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世界性的能源危机和环境污染催生了电力行业对新能源的需求。随着负荷的快速增长。当今社会对电力供应的质量和安全可靠性提出了更高的要求。基于新能源开发利用的分布式发电技术成为了电力工业一个新的研究热点。由于分式电源的引入,电源的节点类型出现了PQ、PI、PV、PQ(V)节点,传统的牛顿拉夫逊算法已不再适用,本文提出了一种改进的前推回代算法。首先,分析了分布式电源的工作原理和运行方式,并根据它们并网的特点分别建立各自的数学模型;其次,对分布式电源并网时归为哪一类节点进行了理论分析,并对不同类型的分布式电源进行等效处理。在IEEE 33系统中进行了实例计算,计算数据表明本文提出的算法能够统一处理各种分布式电源。


Power Flow Algorithm for Distribution Network with Distributed Generations


The worldwide energy crisis and the environmental pollution have made great contribution to the demands of new energy, especially in the power industry. With the rapid growth of the load, nowadays, the better quality, more safety and reliability of power supply are required. Based on the development and utilization of new energy, DGs(Distributed Generators) technologies become a new hotspot in the power industry. Because the introducing of a large number of DGs, the node type of the power appears PQ, PI, PV, PQ(V). so research of back/forward sweep algorithm in radical electric power was my job. Firstly, the working principle and operation mode of DGs is analyzed. According to the characteristics of DGs when they are connected to the grid, it establish their mathematical models in power flow. Secondly, through theory analyses of the every DGs connection with grid and decide they belong to which kind, and this paper give equivalent processes to different types of DGs. For the PV node, processing method is based on iterative voltage invariance and its active power invariance, in order to solve the PV node injection current. At last this paper uses back/forward sweep algorithm to calculate power flow and carries out the simulation with IEEE 33 test system. The simulation data shows that the proposed algorithm will be united to deal with a variety of DGs.

Keywords Distributed Generations, distribution network, Power flow calculation, Back/forward sweep algorithm


摘要...................................................................................................................... I Abstract.............................................................................................................. II 第1章绪论. (5)

1.1 课题研究背景 (5)

1.2 含分布式电源的配电网研究的现状 (6)

1.2.1 分布式电源的发展及应用概况 (6)

1.2.2 分布式电源的潮流算法研究现状 (7)

1.3 本文主要内容 (9)

第2章各种分布式电源的建模 (10)

2.1 太阳能光伏发电 (10)

2.1.1 光伏发电的工作原理 (10)

2.1.2 光伏发电的模型 (11)

2.2 燃料电池 (13)

2.2.1燃料电池的工作原理 (14)

2.2.2 燃料电池的模型 (14)

2.3 风力发电 (15)

2.3.1 风力发电的工作原理 (15)

2.3.2 风力发电的模型 (15)

2.4 微型燃气轮机 (17)

2.4.1 微型燃气轮机的工作原理 (17)

2.4.2 微型燃气轮机的模型 (18)

2.5 分布式电源的节点类型分析 (18)

第3章分布式电源的模拟 (19)

3.1 PQ恒定型分布式电源 (19)

3.2 PI恒定型分布式电源 (19)

3.3 PQ(V)分布式电源 (19)

3.4 PV恒定型分布式电源 (20)

3.4.1 PV节点补偿电流计算........................................ 错误!未定义书签。

3.5 分布式电源的处理方法 (21)

第4章含分布式电源的配电网潮流计算方法 (22)

4.1 辐射状配电网的前推回代法潮流计算 (22)

4.2 配电网潮流计算步骤 (23)

4.3 算例分析 (32)

4.3.1 算例介绍 (32)
