霍尼韦尔Honeywell 1011890A标准型安全带


INFINITI Q50 使用说明手册说明书

INFINITI Q50 使用说明手册说明书






























SYNCRO 全身安全带 产品说明书

SYNCRO 全身安全带 产品说明书

SYNCRO全身安全带产品图片:认证标准:欧盟CE/CE EN361产品参数:产地:马达加斯加S-M-L L-XL重量1700g1750g腰带65-105cm100-130cm腿环45-65cm60-75cm躯干周长80-120cm90-140cm身高160-180cm175-210cm胸高155-75cm65-85cm产品特点:•X形肩带增加舒适性,保证优异的重量分布。

















丝绸有限公司 Honeywell Miller H700 USB系列高质量全身安全带说明书

丝绸有限公司 Honeywell Miller H700 USB系列高质量全身安全带说明书

SAFETY BACKEDScience is what allows our engineers at Honeywell to design and innovate products that help improve the lives of workers by using decades of industry experience.We’ve taken a deep dive into robust scientific research to elevate our H-Series fall protection harnesses. We’ve researched the medical science behind suspension trauma, as well as the science behind ergonomic design and novel materials. We’ve conducted tests to examine breathability, pressure, compression, thermal conductivity, and water vapor resistance. But more importantly, our scientifically based innovation helps ensure workers stay compliant, safe, and productive when working at height.Our findings, in conjunction with state-of-the-art innovation, shape the all-new Honeywell Miller H700 Premium Harness Series . The Miller H700 full body harness boasts scientifically based technological advances focusing on comfort, safety, and intuitiveness.DIVING DEEP INTO THE SCIENCE OF FALL PROTECTIONFORTThe lighter-than-ever H700 harness features high-tech, multi-layered padding for enhanced shock absorption, breathability, and venting - keeping workers drier and cooler. Shoulder and leg padding are removable, allowing for easy cleaning. The webbing surface is water repellent, durable, and easy to clean. Our new Pivot Strap Adjuster allows for a variety of leg configurations for customizable comfort.2.SAFETYFall risks are heightened by fatigue and discomfort. When a worker falls and is suspended, time is of the essence. With the H700, what’s usually a complicated 3-4 step process in providing trauma relief is now one easy step with the One-Pull Trauma Relief Step, which provides a quick auto-release. Suspension trauma is alleviated, and blood flow continues to circulate.3.INTUITIVENESSAdjustability provides customizable comfort. The low-profile textile accessory interface straps allow workers to conveniently attach and move pouches around onto the H700 harness. Tool tether anchor attachments and lanyard keepers are also positioned in several convenient locations. Our integratedSRL connector allows for easy attachment of personal single/twin SRLs and carabiners.2 | | Miller H700 BrochureA complete ergonomic assessment is typically based on a series of scientific data:•Anthropometric data: height, weight, waist circumference•Human anatomy, lumbar support, weight distribution, shoulder stabilization, musculoskeletal benchmarks •Range of motion study: rotation, extension, lateral bending and flexion, movement-focused technology •Electromyography (EMG) sensor muscle monitoring for muscular fatigue •Heatmapping thermal comfort: body heat radiation and evaporative cooling •Pressure mapping: computerized clinical tool for assessing pressure distributionERGONOMICSAS A SCIENCEEVIDENCE-DRIVEN SAFETY FEATURESAs a global leader in fall protection, our legacy informs our future. We’ve learned that heavy fall protection makes it difficult to get through the day. To address that distress, we developed the following innovations, utilizing scientific findings to improve safety and comfort.The Honeywell Miller H700 Premium Series full body harnesses aren’t just comfortable, they’re ergonomically designed for optimum fall protection.Miller H700 Brochure | | 3INNOVATED TO HELP PROTECT LIVESDESIGNED FORERGONOMIC SAFETY1.ONE-PULL TRAUMA RELIEF STEP provides a state-of-the-art solution for suspension trauma relief.We’ve radically simplified what is usually a complicated 4-step process. By integrating a patented release mechanism for quick deployment of our two high-performance One-Pull TraumaRelief Steps (one for each foot), the suspended person conveniently stands up in the H700 harness. The pressure being applied to the arteries and veins around the top of the legs is quickly relieved, avoiding the risk of serious injury or death. See user instructions.4.PRACTICAL INTEGRATED SRL CONNECTORThe convenient Self-Retracting Lifeline (SRL) integrated connector allows for easy attachment of personal single/twin SRLs and carbineers.5.USER-FRIENDLY LANYARD KEEPERS & TOOL TETHER ANCHORSTool tether anchors and lanyardkeepers are also positioned in several convenient locations, including front and waist.6.NEW CUSTOMIZED LOGO/NAME PLATE IDENTIFICATIONCustomizable with your logo, team colors, or worker name. Easilyreplaceable. Plus, visible harness size.7.LIGHTER-THAN-EVERThis lightweight full body harness offers workers at height less heft,more comfort, and easier movability.It reduces muscular fatigue, motion constraints and sweat, all common hazards when using a poorly designed harness.2.CONFIGURABLE LEG STRAP DESIGN for customizable comfort.Our new Pivot Strap Adjuster offers worker mobility and comfort,allowing workers to adjust the shape of their leg straps, depending on the action that needs to be performed (crouching, bending, crawling, etc.) 3.MODULAR LIGHTWEIGHT ACCESSORY STRAPS for adjustability and convenience.Low-profile, configurable accessory organizer. These straps allow workers to conveniently attach and move pouches around the MOLLE strap. They accommodate a large number of accessories. Reinforced stitching also provides safety and security for heavyweight accessories. When not in use, the webbing straps don’t get tangled.Available on Construction Comfort models.ENGINEERED WITHINNOV A TIVE MA TERIALS8.HIGH TECH 3D PADDING Innovative, multi-layered padding has been designed for enhanced breathability and venting,keeping workers drier and cooler by combining airflow channel breathability, moisture dispersion technology, and 3D knitted fabric.Our shoulder back padding has also been designed to protect workers from the robust twin personalSRLs. Workers can also remove the shoulder back padding if needed for cleaning purposes.57834223164 | | Miller H700 Brochure9.RATED TO 420 LB. (max. weight capacity)9PARAMETERSComposition Polyester + PET monofilament QUALITYTo be comfortable, harnesses must stay dry and breathable when submitted to sweat.PURPOSE OF TESTTest padding material against water vapor resistance. (R ET )A lower water vapor resistance means a lower barrier to water vapor. This proves the material is breathable and more comfortable to wear.TEST METHODAn electrically heated porous plate is covered by a liquid water-vapor permeable membrane. Water fed to the heated plateevaporates and passes through the membrane as vapor, so that no liquid water contacts the test specimen. With the test specimen placed on the membrane, the heat flux required to maintain a constant temperature at the plate level is a measure of the rate of water evaporation, and from this the water-vapor resistance of the test specimen is determined.Reference - ISO 11092-2014.NBA = Next Best Alternative on the market.RET value = evaporative resistance of one unit area of a material. The lower the RET value, the cooler the material feels on the body.CONCLUSIONCompared with NBA 1 and NBA 2, the H700 padding material has the lowest water vapor resistance, the best breathability.RET BREATHABILITY1The H700 is made of composite 3D warp knitted fabric.1Miller H700 Brochure | |Miller H700 Brochure | | 5When people wear a harness, the contact area between body and padding can pose discomfort. Ergonomic design reduces body contact around the neck and lower back – reducing chaffing and irritation and improving air flow.PURPOSE OF TESTAssess contact area under pressure measurement to minimize body contact area and create air flow.TEST METHODApplying pressure to a pressure measurement film positioned on top of the harness. The film turns pink when pressure is added to the contact area, simulating how people wearing the harness perceive pressure. A lower contact area ratio* means workers will benefit from more airflow, less thermal storage (heating), and an overall cooling effect.TEST RESULTSThe H700 has a contact ratio of 38.7% around the shoulder, 34.7% around the waist and 51.1% around the legs.Contact area ratio = Contact Area/Total Area * 100%Contact area = Total surface to contact with body NBA = Next Best Alternative on the market.CONCLUSIONCompared with NBA 1 and NBA 2, the H700 padding has the smallest contact area and contact ratio, allowing optimal air flow breathability.AIR FLOW26 | | Miller H700 BrochureNBA = Next Best Alternative on the market.CONCLUSIONCompared with NBA 1 and NBA 2, the H700 displays the best heat dispersion performance. The body temperature is lower, especially at the back D, E and F areas.3PURPOSE OF TESTMeasure temperature changes under the same constant heat supply (air movement and sweat)TEST METHOD (according to the ASTM F2370 standard)Measures the harness cooling performance to evaporative heat transfer, from a heated sweating thermal mannequin to a relatively calm environment. The higher the body temperature decrease, the better the breathability of the harness.BackTEST RESULTSAfter 30 mins in a room with 78.8°F (26 °C), the temperature on the back area decreases with -7.54°F (4.19°C), -7.36°F (4.09°C), -11.84°F (6.58°C), more than NBA 1 and NBA 2.HEAT DISPERSIONWearing PPE for extended periods of time can lead to an increase in body temperature, heat strain, thermal discomfort, or excessive sweating.Miller H700 Brochure | www.sps.honeywell.co | 7NBA = Next Best Alternative on the market.Stressed area = Location in an object where the stress is significantly greater than the surrounding region.Maximum peak pressure = Maximum level of resistance to airflow.CONCLUSIONOut of the 3 products tested, the H700 provides the most even pressure distribution.4PURPOSE OF TESTThis test measures the pressure distribution around the waist of a worker wearing a harness in various working at height positions. The more even the distribution, and the more the fabric extends, the more comfortable it feels for the wearer.TEST RESULTSWorking Position 1: the stressed area is smaller, and the maximum peak pressure is the lowest compared with the other 2 waist paddings.Working Position 2: the stressed area is smaller, and the maximum peak pressure is lower is than NBA 2 and higher than NBA 1.PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION323g/m 390g/m 326g/m 363g/m 440g/m 356g/m 444g/m301g/m 309g/m 316g/m 321g/m 336g/m 378g/m 368g/m 501g/m 422g/m 415g/m 321g/m 8 | | Miller H700 BrochureWHY YOU NEED THE H700 THE DANGEROUS WORLD OF WORKING AT HEIGHTPROFESSIONS WITH SIGNIFICANT FALL FATALITIES•Utility workers•Construction workers•General Industrial workersMAIN HAZARDS FOR WORKERS AT HEIGHT•Worker fatigue/muscular fatigue•Suspension trauma/slow rescue response time•Harness not “buckled up” and/or adjusted correctly•Not anchored (anchor point, back d-ring, lanyard with rebar hook,fall arrester)CAUSES OF WORKER FATIGUE•Working at height•Physically demanding, repetitive work•Total weight of PPE increasing due to increased safety standards•Non-ergonomic PPE – poor fit, constraining, non-breathableROOT CAUSES OF FALLS•Not keeping eyes and mind on task•Fall protection equipment, tools are too heavy•Poorly designed harness is heavy and constraining•Harness/fall protection equipment is counter-intuitiveMiller H700 Brochure || 9CC = Construction ComfortIC = Industry ComfortQC= Quick-ConnectDisclaimer - All the information in this brochure is published in good faith and for general information purposes only. Honeywell does not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability, and accuracy of this information. Any action you take upon the information you find in this brochure, is strictly at your own risk. Honeywell will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of this information.10 || Miller H700 BrochureFor More Information Honeywell Industrial Safety855 S Mint StCharlotte, NC 28202800-582-4263 HPPE-FALL-Miller-H700-Harness-BRO-EN-LTR I 09/21© 2021 Honeywell International Inc.。





