
Ⅰ.语音题 Directions: Read the following words, try your best to find the word that has different pronunciation from others. 把下列每一组单词中下划线部分的读音和其它三个不同的单词找出来.
1. ( )A. leaf B. disagree C. pear D. field
2. ( )A. mistake B. outline C. chicks D. ship
3. ( )A. he B. pleasure C. hell D. tell
4. ( )A. fort B. world C. word D. worker
5. ( )A. sphere B. beer C. here D. there
6. ( )A. goal B. go C. dose D. optional
7. ( )A. spare B. glare C. are D. dare
8. ( )A. latter B. engage C. lantern D. parachute
9. ( )A. crust B. flood C. mute D. jumble
10 ( )A. cholesterol B. cheerful C. childishness D. chunk
11. ( ) A. me B. pleasure C. hell D. tell
12. ( ) A. tea B. disagree C. pear D. field

Ⅱ. 词汇、语法题 Directions: Choose the one that best completes the sentence.单项选择
13. A man’s success depends chiefly ______ himself.
A. on B. as C. for D. from
14. Practice _____ the language every day.
A. will speak B. speaking C. speaks D. have spoken
15. Please don’t forget to turn _____the lights before you leave the laboratory.
A. out B. off C. over D. up
16. Jack talks ______he knew all about it.
A. as if B. as such C. as well D. as to
17. A mirror_____ light.
A. gives B. shows C. keeps D. reflects
18. She did not stop to rest _____ she finished the work.
A. as B. after C. until D. if
19. He did not have time to read the whole story, so he read the _____of it instead.
A. inside B. outline C. lines D. outside
20. Now that I am working for my living, I do not have _____ time as before to spend on my stamps.
A. much B. more C. as much D. more than
21. I objected ______the meeting without him.
A. to having B. to have C. having D. have
22. He came only _____, not very often.
A. absolutely B. continually C. regularly D. occasionally
23. She is not only a teacher, ______ also a friend.
A. as B. but C. however D. and
24. Language consists _____ words which we put together into sentences.
A. of B. in C. for D. for
25. There are ______ flights from Yibin to Shanghai.
A. rugular B. rule C. rugulation D.regulate
26. A well-trained parrot can talk ______ a man.
A. into B. like C. with D. as
27. The _____ in his experiment were 75 college students.
A. objects B. subjects C. systems D. methods
28. The man who she ______ is a criminal is my friend.
A. says B. is doing C. will do D. shall do
29. The words are repeated over and over again _____the students hear them clearly.
A. whether B. or C. but D. so that
30.My brother ______ on his best clothes and left for the party.
A. put B. puts C. will put D. is putting
31.My mastery of English is not half as good ______

A. to B. from C. as D. too
32. The book was so boring that he gave up ______ it half-way through.
A. seeing B. watching C. buying D. reading
33. They sat together, ______ carefully the blueprint of the building.
A. studying B. and study C. to study D. and studying
34. _______all his homework, he went to bed.
A. Doing B. Having done C. Being done D. To do
35.The little boy ______music often went to the concert with his parents.
A. fond of B. was fond of C. who is fond of D. be fond of
36. She was just going to give up ________ another chance came.
A. when B. while C. although D. however
37. Her black dress was in _______ with his white hat.
A. addition B. conclusion C. contrast D. fashion
38. The more we get together, _______ we shall be.
A. the happy B. happier C. the happier D. the more happy
39. She has a very wide ______ of interests.
A. display B. range C. maximum D. random
40. Go to see the doctor, ______your cold may get worse.
A. or B. while C. either D. but
41. He forgot his friend’s telephone number, so he looked it _____in the telephone book.
A. for B. at C. up D. to
42. Some of the questions have four choices that sound______.
A. like B. likely C. alike D. unlike
43. Moving one’s head up and down generally ______ “yes”.
A. says B. means C. brings D. makes
44. The man who she ______ is a criminal is my friend.
A. says B. is doing C. will do D. shall do

Section A. Put the following into English. (10%)
45. 孩子们总是对任何事物都好奇。

46. 尊重他人的观点也是一种科学态度。

47. 联想旨在将我们要记的和已记住的信息联系起来。

48. 她的成功与其说是由于机遇,不如说是由于努力。

49. 是现代技术使我们走向成功。

50. 学习英语容易吗?

