

BW Technologies by Honeywell 的气体检测仪说明书

BW Technologies by Honeywell 的气体检测仪说明书

Certificate of Compliance Certificate:1730355 Master Contract: 157918 Project:70024685 Date Issued: April 05, 2015Issued to: BW Technologies by Honeywell2840 2nd Ave SECalgary, Alberta T2A 7X9CANADAAttention: Stephen Uliasz The products listed below are eligible to bear the CSA Mark shownwith adjacent indicators 'C' and 'US' for Canada and US or with adjacent indicator 'US' for US only or without either indicator for Canada only.Issued by: Gary BendenGary BendenPRODUCTS4828 01 - SIGNAL APPLIANCES - Combustible Gas Detection Instruments - For Hazardous Locations 4828 02 - SIGNAL APPLIANCES - Toxic Gas Detection Instruments - For Hazardous Locations4828 81 - SIGNAL APPLIANCES - Combustible Gas Detection Instruments - For Hazardous Locations -Certified to U.S. Standards4828 82 - SIGNAL APPLIANCES - Toxic Gas Detection Instruments - For Hazardous Locations -Certified to U.S. StandardsClass I, Division 1; Groups A, B, C and/or D; T4GasAlertMicroClip XT Portable Gas Detector, MC2-XWHM-a-bb-cc Temperature Code T4 @ -20°C ≤ Ta ≤ +58°C; Multi-gas detectors for monitoring up to four gasses simultaneously and continuously i.e. Oxygen[deficiency/enrichment], Combustibles, Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen sulphide ; Intrinsically Safe when powered by a non user replaceable Narada Lithium Polymer battery Part Number: NL503759.GasAlertMicroClip XL Portable Gas Detector, MCXL-XWHM-a-bb Temperature Code T4 @ -20°C ≤ Ta ≤ +50°C; Multi-gas detectors for monitoring up to four gasses simultaneously and continuously i.e. Oxygen[deficiency/enrichment], Combustibles, Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen sulphide ; Intrinsically Safe when powered by a non user replaceable Narada Lithium Polymer battery Part Number: NLP883759LT20.Certificate:1730355 Project:70024685Master Contract:157918 Date Issued:April 05, 2015GasAlertMicroClip X3 Portable Gas Detector, MCX3-XWHM-a-bb Temperature Code T4 @ -20°C ≤ Ta ≤+50°C; Multi-gas detectors for monitoring up to four gasses simultaneously and continuously i.e. Oxygen [deficiency/enrichment], Combustibles, Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen sulphide ; Intrinsically Safe when powered by a non user replaceable Narada Lithium Polymer battery Part Number: NLP883759LT20.APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTSCSA Standard C22.2 No. 0-2010 General Requirements Canadian Electrical Code Part II.CSA Standard C22.2 No. 152-M1984 Combustible Gas Detection InstrumentsCSA Standard C22.2 No. 157-92 Intrinsically Safe and Non-Incendive Equipment for Use in HazardousLocationsUL Standard 913, Seventh Edition Intrinsically Safe Apparatus and Associated Apparatus for use in ClassI, II, III, Division 1, Hazardous (Classified) LocationsANSI/ISA-12.13.01-2000 Performance Requirements for Combustible Gas DetectorsMARKINGSThe manufacturer is required to apply the following markings:•Products shall be marked with the markings specified by the particular product standard.•Products certified for Canada shall have all Caution and Warning markings in both English and French. Additional bilingual markings not covered by the product standard(s) may be required by the Authorities Having Jurisdiction. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to provide and apply these additional markings, where applicable, in accordance with the requirements of those authorities.Marking On Main Unit:(1)Submittor's name, trademark, or the CSA file number (adjacent the CSA Mark).(2)Catalogue / Model designation.(3)Date code / Serial number traceable to month and year of manufacture.(4)Hazardous Location designations, Class I, Division 1; Groups A, B, C and/or D; T4 (May beabbreviated Cl. I Gr. A, B, C, D T4).(5)The symbol “Exia” and the words “Intrinsically Safe”, and “Sécurité Intrinsèque”.(6)“Read and understand manual” and “Lire et comprendre le manuel”.(7)C22.2 No 152, S12.13.(8)The CSA Mark with or without the “c” and/or “us” qualifiers.(9)Temperature Code Rating, T4.(10)Ambient Temperature Range -20°C ≤ Ta ≤ +58°C, or -20°C ≤ Ta ≤ +50°C, as applicable.(11)Optional Hazardous Location designations, Class I, Zone 0, IIC.(12)WARNING: Battery must be charged in a non-hazardous area and may only be replaced by themanufacturer. (May be in user manual).(13)WARNING: SUBSTITUTION OF COMPONENTS MAY IMPAIR INTRINSIC SAFETY. (May bein User Manual).Supplement to Certificate of ComplianceCertificate:1730355 Master Contract:157918The products listed, including the latest revision described below,are eligible to be marked in accordance with the referenced Certificate.Product Certification HistoryProject Date Description70024685 Apr 5 2015 Update of Report 1730355 to include addition of a new modelGasAlertMicroClip X3 and additionally include a crystal component changeto the GasAlertMicroClip XT/XL.70018883 Feb 27 2015 Update to Report 1730355 to include firmware change for modelsGasAlertMicroClip XT and XL.2710384 Jul 21 2014 Update to report 1730355 to add new model GasAlertMicroClip XL;MCXL-XWHM-a-bb; Temperature Code T4 @ -20°C # Ta # +50°C;Powered by Part Number: NLP883759LT20.2689722 Feb 28 2014 Update report to cover removing GasAlertMicroClip, Lithium Polymerbatteries (Varta PLF 503759, PLF 503759D, PLF 503759C, BYD SL503759), Micropel 40-CITY TECHNOLOGY; revising drawings to includefuse, resistors and transistors changes.2618343 Jul 25 2013 HAZ 130139: Update to Report1730355 to cover revised firmware (rev.40F).2451746 Aug 31 2011 Update report 1730355 to add test confirmation for revised internal lowbattery alarm operating parameter.2305825 Dec 15 2010 Update to report 1730355 to include new battery and alternate O2 sensorwhich results in the creation of the Gas Alert Micro Clip XT.2249935 Jan 12 2010 Update to Report 1730355 to include alternate vibrator motor.2102246 Nov 28 2008 Update to report 173055 to add new battery.2033112 May 1 2008 Update of report 1730355 to allow the product to be built at BWT Calgaryand at Systems Sensor de Mexico in Juarez.1888493 Mar 22 2007 Update to Report 1730355 to include new battery1816037 Oct 6 2006 Update to Report 1730355 to include brown out chip, MicroPel 75 sensorand new battery (includes performance testing).1773170 Apr 21 2006 Update to report 1730355 to correct order number, upgrade firmware and addalternate components1730355 Dec 8 2005 GasAlertMicroClip Portable Gas Detector for use in Hazardous Locations。



GasAlertMax XT
请严格遵循手册说明和技术参考指导对仪器进行操作, 否则不能充分返回仪器的防护作用 使用仪器前请阅读以下注意事项.
• •
• •
警告: 任何其他部件的替代会导致本质安全性的降低. 注意: 出于安全考虑, 设备必须由具有资质的专业人员进行操作或维修. 在使用和操 作之前请详细阅读产品使用技术手册. 请在第一次使用前给仪器充电. BW 建议在每次工作使用仪器完毕后给仪器充电. 在第一次使用之前给仪器进行标定并定期进行标定维护, 周期取决与使用频率和传 感器曝露在毒气环境中的情况以及污损情况. 传感器必须每隔180天(6个月)进行 一次标定.
GasAlertMax XT 泵吸式复合气体检测仪 - 使用说明书(中文) XT-系列 H2S, CO, O2, 可燃气体
加拿大BW气体检测仪中国区代理 - 西安农邦机电科技有限公司 标定、检测、维修西安服务中心 地址:西安市雁塔区太白南路263号新一代C座2611室 邮编:710065 电话:029-88279122 传真:029-88279133 手机:13609123005 QQ:469954929 E-mail:469954929@qq.com http://www.bwgas.com.cn
会发出蜂鸣声. 当仪器在标定时, 屏幕上会闪烁
LCD 会显示 CAL DUE. 接下去, 屏幕显示每一个传感器的标定周期. 最后, LCD 显示 (比如)CAL DUE 180 d.
○ 标定可以再任何时候终止. 若要终止标定, 按 . CAL ABORTED
GasAlert MAX XT

加拿大BW单一气体检测仪系列 GasAlert Extreme

加拿大BW单一气体检测仪系列 GasAlert Extreme

加拿大BW单一气体检测仪系列GasAlert Extreme一、产品特性:1、超小的体积,精巧的设计2、友好界面,操作简单3、简单的自动校准程序4、内含先进技术的微处理器5、可调节的高低报警功能6、高度防水设计7、内置震动报警功能8、可调节的高低报警功能9、按下按钮可显示峰值10、数据存储和下载可选二、产品参数:1、检测:单一气体检测仪2、校准:自动标定与调零3、背光:低光/报警时自动背光4、传感器:插入式电化学传感器(带温度补偿)5、报警:声光报警可清晰辨认6、光报警:红色LED及LCD闪烁7、声报警:95dB (0.3米)可变的声音报警8、显示:液晶数字显示读数9、读数:开机自检后显示气体的成分/浓度10、T W A:时间加权平均值11、电源:3伏锂电12、电池寿命:2年电池使用寿命13、防震:ABS机壳14、EMI / RFI:符合EMC标准的89/336/EEC15、重量:82克尺寸: 28 x 50 x 95毫米三、简要说明:1、专为恶劣条件设计,体积小巧、操作简单、坚固耐用。

2、GasAlert Extreme气体检仪测适合检测多种有毒有害气体。








9、带有数据记录功能的探测器配备了内置红外通讯端口,可以将数据自动传输到计算机或MicroDock ll对接站模块中。


四、订货型号:型号仪器说明随机:可更换电池和传感器﹑不锈钢卡夹﹑测试卡帽和软管﹑BW质检报告﹑中英文说明书功能:密封防护等级IP66/67防水防雨防尘,内置振动功能;液晶数字显示﹑声光报警﹑内置高低限和TWA/STEL报警及峰值﹑启动自动测试功能﹑多种语言显示选择GAXT-X O2检测仪(量程:0-30.0%)低限报警19.5%,高限报警22.5% GAXT-H H2S检测仪(量程:0-100ppm)低10ppm,高15ppm,TWA 10ppm GAXT-M CO检测仪(量程:0-999ppm)低35ppm,高200ppm,TWA 35ppm GAXT-S SO2检测仪(量程:0-100ppm)低2ppm,高5ppm,TWA 2ppmGAXT-C Cl2检测仪(量程:0-50.0ppm)低0.5ppm,高1.0ppm,TWA0.5pp mGAXT-Z HCN检测仪(量程:0-30.0ppm)低4.7ppm,高10ppm,TWA4.7ppmGAXT-D NO2检测仪(量程:0-99.9ppm)低2.0ppm,高5.0ppm,TWA2.0pp mGAXT-A NH3检测仪(量程:0-100ppm)低25 ppm,高50ppm,TWA25ppmGAXT-P PH3检测仪(量程:0-5.0ppm)低0.3ppm,高1.0ppm,TWA 0.3p pmGAXT-G O3检测仪(量程:0-1.0ppm)低0.1ppm,高0.2ppm,TWA 0.1pp mGAXT-E ETO检测仪(量程:0-100.0ppm)低1ppm,高5ppm,TWA1ppm GAXT-N NO检测仪(量程:0-250ppm)低25 ppm,高50ppm,TWA 25ppmGAXT-V ClO2检测仪(量程:0-1.0ppm)低0.1ppm,高0.3ppm,TWA0.1pp m本文来自青岛聚创环保公司!。