2.电气参数 额定电流(In) : 100A.t rms(额定值) 特点 •可测量AC,DC 和脉冲电流 •富有竞争力的性价比 •更优的精度及线性度 •快速响应时间 •过载能力高•高标准的一次和二次电路间的电绝缘性能•工业级的工作温度范围 •尺寸小,重量轻测量范围 : 0~±150A.t(DC~AC Peak)测量阻值(在70℃) : Rm min Rm maxwith±15V, at±100 A.t Max : 30ohm 80ohm模拟输出电流(在100A 时) : 100mA匝数比率 : 1/1000精度(25℃) : 优于±0.5%In供电电压 : ±12~15VDC(±5%)原副边电气绝缘 : 3KVrms/50KHz/1分钟3.精确性-动态参数零点失调电流(25℃) : 优于±0.20mA 典型应用•变速驱动设备, • 伺服电机• UPS 和电信设备供电电源• 焊接设备供电电源 • 汽车-蓄电池管理系统 • 过电流保护 • 接地故障检测器 • 机器人失调电流温飘(0~70℃) : ±0.30mA(典型值): 优于±0.50mA线性度 : 优于±0.10%响应时间 : 优于500ns频带宽度 : DC~150KHzdI/dT 精确跟随 : 优于100A/μs4.技术指标工作温度范围 : -40~85℃储存温度范围 : -40~90℃耗电流 : 14mA 加上输出电流 次级线圈阻值(+70℃) : 30Ω传感器外壳 : 聚碳酸/ABS 合成品 连接形式(初级) : 穿孔连接形式(次级) : 3X0.8mm PCB 焊脚附注1. 测量更低量程时可用更高的电阻;2. 上述参数都在25度和+/-15V供电的情况下,除非另外说明。

FAFNIR GmbH LS 300, LS 500 H 安全手册说明书

FAFNIR GmbH LS 300, LS 500 H 安全手册说明书

Manuel de sécurité pour les objets conformes selon les normes de la série EN 61508Détecteur de niveau type LS 300… et transducteur de mesure type LS 500 H SIL…Édition : 09.2018 I Domaine d’applicationLe détecteur de niveau type LS 300 … et le transducteur de mesure type LS 500 H SIL … conviennent pour les zones dans lesquelles il faut utiliser un sous-système de sécurité (sécurité anti-débordement ou protection contre la marche à sec) conforme à la norme EN 61508 avec SIL 2.II NormesL’appareil est conçu conformément aux normes suivantes :EN 61508:2010, toutes les parties Sécurité fonctionnelle des systèmes électriques/électro-niques/électroniques programmables relatifs à la sécurité EN 61326-3-2:2008 Exigences d’immunité pour les systèmes relatifs à la sécurité etpour les matériels destinés à réaliser des fonctions relatives à lasécurité (sécurité fonctionnelle) – Applications industrielles dontl’environn ement électromagnétique est spécifiéIII Des instructions pour effectuer sans risques …III.a … l’utilisationCe manuel de sécurité s’applique à l’ensemble des détecteurs de niveau type LS 300 … et aux conver-tisseurs de mesure suivants à partir de la version matérielle et de la version du logiciel d’exploitation :LS 500 H SIL Transducteur de mesure en tant que sécurité anti-débordement, évalué en termes de sécurité fonctionnelleLS 500 H SIL T Transducteur de mesure en tant que protection contre la marche à vide, évalué en termes de sécurité fonctionnelleÀ partir de la version du logiciel d’exploitation, la version peut être lue à partir du convertisseur de mesure à l’aide du protocole MODBUS-RTU par l’interface RS-485. Il faut utiliser pour cela le code de fonction 03 (Read Holding Registers) avec les adresses suivantes :Adresse Contenu Signification0x0040 0x0101 Numéro de version emplacement 1 (version principale) et emplacement 2 (fonctions) 0x0041 0x00FF Numéro de version emplacement 3 (correctifs) et emplacement 2 (validation) Tableau III.a : Enregistrement du numéro de version dans les registresLa fonction de sécurité est représentée par le relais de capteur. Ceci indique non seulement l’alarme (c’est-à-dire que le relais est retombé), mais aussi la présence éventuelle d’une erreur de diagnostic. Le relais d’erreur SIL et la LED d’erreur SIL indiquent également l’erreur SIL, mais n’appartiennent pas à la fonction de sécurité.Lorsque le transducteur de mesure LS 500 H SIL … est en fonctionnement, le détecteur de niveau LS 300 … présente des temps de réaction de 2s maximum lorsqu’il est utilisé comme sécurité anti- débordement et d’environ (typique à température ambiante) 20s lorsqu’il est utilisé comme protection contre la marche à sec.Le détecteur de niveau type LS 300 … a été soumis à un essai de vibration selon le document du VdTÜV « Sécurité anti-débordement » 100-Partie 2. Il peut par conséquent être utilisé pour les environnements vibratoires avec 10 Hz à 55 Hz et 2 g. Aucun essai de résistance aux chocs n’a été réalisé.Aucun essai de vibration et de résistance aux chocs n’a été réalisé avec le transducteur de mesure type LS 500 H SIL …III.b … le montage et le démontagePour les détecteurs de niveau avec boîtier de raccordement, seul le couvercle du boîtier de raccorde-ment doit être retiré pour l’installation électrique. Après l’installation, refermer la boîtier de raccorde-ment.Sur les transducteurs de mesure, il n'est pas autorisé d’ouvrir le rabat que pour actionner la touche test. III.c … l’installationLe système doit être hors tension lors de l’installation !Image III.c : Plan de câblageIII.d … le réglageAucun dispositif SIL n’est nécessaire pour l’utilisation du sous-système.III.e … la mise en serviceAvant la mise en service, il est impératif de contrôler la connexion et le montage de tous les appareils. L’alimentation électrique, y compris celle des appareils branchés, doit être contrôlée.En cas d’utilisation du transducteur de mesure en tant que protection contre la marche à vide, veiller à ce que le relais de capteur s’active immédiatement après la mise sous tension.III.f … la maintenance (entretien et dépannage)En principe, l’appareil n’exige aucun entretien. En cas de défectuosité, il faut renvoyer l’appareil au fa-bricant FAFNIR ou à l’un e de ses représentations.Il convient toutefois de vérifier le bon fonctionnement du système à intervalles appropriés et au moins une fois par an. La société d'exploitation est responsable du choix du type de contrôle et des intervalles dans la période mentionnée.Si le détecteur de niveau n’est pas plongé dans le liquide, la thermistance CTP du détecteur de niveau peut être refroidie à l’aide de la touche test située sur le transducteur de mesure (correspond à l’immer-sion). Si le détecteur de niveau est immergé, il faut le sortir du liquide et attendre que la thermistance CTP chauffe.Si la touche test est actionnée tandis que le détecteur de niveau n’est pas plongé dans le liquide, en moins d’une seconde l’état devient « Immergé » et le relais de capteur retombe. Si la touche est main-tenue enfoncée, après environ cinq secondes (deux secondes pour la version du logiciel d’ex-ploitation) l’erreur SIL (Scanner Transistor) est déclenchée et le relais SIL s’excite.En cas d’erreur SIL, le transducteur de mesure doit être mis hors tension pour forcer un redémarrage.Pour faciliter le diagnostic en cas d’erreur SIL, à partir de la version du logiciel d’exploitat ion et de la version matérielle la LED « Error » émet un code clignotant permettant d’identifier la cause sous-jacente. Le code clignotant correspondant est émis de manière continue, avec une courte pause. Les codes clignotants suivants sont utilisés :Erreur SIL Code clignotantMemory 1Somme de contrôle 2Relais 3Résistance scanner 4Transistor scanner 5Isolation 6Tableau III.f : Les codes clignotants de la LED « Error »Pour qu’un court-circuit puisse être détecté directement sur le détecteur de niveau même avec une longueur de câble plus importante, la valeur de résistance doit être < 30 Ω (pour la version du logiciel d’exploitation < 2,5 Ω).Jusqu’à la version du logiciel d’exploitation et la version matérielle incluses, une er-reur d’isolation sur le détecteur de niveau n’est détectée que sous condition et n’est pas affichée. À partir de la version du logiciel d’exploitation et la version matérielle, cette erreur est détectée et affichée.IV Caractéristiques techniques relatives à la sécuritéParamètre ValeurNiveau d’intégrité de sécuritéSIL 2Tolérance aux anomalies du matériel HFT = 0Taux de défaillance λSD =1,92E-06λSU =4,44E-08λDD =2,12E-06λDU =6,83E-07Probabilité d’une défaillance dangereusepar heurePFH = 6,83E-07 Temps moyen de réparation MTTR = 8 h Intervalle entre essais de sûreté T1 = 1 an Architecture 1001 Tableau IV : Caractéristiques techniques relatives à la sécuritéV Exigences supplémentaires concernant les composants logiciels Aucune exigence ne s’applique aux composants logiciels.。



