



2. The demand for food is quite inelastic. Compared with other goods, taxing food can often: A. raise more tax revenue, cause less deadweight loss and improve vertical-equity B. raise more tax revenue, cause less deadweight loss and damage vertical-equity C. raise more tax revenue, cause more deadweight loss and damage vertical-equity D. raise less tax revenue, cause more deadweight loss and improve vertical-equity
; the
U.S. producers
; the U.S. government
; and the U.S. as a whole
A. worse off; worse off; worse off; worse off
B. better off; worse off; not changed; better off
3. Since taxing on an imported goods can both raise tax revenue for the government and raise employment for producing that goods, it must be a good policy. False. Effects mentioned in this statement on government and producers are all correct. But Effects on consumers have been ignored. In fact, consumers get worse-off since they face a higher price, and we can prove that total social welfare decreases. So tariff is not a good policy. 4、离岸外包(即企业将部分的中间生产交由国外工人完成)损害了本国工人利益,而消费 者又没有得到好处,因此导致了一个国家在国际贸易中整体上受损。 错误。离岸外包确实损害了从事该项生产的工人利益;也没有使得产品的消费者直接获益。 但它提高了企业盈利潜力,从而间接增加了公司(其他)雇员与股东的收入,可以分析得出, 所有这些收益大于付出的成本。此外,它有可能降低产品成本,使得消费者最终获益。总之, 离岸外部使得国家整体上受益。

















3. To achieve the social welfare maximization, a negative production externality calls for a Pigovian tax on producers, whereas a negative consumption externality calls for a Pigovian tax on consumers.False. It doesn't matter on whom the tax is imposed – the incidence of the tax will be identical. So whether the externality is from production or consumption of the good, a tax on either producers or consumers will lead to the same reduction of quantity and change in the prices producers receive or consumers pay.4、“我们不能让任何⼈选择付费污染。



Domestic Price
B World Price
A proper corrective tax (or Pigovian tax) on a market with negative externality reduces the social welfare (or cause deadweight loss) since the reduction in consumer and producer surplus exceeds the revenue raised by the government. (Use a graph).
A. B. C. D. 3.
A. B. C. D. 4.
A. B. C. D. 5.
A. B. C. D. 6.
(A 卷)
A. B. C. D. 7.
good for efficiency but bad for equity bad for efficiency but good for equity good for both efficiency and equity bad for both efficiency and equity Tim earns income of $60,000 per year and pays $21,000 per year in taxes. Tim paid 20 percent in taxes on the first $30,000 he earned. What was the marginal tax rate on the second $30,000 he earned? 20 percent 30 percent 50 percent 70 percent A lump-sum tax is a tax that is the same amount for every person. According to the two objectives of efficiency and equity of tax system, this tax is: very efficient but very inequitable very inefficient and inequitable very efficient and equitable very inefficient but very equitable If a poor family with an annual income of $10,000 has three children in public school and a rich family with an annual income of $100,000 has only one child in public school and two children in private school, the benefits principle would suggest that the family should pay more in taxes to pay for public education, and the ability-to-pay principle would suggest that the family should pay more in taxes to pay for public education. poor, rich poor, poor rich, poor rich, rich








2.If a certain trade is good for one person,it can’t be good for the other one.3.只有富国之间才存在贸易的可能性,因为只有他们才拥有剩余产品——消费量小于产出量。



)5.If more Americans go on a low-carb diet,the demand for bread will fall.The decrease in thedemand for bread will cause the price of bread to fall.The lower price,however,will then increase the demand.In the new equilibrium,Americans might end up consuming more bread than they did initially.6.Lovers of classical music persuade Congress to impose a price ceiling of$40per concertticket.As a result of this policy,more people attend classical music concerts.二、选择题(每题3分,共42分。













2010年北京交通大学《经济学原理》期中考试试题答案一、 判断题(每小题 1 分,共计 20 分)√ √ × × √ √ ×√ √ × √ √ ××× 二、单项选择题(每小题 2 分,共计 40 分)1 —— 5 6 —— 10 11 —— 15 B A D C C B A B A B C C B D C16 —— 20 C C C A C三、画图说明题(共计 10 分)1、答案:福利损失为三角形面积。

