3已知某完全竞争行业中的单个厂商的短期成本函数 。试求:
1 .已知某商品的需求函数 =30-4P,供给函数 =-10+6P。试求:
2.设某人效用函数U=XY,价格为PX =2,PY =3,收入I=260,试求:
大学期末复习试题资料整理微观经济学期末考试试卷及参考答案 (1)
《微观经济学》期末综合测试一、名词解释题(每小题3分,共15分)1、机会成本:2、价格歧视:3、纳什均衡:4、恩格尔定律:5、帕累托最优:二、单项选择题(每小题1分,共15分)1、下列的说法中正确的是( )。
( )A.双头垄断者没有认识到他们的相互依赖性B.每个双头垄断商都假定对方保持产量不变C.每个双头垄断者假定对方价格保持不变D.均衡的结果是稳定的3、相对于市场分配而言,下列哪一种情况减少了收入或财产分配的不平等状况。
( )A.政府向穷人的转移支付B.累退所得税C.大量的遗产D.婚姻的门当户对4、下列命题中哪一个是规范经济学的命题。
( )A.征税对中等收入家庭是不公平的B. 1982年8月政府把贴现率降到10%C. 1981年失业率超过9%D.社会保险税的课税依据现已超过30000美元5、已知消费者收入是100元,商品X的价格是10元,Y的价格是3元,假定他打算购买7单位X和10单位Y,这时商品X和Y的边际效用分别为50和18。
如果要获得最大效用,他应该( )。
A.增加X购买,同时减少Y的购买B.增加X购买,同时增加Y的购买C.减少X购买,同时增加Y的购买D.减少X购买,同时减少Y的购买6、某厂商每年从企业的总收入中取出一部分作为自己所提供的生产要素的报酬,这部分资金被视为( )。
A. 显成本B. 隐成本C. 会计成本D. 经济利润7、在囚犯的两难选择中,( )。
A.双方独立依照自身利益行事,导致最好的结果B.双方进行合作,得到了最好的结果C.双方独立依照自身利益行事,导致最不利的局面D.以上说法均不正确8、基尼系数的增大将表明( )。
重庆工学院考试试卷2009 ~2010 学年第2 学期班级09管理类专业学号姓名考试科目微观经济学B卷闭卷共 6 页····································密························封························线································学生答题不得超过此线的答题卷上,试卷可以不交。
)一、选择题 (每题1分,共20分。
武汉大学期末考试经济与管理学院微观经济学(A卷)Principles of Microeconomics (Paper A)InstructionYou have two hours to complete this test. Full marks are 100 points.Write your answers on the answer sheet. You can answer your questions either in English or in Chinese. Read the questions carefully before answering them. English-Chinese Dictionary is allowed in this test if it is a published one without any damage on it.Be precise and keep to the point.Good luck!You are required to answer question 1-7.1.(10%) Concepts. Give at least two examples for each concept below:Negative externalities, club goods, implicit costs, cartel, and dominant strategies.2.(10%) Understand rationality assumption. (1) According to the way we define rationalityin the class or in the textbook, are you rational? Explain. (2) On the other hand, the possibility always exist that someone is irrational occasionally.List situations of irrationality and explain.3.(10%) Economists claim that imperfectly competitive firms do not have supply curve. Doyou agree with this theory? Defend.4.(10%) One of economic principles says that rational people often make decisions bycomparing marginal benefits and marginal costs. There are at least three theories about households and firms in the textbook that are consistent with the principle. Show them. 5.(10%) Show that increasing return to scale can be expressed in terms of decreasingaverage cost instead of decreasing marginal cost.(If you cannot do it in mathematics, try to explain in words.)6.(10%) Consider public policy aimed at smoking.(1)Studies indicate that the price elasticity of demand for cigarettes is about 0.4. If a packof cigarettes currently costs $2 and the government wants to reduce smoking by 20%, by how much should it increase the price?(2)If the government permanently increases the price of cigarettes, will the policy have alarger effect on smoking one year from now or five years from now?(3)Studies also find that teenagers have higher price elasticity than do adults. Why mightthis be true?7.(20%) Suppose that a consumer buys two goods, with quantities x and y, and prices p xand p y respectively. And suppose her budget is m and preference is described by u = ln xy.(1)Find her demand for good x as a function of x’s price, y’s price, and her income (m).(2)Are x and y inferior good? Are x and y Giffen good? Why?(3)Can you find the existence of scarcity in this case? No matter what your answer is,let’s assume that there is no scarcity at all, should economics be developed? (Is it justified for economics to exist?)(4)Is rational behavior a basic rule dominating her choice? Why?Hints: marginal utility of x is 1/x and marginal utility of y is 1/y in this preference.You may choose ANY ONE of question 8-9 to anser.8.(20%) Based on market research, a film production company in Ecternia obtains thefollowing information about the demand and production costs of its new DVD:Demand: P =1000 – 10 QCost: C = 100 Q+ 5 Q2Where Q indicates the number of copies sold and P is the price in Ecternian dollars.(1)Find the price and quantity that maximizes the company’s profit.(2)Find the price and quantity that would maximize social welfare.(3)Calculate the deadweight loss from monopoly.(4)Suppose, in addition to the costs above, the director of the film has to be paid. Thecompany is considering four options: A flat fee (固定费用) of 2000 Ecternian dollars;50% of the profits; 150 Ecternian dollars per unit sold; 50% of the revenue. For each option, calculate the profit-maximizing price and quantity. Which, if any, of these compensation schemes would alter the deadweight loss from monopoly? Explain.9.(20%) Show mathematically that imperfectly firms set price as the sum of marginal costand a markup over this marginal cost. Also show that the markup is associated with elasticity of demand. Finally use this result to show that the markup disappears under perfect competition.THE ENDThe Answer10.(10%) Concepts. Give at least two examples for each concept below:Negative externalities, club goods, implicit costs, cartel and dominant strategies.Negative externalities: the exhaust from automobiles, smoking, barking dog, etc.Club goods: cable TV, Un-congested toll road, wireless communication service, etc.Implicit costs: the income you give up as a teacher when you create a business, rent you give up when you use own house as offices, etc.Cartel: OPEC, Labor Union, etc.11.(10%) Understand rationality assumption. (1) According to the way we define rationalityin the class or in the textbook, are you rational? Explain. (2) On the other hand, the possibility always exist that someone is irrational occasionally.List situations of irrationality and explain.(1) The firms always pursue profit maximization; the consumers always pursue utilitymaximization.(2) The irrational will exist for asymmetric information, altruism(利他主义).12.