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inner station
Literature Review
Gohn G Peters The Cambridge Introduction to Joseph Conrad 1920s-1930s Biographical Criticism 1940s-1960s psychoanalysis 1980s-1990s post-structuralism + postcolonism+feminist criticism
艺术家本身就是背离现实的 人,通过艺术创作的途径, 艺术家实际上就成为自己渴 望的英雄、帝王、创造者和 受人钟爱的人物,再也不用 走实际改变世界的迂回小路 了。 ——弗洛伊德
The tension between the comic and horrible is the cental to Conrad's novel
his experience woking as a captain for an ivory trading company
outer station cental station
chief accountant; striked by a scene of devastation manager+brickmaker; find Kurtz is far from admired, but more or less resented Russian harlequin+Kurtz.
Literature Review
Impressionism: Conrad renders scenes, characters and
actions in th way as human beings perceive them rather than in an orderly-organized way.
a literary mode that subverts and libertrates the assumptions of the dominant style or atmosphere through humor and chaos Bakhtin derives the carnivalization of literature from the reign of the “Serio-comical” with the examples of Socratic dialogues(苏式问答法) and Menippean satire(梅尼普讽刺诗体).
narrative units relationships between the narrative units
MikhaiL Bakhtin's theory of novelistic polyphony polyphony(复调) is a description given by Bakhtin in his 1929 book Problems of Dostoevsky's Art (陀思妥耶夫斯基诗学问题) to the kind of novel that Dostoevsky had initiated. Bakhtin describes Dostoevsky's novels thus: “A plurality of independent and unmerged voices and consciousnesses, a genuine polyphony of fully valid voices is in fact the chief characteristic of Dostoevsky's novels” .(有着众多的各自独立而不相融合的声音 和意识,由具有充分价值的不同声音组成的真正的复调) A defining feature of polyphony is the character of a 科普时间到啦 main voice and the raising of accomponying voices to the status of counter-voices.
Bakhtin's four categories of the carnivalistic sense of the world:
Familiar and free interaction between people ( bring the unlikely of people together, encourag the interaction and free expression of themselves in unity) Eccentric behavior (unacceptable behavior is accepted) Carnivalistic misalliances( allows everything that may normally be separated to reunite — Heaven and Hell, the young and the old, etc. Sacrilegious ( allowed for Sacrilegious events to occur without the need for punishment)
monological novels
polyphonic novels
centralization 向心化
decentalization 离心化
a single,authoritative narrative voice, author unifies all elements to creat a single point of view,works are narrated by a unitary absolute authority that allows for no contesting voices.
Brecht’s Drama Theory three features of a polyphonic novel
carnivalesque狂欢化 dialogism对话模式
carnivalisque is featured by its comic caricature(漫画式 手法), ludicrous imagery(滑稽形象), smirking understatement(傻笑式陈述) and a light jocular tone(打 趣式语气).
わかりましたか M: authoritative discourse, demands our unconditional alliance P: internally persuasive discourse, half ours and half someone else's
seemingly discursive(散漫的, 东拉西扯) centifugal,fragment tendency, differing voices which stands as subjects in their own right rather than as objects of authorial narratorial discourse
Narration perspective: first-person retrospective
Human Nature: the evil side of human nature Symbolism: natural images+ characters+ivory...
an anonymous I begins the narration Marlow's narration
describing the setting introducing the characters reminding the reader of his narrative voice
self-confrontation method questionnaire method
Dialogism dialogism
not be narcissistic extension of authors
shutting down of dialogue and its alteric potential
dialogical self interfaith dialogue
细思 极恐
Heart of darkness
the wilderness had patted him on the head,and,behold,it was like a ball-an ivory ball;it had caressed him,and-lo!-he had withered;it had taken him,loved him,embraced him,got into his veins,consumed his flesh,and sealed his soul to its own by the inconceivable ceremonies of some devilish initiation.He was its spoiled and pampered favourite. (Page50) ——Joseph Conrad 这片荒原曾轻轻拍打过他的头,看吧,他的头就像一个 球——一个象牙球。这片荒原曾爱抚过他,于是,他枯萎 了;荒原俘虏了他,爱上了他,拥抱了他,进入了他的血 脉,耗尽了了他的肉体,还以某种不可思议的魔鬼人盟仪 式,使他的灵魂与荒原融为一体。荒原宠着他,纵着他。
Polyphonic interpretation
polyphonic voices in different talks carnivalesque overtone in the scene description dialogism among the characters
narrative structures interpretation
王松林 《康拉德小说伦理观研究》 精神分析+原型批评+巴赫金理论+解构主义 +女性主义+马克思主义+叙事学批评+后殖 民主义+新历史批评 整理为九大流派分析
Literature Review
Modernism: Kurtz is seen as a type of the modern artist who courageously rejects the bland lies of civilization, dares to transgress the taboos of his society and rediscovers a terrible new kind of imaginative energy Freudians: the journey into congo has been interpreted as a voyage into the wilderness of self-discovery Marxist point of view: Kurtz is an embodiment of all the evils created by free enterprise in a capitalist system Anti-imperialists: draw attention to the suffering and torture of the natives and use the story as a tract against the colonial powers.
inner station
Literature Review
Gohn G Peters The Cambridge Introduction to Joseph Conrad 1920s-1930s Biographical Criticism 1940s-1960s psychoanalysis 1980s-1990s post-structuralism + postcolonism+feminist criticism
艺术家本身就是背离现实的 人,通过艺术创作的途径, 艺术家实际上就成为自己渴 望的英雄、帝王、创造者和 受人钟爱的人物,再也不用 走实际改变世界的迂回小路 了。 ——弗洛伊德
The tension between the comic and horrible is the cental to Conrad's novel
his experience woking as a captain for an ivory trading company
outer station cental station
chief accountant; striked by a scene of devastation manager+brickmaker; find Kurtz is far from admired, but more or less resented Russian harlequin+Kurtz.