四、 计算题(共计 15 分)1、答:(1)计算出边际收益情况表:当MR=MC 时利润达到最大。



所以,经济利润=1.5×7-5=5.5元(3)按照MC=P 确定产量实现竞争性均衡。

画图时,MC 曲线与需求曲线的交点落在2至2.5的中间点上,即2.25瓶/小时。

作函数时,边际成本函数为:MC=1+2Q , 反需求函数为:p=10-2Q. 令MC=P 相等,得出竞争性均衡为:Q=2.25瓶/小时,P= 5.5元,所以,垄断时,消费者剩余= 1/2 × 1.5 × (10 - 7) = 2.25竞争时,消费者剩余= 1/2 × 2.25 × (10 – 5.5) = 5.06252、答: (1) 7.65元 (2) 300千个 (3) 300个(4) 亏损849元(834元??) (5) 退出 (6) 10.00元 (7) 400个 (8) 500家企业五、简答题(10分)1、基数效用论的均衡条件是:nn P MU P MU P MU ...2211==。


序数效用论的均衡条件是:XYXY P P RST。





请问在以下化⼯⼚带来的影响中,哪些可以归于外部性?如果归于外部性,是正外部性还是负外部性?A.当地⼈交通条件改善B.当地⼈增加就业C.搬迁居民得到补偿D.企业出售该产品得到利润E.环境污染影响当地居民F.各地消费者购买该产品带来外部性的包括:A. 当地⼈交通条件改善,E. 导致了环境污染。








则该负所得税违反..了哪些特征?(注:可以有1个或多个答案):A.第⼀个特征B.第⼆个特征C.第三个特征D.第四个特征3. Export Tax (11 points)China is a major producer of grains, such as wheat, corn, and rice. In 2008 the Chinese Government, concerned that grain exports were driving up food prices for domestic consumers, impose a tax on grain exports.a. Draw the graph that describes the market for grain in an exporting country. Use this graph asthe starting point to answer the following questions.(2 points) See the graph below.b. How does an export tax affect domestic grain prices? Use your graph. (1 point)An export tax will reduce the effective world price received by the exporting nation. Thus its domestic grain price will fall. (see the graph)c. How does it affect the welfare of domestic consumers, the welfare of domestic producers,and government revenue? Use your graph. (3 points)An export tax will increase domestic consumer surplus from area A to A+B (by B), decrease domestic producer surplus from area C+G+B+E+D+F to C+G (by B+E+D+F), and increasePrice of Grain Quantity of GrainP wPricePrice of Grain Quantity of GrainSDP wWorld Pricegovernment revenue from zero to area D.d.What happens to total welfare in China, as measured by the sum of consumer surplus,producer surplus, and tax revenue? Explain intuitively the source of welfare loss or gain. (3 points)Total surplus will fall by area E+F. (1 point)There are two sources of welfare loss. Area E represents welfare loss from selling grains in domestic market instead of world market. If those grains were sold in the world market, the price would be higher than domestic consumers’ willingness to pay, and producers’ gains were larger than consumers’ loss. Area F represent welfare loss due to inefficient quantity produced. More quantity would be better for both producers and the world, without affecting others. (2 points) e.Now suppose China is a large country which can affect the world price of grains. Whathappens to the world price faced by other countries due to China’s export tax policy? What happens to welfare of consumers, producers, and total welfare in other exporting countries, in other importing countries? What happens to total welfare of the world as a whole (including China)? Explain your answers without using graphs. (2 points)The world price will increase due to China’s export tax policy, since this policy will reduce total supply in the world grain market. (0.5 point)For an exporting country, producers will be better off, consumers will be worse off, and the country as a whole will be better off. (since consumer loss is less than producer gain, or since the gain from trade increases.) (0.5 point)For an importing country, producers will also be better off, consumers will be worse off, and the country as a whole will be worse off. (since consumer loss is larger than producer gain, or since the gain from trade decreases.) (0.5 point)For the world as a whole, the total welfare will decrease since tax policy always reduces welfare.(0.5 points)四、公共池塘⾥的鱼(10分)威克南镇有5个居民,他们唯⼀的活动是捕鱼和消费鱼。



