




一、Unit 1 School Life1. 学校日常用语:如Good morning/afternoon,How are you?等。

2. 介绍自己和朋友的基本表达:如My name is…,I’m from…,He/She is my friend等。

3. 学科名称和老师的称呼:如English,Chinese,Math,Science,Mr./Ms./Mrs. +姓氏等。

4. 学校设施和活动:如classroom,library,PE class,schooltrip等。

5. 学习习惯的养成:如homework,study,review等。

6. 美国学校和中国学校的一些区别和相似之处。

二、Unit 2 Family and Friends1. 家庭成员称呼:如father,mother,brother,sister,grandpa,grandma等。

2. 家人的外貌特征和个性特点的简单描述:如short,long hair,friendly,funny等。

3. 家庭成员的职业:如doctor,teacher,engineer等。

4. 朋友的基本描述:如smart,kind,funny,like to read等。

5. 爱好和兴趣的表述:如play sports,listen to music,watch movies等。

6. 趣味性的对话,如问候语,介绍自己和朋友等。


中学生百科英语1-U2-L2-Why Do People Laugh

中学生百科英语1-U2-L2-Why Do People Laugh

U2 - How? Why?: Lesson 2 - Why Do People Laugh?Do you laugh every day? Most people do. Scientists say that people laugh about 17 times a day. That is a lot of laughter.In India, there are hundreds of laughter clubs. The people in these clubs get together every morning. First they stretch their hands above their heads. Then they pretend to laugh. Soon everyone is laughing naturally.People say they feel good after laughing together.Scientists believe that laughter is good for you. Why? For one thing, laughter is good exercise. When you laugh, you exercise many muscles in your body. Scientists say that one hundred laughs equals ten minutes of running. When you laugh, you also breathe deeply. This helps you relax. That's good for you, too.Why do we laugh? That is a hard question to answer. We know that people laugh more often in a group. They don't laugh very often when they are alone. Many scientists believe that we use laughter to connect to other people. Laughter helps us feel part of a group.In English, people say that laughter is the best medicine. Some think that laughter helps sick people get well. Do you think so, too? (194 words)中学生百科英语1-第二单元How? Why? 1。

中学生百科英语 (1)

中学生百科英语 (1)

Unit one Lesson one: The kiwi第一单元,第一课:无翼鸟The kiwi lives only in NewZealand. It is very strange bird .Because it can not kiwi is the same size as a has no wings or does not have feathers like other feathers look like foot has four 's beak is very long. A kiwi likes to have a lot of trees around it. It sleeps during the sunlight hurts its can smell things very smells things better than most birds kiwis eggs are very big.There're only a few kiwis in New Zealand now. People do not often see them. The government says that people can not kill kiwis. New Zealanders want their kiwis to is a picture of a kiwi in New Zealand money. People from New Zealand sometimes called "kiwis".无翼鸟住在新西兰,它是一只很奇怪的鸟,因为,它不会飞,无翼鸟跟小鸡的大小相同,它没有翅膀,也没有尾巴,它没有像别的鸟一样的尾巴,它的羽毛看起来很像头发,每只脚都有4个脚指头,它的嘴巴很长。





中学生百科英语1-U4-L1-MusicandBehaviorUnit 4 MusicLesson 1 Music and BehaviorWhere did you go yesterday? Did you hear music at any of those places? There is a good chance that you did. Today most stores and restaurants play music. You might even hear music in an office or on a farm.Scientists believe that music affects the way people behave. According to some scientists, the sound of western classical music (Mozart and Bach) makes people feel richer. When a restaurant plays classical music, people spend more money on food and drinks. When the restaurant plays modern music, people spend less money. With no background music, people spend even less.Scientists also believe that loud, fast music makes people eat faster. People actually chew their food faster when the music gets faster. Some restaurants play fast music during their busy hours. This gets people to eat faster and leave quickly. Restaurants can make more money this way.Some scientists think that music makes you think and learn better. They say that music helps students to be more alert. It is true that people learn better when they are relaxed. And listening to music can help you relax.The next time you hear music somewhere, be careful. It might change the way you behave. (202words)Vocabulary①Put the right word in each blank. The sentences are from the text.1. Studies also show that _______________, fast music makes people eat faster.2. You might even hear music in an _________________ or on a farm.3. The next time you hear music somewhere, be ______________.4. According to some scientists, the sound of western _____________ music (Mozart and Bach) makes people feel richer.5. Did you hear ______________ at any of these places?6. When a restaurant plays classical music, people ___________ more money on food and drinks.7. With no _________________ music, people spend even less.8. People actually _______________ their food faster when the music gets faster.9. Scientists believe that music ______________ the way people ______________.10. It ______________ change the way you behave.②Put the right word in each blank. These are new sentences for words in the text.1. You should _______________ your food well. You don't want to get a stomachache.2. Her ____________ is very small. There is only a desk and a chair in it3. The children can't go to the movies this week because they didn't ___________ well at school.4. We couldn't study because there was a loud noise in the ______________.5. What is your favorite kind of ______________?6. You should be _________ when you drive your car.7. _____________________music can hurt your ears.8. Laughter can ________________ your feelings. Usually it makes you feel better.9. She ___________ £100 on a new dress.10. He ___________ get there in time, but I can't be sure.单词默写:1. 影响2. 表现3. 据(…所说)4. 古典的5. 花费金钱/时间在…上6. 背景7. 喧闹的; 大声的8. 咀嚼;嚼碎9. 音乐10.警觉的;警惕的11. 在某处;到某处12.可能翻译句子:1.我通常花半个小时做英语作业。

中学生百科英语1-U2-L5 - How Do Many Hearing-Impaired People Talk

中学生百科英语1-U2-L5 - How Do Many Hearing-Impaired People Talk

U2 -How? Why?: Lesson 5 -How Do Many Hearing-Impaired People Talk?Hearing-impaired people cannot hear sounds well. How do they "hear" words?Many hearing-impaired people use sign language. They talk with their hands. Two hearing-impaired people can talk to each other. They both use sign language. Sometimes a person who can hear interprets for hearing-impaired people. The person listens to someone talking, and then he or she makes hand signs.There are two kinds of hand signs. Some hand signs are for whole words. For example, there is one hand sign for the word love. There are hand signs for different actions, things, and ideas. Some of the signs are very easy, for example, the signs for eat, milk, and house. You can see what they mean. Others are more difficult, for example, the signs for star, egg, and week.The second kind of hand sign is fingerspelling. In fingerspelling, there is a sign for every letter in the alphabet. For example, to fingerspell the word love, a person makes four different signs. It is much slower to fingerspell, but it is useful for signing names and technical words. People can use both kinds of hand signs together.Each country has its own sign language. For example, American Sign Language (ASL) is very different from British Sign Language. Using signlanguage is almost like a dance. The whole body talks. Sign languages are beautiful. (223 words)。