HoneywellAnalytics©2004 Honeywell Analytics Issue 1 12/2004 MIDAS-A-001目录1 目录 22 概述 53 产品概述 5 3.1 主机架 6 3.1.1 显示器模块 63.1.2 泵模块 7 3.1.3 传感器暗盒腔 73.2 安装托架底座 73.2.1 安装托架 73.2.2 终端模块 73.3 传感器盒 83.3.1 偏致传感器盒 83.4 机壳 84 默认配置 95 安装95.1 探测器的安装和定位 105.2 机械安装 115.3 样品和排气管道计算 125.4 在线过滤器 135.5 本地化探测器选购件 145.6 电气安装 155.7 电连接 17 5.8 改装主机架 185.9 安装传感器盒 196 探测器启动程序 197 总体操作 21 7.1 正常操作模式 217.1.1 重置报警、故障和维护故障 227.2 浏览模式 227.2.1 浏览模式菜单概述 237.3 设置、校准和测试模式概述 247.3.1 设置菜单概述 247.3.2 校准菜单概述‘CAL’ 267.3.3 测试菜单概述‘ tESt’ 278浏览、设置、校准和测试模式子菜单的导向的详细程序 288.1 浏览模式 288.1.1 复查软件‘SW’ 288.1.2 复查报警‘ ALm’ 298.1.3 复查故障‘ FLt’ 298.1.4 复查校准 ‘ CAL’ 298.1.5 复查日期和时间‘timE’ 298.1.6 复查探测器地址‘ nEt’ 308.1.7 复查事件标识‘ Hi St’ 308.2 设置、校准和测试模式 308.2.1 设置菜单‘ SEt’ 318.2.2 设置报警‘ ALm’ 318.2.3 设置故障‘ FLt’ 348.2.4 设置校准间距 ‘ CAL’ 348.2.5 设置日期和时间 ‘timE’ 558.2.6 设置地址‘ nEt’ 358.2.7 设置密码 ‘ PWd’ 368.3 校准菜单‘CAL’ 368.3.1 零点校准 ‘ 0CAL’ 368.3.2 间距校准‘ SPAn’ 378.3.3 流量校准‘ FLoW’ 388.3.4 mA 校准 ‘mA 4-20’ 388.4 测试菜单‘ tESt’ 398.4.1 颠簸测试 ‘ bUmP’ 398.4.2 报警/故障测试‘ Si m’ 398.4.3 禁止状态‘ I nH’ 409 常规维护 41 9.1 传感器盒的更换 419.1.1 传感器盒的安装/更换 419.2 泵的更换 43 9.3 重新组装探测器 469.4 过滤器的更换 4610 热解器模块选项 4710.1 安装热解器模块 4810.2 重新组装MIDAS® 探测器 4911 模拟输出模块 51 11.1 安装模拟模块 5111.2 重新组装MIDAS® 探测器 5212 找出故障并诊断 5313 REFLEX®ٛ5414 内置的网络服务器 5414.1 物理的网络组件 5414.2 网络设置 5414.3 运行网络浏览器 5415 典型安装拓扑 5615.1 常规安装 57 15.2 Modbus/TCP 安装 5715.3 通过以太网供电(POE) 的安装 5716 订购信息 58 16.1 MIDAS® 发送器 5816.2 MIDAS®热解器 5816.2 MIDAS® 热解器 5816.3 MIDAS® 模拟输出模块5816.4 MIDAS®插入式传感器盒(标准保修期) 5916.5 MIDAS®插入式传感器盒(延长保修期)6016.6 完整的MIDAS®气体探测器套件 6116.7 附件及备件 6117 一般规格 6218 校准及颠簸测试 6319 保证声明6720 软件菜单叙述图表 6920.1 高级6920.2 浏览模式7020.3 复查软件的信息、报警、故障及气体校准7120.4 复查日期/时间和网络7220.5 复查事件日志7320.6 设置模式7420.7 设置报警、故障及气体校准 7520.8 设置日期/时间和网络7620.9 设置密码7720.10 校准模式7820.11 校准气体零点及间距7920.12 校准——流量校准 8020.13 校准——4-20 mA 8120.14 测试模式8220.15 测试颠簸、报警/故障模拟 8320.16 测试禁止8421 联系详情 852 概述作为一个提取式气体取样系统,MIDAS气体探测器能在本地或从一个远程点提取一个样品到位于探测器机架内的传感器盒。

美国Parker Hannifin公司工业配件系统产品目录说明书

美国Parker Hannifin公司工业配件系统产品目录说明书

Profile Series
Type Std SS Light S End Std
A 5/16-18 x 3/4 5/16-18 x 3/4 5/16-18 x 3/4 5/16-18 x 3/4 1/4-20 x 5/8
Part #
25-003 25-025 25-014 25-022
Technical Data
Plate: Steel, Zinc Plated or Stainless Steel [25-003SS only]
* You must use 25-025 Light Standard Fastener, 25-014 (Single End Standard Fastener) or appropriate flat plate fastening set on all closed slot profiles.
1.33 3/16 0.630 0.315 0.787
220 180
1.44 1.44
25-004 25-015
1/4-20 x 3/4 5/32 0.420 0.250 0.553 0.847 120
0.88 25-023
*Add “z1” to part number for a universal fastener without a screw or T-nut, i.e. 25-004z1.
Technical Data Plate: Steel, Zinc Plated