《经济学原理》期中测试题第一部分:选择题(每道2分,一共15道)1.亨利花了一个小时购物并买了一件价值30美元的汗衫,该汗衫的机会成本是:a.一个小时b.30美元c.一个小时加30美元d.一个小时加30美元的次优用途e.以上都不是答案:d2.假设美国增产1000吨小麦将减产500吨钢铁,而加拿大增产1000吨小麦将减产1000吨钢铁,那么我们可以说:a.加拿大在小麦生产上有绝对优势b.美国在小麦生产上有绝对优势c.美国将出口钢铁d.美国在钢铁生产上有绝对优势e.美国在小麦生产上有比较优势答案:e3.对商品或劳务的个人需求曲线:a.给出了在任一价格水平上,个人将会购买的商品或劳务数量b.给出了市场均衡价格c.表示了根据替代效应其它商品将会被替代掉d.以上都对e.a和c答案:a4.假设需求的价格弹性是1/3,,如果价格上升30%,需求数量如何变动?a.需求数量上升10%b.需求数量下降10%c.需求数量上升90%d.需求数量下降90%e.需求数量不变答案:b5.假设需求完全缺乏弹性,供给曲线向左移.那么,a.价格和数量都上升b.数量上升,价格不变c.价格上升,数量不变d.价格和数量都不上升e.价格上升,数量下降答案:c6.政府提供公共品的一个优势在于:a.不会导致稀缺性b.不会面对公共物品需求的不确定性c.能强制公民付费d.需求并不都是理性的e.以上都不对答案:c7.市场缺陷在什么时候发生?a.存在正外部性b存在负外部性c存在正或负的外部性d不存在外部性e以上都不对答案:c8如果两个国家有相同的机会成本,则,a不存在贸易的基础b他们也许会在某些产品上组织专业化生产,经过一段时间以后在这些产品生产方面取得比较优势c.各自都从贸易保护主义政策获利d具有绝对优势的国家将取得所有的贸易剩余e以上都不是答案:b9税收负担是指:a有多少人应该纳税b 决定应该纳多少税有多少困难c谁真正承担纳税义务,并考虑其经济反映d税收多大程度上扭曲经济决策e谁真正把钱交给税收当局答案:c10下一项哪个不是政府直接干预来纠正市场缺陷的例子?a国有化其银行体系b对新的石油储藏的勘探活动进行税收优惠c一个大城市为无家可归者建立栖身处d军队向私人企业购买坦克e以上均是直接干预的例子答案:b11下一项哪项不是政府正常的作用?a解决稀缺性问题b收入再分配c稳定经济d纠正市场缺陷e以上均不是答案a12下列哪一项关于需求的价格弹性是正确的?a对任何需求弹性而言价格弹性是不变的b需求在短期里比在长期里更加富有弹性c如果价格上升时总收入下降,需求相对而言比较缺乏弹性d a和ce以上都不对答案:e13生产可能性曲线:a 表示了一家厂商或一个社会可能生产的产品数量b 由于收益递减规律,它不是一条直线c 表示了商品间的替代关系d.以上都是e以上都不是答案:d14随着国家间开展自愿贸易:a所有人都受益b在大国中的所有人都受益c一些人受损,但收益足以补偿损失d公司受益而消费者受损e工人受益而消费者受损答案:c15如果一家厂商供应整个市场,此市场结构为:a完全竞争b寡头c垄断d垄断竞争e上述都不是答案:c第一题:机会成本:我们考虑一个例子,如果有人问你看电影的成本是多少,你可能会说:7美元,但是事实上不是那么简单,首先,成本不是7美元,而是如果不去看电影可以用7美元可以买到的东西,其次,你的时间是稀缺资源,在计算中应该考虑在内。