Literature Review
Impressionism: Conrad renders scenes, characters and
actions in th way as human beings perceive them rather than in an orderly-organized way.
a literary mode that subverts and libertrates the assumptions of the dominant style or atmosphere through humor and chaos Bakhtin derives the carnivalization of literature from the reign of the “Serio-comical” with the examples of Socratic dialogues(苏式问答法) and Menippean satire(梅尼普讽刺诗体).
narrative units relationships between the narrative units
MikhaiL Bakhtin's theory of novelistic polyphony polyphony(复调) is a description given by Bakhtin in his 1929 book Problems of Dostoevsky's Art (陀思妥耶夫斯基诗学问题) to the kind of novel that Dostoevsky had initiated. Bakhtin describes Dostoevsky's novels thus: “A plurality of independent and unmerged voices and consciousnesses, a genuine polyphony of fully valid voices is in fact the chief characteristic of Dostoevsky's novels” .(有着众多的各自独立而不相融合的声音 和意识,由具有充分价值的不同声音组成的真正的复调) A defining feature of polyphony is the character of a 科普时间到啦 main voice and the raising of accomponying voices to the status of counter-voices.
Bakhtin's four categories of the carnivalistic sense of the world:
Familiar and free interaction between people ( bring the unlikely of people together, encourag the interaction and free expression of themselves in unity) Eccentric behavior (unacceptable behavior is accepted) Carnivalistic misalliances( allows everything that may normally be separated to reunite — Heaven and Hell, the young and the old, etc. Sacrilegious ( allowed for Sacrilegious events to occur without the need for punishment)
monological novels
polyphonic novels
centralization 向心化
decentalization 离心化
a single,authoritative narrative voice, author unifies all elements to creat a single point of view,works are narrated by a unitary absolute authority that allows for no contesting voices.
Brecht’s Drama Theory three features of a polyphonic novel
carnivalesque狂欢化 dialogism对话模式
carnivalisque is featured by its comic caricature(漫画式 手法), ludicrous imagery(滑稽形象), smirking understatement(傻笑式陈述) and a light jocular tone(打 趣式语气).
わかりましたか M: authoritative discourse, demands our unconditional alliance P: internally persuasive discourse, half ours and half someone else's
seemingly discursive(散漫的, 东拉西扯) centifugal,fragment tendency, differing voices which stands as subjects in their own right rather than as objects of authorial narratorial discourse
Narration perspective: first-person retrospective
Human Nature: the evil side of human nature Symbolism: natural images+ characters+ivory...
an anonymous I begins the narration Marlow's narration
describing the setting introducing the characters reminding the reader of his narrative voice
self-confrontation method questionnaire method
Dialogism dialogism
not be narcissistic extension of authors
shutting down of dialogue and its alteric potential
dialogical self interfaith dialogue
细思 极恐
Heart of darkness
the wilderness had patted him on the head,and,behold,it was like a ball-an ivory ball;it had caressed him,and-lo!-he had withered;it had taken him,loved him,embraced him,got into his veins,consumed his flesh,and sealed his soul to its own by the inconceivable ceremonies of some devilish initiation.He was its spoiled and pampered favourite. (Page50) ——Joseph Conrad 这片荒原曾轻轻拍打过他的头,看吧,他的头就像一个 球——一个象牙球。这片荒原曾爱抚过他,于是,他枯萎 了;荒原俘虏了他,爱上了他,拥抱了他,进入了他的血 脉,耗尽了了他的肉体,还以某种不可思议的魔鬼人盟仪 式,使他的灵魂与荒原融为一体。荒原宠着他,纵着他。
Polyphonic interpretation
polyphonic voices in different talks carnivalesque overtone in the scene description dialogism among the characters
narrative structures interpretation
王松林 《康拉德小说伦理观研究》 精神分析+原型批评+巴赫金理论+解构主义 +女性主义+马克思主义+叙事学批评+后殖 民主义+新历史批评 整理为九大流派分析
Literature Review
Modernism: Kurtz is seen as a type of the modern artist who courageously rejects the bland lies of civilization, dares to transgress the taboos of his society and rediscovers a terrible new kind of imaginative energy Freudians: the journey into congo has been interpreted as a voyage into the wilderness of self-discovery Marxist point of view: Kurtz is an embodiment of all the evils created by free enterprise in a capitalist system Anti-imperialists: draw attention to the suffering and torture of the natives and use the story as a tract against the colonial powers.