




A.国民收入决定理论B. 汇率决定理论C. 价格决定理论D.工资决定理论正确答案:A2、宏观经济学与微观经济学的研究对象()。



A.国民收入(NI)B. 国内生产总值(GDP)C.国内生产净值(NDP)D.个人收入(PI)正确答案:D5、利率越高()。

A.债券的价格越高,投机性货币需求越小B.债券的价格越低,投机性货币需求越大C. 债券的价格越高,投机性货币需求越大D.债券的价格越低,投机性货币需求越小正确答案:D6、如果政府希望把整个货币供给的规模控制在3000亿元的水平,在基础货币发行数量为600亿元的条件下,法定准备金率应为()。


A.必然减少B.不变C. 不能确定D. 必然增加正确答案:C8、两部门经济中,如果I<S,则宏观经济()。




A.货币需求大于货币供给B.投资小于储蓄C. 货币需求小于货币供给D. 投资大于储蓄正确答案:D12、LM曲线在凯恩斯区域里呈()。

A.向右上方倾斜B. 垂直C.水平D.无法确定正确答案:C13、IS曲线表示()。




本大题共20分,共计10小题,每小题2分)1. 下列哪种情况是 2M 的一部分,但不是1M 的一部分?( )A.其他支票存款;B.活期存款;C.储蓄存款;D.旅行支票。

2. IS 曲线上的每一个点都表示使( )。


3. 财政政策是指( )。


4. 正如凯恩斯一样,许多经济学家相信在经济衰退时,投资( )。


5. 只涉及私人部门的收入流量循环模型显示出( )。


6. 下列各项中,属于要素收入的是( )。


7. 根据简单的国民收入决定模型,引起国民收入减少的原因是( )。


8. 下述哪一种不属于投机性外汇交易( )。


9. 假定经济实现了充分就业,总供给曲线为正斜率,那么减税会使()。




《宏观经济学》期末考试复习题附答案(参考)一、单项选择第十二章国民收入核算1.下列关于GDP说法正确的是(③)①一年内一个国家范围内的所有交易的市场价值②一年内一个国家范围内交换的所有最终商品和劳务的市场价值③一年内一个国家范围内生产的所有最终商品和劳务的市场价值④一年内一个国家范围内交换的所有商品和劳务的市场价值2.某人收入为1000元,个人所得税200元,政府补助150元,则个人可支配收入为(②)① 1350元② 950元③ 650元④ 1050元3.下列将计入当年GDP的一项是(③)①某人花10万元购买一辆二手汽车②面包厂购买的面粉③某企业当年生产没有卖掉的20万元产品④家庭妇女在家从事家务劳动4.如果一个社会体系的消费支出为9亿元,投资支出为1.2亿元,间接税为1亿元,政府用于商品和劳务的支出为2.5亿元,出口额为 3亿元,进口额为1.8亿元,则下列正确的是(①)① GDP为13.9亿元② GDP为12.9亿元③ NDP为13.9亿元④ NDP为12.9亿元5.一国的GNP小于GDP,说明该国公民从国外取得的产值( B )外国公民从该国取得的产值。

A、大于B、小于C、等于D、可能大于也可能小于6.今年名义GDP大于去年的名义GDP,说明( D )A、今年的物价水平一定比去年高了B、今年生产的物品和劳务总量一定比去年增加了C、今年的物价水平和实物产量水平一定都比去年提高了D、以上三种说法都不一定正确。

7.在一般情况下,国民收入核算体系中,数值最小的是( C )A、国民生产净值;B、个人收入;C、个人可支配收入;D、国民收入8、一国国内在一定时期内生产的所有最终产品和劳务的市场价值根据价格变化调整后的数值被称为( B )A、国民生产净值;B、实际国内生产总值;C、名义国内生产总值;D、潜在国内生产总值9、在统计中,社会保险税增加对( D )项有影响。




秋季宏观内容模拟卷考试时间: 120分钟班次: ____________姓名:___________一、单选题(共45小题45分)1.按百分比计算,如果名义国内生产总值上升______价格上升的幅度,则实际国内生产总值将______。





宏观经济期末复习题及考试范围期末考试试卷包括六大题型,题型分别为:单项选择题(15个,每题2分,共30分)判断题(10个,每题1分,共10分)名词解释(5个,每题4分,共20分)简答题(4个,每题5分,共20分)计算题(2个,每题6分,共12分)论述题(1个,共8分)以下是题型及范围:一、单项选择题(15个,每题2分,共30分)1、国内生产总值是下面哪一项的市场价值( D )。

A.一年内一个经济的所有交易B.一年内一个经济中交换的所有商品和劳务C.一年内一个经济中交换所有最终商品和劳务D.一年内一个经济中生产的所有最终产品和劳务2、国内生产总值与国内生产净值之间的差别是:( C )。

A.间接税B.直接税C.折旧3、在下列三种情况中应该记入当年国内生产总值的是:( C )。

A.用来生产面包的面粉B.居民自己食用的面粉C.粮店为居民加工的面条4、国内生产总值中的最终产品是指:( C )。

A.有形的产品B.无形的产品C.既包括有形的产品,也包括无形的产品5、假设第一年即基年的当期美元产出为$500,如果第8年价格指数翻了一倍而实际产出增加了50%,则第8年的当期美元产出等于( B )。

A.$2000B.$1500C.$1000D.$7506、下列项目应计入GDP的是( D )A.购买一辆用过的卡车B.购买普通股票C.政府转移支付D.购买一幢当年生产的房屋7、下列三种产品中应该记入当年国内生产总值的是:( A )。

A.当年生产的拖拉机B.去年生产而今年销售出去的拖拉机C.某人去年收购而在今年专售给他人的拖拉机8、名义GDP为1100,实际GDP为1000,则GDP平减指数为( D )A、90.91 B. 90.91% C. 110 D. 110%9、今年的名义GDP增加了,说明( D )A.今年的物价上涨了B. 今年的物价和产出都增加了C.今年的产出增加了D.不能确定10、在两部门经济中,当投资增加100万元时,国民收入增加了1000万元,那么此时的边际消费倾向为:( C )。



