
雅思写作常用十大连接词seek; pursue; go/search/hanker after; crave; court; woo; go/run after雅思写作常用十大连接词雅思写作区别于雅思考试其他三项的优势是,雅思写作有模板可以套用.不管题目如何出,灵活的使用模板,加上文章材料与自己的组织连接词,就构成一篇不错的文章.但是,如果想在雅思写作中得到高分,文章材料的结合不可少,大量多变的连接词储备更是不可或缺.因此,本文为雅思备考同学们准备了雅思写作中常用的连接词,掌握后运用到雅思文章中,增色不少.雅思写作中的常用连接词:第一、And并列关系andinaddition/and/similarly/likewise/aswellas/besides/furthermore/als o/moreover/too/notonly…but/even/besidesthis/that第二、Sequence顺序then出现的时候表示列举first/initially/secondetc./tobeginwith/then/next/earlier/later/follow ingthis/that/afterwards第三、Consequence结果so前面是后面的结果/也就是这些词后面就开始给出结论了asaresult/thus/so/therefore/consequently/itfollowsthat/thereby/eventu ally/inthatcase/admittedly第四、Contrast转折but表对前面论述的转折/一般后面才是作者观点however/ontheotherhand/despite/inspiteof/though/although/but/onthecon trary/otherwise/yet/insteadof/rather/whereas/nonetheless/incontrast第五、Certainty确定ofcourse强烈的确定/后面是作者的坚定论点obviously/certainly/plainly/ofcourse/undoubtedly第六、Condition条件/因为if后面跟随着某种情况发生的前提或者是条件.if/unless/whether/providedthat/Giventhat/for/sothat/whether/depending on第七、Time时间whenbefore/since/as/until/meanwhile/atthemoment/when/whenever/assoonas/ju stas第八、Summary总结inaword作者的最后总结inconclusion/insummary/lastly/finally/tosumup/toconclude/torecapitula te重述/inshort/inaword第九、Example举例forexampleforexample/forinstance/justas/inparticular/suchas/namely也就是第十、Reason原因becausesince/as/so/becauseof/dueto/owingto/thereasonwhy/inotherwords/leadsto /cause以上就是雅思写作中的常用连接词.除了这些连接词,在雅思写作中,同学们也要注意搜集那些精美的句子或者是句型,好的句子句型应用在雅思写作中,文章立刻提升色彩,而且能够为你的雅思写作加分不少.最后,祝愿大家考试顺利.。

雅思写作十类衔接词1.表示因果Since/As/Because/For+句子As a result of /As a consequence of /Because of/Owing to sth /By virtue of sth/On account of+短语For this reason,For one reason or another,For one thing,On this/that accountThe reason why+结果/ that+原因Accordingly,Consequently,As a consequence2.表示对比Conversely,In contrast,In contrast to this,Nevertheless,Nonetheless,Similarly,Likewise,Identically,Equivalently,On the other hand,By/In comparison/contrastAlternatively,Compared with/to 3.表示递进Additionally, Further Furthermore Besides,MoreoverIn addition to sth,In addition, What’s more4.表示证据Contradictory to this, In support of this, The evidence for···is, This is supported by, To affirm this,5.表示解释In other words, That is,That is to say, NamelyWhich means that 6.表示强调Above all,As a matter of fact, In particular, Indeed, Obviously, Undoubtedly.7.表示举例As an illustration,In particular,In support of this,To demonstrate,To elaborate,To exemplify,To highlight,To illustrate,8.表示让步Admittedly,Albeit,Although it is true that, Granted,It may appear that, 9.表示转折However,Whereas Conversely Nevertheless Otherwise,On the contrary Instead,ContrarilyInversely Contrariwise Oppositely,10.表示结论Accordingly,All in all,As a result,As indicated earlier,As mentioned,Consequently,So we can conclude that ….In brief/in summary/conclusionTo summarize以上列举出的各类衔接词,都是我们在雅思写作中可以多多利用的表达方式。

雅思写作关联词雅思写作必备关联词引导语:为了帮助大家更好地准备雅思英语考试,以下是店铺为大家整理的雅思英语写作必备关联词,欢迎阅读!一. Addition 此外in addition, and,similarly,as well as,besides,furthermore,also,moreover,too, not only ... but,even,besides this/that二. Sequence 顺序first, initially,second etc.,to be?gin with,then,next,earlier/later,following this/that,afterwards三. Consequence 结果as a result, thus,so,therefore,consequently,it follows that,thereby,eventually,to that case,admittedly四. Contrast对比however, on the other hand,despite,in spite of,though,although,but,on the contraryotherwise, yet,instead of,rather,whereas,nonetheless compared with,in contrast五. Certainty 确定obviously, certainly,plainly,of course,undoubtedly六. Condition 条件if, unless,whether,provided that,for,so that,whether,depending on七. Time 时间before, since,as,until,meanwhile,at the moment,when,whenever,as soon as,just as【雅思写作必备关联词】。

