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fr thas zhang

departent f finane

business shl,universit

xxx, 430072, xxx

p r hina

dear sir/ada,

in the apait f the frer hairan f the departent f finane and the assiate dean f business shl in universit (p r hina), i a riting ith pleasure t reend s sphie xxx t ur esteeed graduate shl

s xxx is a distinguished student in the departent i n her ell thrugh different asins, besides teahing her a finanial engineering urse last ear i gt t n her persnall 2 ears ag, hen she as a andidate fr exhange-student prgra f universit nerning her unspetaular aadei results and her utstanding perfrane, she as aarded ur universits shlarship and a hane t stud abrad in zzz universit, hih nl ne student fr ur departent an reeive ever ear her seester-lng experiene there turned ut t be an ipressive suess s xxx shed great aptitude n all the urses she t and her gpa f that seester as 380 if u tae the diffiult f the urses and strit grading int aunt, u ill understand h her sres are ang the tp five undubtedl, she gt exellent sres n ther re urses and raned ang the tp % f her lass hen she gt her bahelrs degree

having been s xxxs diretr hile she as pleting her undergraduate thesis

defense in XX, i as greatl ipressed ith her sillful diagras, and ith the unified and herent anner in hih she artiulated her thesis she hse a daring tpi – st index futures arbitrage in hina, this is a ver ht event althugh there are several dels arund the rld, nt ne et has been fund suitable fr hina she prpsed a ver feasible ne in her thesis paper rever, she als denstrated a high level f prfiien in using statisti sftare in her researh nt nl as the ittee stru b the displa f reativit at her thesis defense nferene, her luid presentatin expressed lear and lgi thught her expansive and pen-inded aadei perspetives reall stru a hrd, s it gives e a great deal f pleasure t give u reendatin t this utstanding ung lad f iense prise

after she graduated fr universit, she still eeps in tuh ith e i feel ver delighted hen she tld e she uld lie t pursue her advaned studies in ur hnred prgra i trust her aadei exellene, spirit f devtin and pleasant persnalit arrant ur serius nsideratin f her appliatin shuld there be an a in hih i an be f further assistane in ur deliberatins, please d nt hesitate t ntat e diretl sinerel urs,

assiate dean f business shl