2013秋季学期《宏观经济学》期末复习题一、选择题1.Macroeconomics includes the study of topics such as ()a.national output, the inflation rate, and the trade deficit.b.the price of Cisco stock, wage differences between genders, and antitrust laws.c.differences in market structure, and how consumers maximize utility.d.None of the above are correct.2. Which of the following is the correct definition of GDP? ( )a.the market value of all goods produced within a countryb.the market value of all final goods and services produced by the citizens of a countryc.the market value of all final goods and services produced within a countryd.None of the above are correct.3. Which of the following is included in the Consumption component of GDP? ( )a.Social Security paymentsb.purchases of foreign goods and servicesc.purchases of newly constructed homesd.All of the above are correct.4. Suppose nominal GDP rose from $500 billion to $600 billion while the GDP deflator increased from 100 to 125. The real GDP ( )a. remained constantb. increasedc. decreasedd. cannot be calculated from these figures5. Which of the following is correct for an economy? ( )a.Income is greater than production.b.Production is greater than income.c.Income always equals production.d.Income equals production only when saving is zero.6. The government reports that "GDP increased by 1.6 percent in the last quarter." This statement means that GDP increased ( )a.by 6.4 percent for the year.b.at an annual rate of 6.4 percent during the last quarter.c.at an annual rate of 1.6 percent during the last quarter.d.at an annual rate of .4 percent during the last quarter.7. The consumer price index is used to ( )a.track changes in the level of wholesale prices in the economy.b.monitor changes in the cost of living.c.monitor changes in the level of real GDP.d.track changes in the stock market.8. Because the CPI is based on a fixed basket of goods, the introduction of new goods and services in the economy causes the CPI to overestimate the cost of living. This is so because ( )a.new goods and services are always of higher quality than existing goods and services.b.new goods and services cost less than existing goods and services.c.new goods and services cost more than existing goods and services.d.when a new good is introduced, it gives consumers greater choice, thus reducing the amount they must spend to maintain their standard of living.9. Which goods are supposed to be included in the CPI? ( )a.all goods and services produced in the economyb.all goods and services that typical consumers buyc.all goods and services in the consumption component of the GDP accountsd.all the goods, but not the services, in the consumption component of the GDP accounts10. When the relative price of a good increases, consumers will respond by buying ( )a.more of it and its substitutes.b.less of it and its substitutes.c.less of it and more of its substitutes.d.more of it and less of its substitutes.11. In a simple circular-flow diagram total income and total expenditure are ( )a.seldom equal because of the dynamic changes which occur in an economy.b.equal only when all goods and services produced are sold.c.always equal because every transaction has a buyer and a seller.d.always equal because of accounting rules.12. Productivity ( )a.is nearly the same across countries and so provides no help explaining differences across countries in the standard of living.b.explains very little of the differences across countries in the standard of living.c.explains some, but not most of the differences across countries in the standard of living.d.explains most of the differences across countries in the standard of living.13. Which of the following is NOT correct? ( )a.Countries that have had higher output growth per person have typically not done so with higher productivity growth.b. A country's standard of living and its productivity are closely related.c.Productivity refers to output produced per hour of work.d.Increases in productivity can be used to increase output or leisure.14. Which of the following is considered human capital? ( )a.knowledge acquired from early childhood education programsb.knowledge acquired from grade schoolc.knowledge acquired from on-the-job trainingd.All of the above are correct.15. When a country saves a larger portion of its GDP, it will have ( )a.less investment, and so have more capital and higher productivity.b.less investment, and so have less capital and higher productivity.c.more investment, and so have more capital and higher productivity.d.more investment, and so have less capital and higher productivity.16. Which of the following equations will always represent GDP in an open economy? ( )a.S = I – Gb.I = Y - C + Gc.Y = C + I + Gd.Y = C + I + G + NX17. Which of the following is considered human capital? ( )a.the comfortable chair in your dorm room where you read economics textsb.the amount you get paid each week to work at the libraryc.the things you have learned this semesterd.any capital goods that require a human to be present to operate18. A budget surplus is created if ( )a.the government sells more bonds than it buys back.b.the government spends more than it receives in tax revenue.c.private savings are greater than zero.d.None of the above are correct.19. Suppose that in a closed economy GDP is equal to 10,000, taxes are equal to 2,500 Consumption equals 6,500 and Government expenditures equal 2,000. What are private saving, public saving, and national saving? ( )a.1500, 1000, 500b.1000, 500, 1500c.500, 1500, 1000d.None of the above are correct.20. If the tax revenue of the federal government exceeds spending, then the government ( )a.runs a budget deficit.b.runs a budget surplus.c.runs a national debt.d.will increase taxes.21. What is the future value of $500 one year from today if the interest rate is 6 percent? ( )a.$503b.$515c.$530d.None of the front is correct.22. Lisa deposits $250 in an account and one year later has $270; what was the interest rate? ( )a.8 percentb.9 percentc.10 percentd.None of the above are correct.23. A risk averse person has ( )a.utility and marginal utility curves that slope upward.b.utility and marginal utility curves that slope downward.c. a utility curve that slopes down and a marginal utility curve that slopes upward.d. a utility curve that slopes upward and a marginal utility curve that slopes downward.24. The utility function of a risk-averse person has a ( )a.positive slope and gets steeper as wealth increases.b.positive slope but gets flatter as wealth increases.c.negative slope but gets steeper as wealth increases.d.negative slope and gets flatter as wealth increases.25. Which of the following is a reason for diversification? ( )a.to get the highest possible returnb. to get the most dividendsc.to eliminate riskd. to reduce risk26. Diversification of a portfolio can ( )a. reduce aggregate riskb. reduce idiosyncratic riskc. eliminate all risksd. increase the standard deviation of the portfolio’s return27. Municipal bonds pay a ( )a.low rate of interest because of their high-default risk and because the interest they pay is subject to federal income tax.b.low rate of interest because of their low-default risk and because the interest they pay isnot subject to federal income tax.c.high rate of interest because of their high-default risk and because federal taxes must be paid on the interest they pay.d.high rate of interest because of their low-default risk and because the interest they pay is not subject to federal income tax.28. A mutual fund ( )a.is a financial market where small firms mutually agree to sell stocks and bonds to raise funds.b.is funds set aside by local governments to lend to small firms who want to invest in projects that are mutually beneficial to the firm and community.c.sells stocks and bonds on behalf of small and less known firms who would otherwise have to pay high interest to obtain credit.d.is an institution that sells shares to the public and uses the proceeds to buy a selection of various types of stocks, bonds, or both stocks and bonds.29. The supply of loanable funds curve is upward sloping because a rise in the interest rate ( )a.decreases the opportunity cost of firms’ investment spending.b.increases the opportunity cost of firms’ investment spending.c.decreases the opportunity cost to households of consuming.d.increases the opportunity cost to households of consuming.30. The labor force equals the ( )a.number of people who are employed.b.number of people who are unemployed.c.number of people employed plus the number of people unemployed. ( )d.adult population.31. A college student who is not working or looking for a job is counted as ( )a.neither employed nor part of the labor force.b.unemployed and in the labor force.c.unemployed, but not in the labor force.d.employed and in the labor force.32.Total population29.7Adult population21.2Number of unemployed 1.2Number of employed12.1According to the statistics, the labor force is ( )a. 12.1 millionb. 13.3 millionc. 20.0 milliond. 21.2 million33. Most economists agree that eliminating unemployment insurance would ( )a.increase unemployment because people would quit jobs they thought were not secure.b.increase unemployment because if the government didn't provide unemployment insurance, private firms would offer superior insurance.c.reduce unemployment and so improve economic well-being.d.reduce unemployment, but they disagree about whether economic well-being would be enhanced by such a change.34. The natural rate of unemployment is the ( )a.unemployment rate that would prevail with zero inflation.b.rate associated with the highest possible level of GDP.c.difference between the long-run and short-run unemployment rates.d.amount of unemployment that the economy normally experiences.35. An increase in the minimum wage would ( )a.increase both the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied of labor.b.decrease both the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied of labor.c.increase the quantity of labor demanded while decreasing the quantity supplied.d.decrease the quantity of labor demanded while increasing the quantity supplied.36. Providing training for unemployed individuals will help to alleviate ( )a. frictional unemploymentb. seasonal unemploymentc. structural unemploymentd. cyclical unemployment37. Which of the following statements about efficiency wage theory is true? ( )a. Firms do not have a choice about whether they pay efficiency wages or not because these wages are determined are determined by law.b. Paying the lowest possible wage is always the most efficient (profitable).c. Paying above the competitive equilibrium wage may improve worker health, lower worker turnover, improve worker quality, and increase worker effort.d. Paying above the competitive equilibrium wage causes workers to shirk their responsibilities.38. According to the rule of 70, if the interest rate is 5 percent, how long will it take for the valueof a savings account to double? ( )a.about 3.5 yearsb.about 6.3 yearsc.about 12 yearsd.about 14 years39. The fact that someone with a high risk of medical problems is more likely to buy a lot of health insurance is an example of ( )a. moral hazard.b. adverse selection.c. monitoring .d. collective bargaining.40. Economists use the word "money" to refer to ( )a.income generated by the production of goods and services.b.those assets regularly used to buy goods and services.c.the value of a person's assets.d.the value of stocks and bonds.41. Which list ranks assets from most to least liquid? ( )a.currency, fine art, stocksb.currency, stocks, fine artc.fine art, currency, stocksd.fine art, stocks, currency42. Which of the following is included in M2 but not in M1? ( )a. currencyb. demand depositsc. savings depositsd. All of the above are included in both M1 and M243. In a 100-percent-reserve banking system, ( )a.banks can create money by issuing currency.b.banks can create money by lending out reserves.c.the Central bank can increase the money supply with open market sales.d.banks hold as many reserves as they hold deposits.44. If the reserve requirement is 10 percent, this bank ( )a.is in a position to make a new loan of $15,000.b.has less reserves than required.c.has excess reserves of less than $15,000.d.None of the above are correct.45. If the reserve ratio is 20 percent, the money multiplier is ( )a. 50.b.20.c.10.d. 5.46. When the number of dollars needed to buy a representative basket of goods falls, the value of money ( )a.rises, and so the price level rises.b.rises, and so the price level falls.c.falls, and so the price level rises.d.falls, and so the price level falls.47. According to the quantity equation, if P = 12, Y = 6, M= 8, then V =( )a.9.b. 16.c. 4.d.None of the above is correct.48. Which of the following is not a tool of monetary policy? ( )a.open market operationsb.reserve requirementsc.changing the discount rated.increasing the deficit49. The Central bank can increase the money supply by conducting open market ( )a.sales and raising the discount rate.b.sales and lowering the discount rate.c.purchases and raising the discount rate.d.purchases and lowering the discount rate.50. When the money market is drawn with the value of money on the vertical axis, an increase in the money supply ( )a.increases the price level and the value of money.b.increases the price level and decreases the value of money.c.decreases the price level and increases the value of money.d.decreases the price level and the value of money.51. When the price level falls, the number of dollars needed to buy a representative basket of goods ( )a.increases, so the value of money rises.b.increases, so the value of money falls.c.decreases, so the value of money rises.d.decreases, so the value of money falls.52. When the money market is drawn with the value of money on the vertical axis, an increase in the money supply shifts the money supply curve to the ( )a.right, lowering the price level.b.right, raising the price level.c.left, raising the price level.d.left, lowering the price level.53. The nominal interest rate is 3 percent and the inflation rate is 2 percent. What is the realinterest rate? ( )a. 6 percent.b. 5 percent.c. 1 percent.d.3/2 percent.54. The classical dichotomy refers to the idea that the supply of money( )a.is irrelevant for understanding the determinants of nominal and real variables.b.determines nominal variables, but not real variables.c.determines real variables, but not nominal variables.d.is a determinant of both real and nominal variables.55. According to the principle of monetary neutrality, a decrease in the money supply will notchange ( )a.nominal GDP.b.the price level.c.unemployment.d.All of the above are correct.56. Interest rates stated in the News are( )a.classical variables.b.dichotomous variables.c.nominal variables.d.real variables.57. Menu costs refers to ( )a.resources used by people to maintain lower money holdings when inflation is high.b.the distortion in resource allocation created by uncertainty concerning relative pricechanges created by inflation.c.the distortion in incentives created by inflation when taxes do not adjust for inflation.d.the cost of more frequent price changes induced by higher inflation.58. Foreign-produced goods and services that are sold domestically are called ( )a.imports.b.exports. imports. exports..59. Ivan, a Russian citizen, sells several hundred cases of caviar to a restaurant chain in the United States. By itself, this sale ( )a.increases U.S. net exports and has no effect on Russian net exports.b.increases U.S. net exports and decreases Russian net exports.c.decreases U.S. net exports and has no effect on Russian net exports.d.decreases U.S. net exports and increases Russian net exports.60. Net exports of a country are the value of ( )a.goods and services imported minus the value of goods and services exported.b.goods and services exported minus the value of goods and services imported.c.goods exported minus the value of goods imported.d.goods imported minus the value of goods exported.61. Which of the following statements about trade policy is true? ( )a. A restrictive import quota increases a country’s net exports.b. A restrictive import quota decreases a country’s net exports.c. A country’s trade policy has no impact on the size of its trade balance.d. None of the above.62. Net capital outflow refers to the purchase of ( )a.foreign assets by domestic residents minus the purchase of domestic assets by foreign residents.b.foreign assets by domestic residents minus the purchase of foreign goods and services by domestic residents.c.domestic assets by foreign residents minus the purchase of domestic goods and services by foreign residents.d.domestic assets by foreign residents minus the purchase of foreign assets by domestic residents.63. Net capital outflow measures ( ).a.foreign assets held by domestic residents minus domestic assets held by foreign residents.b.the imbalance between the amount of foreign assets bought by domestic residents and the amount of domestic assets bought by foreigners.c.the imbalance between the amount of foreign assets bought by domestic residents and the amount of domestic goods and services sold to foreigners.d.None of the above is correct.64. The nominal exchange rate is the ( )a.nominal interest rate in one country divided by the nominal interest rate in the other country.b.rate at which a person can trade the currency of one country for the currency of another.c.price of a good in one country divided by the price of the same good in another.d.the number of goods a person can trade for a similar good in another country.65. Purchasing-power parity theory does not hold at all times because( )a.many goods are not easily transported.b.the same goods produced in different countries may be imperfect substitutes for each other.c.Both a and b are correct.d.prices are different across countries.66. If the exchange rate changes from 150 yen per dollar to 100 yen per dollar, the dollar has( )a.appreciated and so buys more Japanese goods.b.appreciated and so buys fewer Japanese goods.c.depreciated and so buys more Japanese goods.d.depreciated and so buys fewer Japanese goods.67. If P = domestic prices, P* = foreign prices, and e is the nominal exchange rate, which of the following is implied by purchasing-power parity? ( )a.P = e/P*b. 1 = e/P*c. e = P*/Pd.None of the above is correct.68. According to purchasing-power parity theory, if a McDonald’s Big Mac cost $2.50 in theUnited States and 5 euros in France, then the nominal exchange rate should be ( )a. 2 euros per dollar.b.1euro per dollar.c.1/2 euro per dollar.d.None of the above is correct.69. Which of the following people or firm would be pleased by a depreciation of the Canadian dollar? ( )a. a Canadian tourist traveling in Europeb. a Canadian importer of wine to Canadac. a French exporter of wine to Canadad. an Italian importer of Canadian steel70. In the open-economy macroeconomic model, if the supply of loanable funds increases, netcapital outflow ( )a.and the real exchange rate increase.b. and the real exchange rate decrease.c. increases and the real exchange rate decreases.d. decreases and the real exchange rate increases.71. Business cycles( )a.are easily predicted by competent economists.b.have never occurred very close together.c.can only be seen as changes in real GDP.d.None of the above is correct.72. If a government increases its budget deficit, then the real exchange rate ( )a.and domestic investment rise.b.and domestic investment fall.c.rises and domestic investment falls.d.falls and domestic investment rises.73. In the open-economy macroeconomic model, if a country's interest rate increases, its netcapital outflow ( )a.and the real exchange rate increase.b.and the real exchange rate decrease.c.increases and the real exchange rate decreases.d.decreases and the real exchange rate increases.74. The aggregate demand curve ( )a.slopes downward for the same reasons that market demand curves slope downward.b.is vertical in the long run.c.shows an inverse relation between the price level and the quantity of all goods and services demanded.d.All of the above are correct.75. The model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply explains the relationship between ( ).a.the price and quantity of a particular good.b.unemployment and output.c.wages and employment.d.real GDP and the price level.76. The downward slope of the aggregate demand curve shows that an increase in the ( )a.money supply causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to increase.b.money supply causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to decrease.c.price level causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to increase.d.price level causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to decrease.77. The aggregate supply curve is upward sloping rather than vertical in( )a.the short and long run.b.neither the short nor long run.c.the long run, but not the short run.d.the short run, but not the long run.78. Which of the following shifts aggregate demand to the right? ( )a.an increase in the price levelb.an increase in the money supplyc. a decrease in the price leveld. a decrease in the money supply79. A decrease in government spending initially and primarily shifts( )a.aggregate demand right.b.aggregate demand left.c.aggregate supply right.d.neither aggregate demand nor aggregate supply.80. In the open-economy macroeconomic model, if a country's interest rate increases, its net capital outflow ( )a.and the real exchange rate increase.b.and the real exchange rate decrease.c.increases and the real exchange rate decreases.d.decreases and the real exchange rate increases.81. An increase in government spending initially and primarily shifts ( )a.aggregate demand right.b.aggregate demand left.c.aggregate supply right.d.neither aggregate demand nor aggregate supply.82. Which of the following is not included in aggregate demand?a.purchases of stock and bondsb.purchases of services such as visits to the doctorc.purchases of capital goods such as equipment in a factoryd.purchases by foreigners of consumer goods produced in the United States83. Which of the following shifts aggregate demand to the left? ( )a.an increase in the price levelb.an increase in the money supplyc. a decrease in the price leveld. a decrease in the money supply84. Which of the following is upward sloping? ( )a.both the long-run and the short-run Phillips curveb.neither the long-run nor the short-run Phillips curvec.only the long-run Phillips curved.only the short-run Phillips curve85. Which of the following is downward sloping? ( )a.both the long-run and the short-run Phillips curveb.neither the long-run nor the short-run Phillips curvec.only the long-run Phillips curved.only the short-run Phillips curve86.According to liquidity preference theory, the price level and interest rate are ( )a.positively related as are the interest rate and aggregate demand.b.inversely related as are the interest rate and aggregate demand.c.positively related while the interest rate and aggregate demand are inversely related.d.inversely related while the interest rate and aggregate demand are positively related.87.If there is excess money demand, people will ( )a.deposit more into interest-bearing accounts, and the interest rate will fall.b.deposit more into interest-bearing accounts, and the interest rate will rise.c.withdraw money from interest-bearing accounts, and the interest rate will fall.d.withdraw money from interest-bearing accounts, and the interest rate will rise.88. The misperceptions theory of the short-run aggregate supply curve says that if the price level increases more than people expect, firms believe that the relative price of what they produce has( )a.decreased, so they increase production.b.decreased, so they decrease production.c.increased, so they increase production.d.increased, so they decrease production.89. The sticky wage theory of the short-run aggregate supply curve says that when prices fall unexpectedly, the real wage ( )a.rises, so employment rises.b.rises, so employment falls.c.falls, so employment rises.d.falls, so employment falls.90. When a country's central bank increases the money supply, its ( )a.price level rises and its currency appreciates relative to other currencies in the world.b.price level rises and its currency depreciates relative to other currencies in the world.c.price level falls and its currency appreciates relative to other currencies in the world.d.price level falls and its currency depreciates relative to other currencies in the world.91. During a recession the economy experiences ( )a.rising employment and income.b.rising employment and falling income.c.rising income and falling employment.d.falling employment and income.92. Which of the following is an adverse supply shock? ( )a. a decrease in the money supplyb. a tax cutc. a worldwide droughtd.decreased government spending93. An adverse supply shock will cause output ( )a.and prices to rise.b.and prices to fall.c.to rise and prices to fall.d.to fall and prices to rise94. Which of the following policies would stabilization policy activists support when the economy is experiencing unemployment above the natural rate? ( )a. a decrease in the money supplyb. a reduction in tax ratesc. a decrease in government purchasesd.None of the above is correct.95. According to the theory of liquidity preference, an increase in the price level causes the ( )a.interest rate and investment to rise.b.interest rate and investment to fall.c.interest rate to rise and investment to fall.d.interest rate to fall and investment to rise.96. If the MPC = 3/5, then the government purchases multiplier is ( )a.5/3.b.5/2.c. 5.d.15.97. Suppose the government increases expenditures by $6 billion. If the multiplier effect exceeds the crowding-out effect, then ( )a. the aggregate-supply curve shifts to the right by more than $6billionb. the aggregate-supply curve shifts to the left by more than $6billionc. the aggregate-demand curve shifts to the right by more than $6billiond. the aggregate-demand curve shifts to the left by more than $6billion98. The short-run relationship between inflation and unemployment is often called ( )a.the Classical Dichotomy.b.Money Neutrality.。