中学⽣百科英语必背Unit 1The Kiwi1.strange [streind?] adj. 奇怪的2.wing [wi?] n. 翅膀,翼3.tail [teil] n. 尾部4.feather ['fee?] n. ⽻⽑5.each [i:t?] adj. 每个6.beak [bi:k] n. 鸟嘴7.around [?'raund] prep. 在……周围8.sunlight ['s?nlait] n. 阳光9.smell [smel] v. 闻10.kill [kil] v. 杀/doc/1810747066.html ernment ['g?v?nm?nt] n. 政府The Camel1.camel ['k?m?l] n. 骆驼2.without [wie'aut] prep. 没有3.store [st?:] v. 储存4.hump [h?mp] n. 驼峰5.true [tru:] adj. 真实的6.change [t?eind?] v. 改变7.fat [f?t] n. 脂肪8.desert[?dez?t]n. 沙漠9.heat [hi:t] n. 热量10.Arabian [?'reibi?n] adj. 阿拉伯(⼈)的11.Bactrian[?b?ktri?] n. 双峰驼/doc/1810747066.html ['ei??] n. 亚洲13.thick [θik] adj. 厚的14.eyelash [?a?l??]n. 睫⽑15.Arabic ['?r?bik] n. 阿拉伯语16.important [im'p?:t?nt] adj. 重要的17.central [?sentr?l]adj. 中部的The Polar Bear1.polar ['p?ul?] adj. 两极的2.inside ['in'said] adv. 在⾥⾯3.arctic circle ['ɑ:ktik] ['s?:kl]北极圈4.north pole [n?:θ] [p?ul] 北极5.meter ['mi:t?] n. ⽶6.weigh [wei] v. 称重量7.kilogram ['kil?gr?m] n. 千克8.wide [waid] adj. 宽阔的9.afraid [?'freid] adj. 害怕的10.united states [ju'naitid] [steits] n. 美国The Hippopotamus1.hippopotamus [hip?'p?t?m?s] n. 河马2.Africa ['?frik?] n. ⾮洲3.mammal ['m?m?l] n. 哺乳动物4.born [b?:n] adj. 天⽣的5.alive [?'laiv] adj. 活着的6.plant [plɑ:nt] n. 植物/doc/1810747066.html ke [leik] n. 湖8.above [?'b?v] prep. 在...上⾯9.breathe [bri:e] v. 呼吸The Dolphin1.dolphin ['d?lfin] n. 海豚2.sound [saund] n. 声⾳3.feeling ['fi:li?] n. 感觉4.group [gru:p] n. 群5.school [sku:l] n. 鱼群6.together [t?'gee?] adv. ⼀起/doc/1810747066.html rmation [inf?'mei??n] n. 信息8.scientist ['sai?ntist] n. 科学家9.tape [teip] n. 录⾳带10.aquarium [?'kw?ri?m] n. ⽔族馆11.lonely ['l?unli] adj. 孤独的;寂寞的12.save [seiv] v. 解救13.life [laif] n. ⽣命14.luck [l?k] n. 运⽓U2Why Do We Yawn?1. yawn [j?:n] v. 打呵⽋2. quickly [?kw?kli] adv. 快地3. contagious [k?n?te?d??s] adj. 有传染性的4. bored [b?:d] adj. ⽆聊的5. might [ma?t] aux. 可能精品⽂档6. however [ha??ev?(r)] adv. 然⽽7. excited [?k?sa?t?d] adj. 感到兴奋的8. race [re?s] n. 赛跑9. alert[??l?:t]adj. 警觉的;警惕的10. deeply[?di:pli]adv. 在深处11. stretch [stret?] v. 伸展; 延伸12. muscle [?m?sl] n. 肌⾁Why Do People Laugh?1. laugh [lɑ:f]v. ⼤笑2. club [kl?b] n. 社团3. pretend [pr??tend] v. 假装4. soon [su:n] adv. 马上5. naturally [?n?t?r?li]adv. ⾃然地6. exercise [?eks?sa?z] n. 练习v. 锻炼7. equal [?i:kw?l] adj. 平等的v. 等于8. relax [r??l?ks] v. (使)放松9. hard [hɑ:d]adj. 硬的; 困难的; 努⼒的; adv. 努⼒地; 猛⼒地; 严重地10. connect [k??nekt] v. 连接11. well [wel] adv. 好地; adj.健康的Why Is The Sea Salty?1. salt [s?:lt] n. 盐2. Earth [?:θ] n. 地球3. mix [m?ks] v. 混合4. ocean [n] n. 海洋5. carry [?k?ri] v. 携带6. move [mu:v] v. 移动7. cloud [kla?d] n. 云8. evaporate [??v?p?re?t] n. 蒸发9. percent [p?'sent] n. 百分之⼀10. famous [?fe?m?s] adj. 著名的How Can A Plant Kill?1. enemy [?en?mi] n. 敌⼈2. kind [ka?nd] n. 种类3. poisonous [?p??z?n?s] adj. 有毒的4. grow [gr??] v. ⽣长;种植5. tropics ['tr?p?ks] n. 热带地区6. expensive [?k?spens?v] adj. 贵的7. cheap [t?i:p] adj. 便宜的8. collect [k??lekt] v. 收集9. instead of [?n?sted]adv. 代替How Do Many Hearing-Impaired People Talk?1. hearing-impaired [?m?pe?d] adj. 受损的2. sign [sa?n] n. 符号3. each other 彼此4. both [b??θ] pron. 两者都5. interpret [?n?t?:pr?t] v. 解释6. whole [h??l] adj. 全部的;完整的U3The Date Palm1. date [de?t] n. 海枣2. palm [pɑ:m] n. 棕榈树3. wonderful [?w?nd?fl] adj. 美妙的4. feed [fi:d] v. 喂养5. leaf [li:f] n. 叶⼦6.wood [w?d] n. ⽊材7. burn [b?:n] v. 燃烧8. stone [st??n] n. ⽯头9. museum [mju?zi:?m] n. 博物馆The Water Hyacinth1. hate [he?t] v. 恨2. disease [d??zi:z] n. 疾病3. crop [kr?p] n. 农作物4. machine [mi:n] n. 机器5. fertilizer [?f?:t?la?z?(r)] n. 肥料6. energy [?en?d?i] n. 能量7. Methane [?mi:θe?n] n. 甲烷,沼⽓Rice1. even [?i:vn]adv. 甚⾄2. probably [?pr?b?bli] adv. ⼤概3. soil [s??l] n. 泥⼟4. insect [??nsekt] n. 昆⾍5. broom [bru:m] n. 扫帚6. rug [r?g] n. ⼩块地毯7. sandal [?s?ndl]n. 凉鞋8. roof [ru:f] n. 屋顶Oranges1. section [?sek?n] n. 部分2. seed [si:d] n. 种⼦3. skin [sk?n] n. ⽪肤;果⽪4. shiny [??a?ni] adj. 发光的5. wild [wa?ld] adj. 野外的6. raise [re?z] v. 种植7. around [??ra?nd] adv. ⼤约8. Spanish [?sp?n??] n. 西班⽛⼈The Coffee Plant1. chance [t?ɑ:ns] n. 机会2. Brazil [br??z?l] n. 巴西3. Indonesia [??nd??'ni:zj?] n. 印尼4. Ivory Coast [?aiv?ri?k?ust] 象⽛海岸(⾮洲)5. Ethiopia [?i:θ?'??p??] n. 埃塞俄⽐亚(⾮洲东部国家)6. produce [pr??dju:s] v. 产⽣7. typically [?t?p?kli] adv. 通常; 典型地8. protect [pr??tekt] v. 保护9. modern [?m?dn] adj. 现代的10. unfortunately [?n?f?:t??n?tli] adv. 不幸地U4Music and Behaviour1. affect [??fekt] v. 影响2. behave [b??he?v] v. 表现; 举⽌端正3. classical [?kl?s?kl] adj. 古典的4.background [?b?kgra?nd] n. 背景5. loud [la?d] adj. 响亮的,⼤声的6. chew [t?u:] v. 咀嚼7. careful [?ke?fl] adj. 仔细的Blues and Jazz1. slave [sle?v] n. 奴⾪2. century [?sent??ri] n. 世纪3. blues [blu:z] n. 蓝调⾳乐4. Jazz [d??z] n. 爵⼠乐5. express [?k?spres]v. 表达6. instrument [??nstr?m?nt] n. 仪器; 乐器7. guitar [g??tɑ:(r)]n. 吉他8. harmonica [hɑ:?m?n?k?]n. ⼝琴9. composer [k?m?p??z?(r)] n. 作曲家10. add [?d] v. 增加Rock and Roll1. band [b?nd] n. 带; 乐队2. performer [p??f?:m?(r)] n. 表演者3. mixture [?m?kst??(r)] n. 混合;混合物4. fan [f?n] n. 扇⼦;迷5. nervous [?n?:v?s] adj. 紧张的6. record [?rek?:d] n. 唱⽚7. compact disc [k?m?p?kt disk]光盘8. company [?k?mp?ni] n. 公司Country Western music1.cattle [?k?tl] n. (总称) ⽜,牲⼝2. dangerous [?de?nd??r?s] adj. 危险的3. alone [??l??n] adj. 单独的4. calm [kɑ:m]adj. 平静的5. peaceful [?pi:sfl]adj. 和平的6. either [?a?e?(r)] pron. (两者之中)任何⼀个7. violin [?val?n] n. ⼩提琴8. can [k?n] n. 罐⼦Latin Music and Salsa1. common [?k?m?n] adj. 普通的2. enjoy [?n?d] v. 喜欢; 享受; 过得快活3. beat [bi:t] v. 接连地击打4. orchestra [??:k?str?] n. 