中世纪2 将领属性将军公主及其他Agents技能(trait) 整理一、Traits:秘笈用法 give_trait this "trait名称" 等级譬如:give_trait this "GoodCommander" 5记得把角色拉出成选择后, "this" 才能生效所谓选择就是有绿色圈圈出现常用TraitsGoodCommander 5 (提高command技能5) GoodInfantryGeneral 1 GoodCavalryGeneral 1GoodAmbusher 5GoodAttacker 5 (进攻的时候command+5) GoodDefender 5 (防守的时候command+5)GoodAdministrator 3 (提高10% 贸易收入, +3 law)GoodRiskyAttacker 1 (再战场上士兵忠诚(morale) +1, 进攻时command+1)GoodRiskyAttacker 2 (再战场上士兵忠诚(morale) +1, 进攻时command+2)GoodRiskyAttacker 3 (再战场上士兵忠诚(morale) -1, 进攻时command+3)Generous 3(5% penalty on trade income, 10% penalty on tax income) LoyaltyStarter 1 (这因该是从置Loyalty为初始直) ReligionStarter 1 (从置Piety为初始直)Intelligent 3 (+3 command, 提高10%贸易收入, 10%税收)VictorVirtue 3 (+3 Authority, -2 personal security, +3 popularty)(提高3权威, 被刺客刺杀成功机率增加, 领地public order大幅提高)PublicFaith 4 (+4 piety)BattleDread 5 (+5 Dread +2 Authority)StrategyDread 2 (+3 Authority, -2 personal security, +3 popularty)Austere 3 (+2 Loyalty, 300% to cost to bribe, 10% bonus to tax income)BattleChivalry 5 (+5 to chivalry)StrategyChivalry 5 (+5 to chivalry, +3 Authority) NaturalMilitarySkill 4 (+4 command)Energetic 2 (+2 Anthority, +25% 移动速度, 付与部队强迫战斗的能力)Drink 7 (-5 command, -5 anthority, 10% penalty tax) 大废人?Bloodthirsty 3 (+3 dread, -1 command, -3 morale on troops) 军队的morale绛3HaleAndHearty 3 (生比较多小孩,将领hit point +6)PoliticsSkill 3 (-2 loyalty, +2 authority)Rabblerouser 4 (+2 Anthority, +4 popularty, +2 to unrest) (unrest对public order有负面影响)MathematicsSkill 3(当攻击城墙时command+2, 30% build point, 提高15% 贸易收入)Embezzler 1FathersLegacy 3 (+3 authority)ContentGeneral 3GoodTrader 3 (提高30%贸易收入)Aesthetic 2Trusting 3Rabblerouser 2HighPersonalSecurity 3AssassinCatcher 3AssassinMaster 3Xenophobia 3SpyGoodSpy 5NaturalSpySkill 3GoodConspirator 3DiplomatGoodDiplomat 5NaturalDiplomatSkill 3AssassinGoodAssassin 5 (untested with assassin, should work) NaturalAssassinSkill 3 (untested with assassin, should work)GoodConspirator 3 (untested with assassin, should work)MerchantGoodMerchant 4NaturalMerchantSkill 3Monopolist 2MerchantsGuildMember 1MerchantsGuildTrained 1PrincessNaturalPrincess 3IAmPrincess 1NaturalPrincess 2 +2 charm.GoodPrincess 4 +4 charm.PrettyWoman 3 +3 charm,还会生比较多小孩UnchasteWoman 1 +1 charm.SpiritedWoman 1 +1 charm.BraveWoman 2 +2 charm,+2 personal security (会提高发现刺客的机率而且降低被刺杀成功率)HumbleWoman 2 +2 charm.PriestStrongFaith 4NaturalPriestSkill 3PriestLevel 2GoodDenouncer 5PublicFaith 4Bishop (这个技能没等级, piety+1)Cardinal (这个技能没等级, piety+1)TheologiansGuildMember 1TheologiansGuildTrained 1Doomsayer 3OpenMinded 3Corrupted 2Trait GoodCommanderCharacters familyAntiTraits BadCommander Promising_Commander 合格将领此人已经基本掌握各种战术统率力+1Aspiring_Commander 出色将领此人战术娴熟,指挥若定统率力+2Proven_Commander 杰出将领此人显示出优秀统军才能统率力+3Great_Commander 卓越将领此人作战所向披靡,屡次获得惊人战绩,已成为军中传奇统率力+4Legendary_Commander 