



广东省实验中学附属天河学校2011年初一新生入学检测题语文试题说明:全卷共九大题,满分为100分,考试时间为50分钟一、给加点字注音(每空1分,共5分)呕.()心沥血胆怯.()拘束.()侮.( )辱抽噎.()二、根据拼音填写汉字(每空1分,共5分)Xī()攘 juàn()恋凶hàn()含辛rú()苦 jiǎo()健三、下列词语中,共有五个错别字,请找出来画线并改正(每个1分,共5分)例:兴高彩烈(采)○1精兵减政()○2天崖海角()○3持之以恒()○4走投无路()○5应接不遐()○6流恋往返()○7强词夺理()○8前扑后继()四、成语填空(每条短横线上填一字,每条成语1分,共5分)有礼杯水车炙人口按就班不思索五、默写诗句(每空1分,共8分)1.昔我往矣,杨柳依依。






















广东省省实天河小升初数学试卷一、选择题(每小题2分,共10分)1.(2分)不计算,下面四个算式中谁的结果最大(a是不为零的自然数)()A.a﹣B.a×C.a÷D.不能确定2.(2分)周长都相等的圆、正方形和长方形,它们的面积()A.圆最大B.正方形最大C.长方形最大D.一样大3.(2分)如图,E是梯形ABCD下底BC的中点,则图中与阴影部分面积相等的三角形共有()A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个4.(2分)白菜2元一斤,菜心3元一斤,小亮有10元钱,则他可以买()A.1斤白菜3斤菜心B.2斤白菜2斤菜心C.2斤白菜3斤菜心D.4斤白菜1斤菜心5.(2分)下面各数,在读数时一个“零”也不读的是()A.620080000 B.35009000 C.700200600 D.80500000二、判断题(每小题2分,共10分)6.(2分)一项工程,20人去做,15天完成;如果30人去做,10天就可以完成.(判断对错)7.(2分)化成小数后是一个无限不循环小数.(判断对错)8.(2分)(2005•惠山区)一个长方形的长和宽都增加5厘米,它的面积增加25平方厘米..(判断对错)9.(2分)把一个不为零的数扩大100倍,只需要在这个数的末尾添上两个零..(判断对错)10.(2分)已知一刀可以把一个平面切成2块,两刀最多可以把一个平面切成4块,三刀最多可以切成7块…,由此可以推测,五刀最多可以切成16块.(判断对错)三、填空题(每小题2分,共20分)11.(2分)数102.6连续减去个1.9,结果是0.12.(2分)(2008•高邮市)2000名学生排成一排按1、2、3、4、5、6、7、6、5、4、3、2、1、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、6、5、4,、3,、2、1、…循环报数,则第2000名学生所报的数是.13.(2分)如果a※b表示,那么5※(4※8)=.14.(2分)把一个长8厘米宽4厘米的长方形,如图所示折一折,得到右面图形,则阴影部分四个三角形的周长之和是厘米.15.(2分)甲、乙、丙三人到图书馆去借书.甲每6天去一次,乙每8天去一次,丙每9天去一次.如果2015年1月5日他们三人在图书馆相遇,那么下一次他们一起到图书馆相遇是月日.16.(2分)甲数比乙数多三分之一,甲数与乙数的比是.17.(2分)一个正方体木块,棱长4厘米,把它的外表涂成绿色,然后切割成棱长为1厘米的小正方体.小正方体中,只有一面是绿色的有块,没有一个面是绿色的有块.18.(2分)王叔叔记得李叔叔的七位电话号码的前五位数:76045口口,还记得其中最大数字是7,各个数字又不重复,但忘记最后两位数字是什么了,王叔叔要拨通李叔叔的电话,最多要试打次.19.(2分)一辆汽车上山速度是每小时40千米,下山速度是每小时60千米/时,由此可知这辆汽车上、下山的平均速度是每小时千米.20.(2分)社会主义核心价值是:富强、民主、文明、和谐;自由、平等、公正、法治;爱国、敬业、诚信、友善,一共24个字,现有4、4、10、10、这四个数,仅用加减乘除运算符号和括号,列出一条算式,算得结果是24.这条算式是.四、计算题(3小题,共34分)21.(10分)直接写出得数.+= 13﹣4= 0.75×4= 5.6÷0.04= 3×51÷7=8.5﹣3.5×2= 5×÷×5= (﹣)×21= 0.375÷+1= 3÷(1+3)=22.(12分)尽量用简便的方法计算,书写计算过程(1)(4+1.9﹣2.85)+(1.1﹣2.15)(2)10÷8+3.96×12.5%+2.04×(3)32﹣0.8×(10.25+14.75)÷1.25.23.(12分)解方程(1)8x÷0.7=8;(2)m+=m;(3)0.4:x=(1+):5.五、解答题(6小题,共46分)24.(6分)做一种零件,8个工人0.5小时完成64个,照这样计算,3小时要完成144个零件,需要多少个工人?25.(6分)小雨在超市用若干元买了某种品牌的饮料28盒.过一段时间再去超市,发现这种饮料进行降价销售,每盒让利0.6元,他用同样的钱比上次多买3盒,求这种饮料降价前每盒多少元?26.(8分)一个正方形的草地,边长是3米,在两个对角的顶点处各种一棵树,树上各拴一只羊,绳长都是3米,问两只羊共能吃到草的面积有多大?(圆周率取3.14)27.(8分)甲乙二人分别从A、B两地出发相向而行,到达目的地后马上掉头回到出发地,他们第一次相遇距A地800米,第二次距B地500米,A、B两地相距多少米?28.(8分)有两根蜡烛,一根比较细,长30厘米,可以点3小时,一根比较粗,长20厘米,可以点4小时;同时点燃这两根蜡烛,几小时后两根蜡烛一样长?(1)请你仔细观察图1中蜡烛燃烧的图示,然后把蜡烛燃烧的情况表示在图2的方格图中.(2)请将图1图2 两个图画在同一幅图(图3)中,请写出点燃几小时后两根蜡烛一样高?此时的高度是多少?29.(10分)如图,房间里地面是长方形形状,是由九个不同的正方形地砖拼接铺成,其中最小的地砖边长是1,求这个房间的地面面积.广东省省实天河小升初数学试卷参考答案一、选择题(每小题2分,共10分)1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.B二、判断题(每小题2分,共10分)6.√7.×8.错误9.错误10.√三、填空题(每小题2分,共20分)11.54 12.3 13.14.24 15.318 16.4:3 17.248 18.6 19.48 20.(10×10-4)÷4四、计算题(3小题,共34分)21.22.23.五、解答题(6小题,共46分)。



省实2011英语语文2011年天河省实英语试题Ⅰ、单项选择:(共20分,每小题1分)1、SsllyandHenryareinschoolbutindifferent?Athesame;class Bthesame;classes Csame;class Dsame;classes 2、Thereis“o”,“u”and“r”intheword“hour”Aananan Baaa Canana D3、Aftersuppermyfather’sfriendlikesnewspaperASeeting Blooking Cwatching Dreading4、yourbrotherandhisclassmatersgoodatfootballAIs;playing BAre;playing CDo;play DDoes;play5、isTom''smother?She''stheladyinblueskirt.AWhose BHowold CWho DWhat6、lindaoftenherhomeworkintheevening,butnowshetvAdoeswatches Bisdoingwatches Cdoesiswatching Disdoingiswatching7、187.25isAonehundredandeighty—sevenpointtwentyfiveBonehundredandeighty—sevenandtwenty--fiveConehundredandeighty—sevenpointtwofiveDonehundredandeighty—sevenandtwofive8、weekdaysIalwaysdomyhomeworkintheevening,buttheweekendI oftenwatchTVAOn;at BIn;at COn;on DAt;on9、doyougoshopping?SometimesAHowoften BWhattime CWhen DHow10、OnSundayeveryoneinthefamilybusy,Allthefamilycleaningthehous eAis;is Bareare Cisare Dareis11、ThisisEnglishclassofthisweekAone Bfirst Cthefirst Dan12、Heplaysthepiano,andMissLiisalwaysanaryhimAbadwith Bbadlyto Cbadlywith Dbadto13、It''stentwety—fiveAWhat’sthetime,please BWhatdayisittoday CWhat’sthedatetoday DWhatsubjectdoyoulike14、WouldyouliketogotothezoowithmeonSaturdaymorning?,butI’vegotapianolesson.ANo,Idon’tlike BI’dlike CI’dloveto DYesI’mglad15、Wouldyoulikemethisevening?Avisit Btovisit Cvisiting Dvisits16、WhatyourfatherHeisateacher.Aisdoing Bisto Cdoesdo Ddoesdoing17、Theseshoesarenot.Thryare?Amyhers Bhisharris’ CmineHarris’ DHarris’his18、WhatcanIdoforyou?I''dlikesixAboxofapple Bboxesofapples Cboxofapples Dboxesofapple 19、Thesestampsmeonehundredyuan.Acost Buse Cspend Dpay20、TherearebananasintheboxAmuch Balittle Calot DalotofⅡ、完形填空(共10题,每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握大意,然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。



