggregate platform bandwidth of 768 Gbps. The Cisco MDS 9148 comes with three preconfigured models for 16, 32, or 48 ports. The 16- and 32-port models can be upgraded onsite to enable additional ports by adding one or more 8-port Cisco MDS 9148 On-Demand Port Activation licenses.●Intelligent storage networking services at a cost-effective price: The Cisco MDS 9148, powered by CiscoMDS 9000 NX-OS Software, offers intelligent storage networking capabilities such as virtual SANs (VSANs), link aggregation via PortChannels, quality of service (QoS), and security. These features make it easy todesign, deploy, and manage the Cisco MDS 9148 as either a standalone departmental SAN switch or a top-of-the-rack switch or an edge switch in an enterprise core-edge SAN.●Simplified scalable deployment of virtual machine–aware SANs: In a virtual machine environment inwhich many host operating systems or applications are running on a physical host, the Cisco MDS 9148 uses N-Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) technology to provide independent management for each virtual machine.Furthermore, the Cisco MDS 9148 provides Cisco N-Port Virtualization (NPV) and fabric-port (F-port)channeling features to enable scaling of SANs without reaching Fibre Channel Domain ID limits. The Cisco FlexAttach feature enables transparent server deployment and movement without SAN reconfiguration.●High-availability platform for mission-critical deployments: The Cisco MDS 9148 is designed forenvironments in which downtime is unacceptable. It offers non-disruptive software upgrades, dual redundant hot-swappable power supplies (with integrated fans), dual redundant hot-swappable fan trays, VSANs for fault isolation, PortChannels for Inter-Switch Link (ISL) resiliency, and F-port trunking for resiliency on uplinks from a Cisco MDS 9148 operating in NPV mode.●Comprehensive security framework: The Cisco MDS 9148 supports as standard Role-Based AccessControl (RBAC) using RADIUS or TACACS+ authentication, authorization and accounting (AAA) functions, VSAN fabric isolation, intelligent packet inspection at the port level, Fibre Channel Security Protocol (FC-SP) host-to-switch and switch-to-switch authentication, Secure FTP (SFTP), Secure Shell Version 2 (SSHv2) and Simple Network Management Protocol Version 3 (SNMPv3) implementing Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), control-plane security, Logical Unit Number (LUN) zoning and read-only zones, hardware-enforced zoning, broadcast zones, and management access. Although rarely needed in most switch fabricinstallations, an extensive set of even more innovative and powerful security features/functions is available with the optional Enterprise Package License.●Simplified storage management: The Cisco MDS 9148 supports SAN plug-and-play capability as well asbuilt-in storage network management, with all features available through a command-line interface (CLI) or the Cisco Fabric Manager, a centralized management tool with task-based wizards that simplifiesmanagement of a standalone switch or multiple switches and fabrics.●Sophisticated diagnostics: Industry-leading intelligent diagnostics such as Fibre Channel ping, FibreChannel traceroute, Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN), Cisco Fabric Analyzer, and integrated Call Homecapability to enhance reliability, facilitate faster problem resolution, and reduce service costs.●Reduced total cost of ownership (TCO): Common platform architecture and the use of Cisco MDS 9000NX-OS Software intelligent storage networking services across all Cisco MDS 9000 Family switches reduce ongoing operating expenses by providing a consistent set of provisioning, management, and diagnosticcapabilities.Main Features and BenefitsExceptional Flexibility for High-Performance SANsThe Cisco MDS 9148 offers up to 48 autosensing Fibre Channel ports capable of speeds of 8, 4, 2, and 1 Gbps in a compact 1RU form-factor chassis. With 8 Gbps of dedicated bandwidth for each port and aggregate platform bandwidth of 768 Gbps, the Cisco MDS 9148 is designed to meet the performance and scalability requirements of the most demanding environments.The flexibility of the Cisco MDS 9148 is provided by the Cisco MDS 9148 On-Demand Port Activation