(10%) Economists claim that imperfectly competitive firms do not have supply curve. Doyou agree with this theory? Defend.A supply curves tell us the quantity that firms choose to supply at any given price. Thisconcept makes sense when we are analyzing competitive firms which are price takers. But an imperfectly competitive firm is a price maker to some extent, at least not a pure price taker. It is not meaningful to ask what such a firm would produce at any price because the firm can set the price at the same time it chooses the quantity to supply. An imperfectly competitive firm’s decision about supply quantity is impossible to separate from the demand curve it faces. The shape of the demand curve determines the shape of the marginal revenue curve,which in turn determines the imperfectly competitive firm’s profit-maximizing quantity. But in a perfectly competitive market, supply decision can be analyzed without knowing the demand curve.13.(10%) One of economic principles says that rational people often make decisions bycomparing marginal benefits and marginal costs. There are at least three theories about households and firms in the textbook that are consistent with the principle. Show them.The firm decides the profit-maximizing quantity according to MR=MC;The firm achieves the quantity-maximizing given total cost according to(MP L)/w= (MP K)/rThe consumer decides the optimal combination of commodity according to (MUi/Pi)= (Mj/Pj)=MU Currency14.(10%) Show that increasing return to scale can be expressed in terms of decreasingaverage cost instead of decreasing marginal cost.(If you cannot do it in mathematics, try to explain in words.)Suppose the product function: ),(K L Af Q =, the prices of L and K are w and r respectively, w and r are both constant.This is ),(000K L Af Q =, 000rK wL TC +=,000000000///)(/Q rK Q wL Q rK wL Q TC ATC +=+==∵ The return to scale is increasing.∴ ),()(000xK xL Af Q x =+α,0 α,000rxK wxL C T +=', )/()/()/()(/0000000000Q rK x x Q wL x x Q x rxK wxL Q C T C AT ααα+++=++='='00ATC C AT '15.(10%) Consider public policy aimed at smoking.(4)Studies indicate that the price elasticity of demand for cigarettes is about 0.4. If a pack of cigarettes currently costs $2 and the government wants to reduce smoking by 20%,by how much should it increase the price?(5)If the government permanently increases the price of cigarettes, will the policy have a larger effect on smoking one year from now or five years from now?(6)Studies also find that teenagers have higher price elasticity than do adults. Why might this be true?(1)With a price elasticity of demand of 0.4, reducing the quantity demanded of cigarettes by 20 percent requires a 50 percent increase in price, since 20/50 = 0.4. With the price of cigarettes currently $2, this would require an increase in the price to $3.33 a pack using the midpoint method (note that ($3.33 - $2)/$2.67 = .50).(2)The policy will have a larger effect five years from now than it does one year from now.The elasticity is larger in the long run, since it may take some time for people to reduce their cigarette usage. The habit of smoking is hard to break in the short run.(3)Since teenagers don't have as much income as adults, they are likely to have a higher price elasticity of demand. Also, adults are more likely to be addicted to cigarettes,making it more difficult to reduce their quantity demanded in response to a higher price.16.(20%) Suppose that a consumer buys two goods, with quantities x and y , and prices p x and p y respectively. And suppose her budget is m and preference is described by u = ln xy .(5)Find her demand for good x as a function of x ’s price, y’s price, and her income (m ).(6)Are x and y inferior good? Are x and y Giffen good? Why?(7)Can you find the existence of scarcity in this case? No matter what your answer is,let’s assume that there is no scarcity at all, should economics be developed? (Is it justified for economics to exist?)(8)Is rational behavior a basic rule dominating her choice? Why?Hints: marginal utility of x is 1/x and marginal utility of y is 1/y in this preference.The condition of the consumer’ maximizing utility is yy x x P MU P MU //=x MU x /1= and yMU y /1=So y x P y P x /)/1(/)/1(= (1)The condition of the consumer’ budget constraint is m yP xP y x =+ (2)According to (1) and (2):x P m x 2/=, yP m y 2/=So x and y are not inferior goods, of course they are not Giffen Goods too.You may choose ANY ONE of question 8-9 to answer.17.(20%) Based on market research, a film production company in Ecternia obtains the following information about the demand and production costs of its new DVD:Demand: P =1000 – 10 QCost: C = 100 Q+ 5 Q 2Where Q indicates the number of copies sold and P is the price in Ecternian dollars.(5)Find the price and quantity that maximizes the company’s profit.(6)Find the price and quantity that would maximize social welfare.(7)Calculate the deadweight loss from monopoly.(8)Suppose, in addition to the costs above, the director of the film has to be paid. The company is considering four options: A flat fee (固定费用) of 2000 Ecternian dollars;50% of the profits; 150 Ecternian dollars per unit sold; 50% of the revenue. For each option, calculate the profit-maximizing price and quantity. Which, if any, of these compensation schemes would alter the deadweight loss from monopoly? Explain.QQ Q Q Q P TR 100010)101000(2+-=*-=*=100020/+-==Q dQ dTR MR QdQ dTC MC 10100/+==The condition of Maximizing-Profit: MR=MCSo 30max =Q , 700max =P , 400max =MC When the market is perfectly competitive, the social welfare is maximized, then P=MC QQ 10100101000+=-So 45=optim Q , =perfect P 550The deadweight loss = 0.5*(45-30)*(700-400)=2250a) 200051002++=Q Q TC a , Q MC a 10100+=, 30max =a Q ,700max =a P , the deadweight loss is unchanged.b) The option is not change the condition of maximizing profit, so 30max =b Q , 700max =b P ,the deadweight loss is unchanged.c) Q Q Q TC c 15051002++=, Q MC c 10250+=, 25max =c Q , 750max =c P , the deadweightloss is changed.d) )100010(21510022Q Q Q Q TC d +-++=, 600=d MC , 20max =d Q , 800max =d P , the deadweight loss is changed.18.(20%) Show mathematically that imperfectly firms set price as the sum of marginal cost and a markup over this marginal cost. Also show that the markup is associated with elasticity of demand. Finally use this result to show that the markup disappears under perfect competition.Q dQ dP P dQ Q P d dQ dTR MR MC ∙+=*===)( Q dQ dP MC P ∙-=∴0<dQdP ξ+=∴MC P , 0)(>∙-=Q dQ dP ξQ P dP dQ e d ∙-= de P Q dQ dP =∙-∴d e PMC P +=∴de MCP 11+=∴When the market is perfect competition, the +∞=d e , and P=MC。