2011年小学六年级小升初毕业测试数学试卷一、计算(28分)19.(4.00分)直接写出得数(近似值符号的是估算题)1322﹣199=;1.87+5.3=;2﹣2÷5=;(+)×56=;603×39≈;4950÷51≈;10÷×10=;:=.20.(4.00分)求未知数X的值①x ﹣=1.75;②0.36:8=x:25.21.(16.00分)怎样简便就怎样算①×+2×+②(+)×7×5③×[0.75﹣(﹣)]④+×(2.5﹣)22.(4.00分)列式计算(1)4.6减去1.4的差去除,结果是多少?(2)一个数的比30的2倍还少4,这个数是多少?(用方程解)23.(4.00分)计算如图阴影部分的面积和周长.(单位:厘米)二、判断题(5分)6.(1.00分)一个长方体,它的长、宽、高都扩大2倍,它的体积扩大6倍..(判断对错)7.(1.00分)甲车间的出勤率比乙车间高,说明甲车间人数比乙车间人数多..(判断对错)8.(1.00分)自然数是由质数和合数组成的..(判断对错)9.(1.00分)比例尺一定,图上距离和实际距离成反比例..(判断对错)10.(1.00分)甲数的等于乙数的,甲数与乙数的比是6:5.(判断对错)三、把正确的答案的序号写在括号里(5分)1.(1.00分)三洋电视机厂为了能清楚地表示出上半年月产量的多少与增减变化的情况,应绘制()A.条形统计图B.折线统计图C.扇形统计图2.(1.00分)两个变量X和Y,当X•Y=45时,X和Y是()A.成正比例量B.成反比例量C.不成比例量3.(1.00分)的分母增加15,要使分数大小不变,分子应扩大()A.4倍 B.3倍 C.15倍D.6倍4.(1.00分)米平均分成()份,每份是米.A.18 B.54 C.65.(1.00分)把20克糖溶解在80克开水中,这时糖水中含糖()A.B.20% C.D.20克四、填空题(16分)11.(3.00分)3.45小时=小时分50平方米=公顷.12.(2.00分)7千克比少千克;20吨增加%后是25吨.13.(2.00分)450007020读作省略万后面的尾数约.14.(3.00分)1:=25÷=%=二成.15.(1.00分)把1、1.3、1.13、133.3%和1.34这五个数按从小到大顺序用“<”号连接起来是.16.(2.00分)A=2×3×5,B=3×3×5,那么A和B的最大公因数是,最小公倍数是.17.(2.00分)今天食堂买回四种菜,包菜和花菜共53千克,花菜和白菜共40千克,白菜和菠菜共28千克,包菜和菠菜共千克,四种菜共千克.18.(1.00分)一个圆柱和一个圆锥的底面积和体积分别相等,圆锥的高1.8分米,圆柱的高是.六、下列各题,只列式不计算(12分)24.(3.00分)织布车间2.5小时织布3500米,照这样计算,5小时能织布多少米?25.(3.00分)某专业户收一批梨,每筐装30千克,要70个筐,如果每筐多装5千克,则需要多少个筐?26.(3.00分)一件工作,甲独做完成需要8天,乙独做10天完成,两人同时合做,几天后还剩下这件工作的?27.(3.00分)汽车往返甲、乙两地.去的时候平均每小时行50千米,返回的时候平均每小时行60千米,汽车往返两地平均每小时行多少千米?七、解答下列问题(24分)28.(6.00分)工程队修一条公路,计划每天4.5千米,20天完成,实际每天修6千米,实际几天可修完?(用比例解)29.(6.00分)一套课桌椅的价格是48元,其中椅子的价格是课桌的.椅子的价格是多少元?30.(6.00分)一个圆锥形沙堆,高是1.5米,底面半径是4米,每立方米沙约重1.7吨.这堆沙约重多少吨?(得数保留整吨数)31.(6.00分)甲乙两堆煤,如果甲堆运往乙堆10吨,那么甲堆就会比乙堆少5吨.现在两堆都运走相同的若干吨后,乙堆剩下的是甲堆剩下的.这时甲堆剩下的煤是多少吨?八、解决问题(6分)32.(6.00分)厦门某大型儿童乐园的门票零售每张20元.六(1)班有46人,请你根据乐园管理处规定(如图),设计两种购票方式,并指出哪种购票方式最便宜.方式一:方式二:最便宜的购票方式是:.2011年小学六年级小升初毕业测试数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一、计算(28分)19.(4.00分)直接写出得数(近似值符号的是估算题)1322﹣199=1123;1.87+5.3=7.17;2﹣2÷5= 1.6;(+)×56=61;603×39≈24000;4950÷51≈100;10÷×10=1000;:=.【解答】解:1322﹣199=1123;1.87+5.3=7.17;2﹣2÷5=1.6;(+)×56=61;603×39≈24000;4950÷51≈100;10÷×10=1000;():=.20.(4.00分)求未知数X的值①x ﹣=1.75;②0.36:8=x:25.【解答】解:①x ﹣=1.75,x ﹣+=1.75+,x ÷=÷,x=;②0.36:8=x:25,8x=0.36×25,8x=9,8x÷8=9÷8,x=.21.(16.00分)怎样简便就怎样算①×+2×+②(+)×7×5③×[0.75﹣(﹣)]④+×(2.5﹣)【解答】解:①×+2×+=×(+2+1)=×4=;②(+)×7×5=(+)×35=×35+×35=10+7=17;③×[0.75﹣(﹣)]=×[﹣(﹣)]=×[+﹣]=×=;④+×(2.5﹣)=+×(﹣)=+×=2;故答案为;17;;2.22.(4.00分)列式计算(1)4.6减去1.4的差去除,结果是多少?(2)一个数的比30的2倍还少4,这个数是多少?(用方程解)【解答】解:(1)÷(4.6﹣1.4)=÷3.2=(2)设这个数是x,根据题意得:x×x=70﹣4x×x=9923.(4.00分)计算如图阴影部分的面积和周长.(单位:厘米)【解答】解:(1)10÷2=5(厘米)长方形的面积=长×宽=10×5=50(平方厘米)半圆的面积=πr2÷2=3.14×52÷2=39.25(平方厘米)阴影部分的面积=长方形的面积﹣半圆的面积=50﹣39.25=10.75(平方厘米)答:阴影部分的面积是10.75.(2)阴影部分的周长:3.14×10÷2+10+10÷2×2=15.7+20=35.7(厘米)答:阴影部分的周长是35.7厘米,二、判断题(5分)6.(1.00分)一个长方体,它的长、宽、高都扩大2倍,它的体积扩大6倍.错误.(判断对错)=abh;【解答】解:V原V扩=(2a)(2b)(2h)=8abh;所以体积是扩大了8倍;故答案为:错误.7.(1.00分)甲车间的出勤率比乙车间高,说明甲车间人数比乙车间人数多.错误.(判断对错)【解答】解:出勤率=×100%,所以出勤率的高低决定于出勤人数和全体人数的比,全体人数越多出勤率越高的说法是错误的.故答案为:错误.8.(1.00分)自然数是由质数和合数组成的.×.(判断对错)【解答】解:0和1是自然数,但它们都既不是质数也不是合数,故此题错误.9.(1.00分)比例尺一定,图上距离和实际距离成反比例.×.(判断对错)【解答】解:因为图上距离:实际距离=比例尺一定,所以在同一幅地图上,图上距离与实际距离成正比例.故答案为:×.10.(1.00分)甲数的等于乙数的,甲数与乙数的比是6:5√.(判断对错)【解答】解:设甲数是x,乙数是y,根据题意可得,x=yx=yx=y则甲数与乙数的比是:x:y=y:y=:1=():(1×5)=6:5,符合题目.故:√.三、把正确的答案的序号写在括号里(5分)1.(1.00分)三洋电视机厂为了能清楚地表示出上半年月产量的多少与增减变化的情况,应绘制()A.条形统计图B.折线统计图C.扇形统计图【解答】解:折线统计图不仅表示数量的多少,而且表示数量的增减变化情况,由此,三洋电视机厂为了能清楚地表示出上半年月产量的多少与增减变化的情况,应绘制折线统计图.故选:B.2.(1.00分)两个变量X和Y,当X•Y=45时,X和Y是()A.成正比例量B.成反比例量C.不成比例量【解答】解:X•Y=45(一定),可以看出,X和Y是两种相关联的量,X随Y的变化而变化,45是一定的,也就是X与Y相对应数的乘积一定,所以X与Y成反比例关系.故选:B.3.(1.00分)的分母增加15,要使分数大小不变,分子应扩大()A.4倍 B.3倍 C.15倍D.6倍【解答】解:根据分数的基本性质,的分母增加15,也就是其分母扩大了4倍,其分子也要扩大4倍,大小才不变.故选:A.4.(1.00分)米平均分成()份,每份是米.A.18 B.54 C.6【解答】解:÷=6(份).故选:C.5.(1.00分)把20克糖溶解在80克开水中,这时糖水中含糖()A.B.20% C.D.20克【解答】解:20÷(20+80)==20%;故选:B.四、填空题(16分)11.(3.00分)3.45小时=3小时27分50平方米=0.005公顷.【解答】解:整数部分就是3小时,0.45×60=27(分);50÷10000=0.005(公顷).故答案为:3,27,0.005.12.(2.00分)7千克比7千克少千克;20吨增加25%后是25吨.【解答】解:7=(千克)(25﹣20)÷20=5÷20=25%故填:7千克,25.13.(2.00分)450007020读作四亿五千万七千零二十省略万后面的尾数约45001万.【解答】解:根据整数的读法可知:450007020读作:四亿五千万七千零二十;省略万后面的尾数:450007020≈45001万.故答案为:四亿五千万七千零二十,45001万.14.(3.00分)1:5=25÷125=20%=二成.【解答】解:二成=20%==1:5=1÷5=25÷125.故答案为:5,125,20.15.(1.00分)把1、1.3、1.13、133.3%和1.34这五个数按从小到大顺序用“<”号连接起来是 1.13<1.3<133.3%<<1.34.【解答】解:=,133.3%=1.333,所以1.13<1.3<133.3%<<1.34,即1.13<1.3<133.3%<<1.34;故答案为:1.13<1.3<133.3%<<1.34.16.(2.00分)A=2×3×5,B=3×3×5,那么A和B的最大公因数是15,最小公倍数是90.【解答】解:A=2×3×5,B=3×3×5,所以A和B的最大公因数是3×5=15,最小公倍数是2×3×3×5=90.故答案为15,90.17.(2.00分)今天食堂买回四种菜,包菜和花菜共53千克,花菜和白菜共40千克,白菜和菠菜共28千克,包菜和菠菜共41千克,四种菜共81千克.【解答】解:由包菜和花菜共53千克,白菜和菠菜共28千克可知:四种菜共重:53+28=81(千克)那么由花菜和白菜共40千克可求出,包菜与菠菜共重:81﹣40=41(千克)故答案为:41,81.18.(1.00分)一个圆柱和一个圆锥的底面积和体积分别相等,圆锥的高1.8分米,圆柱的高是0.6分米.【解答】解:圆锥的体积等于底面积乘以高,再除以3,因此当二者底面积和体积相等时,圆柱的高是圆锥的,即1.8×=0.6(分米).答:圆柱的高是0.6分米.故答案为:0.6分米.六、下列各题,只列式不计算(12分)24.(3.00分)织布车间2.5小时织布3500米,照这样计算,5小时能织布多少米?【解答】解:3500÷2.5×5=1400×5=7350(米)答:5小时能织布7350米.25.(3.00分)某专业户收一批梨,每筐装30千克,要70个筐,如果每筐多装5千克,则需要多少个筐?【解答】解:30×70÷(30+5)=2100÷35=60(个)答:需要60个筐.26.(3.00分)一件工作,甲独做完成需要8天,乙独做10天完成,两人同时合做,几天后还剩下这件工作的?【解答】解:(1﹣)÷(+)=÷=1(天)答:1天后还剩下这件工作的.27.(3.00分)汽车往返甲、乙两地.去的时候平均每小时行50千米,返回的时候平均每小时行60千米,汽车往返两地平均每小时行多少千米?【解答】解:(1+1)÷(+),=2÷,=(千米);答:汽车往返两地平均每小时行千米.七、解答下列问题(24分)28.(6.00分)工程队修一条公路,计划每天4.5千米,20天完成,实际每天修6千米,实际几天可修完?(用比例解)【解答】解:实际x天可修完.4.5×20=6×x6x=90x=15;答:实际15天可修完.29.(6.00分)一套课桌椅的价格是48元,其中椅子的价格是课桌的.椅子的价格是多少元?【解答】解:48﹣48÷(1+)=48﹣48÷=48﹣28=20(元);答:椅子的价格是20元.30.(6.00分)一个圆锥形沙堆,高是1.5米,底面半径是4米,每立方米沙约重1.7吨.这堆沙约重多少吨?(得数保留整吨数)【解答】解:由题意知,V=πr2h,=×3.14×42×1.5,=×3.14×16×1.5,=25.12(立方米);25.12×1.7=42.704≈43(吨);答:这堆沙约重43吨.31.(6.00分)甲乙两堆煤,如果甲堆运往乙堆10吨,那么甲堆就会比乙堆少5吨.现在两堆都运走相同的若干吨后,乙堆剩下的是甲堆剩下的.这时甲堆剩下的煤是多少吨?【解答】解:(10×2﹣5)÷(1﹣)=15×,=100(吨).答:甲堆还剩下100吨.八、解决问题(6分)32.(6.00分)厦门某大型儿童乐园的门票零售每张20元.六(1)班有46人,请你根据乐园管理处规定(如图),设计两种购票方式,并指出哪种购票方式最便宜.方式一:购买25张集体、21张零售票方式二:购买46张集体票最便宜的购票方式是:方式二.【解答】解:方式一:25张集体、21张零售票:25×20×80%+21×20=400+420=820元;方式二:46张集体票2次:46×20×80%=736元;由以上看出820>736;方式二最便宜.故答案为购买25张集体、21张零售票,购买46张集体票,方式二.。