管弦乐队5. while [wa?l] conj. 在…期间6. roast [r??st] v. 烤7. bake [be?k] v. 烘焙8. oven [??vn] n. 烤箱9. fry [fra?] v. 油炸10. taste [te?st] n. 滋味11. Portuguese [?p?:t?u?gi:z]n. 葡萄⽛语; 葡萄⽛⼈12. international [??nt??n??n?l] adj. 国际的U5Work Hour1. enough [??n?f] adj. ⾜够的2. vary [?ve?ri] v. 变化3. employee [?m?pl??i:] n. 雇⼯4. extra [?ekstr?] adj. 额外的5. earn [?:n] v. 赢得6. overtime [v?ta?m] adv. 超时地; 加班地7. vacation [v??ke??n] n. 假期8. average [??v?r?d?] adj. 平均的9. dull [d?l] adj. 迟钝的Salaries1. salary [?s?l?ri] n. 薪⽔2. private [?pra?v?t] adj. 私有的3. pilot [?pa?l?t] n. 飞⾏员4. profession [pr??fe?n] n. 职业5. waiter [?we?t?(r)] n. 服务员6. benefit [?ben?f?t] n. 利益7. employer [?m?pl(r)] n. 雇主8. health [helθ]n. 健康9. insurance [?nr?ns] n. 保险费10. plus [pl?s] prep. (表⽰运算)加Family-Friendly Companies1. rule [ru:l] n. 规则2. allow [??la?] v. 允许3. flexible [?fleks?bl] adj. 灵活的4. schedule [??edju:l][?sked?u:l] n. 时刻表5. increase [?n?kri:s]v. 增加6. share [?e?(r)] n. 分享7. leave [li:v] v. 离开8. female [?fi:me?l] adj. ⼥性的9. unpaid [??n?pe?d] adj. 未付的10. male [me?l] adj. 男性的Work Clothes1. decision [d??s??n] n. 决定2. uniform [?ju:n?f?:m] n. 制服3. code [k??d] n. 代码;编码4. casual [?k??u?l] adj. 随便的5. comfortable [?k?mft?bl] adj. 舒适的6. special [?spe?l] adj. 特殊的; 专⽤的7. sportswear [?sp?:tswe?(r)] n. 运动装Time Off1. commute [k??mju:t] v. 通勤2. prepare [pr??pe?(r)] v. 准备3. leisure [?le??(r)] n. 闲暇4. obviously [??bvi?sli] adv. 明显地5. channel [?t??nl] n. 频道6. program [?pr??gr?m] n. 程序7. surf [s?:f] v. 冲浪U6The Sami of Northern Europe1. Sami [?s?mi] n. 萨⽶⼈2. Norway ['n?:we?] n. 挪威(欧洲国家)3. Sweden ['swi:dn] n. 瑞典4. Finland ['f?nl?nd] n. 芬兰5. Russia ['r] n. (1917年以前的)俄罗斯帝国6. coast [k??st] n. 海岸7. traditional [tr??dnl] adj. 传统的8. nomad [?n??m?d] n. 游牧民9. reindeer[?re?nd??(r)] n. 驯⿅10. dig [d?g] n. 挖掘11. tent [tent] n. 帐篷12. less [les] adj. 较少的13. skis [ski?] v. 滑雪n. 滑雪板;雪橇14. sled [sled] n. <美>雪撬15. trip [tr?p] n. 旅⾏16. future ['fju?t??(r)] n. 将来17. holiday ['h?l?de?] n. 假⽇The Ainu of Japan1. island ['a?l?nd] n. 岛屿2. Hokkaido [h?'kaid?u] n. 北海道(⽇本第⼆⼤岛)3. wavy ['we?vi] adj. 波浪形的4. mustache [m?'stɑ??] n. ⼩胡⼦5. completely [k?m'pli?tli]adv. 完全地6. hunter ['h?nt?(r)] n. 猎⼈7. religion [r?'l?d??n] n. 宗教8. middle ['m?dl] adj. 中间的;中等的;中期的9. attend [?'tend] v. 出席;参加10. right [ra?t] n. 权利11. promote [pr?'m??t] v. 促进;提升;推销;弘扬12. Ainu ['a?n?] n. 阿伊努⼈13. beard [b??d] n. 胡须14. demand [d?'mɑ?nd]v. 要求15. response [r?'sp?ns] n. 响应The Yanomami of the Amazon1. perhaps [p?'h?ps] adv. 也许;可能2. area ['e?ri?] n. ⾯积;地区3. outsider [?a?t'sa?d?(r)] n. 外⾏;旁观者;局外⼈4. Venezuela [?ven?'zwe?l?] n. 委内瑞拉5. spiritual ['sp?r?t?u?l] adj. 精神的;⼼灵的6. miner ['ma?n?(r)] n. 矿⼯7. logger ['l?ɡ?(r)] n. 樵夫;伐⽊⼯8. noise [n??z] n. 噪声9. polluted [p?'lu?t?d] adj. 被污染的;喝醉的10. die [da?] v. 死11. destroy [d?'str??] v. 破坏12. destruction [d??str?k?n] n. 摧毁; 破坏13. progress ['pr??ɡres] n. 进步14. Yanomami n. 亚诺玛⽶⼈15. Amazon [??m?z?n] n. 亚马逊河(南美洲⼤河)The Hopi of Arizona1. Hopi['h??pi] n. 霍⽪族(北美印第安⼈之⼀族);2. Arizona n. 亚利桑那(美国州名)3. highway ['ha?we?] n. 公路4. somehow ['s?mha?] adv. 以某种⽅式5. freeze [fri?z] v. 冻结6. blow [bl??] v. 吹7. goat [ɡ??t]n. ⼭⽺8. truck [tr?k] n. 卡车9. Kachina [ke?t'?a?n?] n. 克奇纳神(霍⽪印第安⼈崇拜的祖灵)10. alike [?'la?k] adj. 相似的;同样的11. adult ['?d?lt] n. 成年⼈12. nearby [?n??'ba?] adj. 附近的adv. 在附近The Maori of New Zealand1. Maori ['ma?ri] n. ⽑利⼈;⽑利语adj. ⽑利⼈的;⽑利语的2. Polynesian [?p?l?'ni:z??n] n. 波利尼西亚⼈;波利尼西亚语adj. 波利尼西亚的;波利尼亚⼈(语)的3. arrive [?'ra?v] v. 到达4. over ['??v?(r)] prep. 多于5. war [w??(r)] n. 战争;⽃争6. population [?p?pju'le??n] n. ⼈⼝7. culture ['k?lt??(r)] n. ⽂化;教养8. ceremony ['ser?m?ni] n. 仪式;礼节;典礼9. yearly ['j??li] adj. 每年的adv. 每年地;⼀年⼀次地10. among [?'m??]prep. 在……之中11. competition [?k?mp?'t??n] n. 竞争;⽐赛12. practice ['pr?kt?s] v. 操练n. 操练13. win [w?n] v. 赢;赢得;胜利U8The Polynesians1. explorer [?k?spl?:r?(r)] v. 探险家2. current [?k?r?nt] n. ⽔流3. shell [?el] n. 外壳4. Mongol [?m??g?l] n. 蒙古族⼈5. toward [t?'w?:d] prep. 向;对着6. reach [ri:t?] v. 到达7. invention [?n?ven?n] n. 发明8. sailor [se?l?(r)] n. ⽔⼿9. canoe [k??nu: ] n. 独⽊⾈A Giraffe in Central Asia1. leader [?li:d?(r)] n. 领袖2. ruler [?ru:l?(r)] n. 统治者3. gift [g?ft] n. 礼物;天赋4. ambassador [?m?b?s?d?(r)] n. ⼤使5. jewelry ['d?u:?lr?] n. 珠宝;⾸饰6. gold [g??ld] n. ⾦⼦7. silver [?s?lv?(r)] n. 银⼦8. suppose [s??p??z] n. 认为;假定9. pleased [pli:zd] n. ⾼兴的10. Cairo ['ka??r??] n. 开罗(埃及⾸都)11. Samarkand[?s?m??k?nd] n. 撒马尔罕(乌兹别克东部城市)The First Woman on Mount Qomolangma1. Qomolangma [?t??um?u?lɑ:?m?]n. 珠穆朗玛2. mountain [?ma?nt?n] n. ⼭脉3. Nepal [n?'p?:l] n. 尼泊尔(南亚国家)4. organize [??:g?na?z] v. 组织; 安排5. avalanche [??v?lɑ:n?] n. 雪崩6. injure [??nd??(r)] v. 损害; 伤害(名誉、⾃尊等)7. be able to8. ordinary [??:dnri] adj. 普通的; ⼀般的9. goal [g??l] n. 球门; ⽬标10. environment [?n?va?r?nm?nt] n. 环境The Iditarod Race1. Iditarod n. 艾迪塔罗德精品⽂档2. trail [tre?l] n. 踪迹3. team [ti?m]n. 队;组4. adventurer [?d'vent??r?(r)] n. 冒险者5. musher ['m(r)] n. 赶狗拉雪橇的⼈6. brave [bre?v] adj. 勇敢的7. storm [st??m]n. 暴风⾬8. knee [ni?] n. 膝盖9. below [b?'l??] prep. 低于;在……下⾯10. footprint ['f?tpr?nt] n. 脚印11. shoot [?u?t]v. 发射12. Celsius ['selsi?s] n. 摄⽒Sailing Alone1. supply [s??pla?] n. 供给物2. equipment [??kw?pm?nt] n. 设备3. problem ['pr?bl?m] n. 问题;难题4. engine ['end??n] n. 引擎5. quit [kw?t] v. 退出6. electricity [??lek'tr?s?ti] n. 电7. communicate [k?'mju?n?ke?t] v. 交流8. destination [?dest?'ne??n] n. ⽬的地9. San Francisco [s?n fr?n'sisk?u]n. 旧⾦⼭10. contact [?k?nt?kt] v. n. 接触11. expect [?k?spekt] v. 期望。