姓名学号班级(A 卷)经济学原理I(2014年秋季学期)期中考试1(A卷答案)(2014/11/15)学术部温馨提示:此处为仅有题目版本,适合对照完全版中答案使用。




(3*4=12分)1.1 政府的支农政策(例如,让农民便宜地购买种子和化肥)导致了粮食增产,这又导致粮食价格下降,从而使得粮食产量减少,而这又使得粮食价格上升。


1.2 Lovers of classical music persuade Congress to impose a price ceiling of $40 per concert ticket. As a result of this policy, more people attend classical music concerts.1.3 电脑行业的技术进步只能使得经济中的电脑产量增加,而经济中其它产品的数量肯定不会增加。

1.4 政府减少土地供给的政策肯定挤出了住房市场上的泡沫,因为这减少了住房市场的均衡数量,从而减少了住房空置率。

2.Multiple Choice. Each problem only has one correct choice. (2*5=10 points)2.1 An economy produces hot dogs and hamburgers. If a discovery of the remarkable health benefits of hot dogs were to change consumers’ preferences, it woulda. expand the production possibilities frontier.b. contract the production possibilities frontier.c.Move the economy along the production possibilities frontier.d. Move the economy inside the production possibilities frontier.2.2 Which of the following is a positive, rather than a normative, statement?a. Law X will reduce national income.b. Law X is a good piece of legislation.c.Congress ought to pass law X.d. The president should veto law X.2.3 Which of the following might lead to an increase in the equilibrium price of jelly and a decrease in the equilibrium quantity of jelly sold?a. an increase in the price of peanut butter, a complement to jellyb. an increase in the price of Marshmallow Fluff, a substitute for jellyc.an increase in the price of grapes, an input into jellyd. an increase in consumers’ incomes, as long as jelly is a normal good2.4 The price of coffee rose sharply last month, while the quantity sold remained the same. Each of five people suggest an explanation:TOM: Demand increased, but supply was perfectly inelastic.DICK: Demand increased, but it was perfectly inelastic.HARRY: Demand increased, but supply decreased at the same time.1姓名学号班级(A 卷)LARRY: Supply decreased, but demand was unit elastic.MARY: Supply decreased, but demand was perfectly inelastic.Who could possibly be right?a. T om, Dick, and Harry.b. T om, Dick, and Mary.c.T om, Harry, and Mary.d. Dick, Harry, and Larry.e. Dick, Harry, and Mary2.5 Which o f the f ollowing w ould i ncrease q uantity s upplied, i ncrease q uantity d emanded, a nd decrease the price that consumers pay?a. the imposition of a binding price floorb. the removal of a binding price floorc.the passage of a tax levied on producersd. the repeal of a tax levied on producersparative Advantage and Gains from Trade (11 pts)Mark and Bob are roommates. Mark can cook dinner in 30 minutes and wash the laundry in 20 minutes. Bob takes 20 minutes to cook dinner and 30 minutes to wash the laundry. The rule of their apartment building requires that each of them should take half of each task, but does not prohibit them from any trading activity.a. How long would Mark and Bob need to finish their own share of both tasks required by therule? Show Mark and Bob’s production possibilities frontier (PPF), by fixing their amount of time available at the level for finishing their required share of both tasks. Label the points representing their required share of tasks on their PPF curves. (Hint: the PPF curve should use share (or percentage) of each task as its X and Y axis. And those shares cannot be larger than one. ) (3 pts)b. What is the most efficient way of allocating tasks between Mark and Bob? The most efficientway is the way that takes the minimum level of total amount of time. Show the efficient task allocation in their PPF curves. (2 pts)c.Mark and Bob decide to trade with each other to improve their welfare (i.e., to save theirown time). What would be the exchange rate between washing and cooking Mark is willing to accept? How about Bob? (2 pts)d. Is there any exchange rate acceptable for both of them and still achieving the most efficientallocation of works? If yes, show it on the graph. If not, explain why not. (1 pt)e. What would be the most favorable exchange rate for Mark? If Mark can force Bob to trade onhis most favorable exchange rate as much as possible, what would be the final allocation of work among them? Show it on the graph. Is this allocation efficient? (3 pts)2.. . 姓名 学号 班级 (A 卷)4.地铁票价调整(17 分)某城市地铁长期执行一个政府规定的比较低的票价,导致地铁拥挤不堪。