雅思写作高分连接词1.indeed的确,2.surely无疑,3.however然而,4.obviously显然,5.frankly坦率地说,6.naturally自然,7.luckily (或happily)for sb.算某人幸运,8.fortunately/luckily幸好,9.honestly真的,10.briefly简单地说,11.strange to say说也奇怪,12.needless to say不用说,13.most important of all最为重要是,13.worse still更糟糕的'是,14.in a few words(或in sum,in short)简而言之,15.in other words换句话说,16.in a sense在某种意义上,17.in general一般说来,18.in my view在我看来,19.in conclusion总之,20.in summary概括地说,21.in fact事实上,22.in the first place首先,23.in addition此外,24.of course当然,25.to my knowledge据我所知,26.for instance(或example)例如,27.as a matter of fact事实上,28.strictly speaking严格地说,29.generally speaking一般地说,30.judging from…根据……判断,?31.to be sure无疑,32.to sum up概括地说,33.to tell the truth老实说,34.I am sure我可以肯定地说,35.I believe我相信,36.I wonder我不知道,37.that is也就是说,38.it seems看来是,39.as I see it照我看来,40.what is important (serious)重要(严重)的是拓展阅读:如何正确看待所谓的雅思写作万能模板很多同学问模板背多少够用,背开头结尾模板可不可以等等,下面就为大家分享新东方老师针对雅思写作模版的诸多问题的统一回答。

常用连接词:…because/since/as……due to sth(不放句首)常用句式:1. This is largely/partly due to…,…, which is largely/partly due to… 这主要/部分是由于什么。
2. The main reason for it is …N/that +完整的句子…, the main reason for which is… 主要的原因是什么。
常用连接词:Consequently,As a consequence/result,…therefore… 因此…, so that 一句话,以至于…常用句式:Some students are used to finishing learning tasks all alone, which may result in an unpleasant consequence that theirinterpersonal skills will deteriorate.一些学生习惯于自一人完成学习任务,这可能会导致一个不好的结果,他们的人际交流技能可能会变差。
三、举例:雅思写作中的举例论证用得不像托福写作那么多,可以是personal experience, 但尽量举一些比较客观的例子,并且例子不要太长,一两句话概括即可,适当对例子进行评论。

英语作文常用连接词1. However。
However is a useful connecting word to show contrast or contradiction in your writing. It can be used to introduce a sentence that contradicts or qualifies the previous one.For example: I was excited to go on vacation. However, the weather forecast predicted rain every day.In this sentence, the first part expresses excitement, while the second part introduces the contrasting idea of bad weather.2. In addition。
In addition is a connecting word that is used to add more information to what has already been said.For example: I love hiking. In addition, I enjoycamping and fishing.Here, the second sentence adds more information about the writer's interests.3. Furthermore。
Furthermore is similar to in addition, but it is used to add information that is more important or thatreinforces the previous idea.For example: The company has a great reputation for customer service. Furthermore, they offer a satisfaction guarantee.In this sentence, the second part reinforces the idea of good customer service by adding that they also offer a satisfaction guarantee.4. Moreover。

英语作文万能连接词1. Firstly, 首先: This is often used to introduce the first point or argument in your essay.2. Secondly, 其次: Use this to introduce the second point or argument.3. In addition, 此外: This is used to add extra information to what you have already said.4. Furthermore, 而且: Similar to "in addition," this adds more information or evidence to support your point.5. Moreover, 此外: Use this to emphasize that something is even more true or significant than what was previously stated.6. On the other hand, 另一方面: Use this to introduce a contrasting point or to present an alternative viewpoint.7. However, 然而: This is used to introduce a contrast or contradiction to what has been said previously.8. Nevertheless, 然而: Similar to "however," this word is used to introduce a contrast or concession.9. In contrast, 相比之下: Use this to show a difference between two things or ideas.10. Similarly, 同样: Use this to show that something is alike or similar to something else.11. Likewise, 同样: This is used to express that a statement or idea applies in the same way to another situation.12. In conclusion, 总之: This signals the end of your essay and summarizes the main points or arguments.13. To sum up, 总之: This is another way to signal the conclusion and summarize the main points.14. In summary, 总之: Use this to give a brief overview of the main points or arguments made in the essay.15. Therefore, 因此: This indicates a logical consequence or conclusion based on the points made in the essay.16. Consequently, 因此: Similar to "therefore," this word is used to show a cause-and-effect relationship.17. As a result, 因此: This is used to indicate the outcome or consequence of something that has been discussed.18. Nonetheless, 尽管如此: Use this to indicate that despite what has been said, something is still true or relevant.19. In the meantime, 与此同时: This is used to indicate that something is happening or should be done during the same time as something else.20. Additionally, 此外: Similar to "in addition," thisword is used to add more information or evidence to support your point.这些连接词可以帮助你在作文中更好地组织思路,使文章结构更加清晰,逻辑更加连贯。

雅思写作起承转合关联词语大全1 排序列举:First=Firstly=First of all=In the first place=To begin with=Initially=To start with=First and foremost; After this/that=Following this/that=Subsequently;Afterwards; In the second place=Secondly; Thirdly=Eventually; Finally=Lastly=At last=Eventually2 递进:Also; Additionally; Besides; In addition(to); Furthermore; Moreover; What’s moreA new contract is in place. Additionally, staff will be offered a bonus scheme. 新合同已经准备就绪。
Mr. Brown has earned the respect of farmers everywhere. Furthermore, they know they can trust him. 布朗先生赢得了各地农民的尊敬。
There is growing opposition to capital punishment. Moreover, there is now evidence that many executed prisoners were innocent. 越来越多的人反对死刑。
3 比较:Similarly adv. 相似地,类似地The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. Similarly, fuel prices have fallen quite considerably. 吃穿的费用今年有所下降。