MEDICAL APPLICATIONS Application NoteSensors and Flexible Heaters in Infusion Pump ApplicationsSensing and ControlBACKGROUNDAn infusion pump, typically a screw pump that pushes on a syringe or cartridge, is used to deliver small amounts of medication to a patient intravenously. (See Figure 1.)SOLUTIONSHoneywell manufactures many products that may be used in infusion pumps. They are designed to provide occlusiondetection, monitor fluid flow, maintain specific temperatures at desired levels, and provide output for smooth motor control. (See Figure 2.)Sensors and Flexible Heaters in Infusion Pump Applications2 Honeywell Sensing and ControlForce SensorsThese sensors provide occlusion detection to ensure there isn’t a blockage in the tube that delivers the medication to the patient.If the tube becomes blocked, the force sensor alerts the patient, nurse o r doctor via an audible alarm that the therapy isn’t being delivered. (See Table 1.)Piezoresistive sensing technology designed to provide precise, reliable force sensing in a compact, commercial-grade packageWheatstone bridge circuit design provides inherently stable mV outputs over force range Package design incorporates a patented modular constructionInnovative elastomeric technology and engineered molded plastics result in load capacities of 4,5 kg overforceStainless steel ball provides enhancedmechanical stability and is adaptable to a variety of applicationsOutput has low sensitivity to mounting stresses High resistance to electrostatic discharge (8 KV) meets ESD Sensitivity Classification Level 3 Electrically ratiometric output accommodates supply voltage variations, leading to low ratiometricity errorSmall size minimizes space on the printed circuit board, simplifying incorporating the sensor into the customer’s designLow deflection (30 microns typical at full scale) helps reduce measurement errorLow voltage supply allows for use in battery powered applications.Provides enhanced sensitivity withoutcompromising signal integrity, resulting in low system noise and reducing measurement errors Direct mechanical coupling of the actuation ball to the sense element eliminates coupling errors and keeps mechanical hysteresis to a minimum Surface mount technology (SMT) option allows for automated assembly and may eliminate hand soldering Silicon pressure/force interface diaphragm Pressure measurement for liquid mediaMedical-grade materials 8-pin DIP electrical connection Laser trimmedChoice of voltage or constant current excitation Temperature compensatedEnhanced performance Reliable replacement for older force or load cell transducers Silicon rubberdiaphragm potentially allows compatibility with liquid media applications Laser-trimmedcompensation may be specified to operate with a constant current or voltage supplyCalibrated zero and spanZero noisePiezoresistive sensing technology designed to provide precise, reliable force sensingHigh-level voltage output, calibrated, and temperaturecompensated sensors give accurate and stable output over temperature rangeIntegrated circuit sensor element and laser-trimmed thick-film ceramic in a small plastic housingEnhanced corrosion resistance and isolation to external package stressPiezoresistive sensing technology designed to provide precise, often reliable force sensing in a compact,commercial-grade packageWheatstone bridge circuit design provides inherently stable mV outputs over force rangePackage designincorporates a patented modular construction Innovative elastomeric technology and engineered molded plastics result in load capacities of 5,5 kg overforceStainless steel plunger provides enhanced mechanical stability and is adaptable to a variety of potential applicationsSensors and Flexible Heaters in Infusion Pump Applications3 Honeywell Sensing and ControlLow Pressure Silicon Pressure SensorsThese products are designed to monitor and control the flow of fluid. (See Table 2.)Temperature compensation and calibration provide an amplified signal, typically allowing removal of components associated with signal conditioning from the PCB, increasing space and reducing associated costsIndustry-leading stability often eliminates need for calibration after PCB mount, and periodically over timeDigital ASIC output in either I2C or SPI protocols from digital sensors accelerates performance through reduced conversion requirements and the convenience of direct interface to microprocessors and microcontrollersMultiple packaging, mounting, power, and signal options combine with customized calibration capabilities increases application flexibility Flexible HeatersThese products are d esigned to conform to the infusion pump’s surface that requires heating. They are capable of maintaining specific temperatures at desired levels. (See Table 3.)1st Level Hall-Effect Magnetic Position Sensor ICsThe robust and durable SS400 Series is designed to provide reliable, accurate output for smooth motor control that reduces noise and vibration in the pump’s motor assembly andimproves its efficiency. Its solid state reliability often reduces repair and maintenance costs, and its small size allows for design into many compact, automated, lower-cost assemblies.stQuad Hall-effect design minimizes effects of mechanical or thermalstress on output and promotes a stable outputUnipolar, bipolar or bipolar latching magnetics and customizable operate/release points provide application flexibilityNegative compensation slope optimized to match negative temperature coefficient of lower-cost magnets, providing robust design over wide temperature rangeBand gap regulation promotes stable operation over supply voltage range Low power consumption enhances energy efficiencySensors and Flexible Heaters in Infusion Pump ApplicationsSensing and ControlHoneywell1985 Douglas Drive NorthGolden Valley, MN 55422 /sensing 009042-3-EN IL50 GLO Printed in USAApril 2010Copyright © 2010 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.Infrared SensorsThese products are designed to be used with an encoder wheel on the pump shaft to count shaft rotation. They contain an infrared emitter and a photo detector that are mounted facing each other inside a plastic housing. Detection occurs when an opaque object passes through the package slot, interrupting the infrared path. (See Table 5.)WARNINGWARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use.WARNINGMISUSE OF DOCUMENTATIONThe information presented in this application note is forreference only. Do not use this document as a productinstallation guide.Complete installation, operation, and maintenanceinformation is provided in the instructions supplied witheach product.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.SALES AND SERVICEHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices, representatives and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office or:E-mail:*********************Internet: /sensingPhone and Fax:Asia Pacific +65 6355-2828+65 6445-3033 FaxEurope +44 (0) 1698 481481+44 (0) 1698 481676 FaxLatin America +1-305-805-8188+1-305-883-8257 FaxUSA/Canada +1-800-537-6945+1-815-235-6847+1-815-235-6545 Fax。

Honeywell HRMS-2121 HRMS-2122 智能无线控制器 说明书

Honeywell HRMS-2121 HRMS-2122 智能无线控制器 说明书

HRMS-2191 无线遥控器(简称“遥控器”,如下图所示)可 用于远程控制 HRMS 系列调光无线控制器。通过在遥控器与调光 控制器之间编程,可将 HRMS 系列调光无线控制器连接的灯光添 加到遥控器上的数字键或场景键,从而使遥控器能够远程控制灯光 的开启、关闭、调光和场景变换。
在控制器上按键指示灯和遥控 器上状态指示灯停止闪烁前, 依次按遥控器上的【添加】键 和数字键 1,若:

控制器停止鸣叫、按键指 示灯停止闪烁,且 遥控器状态指示灯熄灭。
则操作成功。 此时数字键 1 与 HRMS-2122 调光无线控制器的第一组按键建立一 一对应关系,用户可使用遥控器上数字键 1 控制 HRMS-2122 调光 无线控制器的第一组按键连接的那路灯光。
有毒有害物质或元素 部件名称 铅 (Pb) O O O 汞 (Hg) O O O 镉 (Cd) O O O 六价 铬 Cr(VI) O O O 多溴联 苯 (PB B) O O O 多溴二苯 醚 (PBDE ) O O O
印刷电路 组件 壳体组件 安装螺丝
O:表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 SJ/T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求以下。 X:表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含 量超出 SJ/T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求。
- 11 -
本说明书仅对“将 HRMS 系列调光无线控制器控制的场景灯 光添加到遥控器场景键”进行说明。有关场景窗帘和由 HRMS 系 列智能无线控制器控制的场景灯光的添加过程,请参考相关用户使 用说明书。 以下步骤以“将 HRMS-2122 调光无线控制器第一组按键连接 的灯光添加到“会客”场景键”为例对 HRMS 系列调光无线控制 器的添加场景灯光功能进行说明。



M3060047 (A2)USER MANUAL安全带安全带符合标准EN 361 : 2002 / GB 6095-2009 附:围杆作业腰带符合标准EN 358 : 1999 / GB 6095-2009 FULL BODY HARNESS compliant with EN 361 : 2002 / GB 6095-2009 ADDITIONAL ELEMENTS: WORK POSITIONING BELTCompliant with EN 358 : 1999 / GB 6095-2009注意:霍尼韦尔安全防护设备(上海)有限公司及西安分公司拥有对此产品说明书的解释权和修改权,但不因此承担用户在使用此产品时所遇意外伤害的责任。

All rights reserved. Honeywell Safety Products cannot be held responsible or obligation for any unexpected injury due to failure to read and follow the product warnings and instructions.目录1.重要事项 (7)2.使用 (8)2.1检查 (8)2.2净空 (9)2.3定期检查 (9)2.4个人防护设备使用期限 (9)2.5挂点 (9)2.6维护和保存 (9)2.7安全钩 (10)2.8警告 (10)3.运输 (10)4.包装 (10)5.补充:围杆作业腰带符合标准EN 358 : 1999 (10)6.补充:GB 6095-2009 特别要求 (11)Contents1.IMPORTANT- PLEASE NOTE (13)E (14)2.1VERIFICATION (15)2.2SPACE CLEARANCE (15)2.3PERIODIC EXAMINATION (15)2.4LIFESPAN (15)2.5ANCHORAGE POINT (16)2.6MAINTENANCE AND STORAGE (16)2.7KARABINER (16)2.8CAUTION (16)3.TRANSPORT (16)4.PACKAGING (16)5.ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS EN 358 : 1999 (17)6.Additional Requirement per GB 6095-2009 (17)1. 重要事项您刚购买了个人防护设备(PPE),感谢您对我们产品的信心。