传奇名将无数辉煌铸就名将传奇,不论敌友皆称颂此人伟绩统率力+5军神Trait BadCommanderCharacters familyAntiTraits GoodCommanderUnproven_Commander 无能将领此人尚未显示出统军作战的基本才能统率力-1Incompetent_Commander 拙劣将领此人统军作战,素来毫无章法统率力-2Pathetic_Commander 可悲将领原本必胜之役,此人亦会一败涂地统率力-3Useless_Commander 恶劣将领此人麾下士兵每临战阵必反复祈祷,因为在此人指挥下作战实在九死一生统率力-5无能者Trait GoodAttackerCharacters familyAntiTraits BadAttackerPromising_Attacker 合格攻击将领此人显示出指挥攻击作战的优秀才能攻击作战统率力+1Confident_Attacker 出色攻击将领此人攻击作战勇猛直前,极为自信攻击作战统率力+2Strong_Attacker 杰出攻击将领此人擅长攻击作战,令麾下信心百倍攻击作战统率力+3Excellent_Attacker 卓越攻击将领此人攻击作战的卓越才能,令麾下士气倍增攻击作战统率力+4Heroic_Attacker 传奇攻击将领此人一旦挥军掩杀,必如怒涛惊雷势不可挡攻击作战统率力+5攻击之虎此人兵锋极为锐利,其凶猛攻势当世少有与抗Trait BadAttackerCharacters familyAntiTraits GoodAttackerFlawed_Attacker 无能攻击将领此人对攻击作战不甚在行攻击作战统率力-1Incompetent_Attacker 拙劣攻击将领此人攻击计划总存在致命缺陷攻击作战统率力-2Pathetic_Attacker 可悲攻击将领此人攻击作战从未得手攻击作战统率力-3Usless_Attacker 恶劣攻击将领尽管此人数度尝试,但对攻击作战委实力不从心攻击作战统率力-4蛮勇者Trait GoodDefenderCharacters familyAntiTraits BadDefenderPromising_Defender 合格防御将领此人坚守防线,面无惧色防御作战统率力+1Confident_Defender 出色防御将领面临敌军猛攻,此人冷静自若,令军心大为镇定防御作战统率力+2Strong_Defender 杰出防御将领此人面对敌军攻击,坚守防线面无惧色,曾屡次挫败敌军猛攻防御作战统率力+3Excellent_Defender 卓越防御将领面临敌军猛扑,部队屹然不动,坚信此人可率领麾下成功防御防御作战统率力+4Heroic_Defender 传奇防御将领此人统军防御坚如磐石,敌军徒呼负负,望而兴叹防御作战统率力+5防御之石此人统军作战极为坚韧,其顽强防御当世少有与抗Trait BadDefenderCharacters familyAntiTraits GoodDefenderFlawed_Defender 无能防御将领此人不擅长阵地作战,被动防御则更为糟糕防御作战统率力-1Incompetent_Defender 拙劣防御将领此人不谙防御战术,令其坚守防线无疑至为冒险防御作战统率力-2Pathetic_Defender 可悲防御将领此人防御作战多次惨败,得以保全性命实为奇迹防御作战统率力-3Useless_Defender 恶劣防御将领令此人防御阵地,不啻为直接向敌军投降防御作战统率力-4人物技能例如:键入give_trait this GoodCommander 5即获得属性绝世将才统率+5又或give_trait this GoodCommander 4统率+4give_trait this将领GoodCommander 5 - +5 统率NaturalMilitarySkill 4GoodAttacker 5 - +5 进攻时统率GoodDefender 5 - +5 防御统率Drink - +1 统率, +1 人民拥戴Sobriety - + 1 统率Scout 3 - +3 视线GoodAmbusher 4 - +4 伏击统率Disciplinarian - +1 士气, +10% 移动GoodSiegeAttacker 4 - +4 攻击城墙统率GoodSieigeDefender 4 - +4 防御城墙统率Brave 5 - +2 权力, +2 士气Energetic 4 - +2 权力, +25% 移动Xenophobia - +3 个人安全PublicFaith 4 - +4 虔诚GoodAdministrator 3 - 10% 贸易收入, + 3 法律InspiringSpeaker 3 - +2 法律RhetoricSkill 2 - +2 权力StrategicSkill 3 - +3 统率TacticalSkill 3 - +4 伏击统率, +3 视线MathematicsSkill 3 - +2 攻击城墙统率, +30 攻击器材建造, 15% 贸易收入PoliticsSkill 3 - +2 权力, -2 忠诚VictorVirtue 3 - +3 权力, -2 个人安全, +3 人民拥戴Austere 3 - +2 忠诚, 300% 贿赂费用, 10% 税收SpyMaster 3 - +1 暴虐, +2 公众安全, 30% 事务官折扣AssassinMaster 3 - +3 暴虐, +2 个人安全, 25% 事务官折扣 CounterSpy 3 - +1 骑士精神, +1 视线, +4 公众安全AssassinCatcher 3 - +2 骑士精神, +1 视线, +4 个人安全HighPersonalSecurity 3 - +4 个人安全Upright 3 - +3 忠诚, 300% 贿赂费用, +6 法律Authoritarian 3 - +2 权力, +3 城市暴动, +6 法律Loyal 4 - +3 骑士精神, +4 忠诚GoodFarmer 3 - +3 农田受益GoodMiner 3 - 30% 矿产收入GoodTrader 3 - 30% 贸易收入Just 3 - +3 骑士精神, +3 法律Noctophilia 3 - +3 夜战统率Handsome 3 - +1 权力, +3 人民拥戴Fertile 3 - 增加生育几率GoodTaxman - 10% 税收GoodRiskyAttacker 2 - +1 士气, +2 进攻时统率GoodRiskyDefender 3 - +1 士气, +3 