英语作文里的连接词1. Furthermore。
Furthermore, it is important to note that the issue of climate change is not just a problem for future generations, but one that we are already experiencing the effects of. Furthermore, it is not just an environmental issue, but one that affects economic and social aspects of our lives as well.Furthermore, in order to effectively address climate change, it is necessary for individuals, governments, and corporations to all take action. This includes reducing carbon emissions, investing in renewable energy, and implementing policies that promote sustainability.Furthermore, we must also recognize thedisproportionate impact that climate change has on marginalized communities and work towards ensuring that our solutions are equitable and just.In conclusion, the issue of climate change is complex and multifaceted, but it is one that we cannot afford to ignore. Furthermore, it is up to all of us to take action and work towards a sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.2. In addition。

ART 1逻辑连接词##1.1 让步###1. Despite+n/ving = in spite of 尽管. (不能加句子)Despite the fact that + 句子(太累赘)Despite myself, 。
Her words were so satirical(讽刺的)that I lost my temper in spite ofmyself。
2. Although(更书面)= though(更口语) =even if (即使,更偏假设性)=eventhough(虽然,更偏事实性)+句子注:不能与but连用。
Devoted though we are to prosperity and freedom, we cannot shakeoff the judgmental strand of justice.用倒装3. No matter how/what/who等= 疑问句+everNo matter who/Whoever you are, you must keep the law.注意:疑问句+ever 可以引导名词性从句Whoever(≠ no matter who)comes will be welcome.4. 。
, as long as。
You can do what you want, as long as you like.5. 名词/表语/动词+ as(though)倒装,。
,表“纵使”Object as/though you may, I’ll go。
Small as atoms are, they are made up of still smaller units。

语文议论文连接词篇一:写作连接词雅思高分写作常用连接词总汇1)表层次: fir st, f irstl y, to begi n wit h,fu rther, inthe f irstplace seco nd, s econd ly, t o sta rt wi th, f urthe rmore thir d,thi rdly, whatis m ore,lastbut n ot le ast a lso,and,then, next, bes idesand,equal ly im porta nt, m oreov er be sides, inaddti on fi nally 2)表转折; by cont rast, alth ough, thou gh, y et at thesametime, but, desp ite,even, in c ontra st, n evert heles s, ev en th ough, on t he co ntrar y, ho wever, inspite of , on t he ot her h and,other wise, inst ead,still, reg ardle ss 3)表因果;There fore, cons equen tly,becau se of , fo r the reas on Th us, h ence, dueto, o wingto, S o, th anksto, o n thi s acc ount, Sinc e, on that acco unt,in th is wa y, fo r asa res ult,as aconse quenc e 4)表让步: St ill,never thele ss, i n spi te of, all thesameof co ursedespi te ev en so afte r all 5)表递近: Fur therm ore,moreo ver,likew ise,whatis mo re Be sides, als o, no t onl y。

In thefirst/initial/original place/stage/step;
First = Firstof all = Firstly = initially = originally=To begin
Priorto, until
the first stage involves … / in the second stage / in the third stage /
The next step in the stage is that….
Afterthat/at the same time/in the meantime/meanwhile/also
in thelast stage
after aperiod of ..months /days/minutes,
inorder to / in order that; so as to / so that/in preparation for。