Unit 1The Kiwi1. strange [streind?] adj. 奇怪的2. wing [wi?] n. 翅膀,翼3. tail [teil] n. 尾部4. feather ['fee?] n. 羽毛5. each [i:t ?] adj. 每个6. beak [bi:k] n. 鸟嘴7. around [?'raund] prep. 在……周围8. sunlight ['s?nlait] n. 阳光9. smell [smel] v. 闻1 0. kill [kil] v. 杀11.government ['g?v?nm?nt] n. 政府The Camel1. camel ['k?m ?l] n. 骆驼2. without [wie 'aut] prep. 没有3. store [st?:] v. 储存4. hump [h?mp] n. 驼峰5. true [tru:] adj. 真实的6. change [t?eind?] v. 改变7. fat [f?t] n. 脂肪8. desert [?dez?t] n. 沙漠9. heat [hi:t] n. 热量10. Arabian [?'reibi?n] adj. 阿拉伯(人)的11. Bactrian [?b?ktri ?] n. 双峰驼12. Asia ['ei??] n. 亚洲13. thick [0 ik] adj. 厚的14. eyelash [?a?l? ?] n. 睫毛15. Arabic ['?r ?bik] n. 阿拉伯语16. important [im'p?:t?nt] adj. 重要的17. central [?sentr?l] adj. 中部的The Polar Bear1 . polar ['p?ul?] adj. 两极的2 . inside ['in'said] adv. 在里面3 . arctic circle ['a :ktik] ['s?:kl] 北极圈4 . north pole [n?: 0[p] ?ul] 北极5 . meter ['mi:t?] n. 米6 . weigh [wei] v. 称重量7. kilogram ['kil ?gr?m] n.千克 8. wide [waid] adj. 宽阔的 9. afraid[?'freid] ad j. 害怕的10.united states[ju'naitid] [steits]n. 美国 The Hippopotamus1. hippopotamus [hip ?'p?t?m?s] n. 河马 2. Africa ['?frik ?] n. 非洲 3. mammal ['m?m ?l] n. 哺乳动物 4. born [b?:n] adj. 天生的 5. alive [?'laiv] adj. 活着的 6. plant [pl a :nt] n. 植物 7. lake [leik] n. 湖 8. above [?'b?v] prep. 在...上面 9.breathe[bri:e]v.呼吸The Dolphin1. dolphin ['d?lfin] n. 海豚2. sound [saund] n. 声音3. feeling ['fi:li?] n. 感觉4. group [gru:p] n. 群5. school [sku:l] n. 鱼群6. together [t?'gee?] adv. 一起7. information [inf ?'mei??n] n. 信息8. scientist ['sai?ntist] n. 科学家9. tape [teip] n. T. C录音带 10. aquarium [?'kw?ri?m] n. 水族馆 11. lonely ['l?unli] adj. 孤独的;寂寞的 12. save [seiv] v. 解救 13. life [laif] n. 生命 14.luck[l?k]n.运气U2Why Do We Yawn?1. yawn [j?:n] v. 打呵欠2. quickly [?kw?kli] adv. 快地3. contagious [k?n?ted???s] adj. 有传染性的4. bored [b?:d]adj. 无聊的 5. might[ma?t]aux.可能6. however [ha??ev?(r)] adv. 然而7. excited [?k?sat?d] adj. 感到兴奋的8. race [re?s] n. 赛跑9. alert [??l?:t] adj. 警觉的;警惕的10. deeply [?di:pli] adv. 在深处11. stretch [stret?] v. 伸展; 延伸12. muscle [?m?sl] n. 肌肉Why Do People Laugh ?1. laugh [l a :f] v. 大笑2. club [kl?b] n. 社团3. pretend [pr??tend] v. 假装4. soon [su:n] adv. 马上5. naturally [?n?t?r?li] adv. 自然地6. exercise [?eks?sa?z] n. 练习v. 锻炼7. equal [?i:kw?l] adj. 平等的v. 等于8. relax [r??l?ks] v. (使)放松9. hard [h a :d] adj. 硬的; 困难的; 努力的;adv. 努力地; 猛力地; 严重地10. connect [k??nekt] v. 连接11. well [wel] adv. 好地;adj.健康的Why Is The Sea Salty?1. salt [s?:lt] n. 盐2. Earth [?:0 ] n. 地球3. mix [m?ks] v. 混合4. ocean [????n] n. 海洋5. carry [?k?ri] v. 携带6. move [mu:v] v. 移动7. cloud [kla?d] n. 云8. evaporate [??v?p?re?t] n. 蒸发9. percent [p?'sent] n. 百分之一10. famous [?fe?m?s] adj. 著名的How Can A Plant Kill?1. enemy [?en?mi] n. 敌人2. kind [ka?nd] n. 种类3. poisonous [?p??z?n?s] adj. 有毒的4. grow [gr??] v. 生长;种植5. tropics ['tr?p?ks] n. 热带地区6. expensive [?k?spensv?] adj. 贵的7. cheap [t?i:p] adj. 便宜的8. collect [k??lekt] v. 收集9. instead of [?n?sted] adv. 代替How Do Many Hearing-Impaired People Talk?1 . hearing-impaired [ ?m?ped?] adj. 受损的2 . sign [sa?n] n. 符号3 . each other 彼此4 . both [b?? 9 ] pron. 两者都5. interpret [?n?t?:pr?t] v. 解释6.whole [h??l] adj. 全部的;完整的U3The Date Palm1. date [de?t] n. 海枣2. palm [p a :m] n. 棕榈树3. wonderful [?w?nd?fl] adj. 美妙的4. feed [fi:d] v. □田*喂养5. leaf [li:f] n. 叶子6.wood [w?d] n. 木材7. burn [b?:n] v. 燃烧8. stone [st??n] n. 石头9. museum [mju?zi:?m] n. 博物馆The Water Hyacinth1 . hate [he?t] v. 恨2 . disease [d??zi:z] n. 疾病3 . crop [kr?p] n. 农作物4 . machine [m???i:n] n. 机器5 . fertilizer [?f?:t?la?z?(r)]n. 肥料6 . energy [?en?d?i] n. 能量7.Methane [?mi: 0n$? n. 甲烷,沼气Rice1 . even [?i:vn] adv. 甚至2. probably [?pr?b?bli] adv. 大概3 . soil [s??l] n. 泥土4 . insect [??nsekt] n. 昆虫5 . broom [bru:m] n. 扫帚6 . rug [r?g] n. 小块地毯7 . sandal [?s?ndl] n. 凉鞋8.roof [ru:f] n. 屋顶Oranges1. section [?sek?n] n. 部分2. seed [si:d] n. 种子3. skin [sk?n] n. 皮肤;果皮4. shiny [??a?ni] adj. 发光的5. wild [wa?ld] adj. 野外的6. raise [re?z] v. 种植[??ra?nd] adv. 大约[?sp?n?]? n. 西班牙人The Coffee Plant1. chance [t? a ns] n. 机会2. Brazil [br??z?l] n. 巴西3. Indonesia [??nd??'ni:zj?] n. 印尼4. Ivory Coast [?aiv?ri?k?ust] 象牙海岸(非洲)5. Ethiopia [?i: '????? n. 埃塞俄比亚(非洲东部国家)6. produce [pr??dju:s] v. 产生7. typically [?t?p?kli] adv. 通常; 典型地8. protect [pr??tekt] v. 保护9. modern [?m?dn] adj. 现代的10. unfortunately [?n?f?:t??n?tli] adv. 不幸地7. around8. SpanishU4Music and Behaviour1. affect [??fekt]v. 影响2. behave [b??he?v] v. 表现 ; 举止端正3. classical [?kl?s?kl] adj. 古典的4.background [?b?kgra?nd] n. 背景5. loud [la?d] adj. 响亮的,大声的6. chew [t?u:] v. 咀嚼7. careful [?ke?fl]adj.仔细的Blues and Jazz1. slave [sle?v]n. 奴隶 2. century [?sent?r?i] n. 世纪 3. blues [blu:z] n. 蓝调音乐 4. Jazz [d??z] n. 爵士乐 5. express [?k?spres] v. 表达 6. instrument [??nstr?m?nt] n. 仪器 ; 乐器 7. guitar[g??a :(r)] n. 吉他 8. harmonica [h a :?m?n?k?] n. 口琴 9. composer [k?m?p??z?(r)]n. 作曲家 10. add [?d]v.增加Rock and Roll1. band [b?nd]n.带; 乐队 2. performer [p??f?:m?(r)] n. 表演者 3. mixture [?m?kst??(r)] n. 混合;混合物 4. fan [f?n]n. 扇子;迷 5. nervous [?n?:v?s] adj. 紧张的 6. record [?rek?:d] n.唱片 7. compact disc [k?m?p?kt disk]光盘 8.company [?k?mp?ni]n.公司Country Western music1.cattle[?k?tl]n. (总称 ) 牛,牲口2. dangerous [?de?nd??r?s] adj. 危险的3. alone [??l??n]adj. 单独的 4. calm [k a :m] adj. 平静的 5. peaceful [?pi:sfl] adj. 和平的6. either[?a?e?(r)] pron.(两者之中) 任何一个[?va??l?n] n. 小提琴[k?n] n. 罐子Latin Music and Salsa1. common [?k?m?n] adj. 普通的2. enjoy [?n?d??]? v. 喜欢; 享受; 过得快活3. beat [bi:t] v. 接连地击打4. orchestra [??:k?str?] n. 管弦乐队5. while [wa?l] conj. 