因种族歧视导致的不平等在电影中随处可见:邀请谢利 演奏的豪宅管家不允许他使用屋中的卫生间,而是要他 使用院子里树下非常简陋的厕所;高级西装店店员不允 许谢利试衣服,而是告知必须先买下来才能给他去裁剪 ;谢利深夜独自买醉却被酒吧中的白人殴打,甚至拿出 刀子威胁,黑人出行住店也要通过《Green-Book》指 定。。。在这样的环境下如果没有足够的坚强和勇敢的 心,谢利的巡演也不会走到最后。
电影的结局很美好,托尼一家人欢迎谢利的来访其乐 融融,这里应该是导演想展现出的一种美好愿景,因 为现实中有太多不平等的地方,我们习惯于带着有色 眼镜去看待他人。有时我们无心的一句话中伤他人, 会给对方带来非常大的影响 ,所以平等是由我们大
家共同努力的结果。过程也许崎岖但总能看到一线曙 光,希望我们都能生活在这样的和谐社会之中。
一、追求平等要敢想敢做 二、人要坚强勇敢 三、每个人都要自尊自爱 四、放下偏见,和谐共存
唐·谢利(以下简称谢利)身为著名音乐家,社会地位较高 ,经常出入上流社会的各种场所,甚至在白宫演奏过。但 同时期黑人的社会地位并不高,身为黑人的他偏偏是这样 一位”鹤立鸡群”般的存在。他注定会成为一个既不被自 己黑人同胞所认可,也不被白人所接受的人,谢利是非常 孤独的。他本可以呆在自己的舒适区享受生活,为了追求 平等,却偏偏心向阳光南下进行巡演。试问如果不是敢想 敢做,他如何能迈出这关键的一步?
20112522002 Eline
All About love
Ten Beautiful love sentences
1)I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
5) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对aste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。 7) Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地 爱你。 8) Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 9) Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于见心仪 的人时,便应当心存感激。 10) Don't cry because it because it is over, smile happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。
剧情片,于2018年9月11日在多伦多国际电影节首映 ;2019年3月1日在
中国内地上映 。该片改编自真人真事,讲述了意裔美国人保镖托尼,
因种族歧视导致的不平等在电影中随处可见:邀请谢利 演奏的豪宅管家不允许他使用屋中的卫生间,而是要他 使用院子里树下非常简陋的厕所;高级西装店店员不允 许谢利试衣服,而是告知必须先买下来才能给他去裁剪 ;谢利深夜独自买醉却被酒吧中的白人殴打,甚至拿出 刀子威胁,黑人出行住店也要通过《Green-Book》指 定。。。在这样的环境下如果没有足够的坚强和勇敢的 心,谢利的巡演也不会走到最后。
( 经纪人)
精选完整p(pt课餐件厅经理 )
在第91届奥斯卡颁奖典礼上《绿皮书》荣获了包括 最佳影片、最佳原创剧本、最佳男配角三项大奖在 内的多项殊荣。
her Mr.Right ,he
made every effort to
stop their love .
Then a series of
tragedy happened---
There was a time that Christine was so admire of him and regarded him as the angle of music .
站长素材 站长素材
One of my favorite movie
A talent but lonely and
poor(可怜)man who
wore a mask’ cause his
grisly face , a single
but kind girl, ChristPhantom used his voice to attract Christine and teach she how to sing the song he has created. In some espect, of course, he was very kind to little Christine .but his intention was very horrible ,he just liked to be the master of poor Christine and company her forever.Therefore----
He hurt ,even killed the people he thought that they may obstruct Chris from a famous singer.