license, which allows the addition of 8-Gbps ports. Customers have the option of purchasing preconfigured models of 16, 32, or 48 ports and upgrading the 16- and 32-port models onsite all the way to 48 ports by adding these licenses. With advanced storage networking capabilities built into the platform, the Cisco MDS 9148 is an ideal choice as either a standalone departmental SAN switch or a top-of-the-rack switch or an edge switch in an enterprise core-edge SAN.The Cisco MDS 9148 supports hot-swappable autosensing Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) and Enhanced SFP (SFP+) optics with interfaces for 8, 4, 2, and 1 Gbps. Individual ports can be configured with either short- or long-wavelength optics for connectivity up to 860 meters (m) and 31 kilometers (km), respectively.VSANs for Virtualization, Segmentation, and IsolationVSAN, an industry standard for fabric virtualization capabilities, enables more efficient storage network use by creating hardware-based isolated environments within a single physical SAN fabric or switch. Up to 32 VSANs are supported per switch. Each VSAN can be zoned as a typical SAN and maintains its own fabric services andmanagement domains for added scalability and resilience. VSANs allow the cost of SAN infrastructure to be shared among more users, while helping ensure segregation of traffic and retaining independent control of configuration on a VSAN-by-VSAN basis. The switch-on-a-chip application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) are Inter-VSAN Routing (IVR) “ready” with the IVR functionality support being considered for a future NX-OS Software release.Advanced Traffic Management for Resilient SANsAdvanced traffic management capabilities integrated into the Cisco MDS 9148 simplify deployment and optimization of core-edge fabrics.●Virtual output queuing helps ensure line-rate performance on each port, independent of traffic pattern, byeliminating head-of-line blocking.●Each port group consisting of 4 ports has a pool of 128 buffer credits, with a default of 32 buffer credits perport. When extended distances are required, up to 125 buffer credits can be allocated to a single port within the port group. This extensibility is available without additional licensing.●PortChannels allow users to aggregate up to 16 physical Inter-Switch Links (ISLs) into a single logical bundle,providing load-balancing bandwidth use across all links. The bundle can consist of any port from the switch, helping ensure that the bundle remains active even in the event of a port failure.●Fabric Shortest Path First (FSPF)–based multi-pathing provides the intelligence to load balance across up to16 equal-cost paths and, in the event of a switch failure, dynamically reroute traffic.●QoS can be used to manage bandwidth and control latency, to prioritize critical traffic.●Comprehensive port and flow statistics facilitate sophisticated performance analysis and service-levelagreement (SLA) accounting.Simplified Scalable Deployment of Virtual Machine–Aware SANsCisco MDS 9148 provides the same consistent, policy-based SAN capabilities to individual virtual machines as those available to physical servers. With NPIV, a standard Fibre Channel protocol feature, individual virtual machines assume a full identity on the SAN so that Fibre Channel services such as zoning, QoS, performance monitoring, and security can be provided to each virtual machine.Given that the number of Fibre Channel Domain IDs in a Fibre Channel SAN environment is limited, larger edge-core enterprise SAN environments using Cisco MDS 9148 as a top-of-the-rack switch or as an edge switch can be deployed by enabling the Cisco NPV feature on the edge Cisco MDS 9148 so that no Fibre Channel Domain IDs are used by that switch. NPV aggregates locally connected hosts into one or more uplinks to core switches in a pass-through manner without using a Fibre Channel Domain ID. The F-port trunking feature enables multiple VSANs to be transported on the uplink from a Cisco MDS 9148 operating in NPV mode to the core switch.The Cisco FlexAttach feature gives Cisco MDS 9148 customers the flexibility to add, move, or replace servers easily without the need to reconfigure SAN switches or storage arrays. It provides this