华侨大学本科考试卷2012—2013学年第 1学期(A)学院工商管理课程名称宏观经济学考试日期 2013年1月15日姓名专业学号华侨大学工商管理学院2012—2013学年第一学期微观经济学期末试卷(A)参考答案一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共18分)二、判断题(对的打“√”,错的打“×”,每小题1分,共15分)三、名词解释(每小题4分,共16分)1、国内生产总值(GDP):经济社会(即一国或一地区)在一定时期内(通常是一年)运用生产要素所生产的全部最终产品(物品和劳务)的市场价值总和。





四、简答题(每小题6分,共24分)1. 说明净出口函数的构成,并进一步从支出角度说明净出口变动与GDP增量间的关系?答案要点:净出口等于出口减去进口之差(2分);出口是国外部门对本国提供的产品与劳务的消费,是国外部门对本国产品与服务的支出(2分);而进口则是国内对国外部门提供产品与服务的消费,该消费不形成对本国居民的收入增加(2分)。

2. 简述“挤出效应”是如何形成的。







• • • • • • • 1、属于内在稳定器的项目是( ) A、政府购买; B、税收; C、政府转移支付; D、政府公共工程支出。 2、如果存在通货膨胀缺口,应采取的财政政策是 ( ) A、增加税收; B、减少税收; C、增加政府支 出; D、增加转移支付。 3、13、紧缩性货币政策的运用会导致( ) A、减少货币供给量;降低利率; B、增加 货币供给量,提高利率; C、减少货币供给量;提高利率; D、增加 货币供给量,提高利率。
• 1、宏观经济学的中心理论是( ) • A、价格决定理论; B、工资决定理论; • C、国民收入决定理论; D、汇率决定理论。 • 2、实际GDP等于( ) • A、价格水平除以名义GDP; B、名义GDP除以 价格水平; • C、名义GDP乘以价格水平; D、价格水平乘以 潜在GDP。 • 3、从国民生产净值减下列项目在为国民收入( ) • A、折旧; B、原材料支出; C、直接税; D、间 接税。
• 4、法定准备金率越高( ) • A、银行越愿意贷款; B、货币供给量越大; • C、越可能引发通货膨胀; D、商业银行存款 创造越困难。 • 5、在古典区域内( ) • A、货币政策有效; B、财政政策有效; • C、货币政策无效; D、两种政策同样有 效。 • 6、松货币紧财政使利息率( ) • A、提高很多; B、提高很少; C、下降很多; D、下降很少。
• • • • •
6.法定准备率和法定准备金、高能货币 法定准备率和法定准备金、 法定准备率和法定准备金 7.商业银行创造存款货币的机制。 商业银行创造存款货币的机制。 商业银行创造存款货币的机制 8.货币乘数的含义及其计算方法。 货币乘数的含义及其计算方法。 货币乘数的含义及其计算方法 9.凯恩斯主义财政政策和货币政策的内容及其运用。 凯恩斯主义财政政策和货币政策的内容及其运用。 凯恩斯主义财政政策和货币政策的内容及其运用 。




[3分] A.经济建设B.网络建设C.渠道建设2.李克强总理提出要稳货币,在货币政策方面需要(B)的货币政策。

[3分] A.宽松B.稳健C.紧缩3.新增财政支出主要用于(A)。

[3分] A.改善民生B.住房建设C.环境治理4.美国的有效需求增加,消费采购能力提高,中国的(A)就会增加,顺差就可能增加。

[3分] A.出口机会B.内需水平C.汇率5.今年,国际上的学术界、企业界还有(A)都预计美国经济开始加速。

[3分] A.政府B.劳动部门C.工商界6.中国经济发展的第一个十年(80年代)(C)持续加速上升,目标定得也很高。

[3分] A.汇率B.税收C.经济7.我国未来需要增加(A)的开支。

[3分] A.国防现代化B.科技现代化C.农业现代化8.去年的(B),特别是外部环境和今年面临的外部环境存在新的变化。

[3分] A.金融B.经济环境C.债务危机9.通过(A)分析了宏观经济走势及变化。

[3分] A.经济增长和通货膨胀B.国际收支和充分就业C.金融和货币10.总体来讲,欧洲、欧元区采取一个非常宽松的(A)政策。

[3分] A.货币B.金融C.体制11.要认真学习中共中央、国务院的最新(A)导向的文件,以及领导的主要讲话。

[3分] A.政策B.任务C.法规12.美国经济好转,对中国的直接好处是(A)增加。

[3分] A.出口B.进口C.汇率13.新一届政府很有魄力,对机构做了一个很大的(C)。

[3分] A.分配B.转换C.调整14.新一届政府政策会在推动运转方式,调结构(A)等政策方面有所作为。

[3分] A.提高科学发展B.调控房价C.提高文化建设15.欧元经济经过了2010年、2011年、2012年,3年多的(C)有慢慢触底迹象。






























A、2/3;B、3/4;C、4/5;D、16、下列那种情况中,增加货币供给不会影响均衡收入?( )A、LM曲线陡峭,IS曲线平缓;B、LM曲线陡峭,IS曲线也陡峭;C、LM曲线平缓,而IS曲线垂直;D、LM曲线和IS曲线一样平缓;7、以下何种情况不会引起收入水平的上升()?A、增加自主性支出;B、减少自主性税收;C、增加自主性转移支付; D 、增加净税收。










学派网 版权所有 第1页,共20页
1.关于逐步扭转收入分配差距扩大趋势的说法,错误的是( )。

A .限制财产收入
C .调节过高收入
D .取缔非法收入
2.在为全面建成小康社会而奋斗的过程中,党和政府的全部任务和责任,归根到底是为了( )。

A .实现国民经济又好又块发展
B .加快转变经济发展方式
C .实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民的根木利益
D .实现经济总量超过美国
3.科学发展观的基本要求是( )。