姓名学号班级(A 卷)经济学原理I(2010 年秋季学期)期中考试1(A 卷仅试题版)(2010/11/3)学术部温馨提示:此处为仅有题目版本,适合对照完全版中答案使用。



每题4分,共20分)1.假设你捡到了20 美元,并选择用它购买一本小说。



3.An increase in the demand for notebooks raises the quantity of notebooks demanded but not the quantity supplied. .4.If more Americans go on a low-carb diet, the demand for bread will fall. The decrease in the demand for breadwill cause the price of bread to fall. The lower price, however, will then increase the demand. In the new equilibrium, Americans might end up consuming more bread than they did initially. (DO use a diagram to illustrate your explanations)5.完全竞争市场上的单个企业可以通过将价格降低到市场现行价格之下来增加利润,因为这样一来可以吸引更多的买者。




)1.The company that you manage has invested $5 million in developing a new product, but the development is notquite finished. At a recent meeting, your salespeople report that the introduction of competing products has reduced the expected sales of your new product to $3 million. What should do?A.You should go ahead to finish development and make the product if and only if it would cost less than $5 millionto do so.B.You should go ahead to finish development and make the product if and only if it would cost less than $3 millionto do so.C.You should go ahead to finish development and make the product if and only if it would cost less than $2 millionto do so.D.You should not go ahead to finish development and make the product at all.2.中国的“道路交通安全法”曾经将机动车与行人之间交通事故造成的损害由机动车与行人分担,改为机动车全部承担。





















A. B. C. D. 3 Canada were to subsidize the production of wool blankets, and sell them in the U.S. at artificially low prices, the U.S. economy would be , the Canada economy would be , and the U.S. and Canada economy as a whole would be . A. worse off, better off, worse off or better off B. better off, worse off, worse off or better off C. better off, better off, better off
(A 卷)
D. better off, worse off, worse off 6. The U.S. government has at times pressured Japan to “voluntarily” limit the sale of Japanese cars in the United States. Compared with a tariff which achieves the same number of cars imported from Japan, this voluntary limitation policy will make the U.S. consumers ; the U.S. producers ; the U.S. government ; and the U.S. as a whole . worse off; worse off; worse off; worse off better off; worse off; unaffected; better off unaffected; unaffected; worse off; worse off unaffected; unaffected; unaffected; unaffected 以下理由中,不能说明对汽油征税可以提高社会总福利的是: 驾车人一般属于富裕阶层 公路拥挤 空气污染 耗油的大型车带来更大的车祸危险 学生宿舍中有两人,吸烟者和非吸烟者。学校考虑制定相关规定。第 1 种规定是吸烟者 无需经过非吸烟者同意就可以吸烟。 第 2 种规定是吸烟者需要经过非吸烟者同意后才能 吸烟。第 3 种规定是完全禁止吸烟。前两种规定下允许科斯谈判,第三种规定不允许科 斯谈判。则对于非 吸烟者而言,第 种规定最有利,第 种规定最不利。 . 3,1 2,1 2,3 无法判断 春节期间燃放烟花爆竹能够给周围居民带来节日的喜庆气氛, 但也带来环境污染, 甚至 伤及他人。你认为合适的政府政策应该是: 放任不管( “允许燃放” ) 完全禁止( “禁放” ) 只允许在人烟稀少处(如城郊)燃放(有限“开禁” ) 政府出面在安全地方燃放,让更多居民观赏到






每题4分,共32分)1.Lovers of classical music persuade Congress to impose a price ceiling of concert ticket.Thepolicy will surely allow more people to attend classical music concerts.2.在美国销售的耐克鞋很多是在中国生产的,制造商向中国工人支付的工资比美国工人低得多。