写作连接词和常用句式5篇范文第一篇:写作连接词和常用句式常用写作句式:1.as … as possible2.ask / tell sb.to do3.be afraid of doing4.be famous/ late/ ready/ sorry for sth./ doing5.buy/ give/ show/ send/ pass/ bring/ lend sb.sth.6.enjoy/ hate/ finish/ mind doing7.get +比较级8.get on/along(well)with9.get ready for/ get sth.ready10.would like to do11.forget doing/ to do12.keep/ make sb./ sth.+ adj13.make /let sb.do14.see/ hear/ feel sb.doing/ do15.stop doing/ to do16.stop sb.from doingused to dobe used to doget/ be used to doing文中正确使用两三个好的句型,如:宾语从句、状语从句、动名词做主语等。
宾语从句举例:I believe Tianjin will be more beautiful and prosperous.状语从句举例:If everyone does something for the environment, our hometown will become clean and beautiful.动名词做主语举例:Reading books in the sun is bad for our eyes.It’s bad for our eyes to read books under the sun.常用状语从句句型:1)时间when,not…until,as soon as2)目的so that….;to do(为了)3)结果so…that…,too…to do(太……以至于……)4)条件if,unless(除非),as long as(只要)5)让步though,although,even though,even if6)比较as…as…,not so…as…,than连接词一.补充说明:for examplewhat’s worse= worse of all 更糟糕的是besides(此外)What’s more / moreover另外;而且;此外;更重要的是as well也二.表文章结构顺序:Firstly/First,Secondly/Second…First of all, And then,Finally,In the end,At last三.表陈述事实:in fact / as a matter of fact四.表结果: so,so+ adj./adv/ that, such...that, as a result五.表总结:in short简而言之in a word = in all总之in general = generally speaking 一般说来in my opinion在我看来六.转折对比: however/ but / instead / while/ or/although 否则On the one hand…On the other hand…七.原因:because/ because offor--补充说明(主句后)It rained last night, for the ground is wet this morning.since –“既然”(句首)Since you ask, I will tell you.as –“由于”(句首)As all the seats were full, he stood up.第二篇:作文常用句式及连接词作文常用句式及连接词一:图/漫画描写句式1.用there be.+n+v-ing 句式来描述…正在干…eg.There are 4 children playing football match of taking care of the aged father.2.用As is vividly depicted/shown in the cartoon/picture, there be+n+v-ing 句式或As is vividly depicted/shown in the cartoon/picture, 主+be+v-ing 3.用It goes without saying that the cartoon aims at revealing sth/that从句eg;It goes without saying that the cartoon aims at revealing a common and serious problem: how to educate and cultivate the young.二: 关联词 1.举例说明for example, take sth as an example/for example, for instance 2.原因There are 3 reasons accounting for this phenomenon/these phenomena.The reasons, accounting for this phenomenon are as follows: Due to/thanks to/owing to(以上to为介词)/ on account of 3.对比on the contrary, on the other hand, whereas, conversely, instead Those who(定从)…argue that…while others who…claim that… 4.观点There is no doubt that…Personally, I’m in favor of sth/the fact that… As far as I’m concerned, We can come to/reach a conclusion that… 5.利弊merits/advantages outweigh drawbacks/disadvantages 6.导致lead to(to为介词)bring aboutresult ingive rise to, attribute to(to为介词)7.列举to begin with, in the first place, further more, besides, further, last, last but not least 8.结论in a word, all in all,in conclusion,in sum , to sum up,to conclude 9建议,措施(和列举法并用,可用4大句式,形式主语,被动语态,虚拟语气,倒装)my suggestions to deal with …are as follows: firstly, it is necessary for..to(不定式)…secondly, emphasis has to be played upon…/importance has to be attached to(to为介词)… finally, it is high time that 从句(一般用过去式)(eg it is high time that immediate measures were taken to…)Only when immediate measures are taken to(不定式)can we succeed in doing…凸显文章亮点绝招1.灵活改变句子开头正常下英语句子是“主+谓+宾” 我们可使用倒装或状语开头eg there stands an old temple at the top of the hill.-----At the top of the hill stands an old temple.A young lady sat by the window---By the window sat a young lady.The door opened and Mr Smith came in.----the door opened and in came Mr Smith.You can do it well only in this way---Only in this way can you do it well.Though he is a child, he reads a lot.---Child as he is, he reads a lot.2.避免重复使用同一词语表示“喜欢”的有like/love/enjoy/prefer/appreciate/be fond of/ care for/ be keen on/ be enthusiastic for/ feel like doing 表示“不喜欢”的有dislike/be sick of/be tired of/be disgusted at/hate doing/be reluctant to do 表示“愿望,渴望”的有I’d like to /I’d rather do /be anxious to do/ be eager to do/long for/have a strong desire for 表示“高兴,满意”的有joyful/cheerful/ delightful/delighted/be in high spirits/be satisfied with/be content with 3.合理使用省略He may be busy.If he’s busy, I’ll call later.If he is not busy, can I see him now?-----He may be busy.If so, I’ll call later.If not , can I see him now? When the boy was interviewed by the reporters, he was in favor of …----When interviewed by…, he was in favor of …4.正确使用非谓语动词(同主语句子合并原则)when they heard the news, they all jumped for joy.----Hearing the news, they all jumped for joy.As I didn’t know her address, I wasn’t able to get in touch with her-----Not knowing her address, I wasn’t able to get in touch with her As he was born in a poor family, he had only two years of schooling.----Born in a poor family, he had only two years of schooling.5.长短句结合使用At noon we had a picnic lunch in the sunshine.Then we had a short rest.Then we began to play happily.We sang and danced.Some told stories.Some played chess.----At noon we had a picnic lunch in the sunshine.After a short rest, we had great fun singing and dancing, telling stories and playing chess.6.合理使用主被动My suggestions to deal with pollution are as follows: firstly, we should not throw waste paper everywhere.Secondly, we should not use disposable items.Thirdly, we should not give out waste gas into the sky.-----firstly, we should not throw waste paper everywhere.Secondly, disposable items should not be used.Thirdly, waste gas should be prohibited/forbidden to be given out into the sky.From the picture, we can see…-----As is shown in the picture… 7.适当使用短语代替单词decide to do-----make up one’s mind to do;like----care for;meet sb----came across;the question is being discussed----the question is under discussion want---be in want of;need---be in need of 8.恰当套用一些固定表达He was very tired.He couldn’t walk any farther.----He was too tired to walk any farther.The film was very interesting.Both the teachers and the students liked it.---the film was so interesting that both the teachers and the students liked it.9.综合使用各类“高级结构”(定语从句,名词性从句,强调句等)Now everyone knows the news.I think Jim must have let it out.-----Now everyone knows the news.I think it must have been Jim who has let it out.We had to stand there to catch the offender.---What we had to do was to stand there, trying to catch the offender.10.适当使用名言警句Actions speak louder than wordsEvery advantage has its disadvantage Failure is the mother of successGod helps those who help themselves It is never too late to learnNo pains, no gains Practice makes perfectRome is not built in a day Seeing is believingTime waits for no man Where there is a will, there is a wayEasier said than done Drops of water outwear the stone句子的扩展秘诀1.加状语(介词短语,非谓语动词,状语从句等)With the sustainable development of…, people’s life has turned better.A craftsman, if he means to do good work, must first sharper his tools.Not knowing her address, I wasn’t a ble to get in touch with her Standing by the riverside, the Master sighed,“My time goes on and on like this, never ceasing ,day and night.”Aiming to upgrade themselves, many college students prefer to further their study after graduation.2.加定语或同位语或二者结合使用(可以是单个词,词组,也可以是从句)Newton, as we know,is a great man.As is vividly depicted/shown in the cartoon/picture, there be+n+v-ing 句式There are 4 children, as is vividly depicted/shown in the cartoon/picture, playing football match of taking care of the aged father.Daye, my hometown, is famous for brass.Daye, my hometown, which enjoys a long history, is famous for brass.The finishing line, our destination, which has always been considered as the place to take a rest, has in many cases turned out to be a new start.Love, a warm feeling which brings people together, has always been as the noblest affection in the world.How can we, being students in the contemporary society, fail to live up to the expectation of our parents? 3.加独立主格结构(非谓语动词带有自己动作的发出者,它不是一个句子)All flights having been cancelled, many people had to stay at the airport, spending their night.4.使用名词性从句I also know that people in Japan and Sweden, countries that spent far less on medical care, have achieved longer, healthier lives than we have.Your humor must be relevant to the audience and should help to show them that you are one of them or that you understand their situation and are in favor of their point of view.第三篇:英语作文中常用连接词及句式Lihua, a student from Yucai Middle School, who is 180cm tall with black hair was born on Oct 1st 1989.His family, which is at 138, Yucai Road, Guangzhou, China, has get three people.Both his parents are teachers.Lihua has two hobbies, which are collecting stamps and coins.His knows English well and can speak perfect English.英语作文中常用连接词及句式一)连接词(1)表选择关系或对等关系的连接词:either…or…,neither…nor, or, as well as…, and, both…and…。