A .经济发展
B .以人为本
D .五个统筹
4.深入贯彻落实科学发展观,是新时期我国各项工作的( )。

A .行为准则和评价标准
B .基本原则和基本路线
C .关键点和着力点
D .根本任务和行动指南
5.在相互可替代的商品之间,价格与需求变动的规律是( )。

A .替代品价格上升,被替代品需求减少
B .替代品价格上升.被替代品需求增加
C .替代品价格变动.被替代品需求不变
D .无稳定的变动规律

需求增加引起的变动是( )。



2013秋季学期《宏观经济学》期末复习题一、选择题1.Macroeconomics includes the study of topics such as ()a.national output, the inflation rate, and the trade deficit.b.the price of Cisco stock, wage differences between genders, and antitrust laws.c.differences in market structure, and how consumers maximize utility.d.None of the above are correct.2. Which of the following is the correct definition of GDP? ( )a.the market value of all goods produced within a countryb.the market value of all final goods and services produced by the citizens of a countryc.the market value of all final goods and services produced within a countryd.None of the above are correct.3. Which of the following is included in the Consumption component of GDP? ( )a.Social Security paymentsb.purchases of foreign goods and servicesc.purchases of newly constructed homesd.All of the above are correct.4. Suppose nominal GDP rose from $500 billion to $600 billion while the GDP deflator increased from 100 to 125. The real GDP ( )a. remained constantb. increasedc. decreasedd. cannot be calculated from these figures5. Which of the following is correct for an economy? ( )a.Income is greater than production.b.Production is greater than income.c.Income always equals production.d.Income equals production only when saving is zero.6. The government reports that "GDP increased by 1.6 percent in the last quarter." This statement means that GDP increased ( )a.by 6.4 percent for the year.b.at an annual rate of 6.4 percent during the last quarter.c.at an annual rate of 1.6 percent during the last quarter.d.at an annual rate of .4 percent during the last quarter.7. The consumer price index is used to ( )a.track changes in the level of wholesale prices in the economy.b.monitor changes in the cost of living.c.monitor changes in the level of real GDP.d.track changes in the stock market.8. Because the CPI is based on a fixed basket of goods, the introduction of new goods and services in the economy causes the CPI to overestimate the cost of living. This is so because ( )a.new goods and services are always of higher quality than existing goods and services.b.new goods and services cost less than existing goods and services.c.new goods and services cost more than existing goods and services.d.when a new good is introduced, it gives consumers greater choice, thus reducing the amount they must spend to maintain their standard of living.9. Which goods are supposed to be included in the CPI? ( )a.all goods and services produced in the economyb.all goods and services that typical consumers buyc.all goods and services in the consumption component of the GDP accountsd.all the goods, but not the services, in the consumption component of the GDP accounts10. When the relative price of a good increases, consumers will respond by buying ( )a.more of it and its substitutes.b.less of it and its substitutes.c.less of it and more of its substitutes.d.more of it and less of its substitutes.11. In a simple circular-flow diagram total income and total expenditure are ( )a.seldom equal because of the dynamic changes which occur in an economy.b.equal only when all goods and services produced are sold.c.always equal because every transaction has a buyer and a seller.d.always equal because of accounting rules.12. Productivity ( )a.is nearly the same across countries and so provides no help explaining differences across countries in the standard of living.b.explains very little of the differences across countries in the standard of living.c.explains some, but not most of the differences across countries in the standard of living.d.explains most of the differences across countries in the standard of living.13. Which of the following is NOT correct? ( )a.Countries that have had higher output growth per person have typically not done so with higher productivity growth.b. A country's standard of living and its productivity are closely related.c.Productivity refers to output produced per hour of work.d.Increases in productivity can be used to increase output or leisure.14. Which of the following is considered human capital? ( )a.knowledge acquired from early childhood education programsb.knowledge acquired from grade schoolc.knowledge acquired from on-the-job trainingd.All of the above are correct.15. When a country saves a larger portion of its GDP, it will have ( )a.less investment, and so have more capital and higher productivity.b.less investment, and so have less capital and higher productivity.c.more investment, and so have more capital and higher productivity.d.more investment, and so have less capital and higher productivity.16. Which of the following equations will always represent GDP in an open economy? ( )a.S = I – Gb.I = Y - C + Gc.Y = C + I + Gd.Y = C + I + G + NX17. Which of the following is considered human capital? ( )a.the comfortable chair in your dorm room where you read economics textsb.the amount you get paid each week to work at the libraryc.the things you have learned this semesterd.any capital goods that require a human to be present to operate18. A budget surplus is created if ( )a.the government sells more bonds than it buys back.b.the government spends more than it receives in tax revenue.c.private savings are greater than zero.d.None of the above are correct.19. Suppose that in a closed economy GDP is equal to 10,000, taxes are equal to 2,500 Consumption equals 6,500 and Government expenditures equal 2,000. What are private saving, public saving, and national saving? ( )a.1500, 1000, 500b.1000, 500, 1500c.500, 1500, 1000d.None of the above are correct.20. If the tax revenue of the federal government exceeds spending, then the government ( )a.runs a budget deficit.b.runs a budget surplus.c.runs a national debt.d.will increase taxes.21. What is the future value of $500 one year from today if the interest rate is 6 percent? ( )a.$503b.$515c.$530d.None of the front is correct.22. Lisa deposits $250 in an account and one year later has $270; what was the interest rate? ( )a.8 percentb.9 percentc.10 percentd.None of the above are correct.23. A risk averse person has ( )a.utility and marginal utility curves that slope upward.b.utility and marginal utility curves that slope downward.c. a utility curve that slopes down and a marginal utility curve that slopes upward.d. a utility curve that slopes upward and a marginal utility curve that slopes downward.24. The utility function of a risk-averse person has a ( )a.positive slope and gets steeper as wealth increases.b.positive slope but gets flatter as wealth increases.c.negative slope but gets steeper as wealth increases.d.negative slope and gets flatter as wealth increases.25. Which of the following is a reason for diversification? ( )a.to get the highest possible returnb. to get the most dividendsc.to eliminate riskd. to reduce risk26. Diversification of a portfolio can ( )a. reduce aggregate riskb. reduce idiosyncratic riskc. eliminate all risksd. increase the standard deviation of the portfolio’s return27. Municipal bonds pay a ( )a.low rate of interest because of their high-default risk and because the interest they pay is subject to federal income tax.b.low rate of interest because of their low-default risk and because the interest they pay isnot subject to federal income tax.c.high rate of interest because of their high-default risk and because federal taxes must be paid on the interest they pay.d.high rate of interest because of their low-default risk and because the interest they pay is not subject to federal income tax.28. A mutual fund ( )a.is a financial market where small firms mutually agree to sell stocks and bonds to raise funds.b.is funds set aside by local governments to lend to small firms who want to invest in projects that are mutually beneficial to the firm and community.c.sells stocks and bonds on behalf of small and less known firms who would otherwise have to pay high interest to obtain credit.d.is an institution that sells shares to the public and uses the proceeds to buy a selection of various types of stocks, bonds, or both stocks and bonds.29. The supply of loanable funds curve is upward sloping because a rise in the interest rate ( )a.decreases the opportunity cost of firms’ investment spending.b.increases the opportunity cost of firms’ investment spending.c.decreases the opportunity cost to households of consuming.d.increases the opportunity cost to households of consuming.30. The labor force equals the ( )a.number of people who are employed.b.number of people who are unemployed.c.number of people employed plus the number of people unemployed. ( )d.adult population.31. A college student who is not working or looking for a job is counted as ( )a.neither employed nor part of the labor force.b.unemployed and in the labor force.c.unemployed, but not in the labor force.d.employed and in the labor force.32.Total population29.7Adult population21.2Number of unemployed 1.2Number of employed12.1According to the statistics, the labor force is ( )a. 12.1 millionb. 13.3 millionc. 20.0 milliond. 21.2 million33. Most economists agree that eliminating unemployment insurance would ( )a.increase unemployment because people would quit jobs they thought were not secure.b.increase unemployment because if the government didn't provide unemployment insurance, private firms would offer superior insurance.c.reduce unemployment and so improve economic well-being.d.reduce unemployment, but they disagree about whether economic well-being would be enhanced by such a change.34. The natural rate of unemployment is the ( )a.unemployment rate that would prevail with zero inflation.b.rate associated with the highest possible level of GDP.c.difference between the long-run and short-run unemployment rates.d.amount of unemployment that the economy normally experiences.35. An increase in the minimum wage would ( )a.increase both the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied of labor.b.decrease both the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied of labor.c.increase the quantity of labor demanded while decreasing the quantity supplied.d.decrease the quantity of labor demanded while increasing the quantity supplied.36. Providing training for unemployed individuals will help to alleviate ( )a. frictional unemploymentb. seasonal unemploymentc. structural unemploymentd. cyclical unemployment37. Which of the following statements about efficiency wage theory is true? ( )a. Firms do not have a choice about whether they pay efficiency wages or not because these wages are determined are determined by law.b. Paying the lowest possible wage is always the most efficient (profitable).c. Paying above the competitive equilibrium wage may improve worker health, lower worker turnover, improve worker quality, and increase worker effort.d. Paying above the competitive equilibrium wage causes workers to shirk their responsibilities.38. According to the rule of 70, if the interest rate is 5 percent, how long will it take for the valueof a savings account to double? ( )a.about 3.5 yearsb.about 6.3 yearsc.about 12 yearsd.about 14 years39. The fact that someone with a high risk of medical problems is more likely to buy a lot of health insurance is an example of ( )a. moral hazard.b. adverse selection.c. monitoring .d. collective bargaining.40. Economists use the word "money" to refer to ( )a.income generated by the production of goods and services.b.those assets regularly used to buy goods and services.c.the value of a person's assets.d.the value of stocks and bonds.41. Which list ranks assets from most to least liquid? ( )a.currency, fine art, stocksb.currency, stocks, fine artc.fine art, currency, stocksd.fine art, stocks, currency42. Which of the following is included in M2 but not in M1? ( )a. currencyb. demand depositsc. savings depositsd. All of the above are included in both M1 and M243. In a 100-percent-reserve banking system, ( )a.banks can create money by issuing currency.b.banks can create money by lending out reserves.c.the Central bank can increase the money supply with open market sales.d.banks hold as many reserves as they hold deposits.44. If the reserve requirement is 10 percent, this bank ( )a.is in a position to make a new loan of $15,000.b.has less reserves than required.c.has excess reserves of less than $15,000.d.None of the above are correct.45. If the reserve ratio is 20 percent, the money multiplier is ( )a. 50.b.20.c.10.d. 5.46. When the number of dollars needed to buy a representative basket of goods falls, the value of money ( )a.rises, and so the price level rises.b.rises, and so the price level falls.c.falls, and so the price level rises.d.falls, and so the price level falls.47. According to the quantity equation, if P = 12, Y = 6, M= 8, then V =( )a.9.b. 16.c. 4.d.None of the above is correct.48. Which of the following is not a tool of monetary policy? ( )a.open market operationsb.reserve requirementsc.changing the discount rated.increasing the deficit49. The Central bank can increase the money supply by conducting open market ( )a.sales and raising the discount