flexibility by virtualizing the SAN identity of a server, which enables a server to retain its SAN identity even if the server is moved or replaced.The MDS 9148 is supported as an "option" relative to the Virtual Computing Environment (VCE) coaltion between Cisco, EMC, and VMware which provides a VCE/Vblock framework for integrated virtualization solutions.High-Availability Platform for Mission-Critical EnvironmentsThe Cisco MDS 9148 is designed for mission-critical availability. With non-disruptive software upgrades, hot-swappable redundant fans and power supplies, and the unique capability to automatically restart failed processes, the platform defines a new standard for fabric switch availability.High availability is implemented at the fabric level through the industry's most robust and highest-performance ISLs. PortChannel capability allows users to aggregate up to 16 physical ports into one logical bundle. The bundle can sustain the failure of any physical link without causing a reset. Additionally, FSPF multipathing provides the intelligence to load-balance across up to 16 equal-cost paths and, if a switch fails, to dynamically reroute traffic.The F-port channeling feature enables up to 16 physical uplinks between a Cisco MDS 9148 operating in NPV mode and the core switch to be bundled into a PortChannel. The Cisco MDS 9148 offers outstanding fabric switch availability, reducing TCO.Comprehensive SecurityRecognizing the need for unassailable business security, the Cisco MDS 9148 provides a comprehensive framework to protect highly sensitive data crossing today’s enterprise networks. Included as standard with every Cisco MDS 9148 are features such as VSAN isolation, role based access control (RBAC), Secure FTP (SFTP), intelligent packet inspection at the port level, hardware zoning via Access Control Lists (ACLs), extended broadcast zoning, Secure Shell (SSH), control-plane security, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and FC-SP switch-to-switch plus host-to-switch access authentication. These features, in conjunction with the rarely needed, but even more innovative and powerful features in the optional Enterprise Package License, will make the Cisco MDS 9148 the most secure platform in its class.Simplified ManagementThe Cisco MDS 9148 provides four principal modes of management: the Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI, the Quick Configuration Wizard, the Cisco Fabric Manager, and integration with third-party storage management tools.●Consistent, logical CLI: Adhering to the syntax of the widely known Cisco IOS® Software CLI, the CiscoMDS 9000 Family CLI is easy to learn and delivers broad management capabilities. The Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI is an extremely efficient and direct interface designed to provide optimal capabilities toadministrators in enterprise environments.●Quick Configuration Wizard: The Quick Configuration Wizard helps eliminate management complexity andcreates a readily available SAN environment for small- and medium-sized-business (SMB) applications. The wizard allows server access to storage to be set up quickly and easily in a single step using an intuitive GUI.●Cisco Fabric Manager: Cisco Fabric Manager is included with the Cisco MDS 9148 for integrated,comprehensive management of larger SAN environments. Cisco Fabric Manager is a responsive, easy-to-use Java application that allows administrators to perform vital tasks such as topology discovery, fabricconfiguration and verification, provisioning, monitoring, and fault resolution. The optional Cisco FabricManager Server (FMS) Package License extends the standard Cisco Fabric Manager by providing server federation, historical performance monitoring for network traffic hotspot analysis, centralized management services and advanced application integration. All standard Cisco Fabric Manager features and functions are fully integrated with the optional Cisco FMS capabilities.