1. 增补 (Additionin addition, furthermore, again, also, besides, moreover, what`s more, similarly, next, finally.2. 比较 (Comparisonin the same way, likewise, similarly, equally, in comparison, just as3. 对照 (Contrastwhereas, in contrast, on the other hand, instead, however, nevertheless, unlike, even though, on the contrary, while4. 因果 (Cause and effectbecause, because of, for, since, due to, owing to, thanks to, as a result(of, accordingly, hence, so, thus5. 强调 (Emphasiscertainly, above all, indeed, of course, surely, actually, as a matter of fact, chiefly, especially, primarily, in particular, undoubtedly, absolutely, most imprtant6. 让步 (Concessionalthough, though, after all, in spite of, nevertheless, still, provided, while it is true....7. 例证 (Exemplificationfor example, for instance, that is, namely, such as, in other words, in this case, by way of illustration.8. 总结 (Conclusionto sum up, to conclude, in a word, in short, in brief, all in all, in all, to put it in a nutshell, in summary9. 推断 (Inferencetherefore, as a result(of, consequently, accordingly, so, otherwise10. 时间和空间 (Time and spaceafterward, after, first, later, then, soon, outside, near, beyound, above, below, on the right(left, in the middle, opposite, in front of11. 启承转合1 启A proverb says... At present...As the proverb says...Currently...Generally speaking, .... Now,...In general, ... On the Whole....It is clear that... Recently...It is often said that... Without doubt, ...2 承First(of all, ... Moreover, ...Firstly, ... No one can deny that...In the first place, ... Obviously...To begin with, ... Of course, ...Also, ... Similarly,...At the same time... Therefore, we should realize that...Certainly... There is no doubt that...In addition,... What`s more, ...In fact... It can be easily proved that...Meanwhile...3 转But... Still, ...But the problem is not so simple...There is a certain amount of truth in this, but we still have a problem with regard to... However,... To our surprise,...Nevertheless, ... Unfortunately...On the other hand, ...Yet difference will be found and that is why I feel that...Others may find this to be true, but I do not. I think...4 合Above all, In brief, ...Accordingly, ... In conclusion, ...All in all, ...In other words, it is hard to escape the conclusion that... As a consequence, ... In short, ...As I have shown/said/stated/... In sum, ...In summary, ... As has been noted, ...Obviously, ... By so doing, ...On the whole, ... Consequently, ...Presumably, ... Eventually, ...To conclude, ...Finally, ...To sum up, ... In a word, ...To summarize, ...。

