

MDK-ARM - Release Notes

MDK-ARM - Release Notes

Release Notes forMicrocontroller Development KitThis file contains release notes and last m inute changes.Information in this file, the accompany manuals, and software isCopyright © 2014 ARM Ltd and ARM Germany GmbH.All rights reserved.Contents1. What's New in the Microcontroller Developm ent Kit2. Exam ple Program s3. Device Database™4. Peripheral Sim ulation5. Technical Support6. Contact DetailsThe Microcontroller Development Kit (MDK-ARM) supports software developm ent for and debugging of ARM7,ARM9, Cortex-M, and Cortex-R4 processor-based devices. A detailed description of MDK-ARM can be found in the section Complete User's Guide Selection of the µVision window Books. The Getting Started User's Guide is a good introduction to the m ain concepts of MDK-ARM and gives guidelines for program m ing ARM devices.What's New in the Microcontroller Development KitThe next sections list the changes for each release of the MDK-ARM toolset.Microcontroller Development Kit - Version 4.74[µVision]This MDK-ARM release is delivered with µVision V4.74.0.22 IDE.[Middleware][ARM Middleware][TCPnet]Corrected: corrected file upload failure in FTP client.[FlashFS]Corrected: the FAT file nam e processing in FlashFS (filenam es with leading '.' were not listed). Thelibrary version 4.74 includes the corrected FTP server interface module.Corrected: overlap bug in fcheck() function for EFS.[Segger Graphic Library]Updated: Segger emWin graphic library version 5.24b in folder ..\ARM\Segger\emWin\.[Device Simulation]Added: param eter -MULS to the Cortex-M0 sim ulator, which configures Multiplier Im plem entation type as"Small"(32-cycle iterative multiplier).Corrected: behaviour of sim ulation when executing DCW instruction.[Target debugging]Updated: Segger J-Link driver for ARM devices to version 4.76d.Updated: J-Link USB Driver Installer to support CDC.Updated: support for ST-Link USB-JTAG debugger. The ST-LINKIII-KEIL_SWO.dll MDK driver in folder..\ARM\STLink\ has been updated to version[CMSIS]Updated to CMSIS 4.0 including:CMSIS-CORE3.30 (updated).CMSIS-DSP1.4.2 (updated).CMSIS-RTOS-API1.02.CMSIS-SVD1.1.[Board Support]NXP SemiconductorsAdded: Blinky and RTX_Blinky exam ples for MCB1500 starter kit, based on LPC1549 device.[New Supported Devices]AtmelSAMG51G18, SAMG51N18, SAMG53G19, SAMG53N19,SAM4CP16B, SAM4CMP16C CM4P0, SAM4CMP16C CM4P1, SAM4CMP8C CM4P0, SAM4CMP8C CM4P1,SAM4CMS16C CM4P0, SAM4CMS16C CM4P1, SAM4CMS8C CM4P0, SAM4CMS8C CM4P1,SAMD21E15A, SAMD21E16A, SAMD21E17A, SAMD21E18A,SAMD21G16A, SAMD21G17A, SAMD21G18A,SAMD21J16A, SAMD21J18A, SAMD21J16A,SAMR21E16A, SAMR21E17A, SAMR21E18A,SAMR21G16A, SAMR21G17A, and SAMR21G18A.CypressCY8C4013SXI-411, CY8C4013LQI-411, CY8C4013SXI-400, CY8C4013SXI-410,CY8C4014LQI-421, CY8C4014LQI-412, CY8C4014SXI-411, CY8C4014SXI-421,CY8C4014LQI-422, CY8C4014LQI-SLT1, and CY8C4014LQI-SLT2.Freescale SemiconductorSKEAZ128xxx4, SKEAZ64xxx4, SKEAZN8xxx4, SKEAZN16xxx2, SKEAZN32xxx2, SKEAZN64xxx2,MKE04Z8xxx4, MKE02Z16xxx2, MKE02Z32xxx2, and MKE02Z64xxx2.NXPLPC1517, LPC1518, LPC1519, LPC1547, LPC1548, and LPC1549.SpansionS6E1A11B0A, S6E1A11C0A, S6E1A12B0A, and S6E1A12C0A.STMicroelectronicsSTM32F401CD, STM32F401RD, STM32F401VD, STM32F401CE, STM32F401RE, STM32F401VE, andSTM32L162RD.Texas InstrumentsTM4C123GH6ZXR, TM4C1290NCPDT, TM4C1290NCZAD, TM4C1292NCPDT, TM4C1292NCZAD,TM4C1294KCPDT, TM4C1294NCPDT, TM4C1294NCZAD, TM4C1299KCZAD, TM4C129CNCPDT,TM4C129CNCZAD,TM4C129DNCPDT, TM4C129DNCZAD, TM4C129EKCPDT, TM4C129ENCPDT, TM4C129ENCZAD, andTM4C129XNCZAD.Microcontroller Development Kit - Version 4.73[µVision]This MDK-ARM release is delivered with µVision V4.73.0.0 IDE.Corrected: issue when pressing the F7-Key, which started a rebuild of the project. New: pressing the F7-key builds only the changed files.[Middleware][ARM Middleware][TCPnet]Added: user-configurable character encoding in HTTP Server service. The function http_encoding()optionally changes the default character encoding in the browser to support various national charactersets.Corrected: TCP socket closing problem in half-open connection state.[USB Device and USB Host]Corrected: USB Device audio library to support sam ples of size different then 2^n (in bytes).[Segger Graphic Library]Updated: Segger emWin graphic library version 5.22a in folder ..\ARM\Segger\emWin\.[New Supported Devices]AtmelSAM4LC8A, SAM4LC8B, SAM4LC8C, SAM4LS8A, SAM4LS8B, SAM4LS8C,SAM4S2A, SAM4S2B, SAM4S2C, SAM4S4A, SAM4S4B, and SAM4S4C.CypressCY8C4124AXI-443, CY8C4124LQI-443, CY8C4124PVI-432, CY8C4124PVI-442, CY8C4125AXI-473,CY8C4125AXI-483, CY8C4125LQI-483, CY8C4125PVI-482, CY8C4244AXI-443, CY8C4244LQI-443,CY8C4244PVI-432, CY8C4244PVI-442, CY8C4245AXI-473, CY8C4245AXI-483,CY8C4245LQI-483, and CY8C4245PVI-482.Energy MicroEFM32ZG108F4, EFM32ZG108F8, EFM32ZG108F16, EFM32ZG108F32,EFM32ZG110F4, EFM32ZG110F8, EFM32ZG110F16, EFM32ZG110F32,EFM32ZG210F4, EFM32ZG210F8, EFM32ZG210F16, EFM32ZG210F32,EFM32ZG222F4, EFM32ZG222F8, EFM32ZG222F16, and EFM32ZG222F32.Freescale SemiconductorMK24FN1M0xxx12, MK63FN1M0xxx12, MK64FN1M0xxx12, and MK64FX512xxx12.HoltekHT32F1655 and HT32F1656.InfineonXMC1100-8, XMC1100-16, XMC1100-32,XMC1201-16, XMC1201-32, XMC1201-64, XMC1201-200,XMC1202-16, XMC1202-32, XMC1301-8, XMC1301-16, XMC1301-32,XMC1302-8, XMC1302-16, XMC1302-32, and XMC1302-64.NXP (founded by Philips)LPC11E37/401, LPC1125, LPC4312, LPC4312 CM0, LPC4313, LPC4313 CM0, LPC4315,LPC4315 CM0, LPC4317, LPC4317 CM0, LPC4322, LPC4322 CM0,LPC4323, LPC4323 CM0, LPC4325, LPC4325 CM0, LPC4327,LPC4327 CM0, LPC4333, LPC4333 CM0, LPC4337, and LPC4337 CM0.SpansionMB9AF121K, MB9AF121L, MB9AF131M, MB9AF131N, MB9AF132M, MB9AF132N,MB9AF421K, MB9AF421L, MB9AFA41L, MB9AFA41M, MB9AFA41N,MB9AFA42L, MB9AFA42M, MB9AFA42N, MB9AFA44L, MB9AFA44M,MB9AFA44N, MB9BF102N, MB9BF102R, MB9BF112N, MB9BF114N,MB9BF115N, MB9BF116N, MB9BF128S, MB9BF128T, MB9BF129S,MB9BF129T, MB9BF166M, MB9BF166N, MB9BF166R, MB9BF167M,MB9BF167N, MB9BF167R, MB9BF168M, MB9BF168N, MB9BF168R,MB9BF328S, MB9BF328T, MB9BF329S, MB9BF329T, MB9BF366M,MB9BF366N, MB9BF366R, MB9BF367M, MB9BF367N, MB9BF367R,MB9BF368M, MB9BF368N, MB9BF368R, MB9BF412N, MB9BF414N, MB9BF415N,MB9BF416N, MB9BF428S, MB9BF428T, MB9BF429S, MB9BF429T,MB9BF466M, MB9BF466N, MB9BF466R, MB9BF467M, MB9BF467N, MB9BF467R,MB9BF468M, MB9BF468N, MB9BF468R, MB9BF528S, MB9BF528T, MB9BF529S,MB9BF529T, MB9BF566M, MB9BF566N, MB9BF566R,MB9BF567M, MB9BF567N, MB9BF567R,MB9BF568M, MB9BF568N, and MB9BF568R.STMicroelectronicsSTM32F030C6, STM32F030C8, STM32F030F4, STM32F030K6, STM32F030R8, STM32F401CB, STM32F401CC, STM32F401RB, STM32F401RC, STM32F401VB, STM32F401VC,STM32L100C6, STM32L100R8, STM32L100RB, STM32L100RC, STM32L151CC,STM32L151UC, STM32L152CC, STM32L162RC, STM32L162VC, STM32F071CB,STM32F071RB, STM32F071VB, STM32F072C8, STM32F072R8, STM32F072RB,STM32F072VB, STM32F078CB, STM32F078VB, STM32L151C6xxA, STM32L151C8xxA,STM32L151CBxxA, STM32L151R6xxA, STM32L151R8xxA, STM32L151RBxxA,STM32L151V8xxA, STM32L151VBxxA, STM32L152C6xxA, STM32L152C8xxA,STM32L152CBxxA, STM32L152R6xxA, STM32L152R8xxA, STM32L152RBxxA,STM32L152V8xxA, and STM32L152VBxxA.Texas InstrumentsCC2538NF11, CC2538NF23, CC2538NF53, CC2538SF23, CC2538SF53,TM4C1297NCZAD, TM4C1299NCZAD, and TM4C129LNCZAD.ToshibaTMPM462F10FG, TMPM462F10XBG, TMPM462F15FG, and TMPM462F15XBG.[Device Support]AtmelAdded: System Viewer file for SAM9M10 devices, in folder ..\ARM\SFD\Atmel\SAM9M10\.[CMSIS support]AtmelAdded: suppport for SAM4C devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Atmel\SAM4C\,..\ARM\Startup\Atmel\SAM4C\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Atmel\SAM4C\.Added: suppport for SAM4L8 devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Atmel\SAM4L\,..\ARM\Startup\Atmel\SAM4L\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Atmel\SAM4L\.CypressAdded: suppport for Cypress CY8C42xx devices, in folder ..\ARM\Startup\Cypress\.EnergyMicroAdded: suppport for EFM32ZG devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\EnergyMicro\EFM32ZG\,..\ARM\Startup\EnergyMicro\EFM32ZG\, and ..\ARM\SFD\EnergyMicro\EFM32ZG\.Fujitsu SemiconductorAdded: suppport for MB9B520T devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Fujitsu\MB9B520T\,..\ARM\Startup\Fujitsu\MB9B520T\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Fujitsu\MB9B520T\.Added: suppport for MB9B420T devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Fujitsu\MB9B420T\,..\ARM\Startup\Fujitsu\MB9B420T\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Fujitsu\MB9B420T\.Added: suppport for MB9B320T devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Fujitsu\MB9B320T\,..\ARM\Startup\Fujitsu\MB9B320T\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Fujitsu\MB9B320T\.Added: suppport for MB9B120T devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Fujitsu\MB9B120T\,..\ARM\Startup\Fujitsu\MB9B120T\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Fujitsu\MB9B120T\.Added: suppport for MB9A420L devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Fujitsu\MB9A420L\,..\ARM\Startup\Fujitsu\MB9A420L\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Fujitsu\MB9A420L\.Added: suppport for MB9A120L devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Fujitsu\MB9A120L\,..\ARM\Startup\Fujitsu\MB9A120L\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Fujitsu\MB9A120L\.Added: suppport for MB9AA40NA devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Fujitsu\MB9AA40NA\,..\ARM\Startup\Fujitsu\MB9AA40NA\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Fujitsu\MB9AA40NA\.Added: suppport for MB9A130N devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Fujitsu\MB9A130N\,..\ARM\Startup\Fujitsu\MB9A130N\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Fujitsu\MB9A130N\.Added: suppport for MB9B410R devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Fujitsu\MB9B410R\,..\ARM\Startup\Fujitsu\MB9B410R\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Fujitsu\MB9B410R\.Added: suppport for MB9B110R devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Fujitsu\MB9B110R\,..\ARM\Startup\Fujitsu\MB9B110R\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Fujitsu\MB9B110R\.Added: suppport for MB9B160R devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Fujitsu\MB9B160R\,..\ARM\Startup\Fujitsu\MB9B160R\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Fujitsu\MB9B160R\.Added: suppport for MB9B360R devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Fujitsu\MB9B360R\,..\ARM\Startup\Fujitsu\MB9B360R\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Fujitsu\MB9B360R\.Added: suppport for MB9B460R devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Fujitsu\MB9B460R\,..\ARM\Startup\Fujitsu\MB9B460R\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Fujitsu\MB9B460R\.Added: suppport for MB9B560R devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Fujitsu\MB9B560R\,..\ARM\Startup\Fujitsu\MB9B560R\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Fujitsu\MB9B560R\.NXP (founded by Philips)Added: suppport for LPC112x devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\NXP\LPC112x\,..\ARM\Startup\NXP\LPC112x \, and ..\ARM\SFD\NXP\LPC112x\.STMicroelectronicsAdded: suppport for STM32L1xx Value Line Devices devices, in folder..\ARM\SFD\ST\STM32L1xx\.Added: suppport for STM32F030 devices, in folders ..\ARM\Startup\ST\STM32F0xx\ and..\ARM\SFD\ST\STM32F0xx\.Texas InstrumentsAdded: suppport for TI CC2538 devices, in folder ..\ARM\SFD\TI\CC2538\.[Flash programming]AtmelAdded: ATSAM4L_512.FLM flash program m ing algorithm for Atmel SAM4L8 based devices in folder ..\ARM\Flash\.CypressAdded: CY8C42xx.FLM flash program m ing algorithm for Cypress CY8C42xx devices, in folder..\ARM\Flash\.Fujitsu SemiconductorAdded: MB9B560_1024.FLM and MB9B560_WORK32.FLM flash program m ing algorithm s for Fujitsu MB9B160R, MB9B360R, MB9B460R, and MB9B560R based devices in folder ..\ARM\Flash\.Added: MB9B520T_1024.FLM, MB9B520T_1536.FLM, and MB9B520T_ROM1.FLM flash program m ing algorithm s for Fujitsu MB9B120T based devices in folder ..\ARM\Flash\.Added: MB9A420L_64.FLM flash program m ing algorithm s for Fujitsu MB9A120L based devices in folder ..\ARM\Flash\.NXP (founded by Philips)Added: LPC18xx43xx_384_BA.FLM and LPC18xx43xx_384_BB.FLM flash program m ing algorithm for NXP KPC43xx devices, in folder ..\ARM\Flash\.STMicroelectronicsAdded: STM32F4xx_128.FLM and STM32F4xx_256.FLM flash program m ing algorithm s forSTM32F401 based devices in folder ..\ARM\Flash\.Added: STM32F0xx_128.FLM , STM32F0xx_64.FLM, STM32F0xx_32.FLM, andSTM32F0xx_16.FLM flash program m ing algorithm s for STM32F030 based devices in folder..\ARM\Flash\.[Board Support]AtmelAdded: Blinky, RTX_Blinky, and Bootloader exam ples for AT91SAM9M10-EK starter kit, based onAT91SAM9M10 device.EnergyMicroAdded: Blinky and RTX_Blinky exam ples for EFM32ZG_STK3200 starter kit, based on EFM32ZG222F32device.Added: Blinky and RTX_Blinky exam ples for EFM32LG_DK3650 board, based on EFM32LG990F256device.Added: Blinky and RTX_Blinky exam ples for EFM32WG_STK3800 board, based on EFM32WG990F256device.Freescale SemiconductorAdded: Blinky exam ple for FRDM-KE04Z starter kit, based on MKE04Z8xxx4 device.Added: Blinky, RTX_Blinky, FlexMem_Cfg, and ProgOnce_Cfg exam ples for FRDM-K20D50M evaluationboard, based on MK20DX128xxx5 device.STMicroelectronicsAdded: Blinky and RTX_Blinky exam ples for STM32L1-Discovery evaluation board, based onSTM32L100RC device.Added: Blinky and RTX_Blinky exam ples for STM32F030-Discovery evaluation board, based onSTM32F030R8 device.Added: Blinky_ULp exam ple for STM32303C-EVAL board, based on STM32F303VC device.[Target debugging]Updated: The CMSIS-DAP driver now supports the Micro Trace Buffer (MTB) of Cortex-M0+ devices.Updated: ULINK2 device firm ware to version 2.02. This version rem oves the Windows warning "This device can perform faster if connected to USB 2.0".Updated: Segger J-Link driver for ARM devices to version 4.76d.Microcontroller Development Kit - Version 4.72a[µVision]This MDK-ARM release is delivered with µVision V4.72.10.0 IDE. This version corrects build errors. Microcontroller Development Kit - Version 4.72[ARM Compiler]This version of MDK-ARM contains ARM Compiler 5.03u2.All com piler related files are located in ..