电影的结局很美好,托尼一家人欢迎谢利的来访其乐 融融,这里应该是导演想展现出的一种美好愿景,因 为现实中有太多不平等的地方,我们习惯于带着有色 眼镜去看待他人。有时我们无心的一句话中伤他人, 会给对方带来非常大的影响 ,所以平等是由我们大
家共同努力的结果。过程也许崎岖但总能看到一线曙 光,希望我们都能生活在这样的和谐社会之中。
电影中谢利与托尼最后一场巡演之时,举办地的餐厅大 堂经理不允许唐到餐厅就餐,说这是餐厅的惯例。告诉 他们可以到当地的一个小酒吧“橙鸟“进行就餐,谢利 坚定的拒绝了餐厅经理,并且取消了最后一场演出。看 似与他之前大相径庭的做法却是最符合他内心原则的行 为,之前的所有演出都是谢利在追求平等这条路上的坚 持,而最后一场拒绝出演则是他自尊自爱的体现。如果 一个人连自己都不尊重自己,如何去获得他人的认可? 更不要提尊重了。
因种族歧视导致的不平等在电影中随处可见:邀请谢利 演奏的豪宅管家不允许他使用屋中的卫生间,而是要他 使用院子里树下非常简陋的厕所;高级西装店店员不允 许谢利试衣服,而是告知必须先买下来才能给他去裁剪 ;谢利深夜独自买醉却被酒吧中的白人殴打,甚至拿出 刀子威胁,黑人出行住店也要通过《Green-Book》指 定。。。在这样的环境下如果没有足够的坚强和勇敢的 心,谢利的巡演也不会走到最后。
《绿皮书》是由彼得·法拉利执导,维果·莫特森、马赫沙拉·阿里主演的 剧情片,于2018年9月11日在多伦多国际电影节首映 ;2019年3月1日在 中国内地上映 。该片改编自真人真事,讲述了意裔美国人保镖托尼,
• For protecting his daughter, Lin Tai lead the audience to believe that he was the murderer.However,the right-minded attorney exposed the truth. Lin Tai said:In one’s life, there is always something more improtent than anything. We all know,it’s the love to his daughter.He can expend all he have to exchange his daughter’s freedom.
• His weddingday is approaching,suddenly the bride died in the underground parking.
• Every day ,Hachi accompanied Parker to work on time and at 5:00 in the evening appeared at the station entrance to wait Parker back. That was trker comes out from the station to call “Hachi” ,the dog excitedly went forward to him.The story in the station performed day after day. One day when Hachi could pick the ball , Parker was very happy. However it was the last precious recollections between them……
The reason love this film
• This movie show us what the father's love is , and also let us feel the affection of the education. As what Lin Tai said the end of the film 'Daddy exchanged for your freedom with my life, not only want you to live in the world, but also to be born again'.
• Because on that day, Parker suddenly fell in the university lecture , he died of the heart disease .Then he never returned to the station. Afterward, Hachi waited the professor at 5:00 pm every day, waited…waited ......the next day, the third day ......
高中英语课前分享PPT我最爱的电影《阿甘正传》My favorite movie
Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.
Miracles happen every day.
If you are ever in trouble, don’t try to be brave, just run, just run away.
Run! Run! Run!
I think life is to insist on.
Thank you.
Forrest Gump’s life movement is it according to this word, such teaching and step by step walk different lives path. In the film, Forrest Gump’s IQ is only 75 points and have to enter the special school, to master football, to the Vietnam war hero, to shrimp boat captain, went to the United States… Forrest Gump with birth defects body, to many people may sound intelligence throughout his life also elusive height.
Maybe, in ten years, twenty years, even more ancient later, we still remember that once intellectually disabled but ran out of the different life’s Forrest Gump.
Haku tells her must leave before dark. When night comes,Lights are lit up, Plenty of devils appeared.
•Her parents turn into pigs
With the fear,she runs on the way home. But the water blocking her path.
Haku tells her if she wants to stay here and save her parents,she must find a job here.Then she asks for a job from Yubaba.
•Then,she gots a job in the bathhouse as a choreman.
She goes home with her parents
An American trailer of spirited away
千と千尋の神隠し 千与千寻的神隐
• Author's brief introduction • The main characters in Spirited Away • The plot of Spirited Away • An American trailer of spirited away
About the author
Hayao Miyazaki was born in Tokyo in 1941 .
Today he is one of greatest animation directors in Japan.