统率Pragmatic 3 - +3 权力, +2 士气HaleAndHearty 3 - 增加生育几率, +6 将领生命Bloodthirsty - +1 暴虐, +1 统率, +1 士气Intelligent 3 - +3 统率, 10% 贸易收入, 10% 税收CrusaderHistory 3 - +3 骑士精神, +3 虔诚, + 对穆斯林统率AdoredByPope 3 - +3 虔诚, +3 对穆斯林统率BattleChivalry 5 - +5 骑士精神, +2 权力StrategyChivalry 5 - +5 骑士精神, +3 权力RansomChivalry 4 - +4 骑士精神, +3 士气GoodArtilleryCommander 4 - +4 统帅火炮部队GoodGunpowderCommander 4 - +4 统率火药部队Gregarious 3 - +2 士气, +3 人民拥戴FathersLegacy 3 - +3 权力ChivalryLegacy 2 - +2 骑士精神TourneyKnight 5 - +3 骑士精神, +2 权力, +2 统帅骑兵AcademyTrained 2 - +2 统率ReligiousActivity 4 - +2 骑士精神, +4 虔诚商人技能NaturalMerchantSkill 3 - +3 贸易技能GoodMerchant 4 - +4 贸易技能Monopolist 2 - +2 贸易技能LegalDealer 2 - +2 贸易技能SecureMerchant 2 - +2 贸易技能SecurityMerchant 2 - +2 个人安全, -1 贸易技能WorldlyMerchant 2 - +2 贸易技能公主技能HumbleWoman 2 - +2 吸引力(尊敬民众)PrettyWoman 3 - +3 吸引力(倾国倾城)BraveWoman 2 - +2 吸引力, +2 个人安全SpiritedWoman 2 - +2 吸引力(魅力迷人)FaithfulWoman 3 - +2 吸引力, +1 忠诚(贞节可彰)UnchasteWoman 2 - +2 吸引力(贞操可虑)EducatedWoman 3 - +2 吸引力(教养良好)PassionateWoman 3 - +2 吸引力, 增加生育几率 TolerantWoman 3 - +3 吸引力(胸襟广阔)DykeWoman - +1 吸引力FertileWoman 3 - 增加生育几率FairWoman 3 - +3 吸引力GoodPrincess 4 - +4 吸引力NaturalPrincess 3 - +3 吸引力外交官技能NaturalDiplomatSkill 3 - +3 影响力GoodDiplomat 5 - +5 影响力Multilingual 3 - +3 影响力BraveDiplomat 2 - +2 影响力Secretive 3 - +3 影响力, 10% 贿赂费用SmoothTalker 3 - 30% 贿赂费用间谍技能NaturalSpySkill 3 - +3 间谍技能GoodConspirator 3 - +3 间谍技能GoodSpy 5 - +5 间谍技能刺客技能NaturalAssassinSkill 3 - +3 刺客技能GoodAssassin 5 - +5 刺客技能修士技能NaturalPriestSkill 3 - +3 虔诚Bishop - +1 虔诚Cardinal - +1 虔诚GoodDenouncer 5 - +5 虔诚Righteous 3 - +3 纯洁StrongFaith 4 - +4 虔诚Dogmatic 3 - -3 异端Purifier 3 - +3 虔诚, +2 追求可能, +3 纯洁, +2 暴力Missionary 3 - +3 虔诚, +2 追求可能, +3 纯洁, -2 暴力Warmonger 3 - +3 暴力Peaceful 3 - -3 暴力SecretlyFemale - +1 虔诚, -1 追求可能, +1 纯洁, -1 暴力关于数值也可以减小增大,在1-5值域内如give_trait this GoodCommander 1give_trait this GoodCommander 2give_trait this GoodCommander 3give_trait this GoodCommander 4give_trait this GoodCommander 5另如想移除性格,可使用remove_trait this例如:remove_trait this GoodCommander数字不加add_money 数字键入数字最好在100000以内,最大值为40000add_population 数字加人口的,最大值为4000 process_cq 城市名城市名首字母大写输入此按键会完成所输入城市当前所建建筑create_unit 城市名单位数量经验武器装备例如键入create_unit Paris "Spear Militia" 5 9 3 3即可在巴黎得到5个经验为9武器装备为3的长枪民兵ps:兵种数量最大上限为5兵种英文名首字母为大写,单语需空格分开。
骑士精神 英文
![骑士精神 英文](
The End
• Ages 12-15
• Served a knight • Learned to fight in battle • An experience squire helped his knight in tournaments and battle
Knighthood Ceremony
• Some squires were knighted on the battlefield • Most were knighted in a special ceremony
Knighthood Ceremony
• Bathed and dressed in a set of new clothes • Fasted and prayed through the night • Went to a religious service in the morning • Knelt before his master and was tapped on the shoulder with the flat side of a sword
Code of Chivalry
What is the Code of Chivalry?