\ARM\ARMCC\ directory.Details can be found in the Compiler specific Release Notes..[µVision]This MDK-ARM release is delivered with µVision V4.72.0.0 IDE.[uVision Debugger][Middleware][ARM Middleware][TCPnet]Added: support for user application notification in FTP Server service. An optional notification functionftp_evt_notify() m ay be used to receive notification of FTP server events, such as: user login, userlogout, file upload, file download, etc.Updated: handling of file write errors and data transfer aborts in FTP Server service. If a local filewrite error occurs, the service aborts file upload operation. Additionally, if the data connection isaborted, the service stops file download operation.Added: support for extended DHCP option 42 (NTP server list) in DHCP Client. An additionalconfiguration option NTP Servers in Net_Config.c is used to enable or disable this option.Added: com m and FTPC_CMD_NLIST in FTP Client service. This com m and lists only file nam es, without any additional file inform ation.Added: data transfer abort functionality in file retrieve operation of FTP Client service. The FTP client service now aborts data transfer, if a file write error occurs on local system.Corrected: potential dynam ic memory dead-lock, if HTTP server is serving large web resources.[USB Device and USB Host]ExamplesAdded: CDC exam ple for Infineon Hexagon Application Kit in folder..ARM\Boards\Infineon\Hexagon Application Kit\CPU_45A-V2\RL\USB\Device\CDC_ACM. [New Supported Devices]AtmelSAM4N16B, SAM4N16C, SAM4N8A, SAM4N8B, SAM4N8C,SAMD20E14, SAMD20E15, SAMD20E16, SAMD20E17, SAMD20G14, SAMD20G15,SAMD20G16, SAMD20G17, SAMD20G18, SAMD20J14,SAMD20J15, SAMD20J16, SAMD20J17, and SAMD20J18.CypressCY8C5265AXI-LP056, CY8C5265AXI-LP082, CY8C5265LTI-LP050, CY8C5265LTI-LP058, CY8C5266AXI-LP033, CY8C5266AXI-LP132, CY8C5266LTI-LP029, CY8C5266LTI-LP150, CY8C5267AXI-LP051, CY8C5267LTI-LP089, CY8C5268AXI-LP047, CY8C5268LTI-LP030, CY8C5465AXI-LP043, CY8C5465LTI-LP104, CY8C5466AXI-LP002, CY8C5466AXI-LP107, CY8C5466LTI-LP072, CY8C5466LTI-LP085, CY8C5467AXI-LP108, CY8C5467LTI-LP003, CY8C5468AXI-LP106, CY8C5468LTI-LP026, CY8C5666AXI-LP001, CY8C5666AXI-LP004, CY8C5666LTI-LP005, CY8C5667AXI-LP006, CY8C5667AXI-LP040, CY8C5667LTI-LP008, CY8C5667LTI-LP009, CY8C5667LTI-LP041, CY8C5668AXI-LP010, CY8C5668AXI-LP013, CY8C5668AXI-LP034, CY8C5668LTI-LP014, CY8C5866AXI-LP020, CY8C5866AXI-LP021, CY8C5866LTI-LP022, CY8C5867AXI-LP023, CY8C5867AXI-LP024, CY8C5867LTI-LP025, CY8C5867LTI-LP028, CY8C5868AXI-LP031, CY8C5868AXI-LP032, CY8C5868AXI-LP035, CY8C5868LTI-LP036, CY8C5868LTI-LP038, and CY8C5868LTI-LP039.EnergyMicroEFM32WG230F128, EFM32WG230F256, EFM32WG230F64, EFM32WG232F128, EFM32WG232F256,EFM32WG232F64,EFM32WG280F128, EFM32WG280F256, EFM32WG280F64, EFM32WG290F128, EFM32WG290F256,EFM32WG290F64,EFM32WG295F128, EFM32WG295F256, EFM32WG295F64, EFM32WG330F128, EFM32WG330F256,EFM32WG330F64,EFM32WG332F128, EFM32WG332F256, EFM32WG332F64, EFM32WG380F128, EFM32WG380F256,EFM32WG380F64,EFM32WG390F128, EFM32WG390F256, EFM32WG390F64, EFM32WG395F128, EFM32WG395F256,EFM32WG395F64,EFM32WG840F128, EFM32WG840F256, EFM32WG840F64, EFM32WG842F128, EFM32WG842F256,EFM32WG842F64,EFM32WG880F128, EFM32WG880F256, EFM32WG880F64, EFM32WG890F128, EFM32WG890F256,EFM32WG890F64,EFM32WG895F128, EFM32WG895F256, EFM32WG895F64, EFM32WG940F128, EFM32WG940F256,EFM32WG940F64,EFM32WG942F128, EFM32WG942F256, EFM32WG942F64, EFM32WG980F128, EFM32WG980F256,EFM32WG980F64, EFM32WG990F128, EFM32WG990F256, EFM32WG990F64, EFM32WG995F128,EFM32WG995F256, and EFM32WG995F64.Freescale SemiconductorMKE02Z16xxx2, MKE02Z32xxx2, MKE02Z64xxx2, MKE04Z8xxx4,Fujitsu SemiconductorMB9AF141L, MB9AF141M, MB9AF141N, MB9AF142L, MB9AF142M,MB9AF142N, MB9AF144L, MB9AF144M, and MB9AF144N.NuvotonM0516LBN, M0516ZBN, M052LBN, M052ZBN, M054LBN,M054ZBN, M058LBN, M058SLAN, M058SSAN, M058SZAN,M058ZBN, MINI51TAN, MINI52TAN, MINI54TAN,NUC123SC2AN1, NUC123LC2AN1, NUC123ZC2AN1, NUC123SD4AN0, NUC123LD4AN0,NUC123ZD4AN0, NUC140VE3CN, NUC140RE3CN, NUC140RD2CN, NUC140RC1CN,NUC140LE3CN, NUC140LD2CN, NUC140LC1CN, NUC130VE3CN, NUC130RE3CN,NUC130RD2CN, NUC130RC1CN, NUC130LE3CN, NUC130LD2CN, NUC130LC1CN,NUC120RD2BN, NUC120RD1BN, NUC120RC1BN, NUC120LD2BN, NUC120LD1BN,NUC120LC1BN, NUC100RD2BN, NUC100RD1BN, NUC100RC1BN, NUC100LD2BN, NUC100LD1BN, NUC100LC1BN, NUC220VE3AN, NUC220SE3AN, NUC220LE3AN, NUC220SD2AN, NUC220LD2AN, NUC220SC2AN, NUC220LC2AN, NUC200VE3AN, NUC200SE3AN, NUC200LE3AN, NUC200SD2AN, NUC200LD2AN, NUC200SC2AN, NUC200LC2AN, NANO100KE3BN, NANO100SE3BN, NANO100KD3BN, NANO100SD3BN, NANO100LD3BN, NANO100KD2BN, NANO100SD2BN, NANO100LD2BN, NANO100KC2BN, NANO100LC2BN, NANO100LE3BN, NANO100SC2BN, NANO110KE3BN, NANO110SE3BN, NANO110KD3BN, NANO110SD3BN, NANO110KD2BN,NANO110SD2BN, NANO110KC2BN, NANO110SC2BN,NANO120KE3BN, NANO120SE3BN, NANO120LE3BN, NANO120KD3BN, NANO120SD3BN, NANO120LD3BN,NANO120KD2BN, NANO120SD2BN, NANO120LD2BN, NANO120KC2BN, NANO120SC2BN, NANO120LC2BN, NANO130KE3BN, NANO130SE3BN, NANO130KD3BN, NANO130SD3BN,NANO130KD2BN, NANO130SD2BN, NANO130KC2BN, NANO130SC2BN,NXP (founded by Philips)LPC4310 CM0, LPC4320 CM0, LPC4330 CM0, LPC4350 CM0, LPC4353 CM0, and LPC4357 CM0.STMicroelectronicsSTM32F429BG, STM32F429BI, STM32F429IG, STM32F429II, STM32F429NG,STM32F429NI, STM32F429VG, STM32F429VI, STM32F429ZG, STM32F429ZI,STM32F439BG, STM32F439BI, STM32F439IG, STM32F439II, STM32F439NG,STM32F439NI, STM32F439VG, STM32F439VI, STM32F439ZG, and STM32F439ZI.Texas InstrumentsTM4C1290NCPDT, TM4C1290NCZAD, TM4C1292NCPDT, TM4C1292NCZAD, TM4C1294NCPDT,TM4C1294NCZAD, TM4C129CNCPDT, TM4C129CNCZAD, TM4C129DNCPDT, TM4C129DNCZAD,TM4C129ENCPDT, TM4C129ENCZAD, TM4C129XNCZAD, TM4E129BNCZAD, TM4E129SNCZAD,TM4E129XNCZAD, TMPM343F10XBG, TMPM343FDXBG, and TMPM343FEXBG.[Device Support][CMSIS support]AtmelAdded: suppport for Atmel SAMD20 devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Atmel\SAMD20\,..\ARM\Startup\Atmel\SAMD20\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Atmel\SAMD20\.Added: suppport for Atmel SAM4N devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Atmel\SAM4N\,..\ARM\Startup\Atmel\SAM4N\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Atmel\SAM4N\.EnergyMicroAdded: suppport for EnergyMicro Wonder Gecko devices, in folders..\ARM\INC\EnergyMicro\EFM32WG\, ..\ARM\Startup\EnergyMicro\EFM32WG\, and..\ARM\SFD\EnergyMicro\EFM32WG\.Freescale SemiconductorAdded: suppport for Kinetis KE02 devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Freescale\Kinetis\,..\ARM\Startup\Freescale\Kinetis\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Freescale\Kinetis\.Added: suppport for Kinetis KE04 devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Freescale\Kinetis\,..\ARM\Startup\Freescale\Kinetis\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Freescale\Kinetis\.Fujitsu SemiconductorAdded: suppport for MB9A140N devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Fujitsu\MB9A140N\,..\ARM\Startup\Fujitsu\MB9A140N\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Fujitsu\MB9A140N\.NuvotonAdded: suppport for NUC123Series devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Nuvoton\NUC123Series\,..\ARM\Startup\Nuvoton\NUC123Series\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Nuvoton\NUC123Series\.Added: suppport for NUC200Series devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Nuvoton\NUC200Series\,..\ARM\Startup\Nuvoton\NUC200Series\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Nuvoton\NUC200Series\.Added: suppport for Nano1xx devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\Nuvoton\Nano1xx\,..\ARM\Startup\Nuvoton\Nano1xx\, and ..\ARM\SFD\Nuvoton\Nano1xx\.SONiXAdded: suppport for SN32F100 based devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\SONiX\SN32F100\,..\ARM\Startup\SONiX\SN32F100\, and ..\ARM\SFD\SONiX\SN32F100\.Added: suppport for SN32F110 based devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\SONiX\SN32F110\,..\ARM\Startup\SONiX\SN32F110\, and ..\ARM\SFD\SONiX\SN32F110\.STMicroelectronicsAdded: suppport for STM32F4xx based devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\ST\STM32F4xx\,..\ARM\Startup\ST\STM32F4xx\, and ..\ARM\SFD\ST\STM32F4xx\.Texas InstrumentsAdded: suppport for TM4C123 based devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\TI\TM4C123\,..\ARM\Startup\TI\TM4C123\, and ..\ARM\SFD\TI\TM4C123\.Added: suppport for TM4C129 based devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\TI\TM4C129\,..\ARM\Startup\TI\TM4C129\, and ..\ARM\SFD\TI\TM4C129\.Added: suppport for TM4E129 based devices, in folders ..\ARM\INC\TI\TM4E129 \,..\ARM\Startup\TI\TM4E129\, and ..\ARM\SFD\TI\TM4E129\.[Flash programming]AtmelAdded: ATSAMD20_16.FLM, ATSAMD20_32.FLM, ATSAMD20_64.FLM, ATSAMD20_128.FLM, and ATSAMD20_256.FLM flash program m ing algorithm s for Atmel ATSAM20D based devices in folder..\ARM\Falsh\.Added: ATSAM4N_512.FLM and ATSAM4N_1024.FLM flash program m ing algorithm s for AtmelATSAM4N based devices in folder ..\ARM\Falsh\.Freescale SemiconductorAdded: MKE02Zxxx_EE256B.FLM, MKE02Zxxx_P16KB.FLM, MKE02Zxxx_P32KB.FLM, andMKE02Zxxx_P64KB.FLM flash program m ing algorithm s for Kinetis KE02 based devices in folder..\ARM\Flash\.Added: MKE04Zxxx_P8KB.FLM flash program m ing algorithm s for Kinetis KE04 based devices in folder..\ARM\Flash\.NuvotonAdded: NUC2xx_CFG.FLM, NUC2xx_AP_128.FLM, NUC2xx_AP_64.FLM, NUC2xx_AP_32.FLM,NUC2xx_LD_4.FLM, and NUC2xx_DAT.FLM flash program m ing algorithm s for NUC200Series devicesin folder ..\ARM\Flash\.Added: Nano100_CFG.FLM, Nano100_AP_123.FLM, Nano100_DAT.FLM, Nano100_AP_64.FLM,Nano100_LD_4.FLM, and Nano100_AP_32.FLM flash program m ing algorithm s for Nano1xx baseddevices in folder ..\ARM\Flash\.SONiXAdded: SN32F100_64.FLM and SN32F110_64.FLM flash program m ing algorithm s for SN32F100 andSN32F110 based devices in folder ..\ARM\Flash\.[Board Support]AtmelAdded: Blinky and RTX_Blinky exam ples for SAMD20-XPRO board, based on SAMD20J18 device.SONiXAdded: Hello exam ple for SN32F100_Starter_Kit board, based on SN32F109 device.STMicroelectronicsAdded: Blinky and RTX_Blinky exam ples for STM324x9I-EVAL evaluation board, based on STM32F439NIdevice.Added: Blinky, RTX_Blinky, and Blinky_ULp for STM32437I-EVAL evaluation board, based onSTM32F437II device.[Target debugging]Updated: support for NULink debugger from Nuvoton. The Nu_Link.dll driver dll in folder ..\ARM\NULInk\ has been updated to version debug driver lm idk-agdi.dll for TI Stellaris In-Ciruit debug interface to version in folder..\ARM\BIN\.Microcontroller Development Kit - Version 4.71a[uVision Debugger]Corrected: Missing RTX views for Cortex-M targets.[New Supported Devices]SONiXSN32F107, SN32F108, SN32F109,SN32F117, SN32F118, and SN32F119.Microcontroller Development Kit - Version 4.71[ARM Compiler]This version of MDK-ARM contains ARM Compiler 5.03u1.All com piler related files are located in ..\ARM\ARMCC\ directory.Details can be found in the Compiler specific Release Notes..[CMSIS]Updated: version 3.20.The software portions that are deployed in the application program are now under a BSD license which allows usage of CMSIS com ponents in any com m ercial or open source projects. The individual com ponents have been updated as listed below:CMSIS-CORE adds functions for setting breakpoints, supports the latest GCC Compiler, and containsseveral corrections.CMSIS-DSP library is optim ized for m ore perform ance and contains several bug fixes.CMSIS-RTOS API is extended with capabilities for short tim eouts, Kernel initialization, and prepared for a C++ interface.CMSIS-SVD is unchanged.[µVision]This MDK-ARM release is delivered with µVision V4.71.0 IDE.Enhanced:Automatic Code Completion and Parameter Information.Enhanced: Dynamic Syntax Checking.[uVision Debugger]The uVision debugger now shows device specific interrupt nam es if defined in a System Viewer Description (SVD) file.The tim e window lim itation of 10 m s has been rem oved for searching and saving trace data in Unlimited Trace m ode.Updated: Segger J-Link driver for ARM devices to version 4.68a.[Middleware][ARM Middleware][TCPnet]Added: SNTP client im plem entation with support for unicast and broadcast m ode.Corrected: buffer queue clearing in BSD socket interface, which m ight cause early receive data loss in listening server sockets.Corrected: potential data loss in BSD socket receive, if the system runs out of m em ory.ExamplesAdded: BSD_client, BSD_server, DNS_dem o, FTP_dem o, Http_dem o, Http_upload, LEDClient,LEDSwitch, SMTP_dem o, SNMP_dem o, and Telnet_dem o exam ples for TWR-K60D100M evaluationboard in folder ..\Boards\Freescale\TWR-K60D100M\RL\TCPnet\ based on MK60DN512xxx10device.[FlashFS]ExamplesAdded: SD_File exam ple for TWR-K60D100M evaluation board in folder ..\Boards\Freescale\TWR-K60D100M\RL\FlashFS\ based on MK60DN512xxx10 device.[USB Device and USB Host]ExamplesAdded: HID and Mem ory exam ples for TWR-K60D100M evaluation board in folder..\Boards\Freescale\TWR-K60D100M\RL\USB\Device\ based on MK60DN512xxx10 device.Added: RTX HID and RTX Mem ory exam ples for TWR-K60D100M evaluation board in folder..\Boards\Freescale\TWR-K60D100M\RL\USB\Device\RTX\ based on MK60DN512xxx10 device.Added: HID_Kbd and MSD_File exam ples for TWR-K60D100M evaluation board in folder..\Boards\Freescale\TWR-K60D100M\RL\USB\Host\ based on MK60DN512xxx10 device.[CAN]ExamplesAdded: CAN_Ex1 and CAN_Ex1 exam ples for TWR-K60D100M evaluation board in folder..\Boards\Freescale\TWR-K60D100M\RL\CAN\ based on MK60DN512xxx10 device.[Segger Graphic Library]Updated: Segger emWin graphic library version 5.20b in folder ..\ARM\Segger\emWin\.[New Supported Devices]AtmelSAM3N00A, SAM3N00B, SAM3N0A, SAM3N0B, SAM3N0C,SAM4E16C, SAM4E16E, SAM4E8C, SAM4E8E,SAM4SA16B, SAM4SA16C, SAM4SD16B, SAM4SD16C, SAM4SD32B, and SAM4SD32C.Dialog SemiconductorDA14580.Freescale SemiconductorMK21FN1M0xxx12, MK21FX512xxx12, MK22FN1M0xxx12, MK22FX512xxx12,MKL02Z16xxx4, MKL02Z32xxx4, MKL02Z8xxx4, MKL16Z256xxx4,MKL26Z128xxx4, MKL26Z256xxx4, MKL34Z64xxx4, MKL36Z128xxx4,MKL36Z256xxx4, MKL46Z128xxx4, MKL46Z256xxx4, MKM13Z64xxx5,MKM14Z128xxx5, MKM14Z64xxx5, MKM32Z64xxx5, MKM33Z128xxx5,MKM33Z64xxx5, MKM34Z128xxx5, and MKM38Z128xxx5.。