(共5分,每小题1分)1. [e] A.eat B. tea C.head D. Easter2. [Ɵ] A.healthy B.this C.clothes D.father3. [u] A.too B. room C.school D.good4. [æ] st B.plant C.ask D.camera5. [id] A. studied B.surprised C.hoped D.wantedⅡ、单项选择.(共20分,每小题1分)6.It‘s half past six in the afternoon.It's time_______________,boys and girls!A. for supperB. for the supperC. for classD.for the Class7.Excuse me,___________?It is over there.A.What's on the deskB. Where's your roomC. Whose bag is itD. Which shoes are yours Yeah ,8. Whose watch is this? ------Is it a black __________,A.itB.oneC. thisD. that9.Please __________ these babies carefully,nurse .A. look afterB.look forC.look likeD.look at10.--I'm sorry,I can't play the computer games.----Don't worry,I'll ______ you.A.speak toB.playC. learnD. show11. ---What is 5 plus 2 ?---___________. Oh,It's seven,A. All rightB. ThanksC.Let me seeD.Not at all12.It's cold today.You must __________ your coat,A.take offB.put onC.pick upD.turn on13.Whose bag is bigger, ________ or __________?A. your, IB.yours, myC. you, me,D.yours,mine,14. How many___________can you see in the picture ,A. man,B. child ,C. people,D.woman,15.---Where‘s shopping center ?-----It's _________ Zhongshan Road .A. atB. onC. overD.of16. ____________ like to join us?A.Can you,B. You wouldC. Do youD.Would you,17.I have got a toothache , I'm going to the _____________.A.dentistB. parkC. teacherD.butcher18.Whose ruler is it? -------- Maybe it's________.A. PeterB.PetersC. Mary‘s and Peter'sD.Mary and Peter ' s19.________ is your uncle?A. Who,B. Where,C. What,D.How,20.There is _____ orange tree in my garden,under ____tree,there is _____ old man,A.a the anB. an the anC. a an anD.an a an21.Mike _______ a big box under his bed , __________many toys in the box .A. has, There areB.have , there isC.had, There areD.have , There was22.Mr black is from _____________. He is __________________ He speaks ____________.A. America, American, EnglishB.Chinese, China, ChineseC. Australia, Australian, RussianD.England,French,Brahms23. Neither you nor________ a teacher.A.isB. amC. areD. be24.I want something special for Christmas,A.something specialB. special anythingC. special somethingD. anything special25.I saw a girl_________ in the room just now.A. jumpsB. to jumpC. jumpedD. jumpingⅢ、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)Cyril got in through the window and gave the food to the others,Who were outside. There was some cold meat, h alf a cold chicken, __26__bread and a bottle of soda-water,Then they all flew back up onto the church roof____27_____it .They were very hungry,______28______they really enjoyed it.But when you're hungry,and then you eat a big meal and sit_____29_____the hot sun on a roof ,it's very____30___to fall asleep.And so they did-----while the sun_____31____went down in the west.They slept_____32_____a long time.When they woke up it was dark------And of course,they had no wings.We ____33___get home, Cyril said .“There‘s a door over there,.That's the way____34____, But when they tried the door,they found that it was locked from _____35____ side.They were on top of the church and they had no wings!How were they going to get down?26. A. any B.some C.many D.little27. A. eating B. ate C. to eat D.eat28 A. so B. or C. still D.but29. A. under B.for C. on D.in30. A. easy B.tired C. hard D.hungry31. A. fast B. soon C. slowly D.brightly32. A. at B.to C. since D.for33. A. must B. may C. need D.can34. A.up B. to C.down D. along35. A. the other B. others C. another D.otherⅣ、阅读理解(共30分,每小题2分)A 篇The USA is smaller than Russia ,Canada and China.Washington DC is its capital. But it is a quiet city. New York is the biggest city in America. And it's one of the biggest cities in the world. It is in the east of the USA,and at the mouth of theHudson River . A large part of the city is on Manhatten island, a big island in the river. New York has a larger population than Washington DC, In new York,we can see the famous statue,the statue of Liberty, Which was given by France.36. The USA is the ___________ largest country in the world ,A.firstB. secondC. thirdD.fourth37.Washington DC has a____________ population than New York,A. largerB. smallerC.moreD.less38.Where does the statue of Liberty come from?A.ManhattanB.Washington DCC. New YorkD.France39.Where is new York?A.In the east of the USAB. In the Hudson RiverC. On the Manhattan islandD.We don't know40.How many cities have been mentioned in this passage?A. NineB.TwoC. SevenD.FiveB篇Air is all around us , It is around us when we walk and play .From the time we were born , air is around us . When we sit down ,it is around us . When we go to bed , it is also around us . We live in the air ,All living things need air . Maybe we can live without water for a few days , But we can't live for more than four minutes without air. Living things can't live without air , We talked in the air . When we are walking and running , We need more air .When we are sleeping ,we need less air.We lived in the air ,but we can't see it , We can only feel it , We feel it when it is moving , Moving air is called wind , How can we make air move , Here is one way , Hold an open book in your hand ,in front of your face ,close it quickly , What you feel is the air .41. How long can we live without air ?A. Eight hoursB. Eight minutesC. Three minutesD. Five minutes42. Which is true ,according TO the passage ?A. When we are asleep ,we need more airB. When we run we need less thereC. We can feel the air ,D. Air can't move43. How is the wind formed ?A. By runningB. By blowingC. By movingD. By opening the window44. Where is the air ?,A. Inside our bodyB. On the usC. Outside our bodyD. In the sky45. Which is the most important to the living things according to the passage ?A. WaterB. MoneyC. EarthD. AirC篇David‘s birthday was on a snowy day in December. He got a lot of presents from his family and friends , His father and mother gave him a red box with a storybook in it , His mother said , There are a lot of funny stories in it , It's good for you .Mike , David's best friend, gave him a large box . A toy car is in it .David‘s sister gave him a round box . It was a birthday cake , He thought , But it was a basketball . David likes playing basketball . David brother gave him a big yellow box .David opened it and there was another box in it .The box was green . He opened the small box and saw the third box . This one was blue. There was a short letter in it , Go to your study. You can see three boxes there , a black one , a grey one, and a white one .Your birthday present is in one of them .David ran to his study and found the boxes .The black one is bigger than the grey one , And the white one is the smallest .He opened the grey box , But found nothing in it . Then he opened the biggest one . He was very glad to see a modern plane in it .46. David’s parents put their present in___________ for his birthday .A. a yellow boxB. a lot of boxesC. a black boxD. a red box47. Who is Mike ?A. A friend of David‖s fatherB. One of David‘s best friends ,\C. David's brotherD. D avid‘s sister ,48. What color was the biggest box in David ‘s study ?A. WhiteB. BlackC. GreyD. Blue49. How many boxes did David,’s brother gave to him ?A. FourB. FiveC. SixD. Seven50. What was in the biggest box ?A. A bookB. A letterC. A model planeD. A small boxⅤ、根据实际情况回答问题(每题1分,共10分)51. How many hours does the Earth turn on its axis in one day?How long does it take,the earth goes around the sun?( Just write the numbers)_______________________________________________________________52. The________________ is a satellite(卫星) of the earth.53. Chemical(化学)change is a change that produce(生成)________ substance(物质)?54. If your friend got one hundred in the exam, What will you say to him?____________________________________________________________________55. Factors(因素)which makeiron(铁) rusting(生锈) is__________ and ___________.56. What's the date of tree planting day?(write in English not only numbers)___________________________________________________________57. Who is the father of modern China? (You can write in Chinese)________________________________________58. Where was Chairman Mao born?______________________________________59. What season is it in China when it is autumn in Australia?__________________________________________________60. Magnifier (放大镜) is often used in scientific experiments(科学实验). What is its feature(特点)?It's_________ in the centre, But__________ at the edge (边)。



