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He was always confident of himself.
Last but no least,it's no difficult for me to draw 3 conclusions from Bruce Lee. 1.Be confident of ourselves at all time.
His efforts was paid off that he made a great progess both in his martial arts and films.
That's why he left a deep impression on people .
He was also professional actor who enjoys performing heart and soul.
《唐山大兄》 唐山大兄》 精武门》 《精武门》 龙争虎斗》 《龙争虎斗》 猛龙过江》 《猛龙过江》
There are some talent works like 《The Big Boss》, 《The Chinese Connection》, 《 Enter The Dragon》as well as 《The Way of the Dragon》,which broke the box office record again and again around the world so that many foreigners had considered Bruce Lee was a pronoun of Chinese Kung fu.
Bruce Lee,was born in San Fransisco on November 27, 1940 and died in Hong Kong on July 20,1973.
He is a great martial artist and philosopher who is remarkable for his Jeet Kune Do all over the world.
Hi,ladies and gentlemen.it's a pleasure for me to give a brief introuction of my hero to you.
He is Bruce Lee.
李小龙诞生于 美国旧金山, 仙逝于香港。 (1940.11.271973.07.20)
He was the first Chinese Hollywood actor who has created the world record for the most of the fans the world association of martial arts world record.(他是好 他是好 莱坞首位华人演员并创造了中国世界纪录协会世界最多影 迷的武术家的世界纪录) 迷的武术家的世界纪录
Because of his efforts he promoted the world martial arts and the development of Kung fu movies.
In memory of a genius, American government issued Bruce lee commemorative bank note.
From bottle of my heart, not only does he a martial artist but also a gentleman because he is polite.
He is also a humorous man who enjoys himself with his family.
American called him king of Kung fu(功 夫之王). Japanese called him Warrior Saint(武之 圣者). As chinese,we are supposed to how did He influence the world and learn good qualities from him,right?
Now,do you make it clear that about 200 million people all over the world choose Bruce Lee as their hero?
Bruce Lee’s major contributions: 1.Founded the Jeet Kune Do. 2.The world “Kung fu” was written into English dictionary by his efforts.
李小龙的主要贡献: 李小龙的主要贡献: 主要贡献 一、创立了截拳道。 创立了截拳道。 二、将Kungfu一词写入了英文词典。 一词写入了英文词典。
3. Created martial arts films and put Chinese Kung fu toward the world.(开创了功夫片并且将中国功夫带 ( 向世界。 向世界。)
6.For the first time in the world to show our Chinese are not "the sick man of east Asia.
六、第一次在世人面前展示我们中国人不是 东亚病夫。 “东亚病夫。
His talent, his sense of right, his brilliant, has become a cannot copy of myth.(他的才
4. The first chinese who was successful into Hollywood. 5. Let nunchakus become popular in the world.
四、首位成功打入好莱坞的华人。 首位成功打入好莱百度文库的华人。 五、让双节棍风靡全球。 让双节棍风靡全球。
华,他的正气,他的辉煌,都已 他的正气,他的辉煌, 成为一份无法拷贝的神话)
You konw,a great deal of martial arts amateurs would like to learn from Bruce Lee by exchanging views,which will benefit from each other.
2.Be self-disciplined because it's essential to be excellent. 3.Seting specific goals and keeping on. 2012-3-22
That's all. Thank you for listening.