该设备只有在这个装置被配置为SPI 主设备和SPI操作启用SPI命令时执行。


一个连接的开放或安全状态的背反射是在一个具有有效的RN16或手柄的SendSPI命令{'0', SPI-RESP, RN16, CRC-16}确认的。





当SPI 从机使用全双工通信的双字节响应时单字节指令被发送到SPI 从机。

此时的串行时钟的初始时间被设置为1个SCLK 和字节之间的延迟时间被设为0或没有延迟。

将三字节命令发送到SPI 从机,从SPI 从机利用半双工通信开始单字节响应。

此时的串行时钟被设置为40KHZ ,初始串行时钟的延迟时间被设置为500us 和字节之间的延迟时间被设置为50us 。

t 1=SPI初始串行时钟延迟时间t2=SPI

四信F2924-D DS电力级DTU使用说明书

四信F2924-D DS电力级DTU使用说明书

F2924-D/DS 使用说明书此说明书适用于下列型号产品:客户热线:400-8838-199电话:+86-592-6300320传真:+86-592-5912735网址:地址:厦门集美软件园三期A06栋11层F2924-D/DS 使用说明书文档版本密级V1.0.0产品名称:F2924-D/DS共30页型号产品类别F2924-D 电力级DTUF2924-DS电力级DTU(含加密芯片)文档修订记录日期版本说明作者2019-08-13V1.0.0初始版本CPYAdd:厦门市集美区软件园三期诚毅大街370号A06栋11层著作权声明本文档所载的所有材料或内容受版权法的保护,所有版权由厦门四信通信科技有限公司拥有,但注明引用其他方的内容除外。