EspEcificacionEsRango de velocidad de aire: 0 a 200,0 a 500, 0 a 1000, 0 a 2.000, 0 a 5.000,0 a 10.000, 0 a 12.000 PPM precisión: 2% de FS o 15 PPMla que sea mayor sonda de velocidad de aire:6 OD x 305 mm (¼ OD x 12") acero inoxidable, o sonda remotaalto punto de ajuste de la alarma:Ajustable de 0 a 100% del caudal de aire indicación de alarma: LED rojo enla placa trasera Banda muerta de alarma: 5% de FSRelé: Un relé de 12 V SPST NOEspecificación de contacto:10 A @ 24 Vcc salida analógica: 0 a 5 Vcc, 4 a 20 mATemperatura ambiente de funcionamiento: s onda del sensor: -40 a 121 ºC(-40 a 250 ºF) caja electrónica: 0 a 50 ºC(32 a 122 ºF)indicador de encendido: LED verdepotencia: 15 a 24 Vcc @ 200 mA Dimensiones: 89 de largo x 51de ancho x 32 mm de profundidad (3,5 x 2 x 1,25")peso: 160 g (5,6 onzas)CTRANSMISOR DE VELOCIDAD DE AIRE INDUSTRIAL Con relé incorporadoserie fMa900aU R ango de velocidad de aire de hasta 10.000 ppM (50,8 m/s)U ±2% precisión a escala completa U D iseño de sensor de velocidad de aire de hilo caliente U D os configuraciones del sensor de sonda: sonda de montaje incorporado y sonda remota U T iempo de respuesta de 250 ms U a lto punto de ajuste de la alarma U U n cierre de contacto de relé spsT con indicación LED roja U s alida analógica linealde 0 a 5 Vcc o de 4 a 20 ma U E mpleado en control HVac, campanas deventilación/escape c-X Económico diseño de inserción de sonda 6 oD x 305 mm L (1⁄4 oD x 12")sonda incorporada La serie FMA900A mide la velocidad del aire y proporcionauna salida analógica proporcional al caudal de aire, y un cierre de contacto de relé SPST para unbuen funcionamiento de la alarma. El punto de ajuste de la alarma se puede ajustar de 0 a 100% del caudal de aire. La unidad cuentacon un LED verde y uno rojo como indicadores de alarma. La serieFMA900A se utiliza en laboratorios de investigación y desarrollo, aplicaciones HVAC, campanas deventilación/escape y otros procesos de fabricación. La sonda del sensor cuenta con dos configuraciones, sonda con montaje incorporado de 305 mm (12") y sonda remotade 305 mm (12") con 4,5 m (15')con cable apantallado.El modelo fMa901a-V1 se muestra en su tamaño real.c-2** Para 95 mm (3,75") de sonda corta añadir sufijo “-S”, sin coste unidad es rastreable por NIST hasta 8.500 PPM Completo de serie con sonda larga del sensor o sonda remota de 305 mm (12") y manual del operador.Ejemplos de pedidos: FMA904R-V1, transmisor de velocidad de aire con relé incorporado, 0 a 5.000 PPM, sonda remota, salida 0 a 5 Vcc.FMA902A-MA , transmisor de velocidad de aire con relé incorporado, 0 a 1.000 PPM, sonda fija, salida 4 a 20 mA.WTM-1000. para obtener más detalles anemómetro HHf11a, se vende por separado. para obtener más detallescaja electrónica de control incluida.se muestra en un tamaño inferior al real.productos complementarios。

Honeywell SV2 Series智能安全闭合阀说明书

Honeywell SV2 Series智能安全闭合阀说明书

Powerful intelligence. Breakthrough functionality. SV2 Series Intelligent Safety Shut-off ValveIn a competitive industry, every advantage matters.It’s about staying ahead of the curve. Giving customers a compelling reason to choose you. If you don’t think a valve can give you that edge – think again.The SV2 Series will change how you go to market. Improve how you deliver solutions. And dramatically increase the value you offer customers. So you can drive revenue and grow market share like never before.MEET THE VALVE THAT CHANGES EVERYTHINGinterface speeds troubleshooting and service. And that’s just the beginning.INTELLIGENT FEATURES ENABLE DIFFERENTIATED SOLUTIONSWe believe intelligence should address critical business issues and solve customer challenges. That’s why we developed every single intelligent feature in the SV2 Series platform from voice-of-customer feedback. To help you deliver smarter solutions truly aligned with your audience’s needs.IMPRESSIVE CAPABILITIES IN ONE STREAMLINED PACKAGEIMPROVED ENERGY EFFICIENCY• Premix electronic regulation for higher turndown• Premix flexible start eliminates ignition back-pulse issues for smoother light-off• Variable fuel/air ratio across the whole firing curvefor excess air reductionINCREASED UPTIME AND PRODUCTIVITY• Electronic leak detection can be completed inminutes instead of hours• Embedded valve proving eliminates separate components and speeds setup• Electronic mass flow sensor delivers accurate and repeatable control, eliminating the need to readjust (premix valves only)• Open-protocol Modbus communication can interface with a Building Automation System (BAS) for real-time, remote system monitoringEASIER COMPLIANCE MANAGEMENT• Embedded valve proving and leak detection helps mitigate costly leaks and potential fines• P roof of closure switch to help meetcode requirementsMODULAR DESIGN SIMPLIFIES ANDSPEEDS PRODUCT DEVELOPMENTTime to market is everything. But it can’t come at the expense of cost management. With integrated functions and modular components, the SV2 Series delivers unparalleled business efficiencies that enable you to get solutions to market faster while also helping you control costs.REDUCED LABOR AND WARRANTY COSTS• Electronic leak detection eliminatestime-consuming manual process• O n-board diagnostics and historical datalogs reduce need for service calls• I ntuitive, icon-based user interface forfaster troubleshooting• F ield-replaceable electronics and components enable users to service or replace individualcomponents instead of the entire valveFASTER ASSEMBLY, INSTALL AND COMMISSIONING• 3-in-1 smart pressure module covers high gas,low gas and valve proving• E mbedded valve proving, eliminates separate devices • N ormally open vent valve (NOVV) port in all bodies • S ide-flexible electronics, large wire terminalsand robust connectors speed install• H uman machine interface (HMI) with setup and test wizards for easier setup and programming REDUCED INVENTORY AND CONVERSION COSTS • V1 and V2 in a single body• S everal integrated functions mean fewer SKUs, reducing inventory carrying costs • M ultiple global agency approvals including CE, CSA, FM, UL, and CSD-1 help contain conversion costsHMIEMBEDDED VPS, LEAK DETECTIONBUS INTEGRATION UNIVERSALSTATUS SYMBOLSSIDE FLEXIBLEELECTRONICS 3-IN-1 SMARTPRESSURE MODULEUNIVERSAL FLANGESNOVV PORTREDEFINE INTELLIGENCEGame changing features.Compelling benefits.It’s the solution that deliversa competitive advantage.COMMERCIALMake-up airSteam and hydronic boilers Schools and universities Multi-unit dwellings Hospitals LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Paint booths Heat treat Ovens and kilnsSMARTER SOLUTIONS FOR MORE CUSTOMERSREADY TO CONFIGURE?Build your product SKU using one selection from each input below, and go to /SV2 to order.STEP 1: FUNCTIONSTEP 2: GENERAL SPECSSTEP 3: ELECTRONICSSTEP 4: PRESSURE REGULATIONSTEP 5: FUEL/AIRSTEP 6: PACK TYPESTEP 7: CUSTOMIZATION NOTES1. V2F TEMPERATURE RANGE: +5°F TO 145°F (-15°C TO 63°C) MAX INLET PRESSURE: 10PSI (0.7KG/MM2) (689MBAR) V2V TEMPERATURE RANGE: +5°F TO 145°F (-15°C TO 63°C) MAX INLET PRESSURE: 7.25PSI (0.5KG/MM2) (500MBAR)2. MOST VOLTAGES ARE -15% / +10% VAC100-120VAC VOLTAGE FOR C/D VALVES IS -6% / +10% VAC ALL VOLTAGES EXCEPT 24VAC ARE CLASS A 3. PORT THREAD INCLUDES NOVV PORT AND PRESSURE TAPS NPT ONLY AVAILABLE ON 24 VAC AND 100-120 VAC MODELS BSP ONLY AVAILABLE ON 200-240 VAC MODELS 4. OPTIONS 1 AND 2 ONLY AVAILABLE ON V2V MODELSOPTIONS 1 AND 3 ONLY AVAILABLE ON 200-240 VAC MODELS IN EU (NO ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS INCLUDED)5. POC NOT AVAILABLE ON NEMA 1/IP20 ENCLOSURES WITHOUT CONDUIT CONNECTIONS OR 200-240 VAC MODELS.ONLY 1 POC AVAILABLE ON V2V CAPACITY D MODELS WITH 24 VAC OR 100-120 VAC AND NEMA 1/IP20 ENCLOSURES WITH CONDUIT CONNECTIONS.6. PRESSURE MODULE REQUIRED FOR VPS AND LEAK DETECTION FUNCTIONALITY 5=BASIC: ONLY AVAILABLE ON V2F MODELS9=ELITE: ONLY AVAILABLE WITH NEMA 1/IP20 WITH CONDUIT CONNECTIONS. CANNOT BE USED WITH NOVVS.7. THE REQUIRED MODULE DEPENDS ON THE GAS QUALITY RANGE WITH A SINGLE SIZE GAS INJECTOR. GAS INJECTOR DIAMETELEGACY VALVE EQUIVALENTSIt’s easy to migrate to the SV2 Series Intelligent Safety Shut-off valve from our legacy valves.EXAMPLE SKU BREAKDOWNOnce you’ve selected one SKU from each input, this is how your SV2 Series product SKU will look.The above SKU shown (V2F2BN415LNNNU0000) is an on/off valve with 120 VAC, proof of closure, and NEMA 4.NOTE: opening time and characteristics may vary between legacy and SV2 Series valves.Learn More/SV2For More InformationThe Honeywell Thermal Solutions family ofproducts includes Honeywell Combustion Safety, Honeywell Combustion Service, Eclipse, Exothermics, Hauck, Kromschröder and Maxon. To learn more about our products, visit or contact your Honeywell Sales Engineer.Honeywell Process SolutionsHoneywell Thermal Solutions (HTS)1250 West Sam Houston ParkwaySouth Houston, TX 77042 02-00061© 2018 Honeywell International Inc.。