Principles of Economics, Microeconomics – Test #1There is no time limit on this test. No cheating: sign an honor pledge upon completion of the exam.1.You are the manager of the city’s public transit bus system. Your financial officerhas just advis ed you that the system faces a deficit. Your board doesn’t want you to cut services, which means that you can’t cut costs. Your only hope is to increase revenue. Consider whether increasing bus fares would boost revenue.You consult the economist on your staff who has researched the public transportation system. She reports that at the current price of P = $1.00 per fare, demand is 10,000 bus tickets per day. But, if price is raised to P = 1.05, thendemand will fall to 9,750 the next day.a)What is the elasticity of demand for raising the price of public bustransportation from $1.00 to $1.05?b)Is this elastic or inelastic?c)What will happen to total revenue tomorrow if you chose to raise fares by5 cents today?d)Will the elasticity of demand for public transportation be more or lesselastic a few years after the fare increase? Explain why.e)Now assume that the elasticity for public bus transportation is 1 and thatairline transportation is a close substitute for public bus transportation.Further, assume that airline transportation has been suspended due torecent terrorist threats. Without airline transportation, will the elasticityof demand for public transportation more likely become 1.50 or 0.25?2. About 30 percent of Americans are defined as technically obese (with a body mass index of 30 or more). This is troubling because obesity is the second-leading preventable cause of death (after cigarette smoking) with 300,000 Americans dying prematurely annually due to obesity. Further, obesity-related health problems are estimated to cost $117 billion in yearly medical expenditures. Since cigarette taxes have been effective at reducing cigarette smoking, consider the effect of a food tax to curb obesity. The market for food is graphed below. Assume that the demand curve for food is perfectly inelastic. In the graph, “S” represents the supply of food and “D” represents the demand for food. Let p* and Q* be the market-clearing price and quantity.a)Impose a tax on food to be paid by consumers. Shift the supply and/or demandcurve in the appropriate direction. Identify the new market-clearing equilibrium price and quantity.b)Given your answer to part a, will the food tax reduce obesity?c)Who bears the economic incidence of the food tax, consumers or producers?Explain fully.d)This question assumes the demand for food demand is perfectly inelastic. Is thisrealistic? In your answer, if you think this is not realistic, explain what youbelieve the food demand curve’s elasticity is.PriceSp*DQ* QuantityFoode)Now suppose the food tax is applied only on pizza (not on any other food).i.Illustrate the market for pizza with a graph. Let the supply anddemand curves have realistic elasticities.ii.Will the pizza tax reduce obesity?iii.Does the incidence of the pizza tax fall on producers or consumers? 3.Assume four students need help with economics and four professors are willing to help. The chart below presents the value of a tutoring session in economics for each student and the minimum amount each professor must receive in order to be willing to provide the tutoring session.Student Value of a tutoring session in economicsJanet $100.00Elizabeth $75.00Robert $50.00Peter $1.00Professor Amount required to provide a tutoring session in economics Prof. Kyle $30.00Prof. Baum $40.00Prof. Klein $50.00Prof. Penn $60.00Suppose the market consists of the four potential consumers (students) and producers (professors) listed in the chart above. Also, suppose that the market-clearing price of a tutoring session is $50.00.a)What is consumer surplus (the well being of the students)?b)What is producer surplus (the well being of the professors)?Now, suppose the university determines that professors cannot charge for tutoring.Instead, each professor either provides tutoring at no cost or does not providetutoring.c)What is consumer surplus?d)What is producer surplus?e)What is dead weight loss?f)Why is dead weight loss created? Provide an intuitive explanation.4. On March 6, 2002, President Bush announced that he was willing to impose sweeping tariffs and quotas on steel imports. The trade restrictions were to be in place for 3 years. The Wall Street Journal Article, “Imposing Steel Tariffs, Bush Buys Some Time for Troubled Industry,” by Robert G. Matthews and Neil King, Jr., discusses the particulars: Bush will impose an initial tariff of 30% on steel, and this tariff will decrease to 24% in the second year and to 18% in the third.a)According to the Wall Street Journal Article, what response can the United Statesexpect from other countries? Give a specific example.b)According to the article, who is helped by the trade restrictions?c)According to the article, give some examples of they types of people who are hurtby these trade restrictions.d)For this part of the question, refer to the following diagram. Assume the worldprice of steel before the Bush trade restrictions is given by the horizontal, dottedline below. Also, assume that the Bush trade restrictions completely eliminatetrade. What is the no trade equilibrium price level? Indicate this price on thegraph below.e)How do the trade restrictions affect consumer surplus? Give the letters thatrepresent the change in surplus for consumers.f)How do the trade restrictions affect producer surplus? Give the letters thatrepresent the change in surplus for producers.g)Do trade restrictions create any dead weight loss? If so, identify the dead weightloss caused by the trade restrictions, if any.h)Give a brief intuitive explanation for why countries are better (or worse) off as aresult of free trade.PriceSupplyA BC D E FWorld PriceG H IDemandQ S Q* Q D5. Consider the market for Tennessee corn. Assume that in the graph below, “S” represents the supply of Tennessee corn and “D” represents the national demand for Tennessee corn. Let P* and Q* be the market-clearing price and quantity for Tennessee corn.f)According to the following diagram, characterize the demand curve’s elasticity.g)Why would the demand curve for Tennessee corn have this elasticity? (Give anintuitive answer to this question using the appropriate “factors affecting elasticity”discussed in class).PriceSP* DQ* QuantitySuppose that the state of Tennessee decides to raise extra tax revenue by taxing the production of corn grown in Tennessee. That is, let the statutory incidence of a tax