


原文分为:passage ,paragraph ,sentence ,word 四个部分 题干:在阅读中充当路标的作用 选项分为:正确选项与错误选项。其中,错误选项又可分为干扰选项与SB选项 杯弓蛇影——偷梁换柱、移花接木、以偏概全——消减方法: 将选项中的概念及其最大的概念组合,与原文一一对应。 解释:分析选项的主谓宾,或找选项中的动作,找出发出动作的主体与作用的对象。然后回到原文中一一对应,千万不要关注文章中与选项中出现的一两个一样的单词,避免出现连连看的错误。不要过多注意sentence,而要注意the sense that the sentence make。 阅读做题方法: 1.阅读题干,合理推测文章大意 2.重点阅读第一题,回原文重点阅读首段,定位第一题 3.依次定位各题目,根据不同类型进入各题型解题方式 文章体裁与题材 体裁:议论,说明,记叙 题材:商业经济,文化教育,社会伦理,科学普及 Word 考点: 1.一词多意——词汇同义替换 e.g. https://www.360docs.net/doc/7615272787.html,te 与fallen 在某些语境中介可表示“已故的” 2.remove 与extranet在某些语境中介可表示“提取” 3.mobiel phone 与terminal在某些语境中介可表示“终端机” 2.词性活用 e.g. 1. A profit. A赚钱了。此处profit名词做动词用,译作“赚钱” 2.prower ,名词作动词用,表示“给……充电”,如:A powers B. A给B 充电。 Sentence考点: 七种句子结构:主干隔离、并列句、定语从句、非谓语动词和独立主格、强调和倒装、虚拟语气、同位语和插入语 定语从句 作用: 1.修饰和限定名词,多由分词和非谓语动词替代。 e.g. The method developed for the oil and gas industry. 2.连接两个具有共同名词的句子 e.g. I have three books of which the red is my favorite. 3.表示因果关系 e.g. The A and the B is fighting on the bridge of which they both falling into the river. 可拆分为:They both falling into river off the bridge. ※处理定语从句时,多用拆分的方法,拆分时在介词或关联词处 主干隔离: ※主干:主+谓、主+谓+宾、主+谓+宾+宾、主+谓+宾+宾补、主+系+表 主干隔离:主语和谓语之间以及谓语与宾语之间加入东西,所形成的语法现象 消解主干隔离的方法: ○1句子开头第一个独立名词为句子主语,应该与和其匹配的动词在一起,中间部分跳过 独立名词:前面没有介词或关系词 E.g. That Kevin is a good man is a truth.因为Kevin前有that 的存在,故不是句子的主语,主语是that引导的定语从句。


2017年12月大学英语六级听力真题解析 2017.12月份的六级考试已经落下帷幕,以下是对听力部分考题的一个解析,希望对同学们有所帮助. Conversation One M: And now, for the latter side of the news, Europe is setting an example for the rest of the world when it comes to food waste. W: That’s right, John. This week, the Italian government passed legislation that aims to dramatically reduce the amount of food waste in the country. Q1:New laws have been put into place that will make it easier for farms and supermarkets to donate and sell foods to those who are in need. M: Yes, in an addition to this, businesses will now be rewarded for successful efforts to cut food waste. W: Italy is not the only country to focus on reducing food waste. Just earlier this year, Q2:the European parliament voted in favor of legislation that would stop grocery giants from unfair trading practices that result in overproduction, thus creating waste. M: In France, Q3:the government has banned supermarkets from throwing away edible foods and imposed harsh penalties on businesses that fail to comply with the regulations. W: While there is still much progress to be made, other countries could learn a thing or two from the example set by France and Italy. In the United Sates, up to 40% of all food goes uneaten. Despite the fact that one in seven American households lacks regular access to good food, Q4:one major cause of this problem is the confusion over food expiration labels, which are currently not regulated by the government. M: All this could change soon. This wave of new laws in Europe will definitely put more pressure on law makers to reduce food waste here. We turn now to a