在…期间6. roast [r??st] v. 烤7. bake [be?k] v. 烘焙8. oven [??vn] n. 烤箱9. fry [fra?] v. 油炸10. taste [te?st] n. 滋味11. Portuguese [?p?:t?u?gi:z] n. 葡萄牙语; 葡萄牙人12. international [??nt??n? ?n?l] adj. 国际的7. violin8. canU5 Work Hour1 . enough [??n?f] adj. 足够的2 . vary [?ve?ri] v. 变化3. employee [?m?pl?i?:] n. 雇工4 . extra [?ekstr?] adj. 额外的5 . earn [?:n] v. 赢得6 . overtime [???v?ta?m] adv. 超时地; 加班地7 . vacation [v??ke??n] n. 假期8 . average [??v?r?d?] adj. 平均的9.dull [d?l] adj. 迟钝的Salaries1. salary [?s?l?ri] n. 薪水2. private [?pra?v?t] adj. 私有的3. pilot [?pa?l?t] n. 飞行员4. profession [pr??fe?n] n. 职业5. waiter [?we?t?(r)] n. 服务员6. benefit [?ben?f?t] n. 利益7. employer [?m?pl??(?r)] n. 雇主8. health [hel 9]n. 健康9. insurance [?n???r??ns] n. 保险费10. plus [pl?s] prep. (表示运算)加Family-Friendly Companies1. rule [ru:l] n. 规则2. allow [??la?] v. 允许3. flexible [?fleks?bl] adj. 灵活的4. schedule [??edju:l][?sked?u:l] n. 时刻表5. increase [?n?kri:s] v. 增加6. share [?e?(r)] n. 分享7. leave [li:v] v. 离开8. female [?fi:me?l] adj. 女性的9. unpaid [??n?ped?] adj. 未付的10. male [me?l] adj. 男性的Work Clothes1 . decision [d??s??n] n. 决定2 . uniform [?ju:n?f?:m] n. 制服3 . code [k??d] n. 代码;编码4 . casual [?k??u?l] adj. 随便的5 . comfortable [?k?mft?bl] adj. 舒适的6. special [?spe?l] adj. 特殊的; 专用的7. sportswear [?sp?:tswe?(r)]n. 运动装Time Off1. commute [k ??mju:t] v. 通勤2. prepare [pr??pe?(r)] v. 准备3. leisure [?le??(r)] n. 闲暇4. obviously [??bvi ?sli] adv. 明显地5. channel [?t??nl] n. 频道6. program [?pr??gr?m] n. 程序7. surf [s?:f] v. 冲浪U6The Sami of Northern Europe1. Sami [?s?mi] n. 萨米人2. Norway ['n?:we?] n. 挪威(欧洲国家)3. Sweden ['swi:dn] n. 瑞典4. Finland ['f ?nl?nd] n. 芬兰5. Russia ['r???] n. (1917年以前的)俄罗斯帝国6. coast [k??st] n. 海岸7. traditional [tr??d???nl] adj. 传统的8. nomad [?n??m?d] n. 游牧民9. reindeer [?re?nd??(r)] n. 驯鹿10. dig [d?g] n. 挖掘11. tent [tent] n. 帐篷12. less [les] adj. 较少的13. skis [ski?] v. 滑雪n. 滑雪板;雪橇14. sled [sled] n. <美>雪撬15. trip [tr?p] n. 旅行16. future ['fju?t??(r)] n. 将来17. holiday ['h?l?de?] n. 假日The Ainu of Japan1. island ['a?l?nd] r. 岛屿2. Hokkaido [h?'kaid?u] r. 北海道(日本第二大岛)3. wavy ['we?vi] adj. 波浪形的4. mustache [m?'st a ??] r. 小胡子5. completely [k?m'pli?tli] adv. 完全地6. hunter ['h?nt?(r)] r. 猎人7. religion [r?'l?d??n] r. 宗教8. middle ['m?dl] adj. 中间的;中等的;中期的9. attend [?'tend] v. 出席;参加10. right [ra?t] r. 权利11. promote [pr?'m??t] v. 促进;提升;推销;弘扬12. Ainu ['a?n?] r. 阿伊努人13. beard [b??d] r. 胡须14. demand [d?m a ?rjd v. 要求15. response [r?'sp?ns] r. 响应The Yanomami of the Amazon1. perhaps [p?'h?ps] adv. 也许;可能2. area ['e?ri?] r. 面积;地区3. outsider [?a?t'sa?d?(r)] r. 外行;旁观者;局外人4. Verezuela [?ver?'zwe?l?] r. 委内瑞拉5. spiritual ['sp?r?t?u?l] adj. 精神的;心灵的6. mirer ['ma?r?(r)] r. 矿工7. logger ['i?g?)] r. 樵夫;伐木工8. roise [r??z] r. 噪声9. polluted [p?'lu?t?d] adj. 被污染的;喝醉的10. die [da?] v. 死11. destroy [d?'str??] v. 破坏12. destructior [d??str?k?r] r. 摧毁; 破坏13. progress ['pr??g res] r. 进步14. Yaromami r. 亚诺玛米人15. Amazor [??m?z?r] r. 亚马逊河(南美洲大河)The Hopi of Arizona1. Hopi ['h??pi] r. 霍皮族(北美印第安人之一族2. Arizora r. 亚利桑那(美国州名)3. highway ['ha?we?] r. 公路4. somehow ['s?mha?] adv. 以某种方式5. freeze [fri?z] v. 冻结6. blow [bl??] v. 吹7. goat [g ??t] n. 山羊8. truck [tr?k] n. 卡车9. Kachina [ke?t'?a?n?] n. 克奇纳神(霍皮印第安人崇拜的祖灵)10. alike [?'la?k] adj. 相似的;同样的11. adult ['?d?lt] n. 成年人12. nearby [?n??'ba?] adj. 附近的adv. 在附近The Maori of New Zealand1. Maori ['ma?ri] n.adj.毛利人;毛利语毛利人的;毛利语的2. Polynesian [?p?l?'ni:z??n] n. 波利尼西亚人;波利尼西亚语adj. 波利尼西亚的;波利尼亚人(语)的3. arrive [?'ra?v] v. 到达4. over ['??v?(r)] prep. 多于5. war [w??(r)] n. 战争;斗争6. population [?p?pju'le??n] n. 人口7. culture ['k?lt??(r)] n. 文化;教养8. ceremony ['ser?m?ni] n. 仪式;礼节;典礼9. yearly ['j??li] adj. 每年的adv. 每年地;一年一次地10. among [?'m??] prep. 在……之中11. competition [?k?mp?'t??n] n. 竞争;比赛12. practice ['pr?kt ?s] v. 操练n. 操练13. win [w?n] v. 赢;赢得;胜利U8The Polynesians1. explorer [?k?spl?:r?(r)] v. 探险家2. current [?k?r?nt] n. 水流3. shell [?el] n. 外壳■ t i ; r4. Mongol [?m??g?l] n. 蒙古族5. toward [t?'w?:d] prep. 向;对着6. reach [ri:t ?] v. 到达7. invention [?n?venn?] n. 发明8. sailor [se?l?(r)] n. 水手9. canoe [k??nu: ] n. 独木舟A Giraffe in Central Asia1. leader [?li:d?(r)] n. 领袖2. ruler [?ru:l?(r)] n. 统治者3. gift [g?ft] n. 礼物;天赋4. ambassador [?m?b?s?d?(r)] n. 大使5. jewelry ['d?u:?lr?] n. 珠宝;首饰6. gold [g??ld] n. 金子7. silver [?s?lv?(r)] n. 银子8. suppose [s??p??z] n. 认为;假定9. pleased [pli:zd] n. 高兴的10. Cairo ['ka??r??] n. 开罗(埃及首都)11. Samarkand [?s?m??k?nd] n. 撒马尔罕(乌兹别克东部城市)The First Woman on Mount Qomolangma1. Qomolangma [?t??im?u?la : ?m?]n.珠穆朗玛2. mountain [?ma?nt?n] n. 山脉3. Nepal [n?'p?:l] n. 尼泊尔(南亚国家)4. organize [??:g?na?z] v. 组织; 安排5. avalanche [??v?l a :n]? n. 雪崩6. injure [??nd??(r)] v. 损害; 伤害(名誉、自尊等)7. be able to8. ordinary [??:dnri] adj. 普通的; 一般的9. goal [g??l] n. 球门; 目标10. environment [?n?var?nm?nt]n. 环境The Iditarod Race1. Iditarod n. 艾迪塔罗德2. trail [tre?l] n. 踪迹3. team [ti?m] n. 队;组4. adventurer [?d'vent??r?(r)] n. 冒险者5. musher ['m???(r)] n. 赶狗拉雪橇的人6. brave [bre?v] adj. 勇敢的7. storm [st??m] n. 暴风雨8. knee [ni?] n. 膝盖9. below [b?'l??] prep. 低于;在•……下面10. footprint ['f ?tpr?nt] n. 脚印11. shoot [?u?t] v. 发射12. Celsius ['selsi?s] n. 摄氏Sailing Alone 1. supply [s??pla?] n. 供给物2. equipment [??kw ?pm?nt] n. 设备3. problem ['pr?bl?m] n. 问题;难题4. engine ['end??n] n. 引擎5. quit [kw ?t] v. 退出6. electricity [??lek'tr?s?ti] n. 电7. communicate [k ?'mju?nk?e?t] v. 交流8. destination [?dest'?ne??n] n. 目的地9. San Francisco [s?n fr?n'sisk ?u]n. 旧金山10. contact [?k?nt?kt] v. n. 接触11. expect [?k?spekt] v. 期望。