Add:厦门市集美区软件园三期诚毅大街370号A06栋11层目录第一章产品简介 (2)1.1产品概述 (2)1.2产品特点 (2)1.3产品规格 (3)第二章安装 (6)2.1概述 (6)2.2开箱 (6)2.3安装与电缆连接 (6)2.4电源说明 (9)2.5指示灯说明 (9)第三章参数设置 (11)3.1界面说明 (11)3.2配置选项说明 (12)3.2.1“本地串口设置”项: (12)3.2.2“本地串口2设置”项: (13)3.2.3“DTU工作模式设置”项:..............................................错误!未定义书签。

RESON 7125多波束测深仪中文版

RESON 7125多波束测深仪中文版

√ √ √ √ √
√ √
√ 额定:110-220VAC, 50/60Hz,250W 最大:110-220VAC, 50/60Hz,700W 处理单元 额定:110-220VAC, 48VDC(+/-10%)最大功率110W 50/60Hz,110W 处理单元 最大:110-220VAC, 50/60Hz,400W 湿端 额定48VDC(+/10%),115W 湿端 最大48VDC(+/10%),250W 当湿端的电源由声学处理单元提供 时:110-220VAC, 50/60Hz,700W
换能器线缆长度 LCU到处理单元线缆长度
标配25米 N/A
标配3米(可选10米) 25米标配,3米
标配3米(可选10米) N/A
高(毫米) TC 2181 df 200/400 kHz 发射换能器 TC 2160 400 kHz发射 换能器 TC 2163 200kHz发射 换能器 EM 7216 200/400 kHz接收换能器 表面收发器 LCU ICPU 结构 声纳处理单元 5U 530 172 5U 137 115 87 77
7125 SV2
7125 ROV2 200kHz or 400kHz (双频可选) 2°at 200kHz & 1°at 400kHz 1°at 200kHz & 0.5°at 400kHz 50Hz (±1Hz)
7125 AUV
30μs – 300μs 等波幅; 300μs – 20ms 调频 (X-Range) 400kHz 512波束(等角/等距), 200kHz 256波束(等角/等距) 等距模式下140°; 等角模式下165° 在400kHz 0.5米到150米, 在200kHz 0.5米到400米 400kHz时 >200米, 200kHz时>500米 6毫米 水深、侧扫 、sinppets和 7K 数据格式 操作-15°到+40°C,储存-30°到+55°C 可选 √ √ √ √



G T 3 0 L 3 2 S 4 W和s T M3 2 F 1 0 3 Z E T 6的 S P I 接 口 电路 ; 在软件方面分析 了 G T 3 0 L 3 2 S 4 W 字模 的 定位 算 法 , 以及 e mWi n 调
用 GT3 0 L 3 2 S 4 W 字模显示的方法 , 并 提 供 了 需要 增 改 的文 件 列 表 。 最后 给 出 该 方 案 应 用 到 检 测 仪 器 的 实 际 界 面 效 果 , 证 明该方案能解决 e mW i n对 中 文 的 支持 问题 , 兼容 性 mWi n图形库 中的应 用
赵 云
( 桂 林 电 器 科学 研 究 院有 限公 司 , 桂林 5 4 1 0 0 4 )
摘 要 :介 绍 了 应 用 GT3 0 L 3 2 S 4 W 字 库 芯 片使 e mWi n 图形 库 支 持 中 文 显 示 的 解 决 方 案。在 硬 件 方 面 介 绍 了
框 图如 图 1所 示 。
商业 用 户 , 都 期 待更 友 好 的 UI界 面 体 验 。e mWi n图 形 库 是 目前 广 泛 应 用 于 嵌 入 式 系 统 界 面 开 发 的 中 间件 , 但e m— wi n中不 能 直 接 使 用 中 文 , 且 只提 供 库 文 件 , 不 开 放 源 代 码, 使 通过 修改 e mWi n源 代 码 实 现 中 文 支 持 非 常 困难 。
Zha o Yi l n
( Gu i l i n El e c t r i c a l Eq u i p me n t S c i e n t i f i c Re s e a r c h I n s t i t u t e Co . , L t d . , Gu i l i n 5 4 1 0 0 4, Ch i n a ) Ab s t r a c t :Th i s p a p e r i n t r o d u c e s t h e s o l u t i o n o f t h e e mW i n g r a p h i c s l i b r a r y s u p p o r t i n g f o r Ch i n e s e d i s p l a y u s i n g GT3 0 L 3 2 S 4 W f o n t c h i p .

阿尔卡特1642EM 介绍

阿尔卡特1642EM 介绍

2、 MB4-1 (1槽位)的板卡功能
两路STM-4/1 光口 .管理和控制功能 .电路的交叉连接 .同步时钟 .保护倒换(SNCP MSP) .SDH的数据存储在MB4-1板上的一张FLASH 卡上
DE1B32 (或)
ISA-ES1 8FE (3)槽位
(1)板卡运行灯 绿色正常 红色严重告警 黄色一般告警 (2) 以太网接 口状态灯 亮为连接状态 闪烁为激活状态 (3)以太网接口速率指示灯 不亮为10M速率 亮为100M速率
2、 ISA-ES1 8FE 板卡功能:
8路10M/100M的以太网接口 .以太网的二层交换 .以太网的数据存储在ISA-ES1板上的一张FLASH 卡
(7)槽位 DC48_24B 电源单元 (6)槽位的板卡功能 FB板: . 风扇单元 .一路外部电源供电 DC48_24B电源单元 : .一路外部电源(48V /24V)供电
1、1642EM是上海贝尔阿尔卡特的光多业务产品系列OMSN中的 一员,作为一款采用紧凑型结构设计的产品,1642EM适用于城 域网络的接入层和用户侧,可向用户侧设备提供以太网、SDH和 其它数据业务的传送。 2、1642 EM的核心是一块紧凑型ADM板卡,即MB板。该板卡集 成了2个STM-1/4线路接口和交叉矩阵,该ADM板卡还具备时钟 功能,设备控制功能。设备上总共提供7个槽位:最下面是主控 盘,提供STM-1/4的ADM,主控盘槽位上方是4个业务槽位,设 备的左侧和右侧分别为风扇盘和电源接入盘,可用于大型企业网络 接入城域网。 3、1642EM的交叉连接矩阵为所有配置提供VC12,VC3或VC4级 别的全交叉。同时,支持模块化的STM-1或STM-4的接口设计, 光接口可以灵活的组合(任何短距或长距的光口),主要接口如 下:

EM4205-4305 125kHz RFID 卡

EM4205-4305 125kHz RFID 卡

EM4205 EM4305EM MICROELECTRONIC - MARIN SAHandling ProceduresAbsolute Maximum RatingsTiming CharacteristicsData Extractor timeout (t MONO)COIL1-COIL2TIMEOUTFIELD STOP t MONOTPower-up initialization (t PU)t PUFigure 3After the supply voltage crosses the POR threshold, the logic reads configuration word and then enters in default read mode. t PU is the time from turning on transmitter field to start of the default read mode.Block DiagramBlock DescriptionPower SupplyThis block integrates an AC/DC converter, which extracts the DC power from the incident RF field. It also acts as a limiter, which clamps the voltage on the coil terminals to avoid chip destruction in strong RF fields.Power On Reset (POR)When the EM4205/4305 with its attached coil enters the electromagnetic field, the built in AC/DC converter supplies voltage to the chip. The DC voltage is monitored and a Reset signal is generated to initialize the logic. The Power On Reset is also provided in order to make sure that the chip will start issuing correct data.Hysteresis is provided to avoid improper operation at the limit level. Data ExtractorThe transceiver generated field is amplitude modulated (field stops) to transmit data to the EM4205/4305. The Data Extractor detects absence of extracted clocks for periods longer than T MONO.ModulatorThe Data Modulator is driven by Logic. When the Modulator is switched ON, it draws a large current from the coil terminals, thus amplitude modulating the RF field. LogicLogic is composed of several sub-blocks, which are described in the following text.C CControllerEEPROM Organization512 bits of EEPROM are organized in 16 words of 32 bits.The EEPROM words are numbered from 0 to 15.The bits, in a word, are numbered from 0 to 31. The LSB first principle is always respected.The 32 bits of EEPROM word are programmed with one Write Word Command.Word 0 is assigned either to factory programmed Chip Type, resonant capacitor version and Customer Code number, or it can be reprogrammed by user to store some other data. Since this word is not part of the default message, it can be used to store some useful information which can only be accessed by the Read Word command.Word 1 contains the IC unique identification number (UID) RP: access using Read Word and Protect commandOrganization of Word 0Word 0 is factory programmed with information on:Chip Type: fixed 4 bit number indicating member ofthe compatible family of chips.On-chip resonant capacitor values: 210pF, 250pF, or330pF10 bit Customer codeWord 0 can be reprogrammed by the user.Note 1: RF/40 data rate only available on the EM4305 – 330pF Cres version. RF/40 data rate is linked with Manchester and Biphase data encodings. configured as following:co12 – co13Bi-phaseManchester00 Nodelay01 Delayed On – 8 RF clocks10 Delayed On – 16 RF clocks11 Nodelayco 14- co 17 Last Default Read Word (LWR).continue with the 16 LSB bits of Word 7.After sending us 15 of Word 7, readout continues without interruption with the first bit of Word 5.This data structure permits the locking of48 bits of the pigeon code and allows modification of the last 16 bits before the race.co 27 - co 31: Reserved for future use These bits must be set to logic 0.Words 14 and 15: Protection Wordsfollowed by the actual write operation. Should the operation be interrupted for any reason (e.g. tag removal from the field) the double buffer scheme ensures that no unwanted "0"-Protection Bits (i.e unprotected words) are introduced.EEPROM Delivery State Forward Link CommunicationRecommendations for Reader to Tag Timings14 RF periods. Increasing the field stops up to 23 RFFigure 10EM4095inputsFirst Field Stop“0’’ “1’’ “0’’ “0’’ “1’’MOD-ONMOD-OFFCommandssending any password protected command. In the Login command a 32 bit password including parity bits is sent as the command argument. The 32 bit password is sent according to the Data structure defined in table 12 (45 bits including parity). When the parity bits are correct and 32 bit password sent matches the content of Word 1, the login flag is set.Login flag is set until the next power-up, which means that Login command has to be sent only once after power up to enable execution of password protected commands. word is reloaded from the EEPROM, a preamble pattern (00001010) is sent and the chip returns to Default Read mode.Loading of Configuration word is useful when the Configuration word has just been changed so that new settings are loaded.If the Write Word command is not accepted (error in parity or at least one of the checks failed) error pattern 00000001 is sent and the IC returns to Default Read mode.Read Word CommandIn Read Word command the 4-bit word address is sent as command argument according to the structure described in table 11. When the command is correctly processed, a preamble pattern (00001010) followed bythe content of the 32 bit word is sent. Please, note thatDisable CommandData T PC T WEEAddressT PP Preamble READER "0011" Password Timings T PPProtectEM4205/4305 Default Read PreambleDefault ReadREADER "1100" Protection Timings T PCT PRDisableEM4205/4305 Default Read Disabled Mode READER "1010" "all1" data TimingsFigure 12EM4205 – EM4305 state transition diagramReturn Link EncoderEM4205 Pad LocationFigure 15Figure 16Pad DescriptionPad Name Function1 Coil2 Coil connection 22 Test Test purpose (NC) - Active pad3 V test 1 Test purpose (NC) - Active pad4 V test 2 Test purpose (NC) - Active pad5 Coil 1 Coil connection 1Table 13Note: Test pads (Test, Vtest1 and Vtest2) are electrically active and used for test purposes only, no connection allowed.Packaging informationPart NumberICReferenceIC ResonantcapacitorDeliveryformatRemarksEM4205V4DF2C+ EM4205 210pF Loose form Resonant capacitor trimmed (tolerance +/- 3%) EM4305V3DF2C+ EM4305 330pF LooseformTable 16Ordering Information – Die formPart Number Package Delivery FormEM4205V2WS11sawn wafer Wafer on frameEM4305V1WS11E sawn wafer Wafer on frameEM4305V2WS11E sawn wafer Wafer on frameEM4305V3WS11E sawn wafer Wafer on frameEM4305VXYYY-%%% Custom CustomTable 17EM Microelectronic-Marin SA (EM) makes no warranty for the use of its products, other than those expressly contained in the Company's standard warranty which is detailed in EM's General Terms of Sale located on the Company's web site. EM assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. No licenses to patents or other intellectual property of EM are granted in connection with the sale of EM products, expressly or by implications. EM's products are not authorized for use as components in life support devices or systems.。