2019年六级答案:6月英语六级听力答案(新东方版) 2019年六级答案:6月英语六级听力答案(新东方版) 考试采取“多题多卷”模式,试题顺序不统一,请依据试题实行核对! Section A 1。 D)Market research consultant 2。 A) Quantitative advertising research 3。 D) They study trends or customer satisfaction over a longperiod。 4。 B) Checking charts and tables。 5。 A) His view on Canadian universities。 6。 B) It is rather inflexible。 7。 C) Everybody should be given equal access to highereducation。 8。 C) It is hard to say which is better, a public university ora private university。 9。 B) The worsening real wage situation around the world。 10。A) They will feel less pressure to raise employees’ wages. 11。C) Employees work shorter hours to avoid layoffs。 12。 A) Whether memory supplements work。 13。 D) They are not on based on real science。


2020年12月英语六级听力答案(新东方版) 2020年12月英语六级听力答案(新东方版) 1. B. The dressing makes themixed salad very inviting. 2. B. He is opening a newconsulting firm. 3. B. The man may find thesupplies in the cabinet. 4. D. He has to use amagnifying glass to see clearly. 5. C. Redecorating heroffice. 6. A. Shortage of containerships. 7. A. Acolleague. 8. C. Hold the banquet at a differentplace. 长对话答案 ConversationOne 9. D. He often goes backhome late for dinner. 10. B. To discuss an urgentproblem. 11. C. There is a sharpincrease in India's balance of payment deficit. ConversationTwo 12. D. They have unrealisticexpectations about the other half. 13. A. He is lucky to beable to do what he loves. 14. B. It is allglamour.