• An unwritten code knights were
suon the Christian
Characteristics of a Chivalric Knight
1. Fair Play
2. Valor 3. Honor 4. Courtesy
5. Loyalty
6. Largesse 7. Piety
Ethical Duties of a Chivalric Knight
ch开头的单词50个1. Chivalry:骑士精神。
2. Chronic:慢性的。
3. Challenge:挑战。
4. Charitable:慈善的。
5. Chemistry:化学。
6. Chromosome:染色体。
7. Chronicle:纪事。
8. Choreography:舞蹈编排。
9. Chivalry:骑士精神。
10. Chromatic:色彩的。
11. Chatter:闲聊。
12. Charade:谜语。
13. Chlorophyll:叶绿素。
14. Cholesterol:胆固醇。
15. Chastity:贞洁。
16. Chlorine:氯。
17. Charisma:魅力。
18. Chameleon:变色龙。
19. Cheat:欺骗。
20. Chronology:年表。
21. Chemistry:化学。
22. Chimpanzee:黑猩猩。
23. Chant:唱诵。
24. Chronicler:编年史。
25. Charcoal:炭。
26. Chowder:杂烩。
27. Checkered:格子的。
28. Checkmate:将死。
29. Chaffinch:红雀。
30. Churlish:粗野的。
31. Churn:搅拌。
32. Cipher:密码。
33. Chivalry:骑士精神。
34. Chameleon:变色龙。
35. Chassis:底盘。
36. Churlish:粗野的。
37. Chortle:呵呵大笑。
38. Chatterbox:唠叨的人。
39. Chaperone:伴侣。
40. Churlish:粗野的。
41. Cheddar:切达干酪。
42. Cryptic:隐秘的。
43. Cipher:密码。
44. Chastise:惩罚。
45. Chauffeur:司机。
47. Crockery:瓷器。
48. Chronicle:纪事。
49. Carbohydrate:碳水化合物。
骑士精神例子英文作文英文:As a knight, the spirit of chivalry is deeply ingrained in me. The essence of this spirit is to uphold honor, courage, and kindness in all aspects of life. It is notjust a code of conduct, but a way of life that shapes my actions and decisions.One example of the knightly spirit is my commitment to standing up for what is right, even when it is not popularor easy. I remember a time when I witnessed a group of people bullying a young boy. Despite the risk of being outnumbered and potentially harmed, I stepped in and defended the boy. It was not the most comfortable situation, but I knew it was the right thing to do.Another example of the knightly spirit is my dedication to helping those in need. Whether it is volunteering at a local shelter or simply lending a listening ear to a friendgoing through a tough time, I strive to be there for others. It is not just about being a good person, but about living up to the ideals of chivalry and the responsibility that comes with it.中文:作为一名骑士,骑士精神深深地烙印在我的心中。
骑士精神的英文作文英文:As a knight, the spirit of chivalry is deeply ingrained in my being. It is not just a code of conduct, but a way of life. The knight's code of honor dictates that one shouldbe brave, loyal, courteous, and true to one's word. These values have been passed down through generations of knights, and they continue to inspire me to this day.One of the most important aspects of the knight's codeis bravery. A knight must be willing to face danger and adversity with courage and determination. This means standing up for what is right, even when it is difficult or unpopular. I remember a time when I stood up to a group of bullies who were harassing a young boy. It was not an easy thing to do, but I knew it was the right thing. My bravery inspired others to stand up as well, and soon the bullies were no longer a problem.Another key value of chivalry is loyalty. A knight must be true to his word and loyal to his friends and allies. This means standing by them in times of trouble and supporting them in their endeavors. I once had a friend who was going through a difficult time. I stood by him and helped him through his struggles. My loyalty to him strengthened our bond, and he has remained a close friend ever since.Courtesy is also an important part of the knight's code.A knight must be polite and respectful to all people, regardless of their social status or background. This means treating others with kindness and consideration, and always striving to be a gentleman. I remember a time when I heldthe door open for an elderly woman who was struggling to carry her groceries. She thanked me and told me that I reminded her of her late husband, who was also a gentleman. It was a small act of courtesy, but it made a bigdifference in her day.Finally, a knight must be true to his word. This means keeping promises and fulfilling obligations, even when itis difficult or inconvenient. I once made a promise to a friend that I would help him move to a new apartment. When the day came, I was feeling sick and tired, but I knew I had to keep my promise. I showed up and helped him move, and he was grateful for my help.In conclusion, the spirit of chivalry is a way of life for me as a knight. It inspires me to be brave, loyal, courteous, and true to my word. These values have helped me to become a better person, and I hope to pass them on to future generations of knights.中文:作为一名骑士,骑士精神已经深深地扎根于我的内心。
chivalrous词根词缀单词:chivalrous1. 定义与释义1.1词性:形容词1.2释义:有骑士风度的;侠义的;彬彬有礼的1.3英文解释:Having the qualities of courtesy, honor, and bravery associated with medieval knights.1.4相关词汇:- 同义词:gallant, noble, courteous- 派生词:chivalry(名词,骑士精神;侠义)---2. 起源与背景2.1词源:“chivalrous”源自中世纪英语“chivalrous”,而“chivalry”源于古法语“chevalerie”,意思是“骑术、骑士团”,最初与中世纪的骑士制度相关,骑士们被期望具备勇敢、忠诚、礼貌等品质,这些品质后来就用“chivalrous”来形容。
---3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:- chivalrous act:侠义行为- 例句:His chivalrous act of saving the drowning girl was highly praised.- 翻译:他救溺水女孩的侠义行为受到了高度赞扬。
- chivalrous man:有骑士风度的男人- 例句:He is a chivalrous man who always opens the door for ladies.- 翻译:他是个有骑士风度的男人,总是为女士开门。
- chivalrous behavior:侠义举止- 例句:The chivalrous behavior of the young man impressed everyone at the party.- 翻译:这个年轻人的侠义举止给聚会上的每个人都留下了深刻的印象。
绅士风度 chivalry“绅士手”,用英语表达的话,其实就是一种非常绅士的行为,我们可以简单描述为behave like a gentleman,或者the behavior of a gentleman。