Agilent MXG保通信信号源配置指南说明书

Agilent MXG保通信信号源配置指南说明书

This guide is to assist in the ordering process for the first-generation MXG analog and vector signal generators.Agilent First-generation MXG Signal GeneratorsN5181A MXG Analog N5182A MXG Vector Configuration GuideYou Can Upgrade!Options can be added after initial purchase.2Agilent N5181A MXG analog configuration steps1. Option 099 is recommended for anyone considering future upgrades. Option 099 simplifies the upgrade process by enabling upgrades via a license key for Options 1EA, 1EQ, UNU, UNW, UNT, and UNZ. Without Option 099, upgrades for these options require purchase and installation of a field retrofit kit. For more information, visit /find/SSupgrades .2. Upgrade requires Option 099.3. Option 320 requires Option UNU or UNW.3451. Refer to the online MXG family documentation for the most current information.You Can Upgrade!Options can be addedafter initial purchase./find/N5181A_upgrades6Agilent N5182A MXG vector configuration steps1. Option 099 enables future upgrades via a license key for Options 1EA, 1EQ, UNU, UNW, UNT, UNV, and UNZ. Without Option 099, upgrades for these options require the installation of a field retrofit kit which installs Option 099. For more information, visit /find/SSupgrades .2. Upgrade requires Option 099.7Step 5Choose signal studio and embedded softwareWhen ordering signal creation software, please refer to each product’s technical overview for detailed required and recommended configurations. Available in the online documentation from /find/signalstudio.89/find/N5182A_upgradesYou Can Upgrade!Options can be addedafter initial purchase.101. Refer to the online MXG family documentation for the most current information.11For additional product information, visit the first-generation MXG web pages: /find/n5181a /find/n5182aFor information about renting, leasing or financing test equipment from Agilent, visit: /find/buyalternatives Web resourcesWiMAX, Mobile WiMAX, WiMAX Forum, the WiMAX Forum logo, WiMAX Forum Certified, and the WiMAX Forum Certified logo are US trademarks of the WiMAX Forum. Agilent Email Updates /find/emailupdates Get the latest information on the products and applications you select.LAN eXtensions for Instruments puts the power of Ethernet and the Web inside your test systems. Agilentis a founding member of the LXI consortium.Agilent Channel Partners /find/channelpartners Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience.Agilent Advantage Services is committedto your success throughout your equip-ment’s lifetime. To keep you competi-tive, we continually invest in tools andprocesses that speed up calibration andrepair and reduce your cost of ownership.You can also use Infoline Web Servicesto manage equipment and services moreeffectively. By sharing our measurementand service expertise, we help you createthe products that change our world./quality/find/advantageservicesFor more information on AgilentTechnologies’ products, applications orservices, please contact your local Agilentoffice. The complete list is available at:/find/contactusAmericasCanada (877) 894 4414Brazil (11) 4197 3600Mexico 01800 5064 800United States (800) 829 4444Asia PacificAustralia 1 800 629 485China 800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 180****8100Taiwan 0800 047 866Other AP Countries (65) 375 8100Europe & Middle EastBelgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40Denmark 45 45 80 12 15Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100France 0825 010 700**0.125 €/minuteGermany 49 (0) 7031 464 6333Ireland 1890 924 204I srael 972-3-9288-504/544Italy 39 02 92 60 8484Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111Spain 34 (91) 631 3300Sweden 0200-88 22 55United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 927 6201For other unlisted countries:/find/contactusRevised: January 6, 2012Product specifications and descriptionsin this document subject to changewithout notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2012Published in USA, July 19, 20125989-5485EN。


A3140 CD4573 ICL7650 LF347(NS[DATA]) LF351 LF353 LF356 LF357 LF398 LF411 LF412 LM124 LM1458 LM148 LM224J LM2902 LM2904 LM301 LM308 LM308H LM318 LM324(NS[DATA]) LM348 LM358 NS[DATA] LM380 LM386-1 NS[DATA] LM386-3 LM386-4 LM3886 LM3900 LM725 LM733 LM741 NS[DATA] MC34119 NE5532 NE5534 NE592 OP07-CP OP07-DP TBA820M TL061 TL062 TL064 TL072 TL074 TL081 TL082 TL084 功能简介 高输入阻抗运算放大器 高输入阻抗运算放大器 四可编程运算放大器 斩波稳零放大器 带宽四运算放大器 BI-FET单运算放大器 BI-FET双运算放大器 BI-FET单运算放大器 BI-FET单运算放大器 采样保持放大器 BI-FET单运算放大器 BI-FET双运放大器 低功耗四运算放大器(军用档) 双运算放大器 四运算放大器 低功耗四运算放大器(工业档) 四运算放大器 双运放大器 运算放大器 运算放大器 运算放大器(金属封装) 高速运算放大器 四运算放大器 四运算放大器 通用型双运算放大器 音频功率放大器 音频放大器 音频放大器 音频放大器 音频大功率放大器 四运算放大器 高精度运算放大器 带宽运算放大器 通用型运算放大器 小功率音频放大器 高速低噪声双运算放大器 高速低噪声单运算放大器 视频放大器 精密运算放大器 精密运算放大器 小功率音频放大器 BI-FET单运算放大器 BI-FET双运算放大器 BI-FET四运算放大器 BI-FET双运算放大器 BI-FET四运算放大器 BI-FET单运算放大器 BI-FET双运算放大器 BI-FET四运算放大器 TI[DATA] TI[DATA] ST[DATA] TI[DATA] TI[DATA] TI[DATA] TI[DATA] TI[DATA] TI[DATA] TI[DATA] TI[DATA] TI[DATA] TI[DATA] HA17741 NS[DATA] KA347 NS[DATA] NS[DATA] NS[DATA] NS[DATA] NS[DATA] NS[DATA] NS[DATA] NS[DATA]/TI[DAT NS[DATA] NS[DATA] NS[DATA]/TI[DAT NS[DATA]/TI[DAT NS[DATA]/TI[DAT NS[DATA] NS[DATA] NS[DATA] NS[DATA] HA17324,/LM324N (TI) NS[DATA] HA17358/LM358P( TI) NS[DATA] NJM386D,UTC386 NS[DATA] NS[DATA] NS[DATA] MC14573 兼容型号 Intersil[DATA]