中学生百科英语1-U3-L2 - The Water Hyacinth

中学生百科英语1-U3-L2 - The Water Hyacinth

U3 - Plants: Lesson 2 - The Water HyacinthThe water hyacint h grows in tropical countries. It has beautiful purple-blue flowers, but everybody hates it. Why?Millions and millions of these plants grow in rivers and lakes. Sometimes the plants become so thick that people can walk on them. People cannot travel in boats on the water, and they cannot fish in it. The plants stop the water from moving. Then the water carries diseases. Farmers cannot use the water on their land.Now scientists think that water hyacinths can be useful. The plants are really a free crop. No one has to take care of them. They just grow and grow and grow. What can farmers use them for?Some fish like to eat them. Farmers can grow these fish in the lakes and rivers.Workers can collect and cut the plants with machines. Then they can make fertilizer to make their crops grow better. They can also make feed for their farm animals.Maybe it will be possible to make methane gas (CH) for energy. (We burn gas from petroleum for energy. Methane gas can be made from plants.) Then poor tropical countries will not have to buy so much expensive petroleum. Maybe in the future people will love the water hyacinth instead of hating it. (209 words)中学生百科英语1-第三单元Plants第1页共1页。



U1-Animal : Lesson 2 - The CamelThe camel can go without water for a long time.Some people think it stores water in its hump. This is not true. It stores food in its hump. The camel's body changes the food into fat. Then the fat is stored in the hump. A camel cannot store the fat all over its body.Fat all over an animal's body keeps the animal warm.Camels live in the desert. They do not want to be warm during the day.The desert is very hot. The camel gets hotter and hotter during the day. It stores this heat in its body because the nights are cool.The Arabian camel has one hump. The Bactrian camel of Central Asia has two humps. It also has long, thick hair, because the winters are cold in Central Asia.There is a lot of sand in the desert. The camel has long eyelashes. The eyelashes keep the sand out of the camel's eyes.Arabic has about 150 words to describe a camel.Many people who speak Arabic need all these words because the camel is very important to them.(185 words)中学生百科英语1-第一单元Animal 1。