rate.b.sales and lowering the discount rate.c.purchases and raising the discount rate.d.purchases and lowering the discount rate.50. When the money market is drawn with the value of money on the vertical axis, an increase in the money supply ( )a.increases the price level and the value of money.b.increases the price level and decreases the value of money.c.decreases the price level and increases the value of money.d.decreases the price level and the value of money.51. When the price level falls, the number of dollars needed to buy a representative basket of goods ( )a.increases, so the value of money rises.b.increases, so the value of money falls.c.decreases, so the value of money rises.d.decreases, so the value of money falls.52. When the money market is drawn with the value of money on the vertical axis, an increase in the money supply shifts the money supply curve to the ( )a.right, lowering the price level.b.right, raising the price level.c.left, raising the price level.d.left, lowering the price level.53. The nominal interest rate is 3 percent and the inflation rate is 2 percent. What is the realinterest rate? ( )a. 6 percent.b. 5 percent.c. 1 percent.d.3/2 percent.54. The classical dichotomy refers to the idea that the supply of money( )a.is irrelevant for understanding the determinants of nominal and real variables.b.determines nominal variables, but not real variables.c.determines real variables, but not nominal variables.d.is a determinant of both real and nominal variables.55. According to the principle of monetary neutrality, a decrease in the money supply will notchange ( )a.nominal GDP.b.the price level.c.unemployment.d.All of the above are correct.56. Interest rates stated in the News are( )a.classical variables.b.dichotomous variables.c.nominal variables.d.real variables.57. Menu costs refers to ( )a.resources used by people to maintain lower money holdings when inflation is high.b.the distortion in resource allocation created by uncertainty concerning relative pricechanges created by inflation.c.the distortion in incentives created by inflation when taxes do not adjust for inflation.d.the cost of more frequent price changes induced by higher inflation.58. Foreign-produced goods and services that are sold domestically are called ( )a.imports.b.exports. imports. exports..59. Ivan, a Russian citizen, sells several hundred cases of caviar to a restaurant chain in the United States. By itself, this sale ( )a.increases U.S. net exports and has no effect on Russian net exports.b.increases U.S. net exports and decreases Russian net exports.c.decreases U.S. net exports and has no effect on Russian net exports.d.decreases U.S. net exports and increases Russian net exports.60. Net exports of a country are the value of ( )a.goods and services imported minus the value of goods and services exported.b.goods and services exported minus the value of goods and services imported.c.goods exported minus the value of goods imported.d.goods imported minus the value of goods exported.61. Which of the following statements about trade policy is true? ( )a. A restrictive import quota increases a country’s net exports.b. A restrictive import quota decreases a country’s net exports.c. A country’s trade policy has no impact on the size of its trade balance.d. None of the above.62. Net capital outflow refers to the purchase of ( )a.foreign assets by domestic residents minus the purchase of domestic assets by foreign residents.b.foreign assets by domestic residents minus the purchase of foreign goods and services by domestic residents.c.domestic assets by foreign residents minus the purchase of domestic goods and services by foreign residents.d.domestic assets by foreign residents minus the purchase of foreign assets by domestic residents.63. Net capital outflow measures ( ).a.foreign assets held by domestic residents minus domestic assets held by foreign residents.b.the imbalance between the amount of foreign assets bought by domestic residents and the amount of domestic assets bought by foreigners.c.the imbalance between the amount of foreign assets bought by domestic residents and the amount of domestic goods and services sold to foreigners.d.None of the above is correct.64. The nominal exchange rate is the ( )a.nominal interest rate in one country divided by the nominal interest rate in the other country.b.rate at which a person can trade the currency of one country for the currency of another.c.price of a good in one country divided by the price of the same good in another.d.the number of goods a person can trade for a similar good in another country.65. Purchasing-power parity theory does not hold at all times because( )a.many goods are not easily transported.b.the same goods produced in different countries may be imperfect substitutes for each other.c.Both a and b are correct.d.prices are different across countries.66. If the exchange rate changes from 150 yen per dollar to 100 yen per dollar, the dollar has( )a.appreciated and so buys more Japanese goods.b.appreciated and so buys fewer Japanese goods.c.depreciated and so buys more Japanese goods.d.depreciated and so buys fewer Japanese goods.67. If P = domestic prices, P* = foreign prices, and e is the nominal exchange rate, which of the following is implied by purchasing-power parity? ( )a.P = e/P*b. 1 = e/P*c. e = P*/Pd.None of the above is correct.68. According to purchasing-power parity theory, if a McDonald’s Big Mac cost $2.50 in theUnited States and 5 euros in France, then the nominal exchange rate should be ( )a. 2 euros per dollar.b.1euro per dollar.c.1/2 euro per dollar.d.None of the above is correct.69. Which of the following people or firm would be pleased by a depreciation of the Canadian dollar? ( )a. a Canadian tourist traveling in Europeb. a Canadian importer of wine to Canadac. a French exporter of wine to Canadad. an Italian importer of Canadian steel70. In the open-economy macroeconomic model, if the supply of loanable funds increases, netcapital outflow ( )a.and the real exchange rate increase.b. and the real exchange rate decrease.c. increases and the real exchange rate decreases.d. decreases and the real exchange rate increases.71. Business cycles( )a.are easily predicted by competent economists.b.have never occurred very close together.c.can only be seen as changes in real GDP.d.None of the above is correct.72. If a government increases its budget deficit, then the real exchange rate ( )a.and domestic investment rise.b.and domestic investment fall.c.rises and domestic investment falls.d.falls and domestic investment rises.73. In the open-economy macroeconomic model, if a country's interest rate increases, its netcapital outflow ( )a.and the real exchange rate increase.b.and the real exchange rate decrease.c.increases and the real exchange rate decreases.d.decreases and the real exchange rate increases.74. The aggregate demand curve ( )a.slopes downward for the same reasons that market demand curves slope downward.b.is vertical in the long run.c.shows an inverse relation between the price level and the quantity of all goods and services demanded.d.All of the above are correct.75. The model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply explains the relationship between ( ).a.the price and quantity of a particular good.b.unemployment and output.c.wages and employment.d.real GDP and the price level.76. The downward slope of the aggregate demand curve shows that an increase in the ( )a.money supply causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to increase.b.money supply causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to decrease.c.price level causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to increase.d.price level causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to decrease.77. The aggregate supply curve is upward sloping rather than vertical in( )a.the short and long run.b.neither the short nor long run.c.the long run, but not the short run.d.the short run, but not the long run.78. Which of the following shifts aggregate demand to the right? ( )a.an increase in the price levelb.an increase in the money supplyc. a decrease in the price leveld. a decrease in the money supply79. A decrease in government spending initially and primarily shifts( )a.aggregate demand right.b.aggregate demand left.c.aggregate supply right.d.neither aggregate demand nor aggregate supply.80. In the open-economy macroeconomic model, if a country's interest rate increases, its net capital outflow ( )a.and the real exchange rate increase.b.and the real exchange rate decrease.c.increases and the real exchange rate decreases.d.decreases and the real exchange rate increases.81. An increase in government spending initially and primarily shifts ( )a.aggregate demand right.b.aggregate demand left.c.aggregate supply right.d.neither aggregate demand nor aggregate supply.82. Which of the following is not included in aggregate demand?a.purchases of stock and bondsb.purchases of services such as visits to the doctorc.purchases of capital goods such as equipment in a factoryd.purchases by foreigners of consumer goods produced in the United States83. Which of the following shifts aggregate demand to the left? ( )a.an increase in the price levelb.an increase in the money supplyc. a decrease in the price leveld. a decrease in the money supply84. Which of the following is upward sloping? ( )a.both the long-run and the short-run Phillips curveb.neither the long-run nor the short-run Phillips curvec.only the long-run Phillips curved.only the short-run Phillips curve85. Which of the following is downward sloping? ( )a.both the long-run and the short-run Phillips curveb.neither the long-run nor the short-run Phillips curvec.only the long-run Phillips curved.only the short-run Phillips curve86.According to liquidity preference theory, the price level and interest rate are ( )a.positively related as are the interest rate and aggregate demand.b.inversely related as are the interest rate and aggregate demand.c.positively related while the interest rate and aggregate demand are inversely related.d.inversely related while the interest rate and aggregate demand are positively related.87.If there is excess money demand, people will ( )a.deposit more into interest-bearing accounts, and the interest rate will fall.b.deposit more into interest-bearing accounts, and the interest rate will rise.c.withdraw money from interest-bearing accounts, and the interest rate will fall.d.withdraw money from interest-bearing accounts, and the interest rate will rise.88. The misperceptions theory of the short-run aggregate supply curve says that if the price level increases more than people expect, firms believe that the relative price of what they produce has( )a.decreased, so they increase production.b.decreased, so they decrease production.c.increased, so they increase production.d.increased, so they decrease production.89. The sticky wage theory of the short-run aggregate supply curve says that when prices fall unexpectedly, the real wage ( )a.rises, so employment rises.b.rises, so employment falls.c.falls, so employment rises.d.falls, so employment falls.90. When a country's central bank increases the money supply, its ( )a.price level rises and its currency appreciates relative to other currencies in the world.b.price level rises and its currency depreciates relative to other currencies in the world.c.price level falls and its currency appreciates relative to other currencies in the world.d.price level falls and its currency depreciates relative to other currencies in the world.91. During a recession the economy experiences ( )a.rising employment and income.b.rising employment and falling income.c.rising income and falling employment.d.falling employment and income.92. Which of the following is an adverse supply shock? ( )a. a decrease in the money supplyb. a tax cutc. a worldwide droughtd.decreased government spending93. An adverse supply shock will cause output ( )a.and prices to rise.b.and prices to fall.c.to rise and prices to fall.d.to fall and prices to rise94. Which of the following policies would stabilization policy activists support when the economy is experiencing unemployment above the natural rate? ( )a. a decrease in the money supplyb. a reduction in tax ratesc. a decrease in government purchasesd.None of the above is correct.95. According to the theory of liquidity preference, an increase in the price level causes the ( )a.interest rate and investment to rise.b.interest rate and investment to fall.c.interest rate to rise and investment to fall.d.interest rate to fall and investment to rise.96. If the MPC = 3/5, then the government purchases multiplier is ( )a.5/3.b.5/2.c. 5.d.15.97. Suppose the government increases expenditures by $6 billion. If the multiplier effect exceeds the crowding-out effect, then ( )a. the aggregate-supply curve shifts to the right by more than $6billionb. the aggregate-supply curve shifts to the left by more than $6billionc. the aggregate-demand curve shifts to the right by more than $6billiond. the aggregate-demand curve shifts to the left by more than $6billion98. The short-run relationship between inflation and unemployment is often called ( )a.the Classical Dichotomy.b.Money Neutrality.。