新东方:英语六级完美过级方案 虽然说四六级要改革,但我想目前还是改不了那么快,不过大家还是尽快考吧,新的来了肯定不适应。 现行的考试由四部分组成,听力、阅读、综合和写作。 听力部分: 听力是很多同学头疼的一块,我发现很多同学四六级差一点但没过都是卡在听力上的。很多人认为听力很难,因此平时就放弃听力的提高机会,想从其他方面多提高一点,其实我觉得这是一个很大的误区。真正说难提高的我觉得是阅读,我觉得除了掌握正确阅读技巧之外,长期的训练才会有好的效果,阅读的提高没大家想的那么容易。综合部分主要考查词汇的运用,我觉得六级考试最难考的部分就是它了,虽然有的人把六级词汇背个两三遍,但不见得在这方面能拿好分数,这部分对词汇的要求实在有些过高,有些选项很牵强。从性价比角度上说我觉得在这里浪费那么多时间和精力是不值得的。 我希望大家从心理上消除听力难得障碍,而且对于一个想把英语学好的人来说,听力的能力是很重要的。六级英语的听力一点都不难。 听力差主要有几方面的原因。一是语音不过关,很多人背单词不记忆读音,听力的时候就不知道自己听的是哪个词,自然听不好。或者有的同学发音不标准,都是造成听到单词没反应的原因,对这些同学,应该纠正自己的读音。星火式的词汇书是有配套磁带的,建议跟读。第二个原因就是不适应听力的语境,听得太少。其实四六级听力考来考去那些段子都是在生活和校园里经常出现的对话,大家可以通过看历年真题的听力文字多熟悉题目,你看多了就会发现做起题来简单很多。这就是为什么我们读过或背过的文字再去听一般都能听懂。第三个原因是对文化背景和常用短语的不熟悉,造成理解上的障碍。英文口语中有很多口语化的词汇是我们平时读课本没见过的,但是在听力段子里经常出现。所以我们只能积极一点,材料的获得如果你懒,就多搜集历年真题,把里面出现的你不懂得和出现频率高的短语和口语化词汇句型专门写出来,也就一两张纸吧。对于文化背景,有可能就尽可能多了解,但在考试的时候最多影响你一两道题,不是太可怕。 当你找到自己听力差的原因的时候,对症下药,一般来说都会有很大提高的。而且一般说来,你现在的听力水平越差,你能提高进步的幅度就越大。可以让你的成绩上一大个台阶。所以一定要对自己有信心! 如何解决听力问题呢?我觉得要提高英语水平,不管是哪方面的,都要精泛结合。所谓的精泛结合就是在认真研究如何提高英语能力(——所谓的精)的同时通过大量的训练(泛)巩固提高,从而达到最好的效果。有的人总是一天到晚拿个耳机在听,但始终没设么提高,反而养成了一听力就困的坏习惯。对于听力基础不太好的同学,我的建议是先多精听。精到什么程度呢?我觉得有一个特别有效的方法就是你抽两三套历年真题,拿着随身听和纸笔,把题目和答案收起来,跟着磁带听一句写一句。别笑这个方法,实践过的人都承认这个方法非常好,至于为什么好,我花非常多笔墨也讲不完,我建议大家按照这个方法去做。一来练好听力,二来也可以锻炼自己的耐性。我说一下具体做法吧。 听一句把机子暂停写一句,如果没听清,倒带回去听,直到你听懂为止。听清楚了再下一句。如果一句话你听了很多遍都没听明白,那就放那做个记号,等你听完整套题的时候,把它的听力答案拿出来一一对照,边听边修改。找找自己没听出来的原因(按照我上面说的三方面愿因去找),只有你真正自己这样做过,才知道自己的差距到底在哪,才能真正提高听力水平。大家不要怕花时间,其实花不了很多时间的,你只要精听几套题就够了,用不着把所有的都听下来,你就已经有很大进步了。如果近几年听力都有听写段子的话,说明它已经成为一种趋势了,大家就只要听历年真题的第一部分短对话就行了。短对话的提高相当快,可以节省很多时间。但对于长对话考不考,你们应该了解比我多,我不敢妄下结论。 听一套题十道题用不了多少时间的,刚开始会比较不顺利,但坚持下去,你会有很大收获的,其实这个方法是托福雅思听力人常用的方法,特别管用,会让你的听力实力有很大提高,在你精听几套题之后,做大量泛听,你会发现听的感觉不一样了。过一段时间再把听过的题拿来听写,经常精泛结合,到考试的时候听力水平基本上就很稳定了。 建议起步阶段坚持一个星期的精听,每天坚持1.5个小时,听写完好好分析总结,有兴趣可以跟着磁带模仿着读,这种效果也很好。听写部分如果能这样做最好,不过没时间的话,我觉得有了前面的训练、已经扫除一定障碍了,主要是把单词写对了,还有后面三题写句子可能需要一点综合能力。 我觉得在前期准备的时候多花点时间在听力上为好 阅读部分: 阅读确实是比较难提高的,如果你现在阅读水平不错,只要自己仔细研究一下真题的套路就行了。对于阅读上漏洞比较大的同学,要有足够的重视,听力+阅读是考试中的重头戏,直接影响到你