雅思写作常用连接词• conversely• ordinarilyIndeed/admittedly常用的连接词:1)表层次:first/firstly/to/begin/with/further/in/the/first/place//In the first instancesecond/secondly/to/start/with/still/furthermore//third/thirdly/what/is/more/last/last/but/not/least//Also/and/then/next/besides//and/equally/important/too/moreover//Subsequently Besides/in/addition/finally//2)表转折:by/contrast/although/though/yet//at/the/same/time/but/despite/the/fact/that/even/so//in/contrast/nevertheless/even/though/for/all/that// notwithstanding/on/the/contrary/however/in/spite/of// on/the/other/hand/otherwise/instead/still//regardless//3)表因果:therefore/consequently/because/of/for/the/reason//thus/hence/due/to/owing/to//so/accordingly/thanks/to/on/this/account//since/as/on/that/account/in/this/way//Inasmuch asfor/as/a/result/as/a/consequence//4)表让步:still/nevertheless/concession/granted/naturally//in/spite/of/all/the/same/of/course/despite//even/so/after/all//5)表递进:furthermore/moreover/likewise/what/is/more//besides/also/then/not/only...but/also...///too/in/addition//6)表举例:for/example/for/instance/for/one/thing/that/is///to/illustrate/as/an/illustration/a/case/in/point//7)表解释://as/a/matter/of/fact/frankly/speaking/in/this/case/namely// in/other/words//virtually/Indeed/admittedly8)表总结://in/summary/in/a/word/thus/as/has/been/said//in/brief/in/conclusion/altogether/in/other/words//to/conclude/in/fact/finally/in/simple/terms//indeed/in/short/in/particular/that/is//in/other/words/of/course/on/the/whole/to/put/it/differently//namely/in/all/therefore/to/summarize/连词如but/and,后接句子,连接并列句时前面逗号可有可无。

写作文的连接词表并列补充表示并列的雅思作文连接词有:First / second / last, also, and, as well as, at the same time, equally important. 例如:It seems that the experience we have in life are so unpredictable and so powerful, that they can boost or over-ride other influences, and there seems to be plenty of research findings to confirm this中的 and 表示的就是并列关系。
常用连接词: 1.表文章结构顺序:First ofall,Firstly/First,Secondly/Second… And then,Finally,In the end,At last 2.表并列补充关系:What is more,Besides,Moreover,Furthermore,In addition As wellas,not only…but (also), includi ng, 3.表转折对比关系:However,On thecontrary,but,Although+clause(从句),In spite of+n/doing,On the one hand…,On the other hand… Some…,while others…,as for, so…that… 4.表因果关系:Because,As,So,Thus,Therefore,As a result 5.表换一种方式表达:In other words,that is to say, 6.表进行举例说明:For example;For instance;suchas+n/doing 7.表陈述事实:In fact,frankly speaking, 8.表达自己观点:As far as I know/concerned,In my opinion,personally, as to me 9.表总结:In short,In a word,In conclusion,In summary,all in all, briefly/ in brief ; generally speaking, as you know, as is known to all 良好的开端等于成功的一半.在写作文时,通常以最简单也最常用的方式---开门见山法.也就是说,直截了当地提出你对这个问题的看法或要求,点出文章的中心思想. A. Just as every coin has two sides, cars have both advantages and disadvantages.(用于说明某物的正反两面) B. Comparedto/ In comparison with letters, e-mails are more convenient.(用于比较/对比两事物) C.Opinions are divided on the advantages and disadvantages of living in thecity and in the countryside. (人们关于生活在城市还是农村的优缺点的看法不同)(用于表达看法) D. As we all know, computers have played an importantrole/part in our daily life.(用于说明某物的重要性) E. Why do you go to university? Different people have different points of view.(反问语气,更有吸引力,增强说服力)(用法广泛)文中正确使用两三个好的句型,如:定语从句、状语从句、动名词做主语等. 宾语从句举例:I believe Tianjin will be more beautiful and prosperous. 状语从句举例:If everyone does something for theenvironment,our hometown will become clean and beautiful. 动名词做主语举例:Reading books in the sun is bad for our eyes. =It's bad for our eyes to read books in the sun. 作文库大全小升初中考满分高考满分高考零分定语从句举例:Although I have many different pens,the pen which my father sent me is my favorite one. 常用状语从句句型: 1)时间:when,not…until,as soon as 2)目的:so that+clause(从句);to do(为了) 3)结果:so…that+clause,too…to do(太……以至于……) 4)条件:if,unless(除非),as long as(只要) 5)让步:though,although,even though,even if No matter what/when/where/who/which/how 6)比较:as…as…,not so…as…,than 其他句型: It is said that 据说 It is reported that 据报道 It is suggested that 据建议 It is estimated that 据估计It is proved that 据证明 It is learned that 据了解 It is acknowledged that 据大家公认众所周知: as is known to all, +句子 as we all know, +句子 it is generally/ publicly known / considered that… There is no doubt that 毫无疑问… There is no need to do 没必要做… There is no point in doing 做某事毫无意义表示喜欢和感兴趣:like / love doing /enjoy doing be fond of doing 喜欢做… be keen on n. /doing热衷于做…… have delight in doing. 做……很高兴 prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做A也不愿做B be addicted to doing 沉迷于…… prefer doing sth. to doing sth. be interested in doing = show/ take great interest in n / doing fall in love with 深深喜欢做某事 try to do努力做… strive to do 努力做… try one's best to do = do one's best to do 竭尽全力做… make efforts todo = make every effort to do 尽力做… do what sb can (do ) to do 尽力做…spare no effort to do 不遗余力的做… do what / everything sb. can to do 尽某人全力做… intend / plan to do 打算做… be going to do 打算做… decide to do 决定做… determine to do 决定做… be determined to do 决定做… make up one'smind to do 下定决心做… want to do 想做… would like to do 想做… hope to do希望做… expect to do 期待着做… wish to do 希望做… consider doing 考虑做… look forward to doing 盼望做… keep on doing 坚持做… dream of doing 梦想做… can't help doing 情不自禁地做… keep / stop / prevent sb. from doing 阻止某人做… be busy (in ) doing 或be busy with + 名词忙于做… have trouble / have problem / have difficulty (in) doing 或 with + 名词做…有困难 spend time / money (in )doing 或spend time / money on + 名词花费时间做… have fun / have a good time / enjoy oneself doing 玩得开心 get used to/ be accustomed to doing习惯做某事。