bw gasalertmicroclip xt多气体检测器手册说明书

bw gasalertmicroclip xt多气体检测器手册说明书

multi-gas detector•Continuous visual compliance with IntelliFlash•Multi-gas versatility with one-button simplicity •Incredibly thin and lightweight, making itcomfortable to wearWear yellow. Work safe.Additional GasAlertMicroClip XT features:• IntelliFlash verifi es operation and compliance to both the user and supervisor • Tamper-proof, one button operation• Compatible with the Sampler motorized remote sampling pump • Equipped with internal vibrating alarm for high noise areas • Powered by a lithium polymer battery• Multi-language support in English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese • Conveniently manage your fl eet using Fleet Manager II Standard features of BW products:• Continuous LCD shows real-time gas concentrations• Compact and lightweight design makes it comfortable to wear • Water-resistant• Simple automatic calibration procedure; compatible with BW MicroDock II automatic test and calibration station • Full function self-test of sensor, battery status, circuit integrity and audible/visual alarms on start up • Bright wide-angled visual alarm bars • Built-in concussion-proof bootDUE TO ONGOING RESEARCH AND PRODUCT IMPROVEMENT, SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.6642-1-EN© 2010 Honeywell International Ltd. All Rights Reserved.Corporate Headquarters2840 - 2 Avenue S.E. USA 1.888.749.8878 Middle East+971.4.450.5852 Latin America +55.11.3309.1030Calgary, AB, Canada T2A 7X9 Europe +44 (0)1295.700.300 S.E. Asia +65.6580.3468 Other Countries +1.403.248.9226Phone: +1.403.248.9226 France +33 (0) 442.98.17.70 China +86.10.6786.7305Toll free: 1.800.663.4164 Germany 49 (0) 2137.17.6522 Australia +61.3.9464.2770www.g a info@g a MicroDock II compatibleAuxillary fi lter kitIR connectivity kitFive unit cradlePRODUCT ACCESSORIESCarrying Accessories The slim and compact GasAlertMicroClip XT provides affordable protectionfrom atmospheric hazards. With IntelliFlash, this multi-gas detector offerscontinuous visual confi rmation of detector operation and compliance. Simpleone button operation offers ultimate ease of use and signifi cantly reduces timespent training the user. The GasAlertMicroClip XT is fully compatible with BW’sMicroDock II automatic test and calibration system.Wear yellow. Work safe.GA-PA-1-(XX)Power AdaptorEnsure your detector is charged and ready for use with the power adaptor.Simply attach the detector through the charging and IR communications portand wait for the battery icon on the LCD to show the battery is fully charged.Ships with detector. Specify plug/region version (-XX): North America (none),United Kingdom (-UK), Europe (-EU), China/Australia (-CN).GA-VPA-1Vehicle Power AdaptorCharge your detector easily anywhere you go with the vehicle power adaptor(CLA) cigarette lighter adaptor. Only 12V suitable. Simply attach the detectoror battery through the charging and IR communications port and wait for thebattery icon on the LCD to show that the battery is fully charged or the LED onthe battery to turn green.GA-PA-3Direct-Wire Power AdaptorConnect directly to a 12 or 24V power system with the 12-24 V DC direct wirepower adaptor. Simply attach the detector or battery through the charging andIR communications port and wait for the battery icon on the LCD to show thatthe battery is fully charged or the LED on the battery to turn green.MC2-C01-MC5Multi-Unit Cradle ChargerSimultaneously charge fi ve detectors or batteries with the multi-unit cradlecharger. Simply slide detectors or batteries into the charger and wait for thebattery icon on the LCD to show the battery is fully charged or the LED on thebattery to turn green.GA-PA-1-MC5Multi-Unit Power AdaptorSimultaneously charge fi ve detectors or batteries with the multi-unit poweradaptor. Simply attach the detector or battery through the charging and IRcommunications port and wait for the battery icon on the LCD to show that thebattery is fully charged or the LED on the battery to turn green.GASALERTMICROCLIPXTACCESSORIESWear yellow. Work safe.GA-USB1-IRIR Connectivity KitThe IR connectivity kit easily connects through the charging and IR communications port for data downloads and access to instrument set-up options.Fleet ManagementFleet Manager IIFleet Manager II enables users to download information directly from theGasAlertMicroClipXT or the MicroDock II. Data storage and analysis is made easy.MC-AF-K1 / MC-AF1 / MC-SS-AF-K1Auxiliary Filter Kit Easily attaches in the fi eld to protect the internal fi lter.MC-TC-1Test Cap and HoseEasily deliver gas to sensor ports during remote sampling, calibration or bump testing with the test cap and hose. The test cap comes with a 1 ft./0.3 m hose.MC-AS01Manual Aspirator PumpFor remote sampling; complete with probe, hose, aspirator pump and adapter cap.D4-WT-1Hydrophobic Filter ReplacementThe Hydrophobic Filter Replacement can be easily inserted into the GasAlertMicroClip XT to prevent moisture from entering the detector. Comes in kits of 5, 50 or 100.HOSE 1-10 / 2-10 / 1-20 / 2-20 / 1-65 / 2-65Sampling HoseCollect samples from a safe distance with this sampling hose. You can connect the sampling hose to a manual aspirated or motorized sampling pump, which connects to your detector.GA-PROB1-1Sample ProbeThe Sample Probe (1 ft./0.3 m) is ideal for pick hole sampling or sampling hard to reach places. The particulate fi lters and hydrophobic barrier prevents moisture and debris from entering the detector.G4-PROB-FIL-K1Filter and Gaskets Replacement for GA-PROB1-1Replacement Hydrophobic Filters (1.0um), Particulate Filters and Gaskets for use with the Sample Probe to prevent moisture and particulates from entering the detector.G A S A L E R T M I C R O C L I P X T A C C E S S O R I E SPRODUCT ACCESSORIESMC2-SS / MC2-SS-K1Replacement Sensor ScreensEnsure that you are getting a true reading on your gas detector by replacing thesensor screen. The sensor screen prevents dirt and dust from entering the sensor.After use, the sensor screen can get clogged, affecting the readings on yourgas detector.SR-TOX-MC-DUM / SR-DUMM1 / SR-W-MC-DUMDummy SensorsIf your multi-gas detector is confi gured to monitor for less than four gases, thesedummy sensor can fi ll the extra spots.Replacement SensorsReplacement Sensors Available for all Compatible GasesReplacement H2S, CO, O2 and combustible sensors make detectormaintenance easy.DUE TO ONGOING RESEARCH AND PRODUCT IMPROVEMENT, SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Corporate Headquarterswww.ga info@ga Sensor Spares and ReplacementsWear yellow. Work safe.• GasAlertMicroClip XT • Charger wall plug• Calibration cap and tubing• Manual, materials booklet and technical reference guide• Leather carrying case • IR connectivity kit • 0.5 LPM regulator• 3 ft./1 m calibration hose with quick connect• 10 ft./3 m sampling hose with quick connect • Sampling probe• Hard-sided carrying case with lid insert pockets and foam case insertWith theGasAlertMicroClip XT ’s automatic test andcalibration system, power options to outlast your shift, one-button simplicity and IntelliFlash™ that provides continuous visual confi rmation of detector operation and compliance,multi-gas detection is made simple.Choose any sensor combination for yourGasAlertMicroClip XT multi-gas detector, which comes with a battery charger for your specifi c region. A variety of accessories and spares are available to compliment your detector and suit your application, such as confi ned space kits, carrying accessories, power options, docking station systems and sampling/testing equipment.Order SheetGASALERTMICROCLIPXTORDERSHEETNote: For a complete list of GasAlertMicroClip XT configurations please consult customer service.Wear yellow. Work safe.*For regions outside North America add to the end of the order number: “-EU” for Europe, “-UK” for United Kingdom and “-AU” for Australia/China.G A S A L E R T M I C R O C L I P X T O R D E R S H E E TPlease note that prices and specifi cations are subject to change without notice. In the event a price is published incorrectly, BW Technologies reserves the right to sell the item at the correct (actual) price.G A S A L E R T M I C R O C L I P X T O R D E R S H E E TCorporate Headquarters www.g a info@g a 。