广东实验中学附属天河学校2011年初一新生入学检测英语试题说明:全卷共八大题,满分100分,考试时间50分钟题号ⅠⅡⅢⅣⅤⅥⅦⅧ总分得分Ⅰ、语音选出下列单词划线部分读音与所给的音标发音一致(每题1分,共5分)() 1. [ʌ] A. other B. together C. seldom D. ours() 2. [ɔ] A. famous B. again C. water D. last() 3. [ai] A. festival B. picnic C. dial D. said() 4. [id] A. turned B. bored C. stopped D. crowded() 5. [tʃən] A. invitation B. question C. population D. internationalⅡ、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)()6. We are going to stay there for ______ hour.A. aB. anC. theD. /()7. There are a lot of ______ in the bag.A.potatoB. potatosC. potatoesD. Potatoses()8. I am the ______ runner in the class.A. 2rdB. twothC. twoD. second()9. ______ houses are more beautiful than ______.A. Their; weB. Theirs; oursC. Their; oursD. They; we()10. Can he do it ______?A. heB. hisC. himD. himself()11. This is a ______ season.A. rainyB. rainC. rainningD. rained()12. My sister plays the piano ______ than me.A. worseB. badC. badlyD. worst()13. ______ the end ______ last term we had a party.A. In; oppositeB. At; ofC. From; toD. During; with()14. ______ happy I am to have you in the party!A. WhyB. WhatC. HowD. Well()19. You are having din ner at your friend’s home. He wants you to eat some fish. What should he say?A. Why don’t you eat fish?B. What do you want?C. Eat some fish!D. Help yourself to some fish.()20. How much _______ the jeans?A. beB. isC. amD. are()21. Elephants can be ______ years old.A. s ixtyB. fiftyC. thirtyD. one hundred and fifty()22. A: Kelly can’t go to school today because she doesn’t feel well.B: ___________________.A. That’s not good!B. Congratulations!C. Quite good!D. I am sorry to hear that.()23. Italy is in _______.A. A fricaB. North AmericaC. EuropeD. Asia()24. _______ is the capital of the Great Britain.A. P arisB. LondonC. MoscowD. Washington()25. If it is 3 o’clock in the afternoon in China, what time is it in Britain?A. M orningB. AfternoonC. NightD. EveningⅢ、完型填空(每题1分,共10分)Tom was seven years old. He got some money from his mother every week. He 26 a lot of things from the shops. 27 in fact, he didn’t need 28 . One day his mother gave him a notebook and said, ”Now, Tom, when you buy anything, I want you to write it down in this book, and write down 29 you have paid 30 it, too. Then you can 31 it again when you r money’s all gone, and you won’t waste so much money next time.”After a week, Tom 32 his mother, “Mum, before I spend any money now, I really stop and think!”His mother was very 33 and thought, “Well, he’s known how to spend his 34 n ow.”But she wasn’t too happy when he said again, “Yes, before I buy anything, I always 35 myself,‘Am I going to be able to spell that in my notebook?’”()26 A. sold B. lent C. bought D. if()27 A. So B. Or C. But D. If()28 A. it B. themC. that D. this()29 A. how many B. how long C. how often D. how much()30 A. to B. for C. on D. at()31 A. buy B. give C. write D. look at()32 A. said to B. spoke C. answered D. talk about()33 A. sad B. pleased C. worried D. tired()34 A. money B. time C. things D. notebook()35 A. ask B. make C. answer D. knowⅣ、阅读理解(每题2分,共30分)AOne day an old woman visited Balzac, the famous French writer. She was an American. She took out a pupil’s composition book, and then said, “Mr. Bal zac, you are a famous writer, so I want you to read the composition book. Please tell me how you like it. Does this child have a good future in writing?”Balzac read the composition book quickly and then asked the old woman, “Is the child your grandson or your relative?” “No,” said the old woman. Then Balzac said, “To tell you the truth, the pupil will have no future in writing.” The woman looked at Balzac closely and asked, “Can’t you remember your handwriting? This is your exercise-book.”()36. Who was Balzac?A. He was a great British writer.B. He was a writer from Germany.C. He was a French writer.D. He was from America.()37. Was the old woman Balzac’s grandmother?A. No, she wasn’t. She was his relative.B. Yes, she was.C. No, she wasn’t. But she knew Balzac.D. No, she wasn’t. She was his closed friend.()38. What’s the Chinese for “composition”?A. It means 报纸in Chinese.B. It means 描红本in Chinese.C. It means 作文in Chinese.D. It means 学生手册in Chinese.()39. What did Balzac think of the boy after he read the composition book?A. He didn’t think the boy had any future in writing.B. He thought the boy had a bright future in writing.C. He thought the boy would write very good composition in the future.D. He didn’t think the boy was worse than him.()40. Whose was the composition book?A. It’s the old woman’s grandson’s composition book.B. It’s Balzac’s own composition book.C. It’s the old woman’s relative’s.D. It’s the woman’s composition book.BSouth Africa is a big country in Africa. It has a population of about 42,500,000. The capital of South Africa is Pretoria. It has a population of about 820,000.The weather in South Africa is just like Australia’s. Cape Town is one of the biggest cit ies in the south of South Africa. There are four seasons there. Summer in Cape Town is from November to February. This is the best season in South Africa. The temperature is usually 18°C to 20°C. People like to swim in the sea because it is cool. The weath er is quite dry and it doesn’t rain. Winter lasts from May to September. The temperature is usually 11°C to 14°C, and it usually rain and it’s windy. Some mountains near Cape Town have snow in winter. People like go skiing there. The most beautiful season in South Africa is spring. But it is short, only in October. It isn’t very hot, and it isn’t very cold in spring. After the first spring rain, all the flowers open, red, yellow, orange, purple…, just like a colourful flower sea.In South Africa the Kruger National Park is famous. It is very large. In the park we can see lions,elephants, zebras and many other animals.()41. Which city is the capital of South Africa?A. AfricanB. PretoriaC. KrugerD. Cape Town()42. What’s the population of Pretoria?A. 41,680,000B. 5,500,000C. 42,500,000D. 820,000()43. Where is Cape Town?A. In the westB. In the eastC. In the northD. In the south()44. How long does winter last in Cape Town?A. 5 monthsB. 4 monthsC. 3monthsD. 1 month()45. Which is the best season in South Africa?A. WinterB. SpringC. SummerD. AutumnCMy name is Chen Min. I live in Beijing. I am now a student of Grade One in a middle school in China. Susan Green is my pen pal. She is thirteen years old. She is in Grade Seven in a middle school in the USA. My English teacher says we are in the same grade. How funny it is!In her letter, Susan says she goes to school five days a week. She gets to school at 8:30 in the morning. She doesn’t go home for lunch but has it at school. She comes home at three in the afternoon. Sometimes she plays games with her friends after school. She often has little homework.()46. Susan is _______ girl of thirteen years old in a middle school.A. an AustralianB. an AmericanC. a ChineseD. a Japanese()47. What is the meaning of the word “pal”?A. friendB. studentC. teacherD. letter()48. What does the underlined (划线的) word “it” mean?A. We are in the same grade.B. I’m in Grade One.C. Susan is in Grade Seven.D. Both A, B and C.()49. Susan ______ early every day.A. goes homeB. has lunchC. has lessonsD. goes to school()50. Which following (下面的) sentence (句子) is right?A. I’m a middle school student in Grade One in Amer ica.B. Susan has not homework every day.C. Susan has lunch at school.D. Susan often goes to the shop near her school after school.Ⅴ、根据实际情况回答问题(每题2分,共10分)51. What’s the weather like today?___________________________________________________________________________52. What is your father?___________________________________________________________________________53. What’s your hobby? (What are your hobbies?)___________________________________________________________________________54. How often do you go to your school library?___________________________________________________________________________55. Which river is longer, the Pearl River or the Changjiang River?___________________________________________________________________________Ⅵ、根据所给的首字母完成下列句子|(每题1分,共5分)在填写答案时,首字母要写出来。



