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His actual achievement as a poet can be divided into two remarkably diverse groups: the demonic & the conversational. The demonic group includes his three masterpieces: "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," "Christabel" & "Kubla Khan." Mysticism & demonism with strong imagination are the distinctive features of this group. Generally, the conversational group speaks more directly of an allied theme: the desire to go home, not to the past, but to " an improved infancy." Each of these poems bears a kind of purgatorial atonement, in which Coleridge must fail or suffer so that someone he loves may succeed or experience joy. Coleridge is one of the first critics to give close critical attention to language, maintaining that the aim of poetry is to give pleasure "through the medium of beauty." In analyzing Shakespeare, Coleridge emphasizes the philosophic implication, reading more into the subject than the text & going deeper into the inner reality than only caring for the outer form.
Born on 21 October 1772 in Ottery St. Mary, Devonshire, England Sent to Christ’s Hospital, a charity school founded in the 16th century at 10 Attended Jesus College, Cambridge from 1791 until 1794,left without a degree Won the Browne Gold Medal for an ode that he wrote on the slave trade in 1792 Married Sara Fricker for social constraints in 1795, but separated with her in 1808 The years 1797 and 1798: the most fruitful of his life. Published with Wordsworth a joint volume of poetry, Lyrical Ballads, in 1798 Addicted to opium after 1800 Gave a series of lectures in London and Bristol between 1810 and 1820 Died in Highgate, London on 25 July 1834 of heart failure compounded by an unknown lung disorder
3 poetical masterpiece s
One of the most influential English literary critics and philosopher of the 19th century; “perhaps the greatest of English critics, and in a sense the last.” (T.S. Eliot) One of the first critics to give close critical attention to language; “…the true end of poetry is to give pleasure through the medium of beauty”. a founder of the Romantic Movement in England Poets, and a member of the Lake Poets a major influence, on American transcendentalism. best known for his poems The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Kubla Khan,and Christabel, as well as for his major prose work Biographia Literaria
The poem mixes fantastical images of the place where Kubla Khan had ordered his pleasure dome to be constructed with Coleridge's yearning to return to the vision. In purely Romantic terms, the imagery in the poem shows the serene beauty and frightening violence of nature tamed by human thought and craft.
The first stanza of the poem describes Khan's pleasure dome built alongside a sacred river fed by a powerful fountain. The second stanza of the poem is the narrator's response to the power and effects of an Abyssinian maid's song, which enraptures him but leaves him unable to act on her inspiration unless he could hear her once again. The poem relies on many sound-based techniques, including cognate variation and chiasmus.There is a heavy use of assonance, the reuse of vowel sounds, and a reliance on alliteration, repetition of the first sound of a word and there is a transition in narration from a third person narration about Kubla Khan into the poet discussing his role as a poet.
Characteristics of His Poems
Coleridge was esteemed by some of his contemporaries & is generally recognized today as a lyrical poet & literary critic of the first rank. His poetic themes range from the supernatural to the domestic. His treatises, lectures, & compelling conversational powers made him one of the most influential English literary critics & philosophers of the 19th century.
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
There is also a spiritual undercurrent in the veneration of the environment and the prophetic wisdom of the ancients. The poet also places his own involvement within a religious framework by saying that he has 'drunk the milk of paradise' by having this dream.
Main Works
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 《老船夫》 1798 Christabel 《克丽斯特贝尔》 1816 Kubla Khan 《忽必烈汗》 1816 Biographia Literaria His 《文学传记》1817
masterpiece of literary criticism
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Personal life
Major Literary Works His Position in English Literature
Characteristics of His Poems His Achievements
Life Story
Kubla Khan
"Kubla Khan" was composed in a dream after Coleridge took the opium. The poet was reading about Kubla Khan when he fell asleep. The images of the river, of the magnificent palace and other marvelous scenes deposited in his unconsciousness were expressed into about two or three hundred lines. But when he was writing them down, a stranger interrupted him and the vision was never recaptured. Only 54 lines survived.
My comments
He was always a dreamer . Though he suffered from illness and poverty, he was still stick in writing and reached a high position in romantic poets.He wanted to express his admire of the wonderful life according to exerting super imaginations and mysterious power in his poems. he once said, “Alas, my only confidants”. He devoted his thoughts, his observations, sentences and also his dreams and his fantasies to his works.