2013秋季学期《宏观经济学》期末复习题一、选择题1.Macroeconomics includes the study of topics such as ()a. national output, the inflation rate, and the trade deficit.b. the price of Cisco stock, wage differences between genders, and antitrust laws.c. differences in market structure, and how consumers maximize utility.d. None of the above are correct.2. Which of the following is the correct definition of GDP? ( )a. the market value of all goods produced within a countryb. the market value of all final goods and services produced by the citizens of a countryc. the market value of all final goods and services produced within a countryd. None of the above are correct.3. Which of the following is included in the Consumption component of GDP? ( )a. Social Security paymentsb. purchases of foreign goods and servicesc. purchases of newly constructed homesd. All of the above are correct.4. Suppose nominal GDP rose from $500 billion to $600 billion while the GDP deflator increased from 100 to 125. The real GDP ( )a. remained constantb. increasedc. decreasedd. cannot be calculated from these figures5. Which of the following is correct for an economy? ( )a. Income is greater than production.b. Production is greater than income.c. Income always equals production.d. Income equals production only when saving is zero.6. The government reports that "GDP increased by 1.6 percent in the last quarter." This statement means that GDP increased ( )a. by 6.4 percent for the year.b. at an annual rate of 6.4 percent during the last quarter.c. at an annual rate of 1.6 percent during the last quarter.d. at an annual rate of .4 percent during the last quarter.7. The consumer price index is used to ( )a. track changes in the level of wholesale prices in the economy.b. monitor changes in the cost of living.c. monitor changes in the level of real GDP.d. track changes in the stock market.8. Because the CPI is based on a fixed basket of goods, the introduction of new goods and services in the economy causes the CPI to overestimate the cost of living. This is so because ( )a. new goods and services are always of higher quality than existing goods and services.b. new goods and services cost less than existing goods and services.c. new goods and services cost more than existing goods and services.d. when a new good is introduced, it gives consumers greater choice, thus reducing the amount they must spend to maintain their standard of living.9. Which goods are supposed to be included in the CPI? ( )a. all goods and services produced in the economyb. all goods and services that typical consumers buyc. all goods and services in the consumption component of the GDP accountsd. all the goods, but not the services, in the consumption component of the GDP accounts10. When the relative price of a good increases, consumers will respond by buying ( )a. more of it and its substitutes.b. less of it and its substitutes.c. less of it and more of its substitutes.d. more of it and less of its substitutes.11. In a simple circular-flow diagram total income and total expenditure are ( )a. seldom equal because of the dynamic changes which occur in an economy.b. equal only when all goods and services produced are sold.c. always equal because every transaction has a buyer and a seller.d. always equal because of accounting rules.12. Productivity ( )a. is nearly the same across countries and so provides no help explaining differences across countries in the standard of living.b. explains very little of the differences across countries in the standard of living.c. explains some, but not most of the differences across countries in the standard of living.d. explains most of the differences across countries in the standard of living.13. Which of the following is NOT correct? ( )a. Countries that have had higher output growth per person have typically not done so with higher productivity growth.b. A country's standard of living and its productivity are closely related.c. Productivity refers to output produced per hour of work.d. Increases in productivity can be used to increase output or leisure.14. Which of the following is considered human capital? ( )a. knowledge acquired from early childhood education programsb. knowledge acquired from grade schoolc. knowledge acquired from on-the-job trainingd. All of the above are correct.15. When a country saves a larger portion of its GDP, it will have ( )a. less investment, and so have more capital and higher productivity.b. less investment, and so have less capital and higher productivity.c. more investment, and so have more capital and higher productivity.d. more investment, and so have less capital and higher productivity.16. Which of the following equations will always represent GDP in an open economy? ( )a. S = I – Gb. I = Y - C + Gc. Y = C + I + Gd. Y = C + I + G + NX17. Which of the following is considered human capital? ( )a. the comfortable chair in your dorm room where you read economics textsb. the amount you get paid each week to work at the libraryc. the things you have learned this semesterd. any capital goods that require a human to be present to operate18. A budget surplus is created if ( )a. the government sells more bonds than it buys back.b. the government spends more than it receives in tax revenue.c. private savings are greater than zero.d. None of the above are correct.19. Suppose that in a closed economy GDP is equal to 10,000, taxes are equal to 2,500 Consumption equals 6,500 and Government expenditures equal 2,000. What are private saving, public saving, and national saving? ( )a. 1500, 1000, 500b. 1000, 500, 1500c. 500, 1500, 1000d. None of the above are correct.20. If the tax revenue of the federal government exceeds spending, then the government ( )a. runs a budget deficit.b. runs a budget surplus.c. runs a national debt.d. will increase taxes.21. What is the future value of $500 one year from today if the interest rate is 6 percent? ( )a. $503b. $515c. $530d. None of the front is correct.22. Lisa deposits $250 in an account and one year later has $270; what was the interest rate? ( )a. 8 percentb. 9 percentc. 10 percentd. None of the above are correct.23. A risk averse person has ( )a. utility and marginal utility curves that slope upward.b. utility and marginal utility curves that slope downward.c. a utility curve that slopes down and a marginal utility curve that slopes upward.d. a utility curve that slopes upward and a marginal utility curve that slopes downward.24. The utility function of a risk-averse person has a ( )a. positive slope and gets steeper as wealth increases.b. positive slope but gets flatter as wealth increases.c. negative slope but gets steeper as wealth increases.d. negative slope and gets flatter as wealth increases.25. Which of the following is a reason for diversification? ( )a.to get the highest possible returnb. to get the most dividendsc.to eliminate riskd. to reduce risk26. Diversification of a portfolio can ( )a. reduce aggregate riskb. reduce idiosyncratic riskc. eliminate all risksd. increase the standard deviation of the portfolio’s return27. Municipal bonds pay a ( )a. low rate of interest because of their high-default risk and because the interest they pay is subject to federal income tax.b. low rate of interest because of their low-default risk and because the interest they pay isnot subject to federal income tax.c. high rate of interest because of their high-default risk and because federal taxes must be paid on the interest they pay.d. high rate of interest because of their low-default risk and because the interest they pay is not subject to federal income tax.28. A mutual fund ( )a. is a financial market where small firms mutually agree to sell stocks and bonds to raise funds.b. is funds set aside by local governments to lend to small firms who want to invest in projects that are mutually beneficial to the firm and community.c. sells stocks and bonds on behalf of small and less known firms who would otherwise have to pay high interest to obtain credit.d. is an institution that sells shares to the public and uses the proceeds to buy a selection of various types of stocks, bonds, or both stocks and bonds.29. The supply of loanable funds curve is upward sloping because a rise in the interest rate ( )a. decreases the opportunity cost of firms’ investment spending.b. increases the opportunity cost of firms’ investment spending.c. decreases the opportunity cost to households of consuming.d. increases the opportunity cost to households of consuming.30. The labor force equals the ( )a. number of people who are employed.b. number of people who are unemployed.c. number of people employed plus the number of people unemployed. ( )d. adult population.31. A college student who is not working or looking for a job is counted as ( )a. neither employed nor part of the labor force.b. unemployed and in the labor force.c. unemployed, but not in the labor force.d. employed and in the labor force.According to the statistics, the labor force is ( )a. 12.1 millionb. 13.3 millionc. 20.0 milliond. 21.2 million33. Most economists agree that eliminating unemployment insurance would ( )a. increase unemployment because people would quit jobs they thought were not secure.b. increase unemployment because if the government didn't provide unemployment insurance, private firms would offer superior insurance.c. reduce unemployment and so improve economic well-being.d. reduce unemployment, but they disagree about whether economic well-being would be enhanced by such a change.34. The natural rate of unemployment is the ( )a. unemployment rate that would prevail with zero inflation.b. rate associated with the highest possible level of GDP.c. difference between the long-run and short-run unemployment rates.d. amount of unemployment that the economy normally experiences.35. An increase in the minimum wage would ( )a. increase both the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied of labor.b. decrease both the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied of labor.c. increase the quantity of labor demanded while decreasing the quantity supplied.d. decrease the quantity of labor demanded while increasing the quantity supplied.36. Providing training for unemployed individuals will help to alleviate ( )a. frictional unemploymentb. seasonal unemploymentc. structural unemploymentd. cyclical unemployment37. Which of the following statements about efficiency wage theory is true? ( )a. Firms do not have a choice about whether they pay efficiency wages or not because these wages are determined are determined by law.b. Paying the lowest possible wage is always the most efficient (profitable).c. Paying above the competitive equilibrium wage may improve worker health, lower worker turnover, improve worker quality, and increase worker effort.d. Paying above the competitive equilibrium wage causes workers to shirk their responsibilities.38. According to the rule of 70, if the interest rate is 5 percent, how long will it take for the valueof a savings account to double? ( )a. about 3.5 yearsb. about 6.3 yearsc. about 12 yearsd. about 14 years39. The fact that someone with a high risk of medical problems is more likely to buy a lot of health insurance is an example of ( )a. moral hazard.b. adverse selection.c. monitoring .d. collective bargaining.40. Economists use the word "money" to refer to ( )a. income generated by the production of goods and services.b. those assets regularly used to buy goods and services.c. the value of a person's assets.d. the value of stocks and bonds.41. Which list ranks assets from most to least liquid? ( )a. currency, fine art, stocksb. currency, stocks, fine artc. fine art, currency, stocksd. fine art, stocks, currency42. Which of the following is included in M2 but not in M1? ( )a. currencyb. demand depositsc. savings depositsd. All of the above are included in both M1 and M243. In a 100-percent-reserve banking system, ( )a. banks can create money by issuing currency.b. banks can create money by lending out reserves.c. the Central bank can increase the money supply with open market sales.d. banks hold as many reserves as they hold deposits.44. If the reserve requirement is 10 percent, this bank ( )a. is in a position to make a new loan of $15,000.b. has less reserves than required.c. has excess reserves of less than $15,000.d. None of the above are correct.45. If the reserve ratio is 20 percent, the money multiplier is ( )a. 50.b. 20.c. 10.d. 5.46. When the number of dollars needed to buy a representative basket of goods falls, the value of money ( )a. rises, and so the price level rises.b. rises, and so the price level falls.c. falls, and so the price level rises.d. falls, and so the price level falls.47. According to the quantity equation, if P = 12, Y = 6, M= 8, then V =( )a. 9.b. 16.c. 4.d. None of the above is correct.48. Which of the following is not a tool of monetary policy? ( )a. open market operationsb. reserve requirementsc. changing the discount rated. increasing the deficit49. The Central bank can increase the money supply by conducting open market ( )a. sales and raising the discount rate.b. sales and lowering the discount rate.c. purchases and raising the discount rate.d. purchases and lowering the discount rate.50. When the money market is drawn with the value of money on the vertical axis, an increase in the money supply ( )a. increases the price level and the value of money.b. increases the price level and decreases the value of money.c. decreases the price level and increases the value of money.d. decreases the price level and the value of money.51. When the price level falls, the number of dollars needed to buy a representative basket of goods ( )a. increases, so the value of money rises.b. increases, so the value of money falls.c. decreases, so the value of money rises.d. decreases, so the value of money falls.52. When the money market is drawn with the value of money on the vertical axis, an increase in the money supply shifts the money supply curve to the ( )a. right, lowering the price level.b. right, raising the price level.c. left, raising the price level.d. left, lowering the price level.53. The nominal interest rate is 3 percent and the inflation rate is 2 percent. What is the realinterest rate? ( )a. 6 percent.b. 5 percent.c. 1 percent.d. 3/2 percent.54. The classical dichotomy refers to the idea that the supply of money( )a. is irrelevant for understanding the determinants of nominal and real variables.b. determines nominal variables, but not real variables.c. determines real variables, but not nominal variables.d. is a determinant of both real and nominal variables.55. According to the principle of monetary neutrality, a decrease in the money supply will notchange ( )a. nominal GDP.b. the price level.c. unemployment.d. All of the above are correct.56. Interest rates stated in the News are( )a. classical variables.b. dichotomous variables.c. nominal variables.d. real variables.57. Menu costs refers to ( )a. resources used by people to maintain lower money holdings when inflation is high.b. the distortion in resource allocation created by uncertainty concerning relative pricechanges created by inflation.c. the distortion in incentives created by inflation when taxes do not adjust for inflation.d. the cost of more frequent price changes induced by higher inflation.58. Foreign-produced goods and services that are sold domestically are called ( )a. imports.b. exports.c. net imports.d. net exports..59. Ivan, a Russian citizen, sells several hundred cases of caviar to a restaurant chain in the United States. By itself, this sale ( )a. increases U.S. net exports and has no effect on Russian net exports.b. increases U.S. net exports and decreases Russian net exports.c. decreases U.S. net exports and has no effect on Russian net exports.d. decreases U.S. net exports and increases Russian net exports.60. Net exports of a country are the value of ( )a. goods and services imported minus the value of goods and services exported.b. goods and services exported minus the value of goods and services imported.c. goods exported minus the value of goods imported.d. goods imported minus the value of goods exported.61. Which of the following statements about trade policy is true? ( )a. A restrictive import quota increases a country’s net exports.b. A restrictive import quota decreases a country’s net exports.c. A country’s trade policy has no im pact on the size of its trade balance.d. None of the above.62. Net capital outflow refers to the purchase of ( )a. foreign assets by domestic residents minus the purchase of domestic assets by foreign residents.b. foreign assets by domestic residents minus the purchase of foreign goods and services by domestic residents.c. domestic assets by foreign residents minus the purchase of domestic goods and services by foreign residents.d. domestic assets by foreign residents minus the purchase of foreign assets by domestic residents.63. Net capital outflow measures ( ).a. foreign assets held by domestic residents minus domestic assets held by foreign residents.b. the imbalance between the amount of foreign assets bought by domestic residents and the amount of domestic assets bought by foreigners.c. the imbalance between the amount of foreign assets bought by domestic residents and the amount of domestic goods and services sold to foreigners.d. None of the above is correct.64. The nominal exchange rate is the ( )a. nominal interest rate in one country divided by the nominal interest rate in the other country.b. rate at which a person can trade the currency of one country for the currency of another.c. price of a good in one country divided by the price of the same good in another.d. the number of goods a person can trade for a similar good in another country.65. Purchasing-power parity theory does not hold at all times because( )a. many goods are not easily transported.b. the same goods produced in different countries may be imperfect substitutes for each other.c. Both a and b are correct.d. prices are different across countries.66. If the exchange rate changes from 150 yen per dollar to 100 yen per dollar, the dollar has( )a. appreciated and so buys more Japanese goods.b. appreciated and so buys fewer Japanese goods.c. depreciated and so buys more Japanese goods.d. depreciated and so buys fewer Japanese goods.67. If P = domestic prices, P* = foreign prices, and e is the nominal exchange rate, which of the following is implied by purchasing-power parity? ( )a. P = e/P*b. 1 = e/P*c. e = P*/Pd. None of the above is correct.68. According to purchasing-power parity theory, if a McDonald’s B ig Mac cost $2.50 in theUnited States and 5 euros in France, then the nominal exchange rate should be ( )a. 2 euros per dollar.b. 1euro per dollar.c. 1/2 euro per dollar.d. None of the above is correct.69. Which of the following people or firm would be pleased by a depreciation of the Canadian dollar? ( )a. a Canadian tourist traveling in Europeb. a Canadian importer of wine to Canadac. a French exporter of wine to Canadad. an Italian importer of Canadian steel70. In the open-economy macroeconomic model, if the supply of loanable funds increases, netcapital outflow ( )a. and the real exchange rate increase.b. and the real exchange rate decrease.c. increases and the real exchange rate decreases.d. decreases and the real exchange rate increases.71. Business cycles( )a. are easily predicted by competent economists.b. have never occurred very close together.c. can only be seen as changes in real GDP.d. None of the above is correct.72. If a government increases its budget deficit, then the real exchange rate ( )a. and domestic investment rise.b. and domestic investment fall.c. rises and domestic investment falls.d. falls and domestic investment rises.73. In the open-economy macroeconomic model, if a country's interest rate increases, its netcapital outflow ( )a. and the real exchange rate increase.b. and the real exchange rate decrease.c. increases and the real exchange rate decreases.d. decreases and the real exchange rate increases.74. The aggregate demand curve ( )a. slopes downward for the same reasons that market demand curves slope downward.b. is vertical in the long run.c. shows an inverse relation between the price level and the quantity of all goods and services demanded.d. All of the above are correct.75. The model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply explains the relationship between ( ).a. the price and quantity of a particular good.b. unemployment and output.c. wages and employment.d. real GDP and the price level.76. The downward slope of the aggregate demand curve shows that an increase in the ( )a. money supply causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to increase.b. money supply causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to decrease.c. price level causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to increase.d. price level causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to decrease.77. The aggregate supply curve is upward sloping rather than vertical in( )a. the short and long run.b. neither the short nor long run.c. the long run, but not the short run.d. the short run, but not the long run.78. Which of the following shifts aggregate demand to the right? ( )a. an increase in the price levelb. an increase in the money supplyc. a decrease in the price leveld. a decrease in the money supply79. A decrease in government spending initially and primarily shifts( )a. aggregate demand right.b. aggregate demand left.c. aggregate supply right.d. neither aggregate demand nor aggregate supply.80. In the open-economy macroeconomic model, if a country's interest rate increases, its net capital outflow ( )a. and the real exchange rate increase.b. and the real exchange rate decrease.c. increases and the real exchange rate decreases.d. decreases and the real exchange rate increases.81. An increase in government spending initially and primarily shifts ( )a. aggregate demand right.b. aggregate demand left.c. aggregate supply right.d. neither aggregate demand nor aggregate supply.82. Which of the following is not included in aggregate demand?a. purchases of stock and bondsb. purchases of services such as visits to the doctorc. purchases of capital goods such as equipment in a factoryd. purchases by foreigners of consumer goods produced in the United States83. Which of the following shifts aggregate demand to the left? ( )a. an increase in the price levelb. an increase in the money supplyc. a decrease in the price leveld. a decrease in the money supply84. Which of the following is upward sloping? ( )a. both the long-run and the short-run Phillips curveb. neither the long-run nor the short-run Phillips curvec. only the long-run Phillips curved. only the short-run Phillips curve85. Which of the following is downward sloping? ( )a. both the long-run and the short-run Phillips curveb. neither the long-run nor the short-run Phillips curvec. only the long-run Phillips curved. only the short-run Phillips curve86.According to liquidity preference theory, the price level and interest rate are ( )a. positively related as are the interest rate and aggregate demand.b. inversely related as are the interest rate and aggregate demand.c. positively related while the interest rate and aggregate demand are inversely related.d. inversely related while the interest rate and aggregate demand are positively related. 87.If there is excess money demand, people will ( )a. deposit more into interest-bearing accounts, and the interest rate will fall.b. deposit more into interest-bearing accounts, and the interest rate will rise.c. withdraw money from interest-bearing accounts, and the interest rate will fall.d. withdraw money from interest-bearing accounts, and the interest rate will rise.88. The misperceptions theory of the short-run aggregate supply curve says that if the price level increases more than people expect, firms believe that the relative price of what they producehas( )a. decreased, so they increase production.b. decreased, so they decrease production.c. increased, so they increase production.d. increased, so they decrease production.89. The sticky wage theory of the short-run aggregate supply curve says that when prices fall unexpectedly, the real wage ( )a. rises, so employment rises.b. rises, so employment falls.c. falls, so employment rises.d. falls, so employment falls.90. When a country's central bank increases the money supply, its ( )a. price level rises and its currency appreciates relative to other currencies in the world.b. price level rises and its currency depreciates relative to other currencies in the world.c. price level falls and its currency appreciates relative to other currencies in the world.d. price level falls and its currency depreciates relative to other currencies in the world.91. During a recession the economy experiences ( )a. rising employment and income.b. rising employment and falling income.c. rising income and falling employment.d. falling employment and income.92. Which of the following is an adverse supply shock? ( )a. a decrease in the money supplyb. a tax cutc. a worldwide droughtd. decreased government spending93. An adverse supply shock will cause output ( )a. and prices to rise.b. and prices to fall.c. to rise and prices to fall.d. to fall and prices to rise94. Which of the following policies would stabilization policy activists support when the economy is experiencing unemployment above the natural rate? ( )a. a decrease in the money supplyb. a reduction in tax ratesc. a decrease in government purchasesd. None of the above is correct.95. According to the theory of liquidity preference, an increase in the price level causes the ( )a. interest rate and investment to rise.b. interest rate and investment to fall.c. interest rate to rise and investment to fall.d. interest rate to fall and investment to rise.96. If the MPC = 3/5, then the government purchases multiplier is ( )a. 5/3.b. 5/2.c. 5.d. 15.97. Suppose the government increases expenditures by $6 billion. If the multiplier effect exceeds the crowding-out effect, then ( )a. the aggregate-supply curve shifts to the right by more than $6billionb. the aggregate-supply curve shifts to the left by more than $6billionc. the aggregate-demand curve shifts to the right by more than $6billion。