小升初真题分类:首字母填空(总9页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--小升初首字母填空真题汇总形容词1.(2008大联盟) Tokyo is noisy. But Wellington is q_______.2.(2008/2011大联盟) Today I am f_______. But yesterday I was busy.3.(2009省实天河) This cup is empty. Give me a f_______ one.4.(2009省实天河) Mr. Black looks old but Mrs. Black looks y_______.5.(2009省实天河) Don’t take this heavy bike. Take this l_______ one.6.(2011省实天河) I don’t want to visit Tokyo because it’s too n_______. I prefer quiet place.7.(2011华附奥校) Some things are not as e_______ as we think. They’re difficult.8.(2014小联盟) Wellington is q_______ while Tokyo is noisy and crowded.9.(2010小联盟) I think this book is too b_______, I am not interested in it.10.(2008大联盟) We worked all day yesterday. We were very t_______.11.(2009大联盟) The ball is 200 yuan. It is e_______.12.(2009/2011大联盟) The box is h_______. I can’t carry it.13.(2010大联盟) The box is very l_______. You can carry it easily.14.(2011大联盟) The movies star is very f_______. Many people know him.15.(2012大联盟) The man is very p_______, he has no food to eat , no water to drink.16.(2013大联盟) More and more people entered the bus and the bus was c_______.17.(2010小联盟) Tomato is my f_______ food. I like it best.18.(2011小联盟) It is necessary to keep a balanced diet and do more exercises if you want tokeep h_______.19.(2009省实天河) Liu Li is from China. He is a C_______ boy.20.(2012小联盟) I have been worrying for a long time. I really feel t_______. I must have a restfirst.21.(2012小联盟) We all got e_______ when we knew that we had won the first prize.22.(2012大联盟) I was s_______ when I saw some pretty flowers on my desk.23.(2010暨大附中) Jim and Jack live on the d_______ floor. Jim lives on the sixth and Jack lives onthe tenth.24.(2010暨大附中) The pen is 200 yuan. It is too e_______.25.(2011华附奥校) It is a w_______ book, so everyone wants to read it.26.(2010广州外国语) Eating less meat and doing more sports can make us h_______.27.(2012华侨外国语) There’s nothing in this box. Look, it’s e_______.28.(2012华侨外国语) It the sky is c_______, there’s no rain or cloud and you can see very far.29.(2010小联盟) Lily lives in Guangzhou, but she was b_______ in Shanghai.30.(2014小联盟)-- Does the boy over there always play jokes on others-- Yes. He is very n_______.31.(2011省实天河) Mozart was b_______ in Salzburg, Austria in 1756. He was one of thegreatest musicians.32.(2009大联盟) Beijing is a b_______ city.33.(2011大联盟) Christmas is the most important festival in w_______ countries.34.(2012大联盟) The G_______ Wall is the longest wall in the world.35.(2012大联盟) Listening a concert is so b_______, let's go to the circus i_______.36.(2013大联盟) It’s time for us to get t_______ for a chat.37.(2009中大附中) I read a story about a famous historical person. He was the father ofm_______ China.38.(2010广州外国语) The students must keep q_______ in class and listen to the teacherscarefully.39.(2011广外外校) The radio doesn't work. What's w_______ with it?40.41.42.(2014小联盟) I will get off at Sun Yat-sen M_______ Hall.43.(2011广外外校) The A_______ Games was held in Guangzhou in 2010.44.(2013小联盟) They all got i_______ in the book and want to read it after the teacher’s taskabout the writer.45.(2013小联盟) -- Thank you for your great help. -- You are w_______.46.(2011广外外校) He is a good student. He a_______ listens to his teachers carefully in class.47.(2010/2011大联盟) We needn’t buy Ricky a bike. He has a new one a_______.48.(2009中大附中) First they were lost, and then they walked out of the forest f_______.49.(2014小联盟) One day a farmer was working in the fields. S_______ a hare ran very fast andcrashed into a tree.50.(2013小联盟) Li Liwei o_______ worked as a father, but now he is a teacher in our school.名词1.(2009大联盟) The months of winter usually are N_______, D_______, and J_______.2.(2010暨大附中) F_______ is between January and March.3.(2011暨大附中) The spring season usually starts from F_______ every year.4.(2009/2011大联盟) Women’Day is on the e_______ of M_______.5.(2013小联盟) When we say weekend, we mean S_______ and Sunday.6.(2008大联盟) Christmas is the most important f_______ in western countries.7.(2012大联盟) C_______ is a popular festival in western countries.8.(2011小联盟) -- What s_______ do you like best -- Summer.9.(2008大联盟) Xu beihong was a famous Chinese p_______.10.(2012大联盟) Dr Sun Yat-sen was once a d_______.11.(2011小联盟) Lu Xun was a great Chinese w_______. He was born in 1881 and died in 1936.12.(2010广州外国语) Thomas Edison is one of the greatest s_______ in the world.13.(2012华侨外国语) Avril is my favourite s_______. I like her songs very much.14.(2011大联盟) You look pale. You’d better go to see a d_______.15.(2011华附奥校) Listen carefully. Being a good l_______ is very important.16.(2011暨大附中) Polar bears live in A_______.17.(2013大联盟) Beijing is the c_______ of China.18.(2011小联盟/2009中大附中) Canberra is the c_______ of Australia. It's very beautiful.19.(2009大联盟) Shanghai is in the e_______ of China.20.(2012小联盟)-- Where to-- To the l_______. I want to borrow some books about Guangzhou.21.(2011省实天河) Can we go to Guangzhou R_______ for dinner22.It’s very famou s.23.(2011暨大附中) The Six Banyan T_______ in Guangzhou has long history.24.(2012华侨外国语) Susan was born in a v_______ but she works in the city now.25.(2010暨大附中) I’m from the PRC. I’m C_______.26.(2011广外外校) Can you talk with the foreigners in E_______.27.(2011暨大附中) Different countries have different c_______.28.(2008大联盟) Our national f_______ is red with five yellow s_______.29.(2010广州外国语) China is an old country with long history and a large p_______.30.(2012大联盟) E_______ are the biggest animals on land31.(2011暨大附中) O_______ are the biggest birds in the world.32.(2009省实天河) This kind of tree’s l_______ turn yellow in autumn.33.(2009省实天河) Jia’s f_______ are on the windows, they are very nice and smell good. Manybees and butterflies fly around them.34.(2011广州外国语) Chips are made from p_______.35.(2013大联盟) We’re going on a p_______ tomorrow.36.(2012小联盟) -- What c_______ is your pen? -- It’s red.37.(2014小联盟) -- What’s the p_______ of China38.-- About billion.39.(2014小联盟)-- Who is going to make a s_______ on Oct. 1st at the meeting-- I don’t know. Maybe Mr. Liu.40.(2011省实天河) You are sick, so please take the m_______ three times a day. I hope you’ll bewell soon.41.(2009中大附中) You make her bedroom messy. I think you are in t_______.42.(2012华侨外国语) You’d better keep your v_______ down when talking in public.43.(2011广外外校) You need to have a r_______ after the hard work.44.(2014小联盟) Don’t eat too many candies. They are bad for your t_______.45.(2014小联盟)-- What’s the m_______ of the word “pudding”-- I don’t know. I have to look it up in the dictionary.46.(2013小联盟) Li Lan has very good s_______; she can see things clearly without glasses.动词1.(2009大联盟) This plane f_______ to Guangzhou every day.2.(2010大联盟) Let’s i_______ our teachers to our party. They’ ll be very happy to be with us.3.(2012大联盟) Please say it again, I can't h_______ you.4.(2013大联盟) Don’t l_______ at your classmates.5.(2010小联盟) Which do you p_______, basketball or football?6.7.8.(2010小联盟) Look, the monkey is c_______ the tree.9.(2011小联盟) Jack wanted to b_______ my bike, but I had lent it to Bill.10.(2012小联盟) If you want to learn English better, you should p_______ it every day.11.(2009省实天河) It’s dark in the room, t_______ o_______ the light.12.(2009省实天河) Where is my bike I c_______ find it.13.(2009省实天河) Do they like f_______ kites in the afternoon?14.15.16.(2011省实天河) She p_______ the piano for half an hour on weekdays. Now she can play itvery well.17.(2009中大附中) Your plan s_______ great. I like it.18.(2011华附奥校) When the teacher came into the classroom, we stopped t_______.19.(2010广州外国语) Radio m_______ told us that the weather would get hotter and hotter inthe coming Days.20.(2010广州外国语) He c_______ all his Italian money into US dollars yesterday.21.(2011广州外国语) Boys enjoy s_______ in the small rivers.22.(2011广州外国语) You are lying, I can’t b_______ you.23.(2012华侨外国语) Look! Our English teacher is w_______ some very important words on theblackboard.24.(2011广外外校) Be careful when you g_______ across the street. The traffic is so busy now.25.(2011广外外校) The students often p_______ trees on the hill.26.(2011广外外校) You mustn't t_______ any photos with your cameras in the museum.27.(2011广外外校) He is a blind man. He can't s_______ anything at all.28.(2013小联盟) Let’s w_______ the football game on TV.29.(2013小联盟)-- Oh, the beautiful vase was broken!--My uncle carelessly d_______ it last night.数词、介词、代词、连词1.(2008/2011大联盟) Thursday is the f_______ day of the week in the UK.2.(2009省实天河) May is the f_______ month of the year.3.(2010暨大附中) Monday is the s_______ day of the week.4.(2011广州外国语) September is the n_______ month of a year.5.(2012华侨外国语) December is the t_______ month of a year.6.(2011广外外校) The s_______ month in a year is February.7.(2014小联盟) David was born two days before New Year’s Day. That’s December thet_______.8.(2014小联盟) -- What time is it -- It is a q_______ to five.9.(2012大联盟) Plants can't grow well w_______ water and air.10.(2014小联盟) Sun Yat-sen was a great leader and he was a_______ the emperor.11.(2010广州外国语) The sun gives us light d_______ the daytime.12.(2011华附奥校) She looks l_______ her mother.13.(2013小联盟) Nurses help to look a_______ patients in hospital.14.(2010/2011大联盟) Do you usually make a shopping list b_______ you go shopping15.(2009省实天河) -- Which is you bull -- The black o_______.16.(2013小联盟) -- W_______ is your uncle -- He is a scientist.综合1.2006大联盟The Spring Festival begins on the first day of the f_______ (1) month of the Chinese calendar (日历) while the Western New Year starts on the first day of J_______ (2). Before the Spring Festival comes, everyone b_______ (3) busy. They clean their houses, cook a lot of d_______ (4) food and go s_______ (5) for presents.On the eve (前夕) of the Chinese New Year, every family member stays home for d_______ (6) and welcomes the New Year with hope and happiness. They w_______ (7) the Spring Festival Evening Party by CCTV and go to bed very late. The children get “lucky money” f_______ (8) the older. With the m_______ (9), they can buy books, toys, food and many other t_______ (10).2. 2007省实天河Everyone should be f_______ (1) with others. When you want to get h_______ (2) from others, you should say “p_______ (3)” and “thank you”. And please d_______ (4) talk or laugh loudly in public (公共场合). If you happen to stand on someone’s leg or get him or her way, you should say, “E_______ (5) me, or I’m s_______ (6).” Don’t b_______ (7) angry with each other, of course, it iseven w_______ (8) to swear (吵架) or fight with others. Perhaps everyone may meet people in trouble (困难). At this t_______ (9), it is polite to help t_______ (10), you shouldn’t laugh at them.3.2008省实天河Libraries are very p_______ (1) in our country. A library is a p_______ (2) to keep all k_______ (3) of books. You can b_______ (4) books from the library if you have a library card. You can r_______ (5) books or newspapers in the reading-room. The people in the library and in the reading-room are very f_______ (6) and h_______ (7). A library or a reading-room is another good place for s_______ (8). We can get more news a_______ (9) interesting knowledge there. But remember you must take good care of the library books w_______ (10) you read them.4.2009省实天河It is time t_______ (1) go home now. I’m in a bus o_______ (2) a rainy day, and a woman w_______ (3) a dog gets on the bus. It is a big dog and his f_______ (4) are not clean.I don’t want the dog to sit near me. B_______ (5) the woman says to the conductor, “O h, I p_______ (6) for my dog. C_______ (7) he sit here like the o_______ (8) people?”The condutor looks at the dog and says, “Yes, madam. But l_______ (9) the other people, he m_______ (10) not put his feet on the chair.”5.2011华附奥校Many people in Taiwan eat a lot, but they are not r_______ healthy. They want to look for aw_______ to make t_______ healthy. So they b_______ to care about what they e_______. They know that vegetables and fruits can h___________ develop a healthy body. Food like theseb_______ people’s best choices, even if (即使) they c_______ more. If these vegetables and fruits can be c_______, they will become more p_______.6.2010华侨外国语Once a king showed two men a large basket in the garden. He asked them to f_______ (31) it with water from a well. After they had begun their work, he left them, Saying, “When the sun is down. I will come and see your work.”At last, one of them said, “What’s the m_______ (32) of doing this work? We can never fill the basket.” The other man answered,“That’s one of our business.” The first man said, “You may do as you please, but I am not going to work at anything so foolish.” He went away. The other man didn’t say a word, but kept on c_______ (33) water. At sunset the well was almost empty.At last he found a bright thing in the well. He was very surprised. He picked it up. It was a beautiful gold ring. Just then the king came. As soon as he saw the ring he knew that he had found thek_______ (34) of men he wanted. He told him to keep the ring for h_______ (35). You had done so well in this little thing. He said.” Now I can trust you in many things.”7.2009广外外校Some people go to bed late at night and get up late in the m_______.This is not good for t_______. Morning is the t_______ for exercise. Exercise means doing things with the body. Walking, r_______, jumping and playing are all exercise. Exercise keeps the bodys_______. Exercise helps the blood to m_______ around the body. Blood takes food to all parts of the body. This is very i_______. So get up early and have exercise every morning can help us to keep healthy.8.2010广外外校Mark Twain was famous as a public speaker. In his speeches he always liked to tell f_______ stories. He also liked to l_______ to funny stories and play j_______ on his friends. One day, one of his friends l_______ his wallet and asked him to b_______ a railway ticket for him. Mark Twain told his friend that he didn’t have e_______ money to pay both tickets. He asked his friend to hide u_______ his seat. Later, when the conductor (售票员) came to check the tickets, Mark Twain gave him two-one for h_______ and one for his friend. Then he said in a loud v_______, “My friend is a strange man, when he travels on a train, he doesn’t like to s_______ on the seat, but he likes to lie on the floor under the seat.”9.2012西关外国语AYao Ming was born in 1980. He is metres tall. B_______ (1) of his parents were basketball players. When Yao Ming was in school, his favorite s_______ (2) was history.Yao Ming started to play basketball when he was ten, then he became really good a_______ (3) it. He played basketball in the USA and was an N_______ (4) star. Yao Ming is easy-going and humorous. A lot of people love him very much. One of his American fans w_______ (5) a song for him.BAll over the world, people drink tea, but in different countries people have d_______ (6) ideas about drinking tea.In China, for example, people often drink tea at any time of day at homes, in teahouses or in their working places. They prefer tea with n_______ (7) else in it.Tea is also important to Japanese people. The Japanese have a special way of serving tea. They call it a tea ceremony. It is very old and full of meaning. Everyone should do something in the c_______ (8).Another tea-drinkig country is England. In England, there is a tea-time in the afternoon. Almost everyone has a cup of tea then. But in America, people drink tea mostly for breakfast or after meals. Americans u_______ (9) use tea bags to make their tea. Tea bags are faster and e_______ (10) than making tea in a teapots. In summber, many Americans drink cold tea with sugar called “iced tea”. Sometimes they drink iced tea from cans, like soda.。


