BW Technologies LP Max XT 气体探测器用户手册说明书

BW Technologies LP Max XT 气体探测器用户手册说明书

Limited Warranty and Limitation LiabilityBW Technologies LP (BW) warrants the product to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of two years, beginning on the date of shipment to the buyer. This warranty extends only to the sale of new and unused products to the original buyer. BW’s warranty obligation is limited, at BW’s option, to refund of the purchase price, repair or replacement of a defective product that is returned to a BW authorized service center within the warranty period. In no event shall BW’s liability hereunder exceed the purchase price actually paid by the buyer for the Product.This warranty does not include:a)fuses, disposable batteries or the routine replacement of parts due to the normal wear and tear of the product arising from use;b)any product which in BW’s opinion, has been misused, altered, neglected or damaged, by accident or abnormal conditions of operation,handling or use;c)any damage or defects attributable to repair of the product by any person other than an authorized dealer, or the installation of unapprovedparts on the product; orThe obligations set forth in this warranty are conditional on:a)proper storage, installation, calibration, use, maintenance and compliance with the product manual instructions and any other applicablerecommendations of BW;b)the buyer promptly notifying BW of any defect and, if required, promptly making the product available for correction. No goods shall bereturned to BW until receipt by the buyer of shipping instructions from BW; andc)the right of BW to require that the buyer provide proof of purchase such as the original invoice, bill of sale or packing slip to establish that theproduct is within the warranty period.THE BUYER AGREES THAT THIS WARRANTY IS THE BUYER ’S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES , EXPRESS OR IMPLIED , INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . BW SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL , INDIRECT , INCIDENTAL , OR BASED ON CONTRACT , TORT OR RELIANCE OR ANY OTHER THEORY .Since some countries or states do not allow limitation of the term of an implied warranty, or exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, the limitations and exclusions of this warranty may not apply to every buyer. If any provision of this warranty is held invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision.Contacting BW Technologies by HoneywellEmail us at: ********************Visit BW Technologies by Honeywell’s website at: USA: 1-888-749-8878Canada: 1-800-663-4164Europe: +44(0) 1295 700300Other countries: +1-403-248-9226GasAlertMaxXT IIIntroductionThe Quick Reference Guide provides basic information to oper-ate the GasAlertMaxXT II gas detector. For complete operating instructions, refer to the GasAlertMaxXT II Technical Reference Guide provided on the CD-ROM. The GasAlertMaxXT II gas detector (“the detector”) is designed to warn of hazardous gas levels above user-defined alarm setpoints.The detector is a personal safety device. It is your responsibility to respond properly to the alarm.NoteThe detector is shipped with English as the defaultdisplayed language. Additional languages providedare French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese. Thescreens for the additional languages are displayed onthe detector and in the corresponding operator’smanual.Zeroing the SensorsTo zero the sensors, refer to steps #1-3 in Calibration onpage 9.Safety Information - Read FirstUse the detector only as specified in this operator’s manual and the technical reference guide, otherwise the protection provided by the detector may be impaired.Read the following Cautions before using the detector.1GasAlertMaxXT IIGasAlertMaxXT IIGasAlertMaxXT II5GasAlertMaxXT IIParts of the GasAlertMaxXT IIParts of the GasAlertMaxXT II6GasAlertMaxXT IIQuick Reference GuideDisplay ElementsGasAlertMaxXT II78GasAlertMaxXT IIQuick Reference GuideCalibration and Bump Test Installation9CalibrationCalibrationa CautionCalibrate only in a safe area that is free of hazardous gas in an atmosphere of 20.9 % oxygen. Do not calibrate the detector during or immediately after charging is complete.Note The maximum hose length for calibration is 3 ft. (1 m).NoteCalibration can be aborted at any time. To abort calibration, press C . The CAL ABORTED screen displays.1.Press and hold C as the detectorperforms the OFF countdown. Continue to hold C when the detector briefly deactivates.2.The detector activates again andperforms the CAL countdown. Continue to hold C until the countdown is complete to enter calibration.3.flashes while the detectorzeroes all of the sensors.If a sensor fails to auto zero, it cannot be spanned. When auto zero is complete, the LCD displays APPLY GAS.4.Refer to Calibration and Bump Test Installation (page 6). Attach the 0.5 l/min. regulator or the demand flow regulator and apply gas.NoteThe diffusion cover must be attached to the detector to calibrate.K flashes on the LCD. After a sufficient amount of gas has been detected (30 seconds), the detector beeps.flashes while the detectorcompletes the span.5.The LCD displays CAL DUE . Next, a screen displays showing the number of days remaining before calibration is due for each sensor. Last, the LCD displays (e.g.) CAL DUE 180 d . As some sensors require more frequentcalibrations, the LCD displays the earliestcalibration that must be performed.Refer to the following table for information about alarms and corresponding screens.NoteIf the Low Alarm Acknowledge option is enabled in Fleet Manager II, the low alarm can be acknowledged and the audible alarm deactivated by pressing C. If the alarm escalates to a high, STEL, TWA, or multi-gas alarm, the audible alarm reactivates.10LOW BATTERYNote:If enabled, during an alarm condition the Latched Alarms option causes the low and high gas alarms (audible, visual, and vibrator) to persist until the alarm is acknowledged (by pressing C) and the gas concentration is below the alarm setpoint. The LCD continues to display the high peak concentration until the alarm condition no longer exists. Enable/disable Latching Alarms in Fleet Manager II. Local regulations may require the Latching Alarms option be enabled.1112The detector, IR Link adapter, and Fleet Manager II software are required to define options. Refer to the GasAlertMax XT II Technical Reference Guide and Fleet Manager II Operator’s Manual . For user and sensor options, refer to the following:Device Configuration•Startup Message Top Line: Enter a line of text to display on the LCD during startup (maximum 25 characters).•Startup Message Bottom Line: Enter a line of text to dis-play on the LCD during startup (maximum 25 characters).•Lockout on Self-Test Error (sensor alarm lock): If a sensor fails during startup and the Lockout on Self-Test option is enabled, Safety Lock On displays on the LCD and the detector deactivates.•Safe Mode: If enabled, SAFE displays continuously on the LCD unless an alarm condition occurs.•Confidence Beep: If enabled, the confidence beep provides continuous confirmation that the detector is operating correctly. To define how often the detector beeps (every 1-120 seconds), enter the value in the Confidence Interval field. Confidence beep is automatically disabled during a low battery alarm.•Latching Alarms: Enable to ensure an alarm persists until the alarm is acknowledged and the gas concentrations are below the alarm setpoint. The audible alarm can be temporarily deactivated for 30 seconds by pressing C , but the LCD contin-ues to display the high peak concentration until the alarm con-dition no longer exists.•Force Calibration: If enabled, the detector must becalibrated if a sensor is overdue upon startup. User defined (0-365 days) in the Calibration Interval field.•Cal IR Lock (must use IR device to calibrate): If enabled, the detector automatically auto zeros, but the sensors must be•Force Bump: If enabled, a bump test must be performed to ensure the sensor(s) are responding correctly to the test gas. User defined (0-365 days) in the Bump Interval field.•Location Logging: If enabled, a series of numbers (1-999) can be entered on the detector to identify gaswells, plants, and other areas that identify the location where the detector is being used.•Force Block Test: If enabled, a pump block test must be performed during the startup tests.•Datalog Interval (seconds): Define how often the detector records a sample (every 1-120 seconds).•Confidence Interval (seconds): Define how often thedetector beeps (1-120 seconds) when the Confidence Beep option is enabled.•Language: The LCD displays the screens in English , Français (French), Deutsch (German), Español (Spanish), or Português (Portuguese). Select thelanguage from the drop-down menu in Fleet Manager II.Sensor Configuration (H 2S, CO, LEL, and O 2)•Sensor Disabled: Enables/disables the selected sensor.•Calibration Gas (ppm): Define the span gas concentration for each sensor. The span gas concentration must match the span value on the gas cylinder.•Calibration Interval (days): Define the number of days (0-365) when the next calibration is due.•Bump Interval (days): Define the number of days (0-365) when the next bump test is due.•Low Alarm (ppm): Define the low alarm setpoint for each sensor.•High Alarm (ppm): Define the high alarm setpoint for each sensor.Maintenance•TWA Alarm (ppm): Define the time-weighted average (TWA) alarm setpoint (toxic sensors only).•STEL Alarm (ppm): Define the short-term exposure limit (STEL) alarm setpoint (toxic sensors only).•STEL Interval (minutes): Define the short-term exposure limit (STEL) from 5-15 minutes (toxic sensors only).•TWA Period (hours) (TWA moving average (hours): The TWA Period option is used to define a time-weighted mov-ing average of accumulated gases over a period of 4-16 hours, to ensure the worker leaves the area whenthe defined maximum average is accumulated.•Correction Factor (%): Enter the compensation factors for hydrocarbons other than methane. The factor can only beapplied if the LEL sensor has been calibrated with methane (LEL only).•50% LEL = (%CH4): Enter a percentage value to display the LEL reading as %vol., assuming a methane environment (LEL only).•Auto-Zero on Startup: Enable/disable the detector to auto-matically zero the sensor(s) during startup (H2S, CO, LEL, and O2).•LEL by Volume CH4: If enabled, the detector operates assuming a methane (CH4) calibration. Enable to read and dis-play %CH4 values. Disable to read and display %LEL values.•5% LEL Over-span: If enabled, the detector automatically over-spans the LEL sensor by 5% LEL above the span gas concentrations to ensure the detector is in compliance with CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 152.•20.8% Base Reading: When enabled, the detector is configured to detect 20.8% O2 as ambient air. Whendisabled, the detector is configured to detect 20.9% O2as ambient air.•Low Alarm Acknowledge: If enabled, the audible alarm can be temporarily disabled during a low alarmby pressing C. The vibrator, alarm LEDs, and LCDremain operational (toxic and LEL only).MaintenanceTo maintain the detector in good operating condition, perform the following basic maintenance as required.•Calibrate, bump test, and inspect the detector on a regular schedule.•Maintain an operations log of all maintenance, bump tests, cali-brations, and alarm events.•Clean the exterior with a soft damp cloth. Do not use solvents, soaps, or polishes.•Do not immerse the detector in liquids.Charging the Detectora WarningCharge only in a safe area that is free of hazardous gas within temperatures of 32°F-113°F (0°C-45°C).Charge the battery after each workday. To charge the battery, refer to the following procedures and illustration:1.Deactivate the detector.2.Insert the charging adapter plug into an AC outlet.3.Connect the charging adapter to the detector IRreceptacle. Refer to the following illustration.4.Allow the battery to charge for 6 hours.1314a WarningTo avoid personal injury and/or property damage, only use sensors that are specifically designed for the detector.NoteDetectors that are configured for 1, 2, or 3 gases maycontain a dummy sensor in one of the four sensorlocations.To replace a sensor or sensor filter, refer to the following figure,table and procedures #1-13.15161.Deactivate the detector.2.Remove the pump inlet screw and the pump inlet.3.Remove the six machine screws from the rear shell.shell by lifting upward and tilting to the left. Both therear and front shell are laying flat side by side.5.Remove the two PCB screws.6.Lift the PCB upward and tilt to the left. Lay the PCB(sensors facing up) onto the rear shell.17remove.To remove the oxygen sensor, gently insert a screw-driver to the back of the oxygen sensor to push out the sensor.8.Insert the new sensor(s) and replace the sensor filter.9.Reassemble the detector and replace the two PCB screws.10.Replace the six machine screws.11.If required, replace the pump and moisture filter.12.Replace the pump inlet and the pump inlet screw.sensor(s). Refer to Calibration .SpecificationsInstrument dimensions: 13.1 x 7.0 x 5.2 cm (5.1 x 2.8 x 2.0 in.)Weight: 328 g (11.6 oz.)Operating temperature: -20°C 1 to +50°C (-4°F to +122°F)Storage temperature: -40°C 1 to +60°C (-40°F to +140°F)Operating humidity: 10% to 100% relative humidity (non-condensing)Dust and moisture ingress: IP66/IP67Alarm setpoints: May vary by region and are user-defined Detection range:H 2S: 0 - 200 ppm (1 ppm increments)CO: 0 - 1000 ppm (1 ppm increments)O 2: 0 - 30.0% vol. (0.1% vol. increments)Combustible (LEL): 0 - 100% (1% LEL increments) or0-4.4% v./v CH41.Standard release data. This product has extended characteristics. For specifications refer to EAC Ex certificate and Pattern Approval document.1822Combustibles: Plug-in catalytic beadO 2 measuring principle: Capillary controlled concentration sensorAlarm conditions: TWA alarm, STEL alarm, low alarm, high alarm, multi-gas alarm, over limit (OL) alarm, low battery alarm, confidence beep, automatic deactivation alarm, and pump alarmAudible alarm: 95 dB+ at 30 cm variable pulsed beeper with full battery chargeVisual alarm: Red light-emitting diodes (LEDs)Display: Alphanumeric liquid crystal display (LCD)Backlight: Activates upon startup and when the pushbutton is pressed; deactivates after 10 seconds. Also activates during an alarm condition and remains lit until alarm ceases Self-test: Initiated at activation and tests continuously Calibration: Automatic zero and automatic spanUser field options: Startup message, lockout on self-test error, safe mode, confidence beep, latching alarms, force calibration, cal IR lock, force bump, location logging, force block test,set datalog interval, set confidence interval, language selection Sensor options: Sensor enable/disable, set span calibration values, set calibration interval, set bump interval, set alarm setpoints, set STEL interval, set TWA period, auto zero atBattery operating time:One rechargeable lithium polymer: 13 hours (typical)Year of manufacture: The detector's year of manufacture is determined from the serial number. The second and third num-ber after the second letter determines the year of manufacture. E.g., MA 110-000001 = 2010 year of manufacture Approved batteries:North AmericaApproved batteries for GasAlertMax XT II product:Lithium-ion polymer battery as per standards EN50020, UL913, C22.2 No. 157Rechargeable battery (MX-BAT01) T emperature code Lithium polymer -20°C ≤ Ta ≤ +50°C T4Battery charger: charging adapter First-time charge: 6 hours Normal charge: 6 hoursWarranty: 2 years including sensors Approvals:Approved by CSA to both U.S. and Canadian Standards CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 157 and C22.2 152GasAlertMaxXT IIThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules and ICES-003 Canadian EMI requirements. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a partic-ular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interfer-ence to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to •Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.CSA Class I, Division 1, Group A, B, C, and DATEX CE 0539 g II 1 G Ex da ia IIC T4 GaKEMA 08 ATEX 0001EN 60079-0, EN 60079-1, EN 60079-11IECEx Ex da ia IIC T4 Ga CSA 07.0012IEC 60079-0, IEC 60079-1, IEC 60079-11INMETRO Ex ia IIC T4 Ga DNV 12.0135KTL12-KB4BO-0054aa. /~/media/honey-well-analytics/products/gasalertmax-xt-ii/documents/certi-fications/koreanexcertificate_bw_gamaxxtii_12kb4-bo0054.pdf?la=enIP IP66/IP6719GasAlertMaxXT II20。