fall on Tennessee corn producers.h)Graphically, show how the corn tax affects the graph above.i)Clearly indicate the new market price and quantity for Tennessee corn.j)Who bears the burden of this tax? Answer this question by indicating (i) the portion of the tax burden borne by Tennessee corn farmers and (ii) the portionborne by consumers of Tennessee corn.k)We rarely see state taxes on farmers in the real world. Using your answers to parts a) – e) above, explain why.6.Consider the market for cigarettes. Suppose that cigarettes, through second-handsmoke, create health problems for by-standers. With that in mind, answer thefollowing questions.Do cigarettes create a negative or a positive externality? Is it an externality in production or in consumption?Graphically, show how the externality affects the private market for cigarettes.Make sure that your graph uses a q* to indicate the private marketequilibrium quantity and a q E to indicate the socially optimal quantity.Given this externality, list the three things that the government can do to get the private market closer to the socially optimal outcome.Which of the three things you listed in part c is the best way for thegovernment to increase society’s welfare? Explain why.For this part of the question, suppose that the economy has only two consumers:Gladys (who smokes) and Bernice (who does not smoke). The benefit (B) thatGladys gets from smoking is B = $40. However, the cost (C) to Bernice ofGladys’ second-hand smoke is C = $15.What is the socially-optimal outcome for this two-person economy? That is, should Gladys smoke?Describe Coase Bargaining by defining the Coase Theorem.Now suppose that the benefit of smoking to Gladys is B = $60 and the cost to Bernice is C = $100. If the Coase Theorem were applied to thissituation, what would be the outcome? Describe how this outcomecould be achieved.List the three things that will prevent Coase Bargaining from working.7. In 1984, the market for human kidneys saw an equilibrium market price of $20,000 per kidney. At that price, the equilibrium market quantity demanded and supplied was 12,000 kidneys. However, in 1984 Congress passed the National Organ Transplantation Act (NOTA) which stated that people do not have the right to sell parts of their bodies. NOTA effectively prohibits the sale of kidneys for a price --meaning organs can only be donated. But, this law did not make kidneys and other organs valueless in terms of consumer surplus. Figure 4 below depicts the above information. The figure also indicates that when the market price for kidneys has been legally set to p=0, 8,000 kidneys are still supplied to the market in form of donation. Figure 4Price of Kidneys A Supply of Kidneys$ 30,000C B$ 20,000D EDemand for Kidneys8,000 12,000 Quantity of Kidneys Answer the following questions comparing the effects of the National Organ Transplantation Act to the pre-NOTA market situation. To answer the following questions, you may indicate graphical areas using the letters shown above.a)How does consumer surplus change as a result of NOTA? In particular,what areas do consumers gain and what areas do consumers lose?b)How does producer surplus change as a result of NOTA? In particular, whatareas to producers gain and what areas to they lose?c)Identify what the loss to society as a whole is as a result of NOTA. That is,indicate what the dead weight loss is that NOTA creates.d)Above, show what the effective supply curve for kidneys looks like afterpassage of the NOTA.e)For this part of the question, assume a black market is formed whereby noprice is paid to the suppliers of kidneys in accordance with the law, but wherebuyers bid for kidneys illegally. What is the black market clearing price forkidneys. Explain briefly how you got your answer.8. Consider Public policy aimed at smoking.a)Studies indicate that the price elasticity of demand for cigarettes is about 0.4. Ifa pack of cigarettes currently costs $2.00 and the government wants to reducesmoking by 20 percent, by how much should it increase the price?b)If the government permanently increases the price of cigarettes, will the policyhave a larger effect on smoking one year from now or five years from now?c)Studies also find that teenagers have a higher price elasticity than do adults.Why might this be true?9. The text says that both public goods and common resources involve externalities.a)Are the externalities associated with public goods generally positive or negative?Use examples in your answer. Is the free-market quantity of public goods generally greater or less than the efficient quantity?b)Are the externalities associated with common resources generally positive or negative?Use examples in your answer. Is the free-market use of common resourcesgenerally greater or less than the efficient use?10.In a recent attempt to lower the price of energy in California, Senator Barbara Boxer suggested that the Bush Administration impose a price ceiling. When the administration did not respond affirmatively, Boxer commented that she was appalled that Bush did not consider price caps. She went on to note that Bush and Cheney are former oil company executives. Vice President Cheney later responded that capping energy prices wouldnot increase the supply of energy or reduce demand.a)In a carefully labeled supply and demand diagram, indicate the equilibrium priceand quantity for energy assuming the market initially clears.b)Then, impose a binding price ceiling. Note the quantity supplied and demandedat the price cap.c)According to your diagram, what benefits do price caps provide, if any?d)What are the drawbacks of price controls, if any?e)Cheney suggested that increasing the supply of energy would reduce marketprices. Is this true?f)What are the four factors that affect the supply curve?。
武汉大学2010——2011学年第一学期期中考试经济与管理学院 2010级经济学专业《微观经济学》试题任课老师:李雪松审核人:一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分)1、下列哪一项会导致一国生产可能性曲线的外移?()A.股市持续走强B.通货膨胀C.有用资源被发掘或技术进步D.消费品生产增加,资本品生产下降.2、消费者剩余的概念反映这样的事实:()A.在某些购买量下,消费者从购买中所获利益超过生产者从销售中所得到的利益;B.对消费者来讲,许多商品的购买非常便宜,如果必要的话,为得到这些商品,他们愿意支付的价格远远大于他们实际支付的价格;C.当消费者收入增加或者他们必须支付的该商品价格下降时,总效用增加;D.当需求价格弹性缺乏时,较少的货币支出可使消费者获得更多的商品。
8、吉芬商品表现为( ) 。
A. 需求收入弹性和需求价格弹性都是正值;B. 需求收入弹性和需求价格弹性都是负值;C. 需求收入弹性为正,需求价格弹性为负值;D. 需求收入弹性为负, 需求价格弹性为正值。
Macroeconomics exam 0630 XiaoLiping武汉大学微观经济学试卷