●Application Programming Interfaces (APIs): The Cisco MDS 9148 provides an extensive set of APIs forintegration with third-party and user-developed management tools. The APIs are based on industry-standard protocols, including SNMP and the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Storage Management Initiative Specification (SMI-S).Advanced Diagnostics and Troubleshooting ToolsManagement of storage networks requires proactive diagnostics, tools to verify connectivity and route latency, and mechanisms for capturing and analyzing traffic. The Cisco MDS 9148 integrates the industry's most advanced analysis and debugging tools. Power-on self-test (POST) and online diagnostics provide proactive health monitoring. The Cisco MDS 9148 provides the integrated hardware functions required to implement diagnostic capabilities such as Fibre Channel traceroute to detail the exact path and timing of flows, and SPAN to intelligently capture networktraffic. After traffic has been captured, it can be analyzed with the Cisco Fabric Analyzer, an embedded Fibre Channel analyzer. With the Cisco MDS 9148, Cisco delivers a comprehensive tool set for troubleshooting and analysis of an organization's storage network.Cisco MDS 9148 SpecificationsTable 1 lists the standard feature product specifications for the Cisco MDS 9148.Table 1. Product SpecificationsItem SpecificationMinimum software requirements Cisco MDS 9000 NX-OS Software Release 5.0Performance and port configuration ●Port speed: 8-, 4-, 2-, and 1-Gbps autosensing with 8 Gbps of dedicated bandwidth per port●Buffer credits: Up to 128 for a group of 4 ports, with a default of 32 buffer credits per port and a maximumof 125 buffer credits for a single port in the group●Ports per chassis: Up to 48 8-Gbps ports◦Base configuration with 16 ports; additional configurations for 32 and 48 ports available.◦Upgrade ports in 8-port increments from any configuration with the port activation license●PortChannel: Up to 16 ports in a PortChannel with automatic load balancingSecurity ◦VSAN Fabric Isolation◦Intelligent Packet Inspection @ port level◦Hardware Zoning by Access Control Lists (ACLs)◦Logical-unit-number (LUN) zoning and read-only zones◦Extended Broadcast Zoning◦FC-SP Switch-to-Switch Authentication◦FC-SP Host-to-Switch Authentication◦RBAC using RADIUS or TACACS+ authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) functions◦Management Access◦Secure FTP (SFTP)◦Secure Shell Version 2 (SSHv2)◦Simple Network Management Protocol Version 3 (SNMPv3) implementing Advanced EncryptionStandard (AES)◦Control-plane SecurityCisco MDS 9148 is supported as an "option" under VCE/Vblock1 and Vblock2Virtual Computing EnvironmentcoalitionCompatibility ●Fibre Channel protocols◦FC-PH, Revision 4.3 (ANSI/INCITS 230-1994)◦FC-PH, Amendment 1 (ANSI/INCITS 230-1994/AM1 1996)◦FC-PH, Amendment 2 (ANSI/INCITS 230-1994/AM2-1999)◦FC-PH-2, Revision 7.4 (ANSI/INCITS 297-1997)◦FC-PH-3, Revision 9.4 (ANSI/INCITS 303-1998)◦FC-PI, Revision 13 (ANSI/INCITS 352-2002)◦FC-PI-2, Revision 10 (ANSI/INCITS 404-2006)◦FC-PI-3, Revision 2.1 (BSR INCITS 460-200x)◦FC-PI-4, Revision 8.0 (INCITS 450-2009)◦FC-FS, Revision 1.9 (ANSI/INCITS 373-2003)◦FC-FS-2, (BSR INCITS 424-200x)◦FC-FS-3, Revision 0.9 (BSR INCITS PN-1861-D-200x)◦FC-LS, Revision 1.62 (ANSI/INCITS 433-2007)◦FC-AL, Revision 4.5 (ANSI/INCITS 272-1996)◦FC-AL-2, Revision 7.0 (ANSI/INCITS 332-1999)◦FC-AL-2, Amendment 1 (ANSI/INCITS 332-1999/AM1-2003)◦FC-AL-2, Amendment 2 (ANSI/INCITS 332-1999/AM2-2006)◦FC-SW-2, Revision 5.3 (ANSI/INCITS 355-2001)◦FC-SW-3, Revision 6.6 (ANSI/INCITS 384-2004)◦FC-SW-4, Revision 7.5 (ANSI/INCITS 418-2006)◦FC-SW-5, (BSR INCITS 461-200x)◦FC-GS, (ANSI INCITS 288-1999)◦FC-GS-3, Revision 7.01 (ANSI/INCITS 348-2001)◦FC-GS-4, Revision 7.91 (ANSI/INCITS 387-2004)◦FC-GS-5, (ANSI INCITS 427-2007)◦FC-GS-6, (BSR INCITS 463-200x)◦FC-BB, Revision 4.7 (ANSI/INCITS 342-2001)◦FC-BB-2, Revision 6.0 (ANSI/INCITS 372-2003)◦FC-BB-3, Revision 6.8 (ANSI/INCITS 414-2006)◦FCP, Revision 12 (ANSI/INCITS 269-1996)◦FCP-2, Revision 8 (ANSI/INCITS 350-2003)◦FCP-3, Revision 4 (ANSI/INCITS 416-2006)◦FCP-4, (BSR INCITS PN-1828-D-200x)◦FC-SB-2, Revision 2.1 (ANSI/INCITS 349-2001)◦FC-SB-3, Revision 1.6 (ANSI/INCITS 374-2003)◦FC-VI, Revision 1.84 (ANSI/INCITS 357-2002)◦FC-FLA, Revision 2.7 (INCITS TR-20-1998)◦FC-PLDA, Revision 2.1 (INCITS TR-19-1998)◦FC-Tape, Revision 1.17 (INCITS TR-24-1999)◦FC-MI, Revision 1.92 (INCITS TR-30-2002)◦FC-MI-2, Revision 2.6 (INCITS TR-39-2005)◦FC-SP, Revision 1.6 (ANSI/INCITS 426-2007)◦FC-DA, Revision 3.1 (INCITS