BW产品规格书加拿大BW气体检测仪价格表市场参考价格表(RMB)第一部分BW便携式气体检测仪/报警器★GA-系列单一气体检测仪/报警器型号仪器说明随机:可更换的电池和传感器﹑皮带卡夹﹑测试卡和软管﹑BW 质检报告﹑中英文说明书功能:液晶数字显示﹑声光彩色报警﹑内置高低限和TWA报警及峰值﹑启动自动测试功能GA-2X O2检测仪(量程:0-30.0%)低限报警19.5%,高限报警23.5%GA-H H2S检测仪(量程:0-100ppm)低10ppm,高15ppm,TWA10ppmGA-M CO检测仪(量程:0-999ppm)低35ppm,高200ppm,TWA35ppmGA-W LEL/CH4可燃性气体检测仪(LEL量程:0-100%)低10%,高20%GA-S SO2检测仪(量程:0-100ppm)低2ppm,高5ppm,TWA2ppmGA-C Cl2检测仪(量程:0-50.0ppm)低0.5ppm,高1.0ppm,TWA0.5ppmGA-Z HCN检测仪(量程:0-30.0ppm)低 4.7ppm,高10ppm,TWA4.7ppmGA-D NO2检测仪(量程:0-99.9ppm)低 3.0ppm,高5.0ppm,TWA3.0ppmGA-A NH3检测仪(量程:0-100ppm)低25 ppm,高50ppm,TWA25ppmGA-P PH3检测仪(量程:0-5.0ppm)低 1.0ppm,高★GAXT-系列防水型单一气体检测仪/报警器型号仪器说明随机:可更换电池和传感器﹑不锈钢卡夹﹑测试卡帽和软管﹑BW 质检报告﹑中英文说明书功能:密封防护等级IP66/67防水防雨防尘,内置振动功能;液晶数字显示﹑声光报警﹑内置高低限和TWA/STEL报警及峰值﹑启动自动GAXT-X O2检测仪(量程:0-30.0%)低限报警19.5%,高限报警22.5%GAXT-H H2S检测仪(量程:0-100ppm)低10ppm,高15ppm,TWA 10ppmGAXT-M CO检测仪(量程:0-999ppm)低35ppm,高200ppm,TWA 35ppmGAXT-S SO2检测仪(量程:0-100ppm)低2ppm,高5ppm,TWA 2ppmGAXT-C Cl2检测仪(量程:0-50.0ppm)低0.5ppm,高1.0ppm,TWA0.5ppmGAXT-Z HCN检测仪(量程:0-30.0ppm)低4.7ppm,高10ppm,TWA4.7ppmGAXT-D NO2检测仪(量程:0-99.9ppm)低2.0ppm,高5.0ppm,TWA2.0ppmGAXT-A NH3检测仪(量程:0-100ppm)低25 ppm,高50ppm,TWA25ppmGAXT-P PH3检测仪(量程:0-5.0ppm)低0.3ppm,高1.0ppm,TWA 0.3ppmGAXT-G O3检测仪(量程:0-1.0ppm)低0.1ppm,高0.2ppm,TWA 0.1ppmGAXT-E ETO检测仪(量程:0-100.0ppm)低1ppm,高5ppm,TWA1ppmGAXT-N NO检测仪(量程:0-250ppm)低25 ppm,高GAXT-V ClO2检测仪(量程:0-1.0ppm)低0.1ppm,高0.3ppm,TWA0.1ppm选存储器出厂设置5秒/组数据,一个月数据存储量,可设1-60秒/组★MC系列多功能气体检测仪﹡可选二、三、四种气体型号仪器说明随机:可更换的电池和传感器﹑皮带卡夹﹑测试卡帽和软管﹑BW 质检报告﹑中英文说明书功能:液晶数字显示﹑声光报警﹑内置设定高低限报警TWA显示﹑启动自动测试功能MC-4四合一气体检测:%LEL,O2,CO,H2S;MC-3H三合一气体检测:%LEL,O2,H2S;MC-3M三合一气体检测:%LEL,O2,CO;MC-3S三合一气体检测:%LEL,O2,SO2;MC-2二合一气体检测:%LEL,O2;MC-2HW二合一气体检测:%LEL,H2S;选:DL2-IR数据32MB MMC存储卡和免费软件CD-ROM选:-C01-K4节AA NiMH充电电池和一个220VAC四座充电器型号仪器说明GAMAX XT II-4四合一气体检测:%LEL,O2,CO,H2S;GAMAX XT II-3H三合一气体检测:%LEL,O2,H2S;GAMAX XT II-2二合一气体检测:%LEL,O2;M5型号随机:电池和被测传感器﹑皮带卡夹﹑测试卡帽和软管﹑BW 质检报告﹑中英文说明书功能:液晶数字显示﹑声光报警﹑内置设定高低限报警TWA 显示﹑启动自动测试功能主机随机:220VAC 两座充电器带1节充电镍锰或镍锌电池﹑可更换的传感器﹑内置采样气泵和3米采样软管和标定软管﹑携带保护外套﹑过滤功能:大屏幕液晶显示,声光彩色报警,内设高低限TWA 报警, 启动自动测试功能,使用者可根据需要设置高低报警点★ GAMAX XT II-多功能气体检测仪﹡可选二、三、四种气体选件3:可加装有毒气体传感器2(只能选择其一)①. COSH ¥3840;②.H2S ¥2730;③.CO ¥2860;④.SO2,Cl2,ClO2,NH3,P H3,HCN,NO2,O3 单价均为¥4300, PID ¥8500选件4:电池选件 0.碱性电池¥0 ;1.可充电镍锰电池NiMH 和充电器¥2200选件1:可燃性气体和氧气传感器(只能选择其一)①.LEL 可燃性气体¥2500;②.O2氧气¥1980;③.LEL/O2可燃性气体和氧气¥4500选件2:可加装有毒气体传感器1(只能选择其一)①.H2S ¥2730;②.CO ¥2860;③.SO2,Cl2,ClO2,NH3,PH3,HCN,NO2,O3 单价均为¥4300选件5:采样方法:0.扩散式¥0 ;1.电动泵吸式¥3500选件6:数据记录: 0.无数据记录¥0 ;1. 32MB 数据记录卡和软件¥1500★GasAlertMicro5-系列多功能气体检测仪﹡可选一、二、三、四、五种气体型号仪器说明监测:环境温度T°,相对湿度RH ,CO2, CO;范围:CO 0-250ppm 或500ppm(可选择);温度T°0℃-40℃CO2 0-5.000或0-10.000ppm(可选择);RH 0-95%监测:环境温度T°,相对湿度RH ,CO2;范围:环境温度T°0-40℃ ,相对湿度RH 0-95%CO2 0-5.000或0-10.000ppm(可选择);监测:CO2, CO;范围:CO 0-250ppm 或500ppm(可选择);CO2 0-5.000或0-10.000ppm(可选择);IAQ-1监测:CO2;范围: CO2 0-5.000或0-10.000ppm(可选择);选:-DL 数据存储卡及免费软件CD-ROM,下载数据读取器GAA-GA-系列加内置振动功能(适合于GA-系列单一气体检测仪)GA-SPAK自动采样气泵带采样软管3米及过滤器(适合于GA-,GAMIC-)D4-AS01手动采样气泵,带3米采样软管(适合于GA-,GAMIC-)GA-AS02手动采样气泵,带0.3米采样探管(适合于GA-,GAMIC-)随机:传感器﹑可充电的锂电池﹑AC 电源适配器﹑仪器﹑BW 质检报告﹑中英文说明书功能:大屏幕数字显示,声光彩色报警,内设高低限TWA 报警, 启动自动测试功能,可根据需要设置报警点★ GasProbe 空气质量监测仪第二部分 BW 在线式气体监测仪/变送器/接收器IAQ-4IAQ-3IAQ-2附件、选件、替换及配件:型号仪器说明CR-4000CR-4000四通道气体控制器(110VAC,230VAC 和24VDC )四通道气体接收控制器(不锈钢)-可移动声音报警蜂鸣器四SPDT 通道报警交替显示(失败、低、高、高-高报警)型号仪器说明GP-WD 可燃气体监测仪(0-100%LEL 催化传感器)GP-IR-WD 可燃气体监测仪(0-100%LEL 红外传感器)GP-HDH2S 气体监测仪﹡可选0-100/50/500/20/30/1000/200ppm GP-MDCO 气体监测仪﹡可选0-500/1000/100/50/200ppm GP-ADNH3气体监测仪﹡可选0-50/100/150/1000ppm GP-ZDHCN 气体监测仪﹡可选020.0/50.0/100ppm GP-DDNO2气体监测仪﹡可选0-10.0/20.0ppm GP-SDSO2气体监测仪﹡可选0-100/50/20/10/2.00ppm GP-CDCl2气体监测仪﹡可选0-5.0/10.0/100/500ppm GP-XDO2气体监测仪﹡可选0-25%/30%GP-SEP 传感器分离装置盒RRJ-4000隔爆型,三线4-20mA 可进控制系统(DCS,PLC 等)或BW 控制接收器CR-4000和RRJ-4000包括传感器、两个LCD 显示浓度和成份及状态,三个输出(低、高、失败),可选测量范围功能:可选BW 4-20mA 输出:GasPoint;I.S.Plant Rat;CD-420;ToxyPoint;RRJ Monitors特点:每通道单独显示,安装简单和维护方便,声音报警85dB, 高、低、失败三种报警,背光液晶显示,可选交直流供电115/230V AC 或CR-4000和RRJ-4000四通道气体控制接收器Gas Point 隔爆型4-20mA 信号输出气体监测仪型号仪器说明ISPR2-DH(#)H2S监测仪﹡可选0-100/50/500/20/30/1000/200ppm ISPR2-DM(#)CO监测仪﹡可选0-500/1000/100/50/200ppmISPR2-DX(#)O2监测仪﹡可选0-25%/30%ISPR2-DS(#)SO2监测仪﹡可选0-100/50/20/10/2.00ppmISPR2-DCCl2监测仪﹡可选0-5.0/10.0/100/500ppm ISPR2-DV(#)ClO2监测仪﹡可选0-5.00/1.00ppmISPR2-DA(#)NH3监测仪﹡可选0-50/100/150/1000ppm ISPR2-DZ(#)HCN监测仪﹡可选020.0/50.0/100ppm ISPR2-DD(#)NO2监测仪﹡可选0-10.0/20.0ppmISPR2-DN(#)NO监测仪﹡可选0-50/100ppmISPR2-DL(#)HCl监测仪﹡可选0-10.0/20.0/100ppm ISPR2-DB(#)C2H6O监测仪﹡可选0-10.0/20.0ppm ISPR2-DE(#)C2H4O监测仪﹡可选0-10.0/20.0/100ppm ISPR2-DY(#)H2监测仪﹡可选0-100/200/800ppm ISPR2-DGO3监测仪﹡可选0-1.00/2.00ppmISPF5-D(x#)I.S.Plant Rat 加气体取样装置,每单元加收不要显示模块监测仪无显示,替换本安防爆型,两线4-20mA 可进控制系统(DCS,PLC等)或BW 控制接收器CR-4000和RRJ-4000包括传感器、可选测量范围、数字显示、模块化设计、标定卡帽、标定工具和仪器I.S.Plant Rat 在线式4-20mA有毒/氧气气体监测仪CD-420通用型4-20mA有毒和氧气气体监测变送器型号仪器说明CD-420-3H H2S 监测变送器﹡可选0-100ppm/0-50ppm/0-500ppm CD-420-3A NH3监测变送器﹡可选0-100ppm/0-500ppm CD-420-3C Cl2监测变送器﹡可选0-100ppm/0-20ppmCD-420-3S SO2监测变送器﹡可选0-50ppm/0-20ppm/0-10ppmCD-420-3DNO2监测变送器﹡可选0-10ppm/0-20ppm CD-420-3M CO 监测变送器可选0-500ppm/1000ppm/100ppm/200ppmCD-420-3X O2监测变送器﹡可选0-25%/0-30%型号仪器说明RRJ-RW04可燃气体(0-100%LEL )传感器输出4-20mA,3线RRJ-RH04H2S(0-100ppm)传感器输出4-20mA,2线RRJ-RX04O2(0-25%)传感器输出4-20mA,2线RRJ-RM04CO(0-500ppm)传感器输出4-20mA,2线型号仪器说明AR-PRH(#)-2D H2S 监测仪﹡可选0-100/50/500/20/30/1000/200ppm AR-PRM(#)-2D CO 监测仪﹡可选0-500/1000/100/50/200ppm AR-PRX1(#)-2D O2监测仪﹡可选0-25%V/VRRJ 系列—两年质保包括传感器,零维护4-20mA 输出气体传感器/输出本安防爆型,101dB 声音警报和LED 显示,蜂鸣器和四继电输出(失败、低、高、高-高报警),3位半液晶现场显示NEMA 4X 外壳,对Alarm Rat 单点AC/DC 在线式有毒/氧气气体监测仪监测空气中有毒/氧气浓度,两线4-20mA 输出,包括传感器、标定卡帽、标定工具和仪器输出4-20mA 信号进控制系统(DCS,PLC 等)或BW 控制接收器CR-4000或RRJ-4000AR-PRS(#)-2D SO2监测仪﹡可选0-100/50/20/10/2.00ppm AR-PRC(#)-2D Cl2监测仪﹡可选0-5.0/10.0/100/500ppmAR-PRV(#)-2D ClO2监测仪﹡可选0-5.00/1.00ppmAR-PRA(#)-2D NH3监测仪﹡可选0-50/100/150/1000ppmAR-PRZ(#)-2D HCN监测仪﹡可选020.0/50.0/100ppmAR-PRD(#)-2D NO2监测仪﹡可选0-10.0/20.0ppmAR-PRN(#)-2D NO监测仪﹡可选0-50/100ppmAR-PRL(#)-2DHCl监测仪﹡可选0-10.0/20.0/100ppmAR-PRB(#)-2D C2H6O监测仪﹡可选0-10.0/20.0ppmAR-PRE(#)-2DC2H4O监测仪﹡可选0-10.0/20.0/100ppmAR-PRY(#)-2D H2监测仪﹡可选0-1.00/2.00ppmAR-PR(x#)-3DAlarm Rat 带4-20mA输出,后缀加“-3D”不要显示模块监测仪无显示,替换MB)气体检测仪/报警器价格已停产已停产已停产已停产已停产已停产已停产已停产已停产已停产价格高低限和TWA/STEL报警及峰值﹑启动自动测试功能﹑多种语言显示选择¥6000.00¥6000.00¥6000.00¥7500.00¥7500.00¥7500.00¥7500.00¥7500.00¥7500.00¥7500.00¥7500.00¥7500.00¥7500.00加¥1500.00 价格¥12000.00¥11000.00¥11000.00¥12000.00¥8400.00¥9000.00加¥1500.00加¥600.00价格采样软管和标定软管﹑携带保护外套﹑过滤器﹑BW质检报告﹑中英文说明书据需要设置高低报警点¥17500.00¥17000.00¥15000.00仪器说明价格¥5800.00价格¥12000.00加¥3000.0060485180¥700.00¥3500.00¥1000.00¥1000.00置报警点体监测仪/变送器/接收器¥16500.00¥14000.00¥14000.00价格液晶显示,可选交直流供电115/230V AC或24V DC供电,防护等级NEMA 4X¥13800.00¥18000.00价格¥13800.00¥13800.00 ¥15300.00 ¥15300.00 ¥16700.00 ¥16700.00 ¥15300.00 ¥15300.00 ¥13500.00 ¥3500.00 价格¥11000.00 ¥11000.00 ¥11000.00 ¥12500.00 ¥12500.00 ¥12500.00 ¥12500.00 ¥13800.00 ¥13300.00 ¥13800.00 ¥13800.00 ¥13800.00 ¥13800.00 ¥13200.00 ¥13800.00 加¥6900.00 减¥1250.00 价格¥6900.00¥8300.00¥8300.00¥8300.00¥4500.00¥6300.00价格¥6500.00¥5400.00¥5400.00¥5400.00价格),3位半液晶现场显示NEMA 4X外壳,对RFI/EMI屏蔽,可选测量范围¥22000.00¥22000.00¥22000.00¥23000.00¥23000.00¥23000.00¥23000.00¥24000.00¥24000.00¥24000.00¥24000.00¥24000.00¥24000.00¥24000.00加¥1400.00减¥1250.00。