一、汉译英步骤及原则 1.理解通读并透彻理解原文含义 2.翻译确定译文句子的时态、句型、结构和用词 3.审校首先检查译文是否正确地转述了原文内容,是否有错译和漏译;其次,检查是否有语言上的明显错误,如时态、语态、单复数、拼写、大小写、标点符号等。发现错误,及时改正。 手法灵活(如遇难译之处,换用其它相近说法表达);语法正确(避免时态、语态、单复数等语法错误);内容忠实(必须把原文的内容准确而完整地表达出来,不得有任何歪曲、遗漏或增删) 二、汉译英专项练习(答案附后) (一)、倍数增减的表示法 1) Force N1 _______________(比力N2大2.5倍). 2) This substance _______________(反应速度是另外那种物质的三倍). 3) The earth _______________(是月球大小的49倍). 4) The landlord _______________(想将租金提高三分之一). 5) They _______________(计划将投资增加一倍). (二)、时态 1) Be quick, _______________(否则等我们到达教堂时婚礼就已经结束了). 2) When she got home, _______________(孩子们已经睡着了). 3) When I prepare for the college entrance examination, _______________(我姐姐将在海边度假). 4) I_______________(一上午都在修改我的简历). 5) Do you often go on holiday? _______________(不,我已经有五年没有度假了). 6) He joined the army in October, 2001. _______________(他参军已五年了). (三)、被动语态 1) The blackboard and chalk _______________(正在被电脑和投影机所取代). 2) The book _______________(到今年年底就将已出版). 3) Computer models _______________(可以用来演示细胞工作的方式). 4) When the bill of fare was brought, _______________(我惊呆了,价格大大超出了我的预料). 5) _______________(必须立即采取有效措施)to eliminate sandy storms. (四)、情态动词 1) The phone is ringing, _______________(但是没人接听。她一定不在家). 2) I can’t find my sunglasses. _______________(我可能昨天落在咖啡店里了). 3) Y ou screamed in your sleep last night. _______________(你一定梦见什么可怕的东西了). 4) It’s a pity. _______________(你本应该邀请她来参加你的毕业典礼的). 5) _______________(其实我没必要穿上我最好的套装去参加那次聚会的); most of the guests were wearing jeans and sweaters. (五)、虚拟语气 1) I wish _______________(我年轻的时候有你们这样的机会). 2) If only _______________(他知道这病是可以治好的)! Then he would not have killed himself. 3) —— Would you like him to paint your door with yellow stars? ——I’d rather he _______________(漆成蓝色的,而且不带任何装饰). 4) It’s high time that _______________(采取措施解决交通堵塞的问题). 5) Hugh usually talks _______________(仿佛在大会上发表演说似的). 6) We insist that _______________(让杰克立刻进医院). 7) It was advised that _______________(在居民区设立更多的流动商店).


英语六级阅读解析第一套 Section A In the past 12 months, Nigeria has suffered from a shrinking economy, a sliding currency, and a prolonged fuel shortage. Now, Africa’s largest in facing a food crisis as major tomato fields have been destroyed by an insect, leading to a nationwide shortage and escalating prices. The insect, Tutaabsoluta, has destroyed 80% of farms in Kaduna, Nigeria’s largest tomato producing state, leading the government there to declare a state of 26. The insect, also known as the tomato leaf miner, devastates crops by 27 on fruits and digging into and moving through stalks. It 28 incredibly quickly, breeding up to 12 generations per year if conditions are favorable. It is believed to have 29 in South America in the early 1900s, and later spread to Europe before crossing over to sub-Saharan Africa. In Nigeria, where tomatoes are a staple of local diets,the insect's effects are devastating. Retail prices for a 30 of tomatoes at local markets have risen from $0. 50 to $2.50. Farmers are reporting steep losses and a new $20 million tomato-paste factory has 31 production due to the shortages. Given the moth’s ability also to attack crops like pepper and potatoes, Audu Ogbeh, Nigeria’s minister of agriculture, has warned that the pest may“create serious problems for food 32 "in the country. Ogbeh says experts are investigating how to control the pest’s damage and prevent its spread, which has gone largely 33 until now. Despite being the continent's second-largest producer of tomatoes, Nigeria is 34 on $1 billion worth of tomato-paste imports every year. as around 75% of the local harvest goes to waste thanks to a lack of proper storage facilities. A further 35 in local supplies is yet another unwelcome setback to the industry. 试题解析:英语六级考试阅读第一项是15选10,15选10的题目做题的第一步是将题目中的15个单词进行词性分类,我们按照5类来分,名词,动词,形容词,副词,和分词,因为分词做的成分有很多种,所以我们必须将其单独分成一类,而且分类的内容里面会出现交叉分类,什么意思呢,就