3.Whether a country imports from or exports to abroad a good,the greater the elasticity ofdomestic supply,the greater the gains from trade.(Use graphs)4.将贸易保护作为讨价还价的筹码是可行的,因为如果对方对进口施加限制,本国对进口施加限制就是有利于本国的。

5.Coasian bargaining(科斯谈判)can solve problems with negative externalities,but notproblems with positive externalities.6.When deciding whether to levy a corrective(Pigovian)tax on consumers or producers,thegovernment should be careful to levy the tax on the side of the market generating the externality.7.If goods can be got for free,then neither its producing nor its using can generate aninefficient outcome.8.A regressive tax(a tax for which high-income taxpayers pay a smaller fraction of theirincome than do low-income taxpayers)must result in a vertical-inequality,because the higher income a person has,the less amount of tax he or she will pay.二、选择题(每题3分,共27分。









3.If a certain trade is good for one person,it can’t be good for the other one.4.中国只有通过提高劳动生产率,才能从与富国的贸易中受益。

5.In a competitive market,an increase in the demand for notebooks raises the quantity of notebooks demanded as well as the quantity supplied.6.政府的支农政策(如对农民购买种子和化肥进行补贴)导致了粮食增产,这又导致粮食价格下降,从而使得粮食产量减少,而这又使得粮食价格上升。






)1.Mike has spent$500purchasing and repairing an old fishing boat,which he expects to sellfor$800once the repairs are complete.He discovers that he needs an additional repair,which will cost$400,in order to complete the repairs.He can sell the boat as it is now for$300.What should he do?A.He should cut his losses and take the$300.B.He should never sell something for less than it cost.C. He should complete the repairs and sell the boat.D. It doesn’t matter which action he takes; the outcome is the same either way.2.Adam Smith states that led by the invisible hand of markets, what kinds of individual can promote the public interest effectively?A. individual who intends to promote the public interestB. individual who knows how much he is promoting the social interestC. Both A and BD. individual who intends only his own gain3.三个老师对于大学生上课迟到发表了如下的看法:老师甲:“学生上课迟到是因为上课时间过早。



经济学原理 I (2012 年秋季学期)期中考试( A 卷试题)(2012/10/31)学术部温馨提示:此处为仅有题目版本,适合对照完全版中答案使用。


1. True or False? Explain your answers by using a graph. (4 points) If more Americans go on a low-carbon diet, the demand for bread will fall. The decrease in the demand for bread will cause the price of bread to fall. The lower price, however, will then increase the demand. In the new equilibrium, Americans might end up consuming more bread than they did initially.2. 选择题。

选择正确的答案(无需说明理由)(6 分,每问 2 分)。


用生产可能性边界来表示这一影响,正确的图形是: (1) (直接回答左图或右图)。

假定经济一开始处于 A 点,则该事件导致经济最终移动到图形上的( 2)点(直接写出点的字母代号)。

假定人们对农产品的需求是富于..弹性的,你对于第(2)问的回答将变为 (3)。

其他产业 其他产业3. 高速公路通行费(15 分)“十一”长假期间,政府实行高速公路免通行费政策,导致了大量的高速公路拥堵现象。

(1) 假定在非长假期间,即使高速公路免通行费,也不会导致拥堵。

你认为此时如果任由市场自发调节,均衡价格有可能是(或接近于)零吗?当长假到来时,高速公路出现了拥农业 农业A AB CD EF EFC DB堵现象,则任由市场自发调节的均衡价格还可能是零吗?画出相应的供求曲线图形,标出符合上述两种情况下各自的均衡点。



经济学原理(yuánlǐ)(Ⅰ)期中考试(qī zhōnɡ kǎo shì)一注意:请全部用中文回答(留学生可用英文)。



每题5分,共40分)1.某城市幼儿园的规定是每天下午4点钟家长必须将孩子(hái zi)接走,可是每周都有那么几个家长迟到(孩子在等待父母的过程中会较烦躁,幼儿园也不得不留下一个老师专门看护。




