TR-36-2004)◦SNPing (ANSI INCITS 443-2008)◦MIB-FA (INCITS/TR-32:2003 (R2008))●FAIS Revision 1●Extensive IETF-standards-based TCP/IP, SNMPv3, and Remote Monitoring (RMON) MIBs●Class of service: Classes 2, 3, and F●Fibre Channel standard port types: E, F, and FL●Fibre Channel enhanced port types: SD, and TEFabric Services ●Name server●Registered state change notification (RSCN)●Login services●Broadcast●In-order delivery●Name-server zoningAdvanced Services ●NPIV●VSANs●PortChannels●NPV mode●FlexAttach●F-port trunking and channeling●IVR - currently no plans for inclusion in a future Cisco MDS 9000 NX-OS Software ReleaseDiagnostics and Troubleshooting Tools ●POST diagnostics●Online diagnostics●Internal loopbacks●SPAN (remote not supported) ●Fibre Channel traceroute●Fibre Channel ping●Fibre Channel debug●Cisco Fabric Analyzer●Syslog●Port-level statisticsManagement ●Access methods◦Out-of-band 10/100/1000 Ethernet port◦EIA/TIA-232 serial console port◦In-band Fibre Channel over IP (FCIP)●Access protocols◦CLI◦SNMP◦SMI-S●Security◦RBAC using RADIUS or TACACS+ authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) functions◦VSAN-based roles◦SSHv2◦SNMPv3Management applications ●Zero-touch deployment with DHCP (in Cisco MDS 9000 NX-OS Software Release 5.1(0) or later)●Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI●Quick Configuration Wizard●Cisco Fabric Manager and Device Manager●Cisco Fabric Manager Server (optional; requires Cisco Fabric Manager Server license)Availability ●Nondisruptive In-Service Software Upgrades (ISSU)●Process monitoring and stateful process restart●Per-VSAN fabric services●Redundant, hot-swappable power supplies and redundant, hot-swappable power supply and fan trays●Hot-swappable SFP and SFP+ optics●PortChannels aggregating up to 16 ports with redundant load balancing●F-port Channeling/Trunking●Online diagnosticsServiceability ●Configuration file management●Call Home●Port beaconing●System LEDs●SNMP traps for alertsEnvironmental ●Physical dimensions (H x W x D) of 1RU: 1.72 x 17.16 x 18.89 in. (4.47 x 43.59 x 47.98 cm)●Weight of switch with dual power supplies: 22.2 lb (10 kg)●Ambient operating temperature: 32 to 104°F (0 to 40°C)●Ambient nonoperating temperature: –40 to 158°F (–40 to 70°C)●Humidity (RH), ambient (noncondensing) operating: 10 to 90%●Humidity (RH), ambient (noncondensing) nonoperating and storage: 5 to 95%●Operating altitude: –197 to 6500 ft (–60 to 2000 m)Power and Cooling ●Power supplies (300W AC) (maximum of 2 per switch)◦AC Input: 100 to 240 VAC nominal (+/–10% for full range)◦Frequency: 50 to 60 Hz nominal (+/–3 Hz for full range)◦Maximum power consumption:-With 4-Gbps optics (48 ports fully populated): 99W with 0.89A at 110 VAC and 0.45A at 220 VAC-With 8-Gbps optics (48 ports fully populated): 101W with 0.90A at 110 VAC and 0.46A at 220 VAC●Airflow: Rear to front (toward ports)Safety ●UL 60950 -1●CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950 -1●EN 60950 -1●IEC 60950 -1●AS/NZS 60950●IEC 60825●EN 60825●21 CFR 1040EMC ●FCC Part 15 (CFR 47) Class A●ICES-003 Class A●EN55022 Class A●CISPR22 Class A●AS/NZS CISPR22 Class A●VCCI Class A●EN55024●KN24●EN50082-1●EN61000-3-2●EN61000-3-3●EN61000-6-1●CISPR24●NEBS●GR-63-Core NEBS Level 3●GR-1089-Core NEBS Level 3●ETSI●ETS 300 019 Storage Class 1.1●ETS 300 019 Transportation Class 2.3●ETSI 300 019 Stationary Use Class 3.1Ordering InformationTable 2 provides ordering information for the Cisco MDS 9148.Table 2. Ordering Information for Cisco DirectProduct Name Part NumberBase Model Bundles (See Note 3)DS-C9148D-8G16P-K9 Cisco MDS 9148 48-Port Multilayer Fabric Switch with 16 8-Gbps active ports and 16 8-Gbps SW optics, Dual PowerSupplies, Power Cords and Fans, VSANs, PortChannels, and Cisco Fabric Manager. Includes generic CiscoAccessory kit.DS-C9148D-8G32P-K9 Cisco MDS 9148 48-Port Multilayer Fabric Switch with 32 8-Gbps active ports and 32 8-Gbps SW optics, Dual PowerSupplies, Power Cords and Fans, VSANs, PortChannels, and Cisco Fabric Manager. Includes generic CiscoAccessory kit.DS-C9148D-8G48P-K9 Cisco MDS 9148 48-Port Multilayer Fabric Switch with 48 8-Gbps active ports and 48 8-Gbps SW optics, Dual PowerSupplies, Power Cords and Fans, VSANs, PortChannels, and Cisco Fabric Manager. Includes generic CiscoAccessory