武汉大学2008-2009学年第二学期期末考试经济与管理学院 2008级 2009年6月30日宏观经济学(A卷)Principles of Macroeconomics (Paper A)Instructions: You have two hours to complete the test. Full marks are 100 points. Write your answers on the answer sheet. You can answer your questions either in English or Chinese. Read the questions carefully before answering them. Be precise and to the point.Good luck!Problem 1 (10 points)True or False? Explain your answer completely but briefly.a.James Bond is about to retire and is thinking of selling his car. He spends £1,000in repairing and tuning the engine, and finally agrees to sell it to Miss MoneyPenny for £10,000. As a result, GDP increases by £11,000.b.Robinson Crusoe will live better by catching fish, if he has more physical capital,human capital, natural resources and technological knowledge.c.It is one case of moral hazard that a patient is more likely to apply for healthinsurance than healthy men.d.According to the theory of efficiency wages, firms who pay wages at theequilibrium level will operate more efficiently.e.The introduction of ATM machines has made it easier to withdraw cash fromchecking accounts. As a result, the Central Bank now has to buy more bonds in the market every time it wants to increase the stock of money in the economy by a certain amount.Problem 2 (10 points)Suppose there is a small farming economy. It produces some corn and imports 7 bushels of corn. Of these, 80 bushels are consumed, 10 go for government purchases to feed the army, and 6 go into domestic investment as increases in inventories, 11 bushels are exported. In addition, taxes are 12 bushels.a.What is the GDP of the economy?b.Calculate private saving, public saving and net capital outflow. Then explain therelationship between saving and investment.c.Assuming in the economy, women have worked more hours in producing corn.How would this affect GDP? Explain the paradox, “When a person marries his or her gardener, GDP goes down.” Do you think GDP is a good measure of national accounts?Problem 3 (10 points)Below are some data about Pizza and Latte.Pizza Latte year Price Quantity Price Quantity200610.00400 2.001000200711.00500 2.501100200812.00600 3.001200pute the GDP deflator for each year, using 2006 as the base year.b.Suppose that the base year for the CPI is 2006. If the CPI basket consists of 400pieces of pizza and 1000 cups of latte during the three years, compute the CPI for each year. What is the CPI inflation rate from 2007 to 2008?c.According to your computation, what is the difference between GDP deflator andCPI?Problem 4 (15 points)The Federal Reserve conducts a $20 million open-market purchase of government bonds. The required reserve ratio is 10 percent.a.What is the money multiplier? How can this purchase affect money supply? Whatis the largest possible effect? What is the smallest possible effect? Explain.b.Show the effects of this purchase in a diagram of money supply and moneydemand. What happpen to value of money and price level)?c.Can you find roles of commercial banks and individual depositors in the creationof money in terms of multiplier formula?Problem 5 (10 points)Suppose Japanese decided they no longer wanted to buy U.S. assets as before. Using a three-panel diagram used in textbook for open economy, show the following effects of the change.a.What would happen in U.S. market for loanable funds? In particular, what wouldhappen to U.S. Interest rates, U.S. saving, and U.S. investment?b.What would happen in the market for foreign-currency exchange? In particular,what would happen to the value of the dollar and the U.S. trade balance?Problem 6 (15 points)Suppose that the economy is in a long-run equilibrium.e a diagram to illustrate the state of the economy. Be sure to show aggregatedemand, short-run aggregate supply, and long-run aggregate supply and explain why these curves look like this.b.Now suppose that a stock market crash causes aggregate demand to fall. Use yourdiagram to show what will happen to output and the price level in the short-run.What happen to the unemployment rate? And in the long run?c.Now suppose that a war in Middle East drives up the cost of producing oilproducts. What are the likely macroeconomic effects of such a change? Explain with the help of appropriate graphs.Problem 7 (15 points)a.Suppose the government increases its purchase expenditure by $20 billion, whichfinally raises the total demand for goods and services by $100 billion. If we ignore the possibility of crowding out, what would the marginal propensity to consume to be? If we allow for crowding out, would the marginal propensity to consume in this case be larger or smaller than their initial one?b.Suppose the government reduces taxes by $20 billion, there is no crowding out,and the MPC is 0.8. What is the initial effect of the tax reduction on aggregate demand? What is the total effect of this policy?c.How does the total effect of the $20 billion tax cut in part (b) compare to the totaleffect of a $20 billion increase in government purchase in part (a)? Why?Problem 8 (15 points)Suppose king's weather (好天气)drives down the cost of producing food products.a.Show the impact of such a change in both the aggregate-demand/aggregate-supplydiagram and in the Phillips-curve diagram. What happens to inflation andunemployment in the short-run?b.Do the effects of this event mean there is no short-run tradeoff between ininflation and unemployment? Why or why not?c.Suppose in the following year, bad weather brings stagflation, and the centralbank pursues contractionary monetary policy to reduce inflation. Use the Phillips curve to show the short-run and long-run effects of this policy. How might the short-run costs of the policy against inflation be reduced (6 points)?4. (15分)美联储进行公开市场业务,购买了2000万美元的政府债券。