chivalry(very polite,honest, and kind behaviour, especially by men towards women)准确的说是“骑士精神”,而其实骑士风度又包括勇敢,慷慨,礼貌。
例如:We are impressed by his chivalry. 他的骑士精神让我们印象深刻。
例如:His gentility is purely made up. 他的绅士都是装出来的。
“把脉”用英语可以表达为to take/feel one's pulse。
例如:Can you take my pulse? 你可以量一下我的脉搏吗?“达人”的第一个意思是“在某一领域非常专业、出类拔萃的人”。
“咸猪手”用英语是grope,例如:She said she was mad because some pervert tried to grope her at the dance.她说她疯了,因为她在跳舞的时候遇到了一些变态的咸猪手。
绅士是一种风度,这种风度体现在日常生活很多细小的方面,"15 Behaviors Of A Gentleman That Every Man Should Adopt"一文里就详细的描述了各种绅士的行为,以下为大家节选几个:A gentleman gives her his jacket. 绅士会为她披上自己的外套。
骑士精神英语演讲稿大家好:Hello everybody:骑士起源于古罗马的职业军人。
Knights originated from professional soldiers in ancient Rome. In the middle ages, knights belonged to the lowest level of the aristocracy, which refers to those who were born in a family with titles and land and were awarded the title of knights after a certain ceremony. Professional soldiers who serve kings and great noblesusually own only a small fief. In the chaotic situation of medieval Europe, kings and nobles needed some arms with overwhelming advantages in war. Therefore, they would carefully cultivate some young people to become knights. If a child born in an aristocratic family wants to become a knight, he must go to the next higher feudal lord and his wife as a servant after the age of 7 or 8 according to the level of his birth. After the age of 14, he will be an attendant, that is, a trainee knight, who will receive special Knight training. At the age of 21, he will formally obtain the knighthood title after passing strict examinations and grand ceremonies, oaths and other religious rituals.盛行于11-14世纪的骑士制度,在当时的社会具有社会的政治的军事的宗教的和文化的意义。
生死关头,救生艇数量有限,“让女士和孩子先走”成为每个人自觉遵守的行动准则,其中有四个场景尤为撼人心魄:1. 丽德帕丝女士正在度蜜月,她死死抱住新婚丈夫,拒绝独自逃生。
2. 大富翁亚斯特将怀孕五个月的妻子送上救生艇后,牵着他的小狗站在甲板上,悠哉游哉地点燃一根雪茄,向划向远处的救生艇大喊:我爱你们!紧急关头,一副劝他上船,他愤怒地拒绝:我喜欢最根本的说法(保护弱者)。
3. 八号舰艇救生员对67岁的梅西百货公司创始人斯特劳斯说,我保证不会有人反对像您这样的老先生上小艇。
4. 危急关头,银行大亨古根海姆换上一身华丽晚礼服,镇定自若地说:我要死得体面,像一个绅士。
英文介绍骑士精神作文英文:As a knight, the spirit of chivalry is something thatis deeply ingrained in me. It is a code of conduct that emphasizes honor, bravery, loyalty, and respect. The chivalrous knight is not just a skilled warrior, but also a gentleman who treats others with kindness and compassion.One of the key aspects of the chivalric code is honor.A knight must always act with integrity and keep his word. He must never lie, cheat, or steal, and he must alwaysstrive to do what is right, even if it is difficult or unpopular. This commitment to honor is what gives a knight his reputation and earns him the respect of others.Another important value of chivalry is bravery. Aknight must be willing to face danger and risk his own life to protect others. He must never back down from a challenge, even if the odds are against him. This courage is whatallows a knight to defend his lord, his country, and his people with unwavering determination.Loyalty is also a crucial part of the chivalric code. A knight must be faithful to his lord and his comrades, even in the face of adversity. He must put the needs of others before his own and be willing to make sacrifices for the greater good. This unwavering loyalty is what binds knights together and creates a sense of brotherhood among them.Finally, chivalry emphasizes the importance of respect.A knight must treat others with dignity and honor, regardless of their social status or background. He must be courteous and polite, and always show kindness and compassion to those in need. This respect for others is what sets a knight apart from a mere warrior and makes him a true gentleman.中文:作为一名骑士,骑士精神是我内心深处的信仰。
The Difference between Western Knight Spirit and Japanese SamuraiSpiritAbstract: From the perspective of cultural studies, this articlecompares the difference between western knight spirit and the Japanesesamurai spirit. Firstly, it points out what ideas these two differentspirits convey, and then analyses what the profound cultural influenceit has affected to its respective nationality, then subsequentlyexplains the deeper reasons from the cultural perspective.Key words: knight samurai spirit bushido chivalryWestern knight spirit and Japanese samurai spirit both share a numberof similarities and the two have influenced its nationalities each otherover the years. But influenced by the different cultures, they havetheir own extraordinary features. Although the actual knighthood andsamurai have ceased to exist, these features have a great influence toits respective nationalities, especially in modern society. For example,the Code of Chivalry continued to influence social behavior, 19thcentury Victorian perceptions of how a "gentleman" ought to behave upto today. While the Japanese samurai spirit still affects its peopleto advocate the force and war, especially the expansionism andaggression adopted by Japanese government in World War Two. So what the profound reasons cause such big difference? (一)The Essence of The Knight Spirit and Japanese Samurai Spirit1: the essence of the knight spirit Knights of the medieval era were asked to "Protect the weak, defenseless, helpless, and fight for the general welfare of all." These fewguidelines were the main duties of a medieval knight, but they were veryhard to accomplish fully. Knights were trained to practice courteous, honorable behavior, which was considered extremely important. Chivalrywas the main principle guiding a knight’s life style. The four armsof the cross signify the cardinal virtues: (1)Prudence: It’s the ability to discipline oneself by the use of reason, and it’s considered the “father” of all the virtues. (2) Temperance: It’s defined as “moderation in action, thought, or feeling; restraint. It is believed that no virtue could be sustainedin the face of inability to control oneself, if the virtue was opposedto some desire.