Parker Hannifin AC890系列变速驱动器说明书

Parker Hannifin AC890系列变速驱动器说明书

Signed on behalf of Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Ltd., Littlehampton 2017-07-23Mr. Stefan Kempf Division Opex ManagerMr. Eduard Stuber Engineering ManagerDr. Martin Payn Global EM Compliance ManagerEU D ECLARATION OF C ONFORMITYD OCUMENT : HX503657ManufacturerParker Hannifin Manufacturing Ltd.AddressNew Courtwick Lane, LITTLEHAMPTON,West Sussex, BN17 7RZ United Kingdomdeclares under sole responsibility compliance of the following productsProductAC890 Series Variable Speed DrivesProduct name 890 CA, CM, CS, CD & SD Frames B, C, D, E, F, G, H & Jwith theLow Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU Applied harmonized standards EN 50178:1998Electronic equipment for use in power installationsEMC Directive 2014/30/EU Applied harmonized standards EN 61800-3:2004 + A1:2012Adjustable speed electrical power drive systemsPart 3: EMC product standard including specific test methods.Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC (Appendix IV) Applied harmonized standards EN 61800-5-2:2007 Safe Torque Off (STO)Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems Part 5-2: Safety requirements - FunctionalEN ISO 13849-1:2015 PLe/SIL3Safety of Machinery – Safety-related parts of control systems Part 1: General principles for designRoHS Directive 2011/65/EU Applied harmonized standards EN 50581:2012Technical documentation for the assessment of electrical and electronic products with respect to the restriction of hazardous substancesDate CE mark first applied:2004-10Notes:These products must be installed and operated with reference to the instructions in the Product Manual. All instructions, warnings and safety information of the Product Manual must be adhered to.Issued for compliance with the EMC Directive for filtered versions when the unit is used as relevant apparatus .The products are components to be incorporated into machinery and may not be operated alone. The complete machinery or installation may only be put into service when the safety considerations of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC are fully adhered to.Some components in these products are RoHS compliant using the following exemptions listed in Annex III: 6(a), 6(b), 6(c), 7(c)-I & 15Signed on behalf of Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Ltd., Littlehampton 2017-07-23Mr. Stefan Kempf Division Opex ManagerMr. Eduard Stuber Engineering ManagerDr. Martin Payn Global EM Compliance ManagerA PPENDIX : O RDER C ODE FOR EU D ECLARATION OF C ONFORMITYD OCUMENT : HX503657Signed on behalf of Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Ltd., Littlehampton 2017-07-23Mr. Stefan Kempf Division Opex ManagerMr. Eduard Stuber Engineering ManagerDr. Martin Payn Global EM Compliance Manager890CD Series (320V & 560V/650V DC Supply) Product Order CodeSigned on behalf of Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Ltd., Littlehampton 2017-07-23Mr. Stefan Kempf Division Opex ManagerMr. Eduard Stuber Engineering ManagerDr. Martin Payn Global EM Compliance Manager890CD Series (560V/705V DC Supply) Product Order CodeSigned on behalf of Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Ltd., Littlehampton 2017-07-23Mr. Stefan Kempf Division Opex ManagerMr. Eduard Stuber Engineering ManagerDr. Martin Payn Global EM Compliance Manager890SD Series (230V & 400V/460V DC Supply) Product Order CodeSigned on behalf of Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Ltd., Littlehampton 2017-07-23Mr. Stefan Kempf Division Opex ManagerMr. Eduard Stuber Engineering ManagerDr. Martin Payn Global EM Compliance Manager890SD Series (400V/500V DC Supply) Product Order Code。



United KingdomIndustryReference Number1788005Product TypeRespiratory ProtectionRangeReusable APRBrand HoneywellBrand formerly known asFERNEZ by WillsonIndustryProduct Use• For use with full-face mask and half-mask equipped with an RD40 connector• For protection against organics gasses and vapours with a boiling point greater than 65°C and solid and liquid particlesOverviewFeature• Light and resistant plastic casing.Feature• Suitable for use in specific zone as free-metal zone and/or nuclear industryFeature• Performance requirements for gas and particles significantly above standard for excellent filtration efficiency over extensive period of time.Feature• Canister made of high-grade charcoal, additionally treated for optimal gas absorption.Features & BenefitsRD40 Plastic Filters A2P3PRODUCT NUMBER: 1788005Honeywell offers a broad choice of plastic canisters. Itsplastic filter range covers many hazardous gases, vapors and/or particulates in many applications.The Honeywell plastic filter range provides a cost-effectiveprotection, without compromise on its quality.This plastic filter is tested according to the EN14387 and theEN143 standard.Feature• Specific canister structure for low breathing resistance and more comfort for the userFeature• Low profile so as not to obstruct the field of visionFeature• Multipurpose and can be used with existing respirators.Feature• Safe storage between periods of use (plastic cover)Filters CartridgesStandardParticle filters efficiency (EN143) EN14387 (Gas/vapours and combined filters for respiratory with negative pressure) -Conformed to the requirements of the European Community Directive 89/686/EEC (Personnal Protective Equipment), belongs to the EC Category III and is CE marked, followed by the identification of the certification body (0194), which assure the quality control (according to the article 11B).Protection TypeCombinationConnection TypeRD40MaterialABS material with plastic cover High Activated charcoal Ø106mm - 285grE.C. Declaration of ConformityEC Category PPE3Quality AssuranceISO 9001 / 2000EC Certificate Number0070-236-079-03-03-0027EC AttestationEC AttestationEC Attestation Number0070-236-079-03-03-0027Declaration of conformity APAVE - 1788005/supplementary/documents_and_downloads/secured/pic_sku_-_certificates/4294989352/1033.aspx1788005 A2P3 tested substances/supplementary/documents_and_downloads/respiratory_protection/reusable_respirators/4294974294/1033.aspxPIC SKU - Pictures/assets/0/324/500/51887/06368eb7e1b74b558a1fc0a53876b865.jpgUser ManualUser Manual FiltersLife CycleDepends on absorption capacity, concentration of contaminant, humidity and user breathingStorage Information5 years after date of manufacturing6 months after opening- Store the filters in a cool, dry, location with the caps attached- The maximum permissible storage period is specified on the filter- Storage temperature range: -20°C / +50°C- Maximum humidity during storage: 80%Care InstructionsControls before useUsers must• Ensure that the level of protection offered by the respirator is sufficient for the type and concentration of contaminant(s) in the work area• Respect the shelf life figuring on the filter• Check the seal pointsLimitations of use• For use only by trained and qualified personal• Do not use where the oxygen level or the atmosphere is less than 17%• Do not use with organic gases and vapours with a boiling point below 65°C• After use, an opened canister must be repacked properly with its caps if it is likely to be re-used. It must be replaced no later than within 6 months after opening.• If a user identifies the break through of the canister by the smell or taste of a gas, the canister must bereplaced immediately• If the breathing resistance of the canister increased significantly, it must be changed.• Filter with a mass over 300 g may not be used fitted directly onto half-masksDisposal• Canister must be disposed in accordance with the local waste disposal regulationsEAN Code7312557880053Packaging Specs Individual Box31 x 26 x 12cmUnit of MeasureCMQuantity per Box/Pack/CaseSales unit per boX of 5 units of 1,580kg© Honeywell International Inc.。