部分加速度计型号参数部分加速度计型号参数加速度传感器MXP7205VF MXP7205VF引脚低成本±5 G带SPI接口的双轴加速度计MXR6500G MXR6500G引脚薄型,低功耗±1.7克双轴加速度计,按比例输出KXTE9-1026 KXTE9-1026引脚±2g的三轴数字加速度计产品规格LSM320HAY30 LSM320HAY30引脚MEMS运动传感器模块的三维数字加速度计和2D间距和偏航模拟陀螺仪SCA830-D06 SCA830-D06引脚SCA830-D06单轴数字SPI接口的高性能加速度计,KXSS5-2057 KXSS5-2057引脚为±3克三轴加速度计产品规格ADIS16006 ADIS16006引脚双轴±5 g加速度计具有SPI接口的2240-002 2240-002引脚的模拟加速计模块KXP74 KXP74引脚 Kxp74系列加速度计和倾角传感器SCA3000-E01 SCA3000-E01 超低功耗引脚 SCA3000-E01 3轴加速度计,数字SPI接口KXTF9-4100 KXTF9-4100引脚±2g的三轴数字加速度计产品规格2430-002 2430-002引脚三轴模拟加速计模块KXPA4-2050 KXPA4-2050引脚±2 G三轴模拟加速度计产品规格SCA2100-D01 SCA2100-D01 SCA2100-D01 2轴加速度计,数字SPI接口引脚MXA2050A MXA2050A引脚低成本,±10 G双模拟输出三轴加速度计SCA3000-E05 SCA3000-E05 超低功耗引脚 SCA3000-E05 3轴加速度计,数字SPI接口MXR7150V MXR7150V引脚低成本?7 G按比例输出的双轴加速度计,MXR2010A MXR2010A引脚低成本,±35克双轴加速度计,按比例输出KXSC7-1050 KXSC7-1050引脚±2g的三轴模拟加速度计产品规格SCA3100-D03 SCA3100-D03 SCA3100-D03的3轴加速度计,数字SPI接口引脚MXA6500G MXA6500G引脚低成本,低噪音1 G双轴加速度计,绝对模拟输出SCA3060-D01 SCA3060-D01引脚 Sca3060-D01数位式低功率加速度计非安全关键汽车应用? 2012-002 2012-002引脚的模拟加速计模块MXD6125G MXD6125G引脚薄型,低功耗,±2 G双数字输出三轴加速度计MXR9500G MXR9500G引脚低成本±1.5 G三成比例的输出三轴加速度计KXTE9-2050 KXTE9-2050引脚±2g的三轴数字加速度计产品规格KXSS5-4457 KXSS5-4457引脚为±3克三轴加速度计产品规格2264-005 2264-005引脚的模拟加速计模块KXP84 KXP84引脚 Kxp84系列加速度计和倾角传感器SCA3100-D04 SCA3100-D04 SCA3100-D04 引脚高性能3轴加速度计,数字SPI接口SCA820-D04 SCA820-D04引脚 Sca820-D04 1轴高性能加速度计,数字SPI接口2460-002 2460-002引脚三轴模拟加速计模块格SCA820-D03 SCA820-D03引脚 Sca820-D03单轴加速度计,数字SPI接口BU-21771-000 BU-21771-000引脚BU系列加速BU-21771-000ADXL202E ADXL202E引脚低成本?2 G,占空比输出的双轴加速度计MXD2020E MXD2020E引脚超低噪声,低失调漂移±1 G双数字输出三轴加速度计KXR94-1050 KXR94-1050引脚±2g的三轴加速度计产品规格SCA3100-D07 SCA3100-D07 SCA3100-D07 引脚高性能3轴加速度计,数字SPI接口MX205Q MX205Q引脚低成本,5.0G,双模拟输出三轴加速度计ADXL202 ADXL202引脚低成本?2 G双轴加速度计,占空比输出MXR7250VW MXR7250VW引脚低成本±5 G双轴加速度计,按比例输出MXR6400Q MXR6400Q引脚超高性能为±1g双轴加速度计,按比例输出KXSD9-2050 KXSD9-2050引脚±2g的三轴数字加速度计产品规格SCA2100-D02 SCA2100-D02 SCA2100-D02 引脚 2轴高性能加速度计,数字SPI接口ADIS16003 ADIS16003引脚双轴±1.7 g加速度计具有SPI接口的2220-002 2220-002引脚的模拟加速计模块KXD94-2802 KXD94-2802引脚±10克三轴加速度计产品规格SCA3000-D02 SCA3000-D02引脚SCA3000-D02低功耗3轴加速度计,数字I 2 C接口KXTF9-1026 KXTF9-1026引脚±2g的三轴数字加速度计产品规格2422-002 2422-002引脚三轴模拟加速计模块KXPA4-1050 KXPA4-1050引脚±2 G三轴模拟加速度计产品规格SCA2110-D03 SCA2110-D03引脚 Sca2110-D03 2轴加速度计,数字SPI接口ADXL105 ADXL105引脚的高精度61克到65克单轴iMEMS加速度计与模拟输入KXPS5-2050 KXPS5-2050引脚±2g的三轴加速度计产品规格AIS326DQ的AIS326DQ引脚MEMS惯性传感器的3轴,带有数字输出的低g加速度计SCA3000-E04 SCA3000-E04 超低功耗引脚 SCA3000-E04 3轴加速度计,数字SPI接口? BU-23173-000 BU-23173-000引脚 BU系列加速BU-23173-000ADXL210E ADXL210E引脚低成本?10 G双轴加速度计,占空比MXD6125Q MXD6125Q引脚超高的性能为±1g双轴加速度计的数字输出KXR94-2353 KXR94-2353引脚±2g的三轴数字加速度计产品规格MXA2500J MXA2500J引脚超低成本,1.0 G绝对值输出的双轴加速度计,SCC1300-D04 SCC1300-D04引脚 Scc1300-D04组合的陀螺仪和3轴加速度计,数字SPI接口? 2010-002 2010-002引脚数字加速计模块MXP7205VW MXP7205VW引脚低成本±5 G带SPI接口的双轴加速度计MXR9150G MXR9150G引脚低成本±5克三成比例的输出三轴加速度计KXTE9-1050 KXTE9-1050引脚±2g的三轴数字加速度计产品规格KXSS5-3028 KXSS5-3028引脚为±3克三轴加速度计产品规格2260-002 2260-002引脚的模拟加速计模块KXP74-1050 KXP74-1050引脚±2g的三轴数字加速度计产品规格SCA3000-E02 SCA3000-E02引脚 SCA3000-E02的3轴加速度计,数字I 2 C接口超低功耗? 2440-002 2440-002引脚三轴模拟加速计模块KXPB5-2050 KXPB5-2050引脚±2 G三轴加速度计产品规格SCA830-D05 SCA830-D05引脚SCA830-D05单轴加速度计,数字SPI接口ADXL190 ADXL190引脚低成本6100 G单轴加速度计的模拟输出MXC62020GP MXC62020GP引脚低功耗,薄型±2 G双I 2 C接口的三轴加速度计KXPS5-4457 KXPS5-4457引脚±3G的三轴加速度计产品规格CMA3000-D01 CMA3000-D01引脚 CMA3000-D01的3轴超低功耗加速度计,数字SPI和I 2 C接口MXR7305VF MXR7305VF引脚改进的低成本±5 G双成比例的模拟输出三轴加速度计MXR6150M MXR6150M引脚薄型,低功耗±5g的双轴加速度计,按比例输出KXSD9-1026 KXSD9-1026引脚±2g的三轴数字加速度计产品规格SCA2120-D07 SCA2120-D07引脚 Sca2120-D07 2轴加速度计,数字SPI接口MXD202 MXD202引脚低成本,2.0G,双数字输出三轴加速度计SCA3060-D02 SCA3060-D02引脚 Sca3060-D02数位式低功率加速度计非安全关键汽车应用? 2210-002 2210-002引脚的模拟加速计模块KXD94 KXD94引脚 KXD94系列加速计和倾斜计SCA3000-D01 SCA3000-D01引脚SCA3000-D01低功耗3轴加速度计,数字SPI接口KXTE9-4100 KXTE9-4100引脚±2g的三轴数字加速度计产品规格ML8953 ML8953 的3轴加速度计的数字量输出引脚数据KXR94-2283 KXR94-2283引脚,多项数据表为±2G三轴的加速度计产品规格2420-002 2420-002引脚三轴数字加速计模块KXP94 KXP94引脚 Kxp94系列加速度计和倾角传感器SCA2120-D05 SCA2120-D05引脚 Sca2120-D05 2轴加速度计,数字SPI接口ADXL05 ADXL05引脚 61 G 65 G的单芯片加速度计与信号调理2470-002 2470-002引脚三轴模拟加速计模块KXPS5-1050 KXPS5-1050引脚±2g的三轴加速度计产品规格AIS226DS AIS226DS引脚 MEMS惯性传感器的2轴,低g加速度计的数字量输出SCA810-D01 SCA810-D01引脚 Sca810-D01单轴加速度计,数字SPI接口BU-23842-000 BU-23842-000引脚BU系列加速BU-23842-000MMA7455 MMA7455 MMA7455引脚 3轴加速度计模块ADXL50 ADXL50引脚单片加速度传感器与信号调理MXD6025Q MXD6025Q引脚超低噪声,低失调漂移±1 G双数字输出三轴加速度计KXR94-2050 KXR94-2050引脚±2g的三轴加速度计产品规格MPXY8300 MPXY8300引脚根部分号码汽车压力范围卡车轮胎压力范围压力范围压力传感器精度* Z-轴加速度计测量范围Z-轴加速度计精度X轴加速度计测量范围X轴加速度计精度AcceleMXA2500G MXA2500G引脚改进,超低噪声1.7克双轴加速度计具有绝对的输出SCC1300-D02 SCC1300-D02引脚 Scc1300-D02组合的陀螺仪和3轴加速度计,数字SPI接口? ADXL210 ADXL210引脚低成本?10 G双轴加速度计,占空比1221L-002 1221L-002引脚的低噪声模拟加速度计引脚 1.5克MMA7368L MMA7368L三轴低g微机械加速度计LIS2L06AL LIS2L06AL引脚MEMS惯性传感器的2轴- + / - 2g/6g超小型线性加速度计ADXL327 ADXL327引脚小尺寸,低功耗,3轴±2 g加速度计MMA7330L MMA7330L引脚4克,12克三轴低g微机械加速度计MMA7341LC MMA7341LC引脚 3G,11克三轴低g微机械加速度计4203 4203引脚型号4203加速度计MMA2300 MMA2300引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计MLX90308 MLX90308引脚可编程的通用传感器接口MMA1220KEG MMA1220KEG引脚低g微机械加速度计LIS3L02AS5 LIS3L02AS5引脚 MEMS惯性传感器3轴- ?2g/6g 线性加速度计MMA3201D MMA3201D引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计MMA6261Q MMA6261Q的引脚 Mma6261q加速度传感器MMA8452Q MMA8452Q,,引脚 3轴,12-bit/8-bit,,数字加速度计3031-050 3031-050引脚型号3031加速度计4610-020-060 4610-020-060引脚型号4610加速度计MMAS40G10D MMAS40G10D引脚微机械加速度计SCA610-CAHH1G SCA610-CAHH1G引脚SCA610-cahh1g 1轴模拟测斜仪MAX1459 MAX1459引脚 MAX1459 2线,4-20mA的智能信号调理KXRB5-2050 KXRB5-2050引脚,多项数据表为±2G三轴的加速度计ADXL335 ADXL335引脚小尺寸,低功耗,3轴±3 g加速度计MMA1270KEG MMA1270KEG引脚飞思卡尔半导体技术资料MMA2204KEG MMA2204KEG引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计LIS2L01 LIS2L01引脚,多项数据表的惯性传感器2axis/1g线性加速度计MMA2204D MMA2204D引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计HMR3400 HMR3400引脚数字罗盘解决方案QA-1400 QA-1400引脚加速度计具有成本效益级惯性传感器ADXL213 ADXL213引脚低成本±1.2克双轴加速度计4655-020 4655-020引脚型号4655加速度计4801A 0010 4801A-0010引脚型号4801a加速度计MMA1212 MMA1212引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计BMA145 BMA145引脚 Bma145数据表B Bma145三轴模拟加速度传感器LIS344AL的LIS344AL引脚MEMS惯性传感器的3轴超小型线性加速度计ADXL150 ADXL150引脚 65克到650克,低噪声,低功耗,单/双通道轴的iMEMS?加速度计MMA2260D和 MMA2260D引脚 1.5克X-轴微机械加速度计MMA2301KEG MMA2301KEG引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计LIS352AX的 LIS352AX引脚 MEMS惯性传感器的3轴- ±2g的绝对模拟输出加速度计1203-1000-10-072X 1203-1000-10-072X引脚型号1203加速度计MMA1212D MMA1212D引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计MLX90308CAB MLX90308CAB引脚可编程传感器接口52M30-2000-360 52M30-2000-360引脚型号52m30加速度计ADXL323 ADXL323引脚小尺寸,低功耗,2轴±3 GI MEMS加速度计MLX90308CCC MLX90308CCC引脚可编程传感器接口MMA7341L MMA7341L引脚 3G,11克三轴低g微机械加速度计LIS2L02AQ LIS2L02AQ引脚惯性传感器2axis - 2g/6g线性加速度计ADXL345 ADXL345引脚三轴±2/4/8/16g数字加速度计MMA2244EG MMA2244EG引脚低g微机械加速度计MMA6341L MMA6341L引脚 3G,11克两轴低g微机械加速度计LIS302SG LIS302SG引脚 MEMS运动传感器的3轴- ?2G模拟输出短笛加速度计4000A-020-060 4000A-020-060引脚型号4000A加速度计MMA1201P MMA1201P引脚微机械加速度计ADXL193 ADXL193引脚单轴,高g,公司的iMEMS加速度计MMA7660FC MMA7660FC引脚 3轴方向/运动检测传感器LIS3L02AQ3 LIS3L02AQ3引脚 MEMS惯性传感器的3轴- 2G /6克线性加速度计ADW22035 ADW22035引脚精度±18 G Single-/dual-axis iMEMS加速度计MMA7360L MMA7360L引脚 1.5G,6克三轴低g微机械加速度计MAX1166 MAX1166引脚低功耗,16位模拟数字转换器,并行接口MMA6851QR2 MMA6851QR2引脚单轴SPI惯性传感器NJU7029 NJU7029引脚低噪声,轨至轨输出双通道CMOS运算放大器4602-010-060 4602-010-060引脚型号4602加速度计MMA6270Q MMA6270Q引脚 R1.5 G - 6 G双三轴低g微机械加速度计SCA610-C23H1A SCA610-C23H1A引脚的 SCA610-c23h1a单轴模拟加速度计ADIS16355, ADIS16355引脚三轴惯性传感器ADXL312 ADXL312引脚三轴,±1.5g/3g/6g/12g数字加速度计MMA2202KEG MMA2202KEG引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计LIS3L02AQ LIS3L02AQ引脚惯性传感器3轴- 2g/6g线性加速度计MMA2202D MMA2202D引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计BU1511KV2 BU1511KV2引脚事件数据记录系统LSIQA3000-030 QA3000-030引脚的 Q-Flex QA-3000加速度计ADS8201 ADS8201引脚 2.2V至5.5V,低功耗,12位,100ksps时,与PGA和SPI?接口的8通道数据采集系统3058-010-P 3058-010-P引脚型号3058加速度计4623-025-060 4623-025-060引脚型号4623加速度计XMMA1000P XMMA1000P引脚微机械加速度计LIS244AL LIS244AL引脚 MEMS运动传感器的2轴- ?2克超小型线性加速度计KXPS5 KXPS5引脚加速度计和倾角传感器ADIS16354 ADIS16354引脚高精度三轴惯性传感器MMA7261QT和 MMA7261QT引脚 2.5G - 10G三轴低g微机械加速度计MMA6222AKEG MMA6222AKEG引脚模拟双轴微机械加速度计“惯性传感器LIS3L02AS LIS3L02AS引脚 3轴- 2g/6g线性加速度计MMA1210D MMA1210D引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计HMC1055 HMC1055引脚 3轴罗盘传感器集QA-700 QA-700引脚加速度计的经济温度补偿传感器ADXL320 ADXL320引脚小而薄的±5 G iMEMS加速度计834M1-2000, 834M1-2000引脚型号834m1加速度计MMA2260 MMA2260引脚 1.5克X-轴微机械加速度计LIS332AR LIS332AR引脚 MEMS运动传感器的3轴±2 G模拟输出超小型加速度计LIS3LV02DL LIS3LV02DL引脚 MEMS惯性传感器的3轴-2G /??6克数字输出低电压,线性加速度计MMA1270D MMA1270D引脚低g微机械加速度计MMA2244KEG MMA2244KEG引脚低g微机械加速度计LIS33DE LIS33DE引脚 MEMS运动传感器的3轴- ±2克/±8G智能数字输出“纳米”加速度1207F-1000 1207F-1000引脚型号1207f加速度计MMA1200D MMA1200D引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计邢树村整理:TEL:189********。



DM442/DM432C /M542
42/57 两相步进电机
DM556/M542 /ND556
57/86 接口可与DM556互换,但EZM552另配PLC控制接口,与PLC配合应用时无 两相步进电机 需接限流电阻
57/86 EZM852另配PLC控制接口,与PLC配合应用时无需接限流电阻,具有低振 两相步进电机 动和低噪声优势
序号 英纳仕型号
DM422/DM422C/DM32 35/39/42 接口完全兼容,但EZM322最低工作电压为12~36VDC,控制频率可达 0C/M325/M415B 两相步进电机 250Khz,雷赛最低18VDC,控制最高100Khz
5 EZM852CW
57/86 两相步进电机
AM882/M860 /ND882
两相步进电机 动和低噪声优势
三相步进电机 振动和低噪声优势,最高48VAC交流输入

EM6325DX-1.4中文资料(EM Microelectronic)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

EM6325DX-1.4中文资料(EM Microelectronic)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

EM6325DX__-1.3 EM6325DX__-1.4 EM6325DX__-1.6 EM6325DX__-1.7 EM6325DX__-1.8 EM6325DX__-2.2 EM6325DX__-2.6 EM6325DX__-2.9 EM6325DX__-3.1 EM6325DX__-4.4 EM6325DX__-4.6 EM6325DY__-1.3 EM6325DY__-1.4 EM6325DY__-1.6 EM6325DY__-1.7 EM6325DY__-1.8 EM6325DY__-2.2 EM6325DY__-2.6 EM6325DY__-2.9 EM6325DY__-3.1 EM6325DY__-4.4 EM6325DY__-4.6
EM6325 – 2.6 EM6325 – 2.9
+25°C -40°C至+ 85°C -40°C至+ 125°C +25°C -40°C至+ 85°C -40°C至+ 125°C
EM6325 – 3.1 EM6325 – 4.4
+25°C -40°C至+ 85°C -40°C至+ 125°C +25°C -40°C至+ 85°C -40°C至+ 125°C
DD 升至大于V