(3) Justice: a concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality,law, natural law, religion, or equity, along with the punishment of thebreach of said ethics.(4) Fortitude: It’s the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation. Warriors are required to face bravely thephysical pain, hardship, death, shame, scandal, or discouragement. Itis one of the four cardinal virtues because to possess any virtue, aperson must be able to sustain it in the face of difficulty2: the essence of Japanese samurai spirit Samurai spirit can be also called Bushidō, meaning "Way of the Warrior-Knight". It stresses frugality, loyalty, martial arts mastery, and honor unto death. Born from Neo-Confucianism during times of peace in Tokugawa Japan and following Confucian texts, Bushido was also influenced by Shinto and Buddhism, allowing the violent existence of the samurai to be tempered by wisdom and serenity.(1) Frugality: quality of being frugal, sparing, thrifty, prudentin the use of consumable resources and avoiding waste, lavishnessor extravagance, including the reduction of waste, curbing costly habits, suppressing instant gratification by means of fiscalself-restraint,defying expensive social norms. (2) Loyalty: allegiance to the sovereign or established governmentand reverence to the sovereign and royal family. No one can servetwo masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or hewill be devoted to the one and despise the other.(3) Martial arts mastery: martial arts are extensive systems of codified practices and traditions of combat, practiced for a varietyof reasons, including self-defense, competition, physical healthand fitness.(4) honor unto death: an abstract concept entailing a perceivedquality of worthiness and respectability that affects the socialstanding of an individual.From above, we can find that Western chivalry stresses the individual personality, such as faith、humility、largesse、nobility、courage andloyalty. While samurai spirit (Bushidō) forces on the warriors’fighting will. So why does such big difference exit?We can analyze from the following cultural perspective:(一)the origin of history1. The origin of knight: Knighthood as known in Europe was characterizedby the combination of two elements, feudalism and service as a mounted warrior. Both arose under the reign of the Frankish emperor Charlemagne,who came to dominate Western and Central Europe after the fall of Rome,and they generally fielded armies composed of large masses of infantry,which often rode to battle on horseback rather than marching on foot.As the 8th century of Carolingian Age, Franks increasingly remainedon horseback to fight on the battlefield as true cavalry rather thanas mounted infantry. These mobile mounted warriors made Charlemagne’s far-flung conquests possible, and to secure their service he rewardedthem with grants of land called benefices. Following the Charlemagne’s death, his newly empowered warrior class grew stronger, and Charlesthe Bald declared their fiefs to be hereditary. The chaos in 9th and10th centuries, between the fall of the Carolingian central authority and the rise of separate Western and Eastern Frankish kingdoms, only entrenched this newly landed warrior class.2. The origin of samurai: The samurai trace their origins to the Heian Period campaigns to subdue the native Emishi people in the Tohoku Region. Around the same time, warriors were increasingly hired by wealthy landowners that had grown independent of the central government and built armies for their own protection. The two most powerful of these landowning clans, the Minamoto and Taira, eventually challenged the central government and battled each other for supremacy over the entire country. Minamoto Yoritomo emerged victorious and set up a new military government in 1192, led by the shogun or supreme military commander. The samurai would rule over Japan for most of the next 700 years. During the chaotic era of warring states in the 15th and 16th centuries, Japan splintered into dozens of independent states constantly at war with one another. Consequently, warriors were in high demand. The country was eventually reunited in the late 1500s, and a rigid social caste system was established during the Edo Period that placed the samurai at the top, followed by the farmers, artisans and merchants respectively. During this time, the samurai were forced to live in castle towns, were the only ones allowed to own and carry swords and were paid in rice by their daimyo or feudal lords.