瑞哥 | 演员 未知 瑞哥既是个肚子好比 无底洞的大嘴怪,又 是颗定时炸弹,他代 表着企鹅团队的力量。 瑞哥是个破坏专家, 毫不夸张的说,他无 论碰上什么都能吞下 去。这样做是因为好 玩,不过这样一来他 也能随时从喉咙里掏 出助同伴脱困的必要 工具。瑞哥是老大最 可靠的士兵,对老大 的指令从来都二话不 说无条件执行——当 然这绝不只是因为他 从不说话,肯定不是。 瑞哥的动力来源是一 股最深切最原始的渴 望:帮助小伙伴们成 功,再顺便炸炸东西。
菜鸟 | 演员 克里斯 托弗· 奈特 比其他几只企鹅都 年幼很多的菜鸟一 直试图证明自己。 菜鸟有着超乎年龄 的聪明与价值,却 是企鹅小群体里典 型的受气包。或者 正如老大说的那样, “有点像我们的小 秘书/吉祥物”。虽 然缺少实战经验又 身形矮小,菜鸟却 能凭着艰辛的努力、 顽强的热情、敏锐 的领悟力和无与伦 比的可爱将这些一 一弥补
为了给最疼爱的小老弟菜鸟庆生,老大带领菜 鸟以及好搭档科斯基、瑞哥闯入了防守最严密的美 国黄金储备中心,只为找到金库尽头仅有的那台销 售炸薯条的自动贩卖机。谁知他们刚刚完成任务没 多久,便被长着触角的贩卖机吞了进去,随后被运 到一个神秘的所在。在全封闭的设施内,四只企鹅 见到了伪装成基因遗传科学家的章鱼戴夫。原来戴 夫曾是动物园一只明星章鱼,但随着萌态十足的企 鹅们的到来,他便跌入了绝望的深谷。因此戴夫潜 心研制了可怕的血清,发誓要向所有他曾待过的动 物园中的企鹅展开报复。 老大和伙伴们在逃亡途中得到北风特工队的救 助,而他们和这些高傲的特工队员将分别阻止戴夫 的阴谋……
中文名称 马达加斯加的企鹅 外文名称 The Penguins of Madagascar 出品公司 梦工厂动画 制片地区 美国 导演 埃里克.达尼奇,西蒙· J· 史密斯 类型 动画,冒险,喜剧 编剧 John Aboud,Michael Colton,埃里 克· 达尼尔,汤姆· 麦克格雷斯 发行公司 二十世纪福克斯电影公司 制作人 Lara Breay;埃里克· 达尼尔;艾林· 费格;汤 姆· 麦克格雷斯;麦瑞尔· 索瑞亚
My Favorite Movies PPT文稿 · 定稿
PPT文稿开头: Hello, everyone.Today, it is my turn to give you a simple English speech.My name is li ming zhi .I come from the class six. Now I would like to talk some of my favorite movies. Let's go straight to the topic.A:number one The Godfather 这是一部黑帮片。
This is a gangster film.This movie is the classic gangster film 。
You can learn the art of speaking from this movie.And this film, you can find out the gang in the United States.And I think every man should see this movie.B:number two The Shawshank Redemption I believe that many students have seen the movie . There is no doubt that this is a great movie . Believe in yourself, do not give up hope, do not give up, patiently waiting for their own glory in the life, this is The Shawshank Redemption.Number three Forrest Gump This is also a great movie 。
He hurt ,even killed the people he thought that they may obstruct Chris from a famous singer.
He was annoyed
when Christine met her Mr.Right ,he made every effort to stop their love .
So,do you know why I love this movie ? For it’s plots , it’s pictures as you can see in ppt , and most impo- rtant , it’s songs , which are sang by Sarah Brig- htman and Weib.Thier voices just hit the bottom of my heart. Then I want to share one of it’s song with you .
Thank you
I hope that you would love it.
Then a series of
tragedy happened---
There was a time that Christine was so admire of him and regarded him as the angle of music . But finally ,after so many things he did to her,she just felt scared and tense .
One of my favorite movie
站长素材 站长素材
பைடு நூலகம்
• Boyfriend to the school to see PIE, see KIM inadvertently follow the unwavering vision of the PIE, to understand everything. At a time when KIM, has gradually fallen into deep thinking on their own feelings
• however, in the face of their, as well as a series of thorny issues parents, society, PIE's old love, and the enchanting beauty of the third party. They will be brave enough to hand, come last?
英语我喜欢的精彩 电影介绍PPT
• About the two most like to play "yes" or "no" game girls PIE and the romantic love story KIM.
• Two bedroom, PIE arrangements for heaven to live with her "tomboy KIM" very exclusive, from the first day of KIM was admitted to the bedroom, not only beatings and designated "Chu opposing powers" constituency, will be used in the bedroom cordon into two.