题号:17 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:3.7
题号:18 题型:多选题(请在复选框中打勾,在以下几个选项中选择正确答案,答案可以是多个) 本题分数:7.41
用收入法核算的GDP,即国内生产总值包括( )
C、c、 会影响收入水平,但不会影响收入分配状况
D、d、 会影响收入分配状况,但不会影响收入水平
题号:12 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:3.7
B、 b、3.0%
C、 c、10%
题号:13 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:3.7
在通货膨胀不能完全预期的情况下,通货膨胀将有利 于( )
A、A. 债权人
B、 B. 债务人
C、 C. 生产者
D、D. 消费者





















宏观经济学复习题1.国民生产总值是下面哪一项的市场价值AA.一年内一个经济中生产的所有最终商品和劳务;B.一年内一个经济中交换的所有商品和劳务;C.一年内一个经济中交换的所有最终商品和劳务;D.一年内一个经济中的所有交易;2.通过以下哪项我们避免了重复记帐 BA.剔除金融转移;B. 计量GNP时使用增值法;C. 剔除以前生产产品的市场价值;D. 剔除那些未涉及市场交换的商品;3. 当实际GDP为175亿美元,GDP价格缩减指数为160时,名义GDP为C亿美元;B. 157亿美元;C. 280亿美元;D. 175亿美元;4.如果当期价格低于基期价格,那么 DA.实际GNP等于名义GNP;B. 实际GNP小于名义GNP;C. 实际GNP和名义GNP是同一回事;D. 实际GNP大于名义GNP;5. 下列哪一项计入GDP DA. 购买一辆用过的旧自行车;B. 购买普通股票;C. 汽车制造厂买进10吨钢板;D.晚上为邻居照看儿童的收入;6.下面不属于总需求的是B ;A. 政府购买;B. 税收;C. 净出口;D. 投资;7、存在闲置资源的条件下,投资增加将使国民收入 CA、增加,且收入的增加量等于投资的增加量;B、减少,且收入的减少量等于收入的增加量;C、增加,且收入的增加量多于投资的增加量;D、减少,且收入的减少量多于收入的增加量;8、在两部门经济模型中,如果边际消费倾向值为,那么自发支出乘数值为 C ;A、;B、;C、5;D、49、存在闲置资源的条件下,如果政府支出增加,那么GDP将D ;A、减少,但其减少量小于政府支出的增加量;B、减少,但其减少量多于政府支出的增加量;C、增加,其增加量小于政府支出的增加量;D、增加,其增加量多于政府支出的增加量;10、假定其他条件不变,税收增加将引起GDP CA、增加,但消费水平下降;B、增加,同时消费水平提高;C、减少,同时消费水平下降;D、减少,但消费水平上升;11、在四部门收入决定模型中,政府同时等量地增加购买支出与税收,则GDP D ;A、将下降,且下降量等于税收的增加量B、将下降,但下降量少于税收的增加量;C、将增加,且增加量等于政府购买支出的增加量D、将增加,但增加量少于政府购买支出的增加量;12、假设社会消费函数C=100+0.8YDYD为可支配收入,投资I=200,政府购买支出G=100,政府转移支付TR=,税收T=;1求均衡收入;解y=c+i+g=α+βy-t0-ty+tr+i+gy=α-βt0+βtr+i+g/1-β1-ty=100++200+100/=11252求投资乘数Ki=1/1-β1-t=,政府购买乘数Kg=1/1-β1-t=,税收乘数Kt=-β/1-β1-t=-2,转移支付乘数Ktr=β/1-β1-t=213、如果其他因素既定不变,利率降低,将引起货币的 B ;A、交易需求量增加B、投机需求量增加C、投机需求量减少D、交易需求量减少;14、假定其他因素既定不变,在非凯恩斯陷阱中,货币供给增加时, B ;A、利率将上升;B、利率将下降;C、利率不变;D、利率可能下降也可能上升;15、假定其他因素既定不变,在凯恩斯陷阱中,货币供给增加时, C ;A、利率将上升;B、利率将下降;C、利率不变;D、利率可能下降也可能上升;16、假定其他因素既定不变,投资对利率变动的反应程度提高时,IS曲线将 D ;A、平行向右移动;B、平行向左移动;C、变得更加陡峭;D、变得更加平坦;IS曲线:r=α+e-βT+βTr+g/d –1-βy/d即d值大,则IS曲线越平坦17、假定其他因素既定不变,自发投资增加时,IS曲线将A ;A、平行向右移动;B、平行向左移动;C、变得更加陡峭;D、变得更加平坦;解IS曲线:r= α+e-βT+βTr+g/d –1-βy/d即e值变大,IS曲线右移18、假定其他因素既定不变,货币的投机需求对利率变动的反应程度提高时,LM曲线将 D ;A、平行向右移动;B、平行向左移动;C、变得更加陡峭;D、变得更加平坦;解LM曲线:r=-m/h +ky/h h值变大,LM 曲线变得平坦19、假定其他因素既定不变,货币供给增加时,LM曲线将A ;A、平行向右移动;B、平行向左移动;C、变得更加陡峭;D、变得更加平坦;20、如果资本边际效率等其它因素不变,利率的上升将使投资量 BA、增加;B、减少;C、不变;D、可能增加也可能减少;23、利率和收入的组合点出现在IS曲线右上方,LM曲线的左上方的区域中,则表示 C ;A、I>S,L<M;B、I>S,L>M;C、I<S,L<M;D、I<S,L>M;21、在IS—LM模型中,如果经济处于中间区域,投资增加将A ;A、增加收入,提高利率;B、减少收入,提高利率;C、增加收入,降低利率;D、减少收入,降低利率;22、在IS—LM模型中,如果经济处于中间区域,货币供给增加将 C ;A、增加收入,提高利率;B、减少收入,提高利率;C、增加收入,降低利率;D、减少收入,降低利率;23、在IS—LM模型中,如果经济处于凯恩斯区域,投资增加将 D ;A、增加收入,提高利率;B、减少收入,提高利率;C、增加收入,降低利率;D、增加收入,利率不变;24、人们对货币需求的动机有哪些答:交易动机、预防/谨慎动机、投机动机;25、在两部门经济中,消费函数C=100+,投资函数I=200-3r,货币供给M=100,货币需求函数L=-2r;求:IS曲线的方程与LM曲线的方程;商品市场和货币市场同时均衡时的收入和利率;解:由支出法知,y=c+i=300+ 所以IS曲线:y=1000-10r LM曲线 100=即y=500+10rY=750 r=2526、宏观经济政策目标是 E ;A、充分就业B、物价稳定C、经济增长D、国际收支平衡E、A、B、C、D;27、货币供给增加使LM曲线右移,若要使均衡收入的变动量接近于LM曲线的移动量,要求 C ;A、LM曲线陡峭,IS曲线也陡峭B、LM曲线和IS曲线一样平坦;曲线陡峭而IS曲线平坦 D、LM曲线平坦而IS曲线陡峭;28、在 C 种情况下增加货币供给不会影响均衡收入;A、 LM曲线陡峭而IS曲线平缓;B、 LM曲线垂直而IS曲线陡峭;C、LM曲线平缓而IS曲线垂直;D、LM曲线和IS曲线一样平缓;29、政府支出增加使IS右移kg△Gkg是政府支出乘数,若要均衡收入的变动量接近于IS的移动量,则必须是 A A、LM曲线平坦而IS曲线陡峭; B、LM曲线垂直而IS曲线陡峭;C、LM曲线和IS曲线一样平坦;D、 LM曲线陡峭而IS 曲线平坦;30、在 A 的情况下“挤出效应”可能很大;A、货币需求对利率敏感,私人部门支出对利率不敏感;B、货币需求对利率敏感,私人部门支出对利率也敏感;C、货币需求对利率不敏感,私人部门支出对利率也不敏感;D、不管货币需求对利率敏感度如何,只要私人部门支出对利率敏感;31、“挤出效应”发生于 CA、货币供给的减少引起利率提高,挤出了私人部门的投资和消费;B、对私人部门增税,引起私人部门的可支配收入和支出的减少;C、政府支出的增加,提高了利率,挤出了私人部门支出;D、政府支出减少,引起消费支出下降;32、政府的财政政策通过 B 对国民收入产生影响;A、私人投资支出;B、政府购买;C、个人消费支出;D、出口;37、扩张性财政政策对经济的影响是 AA、缓和了经济萧条,但增加了政府债务;B、缓和了萧条,也减轻了政府债务;C、加剧了通货膨胀,但减轻了政府债务;D、加剧了通货膨胀,但增加了政府债务;33、中央银行在公开市场上卖出政府债券目的是 C ;A、收集一笔资金帮助政府弥补财政赤字;B、减少商业银行在中央银行的存款;C、减少流通中基础货币以紧缩货币供给;D、通过买卖债券获取差价利益;34、中央银行的货币政策工具主要有哪些答:再贴现率政策、公开市场业务、改变法定准备金率;35、什么是自动稳定器西方财政制度中常见的自动稳定器有哪些答:自动稳定器是指经济系统本身存在的一种会减少各种干扰对国民收入冲击的机制,能够在经济繁荣时期自动抑制膨胀,在经济衰退时期自动减轻萧条,毋须政府采取任何行动;政府税收,政府支出,农产品价格维持制度;36、试论西方经济学家关于财政政策和货币政策的理论对制订我国宏观经济调控政策借鉴意义;答:就是财政政策和货币政策的效果分析自己书上总结,IS-LM模型和AD-AS模型都是可以的;37、已知:I=2500-240r, S=-1000+, m=3200, L=-260r;1求IS—LM方程、均衡收入和均衡利率; 2若政府增加支出100亿美元, 货币供给增加300亿美元,均衡收入和均衡利率各为多少3政府增加支出100亿美元时,挤出效应为多大解:1IS方程:由I=S即可求得;2500-240r=-1000+ 即Y=7000-480rLM方程:3200= 即Y=6400+520r均衡收入Y=6712 r=2IS’方程 Y=C+I+G 其中C=Y-S=1000+于是Y=C+I+G=1000++2500-240r+100 得Y=7200-480r LM’方程 3500= 得Y=7000+520r均衡收入Y=7104 r=3 解,原来IS曲线为Y=7000-480r,LM曲线为Y=6400+520r解得均衡收入Y=6712 r=政府支出增加100后,IS’曲线为Y=7200-480r,LM曲线仍旧为Y=6400+520r,解得均衡收入Y=6816 r=;政府支出增加,市场利率从上升到,导致私人投资减少,从而产生挤出效应;把r=带入IS’曲线Y=7200-480r,解得6912;挤出效应=6912-6816=96;38、某两部门经济中,假定货币需求L=,货币供给为200亿美元,消费为c=100 +0.8Yd, 投资I=140-5r; 1求IS和LM的方程; 2若货币供给从200亿美元增加到220亿美元, 均衡收入、均衡利率、消费和投资各为多少3为什么均衡收入增加量等于LM曲线移动量简单,自己做39、假设一经济社会货币需求为L=, 货币供给量为200亿美元,c=90+0.8Yd, T=50亿美元, I=140-5r, G=50亿美元;1 求IS和LM方程、均衡收入、利率和投资量;2若其他情况不变,G增加20亿美元,均衡收入、利率和投资各为多少3是否存在“挤出效应”解1IS方程:Y=C+I+G=90+Y-T+140-5r+50得Y=1200-25r LM方程:200= 即Y=1000均衡收入Y=1000 r=8 I=1002IS’方程Y=C+I+G=90+Y-T+140-5r+70得Y=1300-25r LM方程Y=1000均衡收入Y=1000 r=12 I=803完全挤出;挤出效应求法,把r=8带入Y=1300-25r,得Y=1100,挤出效应=1100-1000=10040、需求拉上的通货膨胀 B ;A、通常用于描述某种供给因素所引起的价格波动;B、通常用于描述某种总需求的增长所引起的价格波动;C、表示经济制度已调整过的预期通货膨胀率;D、以上都不是 ;41、收入政策主要是用来对付 B ;A、需求拉上的通货膨胀;B、成本推进的通货膨胀;C、需求结构性通货膨胀;D、成本结构性通货膨胀;42、由于经济萧条而形成的失业属于 C ;A、摩擦性失业;B、结构性失业;C、周期性失业;D、永久性失业;43、菲利普斯曲线说明 C ;A、通货膨胀导致失业;B、通货膨胀是由行业工会引起的;C、通货膨胀与失业率之间呈负相关;D、通货膨胀与失业率之间呈正相关;44、关于经济周期的核心问题是 CA、价格的波动;B、利率的波动;C、国民收入的波动D、股票的波动;45设IS曲线方程为y=800-25r+5g,LM曲线的方程为y=400+25r+M/P,推到总需求曲线方程,并说明g和M变化对总需求曲线的影响;解:消去IS曲线和LM曲线中的r,即得总需求曲线y=600+2.5g+M/2P;g和M增大,总需求曲线向右上方平移,g 和M减小,总需求曲线向左下方平移;名词解释国内生产总值边际消费倾向流动性偏好陷阱挤出效应通货膨胀菲利浦斯曲线自动稳定器资本边际效率。