BW GasAlertMicroClip气体检测仪

BW GasAlertMicroClip气体检测仪

BW GasAlertMicroClip气体检测仪使用说明[字号:大中小] [浏览次数:24]⇒首次使用前先对检测仪充电。












⇒检测仪读数突然上升然后下降或读数不稳可能表示一种气体浓度超出量程上限, 可能是有危险的.⇒ GasAlertMicroClip检测仪长时间暴露于某种浓度的可燃气或空气有可能会加重检测仪的负荷,结果可能会严重影响其性能。



• 启动检测仪,按 C• 关闭检测仪,按住 C 直到OFF(关机)标识倒计时完成,LCD关闭。

• 查看TWA,STEL和最大值(MAX),按C两次;清除TWA,STEL和MAX值,待屏幕出现RE SET(复位)时,按 C。

• 使检测仪进入校准操作,按住 C,检测仪先完成OFF倒计时,继续按住C,显示屏暂时关闭,然后出现CAL倒计时。



Gas Alert Micro5系列保护自己:GasAlertMicro 5 最多可同时监控和显示 5 种有害气体。

GasAlertMicro 5 适用于各种应用,具有多种选择的现场用户设定选项,提供标准的有毒气体模式、检测 VOC 的PID 模式或 CO2 检测的 IR 模式。


GasAlertMicro 5 可兼容BW 的MicroDock II 自动测试和校准系统,具有无与伦比的多功能性、性能和整体价值。

多种气体探测器:VOCs、CO2、LEL、H2S、CO、O2、SO2、PH3、NH3、NO2、HCN、Cl2、ClO2、O3•最多可同时测量 5 种有害气体• 完全自定义,适合于任何应用• 在现场可迅速从扩散模式切换到可选的连体泵传感器:GasAlertMicro 5 有 3 种模式:有毒/电化、PID(用于VOC)或 IR(用于 CO2)。

有关可用传感器配置的更多信息,请与BW Technologies 联系,或参考最新 BWTechnoliges 报价单中的 GasAlertMicro 5 订购和定价信息电化和催化珠型传感器可用于:H2S 、CO、 O2、SO2 、Cl2 、ClO2、NH3 、PH3 、HCN、NO2、O3、可燃气体 (LEL)光电离传感器可用于检测挥发性有机化合物 (VOC)。

光电离传感器可用于检测挥发性有机化合物 (VOC)。

1 注意:由于主板和传感器配置的缘故,GasAlertMicro 5模式不可互换(例如,PID 传感器不可用于 IR 配置的设备)。

2 扩散和泵的配置均与 MicroDock II- 自动冲击测试和校准系统兼容BW 产品的标准功能:• 不间断 LCD 显示实时气体浓度• 防水• 自动校准程序;与 BW MicroDock II 自动测试和校准站兼容• 启动时进行传感器、电池状态、电路完好性和声音/视觉警报的全功能自检• 明亮的广角可视警报光柱• 内置式防震外罩其它 GasAlertMicro 5 特点:•可用于远程采样的内置电动泵•配有内置振动警报,适用于高噪声区•两种供电方式:AA 碱性电池,或者可即时更换的充电电池组•多语言支持,包括英语、法语、德语、西班牙语和葡萄牙语选件与附件:•连体泵和电池、充电器•受限空间工具套装•皮套•可折叠采样、探头(本资料素材和资料部分来自网络,仅供参考。

加拿大BW中国技术服务中心 GasAlertMax H2S, CO, O2, LEL 中文用户说明书

加拿大BW中国技术服务中心 GasAlertMax H2S, CO, O2, LEL 中文用户说明书

自动关断告警 ............................................................. 23
校准并设定告警设定点........................................................ 24
准则 ...................................................................
BW Technologies 仅授权经销商将本保证提供给购买新的、未曾使用过的产品的最终用户。经销商无权以 BW Technologies 的名义来给予其它任何担保。保修服务仅限于从 BW Technologies 授权销售处所购买的产品,或购买者已付出 适当的BW Technologies 国际价格。在某一国家购买而需要在另一国家维修的产品,BW Technologies 保留向购买者征收维 修/更换零件进口费用的权利。
检测器维护.................................................................. 34
更换电池 ................................................................. 34
泵校准 ................................................................... 36

引言 .................................................................. ….. 1 与 BW Technologies 联系的方式 .............................................. 2 安全信息 - 首先阅读 ........................................................ 2 入门指南 ................................................................... 6 启动检测器 ................................................................. 10



加拿大 BW 气体检测仪作为国际一线品牌产品,不仅具有优异的产品质量和性能,同

H2S, C
GasAlertl00 对短期工作项目而言是一种实用且划算的解决方案.GasAlertl00 自启动之
可以将数据自动传输到计算机或 MicroDock ll 对接站模块中。无需接线!
GasAlertExtreme 延续了 BW Technologies 产品的优良传统,包括前沿的功能,无故障地 操作,经久耐用,
并且是当今市场上所有单一气体检测仪中使用价格最低的产品。 坚固耐用的 GasAlertMax XT 可以可靠地监测最多四种有毒气体,它将直观的单按钮界 面操作与 4 体化采样泵结合起来。防篡改、用户可调节选项允许自定义该仪器,以适合您的 应用。采用新的智能泵技术后,进入受限空间和远程采样的容易程度是前所未有的。最大程 度降低泵阻塞的几率,并提高了远程采样结果的精度。GasAlertMax XT 同 MicroDock II 自 动测试和校准系统完全兼容
加拿大 BW 公司是一家本部设在加拿大卡尔加里市的跨国集团公司,其服务和分销中心遍 布世界六大洲,BW 是一家在伦敦证券市场的上市公司,2006 年被 Honeywell 收购,与英国 CITY 传感器公司,共同作为霍尼韦尔集团的安全检测仪器 Safety 部门的主要企业。
BW 公司专业从事便携式和固定式工业安全气体检测仪的生产和销售,其便携式仪器以 专业化的设计、高质量、体积小巧美观、高性价比以及良好的服务在工业安全气体检测行业 为大家所称道。


⇒ 不要在危险区域更换电池或为电池充电。否则会削
⇒ 仅适用于可能包含易爆气体的场合,其中氧气浓度
不超过 20.9% (v/v)。
⇒ 将 GasAlertMicro 长时间曝露在一定浓度的可燃
气体和空气环境中可能会给检测仪组件带来压力, 从而严重影响检测仪的性能。如果传感器因遇到高 浓度的可燃气体而发出警报,应重新校准传感器, 必要时应予以更换。
要启动检测仪,请在正常环境下(氧气浓度为 20.9%)按 A。
要关闭检测仪,请按住 A 并持续 5 秒钟。 6
1. 在干净的环境中,同时按住 C 和 H 并持续 5 秒钟。检测仪将响四 声。检测仪再响一声,表示已开始校 准。
4. 按 H 或 G 更改报警点。按 A 跳 至下一个报警点。按 C 进行保存。 报警点设置过程结束时,检测仪将响 四声。
本快速参考指南提供有关 GasAlertMicro 的基本信息。有关完整 的操作说明,请参考随附光盘上的用户手册。GasAlertMicro 气 体检测仪(以下简称“检测仪”)可在危险气体水平超出用户设 置的报警点时发出警告。 检测仪属于个人安全装置。对警报作出正确响应是您的责任。
注意 检测仪出厂时的显示语言为英语。葡萄牙文、西班牙语、 德语和法语指南均附有相应的屏幕图符。
退回 BW; c) BW 有权要求客户提供购买凭证,如原始发票、销售契约或装箱单,以确定产品未过担保期。 客户同意本担保是客户唯一的赔偿条款,并可代替其他全部保证,无论是明示的或暗示的,包括但不限于对于产品的适销性或针对特殊目的的



加拿大BW一氧化碳检测仪LDGA24XT-MGasAlertClip Extreme免维护气检仪仅需按下START/TEST(启动/测试)钮,即可开始使用。


GasAlertClip Extreme外套含有一个内建防震罩及一个耐用不锈钢鳄鱼腰带夹。



✧仅需将GasAlertClip Extreme夹在衣襟、口袋、腰带或头盔上,便可达到无与伦比、经济实惠的防护目的。


✧报警事件自动记录传送到红外线打印机或通过USB红外(IR)数据连接器(DataLink)直接传输给计算机✧存储的数据可通过红外连接器直接传输到无线红外打印机中立即打印输出,或者传输到MicroDock II对接站模块,或者通过计算机USB端口上连接的红外适配器传输到个人计算机中。

✧可视警报:连带红色四芯LED闪灯广角警报透镜,以及闪灯ALARM(警报)图标✧可听警报:距0.3米(1英尺)为95分贝(典型)的脉冲高输出警报声二、技术参数尺寸:28x50x81毫米/1.1x2.0x3.2英寸重量:76克/2.7盎司警报:高和低(可按要求显示为ppm或%)采样方式:扩散式电池:每隔2小时(自动)操作温度:H2S -40至+50℃;CO/SO2 -30至+50℃;O2 -20至+50℃相对湿度(非冷凝):5%至95%相对湿度三、等级/认证IP66 / 67防护等级EMI/RFI:符合EMC Directive 89/366/EECClass I, Div. 1, Gr. A, B, C, DAmerican Bureau of ShippingATEX: II 1 G T4;Ex ia IIC T4 IECEx: Ex ia IIC T4European Conformity四、订货信息:。