EM1046、EM3732、EM3532 和 Shure UHF-R 无线接收器监控软件说明书

EM1046、EM3732、EM3532 和 Shure UHF-R 无线接收器监控软件说明书

Drawing on years of experience working with the users of large scale wireless systems, the software is designed to provide a simple, stable and information-rich monitoring solution, allowing forrapid analysis and fault-finding in demanding live environments.It is configured to integrate easily with existing hardware and infrastructure, with the vast majority of interactions suited to touch-screen interaction.Product FeaturesWireless receivers supported:EM1046, EM3732, EM3532 & Shure UHF-RParameters monitored:RF A/B, AF, Diversity, Squelch level and status, Transmitter battery level (where implemented), Receiver name (where implemented). Parameter history:depending on screen size, the last 2-4 minutes of RF and AF data for each channel can be displayed.Number of receivers monitored:only limited by screen size – the display is scalable, and there are three different sizes of receiver display available, depending on the level of detail needed. More than a hundred channels are possible inmost situations.Networking:Receiver information is re-broadcast over Ethernet, allowing an arbitrary number of slave computers to display the information; there is also a chat facility between these stations.Audio monitoring:Software can be configured to broadcast information over serial and Telnet to integrate audio monitoring solutions.Customisation:Each receiver can have a long and short name, notes, and an associated photo displayed in the history view.Delivery IncludesMultimon Software – Cat. No. UKMULTIMON2 Port USB to RS232/485 interface with drivers,and leads to connect to a 1046 LI and an EM 3532.Instructions are provided to manufacture cables toconnect further EM3532s to the chain.Technical DataOS:Windows XP SP2/Vista/7 32/64-bitDependencies:.NET framework 4.0System requirements:Performance will scale with hardware resources – will run on any contemporary hardwareInterface requirements – EM1046:RS-422 interface, EM1046-LI for first rack, EM1046-CI for additional racks, EM1046-DI not requiredInterface requirements – EM3532:RS-485 interfaceInterface requirements – EM3732:Ethernet interfaceInterface requirements – Shure UHF-R:Ethernet interfaceMultimon in Operation on Lion King 40Ch Mixed EM 1046 & EM 3732Multimon Wireless PC Monitoring。