武汉大学2009-2010学年第二学期宏观经济学期末考试《宏观经济学》试题参考答案(A卷)1. (10 points) a. △GDP= 400b.△NNP=△GDP−△depreciation=400-50=350c. △NI= △NNP - △sales taxes = 350−30 = 320d.△PI=△NI−△retainedearnings=320 - 100=220e. △PDI= △PI-△personal income tax = 220−70 =1502.(10points)Toamacroeconomist,savingoccurswhenaperson′sincomeexceedshisconsumption,whileinvestmentoccurswhenapersonorfirmpurchasesnewcapital, suchasahouseorbusinessequipment..a.Whenyourfamilytakesoutamortgageandbuysanewhouse ,thatisinvestment,becauseitisapurchaseofnewcapital.b.Whenyouuseyour200 paycheck to buy stock in AT&T, that is saving, because your income of 200isnotbeingspentonconsumptiongoods.c.Whenyourroommateearns100 and deposits it in her account at a bank, that is saving, because the money is not spent on consumption goods.d. When you borrow $1,000 from a bank to buy a car to use in your pizza-delivery business, that is investment, because the car is a capital good.3. (10 points) All factors, that affect AD at a given price level, can be categorized to four groups according to which component of spending is most directly affect: (1)C, such as a tax cut/hike, a stock market boom/decline; (2) I, such as optimism/pessimism about the future, a fall/rise in interest rates due to an increase/decrease in money supply; (3)G, such as greater/smaller spending on defense or highway construction, (4)NX, such as a boom/recession overseas, an exchange-rate depreciation/appreciation.According to the production factors, the long-run AS may change arising from the following four sources which affect the natural rate of output: (1)K (physical capital or human capital ), such as the increase of the number of machines or that of college degrees;(2)L, such as an increase in immigration from abroad, the change of the natural rate of unemployment due to increasing minimum wage or the unemployment insurance system; (3)N (natural resources), such as a discovery of a new mineral deposit, good weather, a change in the availability of imported resources; (4)A, such as the advance of internet technology, other events that act like changes in technology.All these variables——K, L, N, A, shift the short-run AS curve too. Another important new variable that affect the short-run AS is the change of expected price level. A decrease in the expected price raises the AS in the short-run.In the short-run, the continuing increase in money can raise GDP for that there is unexpected price level. However, in the long run, the AS curve is vertical, as people adjust their expectedprice levels to the actual price level. so the increase of money which raise AD and price level but can not have the economy to grow continuously only by use of expansionary monetary policy.4. (15 points)e.a. If Chinese government decided it no longer wanted to buy U.S. assets, U.S. net capital outflow would increase, increasing the demand for loanable funds, as shown in the following figure. The result is a rise in U.S. interest rates, an increase in the quantity of U.S. saving (because of the higher interest rate), and lower U.S. domestic investment.b. In the market for foreign exchange, the real exchange rate declines and the balance of trade increases5. (15 points)a. When the stock market declines sharply, wealth declines, so the aggregate-demand curve shifts to the left, as shown in Figure 5a below. In the short run, the economy moves from point A to point B, as output declines and the price level declines. In the long run, the short-run aggregate-supply curve shifts to the right to restore equilibrium at point C, with unchanged output and a lower price level compared to point A.Figure 5aFigure 5bb. When the federal government increases spending on national defense, the rise in government purchases shifts the aggregate-demand curve to the right, as shown in Figure 5b above. In the short run, the economy moves from point A to point B, as output and the price level rise. In the long run, the short-run aggregate-supply curve shifts to the left to restore equilibrium at point C, with unchanged output and a higher price level compared to point A.c. When a technological improvement raises productivity, the long-run and short-run aggregate-supply curves shift to the right, as shown Figure 5c below. The economy moves from point A to point B, as output rises and the price level declines.Figure 5cd. When a recession overseas causes foreigners to buy fewer U.S. goods, net exports decline, so the aggregate-demand curve shifts to the left, as shown in Figure 5a above. The effects are similar with that in part a.e. The continuing increase in reserve ratio causes the decrease of money supply. So, the aggregate-demand curve shifts to the left, as shown in Figure 5a above. The effects are similar with that in part a..。
这句话对还是错4.乘数—加速理论三:1.主要考消费者均衡效用最大化,用拉格朗日一下就完2好像是用MC=MR求最大利润,受益3好像是考MV=Py的计算题4考预算平衡四:论述题1.论各种市场的价格,产量,与经济效益2,阐述经济增长的动力,以及为什么政府采取政策的意义?4.11.1 武汉大学816宏微观经济学2010年硕士研究生入学考试试题参考答案及解析一:名词解释1.消费者剩余:消费者在消费一定数量的资源品时愿意支付的最高价格与实际支付的价格之差。
以Em表示需求收入弹性系数,Q代表需求量,ΔQ代表需求量的变动量,I代表收入,ΔI代表收入的变动量,则需求收入弹性系数的一般表达式为:Em=(ΔQ/Q)/(ΔI/I)4. 生命周期假说认为,理性的消费者要根据一生的的收入来安排自己的消费与储蓄,使一生的收入与消费相等。
微观经济学第五版期末考试试卷 (附答案)
华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A卷)2012-2013学年第1 学期考试科目:微观经济学考试类型:(闭卷)考试考试时间:120分钟一、单项选择题(本大题共40 小题,每小题 1 分,共40 分)1. 理性的经济人是指他们自觉按()原则行事。
A.个人利益最大化B.资源最优配置C.有利于社会经济发展D.外部经济最大化2. 微观经济学解决的问题是()。
A.资源配置问题B.资源利用问题C.经济增长问题D.失业问题3. 下列命题中哪一个不是实证经济学命题?( )A.1982年8月联储把贴现率降到10%B.1981年失业率超过9%C.联邦所得税对中等收入家庭是不公平的D.社会保险税的课税依据现已超过30000美元4. 正常商品的需求量与自身价格之所以呈反方向变化,是因为( )。
A.替代效应的作用B.收入效应的作用C.上述两种效用同时发生作用D.以上均不正确5. 假定某商品的需求价格为P=100-4Q,供给价格为P=40+2Q,均衡价格和均衡产量应为()。
A.P=60,Q=10 B.P=10,Q=6C.P=40,Q=6 D.P=20,Q=206. 下列不会引起牛排需求发生变化的情况为()。
A.牛排价格从每磅3美元上升到每磅3.5美元B.牛的饲养者宣传牛排中含有丰富的维生素C.医生说多吃牛肉有损健康D.汉堡包价格从每磅2美元跌到每磅1.5美元7. 某月内,X商品的替代品的价格上升和互补品的价格上升,分别引起X商品的需求变动量为50单位和80单位,则在它们共同作用下该月X商品需求数量()。
A.增加30单位B.减少30单位C.增加130单位D.减少130单位8. 如果消费者对某商品的偏好突然增加,同时这种产品的生产技术有很大改进,我们可以预料该商品的需求曲线和供给曲线都( )。
A.向右移动,并使均衡价格和产量提高B.向右移动,并使均衡价格和产量下降C.向左移动,并使均衡价格上升而均衡产量下降D.向右移动,并使均衡产量增加,但均衡价格可能上升也可能下降9. 若X和Y两产品的交叉弹性是-2.3,则( )。
(2`)(2)求在此均衡点的供给弹性与需求的价格弹性(2`)(3)若征从量税t=1,求此时新的均衡价格与产量水平(2`)(4)求消费者和厂商各自承受了多少税收份额(2`)(5)图示你的上述结论(2`)2. 设一个宏观经济中已知一下参数或函数:I=35,G=25,C=100+(4/5)Y.(1)求此时的均衡收入与储蓄水平(2`)(2)若由于某种原因,此时产出水平为850,则非意愿存货为多少?(2`)(3)在(1)的条件中,假设税收为T=0.1Y,则新的均衡收入、乘数为多少?(2)(4)在(3)的条件中,假设转移支付为TR=vY,则此时乘数是怎样的,较(3)中的乘数大还是小?(2)(5)在(3)的条件中,假设净出口函数为NX=10-0.1Y,求此时的均衡收入与乘数。
微观经济学期末考试试卷及答案 B 卷
宏观经济学期末考试试卷及答案( B 卷)一、名词解释题(本题型共5题。
5.一个家庭当其收入为零时,消费支出为2000元;而当其收入为6000元时,其消费为6000元,在图形上,消费和收入之间成一条直线,则其边际消费倾向为( )。
A.20亿元; B.60亿元; C.180亿元; D.200亿元。
9.在下列情况下,投资乘数最大的是( )A.MPC=0.9; B.MPC=0.8; C.MPC=0.75;D.MPC=0.7。
2002一、名词解释(共六题,每小题5 分,共30 分)1、机会成本2、帕累托改进3、菲利普斯曲线4、欧拉定理5、经济周期6、价格——消费曲线二、简答题(共四小题,每题8 分,共32 分)1、简述影响市场竞争程度的主要因素2、运用弹性理论简要评论“薄利多销”这一传统的经商理念3、简述凯恩斯货币需求动机理论4、宏观经济学认为,政府扩大财政支出会引起私人消费或投资下降的所谓“挤出效应”。
这一效应的程度大小主要受哪些因素影响三、论述题(共2 题,第一题20 分,第二题18 分)1、论述外部不经济及纠正外部不经济所造成的资源配置不当的政策建议2、论述宏观经济政策的目标2003一、名词解释(共8 小题,5 分每题)1、比较优势2、纳什均衡3、需求收入弹性4、资源配置效率5、自然垄断6、购买力平价7、乘数效应8、菲利普斯曲线二、问答题(1-4 题每题15 分,5-9 题每题10 分)1、什么是外部性?其解决的基本方法是什么?2、简述垄断竞争的三个特点。