BW DEFENDER多气体检测仪 说明书

BW DEFENDER多气体检测仪 说明书

BW Technologies introduces the BW DEFENDER Multi-Gas Detector for monitoring four or two hazardous gases simultaneously and continuously:combustibles,oxygen (deficiency/enrichment),carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide.The instrument isdesigned for field friendly operation with large,bright gas/alarm indicators and one button operation.The BW DEFENDER provides effective,reliable protection usingforefront microcontroller and sensor technology .Easier:Permanently attached,dual mode MotorizedSampling Pump monitors in either Active Sampling Modeor Ambient Diffusion Mode.Change modes at the flick ofa switch.Smarter:Advanced Microprocessor operation ensures reliability with morefeatures and simplified user operation.Larger:Individual LCD Readouts for eachGas.Each Gas is identified with the unit ofmeasure (ppm,% 02by volume and % LEL).Records and Displays:TWA (Time Weighted Average) toxic gas exposures.Peak Exposures Encountered for each gas.Displays readings on demandLouder and Brighter:High Output Audible/Visual Alarms.Two “Sunbright"Flashing Alarm LEDs90 dB variable pulsed Audible Alarm.CONVENIENCE and SAFETY:The VERSAPAK NiCad battery is easyto replace and provides up to 16 hoursof operation.Power:BLACK & DECKER VERSAPAKrechargeable "Power Tool" batteryavailable at local retailers worldwide.Simpler:Single push-buttonoperation.Tougher:Rugged,RFIProtected,ErgonomicallyDesigned Enclosure.Smaller:Weighsonly 14.85 ouncesincluding the battery and sampling pump.The compact,lightweight BW DEFENDER fits in the palm of your hand.Simply smarter and easier to use with functions performed automatically.The larger alphanumeric LCD screens keep you advised of any gas hazard present.BW DEFENDER automatically executes a Self Test each time it is turned ON.- Auto Zero and Auto Calibration -Auto zero the sensors,at any time,without calibration gas. Calibrate one or all four sensors automatically.BW DEFENDER will advise when to apply gas and check the test gas to see which sensors are to be calibrated.The plug-in sensors housed ina separate sensor compartmentare unobtrusively and easilychanged at any time,even in the field.- Audible Visual Alarms -Audible and multiple visual alarmsactivate ensuring maximum protection.Low and High alarms are factory set tocurrent OSHA standards and can be resetby the user at any time.In Low Alarm,the audible sounds in a slow repeatingpattern and the visual alarm LEDs willflash in sync.High Alarm conditionsfeature an urgent faster audible andvisual pattern.As well,the LCD readoutflashes to advise you which gas hazardis present and the Low and/or High alarm ICON appears and flashes indicating the Alarm level exceeded.Also,the LCD backlight illuminates while in alarm condition.- Integral Sampling Pump -Conveniently change from active motorized sampling mode to diffusion mode at the flick of a switch.Permanently attached, the rugged pump is one less item to carry,charge or maintainin the field.The revolutionary,high efficiency rotary vane design provides the benefits of a small turbine - greater reliability with less friction - it is not pressure sensitive.Should a hose/probe become clogged or plugged,the audible/visual Low Flow Alarm will trigger.If the pump is continuously operated by theBW DEFENDER battery,expect 8-9 hours operation.Carrying Cases:The top grain leather case has a belt loopand a clear front cover.Access the controlswithout removing the detector.A shockresistant carrying boot is also available.Calibration Gases and Kits:BW DEFENDER quality quad (four in one)Calibration and Alarm Test gases ensureaccuracy.Kits include the gas cylinder andregulator in a convenient carrying case.STATUS at a Glance:BW DEFENDER ICONS and the intelligentalphanumeric LCD readouts provide informationand guidance clearly and quickly.- Additional Features and Functions -Two (2) levels of Alarm for each gas sensed.Current Alarm Setpoints are displayed each time theinstrument is turned ON.Low Battery Warning provides a 30 minute alert.LCD Backlight activated in poor light at the touch of a button.LCD Backlight illuminates in any gas alarm condition.BW DEFENDER cannot be accidentally shut OFF.Missing sensor alarm advises which sensor is missing.LEL sensor Over-Range alarm advise protection.Confidence Beep is field selectable.Gas Alarms take priority over all other alarms.2 Year Warranty on all sensors.Confined Space Kit:The value added kit includes aBW DEFENDER complete withmotorized sampling pump,10' samplehose,2 VERSAPAK batteries,110 VACcharger,wrist strap,calibration gascylinder,regulator,and carrying case.Remote Sampling Accessories:The tygon Sampling Hoses and SamplingProbes are equipped with quick connectsfor easy field use.Sampling Pump Modelscome complete with a 10 foot hose. Batteries and Fast Chargers:The BW DEFENDER includes2 VERSAPAK "Power Tool"NiCad Batteries and a 2-portBLACK & DECKER 3 hourcharger.A Vehicle Charger isalso available.Battery Level:The batterycondition is constantly displayed.Alarm Advise:Flashing iconsadvise the Gas Alarm Levelencountered - Low,High,STEL,TWA or Multiple gas alarm.Motorized Pump:The FAN iconappears and spins when the pumpis ON and flashes in Low Flow Alarm.Automatic Zero/Calibration: Advisesas each automatic function takes placeand when to apply gas.Password Security: The KEY icon is litif calibration and alarm setpoint functionsare password protected.External Alarms:A.Vibrating AlarmB.Audible/Visual Alarm A.B."Innovators in Gas Detection"SPECIFICATIONSBW DEFENDER MULTI-GAS DETECTOR Size:4 x 4.8 x 1.4 in.(10.3 x 12.4 x 3.6 cm)4 x 6 x 1.4 in.(10.3 x 15.4 x 3.6 cm) with Sampling Pump Weight:13.27 ounces (375 grams) including battery 14.85 ounces (424 grams) including battery and Sampling Pump Enclosure:Rugged,high impact resistant,composite material,RFI/EMI shielded Sensors:Combustible Gases:Plug-in Catalytic Toxic & Oxygen Gases:Plug-in Electrochemical Measuring Range:Combustible Gases:0 to 100% LELOxygen:0 to 25% by volumeCarbon Monoxide:0 to 500 ppmHydrogen Sulfide:0 to 100 ppmPower Source:Rechargeable BLACK & DECKER VERSAPAK NiCad batteryBattery Life:Diffusion Model up to 16 hours;Continuous Pump operation 8 - 9 hoursDisplay:Four (4) large gas specific alphanumeric LCD readoutsTemperature Range:-20 to +50ºC (-4 to +122ºF) Lower temp.range versions availableHumidity: 5 to 95% RH non-condensingWarranty:Full 2 year warranty including all sensors - BW DEFENDER is delivered complete - ready for use with -The BLACK & DECKER 2-port 110 VAC Charger, two VERSAPAK Batteries, Earphone, Wrist Strapand Calibration Cup Adaptor with Diffusion Models - Not required with Pump Models.ORDERING INFORMATIONValue Added Confined Space Kit:D4-CS-KIT Includes complete instrument in a rugged hard sided Carrying Case;4-Gas BW DEFENDER with Motorized Sampling Pump,10 foot SamplingHose,BLACK & DECKER 2-port 110 VAC Charger,two VERSAPAKBatteries,Earphone,Wrist Strap and Quad 34 litre Calibration GasCylinder and Calibration Hose.Complete Instrument:D4-2002-SP4-Gas BW DEFENDER (LEL,O 2,CO,H 2S) with Motorized Sampling Pump D2-2002-SP2-Gas BW DEFENDER (LEL,O 2) with Motorized Sampling Pump D4-20024-Gas BW DEFENDER D2-20022-Gas BW DEFENDER Note 1:Add Suffix "-AU" for Australian Models.Note 2:Add Suffix "-A" to omit 110 VAC Charger and Batteries from order.Accessories:D4-VP160 4-port BLACK & DECKER 110 VAC ChargerD4-VP140 2-port BLACK & DECKER 12 volt Vehicle ChargerD4-VIB(##) Vibrator Alarm specify 1.5 or 3 ft.cableD4-HL-R3 Audible/Visual External Alarm 3 ft.cable (extensions available)D4-2-LC Leather Carrying Case c/w Belt LoopD4-2-CC Shock Resistant Carrying Case c/w Belt LoopD4-SPO1 Motorized Sampling Pump field Upgrade Kit c/w 10 ft.HoseD4-AS01 Hand Aspirator Pump c/w 10 ft.Sampling HoseD4-PROB1 1 foot Polycarbonate Sampling ProbeD4-PROB3 3 foot Polycarbonate Sampling ProbeD4-2-EC Hard Sided Equipment Carrying CaseD4-E2358 EarphoneM1858 Dilution TubeD4-UPGRADE1 2 to 4 Gas Upgrade Kit (includes TWIN TOX Sensor)Calibration Equipment:CG-Q58 Quad (four in one) 58 litre Calibration Gas Cylinder CG-Q34 Quad (four in one) 34 litre Calibration Gas Cylinder CG-BUMP1 Alarm Test Gas 7 litre Aerosol Cylinder CK-Q58 Calibration Kit c/w 58 litre gas Cylinder,Hose,Regulator and Carrying Case CK-Q34 Calibration Kit c/w 34 litre gas Cylinder,Hose,Regulator and Carrying Case REG-0.5 Calibration 0.5 LPM Regulator Spare Parts:D4-RW90Combustible Sensor SR-X10Oxygen Sensor (2 YEAR)D4-RHM04TWIN TOX Two sensors (CO,H 2S) in one detectorE2339 Sensor Blank for TWIN TOX Sensor NOTE:This Data Sheet contains a general description of uses and performancesof the BW Defender.This product should be used by trained professionalpersonnel who have read and understood the manual,instructions,labels,and other literature accompanying the product.Only they contain thecomplete and detailed information about the product.Classified to U.S.and Canadian Standards by CSA Class I,Div.1,Groups A,B,C,DClass I,Zone 0,Gr.IICCenelec Certified by LCIEEExia d IIC Certified for use in Australia Ex ia s IIC for Zone 0Approved by the American Bureau of Shipping。

加拿大BW MC2-4多功能气体检测仪

加拿大BW MC2-4多功能气体检测仪

加拿大BW MC2-4系列多功能气体检测仪以下信息来自聚创环保一、产品特点:1、超小体积,重量轻(6x10x3.3cm/211克)2、坚固耐用(ABS塑料加不锈钢制成)3、电池和传感器都可替换及随时校准4、每个传感器有两级报警5、自动调零和标定校准6、开机后全功能自检7、可选数据存储器,可下载到PC机8、微处理器可提供多种内置功能二、技术指标:1、校准:自动标定与调零2、背光:低光/报警时自动背光3、传感器:插入式电化学传感器(带温度补偿) ;催化燃烧4、报警:声光报警可清晰辨认5、光报警:广角闪烁光6、声报警:95dB (0.3米)可变的声音报警7、显示:液晶数字显示读数8、T W A :时间加权平均值9、最大值:记录显示最大气体暴露量10、自检:开机后全功能自动检11、一般技术:防震ABS机壳12、温度:-20℃至+50℃(-4℉至+122℉);湿度:5%--95%RH(非冷凝)13、电池充电:连续工作8-12小时14、尺寸:10.7x 6.0 x 3.6cm15、重量:375克;带泵424克16、防暴等级:CSA Class 1,Div .1 Group A,B,C,D ANSI/SA:ISA-S12,1317、防爆类型:本质安全型三、订货信息:1、MC2-4四组气体:H2S,CO,O2,LEL; MC-4-DL四组气体加32MB MMC存储卡及免费软件2、MC2-3H三组气体:H2S,O2,LEL;MC-3H-DL三组气体加32MB MMC存储卡及免费软件3、MC2-2 两组气体:O2,LEL;MC-2-DL两组气体加32MB MMC存储卡及免费软件四、选配:数据记录器,可下载数据;取样速率,出厂时设置5秒/次,可设置从1秒到127秒间隔;。