(二):religion connection:1. Chivalry and religion were mutually influenced. The early Crusades helped to clarify the moral code of chivalry as it related to religion. As a result, Christian armies began to devote their efforts to sacred purposes. As time passed, clergy instituted religious vows which required knights to use their weapons chiefly for the protection of the weak and defenseless, especially women and orphans, and of churches.2. The philosophies of Buddhism and Zen, and to a lesser extent Confucianism and Shinto, influenced the samurai culture. Zen meditation became an important teaching due to it offering a process to calm one's mind. The Buddhist concept of reincarnation and rebirth led samurai to abandon torture and needless killing. The most defining role that Confucianism played in samurai philosophy was to stress the importance of the lord-retainer relationship; this is the loyalty that a samurai was required to show his lord.Chivalry has a strong connection with religion, and to some degree, it represents very traditional idea of western culture: equality and freedom. Each knight demands a duel under an equal condition, and any sneak attack behavior is regarded disgraceful. But Japanese samurais have a strong conception of hierarchy. Lower warrior must be humble and polite to these statuses higher than him. This attributes to the effectof Confucianism, which has a deep emphasis on social and moral bindingforce of public opinion and stresses the reputation of individuals in group. Therefore, samurais have strong fighting will to win personal honor.ConclusionIn modern society, chivalry is only a name for that general spirit orstate of mind which disposes men to heroic actions, and keeps them conversant with all that is beautiful and sublime in the intellectualand moral world. Its any inclination to the war has been replaced bya refined civilization. But samurai spirit has a totally contrary development. For it went though a long-term erosion of Confucian and feudalism, its notion of force and war has been reserved and continuesto affect its nationality.Reference:1: Church, S. and Harvey, R. (Eds.) (1994) Medieval knighthood V: papers from the sixth Strawberry Hill Conference 1994. Boydell Press, Woodbidge 2: Laing, Lloyd and Jennifer Laing. Medieval Britain: The Age of Chivalry. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996. ISBN 03121627823:Robards, Brooks. The Medieval Knight at War. London: Tiger Books, 1997. ISBN 18550191914: Mills, Charles (2004). "The History of Chivalry or knighthood and its Times" Volume I-II5: William Wayne Farris, Heavenly Warriors — The Evolution of Japan's Military, 500–1300, Harvard University Press, 1995. ISBN 067438704X6: Cleary, Thomas Training the Samurai Mind: A Bushido Sourcebook Shambhala (May, 2008) ISBN1-59030-572-8。
题目:中国侠义精神与西方骑士精神之比较院系:外国语学院专业:英语申请学位:文学学士ABSTRACTAs the culture spirit abstracted from folk literary works, Chinese chivalrous spirit and western knight spirit have historically been popular in labouring people. Both sides of comparison between them. Such as being martial and gusty, veracious and faithful, equal and justicial. However, Chinese chivalrous men were considered to be offender of the social and ideologies. Comparing differences in the thought of social status, the relationship between development of destiny and the system, can be more profound understanding of Chinese martial arts novels of chivalry culture and the extensive development.This paper used the existing research of domestic and international authoritative scholars and a lot of Chinese and foreign data to elaborate the meaning of the two masculine culture. This paper is based on the stories and the characters in Chinese and foreign famous literary works, aiming to make us more deeply understand the connotation of the two kinds of spirit. Thus, we can incorporate things of diverse nature and legitimation construction process by advocating chivalrous actions. Keywords : Chivalrous, knight spirit, comparison , faith, legal society.摘要作为从文学作品中抽象出来的文化精神,以侠客和骑士为代表的中国侠义和西方骑士精神在历史上都曾为受苦受难的大众所景仰。
中图分类号: I561文献标志码: A文章编号:: 10012435(2011)01009107Decline of Chivalry and Victoria Women's Dilemma — Study of Prince's ProgressYUAN Xin(English Department, Peking University, Beijing 100871, Chiina)Key words: Christina Rossetti;Prince's Progress; parody; chivalric romance; dilemma of Victorian womenAbstract: In Prince's Progress, Rossetti used the narrative structures of Pilgrim's Progress and the Song of Songs to subvert the English tradition of romance with the skill of parody. She implicitly revealed that in this pleasure-seeking society, the so-called English gentlemen had already lost true chivalry, and therefore Victorian woman are trapped in a dilemma in terms of love and marriage.出版于1866年的《王子出行记》,是英国维多利亚时代著名女诗人克里斯蒂娜•罗塞蒂的代表作。
Knights' arms and armor
• • • • • • • • • • • • a suit of armor 全身甲胄 war horse 战马 shield 盾 axe 战斧 sword 剑 lance 长矛 dagger 短匕 gauntlet 铁手套 breastplate 胸甲 护胸 helmet 胄/头盔 fan plates 护膝 chain mail 链甲 [腰间连接处]
Spirituality and Honesty
The virtue of “spirituality" in this sense contains content of religious purpose. Knight must be faithful to the soul of themselves and their lover.
Rules for knights
• Always flee to treason.
• To by no means be cruel but to give mercy unto him who asks for mercy.
• To always do ladies, gentlewomen and widows succor.
I will be brave and against the strong. • 我发誓善待弱者
• 我发誓勇敢地对抗强暴
I will fight the all who do wrong. • 我发誓抗击一切错误 I will fight for those who cannot • fight. • I will help those who call me for help. • I will harm no woman. • I will help my brother knight. • I will be true to my friends. • I will be faithful in love.