小升初 2011年天河省实试题

小升初 2011年天河省实试题

2011年广东省实验中学附属天河学校初一新生入学检测题语文试题说明:全卷共4页,七大题,满分为100分,考试时间为50分钟一、给加点字注音(每空1分,共5分)呕.()心沥血胆怯.()拘束.()侮.( )辱抽噎.()二、根据拼音填写汉字(每空1分,共5分)Xī()攘 juàn()恋凶hàn()含辛rú()苦 jiǎo()健三、下列词语中,共有五个错别字,请找出来画线并改正(每个1分,共5分)例:兴高彩烈(采)○1精兵减政()○2天崖海角()○3持之以恒()○4走投无路()○5应接不遐()○6流恋往返()○7强词夺理()○8前扑后继()四、成语填空(每条短横线上填一字,每条成语1分,共5分)有礼杯水车炙人口按就班不思索五、(每空1分,共8分)1、昔我往矣,杨柳依依。

今我来思,_________________ 。

















()四、计算题(共34分)1、直接写出得数(每小题1分,共10分)4×7/15= 1÷1/2= 2/3+1/6= 7/8÷7= 5 2/5+0.3=5÷5/3= 1/6×3/8= 3/5-1/2= 0.35+0.4= 8×(12+0.5)=2、求未知数(每一题2分,共4分)1/20:1/5=X:0.8 x÷3/4=5/6+13、计算下列各题(每小题5分,共20分)(1)4×0.8×2.5×12.5 (2)21-3/4 ×1/2-5/8(3)8/9×[3/4-(7/16-0.25)] (4)49/5+499/5+4999/5+3/5五、解决问题(每小题6分,共36分)1、体育场买来16个篮球和12个足球共付出760元,已知篮球与足球的单价比是5:6,体育场买篮球和足球各付出多少元?2、把一块底面直径8分米,高6分米的圆锥体钢块熔铸成一个长方体,这个长方体长4分米,宽2分米,它的高是多少分米?3、甲乙两地相距405公里,一辆汽车从家底开往乙地,4小时行驶了180公里。



广东省广州市天河省时小升初数学试卷1一.填空题1. 一根绳子,剪去13米,就剩下它的13,那么如果剪去14米,就剩下它的________.2. 10.05公顷=________公顷________平方米;1时35分=________时。

3. 一个两位小数精确到十分位后是3.0,这个数最大是________,最小是________.4. 在47,0.58,57.1%,35,0.66,23几个数中,最大的是________,最小的是________.5. 一段路分为上坡、平路、下坡三段,各段路程的比是2:3:4.小明走完这三段路所用的时间比4:5:6,那么他上坡、平路、下坡的速度比是________(填最简比).6. 蜜蜂采的花蜜中含有70%的水份,蜜蜂用这种花蜜酿制成只含1%水份的蜂蜜,这样要酿制1千克的蜂蜜需要采集花蜜________千克。

7. 图中直角三角形里有3个正方形,已知AD =25cm ,BD =100cm ,阴影部分的面积是 10754 cm 2.8. 某住宅楼里住着2个男孩和4个女孩,他们的年龄各不相同,最大的10岁,最小的4岁,最大的男孩比最小的女孩大4岁,最大的女孩比最小的男孩大4岁,那么最大的男孩________岁。



________.(判断对错).如果a 的35和b 的34相等(a >0, b >0),那么a <b .________.(判断对错).三.选择题一座大楼有18层,如果第18层记作“+8”,那么记作“−8”的是第()层。

A.8B.3C.4D.2估算一下,下面算式计算结果最大的是()A.2018×(1−12018) B.2018×(1+12018)C.2018÷(1−12018) D.2018÷(1+12018)小强上学步行的速度是180米/分,放学步行的速度是120米/分,他往返的平均速度是()米/分。



2011年省实天河小升初英语招生试卷(分析)Ⅰ、语音选出下列单词划线部分读音与所给的音标发音一致(每题1分,共5分)()1. /ʌ/ A. other B. together C. seldom D. ours【参考答案】A【知识点】元音o的发音。


()2. /ɒ/ A. famous B. again C. water D. last【参考答案】C【知识点】元音a的发音。

【解析】本题主要考察了元音a发音的知识点,四个选项中只有C是发/ɒ/,A 选项发的是/eI/音,B选项中两个的两个a分别发的是/ə/和/eI/,D选项发的是/a:/音。

()3. /aɪ/ A. festival B. picnic C. dial D. said【参考答案】C【知识点】元音i的发音【解析】本题主要考察了元音i发音的知识点,A选项中i发的是/I/音,B选项中的两个i发的都是/I/音,D选项中ai发的是/e/音。

()4. /ɪ d/ A. turned B. bored C. stopped D. crowded【参考答案】D【知识点】尾音字母组合ed发音【解析】本题主要考察学生尾音字母组合ed发音的知识点,t,d单词结尾发/ Id /。

()5. /tʃən/ A. Invitation B. questionC. populationD. international【参考答案】B【知识点】tion的发音【解析】本题主要考察了学生tion发音的知识点,只有B选项是发/tʃən/,其他三个选项都是发/ʃən/音。

Ⅱ、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)()6. We are going to stay there for ______ hour.A.aB. anC. theD. /【参考答案】B【知识点】冠词【解析】本题主要考察了学生冠词a和an的区别的知识点。



3. 一个两位数,其十位与个位上的数字交换以后,所得的两位数比原来小27,则满足条件的两位数共有__________个.
4. 现有100千克的物品,增加它的后,在减少,结果重__________千克
5. 图中空白部分占正方形面积的__________分之__________.
6. 甲、乙两条船,在同一条河上相距210千米.若两船相向而行,则2小时相遇;若同向而行,则14小时甲赶上乙,则甲船的速度为__________.
7. 将11至17这七个数字,填入图中的○内,使每条线上的三个数的和相等.
8. 甲、乙、丙三人,平均体重60千克,甲与乙的平均体重比丙的体重多3千克,甲比丙重3千克,则乙的体重为__________千克.
9. 有一个数,除以3的余数是2,除以4的余数是1,则这个数除以12的余数是__________
10. 现有七枚硬币均正面(有面值的面)朝上排成一列,若每次翻动其中的六枚,能否经过若干次的翻动,使七枚硬币的反面朝上__________(填能或不能).
11. 浓度为70%的酒精溶液500克与浓度为50%的酒精溶液300克,混合后所得到的酒精溶液的浓度是多少?
12. 数一数图中共有三角形多少个?
13. 一个四位数,它的第一个数字等于这个数中数字0的个数,第二个数字表示这个数中数字1的个数,第三个数字表示这个数中数字2的个数,第四个数字等于这个数中数字3的个数,求出这个四位数.
14. 求出算式在表示为小数时,小数点后的第一、二、三位数字.。