多气体检测仪有限保证和责任限制BW Technologies LP (BW) 保证,本产品自交付客户之日起在正常使用和保养情况下两年内不会出现材料和工艺缺陷。





除非从 BW收到客户的发货指示,否则不能返回任何产品;3.BW有权要求客户提供购买凭证,如原始发票、销售契约或包装收据,以确定产品是否在保证期内。





联系 BW Technologies by HoneywellEmail网站: 加拿大: 4简介操作手册提供了GasAlertMax XT气体检测仪基本操作信息. 更详细的操作说明参考随即附带的GasAlertMax XT技术参考手册. GasAlertMax XT气体检测仪用于检测有毒有害气体. 仪器属于个人安全防护设备.个人有责任对于报警做出正确的响应.GasAlertMax XT安全信息-请先阅读请严格遵循手册说明和技术参考指导对仪器进行操作, 否则不能充分返回仪器的防护作用使用仪器前请阅读以下注意事项.注意警告: 任何其他部件的替代会导致本质安全性的降低.注意: 出于安全考虑, 设备必须由具有资质的专业人员进行操作或维修. 在使用和操作之前请详细阅读产品使用技术手册.请在第一次使用前给仪器充电. BW 建议在每次工作使用仪器完毕后给仪器充电.在第一次使用之前给仪器进行标定并定期进行标定维护, 周期取决与使用频率和传感器曝露在毒气环境中的情况以及污损情况. 传感器必须每隔180天(6个月)进行一次标定.GasAlertMax XT操作手册标定必须在没有有害气体安全环境中进行.可燃气体传感器工厂标定使用 50% LEL甲烷. 如果检测不同的可燃气体,使用不同气体进行标定.避免将可燃气体传感器与铅化物, 硅以及含有氯元素的碳氢化合物接触. 尽管某些有机气体(比如含铅的汽油以及含有卤素的碳氢化合物)会暂时导致传感器被抑制, 多数情况下, 传感器可通过标定恢复.BW 要求使用已知浓度气体对可燃气体进行检测, 当传感器暴露在有污染物以及有毒物质比如硫化物, 硅蒸汽, 以及含有卤素的碳氢化合物等环境中后.BW 要求每天使用前对仪器进行通气测试, 将仪器放置在超过报警设置值的气体浓度中确认仪器的声光报警在超过报警浓度数值后能够正常工作. 如果不能, 请对仪器进行标定.注意: 高浓度LEL读数指示表明爆炸浓度.传感器在读数快速上升以后出现不稳定的读数减少, 可能说明气体浓度已经超过了测量的上限值, 这个是很危险的.仅用于氧气浓度不超过%(V/V) 的具有潜在爆炸性的环境中.GasAlertMax XT 过度暴露在某一浓度的可燃气体中会影响传感器器件正常工作.如由于高浓度可燃气体引起的报警.BW采样泵 (XT-RPUMP-K1) 仅适用于 GasAlertMax XT.警告:错误地使用锂电池 (MX-BAT01) 可能造成火灾或者化学危害. 请勿拆卸, 加热或丢弃.警告:不要使用其他锂电池作为 GasAlertMax XT 的电源. 这样可能引起燃烧或者爆炸. 订购或更换 MX-BAT01 锂电池, 联系 BW Technologies by Honeywell.警告:锂聚合物电池放置在266°F (130°C) 10 分钟会燃烧和爆炸.废弃的锂电池. 不可拆卸和丢弃在火中.儿童勿靠近锂电池.所有标定气瓶必须使用被动流量阀和必须符合以下压力规格:抛弃式气瓶 0-3000 psig/70 bar重复使用式气瓶 0-3000 psig/70 barGasAlertMax XT 外部描述显示单元按键按○启动仪器.按住○直到仪器出现OFF关机倒计时,仪器关机.若需要查看日期和时间, TWA, STEL, 和峰值读数, 快速按○两次.若需清除 TWA, STEL, 和峰值读数, 当屏幕显示CLEAR ALL按○.若需标定, 按住○仪器出现OFF关机倒计时显示, 继续按住○直到仪器出现标定CAL倒计时. 当仪器完成标定CAL倒计时释放○.按一次○可以开启仪器背景灯.仪器或采样泵处在连续报警功能开启状态下并报警时, 按○可以消除.在LOW ALARM ACKNOWLEDGE功能开启状态下(需通过Fleet ManagerII 软件设置), 仪器发生低报警时, 可以按○消除声音报警.仪器发生DUE TODAY 报警(标定, 通气测试, 泵测试)和声音报警时, 按○消除.气瓶连接注意标定必须在没有有害气体的安全区域进行. 请不要在充电或刚刚充电完毕时进行标定.注意标定时所用通气管最长不超过3英尺(1 m).1.按住○直至仪器出现OFF 关机倒计时. 继续按住○仪器进入标定暂时的关闭状态.2.仪器重新开启进入CAL 标定倒计时. 继续按住○直到倒计时结束进入标定状态.3.当仪器对所有传感器进行调零时, 屏幕上会闪烁图标. 如果有传感器调零失败,这该传感器不能进行标定. 当自动调零结束, 屏幕上显示APPLY GAS.4.参考气瓶与仪器的连接(第7页). 连接上被动流量阀和标准气体.注意标定时, 扩散面板必须安装在仪器上.屏幕上会有图标闪烁. 在检测到有效数量的气体后(30秒), 仪器会发出蜂鸣声. 当仪器在标定时, 屏幕上会闪烁.LCD 会显示CAL DUE. 接下去, 屏幕显示每一个传感器的标定周期. 最后, LCD 显示(比如)CAL DUE 180 d.注意标定可以再任何时候终止. 若要终止标定, 按○. CAL ABORTED 会显示在屏幕上.请参考以下表格对应的报警状态.报警屏幕显示低报警• 低频报警声• 低频灯光报警•和报警气体读值闪烁• 振动报警高报警• 高频报警声• 高频灯光报警•和报警气体读值闪烁• 振动报警复合报警• 交替进行高低报警声和灯光闪烁报警•和报警气体读值闪烁•振动报警TWA 报警• 高频报警声•高频灯光报警•和报警气体读值闪烁•振动报警STEL 报警• 高频报警声• 高频灯光报警• 和报警气体读值闪烁• 振动报警超量程 (OL) 报警• 高频报警声• 高频灯光报警• 和报警读值闪烁• 振动报警传感器报警• ERR 错误显示报警屏幕显示电量低报警(工作状态提示功能关闭)• 每10秒钟一次蜂鸣和一次闪烁• 和闪烁采样泵报警• 两声报警和两次闪烁• 和闪烁• HIGH 显示• 振动报警提示自动关机报警• Eight beeps and eight flash es• LOW BATTERY 和提示• 临时振动报警启动• 在关机前显示OFF工作状态提示• 每隔1-120 仪器蜂鸣一次 (用户通过 Fleet Manager II 进行设置)Heartbeat• 每一秒闪动一次表明仪器处于正常工作状态注意如果启动了Latched Alarms报警锁存功能, 在报警状态时仪器会持续低和高报警(声音,光和振动), 直到手动确认报警后消除. 当然此时气体浓度应该在报警设定值之下. 通过按○30秒可以暂时关闭声音报警, 但是LCD屏幕仍然会显示最高浓度数值直到报警条件不再存在. 开启、关闭Latching Alarms 功能需要通过 Fleet Manager II设定.操作菜单如果需要更改仪器的参数和参看内部信息需使用红外数据套件, Fleet Manager II 软件. 参看GasAlertMax XT技术参考指南和Fleet Manager II 操作手册l. 对于用户和传感器选项,参考以下信息:仪器设置开机信息(顶行): 输入一行文本信息, 开机时在LCD上显示(最大25个字符).开机信息(底行): 输入一行文本信息, 开机时在LCD上显示(最大25个字符).自检错误锁定(传感器报警锁定): 如果传感器在开机时候检测失败,同时Lockout on Self-Test自检锁定功能开启, Safety Lock On 会显示在LCD上,同时仪器关机.安全模式: 该功能开启时, SAFE 会一直显示在屏幕上,除非发生报警.工作状态指示: 工作状态指示能够周期性的提供声音提示, 表明仪器正在正常工作状态. 如果需要更改声音提示周期(每隔1-120 秒), 在Confidence Interval 选项中输入数值. 在电池电量低的状态下该功能会自动关闭.报警锁存: 报警锁存功能能够是仪器在发生报警时锁定报警, 连续发出声光和振动报警提示. 按确认件可以取消报警. 可视报警可以按住○保持30秒后关闭,但LCD会继续显示峰值读数浓度直到报警条件消失.强制标定: 该功能会检测传感器标定周期是否有效,如果仪器超过设定的标定周期,仪器会强制要求仪器进行标定. 用户可以通过Calibration Interval选项设定标定周期(0-365 天).IR标定锁定: (必须使用IR设备进行标定) 使用该功能时仪器可以进行自动调零,但是传感器标定必须通过IR接口设备或是MicroDock II管理台来进行.强制通气测试: 该功能要求用户使用仪器前必须对传感器进行通气测试, 确保仪器传感器对目标气体有正确的响应. 用户可以在Bump Interval选项中设定通气测试的周期 (0-365 天).地点设定: 如果开启,可以输入连续数字 (1-999) 设定不同区域地点.强制采样泵测试: 若该功能开启, 开机测试采样泵工作是否正常.数据记录周期 (秒): 用户可以根据需要更改数据记录周期(1-120 s).工作状态提示周期 (秒): 仪器提示周期(1-120 s) .语言: 用户可以通过Fleet Manager II 软件选择自己需要的显示的语言English, Français (法语), Deutsch (德语), Español (西班牙语), 或Português (葡萄牙语).传感器设置(H2S, CO, LEL, O2)关闭传感器: 开启和关闭传感器.标气浓度 (ppm): 设定每个传感器标定时标准气体浓度. 设定的标定气体浓度必须与标准气瓶的浓度一致.标定周期Calibration Interval: 设定下次标定间隔时间 (0-365).通气测试周期Bump Interval: 设定通气测试周期 (0-365).低报警Low Alarm (ppm): 设定每个传感器的低报警值.高报警High Alarm (ppm): 设定每个传感器的高报警值.TWA 报警 (ppm): 设定 (TWA) 报警值 (仅对毒气传感器).STEL 报警 (ppm): 设定 (STEL) 报警值 (仅对毒气传感器).STEL 周期设定 (分钟): 设定 (STEL) 间隔时间5-15 分钟 (仅对毒气传感器).TWA 周期设定: TWA 周期设定用于设定计算时间超过4-16小时的气体浓度平均值,确保工人能够安全离开区域.修正系数Correction Factor (%): 修正系数用于甲烷以外的碳氢化合物. 修正系数仅用于甲烷标定的传感器.50% LEL = (%CH4): 以体积百分比的形式显示LEL读数值.开机自动调零Auto-Zero on Startup: 开启该功能时, 仪器会在开机时对传感器进行自动调零(H2S, CO, LEL, and O2).LEL 体积显示 CH4: 开启该功能时候, 仪器显示体积百分比浓度%CH4甲烷气体而不再显示%LEL.5% LEL Over-span: 如果开启该功能, 仪器自动在给定的标准气体浓度之上的5%LEL进行设定以满足或优于CSA标准.% Base Reading: 开启该功功能, 仪器显示大气中的氧气浓度为%. 关闭该功能时, 仪器显示大气中的氧气浓度为%.低报警确认Low Alarm Acknowledge: 通过按○该功能能够暂时关闭由于低报警产生的声音报警. 振动和LED报警仍然工作 (毒气和LEL).维护为了确保仪器保持良好的工作状态, 请按以下要求进行操作.标定, 通气测试和仪器的日常检测.维护所有维护, 通气测试, 标定和报警时间等数据.用柔软的湿布擦拭仪器外壳. 不要使用溶剂, 肥皂, 或是磨擦机器表面.不要将仪器浸没在液体中.充电警告必须在安全和无害的气体环境中充电, 充电温度在32°F-113°F (0°C-45°C).在每天工作后对仪器进行充电. 请参照以下流程就说明进行充电:1.关机.2.将充电器插入AC电源中.3.将充电器插头接入到IR端口槽中. 参照以下说明.4.充电需6个小时.5.为了达到电池的全部性能, 新电池需完全充放电3次.更换传感器和传感器过滤器警告为了避免人为损坏, 只能使用为该仪器设计的传感器.注意仪器可以配置 1, 2,或 3种气体或包含模拟传感器. 需要更黄传感器或传感器过滤器请参照以下信息.1.关机.2.将采样泵进气口接口连同螺丝取下.3.将后盖上的六个螺钉取下.4.由于采样泵的采样管连接在仪器前后外壳上, 打开后盖时注意将后盖先向上抬起然后向左翻开. 将前后盖并排平放.5.取下PCB板上的螺钉.6.将PCB板向上取出并向左翻开. 将PCB板传感器向上地放置在后盖上.7.将传感器滑出(氧气传感器拔出).8.插入新的传感器并更换传感器过滤膜.9.组装好仪器并重新上好螺丝.10.重新装上六个螺丝.11.必须重新安装上采样泵和水汽过滤器.12.安装采样泵接口和固定螺丝.13.开机然后重新标定新传感器, 请参看标定.技术规格外形尺寸: x x cm x x in.)重量: 300 g工作温度: -20°C to +50°C (-4°F to +122°F)存放温度: -40°C to +60°C (-40°F to +140°F)工作湿度: 10% -100% 相对湿度 (非凝结)防护等级: IP66/67报警设置: 用户可更改检测范围:H2S: 0 - 200 ppm (1 ppm )CO: 0 - 1000 ppm (1 ppm )O2: 0 - % vol. % vol.)可燃气体 (LEL): 0 - 100% (1% LEL) 或 0 - % v/v 甲烷传感器类型:H2S, CO, O2: 插拔式/电化学可燃气: 插拔式/催化燃烧O2 测量原理: 毛细孔浓度控制传感器报警设置:TWA 报警, STEL 报警, 低报警, 高报警, 复合式报警, 超量程 (OL) 报警, 电池电量低报警, 工作状态提示, 自动关机报警, 采样泵报警声音报警: 95 dB(30cm)不同频率蜂鸣声可视报警: 红色发光二极管 (LEDs)显示: 字符数字式液晶显示背景灯:当仪器开启时背景灯即开启; 10秒钟后背景灯关闭. 当仪器报警时背景灯会再次打开直到报警解除.自检: 开机自检及连续检测标定: 自动调零和标定用户定义选项:开机信息, 自检失败锁定, 安全模式, 工作状态提示, 报警锁存, 强制标定, 红外标定锁存, 强制通气测试, 本机数据记录, 强制测试锁定, 数据记录周期, 工作状态提示周期, 语言选择传感器选项:传感器开启/关闭, 设置标定数值, 设置标定周期, 设置通气测试周期, 设置报警点, 设置STEL周期, 设置TWA周期, 开机自动调零开启/关闭, 5% 超余量标定, 低报警确认, 氧气测量, 和可燃气体测量电池运行时间: 锂聚合物充电电池. 13 小时 (一般)制造年份:从产品系列号可以判断制造年份. 字母后的第一二个数字即为制造年份.., MA 108-000001 = 2008 年制造认证的电池:北美用于GasAlertMax XT产品的认证电池:锂聚合物电池,执行标准 EN50020, UL913, No. 157充电电池 (MX-BAT01) 温度锂聚合物电池电池 -20°C Ta +50°C T4充电器: 充电适配器首次充电时间: 6 小时一般充电时间: 6 小时质保: 1年质保含传感器认证:CSA 及 U.S. 认证标准 CAN/CSA No. 157 / 152 ANS/UL - 913 / ANSI/ISA - Part 1CSA Class I, Division 1, Group A, B, C, and DATEX CE 0539 g II 1 G Ga Ex ia IIC T4 KEMA 08 ATEX 0001IECEx Ga Ex ia IIC T4用于 GasAlertMax XT 检测器的减压阀每次标定和通气测试时需使用减压阀可使用以下规格减压阀:• l/min 加压阀• 被动减压阀警告标定气瓶使用被动流量阀必须满足最大压力流量要求规格:• 抛弃型气瓶 0-1000 psig/70 bar• 重复使用型气瓶 0-3000 psig/207 bar配件及附件。