第五代数字通信系统分析仪 FSEA、FSEB、FSEM 和 FSEK说明书

第五代数字通信系统分析仪 FSEA、FSEB、FSEM 和 FSEK说明书

Brief descriptionFSEA, FSEB, FSEM and FSEK are advanced, high-speed and high-per-formance analyzers tailored to the requirements of modern digital com-munication systems. They can also be used as general-purpose analyzers for many applications. High measure-ment speed, modular design and excellent technical features make for an excellent price/performance ratio.In addition to measurement functions for digital communication systems, such as 2µs sweep time in ZERO SPAN mode, pretrigger and trigger delay, gated sweep and adjacent-channel power measurement, these spectrum analyzers feature a wide dynamic range, a very low measure-ment uncertainty of 1dB and a low-noise synthesizer.FSE analyzers have low inherent noise and a wide dynamic range, so that for instance measurement of GSM power ramps is no problem.An extremely wide intermodulation-free dynamic range of 110dB (with10 Hz resolution bandwidth) ensuresreliable measurements on highly lin-ear amplifiers as well as correct anal-ysis of broadband complex signals.From the available frequency ranges,the basic models 20 and the high-per-formance models 30 the right instru-ment can be chosen for every applica-tion. Models 20 can easily beupgraded to give the full range of func-tions of models 30.To ensure correct measurement of timevariants or pulse-modulated signals,the FSE features digital resolution fil-ters (10Hz to 1kHz) with a responsecorresponding to that of analog filters.It additionally provides FFT band-widths down to 1Hz (models 30).Main features•Resolution bandwidths 1 Hz (up to10MHz), adjustable in steps of1/2/3/5/10•Displayed noise floor down to−160dBm (FSEA)•3rd-order intercept point >+15dBm•1 dB compression point of RF input>+10 dBm•Phase noise at 20kHz from carrier:down to −123 dBc (FSEA)•Intermodulation-free dynamic range110dB•Measurement uncertainty up to1GHz: 1dB•Headphones connector and built-inloudspeaker for AM/FM•Internal RF trigger for GATEDSWEEP measurements•Speed records:–Shortest FULL SPAN sweep timeis 5ms (for 3.5 and 7 GHz span)with a fully synchronized sweep– added speed is not at theexpense of frequency accuracybut even enhances it–Shortest ZERO SPAN sweep timeis 1 µs (100 ns/div) – ideal forhigh-resolution measurements onpulse edges–More than 20 sweeps/s – anoptimal prerequisite for fastalignments or applications in pro-ductionSpectrum Analyzers FSEA, FSEB, FSEM, FSEK20 Hz to 40 GHzHigh-performance analyzersfor digital mobile radio anduniversal applicationsFSEK30 (photo 42756)From AF to microwaveFSEM/K21/31 (corresponding to FSEM/K20/30 with option FSE-B21) allow frequency range extension by means of external mixers . Continuous automatic signal identification, which is used to suppress unwanted image frequency bands and mixture prod-ucts, ensures fast and easy measure-ments. Due to the built-in diplexer, three-port as well as two-port mixers can be used.The external mixer measurement func-tion features great ease of operation:•Definition of frequency range and harmonics by selection of a waveguide band•Definition of all important parame-ters for each waveguide band separately•Frequency-dependent consideration of mixer conversion loss•Storage of parameters on hard diskMeasurement functions•Up to 8 markers•Marker functions for the direct measurement of –phase noise andphase power density–NEXT MIN/PEAK, NEXT MIN/PEAK RIGHT, NEXT MIN/PEAK LEFT•Frequency counter with selectable resolution •LOW NOISE, NORMAL and LOW DISTORTION modes to cater for low-intermodulation and low-noise operation•Plotting or printout in background operation or file saving in standard graphic format•Simultaneous display of four traces •Selectable colour setup•Numerous level and frequency lines •Split-screen display with independ-ent windows •Quasi-analog display •Frequency zoomOverview of configurations and optionsThe analyzers of the FSE family are of modular design throughout. In the table below the right solution tailored to the needs of the various applications can be found. Except for the Colour Display FSE-B1 all options can easily be retrofitted (1)Cannot be retrofitted, factory-fitted only).Note: max. two of the options -B4, -B7 can be fitted in FSEM20Designation, characteristics (hardware)Type Order No.F S E A 20F S E A 30F S E B 20F S E B 30F S E M 20F S E M 21F S E M 30F S E M 31F S E K 20F S E K 21F S E K 30F S E K 31Colour DisplayFSE-B11)1073.4990.02m l m lm m l l m m l l 7 GHz Frequency ExtensionFSE-B21073.5040.02m m ll−−−−−−−−TV Demodulator Frame frequency and line trigger, trigger delay and gap sweep allow convenient selection and analysis of individual linesFSE-B31)1073.5244.02m m m m m m m m m m m m•Limit lines•User-configurable menu and key-board macros•Adjacent-channel power measure-ment for up to 7 channels •RMS detectorOperationA combination of hardkeys and softkeys makes for extremely fast and easy operation. The operating conven-ience based on a wide variety of eval-uation routines and marker functions can be accessed via the menus. Com-plicated tree structures could be avoided by using menus of lateral structure and fixed control keys. Com-plete setups and traces, limit lines as well as macros can be stored on the hard disk or on floppy disks.Spectrum Analyzers FSEA, FSEB, FSEM, FSEK1)Factory-fitted onlyDesignation, characteristics (hardware)Type Order No.F S E A 20F S E A 30F S E B 20F S E B 30F S E M 20F S E M 21F S E M 30F S E M 31F S E K 20F S E K 21F S E K 30F S E K 31Low Phase Noise and OCXO Typ. phase noise only −125 dBc (BW = 1 Hz, at 10 kHz from carrier), ideal for measuring phase noise of oscillators or adjacent-channel power of radio equipmentFSE-B41073.5396.02m l m l m m l l m m ll FFT Filter (1 Hz to 1 kHz)FSE-B51073.5544.02m l m l m m l l m m llVector Signal Analyzer Demodulation of digitally modulated signalsFSE-B71066.4317.02m m m m m m m m m m m m Tracking Generator (9 kHz to 3.5 GHz)FSE-B81066.4469.02m m −−−−−−−−−−Tracking Generator with I/Q Modulator (9 kHz to 3.5 GHz)FSE-B91066.4617.02m m −−−−−−−−−−Tracking Generator (9 kHz to 7 GHz)FSE-B101066.4769.02−−m m m −m m m −m m Tracking Generator with I/Q Modulator (9 kHz to 7 GHz)FSE-B111066.4917.02−−m m m −m m m −m mSwitchable Attenuator for Tracking Generators FSE-B8/9/10/11 (0 to 70 dB)FSE-B121066.5065.02m m m m m m m m m m m m Computer Function Additional use of 486 processor for DOS or Windows applicationsFSE-B151073.5696.02m m m m m m m m m m m m Ethernet Interface LAN integration for use in production FSE-B161073.5973.02m m m m m m m m m m m m 2nd IEC/IEEE-Bus Interface FSE-B171066.4017.02m m m m m m m m m m m m External MixerFSE-B211084.7243.02−−−−m l m l m l m lIncreased Level Accuracy up to 2 GHzFSE-B221)1073.5544.02m m m m m m m m m m m mDesignation, characteristics (software)Type Order No.F S E A 20F S E A 30F S E B 20F S E B 30F S E M 20F S E M 21F S E M 30F S E M 31F S E K 20F S E K 21F S E K 30F S E K 31Application Firmware for mobile radio transmitter measure-ments to GSM900 specs 11.20 (mobiles), GSM1800 and GSM1900FSE-K101057.3092.02m m m m m m m m m m m mApplication firmware for mobile radio transmitter measure-ments to GSM900 specs 11.20 (BTS), GSM1800 and GSM1900FSE-K111057.3392.02m m m m m m m m m m m mNoise Measurement Software Noise figure or noise temperature measurement (Y-factor method) from 100kHz, 2nd-stage cor-rection, measurements on frequency converters, editor for ENR tables, consideration of isolator/cable attenuationFSE-K31057.2996.02m m m m m m m m m m m mSpectrum Analyzers FSEA, FSEB, FSEM, FSEKlFitted in basic modelmOptionSpectrum Analyzers FSEA, FSEB, FSEM, FSEKModel-dependent specifications in brief1)Valid at ≤10 kHz fo r average control loop bandwidth; automatic setting of this bandwidth at span ≤50 kHz and resolution filter <1 kHz; other bandwidthscan be switched manually to "medium". Value at 10 kHz valid for span/sweep time <0.4 MHz/ms with FSEB/M/K20/21.2)Valid for span >100 kHz.FrequencyFSEA20FSEA30FSEB20FSEB30FSEM20/21FSEM30/31FSEK20/21FSEK30/31Frequency range9 kHz to 3.5 GHz20 Hz to 3.5 GHz9 kHz to 7 GHz20 Hz to 7 GHz9 kHz to 26.5 GHz20 Hz to 26.5 GHz9 kHz to 40 GHz20 Hz to 40 GHzRefer. frequency (aging) 1 x 10−6/year 2 x 10−7/year 1 x 10−6/year 2 x 10−7/year 1 x 10−6/year 2 x10−7/year1 x 10−6/year2 x10−7/year With option FSE-B4 2 x 10−7/year —2 x 10−7/year — 2 x 10−7/year — 2 x 10−7/year —Spectral puritySSB phase noise, referred to 1 Hz bandwidth, f ≤500MHz100 Hz 1)1 kHz 1)10kHz 1)100 kHz 2)1 MHz 1)—<−85 dBc <−96 dBc <−119 dBc <−135 dBc <−87 dBc <−107 dBc <−120 dBc <−117 dBc <−135 dBc —<−79 dBc <−90 dBc <−113 dBc <−129 dBc <−81 dBc <−100 dBc <−114 dBc <−111 dBc <−129 dBc —<−79 dBc <−90 dBc <−113 dBc <−129 dBc <−81 dBc <−100 dBc <−114 dBc <−111 dBc <−129 dBc —<−79 dBc <−90 dBc <−113 dBc <−129 dBc <−81 dBc <−100 dBc <−114 dBc <−111 dBc <−129 dBc Resolution bandwidths 3 dB bandwidths Steps10 Hz to 10 MHz 1/2/3/5 1 Hz to 10 MHz1/2/3/5/1010 Hz to 10 MHz 1/2/3/5 1 Hz to 10 MHz1/2/3/5/1010 Hz to 10 MHz 1/2/3/5 1 Hz to 10 MHz 1/2/3/510 Hz to 10 MHz 1/2/3/5 1 Hz to 10 MHz 1/2/3/5Shape factor 60:3 dB (1 kHz to 2 MHz)<15<12<15<12<15<12<15<12Video bandwidths Steps1 Hz to 10 MHz 1/2/3/51 Hz to 10 MHz 1/2/3/51 Hz to 10 MHz 1/2/3/51 Hz to 10 MHz 1/2/3/51 Hz to 10 MHz 1/2/3/51 Hz to 10 MHz 1/2/3/51 Hz to 10 MHz 1/2/3/51 Hz to 10 MHz 1/2/3/5LevelDisplayed noise floor , average level in dBm (10Hz bandwidth, 0 dB RF attenuation,VBW = 1Hz, no signal at RF input)20 Hz —−80 —−74 —<−74 —<−74 1 kHz —−110 —−104 —<−104 —<−104 10 kHz −90 −125 −84 −119 <−84 <−119 <−84 <−119 100 kHz −110 −135 −104 −129 <−104 <−129 <−104 <−129 1 MHz <−125,typ.−130 <−145,typ. −150<−119, typ. −124<−142 <−124, typ. −129 <−142, typ. −145 <−124,typ. −129<−142,typ. −145 10MHz to 3.5/6GHz <−140, typ. −145 <−145,typ. −150<−142, typ. −147<−142,typ. −147<−138, typ. −140 <−138, typ. −140 <−138,typ. −140<−138,typ. −140 6 GHz to 7 GHz ——<−139 <−139 <−135, typ. −138 <−135, typ. −138 <−135,typ. −138<−135, typ. −138 7 GHzto 18 GHz ————<−138, typ. −140 <−138, typ. −140 <−138,typ. −140<−138, typ. −140 18 GHz to 26.5 GHz ————<−135, typ. −138 <−135, typ. −138 <−135,typ. −138<−135, typ. −138 26.5 GHz to 30 GHz ——————<−120,typ. −125<−120,typ. −12530 GHz to 40 GHz ——————<−116,typ. −122<−116,typ. −122Max. dynamic range 10 Hz bandwidth 1 Hz bandwidth 10 Hz bandwidth 1 Hz bandwidth 10 Hz bandwidth 1 Hz bandwidth 10 Hz bandwidth 1 Hz bandwidth Displayed noise floor at 1 dB compression155 dB 165 dB 152 dB 162 dB 150 dB 160 dB 150 dB 160 dBMax. intermodulation-free range50 MHz to 3.5/7 GHz 105 dB 115 dB ——————100 MHz to 26.5 GHz ——105 dB 115 dB 103 dB 112 dB 103 dB 112 dBSpectrum Analyzers FSEA, FSEB, FSEM, FSEKCommon specifications in briefFrequencyFrequency display with markerResolution0.1 Hz to 10 kHz (depending on span) Frequency counter measures the marker frequency Resolution0.1 Hz to 10 kHz (selectable) Display range of frequency axis0 Hz, 10 Hz to full spanSweep timeDisplay range 0 Hz 1 µs to 1000 s≥10 Hz 5 ms to 1000 s Picture refresh rate>20 updates/s with 1 trace>15 updates/s with 2 traces Sampling rate50 ns (20 MHz A/D converter) Sweep trigger free run, single, line, video, gated,delayed, externalZero span additionally pretrigger, posttrigger,trigger delayLevelDisplay range noise floor displayed to 30dBm Max. input levelRF attenuation 0 dB/≥10 dBDC voltage0 VCW RF power20 dBm (= 0.1 W)/30 dBm (= 1 W) Pulse spectral density97 dB (µV/MHz)Max. pulse energy (10 µs) 1 mWs/FSEM: 0.5 mWs (RF attenua-tion ≥10 dB)Max. pulse voltage150 V (RF attenuation ≥10 dB)1 dB compression of input mixer(0 dB RF attenuation)+10 dBmMax. harmonics suppression90 dB (f >50 MHz)3rd-order intercept pointIP3, ∆f >5 × resolution bandwidthor >10kHz, f >50MHz>12 dBm (typ. 15 dBm)Intercept point k230 dBm for f <50 MHz>45 (typ. >50)dBm for f >50 MHz FSEM>25dBm for f <150 MHz>40dBm for f >150 MHzLevel displayScreen10 × 10 subdivisionsTrace500 × 400 pixels (one diagram)Log level axis10 to 200 dB in 10 dB stepsFSEM0 to 200 dB in 10 dB stepsLinear level axis10% of reference level per level divi-sion, 10 divisionsSetting range of reference levelLog level display−130 to +30 dBm in 0.1 dB steps FSEM−120 to +30 dBm in 0.1 dB steps Linear level display7 nV to 7.07 V in 1% stepsFSEM70 nV to 7.07 V in 1% stepsUnits of level axis dBm, dBµV, dBµA, dBpW (log leveldisplay); mV, µV, mA, µA, pW, nW(linear level display)Measurement accuracy (0 to −50 dB)1 dB (f <1 GHz),1.5 dB (f >1 GHz)FSEM 2 dB (f <18 GHz),2.5 dB (f >26.5 GHz)Pulse amplitude accuracy (single pulses)Bandwidth <1 MHz0.5 dB>1 MHz 2 dBTrigger functionTrigger free run, line, video, RF, external Delayed sweepTrigger source free run, line, external, videoDelay time100 ns to 10 s, 1 µsDelayed sweep time 2 µs to 1000 sGated sweepTrigger source externalGate position 1 µs to 100 sGate length 1 µs to 100 s, resolution 1 µs DemodulationModulation modes AM and FMAudio output loudspeaker and headphones output Marker stop time100 ms to 60 sSquelch adjustable by means of level line External Mixer FSE-B21(standard in models 21/31LO output/IF input(front panel) SMA female, 50 ΩLO signal7.5 GHz to 15.2 GHzAmplitude+15.5 dBm ±3 dBIF signal741.4 MHzMax. reference level–20 dBmIF input (front panel) SMA female, 50 ΩFrequency741.4 MHzMax. reference level–20 dBmInputs and outputs (front panel)RF input N female, 50 ΩVSWR (RF attenuation >0 dB),f<3.5GHz<1.5Attenuator0 to 70 dB, selectable in 10 dB steps Probe power+15 V/−12.6 V (DC) and ground,≥150 mAPower supply and coding connectorfor antennas etc (antenna code)12-contact Tuchel connectorSupply voltages±10 V, max. 100 mA, groundAF output jack, adjustable up to 1.5 V(Z in = 10 Ω)Inputs and outputs (rear panel)IF 21.4 MHz BNC female 50 Ω, bandwidth>1 kHz or resolution bandwidth Level0 dBm at reference level,mixer level >−60 dBmVideo output BNC female 50 Ω, 0 to 1 V(open-circuit voltage)Reference frequencyOutput, usable as input BNC female 10 MHz, 7 dBmInput1/.../16 MHz, >0 dBm into 50 ΩSweep output BNC female, 0 to 10 V, proportionalto displayed frequencyNoise source connector BNC female, 0/28 V, switch-selected Ext. trigger/gate input BNC, TTL signal −5/+5 VFSEM BNC, >10 kΩ, −5 to +5 V selectable IEC/IEEE-bus control interface to IEC625-2 (IEEE488.2),Command set SCPI 1994.0Serial interface RS-232 interface (COM1 andCOM2), 9-contact female connectors Mouse interface PS/2-compatiblePlotter via IEC/IEEE bus or RS-232-C, HP-GL Printer interface parallel (Centronics) or serial (RS-232-C) Keyboard connector5-contact female for MF2 keyboard User interface25-contact Cannon female Connector for external monitor (VGA)15-contact femaleGeneral dataDisplay (640 × 480)Models 2024 cm LCD (9.5")3024 cm colour LCD (9.5")Mass memory31/2", 1.44 MByte; hard diskPower supply, AC100/120/230/240 V ±10%,47 to 440 Hz (170 to 230 VA) Power consumption170 to 230 VA (depending on model) Dimensions (W × H × D; 5 HU))427 mm × 236 mm × 460 mm FSEM20435 mm × 236 mm × 460 mm FSEM30435 mm × 236 mm × 570 mm Weight21.5 to 29 kg (depending on model)Spectrum Analyzers FSEA, FSEB, FSEM, FSEKOrdering informationSpectrum Analyzer FSEA201065.6000.20FSEA301065.6000.30FSEB201066.3010.20FSEB301066.3010.30FSEM201080.1505.20FSEM211080.1505.21FSEM301079.8500.30FSEM311079.8500.31FSEK201088.1491.20FSEK211088.1491.21FSEK301088.3494.30FSEK311088.3494.31 Options7 GHz Frequency Extension for FSEA FSE-B21073.5044.02 TV Demodulator FSE-B31073.5244.02 Low Phase Noise and OCXO (for models20)FSE-B41073.5396.02 FFT Filter 1Hz to 1kHz (for models .20)FSE-B51073.5544.02 Vector Signal Analyzer FSE-B71066.4317.02 Tracking Generator 3.5 GHz FSE-B81066.4469.02 Tracking Generator 3.5 GHzwith I/Q Modulator FSE-B91066.4617.02 Tracking Generator 7 GHz FSE-B101066.4769.02 Tracking Generator 7 GHzwith I/Q Modulator FSE-B111066.4917.02 Switchable Attenuatorfor Tracking Generator FSE-B121066.5065.02 Controller for FSE (mouse andkeyboard included) German FSE-B151073.5696.02English FSE-B151073.5696.03 Ethernet Interface 15-contact AUI connector FSE-B16 1 ) 1073.5973.02 Thin-wire BNC connector FSE-B16 1 )1073.5973.03 2nd IEC/IEEE-Bus Interface for FSE FSE-B17 1 )1066.4017.02 Removable Hard Disk FSE-B18 2 )1088.6993.02 Second Hard Disk for FSE-B18(firmware included)FSE-B191088.7248.02 External Mixer FSE-B212)1084.7243.02 Increased Level Accuracy up to 2 GHz FSE-B22 2 ) 1106.3480.02 Broadband Output 741.4 MHz FSE-B23 2 )1088.7348.02 SoftwareNoise Measurement Software, Windows FSE-K31057.2996.02 Phase Noise Measurement Software,Windows FSE-K41108.0088.02 GSM Application Firmware, Mobile FSE-K101057.3092.02 GSM Application Firmware, BTS FSE-K111057.3392.021)Options FSE-B16 and FSE-B17 require option FSE-B15.2)Cannot be retrofitted, factory-fitted only.Recommended extrasService Kit FSE-Z11066.3862.02 DC Block, 5 to 7000 MHz (Type N)FSE-Z34010.3895.00 DC Block, 10kHz to 18GHz, Type N FSE-Z41084.7443.02 Microwave Measurement Cable andAdapter Set for FSEM FS-Z151046.2002.02 Service Manual–1065.6016.24 Headphones–0708.9010.00 German Keyboard PSA-Z21007.3001.31 American Keyboard PSA-Z21007.3001.02 PS/2 Mouse FSE-Z21084.7043.02 Colour Monitor, 15", 230 V PMC31082.6004.02 Printer, 24-pin printer head PDN0351.4512.04 IEC/IEEE-Bus Cable, 1 m PCK0292.2013.10 IEC/IEEE-Bus Cable, 2 m PCK0292.2013.20 19" Rack Adapterwith front handles ZZA-950396.4911.00 without front handles ZZA-9510396.9488.00 Set of Front Handles ZZG-950396.5176.00 Transit Case ZZK-9541013.9395.00 Transit Case(FSEM 30 and FSEK 30 only)ZZK-9551013.9408.00 Trolley ZZK-11014.0510.00 Matching Pads, 75 ΩL section RAM0358.5414.02 Series resistor, 25 ΩRAZ0358.5714.02 Accessories for current, voltageand field-strength measurement see accessories for Test Receiver ESS,data sheet PD756.9768SWR Bridge, 5MHz to3000MHz ZRB20373.9017.52 SWR Bridge, 40kHz to 4GHz ZRC1039.9492.52 High-Power Attenuators, 100W,3/6/10/20/30 dB RBU 1001073.8820.xx(xx=03/06/10/20/30) High-Power Attenuators, 50W3/6/10/20/30 dB RBU 501073.8895.xx(xx=03/06/10/20/30) Preamplifier, 9kHz to30MHz ESH3-Z30827.8016.52 Preamplifier, 20MHz to1000MHz ESV-Z30397.7014.52 For FSEM only:Test-Port Adapter,N (male)–1021.0541.003.5 mm (male)–1021.0529.00 For FSEK only:Test-Port Adapter,N (male)–1036.4783.00K (male)–1036.4802.00。

佳能MF4370dn-MF4350d-MF4330d-MF4322d-MF4320d service manual-CHN)维修手册

佳能MF4370dn-MF4350d-MF4330d-MF4322d-MF4320d service manual-CHN)维修手册
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420005-A01, 2.0
Table of Contents
18000-6 Type C (Gen2) and Type C/D (Gen2/TOTAL) RFID IC ......................................................................................... 1 Description .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Features ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Applications ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1 Block Diagram .................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Typical Applications ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 Passive tag with temperature reading on demand. .......................................................................................................... 5 Passive tag with tamper detection and temperature reading on demand. ........................................................................ 5 Passive tag with EM4325 as SPI Master with energy harvesting to power another component as SPI Slave. ............... 5 BAP tag with tamper detection, temperature monitoring, and alarm indicators. ............................................................ 6 BAP tag or embedded application with EM4325 as SPI Master and another component as SPI Slave.......................... 6 BAP tag or embedded application with EM4325 as SPI Slave and another component as SPI Master.......................... 6 Absolute Maximum Ratings ............................................................................................................................................... 7 Handling Procedures ........................................................................................................................................................... 7 Operating Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Electrical Characteristics..................................................................................................................................................... 7 Timing Characteristics ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 I/O DC Characteristics ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 Functional Description .............................