MPC = △C △y
边际消费倾向递减规律:随着收入水平的不断 增加,消费增加的比例越来越小。
每增加1元国民收入所引起的消费金额的变化。 简单线性消费函数:C = α+βY MPC=△C/△Y=β 例:收入由100元增加到120元,消费由80元增加到94元。 边际消费倾向MPC =C/ Y =(94-80)/(120-100) =0.7
∵ ∴ y = C + S y S C = y + y y ∵ ∴ y = C + S S y = C + y y y
即: APC + APS = 1
即: MPC + MPS = 1

不消费即储蓄。 APC + APS = 1 MPC + MPS = 1
例:收入由100元增加到120元,消费由80元增加到94元。 边际消费倾向MPC = 0.7 边际储蓄倾向MPS = 0.3 MPC + MPS = 0.7 +0.3 = 1
第十章 简单国民收入决定理论
1、假设所分析的经济中不存在政府,也不存在对 外贸易,只有家户部门(居民户)和企业部门。 还假定企业投资是自主的,即不随利率和产量而 变动。
2、假设不论需求量为多少,经济制度均能以不变 的价格提供相应的供给量。
3、假定折旧和公司未分配利润为零,则 GNP=NNP=NI=PI。
消费(C)函数 4、平均消费倾向(APC)
APC = C y



经济学原理I (2010年秋季学期)期中考试1(A 卷答案)(2010/11/3)注意:请将所有题目的答案写在答题册上,写在本试题纸上一律无效。


每题4分,共20分)1. 假设你捡到了20美元,并选择用它购买一本小说。




(注:答20美元也算对)2. 电脑行业的技术进步只能使得经济中的电脑产量增加,而经济中其它产品的数量不会增加。



一般来说,这会使得社会可以生产的其他产品的数量也增加(如图中A 到A’点)。

直观来说,由于技术进步,当社会在既定的生产要素配置下可以生产更多电脑和同样多的其他产品时(图中B 点),通过生产要素重新配置也可以同时生产更多的两种产品(图中B 到A’点)。

3. An increase in the demand for notebooks raises the quantity of notebooks demanded but notthe quantity supplied.False. The increase in demand for notebooks results in an increased quantity supplied, in general. The reason is that demand increase will raise the price (to eliminate the shortage it causes), which in turn increases the quantity supplied. The only way the statement would be true is if the supply is perfectly inelastic.4. If more Americans go on a low-carb diet, the demand for bread will fall. The decrease in thedemand for bread will cause the price of bread to fall. The lower price, however, will then increase the demand. In the new equilibrium, Americans might end up consuming more bread than they did initially. (DO use a diagram to illustrate your explanations)False. When the demand falls, there will be a surplus of bread for a while (FE 1 in the graph), when the original equilibrium price P 1 has not fallen yet. As time goes on, price begins to fall, quantity 电脑其他产品demanded (not demand itself) decreases and quantity supplied increases, just to eliminate this surplus. Finally the new equilibrium (E 2) will have a lower quantity demanded (and supplied), Q 2, and also a lower price, P 2.5. 完全竞争市场上的单个企业可以通过将价格降低到市场现行价格之下来增加利润,因为这样一来可以吸引更多的买者。