它如何像垄断?如何像竞争?3、什么是GDP 平减指数?什么是消费物价指数?这二者有什么差别?4、请结合供求曲线图说明税收引起的福利的无谓损失5、市场中存在垄断的原因主要有哪些?6、简述效率工资理论7、公有资源与公共物品有何异同?8、在环境保护方面,经济学家的主张与积极的环保主义者的主张有何不同?9、在什么条件下企业将暂时停止营业?在什么条件下企业将退出市场?2004 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题一、名词解释1、科斯定理2、庀古税3、需求定理4、人力资本5、竞争市场6、边际收益递减规律7、挤出效应8、市场势力9、自然失业率10、公有地悲剧二、问答题(共九题,1-2 题每题15 分,3-0 题每题10 分,共100 分)1、什么是经济学的十大原理?这十大原理能够解决现实经济中的哪些问题2、影响税收归宿的主要因素是什么?请分具体情形说明税收负担在买者和卖者之间的分摊情况。
武汉纺织⼤学《微观经济学》试卷A卷09-10学年武汉纺织⼤学《微观经济学》试卷A卷(2009——2010学年第⼆学期)⼀、名词解释(每题2分,共10分)1.需求的价格弹性2.边际报酬递减规律3.机会成本4.消费者剩余5.⼀级价格歧视⼆、单项选择题(每⼩题1分,共20分)1.以下哪⼀个函数更可能是需求曲线的表达式:()A.Q=3P-5 B.Q=9-2PC.Q=P/20 D.Q=8+6P2.当出租车租⾦下调后,对公共汽车服务将A 需求减少B 需求量增加C 需求增加D 需求⽆法确定3.下列商品中,需求价格弹性最⼩的是()A 服装B 化妆品C ⾦银⾸饰D ⾷盐4.下列哪种情况使总收益下降()A.价格上升,需求缺乏弹性B.价格上升,需求富有弹性C.价格下降,需求富有弹性D.价格上升,供给富有弹性5.当消费者对商品X的消费达到MUx为零时,此时总效⽤()A 最⼤B 负值C 最⼩D 不确定6.⽀持价格,⼜称最低限价,⼀般()A. ⾼于均衡价格B.低于均衡价格C.等于均衡D.不能确定7.当总产量开始下降时()为零A.APLB.AP为负L为负C.MPL递减D.MPL8.经济学中所说的短期是指()A.⼀年之内B.全部⽣产要素都能调整的时期C.⾄少⼀种⽣产要素不能调整的时期D.只能调整⼀种⽣产要素的时期9.SAC曲线U型特征的原因在于()A MU递减规律B 规模经济与不经济C 边际报酬递减规律 D⽆法确定10.⼚商为使⽤⾃有⽣产要素所⽀付的价格属于()A 显成本B 隐成本C 经济利润D 超额利润11.对应于边际报酬递减阶段,STC曲线()A 以递增的速率上升B 以递增的速率下降C 以递减的速率上升D 以递减的速率下降12.在完全竞争的产品市场中,⼚商短期供给曲线是指:()A.AVC>MC中的那部分AVC曲线;B.AC>MC中的那部分AC曲线;C.MC≥AVC中的那部分MC曲线;D.MC≥AC中的那部分MC曲线。
武汉大学2009----2010学年第一学期期末考试经济与管理学院2009级《微观经济学》试题卷出卷人:《微观经济学》课程组审核人:分数:1.(10 points)True or False? Explain your answers completely butbriefly.(1)If the interest of a bank’s account is 5%, the opportunitycost of spending $100 now is $5. (2 points)(2) A tax that has no deadweight loss cannot raise any revenuefor the government. (2 points)(3)The congested nontoll road is usually viewed as the NatureMonopolies. (2 points)(4)The price discrimination can increase the profit of firm andcut off the deadweight loss. (2 points)(5)The Coase theorem tells us that if private parties canbargain without cost over the allocation of resources, theycan solve the problem of externalities on their own andwhatever the initial distribution of right , the outcome isefficient. (2 points)2.(15 points)The following table describes the productivity perworker on wheat and cotton of two countries.Country A Country BWheat(bushel per hour)Cotton(yard per hour)6412(1)Which country has an absolutely advantage in theproduction of each product? Which country has acomparative advantage in the production of each product?(2)If the two countries trade with each other, which productcountry A will export? How the welfare of producer andconsumer of the product exported will change? How thetotal welfare will change?(3)What is the range of price at which trade can occur to betteroff country A and country B?3.(10 points)Suppose that your demand schedule for CD is asfollows:Price Quantity demanded(Income=$10,000)Quantity demanded(Income=$12,000)$8 40 5010 32 4512 24 3014 16 2016 8 12(1)Use the midpoint method to calculate your price elasticity ofdemand as the price of CD increases from $12 to $14 if (i)your income is $10,000 and (ii) your income is $12,000.(2)Calculate your income elasticity of demand as your incomeincreases from $10,000 to $12,000 if (i) the price is $10 and(ii) the price is $14.(3)If the demand equation of CD is Q=10-2P, and the presentprice is $3, should the firm increases or decrease the price toincrease the total revenue?4.(10 points)Suppose that a market is described by the followingsupply and demand equations:Q s=100+40PQ d=260-60P(1)Solve for the equilibrium price and the equilibrium quantity.(2)Suppose the government levies a tax on the good traded of$0.5 per unit, solve for the quantity sold, the price receivedby sellers and the price paid by the buyers after tax.(3)Solve for the tax revenue of the government and thedeadweight loss.5.(10 points)Complete the table below by filling in YES, NO, orMAYBE for each type of market structure.DO FirmsPerfectCompetitionMonopolisticCompetitionMonopolyMake differentiatedproducts?[ ] [ ] [ ] Have excess capacity? [ ] [ ] [ ] Advertise? [ ] [ ] [ ]Pick Q so that MR=MC? [ ] [ ] [ ] Pick Q so that P=MC? [ ] [ ] [ ] Earn economic profits in[ ] [ ] [ ] long-run equilibrium?Face a downward-sloping[ ] [ ] [ ] demand curve?Have MR less than price? [ ] [ ] [ ]Face the entry of other[ ] [ ] [ ] firms?Exit in the long run if profits[ ] [ ] [ ] are less than zero?6.(15 points)Suppose that the wheat market is perfect competitive.(1)Illustrate a long-run equilibrium using diagrams for thewheat market and for a representative farmer producingwheat.(2)Suppose that the demand for the wheat has a sharp increase.Using your diagrams from (1), show what happens in theshort run to the wheat market and to each existing farmer.(3)If the demand for wheat remains high, what would happento the price over time? Specifically, would the new long-runequilibrium price be above, below, or equal to the short-runequilibrium price (2)? Is it possible for the new long-runequilibrium price to be above the original long-runequilibrium price? Explain.7.(20 points)A publisher faces the following demand schedule forof publishing the book is a constant $10 per book.(1)Compute total revenue, total cost, and profit at each quantity.What quantity would a profit-maximizing publisher choose?What price would it charge?(2)Compute marginal revenue. How does marginal revenue copareto the price? Explain.(3)Graph the marginal revenue, marginal-cost, and demandcurves. At what quantity do the marginal revenue and marginal cost curves cross? What does this signify?(4)In your graph, shade in the deadweight loss. Explain in wordswhat this means.(5)Suppose the publisher were not profit-maximizing but wereconcerned with maximizing economic efficiency. What price would it charge for the book? How much profit would it make at this price?8.(10 points)Consider trade relations between the U.S. and Mexico.Each country can charge either a high tariff or a low one. If one country charges high tariff and other country charges low tariff, the high-tariff country will gain $30 billion and the low-tariff country will gain $10 billion. If two countries charge high tariff, each country will gain $20 billion. If two countries charge low tariff, each country will gain $25 billion.(1)Draw the decision box for this game.(2)What is the dominant strategy for the U.S.? For Mexico?Explain.(3)Define Nash equilibrium. What is the Nash equilibrium fortrade policy?(4)In 1993 the U.S. Congress ratified the North American FreeTrade Agreement (NAFTA) in which the U.S. and Mexicoagreed to reduce trade barriers simultaneously. Do theperceived payoffs as shown here justify this approach totrade policy?。