2011年广东省实验中学附属天河学校小升初数学试卷一、填空.(把正确答案填在括号里,每小题2分共20分)1.(2分)一项工程,甲工程队3天完成了它的,甲工程队每天完成它的,余下的工程还要天才能完成.2.(2分)能被3整除的最小三位数是.有约数2,又是5的倍数的最大三位数是.3.(2分)一个圆的周长是12.56厘米,它的面积是.4.(2分)一种黄铜由锌和铜按3:7熔铸而成,生产这种黄铜240吨,需要锌吨,需要铜吨.5.(2分)一个长方体截下体积是32立方厘米的小长方体,剩下的是一个棱长4厘米的正方体,原长方体的表面积是.6.(2分)一个两位小数精确到个位是10,这个数最大是小于.7.(2分)五(1)班男生比女生多10%,男生与女生的比是,女生占全班人数的.8.(2分)1克盐放入100克水中,盐与盐水的比是,要制2020千克这样的盐水,需要盐千克.9.(2分)现有2克、3克、6克砝码各一个,那么在天平秤上能称出种不同重量的物体.10.(2分)某项工作先由甲单独做45天,再由乙单独做18天可以完成,如果甲乙两人合作可30天完成.现由甲先单独做20天,然后再由乙来单独完成,还需要天.二、选择题.(每小题2分,共10分)11.(2分)要使是假分数,是真分数,x=()A.7 B.8 C.9 D.不存在12.(2分)下面各数中能同时被2,3和5整除的是()A.215 B.370 C.51013.(2分)的分母增加15,要使分数大小不变,分子应扩大()A.4倍 B.3倍 C.15倍D.6倍14.(2分)米平均分成()份,每份是米.A.18 B.54 C.615.(2分)空桶里装9杯水或8碗水便可装满,现将3杯水和4碗水倒入空桶,水面上升到空桶的()A.B.C.D.三、判断题.(每小题2分,共10分)16.(2分)所有的偶数都是合数..(判断对错)17.(2分)分子、分母是质数的分数是最简分数.(判断对错)18.(2分)甲车间的出勤率比乙车间高,说明甲车间人数比乙车间人数多..(判断对错)19.(2分)自然数是由质数和合数组成的..(判断对错)20.(2分)甲数的等于乙数的,甲数与乙数的比是6:5.(判断对错)四、计算题.(共36分)21.(12分)直接写出得数(1)2.64+3.6=(2)2.4×50=(3)4﹣4=(4)=(5)=(6)O.3÷3%=22.(16分)用简便方法计算下面各题(1)(2)(3)4.3×11.8+86×0.91(4)7.46×36+74.6×6.4.23.(8分)解比例或方程:(1)(2).五、应用题(共44分)24.(8分)加工一批零件,甲单独做要6小时完成,乙单独做要8小时完成,甲、乙两人合做3小时,一共加工零件560个.这批零件共有多少个?25.(8分)甲桶油比乙桶油多3.6千克,如果从两桶中各取出1千克后,甲桶里剩下油的等于乙桶里剩下油的.那么甲桶原有油多少千克?26.(10分)甲、乙、丙三人在A、B两块地植树,A地要植900棵,B地要植1250棵.已知甲、乙、丙每天分别能植树24,30,32棵,甲在A地植树,丙在B地植树,乙先在A地植树,然后转到B地植树.两块地同时开始同时结束,乙应在开始后第几天从A地转到B地?27.(8分)如图,ABOF和ODEC都是正方形,AB=10厘米,OD=12厘米,CD是以O为圆心,OC为半径的圆弧,求图中阴影部分的面积.28.(10分)甲粮仓装43吨面粉,乙粮仓装37吨面粉,如果把乙粮仓的面粉装入甲粮仓,那么甲粮仓装满后,乙粮仓里剩下的面粉占乙粮仓容量的;如果把甲粮仓的面粉装入乙粮仓,那么乙粮仓装满后,甲粮仓里剩下的面粉占甲粮仓容量的,每个粮仓各可以装面粉多少吨?2011年广东省实验中学附属天河学校小升初数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一、填空.(把正确答案填在括号里,每小题2分共20分)1.(2分)一项工程,甲工程队3天完成了它的,甲工程队每天完成它的,余下的工程还要15天才能完成.【解答】解:÷3=;(1﹣),=;=15(天);答:甲工程队每天完成它的,余下的工程还要15天才能完成.故答案为:,15.2.(2分)能被3整除的最小三位数是102.有约数2,又是5的倍数的最大三位数是990.【解答】解:(1)由分析知:该三位数的最高位(百位)最小是1,十位是0,又因为1+0+2=3,3能被3整除,所以该三位数为102;(2)由分析知:该三位数的最高位(百位)最大是9,个位是0,因为9+0+9=18能被3整除,所以十位上数是9,该数为990;故答案为:102,990.3.(2分)一个圆的周长是12.56厘米,它的面积是12.56平方厘米.【解答】解:12.56÷3.14÷2=2(厘米),3.14×22=12.56(平方厘米),答:圆的面积是12.56平方厘米.故答案为:12.56平方厘米.4.(2分)一种黄铜由锌和铜按3:7熔铸而成,生产这种黄铜240吨,需要锌72吨,需要铜168吨.【解答】解:3+7=10,锌:240×=72(吨);铜:240×=168(吨);故答案为:72,168.5.(2分)一个长方体截下体积是32立方厘米的小长方体,剩下的是一个棱长4厘米的正方体,原长方体的表面积是128平方厘米.【解答】解:根据题干分析:原来的长方体和被截下的长方体的横截面的面积都是4×4=16(平方厘米),所以截下的长方体的长是:32÷16=2(厘米),原来长方体的长是2+4=6(厘米),所以原长方体的表面积是:(4×4+6×4+6×4)×2,=64×2,=128(平方厘米),答:原长方体的表面积是128平方厘米.故答案为:128平方厘米.6.(2分)一个两位小数精确到个位是10,这个数最大是小于10.50.【解答】解:由分析可知,一个两位小数精确到个位是10,这个两位小数最大是10.49,故这个数最大是小于10.50,故答案为:10.507.(2分)五(1)班男生比女生多10%,男生与女生的比是11:10,女生占全班人数的.【解答】解:设女生的人数是1,那么男生人数是:1×(1+10%)=1.1,总人数是:1+1.1=2.1;男生人数:女生人数=1.1:1=11:10;女生占全班人数的:1÷2.1=;故答案为:11:10,.8.(2分)1克盐放入100克水中,盐与盐水的比是1:101,要制2020千克这样的盐水,需要盐20千克.【解答】解:盐与盐水的比是:1:(100+1)=1:101;需要盐:2020×=20(千克).答:盐与盐水的比是1:101,需要盐20千克.故答案为:1:101,20.9.(2分)现有2克、3克、6克砝码各一个,那么在天平秤上能称出10种不同重量的物体.【解答】解:用2、3克的砝码可以但称出1克重和5克重的物体,2克与6克砝码可称出4克或8克重的物体;3克与6克砝码可称出3克或9克重的物体,其中3克重物体可以直接用3克砝码称出;用2克、3克和6克可称出7克,5克,1克,11克重的物体;所以用这三个砝码可称出1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11克共10种不同重量的物体.答:在天平秤上能称出10种不同重量的物体;故答案为:10.10.(2分)某项工作先由甲单独做45天,再由乙单独做18天可以完成,如果甲乙两人合作可30天完成.现由甲先单独做20天,然后再由乙来单独完成,还需要38天.【解答】解:45﹣30=15(天),30﹣18=12(天);即甲做15天相当于乙做12天,甲乙的工作效率比为12:15;则甲先单独做20天,然后再由乙来单独完成,还需要:30+(30﹣20)÷=30+10×,=38(天);答:还需要38天.故答案为:38.二、选择题.(每小题2分,共10分)11.(2分)要使是假分数,是真分数,x=()A.7 B.8 C.9 D.不存在【解答】解:要使是假分数,x大于或等于8;要使是真分数,x小于或等于9;所以x只能等于8.故选:B.12.(2分)下面各数中能同时被2,3和5整除的是()A.215 B.370 C.510【解答】解:由分析可知:该数末尾(个位数)是0,并且各个数位上数的和能被3整除;A.个位数是5,不符合;B.3+7+0=10,不能被3整除,不符合;C.末尾是0,5+1+0=6,能被3整除,符合;故选:C.13.(2分)的分母增加15,要使分数大小不变,分子应扩大()A.4倍 B.3倍 C.15倍D.6倍【解答】解:根据分数的基本性质,的分母增加15,也就是其分母扩大了4倍,其分子也要扩大4倍,大小才不变.故选:A.14.(2分)米平均分成()份,每份是米.A.18 B.54 C.6【解答】解:÷=6(份).故选:C.15.(2分)空桶里装9杯水或8碗水便可装满,现将3杯水和4碗水倒入空桶,水面上升到空桶的()A.B.C.D.【解答】解:3×+4×=+,=.故选:C.三、判断题.(每小题2分,共10分)16.(2分)所有的偶数都是合数.×.(判断对错)【解答】解:偶数是能被2整除的数,合数是除了1和它本身以外还有别的约数,2只有1和它本身两个约数,2是偶数但不是合数.故答案为:×.17.(2分)分子、分母是质数的分数是最简分数×.(判断对错)【解答】解:根据最简分数与质数的定义可知,分子、分母是不同质数的分数是最简分数,所以原题说法错误.故答案为:×.18.(2分)甲车间的出勤率比乙车间高,说明甲车间人数比乙车间人数多.错误.(判断对错)【解答】解:出勤率=×100%,所以出勤率的高低决定于出勤人数和全体人数的比,全体人数越多出勤率越高的说法是错误的.故答案为:错误.19.(2分)自然数是由质数和合数组成的.×.(判断对错)【解答】解:0和1是自然数,但它们都既不是质数也不是合数,故此题错误.20.(2分)甲数的等于乙数的,甲数与乙数的比是6:5√.(判断对错)【解答】解:设甲数是x,乙数是y,根据题意可得,x=yx=yx=y则甲数与乙数的比是:x:y=y:y=:1=():(1×5)=6:5,符合题目.故:√.四、计算题.(共36分)21.(12分)直接写出得数(1)2.64+3.6=(2)2.4×50=(3)4﹣4=(4)=(5)=(6)O.3÷3%=【解答】解:(1)2.64+3.6=6.24;(2)2.4×50=120;(3)4﹣4=;(4)=4;(5)=0.25;(6)O.3÷3%=10.故答案为:6.24,120,,4,0.25,10.22.(16分)用简便方法计算下面各题(1)(2)(3)4.3×11.8+86×0.91(4)7.46×36+74.6×6.4.【解答】解:(1),=(+)+(+),=10+8,=18;(2)×+×,=()×,=×,=;(3)4.3×11.8+86×0.91,=43×1.18+43×1.82,=43×(1.18+1.82),=43×3,=129;(4)7.46×36+74.6×6.4,=74.6×3.6+74.6×6.4,=74.6×(3.6+6.4),=74.6×10,=746.23.(8分)解比例或方程:(1)(2).【解答】解:(1),2x=24×,x=4,x=2;(2),x=4,x=18.五、应用题(共44分)24.(8分)加工一批零件,甲单独做要6小时完成,乙单独做要8小时完成,甲、乙两人合做3小时,一共加工零件560个.这批零件共有多少个?【解答】解:()×3=×3=;560=640(个).答:设这批零件共有640个.25.(8分)甲桶油比乙桶油多3.6千克,如果从两桶中各取出1千克后,甲桶里剩下油的等于乙桶里剩下油的.那么甲桶原有油多少千克?【解答】解:设甲桶原有油x吨,则乙油桶原来有(x﹣3.6)千克,则,x﹣=x﹣×4.6,x﹣x=,x=,x=11.8,答:甲桶原有油11.8吨26.(10分)甲、乙、丙三人在A、B两块地植树,A地要植900棵,B地要植1250棵.已知甲、乙、丙每天分别能植树24,30,32棵,甲在A地植树,丙在B地植树,乙先在A地植树,然后转到B地植树.两块地同时开始同时结束,乙应在开始后第几天从A地转到B地?【解答】解:总棵数是:900+1250=2150(棵),每天可以植树:24+30+32=86(棵),需要种的天数是:2150÷86=25(天),甲25天完成的棵数:24×25=600(棵),那么乙要再A地植树的棵数:900﹣600=300(棵),即做了的天数:300÷30=10(天),10+1=11(天),即第11天从A地转到B地;答:两块地同时开始同时结束,乙应在开始后第11天从A地转到B地.27.(8分)如图,ABOF和ODEC都是正方形,AB=10厘米,OD=12厘米,CD是以O为圆心,OC为半径的圆弧,求图中阴影部分的面积.【解答】解:整个图形的面积为:1O×1O+12×12+10×(12﹣10)×=100+144+10,=254(平方厘米),三角形ABD的面积为:×1O×(10+12)=110(平方厘米),弧CD与CE、ED围成的面积为:12×12一×3.14×122=144﹣113.04,=30.96(平方厘米),所以阴影部分的面积为:254﹣110﹣30.96=144﹣30.96,=113.04(平方厘米).答:阴影部分的面积为113.04平方厘米.28.(10分)甲粮仓装43吨面粉,乙粮仓装37吨面粉,如果把乙粮仓的面粉装入甲粮仓,那么甲粮仓装满后,乙粮仓里剩下的面粉占乙粮仓容量的;如果把甲粮仓的面粉装入乙粮仓,那么乙粮仓装满后,甲粮仓里剩下的面粉占甲粮仓容量的,每个粮仓各可以装面粉多少吨?【解答】解:(1﹣)÷(1﹣)=,甲仓:(43+37)÷(1+×),=80÷,=48(吨);乙仓:48×=64(吨);答:甲仓可以装面粉48吨,乙仓可以装64吨.。