SCIESSAY雅思英文论文连接词+句式+从句引导词大全1)先后次序关系:at this time; first; second; at last; next;previously; simultaneously 同时地; eventually;last but not least;to begin with;to start with;to end with;finally;seeing...由于,因为;since then;first of all;afterwards后来; following this; preceding先前的;originally最初的ultimate最终的,极限的,根本的2) 因果关系:because;because of this;being that(口语)既然,因为;another imp ortant factor/reason of... ;since;as;for;in that...;owing to由于,通常负面;d ue to由于;for the reason that...;in view of鉴于,考虑到result from归因于the reason seems to be obvious; there ar e about... ;for this reason; as a result of this;therefore;...and so...;consequently所以,因此;as a result;thus这样,如此,因而;hence因此;so;so that (i)consequenc e结果,结果;as a consequence;accordingly因此,于是,相应地; inevitably不可避免地; under theseconditions thereupon因此于是upon迫近3) 转折关系:but;even so;however;though;even though;independent of;reckless of 不顾;despite that;in spite of that;regardless of不顾; yet...;and yet;but unless. N onetheless尽管如此4) 并列关系:and; also;too;as well as;either...,or...;both...and...5)递进关系:furthermore此外,而且;moreover而且,此外;further进一步地,此外;In this way ;still;not only...but also...;not...but...;in addition (to);additionally, muc h more interesting, more specifically更具体地说, next, besides;as far as... is concerned至于; moreover此外;in other words;along this line of consideration;on (the) one hand...在一方面,on the other hand...;eve n;as a saying goes...;in order to do it...; meanwhile同时;at the same time;accord ingly因此;In the first place...,in the second place...;equally important; of even greater a ppeal.6) 比较关系:similarly; in like manner, in comparison with;when compared with;compared with;when in fact...; like...;likewise同样地,也;similarly important;apart from (doing)...;... rather than...,by doing so ;both…and...; in the same way; not onl y... but (also).7) 对照:yet; still; for all of that; notwithstanding虽然,尽管; rather当然,的确,宁愿,相当; neither ... nor; although; though; but; however; something is just the other way around;yet; conversely相反的;unlike;opposed to; as opposed to this与不同;in co ntrast (to);by way of;on the contrary;different from this;nevertheless然而,不过,虽然如此; contrary to;whereas但是,鉴于;while;but on the other hand8) 举例关系:for example;for instance例如;in this case既然假若这样; namely也就是instance例子实例换句话说;as you know;you may as/say;as he explains;like;such as;a case in point is一个恰当的例子是...; consider...;in particular尤其特别;including...;for one t hing...首先,for another...;put it simply;stated roughly粗糙地,概略地;as an illustrati on,I will say...;a good example (of...)would be...;to detail this,I would like to...;It is interesting to note that...;in this situation; as proof; take the case of; take as exampl e (something);as for; as regards;as to;according to; on this occasion.9) 强调关系:in fact; especially;particularly特别,尤其;moreover(此外);naturally; what is more important;in reality事实上;certainly; of course; indeed; in particular;not to mention...;believe it or not;undeniably(无可置疑); other thing being equal;it is certai n/sure that...;to be strict; to be true;by definition; definitely明确地,肯定地; undoubte dly; without a doubt; in truth, in any event(不论怎样); without reservation(毫无保留地); o bviously, not only.. but(also...), both... and...10) 条件关系: if;unless; lest;provided that;if it is the case;in this sense;once...;if possible;if necessary;if so;if not all; if anything.11) 归纳总结类:in a word / in sum / in shortin brief / in conclusion / in summarytherefore因此,所以/ hence因此,今后to sum up / to concludethe conclusion can be drawn thatfor this reason / on the whole12) 地点关系:beyond; opposite to; adjacent邻近to; at the same place; there; over; in the middle; around; in front of; in the distance; farther; here and there; above; below; at the right; between; on this side.13) 目的关系:with this object无证; for this purpose; in order that; in this way, sinc e; so that; on that account由于。