Honeywell N20, N34 系列非弹簧返回限位器直接连接调节阀机器人说明书

Honeywell N20, N34 系列非弹簧返回限位器直接连接调节阀机器人说明书

® U.S. Registered TrademarkEN0B-0320CH33 R0803ACopyright © 2008 Honeywell Inc. • All rights reservedN20, N34 SERIESNON-SPRING RETURN DIRECT-COUPLED DAMPER ACTUATORS FOR FLOATING / 2-POSITION CONTROLPRODUCT DATAGENERALThese direct-coupled damper actuators provide two-position and floating control for: • air dampers, • VAV units, • air handlers, • ventilation flaps, • louvers, and• reliable control for air damper applications with up to4.6 m 2 / 50 sq.ft. (20 Nm / 177 lb-in) or 7.8 m 2 / 85 sq. ft. (34 Nm / 300 lb-in) (seal-less dampers; air friction-dependent).FEATURES• Self-centering shaft adapter• Access cover to facilitate connectivity • Service/off for safe & easy servicing • Rotation direction selectable by switch • Declutch for manual adjustment • Mechanical end limits• Field-installable auxiliary switches• Mountable in any orientation (no IP54 if upside down) • Mechanical position indicator•CE and UL certified (230V models with CE only)SPECIFICATIONSSupply voltageCN6120/CN6134 24 Vac/dc ±15%, 50/60 Hz CN4620/CN4634 230 Vac ±15%, 50/60 Hz Nominal voltage CN6120/CN6134 24 Vac/dc, 50/60 Hz CN4620/CN4634 230 Vac, 50/60 HzAll values stated hereinafter apply to operation under nominal voltage conditions. Power consumption CN6120 6 VA / 3 W CN4620 8 VA / 3 W CN6134 6 VA / 3 W CN4634 10 VA / 4 W Ambient limitsAmbient operating limits -20...+60 °C (-5...+140 °F) Ambient storage limits -40...+80 °C (-40...+175 °F) Relative humidity 5...95%, non-condensing SafetyProtection standard IP54 as per EN 60529 Protection class II as per EN 60730-1 Overvoltage category III Lifetime Full strokes 60000Repositions 1.5 million MountingRound damper shaft 10...27 mm (3/8...1-1/16") Square damper shaft 10...18 mm (3/8...11/16");45° steps Shaft length min. 22 mm (7/8") End switches (when included) Rating 5 A (resistive) / 3 A (inductive) Triggering points 5° / 85° Torque rating CN6120 / CN4620 20 Nm (177 lb-in) CN6134 / CN4634 34 Nm (300 lb-in) Runtime 95 sec (60 Hz) / 110 sec (50 Hzor DC supply)Rotation stroke 95° ± 3° Dimensions see "Dimensions" on page 6 Weight (without cables) 1.35 kg (3 lbs.) Noise rating 40 dBA max. at 1 mCertification CE CN6120 / CN6134 CN4620 / CN4634UL CN6120 / CN6134N20, N34 SERIES DAMPER ACTUATOR FOR FLOATING AND 2-POS CONTROLEN0B-0320CH33 R0803A 2MODELSModel # DescriptionCN6120A1002 20Nm,24Vac/Vdc, Floating/2-position control, Non-Spring Return, No feedback and without aux. Switch CN4620A1001 20Nm,230V,Floating/2-position control, Non-Spring Return, No feedback and without aux. SwitchCN6134A1003 34Nm,24Vac/Vdc, Floating/2-position control, Non-Spring Return, No feedback and without aux. Switch CN4634A1001 34Nm,230Vac, Floating control/2-position, Non-Spring Return, No feedback and without aux. SwitchProduct Identification SystemFig. 1. Product Identification SystemOPERATION / FUNCTIONSFig. 2. Setting units and control elementsLegend for Fig. 2:1 Self-centering shaft adapter2 Retainer clip3 Rotational angle scales (0...90° / 90...0°)4 Mechanical end limits5 Declutch button6 Anti-rotation bracket7 Function selection switch8 Access coverContents of PackageThe delivery package includes the actuator itself, parts 1 through 8 (see Fig.2), the anti-rotation bracket screws, and installation instruction.RUN MODESThe function selection switch (see Fig. 3) can be used to place the actuator into any one of three different modes: • Dir, floating/2-position control, cw run. • Service/Off, actuator stop running. • Rev, floating/2-position control, ccw run. 12 3 4 5 67 8N20, N34 SERIES DAMPER ACTUATOR FOR FLOATING AND 2-POS CONTROL3 EN0B-0320CH33R0803AFig. 3. Function selection switchPower-Off BehaviorIf power is removed, the actuator retains its position.Service/OffIf the function selection switch is set to the "Service/Off" position, all rotary movement is cancelled, and all control signals are ignored, thus allowing the actuator to be safely manually operated.Floating/2-Position Run ModeIf the function selection switch has been set to one of the two floating/2-position control settings (Dir or Rev) and theactuator is wired correspondingly (see A1 and A2) as soon as the operating power is applied, the actuator will run according to the power appliedTable 1 describes the behavior (stops, rotates CCW, orrotates CW) of the CN6120/CN6134 in relation to the control signals (switch "open" or "24Vac/dc") applied to terminals 3 and 4, the function selection switch setting, and the manner in which the actuator is wired (either for floating mode: see A1, or for 2-position mode: see A2).Table 1. Behavior of CN6120/CN6134 Control signal at Function selection switchWiringterm. 3 term. 4 Dir Service/Off Revopen open stops stops stopsopen 24Vac/dc CCW stops CW Float. 24Vac/dc open CW stops CCW 24Vac/dc open CW stops CCW2-pos.24Vac/dc 24Vac/dc CCW stops CWTable 2 shows the same actuator behavior as Table 1, but for CN4620/CN4634 (230Vac models).Table 2. Behavior of CN4620/CN4634 Control signal at Function selection switchWiring term. 3 term. 4 Dir Service/Off Rev open open stopsstops stops open 230Vac CCW stops CW Float. 230Vac open CW stops CCW230Vac open CW stops CCW2-pos.230Vac 230Vac CCW stops CWSleep ModeWhen actuator reaches end stop or any obstacles blocking its running, it will fall into sleep mode automatically. Actuator willperiodically start up and try to resume running, which will save energy significantly through whole service life.Position IndicationThe hub adapter indicates the rotation angle position by means of the rotational angle scales (0...90° / 90...0°) provided in the actuator plate (see Fig. 4).Fig. 4. Position indicationManual AdjustmentI MPORTANTTo prevent equipment damage, you must remove power or set the rotation direction switch to the "Service/Off" position before manual adjustment.After removing power or setting the rotation direction switch to the "Service/Off" position, the gear train can be disengaged using the declutch button, permitting the actuator shaft to be manually rotated to any position.Limitation of Rotation StrokeTwo adjustable mechanical end limits (adjustable in 5° increments) are provided to limit the angle of rotation as desired (see Fig. 5).Fig. 5. Mechanical end limits The mechanical end limits must be securely fastened in place.It is important that they properly mesh with the rotational angle scales when the screws are tightened.Internal End SwitchesNOTE: Applicable to models with internal switches only.N20, N34 SERIES DAMPER ACTUATOR FOR FLOATING AND 2-POS CONTROLEN0B-0320CH33 R0803A 4The internal end switches are set to switch from "common" to "normally open" at angles of 5° and 85°, respectively, from the totally counterclockwise position.Fig. 6. Internal end switch triggering pointsINSTALLATIONThese actuators are designed for single-point mounting.I MPORTANTIn order to prevent equipment damage, you mustremove power or set the rotation direction switch to the "Service/Off" position before manual operation.Mounting InstructionsAll information and steps are included in the installation instructions supplied with the actuator.Mounting PositionThe actuators can be mounted in any position (no IP54 if mounted upside down; see Fig. 7). Choose a mounting posi-tion permitting easy access to the actuator's cables and controls.Fig. 7. Mounting for IP54Mounting Bracket and ScrewsIf the actuator is to be mounted directly on a damper shaft, use the mounting bracket and screws included in the delivery package.Self-Centering Shaft AdapterThe self-centering shaft adapter can be used for shafts having various diameters (10...27 mm [3/8...1-1/16"]) and shapes (square or round).In the case of short shafts, the shaft adapter may be reversed and mounted on the duct side.Stroke Limitation with Mechanical End LimitsThe mechanical end limits enable the stroke to be limited from 0...90° in increments of 5°.WiringConnecting to the Power SupplyIn order to comply with protection class II, the power source of 24 V actuators must be reliably separated from the network power supply circuits as per DIN VDE 0106, part 101.Access CoverTo facilitate wiring the actuator to the controller, the access cover can be detached from the actuator.I MPORTANTRemove power before detaching the access cover. Once the access cover has been removed, please take care to avoid damaging any of the parts now accessible.Fig. 8. Access cover (models with internal switches)Depending upon the model, the access cover may have one or two terminal strips, including a layout with a description for each of the terminals.Fig. 9. Actuator with access cover removed(models with internal switches)N20, N34 SERIES DAMPER ACTUATOR FOR FLOATING AND 2-POS CONTROL5 EN0B-0320CH33 R0803AWiring diagramsA1 CN6120,CN4620CN6134,CN4634 FLOATINGA2 CN6120,CN4620CN6134,CN4634 2-POSA3 END SWITCHS(models with switch only)NOTE: Internal end switches S1 and S4 must be connected to the same power source. Below 2 tables summarize the information presented in the preceding wiring diagrams.WiringModelsTerminalFloating 2-position2 common ┴/─ common ┴/─3 24V ~/+ (clockwise) 24V ~/+ CN6120,CN6134 supply and signal lines(must be equipped with spark suppressors)4 24V ~/+ (counterclockwise) 24V ~/+ control signal 2 common ┴/─ common ┴/─ 3 230Vac (clockwise) 230Vac CN4620,CN4634 supply and signal lines(must be equipped with spark suppressors) 4 230Vac (counterclockwise) 230Vac control signalConnecting cableTerminal Description S1 common S2 normally closed CCW (left) 5° S3 normally open S4 common S5 normally closed end switches (models with internal switches only)CW (right) 85°S6 normallyopenOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESAuxiliary Switch KitOrder no.: SW2The auxiliary switches are field-installable parts providing two SPDT freely-adjustable switches.N20, N34 SERIES DAMPER ACTUATOR FOR FLOATING AND 2-POS CONTROLManufactured for and on behalf of the Environmental and Combustion Controls Division of Honeywell Technologies Sàrl, Ecublens, Route du Bois 37, Switzerland by its Authorized Representative:Automation and Control SolutionsHoneywell International Inc. Honeywell (Tianjin) Limited 1985 Douglas Drive North 66, BaiHe Road, TEDA Golden Valley, MN 55422 Tianjin, 300457,P.R.C.EN0B-0320CH33 R0803ADIMENSIONS。