kit.DS-C9148D-4G16P-K9 Cisco MDS 9148 48-Port Multilayer Fabric Switch with 16 8-Gbps active ports and 16 4-Gbps SW optics, Dual PowerSupplies, Power Cords and Fans, VSANs, PortChannels, and Cisco Fabric Manager. Includes generic CiscoAccessory kit.DS-C9148D-4G32P-K9 Cisco MDS 9148 48-Port Multilayer Fabric Switch with 32 8-Gbps active ports and 32 4-Gbps SW optics, Dual PowerSupplies, Power Cords and Fans, VSANs, PortChannels, and Cisco Fabric Manager. Includes generic CiscoAccessory kit.DS-C9148D-4G48P-K9 Cisco MDS 9148 48-Port Multilayer Fabric Switch with 48 8-Gbps active ports and 48 4-Gbps SW optics, Dual PowerSupplies, Power Cords and Fans, VSANs, PortChannels, and Cisco Fabric Manager. Includes generic CiscoAccessory kit.Power Cord OptionsPower Cord, 250VAC 10A IRAM 2073 Plug, Argentina CAB-9K10A-ARPower Cord, 250VAC 10A 3112 Plug, Australia CAB-9K10A-AUPower Cord, 250VAC 10A GB1002 Plug, China CAB-9K10A-CHPower Cord, 250VAC 10A CEE 7/7 Plug, EU CAB-9K10A-EUPower Cord, 250VAC 10A SI16S3 Plug, Israel CAB-9K10A-ISRPower Cord, 250VAC 10A CEI 23-16/VII Plug, Italy CAB-9K10A-ITPower Cord, 125VAC 13A KSC8305 Plug, Korea CAB-9K10A-KORPower Cord, 250VAC 10A SABS 164/1 Plug, South Africa CAB-9K10A-SAPower Cord, 250VAC 10A, Straight C15, MP232 Plug, SWITZ CAB-9K10A-SWPower Cord, 125VAC 15A CNS10917-2, Taiwan CAB-9K10A-TWNPower Cord, 250VAC 10A BS1363 Plug (13 A fuse), UK CAB-9K10A-UKPower Cord, 125VAC 13A NEMA 5-15 Plug, North America CAB-9K12A-NACabinet Jumper Power Cord, 250 VAC 13A, C14-C15 Connectors CAB-C15-CBNSpare Components (See Note 1, 4)Cisco MDS 9000 Family 8/4/2-Gbps Fibre Channel-SW, SFP, LC, Spare DS-SFP-FC8G-SW=Cisco MDS 9000 Family 8/4/2-Gbps Fibre Channel-Shortwave, SFP+, LC, 4 pack, Spare DS-SFP-FC8G-SW-4= Cisco MDS 9000 Family 8/4/2-Gbps Fibre Channel-Longwave, SFP+, LC (10-km reach), Spare DS-SFP-FC8G-LW=Cisco MDS 9000 Family 4/2/1-Gbps Fibre Channel-SW, SFP, LC, Spare DS-SFP-FC4G-SW=Cisco MDS 9000 Family 4/2/1-Gbps Fibre Channel-SW, SFP, LC, 4-Pack, Spare DS-SFP-4G-SW-4=Cisco MDS 9000 Family 4/2/1-Gbps Fibre Channel-CWDM, SFP, LC, Spare DS-CWDM4Gxxxx= Cisco MDS 9000 Family 4/2/1-Gbps Fibre Channel-DWDM, 100 GHz, SFP, LC, Spare ONS-SC-4G-xx.x=Cisco MDS 9148 Generic Cisco Accessory Kit for MDS 9148, Spare DS-9148-KIT-CSCO= Cisco MDS 9148 300W AC power supply, Spare DS-C48-300AC=Cisco MDS 9148 fan tray, Spare DS-C48-FAN=Optional Licenses (See Note 2)Cisco MDS 9148 On-Demand Port Activation License to activate 8 incremental ports with 8 8-Gbps SW optics M9148PL8-8G-SFP=Cisco MDS 9148 On-Demand Port Activation License to activate 8 incremental ports with 8 4-Gbps SW optics M9148PL8-4G-SFP=Cisco MDS 9000 Family Enterprise Package M9100ENT1K9=Cisco MDS 9000 Family Fabric Manager Server Package M9100FMS1K9=Spare Power CordsPower Cord, 250VAC 10A IRAM 2073 Plug, Argentina, Spare CAB-9K10A-AR=Power Cord, 250VAC 10A 3112 Plug, Australia, Spare CAB-9K10A-AU=Power Cord, 250VAC 10A GB1002 Plug, China, Spare CAB-9K10A-CH=Power Cord, 250VAC 10A CEE 7/7 Plug, EU, Spare CAB-9K10A-EU=Power Cord, 250VAC 10A SI16S3 Plug, Israel, Spare CAB-9K10A-ISR=Power Cord, 250VAC 10A CEI 23-16/VII Plug, Italy, Spare CAB-9K10A-IT=Power Cord, 125VAC 13A KSC8305 Plug, Korea, Spare CAB-9K10A-KOR=Power Cord, 250VAC 10A SABS 164/1 Plug, South Africa, Spare CAB-9K10A-SA=Power Cord, 250VAC 10A, Straight C15, MP232 Plug, SWITZ, Spare CAB-9K10A-SW=Power Cord, 125VAC 15A CNS10917-2, Taiwan, Spare CAB-9K10A-TWN=Power Cord, 250VAC 10A BS1363 Plug (13 A fuse), UK, Spare CAB-9K10A-UK=Power Cord, 125VAC 13A NEMA 5-15 Plug, North America, Spare CAB-9K12A-NA=Cabinet Jumper Power Cord, 250 VAC 13A, C14-C15 Connectors, Spare CAB-C15-CBN=The part numbers and associated configurable options in Table 3 are orderable only by Cisco OEM and Storage Technology Integration (STI) partners.Table 3. Cisco OEM or STI Vendor Ordering InformationProduct Name Part NumberBase Models (optical transceivers not included)Cisco MDS 9148 48-Port Multilayer Fabric Switch with 16 8-Gbps active ports, Dual Power Supplies, Power Cords andDS-C9148-16P-K9Fans, VSANs, PortChannels, and Cisco Fabric Manager. Includes Accessory kit.DS-C9148-32P-K9Cisco MDS 9148 48-Port Multilayer Fabric Switch with 32 8-Gbps active ports, Dual Power Supplies, Power Cords