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2013秋季学期《宏观经济学》期末复习题一、选择题1.Macroeconomics includes the study of topics such as ()a. national output, the inflation rate, and the trade deficit.b. the price of Cisco stock, wage differences between genders, and antitrust laws.c. differences in market structure, and how consumers maximize utility.d. None of the above are correct.2. Which of the following is the correct definition of GDP? ( )a. the market value of all goods produced within a countryb. the market value of all final goods and services produced by the citizens of a countryc. the market value of all final goods and services produced within a countryd. None of the above are correct.3. Which of the following is included in the Consumption component of GDP? ( )a. Social Security paymentsb. purchases of foreign goods and servicesc. purchases of newly constructed homesd. All of the above are correct.4. Suppose nominal GDP rose from $500 billion to $600 billion while the GDP deflator increased from 100 to 125. The real GDP ( )a. remained constantb. increasedc. decreasedd. cannot be calculated from these figures5. Which of the following is correct for an economy? ( )a. Income is greater than production.b. Production is greater than income.c. Income always equals production.d. Income equals production only when saving is zero.6. The government reports that "GDP increased by 1.6 percent in the last quarter." This statement means that GDP increased ( )a. by 6.4 percent for the year.b. at an annual rate of 6.4 percent during the last quarter.c. at an annual rate of 1.6 percent during the last quarter.d. at an annual rate of .4 percent during the last quarter.7. The consumer price index is used to ( )a. track changes in the level of wholesale prices in the economy.b. monitor changes in the cost of living.c. monitor changes in the level of real GDP.d. track changes in the stock market.8. Because the CPI is based on a fixed basket of goods, the introduction of new goods and services in the economy causes the CPI to overestimate the cost of living. This is so because ( )a. new goods and services are always of higher quality than existing goods and services.b. new goods and services cost less than existing goods and services.c. new goods and services cost more than existing goods and services.d. when a new good is introduced, it gives consumers greater choice, thus reducing the amount they must spend to maintain their standard of living.9. Which goods are supposed to be included in the CPI? ( )a. all goods and services produced in the economyb. all goods and services that typical consumers buyc. all goods and services in the consumption component of the GDP accountsd. all the goods, but not the services, in the consumption component of the GDP accounts10. When the relative price of a good increases, consumers will respond by buying ( )a. more of it and its substitutes.b. less of it and its substitutes.c. less of it and more of its substitutes.d. more of it and less of its substitutes.11. In a simple circular-flow diagram total income and total expenditure are ( )a. seldom equal because of the dynamic changes which occur in an economy.b. equal only when all goods and services produced are sold.c. always equal because every transaction has a buyer and a seller.d. always equal because of accounting rules.12. Productivity ( )a. is nearly the same across countries and so provides no help explaining differences across countries in the standard of living.b. explains very little of the differences across countries in the standard of living.c. explains some, but not most of the differences across countries in the standard of living.d. explains most of the differences across countries in the standard of living.13. Which of the following is NOT correct? ( )a. Countries that have had higher output growth per person have typically not done so with higher productivity growth.b. A country's standard of living and its productivity are closely related.c. Productivity refers to output produced per hour of work.d. Increases in productivity can be used to increase output or leisure.14. Which of the following is considered human capital? ( )a. knowledge acquired from early childhood education programsb. knowledge acquired from grade schoolc. knowledge acquired from on-the-job trainingd. All of the above are correct.15. When a country saves a larger portion of its GDP, it will have ( )a. less investment, and so have more capital and higher productivity.b. less investment, and so have less capital and higher productivity.c. more investment, and so have more capital and higher productivity.d. more investment, and so have less capital and higher productivity.16. Which of the following equations will always represent GDP in an open economy? ( )a. S = I – Gb. I = Y - C + Gc. Y = C + I + Gd. Y = C + I + G + NX17. Which of the following is considered human capital? ( )a. the comfortable chair in your dorm room where you read economics textsb. the amount you get paid each week to work at the libraryc. the things you have learned this semesterd. any capital goods that require a human to be present to operate18. A budget surplus is created if ( )a. the government sells more bonds than it buys back.b. the government spends more than it receives in tax revenue.c. private savings are greater than zero.d. None of the above are correct.19. Suppose that in a closed economy GDP is equal to 10,000, taxes are equal to 2,500 Consumption equals 6,500 and Government expenditures equal 2,000. What are private saving, public saving, and national saving? ( )a. 1500, 1000, 500b. 1000, 500, 1500c. 500, 1500, 1000d. None of the above are correct.20. If the tax revenue of the federal government exceeds spending, then the government ( )a. runs a budget deficit.b. runs a budget surplus.c. runs a national debt.d. will increase taxes.21. What is the future value of $500 one year from today if the interest rate is 6 percent? ( )a. $503b. $515c. $530d. None of the front is correct.22. Lisa deposits $250 in an account and one year later has $270; what was the interest rate? ( )a. 8 percentb. 9 percentc. 10 percentd. None of the above are correct.23. A risk averse person has ( )a. utility and marginal utility curves that slope upward.b. utility and marginal utility curves that slope downward.c. a utility curve that slopes down and a marginal utility curve that slopes upward.d. a utility curve that slopes upward and a marginal utility curve that slopes downward.24. The utility function of a risk-averse person has a ( )a. positive slope and gets steeper as wealth increases.b. positive slope but gets flatter as wealth increases.c. negative slope but gets steeper as wealth increases.d. negative slope and gets flatter as wealth increases.25. Which of the following is a reason for diversification? ( )a.to get the highest possible returnb. to get the most dividendsc.to eliminate riskd. to reduce risk26. Diversification of a portfolio can ( )a. reduce aggregate riskb. reduce idiosyncratic riskc. eliminate all risksd. increase the standard deviation of the portfolio’s return27. Municipal bonds pay a ( )a. low rate of interest because of their high-default risk and because the interest they pay is subject to federal income tax.b. low rate of interest because of their low-default risk and because the interest they pay isnot subject to federal income tax.c. high rate of interest because of their high-default risk and because federal taxes must be paid on the interest they pay.d. high rate of interest because of their low-default risk and because the interest they pay is not subject to federal income tax.28. A mutual fund ( )a. is a financial market where small firms mutually agree to sell stocks and bonds to raise funds.b. is funds set aside by local governments to lend to small firms who want to invest in projects that are mutually beneficial to the firm and community.c. sells stocks and bonds on behalf of small and less known firms who would otherwise have to pay high interest to obtain credit.d. is an institution that sells shares to the public and uses the proceeds to buy a selection of various types of stocks, bonds, or both stocks and bonds.29. The supply of loanable funds curve is upward sloping because a rise in the interest rate ( )a. decreases the opportunity cost of firms’ investment spending.b. increases the opportunity cost of firms’ investment spending.c. decreases the opportunity cost to households of consuming.d. increases the opportunity cost to households of consuming.30. The labor force equals the ( )a. number of people who are employed.b. number of people who are unemployed.c. number of people employed plus the number of people unemployed. ( )d. adult population.31. A college student who is not working or looking for a job is counted as ( )a. neither employed nor part of the labor force.b. unemployed and in the labor force.c. unemployed, but not in the labor force.d. employed and in the labor force.According to the statistics, the labor force is ( )a. 12.1 millionb. 13.3 millionc. 20.0 milliond. 21.2 million33. Most economists agree that eliminating unemployment insurance would ( )a. increase unemployment because people would quit jobs they thought were not secure.b. increase unemployment because if the government didn't provide unemployment insurance, private firms would offer superior insurance.c. reduce unemployment and so improve economic well-being.d. reduce unemployment, but they disagree about whether economic well-being would be enhanced by such a change.34. The natural rate of unemployment is the ( )a. unemployment rate that would prevail with zero inflation.b. rate associated with the highest possible level of GDP.c. difference between the long-run and short-run unemployment rates.d. amount of unemployment that the economy normally experiences.35. An increase in the minimum wage would ( )a. increase both the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied of labor.b. decrease both the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied of labor.c. increase the quantity of labor demanded while decreasing the quantity supplied.d. decrease the quantity of labor demanded while increasing the quantity supplied.36. Providing training for unemployed individuals will help to alleviate ( )a. frictional unemploymentb. seasonal unemploymentc. structural unemploymentd. cyclical unemployment37. Which of the following statements about efficiency wage theory is true? ( )a. Firms do not have a choice about whether they pay efficiency wages or not because these wages are determined are determined by law.b. Paying the lowest possible wage is always the most efficient (profitable).c. Paying above the competitive equilibrium wage may improve worker health, lower worker turnover, improve worker quality, and increase worker effort.d. Paying above the competitive equilibrium wage causes workers to shirk their responsibilities.38. According to the rule of 70, if the interest rate is 5 percent, how long will it take for the valueof a savings account to double? ( )a. about 3.5 yearsb. about 6.3 yearsc. about 12 yearsd. about 14 years39. The fact that someone with a high risk of medical problems is more likely to buy a lot of health insurance is an example of ( )a. moral hazard.b. adverse selection.c. monitoring .d. collective bargaining.40. Economists use the word "money" to refer to ( )a. income generated by the production of goods and services.b. those assets regularly used to buy goods and services.c. the value of a person's assets.d. the value of stocks and bonds.41. Which list ranks assets from most to least liquid? ( )a. currency, fine art, stocksb. currency, stocks, fine artc. fine art, currency, stocksd. fine art, stocks, currency42. Which of the following is included in M2 but not in M1? ( )a. currencyb. demand depositsc. savings depositsd. All of the above are included in both M1 and M243. In a 100-percent-reserve banking system, ( )a. banks can create money by issuing currency.b. banks can create money by lending out reserves.c. the Central bank can increase the money supply with open market sales.d. banks hold as many reserves as they hold deposits.44. If the reserve requirement is 10 percent, this bank ( )a. is in a position to make a new loan of $15,000.b. has less reserves than required.c. has excess reserves of less than $15,000.d. None of the above are correct.45. If the reserve ratio is 20 percent, the money multiplier is ( )a. 50.b. 20.c. 10.d. 5.46. When the number of dollars needed to buy a representative basket of goods falls, the value of money ( )a. rises, and so the price level rises.b. rises, and so the price level falls.c. falls, and so the price level rises.d. falls, and so the price level falls.47. According to the quantity equation, if P = 12, Y = 6, M= 8, then V =( )a. 9.b. 16.c. 4.d. None of the above is correct.48. Which of the following is not a tool of monetary policy? ( )a. open market operationsb. reserve requirementsc. changing the discount rated. increasing the deficit49. The Central bank can increase the money supply by conducting open market ( )a. sales and raising the discount rate.b. sales and lowering the discount rate.c. purchases and raising the discount rate.d. purchases and lowering the discount rate.50. When the money market is drawn with the value of money on the vertical axis, an increase in the money supply ( )a. increases the price level and the value of money.b. increases the price level and decreases the value of money.c. decreases the price level and increases the value of money.d. decreases the price level and the value of money.51. When the price level falls, the number of dollars needed to buy a representative basket of goods ( )a. increases, so the value of money rises.b. increases, so the value of money falls.c. decreases, so the value of money rises.d. decreases, so the value of money falls.52. When the money market is drawn with the value of money on the vertical axis, an increase in the money supply shifts the money supply curve to the ( )a. right, lowering the price level.b. right, raising the price level.c. left, raising the price level.d. left, lowering the price level.53. The nominal interest rate is 3 percent and the inflation rate is 2 percent. What is the realinterest rate? ( )a. 6 percent.b. 5 percent.c. 1 percent.d. 3/2 percent.54. The classical dichotomy refers to the idea that the supply of money( )a. is irrelevant for understanding the determinants of nominal and real variables.b. determines nominal variables, but not real variables.c. determines real variables, but not nominal variables.d. is a determinant of both real and nominal variables.55. According to the principle of monetary neutrality, a decrease in the money supply will notchange ( )a. nominal GDP.b. the price level.c. unemployment.d. All of the above are correct.56. Interest rates stated in the News are( )a. classical variables.b. dichotomous variables.c. nominal variables.d. real variables.57. Menu costs refers to ( )a. resources used by people to maintain lower money holdings when inflation is high.b. the distortion in resource allocation created by uncertainty concerning relative pricechanges created by inflation.c. the distortion in incentives created by inflation when taxes do not adjust for inflation.d. the cost of more frequent price changes induced by higher inflation.58. Foreign-produced goods and services that are sold domestically are called ( )a. imports.b. exports.c. net imports.d. net exports..59. Ivan, a Russian citizen, sells several hundred cases of caviar to a restaurant chain in the United States. By itself, this sale ( )a. increases U.S. net exports and has no effect on Russian net exports.b. increases U.S. net exports and decreases Russian net exports.c. decreases U.S. net exports and has no effect on Russian net exports.d. decreases U.S. net exports and increases Russian net exports.60. Net exports of a country are the value of ( )a. goods and services imported minus the value of goods and services exported.b. goods and services exported minus the value of goods and services imported.c. goods exported minus the value of goods imported.d. goods imported minus the value of goods exported.61. Which of the following statements about trade policy is true? ( )a. A restrictive import quota increases a country’s net exports.b. A restrictive import quota decreases a country’s net exports.c. A country’s trade policy has no im pact on the size of its trade balance.d. None of the above.62. Net capital outflow refers to the purchase of ( )a. foreign assets by domestic residents minus the purchase of domestic assets by foreign residents.b. foreign assets by domestic residents minus the purchase of foreign goods and services by domestic residents.c. domestic assets by foreign residents minus the purchase of domestic goods and services by foreign residents.d. domestic assets by foreign residents minus the purchase of foreign assets by domestic residents.63. Net capital outflow measures ( ).a. foreign assets held by domestic residents minus domestic assets held by foreign residents.b. the imbalance between the amount of foreign assets bought by domestic residents and the amount of domestic assets bought by foreigners.c. the imbalance between the amount of foreign assets bought by domestic residents and the amount of domestic goods and services sold to foreigners.d. None of the above is correct.64. The nominal exchange rate is the ( )a. nominal interest rate in one country divided by the nominal interest rate in the other country.b. rate at which a person can trade the currency of one country for the currency of another.c. price of a good in one country divided by the price of the same good in another.d. the number of goods a person can trade for a similar good in another country.65. Purchasing-power parity theory does not hold at all times because( )a. many goods are not easily transported.b. the same goods produced in different countries may be imperfect substitutes for each other.c. Both a and b are correct.d. prices are different across countries.66. If the exchange rate changes from 150 yen per dollar to 100 yen per dollar, the dollar has( )a. appreciated and so buys more Japanese goods.b. appreciated and so buys fewer Japanese goods.c. depreciated and so buys more Japanese goods.d. depreciated and so buys fewer Japanese goods.67. If P = domestic prices, P* = foreign prices, and e is the nominal exchange rate, which of the following is implied by purchasing-power parity? ( )a. P = e/P*b. 1 = e/P*c. e = P*/Pd. None of the above is correct.68. According to purchasing-power parity theory, if a McDonald’s B ig Mac cost $2.50 in theUnited States and 5 euros in France, then the nominal exchange rate should be ( )a. 2 euros per dollar.b. 1euro per dollar.c. 1/2 euro per dollar.d. None of the above is correct.69. Which of the following people or firm would be pleased by a depreciation of the Canadian dollar? ( )a. a Canadian tourist traveling in Europeb. a Canadian importer of wine to Canadac. a French exporter of wine to Canadad. an Italian importer of Canadian steel70. In the open-economy macroeconomic model, if the supply of loanable funds increases, netcapital outflow ( )a. and the real exchange rate increase.b. and the real exchange rate decrease.c. increases and the real exchange rate decreases.d. decreases and the real exchange rate increases.71. Business cycles( )a. are easily predicted by competent economists.b. have never occurred very close together.c. can only be seen as changes in real GDP.d. None of the above is correct.72. If a government increases its budget deficit, then the real exchange rate ( )a. and domestic investment rise.b. and domestic investment fall.c. rises and domestic investment falls.d. falls and domestic investment rises.73. In the open-economy macroeconomic model, if a country's interest rate increases, its netcapital outflow ( )a. and the real exchange rate increase.b. and the real exchange rate decrease.c. increases and the real exchange rate decreases.d. decreases and the real exchange rate increases.74. The aggregate demand curve ( )a. slopes downward for the same reasons that market demand curves slope downward.b. is vertical in the long run.c. shows an inverse relation between the price level and the quantity of all goods and services demanded.d. All of the above are correct.75. The model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply explains the relationship between ( ).a. the price and quantity of a particular good.b. unemployment and output.c. wages and employment.d. real GDP and the price level.76. The downward slope of the aggregate demand curve shows that an increase in the ( )a. money supply causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to increase.b. money supply causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to decrease.c. price level causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to increase.d. price level causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to decrease.77. The aggregate supply curve is upward sloping rather than vertical in( )a. the short and long run.b. neither the short nor long run.c. the long run, but not the short run.d. the short run, but not the long run.78. Which of the following shifts aggregate demand to the right? ( )a. an increase in the price levelb. an increase in the money supplyc. a decrease in the price leveld. a decrease in the money supply79. A decrease in government spending initially and primarily shifts( )a. aggregate demand right.b. aggregate demand left.c. aggregate supply right.d. neither aggregate demand nor aggregate supply.80. In the open-economy macroeconomic model, if a country's interest rate increases, its net capital outflow ( )a. and the real exchange rate increase.b. and the real exchange rate decrease.c. increases and the real exchange rate decreases.d. decreases and the real exchange rate increases.81. An increase in government spending initially and primarily shifts ( )a. aggregate demand right.b. aggregate demand left.c. aggregate supply right.d. neither aggregate demand nor aggregate supply.82. Which of the following is not included in aggregate demand?a. purchases of stock and bondsb. purchases of services such as visits to the doctorc. purchases of capital goods such as equipment in a factoryd. purchases by foreigners of consumer goods produced in the United States83. Which of the following shifts aggregate demand to the left? ( )a. an increase in the price levelb. an increase in the money supplyc. a decrease in the price leveld. a decrease in the money supply84. Which of the following is upward sloping? ( )a. both the long-run and the short-run Phillips curveb. neither the long-run nor the short-run Phillips curvec. only the long-run Phillips curved. only the short-run Phillips curve85. Which of the following is downward sloping? ( )a. both the long-run and the short-run Phillips curveb. neither the long-run nor the short-run Phillips curvec. only the long-run Phillips curved. only the short-run Phillips curve86.According to liquidity preference theory, the price level and interest rate are ( )a. positively related as are the interest rate and aggregate demand.b. inversely related as are the interest rate and aggregate demand.c. positively related while the interest rate and aggregate demand are inversely related.d. inversely related while the interest rate and aggregate demand are positively related. 87.If there is excess money demand, people will ( )a. deposit more into interest-bearing accounts, and the interest rate will fall.b. deposit more into interest-bearing accounts, and the interest rate will rise.c. withdraw money from interest-bearing accounts, and the interest rate will fall.d. withdraw money from interest-bearing accounts, and the interest rate will rise.88. The misperceptions theory of the short-run aggregate supply curve says that if the price level increases more than people expect, firms believe that the relative price of what they producehas( )a. decreased, so they increase production.b. decreased, so they decrease production.c. increased, so they increase production.d. increased, so they decrease production.89. The sticky wage theory of the short-run aggregate supply curve says that when prices fall unexpectedly, the real wage ( )a. rises, so employment rises.b. rises, so employment falls.c. falls, so employment rises.d. falls, so employment falls.90. When a country's central bank increases the money supply, its ( )a. price level rises and its currency appreciates relative to other currencies in the world.b. price level rises and its currency depreciates relative to other currencies in the world.c. price level falls and its currency appreciates relative to other currencies in the world.d. price level falls and its currency depreciates relative to other currencies in the world.91. During a recession the economy experiences ( )a. rising employment and income.b. rising employment and falling income.c. rising income and falling employment.d. falling employment and income.92. Which of the following is an adverse supply shock? ( )a. a decrease in the money supplyb. a tax cutc. a worldwide droughtd. decreased government spending93. An adverse supply shock will cause output ( )a. and prices to rise.b. and prices to fall.c. to rise and prices to fall.d. to fall and prices to rise94. Which of the following policies would stabilization policy activists support when the economy is experiencing unemployment above the natural rate? ( )a. a decrease in the money supplyb. a reduction in tax ratesc. a decrease in government purchasesd. None of the above is correct.95. According to the theory of liquidity preference, an increase in the price level causes the ( )a. interest rate and investment to rise.b. interest rate and investment to fall.c. interest rate to rise and investment to fall.d. interest rate to fall and investment to rise.96. If the MPC = 3/5, then the government purchases multiplier is ( )a. 5/3.b. 5/2.c. 5.d. 15.97. Suppose the government increases expenditures by $6 billion. If the multiplier effect exceeds the crowding-out effect, then ( )a. the aggregate-supply curve shifts to the right by more than $6billionb. the aggregate-supply curve shifts to the left by more than $6billionc. the aggregate-demand curve shifts to the right by more than $6billion。