Honeywell Miller DuraSeal 自动收回安全绳说明书

Honeywell Miller DuraSeal 自动收回安全绳说明书

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSHoneywell Miller DuraSeal™ Self-Retracting LifelineDesigned to Lower Your Cost of Ownership by Keeping it in the FieldQ:What is unique about the Miller DuraSeal Self-Retracting Lifeline (SRL)?A:The new patent-pending Miller DuraSeal™ Self-Retracting Lifeline (SRL) is designed to perform in the harshest environments including onshore and offshore oil and gas, mining and petrochemical.The sealed technology, reusable brake system, field replaceable lifeline and corrosion resistantmaterials keep the product in the field to lower the cost of ownership.Q:What is a Sealed Self-Retracting Lifeline?A: A sealed self-retracting lifeline is designed to isolate critical components from external elements that might affect its performance and longevity. The Miller DuraSeal is designed to ensure the brake mechanism, bearings and power spring are protected from the elements.Q:What testing has been conducted on the Miller DuraSeal to ensure its sealed technology completely isolates these critical components from the external environment?A:The Miller DuraSeal has been tested at a certified independent laboratory to confirm the product meets the highest industry ingress protection as outlined under the International Electromechanical Commission (IEC) Standard IEC 60529. These ratings include IP68 and IP69K.Q:What do IP68 and IP69K ratings indicate?A:The standard IES 60529 provides Ingress Protection (IP) ratings that are defined by the digits indicated in each rating. The first digit in the rating indicates solid particle protection while the second digit indicates the liquid ingress protection. The solid particle protection (first digit) runs from zero (0) to six (6) with six being the highest level of protection. The liquid ingress protection (second digit) runs from zero (0) to nine K (9K) with 9K being the highest level of protection.Rating Solid Particle Protection Liquid Ingress ProtectionIP68 6 – Dust tight 8 – Immersion beyond one meterIP69K 6 – Dust tight *9K – Powerful high temperature water jets *The IPX9K level is defined by ISO 20653 and not the original IEC 60529.Q:What Miller DuraSeal models are available, how are they configured and what are the weights and dimensions of the units?A:There are fourteen (14) Miller DuraSeal models available. Lifeline lengths include 50-ft, 100-ft, 130-ft and 175-ft. Each length is available with either a galvanized or a stainless steel lifeline. Units with galvanized lifelines are equipped with a zinc-plated carabiner and snap hook. Units with stainless steel lifelines come with a stainless steel carabiner and snap hook.All 50-ft units are installed using a carabiner. There are two attachment options available for the 100-ft, 130-ft and 175-ft lengths. The first option is to attach the unit to an anchorage connector orstructure with a carabiner. These units are shown in the upper portion of the following table labeled along the left side “ATTACHING WITH CARABINER.”The second option is to attach the unit to a structure using a 4-hole bolt pattern often found on oil and gas drilling and maintenance rigs. These units have a plate integrated into the unit with this hole pattern. These units are shown in the lower portion of the following table labeled along the left side “ATTACHING WITH 4-BOLT HOLE PATTERN.” In addition to mounting with the unit side plate, these units can be mounted with a carabiner that is also included.All units come with a cable sling with carabiner (carabiner not shown). The cable sling can be used as the primary anchorage connector for carabiner mounted units. It can also be used as a secondaryanchorage that can be attached to the handle of the unit. Additionally, a tagline is included to ensure the lifeline can be easily accessed when the unit is out of reach. The tagline also ensures that retraction of the lifeline is properly controlled when the worker is finished using the product.Q: What features make the Miller DuraSeal easier to transport and install?A: The Miller DuraSeal is up to 30% lighter than competitivesealed units and offers an ergonomically designed handle. Both of these features make carrying and installation easier. Units that include the 4-hole plate for installation common on drilling and maintenance rigs also include built-in spacers that are permanently attached to the unit. Some competitive models require the end-user to purchase spacers that are loose, difficult to hold in place and can easily be dropped.Q: What is the Miller Rapid Replace Lifeline?A: The Miller Rapid Replace Lifeline is a feature of the Miller DuraSeal that enables the end-user toreplace a lifeline in the field. In the event of a fall, or activated load-indicator, the lifeline can quickly and easily be replaced in the field. Once the lifeline has been replaced, a careful inspection to ensure the product meets all of the inspection requirements in the manual must be conducted. For full step-by-step instructions, visit .SpacersQ:How does the Miller Rapid Replace Lifeline and reusable brake system lower my cost of ownership?A:The field replaceable lifeline, along with the reusable brake design, eliminates the cost of repair and shipping when only the cable assembly needs replacing. This keeps the product in the field so it can be returned to the job quickly, eliminating the need and expense of a back-up unit.Q:What training is required to replace the Miller Rapid Replace Lifeline?A:The product instruction manual provides detailed instructions on how to replace the lifeline. In addition, two videos are available for download or order – a product overview video and a step-by-step instructional video. Both can be found at /productnews.Q:How do I order a Miller Rapid Replace Lifeline?A:Replacement lifelines can be ordered through any distributor that provides Miller products. Below are part numbers for the replacement lifelines. Each lifeline comes with a replacement rubber plug, two(2) shoulder screws to capture the lifeline, two (2) replacement entry-guide screws and two (2) RFIDclips that house the RFID tag. The original RFID tag will be installed into the new lifeline assembly with the new clips.Model Number Description WeightSSRL50GRR 50 ft (15 m) Galvanized Replacement Cable Kit 4.8 lbs. (2.2 kg)SSRL50SRR 50 ft (15 m) Stainless Steel Replacement Cable Kit 4.8 lbs. (2.2 kg)SSRL100GRR 100 ft (30 m) Galvanized Replacement Cable Kit 8.4 lbs. (2.2 kg)SSRL100SRR 100 ft (30 m) Stainless Steel Replacement Cable Kit 8.4 lbs. (2.2 kg)SSRL130GRR 130 ft (40 m) Galvanized Replacement Cable Kit 9.9 lbs. (2.2 kg)SSRL130SRR 130 ft (40 m) Stainless Steel Replacement Cable Kit 9.9 lbs. (2.2 kg)SSRL175GRR 175 ft (53 m) Galvanized Replacement Cable Kit 12.9 lbs. (2.2 kg)SSRL175SRR 175 ft (53 m) Stainless Steel Replacement Cable Kit 12.9 lbs. (2.2 kg)*Kits include the cable assembly, a rubber plug, two shoulder screws, two entry guide screws, and two RFID clips.Limitless Possibilities. Ask the Expert. Technical Service: 800.873.5242 4FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSHoneywell Industrial Safety 900 Douglas Pike Smithfield, RI 02917USAPhone: 800.430.5490 Fax: 800.322.1330CANADAPhone: 888.212.7233 Fax : 888.667.8477 This equipment should only be usedafter reading and understanding the manufacturer’s instructions. Failure to follow instructions could result in serious injury or fatality. Q: If I do not want to replace the lifeline myself, can I have this service provided?A: Yes, Honeywell can replace the lifeline for you and/or provide any other inspection or maintenanceservices at one of our Miller Repair Center locations. As an alternative, we can help you find a local Miller Authorized Repair Center that can provide these services for you. Please contact Honeywell Technical Service at 800.873.5242.Q: What industries and applications are ideal for use with the Miller DuraSeal?A: Oil & gas, mining, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food processing, waste water treatment, freighthandling, painting and coating are ideal industries for the Miller DuraSeal. Ideal applications include coastal, off-shore and situations in which an SRL will be kept outside.Q: Is the Miller DuraSeal corrosion resistant?A: The Miller DuraSeal is constructed of corrosion-resistant stainless steel and aluminum components.Models are available with stainless steel lifelines, snap hooks and carabiners.Q: What industry standards does the Miller DuraSeal meet?A: The Miller DuraSeal meets OSHA 1926.502, OSHA 1910.66, ANSI A10.32, ANSI Z359.14 Class B,and CSA Z259.2.2. As indicated above, the product also meets IEC 60529 and ISO 20653 for ingress protection ratings of IP68 and IP69K, respectively.Q: What is the maximum weight capacity of a worker using the Miller DuraSeal?A: The Miller DuraSeal is designed with a 420 lb. weight capacity. This weight includes the user weightas well as any clothing and user-borne tools.Q: Does the Miller DuraSeal require annual factory recertification through an authorized center? A: Honeywell does not require the Miller DuraSeal to be sent in for annual factory recertification exceptin Canada where CSA Z259.2.2 requires that the unit be recertified no more than two (2) years from the date of manufacture and annually thereafter. The user must follow inspection and test procedures outlined in the instruction manual. If the product does not pass the product manual inspection criteria, it must be sent in for repair and recertification.Q: What warranty is provided with the Miller DuraSeal?A: As with all Miller brand products, the Miller DuraSeal SRL has a Limited Lifetime Warranty againstmanufacturer defects and workmanship.Q: Who should I contact for additional questions and information on the Miller DuraSeal? A: Contact Honeywell Technical Service at 800.873.5242 or email ****************************.。

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