12月六级阅读冲刺:做题步骤及临考策略 距离大学英语六级考试还有不足一个月的时间,笔者给临战的考生朋友们一些建议。希望能通过本文帮大家梳理一个头绪,在最后的备战中尽量做到有的放矢,弹无虚发。 一、快速阅读。 大学六级中的第一道阅读题目是快速阅读,很多考生朋友都向笔者反映:快速阅读怎么做啊?拿到题目是先看文章还是先看题目啊?怎么我总是做不完题啊?有什么方法可以提高阅读速度啊?等等等等……这几个问题相信也是大家最关心的,那接下来,笔者将从六级快速阅读的命题特征,做题步骤,解题方法几个角度来谈谈如何攻克快速阅读。 1.六级快速阅读的命题特征。 六级快速阅读的文章篇幅约为1200单词,通常是略多一些的,整个题目的给定时间为15分钟。文章之后是十道题目,这十题可以会出现两种组合:一种为4道是非判断题(也就是大家所熟悉的Y/N/NG题)加上6道句子填空题(也可称补全句子);另一种为7道选择题加上3道句子填空题。 至于考试最终会以哪种形式出题,在考纲中是没有明确说明的,从改革之后的几次实考情况来看,06年12月六级开始使用新题型,到09年6月的六级考试中,第一种题目组合形式考了两次,分别是06年12月和07年6月;第二种题目组合形式考了之后的四次。大家可以从以上的信息中来分配自己对于每种题型的复习时间。 2.六级快速阅读的做题步骤。

由于整个快速阅读部分总体时间为15分钟,如果不进行合理的规划,这样的时间是绝对不够用的。很多考生朋友会问到底应该以一种什么样的顺序来做题?我们先来了解一下在考试大纲中的说法: “要求考生运用略读和查读的技能从篇章中获取信息。略读考核学生通过快速阅读获取文章主旨大意或中心思想的能力,阅读速度约为每分钟120词。查读考核学生利用各种提示,如数字、大字单词、段首或句首词等,快速查找特定信息的能力。” 从考纲中我们发现,这里有三个重点信息:略读、查读、速度为120词/分钟。从这三点上我们基本上可以确实整体的步骤了,那就是选定信息+回到文章查找信息+对比解题。而且我们应该是看一题,做一题。这就是所谓的略读、查读。其实这正是我们平时所使用的从题干中找关键词,回文章定位的办法。快速阅读其实就是考定位。 而另外一个信息,阅读速度问题,表面上看到这个120词/分钟,很考生都望而却步,这绝对是一个无法企及的速度,但笔者提醒大家看它前面的文字,这样读的目的是为了获取文章主旨大意,而不是精细分析,于是结合大家以往所掌握的英语阅读知识应该知道,在英语中主旨的位置往往是相对固定的,想要把握1200个单词的文章的主旨根本不需要全文阅读,只需要看几个位置就可以了,如标题、首段、小标题。所以说这里的阅读速度应该更确切的讲是平均速度。 建议做题步骤: 1)看题干,划出关键词。 2)看一题,定位一题。 3)对比原文与题干,找出异同或丢失信息,解题。