广东省省实天河小升初数学试卷一、选择题(每小题2分,共10分)﹣×÷3.(2分)(广东)如图,E是梯形ABCD下底BC的中点,则图中与阴影部分面积相等的三角形共有()二、判断题(每小题2分,共10分)6.(2分)(广东)一项工程,20人去做,15天完成;如果30人去做,10天就可以完成.(判断对错)7.(2分)(广东)化成小数后是一个无限不循环小数.(判断对错)8.(2分)(2005•惠山区)一个长方形的长和宽都增加5厘米,它的面积增加25平方厘米..(判断对错)9.(2分)(广东)把一个不为零的数扩大100倍,只需要在这个数的末尾添上两个零..(判断对错)10.(2分)(广东)已知一刀可以把一个平面切成2块,两刀最多可以把一个平面切成4块,三刀最多可以切成7块…,由此可以推测,五刀最多可以切成16块.(判断对错)三、填空题(每小题2分,共20分)11.(2分)(广东)数102.6连续减去个1.9,结果是0.12.(2分)(2008•高邮市)2000名学生排成一排按1、2、3、4、5、6、7、6、5、4、3、2、1、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、6、5、4,、3,、2、1、…循环报数,则第2000名学生所报的数是.13.(2分)(广东)如果a※b表示,那么5※(4※8)=.14.(2分)(广东)把一个长8厘米宽4厘米的长方形,如图所示折一折,得到右面图形,则阴影部分四个三角形的周长之和是厘米.15.(2分)(广东)甲、乙、丙三人到图书馆去借书.甲每6天去一次,乙每8天去一次,丙每9天去一次.如果2015年1月5日他们三人在图书馆相遇,那么下一次他们一起到图书馆相遇是月日.16.(2分)(广东)甲数比乙数多三分之一,甲数与乙数的比是.17.(2分)(广东)一个正方体木块,棱长4厘米,把它的外表涂成绿色,然后切割成棱长为1厘米的小正方体.小正方体中,只有一面是绿色的有块,没有一个面是绿色的有块.18.(2分)(广东)王叔叔记得李叔叔的七位电话号码的前五位数:76045口口,还记得其中最大数字是7,各个数字又不重复,但忘记最后两位数字是什么了,王叔叔要拨通李叔叔的电话,最多要试打次.19.(2分)(广东)一辆汽车上山速度是每小时40千米,下山速度是每小时60千米/时,由此可知这辆汽车上、下山的平均速度是每小时千米.20.(2分)(广东)社会主义核心价值是:富强、民主、文明、和谐;自由、平等、公正、法治;爱国、敬业、诚信、友善,一共24个字,现有4、4、10、10、这四个数,仅用加减乘除运算符号和括号,列出一条算式,算得结果是24.这条算式是.四、计算题(3小题,共34分)+= =×÷﹣)÷+322.(12分)(广东)尽量用简便的方法计算,书写计算过程(1)(4+1.9﹣2.85)+(1.1﹣2.15)(2)10÷8+3.96×12.5%+2.04×(3)32﹣0.8×(10.25+14.75)÷1.25.23.(12分)(广东)解方程(1)8x÷0.7=8;(2)m+=m;(3)0.4:x=(1+):5.五、解答题(6小题,共46分)24.(6分)(广东)做一种零件,8个工人0.5小时完成64个,照这样计算,3小时要完成144个零件,需要多少个工人?25.(6分)(广东)小雨在超市用若干元买了某种品牌的饮料28盒.过一段时间再去超市,发现这种饮料进行降价销售,每盒让利0.6元,他用同样的钱比上次多买3盒,求这种饮料降价前每盒多少元?26.(8分)(广东)一个正方形的草地,边长是3米,在两个对角的顶点处各种一棵树,树上各拴一只羊,绳长都是3米,问两只羊共能吃到草的面积有多大?(圆周率取3.14)27.(8分)(广东)甲乙二人分别从A、B两地出发相向而行,到达目的地后马上掉头回到出发地,他们第一次相遇距A地800米,第二次距B地500米,A、B两地相距多少米?28.(8分)(广东)有两根蜡烛,一根比较细,长30厘米,可以点3小时,一根比较粗,长20厘米,可以点4小时;同时点燃这两根蜡烛,几小时后两根蜡烛一样长?(1)请你仔细观察图1中蜡烛燃烧的图示,然后把蜡烛燃烧的情况表示在图2的方格图中.(2)请将图1图2 两个图画在同一幅图(图3)中,请写出点燃几小时后两根蜡烛一样高?此时的高度是多少?29.(10分)(广东)如图,房间里地面是长方形形状,是由九个不同的正方形地砖拼接铺成,其中最小的地砖边长是1,求这个房间的地面面积.广东省省实天河小升初数学试卷参考答案一、选择题(每小题2分,共10分)1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.B二、判断题(每小题2分,共10分)6.√7.×8.错误9.错误10.√三、填空题(每小题2分,共20分)11.54 12.3 13.14.24 15.318 16.4:3 17.248 18.6 19.48 20.(10×10-4)÷4四、计算题(3小题,共34分)21.22.23.五、解答题(6小题,共46分)。

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41×52= 12-297= 171×8= 149-74= 1÷0.6= 4
72÷2= 121×121= 0.25×2
÷0.125= 4×5%= 12-
94-95= 21×31÷21×3
= 2.用简便方法计算(每小题4分,共16分)
(1)4.2×0.36+4.2×64% (2)33.6÷8+33.6÷7
125+2113+127+218 (4)115×[(25+31)÷6
(1)110.51136x x += (2)6
x =
1. 我校共有学生a 人,在第八届体育节中,参加田径比赛的学生占全校学生的8

则参加田径比赛的学生有( )人,还有( )人没有参加田径比赛。

2. 老师退休后月工资2480元,按规定超过2000元的部分要交纳5%的个人收入调节税,老师实际拿到手的工资是( )元。

3. 一根铁丝的长度等于它本身的
米,这根铁丝长( )米。

4. 从9:00到9:45,钟面上的分针转过了( )度,时针转过了( )度。

5. 某学校为每个学生编号,设定末尾用1表示男生,用2表示女生:0831231表示“2008年入学的三年级一班23号同学,该同学是男生”。

那么1021162表示的学生是( )号同学,该同学是( )(填“男生”或“女生”)
6. 一个圆柱和一个圆锥等底等高,已知圆锥体积比圆柱体积少12.24立方分米,圆锥的体积是( )立方分米。

7. 在7
、0..8.3、83%和0.8.3中最少的数是( )。

8. 在一个边长10厘米的正方形中画一个最大的圆,这个圆的面积是( )平方厘米。

9. 用4个棱长为2分米的立方体拼成一个长方体。

这个长方体的体积是( )立方分米,表面积是( )平方分米。

10. 在一个长方形草地里有一条宽1米的曲折小路,如右图所示,草坪的面积是( )平方米。

1. 扇形统计图更容易看出各部分数量同总数之间的关系。

( )
2. 一个偶数与一个奇数的和是偶数。

( )
3. 3x+1>2是方程。

( ) 4. 甲数比乙数多50%,乙数就比甲数少50%。

( )
5. 三角形中最大的一个角是75°,按角分类这是一个锐角三角形。

( )
1. 两根同样8米长的铁丝,从第一根截去它的41,从第二根截去4

余下部分( )。

D.无法比较 2.一个三角形的三个角度数比是2:2:3,这是一个( )三角形。

A.直角 B.钝角 C.等腰 D.等边 3. 下列交通标志图案中,不是轴对称图形的是( )
A B C D 4. 在右图中,梯形的上底是8厘米,下底是6厘米,梯形的面积是42cm 2,则空白部分的面积是( )cm 2。

A.24 B.18 C.16 D.32
5. 将右图这个图形折成一个正方体,则A 面所对的面是( )。

A.F 面
B.D 面
C.E 面
D.C 面