51. 人们常把学校看成是一个小社会。

52. 你应该使自己适应新的环境。

Section B. Put the following into Chinese. (10%)
53. We should learn English independently, actively and purposefully.

54. It is widely believed that languages develop and change constantly.

55. Her attitude towards work impressed me deeply.

56. The cause-and-effect principle helps to solve some scientific problems.

57. Forming an integrated image with all the information placed in a single mental picture can help us to preserve a memory.

58. There are many reasons I don’t like her. To begin with, she doesn’t tell the truth.

59. I will go today rather than tomorrow.

60. We should learn English independently, actively and purposefully.

Ⅳ. 单词拼写题 Word Spelling(10 points,1 point for two words)
61. 成年人 (n .) a _ _ _ _
62. 共事的

人 (n.) a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
63. 代替 (vt./vi.) s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
64. 流行的 (a.) p_ _ _ _ _ _
65. 亲人 (n.) r _ _ _ _ _ _ _
66. 栽培 (vt.) c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
67. 激励 ( vt.) s _ _ _ _ _ _ _
68. 讨价还价 (vt.) b _ _ _ _ _ _
69. 影响 (n.) i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
70. 使孤立 (vt.) i_ _ _ _ _ _
71. 建议 (vt.) s _ _ _ _ _ _
72. 纪律 (n.) d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
73. 科学地 (ad.) s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
74. 完整地 (ad.) e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
75. 早先的 (a.) p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
76. 富有意义的 (a.) m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
77. 平均 (n.) a _ _ _ _ _ _
78. 有目的地 (ad.) p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
79. 独立的 (a.) i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
80. 抱怨 (v.) c _ _ _ _ _ _ _
81. 相对的 (a.) r _ _ _ _ _ _ _
82. 国际的 (a.) i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
83. 分类 (vt.) c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
84. 实际上 (ad.) v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
85. 错误的观念,谬论 (n.) f _ _ _ _ _ _
86. 证据 (n.) e _ _ _ _ _ _ _
87. 主观的,非客观的 (a.) s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
88. 讨价还价 (vt.) b _ _ _ _ _ _
89. 供应,提供 (v.) f _ _ _ _ _ _
90. 纤细的,苗条的 (a.) s _ _ _
91. 个别的 (a.) i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
92. 反应,反动 (n.) r _ _ _ _ _ _ _
93. 假装 (v.) p _ _ _ _ _ _
94. 均匀地,均衡地 (ad.) e _ _ _ _ _
95. 有吸引力的 (a.) a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Ⅴ. 阅读理解题
Directions: There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. You should decide on the best choice. and write down the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
Passage One
Questions 96 to 100 are based on the following passage.
Robert Spring, a 19th century forger, was so good at his job that he was able to make his living for 15 years by selling false signatures (签名) of famous Americans. Spring was born in England in 1813 and arrived in Philadelphia in 1858 to open a bookstore. At first he prospered (兴隆) by selling his small but real collection of early US signatures. Discovering his ability at copying handwriting, he began imitating (模仿) signatures of George Washington and Ben Franklin and writing them on the title pages of old books. To lessen the chance of being found out, he sent his forgeries (伪造品) to England and Canada for sale.
Forgers have a hard time selling their products. A forger can’t approach a respectable buyer but must deal with people who don’t have much knowledge in the field. Forgers have many ways to make their work look real. For example, they buy old books to use the aged paper of the title page, and they can treat paper and ink with chemicals.
In Spring’s time, right after the Civil War, Britain was still fond of the Southern states, so Spring invented a respectable lady known as Miss Fanny Jackson, the only daughter of General “Stonewall” Jackson. For several years Miss Fanny’s money problems forced her to sell a great numbe