2014年6月英语六级翻译真题及译文(新东方版) 新东方在线卢根宋健伟 2014年12月大学英语六级考试已结束,新东方在线、北京新东方四、六级名师团队第一时间对下午的六级考试情况进行点评。以下是四、六级名师团队卢根、宋健伟老师对英语六级翻译提供参考译文,供广大考生参考,祝预祝广大考生考试顺利。 原题一: 自从1978年启动改革以来,中国已从计划经济转为以市场为基础的经济,经历了经济和社会的快速发展。平均10%的GDP增长已使五亿多人脱贫。联合国的“千年(millennium)发展目标”在中国均已达到或即将达到。目前,中国的第十二个五年规划强调发展服务业和解决环境及社会不平衡的问题。政府已设定目标减少污染,提高能源效率,改善得到教育和医保的机会,并扩大社会保障。中国现在7%的经济年增长目标表明政府是在重视生活质量而不是增长速度。 参考译文:(新东方在线、北京新东方学校卢根老师) Since the reform in 1978, with the rapid development of economy and society, Chinese economy has transferred into market economy from command economy. The average 10% growth of GDP has lifted more than 500 million people out of poverty. The Millennium Goal of the U.N. has been fully or partially achieved throughout China. At present, the 12th Five-year Plan in China emphasizes the development of service industry and the solution of imbalance of environment and society. The government has set goals to reduce pollution, enhance energy efficiency, improve educational opportunities and medical insurance and expand social security. The 7% growth annual goal demonstrates that the government is concentrating on the quality of life rather than the speed of growth. 原题二: 中国将努力确保到2015年就业者接受过平均13.3年的教育。如果这一目标得以实现,今后大部分进入劳动力市场的人都需获得大学文凭。 在未来几年,中国将着力增加职业学院的招生人数:除了关注高等教育外,还将寻找新的突破以确保教育制度更加公平。中国正在努力最佳地利用教育资源,这样农村和欠发达地区将获得更多的支持。 教育部还决定改善欠发达地区学生的营养,并为外来务工人员的子女提供在城市接受教育的同等机会。 参考译文:(新东方在线、北京新东方学校卢根老师)


★Lesson1★ 资料的选择: 1、听力原题 2、TOEFL的听力 3、《走遍美国》、《探索》、《国家地理》 听力结构: Section A:10个短对话 Section B:3个段子;复合式听写(很少考) 类型题: 比如:Would you go to dance with me tonight?去不去干……回答Yes/No.以及理由。 Would you go with us? Would you join us? Would you go with me? Do you wanna come? Wanna come? 应试听力提高的三个层次: 1、听懂原文 2、搞清考题之间的类型关系 3、判断出是什么考题 听力遇到的问题: 一、语音问题:

连读:跟读提高口语,考试时不太重要,注意听重读。 二、态度方向: 测试:I'm upset. × I'm overjoyed. √ I'm beside myself with joy. √ I'm in the blues. × I feel high today. √ I feel down recen tly. × 三、口语话问题: 语气(升降调、重读) 例句:Something just hit the front window. What?(什么东西呀?你说什么(没听清)?惊奇,生气。)例句:He was my boyfriend. 考校园生活: 学生:异性(同学关系)、同性(室友关系) 口语词汇 tape 胶带(邮局场景) cassette 磁带 project 作业 =assignment awful 糟糕的 terrific 特棒的 awesome 特棒的


2020年12月英语六级考试作文范文(卷三新东方版)2020年12月英语六级考试作文范文(卷三新东方版) 第三篇 Graphically revealed in this cartoon is that two youngsters are having a conversation. However, the most striking feature of it is that the man on the left is saying without hesitation that he loves reading and his favorite book is Facebook. Apparently, the purpose of this cartoon unfolds a conspicuous fact that social networking websites exert adverse impacts on our reading.Several factors can be responsible for this phenomenon. For one thing, with our science and economy enhanced remarkably, people in growing numbers tend to share their moments of life on social networks, and therefore, it is difficult for us to concentrate on what we want to read. For another, there are various kinds of information on the internet, and as a result, they may be easily distracted by other information so much that they may ignore what they are really interested in. To sum up, social network websites may pose a potential and probable threat to our reading. We are supposed to spend more time on reading paper books instead of staying on the social networking websites. Only in this way can we gradually terminate the negative influence of social networking websites. 相关推荐: 2020年12月英语六级真题及答案专题 2020年12月英语四级真题及答案专题