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(A 卷)
经济学原理 I(2010 年秋季学期) 期中考试 1(A 卷答案) (2010/11/3)
一、判断题(判断并简要说明理由,必要时可以用图形。每题4分,共20分) 1. 假设你捡到了 20 美元,并选择用它购买一本小说。则你购买这本小说的机会成本是零。 错误。你购买小说的机会成本是用这 20 美元购买其他物品或服务带给你的好处(可能大于 或等于 20 美元。(注:答 20 美元也算对) 2. 电脑行业的技术进步只能使得经济中的电脑产量增加,而经济中其它产品的数量不会增
4. Which of the following statement is positive? A. Society faces a short-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment B. The Federal Reserve should reduce the rate of money growth. C. Society ought to require welfare recipients to look for jobs. D. None of the above statements is positive.
2. 中国的“道路交通安全法”曾经将机动车与行人之间交通事故造成的损害由机动车与行 人分担,改为机动车全部承担。这导致机动车与行人相遇时,机动车驾驶员的谨慎程 度 ;行人的谨慎程度 ;最终导致机动车与行人之间交通事故的可能性 。
A. 提高;提高;降低。 B. 降低;降低;提高。 C. 提高;降低;可能提高可能降低。
二、选择题(每题3分,共42分。每题只有一个正确答案。) 1. The company that you manage has invested $5 million in developing a new product, but the
development is not quite finished. At a recent meeting, your salespeople report that the introduction of competing products has reduced the expected sales of your new product to $3 million. What should do? A. You should go ahead to finish development and make the product if and only if it would cost less than $5 million to do so. B. You should go ahead to finish development and make the product if and only if it would cost less than $3 million to do so. C. You should go ahead to finish development and make the product if and only if it would cost less than $2 million to do so. D. You should not go ahead to finish development and make the product at all.
7. Which of the following statement is true? A. If a certain trade is good for one person, it can’t be good for the other one. B. If a certain trade is good for one person, it is always good for the other one. C. If a certain trade is good for one person, it can also be good for the other one.
A. An hour labor supply of Stuart and labor input of the restaurant, and $4.50 wages paid by the restaurant and income earned by Stuart; then 4.5 quarts of milk sold by the storekeeper and bought by Stuart, and $4.5 revenue of the storekeeper and spending of Stuart.
加。 错误。电脑行业的技术进步使得整个社会的生产可能性边界外移(如图)。一般来说,这会 使得社会可以生产的其他产品的数量也增加(如图中 A 到 A’点)。直观来说,由于技术进步, 当社会在既定的生产要素配置下可以生产更多电脑和同样多的其他产品时(图中 B 点),通 过生产要素重新配置也可以同时生产更多的两种产品(图中 B 到 A’点)。
B. An hour labor supply of Stuart and labor input of the restaurant, and $4.50 wages paid by the restaurant and income earned by Stuart; then a quart of milk sold by the storekeeper and bought by Stuart, and $1 revenue of the storekeeper and spending of Stuart.
(A 卷)
D. 降低;提高;可能提高ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้能降低。
3. Government decides that laid-off workers should be able to collect unemployment benefits until they find a new job. This decision is:
A. 甲 B. 乙 C. 丙 D. 甲和乙
6. Stuart earns $4.50 for an hour working at a fast-food restaurant, and then pays a storekeeper $1 for a quart of milk. In a circular-flow diagram, all the Stuart’s activities above correspond to:
A. good for society’s efficiency but bad for its equity B. good for both society’s efficiency and equity C. good for society’s equity but bad for its efficiency D. bad for both society’s efficiency and equity
C. An hour labor supply of Stuart and labor input of the restaurant, and $4.50 wages paid by the restaurant and income earned by Stuart
D. 1 quart of milk sold by the storekeeper and bought by Stuart, and $1 revenue of the storekeeper and spending of Stuart.
(A 卷)
demanded (not demand itself) decreases and quantity supplied increases, just to eliminate this surplus. Finally the new equilibrium (E2) will have a lower quantity demanded (and supplied), Q2, and also a lower price, P2.
demand for bread will cause the price of bread to fall. The lower price, however, will then increase the demand. In the new equilibrium, Americans might end up consuming more bread than they did initially. (DO use a diagram to illustrate your explanations) False. When the demand falls, there will be a surplus of bread for a while (FE1 in the graph), when the original equilibrium price P1 has not fallen yet. As time goes on, price begins to fall, quantity
B A’
3. An increase in the demand for notebooks raises the quantity of notebooks demanded but not the quantity supplied.
False. The increase in demand for notebooks results in an increased quantity supplied, in general. The reason is that demand increase will raise the price (to eliminate the shortage it causes), which in turn increases the quantity supplied. The only way the statement would be true is if the supply is perfectly inelastic. 4. If more Americans go on a low-carb diet, the demand for bread will fall. The decrease in the