中学生百科英语第一册Unit 1: Introduction to English1.1 The AlphabetThe English alphabet consists of 26 letters. These letters are divided into two categories: vowels and consonants. Vowels are the letters A, E, I, O, and U. Consonants are all the other letters.1.2 VowelsVowels are important in English because they are the sounds that give words their meaning. For example, the word "cat" has three letters: C, A, and T. The vowel "A" is what makes the word "cat" different from the word "cot" or "cut."1.3 ConsonantsConsonants are the letters that are not vowels. They are important because they help us to pronounce words correctly. For example, the word "dog" has three letters: D, O, and G. The consonants "D" and "G" are what make the word "dog" different from the word "dog" or "dot."1.4 Pronunciation1.5 Simple PhrasesUnit 2: Greetings and Introductions2.1 Greetings2.2 Introductions2.3 Responding to GreetingsWhen someone greets you, it is important to respond politely. You can simply say, "Hello" or "Hi" back. If someone says "Good morning," you can respond with "Good morning" as well. It is also polite to ask how the other person is doing, saying, "How are you?" or "How's it going?"2.4 FarewellsIn conclusion, this unit focuses on greetings and introductions in English. We have learned different ways to greet someone, how to introduce ourselves and others, and how to respond to greetings. By the end of this unit, you will be able to greet and introduce yourself in English, as well as respond to greetings in a polite manner.Unit 3: Basic Grammar3.1 Nouns3.2 VerbsA verb is a word that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being. For example, "run," "eat," "sleep," and "be" are all verbs. Verbs can be categorized as action verbs (e.g., "run") or state verbs (e.g., "be").3.3 Pronouns3.4 AdjectivesAn adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. For example, "big," "happy," "blue," and "beautiful" are alladjectives. Adjectives add detail and description to sentences, making them more vivid and interesting.3.5 AdverbsAn adverb is a word that describes a verb, adjective, or another adverb. For example, "quickly," "happily," "very," and "always" are all adverbs. Adverbs provide additional information about how, when, where, or to what extent an action is performed.3.6 Sentences。

中学生百科英语1-U2-L3 - Why Is the Sea Salty

中学生百科英语1-U2-L3 - Why Is the Sea Salty

U2- How? Why?: Lesson 3 - Why Is the Sea Salty?There is a lot of salt on the Earth, and it mixes very well with water.There is some salt in all water. Water on the land runs into lakes and rivers. The water from most lakes goes into rivers. These rivers run into the seas and oceans. They carry a little salt with them. Some of the ocean water moves into the air and clouds. It evaporates. Salt cannot evaporate. It stays in the ocean.The water in the oceans has more salt than the water in rivers. Ocean water is about 3.5% (three and a half percent) salt. Some seas have more salt than others.Some lakes do not have a river to carry the water and salt away. Some of the water evaporates, but the salt cannot. These lakes are very salty. There are two famous lakes like this. They are the Dead Sea in the Middle East and the Great Salt Lake in the state of Utah in the United States. They are much saltier than the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.中学生百科英语1-第二单元How? Why? 1。



中学生百科英语1-U2-L1-WhyDoWeYawnU2 - How? Why?: Lesson 1 - Why Do We Yawn?Bears yawn. Camels yawn. Most mammals yawn. Why do we yawn? No one really knows the answer.We do know that everyone yawns in the same way. First you open your mouth slowly. Your mouth stays open for about five seconds. Then you quickly close your mouth.We also know that yawning is contagious, or catching. When you see someone yawn, you yawn, too. Many people say that they yawn because they are bored or tired. This might be true. However, we know that people also yawn when they are excited or nervous. Olympic runners, for example, often yawn before a race. Why is that?Some scientists believe that yawning makes you more alert. When you yawn, you breathe more deeply. You also stretch the muscles in your face and neck. Maybe this makes you feel more alert.Scientists don't spend much time studying yawning. That is probably because yawning doesn't hurt. It is just something we do. (158 words)中学生百科英语1-第二单元How? Why? 1。



中学生百科英语1第2单元第二课到第4单元第一课文章翻译Lesson 1 Music and Behavior昨天你去哪了?你听到这些地方的音乐吗?有一个很好的改变,你没有。



















Lesson 2 Blues and Jazz来自欧洲和美国人民作为奴隶的非洲人和美洲之前,在十九世纪。









通常情况下,他或她失去了一些东西- 一个人或者金钱或工作。




一些著名音乐家的忧郁在贝西史密斯,约翰李胡克,和BB King。








中学生百科英语(第一册)词汇学习手册Unit OneLesson1Kiwi/'kiːwiː/ n. 鹬(yu)鸵,又名几维鸟,是一种生活在新西兰常绿森林中的不会飞的鸟,属于新西兰特产,也是新西兰的国鸟及象征。



only /'əʊnlɪ/ adv. 仅仅,只;strange /streɪndʒ/ adj. 奇怪的,陌生的;fly /flaɪ/ vi.飞行;vt.放飞(风筝等),驾驶(飞机);n.苍蝇;size/saɪz / n. 尺寸,大小;wing /wɪŋ/ n. 翅膀;tail /teɪl / n. 尾巴;feather /'feðə/ n. 羽毛;beak /biːk/ n. 鸟嘴;during/'djʊərɪŋ / prep. 在…期间;hurt /hɜːt / vt. 伤害,使受伤;smell /smel / vi. 闻,嗅;n. 气味;government/'gʌvənmənt/ n. 政府;kill /kɪl / vt. 杀死;Lesson2camel /'kæməl/ n. 骆驼;store/stɔː/ n. (美)商店;vt. 储存;同义表达:keep,hump /hʌmp/ n. 驼峰;all over 到处,遍及;同义表达:around; everywhere on,desert /'dezət/ n. 沙漠;/dɪ'zɜːt/ vt. 遗弃;放弃;词形比较:de ss ert /dɪ'zɜːt / n. 餐后甜点;甜点心; heat/hiːt/ n.热量;vt. 给加热;词形转换:hot adj. 热的,炎热的;cool/kuːl/ adj. 凉爽的;很酷的;同义表达:a little cold,also /'ɔːlsəʊ/ adv. 也;而且;同义表达:too,either,as well,thick/θɪk/ adj. 厚的;浓的;eyelash /'aɪlæʃ/ n. 睫毛;about/ə'baʊt / prep. 大约;关于;同义表达:more or less,describe/dɪ'skraɪb/ vt. 描述,描写;Lesson3 polar bear 北极熊;north /nɔːθ/ adj.北方的;n.北方;south/saʊθ/ adj.南方的;n.南方;pole/pəʊl/ n. 极;极点;snow/snəʊ/ n.雪;vi. 下雪;ice /aɪs / n. 冰;vt.结冰;warm / wɔːm / adj. 温暖的;weigh / weɪ/ vt. 称重;weight n. 重量;wide/waɪd / adj. 宽的,广泛的,广阔的;width /wɪdθ/ n. 宽度;swim /swɪm / vi. 游泳;(过去式swam,过去分词swum,现在分词swimming);catch/kætʃ / vt. 抓住,赶上;了解;(过去式和过去分词caught;现在分词catching)afraid /ə'freɪd/ adj. 恐怕的,害怕的;常见搭配:be afraid of, be afraid +从句;the United States美国;(全称the United States of America, 缩略式USA或US)Russia/'rʌʃə / n. 俄罗斯;Russian adj. 俄国的;n.俄国人,俄语;Lesson4hippopotamus / ,hɪpə'pɒtəmə/ n. 河马(=hippo);mammal /'mæməl / n. 哺乳动物;alive /ə'laɪv/ adj. 活着的;有活力的;(比较级more alive,最高级most alive)large /lɑːdʒ/ adj. 大的,大号的;同义表达:big,huge;stomach /'stʌmək / n. 胃;腹部;plant /plɑːnt/ n.植物;vt.种植;培养;spend /spend / vt. 花费;度过(假期);常见搭配:sb. spend … on sth.或sb spend … (in) doing sth.beside / bɪ'saɪd/ prep. 在… 旁边;在旁边;同义表达:at the side of,lake /leɪk / n. 湖;stay /sdei / vt. 停留;保持;high /haɪ/ adj. 高的;(比较级higher,最高级highest);above /ə'bʌv / prep. 在…上面;adv. 在上面;同义表达:over,breathe /briːð/ vt. 呼吸;breath /breθ / n. 呼吸;Lesson5dolphin /'dɒlfɪn / n. 海豚;sound / saʊnd / n. 声音;show /ʃəʊ/ vt.显示,说明;出示;travel /'trævəl/ vt.旅行;n.旅行;(过去式和过去分词traveled或-elled;现在分词traveling或-elling)feelings /'fiːlɪŋz/ n. 感情,group /gruːp / n.小组,团体;同义表达:three or more people or animals,together /tə'geðə/ adv. 一起,同时;altogether adv. 总共;完全地;scientist /'saɪəntɪst/n. 科学家;lonely /'ləʊnlɪ / adj. 寂寞的;alone adv.独自地;单独地;save / seɪv/ vt.挽救;储蓄;节约;luck /lʌk / n. 运气,幸运;lucky adj. 幸运的;believe /bɪ'liːv/ vt. 相信,认为;代词代词分为人称代词、物主代词、疑问代词、反身代词、不定代词等。