新东方王苗:2018年6月大学英语六级考试真题解析翻译部分(新东方版) 【试题—自行车】 自行车曾经是中国城乡最主要的交通工具,中国一度被称为“自行车王国”。如今,随着城市交通拥挤和空气污染日益严重,骑自行车又开始流行起来。近来,中国企业家将移动互联网技术与传统自行车结合在一起,发明了一种成为共享单车的商业模式。共享单车的出现使骑车出行更加方便,人们仅需用一部手机就可以随时使用共享单车。为了鼓励人们骑车出行,很多城市修建了自行车道。现在,越来越多的中国人也喜欢通过骑车健身。 【译文】 Bicycles used to be the main transportation vehicles in cities and countryside of China, so China was once called the “Bicycle Kingdom”. Today, as traffic jams and air pollution are increasingly worsening, riding bicycles has become popular again. Recently, Chinese entrepreneurs have combined the technology of mobile Internet with bicycles and invented a commercial model called Bicycle Sharing. The emergence of Bicycle Sharing makes bicycle-riding more convenient: people can use shared bicycles at any time with only a mobile cell. To encourage citizens to ride bicycles, bicycle roadways have been built in many cities. Nowadays, an increasing number of people enjoy doing physical exercises by riding bicycles. 【解析】 1.自行车曾经是中国城乡最主要的交通工具,中国一度被称为“自行车王国”。第一句逗号前后为因果关系的两个简单句。词汇:交通工具:transportation vehicles 。Bicycles used to be the main transportation vehicles in cities and countryside of China, so China had been called the “Bicycle Kingdom”. 2. 如今,随着城市交通拥挤和空气污染日益严重,骑自行车又开始流行起来。第二句为一个含有状语从句的复合句。词汇:交通拥堵traffic jam。骑自行车:ride bicycles。Today, as traffic jams and air pollution are increasingly worsening, riding bicycles has become popular again. 3. 近来,中国企业家将移动互联网技术与传统自行车结合在一起,发明了一种成为共享单车的商业模式。第三句为主谓宾句式,主语是“中国企业家”,谓语是“结合”和“发明”。时态为现在完成时。词汇:企业家:entrepreneur。移动互联网mobile Internet。Recently, Chinese entrepreneurs have combined the technology of mobile Internet with bicycles and invented a commercial model called Bicycle Sharing. 4. 共享单车的出现使骑车出行更加方便,人们仅需用一部手机就可以随时使用共享单车。 第四句可以翻译为两个简单句。词汇:“共享单车”的两种译法bicycle sharing, shared bicycles。The emergence of Bicycle Sharing makes bicycle-riding more convenient: people can use shared bicycles at any time with only a mobile cell。 5. 为了鼓励人们骑车出行,很多城市修建了自行车道。第五句采用被动语态。词汇:自行车道:bicycle roadway/lane。To encourage citizens to ride bicycles, bicycle roadways have been built in many cities. 6.现在,越来越多的中国人也喜欢通过骑车健身。第六句主谓宾句式。词汇:健身do physical exercises。Nowadays, an increasing number of people enjoy doing physical exercises by riding


2020年12月英语六级答案:长篇阅读答案(新东方版) 2020年12月英语六级答案:长篇阅读答案(新东方版) 考试采取“多题多卷”模式,试题顺序不统一,请依据试题实行 核对。 长篇阅读 Climate change may be real, but it’s still not easy being green How do we convince our inner caveman to be greener?We ask some outstanding social scientists. A) The road to climate hell is paved with our good intentions. Politicians may tackle polluters while scientists do battle with carbon emissions. But the most pervasive problem is less obvious: our own behaviour. We get distracted before we can turn down the heating. We break our promise not to fly after hearing about a neighbor’s rip to India. Ultimately, we can’t be bothered to change our attitude. Fortunately for the planet, social science and behavioral economics may be able to do that for us. B) Despite mournful polar bears and carts showing carbon emissions soaring, mot people find it hard to believe that global warming will affect them personally. Recent polls by the Pew Research Centre in Washington, DC, found that 75-80 per cent of participants regarded climate change as an important issue. But respondents ranked it last on a list of priorities.
