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Walking beam type furnace have many advantages, such as rupid speed of heating , homogeneity of heating temperature, flexibility of operation, so it has been used abroad in modern Metallurgy industry.It can improve the quality of steel products, the yield of billet, the life-span of rolling mill equipment.

Walking beam type furnace use the beam at the bottom of the furnace or the cool steel beam to rise , to go ahead , to come down , to go back . So in this circle, the billet will be translated to the furnace for heating . In my graduation thesis, I will design the hydraulic proportioning system for the walking beam type furnace. As this system require strict movement of the beam, so proportional control will be used . As we know the speed of the beam will change at the reason of the change of the load in a circle, so we must change the flow of hydraulic actuating cylinder . In order to revise pass-line deflection of the billet, we use two horizontal cylinder to adjust thecentering of the billet ahead of the circle. At the same time, we use locking aquipement to fasting the beam at any location in case of malfunction.

As the checking calculation of this system, it will meet process requirements.

Key words:Walking beam type furnace; Proportional control; Pass-line deflection revise.


摘要 ............................................................................................................................................. I Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... I I 1.绪论 .. (1)

1.1设计要求 (1)

1.2液压传动简介 (2)

2.设计要求及原始数据 (6)

2.1设计要求: (6)

2.2工艺参数: (6)

3拟定液压系统原理图 (7)

4 设计计算及说明 (9)

4.1负载分析及负载循环图 (9)

5.液压系统主要参数计算 (12)

5.1初选系统工作压力 (12)

5.2计算液压缸的主要结构尺寸 (12)

5.3计算液压执行原件所需的流量 (13)

5.3.1流量循环图 (13)

5.3.2流量循环图 (13)

5.4计算系统实际压力 (14)

5.4.1计算压力 (14)

5.4.2压力循环图 (15)

6 液压元件的选择 (17)

6.1液压泵的选择 (17)

6.2电动机的选择 (17)

6.3液压阀的选择 (18)

6.4液压辅助元件的选择及计算 (22)

6.4.1管道尺寸的计算 (22)

6.4.2液压管及管接头的选择 (23)

6.4.3过滤器的选择 (24)

6.5油箱容量的确定 (26)

7 液压系统性能验算 (27)

7.1液压系统压力损失 (27)

7.2液压系统的温升 (29)

7.2.1计算液压系统的散热功率 (29)

7.2.2冷却器散热面积的计算 (30)

8 液压站的设计 (31)

8.1液压站的机构设计 (31)

8.2液压叠加回路设计 (31)

8.3液压系统的安装 (32)

8.4管路的安装与清洗 (33)

8.5液压系统的维护 (33)

结束语 (35)

致谢 (37)

参考文献 (36)