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武汉大学2009-2010学年第一学期期末考试经济与管理学院 2009级 2010年1月24日微观经济学(A卷)Principles of Microeconomics ( Paper A )Instructions: You have two hours to complete this test. Full marks are 100 points. Write your answers on the answer sheet. You can answer your questions either in English or in Chinese. Read the questions carefully before answering them. Be precise and keep to the point. Good luck!Problem 1 (15 points) Imagine two countries (A and B) that produce military goods (guns) and consumer goods (butter). Assume that each country has 100 million workers. The following table lists the product quantities of each goods per worker in aa.Draw the production possibilities frontier (PPF) for both countries separately.Explain in what condition the PPF may have a bowed-out shape.b.For country A, show the point that is impossible to achieve - label your point “I”;and show the point that is feasible but inefficient - label your point “U”.c.What would happen to PPF in country A if there is an economic advance in thebutter industry? Or if there is a war? Show your answer in the graphs.d.Construct a table to show the opportunity costs of a gun and one ton of butter forcountry A or B. In producing guns, which country has an absolute advantage?Which country has a comparative advantage?e this example to judge and explain the statement that “if a certain trade is goodfor one country, it can’t be good for the other one”.Problem 2 (10 points) Consider a competitive market for apartments. What would be the effects on the equilibrium output and price after the following changes (other things held equal)? In each case, explain your answer using supply and demand.a. A rise in the income of consumers.b.$10-per-month tax on apartment rentals.c. A government edict(法令)saying apartments could not rent for more than $200per month.d. A new construction technique allowing apartments to be built at half the costProblem 3 (15 points) Answer the following questions with graphs and brief analysis, applying the versatile(万能的) tools of supply, demand and elasticity.a. What happens to wheat farmers and the market for wheat when universityagronomists (农学家) discover a new wheat hybrid (杂交小麦) that is more productive than existing varieties?b. In the 1970s, OPEC decided to raise the world price of oil. However, just after antemporary rise, the oil price eventually came back to the low level in 1970. Explain this phenomenon.c. Assume that the government wants to raise revenue from the rich. If thegovernment adopts a new luxury tax (奢侈品税) on items such as furs, jewelry and expensive cars, can he realize his goal?Problem 4 (15 points) Consider the competitive market with the following supply and demand equations: a. Find the equilibrium point without government. Compute the point price elasticityof demand.b. If the government levies 6 dollars for each product, find the new equilibrium point.Compute the change of consumer surplus and producer surplus. Compute the surplus that government receives and the deadweight losses. Show your answer in a graph.c. If the government subsidizes 3 dollars for each product, redoing the computing inpart b.Problem 5 (10 points) Jack owns a dog legally. The dog barks and disturbs Linda, Jack ’s neighbor. Jack gets a $600 benefit of from owning the dog, but Linda bears a $1000 cost from the noise.a. What is the externality here?b. What is the Coase theorem? According to the theorem, how can the private marketreach an efficient outcome on its own? Give an example.c. If Jack has no right to keep a barking dog, or Linda has the legal right to peaceand quiet, what different would the outcome be from part b?d. Why private solutions do not always work? In this case, what public policies canmake toward externalities?Problem 6 (10 points) Suppose the cost function of Sparkle company is: TC=0.6Q 2+4Q+5, where Q is the product quantity that Sparkle supplies.1202;4D D S S Q PQ P =-=a.If Sparkle is a perfectly competitive firm, and the market price is $12, calculatethe profit-maximizing quantity in the short-run.b.If Sparkle is a monopoly firm, and the market demand curve is: P=12-0.4Q,calculate the profit-maximizing quantity and profit. Is it an efficient outcome for the market?c.If Sparkle is a monopoly firm which adopts perfect price discrimination and themarket demand curve is: P=12-0.4Q, calculate the profit-maximizing quantity and profit. Compare with part b and explain.Problem 7(15 points) Johnson & Johnson(JNJ), one of the makers of Tylenol pain reliever(羟苯基乙酰胺退热药), does a lot of advertising and have much loyal customers. In contrast, the firm Anthony, one of the makers of generic acetaminophen (一般的醋氨酚退热药), does no advertising, and his customers shop only for the lowest price.a.Assume that the MC, A VC, and ATC curves of Anthony and JNJ take a “u” shape,draw out these cost curves in a graph and explain simply for their relations.b.In the short-run, both Anthony and JNJ make some profits. Draw diagramsshowing their profits separately.c.Illustrate the long-run equilibrium of Anthony in a graph. Compare with theshort-run equilibrium in part b and explain.d.Illustrate the long-run equilibrium of JNJ in a graph. Label out JNJ’ s price,markup over marginal cost, and excess capacity.Problem 8(10 points) Farmer Jack and Farmer Linda graze their sheep on the same field. If there are 40 sheep grazing in the field, each sheep produces $6,000 of wool over its lifetime. If there are more sheep in the field, then each sheep can eat less grass and its wool production falls. With 50 sheep on the field, each produces $5,000 of wool; with 60 sheep, each produces $4,000 of wool. Each sheep costs $1,000.a.Assume that Jack and Linda can each purchase either 20 or 30 sheep, but thatneither knows how many the other is buying when she makes her purchases.Calculate the payoffs of each outcome.b.What is the dominant strategy of Jack? Of Linda? What is the Nash equilibrium inthis game? Briefly explain.c.Is there an outcome that would be better than the Nash Equilibrium result? Howcould it be achieved?武汉大学2009-2010学年第一学期期末考试经济与管理学院 2009级 2010年1月24日微观经济学(A卷)说明:考试时间为2小时,满分为100分。