andFans, VSANs, PortChannels, and Cisco Fabric Manager. Includes Accessory kit.Cisco MDS 9148 48-Port Multilayer Fabric Switch with 48 8-Gbps active ports, Dual Power Supplies, Power Cords andDS-C9148-48P-K9Fans, VSANs, PortChannels, and Cisco Fabric Manager. Includes Accessory kit.Accessory Kit Configure-To-Order OptionsGeneric Cisco Accessory Kit for Cisco MDS 9148 DS-9148-KIT-CSCOEMC Accessory Kit for Cisco MDS 9148 DS-9148-KIT-EMCHDS Accessory Kit for Cisco MDS 9148 DS-9148-KIT-HDSHP Accessory Kit for Cisco MDS 9148 DS-9148-KIT-HPIBM Accessory Kit for Cisco MDS 9148 DS-9148-KIT-IBMSFP and SFP+ Optics Options Configure-To-Order with OEM/STI Product SKUs (See Note 3, 4)Cisco MDS 9000 Family 8/4/2-Gbps Fibre Channel-SW, SFP+, LC DS-SFP-FC8G-SWCisco MDS 9000 Family 4/2/1-Gbps Fibre Channel-SW, SFP, LC DS-SFP-FC4G-SWCisco MDS 9000 Family 8/4/2-Gbps Fibre Channel-LW, SFP+, LC DS-SFP-FC8G-LWCisco MDS 9000 Family 4/2/1-Gbps Fibre Channel-CWDM, SFP, LC, Spare DS-CWDM4Gxxxx=Cisco MDS 9000 Family 4/2/1-Gbps Fibre Channel-DWDM, 100 GHz, SFP, LC, Spare ONS-SC-4G-xx.x= Optional LicensesCisco MDS 9148 On-Demand Port Activation License; activates increment of 8 ports M9148PL8-8G=Cisco MDS 9148 On-Demand Port Activation License for electronic delivery; activates increment of 8 ports L-M9148PL8-8G=Note 1: For detailed information on all supported transceivers, see Cisco MDS 9000 Family Pluggable Transceivers.Note 2: For detailed information on the optional Enterprise Package Software and the Fabric Manager Server Package Software, see /en/US/prod/collateral/ps4159/ps6409/ps6029/product_data_sheet09186a00801ca6ac.html and/en/US/prod/collateral/ps4159/ps6409/ps4358/product_data_sheet09186a00801d7e8f.html, respectively.Note 3: Bundled and Configure-To-Order optical transceivers are shipped in the box with the product unit, but are not installed in the port cages on the unit.Note 4: For the specific available/supported CWDM "xxxx" PID values and the DWDM "xx.x" PID values refer to the detailed information in the Cisco MDS 9000 Family Pluggable Tranceivers Data Sheet at/en/US/prod/collateral/ps4159/ps6409/ps4358/product_data_sheet09186a00801bc698.htmlService and SupportCisco offers a wide range of services programs to accelerate customer success. These innovative services programs are delivered through a unique combination of people, processes, tools, and partners, resulting in high levels of customer satisfaction. Cisco Services helps you protect your network investment, optimize network operations, and prepare the network for new applications to extend network intelligence and the power of your business. For more information about Cisco Services, see Cisco Technical Support Services or Cisco Advanced Services.。



yes dsa 768 yo noshut on on permit yes
***请注意记录 CISCO 交换机的用户名与密码,并加以保存。
三、CISCO 交换机的配置方法
3.1 ZONE
1、创建 ZONE switch# conf t (进入配置模式) switch(config)#zone name zone1 vsan 1; 使用默认的 VSAN 是 VSAN 1
1、switch#sh lic host-id 显示该 switch 的 SN, 名字为“=”后面的内容; 2、根据 SN 和随交换机一起的 PAK 号去 /go/license 申请,到时候会自 动发一个邮件到你指定邮箱,名字为“MDS20081012234855766.lic” 这种格式。 3、安装 License 的方法: ***需要在您的笔记本电脑上安装一个 CISCO 的 TFTP 服务器 (在 google 上搜索 cisco tftp 可下载) 指定路径,点击“ 浏览”,选择 license 所在文件夹,如图 1
二、CISCO MDS 交换机的初始登录与初始化
初始化用串口线登录到交换机 console 口,使用超级终端(用 Secure CRT 也可以,它比 较直观, 可以看到全部过程,这里以超级终端为例), 端口参数设置请参照图 1 所示:
图 1 终端参数设置 关闭交换机的电源开关,然后开启开关,终端上会出现如图 2 显示

如果在现有正在运行的配置中增加 Zoning, 则需要先检查当前激活的配置集, 将相关的 Zoning 加入到该配置集中,再激活配置集。 创建配置集只适用于新装机,或新安装配置。

3.3 保存配置
swபைடு நூலகம்tch# copy run start



Cisco产品配置手册(路由器部分)同天科技目录第一章路由器配置基础一、基本设置方式 (2)二、命令状态 (3)三、设置对话过程 (3)四、常用命令 (7)五、配置IP地址 (9)六、配置静态路由 (12)第二章广域网协议设置一、HDCL (13)二、PPP (16)三、X.25 (18)四、Frame Relay (22)五、ISDN (26)六、PSTN (35)第三章路由器协议设置一、RIP协议 (49)二、IGRP协议 (50)三、OSPF协议 (52)四、重新分配路由 (56)五、IPX协议设置 (59)第四章服务质量及访问控制一、协议优先级设置 (61)二、队列定制 (62)三、访问控制 (63)第五章虚拟局域网(VLAN)路由一、虚拟局域网(VLAN) (64)二、交换机间链路(ISL)协议 (64)三、虚拟局域网(VLAN)路由实例 (64)第六章参考一、Cisco路由器口令恢复 (70)二、IP地址分配 (71)1.路由器配置基础1.1. 基本配置方式一般来说,可以用5种方式来设置路由器:2.AUX口接MODEM,通过电话线与远方的终端或运行终端仿真软件的微机相连;3.通过Ethernet上的TFTP服务器;4.通过Ethernet 上的TELNET程序;5.通过Ethernet 上的SNMP网管工作站。

但路由器的第一次设置必须通过第一种方式进行,此时终端的硬件设置如下:波特率:960O数据位:8停止位:1奇偶校验:无1.2. 命令状态1.router>路由器处于用户命令状态,这时用户可以看路由器的连接状态,访问它网络和主机,但不能看到和更改路由器的设置内容。



