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2014 届毕业设计说明书教材管理系统的设计与实现院、部:计算机与信息科学学院






完成时间: 2014-5



本系统采用了B/S架构,JSP网站开发由于高效,强大的应用,易于开发和修改的特点,因此现在广泛使用。前台开发工具采用的是Myeclipse,后台数据库选择的是SQL2008,教师和学生管理模块主要是对教师及学生的信息进行管理。这样使得教务管理能够有条不紊的进行下去。教材管理模块详细的记录了每个教材的具体信息,为后续领书模块提供信息基础。教材选定模块和教材订购模块是两个相辅的模块选定的信息将显示在教材订购模块,管理员只需要在订购模块填写数量及已到及未到的数量等信息。教材入库模块是对订购的书籍进行登记,有效避免出错。本系统具有操作简单、对人的操作和维护管理水平没有很高的要求,十分容易使用,具有B / S可取的特点。



With the rapid development of computer network technology, the Internet has become the world's largest computer communication network. It is alive with the rapid development of computer network technology, the Internet has become the world's largest computer communication network. It all around the world almost all the countries and regions, each university teaching material management is a very important part of the education system, involves the university management,because it involves the semester each student to new learning and new materialsdemand. Some disadvantages of the traditional teaching management, teachingmanagement, forcing us to continue to improve the management of teaching materials. This system from the need of teaching material management and design, an important consideration made a very effective management ofteaching materials. Traditional management is clearly and Internet technology todraw further apart in advance, but also reduces the efficiency of teaching management in colleges, is not conducive to the long-term development of colleges and universities, therefore, imminent to develop an efficient material management information system.

As everyone knows, database technology is developing rapidly, so that the B / S structure gradually replace C / S structure of the development of management information system (MIS) infrastructure. The system uses the B/S framework, JSP website development due to the efficient, powerful, easy to develop and modify,so now widely used. The development tools used is Myeclipse, the backstage database is SQL2008, after the completion of the system development, old ageinformation management module can achieve crud, providing information for subsequent stapling module. Curriculum module main function is to achieve the curriculum information to add, view, delete and so on, when a professional need to add a course can be in this module to add, add the information will be fed back to the materials selected and textbook ordering module, convenient management. Real time understand the lack of textbooks. The classroom and student m

Key words:B/S structure; The JSP. Information management;WEB; Teaching material management