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The ChivalryI can’t forget the famous movies Titanic, which was adapted by the true story. It was 100 years ago, the unsinkable Titanic crashed into iceberg. There are 1327 passengers on the ship, 73% of the women got on the lifeboats, while only 7% of the men survived. The 702 men were buried in the cold water at that night. What make me move not only the love between Rose and Jack, but also the men faced the death still kept gentle till their death. In fact, the formation of gentleman’s culture can be gone back to medieval chivalry. Today I want to introduce the chivalry and its influence in western countriesCulture is not only a social phenomenon, but also a historical phenomenon, is the accumulation of social history. And after the culture formed, it influenced the people and thing at that cultural atmosphere. When talking about the Britain, I can’t help thinking of the gentleman of England. This period of British chivalry plays an extremely important role in democratic character of modern England and makes the British national character of modern British people contain aristocratic temperament.The word chivalry comes from the French word, which means behavior is honourable, kind, generous, and honourable way, especially towards women. Or a system of religious beliefs and honourable behavior that in the middle age .It also knows as Knighthood. Although the chivalry is not the product of Britain, it was developed and perfected step by step in Britain. As British knighthood grew stronger and stronger, it becomes unique chivalry and the knight culture.We should understand that the chivalry is rule of behavior that medieval knights should follow this. The Chinese scholar Ni Shiguang once pointed out that the content of chivalry related to the economy, politics, laws, culture and many other parts of the western world in his article. And another scholar also pointed out that the chivalry has an important influence on medieval society and culture. We can understand more western countries after knowing more about the chivalry. So I think it is of importance for us to know what the chivalry is.In the 15 or 16 century, when a high born boy reached the age of seven, he was sent to live in the castle of a lord, and there he began his education as a page. Helearned good manners, reading, writing, dancing, and strumming the lute. He learned how to use a sword and ride a horse, and so on. Around the age of 13, the boy was apprenticed to a knight and become a squire. He was taught skill with sword, lance, and shield. He also learned the duties and responsibilities of a knight. When the squire judged ready to become a knight, usually between 18 and 21, a time for the knighting ceremony was set and he became a true knight. Although it was very difficult, people were proud of being a knight at that time.Chivalry originates from the ancient of Germanic people which like honor and war. After the converting of Christian and the influence of courtly love and literature, chivalry gradually internalized as an important part of the British national spirit and the characteristic. The image of the ideal knight is noble , gentle, honest, loyal, be polite to women, pure, selfless, brave, and with deep religious feeling, with a strong sense of honor, and willing to sacrifice himself to protect others. All in all, the virtue of knight is brave, loyalty and dedicated.The chivalry has eight codes, which is justice, loyalty, defense, courage, faith, humility, generosity and nobility. Justice, which means search always the path of'right' and not changed by bias or personal interest; Loyalty need to have unbendable commitment to the people and ideals they select to live by; Defense means he must guard his liege lord , their nation, their family, and those who they believe that it is worthwhile to show loyalty; Courage entails selecting the more difficult path and even taking the side of truth in all matter with courage .He has faith in his beliefs, for faith take root in his mind; Humility means evaluate first the contributions of others; do not make a parade of your own accomplishments; He must be generous in helping someone in need within their power; Nobility means seek great stature of character, by holding to the virtues and duties of a knight.The chivalry plays a very important role in many fields of the society in middle ages, and it has a far-reaching influence on the later western culture.Firstly, the food’s culture of the knight affects the western culture deeply. The scholar Ni S higuang once wrote in his article that: “Because o f the military training, the knights like to eat meet and drink wine, and this kind of diet influenced the otherclasses' diet. This is why the westerners like to hunting and why they plant a lot of grape trees’’. So even today, due to hunting, westerners like to eat meat, such as steak. Whether eating or wearing, they are extracted from animals mostly .Slowly, the westerners’ diet structure tend to be same.Secondly, the politeness and high qualities of knights affect the western culture. The scholar Zhang Yunwei pointed out that "Generosity, humility and courtesy, all these characteristics of knight contribute to western civilization.” The gentleman manner and chivalry was formed under the restraint of English church and social environment. The knights should receive the education. They learned social etiquettes, and how to talk with other people gently and elegantly. They should also show respect to the aristocratic women, even the civilians. All of these gradually became a fashion. Nowadays in Britain, it is still popular. The Britain is also famous for its gentleman. So it is not so hard to find that the gentleman originated from chivalry.Thirdly, the knight literature influenced the western culture. The knight literature generally adopts legendary themes. The knights like listening to hero stories and the love stories between men and women after training. Some of them became the founders of this kind of poetry and the knight literature has become the main current of secular literature in the middle Ages. It reflects the ideal life of knight class. Many books, such as King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Dawn song, sir Gawain and the Green knight and so on, were wrote in that time. The knight literature is wonderful work in of western culture. It affects the later culture of Britain. The romance and adventure still have strong influence in today’s Britain.Finally, the knight courtly love makes contribution to western culture. Knight is a typical Platonic love. If the knights fall in love with a lady, he vows to believe her and defend her forever until die. The knights would sworn an oath of loyalty to the lady just as he was loyal to the monarch ,which include toeing line of the lady, taking all risks and suffering a great deal. I think all women will love this romantic character. This kind of love becomes the main content of the knight literature and became the dream of western people.The chivalry gradually become a kind of gentility and contributes to the western civilization. It set a good example to us. The western society has formed the custom of respecting female, especially the gentlemen in Britain; they still keep very obvious knightly demeanors. Learning the chivalry can help us improve our qualities and understand western culture better. Nowadays, China is developing faster and faster, we not only need the riches of people life’ substance, but also the progress of the culture and civilization we make. I think the duty, heroism, honest and others sprits are still valuable today and we should study and borrow the areas in which they excel from chivalry.。