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--- Basic System Configuration Dialog --This setup utility will guide you through the basic configuration of the system. Setup configures only enough connectivity for management of the system. Press Enter in case you want to skip any dialog. Use ctrl-c at anytime to skip away remaining dialogs. Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): y Enter the password for "admin" : admin Create another login account (yes/no) [n]: n Configure SNMPv3 Management parameters (yes/no) [y]: y SNMPv3 user name [admin]: admin SNMPv3 user authentication password : admin123 The same password will be used for SNMPv3 privacy as well. Configure read-only SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]: <Enter> Configure read-write SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]: <Enter> Enter the switch name: MDS 9148-1 (where NNN is your switch model and X is your pod number; for example, mds9506-1) Continue with Out-of-band (mgmt0) management configuration? (yes/no) [y]: y Mgmt0 IP address : (Use the IP address of your switch from Table 1 in Appendix B of the lab reference guide called “Accessing the Remote Lab”. You can also derive the IP address of your switch by replacing X with your pod number, and
MDS9148 光纤交换机产品手册
HDS-CISCO MDS9148 光纤交换机产品手册 版本 v1.0
MDS9148 光纤交换机产品手册
版本 创建/修改时间
编制/修改者 钟本营
文件/修改内容 文件创建
审批人审阅 姓名 职位 Nhomakorabea发布 姓名 职位
HDS MDS 9148 包括可热插拔的 SFP LC 接口。所有 SFP 接口均为 8、4 和 2 Gbps,具有 自适应功能。各端口能配置短波长或长波长 SFP 光接口,分别提供 500 米(m)和 10 公里(km) 的连接。
VSAN 提供分区和隔离功能
MDS9148 光纤交换机产品手册
VSAN 是光纤阵列虚拟化功能的业界标准,通过在单一物理 SAN 阵列或交换机中创建基 于硬件的独立环境,更为高效地利用存储网络。每交换机支持多达 16 个 VSAN。每个 VSAN 可通过分区作为一个典型的 SAN,保持自己的阵列服务和管理域,以提高可扩展性和永续性。 VSAN 允许更多用户来分担 SAN 基础设施的成本,同时确保流量的完全隔离,并在逐个 VSAN 的基础上对配置进行独立控制。
HDS MDS 9148 提供了一个扩展 API,用于与第三方管理工具和用户开发的管理工具集成。 API 以业界标准协议为基础,包括 SNMP 和存储网络工业协会(SNIA)的 SMI-S 等。
MDS 9148 光纤交换机加电需要进行初始化设置,本身的 Management Port 没有默认的 IP,需要初始化的时候设置,用串口线连接 Console Port,具体的设置过程如下:
HDS MDS 9148 提供了三种主要管理模式:HDS MDS 9000 系列 CLI 命令行、思科光纤阵 列管理器,以及与第三方存储管理工具的集成。
一致的逻辑 CLI—HDS MDS 9000 系列 CLI 的语法结构与广为部署的 HDS IOSHDS CLI 相 同,易于学习,并提供了广泛的管理功能。HDS MDS 9000 系列 CLI 是一个极为高效、直观 的界面,能为企业环境中的管理员提供最优功能。
MDS9148 光纤交换机产品手册
目录 ..........................................................................................................................................3 第 1 章 CISCO MDS9148 介绍 .............................................................................................4 第 2 章 初始化光纤交换机.....................................................................................................7 第 3 章 Fabric Manager.........................................................................................................9
快速配置向导—快速配置向导有助于降低管理复杂度,为中小企业应用创建一个随时可 用的 SAN 环境。该向导采用直观 GUI,能快速、方便地一步完成服务器对存储的访问设置。
MDS9148 光纤交换机产品手册
思科光纤阵列管理器(Fabric Manager)-HDS MDS 9148 中包括思科光纤阵列管理器, 用于对较大的 SAN 环境进行集成、全面的管理。思科光纤阵列管理器是一个响应迅速、易于 使用的 Java 应用,使管理员能够执行拓扑结构搜索、阵列配置和验证、供应、监控和故障 修复等重要任务。
MDS9148 光纤交换机产品手册
第1章CISCO MDS9148 介绍
HDS-Cisco MDS 9148 48 端口多层光纤阵列交换机拥有 24 个端口,支持 16、8 和 4 Gbps 速率,在紧凑的 1 机架单元(1RU)机型中,以廉宜价格提供了灵活性、高可用性、安全性和 易用性,实现了出色的价值。HDS MDS 9148S 能以 8 端口的增量,灵活地从 8 端口扩展到 48 端口,可满足部门存储局域网(SAN)交换机和企业 SAN 中边缘交换机的密度需求。HDS MDS 9148S 支持快速配置和任务向导,能够快速、简便地部署在任何规模的网络中。它采用了 HDS MDS 9000 SAN-OS 软件,包括先进的存储网络特性和功能,与 HDS MDS 9500 系列多层导向 器和 HDS MDS 9200 系列多层光纤阵列交换机兼容,在核心-边缘部署中提供了透明的端到端 服务交付能力。
3.1、 软件介绍................................................................................................................9 3.2、 软件安装..............................................................................................................12 第 4 章 zone 划分..................................................................................................................16 4.1、 VSAN 与 Zone 的概念 .......................................................................................16 4.2、 zone 配置过程.....................................................................................................19 4.3、 命令列表..............................................................................................................29
HDS MDS 9148 在紧凑的 1RU 机箱中,提供了多达 48 个自适应光纤通道端口,支持 16、 8、和 4 Gbps 速率,它为每个端口提供了 16 Gbps 专用带宽,能满足要求最严格的环境的性 能和可扩展性需求。
HDS MDS 9148 按需端口激活许可证为 HDS MDS 9148 提供了灵活性,允许用户以 8 端口 的增量扩展。客户可从 24 端口基本配置开始部署,并利用这些许可证,现场升级到 32 端口 和 48 端口。该平台内置了先进的存储网络功能,能够作为理想的独立部门 SAN 交换机和企 业核心-边缘 SAN 中的边缘交换机。