为更改数值:1. 旋开外壳顶部。


2. 按下OK按钮两秒钟,以进入设置点模式,更改出厂缺省设定。






表10. 警报校准指引校准变送器时,请遵守以下指引:•校准精度取决于校准气体的精度。

BW Technologies建议使用优质的校准气体。












a警告打开传感器将使校准无效表12. 校准诊断保护校准程序变送器对目标气体进行持续监控。






目 录
章。在新的历史机遇和挑战面前,中煤集团人信心满怀,有责任 和能力为国内外新老客户创造出更好更优质的产品,提供一流的 服务。
z m x x 0 0 4
• 2、高对比度的液晶显示屏连续实时显示气体的积聚浓度
• 3、拥有声、光、震动三重报警系统,报警明显,不易忽略
• 4、开机后,全功能自检传感器、电路和电池完整性,声音或视
• 壳体:高强度塑料
• 报警
• 四种低、高、TWA和STEL报警级别
• 光报警:2个闪烁红色LED及LCD闪烁报警
• GAXT系列防水型一氧化碳检测仪,是一种低成本、高性能的检
备IP66/67高度防水性能,经得起恶劣环境的考验,可以广泛应 用于石油化工、矿业、环保、城市建设等行业中。
• 1、IP66/67高度防水、防尘设计(可抵御喷射的水和极细的灰尘)
• 声报警:距离检测器(在10英尺)(0.25m处)可输出高达95分 贝的可变脉冲双嘟音400/068/0537
• 其它
• 电量不足;传感器失效气体报警
• 在光线较暗(自动)、报警(自动)或需要时提供背景照明
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• 快速调制音并闪烁 • ALARM 闪烁 • 快速震动
• 每 5 秒钟响 1 声并闪烁,每分钟
快速震动 1 次(禁用置信响 音)。
• 无响声、闪烁、或震动(启用置信
GasAlert Extreme 快速参考指南
自动关闭警报 (电量不足)
• 8 次响声、闪烁并震动 • 显示 LOW
产品; c) BW 有权要求客户提供购买凭证,如原始发票、销售契约或包装收据,以确定产品是否在保证期内。 客户同意本保证是客户唯一的赔偿条款,并代替其他全部保证,无论是明示的或暗示的、包括但不限于对于特殊目的适销性或适合性的任何 暗示保证。不论是由于违反本保证还是依据合同、侵权行为或信赖或任何其他理论,BW 对特殊、间接、偶然或附带产生的任何损坏或损 失,包括数据丢失,概不负责。 因为一些国家/地区或州不允许限制暗示保证的条款,或不允许排除或限制偶然或附带产生的损坏,因此本保证的限制和排除情况可能并不适 用于每位客户。如果本保证的任何规定被有资格的司法管辖法院认为无效或不可执行,将不会影响任何其他规定的有效性和可执行性。
BW Technologies 联系方式
美国 1-888-749-8878
加拿大 1-800-663-4164
欧洲 +44 (0) 1869 233004
中东 +971-4-8871766
中国 +852-2974-1783
澳大利亚 +61-7-3818-8244
其他国家 +1-403-248-9226
GasAlert Extreme 快速参考指南
要保持检测仪良好的操作状态,请根据需要进行以下基本维 护:
• 定期校准、测试和检查检测仪。 • 保留所有维护、校准和警报事件的操作日志。 • 使用柔软的湿布清洁仪器表面。请勿使用溶剂、肥皂
• 请勿将检测仪浸入液体中。
用震动警报。) 5. BKLT:启用或禁用自动背光功能。(在启用秘密模式
时,此选项将不可用。) 6. LTCH:启用或禁用锁定警报功能。 7. ACAL:启用或禁用在启动时自动氧气校准。(仅适用于
GasAlert Extreme 氧气检测仪。)
GasAlert Extreme 用户选项菜单
8. PAST:如果校准过期,启用或禁用自动关闭(在启动 时)。
GasAlert Extreme O2:0-30.0% vol (增量为 0.1% vol) GasAlert Extreme CO:(低度 H2):0-1000 ppm(增量为 1 ppm GasAlert Extreme CO:0-1000 ppm(增量为 1 ppm) GasAlert Extreme H2S:0-100 ppm(增量为 1 ppm) GasAlert Extreme PH3:0-5.0 ppm(增量为 0.1 ppm) GasAlert Extreme SO2:0-100 ppm(增量为 1 ppm) GasAlert Extreme Cl2:0-50.0 ppm(增量为 0.1 ppm) GasAlert Extreme NH3:0-100 ppm(增量为 1 ppm) GasAlert Extreme NO2:0-100.0 ppm(增量为 0.1 ppm) GasAlert Extreme HCN:0-30.0 ppm(增量为 0.1 ppm) GasAlert Extreme ETO:0-100.0 ppm(增量为 0.1 ppm) GasAlert Extreme ClO2:0-1 ppm(增量为 0.1 ppm) GasAlert Extreme O3:0-1 ppm(增量为 0.1 ppm) GasAlert Extreme NO:0-250 ppm(增量为 1 ppm)
安全信息 - 请先阅读
只能使用本手册指定的检测仪,使用其他检测仪提供的保护 可能会受到削弱。 使用检测仪之前,请阅读以下告诫。
告诫 ⇒ 警告:替代零部件可能会削弱仪器的本质安全
⇒ 警告:为防止点燃可燃或易燃气体,维修前请
⇒ GasAlert Extreme 氧气检测仪在空气中氧气
9. PORT、ESPA、DEUT、FRAN 或 ENGL:启用显示语 言,用户可选择葡萄牙语、西班牙语、德语、法语或英 语。(仅适用于具有多语言功能的检测仪。)
10. RATE:调整数据记录仪采样率。(仅适用于具有数据记 录仪选项的检测仪。)
11. SEND:从检测仪向 PC 发送数据记录仪/事件日志信 息。(仅适用于具有数据记录仪选项的检测仪。) 按以下三种方式发送信息: EVNT:发送所有事件信息。 LAST:发送自上次传送数据以来的所有数据。 ALL:发送所有已保存数据。
以下表格列出检测仪的各种警报。 警报
• 慢速调制音并闪烁 • ALARM 闪烁 • 慢速震动
• 快速调制音并闪烁 • ALARM 闪烁 • 快速震动
• 慢速调制音并闪烁 • ALARM 闪烁 • 低速震动
GasAlert Extreme 警报
TWA 警报
• 慢速调制音并闪烁 • ALARM 闪烁 • 慢速震动
自动关闭警报之后 (电量不足)
• 无调制音 • 无闪烁或震动 • 短暂显示
警报 自动关闭警报 (校准过期)
• 8 次响声、闪烁并震动
• 每 5 秒响 1 声 • 每分钟快速震动 1 次
注意 在发出警报过程中,检测仪启用背光,并显示当前环境气体读数。 高警报和 STEL 警报具有相同的优先级。高警报和/或 STEL 警报优先于低警报和/或 TWA 警报。 在 -20°C 条件下无法使用震动警报。
要关闭检测仪,请按住 A 5 秒。
1. 在干净的空气中,同时按住 E 和 C 5 秒。检测仪嘟嘟响四声。检测 仪再响一声,表示已开始校准。
2. 显示屏闪烁 AUTO-ZERO(自动归 零),同时检测仪自动使传感器复 位为零。自动归零过程结束时,检 测仪便响两声。
3. 如果检测仪受密码保护,显示屏上 便闪烁 PASS(密码)。开始设置 量程之前必须输入正确的密码。
含量最高为 21%时得到Underwriters Laboratories Inc. 分类。按,
GasAlert Extreme 快速参考指南
GasAlert Extreme 的零部件
项目 A B C D E F G
功能 可视化警报信号 显示屏 按钮 声音警报 传感器和传感器屏幕 红外线下载端口 夹扣
GasAlert Extreme
O2, CO, H2S, PH3, SO2, Cl2, NH3, NO2, HCN, ETO, ClO2, O3, NO
气体检测仪 快速参考指南
中国区经销商:深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司 http://www.singoan.com
BW Technologies Ltd.(BW)保证,本产品从交付客户之日起在正常使用和保养情况下两年内无材料和工艺缺陷。本保证仅适用于原客户 新购买的、未使用过的产品。BW 的保证责任为有限保证,在保证期内由 BW 自行选择,对返回到 BW 授权服务中心的缺陷产品退款,或 进行维修或更换。在任何情况下,BW 依据本保证承担的责任均不会超过客户购买产品时所支付的实际价格。以下情况不属于本保证范围:
6. 按 E 或 D 更改下一个校准到期 日。按 C 保存。
7. 按 C 保存当前警报设定值。按 E 或 D 更改警报设定值,按 C 保 存新值。校准完毕时,检测仪嘟嘟 响并震动四次。
GasAlert Extreme 快速参考指南
GasAlert Extreme 显示元素
项目 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N
功能 数值 气瓶 自动传感器量程校正 密码锁 设置警报设定值和用户选项 最高气体浓度 警报状况 电池 数据传送 警报或警报设定值 自动传感器归零显示 数据记录指示器(可选) 百万分率(ppm) 体积百分率(% vol.) 爆炸下限百分率(% LEL) (将来使用)
4. 显示屏闪烁当前校准气体设置。可 以按 C 以接受当前设置,或按 E 或 D 更改设置并按 C 确认 新设置。
GasAlert Extreme 校准
5. 当显示屏闪烁气瓶图标时,连接校 准瓶并应用 500 至 1000 ml/min 的低流速气体(请参考下一页)。 在调节量程程序结束时,检测仪响 三声。移除校准气体。
a) 保险丝、一次性电池或使用过程中产品正常磨损和破损所需的定期更换零件; b) 根据 BW 鉴定,任何因误用、改装、疏忽或由事故或不正常操作、处理或使用而损坏的产品; c) 任何由非授权经销商维修或在产品上安装未经许可的零部件所造成的损坏或缺陷; 本保证所列出的责任受以下条件限制: a) 正确保管、安装、校准、使用、维护并遵守产品手册说明和 BW 的任何其他适用建议; b) 客户及时就任何产品缺陷通知 BW,必要时,应迅速对产品进行修复。除非从 BW 收到客户的发货指示,否则不能返回任何
要访问用户选项菜单,请同时按住 E 和 D 直到显示 OPTN。 要滚动选项,请按 E 或 D。按 C 选择选项。以下是可用 用户选项: 1. EXIT:退出用户选项菜单。 2. CLCK:调整检测仪的日期和时间。 3. PASS:启用或禁用密码保护。 4. STLH:启用或禁用秘密模式。(在 -20°C 条件下无法使