r of letters and manuscripts (手稿) belonging to her famous father. Spring had to work very hard to satisfy the demand. All this activity did not prevent Spring from dying in poverty (贫穷), leaving sharp-eyed experts the difficult task of separating his forgeries from the originals.
96. According to the context, what does “forger” mean?
A. A forger is a person who opens a bookshop. B. A forger is a person who is good at his job.
C. A forger is a person who loves to cheat people.
D. A forger is a person who makes false things such as signatures.
97. How did Spring make his first fortune?
A. He prospered by selling fake signatures of VIP. B. He became rich by selling books.
C. He became rich by selling his collection of real signatures.
D. He received a large amount of money from one of his relatives.
98. What was the trouble for forgers in their business mentioned in this passage?
A. They could not find anyone who was willing to buy their forgeries.
B. They found it very hard to forge the signatures of those famous people.
C. They found it difficult to sell their forgeries to people with knowledge.
D. They had no way to make their products attractive and true.
99. According to the passage, what can be said about Spring?
A. He was very good at forgery and earned money doing it.
B. He tried many times to make good forgeries but failed.
C. He could not meet the demand of Miss Fanny and was poor for a short time.
D. He prospered on his forgery and extended his business to many parts of the world.
100. What is the tone of this passage?
A. Boastful. B. Approving. C. Objective D. Critical.
Passage 2
Questions 101 to 105 are based on the following passage.
Computer programmer David Jones makes $35,000 a year designing new computer games, yet he cannot find a bank prepared to let him have a check card. Instead, he has been told to wait another two years, until he is 18.
The 16-year-old works for a small firm in Liverpool, where the problem of most young people of his age is finding a job. David's firm puts two new games on the home market each month.
But David's biggest headache is what to do with his money. In spite of his salary, made by inventing new programs within quite a short period of time, with bonus payments and profit sharing, he cannot drive a car, get some money from a bank to buy a house, or get credit cards
He lives with his parents in their house in Liverpool, where his father is a bus driver. His firm has to pay $150 a month in taxi fares to get him the five miles to work and back every day because David cannot drive.
David got his job with the firm a year after leaving school with six levels and working for a time in a computer shop. " I got the job because the people who run the firm knew I had already written some programs, he said.
"I suppose $35,000 sounds a lot but actually that's not good enough I hope it will come to more than that this year. " He spends some of his money

on records and clothes, and gives his mother $20 a week. But most of his spare time is spent working.
"Unfortunately, computing was not part of our studies at school," he said. "But I had been studying it in books and magazines for four years in my spare time. I knew what I wanted to do and never considered staying on at school. Most people in this business are fairly young, any-way.
David added, "I would like to earn a million and I suppose early retirement is a possibility. You never know when the market might disappear."
101. Why is David different from other young people of his age?
A. He earns a very high salary. B. He has no job.
C. He does not go out much. D. He lives at home with his parents.
102. David's greatest problem is _____.
A. making the banks treat him as a grown-up B. inventing computer games
C. spending his salary D. learning to drive
103. He was hired by the firm because _______.
A. he had worked in a computer shop B. he had written some computer programs
C. he works very hard D. he had learnt to use computers at school
104. He left school after taking 0-levels because _______.
A. he did not enjoy school
B. he was afraid of getting too old to start computing
C. he wanted to earn a lot of money
D. he wanted to work with computers and staying at school did not help him
105. Why does David think he might retire early?
A. One has to be young to write computer programs.
B. He wants to stop working when he is a millionaire.
C. He thinks computer games might not always sell so well.
D. He thinks his firm might go bad.
Passage 3
Questions 106 to 110 are based on the following passage.
Everyone needs friends. We all like to feel close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with. Surely, there are times when we need to be alone. We don’t always want people around. But we would feel very alone if we never had a friend.
No two people are just the same. Something friends don’t get along. That doesn’t mean that they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will make up and go on being friends.
Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very sad. We miss them very much. But we can call them and write to them. It could be that we will even see them again. And we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them.
Families sometimes name their children after a close friend. Many places are named after men and women who have been friendly to people in a town. Some parks are named this way. So are some schools. We think of these people when we go to these places.
There’s more good news for people who have friends. They live longer than people who don’t .Why? It could be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares. If someone cares about you, you take better care of yourself.

106. We learn from the passage that_______

A. no one in the world needs friends
B. people always need friends around them
C. Having friends is one of the nicest things in the world
D. It’s nicer to have new friends than to have old friends
107. Which of the following is what the author doesn’t say in the passage?
A. People feel depressed when their friends move away
B. People depend upon their friends to a great extent
C. People may call and write to their friends
D. People like their new friends very much if they get to know them
108. Which of the following is most probably the place people name after friendly people?
A. university B. town C. park D. window
109. The reason why people who have friends live loner than people who don’t is that____.
A. They feel happier and stay healthy
B. They get a lot of help from their friends
C. They take better care of themselves
D. Both A and C
110. This passage mainly talks about________.
A. how to make friends
B. how to make new
C. that people need friends
D. the importance of friends