U1-Animal : Lesson5 - The DolphinCan dolphins talk? Maybe they can't talk with words, but they talk with sounds. They show their feelings with sounds.Dolphins travel in a group. We call a group of fish a "school." They don't study, but they travel together. Dolphins are mammals, not fish, but they swim together in a school.Dolphins talk to the other dolphins in the school. They give information. They tell when they are happy or sad or afraid. They say "Welcome" when a dolphin comes back to the school. They talk when they play.They make a few sounds above water. They make many more sounds under water. People cannot hear these sounds because the sounds are very, very high. Scientists make tapes of the sounds and study them.Sometimes people catch dolphins for a large aquarium. (An aquarium is a zoo for fish.) People can watch the dolphins in a show. Dolphins don't like to be away from their school in an aquarium. They are sad and lonely.There are many stories about dolphins. They help people. Sometimes they save somebody's life. Dolphin meat is good, but people don't like to kill them. They say that dolphins bring good luck. Many people believe this. (201 words)中学生百科英语1-第一单元Animal 1。

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Unit one Lesson one: The kiwi第一单元,第一课:无翼鸟The kiwi lives only in NewZealand. It is very strange bird .Because it can not fly.The kiwi is the same size as a chicken.It has no wings or tail.It does not have feathers like other birds.It feathers look like hair.Each foot has four toes.It's beak is very long. A kiwi likes to have a lot of trees around it. It sleeps during the day.Because sunlight hurts its eyes.It can smell things very well.It smells things better than most birds do.The kiwis eggs are very big.There're only a few kiwis in New Zealand now. People do not often see them. The government says that people can not kill kiwis. New Zealanders want their kiwis to live.There is a picture of a kiwi in New Zealand money. People from New Zealand sometimes called "kiwis".无翼鸟住在新西兰,它是一只很奇怪的鸟,因为,它不会飞,无翼鸟跟小鸡的大小相同,它没有翅膀,也没有尾巴,它没有像别的鸟一样的尾巴,它的羽毛看起来很像头发,每只脚都有4个脚指头,它的嘴巴很长。






第一单元第四课河马The hippopotamus河马住在非洲的热的部分,它是哺乳动物,也就是说,它的孩子们生下来是活的,而且,它们喝妈妈身上的牛奶。

The hippopotamus, or hippo, lives in the hot part of Africa, it’s a mammal, that is, its babies are born alive, and they drink milk from their mother’s body.河马是一个很大的动物,河马的重量有四吨,它的胃是7米长,它只吃植物,河马是哺乳动物,但是,它花费很多时间在水里。

The hippopotamus is a large animal. A hippo weighs four tons. Its stomach is seven meters long, it eats only plants. A hippo is a mammal, but, it spends a lot of time in the water.在白天,它睡在河边或睡在湖边,有时,它醒来,然后,它去水底下,得到一些植物当做美餐,它能够闭上鼻子,在水底下呆十分钟,它的耳朵、眼睛和鼻子,都在它头上高的地方。


During the day, it sleeps beside a river or a lake. Sometimes, it wakes up. Then it goes under the water to get some plants for food. It can close its nose and stay under water for ten minutes. Its ears, eyes and nose, are high up on its head. It can stay with it’s body under the water, only its ears, eyes and nose above the water, then it can breathe the air.在晚上,河马走在陆地上,而且,寻找食物。

它从不去远离水的地方At night, hippo walks on the land and looks for food. It never goes very far from the water.一个小河马,经常站立在妈妈的背上,妈妈在水底下寻找食物,小河马骑在她的背上,在水上。

A baby hippo often stands on its mother’s back, the mother looks for food under the water, the baby hippo rides on her back above the water.第一单元第五课海豚The Dolphin海豚会说话吗?可能它们不会用语言说话,但是它们可以用声音说话,它们用声音来表达它们的感情。

Can dolphins talk? Maybe they can’t talk with words, but they can talk with sounds. They show their feelings with sounds.海豚成群结队的去旅行。


Dolphins travel in a group. We call a group of fish “a school”. They don’t study, but they travel together. Dolphins are mammals, not fish, but they swim together in the school.海豚跟在学校里其他的海豚说话。


Dolphins talk to the other dolphins in the school. They give information, they tell when they are happy or sad or afraid, they say “welcome” when a dolphin comes back to the school, they talk when they play.它们在水上面弄出一些声音。



They make a few sounds above water. They make many more sounds under water. People can’t hear these sounds because the sounds are very very high. Scientists make tapes of sounds and study these tapes.有时人们抓到海豚放在很大的水族馆(一个水族馆是个鱼的动物园),人们看演出能够看见海豚。


Sometimes people catch dolphins for a large aquarium( an aquarium is a zoo for fish”. People can watch dolphins in a show. Dolphins don’t like to be away from their school in the aquarium. They are very sad and lonely.有很多关于海豚的故事,它们帮助过人们。



There are many stories about dolphins. They help people. Sometimes they save somebody’s life. Dolphin meat is very good, but people don’t like to kill dolphins. They say dolphins bring good luck, many people believe this.二单元第一课我们为什么打哈欠Why do we yawn?熊打哈欠,骆驼打哈欠,很多哺乳动物也打哈欠。


Bears yawn, camels yawn, most mammals yawn. Why do we yawn.? No one really knows the answer.我们知道每一个人打哈欠的方法都是一样的,首先你慢慢的张开嘴巴,你的嘴巴继续张开5秒钟,然后你很快的闭上你的嘴巴。

We know that everyone yawns in the same way. First you open your mouth slowly. Your mouth stays open for about five minutes , then you close your mouth quickly.我们知道打哈欠是有传染性的或者易传染。


这可能是真的,然而我们知道当人们兴奋或者紧张不安的时候他们也会打哈欠,参加奥运会跑步项目的运动员,比如说在赛跑之前运动员经常会打哈欠,为什么呢?We also know that, yawning is contagious or catching. When you see someone yawn, you also yawn, many people say that they yawn because they are very bored, or tired. This might be true. However we know that people also yawn, when they are excited or nervous, Olympic runners, for example, often yawn before a race. Why is that?许多科学家认为打哈欠让你更加警觉。