下面是小编为您收集整理的雅思写作高分必备法宝,供大家参考!雅思写作高分必备法宝--你必须掌握的连词雅思写作连词一:And 并列关系and/similarly/likewise/besides/furthermore/also/moreover/ even/besides this/that雅思写作连词二:Sequence 顺序出现的时候表示列举。
first/initially/second/then/next/earlier/later/followingthis/that/afterwards雅思写作连词三:Consequence 结果as a result/thus/so/therefore/consequently/it follows that/thereby/eventually/in that case/admittedly雅思写作连词四:Contrast 转折despite/though/although/but/otherwise/yet/rather/whereas/nonetheless雅思写作连词五:Certainty 确定强烈的确定,后面是作者的坚定论点。
obviously/certainly/plainly/of course/undoubtedly雅思写作连词六:Condition 条件,因为后面跟随着某种情况发生的前提或者是条件。
if/unless/whether/provided that/Given that/for/so that/whether/depending on雅思写作连词七:Time 时间before/since/as/until/meanwhile/when/whenever/just as雅思写作连词八:Summary 总结作者的最后总结。

2.Nevertheless:表示转折关系,语气较however 略重。
3.In contrast:表示转折关系,用于强调对比关系。
2.Nevertheless:表示否定关系,语气较however 略重。
3.On the other hand:表示否定关系,用于强调对比关系中的另一个方面。
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雅思写作常用连接词新编HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】雅思写作常用连接词(1)常用的连接词:1)表层次:first, firstly, to begin with, further, in the first placesecond, secondly, to start with, still, furthermorethird, thirdly, what is more, last, last but not leastAlso, and, then, next, besidesand equally important, too, moreoverBesides, in addition, finally2)表转折:by contrast although though yetat the same time but despite the fact that even soin contrast nevertheless even though for all thatnotwithstanding on the contrary however in spite ofon the other hand otherwise instead stillregardless3)表因果:therefore consequently because of for the reasonthus hence due to owing toso accordingly thanks to on this accountsince as on that account in this wayfor as a result as a consequence4)表让步:still nevertheless concession granted naturallyin spite of all the same of course despiteeven so after all5)表递近:furthermore moreover likewise what is morebesides also not only...but also...too in addition6)表举例:for example for instance for one thing that isto illustrate as an illustration a case in point7)表解释:as a matter of fact frankly speaking in this case namelyin other words8)表总结:in summary in a word thus as has been saidin brief in conclusion altogether in other wordsto conclude in fact finally in simple termsindeed in short in particular that isin other words of course on the whole to put it differentlynamely in all therefore to summarize在雅思写作的四大评分标准当中,连贯性与衔接性是其中的一项评分标准,连贯性与衔接性其中一方面就是用连接手段(即连接词)来实现的。
连词如but, and,后接句子,连接并列句时前面逗号可有可无。
例:In the past, populations were partly regulated by frequent war and widespread disease, but in recent years the effects of those factors have been diminished. (并列句中的连词)段落开始: But how should it be achieved ( 连词放句首)介词如before, despite:后接名词或动名词例:Before talking about the essential role of death penalty, you have to think about the meaning, and the purpose, of any kind of punishment.副词副词连接并列句,前面用句号或分号,后面用逗号(当然,如果副词前用句号,那就是另起一句了,不称之为并列句)例:In many places today, children start primary school at around the age ofsix or seven. However, because it is more likely now that both parents work, there is little opportunities for children to stay in their own home up to that age.( 副词另起一句)The crime rate is increasingly high; therefore, the government needs to enforce more laws to curb this situation. ( 副词在并列句中)短语如on the contrary, in addition:用法和副词用法完全一样例:They feel this is one area of life where they have the right to make decisions for themselves. For that reason, it would seem that the best approach would be work by persuasion rather than compulsion.The government plays a crucial role in scientific research; on the other hand, private companies hold certain advantages in conducting scientific research. ( 短语在并列句中)掌握连接词的四大词性及用法以后,连接词的教学和运用就容易展开。
因果关系根据词性及用法可归结于:because / since/ as / for, so (连词),because of/ due to / owing to/ as a result of (介词)for that reason/as a result/ therefore/ accordingly (短语和副词)例:I think the amount of waste produced is also as a result of our tendency to use sth once and throw it away. (可代替词汇because of/ due to / owing to)转折关系根据词性及用法可归结于but/ while/ yet/ whereas(连词)however/ nonetheless/ nevertheless/ on the other hand (副词和短语)rather/ instead (副词)rather than/ instead of (介词)例:Because it is more likely now that both parents work, there is little opportunity for children to stay in their own home to 6 or 7. Instead, they will probably go to a nursery school when they are much younger. (可代替词汇 rather)My own view is that there is no one major influence in a person’s life. Instead, the traits we inherit from our parents and the situations and experiences that we encounter in life are constantly interacting. (考官钟爱词汇) 递进关系moreover/ what’s more/ furthermore/ besides/ in addition (副词)in addition to/ besides/ apart from (介词)例: Apart from these tensions caused by cultural differences, international tourism may also lead to conflicts between tourists and a local community. (可代替词汇:in addition to, besides)让步关系although/ though/ even though/ even if/while (连词)in spite of/ despite (介词)no matter how/when/ what (连词)例: In spite of this, the obvious benefits of computer skills for young children cannot be denied.They are allowed to buy whatever they want, no matter how much it cost (考官高分句式)学生学习和教师授课时,可根据以上方法对不同的关系词(如表结果,目的的连接词)进行归类。